Multispectral and LiDAR data fusion for fuel type mapping using
Multispectral and LiDAR data fusion for fuel type mapping using
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Remote Sensing of Environment j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / r s e Multispectral and LiDAR data fusion for fuel type mapping using Support Vector Machine and decision rules Mariano García a,⁎, David Riaño b,c, Emilio Chuvieco a, Javier Salas a, F. Mark Danson d a Department of Geography, University of Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, 28801 Madrid, Spain Institute of Economics and Geography, Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Albasanz 26-28 28037 Madrid, Spain Center for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing (CSTARS), University of California, 250-N, The Barn, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616-8617, USA d Centre for Environmental Systems Research, School of Environment and Life Sciences, University of Salford, Manchester M5 4WT, UK b c a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 14 September 2010 Received in revised form 25 January 2011 Accepted 29 January 2011 Keywords: LiDAR Data fusion Support Vector Machine Decision rules Fuel types Prometheus Classification System a b s t r a c t This paper presents a method for mapping fuel types using LiDAR and multispectral data. A two-phase classification method is proposed to discriminate the fuel classes of the Prometheus classification system, which is adapted to the ecological characteristics of the European Mediterranean basin. The first step mapped the main fuel groups, namely grass, shrub and tree, as well as non-fuel classes. This phase was carried out using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification combining LiDAR and multispectral data. The overall accuracy of this classification was 92.8% with a kappa coefficient of 0.9. The second phase of the proposed method focused on discriminating additional fuel categories based on vertical information provided by the LiDAR measurements. Decision rules were applied to the output of the SVM classification based on the mean height of LiDAR returns and the vertical distribution of fuels, described by the relative LiDAR point density in different height intervals. The final fuel type classification yielded an overall accuracy of 88.24% with a kappa coefficient of 0.86. Some confusion was observed between fuel types 7 (dense tree cover presenting vertical continuity with understory vegetation) and 5 (trees with less than 30% of shrub cover) in some areas covered by Holm oak, which showed low LiDAR pulses penetration so that the understory vegetation was not correctly sampled. © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Fires are a major disturbance factor for Mediterranean forests and play a critical role in the cycle of vegetation succession as well as ecosystem structure and function (Koutsias & Karteris, 2003). Although fires can be considered as a natural process in Mediterranean regions, the increase in their frequency, size and severity has led to fires being considered as a natural hazard both, for the environment and society. The loss of traditional activities in the Mediterranean basin, such as extensive grazing or wood harvesting (ScarasciaMugnozza et al., 2000), together with management actions that exclude fire, has contributed to modification of the composition and structure of fuels. Resulting fuel loadings directly influence emissions from both wildland and prescribed fires, and affect the vulnerability of landscapes to more intense fire behaviour and crown fires (Ottmar & Alvarado, 2004). Therefore, having accurate and spatially explicit information on fuel properties is critical in order to improve fire danger assessment, fire behaviour modelling and fire management ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. García), [email protected] (D. Riaño). 0034-4257/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.01.017 decision-support systems, since fuels affect both fire ignition and propagation (Chuvieco et al., 2009; Ottmar & Alvarado, 2004). The structural complexity of fuels, which can vary greatly in their physical attributes, results in a wide range of potential fire behaviour and effects, as well as the options that fuels present for their treatment, fire control and use (Ottmar & Alvarado, 2004; Sandberg et al., 2001). This complexity is a consequence of ecological processes, natural disturbance events and even human manipulation of fuels over time (Ottmar & Alvarado, 2004; Sandberg et al., 2001). Fuel characteristics are commonly summarized by the concept of fuel types, which are classification schemes of fuel properties that group vegetation classes with similar combustion behaviour (Pyne et al., 1996). More specifically, Merril and Alexander (1987) defined a fuel type as “an identifiable association of fuel elements of distinctive species, form, size, arrangement, and continuity that will exhibit characteristic fire behaviour under defined burning conditions”. Fire behaviour programs such as Behave (Andrews, 1986) or FARSITE (Finney, 1998) require as input numerical descriptions of the fuel properties, which are known as fuel models (Chuvieco et al., 2009). Several fuel classification systems have been developed to be used in fire behaviour modelling. Two widely used systems are the Northern Forest Fire Laboratory (NFFL) system (Albini, 1976), extended by Scott and Burgan (2005) from the initial 11 models to 40 models, and the 1370 M. García et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 Canadian Forest Fire Behaviour Prediction (FBP) system (Lawson et al., 1985). In Europe, within the framework of the Prometheus project, a new system based upon the NFFL system was adapted to better describe fuels found in the Mediterranean ecosystems. This system is mainly based on the type and height of the propagation elements and it identifies 7 fuel types (Fig. 1), which are further described in Table 1. The inherent complexity and high dynamic nature of fuels make field survey methods very limited for fuel type mapping in terms of spatial and temporal coverage, and hence, methods based on aerial photography and remotely sensed data have been developed (see Chuvieco et al. (2003) and Arroyo et al. (2008) for a thorough revision of remote sensing methods for fuel type mapping). Most studies using remote sensing methods have been based on medium-to-high resolution sensors, especially Landsat-TM data, given its good compromise between spectral and temporal resolutions (Castro & Chuvieco, 1998; Riaño et al., 2002; Salas & Chuvieco, 1995). More recently, several studies have shown the suitability of the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) for fuel type mapping based on either the VNIR system alone (Falkowski et al., 2005) or in conjunction with the data collected by the SWIR system (Lasaponara & Lanorte, 2007a). The advent of very high spatial resolution sensors such as IKONOS or QuickBird has allowed for finer scale mapping of fuels, which is particularly important for the urban–wildland interface. Several studies have been carried out in Mediterranean environments based on these sensors using digital image classification techniques commonly applied to remotely sensed data (Lasaponara & Lanorte, 2007b) and object-oriented classification methods (Arroyo et al., 2006; Gitas et al., 2006). The latter approach overcomes the limitation of the increase in the spectral within-field variability that is common in very high spatial resolution imagery. The main limitation of passive optical data is their inability to detect surface fuels when canopy cover is high, because they are unable to penetrate forest canopies (Keane et al., 2001). Moreover, reflectance is not directly related to vegetation height, which is a critical variable to discriminate between some fuel types (Riaño et al., 2002). This latter problem can be overcome by the use of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data. LiDAR data have been successfully used to estimate important fuel parameters such as canopy bulk density (Andersen et al., 2005; Erdody & Moskal, 2010; Riaño et al., 2004), canopy base height (Erdody & Moskal, 2010; Popescu & Zhao, 2008; Riaño et al., 2003), canopy cover (Hall et al., 2005; Riaño et al., 2003), shrub height (Riaño et al., 2007) or foliage biomass (García et al., 2010; Hall et al., 2005). Although LiDAR has been proved suitable to estimate fuel properties, fewer studies have tested the usefulness of these data to map fuel types. Koetz et al. (2008) fused LiDAR and hyperspectral data to map land cover for fire risk assessment by using Support Vector Machines (SVM) in a characteristic wildland–urban interface of the Mediterranean area of France. Mutlu et al. (2008) integrated LiDAR and QuickBird data applying the minimum noise fraction (MNF), and subsequently performed a supervised classification (Mahalanobis Distance decision rules) to map fuel models in Texas. These studies showed how the synergy of LiDAR and optical data improved the results of the classifications compared to the results obtained by using a single data source alone. Because fusion of multispectral and LiDAR data takes advantage of the information provided by LiDAR data on the vertical structure of the fuels and the Fig. 1. Scheme used to identify the Prometheus fuel types (adapted from Chuvieco et al., 2003). M. García et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 1371 Table 1 Description of the fuel models considered in the Prometheus fuel classification system (adapted from Riaño et al., 2002). Fuel type Primary fire carrier FT FT FT FT FT 1 2 3 4 5 FT 6 FT 7 Description Grassland Ground fuels with a cover N50% Shrubs (shrub cover N 60%. Grassland. Shrubland (smaller than 0.3–0.6 m and with a high percentage of grassland) and clearcuts where slash was not removed. tree cover b 50%) Shrubs between 0.6 and 2.0 m as well as young trees resulting from natural regeneration or forestation. High shrubs (between 2.0 and 4.0 m) and regenerating trees. Trees (tree height N4.0 m) Shrub cover b30%. The ground fuel was removed either by prescribed burning or by mechanical means. This situation may also occur in closed canopies in which the lack of sunlight inhibits the growth of surface vegetation Medium surface fuels (shrub cover N 30%): the base of the canopies is well above the surface fuel layer (N 0.5 m). The fuel consists essentially of small shrubs, grass, litter, and duff. Heavy surface fuels (shrub cover N30%): stands with a very dense surface fuel layer and with a very small vertical gap to the canopy base (b 0.5 m). capability of multispectral data to capture the horizontal distribution of fuels, as well as to differentiate vegetation types based on their spectral response, the integration of remotely sensed imagery and LiDAR data provides a unique opportunity to map fuel types. The main objective of this research is to assess the potential of integrating multispectral and LiDAR data to map characteristic Mediterranean fuels based on the Prometheus classification system, as well as to develop a robust methodology suitable for the integration of multisource datasets for fuel type mapping. 2. Methods 2.1. Study area and dataset This study was carried out in the Natural Park of the Alto Tajo in Guadalajara, in central Spain (UL: 40° 56′ 49″ N; 2° 14′ 49″ W; LR: 40° 48′ 25″ N; 2° 13′ 21″ W) (Fig. 2). The area has rough topography with a mean elevation of 1200 m, and a range of 895 to 1403 m, as well as a mean slope of 24.25% with a standard deviation of 18.7%. The study site is characterized by heterogeneous fuel complexes typical of Mediterranean environments. The shrub stratum is mainly composed of young Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) and young pine (Pinus nigra Arn.; Pinus sylvestris L.; and Pinus pinaster Ait.) as well as Spanish cedar (Juniperus oxycedrus L.) and evergreen shrubs (Genista scorpius L., Erica arborea). The tree stratum is formed by mature Holm oak, pine and Spanish juniper (Juniperus thurifera L.). A small plantation of poplar (Populus alba) was also present in the area covered by the dataset. The ground was mainly covered with herbaceous species, although in some parts it was quite sparse with bare ground exposed. The study area was flown twice in spring 2006 (May 16th and June 3rd), by the United Kingdom Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) Airborne Research and Survey Facility. The mean flying heights were 750 m and 775 m above ground level for the first and second flights respectively, with a maximum scan angle of ±12°, and a beam divergence of 0.2 mrad resulting in a footprint diameter at nadir of approximately 18 cm. A multisensor campaign was conducted that included an Airborne Thematic Mapper (ATM) sensor along with a LiDAR Optech-ALTM3033 system (Table 2). At each date, three strips were flown in a North–South direction, without overlap and the total area covered was about 382 km2. The data provided by the NERC included raw ATM data with no geometric correction. Regarding the LiDAR data, they were provided in ASCII format including X, Y, Z coordinates and intensities of first and last returns. LiDAR data from both flights were used together after verification and adjustment of a small relative spatial offset between dates (García et al., 2009) resulting in an effective increase in point density. After integrating both datasets, the point density ranged from 1.5 to 6 points m− 2. As for the optical data, only the image corresponding to the first date was selected because of the short time-gap between the two flights and lack of evidence of phenological changes. For this research a subset of one of the flight lines was selected, covering an area of 9 × 0.3 km2. This subset was representative of the existent fuel types in the study area, so the methodology could be extended to the area covered by the whole dataset. 2.2. Field-based fuel type reconnaissance Potential reference plots were selected before-hand using 0.5 m orthoimages, along with the LiDAR and ATM data available. After identifying suitable areas, a field campaign was carried out in 2010 to identify fuel types according to the Prometheus system. 84 plots were selected and assigned to fuel type. In addition 19 plots used in a previous study for biomass estimation (García et al., 2010) were located within the area selected for this research and so were also used and assigned to a fuel type. Despite most of the plots were surveyed 4 years after the remotely sensed data acquisition, the study area did not suffer any disturbance between the airborne and the field campaigns such as fires, insect attack or clearance, that could have caused significant changes and so, the fuel types remained the same. For each plot tree species, coverage and mean height of shrubs were recorded, and 4 to 8 photographs were taken to assign a fuel type. Each plot location was recorded using a hand-held Trimble GeoTX GPS system which allowed for post-processing, yielding an accuracy of plots location better than the pixel size used. Fig. 3 shows a spreadsheet generated from field data for fuel type assignment. 2.3. ATM data processing The ATM data was georeferenced based on the GPS/IMU data collected during the flight. Additionally, in order to assure an appropriate co-registration of the optical data to the LiDAR data, some control points were collected using an intensity image generated from the LiDAR data. The RMSE obtained was less than 1 pixel (2 m). Since the objective was to fuse the ATM and LiDAR to map fuel types and given the relatively low density of the LiDAR dataset, the ATM image was resampled from 2 m to a 6 m pixel size. In doing so, it was also ensured that a sufficient number of points (more than 54 points) would be included within each pixel to derive subsequent LiDAR variables. Moreover, by coarsening the resolution of the optical data the high spectral variability within the field of view common to high resolution sensors was reduced. The spatial resampling was performed by considering the mean value of all pixels included within each 6 m pixel. In order to remove the effect of the terrain slope and aspect on the signal recorded by the sensor, a topographic correction was performed. Numerous empirical and photometric methods have been developed to remove the effect of topography, such as the cosine 1372 M. García et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 Fig. 2. Study area. The enlarged image shows the overlap area of the ATM and LiDAR data used for this study. correction, Minnaert or the C correction (Smith et al., 1980; Teillet et al., 1982). The main limitation of the previous corrections when applied over forested areas is that they do not consider the geotropic nature of trees, that is that the tree growth is driven by the Table 2 Characteristics of the sensors used. ATM Optech-ALTM3033 Band Spectral Spatial resolution (m) range (nm) 1 2 420–450 450–520 3 4 520–600 600–620 5 630–690 6 690–750 7 8 9 10 Spectral indices 760–900 910–1050 1550–1750 2080–2350 2 NDVI SAVI Definition ρB7 −ρB5 =ρB7 + ρB5 ðρB7 −ρB5 Þð1 + LÞ = ðρB7 + ρB5 + LÞ NDII_1 NDII_2 L = 0.5 ρB7 −ρB9 =ρB7 + ρB9 ρB7 −ρB10 =ρB7 + ρB10 Pulse rate Beam divergence Scan angle Footprint size Returns recorded Mean point density 33 kHz 0.2 mrad ± 12° 18 cm First and last 1.5 p/m2 (for each flight) gravitational field and therefore, it is not perpendicular to an inclined surface (Soenen et al., 2005). Therefore, the correction developed by Soenen et al. (2005) was applied, which is based on the Sun-CanopySensor (SCS) correction proposed by Gu and Gillespie (1998). The correction used is based on the following formula: ρn = ρ cosα cosθ + C : cosi + C ð1Þ where ρn is the normalized reflectance, ρ is the uncorrected reflectance, α is the slope terrain, θ is the solar zenith angle, i is the illumination angle, and C is an empirical parameter introduced by Soenen et al. (2005) to moderate the overcorrection of the SCS correction at large incidence angles. The empirical parameter (C) is a function of the slope (b) and the intercept (a) of the regression line derived from the relationship between the reflectance and the cosine of the illumination angle: ρ = a + b cos i⇒C = a : b ð2Þ Once the ATM image was corrected several spectral indices were derived, namely the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), the Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), and the Normalized Difference Infrared Index (NDII). Since the ATM sensor has two bands within the SWIR region, two NDII indices were computed, NDII_1 and NDII_2. M. García et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 1373 Fig. 3. Card generated from field work for fuel type assignment. 2.4. LiDAR data processing After filtering the point cloud into ground and non-ground returns, a digital elevation model (DEM) was created from the ground points by applying a spline interpolation method. The height above the ground of each vegetation point was computed as the difference between the Z coordinate of the point, and the Z value of the DEM at the same X, Y position: hi = Zi −Zinterpolated : ð3Þ Afterwards several variables were derived from the height distribution of the first and last returns within each 6 × 6 m grid cell. These variables included the maximum height, which was considered as the 99th percentile to avoid the noise caused by any possible outlier, the mean height and the median height. Moreover, several metrics that have been proved to provide a summary of the vegetation structure based on the vertical distribution of the heights of the laser return were computed, namely the standard deviation, the range, the skewness, the kurtosis and the coefficient of variation (Donoghue et al., 2007; Jensen et al., 2008). Similarly to Koetz et al. (2008) and Popescu and Zhao (2008), the whole point cloud within each grid was used to represent the relative point density in different height intervals. Considering the percentage of points found in each interval the effect of the variable point density along the flight line is removed (Mutlu et al., 2008). A total of 15 height intervals were considered. Up to 4 m the height bins were created every 0.5 m to achieve a better characterization of the surface fuels, whereas for the canopy layer (above 4 m) it was considered that 1 m bins were enough to characterize the tree cover. The last bin included all points with a height above 10 m. 1374 M. García et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 After generating raster layers with the LiDAR derived variables, they were stacked with the ATM bands and the spectral indices into a single image. 2.5. Fuel discrimination and mapping The fuel type classification was carried out using a two phase approach. The first part was intended to classify the main fuel groups, namely grasslands (two spectral classes), shrublands (two spectral classes) and trees (pine, Holm oak and poplar) as well as an additional class corresponding to non-fuel covers (roads and bare soil), whereas the second phase attempted to map fuel types according to the Prometheus system. Remotely sensed data have been traditionally classified using parametric methods such as maximum likelihood; however, satisfying the assumptions that underlie these methods such as the normal distribution of the data, is difficult in remote sensing applications, and has led to the investigation of non-parametric methods such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) or more recently, Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Foody & Mathur, 2004). Another drawback of parametric methods is the fact that they may perform worse for classifying multisource data since these data cannot be modelled by a convenient multivariate model (Benediktsson et al., 1990). SVM is based on the principle of statistical learning theory and its foundations were developed by Vapnik (1995). SVM attempts to fit an optimal separating hyperplane to the training data in the multidimensional feature space. Contrary to other approaches such as ANN that are based on empirical risk minimization, that is, on the minimization of the error on the training data, SVM applies structural risk minimization, which tries to maximize the margin between the optimal separating hyperplane and the closest training samples, known as support vectors (Vapnik, 1998). If two classes cannot be linearly separated, SVM is able to represent the non-linearity by projecting the input data into a higher-dimensional feature space, where the classes may be linearly separated, by means of a kernel function to address the ‘curse of dimensionality’ or Hughes effect (Gunn, 1998). Although it was originally developed as a binary classifier, two approaches have been suggested for using SVM in multiclass classifications that reduce the multiclass problem to a set of binary problems, namely “one against all” and “one against one” (Foody & Mathur, 2004). The former approach was used where a set of binary classifiers is trained so each class is separated from the rest. The final class label is assigned by selecting the largest decision value (Foody & Mathur, 2004). As for the kernel used, a radial basis function was selected. This type of kernel has been widely used in remote sensing applications (Foody & Mathur, 2004; Koetz et al., 2008; Melgani & Bruzzone, 2004; Waske et al., 2007) and it is controlled by two parameters that will determine the accuracy of the classification, specifically C and γ. The latter determines the width of the Gaussian kernel, while the former controls the penalty associated with training samples that lie on the wrong side of the decision boundary. Thus, a low C value will cause an increase in the number of support vectors derived and consequently larger errors, whereas a large value of C reduces the errors but also the generalization ability, and may result in overfitting the SVM to the training data (Foody & Mathur, 2004). Given the importance of these two parameters a grid search approach was performed using LIBSVM library by Chen and Lin (2009), with a five-fold cross validation. In this search, pairs of (C, γ) are tested on the training data and the one with the best cross validation accuracy is selected. The search was carried out in two steps (Oommen et al., 2004). First a coarser grid was used with an exponentially growing sequence (C = 2− 5, 2− 3 … 215 and γ = 2− 15, 2− 13 … 23), followed by a finer search which slightly increased the accuracy. Training data was collected over the image using prior knowledge of the area acquired during the field work and 0.5 m orthoimages of the area. Additionally, for discrimination of vertical properties for certain classes, especially to discriminate between shrubs of young Holm oak (≤4 m) and trees of Holm oak (N4 m), LiDAR heights were used. SVM have been shown to achieve good results even with small training data sets in high dimensional feature spaces (Melgani & Bruzzone, 2004). The number of samples used for training varied between 35 for poplar, which was only present in a very small area of the image, and 325 for shrubs, which were widely present in the image. Approximately, 70% of the samples were used to train the SVM and the 30% remaining was used for validation. In this first phase of the classification, the initial feature space was determined by the ATM data and spectral indices derived from them, as well as the following LiDAR-derived metrics: maximum height, mean height, median height, standard deviation, range, kurtosis, skewness and the coefficient of variation. Subsequently, those bands showing good discrimination between the different classes were selected to carry out the SVM classification. Input data were scaled to avoid attributes in greater numeric ranges dominating those in smaller numeric ranges, thus biasing the results (Hsu et al., 2009). Another advantage is that it avoids numerical difficulties that can arise as consequence of large attribute values during the inner products of the feature vectors on which the kernel values depend. Taking into account the previous considerations, the ATM and LiDAR data were scaled to a range of 0–1 before the search of the optimum parameters by considering the maximum and minimum values of each band. Xscaled = X−X min X max −X min ð4Þ Where Xscaled represents the scaled values for the optical and LiDAR-derived bands, Xi represents the value of a given pixel at each band, and Xmin and Xmax are the minimum and maximum value for each band respectively. After classifying the main groups of fuels, the second phase tried to refine the discrimination of those fuel types that are related to vegetation vertical properties. To achieve this classification, a set of decision rules were applied according to the Prometheus classification system. The input data were the output of the SVM classification carried out in phase one, the LiDAR mean height since it is a key variable to differentiate shrub fuel types, and the LiDAR relative point density images derived to represent the vertical distribution of vegetation and, therefore the continuity of fuels. Fig. 4 shows the decision rules used to classify the fuel types. The accuracy of the classification was assessed through the use of confusion matrix and the Cohen's kappa coefficient (Congalton & Green, 2008), using as reference data 103 plots that had been assigned to a fuel type after field reconnaissance. 3. Results Fig. 5 shows the signatures of the different spectral classes identified on the image. These curves were obtained from the mean value of the samples collected for each class after scaling the data between 0 and 1, and were used to identify the bands with the greatest separability that were subsequently used in the SVM classification. Based on Fig. 5, the following bands were selected as input data in the classification: ATM bands 2 to 10, SAVI index and NDII_1, the maximum height, the median height instead of the mean, since it is less affected by extreme values, the standard deviation and the range. Band 1 (blue) was not included in the analysis given the high atmospheric scattering that affected this band. The SAVI index was selected instead to NDVI since it is highly sensitive to differences in vegetation changes cover, while it is less sensitive to soil background than the NDVI. The grid search approach provided initially the following values for the two parameters of the Gaussian kernel used, C = 128 and M. García et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 1375 Fig. 4. Decision rules applied to classify fuel types based on the Prometheus classification system. γ = 4, which were subsequently changed to C = 207.94 and γ = 3.25 after a finer search of the optimal parameters to avoid overfitting to the training data. The accuracy obtained over the training sample using a fivefold cross validation was 94.22%. After performing the SVM classification on the image, the accuracy assessment was carried out using the 30% of the samples collected. The classes considered initially for the analysis were: non-fuel (roads and bare soil), grasslands (2 spectral classes), shrubland (bushes and 1,00 0,90 0,80 Scaled band values 0,70 0,60 0,50 0,40 0,30 0,20 0,10 0,00 ROADS BARESOIL PASTURE1 PASTURE2 PINE OLD OAK 1 OLD OAK 2 YOUNG OAK BUSHES Poplar Fig. 5. Signatures of the spectral classes found in the study area. 1376 M. García et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 Table 3 Confusion matrix obtained after applying SVM classification method. Reference data Classified data Non-fuel Bushes Poplar Holm oak Grass Pine Total Producer's accuracy Error of omission (%) Non-fuel Bushes Poplar Holm oak Grass Pine 112 1 0 1 0 0 114 98.25 1.75 0 150 0 10 5 0 165 90.91 9.09 0 0 9 0 0 2 11 81.82 18.18 0 8 0 148 1 1 158 93.67 6.33 4 13 0 1 102 0 120 85 15 0 3 0 6 0 75 84 89.28 10.72 young Holm oaks), Holm oak (two spectral classes), pine and poplar. The overall accuracy for these 6 classes was 91.4%, with a kappa statistic of 0.89. Subsequently, the spectral classes representing the same informational class were merged. Also the different tree species were group into one class since the Prometheus classification system only considers the propagation element (tree) and does not distinguish tree species although they could present different combustion properties. After merging the Holm oak, pine and poplar classes into one class, and so to consider the three main fire carriers (grass, shrub and trees) and the non-fuel classes, a non-significant increase was observed with an overall accuracy of 92.8% and a kappa statistic of 0.9. SVM classification has been suggested as more suitable for a multisensor approach than parametric methods commonly used in remote sensing (Benediktsson et al., 1990). To verify the better performance of the SVM compared to parametric methods, a maximum likelihood classification (MLC) was conducted and its results were compared to those obtained using the SVM classification. The overall accuracy achieved with the MLC was 85.7% for the 6 initial classes, which was slightly lower than that obtained by SVM. Tables 3 and 4 show the confusion matrices obtained after applying the SVM and MLC methods respectively, which relate the reference and the classified data allowing for the identification of the main sources of error. The vegetation vertical distribution was represented by the percentage of returns in 0.5 m height intervals below 4 m (shrubs) and 1 m height intervals above 4 m (canopy). This information was mainly used to distinguish between fuel types involving trees. Fig. 6 shows an example of the vertical continuity of three characteristic plots of fuel types 5, 6 and 7. Fuel types 5 (left) and 6 (centre) are characterized by vertical gaps and the fact that fuel type 5 presents no shrub cover whereas for fuel type 7 (right), which is characterized by vertical continuity, all height intervals are occupied. The decision rules applied to the SVM classification, the mean height and the height bin images, yielded a good agreement with the Total User's accuracy (%) Error of commission (%) 116 175 9 166 108 78 652 96.55 85.71 100 89.17 94.44 96.16 3.45 14.29 0 10.83 5.56 3.84 103 validation plots used, with an overall accuracy of 88.24% and a kappa statistic of 0.86. Table 5 shows the confusion matrix obtained for the fuel type classification after applying the decision rules shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 7 represents the final fuel types map generated from the ATM and LiDAR data for the study area. 4. Discussion The grid search of the optimum parameters for the Gaussian kernel used was intended to avoid overfitting to the training data, which would reduce the generalization ability of the SVM; nevertheless, some researchers have shown the robustness of the SVM classification to variation of the parameters (Foody & Mathur, 2004).The change of the parameters C and γ between the coarser and the finer search of the parameters yielded a negligible increase of the accuracy over the training data of less than 0.5%, although larger changes in the accuracy were observed during the search of the parameters across the whole range of values tested. Thus, although time consuming, the gridsearch approach is a suitable procedure to assure a higher accuracy of the SVM classification instead of applying arbitrary values to the parameters C and γ. The SVM classification provided very good agreement with the reference data. Some confusion was observed between shrubs and Holm oaks. Since the shrublands included the spectral class Holm oak with a height lower than 4 m, this confusion could be expected since the difference between a shrub and a tree is given by a height threshold of 4 m and in some areas young Holm oaks presented a similar height. On the other hand, shrubs presented some confusion with pastures. This occurred in areas where the shrub cover was low but its presence still affected the statistics derived from the LiDAR data, especially for some of the metrics such as the maximum height, the standard deviation or the range, which were used in the classification. Comparison of the SVM classification to the MLC classification showed a higher accuracy of about 7% for the former method. This Table 4 Confusion matrix obtained after applying ML classification method. Reference data Classified data Non-fuel Bushes Poplar Holm oak Grass Pine Total Producer's accuracy Error of omission (%) Non-fuel Bushes Poplar Holm oak Grass Pine 100 11 0 1 2 0 114 87.72 12.28 0 154 0 6 5 0 165 93.33 6.67 0 0 5 1 0 5 11 45.46 54.54 0 26 0 130 1 1 158 82.28 17.72 2 21 0 1 96 0 120 80 20 0 1 0 9 0 74 84 88.1 11.9 Total User's accuracy (%) Error of commission (%) 102 213 5 148 104 80 652 98.04 72.3 100 87.84 92.31 92.5 1.96 27.7 0 12.16 7.69 7.5 M. García et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 FT 6 10 20 30 40 FT 7 > 10.0 9.0 to 10.0 8.0 to 9.0 7.0 to 8.0 6.0 to 7.0 5.0 to 6.0 4.0 to 5.0 3.5 to 4.0 3.0 to 3.5 2.5 to 3.0 2.0 to 2.5 1.5 to 2.0 1.0 to 1.5 0.5 to 1.0 0 to 0.5 50 Height Intervals (m) Height Intervals (m) Height Intervals (m) FT 5 > 10.0 9.0 to 10.0 8.0 to 9.0 7.0 to 8.0 6.0 to 7.0 5.0 to 6.0 4.0 to 5.0 3.5 to 4.0 3.0 to 3.5 2.5 to 3.0 2.0 to 2.5 1.5 to 2.0 1.0 to 1.5 0.5 to 1.0 0 to 0.5 0 1377 0 5 10 15 > 10.0 9.0 to 10.0 8.0 to 9.0 7.0 to 8.0 6.0 to 7.0 5.0 to 6.0 4.0 to 5.0 3.5 to 4.0 3.0 to 3.5 2.5 to 3.0 2.0 to 2.5 1.5 to 2.0 1.0 to 1.5 0.5 to 1.0 0 to 0.5 0 20 Percentage of returns Percentage of returns 5 10 15 20 25 30 Percentage of returns Fig. 6. Vertical vegetation continuity of three characteristic plots of fuel type 5 (left), fuel type 6 (centre) and fuel type 7 (right). performance of SVM is confirmed by the similar results found by other researchers using both multispectral and hyperspectral data (Oommen et al., 2004), and when using a multisensor approach combining optical and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data (Waske & Benediktsson, 2007). An analysis of the confusion matrices obtained for both classification methods showed that in general terms, SVM yielded slightly higher user's and producer's accuracies than the MLC. It is worth noting that for the poplar category the SVM classification yielded a producer's accuracy of 81.82% whereas for the MLC it was only 46.46%, this confirms the fact that SVM can provide accurate results even with small sample sizes whereas the MLC is more dependent on the size of the training sample. The final fuel type classification obtained after applying the decision rules showed very good agreement with the 103 plots used for validation. Although the number of plots used to validate our results can be considered small for some classes (10–31 plots for each class), they were considered to be sufficient given the small area of the subset data used (9 × 0.3 km2). In addition, these plots were not used either to train the classifier in the first phase or to develop the decision rules in the second phase since the thresholds were defined by the Prometheus classification system. The analysis of the confusion matrix obtained for the fuel types classification showed that user's and producer's accuracies were very high except for FT 5 (scattered shrubs under trees), which presented a commission error of about 33%. This error was particularly due to some pixels classified as FT 5 which actually corresponded to FT 7. This confusion mainly occurred in areas that presented a mixture of shrubs of Holm oak and mature Holm oaks. These areas present a dense cover at different height intervals that reduces the penetration of LiDAR pulses through the canopy, so the lower parts of the canopy and the understory are missed. Inspection of the cloud points on pixels presenting this confusion showed that most of returns were concentrated on the higher parts of the canopy and few of them were able to penetrate down to the ground or even the lower parts of the canopy. Although the height bin layers generated provided an adequate description of the vertical distribution of fuels within each pixel, results are affected by the penetration of LiDAR pulses through the canopy. The low penetrability found in some areas was represented in the canopy height bins as gaps between the fuel strata, that is, as vertical discontinuity causing confusion between FT 7 and FT 5. This confusion could be partly avoided using higher density LiDAR data since the mean point density of data used in this study was 2.5 points m− 2 and in some areas it was lower than 2 points m− 2. Considering a larger size (e.g. 1 m) for the lower height bins could also help to reduce the number of gaps resulting as consequence of canopy occlusion. Nevertheless, this could increase the error of fuel types 5 and 6 since the Prometheus system consider fuel discontinuity when the gap between shrubs and the canopy is greater than 0.5 m (Fig. 1) and so, using a height bin larger than 0.5 m would hamper the identification of vertical gaps. In fact, for this study area, using a size of 1 m for the lower height bins reduced the overall accuracy by 10% and largely reduced the user's and producer's accuracies for fuel types 5 and 6. Of particular interest is the confusion found between models FT 0 (non-fuel) and FT 5. A detailed analysis of the points where this confusion occurred showed that it was due to roads that were covered by trees. Arroyo et al. (2006) pointed out the benefits of applying contextual methods to classify linear objects such as roads. Therefore, this approach could avoid the confusion found between FT 0 and FT 5. The accuracy of the results yielded by the method presented here can be considered high given the heterogeneity of the study area. Compared to other studies carried out in Mediterranean areas and based on the Prometheus classification system, the overall accuracy as well as the kappa coefficient obtained in this study was higher than that obtained by Riaño et al. (2002) who achieved an overall accuracy of 82.8% with a kappa statistic of 0.79 in a Mediterranean forest using multitemporal Landsat-TM data and auxiliary information. In their Table 5 confusion matrix of the fuel types classification after applying decision rules. Reference data Classified data Total Producer's accuracy Error of omission (%) FT 0 FT 1 FT 3 FT 4 FT 5 FT 6 FT 7 FT 0 FT 1 FT 3 FT 4 FT 5 FT 6 FT 7 10 1 0 0 2 0 0 13 76.92 23.08 0 12 0 0 0 0 1 13 92.31 7.69 0 0 9 0 0 0 1 10 90 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 1 11 90.91 9.09 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 15 100 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 1 10 80 20 0 0 0 0 4 0 27 31 87.1 12.9 Total User's accuracy (%) Error of commission (%) 10 13 9 10 22 8 31 103 100 92.31 100 100 66.67 100 87.1 0 7.69 0 0 33.33 0 12.9 1378 M. García et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 producer's accuracies were slightly lower, particularly for fuel types 2 to 4. The exceptions are FT 5, for which they obtained a 100% accuracy and FT 6, for which the producer's accuracy was 99%. The overall accuracy yielded by the method proposed in this research was slightly higher than that obtained by Arroyo et al. (2006) using an object-oriented classification approach (81.5%) applied using a QuickBird image. User's and producer's accuracies were also generally higher, but the user's accuracy for FT 5 and the producer's accuracy for FT 7 were slightly lower. Compared to previous studies, the inclusion of LiDAR data has allowed better discrimination between shrub fuel types, that is between fuel types 2 to 4, which are only distinguished by the mean height and, therefore, these models are difficult to discriminate using optical data alone because there is not a direct relationship between height and reflectance. The use of LiDAR data also allowed for better discrimination of fuel types involving trees, that is, FT 5, FT 6 and FT 7 which are distinguished by the shrub cover beneath the canopies as well as the existence of vertical continuity between surface and canopy fuel strata. 5. Conclusions Fig. 7. Fuel type map of the study area based on the Prometheus classification system. case, to increase accuracy, the surrounding pixels of all validation sites were used for training. The accuracy is also higher than that obtained by Lasaponara and Lanorte (2007b) using QuickBird data over a Mediterranean area of Italy based upon the Prometheus fuel types. These authors obtained an overall accuracy of 75.83% and a kappa coefficient of 0.72. The user's and producer's accuracies obtained by these authors were also lower than that achieved in this study, especially for shrubs categories and fuel type 7. Using ASTER data Lasaponara and Lanorte (2007a) obtained similar results to those of this study, with an overall accuracy of 90.73% and a kappa statistic of 0.89, although the user's and In this paper the potential of fusing LiDAR and multispectral data to map fuel types has been demonstrated. Since fuel models are an input layer for fuel behaviour modelling, having accurate descriptions of different fuels is critical for fire behaviour simulations. Fusing optical and LiDAR data allows for a detailed characterization of fuel type distribution by exploiting the spectral information provided by the optical data and the three-dimensional information provided by LiDAR data. Therefore the combined used of both datasets is well suited to be used in complex areas as the wildland–urban interface and in heterogeneous areas typical of Mediterranean environments like the one used in this study, where the composition and structure of fuels is very complex presenting different fuel types mixed. The used of LiDAR data allowed overcoming the limitation of multispectral data to distinguish certain surface types that present similar spectral response by providing information on the vertical structure of the vegetation, which is a critical attribute of fuels. The two-phase approach proposed has been shown to provide accurate results and could be applied to other Mediterranean ecosystems since the decision rules applied are based on fixed thresholds defined by the Prometheus classification system. The methodology could also be applied to different environments and with different classification systems, since the first phase attempts to map the main fuel groups whereas the second phase discriminates fuel types according to a set of rules based on a given fuel classification scheme. Thus, the decision rules would have to be redefined accordingly to the fuel classification system adopted. Integration of LiDAR and multispectral data has been successfully achieved through SVM, which has shown higher potential than MLC for integration of different data sources. An important factor when applying SVM is to find the optimal values for the two parameters needed for the Gaussian kernel, namely C and γ, which was carried out in a two-step grid search procedure. The vertical distribution of fuels has been effectively described by the relative point density in different height intervals or height bins, which allowed identification of fuel vertical continuity (FT 7) or discontinuity (FT 5 or FT 6); however, its accuracy is dependent on the penetration of LiDAR pulses through the canopy and the understory. The use of LiDAR data together with optical data has been shown to be useful to reduce the confusion commonly found between fuel types 2 to 4 in other researches, based on optical data alone. Some confusion still remained between fuel types 5 and 7, which was a consequence of low penetration of LiDAR pulses in some areas with dense canopy cover. M. García et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (2011) 1369–1379 Acknowledgements Data were acquired by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (Airborne Remote Sensing Facility 2006 Mediterranean Campaign, grant WM06-04). We would also like to thank the help provided by John Gajardo during the field work carried out for fuel type reconnaissance. We greatly appreciate the invaluable help of Elena Prado from the Remote Sensing Area of the National Institute of Aerospacial Technology (INTA) for her help with the pre-processing of the ATM data. We greatly appreciate the comments on the manuscript made by the anonymous reviewers. References Albini, F. A. (1976). Estimating wildfire behavior and effects. General Technical Report INT-30, USDA, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Odgen, Utah. Andersen, H. -E., McGaughey, R. J., & Reutebuch, S. E. (2005). Estimating forest canopy fuel parameters using LIDAR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 94, 441−449. 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