Remington Newsletter - Remington Laser Dermatology Centre
Remington Newsletter - Remington Laser Dermatology Centre
R Dr B Kent Remington MD FRCP Dr Todd Remington MD FRCP Remington Laser Dermatology Centre Where Technology & Creativity Meet NonAblative DeepFX Lasers Fraxel Fillers Levulan PDT Tattoo Removal ThermaCool Scar Management Ablative Lasers Q‐Switched Lips Sciton Wrinkles Profractional i m u ol l V g zin ia ac sp Blepharoplasties F Botox Dy or t Vascular Lasers Sun Damage Looking Great Never Goes Out of Style In this issue: The Beautiful Face Facial Wrinkles Combined Treatments Luscious Lips Eyelid Rejuvenation Sun Damage Nose & Chin Contouring Scar Management Noses ‐ Rhinophyma & Vessels New Therapeutic Options Perioral Volume Restoration Fractional Technology Cheeks & Tear Trough Restoration Laser Use in Surgery A Youthful Appearance Is The Best Thing You Can Wear The Beautiful Face How can you make your face more attractive? What is it that makes a face look beautiful? What are the differences between very attractive and less attractive men and women? Many focus on one side of the face looking different than the other side. In reality each side of the face is a sibling to the other, they are not twins. Some of the most beautiful people in the world are very asymmetrical. With aging, accumulated sun damage, smoking and genetic influences, faces all sink, deflate, sag, descend, and wrinkle. It is not facial asymmetry that makes people look older, it is the loss of youthful features. In our society, people with facial attractiveness are assessed by us to be more successful, contented, pleasant, intelligent, sociable, exciting, and more creative than those with less attractive faces. These “perfect faces” presented to us everyday in the movies, music video‐clips, TV, fashion magazines, bill boards and commercials do not exist in reality. These virtual faces show features and characteristics that are unreachable for even the most famous super models. We all understand that a youthful attractive face exerts a positive influence on the attitudes and behaviors of observers and how we feel about ourselves. The Canadian attitude, I think, is a healthy one. I find my patients that are 50 or 60 are not trying to look 30, they just want to look awesome for their age and that is our goal at the Remington Laser Dermatology Centre. If you are Mother & Daughter Age 42 & Age 17 50 and looking more like 60 then we can make you look more youthful, taking many years from your former, older appearance. We all recognize the current 50 is the new 40 so why not look like it. At the Remington Laser Dermatology Ccntre we can help make your face more attractive. R Eyelid Rejuvenation Combined Treatments Create Synergy Baggy Eyelids Many patients will benefit from combined treatments. Eyelid rejuvenation is a good example of combining a laser eyelid lift with Botox to create an eyebrow lift and shaping, and relax the crows feet. The Sciton laser is used to erase the lower eyelid wrinkles. Botox kle rin W Dark Circles ar t Sc men t ea Tr s The eyes and eyelid region are the main area of focus when looking at and communicating with others. The eyelids and crows feet areas along with the mouth area serve as a barometer of chronological and environmental age. Wrinkles and baggy eyelids create an unwanted tired aged look to the entire face. Successful treatment requires an experienced Aesthetic Physician with the training, interest and focus on the eyelid areas necessary to create the best results possible. Combination treatments are usually required to create the natural awake bright relaxed look patients desire. Lip ir Ha oval Enhancement m Re Tat Rem too ova l Before Botox “Growing up is Mandatory Looking Older Is Optional” Before Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty Laser Eyelid Lift Botox Laser Resurfacing Fillers 3 Months After Treatment Looking Great Never Goes Out of Style R Volume Restoration The aging face h a s n e v e r b e e n s o w e l l un d e r s t ood , n or th e tr ea tm en t opti on s so v a r i ed . A c h i ev i n g opt imal re s ults‐sof t er , s m oot h er s k i n , a y o un g e r , mo r e y o u th ful a ppea r a n c e th a t i s both h a r m on i ous a n d sym m etr i ca l‐re qu ire s a chan ge in t h e pa t ien t s an d ae s t he t i c p hy s i ci ans vi ew of th e a gi n g f a c e a n d i t’ s tr ea tm en t. Foc usi n g on single line s an d fol d‐cr ea s es lim it s t h e r an g e o f p o s s i b i l i t i e s i n fa cia l en h a n c em en t. S uc c essf ul r esul ts c om e f r om exa mini ng and tre atin g th e w h o l e f a c e ‐ l o o k i n g a t l e n g t h , w i d t h , a nd depth of folds and wrinkles and, most importantly, the amount o f a ssoc iat e d u n der lyin g vo l ume l o s s i n t h o s e ar e as. Th i s wi l l d eter m i n e th e a m oun t of f i l l er pr od uc t r equi re d to c rea te the d es ir ed r es t o rat i o n o f f aci al v o l um e l o s s. P ati en ts a n d a esth eti c ph ysi c i a n s wi l l h a v e th e W O W fa cto r! Re s ults fr om tr ea t in g m ul ti p l e zo n e s at t h e s am e v isi t l ea d s to outsta n d i n g c l i n i c a l r esul ts, m uc h better pati ent sa tisfac tio n, g r ea t er pr o d uc t ‐ f i l l e r l o n g e v i t y an d l ess f requen t touc h ‐ ups. Faces Sink, Sag & Wrinkle Before Treatment Perioral Volume Restoration Nasolabial Folds, 6 Months After Mouth Corners Marionette Zone & Pre-jowl Area Facial Volume Restoration Cheeks, Tear Troughs, Nasolabial Folds, Mouth corners, marionette zone & Pre-jowl area Before Treatment Faces sink, sag and wrinkle ‐ most of us are sinkers. Restoring facial volume is like filling your gas tank, most patients choose to “top it up” periodically. Facial Maintenance is like maintaining your teeth, car, house and your hair. Botox & Fillers are the magic for maintenance. Most patients choose to touch up their fillers with every 2nd Botox treatment, approximately every 8 months. The amount required for full correction is never the same as the original treatment. 1 Year After Last Treatment A Youthful Appearance Is The Best Thing You Can Wear R Noses Corrected Without Surgery Fillers Genetic Shapes Post Injury Defects Post Rhinoplasty Irregularities Before Restylane Before Perlane 6 Months After Restylane 8 Months After Perlane A Great Chin Without Surgery Luscious Lips Luscious lips are a feature of signature photos in every fashion magazine. Not everyone is blessed with a pair of perfect lips. The few who are, will not get to keep them forever without a little help. The lip region serves as a barometer of both chronological and environmental age. The aging and wrinkling of the lip zone are influenced by at least four negative factors: accumulated sun exposure, genetics, smoking, and the natural aging process. The “Remington Lip” is an artistic technique often using a combination of laser treatments to rejuvenate the wrinkled, aged lip zone plus injectable enhancement procedures. (Not to be confused with enlargement.) What treatment is best for me? A single procedure or a combination technique may be required to give you the lips that look natural and suit your goals and personality. Looking Great Never Goes Out of Style R Botox Keep The Smile Erase The Wrinkles Smiling is a positive feature; however with time and squinting, smile lines in the crow’s feet area become permanent at rest. Frown lines give the impression of being sad, mad or worried. Some patients refer to this genetic or habit pattern as their thinking, concentration, or squinting lines. This negative look makes patients look stressed and unapproachable. The demeanor has nothing to do with how you feel, but it does transmit a negative message to others. Botox can soften and relax these dynamic lines, changing your outside appearance. Botox creates a much more approachable, confident look to your face. Before Treatment After Treatment A Youthful Appearance Is The Best Thing You Can Wear BOTOX TREATMENT SITES Facial Asymmetry Headaches Facial “Tics” Hemifacial Spasms Chin Dimpling Bell’s Palsy Gum Show Neck ‐ “Turkey Neck” Painful Scars Neuralgias Frown Lines Eyebrow Harmony Crows Feet Masseter Muscle (Large Jowl Muscle) Mouth Frown “Excessive Sweating once controlled my life. Now with Botox , I’m in charge” Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating & Odor) Excessive sweating called Hyperhidrosis is a real problem that affects many people. If you have a challenge with unwanted sweating of the armpits, palms, feet or your face we can help with Botox Therapeutic treatments. You won’t have to worry about where you may be going, who you will see, what you will be doing and what you’re going to wear. Botox treatments are a maintenance concept with repeat treatments required at 6 to 12 month intervals depending on individual patient response. A Youthful Appearance is the Best Thing You Can Wear R Before Sciton Laser Resurfacing 8 Months After Sciton Laser Resurfacing “Growing up is Mandatory, Looking Older Is Optional” Facial Wrinkles In a competitive job market, a youthful appearance is a marker for a vigorous creative employee. Signs of aging including facial wrinkles, uneven tone and texture, and blotchy pigmentation have been treated in the past with chemical peels, dermabrasion, numerous home remedies, and more recently with the Sciton Erbium:YAG laser. Most patients are now seeking a way to address aging and sun damage without the healing time associated with invasive treatments. Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatments have supplied the answer for many of our patients. Before Sciton Laser Resurfacing COMBINED TREATMENTS “Whatever It Takes” ‐ Fractional Lasers, Botox, Fillers Many patients will benefit from the combination of IPL treatments with other modalities. Combined treatments may involve Sciton laser resurfacing in the perioral area (around the mouth) where the wrinkling is extensive. The use of Botox and various fillers, including Restylane & Perlane, can serve to enhance the benefits of laser treatments and improve the overall appearance and satisfaction of the patient. These combined approaches are the wave of the future. 4 Months After Sciton Laser Resurfacing The treatment of all of the aspects of photo‐aged skin is of great interest. The use of the multi‐wavelength laser and light systems allows us to address these concerns. In our Western society there is a startling bias against aging and the elderly. In my practice, those who have taken action to reverse the signs of aging, including sun damage and wrinkles, feel much better about their appearance. Looking Great Never Goes Out of Style R Facial Vessels Before Laser Treatments 6 Weeks After Treatments Before Laser Treatment Telangiectasia Telangiectasia are small unsightly red, purple or blue blood vessels found along the surface of the skin on the face, upper chest, neck and rarely on other parts of the body. Similar vessels are found on the legs nicknamed spider veins. Removing telangiectasia gives a more pleasing cosmetic appearance. 6 month After Treatment Rhinophyma Before Laser Treatment 1 1/2 Years After 1 Treatment A Youthful Appearance is the Best Thing You Can Wear R Before Treatment 1 Week After Treatment 4 Weeks After Treatment Sun Damage Photodynamic Therapy [PDT] Topical Levulan and 633nm Light ‐ Photochemical Reaction Sun exposure over a lifetime creates many changes depending on your skin type, genetics and the amount of sun accumulated. The appearance of sun damage may be texture and tone changes, irregular brown blotchy pigmentation, facial blood vessels [spiders and telangiectasias] easy flushing, wrinkles or thinning of the cheeks and most important actinic keratoses [AK’s]. AK’s present as rough scaly spots that feel like a wart, or sharp like a piece of glass in your skin. These precancerous lesions occur most often on the face, ears, chest, outer forearms and backs of the hands. Past Treatments have involved liquid nitrogen, cautery, Efudex [5FU], Aldara, surgical excision or Laser. Scarring is usually caused by acne, injury, burns or surgery. Scars can be uncomfortable, unsightly, and even impact one’s self esteem. Most patients seek treatments to improve the appearance and the texture and tone of the scars. Before After Successful improvement of scars often requires a combination of treatment options. The timing and number of treatments required are variable. Advantages of PDT Easier & more predictable than repeated treatments with liquid nitrogen, Efudex [5FU], or Aldara Reduced Scarring & improved outcome compared with cautery or surgery Improves the whole treatment area such as full faces; creating one color texture and tone Scars - Laser Therapy Before Looking Great Never Goes Out of Style After Sciton ProFractional Laser Treatment R Before CO2 Laser Removal Of Benign Facial Moles The effective and safe use of the CO2 laser has been facilitated by advances in the UltraPulse computerized CO2 laser system. The use of the UltraPulse CO2 laser simplifies many procedures, is effective for treating an expanded number of cutaneous lesions and is the preferred treatment for an increasing number of others. The advantage of having a bloodless field makes it possible to perform selected cutaneous surgery in patients on anticoagulants and patients with bleeding disorders. The laser sterilizes as it incises or vaporizes and does not interfere with pacemakers or electronic monitoring devices. Before 5 Months After Before 6 Months After Seborrheic Keratoses Seborrheic keratoses (SK) are raised growths on the surface of the skin. There may be just one or clusters of dozens. They usually start off light tan in color, and then may darken to dark brown or nearly black. They vary in size. These are not contagious and do not spread. They have no relationship to skin cancer and do not pose a health risk, but they are often annoying and visually distracting. The CO2 laser gives an excellent cosmetic result in people who desire removal of these lesions. 1 Year After Before Looking Great Never Goes Out of Style R New Therapeutic Options Fractional Laser devices to treat sun Facial Volume restoration ‐ using the Liposonix fat buster ‐ non surgical damage, early wrinkles and to improve scars ‐ including acne scars new fillers in creative ways to restore a youthful volume and contour to the face. technique using Ultrasound to take inches off your waist line, hips, love handles and thighs. Not all Cosmetic and Laser Treatments are Equal There is an alarming number of doctors, nurses and dentists opening Aesthetic Cosmetic Clinics who have no special training or experience in skin care or in the creative art of the face. The Remington Laser Dermatology Centre is seeing an increasing number of patients with poor cosmetic results and often unexpected outcomes from Doctors & Nurses that are not the fault of the Laser, filler or Botox, but of the inexperienced user. Lasers, Botox or fillers are not magic. It is the trained, artistic hand that is magic. Dr. Remington will be happy to direct you to an equivalent cosmetic centre to ours in your area of the world. At a buffet we have a “menu of options” ‐ from the appetizers to “lighter meals”, to the more complete “full course”. This option concept is similar for todays aesthetic cosmetic procedures. Depending on your age, skin type, degree of sun damage and your goals, you have a menu of options. Because with time, we all sink, sag and wrinkle, most of my new patients will start with Botox and Fillers. They are an outstanding marriage that works well together. More of my patients are realizing their genetically determined baggy eyelids are making them look tired and older. Some of my happiest patients are the ones that choose the Laser Blepharoplasty [Eyelid Lift] as their main focus. A Youthful Appearance is the Best Thing You Can Wear R SERVICES Restoration of a Youthful Appearance Replacement of facial volume is a primary focus of our centre. It is much more effective and visually pleasing to create a more global approach, treating multiple areas of the face. • Cheeks • Tear Troughs • Nasolabial Folds around the mouth • Mouth Frown area • Chin Enhancement • Nose contouring Eyelid Rejuvenation • Baggy eyelids ‐ upper & lower eyelid Laser Blepharoplasty • Laser resurfacing to erase lower lid wrinkles • Botox to relax crows feet and lower lid wrinkles and an eyebrow lift • Fillers for Tear Troughs Facial Rejuvenation • Pigment changes treated with IPL [Intense Pulsed Light], Fractional Lasers for fine lines or SCITON laser resurfacing for more obvious wrinkles • Blotchy pigment from Sun exposure • Facial blood vessels • Laser mole removal • Management of Scars • Treatment of saggy faces and necks Botox [Alone or as a combined option] • A relaxed, approachable, confident youthful look is the aim • Frown lines from thinking, concentrating, or squinting • Forehead creases • Eyebrow lift • Crows feet [“keep the smile & erase the wrinkles”]Correct facial asymmetry ‐ create facial harmony and balance • Turkey Necks • Improve grouchy look to the mouth corners [fillers & Botox a marriage for this zone] • Hyperhidrosis [exaggerated sweating & odor] a] axillary b] palms & soles Luscious Lips [Lip Rejuvenation with or without lip enhancement] • Laser resurfacing to erase wrinkles • New fillers for lines, creases and lip definition and enhancement Tattoo Removal [Including permanent eyebrow & eyeliner makeup] • Q‐Switched lasers Photo Rejuvenation - Intense Pulsed Light [IPL] Photofacials • Reversing the effects of a lifetime of sun exposure • Blotchy brown pigment ‐ “Liver spots” • Improve tone & Radiance. No time away from work or your personal life • Treatment of facial spider vessels nose & cheeks • Scars ‐ improvement of color, texture, elevation, and sensitivity Laser Hair Removal ‐‐ our centre is focused on state of the art laser technology which provides exceptional results Scar Management • Fractional lasers • Vascular scar lasers • Excisional CO2 Lasers • Fillers • Injectable flattening blending of scars Leg Veins • European sclerotherapy for most veins • Selected veins may respond to some of our Vascular lasers OUR ENDEAVOR IS TO OFFER THE BEST AESTHETIC TREATMENTS AVAILABLE Skin Care Products - any successful maintenance includes high quality products. We proudly carry the Alyria line Microdermabrasion & Glycolic Acid Chemical Peels • Non‐invasive treatments to minimize appearance of pores and remove superficial layers of sun damaged skin Sun Damage Actinic Keratoses Levulan - PDT [Photo Dynamic Therapy] Looking Great Never Goes Out of Style R Remington Laser Dermatology Centre Continues to lead the Aesthetic industry by providing our patients with the newest and best energy equipment available Sciton Laser Lumenis 1 Laser OmniLux‐PDT Vasculight VL Sciton Laser UltraPulse CO2 Laser Dr. Todd Remington & Staff Dr. Kent Remington & Staff Looking Great Never Goes Out of Style R My Notes Advanced Injectable Sites Eyebrow Shaping Low “Hoer Orb llow ital ing ” Glabellar Creases TT TT Cheeks Cheeks NLF cus Sul Chin Augmentation Pre Jowl Sulcus l Jow Marionette Zone t Pos NLF 150 ‐ 7220 Fisher Street SE , Calgary, AB T2H 2H8 Fax 403.259.5245 info@remington‐ Dr. Kent Remington 403.252.7784 Dr. Todd Remington 403.255.1633 www.remington‐ LASER – LIGHT – ENERGY SYSTEMS AT OUR CLINIC Candela Pulse Dye Laser 595 nm (Vbeam) Cynosure Laser (Cynergy System) ●Pulse Dye Laser 585 nm ●Long Pulse YAG 1064 nm UltraPulse Encore CO2 Laser (Excision and Coagulation) UltraPulse Encore CO2 Laser with C.P.G. (wrinkles and scars) Ultrapulse Encore CO2 Laser DeepFx Bridge Therapy (Fractional Technology) UltraPulse Encore CO2 Laser ActiveFx Therapy (Fractional Technology) Light Sheer Diode Hair Laser Versapulse 532 nm (Vascular – Green) Versapulse Q‐Switched 532 nm (Frequency doubled YAG) Versapulse Q‐Switched 755 nm (Alexandrite) Versapulse Q‐Switched 1064 nm (YAG) UltraFine Erbium YAG Laser LumenisTM one (Intense Pulsed Light) LumenisTM one (Long Pulse 1064 YAG) Vasculight SR (Intense Pulsed Light) Vasculight PL (Intense Pulsed Light) Vasculight HR IPL Hair Removal Vasculight YAG (1064 Long Pulse Laser) Fraxel re:pair CO2 Laser System Sciton Erbium YAG laser 2940 nm Sciton Erbium YAG ProFractional Laser 2964 nm Sciton Erbium 1319 nm (Non invasive Laser) Sciton BBL (Broad Band Light) – IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Thermage (Thermacool, ThermaLift) Blu‐U 417 nm (DUSA – Levulan PDT) Omnilux 633 nm (Red) 415 nm [Blue] L.E.D. (Levulan PDT) LumaCare 633 nm (Red) Fiber optic (Levulan PDT) Affirm Skin Rejuvenation System ‐‐ Multiplex 1320 nm‐1440 nm [Fractional System] MD 55 CO2 laser Other Websites www.alyria‐