Autumn - Davidsfonds


Autumn - Davidsfonds
Rights Guide
Davidsfonds Uitgeverij
New Titles by
Davidsfonds Uitgeverij
Moving story for children
and adults!
An adventure with Snout and Dot!
Picture book
Peter Frison
The Search
Ag e: 3 years and up
32 pages
S i z e: 24 x 34 cm
Rights free
Do you know Lumberland? Lumberland is a
magical place where you can dance, sing and play
hide-and-seek to your heart’s content. Snout and
Dot really enjoy being there. But nobody in that enchanted land can tell them who or what they really
are. And the curious Snout would love to find out.
Together with her friend Dot, she wants to
go out there. A place where strange creatures live,
with big ears and large noses, long legs and dots or
even stripes. In that extraordinary world they start
their search together.
Adventurous and funny story to
read out loud
Marvellous and colourful
’s book
C h i ld r en
Picture book
a n i ma l
s t or y
Karla Stoefs
Illustrations by Lotte Leyssens
You’re so cute I
could eat you!
Ag e: 3 years and up
24 pages
S i z e 20 x 16 cm
Rights free
Mééé, bleats Sheep.
Oink, grunts Piggy. Can I ask you something?
Sure. Ask away!
Do you think I’m pretty?
I think that curl in your tail is cute, but….
I would like you better if you were more woolly
Piggy is still little, but has a lot of questions. He asks all the farm animals what they
think of him. But the honest answers of Sheep,
Frog, Fly and Cow make him sad. So Piggy goes
to Farmer with his questions. But he’s just having dinner: he’s eating pork chops…
Touching story about little Piggy and
his many questions
Animals play the leading part in this
enchanting picture book
Ideal giftbook
Snout and Dot overcome their fears
and start an adventure in the world out
there. An amusing story to read out loud
with colourful, charming pictures by
P eter F r ison .
A touching story by K ar la S toefs
to read out loud for all children
with big questions. Join Piggy on
his moving and funny search for
answers. With stunning pictures
by L otte L eyssens .
Discover your dream job
I want to be a... policeman
You’re not afraid of scoundrels?
You can listen patiently to people and you’re good at solving
You want to know all about rules and laws?
You prefer an exciting and varied job?
There’s nothing you would rather do than regulate traffic or
track suspects and criminals?
If all is a ‘yes’, you will definitely become a terrific policeman!
Hilde Vandermeeren
Illustrations by Marjolein Pottie
When I grow up
I want to be a...
shop assistant
You are a patient and friendly type of person?
You think you can take on demanding and dissatisfied
You would love to manage a nice shop that always looks in tip-top
You would like to know how to handle a cash register?
There’s nothing you would rather do than advising and assisting
If all is a ‘yes’, you will definitely become a terrific shop
Hilde Vandermeeren
Illustrations by Marjolein Pottie
When I grow up
I want to be a... bricklayer
You’re not afraid to climb on the scaffolding?
You’re handy with tools and equipment?
You love to work outdoors – even on hot sunny and rainy days?
You are smart enough to figure out building plans?
You’d love to construct houses and buildings with bricks and
You know what it takes to build a house?
If all is a ‘yes’, you will definitely become a terrific bricklayer!
Hilde Vandermeeren
Illustrations by
Annemie Berebrouckx
When I grow up
I want to be a...
You can write nicely with a piece of chalk on the blackboard?
You are able to explain things in an easy way?
You prefer drawing up tests rather than completing them?
You love tinkering, doing sums and playing with words?
There is nothing you would rather do than work with a class of
If all is a ‘yes’, you will definitely become a terrific
Fantasize about your future dream job!
For children who want to prepare and practice for their later job
Including smashing to do-tasks and amusing colourful illustrations
Ag e 5 years and up | 24 pages
S i z e 20,5 x 20,5 cm | Rights free
Previous titles of this series have been
sold to Denmark
H ilde Va n der meer en makes you
think of the future. In this
fascinating series she introduces
a wide array of different jobs
and gives you the best clues
to make your dream job work.
With amusing illustrations and
smashing to do-tasks.
Hilde Vandermeeren
Illustrations by Marjolein Pottie
When I grow up
Looking and telling together!
Unique friendship
o ok
P ic t u r e b
Hilde Vandermeeren
Illustrations by Kristien Aertssen
Ag e 3 years and up | 32 pages
S i z e 28 x 28 cm | Rights free
The wolf outsmarts the seven
goats. The little ugly duckling
develops into a big beautiful
swan. Dummling finds a golden
goose in the woods. The golden
donkey creates huge piles of gold.
Puss in Boots proves to his master
how smart he is. The three little
pigs run away from the wolf. The
Bremen town musicians chase
away the robbers.
Fairy-tale characters play the
leading part in these extra­
ordinary picture books. A number of expressive plates – too nice
for words - tell the famous tales
step by step. Look closely and you
will discover something new in
each and every one, over and over
Hilde Vandermeeren
Illustrations by Kristien Aertssen
Looking at fairy-tales
Ag e s 3 years and up | 32 pages
S i z e 28 x 28 cm | Rights free
Little Red Riding Hood outwits the big bad wolf. Cinderella loses her glass slipper. Tom
Thumb scatters crumbs around.
The prince kisses Snowwhite
awake. Ali Baba discovers the
thieves’ cave. The Little Mermaid
falls deeply in love with a human
prince. The Frog King awaits a
kiss. The Sleeping Beauty falls
into a sound sleep.
Theme: fairy tales for toddlers
Unique concept: fairy tales step by step
Stimulates ineraction and
language development
Winner of the annual Dutch Zilveren Griffel Award H ilde Vander meer en selected well-known and
wonderful fairy tales. Illustrator
K r istien A ertssen paints the all
time favourite stories in charming images. It’s a magnificent and
cheerful book to look at, point
out, find out – to read to and with
n d mo v i n
My animal tales view book
Hilde Vandermeeren
Illustrations by
Anne Westerduin
Moon child
Ag e: 8 years and up
64 pages
S i z e: 14,5 x 22 cm
Rights free
Ten year old Simon suffers from a rare disease: he is intolerant of sunlight. That’s why he
can’t leave the house by day without wearing a special suit. Often people stop and stare at him. Simon
doesn’t go to school and dreads the summer holidays, when other children can play outside. Still he
has a sneaking desire to become a professional soccer player some day.
The new girl next door Mara is highly gifted.
She doesn’t always have an easy time of it. Together they set up a secret club. They lay down the rules
which exclude Simon’s nosy sister Fleur and Mara’s
guest Rutger from joining the club. Anyway, gradually it becomes harder to keep it a secret.
Theme: illness, being different,
being highly gifted, friendship
Two children create a very special club
Award-winning author
Prize-winning H ilde
Vander meer en describes the
unique friendship between two
special children. It’s a funny
and moving story about being
different and yet accepting
yourself the way you are.
Classic adventure story
New detective series
A d ve n t u
Hilde Vandermeeren
Illustrations by Juliëtte de Wit
The Night Owls and
the Strange Case of
the Lost Postman
Ag e: 10 years and up
144 pages
S i z e: 14,5 x 22 cm
Rights free
Tia, Vince, Glenn and Shu are all members
of the school newspaper’s editorial staff. They call
themselves the Night Owls, always on the lookout for news items. The headmistress gives them
three weeks to come up with a stunning report. If
they fail, they’ll be dropped from the editing team.
Time is short and the Night Owls meet with fierce
competition from M&M, the twins Maxim and
Mandy. Whatever they try, there’s not a fragment
of news to be found. Until, all of a sudden, an
important package seems to have disappeared…
Full of humour and suspense
New adventure series for ages 10 and above
Join the four friends on a thrilling and
adventurous search. The Night Owls and
the Strange Case of the Lost Postman is
the first story of a brand-new adventure
series written by award-winning author
H ilde Vander meer en .
The package came all the way from China.
Shu had been looking forward to it but she doesn’t
want to tell her friends what is in it. Now it’s lost.
What’s more, even the postman who was supposed
to deliver it seems to have disappeared. The Night
Owls start to investigate the case. Will they be able
to trace the postman? Does he know what happened
with the package? Why does Vince seem to be
hiding something? Will Tia finally find out what is
in the package?
’s book
C h i ld r en
Bert Kouwenberg
Ann van ’t Oosten
In The Red Lion’s
I ll u s t ra t i o n s by M a r k J a n s s e n
Ag e: 10 years and up
320 pages
S i z e 14.5 x 22 cm
Rights free
Spain at the end of the sixteenth century. A
bunch of young drifters move from the North to the
South, all across the vast and sometimes merciless
land with all it’s famous historic towns of Santiago,
Salamanca, Toledo, Córdoba…
The kids are on their way to Sevilla, the port
from where ships depart for the New World. Along
the way they have to overcome all kinds of dangers
and they hear about the famous popular hero El
León Rojo – the Red Lion. Will the children ever
reach Sevilla? And will their adventure be over by
Theme: friendship, freedom,
With both historic and actual
A unique cooperation between two
renowned writers for young people
Travel all through sixteenth
century Spain along with
B ert K ouwenberg en A n van
‘ t O osten. In The Red Lion’s
Tracks is the very first book
which both authors co-wrote.
It’s an adventurous story about
true friendship, courage and
discovering yourself.
Intriguing search for the
Philosopher’s Stone
H i s t o r ic a
no ve l
Wendy Stroobant
Nicole Derycker
The Blind Magician
Dancing barefoot
Ag e: 12 years and up
192 pages
S i z e: 14,5 x 22 cm
Rights free
Ag e: 13 years and up
175 pages
S i z e: 14.5 x 22 cm
Rights free
France, 17th century. Justin lives on the
noble family Saint-Troye’s country estate. He is a
faithful follower of the mysterious science of alchemy. As any alchemist he is in search of the philosopher’s stone, which makes it possible to change
any material into gold and yourself into anybody
you want to be.
Theme: family secrets, alchemy,
17th century France
A thrilling historical story full of
intrigues and mystery
The Blind Magician is the fourth
historical juvenile novel by Wendy
S troobant. This time she immerses
herself in the magical world of alchemy
and digs up a tense story full of
intrigue, family secrets and startling
One day the Intruders burst into the castle.
They make him blind, lock him up and replace
the former inhabitants. Justin is mystified. Who is
this Shrew who now throws stones at him and then
kisses him kindly on his forehead? Why doesn’t his
dear friend Vincent show up to save him? Can he
trust the mysterious Mary? What about Will, who
seems to know a lot about alchemy himself?...
Justin broods on a plan to chase away the
Intruders. Maybe the philosopher’s stone can help
him with it?
A dop t ion
Heartwarming family story
Rani is a cheerful, impulsive 13 year old
girl. Since the age of two she has lived with her
adoptive parents in Belgium. She doesn’t ask too
many questions about her native country and none
whatsoever about her natural parents. Suddenly this
changes when she takes a course in South-Indian
temple dancing and meets 14 year old Bram. This
mysterious and intriguing young man is convinced
that they know each other from a former life. Rani
enters a whole new world that takes her back to her
native country and her past life…
Theme: adoption, dancing, India, relationship between mother and
An exotic inspiration: South-Indian
temple dance and culture
After she had attended a temple
dance in India herself, Nicole
D erycker buried herself in the
traditional South-Indian dancing
and Hindu mythology. That’s where
she drew the inspiration from to
write this moving debut. Dancing
barefoot is a heartwarming family
story about friendship, coming
of age and discovering your own
Dangerous struggle
The birth of a hero
G r e ek go
Geert Van Laere
Herwig van de Velde
Wanted: a Hero! The Adventures of
Pelates of Cyrene
The Empty Egg
Ag e: 14 years and up
144 pages
S i z e: 14,5 x 22 cm
Rights free
We have all heard about Zeus, Poseidon
and Aphrodite in one way or another. Of course, in
ancient Greece there were plenty of other gods and
goddesses, such as the sly Spereus, the arrogant
Pirato and the tempting Leiia, the goddess of
sensuality and lust. They all got banished from
Mount Olympus. Any kind of human contact was
forbidden. Even a large majority of the Greek
people had never heard about them.
Theme: Greek deities, heroic
deeds, power, fame
Full of adventure and humour
Wanted: a Hero! is G eert Van L aer e ’s
debut. Together with Pelates he goes
in search of adventure in an intriguing
and stunning story about power and
fame, and the price one has to pay to get
to it.
H i s t o r ic a l
you t h no
Spereus thinks up a plan that will make
them famous too. In order to succeed they need the
cooperation of Pelates, a humble shepherd. They
will turn him into a real hero. Gradually he himself
and the lesser gods become well-known, which
infuriates Zeus and his gods. They are determined
to foil their plans. So, they punish the rebellious
deities and send Pelates for a dangerous quest that
is bound to turn out badly…
Ag e: 13 years and up
144 pages
S i z e: 14.5 x 22 cm
Rights free
Firenze in the 15th century. The shy Filippo Brunelleschi is being apprenticed to become a
goldsmith. Soon he finds out that architecture is
his real passion. At all costs he wants to build the
new dome on Firenze’s cathedral. His building plan
is ambitious and opens up new horizons. The prestigious commission can’t be let slip away anymore.
Unfortunately, he hadn’t reckoned on his rivals,
Giovanni de Prato and Lorenzo Ghiberti, who want
to cover themselves in glory. The three of them get
engaged in a cutthroat competition. It’s a dangerous struggle in which the rivals show no mercy…
Theme: history,
architecture, rivaly
An exciting story about
a historical person
H edwig van de Velde drags you along
in the breathtaking story of Filippo
Brunelleschi’s life, a brilliant architect and one of the founders of
the renaissance. The f luent writing
style and lifelike characters bring
the bubbling 15th century Italian
ambience back to life again.
A laugh and a tear
Yout h bo
Jan De Leeuw
Hilde E. Gerard
Frozen rooms
Murder in the museum
Ag e: 13 years and up
112 pages
S i z e 14.5 x 22 cm
Rights free
Ag e: 12 years and up
128 pages
S i z e: 14.5 x 22 cm
Rights free
Jonas (15) and Sarah (8) are brother and sister. Their father, former butcher, is living in a mental institution.
One day Jonas finds his mum laying in her
bedroom. Dead. He doesn’t want his sister to find
out and acts like nothing is the matter. But with a
crazy dad, a nosey neigbour and a lonely girl, this
just isn’t that easy...
Theme: family life, tragic comedy
Rights of De Leeuw’s books have
previously been sold to Germany,
Denmark and Norway
Ja n D e L eeu w takes you by surprise with a story that balances
between slapstick and tragedy.
Previously he was awarded with
the Dutch Boekenwelp Prize for
his book Vederland (Featherland)
and the Gouden Uil Jeugdlitera­
tuur Prijs van de Jonge Lezer for
Het Nachtland (The Nightland).
D et ec t i v
Can you expose the murderer?
The museum director is found murdered. He
was brutally killed. It turns out that his death was
shown on a portrait painted by the famous artist
Leon Broeckhaert. What has he got to do with the
crime? Could he be the murderer out of jealousy
because the victim had started a relationship with
his ex wife? His daughter Titiana and her friend
Luke try to prove his innocence.
Soon after, another victim is discovered.
Again the criminal act is shown on one of Leon’s
paintings. The case becomes even more mysterious
when Luke finds the murder weapon in Titiana’s
rucksack. Can he still trust her? How did his
insulin needle find its way to the crime scene? Both
teenagers will have to seek out the killer in order
to prove their own innocence. It’s a race against
the clock…
Theme: crime, mysterious murder,
A thrilling detective story
A new writer’s talent
In Murder in the Museum H ilde
E. G er ar d makes an appeal to the
reader’s keen nose in a superthrilling and mysterious search for
the truth. The story is written in a
f lowing and catchy detective style.
L ove s t o
Gerda Van Erkel
Dirk Bracke
A Summer’s Day in
my Head
Ag e: 14 years and up
144 pages
S i z e 14.5 x 22 cm
Rights free
For years Hannes has been suffering from a
blood disease. His condition doesn’t change, not for
the worse, nor for the better. In the meantime fearing a fatal result has become a heavier burden than
coping with the symptoms. That same fear prevents
him from enjoying life to the full. One day Hannes
meets Zee. It is love at first sight and somehow he
expects she will save him as if by a miracle.
Theme: coming of age with ups and
downs, difficult love
A new youngster’s novel by a prizewinning author
Soon he finds out that she too suffers from
her own problems that sometimes cause significant
changes in her mood. Hannes has to learn to cope
with her ups and downs. To Zee only matters life
in the here and now, and Silas, her little brother.
She talks nineteen to the dozen about him, except
for the secret that is tied up with his life. Initially
she even locks out the future, until one day she asks
Hannes to have a baby together…
Yout h no
The power of love
Harsh and touching story about
the problems of refugees
Ag e: 14 years and up
176 pages
S i z e: 14.5 x 22 cm
Rights free
Lisa lives in Albania. As her father shows
himself to be very critical of the political leaders in
their country, he has to go into hiding. His enemies
now have it in for Lisa. She has no choice but to
leave everything behind and f lee the country.
After a long trip she finds herself in a refugee
centre in the Belgian port of Antwerp. There she
is confronted with the deplorable life of a ‘sanspapiers’, a political refugee without the necessary
residence permit. It seems to be a dead-end situation. Then she meets Eduart. He’s Albanian too and
he manages to get her the documents she needs
– for which she has to pay a considerable sum of
money. As she can’t pay, Eduart comes up with an
idea to gain the money in two ticks: he proposes
that Lisa pose nude in front of a web camera…
Theme: refugees, blackmail
A new novel for young people by the
best-seller author Dirk Bracke
An actual and compelling story!
A familiar moving story
Zee and Hannes struggle with
their personal feelings and
problems and try to find a way
to live together. G er da Van E r kel
comes up with a very touching
and compelling love story about
growing pains, the hope of a new
start and the power of love.
Paper is D ir k B r acke ’s sixteenth
juvenile novel. To develop the plot
of this gripping book, he drew his
inspiration from the topical subject
of the ‘sans-papiers’. No one will
finish this burning, factual and
committed story untouched.
How to become a real witch?
Exciting adventure novel
Yout h no
Roger Schoemans
Illustrations by Wim Tilkin
Magic Girls
Ag e: 12 years and up | 128 pages
S i z e 14.5 x 22 cm | Rights free
Ag e: 10 years and up
144 pages
S i z e: 16.5 x 22 cm
Rights free
The Story of the Goat
1793. The Belgian province Limburg is in the
grasp of the Goat riders, a mysterious gang that
prowls around the area. Every villager who behaves strangely gets run in and tortured. Hundreds
of people come to an end on the gallows. Wiele,
Nolle’s father, is suspected to be a Goat rider himself and is supposed to meet with the same fate. In
fear he f lees the village with his family. They seem
to be destined to live out a poor and reclusive life in
a small hut somewhere on the heath.
Theme: Goat riders, fear, superstition
Adventure and tension
R oger S choemans takes you on a compelling trip to the 18th century Limburg countryside. Meanwhile he tries
to reveal the truth about the Goat
riders in an adventurous and exciting
story about justice, fear and superstition.
One day scoundrels make a raid on the village’s
most prosperous farm and rob nobleman Du Perre’s
treasure of gold. Wiele and Nolle find themselves at
the top of the suspects list. The police set up a hunt,
the start of a cat-and-mouse game between the judicial authorities and the Goat riders. Will Wiele
and Nolle manage to escape? Will the real Goat riders be exposed?
M a g ic a l !
Scarily good guide for trendy
teenage witches
What kind of a witch are you?
How do you deal with witch boys?
Which are the most famous magic spells and
What’s your personal totem animal?
How do witches treat warts?
Witches always wear pointed hats and always
f ly around on broomsticks? Wrong! This exceptional
and magical book helps you to look behind the
fables, fairy tales and legends to discover the real
witch life. It reveals all the secrets of ‘wicademy’
or witchcraft. Before you are conscious of it, you
find yourself an experienced and enthusiastic
Find out the hidden stories and enchanting
powers of the phases of the moon, the scarab beetle
and the frog, Baba Jaga or Lilith, the ice goddesses,
Halloween, secret language, amulets, herb tea,
incense, magic ink, and so much more. Including
original amusing practical tests to find out about
your own witch name, witch horoscope and so
many more witch features…
An original DIY book for witches-to-be
Full of practical tests and clues
I na Vandewijer , alias Heksemina,
tells you everything and more
about witches and shows you
how to become one yourself. An
indispensable, practical work of
exercise for future witches.
s p ac e
Ea r t h &
Do Van Ranst
Illustrations bij Mark Janssen
Bangs in the Universe!
All about meteor showers, planet hoppers and
other space stuff
Ag e 10 years and up
96 pages
S i z e 20 x 20 cm
Rights free
Funny and touching story about
an extraordinary friendship
Many fascinating facts about the
universe and our planet
Previous titles of this author have
been sold to Denmark, Germany,
Korea and Sweden
Award-winning writer D o Van
R anst takes you on an adventurous
journey through the universe.
The story is about a special and
exceptional friendship between
a space boy and an earth kid that
goes beyond the space borders.
Travel with them between the
planets and stars and discover a
mass of interesting and amazing
facts about our planet and the
Elkentrop is a space carrier. He hops
from planet to planet, from star to star. Due
to an error of his gps (gorgeous planet route
system) Elkentrop lands on Earth, a planet
he has never heard about before.
Soon enough he gets to know Stevie.
Stevie doesn’t have too many friends. He is
looking for a way to leave planet Earth, far
away from the nasty boys at school. Elkentrop
explains to him how he can manage it and
what the universe looks like. Stevie for his
part introduces Elkentrop to the mysteries of
planet Earth…
Where do rainbows come from?
What are shooting stars?
What’s the temperature on Mars?
What’s the ozone layer for?
What’s the difference between a meteor and
a meteorite?
All beauty secrets one by one
u ide
Beaut y g
On a space journey with Elkentrop,
the space carrier
Marieke Veldema
Pretty much!
Beauty guide for
trendy teenage girls
C l a r i f y i n g ill u s t ra t i o n s by E l ke B ü c h e l e r
Ag e 11 years and up
180 p
S i z e 16.5 x 23 cm
Rights free
What type of skin do you have?
What’s the ultimate trick to make your eyes look bigger?
How can you protect your curls against the sun?
Which nail polish colour matches your skin, and
which doesn’t?
Are you in for some suggestions on how to pamper
your friends with a gorgeous beauty evening?
This beauty guide is crammed with useful and
pleasant tips, advice, ideas about style, make-up, body
and mind. It’s the most complete treatment guide for
every teenage girl who really wants to feel good about
Submerge in this beautiful world and learn all
about body lotions, foundations, autumn types, lip
gloss, diets, perfumes, foot-baths, lash curling tools,
and so much more.
Theme: body treatment, personal hygiene
Reference book for teenage girls full of
practical clues and ideas
Fluent and amusing style
M ar ieke Veldeman works as an
editor and has been writing for
magazines. She has been dealing
with all possible aspects of beauty.
She wrote this indispensable feel
good reference book full of do’s and
don’ts for all teenage girls.
a nd
Ma nua l ok
wor k b o
Ina Vandewijer
Everyone can do it
376 pages
S i z e 16,5 x 24 cm
Rights free
Telling stories is timeless, from ‘once upon a
time’ fairy tales up to digital storytelling – all our
history and culture are punctuated with stories and
tellers. Storytelling seems to people all over the
world just as essential as breathing and eating.
Unique concept: the very first
guide to storytelling
Manual and workbook
Learn how to become a real
story­t eller and how to make use
of stories in daily life, both for
personal and professional
I na Va n dew ijer knows what she
writes – and tells – about. Being
an award winning author and inspired teller of stories for young
and old herself, she has shown
plenty proof of her talents and
capabilities. She not only writes
books but also scripts, poems and
short stories. Apart from all this
she also organizes storytelling
workshops as well.
We want to tell so much, but will people remember what we told them? Why do we keep on
telling? Who do we tell our stories to? How can you
wrap up a message quickly but firmly so the content
will stick in the listener’s memory? In Storytelling
Ina Vandewijer replies to all these questions.
Find your own story, discover your own narrative style or learn how to make use of stories for
business purposes. With the many practical clues
and exercises you will be trained yourself to become a true born storyteller, because telling stories
is something everybody can do…
And they lived happily ever after?
For adu l
The art of telling stories
Henri Van Daele
Illustrations by Nanne Meulendijks
Snow White, Twenty
Years Later
224 pages
S i z e 14,5 x 22 cm
Rights free
Twenty years after ‘And they lived happily ever after’, Snow White spends her time in the
royal palace Rêverie in Farmetenia at the side of
her prince, Prince Consort Vaillant on the white
horse. It seems ages ago since he kissed her awake
under the seven dwarfs’ murmer of approval. After a tea party with Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella and
the Princess (of the Pea), Snow White makes up her
mind: she’s got to stand up for herself.
On a trip to her native country her life changes course. The unexpected reunion with the seven
dwarfs and the confrontation with her stepmother’s
supposedly lost magic mirror, turn Snow White into
a strong, determined, enterprising woman. It’s high
time to finish off her unfaithful husband and the
unbridled commercialization of herself as a public
figure. She has to give herself a new chance and allow a new love into her life. Sometimes fairy tales
take a very strange turn…
Snow White’s fairytale for adults
Full of irony and references to both the
fairytale and current events
Snow White’s fairy tale was banished to the children’s room a
long time ago. Master-storyteller
H enr i Van Daele recovers it and
turns it into a racy and plucky
adult story that proves his vivid
imagination. As the story unfolds, he refers in a subtle way to
recognizable actual situations,
gives knowing winks, uses mild
irony and introduces quick-witted characters.
Davidsfonds Uitgeverij
For many years now Davidsfonds/Infodok has
combined a fresh view upon children’s literature
with a professional way of working. Our titles
reflect our creativity, enthusiasm and search for
Every day young readers enjoy our playful books
for toddlers, our contemporary and endearing
fiction, our surprising and unique non-fiction. In
Belgium, the Netherlands, but also throughout the
world (Austria, China, Denmark, Estonia, France,
Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea,
Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan).
A r e yo u g oin g t o t h e Fra n k f u r t B o o k fair? Yo u c a n
p ay u s a vi sit at o u r s t a n d . F e el f r e e t o c o n t a c t
u s a ny t im e f o r a m e e t in g t h e r e , f o r f u r t h e r in f o r m at io n o r a r e a d in g c o py o f a ny o f t h e t it le s yo u
fin d h e r e o r in o u r b a c kli s t .
St a n d :
C o n t a c t : Sara
hall 6.0 B 936
Smet, Foreign rights
Davidsfonds Uitgeverij
Blijde-Inkomststraat 79-81 | B-3000 Leuven | Belgium
*32 16 310 600 | F a x : *32 16 310 608
[email protected]
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