Study Guide


Study Guide
The following are the official contest resources for the FCS Bowl Contest.
All resources are located in this packet, with the exception of the MyPlate 10 tips
handouts. These can be accessed at the website provided below.
1. MyPlate – all 10 tips nutrition education series handouts
2. Checking Accounts
3. Internet Safety
4. Luggage
5. Headphones
6. Cleaning Products
7. FCS Skill-a-thon ID Class Study Guides (Food & Cooking, Housing &
Interior Design, and Sewing & Clothing)
For questions about the resources for the FCS Bowl, please contact:
Connie Cecil
Courtney F. Dodd, Ph.D.
Colorado State University
Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist
State 4-H Office
Texas 4-H Youth Development
Campus Delivery 2D
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
Fort Collins, CO 80523-4040
4180 State Highway 6
Phone: 970-491-7883
College Station, TX 77845
FAX: 970-491-5108
[email protected]
[email protected]
For Western National Roundup information and assistance, please contact:
Melissa Oliver
Colorado State University
State 4-H Office
Campus Delivery 2D
Fot Collins, CO 80523-4040
PHONE: 970-491-0246 FAX: 970-491-5108
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Checking Accounts
Georgia 4-H Cotton Boll and Consumer
Jamboree - 2013
As you walk down streets of any major city or small town you are bound to pass a bank or two
or three. With so many banks offering different options , including internet banks, it is hard to
choose which one you should use. For the most part all banks will offer basic checking
accounts. They will also offer saving accounts, long-term savings, certificates of deposit and
many different types of loan options; house, car, small business loans, etc.
The big difference between each banks’ basic accounts are the features: benefits, transaction
limits, balance limits, etc. Every bank will do something a little different to try to attract your
1.) Convenience: bank location, disability access and services, hours.
2.) Interest: does it pay interest on the balance.
3.) Electronic services: Internet banking, Automated Teller machines, Free online bill payment,
electronic bank statements, etc.
4.) Pricing: account charges, fees for checks, services, or problems.
5.) Other useful services: such as a link-up with savings, other checking accounts, charge cards,
financial counseling
6.) Personal relationship: courtesy, customer support.
7.) Bank is FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) insured
Account and check fees:
Some banks charge a base monthly fee on all accounts; others charge for each check; still
others have no charge up to a certain number of transactions. (such as 10 checks per month)
and charge heavily after that. If you write a lot of checks, a monthly fee and no per-check
charge is for you.
Check Processing:
Some banks put a “hold” on deposits that are personal checks, with a longer hold for out-ofstate checks; others give you instant access to part of any deposit (for example, the first $100)
but encumber some of your account balance until the check clears.
Interest accounts: You can make money on some checking accounts that earn interest on
balances over a certain amount. Often these accounts offer other services like free safe
deposit boxes, and traveler’s or cashier’s checks for maintaining minimum balances.
These accounts sometimes cost more to maintain if your balance is below the minimum.
Fees for services and problems:
Some accounts provide you with overdraft protection or can be linked to a savings account for
this purpose. Some have very steep fees for “bounced” checks (from you or written to you);
others waive these charges if the problem is infrequent.
•Checks as records: One advantage of using checks is that you have an automatic receipt
(a canceled check) to record a transaction. Some banks send checks back with your monthly
statement. Another option is to use checkbooks that have make carbon copies of the checks as
you write them. Others copy them into a computer database, and destroy the originals. You
may have to apply and pay a fee to get a copy or view them over the internet. Now, some
banks offer this service for free, however, so shop around if this is important to you.
Electronic banking services can be especially useful for people on the go as well as disabled
persons. Electronic banking includes: automatic deposit and bill paying, funds transfers,
ATM/debit card services, telephone services, and personal computer / Internet access.
For people who do not like to carry cash or credit cards or for people with limited physical
mobility, electronic banking can be a valuable asset in taking control of your money and your
• Automatic deposit and bill paying: Many employers will deposit your paycheck or
benefits check directly into your account. It is convenient with less risk of loss. Many
banks will also automatically debit your account for bills each month. Some banks charge fees
and others offer this service for free. Compare banks to see what is offered.
• Telephone services: Most banks allow you to authorize certain transactions and access
account information over the phone. Account information is usually free but fees sometimes
are charged for transactions. You can access your account from anywhere with a touch-tone or
cell phone. It is important to monitor your account, especially if you use electronic services for
many of your transactions. You need to know if a specific bill was paid or if your check was
deposited or to be sure your balance will cover a check.
• ATM/debit cards: The “Automated Teller Machine: (ATM) is another easy way to
complete simple banking transactions such as deposits and withdrawals. ATM machines
are usually conveniently located outside banks, shopping malls, supermarkets and
convenience stores. They allow 24-hour access to your account so the possibility also
exists for overspending and impulse buying.
A personal relationship should definitely exist between you and the bank you choose. Once you
have narrowed down your choices by the services that are offered, and the fees that are
charged, a visit to the bank will tell you what else the bank offers. Talk to bank officers and get
to know the tellers. Determine whether or not staff members go out of their way to help you
work out problems. Does the staff ignore you, tolerate you, or welcome you? Are bank officers
willing and able to advise you? Trust yourself as you choose a bank. You are the consumer, and
you are in charge.
Minimum of account balance
Monthly service charge
Interest-bearing checking
Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
Automated teller machine
(ATM) Use / Transaction Fee
Free checking
Time for clearing a check
Check Hold
Fee for insufficient funds /
Returned checks
Average account balance
Reserve or overdraft privileges
Automatic transfer account
Per Check handling charge/fee
Transfer fee
Stop-payment fee cost
Direct deposit
Certified/cashiers checks
Money orders
Traveler’s Checks
Online Banking
Online Bill Payment
Convenient location & hours
Opening Balance needed
Check printing fee
Misc. Fees
FDIC Insured
Name of Institution or Account
Prepared By: Cheryl R. Varnadoe, Extension 4-H Specialist, Georgia 4-H, May 2013
Teen Safety in Cyberspace1
Kate Fogarty2
This publication is part of a series of discussions
on understanding teen sexuality.
Introduction: Teens Navigating
If you believe e-mail, blogs, text messaging,
instant messaging, social networking sites, and 3-D
virtual worlds (with avatars) are a completely
harmless way for teens to communicate, think again!
Most teens have Internet access at home, school and
most everywhere with smart phones (cell phones
with texting and Internet access), netbooks, and
laptops. The Internet provides opportunities for
private communication in the form of text updates,
blogs, and chat rooms. These online communication
aids are not themselves a problem, but the threat of
being sexually solicited or bullied while online is a
problem for teens (Accessed on 12/22/09 from
While online, teens may be persuaded to do
things that they do not want to, such as share private
information, be sexually solicited, and/or experience
public humiliation. Some worst-case scenarios—take,
for example, Megan Meier, who committed suicide
after being cyberbullied—got our attention and
brought changes in the law and policy. However,
adults' (youth staff and parents) skills in preventing
cyberbullying and sexual solicitation are not where
they need to be (Mesch, 2009). This article will
• define online sexual solicitation and
• explain the risk factors and negative effects of
these communications; and
• outline effective ways to protect youth from
Online Sexual Solicitation
Online sexual solicitation is a form of sexual
harassment that occurs in cyberspace (in other words,
in all electronic forms of communication such as the
Internet and text messaging). Incidents of online
sexual solicitation include exposure to pornography;
being asked to discuss sex online and/or do
something sexual; or requests to disclose personal
information. This can start when an adult or peer
initiates an online nonsexual relationship with a child
or adolescent, builds trust, and seduces him into
sexual acts.
1. This document is FCS2248, one of a series of the Family Youth and Community Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of
Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. First published October 2006. Revised March 2011. Visit the EDIS website at
2. Kate Fogarty, assistant professor, Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and
Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, 32611.
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and
other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex,
sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service,
University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A&M University Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Millie FerrerChancy, Interim Dean
Teen Safety in Cyberspace
Several studies have found that:
• 30% of teen girls who used the Internet
frequently had been sexually harassed while they
were in a chat room.
• 37% of teens (male and female) received links
to sexually explicit content online.
• 30% of teens have talked about meeting
someone they met online (Dewey, 2002; Polly
Klaas Foundation, 2006).
Online sexual solicitation can be a traumatic
experience for victims. About 25% of youth who
were sexually solicited felt "extremely afraid or
upset" in response to the incident. Those most
affected by sexual solicitation included teens that
• teens with major depressive symptoms and/or
who have experienced negative life transitions
(moving to a new neighborhood, a death or
divorce in their family).
• teens that go online more frequently—four or
more days a week at two or more hours a day.
Bullying, defined as aggression on a continual
basis between peers where one has a power advantage
over another, is common among children and
adolescents. Cyberbullying involves using electronic
communication for these ends:
• teach someone a lesson
• put others down
• aged 10–13,
• play pranks
• solicited more aggressively online,
• share personal information publicly
• sexually solicited on a computer in another
person's home,
• stalk someone
• currently struggling with major symptoms of
depression (Mitchell, Finkelhor, & Wolak
There are several signs—traits, life
circumstances, and actions—that parents and adults
should be aware of in order to keep teens from online
communication with sexual predators. Studies find
that teens at the greatest risk for online sexual
solicitation are:
• females between the ages of 13 and 17
years—in fact, 70% of teens who are sexually
solicited are girls (Accessed on 12/22/09 from
• teens who behave in risky ways online,
including participating in cyberbullying, posting
sexy photos of themselves, and discussing sex
online with strangers (Accessed on 12/22/09
• commit other overt attacks upon a person
Teens who cyberbully may feel that cyberspace
is an impersonal place to vent, and, therefore,
consider it less harmful than face-to-face bullying.
However, cyberbullying can be very destructive.
Examples include middle school teens starting a poll
with their classmates, casting online votes for the
ugliest girl in the school or unsolicited videos or
photos taken in a locker room are posted on YouTube
or forwarded by media messaging. In addition, threats
or hateful words travel easily through cyberspace in
e-mails or cell phone messages (voice or text) from
an unrecognized phone number. Ironically, most
cyberbullying takes place within a teen's immediate
social circle (Mishna, Saini, & Solomon, 2009) and
those most likely to be victimized are highly active in
social networking sites, blogs, and chat rooms
(Reeckman & Cannard, 2009).
About 25% of teens report being victims of
cyberbullying, and over a third (35%) of teens
reported feeling unaffected by it (Reeckman &
Cannard, 2009). Yet, the vast majority of victims
reported feelings of:
Teen Safety in Cyberspace
• frustration,
• anger,
• sadness, and
• social anxiety (Dempsey, Sulkowski, Nichols,
& Storch, 2009).
In addition, as is the case with online sexual
solicitation, preteens are more likely to suffer
psychologically from cyberbullying than older teens
(Reeckman & Cannard, 2009).
Solutions: Ways to Keep Your Teens
Families and communities (youth-serving
organizations, schools) can provide important
resources for protecting teens from cyber harm. In
fact, a majority (64%) of teen students reported
believing that adults in school would try to stop
cyberbullying. Still, less than a third (30%) of
students reported that if they knew about it happening
that they would inform an adult about it (Li, 2006).
The following research-based tips can help encourage
teens to talk with you about cyberbullying and sexual
solicitation, as well as keep your teens from being
victims or perpetrators.
At-Home / Personal Interaction with Youth
• Get access to "parental block" software that
protects your child from exploring inappropriate
websites. There are many options you can find
by typing "free Internet blocking software" into a
search engine (for example, Google).
• Keep computers with Internet access in a
centralized location in the home, not in your
child's bedroom and set limits on data access on
your teen's cell phone.
• Check your child's computer and data use
history. (Type in "Internet monitoring software
for parents" on a search engine—some options
are specifically geared toward monitoring your
child's activity on social networking sites such as
Facebook and Myspace).
• Negotiate rules with your teen on cell phone use
with regard to text and media messaging, and
online data access.
• Set a family Internet and data use policy. Define
the ground rules for Internet use, such as
scheduled times, permissible websites, and
limitations on cyber communication with
familiar peers or close friends.
• When setting cyberspace rules, consider how
vulnerable your child might be to sexual
solicitation and cyberbullying. Base your
decision on his or her life circumstances as well
as age and stage of development. For example,
rules for Internet use for children should be more
restrictive than those set for teens.
• Because they value privacy, be prepared to
enforce set consequences when teens fail to
observe a "family Internet policy" (for example,
teens can be held responsible for fixing damages
from computer viruses or paying for data
minutes overages) and setting appropriate limits
and fair consequences.
• Teach your child what cyberbullying is and give
some specific examples of what to look for; help
them learn to identify and interpret information
shared or comments made by the predator. Kids
will often think they are the only ones
experiencing this and that they should be able to
handle it.
• Educate your teen about potential dangers of
cyber communication and sharing information. It
is very easy for a predator to learn where the
child lives and goes to school from only a little
bit of information.
• Help teens to role-play effective ways to
respond to sexual solicitation and cyberbullying.
• If an incident involving victimization of your
teen occurs, reassure him or her that Internet
access will not be forever discontinued, nor will
their cell phone be confiscated, unless such
measures are deemed temporarily necessary for
their immediate safety.
Teen Safety in Cyberspace
In the Community
• Promote awareness campaigns in schools to
influence policy, acceptable online "netiquette,"
and support programs for prevention of online
sexual solicitation and cyberbullying.
• CyberTipline –
• Family Computing –
• i-SAFE –
• Collaborate with your local law enforcement
agencies. Many police and sheriff departments
have officers dedicated to monitoring the
Internet for cyber predators and bullies. They can
educate your children or group about what
constitutes cyberbullying, what their rights are,
and how to respond. Taking action will tell your
child you care and you know how to help them
resolve the situation. Children are likely to think
that parents don't understand and therefore can't
be of help.
• –
Popular Social-Networking Sites for
Teens (for parents & teens to look at
• As adults, get educated on options available to
teens in cyberspace and learn how to use them,
too (see resources section that follows). Often,
an older teen can serve as a resource to educate
adults as well as younger teens and preteens on
cyber use and safety. Encourage your teen to
report incidents of online sexual solicitation or
cyberbullying to adults, and reinforce their
beliefs that appropriate action will be taken in
response to the event.
• Encourage your teen to get involved in
face-to-face activities as alternatives to
interaction on the Internet. Youth who are
vulnerable, lonely, and low on social skills are
most likely candidates for excessive Internet use,
increasing the risk for exposure to cyberbullying
and online sexual solicitation.
Parents must be alert to the way their children
use electronic communications. Talk to your children
about the risks involved. Although there is a big,
scary cyberworld out there, the family and home can
and needs to be a safe haven for children and teens.
Resources on Internet Safety for
Parents & Teachers
• CyberSmart! –
Resources on Internet Safety for
• iSAFE's X-Block: the place for students to
hang out, learn about cyber safety and share their
online experiences with others.
• CyberTipline's Don't Believe the Type: Know
the Dangers, Situations to Avoid, Surf Safer.
Teen Safety in Cyberspace
• Internet Safety for Teens.
• Online Safety &Civility.
• The Nemours Foundation. Internet Safety: Safe
Surfing Tips for Teens.
• National Center for Missing and Exploited
Teens. Internet-Related Safety Tips for Teens.
AdCouncil (2009). Online sexual exploitation.
(Accessed on 12/22/09 from
CyberSmart (2009). Making good decisions.
(Accessed on 12/22/09 from
Dempsey, A.G., Sulkowski, M.L., Nichols, R., &
Storch, E. (2009). Differences between peer
victimization in cyber and physical settings and
associated psychosocial adjustment in early
adolescence. Psychology in the schools. 46, 962–972.
Dewey, L. (2002). Girls online: Feeling out of
bounds. Camping Magazine, September/October,
Li, Q. (2006). Cyberbullying in schools: A research
of gender differences. School Psychology
International, 27, 157–170.
Mesch, G.S. (2009). Parental mediation, online
activities, and cyberbullying. CyberPsychology &
Behavior, 12, 387–393.
Mishna, F., Saini, M. & Solomon, S. (2009).
Ongoing and online: Children and youth's
perceptions of cyberbullying. Children & Youth
Services Review, 31, 1222–1228.
Mitchell, K.J., Finkelhor, D., & Wolak, J. (2001).
Risk factors for and impact of online sexual
solicitation of youth. JAMA, 285, 3011–3014.
Reeckman, B., & Cannard, L. (2009). Cyberbullying:
A TAFE perspective. Youth Studies Australia, 28,
Ybarra, M., Leaf, P., & Diener-West, M. (2004). Sex
differences in youth-reported depressive
symptomatology and unwanted Internet sexual
solicitation. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 6,
no pagination specified.
A Survival Guide for Parents of Teenagers
Teens and social networking websites
Colleen Gengler, Extension Educator, Family Relations, University of Minnesota Extension
Friends are everything to a teen. Social networking sites
(SNS) provide a way for teens to expand and enhance
their connection to those friends. SNS have become
a way of life for teens. As with many aspects of teen
life, this is an area where parents need to gather more
information and monitor what their teen does.
What are social networking
SNS such as Facebook have wide appeal for teens, with
the number of users growing daily. These websites
combine many Internet features into one: the ability to
post personal profiles, blogs, photos and videos, plus the
latest news about music groups or hot new products,
opinion polls, user groups, and more. The 2010 Pew
Internet and American Life Project says 73 percent of
online teens have a SNS personal profile. Adult use is
growing as well; 59 percent of online adults use SNS.
The most popular feature that SNS provide is the
personal profile. Most teens consider very carefully what
information they put into their profile. For example; how
will their choice of music or movies be perceived and
what kind of online image do they wish to convey?
Although most teens become online friends only with
people they know in real life, some teens may create a
totally different image and personality through the use of
a SNS profile connecting to an entirely different group of
online friends.
In addition to SNS popular with teens, such as Facebook,
Myspace or Bebo, there are hundreds of others that
appeal to specific groups or are used in other parts of the
Issues for parents and teens
SNS have potential for negative consequences and are
cause for the following concerns.
should be first and foremost. In a number of
cases, sexual predators have been able to identify and
locate children and teens through personal information
they posted.
Information teens think would only be of interest
to their friends can get in the hands of others and
produce unintended negative results. For example, a
discussion about a teacher could include unfounded
Employers might screen out job candidates who
posted damaging information SNS as teens.
Hackers may gain access to private computer files or
do other mischief, such as alter a profile, after seeing
inappropriate information posted on SNS.
Why are teens attracted to SNS?
For some parents, the big question is why would teens
put all of that personal information on the Internet? It may
help parents if they can understand the appeal that SNS
and other new media have for teens.
Consider the world in which today’s teens have grown
up. The personal lives of well known people from
entertainment, sports, and political circles are very public.
Traditional celebrities live out their lives in the limelight,
and other “ordinary” people become celebrities through
TV reality shows – many of which are popular with teens.
Teens can get closer to celebrities by following them on
Twitter or friending them on SNS.
The importance of friends was mentioned earlier. As
today’s teens grow up, they view the Internet as a place
to “hang out,” even in real time via cell phones. Today’s
teens are a self-publicizing generation, with the Internet
providing a way to share social status quickly and
efficiently. Using the Internet to connect to friends they
know in person and then make new friends online is a
natural step – another way to communicate.
Figuring out their identity is a normal developmental
task for teens. For example, it is typical for teens to try on
different identities based on pop culture. Developing an
online profile can be a way to try on an identity, test an
image, and get feedback from others.
Advice for parents
Parents and caregivers need to know more about SNS.
The best way to learn is to set up your own profile. Most
SNS have an age limit of 13 before teens are allowed to
create their own profiles. When your teen does create a
personal profile, make sure you are on the same SNS so
you can monitor his or her activities. More tips include:
what your teen is doing on the Internet besides
posting on SNS. One way is to ask when you need help
with an online task.
Advise teens about what is appropriate to put on the
web. They may have more web knowledge, but you
have more life experience.
Be clear about what is unsafe to post: full name,
address, specific places they go, phone numbers,
ethnic background, vacation plans, or anything else
that would help someone identify or locate them.
Remind teens that strangers and people they don’t
want accessing their information may have the ability
to do just that. Once something is posted on the
web, it is no longer private.
Work with your teen to choose appropriate privacy
settings for their SNS.
Stress that the rules of SNS must be followed, including
age limits.
Help your teen find balance in life. “Screen time”
includes not only computer, video games, and TV, but
also cell phone time.
Communication via Internet
technology is a good thing
The digital world is here to stay. Teens are growing up
with and making Internet technologies, such as SNS,
an integral part of their lives. There are many positive
things about being able to instantly connect with friends
through the multiple features offered by SNS.
Building a personal profile can be a creative outlet for a
teen. Frequent entries into an online blog can give teens
practice in writing and expressing their thoughts and
Use of SNS is one way for teens to figure out the rules of
social interaction, especially if they go beyond minute by
minute updates of their social world. SNS might also lead
them to:
Connect to others with common interests.
Learn more about their own and others' specialized
Explore different aspects of technology and use them
more intensively.
The Digital Youth Project funded through The MacArthur
Foundation says that “contrary to adult perceptions, while
hanging out online, youth are picking up basic social
and technological skills they need to fully participate in
contemporary society.”
The Digital Youth Project goes on to say, “If parents can
trust that their own values are being transmitted through
their ongoing communication with their children, then
new media practices can be sites of shared focus rather
than anxiety and tension.”
Where you can go for more
Families with Teens – University of Minnesota Extension
Teens and the Internet: Teen Talk Fact Sheet –
University of Minnesota Extension
Living and Learning with New Media: Summary of
Findings – The Digital Youth Project
Parents & Guardians: NetSmartz Workshop – National
Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Social Networking: Internet & American Life Project – Pew
Research Center
Web Wise Kids
© 2011, Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. For Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations, please call 612-6266602. The information given in this publication is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with
the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the University of Minnesota Extension is implied. University of
Minnesota Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. For this and other Extension families with teens resources, visit www.
2011 4-H Consumer Choices Study Guide
Junior and Senior Division
Introduction and Background
Luggage is an essential purchase for those who travel, even if it’s
only on occasion. Because buying luggage can be expensive,
considering your purchase before you make it is important. You
have several things to consider when buying luggage that may help
you decide how much to spend on it.
Luggage can be stylish and practical. The more usage your luggage
gets, the more quickly it will wear out. If you are a frequent traveler,
you should consider durability and practicality to be the most
important features. If your travel always includes checked baggage,
you should not only consider durability and practicality; you also need to think about cost.
Nothing is more frustrating than owning expensive, designer luggage only to find it lost or
damaged by the airline. While statistically, the amount of lost luggage that never is recovered
is fairly low; your odds increase the more often you travel.
Repair vs. Replace
In today’s marketplace, much of the luggage sold in the United States is made by overseas
manufacturers who do not provide replacement parts for their products. This means if
something breaks, you have little, if any, chance of having it repaired. Even if you purchase
luggage that can be repaired, replacing those parts or repairing the damage may be as
expensive as buying a new set of luggage. As a result, the initial purchase you make is very
Things to Consider When Buying Luggage
Size and Weight
Whether for convenience, cost saving strategies or to minimize the chance of lost or damaged
bags, many people prefer to fly with a carry-on bag. The typical maximum external dimensions
for carry-on bags are 22 inches by 14 inches by 9 inches, including any wheels and pockets. A
carry-on bag larger than these dimensions will be taken from the passenger and checked with
the rest of the luggage stowed in the cargo area of the plane, and is subject to regular checked
baggage fees.
The weight of your luggage is a factor you should consider before purchase. Heavier luggage
can prove to be more durable, but several manufacturers are creating lightweight products that
can stand up to the pressure of travel. Today, most airlines have a weight limit for checked
luggage. If your bag exceeds a certain weight, you will have to pay an additional charge.
The durability of the outside fabric or shell of a suitcase is very important.
This area is exposed to the greatest amount of abuse, wear and tear.
Luggage manufactures use a variety of fabrics, including nylon, polyester,
canvas, tapestry, denim, vinyl and leather.
The NDSU Extension Service does not endorse commercial products or companies
even though reference may be made to trade names, trademarks or service names.
Hard-sided shells tend to offer more protection for fragile items, but also may be heavier to
carry. Hard shells are quite durable, resistant to heat and stains, and less likely to tear or rip.
But they have a tendency to crack or dent in the corners if handled roughly. When purchasing
hard-sided luggage, be sure the shell of the case is fairly thick. Thinner plastic shells are more
prone to cracks and dents.
Soft-sided cases offer little to no protection for fragile items but are
much lighter weight. Soft shells often are lined with urethane to make
them water resistant. In addition, they often are treated with stain
Handles and Zippers
Your luggage should have a variety of smaller handles to help you carry your case. Helper
handles, often found on the top and sides of a case, should be securely fastened to the
luggage and should be comfortable in your hand during use. Always use these handles when
placing luggage in overhead racks or pulling luggage over curbs.
Luggage has become much easier to maneuver with the upright handle
system that most manufacturers use. This system brings convenience
and ease to the travel industry. However, some of these handle
systems have their downfalls. Some manufacturers mount their handle
on the exterior of the bag, leaving them open to damage. Other handles
do not remain locked in place or if they are hit, they may bend or break.
Many manufacturers have taken precautions against these flaws and
use strong materials to build their handle system. Strong handle tubes
are less likely to dent or bend, which could disable the handle system.
The handle is best if the tubing is on the interior of the bag. Few
manufactures who mount handles on the outside of a bag provide
adequate protection for them.
You also should look for a handle locking system that locks in the extended and storage
positions. If the lock does not work during a flight or other transit, the handle could be
damaged. Handles that store flush with the suitcase are less likely to be damaged in transit.
Make sure to test your handle for ease of operation before your purchase. It should extend to a
comfortable length for your height to keep your bag from hitting you in the back of your legs.
Luggage today has two basic types of zippers. The coil zipper is made of one
continuous strand of nylon or polyester that is wrapped and stitched into the
zipper tape. This is the most common zipper.
The molded or chain zipper has individual teeth applied to the zipper tape. The
chain zippers are more durable than coil zippers.
Avoid smaller-sized zippers. Many manufacturers use zippers that are commonly
found in clothing items. These zippers are not strong enough to stand up to the stress of use
on a suitcase. The larger, oversized zippers are much more durable, making them better able
to withstand the repeated wear, tear and stress on a suitcase.
The NDSU Extension Service does not endorse commercial products or companies
even though reference may be made to trade names, trademarks or service names.
Many manufacturers have greatly increased the quality of their luggage frames. You can look
on the inside of a suitcase to determine what type of frame a bag has.
Be aware of any frame that is plastic or metal. The single-ply plastic frames used by some
lower-end manufacturers tend to crack and shatter. This makes them impossible to repair. The
metal frames, though lightweight, tend to bend and provide little protection for the contents of
the bag. They also have plastic corners, which tend to crack.
The most common type of frame used today is the honeycomb. It is lightweight and durable,
and it has the ability to withstand pressure by flexing upon impact. Luggage salespeople say,
“One thing has to give when the baggage handlers throw your luggage, and it usually isn’t the
Typically the most popular luggage for many is the suitcase on
wheels. This makes taking even the heaviest luggage on vacation
easy because all you've got to do is drag your luggage behind
you. If you buy wheeled luggage, always ensure that the wheels
are sturdy enough. A broken wheel on a suitcase can render a
perfectly good piece of luggage useless.
Beware of luggage wheels mounted on the exterior of a suitcase.
Any protruding objects are more susceptible to being caught on other items and becoming
damaged. Wheels inset into the case are less likely to be damaged or broken.
Stitching and Hardware
Be sure you examine the stitching and hardware on any piece of luggage you plan to
purchase. After all, the stitching and hardware hold it together and keep your clothes inside.
A well-constructed bag will have even stitching, and the closer the stitching is together, the
better. Any stress points on the case, especially handles or shoulder straps, should be
reinforced with extra stitching or rivets to ensure greater durability.
You also may want to check seams on the case where the material is stitched together. Poorly
constructed suitcases have only a small amount of material that overlaps the stitch line,
making it more likely to pull or tear loose from the bag.
In addition, you may want to check the bag’s hardware, which includes locks, handle posts and
zipper pulls. While determining the durability of the hardware on a suitcase is not easy, you
can look to see whether it is made of a heavy, solid metal constriction. Any hardware made of
plastic or lightweight metal is more susceptible to damage than the heavy, solid metals.
The Bottom Line
 Look for a long warranty. Experts say this is the simplest way to estimate luggage
quality, especially if the warranty covers accidental damage. However, a higher price
tag doesn't always mean a better warranty.
The NDSU Extension Service does not endorse commercial products or companies
even though reference may be made to trade names, trademarks or service names.
 Look for industrial nylon construction. This is especially important for frequent
travelers or for big bags that always will be checked rather than carried on. The two
main types are Cordura by Dupont, which has more abrasion resistance, and ballistic
nylon, which is slicker and is more resistant to tears. Leather is heavier and prone to
mold in humid climates.
 Check the denier of the fabric. Denier is a unit of measurement for thread. Denier
refers to the size of the yarn in the fabric; the lower the number, the finer the thread.
Higher denier fabrics (larger threads) are more durable.
 Consider water resistance. Only a few bags pass soaking tests. This feature is
especially important with bags that will be checked rather than carried on.
 Handles and zippers are potential weak points. Most complaints about durability
involve handles and zippers breaking, bending or sticking. Chain zippers, which are
fused to the fabric, are more durable than coil zippers, which are sewn on. Check
handles for comfort, too.
 Helper handles make a bag easier to lift. Extra handles on the sides and bottom, as
well as the top, make maneuvering bags into and out of luggage bins much easier.
 Wheels or no wheels? One-bag travel experts tend to recommend bags without
wheels because they are lighter and have more capacity. If you do choose a wheeled
bag, look for skate wheels set widely apart. Tests show that wheels set too closely
together make luggage unstable and hard to maneuver in tight turns. Larger wheels will
maneuver more smoothly over uneven terrain, and softer wheels will lessen vibration
and noise.
Consumer Reports –
Road & Travel Magazine –
The Savvy Traveler –
Consumer Search –
Information compiled by Monique Stelzer for North Dakota 4-H Consumer Choices
The NDSU Extension Service does not endorse commercial products or companies
even though reference may be made to trade names, trademarks or service names.
2011 Consumer Choices Sample Class
Junior & Senior - Luggage
Situation Statement:
Sarah is going to camp this summer. She wants to purchase a duffle bag to pack her
clothes in for camp. Sarah has $50 to spend on her bag. She is planning to pack a lot
of clothes, so she would like her bag to have wheels to help her move it. Since her
favorite color is red she would like a red duffle bag.
Duffle bag
Costs $50 or less
Has wheels
Available in color red
$30 X
Class Items:
1. Adidas Duffle Bag
2. Samsonite Casual Wheeled Duffle
3. Coolstuff4u Giraffe Print Wheeled Suitcase
4. CalPak Arctic Circle Wheeled Duffle
Placing: 4-1-2-3
Cuts: 4-3-6
I placed this class of luggage 4-1-2-3.
I placed 4 over 1 because 4 has wheels while 1
does not.
4 is available in the color red while 1 is only
available in black/white.
I placed 1 over 2 costs less than $50 at $30
while 2 costs $64.99.
Grant: 2 has wheels
Grant: 2 is available in the color red.
I placed 2 over 3 because 2 is a duffle bag and
3 is a suitcase.
2 is available in red while 3 is only available in
black and white with pink trim.
I placed 3 last because it is not a duffle bag.
It costs more than $50.
It is not available in red.
For these reasons, I place this class of luggage 4-1-2-3.
The NDSU Extension Service does not endorse commercial products or companies even though reference may be made to trade names, trademarks or service names. 4
$43.99 X
Sample Class
Adidas Duffle Bag
Zipper main compartment with zipper mesh valuables pocket and key fob; Easyaccess front pocket; Wet/dry shoe tunnel with mesh panel for ventilation
FreshPAK™ is a unique technology which inhibits odor-causing bacteria. Your
bag and gear stay fresher, longer.
Removable, dual adjustable shoulder strap
No-slip contoured shoulder pad
Wrapped haul handles
Available in black/white
Screen-printed adidas brand mark on front, end caps and shoulder pad; Screenprinted 3-Stripes on front
Dimensions: 26" x 12.5" x 12"
Polyester dobby
Cost is $30.00
The NDSU Extension Service does not endorse commercial products or companies even though reference may be made to trade names, trademarks or service names. Sample Class
Samsonite Casual Wheeled Duffle
Constructed of Samsonite's ballistic polyester
Push button locking handle
Extra carry handles on side and top of duffel
Padded velcro carry grip for comfortable carrying
Smooth rolling in-line wheels
Available in red/black/gray
Heavy-duty, self mending, #10 nylon zippers on main compartment
Dual adjustable compression straps help to secure packed items
Quick release buckles on nylon compression straps
Padded velcro carry grip for comfortable carrying
Bottom feet keep duffel lifted off floor when laying down flat
Drop bottom/split case features
Fully lined interior
Large wet pocket
Cost is $64.99
The NDSU Extension Service does not endorse commercial products or companies even though reference may be made to trade names, trademarks or service names. Sample Class
Coolstuff4u Giraffe Print
Wheeled Suitcase
Made of leather-like black and white PVC vinyl, with hot pink vinyl trim, the
suitcase has an animal skin texture
Features an expander zipper, which gives an extra 3 inches of space
It has double zippers, which can be locked together
ID holder on the back
The suitcase has wheels, a telescoping handle and strap handle for easy
The pink nylon interior features a mesh pocket with a zipper closure, and crossed
elastic straps to keep belongings secure
The exterior dimensions are 22 inches tall, 14 inches wide and 8 inches deep
Cost is $60.00
The NDSU Extension Service does not endorse commercial products or companies even though reference may be made to trade names, trademarks or service names. Sample Class
CalPak Arctic Circle Wheeled Duffle
Product Material: Rip stop with polyester
Product Weight: 10.16 lbs.
Roomy main compartment is great for bulky clothing or gear
In-line skate wheel system with ball bearings for smooth, quiet rolling
Longer handle is more comfortable across a variety of heights
Available in red/black/gray
2 side zippered pockets plus 3 additional zippered pockets on the front
Side cargo handle aids in short lifts
Self-repairing excel zippers
Cost is $43.99
The NDSU Extension Service does not endorse commercial products or companies even though reference may be made to trade names, trademarks or service names. Selecting Headphones
Consumer Decision Making Study Materials
There are many different types of headphones, all ranging in price as well as style and comfort.
When looking to buy a new pair of headphones the consumer wants to pick a style that best
meets their needs and is in his/her price range. There are several types of headphones and
features to consider in making this decision.
Main Types of Headphones
Best Uses
These are traditional-looking
Home or Office
headphones with cushioned
pads that cover the whole ear.
Full-Size headphones are
bulkier, but generally very
comfortable because of
generous padding and
ergonomic design.
Price Range
These are headphones which
Exercising; Travel $20-$130
sit on the ears rather than over
them. They typically have a thin
headband that goes over or
behind the head. Some other
models use small clips that slip
over your ear.
These headphones rest in the
ear canals. There are capable of Environments;
producing incredible audio
quality. For optimal use, they fit
snugly and can be custom
made in order to fit your ear
CDM Headphones – New 2014, Page 1 of 5
Best Uses
Canalbuds are the middle
On the Go
ground between earbuds and
in-ear canal. They sit just on the
inside of your ear instead of
deep inside. They tend to be
more comfortable because
they are not as tightly fitting as
the inner-ear canal and are
generally less expensive.
Similar in size to in-ear
headphones, earbuds are
handy for listening to music
while on the move. They sit
outside the ear canal and don't
fully seal your ear, meaning
they are susceptible to sound
On the Go
Price Range
Other Types of Headphones
In addition to the main headphone types, there are other specialized types available for
specific purposes. Here are a couple of examples.
Best Uses
Price Range
Sports Headphones Ideal for exercising built to
Working out;
withstand the rigors of any
running; any type
workout; built for comfort and
of exercise
portability; designed to be water
and sweat resistant.
Monitor Headphones Studio monitoring headphones;
specialist headphone, designed to
be used by audio professionals,
where accurate sounds produced
are crucial.
audio mixing
CDM Headphones – New 2014, Page 2 of 5
Open versus Closed
Both the on-ear and in-ear headphones can also differ by the type of ear cups used. The ear
cup variations create different listening conditions and the headphone type that is right for
you is purely personal preference. Both designs have their pros and cons and it usually comes
down to personal preference as to which ones to buy. It is a good idea to try each type out instore before buying.
Open Back
Open is when the back of the ear pads are not completely sealed off.
This can provide a more natural sound but open-back headphones
tend to leak more noise.
Closed Back
Closed is when the back of the ear pads are completely sealed off.
They can sound a bit muffled, but are good at preventing sound
leakage and blocking out unwanted noise.
Headphone Features
Some headphones offer additional features; for example, blocking out unwanted outside noise
with noise cancelling or noise isolation. Other headphones are great for when you want to be
mobile; such as wireless, or Bluetooth connectivity.
Noise Cancelling Headphones Headphones with noise cancelling or noise reduction block
outside sound keeping out all monotonous noise that is not
your audio tuner. They tend to be good at eliminating
unwanted low-frequency noise (such as traffic). This feature is
mainly available with on- or over-ear headphones, but some
in-ear models have it too.
Noise Isolation Headphones Not to be confused with noise cancelling headphones, noise
isolation headphones or earphones block outside sound by
sealing in the ear when fitted. Some earphone models do look
very similar to standard earbuds but the audio quality is
CDM Headphones – New 2014, Page 3 of 5
Wireless Headphones
Bluetooth Headphones
Wireless sets allow you to listen to music without being
tethered to the audio source. They use radio frequencies to
transmit sound from their base station to your ears. Longrange wireless connections such as FM systems allow you to
move from room to room or even outside. But the downside
is you might experience interference.
Bluetooth is a type of short-range wireless technology
commonly used with hands-free mobile phone kits. These
headphones also double as headsets letting the consumer
switch between music and voice features. These are best
suited for portable use as you have to keep the transmitter
close to you.
Headphone Controls
Some headphones come with controls built into the cable or earpiece. Typical controls include
playback functions such as play/pause and volume up/down. Others include mobile phone
functionality, enabling the user to seamlessly switch between hands-free telephone calls and
listening to music.
Decibels (dB)
Ear Cup
Ear Cushions
Frequency Response
Headphone Amplifier
Terms to Know
The unit of measurement for sound
The portion of the headphones that is placed over the ear and
houses the speaker
The portion on the inside of the headphone ear cup that rests on
your skin and around your ears
The range of frequencies, in kHz, that drivers are able to
reproduce before a significant drop in volume level
An electronic device that is designed to drive headphones rather
than speakers. A dedicated headphone amplifier can provide
better dynamic range, clarity and volume when
driving headphones than the often cheap headphone output
circuits on consumer electronics equipment.
How much opposition (or resistance) the headphone gives to the
signal from the audio source. (The larger the impedance the
quieter the headphones will sound for a given volume level from
the source. In contrast a set of headphones with low impedance
will sound louder.)
CDM Headphones – New 2014, Page 4 of 5
Maximum SPL
A measure of how loud your headphones can get, indicated in
decibels (dB).
Nose-induced hearing loss Exposure to harmful noise/sounds that are too loud or loud
sounds that last a long time causing sensitive structures in the
inner ear to be damaged
The headphone plug or headphone jack on the end of the
headphone cord that plugs into the sound source. This jack plug is
either 1/4” in diameter or 1/8” in diameter.
Plug Adapter
An attachment that slips over the plug making it useful with more
sound sources. An adapter can convert a 1/8” plug to a 1/4” plug
or a 1/4” plug to a 1/8” plug. Most headphones come with a 1/4”
and a 1/8” plug which eliminates the need for an adapter.
Safe Hearing Levels
In general, sounds above 85 dB are harmful, depending on how
long and how often you are exposed to them and whether you
wear hearing protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs. (Average
home noise is 40 dB and normal conversation is 60 dB.)
Sound Leakage
The ability of unwanted sound to flow in or outside of the
Designates sound reception to both ears.
Headphones, Florida 4-H Consumer Choices 2011-12: Teacher Guide
Infographic: The different types of headphones illustrated
Buying guide: Headphones/Macworld
Headphones & Head-Set Reviews/InnerFidelity
Top Headphone Reviews/Best Headphone –Consumer Reports
Which? Technology Reviews,
National Institute of Deafness and Other Communicative Disorders
Compiled by:
Connie Cecil, 4-H Youth Development Specialist, Colorado State University
Mindy Turner, 4-H Youth Development Specialist, New Mexico State University
CDM Headphones – New 2014, Page 5 of 5
Selection and Use of
Home Cleaning Products
Guide G-304
Revised by Sonja Koukel1
Cooperative Extension Service • College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
Often, retail household cleaning products contain
substances that are deemed hazardous. It is difficult to
identify these substances because manufacturers are allowed to label these substances as confidential business
information (CBI). The U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) has acknowledged that the inappropriate
and excessive use of CBI claims has hidden important
information from the public and even from EPA offices.
Modifications to the chemical information reporting
rule are ongoing. Visit the EPA website for more information on the agency’s efforts to increase transparency
in chemical access (Increasing Transparency in TSCA
available at
A clean home reduces exposure to allergens, pesticides,
consumer chemicals, and pest droppings and urine, and
reduces shelter for pests. While it is important to keep
your home clean to provide a healthy environment,
cleaning product labels often display complex chemical terms. Additionally, commercial advertisements
may exaggerate the performance of cleaning products.
Therefore, to make informed decisions when comparing
product performance and safety, consumers need to be
familiar with the most common ingredients found in
cleaning products.
This publication provides definitions of common
ingredients and guidelines for selecting products for
household use. Types of cleaning products include
• Disinfectants and
• Abrasives,
• Acids,
Bleaching agents,
Detergents, and
Spirit solvents.
Disinfectants are more often used in clinics and hospitals than in household products. A disinfectant is a
chemical that completely destroys all disease-causing
organisms (pathogens). These include disease-causing
strains of salmonella and staph bacteria. To be labeled
as a disinfectant, the EPA stipulates that the product
must destroy 99.999% of pathogens within 5 to 10
minutes. Disinfectants are applied directly to nonporous surfaces, such as diaper changing tables, countertops, door and cabinet handles, toilets, and other
bathroom surfaces.
Disinfectants for Household Use
Liquid chlorine bleach is a common household disinfectant. For detailed information, refer to the Bleaching
Agents section in this publication.
Quaternary ammonium compounds are generally
referred to as quats. These are salt compounds used with
a variety of additional ingredients to create a safe and
effective disinfectant. They are effective in destroying
a wide range of harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Quats are economical and effectively control odors
when used according to the manufacturer’s directions.
They can be used on sensitive floor surfaces and will not
damage floor finishes.
Pine oil cleaners are all-purpose cleaners made from
a natural resin distilled from pine trees. The pine oils are
combined with alcohols and quats to improve their disinfecting and cleaning properties. Pine Sol is an example
of a pine oil cleaner/disinfectant.
When mixed in water, pine oil cleaners do not dissolve, but instead make a milky soap. Most people like
the way they smell and the fact that they can clean and
deodorize at the same time. Overall, they are good cleaners. Caution: These cleaners are highly flammable. They
can be very dangerous if swallowed or if the fumes are
inhaled. Use with adequate ventilation and follow all
Community and Environmental Health Specialist, Department of Extension Family and Consumer Sciences, New Mexico State University.
To find more resources for your business, home, or family, visit the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental
Sciences on the World Wide Web at
labeled precautions. Do not use these products fullstrength or leave them soaking on waxed or freshly
painted surfaces.
The EPA provides a limited listing of 500 registered
disinfectant products. It is updated periodically, yet it
is not a complete listing. The list is available at http://
Sanitizers for Household Use
Sanitizers are commonly used in restaurants and household products. A sanitizer is a product that reduces
germs on surfaces to levels considered safe by public
health codes or regulations. By EPA standards, these
products must destroy 99.999% of pathogens within
30 seconds. Many sanitizers are a formulation of a detergent and disinfectant. Sanitizers can be used on food
contact surfaces, such as dishes, eating utensils, and cutting boards. Pacifiers and toys that children may place in
their mouths can be sanitized for safety.
By killing bacteria, sanitizers also destroy odors. These
products are used when cleaning tubs, showers, toilet
bowls, bathroom sinks, and ceramic or plastic bathroom
tile. They are also used in laundering and dishwashing
products. Often, household products sold as disinfectants are also effective as sanitizers. Household products
that are effective sanitizers include bleach and products
formulated with quats, such as pine oil cleaners.
The EPA recommends that EPA-registered products be used whenever possible. Only a disinfectant or
sanitizer with an EPA registration number on the label
can make public health claims that they are effective in
destroying germs.
Abrasives are rough or gritty. They clean surfaces by
creating friction that lifts off hardened food particles,
grease, tarnish, and stains. Anything that is rough to
the touch can be considered an abrasive when used to
remove spots or stains from a surface. Types of abrasives
include physical, mineral, and chemical.
• Physical abrasives include sandpaper, plastic and
nylon meshes, scrubbing pads, and steel wool.
• Mineral abrasives are composed of particles.
Baking soda, powdered borax, and salt are all
examples of mineral abrasives that are considered
natural cleaners.
• Chemical abrasives are also composed of particles. A common chemical used in commercial
products that contain bleach is sodium dichloros-triazinetrione. These cleaners are often referred
to as scouring powders and are used to kill bacteria in addition to general surface cleaning.
In household cleaning products, mineral and chemical abrasives are available in powder and cream (or thick
liquid) forms. Generally, the larger the particles used in
the product, the harsher the cleaner. Calcium carbonate (or calcite) and silica are two types of minerals often
found in these products. Calcium carbonate is the mildest of abrasives, with the finest abrasive found in the
cream form.
Mild abrasives are appropriate for surfaces such as fiberglass, laminate, countertops, grout, tile, sinks, tubs,
cookware, and glass.
Coarse or harsh abrasives can be used to clean outdoor stainless steel grills, oven baking racks, and cement.
Usually sold for removing tough stains, harsh abrasives
will cause damage to many surfaces. Regular use may
scratch the shiny finishes of sinks, bathtubs, and kitchen
appliances, making them dull and rough. When surfaces
are damaged in this way, they soil faster and stain deeper. It will then be necessary to continue to use a harsh
abrasive to remove embedded dirt and stains.
Always check the manufacturer’s directions before
using abrasives on any surface. Consumers should be
aware that all abrasives can leave scratch marks on
some surfaces. Use sparingly when cleaning aluminum, plastic, plated and highly polished metals, and
appliance enamel on refrigerators, dishwashers, oven
doors, and microwave ovens.
Acids are used to remove mineral deposits, rust stains,
and hard water deposits. They can remove discoloration
from some metals, such as aluminum, brass, bronze, and
copper. Some acids are effective both in cleaning and
disinfecting surfaces.
Acids range from very mild to very strong. Consumers must take care when choosing and using acids for
cleaning. Acid-based disinfectant cleaners are very irritating to your eyes and skin and will burn your throat.
When using toilet cleaners, it’s a good idea to wear latex
dishwashing gloves to help protect your skin and safety
goggles to help protect your eyes from splashes.
This section provides an overview of types of cleaning
products that contain acids as well as best use practices.
As always, read the manufacturer’s directions before
using on any surface. Refer to Table 1 for examples of
acids in household cleaners.
Guide G-304 • Page 2
Table 1. Examples of Acids in Household Cleaners
Toilet bowl cleaner
Acid Ingredients
sodium bisulfate, oxalic acid, dilute hydrochloric acid, or dilute sulfuric acid
Rust removers
acetic, citric, gluconic, levulinic, hydrofluoric, hydroxyacetic (glycolic), or oxalic acids
Metal cleaners
citric or acetic acids
Hard water removers
levulinic, acetic, hydroxyacetic (glycolic), citric, or gluconic acids
Tarnish removers
levulinic, acetic, hydroxyacetic (glycolic), citric, or gluconic acids
Very Mild Acids
Mildly acidic cleaners are used to dissolve hard water
deposits, remove mild rust stains, and eliminate soap
film from around the sink and on shower doors. They
are useful in removing tarnish from brass and copper.
Mildly acidic cleaning products include vinegar
(acetic acid) and lemon juice (citric acid). Mild cleaners
made from these acids are safe for use around children
and pets. Other acids are often found in household
cleaning products.
• Gluconic acid – organic compound with very
low toxicity
• Hydroxyacetic (or glycolic) acid – a mild organic
acid (stronger than vinegar)
• Levulinic acid – a non-toxic sugar-derived chemical used as a platform chemical in the production
of a number of products
Acetic acid is the acid in clear white vinegar and is a
natural all-purpose cleaning agent. It is best for general
household cleaning on surfaces that can tolerate a strong,
acidic product. Vinegar removes hard water deposits
from glassware, rust stains from sinks, and tarnish from
brass and copper. After using alkaline cleaners, acetic acid
can be used as a mild deliming rinsing agent. Although
vinegar is widely used as a disinfectant in household
cleaning, the packaging cannot claim the product as a
disinfectant because it is not registered with the EPA.
Citric acid is a natural substance found in lemons,
limes, oranges, and grapefruits. It is nontoxic, antibacterial, and antiseptic. It has much the same use as vinegar.
In commercial products, citric acid is used to remove
hard water buildup on dishes and glassware. It is also
used as an acid spotter to remove coffee and tea stains,
yellowing/browning discolorations, water stains, and
urine or feces stains. Some commercial products that
contain citric acid are water-based and may cause corrosion or rust on metals. Wash and dry the metal after
cleaning to prevent rust.
Cream of tartar is a very mild acid salt. Made into a
paste with water, it can be used to clean brass and copper, brighten aluminum, remove rust, and freshen coffee
makers. Mix a small amount with vinegar to create a
nonabrasive cleaner for use on grout, mold and mildew,
oven tops, and cookware.
Phosphoric acid is a clear, colorless, odorless liquid.
It is very mild, yet more acidic than vinegar or lemon
juice. Commonly used for rust removal, it works quite
well on most types of bathroom stains. In commercial
products, phosphoric acid is found in tub, tile, sink, and
toilet bowl cleaners.
Very Strong Acids
Strongly acidic cleaners are highly toxic. They may be
corrosive, meaning they can eat away at metal surfaces
or human tissue. Avoid getting them on your skin or in
your eyes. Avoid getting them on other materials since
the acids may have bleaching effects, eat through metals,
or etch (scratch) surfaces and porcelain enamel. Always
read the labels on the products you buy and follow the
directions to ensure your own safety. See the Caution
section (at the end of this ACIDS section) for more information on safe use.
Hydrochloric acid comes from a mixture of common table salt and sulfuric acid. Concentrated solutions
of hydrochloric acid are extremely corrosive. Diluted
solutions are commonly found in household cleaning
products. Very dilute solutions are only mildly corrosive.
When using hydrochloric acid, be careful to not let the
cleaner come in contact with eyes and skin.
Hydrochloric acid is used in toilet bowl cleaners to
remove dirt and grime. It is used for cleaning mortar
spills off new bricks, removing rust from metals and
other surfaces, and etching floors before sealing them.
This product eats cotton, rayon, and mortar and is very
corrosive to metals. In commercial products, hydrochloric acid is also called muriatic acid and is used for cleaning concrete; the acid cleans the concrete by etching
away the top layer.
Hydrofluoric acid is a commercial rust remover
that will burn the skin. Keep this one away from glass
windows or glass products. See the Caution section
before using.
Oxalic acid is a bleaching agent that is an effective rust remover. It is poisonous and corrosive. Make
sure to keep children and pets away while using this
Guide G-304 • Page 3
product. Dispose of cloths and brushes used to apply
oxalic acid. Otherwise, the acid could be transferred to
kitchen utensils and dishes, from which this poisonous
substance could be ingested. See the Caution section
before using.
Sodium bisulfate (also known as sodium acid sulfate) can be found in toilet bowl cleaners. It is a compound made by combining sodium, hydrogen, sulfur,
and oxygen ions. It is a poison and should be used with
extreme caution. See the Caution section before using.
Sodium hypochlorite is a chemical used in bleaching solutions, disinfectants, water purifiers, and cleaning products. As a disinfectant, it attacks and destroys
bacteria, viruses, and mold. It can be found in toilet
bowl cleaners and tile and grout cleaners, among other
products. Swallowing sodium hypochlorite can lead to
poisoning. Breathing the fumes may also cause poisoning, especially if the product is mixed with ammonia.
Sulfuric acid is a strong drain cleaner and can be
found in some toilet bowl cleaners. It also is a powerful
oxidizer. However, it attacks nylon, vinyl, and most organic substances. It will burn the skin and emit dangerous fumes. Be sure to use it with caution. Store in a safe
place away from other chemicals or heat, and definitely
keep it away from children or pets. See the Caution section before using.
Always read the labels on the products you buy
and follow the directions to ensure your own safety.
Oxalic acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium bisulfate, sodium hypochlorite, and sulfuric acid are all
poisonous. They can also injure skin and eyes and
damage clothing, leather, and some metals. Damage can occur when two or more different kinds
of metals are treated together with acid. For this
reason, avoid soaking a metal in a container made
of another metal.
Never mix a toilet bowl cleaner with any other
household or cleaning products. Doing so can result in poisonous gasses being released and cause
very serious breathing problems. When cleaning
your bathrooms, always be sure that the room has
plenty of ventilation. Leave the door open, open a
window, and use the exhaust fan, if you have one.
Alkaline cleaners are composed of alkali salts, such as
sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda or soda ash), sodium
metasilicate, and trisodium phosphate (TSP). Along
with their detergent properties, certain alkali salts have
water-softening characteristics and are used in cleaning
products for that purpose.
Cleaning products are available in soaps, detergents,
and all-purpose cleaners. Alkalis help clean food spills,
oils, grease, and everyday things that get dirty. They
remove oily dirt without rubbing and vary in strength
from mild to moderate to strong. Refer to Table 2 for
examples of alkalis found in household cleaners.
Table 2. Examples of Alkalis in Household Cleaners
Product All-purpose cleaners Examples: 409, Ajax,
Borax (20 Mule Team), Clorox OxiMagic, Mr.
Clean, Spic and Span
Drain cleaners
Alkali Ingredients
Ammonium compounds, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), sodium carbonate, sodium metasilicate, trisodium
phosphate (TSP), sodium borate (borax)
Caustic soda/sodium hydroxide (lye)
Oven cleaners
Caustic soda/sodium hydroxide (lye), ammonia
Scouring powders
Alkali salts, sodium metasilicate, trisodium phosphate (TSP)
Window cleaners
Ammonia or ammonium compounds, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)
Mild Alkalis
For the most part, household cleaning chemicals listed
in the mild alkali category are ones that contain sodium
bicarbonate (baking soda). Mixed with water, this solution is used on areas that require a mild cleaning. It
safely cleans glass, wall tile, and porcelain enamels. It
also removes coffee and tea stains from china and plastic
dishes. Mild alkalis are not corrosive. They are safe to
use around children and pets.
Moderate Alkalis
Ammonia is a strong, colorless gas. When the gas is dissolved in water it is called liquid ammonia.
Ammonia is added to a number of household and
commercial cleaners to boost their alkalinity and greasecutting ability. It dries clear and usually won’t streak.
Ammonia also is found in glass cleaners and in cleaners
used for shiny surfaces, like wax cleaners. Too much of it
can ruin or damage some surfaces, so use it with caution.
Guide G-304 • Page 4
An effective cleaning agent, ammonia’s odor is the
main deterrent to its use. Never mix ammonia with
chlorine and bleach products because this can release a
highly toxic gas. For that matter, never mix any kind of
chemicals since this can cause an unstable reaction and
perhaps fumes, fire, or volatility (explosions).
• Household ammonia—containing 5 to 10% ammonia gas in water—cleans kitchen range burners,
ovens, windows, and mirrors.
• Sudsy ammonia has soap or detergent added.
Sudsy ammonia cleans garbage pails, kitchen range
burners, and sinks.
Borax, also known as sodium borate, is a natural
mineral compound. In the home, borax is used as a
natural laundry booster; multipurpose cleaner for woodwork, walls, sinks, and carpets; deodorizer; and disinfectant. Borax is not flammable. It is not reactive and so
can be mixed with most other cleaning agents, including
chlorine bleach. It dissolves best in warm water. Borax is
toxic if swallowed in large doses, and medical attention
should be sought immediately if this occurs.
Strong Alkalis
A cleaner that fits in the strong alkali category destroys
bacteria and dissolves proteins.
Cleaning products such as oven cleaner, lye, and
drain cleaners are strong alkalis. They are highly corrosive and cause chemical burns on the skin and in the
lungs when inhaled.
Lye (also known as caustic soda or sodium hydroxide)
is sometimes found in drain and oven cleaners. These
types of cleaners are used to unclog sink drains or in the
bathroom. They should not be stored in the kitchen or
bathroom cabinets. Lye emits dangerous fumes and can
cause skin burns—and in some cases blindness—if the
fumes come in contact with your eyes. Products with
lye can cause death if swallowed. Wear gloves and safety
goggles when using these products. Also, make sure that
there is good ventilation in the room when these cleaners are used.
Sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda
or soda ash) is used as a building block for powdered
detergents and washing soda. It is used to remove fat
from drains, greasy burners, and pans. This type of
cleaner is slightly corrosive and will burn skin and corrode aluminum products.
Sodium metasilicate is mixed with water to form a
cleaning solution. It makes a highly effective cleaner that
can remove dirt and marks from walls in preparation for
painting, and can attack stubborn soils on siding when
cleaning the exterior of a home.
Caution: Sodium metasilicate is highly alkaline. Dust
from the powder can irritate the nose, eyes, and lungs.
Prolonged exposure can cause skin irritation. Wear protective gloves, eye protection, and long-sleeved shirts
and pants while using this product. Wear a dust mask
while mixing the powder with water if dust irritates
nasal passages.
Store the compound in original containers in a dry
location. Sodium metasilicate is highly poisonous when
ingested. Store it out of reach of children or pets.
Trisodium phosphate (TSP) is not commonly
found in products because most phosphates have been
phased out of cleaning products due to environmental
concerns. Products that do contain TSP are banned or
restricted use in many states.
Most alkalis are toxic (poisonous), some are corrosive, and others irritate skin and eyes. Lye can burn
skin severely. Alkalis remove oil from skin, so wear
gloves. They also take oil from linoleum and oilbased paints and often result in cracking or peeling.
They can darken aluminum. Damage to surfaces can
be prevented by using a mildly alkaline solution and
by rinsing well to remove all the cleaner.
Bleaching agents are chemicals used to remove stains.
Many bleaching agents can be used as disinfectants. If
a product contains a bleaching agent, the product information label may state contains bleach, bleaches as it
cleans, or chlorinated.
Bleaching agents may not list the term bleach on
the product label. Therefore, it is important for consumers to recognize other names for bleach. Table 3
provides a list of possible chemical bleaching agents that
may appear on product labels.
Table 3. Chemical Bleaching Agents Found on Product
Use In Cleaning Products
Calcium hypochlorite
Solid bleach used in sanitizing.
Hydrogen peroxide
Bleaching textiles and fur.
Sodium carbonate peroxide Oxygen-based bleaching agent. (or, sodium percarbonate)
Releases hydrogen peroxide when dissolved in water. Whitens, brightens, and removes dirt and stains from surfaces and fabrics.
Sodium dichloroisocyanurate
Sanitizing and dishwashing agents.
Sodium hypochlorite
Household laundering and sanitizing.
Sodium perborate
Milder bleach for laundering and replacement for phosphates in detergents.
Guide G-304 • Page 5
Detergents are an ingredient found in many home
cleaning products. A detergent is a chemical substance
used to break up and remove grease and grime. Soap
is an example of one kind of detergent. The most important ingredients in detergents are chemicals called
surfactants—a word made from bits of the words
“surface active agents.” Since water does not clean effectively alone, detergents help loosen dirt. The surfactants in the detergents are used to bond water to dirt
and grease. They help water to get a hold of the grime,
break it up, and wash it away.
Builders enhance the detergent’s efficiency. Phosphates are a type of builder commonly found in detergent products. Trisodium phosphate (TSP) and disodium phosphate are rarely used these days due to bans
enacted for environmental reasons. Most phosphates in
use today, referred to as complex or condensed phosphates,
have a lower alkalinity than the banned phosphates. If a
complex phosphate builder has been added, the detergent will remove oily dirt better. When a builder is present, the product is labeled heavy duty or all-purpose.
Some laundry detergents may be used for house cleaning jobs. The safety of a laundry detergent depends on
the brand and the additional chemicals it may contain.
Check the product label carefully. Liquid dishwashing
detergent is safe for use around children and pets.
Figure 1. A bottle of commercially available liquid
chlorine bleach.
Chlorine bleach is one of the most widely available
and affordable disinfectants on earth. Liquid chlorine
bleach (Figure 1) is an alkaline solution of sodium hypochlorite dissolved in water. It is a base and is especially
good at removing stains and dyes from textiles. Additionally, chlorine bleaches are used for controlling mold
and mildew and for disinfecting surfaces.
Chlorine bleach is a strong corrosive material.
Inhaling the fumes will irritate the eyes, skin, and
respiratory tract. Never mix bleach with toilet bowl
cleaners or rust remover because a poisonous gas is
produced. Never mix bleach and ammonia because
this produces a dangerous chemical compound that
could result in fire.
Consumers should be aware that chlorine bleach
can dull shiny finishes on sinks, bathtubs, and other
porcelain enamel faces. Since it is an alkali, bleach
will darken aluminum and make linoleum brittle.
Solvents are cleaning chemicals that dissolve grease, oil,
and oily dirt. The ingredients in solvents include (but
are not limited to) acetones, denatured alcohols, and
mineral spirits. Cleaners that contain solvents include
spot removers, rug cleaners, sanitizers, drain cleaners,
and all-purpose cleaners. Examples of spirit solvents are
paint thinners, turpentine, and kerosene.
Many waxes and polishes for furniture and floors
and floor wax removers contain spirit solvents. Spirit
solvent floor wax removers are safe and effective for use
on wood, wood composite, cork, magnesite, linoleum,
concrete, and stone floors. They are used for removing
wax, oil, and grease. These products are non-flammable.
Note: Spirit solvent floor waxes are not to be used on asphalt, thermoplastic tiles, PVC (vinyl), or rubber floors
because the solvents will damage these types of floors.
Not all floor waxes contain spirit solvents. Some are
water-emulsion waxes that will damage wood and cork
products. Water-emulsion waxes can be recognized by
the product label statement Keep from Freezing.
Guide G-304 • Page 6
Figure 2. Warning label on household cleaning product.
Most spirit solvents are flammable and must be kept
away from heat, sparks, and open flame. By law, the
label must indicate that the product is flammable.
Before using, read product labels and follow all
recommended safety precautions.
If solvent is spilled on clothing, don’t wear it near
a heat source because the clothing is flammable and
serious burns may occur. Be careful when disposing
of empty solvent containers, especially aerosol cans.
Even a small amount of solvent left in the container
can ignite and cause an explosion if the canister is
left in a warm place or in direct sunlight.
Most cleaning products used in homes today are considered safe when used according to the manufacturer’s
instructions. Regulations require that all hazardous
substances be labeled with the statement Keep Out of
the Reach of Children (Figure 2). Not all products are
hazardous, but when directions are not followed some of
these products become dangerous—and some are more
dangerous than others.
The most frequent misuse is accidental swallowing by
curious children (Figure 3). Therefore, never transfer
cleaners into soft drink bottles or other containers
that may seem harmless to children. Keep cleaning
Figure 3. Installing childproof latches on cabinets can
prevent children from opening them and possibly ingesting
dangerous chemicals. Photograph by Thomas E. Tamayo.
products in the original packaging. Buy products in
childproof containers and store them in cabinets with
childproof latches.
Many household cleaners are stored under the kitchen sink in cabinets that are not locked. This is the worst
place to store household cleaners. If this is the only place
where you can store cleaning products, put safety latches
(Figure 4) on the cabinets and drawers. The best practice is to put these products in a place that children cannot reach. Also, if possible, keep children and pets out
of areas where cleaning products being used.
Keep products, such as strong acids and alkalis,
directed away from skin and eyes when in use. Wear
protective clothing, including gloves, safety goggles, and
an apron. Immediately wash off any products that you
splash or spill on your skin.
Products containing flammable liquids should never
be used near open flames, including pilot lights on kitchen ranges or gas clothes dryers, furnaces, or lit cigarettes.
Do not leave aerosol (pressurized) containers on a
kitchen range, radiator, or furnace; in direct sunlight;
or near other heat sources. Never puncture aerosol
containers. Before discarding this type of container,
Guide G-304 • Page 7
You can also call 911 or your local emergency
ambulance number.
• Household chemical swallowed. First, drink a
half glass of water. Then call your poison control
center at 1-800-222-1222. You can also call 911
or your local emergency ambulance number.
Figure 4. A childproof safety latch on a cabinet door.
hold the valve open until all the contents and gas
have escaped.
Never discard an empty aerosol container in a fire or
incinerator because some gas usually remains. This is
true even in an apparently empty can. Heat causes the
gas to expand, which may lead to an explosion.
Accidents - What To Do
If an accident occurs while you are using a hazardous
substance, refer to the product label for the appropriate first aid procedures. Follow the directions carefully.
If it is necessary to take a child or adult to the hospital
or a physician’s office because of an accident, be sure to
bring along the container of the product that caused the
injury. The information on the label will help the physician give prompt and proper treatment.
If no other person is close by and you are hurt or
starting to feel sick, then do the following.
• Poisonous gas inhaled. Quickly get to fresh air.
If any other person is around, they should not
breathe the fumes. If you can, open all the doors
and windows wide. If not, stay in the fresh air.
Call your poison control center at 1-800-2221222. You can also call 911 or your local emergency ambulance number.
Be prepared for any emergency in your home. Keep
your local emergency number, local ambulance number,
and the local poison control center telephone numbers
on or next to your phone. All poison control centers
now have the same telephone number—it doesn’t matter
which state you live in. The number is 1-800-222-1222.
For more information on use and disposal of
household chemicals, see Cooperative Extension Service Guide G-312, Safe Use and Disposal of Household Chemicals (available from
pubs/_g/g-312.pdf ), and Guide G-313, Household
Hazardous Waste (available from
pubs/_g/G-313.pdf ).
Original author: Susan Holder, Extension Housing
Specialist. Previously revised by Constance Kratzer,
Extension Family Resource Management Specialist.
• Household chemical splashed in the eyes. Rinse
out your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes in the shower
or under a faucet. Then call your poison control
center at 1-800-222-1222. You can also call 911
or your local emergency ambulance number.
• Household chemical splashed on the skin. Take
off the wet clothing and rinse the skin for 15 to 20
minutes in the shower or under a faucet. Then call
your poison control center at 1-800-222-1222.
Sonja Koukel is Assistant Professor and
Extension Community and Environmental Health Specialist in the Department
of Extension Family and Consumer
Sciences. She earned her B.S. at NMSU
and her M.S. and Ph.D. at Texas Tech
University. Her Extension programs
focus on health and wellness—physical,
mental, spiritual, and environmental.
Brand names appearing in publications are for product identification purposes only. No endorsement is intended, nor is criticism implied of
similar products not mentioned. Persons using such products assume responsibility for their use in accordance with current label directions of the
Contents of publications may be freely reproduced for educational purposes. All other rights reserved. For permission to use
publications for other purposes, contact [email protected] or the authors listed on the publication.
New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture
Revised September 2012
Las Cruces, NM
Guide G-304 • Page 8
4-H FCS Skill-a-thon
Interior Design and
Housing ID
The photos shown here are only one option of what an
item may look like. Other options are available.
Revised March 2014
Banner Valance
A series of fabric triangles attached to a mounting board or threaded on a rod.
Café Curtains
Short curtains hung on a rod.
A fabric pocket to encase a curtain rod or elastic for gathering. Usually made by folding
fabric over twice and stitching basically, a hem with open ends.
An ornamental band for covering a curtain rod. It is made of a rigid panel covered with fabric.
Curtain Drop
The length of a curtain window treatment
from the hanging system to the bottom
Goblet Pleats
A pleat that is pushed out and filled with
curtain lining instead of folded inward.
The extra fabric above the curtain rod pocket
Leading Edge
Where the curtain panels overlap in the center of a way traverse rod.
Pinch Pleats
A style of pleat, usually triple folded, used at the
header of curtain window treatments.
A decorative edge made from bias-cut
fabric strips that cover a cord.
Roman Shade
A window shade made from fabric that hangs flat
when down but folds like an accordion when raised.
A wall mounted fixture that is great for draping fabric through
Spring Tension Rod
An adjustable rod that fits inside the window frame
A top window treatment that can stand-alone or be
mounted over curtains
Bay Window
A Three sided or more window that
protrudes from the exterior wall of a
Bow Window
Bay windows that are semi-circular
Casement Window
A hinged window operated by a crank
mechanism that can open in or out
Double Hung Window
The most common type of window,
consisting of an upper and lower sash
Palladian Window
A series of windows with an arch on top
Picture Window
A large window with fixed panes
Recessed Window
A Window set back into a wall. Curtain window treatments are
often hung inside the recess.
Textured Cut Pile
Is the most decoratively versatile cut-pile carpet, its
textured surface helps hide footprints and vacuum
marks. Textured pile is considered a great whole
house carpet.
Saxony is a refined cut-pile surface. Its soft texture
is created by twisting yarns tightly together and
straightening with heat. It is a luxuriously smooth,
soft finish carpet that adds beauty to traditional
interiors and elegance to any room. Its soft texture
shows subtle highlights and accents.
Loop-Pile (Berber)
Loop-pile carpet has wool like look and rugged loop surface. The loop pile carpet wears
well and is suited for casual rooms with lots
of traffic and activity. Tight loop texture helps
hide footprints and vacuum marks. Subtle patterns fit a variety of room styles.
Frieze carpet is the great plush “feel” of thick,
cut pile carpet. It is very versatile decoratively ,
ideal for casual rooms and kids’ rooms. The
beautifully crafted and colored yarns add personality to any room. Subtle color flecks help hide
soil that might appear between cleaning.
This carpet carves definition with cut and loop pile.
This carpet accent colors spice up floor surfaces in both
formal and contemporary settings. Multicolor effect
hide soil and stains making it look great between
Commercial Loop
This durable long-wearing surface pile engineered for high traffic areas comes in versatile
styles that blend with any décor. The intriguing
color choices are suitable for professional and
practical installations. Textured surfaces provide subtle highlights.
It is a loosely constructed, heavy,
plain weave fabric made from jute
fiber. It is used as a backing for carpet and may even appear as a
drapery fabric.
A rich fabric with an embossed design,
usually gold or silver.
A very soft fabric made with fluffy
cotton yarns.
A floral printed cotton fabric.
A fabric in which the warp threads are usually dyed blue or black and the
weft is white, so the top surface of the fabric is mainly blue or black, and the
underside remains whitish.
A woven fabric made from wool, silk, or cotton. The special weave
gives the fabric a raised appearance.
Plain weave cotton cloth with a checked pattern.
A soft fabric placed between the fabric and the lining
that provides insulation
Fabric layer placed on the back of curtains to protect them
from light and dust.
A very strong, yet soft fabric, made from threads
produced by silkworms
Machine woven fabric that looks hand woven
Base Board
A Narrow border that runs
along the base of a wall
where it meets the floor.
Chair Rail
Chair rails have a decorative and practical
function. Applied to a wall anywhere from
24 to 48 inches from the floor they are a
beautiful accent to the room, running horizontally, while also protecting the wall from
scuffs and dents from the backs of chairs.
Cove Molding
Used where walls and ceiling meet. They have a
concave profile and are often used as inside corner
guards, or to hide joints. Cove molding is very
similar to crown molding. The difference is in the
profile. Cove molding bends inward and crown
molding bends outwards.
Crown Molding
A decorative strip of material used to cover transitions
between surfaces or for decoration.
Door Casing
Is the frame work around the
doors. This type of trim is most
often found on residential doors.
Door/Window Jamb
The molding around the window or
door. Any type of vertical
support around an opening.
Fascia Board
A finish member around the face of eaves and roof projections. Horizontal boards attached to
rafter/truss ends at the eaves and along gables. Roof drain gutters are attached to the fascia.
A hand tool that has a handle with a
perpendicularly attached head of metal or
other heavy rigid material, and is used
for striking or pounding.
Flathead Screwdriver
A screwdriver that has a flat blade and corresponds to slotted screws.
An instrument for determining whether
a surface is horizontal, vertical, or at a
45 degree angle, consisting of an encased, liquid-filled tube containing an
air bubble that moves to a center window when the instrument is set on an
even plane.
Needle-nose pliers
The long, tapering, forged head that gives
needle-nose pliers their name is particularly useful in electrical work where
spaces can get tight. May come with a
wire-cutting blade near the hinge.
Phillips Screwdriver
A screwdriver with four intersecting perpendicular points that corresponds to Phillips
Putty Knife
A tool having a flat flexible blade, used for scraping
dry glues and paints and for spreading putty, paste
and spackle.
Safety Glasses
Used to protect eyes when using an electric sander, etc.
Slip-joint Pliers
Slip joint pliers can grasp, bend
and turn wire or fasteners. Slip
joint pliers are distinctive in their
adjustable design. These pliers
have pivot points which can be
moved into two different positions.
This lets the pliers handle different
sizes of fasteners without losing
Tongue-and-Groove Pliers
Are commonly used for turning and holding nuts and
bolts, gripping irregularly shaped objects, and clamping materials. They have serrated jaws generally set 45
– to 60-degrees from the handles. The lower jaw can
be moved to a number of positions by sliding along a
tracking section under the upper jaw.
Tape Measure
A tape of cloth, paper, or steel
marked off in a linear scale, as
inches or centimeters, for taking measurements.
Wire Cutter
A tool used for cutting wire.
Open-end wrench or open-ended spanner: a one-piece wrench with a U-shaped
opening that grips two opposite faces of
the bolt or nut. This wrench is often
double-ended, with a different-sized
opening at each end.
Utility knife
A few of the utility knifes uses are: cutting
paint around windows that are stuck
closed; opening boxes; scoring drywall;
and trimming the edges of carpet.
Drop Cloth
Used to protect furniture, fixtures
and floors when painting.
Pad Applicator
Small pad with a handle on the back that is used
to apply paint.
Paint Brush, Synthetic Bristle
Paint Brush, Natural Bristle
They are nylon or nylon/polyester. Used
for latex paint, but they can work with oil
products as well. It is advisable to dedicate
a synthetic bristle brush to either oil- or
water-based paint use and not switch between paint types with the same brush.
Natural bristle brushes are made from animal hair. Natural bristle brushes may only
be used with oil-based paints.
Paint Pail Hook
Hook that holds the paint can on the ladder.
A device used for applying paint consisting of a
cylinder attached to a handle and a pad which
fits over the cylinder.
Roller Tray
A container that holds paint when
using a paint roller.
Paint Shield/Guide
Also known as a trim guard. Used primarily
in corners where wall meets ceiling or
where two walls meet that are not painted
the same color.
Paper with sand or another abrasive stuck to
it, used for smoothing or polishing woodwork or other surfaces.
Color Washing
Produces a casual appearance with a translucent texture. By using different color
palettes with this versatile technique, you
can give your room a fluid calm or the Old
World charm of an aged fresco.
A fun technique that creates a striated effect with
paint and glaze. Traditionally produces vertical lines
that mimic the sheen of opulent silk. But can also be
used to create waves, horizontal stripes, or checkered
patterns for a more striking impression.
A finish that when used with a combination of
traditional colors can easily create an aged antique
A finish which adds an opulent shimmer to a room. This special finish makes a bold,
stylish statement when applied over a single basecoat, and adds elegant
reflective highlights when used in combination with another faux finishing
This finish produces a delicate,
fabric-like texture with a soft,
variegated appearance. It’s the
perfect way to create an intimate mood.
This finish gives walls a rich, granulated texture that is as
beautiful as it is dramatic. Suggesting the earthen color of
sandstone cliffs, it brings the feel of nature into your
Soft Suede
This finish allows you to skillfully achieve the velvety suppleness of a
well-worn suede jacket. The comfortable and relaxed atmosphere created by this
effect works well with rich wood trim and furnishings.
This technique adds a subtle texture and rich
depth to your walls using a basic technique. By
adding multiple layers of color in a random
pattern, you build intricate dimension that lends
visual interest to your home.
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4-H FCS Skill-a-thon
Sewing and
Clothing ID
The photos shown here are only one option of what an
item may look like. Other options are available.
Revised March 2014
Aida Cloth — Beautiful even-weave cloth,
popular for cross stitch work, crewel
embroidery, and other
Cotton — Good material for first time
sewers to use. Has a good hand and little
elasticity. Considered a heavy weight
material. Used for everyday clothing.
Felt — A fabric of matted, compressed
animal fibers, such as wool or fur, sometimes mixed with vegetable or synthetic
Fleece — Fabric with a soft deep pile.
Selvage - Uncut edge on both the right
and left side of the fabric as it is woven.
The way it is finished makes it unsuitable for fabrication.
Muslin, Unbleached — Sturdy cotton
fabric of plain weave, used especially for
Silk — material with a smooth texture
and high luster. A light weight material
with a somewhat poor cover. Used in
blouses and under garments.
Spandex — A strong fiber with medium
weight and good elasticity. Used for
clothing and swimsuits.
Wool — A rough fiber with good crimp.
Has a stiff drape and good cover. Use in
carpets and some clothing.
Trims & Fasteners
Bias Tape — Narrow strip of cloth that is
cut on the bias (diagonal to the grain of the
fabric) that can be used to finish or decorate
Batting — Cotton, wool, or synthetic fiber
wadded into rolls or sheets, used for stuffing
furniture and mattresses and for lining quilts.
Button -
A generally disk-shaped fastener used to
join two parts of a garment by fitting through a buttonhole or loop.
Decorative Trim —
Trim that is used to
decorate the edges of
Elastic — A flexible stretchable
fabric made with interwoven
strands of rubber or an imitative
synthetic fiber.
Fold Over Elastic - Can be used to encase the edge of a seam by folding along
the center indentation.
Hook and Eyes — Clothes fasteners
consisting of a small hook and metal
loop. Used as closures at the tops of
shirts, dresses, skirts, or pants.
Ribbed Elastic— Provides maximum cross strength. Found in pants
and shorts.
Rick Rack — Strips of material that can
be different shapes and widths. Used to
decorate material.
Ruffle Elastic - Soft elastic with shiny,
narrow ruffles on each side.
Sew on Snaps — Used as closures at the tops of garments.
Sewing Machine Parts
Please match the number on the picture with
the numbered definitions below.
1. Power Switch - Turns the sewing machine on and off.
2. Presser Foot - The presser foot holds the fabric in place during sewing. The
presser foot must be lowered before you begin to sew or fabric will not move
through the machine!
3. Presser Foot Lifter -The presser foot is used to hold the fabric down to the needle
plate so it can be sewn smoothly. When you sew, the presser foot should be down;
when you're done sewing, lift it up with the presser foot lifter.
4. Throat Plate - The throat plate is a metal plate with openings for the needle and or
the feed dogs
5. Feed Dogs—It is the part under the needle plate where the teeth
are used to move it forward. It is the feeder mechanism which is
typically used to pull fabric through a sewing mechanism.
6. Sewing Machine Needle - A sewing machine needle consists of: a shank - clamped
by the sewing machine's needle holder; shoulder - where the thick shank tapers down
to the shaft; shaft - a length suitable for driving the eye and thread through the material and down to the bobbin; groove - cut in the back of the shaft to release the thread
into a loop that aids the hook or shuttle to pick up the thread; scarf - provides extra
room for the hook or shuttle to pass close by; eye - carries the thread; and point penetrates the material by parting the threads or cutting a hole.
Thread Take Up -The take up lever is used in threading the sewing machine and
to keep the thread tension at the proper level. If the take up lever is threaded im
properly, the thread will knot up and jam in the machine.
Upper Tension Regulator -A sewing machine feature that sets the balance between the bobbin and needle threads. On some sewing machines the tension has
one permanent setting. On other machines the tension can be set or is adjusted
automatically according to the type of fabric.
Thread Guide -Part of the upper threading sequence, they direct the flow of
thread to keep the thread going straight in one direction.
Spool Pin - Holds the spool of thread.
Bobbin Winder—On a sewing machine it is a device that winds bobbins. The
bobbin is the spool of thread that is below the presser foot. It provides the lower
portion of thread that is interlocked with thread from the needle and thus creates a
Balance/Hand Wheel—The balance or hand wheel is used when you want to
manually move the needle up and down. The hand wheel can be pulled out when
you want to disengage the needle (run the spool of thread without the needle going
up and down). The hand wheel raises and lowers the needle. You must always
pull the hand wheel towards yourself to prevent tangling of the threads.
Stitch Length Regulator -The mechanism that allows you to adjust the length of
your stitches.
Stitch Width Regulator - The mechanism that allows you to adjust the width of a
wide stitch, such as a zigzag stitch.
Bobbin Case/Bobbin - The bobbin case is a small case into which the bobbin is
inserted and threaded, and then is inserted into the sewing machine. The Bobbin is
a cylinder on which thread is wound for sewing. Holds the bottom thread.
Foot Control - A device which is placed on the floor rather than the table, which I
s stepped on. Used to apply power to the sewing machine or serger.
17. Zipper Foot -A sewing machine attachment that is designed
for installing zippers; the design of the foot allows the needle to
stitch close different items such as zippers and cording. (Not on
sewing machine diagram above.)
Center Zipper Application - A centered
zipper is a zipper that is sewn in with an
even amount of fabric on each side of the
zipper. The teeth of the zipper under the
area where the fabric would create a seam
if there were not a zipper.
Appliqué – To attach a small piece of
fabric to a larger piece of fabric, to
create a desired design.
Dart — A tapered tuck sewn to adjust
the fit of a garment.
Gather — To draw into small folds
or puckers, as by pulling a thread through
Hem — An edge or border on a piece of
cloth, especially a finished edge, as for a
garment or curtain, made by folding an
edge under and stitching it down.
Lapped Zipper Application -A lapped application zipper has one line of fabric showing on
the outside with the appearance that all of the
fabric is on one side. It is most commonly seen
in slacks and skirts.
Pleat — A fold in cloth made by doubling
the material upon itself and then pressing
or stitching it into place.
Seam Allowance – the area between
the stitching and raw, cut edge of
the fabric.
Under-Stitching – Under-stitching assists a
facing or lining to stay to the inside and
remain un-seen. It is a stitching that is
sewn as close to the seam possible holding
the graded seam allowance to the facing or
Acrylic Ruler -- Ruler used in crafts and
clothing showing different
measurement. May come in different
shapes and sizes.
Ball Point Bodkin - A sharp slender tool used
to insert elastic into casings, to turn bias tubing, and to weave ribbon cording. Handy tool
to use instead of a safety pin.
Crewels — Needles with long eyes for
easy threading.
Cutting Mat — Mat that is placed down
to protect the table surface while cutting.
Dress Form — Used to help form a
garment to your specific measurements.
Dressmaker’s Ham — use on hard to
reach areas.
Emery Bag — Used to sharpen and remove rust from needles.
Iron— A metal appliance with a handle
and a weighted flat bottom, used when
heated to press wrinkles from fabric.
Loop Turner — Used for turning binding
and inserting cord into tubing.
Ironing Board — A long, narrow
padded board, often with collapsible
supporting legs, used as a working
surface for ironing.
Measuring Tape — Used for measuring
larger pieces of fabric and body
Needle Threader — Used to thread
machine or hand needles.
Patterns — A plan, diagram, or model to
be followed in making things: a dress
Pattern Weights -Keeps pattern pieces in
place without pinning.
Pin Cushion — A small cushion used for
holding pins for easy access/.
Pins — Used for holding material together while sewing. Come in two
forms:dressmaker or silk pins are fine and
sharp and are the best to use.
Pinking Shears — Used for finishing
Point Presser with Clapper - Use tailor
board for shaping, pressing crisp edges and
sharp points, collars and lapels. Use clapper
to flatten seams, folds, tucks, creases, enclosed edges, like facings and collars.
Pressing Machine— Used to press
Press Cloth — Used to help keep shine in
fabric. Can be dampened to provide
moisture for more steam. Unbleached
muslin about 14” X 30” in size.
Safety Pins — A loop shaped pin that
fastens into itself with its points under a
protective cover to prevent accidental
opening or injury.
Rotary Cutter— A Wheel with a sharp
edge that is used to cut fabric, used on a
cutting mat.
Scissors — Used for cutting paper and
clipping fabric. Scissors may have a
straight handle.
Scissor Sharpener - Re-sharpens and
smoothes worn blade edges.
Seam Ripper — Used to take out seams
as well as making buttonholes.
Seam Roll - For pressing seams open on long
and narrow areas.
Sewing Gauge — A short ruler that has
a moveable slide for marking hems,
seams, and other areas.
Sharps — Needles with small round
Shears — used for cutting fabric, not
paper. Shears are 7-8 inches long, are
sharp, and have bent handles making
them easier to cut with.
Tailor’s Chalk — Used for marking
sewing details on fabric.
Tapestry Needle Threader - For
threading needlepoint and tapestry yarn
needles quickly and easily.
Thimble — Used to protect your fingers
when hand sewing.
Thread — Fine cord of a fibrous
material, such as cotton or flax, made of
two or more filaments twisted together
and used in needlework and the weaving
of cloth.
Thread Rack — A rack that is used for
holding spools of thread.
Tracing Paper — Paper used to mark
sewing details on fabric and or the feed
Tracing Wheel — Wheel used along
with tracing paper to transfer sewing
details to fabric.
Oklahoma State University, and New Mexico State University U.S. Department of Agriculture, State and
Local governments cooperating. Oklahoma State University and New Mexico State University offers their
programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability of
status as a veteran, and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
4-H FCS Skill-a-thon
Foods and
Cooking ID
The photos shown here are only one option of what an
item may look like. Other options are available.
Revised March 2014
Apple Corer — This tool has a circular
cutting edge that is forced down into the
apple, allowing the apple to remain whole so
it can then be easily sliced into sections for
eating it out of hand or baking it whole with
the outer skin. A tool used to extract the core
from the apple without cutting the apple into
sections and then individually cutting out each
part of the core.
BBQ Tongs — A utensil with
long handles used to grip and
turn food while cooking.
Apple Slicer — This
professional-quality tool is
pressed down over the apple to
make eight uniform slices and
remove the core.
BBQ Spatula — A utensil
with long handle and flat bottom used to turn food while
Can Opener, Hand — A hand
held device used for cutting
cans open.
Butter Knife - A blunt knife used
for cutting or spreading butter or other
similar spreads.
Chef’s Knife — A large knife
with a wide blade, generally
considered all-purpose knives that are
used for cutting and dicing.
Chopper — A utensil used
to cut food into smaller
Chopsticks — A pair of slender sticks
made especially of wood or ivory, held
between the thumb and fingers and used as
an eating utensil in Asian countries and in
restaurants serving Asian food.
Cookie Cutter — A shaped template
with a sharp edge used to cut cookies or
biscuits from rolled dough
Decorative Slicer, Ripple — A utensil
used to cut food that leaves a rippled edge.
Decorative Slicer, Vee — A utensil used
to cut food that leaves a vee shape
Egg Separator — A spoon shaped utensil,
which has a hole in the bottom and is used
to separate the white from the yolk of the
Egg Slicer — A kitchen tool with a
slatted , egg-shaped hollow on the bottom
and a hinged top consisting of 10 fine steel
wires. When the upper portion is brought
down onto a hard-cooked egg sitting in the
base, it cuts the egg into even slices.
Egg Timer — A small hourglass or clockwork timing device used to time the boiling
of an egg, usually capable of timing
intervals of three to five minutes.
Flour Sifter — A utensil used to
incorporate air into flour and other dry
Garlic Press — A press used for
extracting juice from garlic
Grater — A device with sharp edged holes
against which something is rubbed to
reduce it to shreds. Used to grate such
things as cheese.
Grill Brush — A Brush with a long handle
on the end that is used to clean a grill
Gripper — Small rubbery circle used for
opening jars.
Ice Cream Scoop — A utensil used to
remove ice cream from a carton or other
container while forming the ice cream into
a ball or oval shape. Ice-cream scoops
come in several styles and sizes. Scoops
come in many sizes, from tiny to large
(about 1 to almost 3 inches in diameter.
Kitchen Fork — A utensil used to lift or
turn small food.
Measuring Cups — Cups that are used to
measure dry and solid ingredients. They
usually come in a set of four nesting cups:
1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, 1/2 cup, and 1 cup
Liquid Measuring Cups — Cups that
come in clear plastic or glass with a 1/4”
headspace so liquid can be carried without
spilling and a pouring spout..
Meat Tenderizer — Hammer or paddle
type utensil that comes in metal or wood
and in a plethora of sizes and shapes. They
can be large or small, have horizontal or
vertical handles and be round-, square-, or
mallet-shaped. Some have smooth surfaces
while others are ridged.
Measuring Spoons — Spoons that are
used to measure small amounts of dry or
liquid ingredients
Melon Baller — A small bowl-shaped tool
used to cut round– or oval-shaped pieces of
melon. The best melon ballers are rigidly
constructed with wood or metal handles and
sharp-edged, stainless steel bowls, which
come in several sizes, from about 1/4” to 1”
Mixing Bowl — A large bowl made of
pottery, glass, metal, or plastic and are used
to mix ingredients and come in a variety of
Paring Knife — A knife that is smaller and
shorter with fairly narrow blades, generally
used for delicate jobs.
Nut Chopper — A device with blades that
chops nuts into small
Pasta Server — A utensil used to serve
Pasta Measurer — A utensil used to
measure pasta
Pastry Blender — A mixing utensil used to
cut flour and shortening when making pastry
Pastry Brush — A small type brush used to
spread butter or spices over food
Pie/Cake Server — A utensil, which has a
triangular, shaped bottom with handle and is
used to serve cake or pie.
Pizza Cutter — A utensil consisting of a
wheel with a sharpened blade used to cut
Potato Masher — A tool used to crush food,
usually after cooking it, so that it forms a soft
Rolling Pin — A cylinder that may or may
not have small handles at either end used to
roll dough for pie crusts, biscuits, or cookies.
Rubber Spatula — A flexible utensil used
to remove food from spoons, side of bowls,
and pans
Scraper — A plastic utensil used to scrape
food from bowls, etc.
Serving Spoon — A large type spoon used
to serve food
Serving Fork — A large type fork used to
serve food
Slicing Knife — A knife with long narrow
flexible blades that may or may not be
Soup Spoon — A spoon with a rounded
bowl for eating soup
Tart Press — Any type of press used to
shape or mold pastry
Strainer — A bowl type item with holes in it
that is used to separate liquids from solid
Meat Thermometer - A thermometer used
to measure the internal temperature of meat,
especially roasts and steaks, and other
cooked foods. The degree of "doneness" of
meat correlates closely with the internal
temperature, so that a thermometer reading
indicates when it is cooked as desired.
Thermometer, Candy - A candy
thermometer, also known as a sugar
thermometer, is a thermometer used
to measure the temperature and
therefore the stage of a cooking
sugar solution.
Tongs - An instrument with two movable
arms that are joined at one end, used for
picking up and holding things.
Turner — is a kitchen utensil with a long
handle and a broad flat edge, used for lifting
and turning fried foods, biscuits or cookies.
Utility Knife — A knife that has a long
and narrow blade that is generally used for
Vegetable Peeler — A utensil used to peel
the skin from vegetables
Wire Whisk — A utensil used to beat and
blend ingredients or food, especially egg
Allspice — A spice used especially in baking, made from the
dried, nearly ripe berries of this plant.
Anise — An annual, aromatic Mediterranean herb (Pimpinella anisum)
in the parsley family, cultivated for its seed like fruits and the oil obtained
from them and used to flavor foods, liqueurs, and candies. plant.
Basil — An Old World aromatic annual herb (Ocimum basilicum) in the
mint family, cultivated for its leaves. Also called sweet basil. The leaves
of this plant are used as a seasoning. Any of various plants in the genus
Ocimun, native to warm regions, having aromatic foliage and terminal
clusters of small, usually white flowers..
Bay Leaves — The leaf of the bay laurel or “true laurel”,
Laurus nobilis, is a culinary herb often used to flavor soups,
stews, and braises and pates in Mediterranean Cuisine.
Celery Seed— A seed of the celery plant used as
Chili Powder — A seasoning consisting of ground chilies
mixed with other spices, such as cumin and oregano.
Chives — A Eurasion bulbous herb (Allium schoenoprasum) in
the lily family, having clusters of usually pink to rose-violet flowers
and cultivated for its long, slender, hollow leaves. Often used in the
plural. The leaves of this plant are used as a seasoning.
Cilantro— Parsley-like herb that is used as a seasoning or
garnish, usually in Mexican dishes and salsas, sometimes referred
to as Mexican parsley.
Cinnamon — The dried aromatic inner bark of certain
tropical Asian trees in the genus Cinnamomum, especially
C. verum and C. loureirii, often ground and used as a spice.
Cloves — The flower bud of this plant is used whole or
ground as a spice. An evergreen tree (Syzygium aromaticum)
native to the Moluccas and widely cultivated in warm regions for
its aromatic dried flower buds.
Cumin — An annual Mediterranean herb
(Cuminum cyminum) in the parsley family, having finely divided
leaves and clusters of small white or pink flowers. The seed like
fruit of this plant is used for seasoning, as in curry and chili
Garlic - A strong-smelling pungent-tasting bulb, used
as a flavoring in cooking and in herbal medicine.
Dill — An aromatic herb (Anethum graveolens) native to Eurasia,
having finely dissected leaves and small yellow flowers clustered in
umbels. The leaves or seeds of this plant are used as a seasoning.
Ginger— A plant (Zingiber officinale) of tropical Southeast
Asia having yellowish-green flowers and a pungent aromatic
rhizome. The rhizome of this plant is often dried and powdered
and used as a spice. Also called gingerroot.
Mace — An aromatic spice made from the dried, waxy,
scarlet or yellowish covering that partly encloses the kernel
of the nutmeg.
Mint Leaves — Any plant with the aromatic family
‘menthe’. The leaves are used to make essential oil or for
seasoning and flavoring.
Mustard — Any of various Eurasian plants of the genus
Brassica, especially B. nigra and B. juncea, which are cultivated
for their pungent seeds and edible leaves. A condiment made
from the powdered seeds of certain of these plants.
Nutmeg — An evergreen tree (Myristica fragrans) native to
the East Indies and cultivated for its spicy seeds. The hard,
aromatic seed of this tree is used as a spice when grated or
ground. A grayish to moderate brown.
Oregano — A perennial Eurasian herb (Origanum vulgare)
of the mint family, having aromatic leaves. The leaves of this
plant are used as a seasoning. Pungent leaves used as seasoning
with meats and fowl and in stews and soups and omelets
Paprika — A mild powdered seasoning made from sweet
red peppers. A dark to deep or vivid reddish orange.
Parsley — A cultivated Eurasian herb (Petroselinum
crispum) having flat or curled, alternately compound leaves. The
leaves of this plant are used as a seasoning or garnish.
Pepper, Black — The small, dark, unripe fruit of
the pepper plant (Piper nigrum), is used whole or
ground as a pungent spice.
Pepper, White - White pepper is used to a great extent in
recipes for appearance only, usually in white sauces where you
might not want dark specks if black pepper was used. White
pepper is milder in flavor than black pepper as well.
Poppy Seed — Any plant or species of the genus Papaver,
herbs with showy polypetalous flowers and a milky juice. From
one species (Papaver somniferum) opium is obtained, though all
the species contain it to some extent; also, a flower of the plant.
Rosemary — An aromatic evergreen Mediterranean shrub
(Rosmarinus officinalis) having light blue or pink flowers and
grayish-green leaves that are used in cooking and perfumery.
The leaves of this plant are used as a seasoning.
Sage — Any of various plants of the genus Salvia, especially S. officinalis, having aromatic grayish-green, opposite leaves. Also called
ramona. The leaves of this plant are used as a seasoning.
Sesame Seed — Small oval seeds of the sesame
Tarragon — An aromatic Eurasian herb (Artemisia
dracunculus) having linear to lance-shaped leaves and small,
whitish-green flower heads arranged in loose, spreading panicles.
The leaves of this plant are used as a seasoning.
Thyme — Any of several aromatic Eurasian herbs or low
shrubs of the genus Thymus, especially T. vulgaris, of southern
Europe, having small, white to lilac flowers grouped in head like
clusters. The leaves of this plant are used as a seasoning.
Turmeric — A widely cultivated tropical plant (Curcuma
domestica) of India, having yellow flowers and an aromatic,
somewhat fleshy rhizome. The powdered rhizome of this plant,
used as a condiment and a yellow dye.
Can Opener, Electrical— An electrical
device used for cutting cans open
Blender — An electrical kitchen appliance
used for mixing foods or batter
Crock Pot — An electrical cooker that
maintains a relatively low temperature, used
to cook foods over a long period of time.
Food Processor — An appliance consisting
of a container in which food is cut, sliced,
shredded, grated, blended, beaten or
liquidized. Used to prepare foods.
Ice Cream Maker — An appliance used to
make ice cream which may involve a paddle
used to mix ingredients while melting ice
provides low temperatures.
Mixer, Hand — A hand held device that
blends or mixes substances or ingredients,
especially by mechanical agitation.
Mixer, Countertop — An electrical device
that blends or mixes substances or ingredients, especially by mechanical agitation.
Rice Cooker — A selfcontained electrical appliance
used primarily for cooking rice.
Skillet, Electric - A skillet or frying pan that instead of
being placed on the stove is heated by plugging it into
an outlet. The best skillets provide an even heating surface, not always the case with stovetop cooking.
Tea Kettle - A metal or plastic vessel with a lid,
spout, and handle, used for boiling water.
Toaster — A mechanical device used to
toast bread, especially by exposure to
electrically heated wire coils.
Toaster Oven — An electrical appliance
that can be used as either a toaster or an oven
Turkey Fryer — An appliance used to deep
fry turkeys or large birds.
Waffle Iron — An appliance having hinged
indented plates that impress a grid pattern
into waffle batter as it bakes.
Baking Pan — A pan with sides that vary in
deepness and are used to bake such things as
Baking Sheet — A flat, shiny metal tray
used for cooking such things as biscuits and
Broiler Pan — A metal tray used to hold
food while broiling under a grill.
Double Boiler — A pair of cooking pots,
one fitting on top of and partly inside the
other. Food cooks gently in the upper pot
while water simmers in lower pot.
Colander — A bowl-shaped kitchen utensil
with perforations for draining off liquids and
rinsing food.
Dutch Oven — An iron container with lid
used for cooking stews or casseroles.
Frying Pan — A pan used for frying foods
with a single long side handle, measured in
inches and may have either straight or sloped
Mini Muffin Tin— A muffin tin with
smaller holes used to make mini muffins.
Muffin Tin — A tin consisting of holes in
which batter is placed to make muffins
Pastry Press — Any type of press used to
shape or mold cookies.
Pie Plate — A plate used to serve pie.
Pot holder — A pad used to protect hands
when working with hot pans.
Roaster Pan — A pan with deep sides used
to cook roast.
Sauce Pan — A pan used to cook sauces on
the stovetop with a long side handle and
straight sides measured in quarts.
Sauce Pot — A short and wide pot with two
handles and close fitting lid
Steamer Basket — Metal basket that
inserts into a pan. Used for steaming
Stockpot — A pot with two handles and
are tall and narrow
Tube Pan — A round pan with a hollow
projection in the middle, used for baking or
molding foods in the shape of a ring
Trivet — An object placed between a serving dish or bowl and a dining table, usually
to protect the table from heat damage. A
metal stand with short feet, used under a hot
dish on a table.
Wire Cooling Rack — A rack used to hold
hot foods such as cakes, breads, and cookies
for cooling.
Bread Plate — A small plate used to hold
bread while eating
Butter Dish — A small dish with cover
used to store and serve butter.
Cake Plate/Stand — A small plate that is
used to serve cake
Carafe — A glass or metal bottle, often
with a flared lip, used for serving water or
wine. A glass pot with a pouring spout used
in making coffee.
Creamer and Sugar Set — A set used to
hold and serve creamer and sugar at the table
Gravy Boat — An elongated dish or pitcher
for serving gravy
Juice Glass — A small glass used for juices
Meat Platter — A large serving plate
Napkin Ring — A circular band used to
hold a particular person’s napkin.
Parfait Cup — Fluted cup designed to
serve sundaes and parfaits.
Pepper Mill — A utensil for grinding
Punch Bowl — A large bowl for serving a
beverage, such as punch
Saucer — A small shallow dish having a
slight circular depression in the center for
holding a cup
Tea Pot — A pot used for Tea.
Oklahoma State University and New Mexico State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, State and Local governments cooperating. Oklahoma State University and New
Mexico State University offers their programs to all eligible persons regardless of race,
color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability of status as a veteran, and is an
Equal Opportunity Employer.