VBA Visual Basic for Application training
VBA Visual Basic for Application training
VBA Visual Basic for Application training May 2001 OPC automation at your fingertips VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING Contents 1.1 Scope of the Document ____________________________________________ 3 1.2 Copyright and Confidentiality ______________________________________ 3 LICENSE_____________________________________________________________________ TERM _______________________________________________________________________ LIMITED WARRANTY___________________________________________________________ LIMITATION OF REMEDIES _____________________________________________________ GENERAL____________________________________________________________________ ICONICS RETURN POLICY ______________________________________________________ 3 3 3 3 3 3 2.0 Introduction_______________________________________________________ 4 3.0 Starting Point _____________________________________________________ 5 4.0 Displaying Messages to the Operator _______________________________ 6 4.1 Reading the Value of a Variable_____________________________________ 7 4.2 Changing the Value of a Variable ___________________________________ 9 5.0 Using Forms in VBA Programs ____________________________________ 11 6.0 Defining User Functions __________________________________________ 14 7.0 Accessing Another Application____________________________________ 16 8.0 Recipes Based on Excel Data _____________________________________ 17 9.0 Entering Values With a Touchscreen ______________________________ 22 10.0 Connecting Excel to an OPC Server Using OLE Automation ________ 26 © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 2/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 1.1 Scope of the Document There are no comprehensive documents available to users that address the configuration issues and detailed methods to set up the distributed client/sever environment over DCOM. This document is written to introduce ICONICS Representatives, Distributors, System Integrators and Customers with this upcoming technology as well as provide training. It addresses DCOM configuration issues on Win 95/98/NT and 2000. Reading this document will benefit the user and help the user to configure a system in a true distributed Client/Server environment over DCOM. 1.2 Copyright and Confidentiality The document is © Copyright 2001, Iconics, Inc., Foxborough, Massachusetts. It is considered CONFIDENTIAL, and may contains trade secret information proprietary to Iconics, Inc. and Microsoft Corp. ICONICS LICENSE AGREEMENT YOU SHOULD CAREFULLY READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS! Opening and using the enclosed software for any purpose indicates your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this license agreement. If you do not agree with them you should return all software, documentation, and copy protection keys within seven days of shipment unopened and your money will be refunded. ICONICS provides this program and licenses its use in the United States, Puerto Rico, or internationally. You assume the responsibility for the selection of the program to achieve your intended results, and for the installation, use and results obtained from the program. LICENSE You are granted a personal license to use this program under the terms stated in this Agreement. You may: 1) Install and use the program on a single machine. 2) Make archival back-up copies of the program for the sole purpose of supporting your use of the single program on a single machine. 3) You may not use, copy, modify, or transfer the program, or transfer any copy, in whole or in part, except as expressly provided in this license, or with a written contractual agreement with ICONICS, Inc. TERM The license is effective until terminated. It will terminate if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. You agree, upon such termination, to destroy the program and all copies which were made from it and to promptly return any copy protection key(s) to ICONICS. LIMITED WARRANTY ICONICS WARRANTS THE CD-ROM OR PHYSICAL DISKETTES, ON WHICH THE PROGRAM IS FURNISHED, AND PHYSICAL DOCUMENTATION TO BE FREE OF DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF NINETY (90) DAYS FROM THE DATE OF DELIVERY TO YOU AS EVIDENCED BY YOUR RECEIPT. THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR, OR CORRECTION. ICONICS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN PARTICULAR, WITH RESPECT TO ANY PARTICULAR APPLICATION, USE, OR PURPOSE, IN NO EVENT SHALL ICONICS INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL DAMAGE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGES. ICONICS DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE PROGRAM WILL MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS OR THAT THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR FREE. LIMITATION OF REMEDIES ICONICS' ENTIRE LIABILITY AND YOUR EXCLUSIVE REMEDY SHALL BE THE REPLACEMENT OF ANY CD-ROM OR DISKETTE NOT MEETING ICONICS' "LIMITED WARRANTY" WHICH IS RETURNED TO ICONICS WITH A COPY OF YOUR RECEIPT WITHIN THE WARRANTY PERIOD. THE REMEDY FOR BREACH OF THIS WARRANTY SHALL BE LIMITED TO REPLACEMENT AND SHALL NOT ENCOMPASS ANY OTHER DAMAGES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF PROFIT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR OTHER SIMILAR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PROGRAM EVEN IF ICONICS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER THIRD PARTY. GENERAL This Agreement will be governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Should you have any questions concerning this Agreement, you may contact ICONICS in writing at: ICONICS Inc. 100 Foxborough Blvd. Foxborough, MA 02035 You acknowledge that you have read this agreement, understand it and agree to be bound by its terms and conditions. You further agree that it is the complete and exclusive statement of the agreement between you and ICONICS which supersedes any proposal or prior agreement, oral or written, and any other communications between you and ICONICS relating to the subject matter of this agreement. ICONICS RETURN POLICY All sales are final (NO RETURNS) unless one of the following conditions is applicable: Program is returned in its original packing material within 7 days after shipment. In such a case, a full refund is provided, less all incurred shipping and handling costs. Program is returned within 30 days from the original shipment date. In such a case, a 20 % restocking fee is applicable. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 3/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 2.0 Introduction This Visual Basic for Application Training Class will cover the following topics: 1. Displaying messages to the operator. 2. Reading the value of a variable either coming from an OPC server or a local variable that is already used in GraphWorX32. 3. Writing values to variables based on user input. 4. Creating user forms to write values to variables. 5. Defining user functions to simplify certain tasks. 6. Accessing other applications via OLE Automation. 7. Downloading recipes from Excel using OLE Automation and user defined forms. 8. Entering values with a touchscreen using only the keypad form. 9. Using VBA in Excel to connect to OPC Servers. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 4/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 3.0 Starting Point To have a starting point from where the different actions will take place a display is already created. This display shows a part of a plant that is used to harden metal. To harden metal, the metal is first heated in furnaces 1 and 2, it is then cooled down using a fluid. When material leaves the cool down section it will be heated again to re-crystallize the material for optimal results. The bottom 65% of the display contains a visualization of the actual process; the top 35% of the display contains the parameters of the different sections. These parameters are data entry fields. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 5/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 4.0 Displaying Messages to the Operator To advise the operator when needed a help button has to be implemented in the Heating section of the display. When pressed this button will show the operator information on the Heating section. Use the following steps to create the help button, and the VBA code behind it: 1. Add a button to the screen using the toolbar or by choosing Dynamics è Intrinsics è Push-button from the menu. 2. Change the Action to Run VBA Script. 3. Press the Create Button to Open the VBA Script Wizard dialog. 4. Enter as Script Name "HeatingHelp" and press the OK button. 5. Press the Edit Button to open the VBA Editor. 6. Type in the following lines of the code in the module GwxHeatingHelp_Main: Sub HeatingHelp(o As GwxPick) MsgBox "The temperatures of furnaces 1 & 2 can be changed here" End Sub The MsgBox function takes as parameter a string that will be displayed in a dialog box on execution of the script. 7. In the VBA Editor use File è Exit from the menu to return to GraphWorX32. 8. Change, in the property page, the text on the button to "Help". The result of adding this button is shown below. When pressing the button located on the left a message box is displayed in the middle of the screen. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 6/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 4.1 Reading the Value of a Variable To really unleash the power of scripting, data will have to be exchanged between the VBA program and the variables (OPC or Genesis32 Internal). Due to the object oriented structure of Genesis32 is very easy to read data into the VBA program and use that data as desired. Use the following steps to create a button, and the VBA code behind it, to read and display the value of a Genesis32 variable. 1. Add a button to the screen using the toolbar or by choosing Dynamics è Intrinsics è Push-button from the menu. 2. Change the Action to Run VBA Script. 3. Press the Create Button to Open the VBA Script Wizard dialog. 4. Enter as Script Name "ReadingValue" and press the OK button. 5. Press the Edit Button to open the VBA Editor. 6. Type in the following lines of the code in the module GwxReadingValue_Main: Sub ReadingValue(o As GwxPick) Dim MyPoint As GwxPoint Set MyPoint = _ ThisDisplay.GetPointObjectFromName("~~setenablecooling~~") MsgBox MyPoint.Value Set MyPoint = Nothing End Sub 7. In the VBA Editor use File è Exit from the menu to return to GraphWorX32. 8. Change, in the property page, the text on the button to "Read Value" How the VBA program works: The Dim command makes it possible to define variables. In this case it is used to define a variable called MyPoint of the (object) type GwxPoint. After that, the variable MyPoints gets an object assigned to it coming from the display. It is searched for the GetPointObjectFromName method that is part of the Thisdisplay object. It takes, as a parameter, the name of a variable. If the point object (in this case, called ~~setenablecoolling~~) is found, the MyPoint object variable can be used to read and modify the parameters of the object on the screen. In this case the Value property is read and displayed using the MsgBox function described earlier. The figure below shows where the ~~setenablecooling~~ object and the MyPoint object variable are located, and the link between them. GraphWorX32 ThisDisplay VBA MyPoint ~~ setenable cooling ~~ © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. MyPoint May 2001 7/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING The result of adding this button is shown below. When pressing the button located on the center/left, a message box is displayed in the middle of the screen with the current value of the variable ~~setenablecooling~~. In this case, 1, because cooling is enabled (Enable Cooling = Yes): © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 8/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 4.2 Changing the Value of a Variable Besides being able to read the value of a point, it is necessary to able to change the value of point. Writing is very much like reading; the only difference being that instead of assigning the value property to a local variable, a local variable is assigned to the value property. Use the following steps to create a button, and the VBA code behind it, to give the ability to type in a value and write that value to a Genesis32 variable. 1. Add a button to the screen using the toolbar or by choosing Dynamics è Intrinsics è Push-button from the menu. 2. Change the Action to Run VBA Script. 3. Press the Create Button to Open the VBA Script Wizard dialog. 4. Enter as Script Name "WriteValue" and press the OK button. 5. Press the Edit Button to open the VBA Editor. 6. Type in the following lines of the code in the module GwxWriteValue_Main: Sub WriteValue(o As GwxPick) Dim MyPoint As GwxPoint Dim MyValue As Integer Dim MyStr As String Set MyPoint = _ ThisDisplay.GetPointObjectFromName("~~setenablecooling~~") MyStr = InputBox("Enter 0 (cooling off) or 1 (cooling on)") MyValue = Val( MyStr) MyPoint.Value = MyValue Set MyPoint = Nothing End Sub 7. In the VBA Editor use File è Exit from the menu to return to GraphWorX32. 8. Change, in the property page, the text on the button to "Write". How the VBA program works: Three variables are defined: MyPoint, of the type GwxPoint, to make a connection to a point in the display; MyValue, of the type Integer, to store values in; and, MyStr, of the type String, to store text in. A link is created between the MyPoint variable and the local variable ~~setenablecooling~~. For a description of setting up the link, see “reading values”. To let the operator type in a value, the InputBox function is used. This function displays a message to the operator and allows the operator to type in some text. The function returns the input text. The input text is stored in the variable MyStr. To be able to write the input text to MyPoint, the text has to be converted to a value. This can be achieved with the Val function. The result of this function is stored in the variable MyValue. The value of the MyValue variable is assigned to the value property of the MyPoint variable. Finally, the link between the local variable and the MyPoint variable is destroyed by assigning Nothing to MyPoint. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 9/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING The result of adding this button is shown below. When pressing the Write button an input box is displayed in the middle of the screen in which the operator can enter a value. Pressing the OK button or the Enter will close the input box and continue with the script. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 10/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 5.0 Using Forms in VBA Programs To make more complex user interaction possible, or to limit the operator as to what can be chosen, forms are used. In this example a form will be created that allows the operator to turn the cooling system on or off, using option buttons. When using option buttons, at least a set of two will always have to be created. And from that set of option buttons only one option button can and will be active at a point in time. In this example, a form with two option buttons will be created; one option button for turning the cooling system on and one option button for turning the cooling system off. There is also an OK button on the form to close the form. When the form is closed the value selected in the option button set is written to the Genesis32 variable. Use the following steps to create the form with a button set, and the VBA code behind it, to allow the operator to choose an option and write that value to a Genesis32 local variable. 1. Add a button to the screen using the toolbar or by choosing Dynamics è Intrinsics è Push-button from the menu. 2. Change the Action to Run VBA Script. 3. Press the Create Button to Open the VBA Script Wizard dialog. 4. Enter as Script Name "FormWriteValue". 5. Check the box "Insert a form" and press the OK button. 6. Press the Edit Button to open the VBA Editor. 7. In the project window double click on "GwxFormWriteValue_MainForm" this will open the user form and the form toolbox. If the toolbox is not visible choose View è Toolbox from the menu. The Toolbox is shown below. 8. Create, in the form, a frame. In the property window change the Caption property to "Cooling Section". © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 11/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING In the property window, the properties of the selected object, in the user form, will be shown. 9. Create in the frame two Option buttons with the following properties: Option button 1: (Name) = CoolingOn, Caption = On Option button 2: (Name) = CoolingOff, Caption = Off 10. Create a button outside the frame with the following properties: Button: (Name) = ExitForm, Caption = Exit 11. After the creating these object the form will look as shown below: 12. Double click on the Exit button attach code to the Exit button 13. Type in the following lines of the code: Private Sub FormExit_Click() Dim MyPoint As GwxPoint Set MyPoint = _ ThisDisplay.GetPointObjectFromName("~~setenablecooling~~") If CoolingOn.Value Then MyPoint.Value = 1 Else MyPoint.Value = 0 End If Set MyPoint = Nothing Unload Me End Sub 14. In the VBA Editor use File è Exit from the menu to return to GraphWorX32. 15. Change, in the property page, the text on the button to "Write Form". How the VBA program works: The form is automatically loaded on execution of the script. The operator can choose the state of the cooling system and press the exit button. Once the exit button is pressed, a variable MyPoint, of the type GwxPoint, is defined to make a connection to a point in the display. A link is created between the MyPoint variable and the local variable ~~setenablecooling~~; for a description of setting up the link, see “reading values”. Next, the If statement checks which option button is active. If the On button is active the value 1 is assigned to the Value property of the MyPoint variable; otherwise, the value 0 is assigned to the Value property of the MyPoint variable. Finally, the link between the local variable and the MyPoint variable is destroyed by assigning Nothing to MyPoint and the form is closed using the Unload Me command. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 12/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING The result of adding this button is shown below. When pressing the Write Form button, a form is presented to the operator in which the appropriate setting for the cooling section can be selected. Pressing the Exit button will close the form and write the selected value to the Genesis32 variable. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 13/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 6.0 Defining User Functions To be able to re-use already written code, it will be useful to define functions and procedures that perform a certain task, with a number of parameters given to the function of procedure. The difference between a function and a procedure is that a function returns a certain value and a procedure does not. In this example a function will be defined that takes 1 parameter, a string defining a Genesis32 point name. The function will return the value of that point. Use the follow steps to create a push button and the function example: 1. Add a button to the screen using the toolbar or by choosing Dynamics è Intrinsics è Push-button from the menu. 2. Change the Action to Run VBA Script. 3. Press the Create Button to Open the VBA Script Wizard dialog. 4. Enter as Script Name "FunctionExample" and press the OK button. 5. Press the Edit Button to open the VBA Editor. 6. Type in the following lines of the code in the module GwxFunctionExample_Main to define a function that returns the value of a given variable based on the name of that variable: Function Example(Name As String) As Variant Dim MyPoint As GwxPoint Set MyPoint = ThisDisplay.GetPointObjectFromName(Name) Example = MyPoint.Value End Function 7. To make use of the defined function enter the following code in the module GwxFunctionExample_Main that displays the values of two variables using the MsgBox function: Sub FunctionExample(o As GwxPick) MsgBox Example("~~set_furnace1~~") MsgBox Example("~~set_furnace2~~") End Sub 8. In the VBA Editor use File è Exit from the menu to return to GraphWorX32. 9. Change, using the property page, the text on the button to "Function". How the VBA program works: Pressing the button will call function Example. This function takes a string as parameter to identify a variable and returns the value of that variable. The value of the variable is shown using the MsgBox function. Specifically, it does the following: First it defines a variable called MyPoint. Then it sets up a link to the variable specified in the Name parameter of the function. Once the link is created the Value property can be accessed. This Value property is then assigned to the function name. This means that the function now has, as a return value, the value of the Genesis32 variable referred to by MyPoint. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 14/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING The result of adding this button and VBA code is shown below. When pressing the Function button a dialog box is presented in which the current temperature of furnace 1 is shown. After closing this box, using the OK button, another box will show the current temperature of furnace 2. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 15/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 7.0 Accessing Another Application To be able to integrate different applications together it has to be possible to get access to other applications. This way specific tasks can be executed in the most efficient way because other application can be used for it. That means let database functions be executed by a database application such as Access, let spreadsheet functions be executed by a spreadsheet application such as Excel and so on. The technology behind this functionality is called OLE Automation. Using OLE Automation it becomes possible to access and use other applications as desired using simple VBA commands. In this example an already running instance of Excel will accessed, a specific workbook will be loaded in it and once the workbook is loaded Excel be shown on top. To create this functionality use the following steps: 1. Add a button to the screen using the toolbar or by choosing Dynamics è Intrinsics è Push-button from the menu. 2. Change the Action to Run VBA Script. 3. Press the Create Button to Open the VBA Script Wizard dialog. 4. Enter as Script Name "UseExcel" and press the OK button. 5. Press the Edit Button to open the VBA Editor. 6. Go to Tools è References in the menu and mark the following library: "Microsoft Excel 8.0 Object Library" to have easy access to Excel functionality. 7. Type in the following lines of the code in the module GwxUseExcel_Main: Sub UseExcel(o As GwxPick) Dim ExcelObj As Application Set ExcelObj = GetObject("", "Excel.Application") ExcelObj.Application.Visible = True ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open ("d:\wwsc\wwsc.xls") ExcelObj.WindowState = xlNormal AppActivate ExcelObj End Sub 8. In the VBA Editor use File è Exit from the menu to return to GraphWorX32. 9. Change, using the property page, the text on the button to "Use Excel". How the VBA program works: First a variable called ExcelObj is defined this variable is of the type Application this type is defined in the Microsoft Excel 8.0 Object Library therefore this library had to be added to the reference list in step 6. Once the variable is defined it can be connected to the already running Excel application using the GetObject function. The GetObject function searches for an already active instance of Excel on the PC. When the link is created between the VBA program and Excel an Excel workbook can be opened using the Workbooks.Open command. This command is not a GraphWorX32 VBA command but it is a command that is part of Excel. However GraphWorX32 VBA is capable of using this command because it created a link to Excel. Once the workbook is opened the Excel is resized to the normal size using the WindowState command. At last Excel is brought to the foreground using the AppActivate command. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 16/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING The connection link between Genesis32 and Excel can be represented as shown in the following figure: GraphWorX32 ThisDisplay ~~ setenable cooling ~~ Excel VBA ExcelObj WorkBook Sheet1 Sheet2 The result of adding this button and VBA code is shown below. When pressing the Use Excel button the wwsc.xls workbook is loaded and Excel is shown on top of GraphWorX32. 8.0 Recipes Based on Excel Data The previous example showed how to get access to other application and make use of functions embedded in that other application. However sometimes it is better not to confront to operator with a different program such as Excel, because it has a different interface or because of the security holes it has. But in the meanwhile certain functionality offered by the other program (Excel) needs to be used for the appropriate operation of integrated application. In this case a link to other application can be setup but the application will never be shown, instead data from the other application can be displayed in user defined forms. The following example shows how to retrieve data from Excel and show it in a user defined form. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 17/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING In this example different recipes are retrieved from Excel using OLE automation and presented in a user-defined form. The operator can choose a recipe and download the values in the recipe to the Genesis32 variables. Use the following steps to create a push button and the code behind it: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Add a button to the screen using the toolbar or by choosing Dynamics è Intrinsics è Push-button from the menu. Change the Action to Run VBA Script. Press the Create Button to Open the VBA Script Wizard dialog. Enter as Script Name "Recipe". Check the box "Insert a from" and press the OK button. Press the Edit Button to open the VBA Editor. Go to Tools è References in the menu and mark the following library: "Microsoft Excel 8.0 Object Library" to have easy access to Excel functionality. In the project window double click on "GwxRecipe_MainForm" this will open the user form and the form toolbox. If the toolbox is not visible choose View è Toolbox from the menu. The following form will have to be created: 10. The form it self has the following properties: Form: (Name): GwxRecipe_MainForm Caption: Temperature Profile Selection 11. The large box on the right is a list box and has the following property: ListBox: (Name): Profiles 12. The buttons at the bottom have from left to right the following properties: Button: (Name): UseExit Caption: Use & Exit Button: (Name): NoUseExit Caption: Use Not & Exit 13. The text labels in the middle have from top to bottom the following properties: Label: (Name): Label1 Caption: Temp. Furnace 1 Label: (Name): Label2 Caption: Temp. Furnace 2 Label: (Name): Label3 Caption: Cool Down Label: (Name): Label4 Caption: Temp. Furnace 3 Label: (Name): Label5 Caption: Temp. Furnace 4 Label: (Name): Label6 Caption: Temp. Furnace 5 14. The text entry fields on the right have from top to bottom the following properties: TextBox: (Name): Furn1 TextBox: (Name): Furn2 TextBox: (Name): Cool TextBox: (Name): Furn3 TextBox: (Name): Furn4 TextBox: (Name): Furn5 © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 18/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 15. Double click on the form and add the following code: Dim WBObj As Workbook Dim ExcelObj As Application Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Dim i As Integer Set ExcelObj = GetObject("", "Excel.Application") Set WBObj = ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open("d:\wwsc\wwsc.xls") For i = 5 To 13 Profiles.AddItem (WBObj.Sheets(1).Cells(i, 2).Value) Next i End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() WBObj.Close Set WBObj = Nothing Set ExcelObj = Nothing End Sub 16. In the project window double click on "GwxRecipe_MainForm" this will open the user form again. 17. Double click on the List box this will change the view to the code window. Enter the following code: Private Sub Profiles_Click() Dim index As Integer index = Profiles.ListIndex + 5 Furn1.Text = WBObj.Sheets(1).Cells(index, 3) Furn2.Text = WBObj.Sheets(1).Cells(index, 4) Cool.Text = WBObj.Sheets(1).Cells(index, 5) Furn3.Text = WBObj.Sheets(1).Cells(index, 6) Furn4.Text = WBObj.Sheets(1).Cells(index, 7) Furn5.Text = WBObj.Sheets(1).Cells(index, 8) End Sub 18. In the project window double click on "GwxRecipe_MainForm" this will open the user form again. 19. Double click on the button labeled "Use & Exit" this will change the view to the code window. Enter the following code: Sub SetValue(Name As String, Value As Variant) Dim MyPoint As GwxPoint Set MyPoint = ThisDisplay.GetPointObjectFromName(Name) MyPoint.Value = Value Set MyPoint = Nothing End Sub Private Sub UseExit_Click() Call SetValue("~~set_furnace1~~", Val(Furn1.Text)) Call SetValue("~~set_furnace2~~", Val(Furn2.Text)) Call SetValue("~~set_furnace3~~", Val(Furn3.Text)) Call SetValue("~~set_furnace4~~", Val(Furn4.Text)) Call SetValue("~~set_furnace5~~", Val(Furn5.Text)) Call SetValue("~~setenablecooling~~", Val(Cool.Text)) Unload Me End Sub © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 19/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 20. In the project window double click on "GwxRecipe_MainForm" this will open the user form again. 21. Double click on the button labeled "Use Not & Exit" this will change the view to the code window. Enter the following code: Private Sub NoUseExit_Click() Unload Me End Sub 22. In the VBA Editor use File è Exit from the menu to return to GraphWorX32. 23. Change, using the property page, the text on the button to "Recipes". How the VBA program works: When the button is pressed the form is loaded. The initializing procedure takes place automatically when loading the form. During the initialization a link to Excel is initiated, a specific workbook is loaded and data from that workbook is added to the list box using the AddItem method of the list box. After the cursor is set to the first item in the list box. When the operator clicks on one of the profiles in the list box the text boxes on the right side of the form are automatically updated with the data belonging to the selected profile. This data is retrieved from Excel. When the operator has selected a profile the form can be exited by clicking on either one of the buttons. The "Use & Exit" button will download the currently selected profile to the variables in Genesis32. The "Use Not & Exit" button will not download the profile to the variables in Genesis32. On exiting the form the workbook in Excel is closed and all links to Excel are terminated by reassigning them to Nothing. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 20/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING The VBA program makes use of the Excel workbook called wwsc.xls. This workbook has the following data in it: The result of adding this button and VBA code is shown below. When pressing the Recipes button the wwsc.xls workbook is loaded and the data from that workbook is shown in the created form. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 21/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 9.0 Entering Values With a Touchscreen When a touchscreen is the only means of interaction between the operator and application it is not as easy for the operator to enter setpoint as when the operator also has a keyboard. This example will show how to define a keypad in a form and how to connect this keypad to process points making it possible for the operator to enter values and download these values to the process point. Use the following steps to create a push button and the code behind it: 1. Add a process point to the screen using the toolbar or by choosing Dynamics è Intrinsics è Process Point from the menu. 2. Enter a datasource to connect to, in this example the datasource will be ~~set_furnace1~~. 3. Press OK to leave the dialog box. 4. Add a pick action to the Process Point using the toolbar or by choosing Dynamics è Actions è Pick from the menu. 5. Change the description of the pick action to ~~ set_furnace1~~. The name of the variable that needs to be changed is placed in in the description, to make it possible to create a script that can be used for many different variables. The script will just have to look in the description field to find out which variable to modify. 6. Change the Action to Run VBA Script. 7. Press the Create Button to Open the VBA Script Wizard dialog. 8. Enter as Script Name "KeyPad". 9. Check the box "Insert a from" and press the OK button. 10. Press the Edit Button to open the VBA Editor. 11. Enter the following code: Public ValueStr As String Sub KeyPad(o As GwxPick) Dim MyPoint As GwxPoint ' Show custom form GwxKeyPad_MainForm.Show If Len(ValueStr) > 0 Then Set MyPoint = ThisDisplay.GetPointObjectFromName(o.UserDescription) MyPoint.Value = Val(ValueStr) End If End Sub 12. In the project window double click on "GwxKeyPad_MainForm" this will open the userform for editing and the toolbox. If the toolbox is not visible choose View è Toolbox from the menu. 13. The following form properties will have to be set: Form: (Name): GwxKeyPad_MainForm Caption: KeyPad 14. The following objects will have to be created on the form (the font for all objects is Tahoma 14 Bold): TextBox: (Name): Value Button: (Name): Key0 Caption: 0 Button: (Name): Key1 Caption: 1 Button: (Name): Key2 Caption: 2 Button: (Name): Key3 Caption: 3 Button: (Name): Key4 Caption: 4 Button: (Name): Key5 Caption: 5 © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 22/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING Button: (Name): Key6 Caption: 6 Button: (Name): Key7 Caption: 7 Button: (Name): Key8 Caption: 8 Button: (Name): Key9 Caption: 9 Button: (Name): BS Caption: BS Button: (Name): Cancel Caption: Close Button: (Name): Enter Caption: Enter 15. Place all these buttons in the form to create the following layout. 16. When all objects are placed on the screen double click on the BS button and enter the following code: Dim UsedDot As Boolean Private Sub BS_Click() Dim l As Integer l = Len(Value.Text) If l > 1 Then If Mid$(Value.Text, l, 1) = "." Then UsedDot = False Value.Text = Mid$(Value.Text, 1, l - 1) Else Value.Text = "" UsedDot = False End If End Sub Private Sub Cancel_Click() ValueStr = "" Unload Me End Sub Private Sub dot_Click() If Not (UsedDot) Then Value.Text = Value.Text + "." UsedDot = True End If End Sub Private Sub Enter_Click() ValueStr = Value.Text Unload Me End Sub © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 23/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING Private Sub Key0_Click() Value.Text = Value.Text + "0" End Sub Private Sub Key1_Click() Value.Text = Value.Text + "1" End Sub Private Sub Key2_Click() Value.Text = Value.Text + "2" End Sub Private Sub Key3_Click() Value.Text = Value.Text + "3" End Sub Private Sub Key4_Click() Value.Text = Value.Text + "4" End Sub Private Sub Key5_Click() Value.Text = Value.Text + "5" End Sub Private Sub Key6_Click() Value.Text = Value.Text + "6" End Sub Private Sub Key7_Click() Value.Text = Value.Text + "7" End Sub Private Sub Key8_Click() Value.Text = Value.Text + "8" End Sub Private Sub Key9_Click() Value.Text = Value.Text + "9" End Sub Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() UsedDot = False End Sub 17. In the VBA editor use File è Exit from the menu to return to GraphWorX32. 18. To use the script also on other process points repeat step 1 to 6 for the different variables. After that enter the following script name " GwxKeyPad_Main.KeyPad" instead of pressing the Create button. After that press OK to leave the dialog box. How the VBA program works: When during runtime to operator presses the process point the pick action attached to the process point will load the KeyPad form. On the KeyPad form the operator can press on the different numbers or one of the other four keys. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 24/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING Pressing a number will cause the program to add the pressed number to the text in the value box. Pressing the "BS" button will cause the program to remove the last character. Pressing the dot "." will add a dot and will set a Boolean variable to make sure that there will be only one dot in the value. Pressing the Enter button will cause the system to write the contents of the Value TextBox to the public variable called ValueStr and closes the window. Pressing the Close button will write an empty string the variable ValueStr and closes the window. When the KeyPad window is closed the script will check if the ValueStr variable is empty or not. If it is not empty it will link to the variable specified in the description of the pick action and write the entered value to it using the Value property of the MyPoint variable. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 25/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING 10.0 Connecting Excel to an OPC Server Using OLE Automation Using OLE Automation it is possible for programs that have Visual Basic for Applications build in to connect to OPC Servers. In this example Excels VBA will be used to connect to an OPC Server, read the data from that OPC server and display it in an Excel sheet. Type in the following script in Excel to be able to communicate with the OPC Server. In this case the Genesis OPC Server is used to connect to, but basically any OPC Server with automation interface can be used. The script is assigned to the Iconics Europe BV Logo so whenever you click on the logo the script is executed and the latest values are read. Sub GenerateReport() ' Define variables Dim OPCServer As IOPCServerDisp Dim OPCItemMgt As IOPCItemMgtDisp Dim OPCItem As IOPCItemDisp Dim Updaterate As Long Dim ServerHdl As Long Dim ItemIDs(50) As String Dim AccessPaths(50) As String Dim ServerHandles As Variant Dim Active(50) As Boolean Dim Sections As Integer Dim Units As Integer Dim ClientHandles(50) As Long Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim ItemObjects As Variant Dim Errors As Variant Dim Values As Variant Dim io As IOPCSyncIODisp ' Create link to OPC Server Set OPCServer = CreateObject("ICONICS.GenOPCAuto") If TypeName (OPCServer) = TypeName(Nothing) Then MsgBox "Server could not be accessed" Return 'no server End If ' Create a Group Updaterate = 500 Set OPCItemMgt = OPCServer.AddGroup("Excel", True, Updaterate, 22, _1, 0, ServerHdl, Updaterate) If TypeName (OPCItemMgt) = TypeName(Nothing) Then MsgBox "OPC Group could not be created" Return 'no group End If ' prepare the items For Sections = 1 To 3 For Units = 1 To 4 i = (Sections - 1) * 4 * 3 + (Units - 1) * 3 Active(i) = True ClientHandles(i) = i AccessPaths(i) = "" © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 26/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING ItemIDs(i) = "[SCR].Plant1.Section" + Format$(Sections) + _ ".Unit" + Format$(Units) + ".C2H4" Active(i + 1) = True ClientHandles(i + 1) = i AccessPaths(i + 1) = "" ItemIDs(i + 1) = "[SCR].Plant1.Section" + Format$(Sections) + _ ".Unit" + Format$(Units) + ".C2H6" Active(i + 2) = True ClientHandles(i + 2) = i AccessPaths(i + 2) = "" ItemIDs(i + 2) = "[SCR].Plant1.Section" + Format$(Sections) + _ ".Unit" + Format$(Units) + ".C3H8" Next Units Next Sections ' Add the items OPCItemMgt.AddItems 36, ItemIDs, Active, ClientHandles, ServerHandles, Errors, ItemObjects, AccessPaths ' Read the values Set io = OPCItemMgt io.OPCRead 1, 36, ServerHandles, Values ' remove links to group and opc server Call OPCItemMgt.RemoveItems(36, ServerHandles, Errors, True) Call OPCServer.RemoveGroup(ServerHdl, True) Set OPCServer = Nothing Set OPCItemMgt = Nothing ' Enter the values into the spreadsheet For Sections = 1 To 3 For Units = 1 To 4 i = (Sections - 1) * 4 * 3 + (Units - 1) * 3 j = Sections * 7 + Units + 3 Sheets(1).Cells(j, 5).Value = Values(i) Sheets(1).Cells(j, 6).Value = Values(i + 1) Sheets(1).Cells(j, 7).Value = Values(i + 2) Next Units Next Sections End Sub How the VBA program works: First the program creates an OPC Server object uses the CreateObject function. The CreateObject function takes as only parameter the name of an OPC Server Automation Interface. When the OPC Server object is created the program adds a group to it with an update rate of 500 ms. Once the group is created the different point names are prepared and the different parameters belonging to the points are set as well. All this information is stored in the following arrays • ItemIDs contains the names of the points • Active contains whether or not the points are active in this example always True • AccessPaths contains the accesspath to the point in this example always "" • ClientHandles contains the handles associated with the points. When the points are prepared they are added to the group. After that the values are read and the stored in the Values array. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 27/28 VISUAL BASIC FOR APPLICATIONS TRAINING When the values are read all points are removed, the group is deleted, and the connection with the OPC Server is terminated. At last, the values are written into the Excel spreadsheet. © Copyright 2001, ICONICS, Inc. May 2001 28/28