WinTAR Manual
WinTAR Manual
WinTar-Tenant Accts Receivable User' s Guide © Copyright HAB INC June 2009 All Rights Reserved Revised August 2011 2|P age 3|P age WinTAR Users Guide Table of Contents WinTAR Users Guide..................................................................................................................... 4 Table of Contents .....................................................................................................................................4 About the WinTAR Users Guide ............................................................................................................6 MAINTAIN TENANT INFORMATION...................................................................................... 7 Tenants Tab ..............................................................................................................................................7 Tenant Basic Info Page ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Tenant Addresses Page ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Tenant Rent/Charges Page................................................................................................................................... 13 Household Page ................................................................................................................................................... 15 Income Page ........................................................................................................................................................ 16 Tenant Balance History Page .............................................................................................................................. 17 Misc Page ............................................................................................................................................................ 17 Move-Ins .................................................................................................................................................18 Comings/Goings Group (Tenants) ....................................................................................................................... 26 Move-Out ........................................................................................................................................................ 26 Change of Residence ....................................................................................................................................... 27 Undo a Move In ............................................................................................................................................... 29 Undo a Change of Residence ........................................................................................................................... 30 Tenant Processes Group ...................................................................................................................................... 31 Tenant Status ................................................................................................................................................... 31 ProRate Calculations ....................................................................................................................................... 31 Transactions Tab ...................................................................................................................................32 Payments/Charges/Adjustments Group ............................................................................................................... 32 On-Line Display .............................................................................................................................................. 32 Entering Adjustments ...................................................................................................................................... 34 Entering Payments ........................................................................................................................................... 34 Reversing Transactions.................................................................................................................................... 36 Printing a Receipt ............................................................................................................................................ 36 Printing History ............................................................................................................................................... 36 Printing a Statement ........................................................................................................................................ 37 Payments Batch ................................................................................................................................................... 37 Charges Batch ...................................................................................................................................................... 38 Daily Cash Receipts ............................................................................................................................................ 39 Closeout Wizard .................................................................................................................................................. 40 Processes Group .....................................................................................................................................43 Approve Rent Charges (Tenants) ........................................................................................................................ 43 Balance Xfers Group .............................................................................................................................45 Deposits to A/R ................................................................................................................................................... 45 Refund to Tenant ................................................................................................................................................. 46 Tenant to Tenant .................................................................................................................................................. 48 Inter A/R .............................................................................................................................................................. 48 MONTHLY PROCESSING ......................................................................................................... 51 OTHER PROCESSES ................................................................................................................. 53 4|P age Post Maintenance Charges ....................................................................................................................53 Late Fee Calc/Post .................................................................................................................................54 Interest Calc ...........................................................................................................................................56 SETTING UP A REPAYMENT AGREEMENT ........................................................................ 57 INTERFACES ............................................................................................................................. 64 Negative Rents ........................................................................................................................................64 Create AP Invoices.................................................................................................................................64 ACH Rent File ........................................................................................................................................66 Setting Up the ACH Bank Information ............................................................................................................... 66 ACH Project Link ................................................................................................................................................ 67 Tenant Setup for ACH Withdrawal ..................................................................................................................... 68 Prenotes for Tenants for Bank ACH .................................................................................................................... 70 REPORTS..................................................................................................................................... 72 Transaction Report ................................................................................................................................72 Rent Roll .................................................................................................................................................73 Daily Statement Operations (DSO) ......................................................................................................75 Delinquency Report ...............................................................................................................................78 5|P age About the WinTAR Users Guide The H.M.S. Accounts Receivable System for Windows (WinTAR) is designed to meet the needs of Public and Indian Housing Agencies, and allows you to maintain your tenant accounts receivable activity for Low Rent, Home Ownership and Mutual Help programs. The primary objective of this guide is to provide you with a better understanding of the Tenant Accounting (WinTAR) application and its basic procedures. It is a quick guide to be used after initial training of WinTAR or for a new employee using WinTAR for the first time. The following steps discuss normal monthly processing procedures. Some steps can be done at various times of the month, such as tenant maintenance and transaction entry. Monthly processing procedures vary with each housing authority, but following is a brief summary of the steps to be performed each month and the WinTAR options associated with each step. 1. Maintain Tenant Information Tenant Update Move-Ins Move-Outs Change of Residence 2. Enter Transactions (Payments and Adjustments) Enter Transactions (On-Line Display) Daily Cash Receipts Late Fee Calc/Post Close-Out Wizard Transaction Report 3. Monthly Processing Approve Rents and Charges Post Maintenance Charges Post Monthly Rents/Charges Rent Roll Daily Statement Operations (DSO) Aged Delinquency Report 6|P age MAINTAIN TENANT INFORMATION Tenants Tab You can use this option to maintain information on Public Housing tenants. You can add new tenants; modify existing tenant data, record move-ins, move-outs, and other changes of residence. You can also approve rent changes, display and update tenant balances, and print tenant statements. Finally, the Tenant Status Changes option allows you to make changes to a tenant’s status. For the purpose of this Users Guide, we will be covering the following options: Update (Tenants) Comings/Goings (Tenants) Move-Ins Move-Outs Change of Residence Approve Rent Changes (Tenants) With this option you can set up and maintain information on Public Housing tenants. Choosing this option opens the Public Housing Tenant window, from which you can add a new tenant or retrieve an existing tenant, modify his/her data and save the changes. To access this option click on the Tenants tab and then click the Tenants button. Tenant data is stored on seven Tabs. The tabs display across the top of the window. You can access various functions relating to tenant maintenance by clicking on each tab. 7|P age Use the “New” button to add a new tenant. The system will create the Tenant Information tabs for you to fill out. NOTE: Most new tenants are NOT entered thru WinTAR. The move-in information flows from the WinFAM module where the tenant rent calcs are done. Use the “Save” button to save any changes you have made to the tenant information. There are several ways to look up an existing tenant. Click search window: to bring up the following 8|P age Fill in enough information for the search to distinguish which tenant you would like to access and click the Search button. Once the correct tenant is found, click the Fill InfoBox button. The SSN etc. button will bring up the following quick lookup window where you search by name, The Info Box on the left side of the screen when you first go into the tenant window will list the tenants you have most recently accessed. You can then double-click on a name and the system will bring up the Information Window for that tenant. Use the “GoTo” button to look up and retrieve tenant information by typing in the tenant number. 9|P age Tenant Basic Info Page This page contains head of household, project and unit information. The head of household information includes name, gender, social security number, and telephone number. Project and unit information includes the project name, unit address and number of bedrooms, the tenant number, and the move-in, move-out, rent start and rent end dates. A space is provided for comments. Move-In Date: The move-in date is the date the tenant moves into a unit. After entering a move-in date, the system automatically calculates the rent start date. If the tenant moves in on the first of the month, say 03/01/2011, the rent start date would be 03/2011. If the tenant moves in on any day after the first of the month, the rent start date is set to the following month. For example, a movein date of 03/17/2011 would set the rent start date to 04/2011. Move-Out Date: The move-out date is the date the tenant moves out of the unit. When you enter the move-out date, the system automatically calculates the rent end date. 10 | P a g e The rent end date is set to the first of the month after the newly recorded move-out date. Rent Start Date: The rent start date is automatically calculated when you enter the move-in date for the tenant. If you wish to start the rent on a different date, you may overwrite the system-generated rent start date. The rent start date tells the system when to start generating monthly payment transactions for this tenant. A rent start date of 03/2011would generate the first monthly rent transactions(s) when all the other monthly rent transactions are generated for the month of March. Because a move-in date other than the first of the month generates a rent start date of the first of the following month, it may be necessary to insert a partial rent charge. Rent End Date: The rent end date tells the system when to stop generating rent transactions for this tenant. The rent end date is set to the first of the month after the newly recorded move-out date. For example, a rent end date of 03/2011 would NOT create a rent charge for March of 2011. 11 | P a g e Tenant Addresses Page This page contains the tenant’s Residence Address, Correspondence Address, and Utility Check address. The tenant’s residence address is pulled from the Basic Tenant Information page, and cannot be changed. The correspondence and utility check address may be overwritten. In the Pay To group box, you can select the recipient of the utility reimbursement check. 12 | P a g e Tenant Rent/Charges Page This tab comprises two sections: Rent History and Other Charges. You can use the Rent History section to maintain rent information for the current tenant in the selected unit. You can use the Other Charges section to maintain additional recurring charges that to this unit. apply When rents are posted it will use this information to post the last approved rent/charge to the tenants account. Use the buttons in this window as follows: Insert to open the Rent Entry/Update or the Add/Update Recurring Charges window, which allows you to record a new rent or recurring charge for the current tenant. 13 | P a g e Modify to display the Rent Entry/Update or the Add/Update Recurring Charges window, which allows you to modify the current rent or recurring charge for the current tenant. Rents cannot be changed once they have been posted. ‘Other charges” can be stopped by modifying and entering an end month/year. Delete to delete a selected rent or charge, provided it has not previously been approved. Once a rent or charge has been approved, it cannot be deleted. Print to generate a report showing the rents or recurring charges for the current tenant. Approve will approve (or reverse approval) of a selected rent or recurring charge. On approval the letter “A” will appear in the Approve Status field. Clicking this button after selecting an “approved” rent or charge, will return the selected charge to the Unapproved status (the letter “U” will appear in the field). Rents or charges that have been processed cannot be “unapproved”. Monthly rent charges are generated ONLY for approved rents or charges. Hold to put a selected rent or charge on “Hold” (indicated with the letter “H” in the Hold Status field). Rents or charges with a hold status are generated each month, along with all other monthly charges, but they are not paid out. Instead they are forwarded from month to month until the “hold” is removed. 14 | P a g e Household Page The Household tab will allow you to enter all family members and related information for each. This information comes from WinFAM and is not usually entered directly in to WinTAR. 15 | P a g e Income Page The Income Page is where you enter any income received by each family member. This information comes from WinFAM and is not usually entered directly in to WinTAR. 16 | P a g e Tenant Balance History Page The Tenant Balance History tab brings the information from Transactions, Display Balances where you can enter payments, adjustments and charges. Misc Page The Misc tab allows you to enter other pertinent information such as emergency contacts, vehicle information, etc. 17 | P a g e Move-Ins Following are the steps to add a tenant directly into WinTAR without going through the applicant process. 1) Go to the Tenant Tab and click the Tenant button. Click on the “New” button to bring up a new tenant window. 2) You will be on the Basic Tenant Info (Head of House Screen) tab. Fill in the tenant name and social security information and phone number. 18 | P a g e 19 | P a g e 3) Click on the “Project” button and highlight the project the tenant is moving into and click on “Ok.” 4) Fill in the move-in date. The rent start date will automatically fill in for you. 5) Click on “Unit” button to choose the unit the tenant is moving into. 20 | P a g e 6) If the unit needs to be added, click on “new” and the following new unit entry screen will appear. 21 | P a g e Fill in the unit information page. “Unit ID” is the unit identifier and must be unique (this is a HA defined field and must be filled in). Use only letters and numbers, no spaces or punctuation (*,-,/,., etc.). Rent information on the right of the unit screen does not need to be entered. When everything is completed, click on “Save” and then “Yes” to save the unit information. Once the unit has been saved, click on “Exit” to return to the unit selection window and select the unit you just added. 7) Change the tenant count at the end of the tenant number if needed. If not changed, it will default to one. 8) Click on Addresses Tab and modify correspondence address or utility check address if needed. 22 | P a g e 9) Click on Rent/Charges Tab. 10) The top of the page is recurring rental charges. Click on “Insert” here to add any recurring rents. This is not used to add one-time charges. 23 | P a g e 11) Type in effective date; choose type of certification, type in rent amount and clicking in the “Approve” check box. Click on “OK” to accept the rent and/or charges. 12) The bottom of the Rent/Other Charges Page is for other recurring charges (air conditioning, freezer, garage rent, etc.). Click on “Insert” here to add any recurring charges. This also is not used to add one-time charges. 24 | P a g e 13) Click on “Save” in upper left corner of screen to save this tenant. The tenant is now entered. 25 | P a g e Comings/Goings Group (Tenants) The Coming & Goings section of the Tenants tab provides access to the following procedures: Move-Out To move out a tenant, go to the Tenants Tab in the, Comings and Goings group, and then choose “Move-Out” which will open the Move-Out window. From this window, you can retrieve the tenant you wish to work with, and then perform the move out. Enter the fields in this window as follows: Tenant to look up the tenant. Clicking the “Tenant” button brings up the “Search for Public Housing Tenants window. Select the desired tenant. The system will insert the tenant’s name and other data into the Move-Out window. In the MoveOut window, enter the move-out date. The system will automatically compute the rent end date. 26 | P a g e Move-Out To move the tenant out, click the “Move-Out” button. The system will ask you to confirm the move-out. If you respond with “Yes’, the system will complete the move-out. Cancel to cancel the move-out Forwarding Info brings up the following window for you to record the new address for the tenant who is moving out. Change of Residence With this option, you can transfer a tenant from one unit to another. Go to the Tenant, Comings and Goings group on the Tenants tab, and then click “Change of Residence” which opens the Change of Residence window. The top half of the window holds “Transfer From” information. The lower half holds “Transfer To” information. 27 | P a g e In the upper half of the window, look up the desired tenant, then fill in the move-out date. The system will automatically compute the rent end date for the current unit, and the move-in date and rent start date for the new unit. In the lower half of the window, look up the unit the tenant is moving to, and then use the “Transfer” button to carry out the transfer. The system will ask you to confirm the transfer. The system will also check unit availability. If the unit is not available, the system will return you to the “Change of Residence” window. Use the buttons in this window as follows: Tenant to look up the tenant. Clicking the Tenant button brings up the Search for Public Housing Tenants window. From this window retrieve the tenant you want to transfer. The system will insert the tenant’s name and other data into the moveout window. In the Move-Out window, enter the move-out date. The system will automatically compute the rent end date. Unit to bring up the Unit Availability Lookup window. Select the project you want to use, then the unit. Xfer to initiate the transfer procedure. The system will ask you to confirm the transfer. 28 | P a g e Undo a Move In Use this option to undo a recent move in as long as no transactions have been entered for this tenant in this unit. 29 | P a g e Undo a Change of Residence 30 | P a g e Tenant Processes Group The Tenant Processes Group has two options. Tenant Status This option allows you to add Management, Legal, Collection and Re-Payment statuses to tenants. These will appear in several areas of the application such as the Display Balances window. ProRate Calculations Prorate calculations allows you to prorate move ins or move outs for a group of tenants. 31 | P a g e Transactions Tab Payments/Charges/Adjustments Group On-Line Display With this option, you can record transactions for a selected tenant. Transactions entered via this option are posted directly to the tenant’s account. Tenant transactions can be: Records of cash received from tenants (e.g., rent payments, security deposits, pet deposits, etc.) Adjustments to tenant account receivable amounts (e.g., additional charges for nonroutine maintenance, excess utility charges, or services such as garbage pickup) Payments related to repayment agreements 32 | P a g e In addition, this option allows you to reverse transactions, print cash receipts, and print the tenant’s accounting history and monthly statements. Choosing On-Line Display/Entry opens the Tenant Balance Display/Update window. From this window, you can look up the desired tenant, then update his/her balance. Various buttons in this window allow you to enter adjustments and payments, reverse transactions, print cash receipts, account history, and tenant statements. The top half of the window has two regions. To the left, you see the Calendar and a number of other buttons that you can use to look up a tenant and to specify the time period for which balances are to be displayed. To the right, the system displays the BALANCES panel, showing the tenant’s balances and relevant financial transactions for the user-specified time period. Balances displayed include opening and closing Accounts Receivable balances and Deposit balances. Balance Totals are also displayed. If a repayment agreement exists, a Repayments button appears just below the BALANCES panel. Choosing the Repayments button displays the Repayment Agreement Maintenance Window, showing the specifics of the agreement. The lower half of the window is reserved for Transaction Activity. Use the buttons in this window as follows: 33 | P a g e Entering Adjustments The adjustment button brings up the Charge Entry Window. From the Charge Entry Window, you can enter an additional charge to the monthly bill of the current tenant. Use the Apply to Drop-down List to select the appropriate balance category for the new charge. The Description drop-down List specifies what the charge is for. The amount box displays the amount of the charge. Click on the adjustment button The Month/Year will default to the last processed month/year and cannot be changed Enter a date for the transaction (this will default to the current date but can be changed to a date prior or a date in the future) The reference number is automatically generated by the application Select the category for this transactions (i.e. DR Dwelling Rental, AC Additional Charges etc.) Select the correct code description from the drop down list This code will automatically populate based on the description you selected in the prior step Enter an amount, either positive or negative depending on the type of adjustment you are entering. This memo field allows you to enter a short note related to this transaction. Click ‘OK’ and it will ask you if you want to save the transaction, answer ‘Yes’ if everything is correct, ‘No’ if you need to go back and make some changes Entering Payments Click on the Payment button to bring up the Payment Entry Window. From this window you can enter a payment to the monthly bill of the current tenant. Use the Payment Type Drop-down list to specify what the charge is for. Use the Apply To Drop-down list to select the appropriate balance category for the payment. The amount box shows the amount of the payment. 34 | P a g e Click on the Payments button The Month/Year will default to the last processed month/year and cannot be changed Enter a date for the transaction (this will default to the current date but can be changed to a date prior or a date in the future) The reference number is automatically generated by the application Select the payment type (selecting AR will tell the system to apply the payment in the order set under Setup Tab A/R Tables Setup Group Parameters, Payment Apply Order The code will be entered automatically and should not be changed. Select the correct ‘Apply To’ option (these will be different for based on the Payment Type selected) Enter the amount as a positive number. This memo field allows you to enter a short note related to this transaction. You may select Check, Cash, or Money Order and enter a number in the yellow box (This option must be turned on in Setup Tab A/R Tables Setup Group Parameters, Enter a ‘Y’ to start tracking payments. Click ‘OK’ and it will ask you if you want to save the transaction, answer ‘Yes’ if everything is correct, ‘No’ if you need to go back and make some changes. 35 | P a g e Reversing Transactions Reverses a selected transaction. The system will display the question, “Reverse ALL transactions associated with this Reference Number?”. Respond by clicking “Yes” or “No”. WARNING: Reversing payments from a prior month is discouraged as this affects cash!! Printing a Receipt Clicking the Receipt button brings up the following window and allows you to print a cash receipt for the payment entered. The reference number is auto-generated. Printing History Allows you to view and then print the accounting history of the current tenant. A sample is displayed below 36 | P a g e Printing a Statement Choose this option to view and then print the tenant’s statement for the current month. The monthly activity statement displays the tenant’s monthly account activity. Payments Batch This window allows you to enter payments in batches. You can also import payment files sent to you from your bank and post them to the tenant’s accounts To enter batches manually simply enter the tenant number and the payment information and click the Insert button to send it over to the window on the right. Once you have them all entered, you can click the Post button to send all of them to the individual accounts 37 | P a g e Charges Batch This window works the same as the payments batch. Simply enter the charges for each tenant and post them all at once on the tenant’s accounts by clicking the Post button 38 | P a g e Daily Cash Receipts With this option, you can record, display, void, and print cash receipts. You may also generate the Transaction Report. Choosing this option opens the Daily Cash Receipts Window. Use the buttons in this window as follows: Projects(s) to display your current program selection. You may adjust this selection to fit the needs of your current task. Date to specify the desired time period. Clicking the “From” space brings up the Pick a Date dialog box from which you can select the starting date. Clicking the “Thru” space brings up the Pick a Date dialog box from which you can select the ending date. 39 | P a g e Daily Report to generate a Transaction Report. The report lists all cash receipts by date within the specified time period. You can restrict output by specifying one or more projects, one or all users, and a time period. New to open the Cash Receipt Entry Window for you to fill out. After typing in all the information, clicking the OK button will save the new cash receipt. Print to print a selected cash receipt. Closeout Wizard The Close Out Wizard is designed to guide the user through the steps needed to close out a tenant. A tenant may be closed out if he/she has moved out, and has a remaining balance. Closing out a tenant involves entering final charges, posting interest on deposit balances, transferring balances to A/R, and generating a refund, if the tenant’s A/R balance is negative. Starting the Wizard brings up the Close Out Wizard window, with the list of all move-outs for the projects selected for the current session. Note that each tenant is listed with the move-out date. The list of tenants is ordered in descending order of move-out date (most recent move-out on top of the list). From this list, you can select the tenant you wish to close out. Once a tenant 40 | P a g e is selected, the system displays the tenant’s pertinent information. This includes all current balances in the tenant’s accounts (deposits and categories of A/R). NOTE: You can use the Project button to add to the list of current projects, or to delete projects from your Current Program/Project selection. The Unit ID field allows for the direct entry of a tenant account number (e.g., 302-4). The lower half of the window contains five buttons that allow you to close out a selected tenant. These buttons are turned ON or OFF, based upon the current “stage” of the tenant Close-Out. Note that totals are displayed next to each button to indicate total transaction activity in that category that was performed while using the Close-Out Wizard. Use the Close-Out buttons as follows: Pro-Rates Allows you to pro-rate a rent if a tenant moves out in the middle of the month. Final Charges Allows you to enter additional charges (e.g., cleaning). Brings up the Charge Entry Window. After entering the charge, the system automatically updates the tenant’s account. This button is always ON during a close-out. Once the tenant is closed out (i.e., both the Deposit and A/R balances are zero), this button will be turned OFF. Post Interest Allows you to enter interest earned on any deposit balances. A deposit interest calculator button turns ON when a user enters a interest transaction of code “IN.” The post interest button will be turned OFF if the deposit values are zero or greater than zero. A click on this button automatically lists only valid deposit type balances in the Charge Entry Window and a transaction code for interest posting. If one does not appear, set up a transaction code ‘IN’ for all deposit balance types (SD, KD, and PD). Deposit to A/R Allows you to transfer any deposit balances to A/R categories, using the standard apply order set up for the current program. This button will be ON when a balance exists in any of the deposit categories. Once all deposit balances are zero, the button will be turned OFF automatically. This transfer generates code ‘22’ transactions against the deposit balances and code ‘12’ transactions against the appropriate A/R balances types. Refund to Tenant This button is ON only when the total A/R balance is negative (i.e., a refund is due). Clicking this button will generate code ‘06’ transactions for the appropriate A/R categories. If the net A/R is negative (refund to tenant), but positive balances exist in other categories (tenant owes money in those categories), the balances are first closed out to Dwelling Rental 41 | P a g e using code ‘15’ for A/R adjustments, with a code ‘06’ refund then being written out of the DR category. Undo Button Allows you to reverse the most recent action. This button will only show if the pertinent activity has been performed. Clicking this button, will ask the user to confirm the ‘undo’. If you wish to proceed, the system will reverse all the transactions associated with the current action type. For example, Post Interest ‘Undo’ undoes all interest transactions posted using the Wizard. Report Button After completing all the steps in the Close-Out, you can use the Report Button to obtain a complete list of all the transactions generated during the close-out. Tip: Run the Closeout Report which will give you a statement showing the refund. You can give this to accounting as backup for the refund. 42 | P a g e Processes Group Approve Rent Charges (Tenants) To approve tenant rents, go to tenants and approve rents and charges. The following screen will appear. From this window, you can enter a new rent, or modify, approve, hold, and print an existing rent record. The rents in this screen are for new move-ins and rent changes. They must be approved prior to posting or the old rent will be posted. 43 | P a g e In the upper half of the window, you can tell the system what rent records you wish to display. With the “Calendar”, you can restrict the rent records to a particular month/year. Selecting one or more of the choices in the Rent Selection Criteria box, allows you to further restrict the type of records displayed. Your choices of rent selection criteria are: Approved When checked, the system will display only approved rents. Un-approved When checked, the system will display only un-approved rents. Held When checked, the system will display only rents that are on hold. The lower half of the window will display the rent records that fit your search specifications. Use the “Search Box” to start the listing at the desired record. Use the remaining buttons in this window as follows: Modify to modify a selected rent record. Clicking Modify displays the Rent Entry/Update box. Only rents that have not been used in processing can be modified. 44 | P a g e Approve is a toggle switch. Choosing Approve once will approve a selected rent (an A will appear in the Approve Status field) – clicking it again will return the selected rent to the Un-Approved status (a U will appear in the field). Rent records that have been processed cannot be “un-approved”. Monthly rent transactions are generated ONLY for approved rent transactions. Hold to put a selected record on “Hold” (indicated with an H in the Hold Status field). Transactions with a hold status are generated each month, along with all monthly transactions, but they are not paid out. Instead they are forwarded from month to month until the “hold” is removed. The hold button may also be used to remove the hold on a rent record. Print to print a Recurring Rent report for the lines selected. Pro-Rater This button will take you to the window which will allow you to pro-rate the rent for an individual. Balance Xfers Group This group contains options for four different types of transfers: 1. 2. 3. 4. Deposits to A/R Refund to Tenant Tenant to Tenant Inter-A/R Deposits to A/R Selecting this option brings up the following screen which will allow you to transfer an amount from a tenants deposit balance to Dwelling Rental, Additional Charges, Excess Utilities or Retro Rent. 45 | P a g e Click on the Tenant button to go to the search box for a tenant lookup or enter the tenant’s number in the field. Enter the date, if different from the default Pick the transfer type from the drop down list Enter the amount you would like to transfer Enter as a negative number where you would like the balance to be applied Click the Insert button to send it over to the window on the right. You may enter as many transfers as you like, clicking insert after each Click the Save button Refund to Tenant This option is used to create a refund to an existing tenant who has a credit balance. Simply enter the tenant number or do a search to find the tenant. The information will be filled in for you. If everything is correct, click the Insert button to send the information to the table on the right side. Click the Save button. 46 | P a g e 47 | P a g e Tenant to Tenant When a tenant moves and the balances were not transferred you may use this option to transfer any balances from the old unit to the new unit. If the tenant’s information appears in red, then there are balances to be transferred. Click on the record and click the Balance Transfer button The following screen will appear which will allow you to pick the balances you wish to transfer. Review the information and then click the Transfer button. Inter A/R The Tenant to Tenant Transfer is used when a tenant has a debit balance in one category and a credit balance for the same amount in another as in the following illustration. This usually means that there was a payment that was applied to the wrong category. Simply click Insert and Save 48 | P a g e 49 | P a g e Clicking the Insert button, will send the transaction over to the Transfers Entered screen.. Click Save and it will be posted to the tenants account. 50 | P a g e MONTHLY PROCESSING This section guides you through the WinTAR monthly processing steps. Step 1:Approve Rents and Charges Go to the Transactions tab and the Processes Group and then Approve Rents and Charges Choose month to approve rents under calendar display Pick the project to approve rents for Click on the “Find” button If changes are needed to a particular rent or charge, click on the tenant’s rent to change and choose modify. You can then make any changes. Click on each tenant whose rent you want to approve 51 | P a g e Shift + Click to mark multiple tenants Shift + drag from top to bottom if you want all the tenants Click on “Print” to print list of tenants Click on “Approve” to approve this list of tenants Pick next project to approve rents for Repeat process above until all rents and charges are approved Step 2:Post Monthly Rents/Charges Posting Go to Transactions, Post Monthly Rents/Charges Click on Processing Group to Post Click on “Post” and then “Yes” to verify posting Click on “Exit” 52 | P a g e Once rents are posted, you are in the next month and all transactions entered will go in to the new month. Step 3:Generate the Rent Roll This is done for the current month and is found on the Reports Tab Step 4:Generate Daily Statement of Operations (DSO) Also found on the Reports Tab or the Transactions Tab and is generated for the PRIOR month Step 5:Run the Aged Delinquency Report OTHER PROCESSES Post Maintenance Charges Go to the Transactions tab, then the Processes group and click on Maintenance Charges. 53 | P a g e Verify amounts on the screen Click on “Delete” check-box if the charge should not be there Click on “Post” to post the charges to the tenant’s account Click on “Yes” to save Click on “OK” to verify message that charges have been saved Click on “Exit” Late Fee Calc/Post With this option, you can calculate late fees on various balances for tenants in a selected program or project. 54 | P a g e Choosing this option, opens the Calculate/Post Late Fee window. After selecting the project you want to use and a Balance type from their respective drop down lists, you must specify a Closing Date and a Minimum Balance. Next, you can choose to have the calculation based upon either a flat fee or a percentage. If you choose the method employing a flat fee, you must enter a value in the Flat Late Fee field. If you choose the method employing a percentage, you must enter the percentage and maximum or minimum Late Fee. You can choose how you want the late fee list sorted by clicking on name, unit, balance, or late fee amount under the “Sort By” option. Use the remaining buttons in this window as follows: Letters brings you into Letter Assistant so that you could send out letters to tenants on your late fee list. Calculate Late Fee to start the late fee calculation. Results from the calculation are displayed in the chart in the right half of the window. PrePost Rpt to print a report of late fees before they are posted Post to post the late fees as displayed in the chart. 55 | P a g e Late Fee Analysis Report to print report displaying tenants and late fee analysis. Interest Calc This is used for those housing authorities having to pay interest out on a yearly basis. The steps in calculating interest on deposits are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pick the project you would like to post interest for Select the deposit type (i.e. Security, Pet, etc.) Enter the starting and ending date for the calculation Select whether you want the interest to start on the transaction date or the move in date. Select whether you would like the interest added to the deposit balance or applied to an A/R balance. 6. Click the Calculate Interest button and the transactions will appear in the window to the right. 7. If there is interest the Post column will have a ‘Y’ in it but if you don’t want a particular tenant to get interest, you can click the ‘Y’ and it will become a ‘N’. 8. Click the Post button and the interest will be posted to the tenants account 56 | P a g e REPAYMENT AGREEMENTS To set up a repayment agreement, follows these steps: 1. Open the WinTAR program 2. Select the Transactions tab 3. Click on On-line Display 4. Search for the tenant by typing in the unit ID or clicking on the ‘Tenant’ button and entering all or part of the name. 5. Highlight the tenant 6. Either double click the tenant name or click the Fetch Tenant button to pull up the tenant information. 57 | P a g e 7. If you need to put the charge on the account because of non-reported income we suggest putting it under Retro Rent either using a Retro Rent adjustment or Load Balance (check with the accounting department as to what transaction to use-so they can get it to the proper account). 8. If the charge is already on the account you may want to transfer it to Retro Rent to keep it separate from the current activity. To transfer the amount to Retro Rent, go to the Transactions tab, click on ‘Balance Xfers’ and select 4. Inter A/R. Enter a credit next to Dwelling for the amount owed and a debit to Retro Rent for the same amount. Then click on Insert and then Save. 9. Go back to the On-Line transactions and pull up the same tenant and your window should show the amount in Retro Rents. 58 | P a g e 10. You are now ready to set up the repayment agreement. 11. Close the Tenant Balance Display/Update window. 12. Go to the Repayments tab and click on Add/Find 13. Click on the New button. 59 | P a g e 14. Which will bring up the following window: 15. Enter the unit ID or find the tenant by clicking on the tenant button and searching in the same manner that was used in step 4. 16. Enter an Agreement # (this can be anything you like, but many people use the unit ID which is unique to that tenant) and the Start Month/Year this date needs to be the month year of the NEXT processing period. 60 | P a g e NOTE: The system will not recognize the repayment agreement until the next month’s rents are posted. 17. The Balance for repayment will show any outstanding balances, you must put a check mark by the balances you want included in the repayment agreement. 18. Click on Save and it will take you back to a screen where you can either enter the monthly payment amount or the number of payments they are going to make. (If you enter the number of payments it will calculate the payment amount, and if you enter the payment amount it will calculate the number of payments. Click on ‘Save’. 61 | P a g e 19. The Repayment Button will not appear in the Tenant Balance Display/Update screen until rents have been posted for the beginning month of the Repayment Agreement. 20. When the tenant makes a payment on the agreement, be sure to apply it to the correct repayment code (DRRP, RRRP, ACRP etc.). This will ensure the payment will be applied to the repayment agreement as well as the total in the Tenant Balance Display/Update window. 21. One last step is to make sure the repayment apply options are available for use when entering payments. In WinTAR go to the Setup Tab and click on A/R Tables Setup, then select Parameters. This will bring up the parameters window. 62 | P a g e 22. Make sure the XXRP options are listed in blue and should be at the top of the list if you want the repayment to get paid before current charges. 63 | P a g e INTERFACES Negative Rents To create vouchers for negative rents select the program and project(s) and click the Find button. This will bring up all tenants who have a negative rent. Clicking on Create Vouchers will generate the transactions that will be sent to AP for payment. Create AP Invoices This window shows the names of the people who have had negative rent transactions generated and also those who have moved out and gone through the Close-out Wizard. 64 | P a g e Click the Create Invoices button to send the transactions over to AP for payment 65 | P a g e ACH Rent File Setting Up the ACH Bank Information 66 | P a g e ACH Project Link You must link the projects involved in the ACH withdrawal to the proper bank account. 67 | P a g e Tenant Setup for ACH Withdrawal Clicking on information can be entered. will bring up the following screen where the tenant bank account 68 | P a g e 69 | P a g e Prenotes for Tenants for Bank ACH Once the Housing Authority and Tenant information has been entered, a Prenote must be created and sent to the bank. This prenote will verify the tenant account information and the Housing Authority setup information to ensure that the ACH file will be accepted by the bank. Clicking Process Prenotes will start the process and bring up the following window that shows you where the TARACH prenote file will be saved. 70 | P a g e Simply click Create File and your file will be ready to send to the bank. (The uploading method for the ACH process is determined by each individual bank.) 71 | P a g e REPORTS Transaction Report Lists initial transactions by Processing Group and by Balance Type within each processing group. The system counts the number of transactions entered and calculates totals for each balance category within the report. Grand totals are provided at the end of the report. You may limit the date included in the output by using one or more of the following criteria: Processing Group(s), Project(s), Balance Affected, Transaction Types, Users, Month/Year, Transaction Date, and Transaction Source. NOTE: There are more transaction reports on the Transaction tab in the Registers-Other group. The following reports are available: 72 | P a g e Adjustment Register Transaction (New) Report Late Fee Analysis Report Write-Off Report Other reports may be found on their related tabs (i.e. payment reports on the Payment tab, tenant reports on the Tenant tab etc.) Rent Roll Go to the Reports tab and the Rent Roll Group Use Month/Year that you just posted rents and charges for Select Project Click on “Print” to print report The Rent Roll lists tenant rent and adjustments by month/year for a selected project (or group of projects). For each month/year, the system counts the number of rent records and displays the totals for the month in the amount field. The report lists the following data items: Month/Year, Reference Number, Tenant Number, Tenant Name and Address, Operator’s Initials, Code & Code Description, Computer/Adjustment, and Amount. The user can limit the data included in the report by specifying the time period for which the report is to be run, and by specifying ranges for transaction dates, move-in, and move out dates. An example of a rent roll follows: 73 | P a g e 74 | P a g e Daily Statement Operations (DSO) Go to either the Transactions Tab or the Reports Tab Choose Month/Year you last posted rents and charges to Choose what Reports you want to print: The Daily Statement of Operations (DSO) generates a daily summary of transactions with tenants, classifying all charges and credits by type of transaction. The report shows opening and closing balances and anticipated payments in each balance category (KD, PD, SD, DR, RR, EU, AC). The last two columns show the total A/R and the amount DUE. The report has a Detail and a Summary version. With either version, the user can optionally generate Tenant Statements. You can limit output by selecting ranges for: Projects and Month/Year. In addition, if you enter a single tenant number, WinTAR will process a single tenant. If the Tenant Number field is left blank, the system will process all tenants in the selected program or project. In the Balance Types to Report panel, you can choose to process Active tenants only, Vacated tenants only, or both. You can further limit output by checking on, two, or all three of the Debit, Credit, and Zero boxes. Your choices do not have to be the Same for Active and Vacated tenants. For example, you can generate a report for Active tenants with Debit, Credit, and Zero balances, and you can generate a report for Vacated tenants with Credit balances only. Choosing the “Show Totals” button displays the Totals for Month window, showing the month’s totals for the selected project(s). An example of a DSO Detail Report and DSO Summary Report follows: 75 | P a g e 76 | P a g e 77 | P a g e Delinquency Report Reports Tab, Delinquency Group, Aged Delinquency Report Choose the project you want to run the delinquency report for Change Month/Year to the month you just posted recurring charges for and click The Aged Delinquency Report analyzes tenant accounts in a selected project (or group of projects) by balance category (Deposits, Rent, Excess Utility, Retro Rent, and Additional Charges), showing amounts billed, paid, and due. Past-due accounts are classified in terms of the length of the period past due: 0-30 days, 31-60 days, 61-90 days, and 90+ days. The system provides totals for each tenant. The Report also provides a three-party summary, listing results for all tenants, vacated tenants, and active tenants. NOTE: The Aged Delinquency Report is often run before posting to show accurate picture of account statuses and all payments that have been received. Examples of a detailed and summary Aged Delinquency Report follow: 78 | P a g e 79 | P a g e 80 | P a g e