Puget Soundings Bremerton-Base Submarine Veteran’s Quarterly Newsletter By Submariners—For Submariners and Friends Vol. 18 Issue 3 Bremerton Base, PO Box 465, Silverdale, WA 98383-0465 Jul—Sep 2014 USSVI Purpose and Creed To perpetuate the memory of our shipmates who gave their lives in the pursuit of their duties while serving their country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and it’s Constitution. That's our CREED, but it's not who we are. We are United States Submarine Sailors! We were, and are, members of the elite fighting force of the United States Navy. We are all QUALIFIED IN SUBMARINES. Included are submariners from the very early boats: S, R or earlier; WWII boats; post-war GUPPY boats and FBM and Fast Attack Submariners. All Qualified in Submarines from E2 to 4 Stars. Retired, short timer, or active duty - it makes no difference. If you are Qualified in Submarines we want you in United States Submarine Veterans. Inc. Point your browser to for a color copy with more definition than this printed black and white copy! INSIDE THIS ISSUE Pg. 1 USSVI Purpose and Creed Pg. 8 Blogosphere & Internet Pg. 15 Base Minutes/Scholarship Recipients Pg. 2 Commander’s Comments Pg. 9 Fireworks/Willie Spoon Raffle Pg. 16 Soup Down Schedule Pg. 3 Vice Commander’s Comments Pg. 9 Book Review Pg. 16 Newsletter Advertising Rates Pg. 4 Base Boosters Pg. 10 Boats on Eternal Patrol Digital Issue (online) Pg. 4 From the Editor/Stay in the Loop Pg. 11 Base Boosters (Commercial) Pg. 17 Tell Us Your Story (template) Pg. 5 Officers and Committee Members Pg. 12 Battle of Midway—USS Tambor SS198 Pg. 18 June E-Board Minutes Pg. 6 USS Seahorse SS 304 Pg. 13 Treasurer’s Report/Membership Pg. 19 July E-Board Minutes Pg. 7 USS Seahorse SS 304 Pg. 13 Base Calendar/Whaling Days Parade Pg. 20 Memorial Day—Ivy Green Cemetery Pg. 8 USS Seahorse SS 304 Pg. 14 Base Picnic/Holland Club Inductees Pg. 21 Soup Down Photos Please Pass This Issue to Another Submariner Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter It is hard to believe that we are at the end of summer already. The 2014 fireworks sale and annual picnic are behind us. I have to say that both events were very successful. The fireworks watch bill took some time to fill, which caused some worry. But as usual, the gaps were filled in, and Base members came out to support. I was there on several different days and got to see a lot of people. I had a good time each time I was there. I’d like to thank everyone who came out to support. Chairman Mike Friend deserves special thanks for his efforts. For those who aren’t aware, Mike is a fairly new member to the Bremerton Base and U.S.S.V.I. When we announced that we needed someone to chair the program for 2014, Mike stepped up and took on the assignment. He used over 40 hours of his vacation time during the week of the sale. His efforts helped us earn over $3000 profit from the sale. Unfortunately for us, Mike will not be able to continue as Fireworks Chairperson. He works full time, and will not be available next July. This might cause a problem for us as a base. If we want to continue selling fireworks, we need to find someone willing to manage the program. As of August 1st, we have not signed a contract for 2015. The E-Board has been discussing whether we should continue or not. There are a lot of manhours involved in manning the stand, usually the same people having more than one shift. As we currently do business, someone (usually the Chairperson) has stayed overnight for the whole week. That is a lot to ask of somebody. But the fireworks sale is currently our biggest fund raising effort. Though there is a lot of worry in the preceding months about manning, it always seems to work out. I think that people just don’t want to commit that far out. Another thing to consider is that we don’t have to run the program like we have done in the past. We could make changes that wouldn’t require someone giving up a week of 2 their time by having to be there every night. We have some members that feel we should be done with selling fireworks and others that think we should continue. But most of the members that I have talked to about this agree that the whole issue won’t matter if we don’t have a Fireworks Chairperson. So if anyone would like to get involved, here is a great opportunity. I would suggest talking to past a chairperson (i.e. Mike Friend, Mike Sullivan, Sam Swenson, etc.) to get an idea of what is involved. Remember also, that the sale is a Base function, and ultimately, the Base is responsible for its success or failure. I had mentioned the picnic earlier, and wanted to say “Thank you” for what I thought was a great event. Several members told “Good job!”, but it had nothing to do with me. First, it was all the Base members and their guests who showed up. Despite the weather not being the nicest, the day was very enjoyable. The food, which there was plenty of, was delicious. If you weren’t there, you missed out. Our COB, Wayne Peterson, and Vice-Commander Steve Corcoran did an outstanding job in preparation for the picnic and cooking. Before you know it, fall will be here. We will be talking about the Auburn parade, Veteran’s Day ceremony at the Fairgrounds, and even the Christmas party. I encourage each member to join us for any, or all, of these events, if at all possible. After experiencing for the first time, most people want to come back again. Finally, don’t forget that in October our regular monthly meeting shifts to the third Saturday of the month, starting at 1000. Be sure to mark it on your calendar. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to serve the Base. Jim DeMott Base Commander USSVI Bremerton Base USS Sea Devil (SSN 664) Some sailors have taken literally the old t-shirt saying that they should “Join the Navy. Sail to distant ports. Catch embarrassing, exotic diseases.” join, just join us for one of our I hope this note finds you doing well. It has been events, whether it be a soup down, parade, dolphin dash, picawhile since I contributed to the Soundings, so I nic, Christmas party or the Veterthought I would give it a shot this time. First off, it has been a busy summer. We partici- an’s Day program at the Kitsap pated in numerous parades and had a successful sale Pavilion. If you are already a member, please make an efof fireworks at our stand this year. I want to thank all those base members that actively participated in fort to participate in our events. Don Bassler does a great job updating Gertrude Check to inform us of these events. Without your dedicated support of marching in the parades and manning the stand for what is happening. I believe once you march in a parade or enjoy one of my award winning brats at the fireworks sales, these events would have not the picnic, you just might meet a few good guys and been successful. I salute you and truly appreciate enjoy yourself. The parades are a blast and let the your effort. I feel I need to address the membership issue and community knows we are out there supporting them. Hello Fellow Submariners participation at this time. Our main goal is to perpetuate the memory of those shipmates that passed before us, and paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend this country. The only requirement to join our great group is qualified in submarines. If you know of any former shipmate or acquaintance that may enjoy what we do, please ask them to come to a meeting and just get a feel for what we do. No pressure to As always, if there is anything I can do for you, please contact me. I am here to support you. We have a great base, and it is a pleasure to serve as your Vice Commander. Cheers!! Steve Corcoran John D. “Bud” Hawk Post 109 Silverdale, WA Monthly meeting—7:00 pm on the 3rd Monday of each month at All Star Lanes in Silverdale. Questions? Send an email to [email protected] 3 USS Guitarro (SSN 665) Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter Bremerton Base Boosters — 2014 Rig for Dive Periscope Depth Battle Stations Deep Submergence Unit Citation $1 - $19.99 $20.00 - $29.99 $30.00 - $49.99 $50.00 - $99.00 $100.00 + Dennis Wendt Larry Kramer Fred Borgmann Steve Corcoran Ralph Harris John Norris Go Tommy Robinson (in memory of Ray Franks) Tom Reed Gerry Drumm Paul Christofferson 3x Bud Atkins Wayne Sieckowski Bill Ridley From the Editor The digital edition of the Puget Soundings includes a template for you to provide your story! If requested, I will send you a WORD copy so you can “type” your input. I am more than happy to edit/revise and work with you to produce your story for an upcoming issue of the Puget Soundings. I have also included the E-Board minutes for June and July plus photos from Memorial Day and various Soup Downs. Dave Pittman [email protected] Stay in the Loop The Gertrude Check (Bremerton Base website) - current information on base activities, members, online news, and calendar Bremerton Base Facebook USSVI website The Submarine Tradition "There is something about the submarine service. It tends to create a bond between those who have served that is born of trust. Every submariner who ever put to sea and submerged has placed in the hands of another, their very lives. The bond is not one of close friendship, even though those do grow out of the time spent aboard a boat. It is one of mutual respect - blind to color, ethnicity, religion, nationality and gender. The bond is one of personal responsibility. Not everyone has it. Some don't even know what personal responsibility is. Submariners know what it is. It is their way of life. The trust and respect and sense of personal responsibility is.... "The Submarine Tradition..."" Jim Christley 4 USS Hawkbill (SSN 666) After a sea cruise, I realized how much I missed being at sea. We are now considering a Med cruise visiting some of my past favorite ports. Of course I’ll have to pony up better than $5,000 for the privilege. To think, Uncle Sam actually had to pay me to visit those same ports 25 years ago. Commander Jim DeMott 360-895-0547 [email protected] Holland Club Chairman Dick Litscher 360-373-1838 [email protected] stephenjcorcoran@ Bonefish Manager NWCPOA Rep Sam Swenson 360-275-3638 sswenson@ Past Commander David Niemy 360-692-5122 Fireworks Chairman Mike Friend 360-308-0594 [email protected] [email protected] Chief of the Boat Wayne Peterson 360-265-0266 Scholarship Chairman John Gardner 360-692-8994 [email protected] Jgardner@ Secretary Wayne Sieckowski 360-362-2064 Base Webmaster Don “Red” Bassler 360-602-0250 wsieckowski@gmail,com [email protected] Treasurer Membership Chairman Dennis Nardone 360-830-5843 FaceBook Dale McVey 360-981-1167 [email protected] [email protected] Chaplain Fred Borgmann 360-337-2978 Historian Bob Paul 360-692-0165 [email protected] [email protected] Storekeeper Ralph W. Harris 360-876-0830 Western District 4 Commander Al Durkee 360-569-0507 [email protected] durkeeal@ 5 USS Bergall (SSN 667) OFFICERS & COMMITTEE MEMBERS Vice Commander Steve Corcoran 360-471-2704 Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter USS SEAHORSE (SS-304) was laid down on August 1, 1942 at the Mare Island Navy Yard. She was launched January 9, 1943, sponsored by Mrs. Chester C. Smith and commissioned March 31, 1943 with CDR Donald McGregor in command. The first Seahorse war patrol was from 3 August to 27 September 1943. On the morning of 29 August while gaining attack position on an enemy convoy, she was detected by escorts and suffered damage from a depth charge attack. She scored three torpedo hits on a transport and then went deep to evade the ensuing attack which caused several leaks and put one torpedo tube out of commission. Following refit, Seahorse sailed on 20 October for her second war patrol. She sank three enemy trawlers in surface actions and then, along with the USS Trigger commenced a two day attack on a 17 ship Japanese convoy. Seahorse evaded three escort ships and fired three torpedos at two freighters. Four hours later she again attacked, sending three more torpedos at a tanker and another spread at a third freighter. Flames burst from each target as Japanese destroyers turned towards Seahorse but they were too late to catch her. Seahorse expended the last of her torpedos on 30 November. After manuevering for several hours she was finally able to fire her stern tubes at the enemy convoy. However, one torpedo exploded close aboard and the convoy opened fire on the vicinity of Seahorse. With so many explosions around her, it was impossible for her to determine whether any torpedos had hit. Low on fuel and out of torpedos, she returned to Pearl Harbor. Seahorse departed on 6 January 1944 for her third war patrol. On 16 January, she evaded four escorts and destroyed the cargo ship Nikko Maru. She spent 21 January tracking two enenmy cargo ships and three escorts. In the late evening she pressed home four attacks to sink the cargo ship Yasukuni Maru, and the passenger-cargo ship Ikoma Maru. On the evening of 28 January, Seahorse began an 80 hour chase of an enemy convoy. Being continually harassed by escorts and aircraft, Seahorse fired three torpedos at the cargo ship Toka Maru. Following the sinking, she lost contact with the convoy for several hours, but sighted it again at dawn. With the crew exhausted by the extended chase, she fired her final two torpedos. After evading the escorts, she surfaced in time to see the results of her latest attack as the cargo ship Toei Maru slipped beneath the waves. [See Seahorse pg. 6]. 6 USS Spadefish (SSN 6368) Some sailors have taken literally the old t-shirt saying that they should “Join the Navy. Sail to distant ports. Catch embarrassing, exotic diseases.” [from pg. 5] Seahorse's fourth war patrol was conducted in the Marianas. Intercepting a large convoy on 8 April, she fired four torpedos, sinking the converted seaplane tender Aratama Maru. Shortly thereafter, her second spread of torpedos sank the caro ship Kizagawa Maru. Although a counter attack drove Seahorse from the vicinity, she quickly regained contact and sank the cargo ship Bisaka Maru. Seahorse took up lifeguard stations for airstrikes on Saipan on 12 April and, while west of Saipan on 20 April, sighted and sank the Japanese submarine RO-45. In the same vicinity a week later, Seahorse sank the cargo ship Akigawa Maru. She departed her lifeguard station on 3 May and arrived at Brisbane, Australia on 11 May. Seahorse's fifth war patrol began on 11 June 1944, patrolling between Formosa and Luzon. On 13 June, a Japanese Task Force under VADM Ukagi Matome set sail to rendezvous with additional elements of the Japanese fleet to attack the U.S. invasion fleet off the Marianas. However, on 15 June, at 1622, Ugaki was sighted east of Mindanao and later reported by USS Seahorse. Seahorse’s report helped U.S. intelligence put together a picture of the strength and disposition of the approaching Japanese forces. The information later led to the "Great Mariana's Turkey Shoot" during which the U.S. broke the back of Japanese naval aviation. On the morning of 27 June, she sank the tanker Medan Maru and damaged two other enemy vessels. On 3 July, she sank the carg ship Nitto Maru and the passenger-cargo ship Gyoyu Maru. The following day, Seahorse expended the last of her torpedos sinking the cargo ship Kyodo Maru No.28 and returned to Pearl Harbor on 19 July. Seahorse spent the first part of her sixth war patrol supporting the capture of the Palaus and then headed for the Luzon Strait. Despite intensive efforts, she could locate only one worthwhile target, Coastal Defense Vessel No.21, a frigate of 800 tons, which she sank. Five days later she took up lifeguard station for carrier airstrikes on northern Luzon and then returned to Midway on 18 October. Upon completion of an overhaul at Mare Island Navy Yard, Seahorse put to sea on 9 March 1945 for her seventh war patrol. Patrolling in the Tushima Strait, she sank a small junk with gunfire on 8 April. On 18 April, an attack by two patrol boats left the interior of the submarine a shambles. Seahorse made hasty repairs and headed for Apra Harbor, Guam and then to Pearl Harbor for overhaul. Seahorse put to sea for her eighth and final war patrol on 12 July 1945. when hostilities ceased on 15 August, she was on station 40 miles southeast of Hachijo Shima. Following her return to Midway, Seahorse sailed for Mare Island where she was decommissioned on 2 March 1946. She was reclassified an auxiliary submarine on 6 November 1962, and struck from the navy list on 1 March 1967. Seahorse received nine battle stars for service in WWII . 7 USS Seahorse (SSN 669) Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter Explore the Blogosphere/Internet (or… stories you might have missed) Blogs The Lean Submriner Seattle USSVI Base Rigged for Red Dan the Navy Man The Old Coot Cold is the Sea Duffel blog Facebook (log in to your account first) Commander, Submarine Force Atlantic Commander, Submarine Force Pacific Submarine Group Nine PACNORWESTCPOA Navy Times Together We Served 8 Others Military.Com Naval History and Heritage Command Navy Times COMSUBPAC COMSUBLANT America’s Navy Sailor Jerry National Archives – Veterans Service Records My Service Pride USS Finback (SSN 670) You can spend two years on a ship and never visit every nook and cranny or even every major space aboard. Yet, you can know all your shipmates. Fireworks 2014 Willie Spoon Raffle Winners Grand Prize (Bremerton Base) Bob Liland 2nd Prize (Bremerton Base) Steve CorCoran Cooper Fuel & Auto Repair Donna DeMott Los Cabos Sam Swenson Jr Roundtable Pizza Joe Hanisko Tracyton Public House Bruce Cierson Los Cabos Alan Topp Tracyton Public House Frederick Borgmann Fiesta Mexican Rest John Norris Red Lobster Janice Waddell Skippers R Harris All Star Lanes Rock & Bowl Kirk Davis Manchester Inn Ronald Hnatovic Creative Edge Barber Shop Steve CorCoran Centering Massage Carl Callender Creative Edge Barber Shop Larry D Kramer Bremerton Symphony Association Robert Baker Elmers Debbie Cox Bremerton Symphony Association William Mead Los Corales Keyport Ruth Davenport Tonys Richard S Chwaszczewski Family Pancake House Ed Soriano Arena Sports Bar Richard S Chwaszczewski Suquamidh Clearwater Casino Art Tiffin Family Pancake House Lynn Ryan Arena Sports Bar Ruth Davenport Fujiyama Steve CorCoran Meineke Car Care Ralph Harris 9 Norman Friedman This series offers detailed descriptions of the evolution of all classes of the principal U.S. combatant types. Each of the seven volumes is fully illustrated with deck plans, outboard profiles, sketches from major design studies, and numerous detailed photographs. The appendixes contain a wealth of information on ship characteristics and equipment. USS Pintado (SSN 672) Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter USS Bullhead (SS-332) Lost on August 6, 1945 with the loss of 84 crew members in the Lombok Strait while on her 3rd war patrol when sunk by a depth charge dropped by a Japanese Army plane. Bullhead was the last submarine lost during WWII. USS Flier (SS-250) Lost on August 13, 1944, with the loss of 80 crew members while on her 2nd war patrol. Flier was transiting on the surface when she was rocked by a massive explosion (probably a mine) and sank within less than a minute. 13 survivors, some injured, made it into the water and swam to shore. 8 survived and 6 days later friendly natives guided them to a Coast Watcher and they were evacuated by the USS Redfin. USS S 39 (SS-144) Lost on August 14, 1942 after grounding on a reef south while on her 3rd war patrol. The entire crew was able to get off and rescued by the HMAS Katoomba. USS Harder (SS-257) Lost on August 24, 1944 with the loss of 84 crew members from a depth charge attack by a minesweeper near Bataan while on her 6th war patrol. Harder had won a Presidential Unit Citation for her first 5 war patrols and CDR Dealey was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously. Harder is tied for 9th in the number of enemy ships sunk. USS Cochino (SS-345) Lost on August 26, 1949 after being jolted by a violent polar gale off Norway caused an electrical fire and battery explosion that generated hydrogen and chlorine gasses. In extremely bad weather, men of Cochino and Tusk (SS-426) fought to save the submarine for 14 hours. After a 2nd battery explosion, Abandon Ship was ordered and Cochino sank. Tusk's crew rescued all of Cochino's men except for one civilian engineer. Six Sailors from Tusk were lost during the rescue. USS Pompano (SS-181) Lost on August 29, 1943 (between Aug 8 and Sept 27) with the loss of 76 men while on her 7th war patrol. Before being lost, she sank two enemy cargo ships. The exact cause of her loss remains unknown, but she probably fell victim to a mine. This boat's last known ship sunk happened on Sept 25th, so she probably hit that mine on or after that date but before Oct 5th, when she was scheduled back at Midway. Ship in the Spotlight—USS Bullhead (SS 332) The USS Bullhead (SS-332) was a Balao-class World War II era submarine. The radio call sign of the USS Bullhead was NAN-KING-BAKER-TARE. On July 31, 1945, the Bullhead, captained by Lieutenant Commander Edward R. Holt, Jr., left Fremantle on her third and final war patrol. She had received orders to transit the Lombok Strait and patrol in the Java Sea with several other American and British submarines. On August 2, 1945, she kept a rendezvous with the Dutch submarine Q 21 about 350 miles south of Lombok Strait and transferred mail to her. On August 6, 1945, the Bullhead reported that she had transited the Lombok Strait safely was on station in the Java Sea. She was never heard from again and was presumed lost with all hands. 1 Read more: Read more: Read more: 10 USS Flying Fish (SSN 673) Campari and soda taken in the warm Spanish sun is an excellent hangover remedy. 536 Fourth St Bremerton, WA 98337 (360) 627-9843 The Gift Garden 327 Pacific Ave Bremerton, WA 98337 (360) 377-5544 Buy One – Get One 50% Off September 1 -15, 2014 11 USS Trepang (SSN 674) Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter Battle of Midway Sub Action (continued from last issue-final installment) Midway Plan of the Day Notes FOR THE FLEET May 29 – June 4 In all the stories you see and read about Midway, the focus is on the surface and air activity. Yet one of the assets the Pacific fleet had plenty of where submarines. Submarine activity up until June 4th of 1942 had demonstrated capabilities beyond what the original concept was thought of. Certainly intercepting warships and merchant shipping would remain the most critical task of the submarine fleet. But many missions would keep the boats busy as the Navy decided the best course to pursue the enemy. What follows are the actual notes about one of the submarine activities s before, during, and after the Battle of Midway. USS Tambor “Lt. Comdr. John W. “Spuds” Murphy, commanding the submarine Tambor, had been in command of that boat since the start of the war; Tambor had made two war patrols. During the mid watch on 5 June 1942, ignorant of the location of friendly forces, Murphy spotted four ships on the horizon that proved to be four Japanese heavy cruisers. When carrying out emergency evasive maneuvers, two of the enemy ships, Mikuma and Mogami, collided. Without firing a torpedo, Tambor had caused damage to two ships, one of which, Mikuma, was sunk by U.S. carrier-based planes on 6 June.” The main contribution the Tambor and her sister boats ended up being that the Japanese were forced to take her presence into account as they prepared for each part of the attack. Sadly, her commanding officer failed to pursue the enemy and was relieved of command upon return to Pearl Harbor. The boat itself went on to a great career in the Pacific and earned 11 Battle Stars. Read more… Credited with sinking… Historical Photographs… Read more… 12 USS Bluefish (SSN 675) Almost every port has a “gut.” An area teeming with cheap bars, easy women and partiers. Kind of like Bourbon St., but with foreign currency. Whaling Days Go to page 8 to continue Bremerton Base Calendar Treasurer’s Report 7/31/2014 Dennis Nardone Aug 2 (9:00) E-Board FRA 521 National Ave, Bremerton 360.373.2296 Life Fund: $30, 957.59 Aug 6 (11:30) Bi-Monthly SK Sale – Trident Training Facility Bangor Scholarship Fund: $10,635.81 Aug 16 (17:00) Celebrating Military Service Parade—Tacoma General Fund: $34,127.19 Aug 19 (19:00) General Membership Meeting FRA 521 National Ave, Bremerton 360.373.2296 Net Worth: $75,700.59 NOTE: the July Kitsap Credit Union (KCU) interest is not posted to report, Interest amounts will be delayed due to KCU revising their computer system Sep 6 (9:00) E-Board FRA 521 National Ave, Bremerton 360.373.2296 Sep 16 (19:00) General Membership Meeting FRA 521 National Ave, Bremerton 360.373.2296 Oct 1 (11:30) Bi-Monthly SK Sale – Trident Training Facility Bangor Base Membership Oct 4 (9:00) E-Board FRA 521 National Ave, Bremerton 360.373.2296 7/31/2014 Dennis Nardone Oct 18 (10:00) General Membership Meeting FRA 521 National Ave, Bremerton 360.373.2296 Total Members: 274 Nov 1 (9:00) E-Board FRA 521 National Ave, Bremerton 360.373.2296 Annual Members: 50 Nov 8 (9:00) Auburn Veterans Day Parade USSVI Life Members: 209 Nov 11 (9:00) Veterans Day—Kitsap Pavilion Base Life Members: 195 Holland Club Members: 141 Annual Associate Members: 4 Life Associate Members: 5 War Veterans: 254 13 Nov 15 (10:00) General Membership Meeting FRA 521 National Ave, Bremerton 360.373.2296 Dec 3 (11:30) Bi-Monthly SK Sale – Trident Training Facility Bangor Dec 6 (9:00) E-Board FRA 521 National Ave, Bremerton 360.373.2296 Dec 13 (12:00) Annual Christmas Party BPOE Bremerton USS Billfish (SSN 676) Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter Holland Club Inductees Charles O’Hara Annual Base Picnic Bud Sullivan Edwin Soriano USS Drum (SSN 677) 14 If the Guardia Civil tell you to “Alto,” you’d best alto, right now. Same goes for the Carabinieri, gendarmes and other assorted police forces. You could easily find yourself in that port’s hoosegow. Or shot. Minutes of the Bremerton Base USSVI Meeting conducted 17 Jun 2014 Base minutes may be viewed at Wayne Peterson, the base’s COB reports the annual Base Picnic is scheduled for Sunday, July 20, at the Bremerton Elks Lodge RV shelter and the Christmas Party will be Saturday December 13, 2014 at the Elks. Base Vice Cmdr. Steve Corcoran talked about the parades and thanked everyone who attended. He also encouraged everyone to be a speaker at the meeting. He will be attending the National Convention in San Francisco and anyone who wants Base Commander, Jim DeMott called the June 17, 2014 meeting something discussed at the convention talk to Steve. He also to order at 1900 hours. discussed the scholarship review board. Opening observances were conducted. There were 35 MemMike Friend Fireworks Coordinator reports the Fireworks bers and guest along with Western Region Director, John Stand Watch Bill is out. There are still shifts available. Mansfield, and the 2014 Scholarship recipients. Two new memBase Cmdr. Jim DeMott discussed the meeting hours and turn bers Scott Bruneel and Bud Sullivan were in attendance. out for the parades. The next meeting will be July 20 at 1100 The June meeting featured the presentation of 6 Bremerton before the base picnic at the Elks Picnic area off Pine Road. Jim Base Annual Lt William "Willie" Spoon Memorial Scholaralso discussed the need for volunteers at the Fireworks Stand. ship Awards, each $1000. Four of the recipients were preHe discussed the Base Picnic and a Short General Membership sent. meeting at the start of the meeting. The USSVI National InsurFred Borgmann the base chaplain reported Ed Blake and The- ance will cover members at all activities. ron Davis entered on eternal patrol. The minutes of the March meeting was approved as written. The Base Treasurer Dennis Nardone reports there is $72,068.06 in various accounts. There are 271 Bremerton Base members as of the end of May 2014. 15 Western Regional Director John Mansfield discussed the National Scholarship Program, the South Sound Base and the Traveling Dolphins. The meeting was adjourned at 1955 for refreshment. Respectfully submitted, Wayne Sieckowski USS Archerfish (SSN 678) The Past, Present and Future—-Pride Runs Deep! PUGET SOUNDINGS Quarterly Newsletter Volume 18 ISSUE 3 Jul—Sep 2014—Issue Date Aug 05, 2014 UNITED STATES SUBMARINE VETERANS BREMERTON BASE PO BOX 465 SILVERDALE, WA 98383-0465 Permit # 92 DO NOT RETURN TO SENDER Monthly Meetings FRA #29 521 National Ave., Bremerton, WA Soup Down Newsletter Advertising Rates Full Page, 4 issues - $500 Single Issue - $135 Half Page, 4 issues - $250 Single issue - $70 Quarter page, 4 Issues - $125 Single issue - $35 Eighth page, 4 Issues - $60 Single issue - $20 E-mail Don Bassler (mailto:[email protected]) Or call him at 360-602-0250 for details about advertising only. 11:30—13:00 Soup Down, on Fridays, was established by the late Willie Spoon for two equal purposes: to bring members together on a weekly basis to maintain the fraternity, and to encourage the establishments to contribute a raffle prize or direct contribution to the Bremerton Base's annual Lt. William "Willie" Spoon Memorial Scholarship Fund. Aug 1 Elmer’s 760 E Liberty Rd, Poulsbo 360.697.2215 Aug 8 Family Inn at Manchester Family Inn 2386 Colchester Dr E, Manchester 360.871.8199 Aug 15 Arena Sports Bar 4111 Wheaton Way, Bremerton 360.627.7515 Aug 22 Clearwater Casino 15347 Suquamish Way NE, Suquamish 360.598.8700 Aug 29 Family Pancake House, E 4115 Wheaton Way Bremerton 360.479.0788 Sep 5 Famous Dave’s 3276 NW Plaza Road, Silverdale 360.307.9999 Sep 12 Fiesta Mexican Restaurant 9447 Silverdale Way, Silverdale 360.698.1557 Sep 19 Los Corales 1918 NE Poulsbo Ave, Keyport 360.598.2727 Sep 26 Skippers Fish and Chowder 10725 Silverdale Way NW, Silverdale360.516.6265 Oct 3 Fujiyama Steak House 9989 Silverdale Way NW Suite 109, Silverdale 360.352.9888 Oct 10 All Star Lanes 10710 Silverdale Way, Silverdale 360.692.5760 Oct 17 Round Table Pizza 3276 NW Plaza Rd #101, Silverdale 360.698.4040 Oct 24 Olive Garden 3204 NW Randall Way, Silverdale 360.613.0207 Oct 31 Chips Casino 1500 NE Riddell Rd, Bremerton 360.377.8322 Nov 7 Brother Don’s 4200 Kitsap Way, Bremerton 360.377.8442 Nov 14 Tracyton Public House 403 NW Tracy Ave, Bremerton 360.405.768 0 Nov 21 Los Cabos 4120 Wheaton Way, Bremerton 360.373.1320 Nov 28 Red Lobster 3208 NW Randall Way, Silverdale 360.613.0105 Photographs- Please Pass This Issue to Another Submariner 16 Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter Digital Copy Tell us Your Story 1. PLEASE DESCRIBE WHO OR WHAT INFLUENCED YOUR DECISION TO JOIN THE NAVY? WHETHER YOU WERE IN THE SERVICE FOR SEVERAL YEARS OR AS A CAREER, PLEASE DESCRIBE THE DIRECTION OR PATH YOU TOOK. 2. IF YOU PARTICIPATED IN COMBAT, PEACEKEEPING OR HUMANITARIAN OPERATIONS, PLEASE DESCRIBE THOSE WHICH WERE THE MOST SIGNIFICANT TO YOU AND, IF LIFE-CHANGING, IN WHAT WAY. 3. FROM YOUR ENTIRE SERVICE, INCLUDING COMBAT, DESCRIBE THE PERSONAL MEMORIES WHICH HAVE IMPACTED YOU MOST? 4. OF ALL THE MEDALS, AWARDS, QUALIFICATION BADGES OR DEVICE YOU RECEIVED, PLEASE DESCRIBE THE ONE(S) MOST MEANINGFUL TO YOU AND WHY? 5. WHICH INDIVIDUAL(S) FROM YOUR TIME IN THE MILITARY STAND OUT AS HAVING THE MOST POSITIVE IMPACT ON YOU AND WHY? 6. CAN YOU RECOUNT A PARTICULAR INCIDENT FROM YOUR SERVICE WHICH MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE BEEN FUNNY AT THE TIME, BUT STILL MAKES YOU LAUGH? 7. WHAT PROFESSION DID YOU FOLLOW AFTER YOUR MILITARY SERVICE AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? IF YOU ARE CURRENTLY SERVING, WHAT IS YOUR PRESENT OCCUPATIONAL SPECIALTY? 8. IN WHAT WAYS HAS SERVING IN THE MILITARY INFLUENCED THE WAY YOU HAVE APPROACHED YOUR LIFE AND YOUR CAREER? 9. BASED ON YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES, WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE TO THOSE WHO HAVE RECENTLY JOINED THE NAVY? Format borrowed from Together We Served 17 USS Silversides (SSN 679) Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter USSVI Bremerton Base E-Board Meeting 7 June 2014 at FRA Bremerton 0900 Base Commander Jim DeMott called the meeting to order Digital Copy 10. Wayne Sieckowski proposed that the first scholarship awarded every year be named in honor of Bev Rogers. i.e. this year awarded 6 so we would call the first one the Bev Rogers Memorial Scholarship and not change anything else about the scholarship program. The EBoard will discuss it at a later meeting. Board Members present: 11. Dennis Nardone will roll over the Certificate of Deposit at Base Commander Jim DeMott Navy Federal. Vice Commander Steve Corcoran 12. Jim DeMott discussed getting a group together to go to a Base Treasurer Dennis Nardone Blue Jackets game. Base Secretary Wayne Sieckowski COB Wayne Peterson Others attending the meeting included Parades and Scholarship Chairman John Gardner and Float Coordinator Sam Swenson, and Base Historian Bob Paul. Meeting was adjourned at 1020 by Base Commander Jim Demott. Respectfully submitted, Wayne Sieckowski. Base Secretary 1. The minutes of the previous E-Board meeting were discussed and approved. 2. Treasurer & Membership Chairman Dennis Nardone reports a net worth of $72,078.06. The Treasurer’s report was approved. Membership is 271 members. 3. Chief of the Boat Wayne Peterson reports the Base Picnic will be at the Elks Picnic area on 20 July. The base will supply Hamburgers, Hot Dogs and Soft Drinks. Everyone is asked to bring a side dish to share. 4. Sam Swenson reports the Fireworks Watch Bill has many openings. This will be brought up at the General Meeting on June 17. 5. John Gardner reports the upcoming parades are Fathoms of Fun in Port Orchard on June 28 and the 4 th of July Parade on Bainbridge Island. He will have some of the Scholarship recipients at the meeting on June 17 with refreshment to follow. 6. Sam Swenson the Float Coordinator reports the float will be ready. 7. Vice Cmdr. Steve Corcoran will buy the Brats for the picnic. He will have Adm. Harlow as a speaker for the August meeting. 8. The next E- Board meeting will be 1100 on Sunday July 20, 2014 before the base picnic, followed by at general meeting at 1130 and the picnic at noon. 9. Bob Paul the .Base Historian recommended Adm Harlow as a Speaker. He also wanted to discuss base literature available to pass out. 18 USS William H. Bates (SSN 680) . Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter USSVI Bremerton Base E-Board Meeting . 20 July 2014 at the Bremerton Elk’s Picnic Shelter 1000 Base Commander Jim DeMott called the meeting to order Board Members present: Base Commander Jim DeMott Vice Commander Steve Corcoran Base Treasurer Dennis Nardone Base Secretary Wayne Sieckowski COB Wayne Peterson Others attending the meeting included Float Coordinator Sam Swenson, Holland Club Chairman Dick Litscher , Mike Friend Fireworks Sale Manager and Base Storekeeper Ralph Harris. The minutes of the previous E-Board meeting were discussed and approved as corrected. Treasurer & Membership Chairman Dennis Nardone reports a net worth of $71,470.86. The Treasurer’s report was approved. Membership is 273 members. Chief of the Boat Wayne Peterson reports the Base Picnic will be at the Elks Picnic area on 20 July. Cmdr. Jim DeMott reported for the Base Chaplain Fred Borgmann that Life Member Greg Fessler is not doing well. The Fireworks sale was discussed. The base is actively looking for a Fireworks Manager for the 2015 season. Dennis Nardone discussed conducting a raffle for a rifle and the money which could be raised. Sam Swenson the Float Coordinator reports the float will be ready for the Whaling Days Parade on Saturday July 26. Vice Cmdr. Steve Corcoran will have Adm. Harlow as a speaker for the August meeting. The next E- Board meeting will be 1100 on Sunday July 20, 2014 before the base picnic, followed by at general meeting at 1130 and the picnic at noon J Jim DeMott discussed getting a group together to go to a Blue Jackets game on Friday 1 August 2014. A motion was made and passed unanimously for the base to pay the admission to the game for members and guests. Meeting was adjourned at 1020 by Base Commander Jim Demott. Respectfully submitted, Wayne Sieckowski. Base Secretary 19 USS Batfish (SSN 681) Digital Copy Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter Memorial Day 2014—Ivy Green Cemetery 20 USS Tunny (SSN 682) Digital Copy Puget Soundings Volume 18 Issue 3 USSVI—Bremerton Base Quarterly Newsletter Digital Copy Soup Down Family Pancake House Red Lobster Family Pancake House Los Cabos Family Pancake House Tony’s 21 USS Parche (SSN 683)
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