Artwalk 2011 - City of Moscow, Idaho
Artwalk 2011 - City of Moscow, Idaho
48 Rex Cosgrove, State Farm Insurance 318 S. Main St. *˙ 51 Moscow Food Co-op 121 E. 5th St. *˙ Russ Cosgrove The Girlie Rangers Member’s Juried Show/Palouse Watercolor Socius Palouse Prairie School Kindergarten Wood Watercolor Reception 5 - 8pm 49 Lilliput Maternity and Children’s Boutique 312 S. Main St. *˙ Andy Grant Hand carved waterfowl decoys Reception 5 - 7pm 50 Hodge & Associates Inc. 405 S. Washington St. *˙ David McGranaghan Oil landscapes Reception 5 - 10pm Mixed media • 6/17 - 8/3 Collage • 8/5 9/7 Reception 5 - 9pm 52 J. Russell Elementary School 119 N. Adams St. *˙ Russell 4-6 grades Various Reception 4 - 7pm Event only 53 Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute (PCEI) 1040 Rodeo Dr. *˙ Community Adirondack Chair Project Public art Reception 3:30 - 8:30pm Music: Jens Hegg Event Only 54 57 Disability Action Center–NW 505 N. Main St. *˙ 60 Center on Disabilities and Human Development 121 W. Sweet Ave. *˙ Various artists ClearView Eye Clinic 2500 West A St., Ste 202 *˙ Greymalkin Gallery Mixed media Reception 5:30 - 7:30pm CDHD 61 Macdonald, Quilts, mixed Laurel Community Sonora Desert media, fused Artists glass Various media Reception 5 - 8:30pm Reception 4 - 7pm Music: DAC Singers 55 Center of Healing & Arts 205 S. Almon St. *˙ Jennifer Becker Pen and ink Reception 5 - 10pm Music: Tate Wilson 56 Red Bento 215 W. 3rd St. *˙ 58 Paintings Reception 5 - 8pm 59 Greymalkin Gallery Oil and watercolor Reception 4 - 10pm KJ Arts Commission Artists Multi media Reception 5 - 10pm Mixed media Open 5pm - 7pm 62 Appaloosa Museum & Heritage Center 2720 W. Pullman Rd ˙ Friendship Square events: Friday, June 17 from 3 to 10pm Art and craft demonstrations, children’s chalk art, live music and food Lynne Haagensen mix 1420 S. Blaine St. *˙ Aaron Johnson Opening receptions: Friday, June 17 with 63 businesses and more than 100 artists BlueSky Dental 2500 West A St., Ste 204 ˙ Essence Salon 866 Troy Rd, Suite 131 *˙ Susan Baily Weaver James Amell, The Barn, 14”x12”, Pastel, 2011 Mixed media Open M-Th 12-5, Fri 105, Sat 10-4 63 Pullman-Moscow Regional Airport 3200 Airport Complex N ˙ Pullman Flip Kleffner Watercolor Live Music! Bucer’s Coffeehouse Pub (22) Natalie Rose: 5 - 7pm 2011 artwalk sponsors: Center of Healing & Arts (57) Tate Wilson: 5 - 10pm Carolyn Guy, porcelain pot (showing at 4) Moscow Chamber of Commerce Disability Action Center-NW (56) DAC Singers: 5 - 8:30pm Keeney Brothers Music Center (6) No Fret and Jackson Blue: 5 - 9pm Music in Friendship Square (30) Bill Bozley: 4 - 6pm Moscow Arts Commision Band: 6 - 7pm Snake River Six: 7 - 8pm Clumsy Lovers: 8 - 10pm Rex Cosgrove State Farm Insurance Palouse-Clearwater Environmental Institute (PCEI) (54) Jens Hegg: 4 - 7pm Pie Hole Pizza (16) Live music from 5 - 8pm Nourish Yoga mix • Rdesign Third Street Gallery (1) Live music from 5 - 8pm United Church of Moscow (20) Live music from 5 - 8pm Untamed Art Tattoo Studio (8) Live music from 5 - 8pm PO Box 9023, Moscow ID 83843 208-883-7036 Friday, June 17 A Century of Exchange: MOSCOW HALL Photographic History of Moscow CITY CELEBR ATING 100 YEARS Public Art Bike Rack unveiling at the Moscow City Water Department BBQ, 3 to 6pm 10 Gail Byers Real Estate 110 E. 3rd St. *˙ Iris Murray Quilts Reception 5 - 7pm Doug Davidson Photography 4 John Kirkland Watercolor Hair and Face Salon 205 E. 3rd St. * James Amell Pastel Carolyn Guy Betty Jo Fitzgerald Porcelain, stoneware pottery Reception 5 - 8pm Mixed Carol Bradford Sculpture 5 Phyllis Oliver Mixed Reception 5:30 - 7:30pm Keeney Bros. Music Center 123 E. 3rd St.*˙ Art too Loud for Indoors Judy Mousseau Charcoal Reception 5 - 8pm 13 Team Idaho Real Estate 204 S. Main St. *˙ Bill Woolston Photography Reception 5 - 8pm 14 Latah County Title 106 E. 2nd St. *˙ Louise Barber Fabric collage Reception 5 - 8pm 15 Camas Prairie Winery 110 S. Main St. *˙ Bill Voxman Live music Reception 5 - 9pm Music by: Isaak Julye Public art bike rack Reception 3pm - 7pm Open House BBQ 3 6pm 20 United Church of Moscow 123 W 1st St. *˙ Palouse Watercolor Socius Watercolor Reception 5 - 8pm Live music 21 Zions Bank & Business Banking Center 105 and 107 S. Main St. ˙ Cheryl Greenstreet Fabric art Open 9am - 6pm 22 Bucer’s Coffeehouse * 16 6 Pie Hole Pizza 125 E. 2nd St ˙ Advantage America 121 E. 3rd St. *˙ Scott Plummer Mixed Reception 5 - 7pm Graffiti Artists 7 Graffiti Latah Realty 128 E. 3rd St. *˙ Live Music 17 Bobbi Kelly Watercolor Reception 5 - 9pm Read It Again 131 E 2nd St. * Amanda Smith Rachael Eastman, Schlitz (showing at 25) *Reception at location Various Reception 10am - 10pm Silkscreen prints Open 4pm - 2am 26 Hodgins Drug 307 S. Main St. *˙ Susan Guardipee Silver jewelry Reception 5 - 7pm 27 Garden Lounge 313 S. Main St. Palouse Watercolor Socius B&W Pub photography 201 S. Main St. ˙ Reception Rebekah Rust 12pm - 10pm Oil painting and sculpture No Fret & Jackson Blue Event only Rachael Eastman Wesley Peterson Sculpture Isaiah Eyre Photography Sarah Schoolland Acrylic Charles Krueger Photography Erin Dawson Pencil Reception 5 - 7pm Music: Natalie Rose Watercolor figures (nudes) Open 3pm - 2am (must be 21 to enter) 28 Inland Northwest Watercolor Society Gallery Moscow Hotel • Friendship Square *˙ Omni Francetich Pencil, sculpture, Jello Reception 5 - 8pm 34 Main Street Lighting 511 S. Main St. *˙ Yolanda Cheng Chinese ink and silk painting Reception 5 - 7pm 35 One World Café 533 S. Main St. *˙ Linda M. Rasmussen Pen and ink Reception 5 - 7pm 41 39 B&W photography Reception 4 - 12am Photography and sculpture Open 11am - 11pm Jan Perley Acrylics Mark LaMoreaux Photography Reception 5 - 8pm 30 bloom, Independent Art House and Café 203 S. Main St. ˙ Patricia Wallace Mixed media Open 5pm - 10pm Rodeo 36 E Street Rosauers AmericanWest Bank 600 S. Jackson St. *˙ NORTH D Street Not to scale, really! 63 Pullman Moscow Regional Airport to Pullman 270 A Street 60 61 63 First Palouse Mall 8 19 Pullman Road 55 Third Street 56 Demonstrations & presentations at Moscow City Hall (1) Appaloosa Lace Guild - Lacemaking at Friendship Square (28) Cambium Collective - Wood turning Clearwater Fly Casters - Fly tying Jon Harty - Sculpture Michael Porter - Glass blowing Chalk Art: 3- 5pm Safe Routes to School Chalk Art: 2 - 4pm * 53 PCEI Moscow 95 Building Supply 54 Watercolor Reception 5 - 8pm New Saint Andrews College 405 S. Main St. *˙ * There’s more artwalk2011 Ben Hardcastle Colored Pencil Open 7am - 9pm Alf Dunn Legacy 29 Mixed media Reception 5 - 9pm Paint on recycled windows Nick Beymer Marla Schwartz Watercolor Reception 2 - 6pm Charcoal and watercolor Reception 5 - 9pm Daniel Ryan Oil paintings Betty Benson Mark Maland Stephanie Wilde Howard Hughes Video 520 S. Main St. ˙ Maialina 602 S. Main St. *˙ Hyperspud Sports 402 S. Main St. * Prichard Art Gallery 414/416 S. Main St. *˙ Oils Open 5 - 8pm Neil Cox 47 44 Scott Points Acrylic on canvas board Timeless watches (lapidary) Open 10am - 10pm Silkscreen prints Reception 5 - 9pm Neely’s Travel Service, Inc. 524 S. Main St. ˙ Zelda Carrico Anita Mabbutt Abigail Renola Tjaden 40 Fused glass and mixed media Gem State Crystals 404 S. Main St. ˙ After June 17, the length of exhibits are variable, please check with the business to see if the show is still up. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Sixth Street 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 18 15 14 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 52 Second 2 1 26 49 6 5 4 3 27 Fourth Friendship 28 48 Square 50 47 46 Fifth 45 44 51 43 42 41 37 39 36 40 Third Street Sixth Street Seventh Eighth 38 Nez A St e Perc Music venues Swee t 57 95 Styner Parking lots 8 Troy Hwy Mountain View Photography Reception 5 - 9pm Various Gnosh @ the Red Door 215 S. Main St. ˙ Doug Davidson, Barley Harvest (showing at 10) Becker J. Gutsch 46 The Storm Cellar 504 S. Main St. *˙ Blaine Marketime Drug 209 E. 3rd St.*˙ Peter Røise Historic photos 25 43 Polk 3 116 E. 3rd (Upstairs) * Variety Oils and mixed media Open 10am - 10pm Gritman Medical Center 33 700 S. Main Allegra Print & Imaging St. *˙ 507 S. Main St. *˙ Polk Portraits of A Community Reception 5 - 7pm Ryan Law Moscow Water Department 201 N. Main St. *˙ 38 Adams Van Buren Peter Røise Palouse Women Artists Photography Nourish Yoga 206 S. Main St. *˙ Marae Carr Various Reception 5 - 10pm Show in windows only Jefferson 9 1912 Center 412 E. 3rd St. *˙ 12 19 Robin Lopez Flies and robots Event only Washington Live music 2 Maven 213 S. Main St. ˙ La Casa Lopez 415 S. Main St. *˙ Oil on panel Open 4pm 10pm Main Live music Photographs Open 7am - 6pm 24 32 Russell School Elementary Various Reception 4 7pm Main Drawings/paintings Reception 1 - 8pm Alyssa Salerno Watercolor Open 5 - 8pm Watercolor Reception 5 - 8pm Arts and crafts Nancy Attebury Courtney Brockett Jackson Liz A. Northrup Photographs Ernie Weiss Robert Karr Watercolor Reception 5 - 8pm Almon Painting/drawing Karen Woodard DA Davidson & Co. 111 N. Washington St., Ste 6˙ Nick Bode Asbury Historic photographs Reception 5 - 8pm Lisa Bafus Sisters‘ Brew Coffee House 218 S. Main St. ˙ Watercolor Lilly A Century of Exchange: Moscow City Hall Untamed Art Tattoo Studio 122 E. 3rd St. *˙ 18 Deakin Third Street Gallery 206 E. 3rd St. *˙ 11 45 Kenworthy North Idaho Athletic Performing Club Arts Center 408 S. Main St. ˙ 508 S. Main St. New Discoveries Playschool *˙ Line 8 Watercolor 42 Nectar, Restaurant and Wine Bar 105 W. 6th St. ˙ Rayburn 1 Jan Vogtman Peggy Conrad 37 Perimeter Watercolor Moscow Chamber of Commerce 411 S. Main St. *˙ Warbonnet Cheryll Root 31 State Line Kimberling Insurance Agency 205 S. Main St. *˙ Airport Rd 23 White 58 Travois 59 Eastside Marketplace