SABB Platinum Visa Credit Card benefits


SABB Platinum Visa Credit Card benefits
äÉbÉ£H ΩGóîà°SG π«dO
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SABB Credit Card
User Guide
Welcome to the world of SABB Credit Cards
By applying for the SABB Visa or SABB MasterCard® Credit Card, you
have made the right choice. SABB Credit Cards are welcomed at over
20 million establishments in the Kingdom and worldwide. This guide will
enable you to make the best possible use of your Card as well as explain
its benefits and provide you with answers to your questions.
Tawarruq Mechanism
Since SABB Credit Cards are based on the Tawarruq concept, the Bank
shall carry out a Tawarruq transaction by selling you certain commodities
owned by the Bank on a “Fudoly” basis for the remaining balance of the
total amount due. This guide explains how to use the card and describes
its various features, while answering most of your queries about it. The
guide will also highlight the global recognition and benefits you’ll receive
with your SABB Credit Card at all HSBC branches worldwide.
*Doesn’t apply on My Card
and SABB Conventional Credit card
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»àdG ÉjGõŸGh global recognition èeÉfôH ≈∏Y Aƒ°†dG π«dódG Gòg »≤∏j ɪc .ábÉ£ÑdG ∫ƒM
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.⁄É©dG AÉëfCG ™«ªL ‘(HSBC)
."»àbÉ£H"h ájó«∏≤àdG ¿ÉªàF’G ábÉ£H äÉéàæe ≈∏Y ¥QƒàdG Ωƒ¡Øe ≥Ñ£æj ’ *
How to get a PIN code for your SABB Credit Card?
If this is a new or a replacement Card, please call SABB Direct on
the numbers provided below and follow the instructions of the
Customer Service representative to obtain a PIN code instantly
and easily
If the Card is a renewed Card, then you can continue using your
current PIN code
The PIN code can be changed easily at any time through any SABB
ATM or by calling SABB Direct
in Saudi Arabia: 920007222
Overseas: +966920007222
?∂H á°UÉÿG á«fɪàF’G ÜÉ°S ábÉ£Ñd …ô°S ºbQ ≈∏Y π°ü– ∞«c
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."âcôjGO ÜÉ°S" ≈∏Y ∫É°üJ’ÉH hCG ,ÜÉ°S
920007222 :ájOƒ©°ùdG á«Hô©dG áµ∏ªŸG ‘
+966920007222 :OÓÑdG êQÉN
SABB 3D Secure Service
ÜÉ°S øe á«KÓãdG ájɪ◊G áeóN
Make online shopping even more secure with SABB 3D Secure Service
easily and without the need to go through any pre-registration process.
¿hO á∏¡°S á≤jô£H h ÜÉ°S øe á«KÓãdG ájɪ◊G ™e kÉfÉeCG ÌcCG âfÎfE’G ÈY ∂bƒ°ùJ π©LG
.á≤Ñ°ùe π«é°ùJ á«∏ªY ¤EG áLÉ◊G
You can now benefit of SABB’s new Secure Online Payment Service for
. âfÎfE’G ÈY äÓeÉ©ŸG AGôLE’ ÜÉ°S øe á«KÓãdG ájɪ◊G áeóN øe IOÉØà°S’G ¿B’G ∂æµÁ
(Verified by VISA)"Gõ«ØdG ≥jôW øY ≥≤ëàdG" ábÉ£H ÜÉ°S Qó°UCG ó≤d
øjÓfhCG ¥ƒ°ùàdG óæY ∫ÉH áMGQh ¿ÉeCG áeóÿG √òg ∂ëæ“ *ÜÉ°S Gõ«a ¿ÉªàFG ábÉ£Ñd
ÜÉ°S ¿ÉªàFG ábÉ£Ñd MasterCard® SecureCodeTM h á«fɪàF’G ÜÉ°S ábÉ£ÑH
.**OQÉc ΰSÉe
performing online transactions*. SABB has launched "Verified by VISA"
for your SABB VISA Credit Card and MasterCard® SecureCodeTM for
your SABB MasterCard credit card. It provides you with extra security
and peace of mind when you shop online using your SABB credit card**
*This service is applicable for only those merchants who are registered with Verified by VISA and/or
MasterCard® SecureCodeTM.
**SABB’s Online Secure Payment Service is available for Primary and Supplementary
credit cardholders.This service is not available for SABB Internet Card.
≥≤ëàdG áeóN ‘ á∏é°ùŸG ájQÉéàdG äÓëŸG ‘ áeóÿG √òg ≥Ñ£J *
.OQÉc ΰSÉe h Gõ«a ᣰSGƒH
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.á«aÉ°VE’G äÉbÉ£ÑdG h á«fɪàF’G
Cash Facilities
Your SABB Credit Card will enable you to withdraw cash up to 30% of
your credit limit from over 250,000 financial institutions and 1,000,000
ATMs in the Kingdom and worldwide.
* Cash Advance Fee SAR 75.
* Cash Advance is not available for SABB My Card Visa Credit Card.
…ó≤ædG Öë°ùdG
ÊɪàF’G ó◊G øe 30% ¤EG π°üj …ó≤f ≠∏Ñe Öë°S øe á«fɪàF’G ÜÉ°S ábÉ£H ∂浪à°S
‘ ‹BG ±Gô°U 1,000,000h á«dÉe á°ù°SDƒe 250,000 øe ÌcCG øe ∂dPh ,∂H ¢UÉÿG
.⁄É©dG ∫ƒMh ájOƒ©°ùdG á«Hô©dG áµ∏ªŸG
.∫ÉjQ 75 …ó≤ædG Öë°ùdG Ωƒ°SQ *
.ÜÉ°S øe á«fɪàF’G »àbÉ£H Gõ«Ød Iôaƒàe ÒZ …ó≤ædG Öë°ùdG áeóN *
á«fhεdE’G äÉHÉ°ù◊G ±ƒ°ûc
e-statements provide flexibility and security by enabling you to view
your last three SABB Credit Card statements online.
You can view your statements, save them in PDF format or print them.
To access your e-statement, simply:
1. Log on to your account on SABBNET and then click on the
“statements/advices” field located on the left side of the page.
2. Click on “e-statement” on the drop-down menu.
3. Click on the monthly statement you wish to view.
áKÓK ôNBG ¢VGô©à°SG á«fɵeEG ∫ÓN øe ¿ÉeC’Gh áfhôŸG á«fhεdE’G äÉHÉ°ù◊G ±ƒ°ûc ôaƒJ
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:»∏jÉe ™ÑJG ,∂H á°UÉÿG á«fhεdE’G äÉHÉ°ù◊G ±ƒ°ûc ¤EG ∫ƒ°Uƒ∏d
OƒLƒŸG "äGQÉ©°TEG/±ƒ°ûc" §¨°VG ºK ,âf ÜÉ°S ‘ ∂HÉ°ùM ≈∏Y πNOG .1
.áëØ°üdG øe øÁC’G ÖfÉ÷G ‘
.áªFÉ≤dG øe "ÊhεdEG ∞°ûc" ≈∏Y §¨°VG .2
.¬°VGô©à°SG OƒJ …òdG …ô¡°ûdG ÜÉ°ù◊G ∞°ûc ≈∏Y §¨°VG .3
If you are not registered with the SABBNET service, please log on to for online registration, or call the SABB Direct on 920007222.
™bƒŸG IQÉjR ≈Lôoj ,âf ÜÉ°S áeóN ‘ kÓé°ùoe øµJ ⁄ GPEG
.920007222 ºbôdG ≈∏Y "âcôjGO ÜÉ°S" `H π°üJG hCG ,âfÎfE’G ÈY π«é°ùà∏d
“ICSABB” Rewards Programme
“ICSABB” is a unique loyalty programme that rewards you for using
SABB Credit Card. We offer one "ICSABB" point for every SAR 10
spent on your SABB Credit Card*.
Once you collect 1,000 points (equivalent to SAR 100), you will be able
to redeem the points instantly at a wide range of merchant partner
outlets, Kingdom-wide. For the latest "ICSABB" offers and updated list
of participating merchants, please visit our website or
call SABB Direct on 920007222.
* ICSABB is not available on SABB My Card credit Card.
* Cash advances and SADAD transactions are excluded.
äBÉaɵª∏d "Ö°ùcG" èeÉfôH
.á«fɪàF’G ÜÉ°S ábÉ£H ∂eGóîà°S’ ∂Äaɵj Iójôa äBÉaɵe èeÉfôH ƒg "Ö°ùcG" èeÉfôH
≈∏Y ä’ÉjQ 10 πµd ∂bÉØfG óæY IóMGh "Ö°ùcG" á£≤f ¬dÓN øe ∂ëæ‰
*á«fɪàF’G ∂àbÉ£H
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≈∏Y π°üJG hCG ÊhεdE’G ÜÉ°S ™bƒe IQÉjõH π°†ØJ ,ácQÉ°ûŸG ájQÉéàdG
.920007222 ºbôdG
.ÜÉ°S øe á«fɪàF’G »àbÉ£H Gõ«Ød Iôaƒàe ÒZ Ö°ùcG •É≤f äÉeóN*
.Ö°ùcG •É≤f øe IÉæãà°ùe OGó°S äÉeóNh áeÉ©dG äÉeóÿG äÉYƒaóe *
SABB Credit Cards fees
(§≤a IóMGh Iôe ™aóJ ájQGOEG Ωƒ°SQ) ∫ÉjQ 50
íHôdG ¢ûeÉg ä’ó©e π°†aG
∫ÉjQ 225
∫ÉjQ 400 - 350
…Oƒ©°S ∫ÉjQ 350-475
íHôdG ¢ûeÉg ä’ó©e π°†aG
Ö°ùcG äBÉaɵe
á«fɪàF’G ÜÉ°S äÉbÉ£H Ωƒ°SQ
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íHôdG ¢ûeÉg ä’ó©e π°†aG
Ö°ùcG äBÉaɵe
Ö°ùcG äBÉaɵe
äGQÉ£ŸG ‘ Qɶàf’G ádÉ°U ∫ƒNO äGQÉ£ŸG ‘ Qɶàf’G ádÉ°U ∫ƒNO
áeóN h äÉjΰûŸG ájɪM
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ájƒæ°ùdG Ωƒ°SôdG
(APR) ájƒæ°ùdG áÑ°ùædG ∫ó©e
IóFÉØdG QÉ©°SCG íHôdG ¢ûeÉg
My Card
Annual fee
SAR 350-475
SAR 350-400
SAR 225
SAR 50 (One-time processing fee)
Preferential rates
Preferential rates
Preferential rates
Preferential rates
Preferential rates
Lounge access
Lounge access
Purchase Protection and
Extended Warranty
Utility Bill Payment Service
SABB Credit Card enables you to settle your SADAD utility bills* through
SABB Direct SABBNET and SABB ATM channels. Paying your utility bills
through your SABB Credit Card will give you the following advantages:
• Benefit from interest-free credit period (maximum of 55 days)
• Your bill payment transactions will appear on your monthly Credit Card
statement along with other Card transactions.
*Payments related to the Ministry of Interior e.g. traffic fines, as well as
SABB payments e.g. EasyBuy instalments, will continue to be excluded
from this service and can only be paid using the debit account. Also,
ICSABB points are not awarded for the utility bill payment transactions
through this service.
*Does not apply to Visa My Card Credit Card.
ÒJGƒØdG ójó°ùJ áeóN
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.ÜÉ°ùd á©HÉàdG ‹B’G ±Gô°üdG äGƒæbh âcôjGO ÜÉ°S hCG âf ÜÉ°S ≥jôW øY ∂H á°UÉÿG
:á«fɪàF’G ÜÉ°S ábÉ£H ≥jôW øY ≥aGôŸG ÒJGƒa ™aO óæY á«dÉàdG ÉjGõŸÉH ™àªàJ å«M
.(Ékeƒj 55 ≈°übCG óëH) óFGƒa ¿hóH ¿ÉªàF’G IÎa øe IOÉØà°S’G •
¤EG ,∂H á°UÉÿG ájô¡°ûdG ¿ÉªàF’G ábÉ£H IQƒJÉa ‘ ∂JQƒJÉa ™aO äÓeÉ©e ô¡¶à°S •
. iôNC’G ábÉ£ÑdG äÓeÉ©e ÖfÉL
IQÉjR ≈Lôoj ,Qɶàf’G ádÉ°U ∫ƒNO á«fɵeEGh ájô°ü◊G ÜÉ°S ¢VhôY øY ójõŸG áaô©Ÿ *
,ájQhôŸG äÉØdÉîŸG :πãe ;á«∏NGódG IQGRƒH á≤∏©àŸG äÉYƒaóŸG. :™bƒe
øe √Éæãà°ùe π¶J ,á«FGô°ûdG äÓ«¡°ùàdG •É°ùbCG ,πãe ,ÜÉ°S äÉYƒaóe ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH
•É≤f íæe ºàj ’ ∂dòc .º°üÿG ÜÉ°ùM ΩGóîà°SÉH §≤a É¡©aO øµÁ ɪc ,áeóÿG
.áeóÿG √òg ≥jôW øY ≥aGôŸG IQƒJÉa ™aO äÓeÉ©Ÿ "Ö°ùcG"
.á«fɪàF’G "»àbÉ£H" Gõ«a ábÉ£H ≈∏Y ≥Ñ£æj ’*
How to make your card payments
You can pay in Saudi Riyals using one of the following methods:
1. Via SABBNET at
2. By calling SABB Hotline on 800 116 0099.
3. Through SADAD service using biller ID "029 ".
4. By wire transfer from any bank to your card number.
5. By providing us with standing instructions, in writing, to directly
debit your SABB account to settle your monthly payment due.
6. By visiting any of our branches for cash payment over the counter
or using the cash deposit machines available at our branches.
7. By writing a cheque* in favour of your card account and handing
it in at any of our branches or by mailing the cheque to:
SABB, Card Products Division, P.O. Box 69718,
Riyadh 11557.
*Cheque payments should be received by the Bank 7 days before
the due date to avoid late payment fees.
ábÉ£ÑdG äÉahô°üe ójó°ùJ á«Ø«c
:á«dÉàdG ¥ô£dG ióMEÉH …Oƒ©°ùdG ∫ÉjôdÉH ójó°ùàdG ∂fɵeEÉH ™bƒŸG ∫ÓN øe âf ÜÉ°S ≥jôW øY .1
800 116 0099 ÜÉ°S ∞JÉg ≈∏Y ∫É°üJ’G.2
"029"ôJƒØŸG ºbQ ΩGóîà°SÉH OGó°S áeóN ≥jôW øY .3
.ábÉ£ÑdG ºbQ ¤EG áµ∏ªŸG ‘ ôNBG ∂æH iód ÜÉ°ùM …CG øe πjƒëàdG .4
∂HÉ°ùM øe Iô°TÉÑe º°üîæd áªFGódG äɪ«∏©àdG äÉeóN ≥jôW øY kÉ«HÉàc ÉæeÓYEG .5
.≥ëà°ùŸG ≠∏ÑŸG ÜÉ°S iód
.…ó≤ædG ´GójE’G RÉ¡L ΩGóîà°SÉH hCG ´ôØdG ‘ Iô°TÉÑe ójó°ùàdGh ÉæYhôa øe …CG IQÉjR .6
…C’ ¬ª«∏°ùJh ,∂«°ûdG π«°ü– IÎa IÉYGôe ™e ∂àbÉ£H ÜÉ°ùM ídÉ°üd *∂«°T ôjô– .7
,69718 .Ü.¢U ,äÉbÉ£ÑdG õcôe ,ÜÉ°S :¤EG ójÈdÉH ¬dÉ°SQEG hCG ,ÜÉ°S ´hôa øe ´ôa
.11557 ¢VÉjôdG
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.ôNCÉàe Ωƒ°SQ ™aO Öæéàd ™aódG ¥É≤ëà°SG ïjQÉJ øe
Additional benefits
Share the SABB Credit Card privileges with your family for free!
If you wish to extend the benefits of your account to your family and
share the privileges of your Credit Card, you can apply for free
supplementary cards.
• Applicant must be over 15 years of age
• Monthly spending limit can be specified for each supplementary
card To apply, please call the SABB Direct on
á«aÉ°VEG äGõ«e
!ÉkfÉ› ∂Jô°SCG OGôaCG ™e á«fɪàF’G ÜÉ°S ábÉ£H äGRÉ«àeG ∑QÉ°T
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.á«aÉ°VEG ábÉ£H πµd …ô¡°ûdG ¥ÉØfE’G ∞≤°S ójó– øµÁ •
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For your protection
If you lose your Card, you should immediately inform SABB by calling
920007222 within the Kingdom or +966920007222
from abroad
*Transactions that happen before reporting the lost Card will be
charged to the customer.
*Does not apply to Visa My Card Credit Card.
ºbôdG ≈∏Y ∫É°üJ’G ≥jôW øY QƒØdG ≈∏Y ÜÉ°S QÉ£NEG ∂«∏Y Öéj , ∂àbÉ£H äóp≤oa GPEG
+966920007222 ºbôdG ≈∏Y hCG ,ájOƒ©°ùdG á«Hô©dG áµ∏ªŸG πNGO øe 920007222
.áµ∏ªŸG êQÉN øe
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.á«fɪàF’G "»àbÉ£H" Gõ«a ábÉ£H ≈∏Y ≥Ñ£æj ’*
Total Protection
Free Credit Protection
SABB provides peace of mind with our free-of-charge Credit Protection
Shield.Your loved ones will not bear the burden of settling the total
outstanding balane on your credit card in the unfortunate
event of your permanent or partial disability or death, What's more, there
is no additional monthly charge for this feature.
Limit of protection
• 100% of outstanding balance up to SAR 50,000(Classic Credit Cards)*
• 100% of outstanding balance up to SAR 75,000(Platinum Visa and
Titanium Credit Cards)*
In the event of a claim just call SABB Takaful Service Centre on
800 126 0006 and submit the relevant documents within
60 days of the incident.
* Please vist our website for more information
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.á«aÉ°VEG ájô¡°T Ωƒ°SQ OƒLh ΩóY ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH ,á«fɪàF’G ∂àbÉ£H
ájɪ◊G óM
äÉbÉ£H) …Oƒ©°S ∫ÉjQ 50.000 ¤EG π°üj Éà ≥ëà°ùŸG ó«°UôdG øe 100% •
.*(᫵«°SÓµdG ¿ÉªàF’G
á«æ«JÓÑdG Gõ«ØdG) …Oƒ©°S ∫ÉjQ 75.000 ¤EG π°üj Éà ≥ëà°ùŸG ó«°UôdG øe 100% •
.*(á«fɪàF’G Ωƒ«fÉà«àdG äÉbÉ£Hh
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.çOÉ◊G ´ƒbh âbh øe kÉeƒj 60 ∫ÓN áHƒ∏£ŸG äGóæà°ùŸG ™«ªL Ëó≤Jh 800 126 0006
äÉeƒ∏©ŸG øe ójõŸ ™bƒe IQÉjR ≈Lôj *
SABB Credit Protection – exclusions
Primary Cardholders below the age of 15 and above 64
Engaging in or training for any dangerous or hazardous sports, competitions
or activities
Hazardous sports or activities may include the following:
1. Any form of aerial flight including light aircraft, monoplanes, ballooning,
hang-gliding, parachuting, etc.
2. Winter sports such as skiing, skating, ice hockey, etc.
3. Water sports such as powerboats, water skiing, jet skiing, diving, etc.
4. Horse riding activities such as hunting, jumping, polo, racing, etc.
5. Climbing activities such as mountaineering, rock-climbing, potholing, abseiling, etc.
6. Participation in any kind of power-vehicle races, rally or competition.
7. Judo, boxing, karate, wrestling and other martial arts of any kind.
8. Bungee jumping.
9. Suicide, attempted suicide or self-inflicted injuries by the Participant, while
sane or insane.
10. Punishment of the participant by the due process of law.
*For more information Please vist
äGAÉæãà°SG – á«fɪàF’G ÜÉ°S ájɪM
.ÉkeÉY Úà°Sh á©HQCG øe ÈcCGh ,ÉkeÉY ô°ûY á°ùªN øe πbCG Ú«°SÉ°SC’G äÉbÉ£ÑdG ƒ∏eÉM
.IQÉ°V hCG Iô£N ᣰûfCG hCG äÉ≤HÉ°ùe hCG á°VÉjQ …CÉH á°UÉN äÉÑjQóJ á°SQɇ hCG ‘ ∑GΰT’G :»∏j Ée Iô£ÿG ᣰûfC’G hCG äÉ°VÉjôdG øª°†àJ ób
,äÉfƒdÉÑdGh ,í£°ùdG ájOÉMCGh áØ«ØÿG äGôFÉ£dG :∂dP ‘ Éà ;ájƒ÷G äÓMôdG ∫ɵ°TCG øe πµ°T …CG .1
.ïdG ...äÓ¶ŸÉH õØ≤dGh ,»YGô°ûdG ¿GÒ£dGh
.ïdG ...ó«∏÷G »cƒgh ,»÷õàdG õØ≤dGh ,èdõàdG :πãe ;ájƒà°ûdG äÉ°VÉjôdG .2
.ïdG ...¢Uƒ¨dGh ,á«FÉŸG äÉLGQódG ܃cQh ,AÉŸG ≈∏Y èdõàdGh ,á«dB’G ¥QGhõdG :πãe ;á«FÉŸG äÉ°VÉjôdG .3
.ïdEG ...¥ÉÑ°ùdGh ,ƒdƒÑdGh ,õØ≤dGh ,ó«°üdG :πãe ;π«ÿG ܃cQ ᣰûfCG .4
.ïdG ...∫ÉÑ÷G ºªb øe •ƒÑ¡dGh ,äGQɨŸG ±É°ûàcGh ,Qƒî°üdG ≥∏°ùJh ,∫ÉÑ÷G ≥∏°ùJ :πãe ;≥∏°ùàdG ᣰûfCG .5
.äÉ≤HÉ°ùŸG hCG ,äGQÉ«°ùdG ¥ÉÑ°S hCG ,á«dB’G ÖcGôŸG ¥ÉÑ°S ´GƒfCG øe ´ƒf …CG ‘ ácQÉ°ûŸG .6
.É¡Yƒf ¿Éc ÉkjCG ¢ùØædG øY ´ÉaódG ¿ƒæa øe ÉgÒZh ,áYQÉ°üŸGh ,¬«JGQɵdGh ,áªcÓŸGh ,hOƒ÷G .7
.∫ÉÑ◊ÉH õØ≤dG .8
.᪫∏°S ÒZ hCG ᪫∏°S á«∏≤Y ádÉM ‘ ¿Éc AGƒ°S ,∑ΰûª∏d á«JGòdG äÉHÉ°UE’G hCG ,QÉëàf’G ádhÉ hCG ,QÉëàf’G .9
.áÑLGƒdG á«fƒfÉ≤dG äGAGôLE’G ≈°†à≤à ∑QÉ°ûŸG áÑbÉ©e .10
.äÉeƒ∏©ŸG øe ójõŸ ™bƒe IQÉjR ≈Lôj*
SABB Credit Protection – exclusions
11. Influence of alcohol, narcotics or drugs.
12. The committing, or attempting to commit or aiding or abetting of the
Participant any unlawful act even if, in doing so, there was no intention by the
Participant to cause himself injury or sickness.
13. Preexisting conditions.
14. Engaging in aviation other than as fare-paying passenger on a regular route of
a licensed scheduled aircraft.
15. Participant’s active participation in war (whether declared or not), civil war,
insurrection, riot, terrorist act, mutiny, piracy, civil commotion, revolution, military
or other acts of violence originating from any political activity, or any loss or
damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly caused by, contributed to by,
resulting from, or arising out of or in connection with biological, chemical, or
nuclear explosion, pollution, contamination and/or fire following thereon HIV
infection/AIDS or any venereal disease.
For more information, please call SABB Direct
920007222/ +966920007222 /
äGAÉæãà°SG – á«fɪàF’G ÜÉ°S ájɪM
.ÒbÉ≤©dG hCG ,äGQóîŸG hCG ,∫ƒëµdG ÒKCÉJ .11
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ôNBG πªY hCG ,…ôµ°ùY πªY hCG ,IQƒK hCG ,á«fóe äÉHGô£°VG hCG ,áæ°Uôb á«∏ªY hCG ,Oô“ hCG ,»HÉgQEG πªY
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.»∏°SÉæJ ¢Vôe …CG hCG ,RójE’G
."âcôjGO ÜÉ°ù`H" ∫É°üJ’G ≈Lôoj ,äÉeƒ∏©ŸG øe ójõŸ / +966920007222 / 920007222

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