Dodger News January 2015 - Oyster Point Yacht Club


Dodger News January 2015 - Oyster Point Yacht Club
January 2, 2015
Volume 5, Issue 1
Commodore’s Report
love too see
Happy New Year, everyone!
2015 could easily be the
best year yet at OPYC,
starting with our Golden
Anniversary New Years Eve
Also in the plans for 2015 is
a 50th Anniversary party in
February, Kentucky Derby
party in May, Fireworks
show and 3rd annual Rubber Ducky Derby for our 4th
of July party and several
other great events planned by
our amazing Entertainment
Director, Marlene Prouty.
Of course, what makes our
events a success is attendance
and participation by our
membership. Please plan on attending as many club functions
as possible this year. We would
I am pleased
by the steady
stream of new
members who
are anxious to
join OPYC. It
seems like we
are welcoming
new members
at every
general meeting, which fits well
into our plans to add 20-25 new
members in 2015.
The recent heavy rains exposed
a flaw in the club's roof, but
thanks to the efforts of our new
House Director, Jeff Stevens, the
leaks were quickly repaired,
preventing damage to our club.
Thanks, Jeff!
For you red wine lovers, our Bar
Director will begin serving a
premium Cabernet Sauvignon
from Franciscan Estates starting
New Years Eve. Many of you
have asked for premium wines
and we heard you!
Once again, from the Commodore and entire board of
directors at OPYC, I would like to
wish everyone a Happy and
healthy 2015.
Ron Burns
That’s Entertainment
Wow! I am so excited to be your
Entertainment Director. As I
write this, our golden anniversary New Year's Eve party is only a
week away. Joy and happiness
have returned to our club with
our 50th year celebrations as we
continue to make OPYC the best
club ever!
Among the fun things this year,
our famous Crab Feed is coming
soon! Mark your calendars for
February 14th. We already have
two clubs cruising in for this special event! It is our biggest fund
raiser of the year, so please
bring a nice gift to raffle off and
your wallets/purses stuffed with
cash to help generate funds to fix
our club. Also bring your appetites as this year will be the best
ever when it comes to food and
lots of crab!
New Year's Day brunch have
already happened. If you weren't
there, you really missed out!
We had a great prime rib dinner,
a fantastic band, midnight
treats, and a champagne toast
with party favors. The band
played a repertoire of great
songs for dancing. Check out the
photos later in the Dodger to see
what you missed.
Marlene Prouty,
Entertainment Director
As you read this, our blow-out
party New Year's Eve party and
Oyster Point Yacht Club
Dodger News
Volume 5, Issue 1
Oyster Point Dragons
Two years ago, a small group of
paddlers wanted to start a new
dragon boat team that focused
on friendship and healthy living.
With very limited resources,
Oyster Point Dragons (OPD) has
come a long way to finish its
second season filled with lots of
fun memories and impressive
Like many successful stories, no
one excels alone. We appreciate
all of our supporters who have
been there by our side since the
beginning: Apria Healthcare,
Drake Marine, OPYC, the San
Mateo County Harbor District,
and many Oyster Point Marina
In the wind, in the dark, and
sometimes in light rain, OPD
practices three times a week to
build a stronger body and to
stay fit. Often times, we walk off
the boat drenched, tired, and
hungry, but always with a smile
because we understand that the
only way to win is to train together and move the boat as
Oyster Point Yacht Club
We're very proud that together
with our supporters, friends, and
families, OPD competed in Hong
Kong, Long Beach, and Treasure
Island in 2014. OPD awarded
essay scholarships to five students, ages 12 to 15. OPD also
served the community by taking
public groups and high school
students out on the Bay, and in
particular, taking historical trips
to Candlestick Park. Many thanks
to our Maintenance Committee,
Safety Committee, coaches, and
steers; OPD paddled nine months
on the water without any incident. We've done it and gave it
our best in 2014.
“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's
not a day when you lounge
around doing nothing; it's a day
you've had everything to do and
you've done it.” ? Margaret
We look forward to seeing everyone again in February 2015.
Happy Holidays!
Dodger News
Volume 5, Issue 1
Membership Report
It was a real pleasure to introduce Robert Bernardo at the
December General Meeting. Our
other new members, the
Hoffman family, had a conflict
that night, but you can meet
them now in the column to the
right. I hope we’ll see them regularly at the club. We have another new member to introduce
at the January General Meeting
on the 9th. You’re doing a great
job bringing in new people, and
I’ve had requests for information
on the website too. Let’s keep
up the good work!
New Members
with the birthdays and anniversaries. Those dates are important, so please be sure I get
them right. My email address is
[email protected]. If you
don’t have email, please call the
club and leave a message.
Let’s grow our club!
Shirlee Smith,
Membership Director
When the roster and directory
come out, please review your
entry, and let me know if anything needs to be updated. I’ve
heard from a few people since
last month, but I’m pretty sure
we haven’t caught all the errors
and omissions yet, especially
Rear Commodore’s Report
Happy New Year, Oyster Point!
As we move forward
into 2015, we can expect great things for
our club. Marlene is
working very hard to
keep us entertained
and has some great
plans already in place.
On behalf of our Port
Captain, I have a couple of reminders. Sunday, January 25th, is
the annual Coyote Point Cruise
In. This is their installation
brunch, and we can expect 80 to
100 guests from their club. Most
folks drive in, but there will be
some boats actually cruising. It
will be a full buffet, and we will
have two special bar stations.
The now famous Oyster Point
Fizz, as well as the Bloody Mary
station. Please plan to attend
and represent your club. Michael
has also been contacted by the
San Jose Sailing Club, as well as
Bay View Boat Club, to arrange
to cruise in for our Annual Crab
Oyster Point Yacht Club
Feed and Fundraiser. This is our
biggest fundraiser of the year
and the raffle promises to be fantastic. I
will be in contact
with our biggest contributors, and I'm
sure we can expect
some really nice
prizes again this
Super Bowl Sunday
is coming up too. It's
unfortunate that our
beloved 49ers won’t be competing, but that doesn’t stop Oyster
Point Yacht Club from having a
terrific time! Sunday, February
1st, will be our 3rd annual Chili
Cookoff. The competition will be
for the best chili, red or green.
So...break out your tastiest
recipes, and join in on the fun.
Gene and Heather Hoffman live
in Emerald Hills, along with
their two daughters (Ella and
Anna), and a true salty dog,
Delta Blue. Boating since 2002,
they’ve enjoyed getting to
know the Bay Area and Sacramento River Delta from the
water, as well as the occasional
tours of the Puget Sound. Gene
has even done a few mega–
cruises up and down the Pacific
Coast. Moored at Dock 11, they
and Carolina Pacific are happy
to once more have a home
Gene is CEO of Vindicia, a company that facilitates internet
subscription services like NBA
League Pass Broadband, based
in Redwood Shores, and in his
spare time he enjoys wrangling
with diesel engines and anchor
chains. Heather is a teacher at
an independent school in Palo
Alto, and despite coming from
a distinctly landlubber family, is
feeling a lot more nautical after
all these years. Ella (12) and
Anna (8) attend public school in
Redwood City and have grown
up with sea legs, Anna especially becoming an excellent
first mate. Delta likes to make
sure the couches in the salon
remain comfortable for all
Gene & Heather Hoffman
See you at your club,
Rear Commodore
Sandi Gonzalez
Hoffman family
Dodger News
Volume 5, Issue 1
Race and Cruise Report
This month we are having our
first cruise out of the New Year
2015 to Oakland Yacht Club. We
already have 9 boats signed up,
but we still have room for more.
This should be another great
time, so come with us, join in the
fun, and enjoy our boats.
fun. Please try to make as many
cruise outs as you can. You will
not be sorry.
Let’s get your boat ready for a
year’s worth of cruising. This is a
perfect time to get your bottom
cleaned and painted if needed.
Bill Ferrera had a particularly
large collection of local oysters
making a home on his boat. As
for myself, Fuelin Around was in
good shape because of a recent
paint job. However, Star Dancers, my last boat, a 30-foot Chris
Craft, did not fare as well and
was loaded with crustaceans.
Photos from Star Dancers are
Race & Cruise Director
As you can see, we have many
events and enjoy the waters on
the bay and beyond. Associates
and others whose boats aren’t up
for the trip can drive to most of
our destinations and join in the
May you have the currents and
the winds at your back and a
smile on your face.
John Prouty,
Tentative 2015 Schedule
Dates in bold are confirmed.
Others are still tentative.
Jan. 17-18
Feb. 21-22
Mar. 21-22
Apr. 18-19
May 23-24
June 27-28
July 18-26
July 18-19
July 21-22
July 23-24
Aug. 22-23
Sept. 5-7
Oct. 24-25
Nov. 21-22
Oakland YC
Alameda YC
Ballena Bay YC
San Rafael YC
Sequoia YC
Encinal YC
Delta Cruise
Vallejo YC
Discovery Bay YC
Ebony YC
Aeolian YC
Half Moon Bay YC
Corinthian YC
Coyote Point YC
Cruise Out to Oakland
Yacht Club
Founded in 1913, the Oakland
Yacht Club is one of the oldest in
the San Francisco Bay Area.
Check out their cruise in page for
information about their facilities.
The Oakland Yacht Club is located on the Oakland/Alameda
Estuary. It is on the east side of
Alameda Island at the foot of
Triumph Street at the Pacific Marina complex. The club’s address
is 1101 Pacific Marina, Alameda,
CA 94501-1146. The latitude and
longitude are 37° 47.008’ N,
122° 15.906’ W. Complete driving directions are on the club’s
location page.
Saturday, January 17th is
Oakland Yacht Club’s Jack
London Party and Music, so our
cruise out is especially well
Vice Commodore
Kirby Combs
Rear Commodore
Sandi Gonzalez
Staff Commodore
Bill Ferrera
Race & Cruise
Impromptu Run to Sam’s
It wasn’t a planned cruise out,
but Kirby Combs sent pics from
a spontaneous sunny-day run
over to Sam’s. Looks like fun.
Ron Burns
Port Captain
Power Captain
Sail Fleet Captain
Cheryl Johnson
Jeff Stevens
Marlene Prouty
John Prouty
Shirlee Smith
John Forbes
Deanna Tomei
Michael Gonzalez
Gary Karalius
Michael Gonzalez
Safety Officer
Judge Advocate
Arthur Park
Club Historian
Jeanne Martin
Sergeant at Arms
Ken Galbraith
Budget Chair
Oyster Point Yacht Club
Diane Lemke
Jeff Henrotin
Janis Chapman
Shirlee Smith
Ships Shore
Janis Chapman
Dodger News
Please support our
Volume 5, Issue 1
Fun at the Club
Ray & Trish Houser stopped
by for fun at the club.
Oyster Point Yacht Club
911 Marina Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA 94080
(650) 873-5166
(650) 873-2833
Web site:
Club Hours
4 p.m. to 11 p.m.
12 noon to 11 p.m.
10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Monday–Thursday until 10 p.m.
unless a sporting event runs
The club may close early any
day if a minimum of 1 director
or appointed officer plus 3
members are not present.
Cabo Bob’s birthday
OPYC Resolutions
Our resolutions this year are
easy and fun!
● Come to the club
● Attend General Meetings
● Come to our parties
● Go on a cruise out, even if you
drive to get there
● Volunteer to help on a committee — yes, that’s fun too!
From the editor
● Contribute to the Dodger News
Thanks to everyone who contributed to
this month’s Dodger.
● Recruit a new member
Photo credits go to Kirby Combs, Marlene Prouty, Sandi Gonazlez, and Lisa
Cheney. The New Year’s party pictures
are by Kim Haworth. Please forgive me
if I missed someone.
Our Raiders fan found something to cheer about.
● Welcome other clubs when
they cruise in
The submission deadline for
February’s issue is January 23rd.
Please get your articles in as early as
possible. Don’t wait until the last minute. All submissions are subject to editing as needed.
If your birthday or anniversary is wrong
or missing, or if your name is misspelled, please let me know by email at
[email protected] or leave a
message for me at the club.
If you received a paper copy of the
Dodger News in the mail but have an
email address, please send me your
email address. Save the club printing
and postage by receiving the electronic
Dodger News. Some club announcements and updates are only made electronically, so don’t miss out.
Oyster Point Yacht Club
Kirby Combs, Ray Houser,
and Ken Galbraith
Help Wanted
After almost a year, the Dodger
News is looking for a new editor.
If you’re interested, please contact Shirlee Smith at
[email protected] for
more information.
Dodger News
Volume 5, Issue 1
Photos from the extra special Golden Anniversary New Year’s Eve party.
The editor doesn’t know everyone’s names, so none are included.
Oyster Point Yacht Club
Volume 5, Issue 1
Dodger News
Oyster Point Yacht Club