Duct silencers Product advantages Measurement
Duct silencers Product advantages Measurement
Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ $LUGXFWVLOHQFHU Duct silencers 650 »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. A4925_ _ 1,542.00 730 A4926_ _ 1,666.00 820 A4927_ _ 1,852.00 920 A4928_ _ 1,975.00 A492109_ _ 2,270.00 ø (inner) / mm 1,090 Colours: Price %URZQ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 00 /LJKWJUH\ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 04 Attention: Order-specific article – returns not permitted! The air duct silencer (with a wall thickness of 30 mmGHYHORSHG by 5(9(17$®VLJQLÀFDQWO\ORZHUV the sound emissions. There are increasing problems with sound emissions when using pressurestable fans in connection with bio ÀOWHUVDQGH[KDXVWDLUWUHDWPHQW systems. Here, 5(9(17$® offers WKH7h9WHVWHGVLOHQFHUDVD solution. Output values and insWDOODWLRQGLPHQVLRQVDUHVSHFLÀHG below. We would be happy to advise you! The measurement results prove that the use of a duct silencer can lead to a noise level reducWLRQRIXSWRG%$ Total length: 2,500 mm Product advantages TÜV report &XUUHQWtest report of TÜV Nord shows a reducWLRQRIWKHVRXQGSRZHUOHYHORIXSWRG%$ 2QUHTXHVWZHZRXOG be happy to send this to you. Cross section of the air duct silencer PUR insulation noise absorption material &DQEHUHWURÀWWHGWRH[LVWLQJH[KDXVWDLUGXFW systems. PE foil eases cleaning Measurement results of the air duct silencer perforated internal cover Level reduction through duct silencer dB(A) ø (inner) / mm 650 12.0 730 11.0 820 11.0 920 11.0 1,090 10.0 3 dB(A) already means a halving of the perceived volume. Image showing use in practice Dimensions air duct silencer ø (inner) / ø/external dimensions/ ø/external dimensions/ mm duct (1) duct silencer (2) 650 710 880 730 790 980 820 880 1,150 920 980 1,150 1,090 1,150 1,330 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. (1) (2) 1.9 $FFHVVRULHVIRUDLUGXFW Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems Cartridge adhesive REVEPUR 623 (2-component) Article no. Price 134600 13.50 REVEPUR 623 Two-component reaction adhesive for the bonding of air ducts and accessories. Please observe the handling instructions. Mixing unit: 1,000 g Unit/box: per 8 pieces Cartridge adhesive REVEPUR SH 100 Colour Article no. Price Light grey 134210 8.80 %URZQ 134200 8.80 REVEPUR SH 100 is a special glue for the bonding of the air ducts and components. Rapid and simple use by means of a cartridge gun; remaining material can be used later. The sealing of the bonded joints is easy with this simple process. Please observe the handling instructions. Cartridge content: 310 ml Unit/box: 12 cartridges Cartridge gun Article no. Price 134250 10.80 For easy use of REVEPUR cartridges. Made of sturdy metal. Adhesive usage for air ducts Ø / mm 1.10 Qty. of cartridges per duct connection up to 420 0.5 up to 520 0.6 up to 650 0.75 up to 920 1.0 up to 1,270 1.5 »AGROFLEX«® / »vario-clip«® »air duct« As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ 'LIIXVHUV Diffuser for air ducts »AGROFLEX«® and »vario-clip«® ø (inner) / mm »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. D / D1 x H Price 520 588 / 786 x 570 A4183_ _ 94.40 580 646 / 860 x 625 A4184_ _ 107.50 650 716 / 944 x 690 A4185_ _ 127.50 730 796 / 1043 x 684 A4186_ _ 144.00 820 886 / 1152 x 845 A4187_ _ 180.50 920 986 / 1276 x 940 A4188_ _ 213.50 1,090 1156 / 1500 x 1120 A418109_ _ 331.00 1,270 1336 / 1710 x 1290 A418127_ _ 449.00 7KHDLUÁRZLVRSWLPDOO\JXLGHGE\ the diffuser. An increase of up to 15 % is achieved. This means that a saving in energy of up to 15 % can be achieved at the same air ÁRZ Due to the new contour with integrated seating points, the model line is even easier to assemble; the diffuser can be adjusted and locked more easily. H Note: Detailed view of the locking Cover flap / covering ring, see page 1.12 %URZQ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 00 /LJKWJUH\ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 04 Colours: D1 D Fixing set diffuser »AGROFLEX«® and »vario-clip«® ø (inner) / mm Quantity Article no. Price 520-920 6-fold A418900 20.70 1,090 - 1,270 8-fold A418910 26.50 Fixing set for the diffuser, enables easy installation at the end of the air duct Diffuser for »air duct« D1 ø (inner) / mm D / D1 x H Article no. 370 460 / 620 x 650 4180_ _ 67.90 420 510 / 675 x 700 4181_ _ 79.50 Price 470 570 / 740 x 745 4182_ _ 86.10 520 620 / 755 x 755 4183_ _ 94.40 580 680 / 840 x 810 4184_ _ 107.50 650 750 / 885 x 830 4185_ _ 127.50 730 830 / 1005 x 970 4186_ _ 144.00 820 910 / 1100 x 1050 4187_ _ 180.50 920 1020 / 1210 x 1150 4188_ _ 213.50 Colours: The construction is made of HDPE. For an improved mounting of the diffuser, we recommend the usage of a duct with GRP internal coating as the covering duct, as well as an intake nozzle. 7KHGLIIXVHUHQDEOHVDQDLUÁRZ increase of 15 % (see DLG test UHSRUW H D %URZQ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 00 /LJKWJUH\ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 04 Fixing set diffuser »air duct« ø (inner) / mm Type Article no. Price 370-470 4-fold 418900 12.40 520-920 6-fold 418910 18.60 7KHÀ[LQJVHWIRUWKHGLIIXVHU enables the easy installation on the end of the air duct. Diffusers in practice Individual extraction in combination with fresh air distributor As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Diffuser, light grey on the REVENTA® test bench »AGROFLEX«® diffuser brown 1.11 &RYHUÁDSDLUFRQWUROOHG Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems &RYHUÁDSDLUFRQWUROOHGDXWRPDWLF ø (inner) / mm »air duct« Article no. »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Price 370 426010-1 — 83.00 420 426110-1 — 88.60 470 426210-1 520 426310-1 — V426310-1 93.70 100.50 580 426410-1 V426410-1 109.50 650 426510-1 V426510-1 121.50 730 426610-1 V426610-1 130.00 820 426710-1 V426710-1 138.50 920 426810-1 V426810-1 165.50 1,090 — V42610910-1 190.00 1,270 — V42612710-1 216.00 Prevents the penetration of rain water; can only be used in combination with a diffuser. The pressure loss is minimised due to the new special geometry DSSUR[ The control is performed automatically, i.e. via the pressure of the fan. &RYHUÁDSDLUFRQWUROOHG (automatic) 7KHRSHQLQJWLPHRIWKHÁDSFDQEH controlled by means of the adjustment of the weights. Can only be used for uncontrolled fans. &RYHULQJULQJIRUWKHFRYHUÁDSª$*52)/(;©® and »vario-clip«® »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Price 520 V404310 17.40 580 V404410 17.40 650 V404510 23.20 730 V404610 23.20 820 V404710 26.50 ø (inner) / mm 920 When using the »AGROFLEX«® diffuser in combination with the FRYHUÁDSLQRUGHUWRSDVVWKH support cams. $FRYHULQJULQJLVUHTXLUHGIRUWKH improved closure of the cover ÁDS V404810 35.60 1,090 V40410910 45.50 Note: 1,270 V40412710 66.20 Glue see page 1.10. Recommendation: In the duct systems »AGROFLEX«® and »vario-clip«®, DFRYHULQJULQJLVUHTXLUHGIRUWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIWKH FRYHUÁDS:HUHFRPPHQGWKHXVDJHRIDQLQWDNH nozzle for the »air duct« connection. 1.12 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Ɇ ,QWDNHQR]]OHV Exhaust air duct systems Intake nozzle PS for»air duct« »air duct« Article no. »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Price 370 404000 — 12.40 420 404100 — 12.40 — 15.70 ø (inner) / mm 470 404200 520 404300 V404350 580 404400 V404450 17.40 650 404500 V404550 23.20 730 404600 V404650 23.20 820 404700 V404750 26.50 920 404800 V404850 35.60 For optimisation of the air entry and for the protection of the duct. Material: PS 17.40 1,090 — V40410950 45.50 1,270 — V40412750 66.20 Intake nozzle PUR large for air duct »AGROFLEX«® and »vario-clip«® »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Price 520 V4053_ _ 33.90 580 V4054_ _ 42.20 650 V4055_ _ 49.70 730 V4056_ _ 64.60 820 V4057_ _ 74.50 920 V4058_ _ 79.50 ø (inner) / mm 1,090 V405109_ _ 92.10 1,270 V405127_ _ 136.00 Article no.: Tongue = _ _ _ _ _ _ 00 Groove = _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 The PUR intake nozzle large HIIHFWLYHO\LQFUHDVHVWKHDLUÁRZ and reduces the energy costs. The performance increase is dependent on the fan characteristic curve and the type of installation. It must be bonded with the lower duct end by means of the tongue and groove. The intake nozzle HQDEOHVDQLQFUHDVHLQDLUÁRZ of approx. 10 PA, depending on the fan. Material: PUR D D1 H 520 704 90 580 776 95 650 861 145 730 971 160 820 1091 175 920 1201 190 1,090 1464 224 1,270 1658 250 Intake nozzle PUR / groove D H D1 Intake nozzle PUR / tongue D H D1 Dimensions in mm As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 1.13 &RYHULQJULQJDQJOHGFRYHULQJULQJ Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems Rain hood ø (Inner) / mm »air duct« Article no. »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Price 370 4160_ _ — 70.40 420 4161_ _ — 70.40 470 4162_ _ — 89.40 520 4163_ _ V4163_ _ 580 4164_ _ V4164 109.50 650 4165_ _ V4165_ _ 109.50 730 4166_ _ V4166_ _ 121.00 820 4167_ _ V4167_ _ 121.00 920 4168_ _ V4168_ _ 131.00 89.40 1,090 — V416109 202.00 1,270 — V416127_ _ 265.00 0DGHIURP89VWDELOL]HGÀEUHJODVV reinforced polyester incl. stainless VWHHOÀ[LQJVHW Spacing heights: PP+ DSSUR[PP PP+ DSSUR[PP Colours: %URZQ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 00 /LJKWJUH\ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 04 Covering ring PS/30 for air duct »AGROFLEX«® and »vario-clip«® »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. ø (inner) / mm For the protection of the duct end. Price 520 V404300 12.40 580 V404400 15.50 650 V404500 18.20 730 V404600 21.50 820 V404700 21.50 920 V404800 31.50 1.091,090 V40410900 41.40 Material: PS Angled covering ring PS ø (inner) / mm »air duct« Article no. »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Price 370 404070 — 12.40 420 404170 — 12.40 470 404270 — 15.70 520 404370 V404370 17.40 580 404470 V404470 20.70 650 404570 V404570 23.20 730 404670 V404670 23.20 820 404770 V404770 26.50 920 404870 V404870 35.60 1,090 — V40410970 45.50 1,270 — V40412770 66.20 Selection guide duct connection The angled covering ring ensures a clean seal between the duct and the ceiling. &RYHUPP 50 mm Angled covering ring PS Duct connection »air duct« »AGROFLEX«® / »vario-clip«® top bottom top bottom Covering ring PS — — &RYHULQJULQJFRYHUÁDS — — Page 1.14 — 1.12 1.13 Intake nozzle PS Intake nozzle PUR* — — Groove Tongue 1.13 Intake nozzle PUR tongue* — — Groove Tongue 1 .13 Covering ring fresh air distributor — Covering ring fresh air distributor — — — — See chapter 2 See chapter 2 * also possible with »air duct« with PUR adapter ring 1.14 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ 5RRÀQJSDQHO*53 *53URRÀQJSDQHO 7KH5(9(17$®ÁDWRUZDYHGURRÀQJSDQHOVDUH PDGHRI89VWDELOL]HGÀEUHJODVVUHLQIRUFHG polyester. These are produced to order, precisely DFFRUGLQJWRWKHURRISLWFKDQGURRISURÀOH7KH GXFWLVEROWHGGLUHFWO\WRJHWKHUZLWKWKHURRÀQJ panel. Sealing on the upper edge can be implemented by means of all-purpose sealing tape. Flat / side Waved / side Flat / ridge ø (inner) / mm »air duct« Article no. »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Waved Flat / ridge Flat / side Price »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® »air duct« Article no. Article no. Price »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® »air duct« Article no. Article no. Price 370 1360_ _ — 74.50 1370_ _ — 79.50 1350_ _ — 127.50 420 1361_ _ — 87.80 1371_ _ — 92.70 1351_ _ — 136.00 470 1362_ _ — 101.00 1372_ _ — 109.50 1352_ _ — 147.50 520 1363_ _ V1363_ _ 101.00 1373_ _ V1373_ _ 112.50 1353_ _ V1353_ _ 152.50 580 1364_ _ V1364_ _ 111.00 1374_ _ V1374_ _ 124.50 1354_ _ V1354_ _ 164.00 650 1365_ _ V1365_ _ 135.00 1375_ _ V1375_ _ 159.00 1355_ _ V1355_ _ 198.50 730 1366_ _ V1366_ _ 141.00 1376_ _ V1376_ _ 169.00 1356_ _ V1356_ _ 212.00 820 1367_ _ V1367_ _ 159.00 1377_ _ V1377_ _ 196.00 1357_ _ V1357_ _ 225.50 920 1368_ _ V1368_ _ 174.00 1378_ _ V1378_ _ 212.00 1358_ _ V1358_ _ 245.00 1,090 V136109_ _ 210.00 V137109_ _ 239.00 V135109_ _ 295.00 1,270 V136127_ _ 215.50 V137127_ _ 262.00 V135127_ _ 306.00 Colours: %URZQ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 00 /LJKWJUH\ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 04 Attention: Order-specific article – returns not permitted! Recommendation: WeDUHDOVRKDSS\WRPDQXIDFWXUHURRÀQJ SDQHOVDFFRUGLQJWRURRISURÀOHWHPSODWH Please specify profile / roof pitch A H Per order, non-recurring preproduction costs of €80.00 (net) apply. R A 3OHDVHVWDWHURRISLWFKSURÀOHW\SHDQGGHVLUHG colour when ordering. H Special colours are available on request. % W A H % C D E H1 W As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 1.15 5RRÀQJSDQHOXQLYHUVDO Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems 5RRÀQJSDQHO´*,77(;µ ø (inner) / mm Dimensions / m Article no. Price 650 1,530 x 1,070 1405_ _ 170.00 730 1,600 x 1,150 1406_ _ 210.00 820 1,600 x 1,250 1407_ _ 220.00 920 1,740 x 1,390 1408_ _ 240.00 1,090 1,750 x 1,500 140109_ _ 295.00 1,270 2,040 x 1,750 140127_ _ 340.00 %URZQ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 00 /LJKWJUH\ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 04 Colours: Rolled goods on request. Comprised of a durable, self-bonGLQJURRÀQJSDQHO A simple working process is DVVXUHGIRUDOOURRISURÀOHVGXH WRWKHÁH[LEOHVHOIDGKHVLYHPHVK inserts with sealing tape. The URRÀQJSDQHOFRPHVSUHÀQLVKHG Further glueing is no longer UHTXLUHGEHFDXVHWKHPDWHULDOV are optimally bonded as a result of WKHUPDOLQÁXHQFHVVXQ$VVXFK rapid installation is guaranteed. Incl. cartridge adhesive for sealing the duct. Self-adhesive mesh insert with sealing tape. 5RRÀQJSDQHOXQLYHUVDOIRLOVHWPDGHIURP(3'0²EODFN 370-820 Dimensions / mm 1,400 x 1,800 134000 72.90 920 1,700 x 1,900 133800 107.50 1,090-1,270 2,400 x 2,050 13312700 142.50 ø (inner) / mm Article no. Price 7KHURRÀQJSDQHOLVPDGHIURPKLJK TXDOLW\89VWDELOL]HGURRÀQJIRLO The bonding between duct, roof VXUIDFHDQGURRÀQJIRLOLVSHU formed with the special contact DGKHVLYH.65(9((3 Approved in accordance with ',1(1VHDOLQJRIEXLOGLQJ FRQVWUXFWLRQV Suitable for all duct diameters and types of roof. Roofing panel made from EPDM - black Adhesive included in delivery package. 5RRÀQJSDQHOXQLYHUVDOUROOPDGHIURP(3'0²EODFN Dimensions / m Article no. Price 1.40 x 20.0 134100 398.00 1.70 x 20.0 134102 732.00 2.05 x 20.0 134106 834.00 1.16 as before, as rolled goods. As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ $FFHVVRULHVIRUURRÀQJSDQHO $GKHVLYHIRUURRÀQJSDQHOXQLYHUVDO Article no. Price 134302 17.50 System adhesive in a polythene bag for glueing the universal URRÀQJSDQHO$EUXVKDSSOLFDWLRQ RQRQHVLGHLVVXIÀFLHQWPHDQLQJ rapid processing is possible. Content: 600 ml Unit/box: 12 pieces $GKHVLYHIRUURRÀQJSDQHO Glue Article no. Price .65(9((3(3'0 134300 18.20 &RQWDFWDGKHVLYH.65(9((3IRU ERQGLQJWKH(3'0URRÀQJSDQHO &RQWHQW.65(9((3J Unit/box: 12 pieces All-purpose sealing tapes ø / mm Article no. Price 370 1320_ _ 9.10 420 1321_ _ 9.10 470 1322_ _ 9.90 520 1323_ _ 10.80 580 1324_ _ 12.40 650 1325_ _ 14.90 730 1326_ _ 14.90 820 1327_ _ 16.60 920 1328_ _ 18.20 1,090 132109_ _ 22.30 1,270 132127_ _ 24.80 Colours: The all-purpose sealing tape with enhanced adhesion properties is composed of self-adhesive and ZHDWKHUSURRIÀOP Simple application to almost any surface is possible. Height: 100 mm Length: Per diameter %ODFN $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 00 /LJKWJUH\ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 04 Recommendation: 7KHXVDJHRISHUIRUDWHGWDSHNLWVVHHDERYH is recommended for the optimal attachment of WKHIRLOVHWGXULQJWKHLQVWDOODWLRQRIWKHURRÀQJ panel universal EPDM. Please observe the instructions for applying the glue. Practical example As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Practical example 1.17 6WRUPEUDFLQJ Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems Storm bracing ø (inner) / mm »air duct« Article no. »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Price 370 422000 — 72.90 420 422100 — 81.10 470 422200 520 422300 V422300 — 94.40 86.10 580 422400 V422400 101.00 650 422500 V422500 109.50 730 422600 V422600 117.50 820 422700 V422700 124.50 920 422800 V422800 132.50 1,090 — V42210900 155.50 1,270 — V42212700 199.00 Note: For the securing of the shaft against wind loads. Scope of delivery: - Stainless steel clamp with eyelets - 15 running metres of wire rope - Turnbuckles, rope thimbles, URSHFODPSVJDOYDQLVHG 6WRUPEUDFLQJVLQVSHFLÀHGYHU sion are structurally designed for wind zone 2 and a duct height of PIRUPP The usage of duct clamps is UHTXLUHGIRUWKHDGGLWLRQDO stabilisation of the bonded joints. Material: Stainless steel Duct clamp/ assembly kit Pro s. page 1.20 Accessories 3OHDVHUHTXHVWVSHFLILFDF cessories for the respective building project in accordance with the duct height and the diameter. Static analysis by REVENTA® Forces with an exhaust air duct exemplary for a diameter of 920 mm, wind zone 3 (DIN 1055): 'XHWRWKHHYHULQFUHDVLQJUHTXLUHPHQWVZLWK regards to approval procedures, 5(9(17$® offers static analysis for the bracing of the ducts. Various dependencies between the horizontally and vertically occurring load pressures in connection with the wind zone, the duct height and the diameter therefore determine the position of the storm bracing as well as the UHTXLUHGEUDFLQJ In general, we recommend bracing with duct heights starting from 3 m above the roof. We would be happy to support you with the planning of your project. Horizontal load pressures H1 and H2: H2 N1PZKZK H1 N1PZ+2 1.18 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ Statics Checklist for static analysis We would be happy to support you with the precise planning and development of your respective project. )RUWKLVSOHDVHVHQGXVWKHFRPSOHWHGFKHFNOLVWE\SRVWRUID[ :HUHTXLUHWKHIROORZLQJGDWDIRUWKHFUHDWLRQRIDVWDWLFDQDO\VLV 3URMHFWEXLOGLQJSURMHFW :LQGORDGVSHFLILFDWLRQRUZLQG]RQHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK',1 'LPHQVLRQVRIWKHGXFW Internal diameter/external diameter Wall thickness 'XFWDUUDQJHPHQW individual central 1XPEHURIGXFWV $UUDQJHPHQWHJ[ :LQG]RQH :LQG]RQH :LQG]RQH :LQG]RQH Distance of the duct in longitudinal and transverse direction 'LPHQVLRQDOGDWDZLWKUHJDUGVWRWKHFHQWUHRIWKHGXFW 'XFWKHLJKW from the roof from the ground 3OHDVHVSHFLI\\RXUDGGUHVVDQG\RXUSRLQWRIFRQWDFWLQFDVHRITXHVWLRQV Company Point of contact Street Postal code / city Country E-mail Telephone no. Fax no. Our static calculations... As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 1.19 'XFWFODPSOLJKWWUDS Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems Outer duct clamp For securing the bonded joints between duct segments. »air duct« Article no. »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Price 370 424000 — 18.20 420 424100 — 22.40 ø (inner) / mm 470 424200 520 424300 V424300 — 25.70 23.20 580 424400 V424400 27.30 650 424500 V424500 28.20 730 424600 V424600 32.30 Please observe the handling instructions from the static analysis. Incl. special wall plug. %RQGLQJWKHGXFWFODPSWRWKH external cover of the air duct is necessary to adhere to the static UHTXLUHPHQWV 820 424700 V424700 34.80 920 424800 V424800 40.60 Note: Additional specifications on the statics are available on UHTXHVWVHHSDJH 1,090 — V42410900 47.10 1,270 — V42412700 54.30 Special wall plug Material: Stainless steel Assembly kit Pro (inner HP segment ring + outer duct clamp) ø (inner) / mm »air duct« Article no. »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. 650 434500 V434500 46.40 730 434600 V434600 53.80 820 434700 V434700 56.30 920 434800 Price V434800 72.10 1,090 — V43410900 82.10 1,270 — V43412700 95.30 The assembly kit Pro comprises an HP segment ring, which is installed inside the duct and a duct clamp, which is attached from outside via the duct connection. As such the duct butt joints are also better SURWHFWHGZLWKIUHTXHQWFOHDQLQJ There is no need to seal the duct on the inside. Waiting times for the drying of the glued areas are no ORQJHUUHTXLUHG'XHWRDVSHFLDO adaptor, the system can be used irrespective of the duct wall thickness. The duct clamps are prepared ready for installation and are pre-drilled. Ò 6SHFLDOZDOO SOXJ 2XWHUGXFW FODPSÎ Special wall plug Light trap ø (inner) / mm Article no. Price 650 438500 372.00 730 438026 411.00 820 438027 435.00 920 438028 490.00 1,090 43810900 611.00 1,270 43812700 655.00 Attention: Order-specific article – returns not permitted! 1.20 The light trap is made of high TXDOLW\SODVWLF,WUHGXFHVWKH penetration of daylight to a minimum. The pressure loss is minimised (approx. 10 - 15 % GHSHQGLQJRQIDQGXHWRLWV special geometry. The prices do not include air ducts. Installation in air ducts available at an additional charge. As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Ï ,QQHU FRYHULQJ ULQJ Covering ring Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ $QFKRULQJULQJ'82 Anchoring ring DUO ø (inner) / mm 920 »air duct« Article no. 420810 »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Price V420810 180.00 1,090 Ȥ V42010910 205.00 1,270 Ȥ V42012710 220.00 A dual version of the anchoring ULQJLVUHTXLUHGIRUGXFWVDERYHD particular height, depending on the wind zone. The rings must be bolted and bonded to the exhaust air duct as a result of the bearing forces applied. Please observe the handling instructions. Material: Stainless steel Anchoring ring for air duct, stainless steel ø (inner) / mm 370 »air duct« Article no. For securing / hanging the exhaust air duct on the roof truss. »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® Article no. Price — 39.70 420001 420 420101 — 44.70 470 420201 — 46.40 520 420301 V420301 53.00 580 420401 V420401 56.30 650 420501 V420501 59.60 730 420601 V420601 62.90 820 420701 V420701 72.90 920 420801 V420801 89.40 1,090 V42010901 102.50 1,270 V42012701 109.50 ,QFOXGLQJÀ[LQJPDWHULDO Galvanised anchoring ring on UHTXHVW Note: Additional specifications on the statics are available on UHTXHVWVHHSDJH Duct rope suspension with anchoring straps Suspension bracket Article no. Price Single 432900 41.40 Double 432950 46.60 Suspension bracket double, for the suspending of water collecting basins For suspending the duct in stables without intermediate ceilings or for additional securing of the air duct under the roof. The dual bracket enables an additional suspension downwards. Anchoring straps can only be used LQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKDIDQÀ[LQJULQJ Installation kit comprised of: - 3 anchoring straps - 6 m wire rope / rope thimble - Fixing screws - Wire rope clips Material: Stainless steel Single suspension bracket As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 1.21 »)DQPRGXOH«9WKUHHSKDVH Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems »Fan module« 400V three-phase ø (inner) / mm 470 400V threephase M450-ST-D4 Article no. Price A455210 340.00 520 M500-ST-D4 A455310 373.00 580 M560-ST-D6 A455410 447.00 650 M630-ST-D6 A455510 480.00 730 M710-ST-D6 A455610 663.00 820 M800-ST-D6 A455711 779.00 920 M910-SI-D6 A455810 787.00 920 M910-SI-D6-5 A455811 1,060.00 1,090 M1070-ST-D8 A45510911 1,320.00 1,090 M1070-ST-D10 A45510910 1,170.00 1,270 M1250-ST-D10 A45512710 1,563.00 The fan modules with their integrated fans demonstrate the complete performance capabilities of 5(9(1 TA®. The system offers the following advantages: - Space-saving transport, - Easy to assemble, - System-integrated with the duct system »AGROFLEX«® and »vario-clip«® All components are coordinated and a characteristic curve is created for each exhaust air unit. This means that there are individual measurements for each exhaust air duct diameter. We use for our fans - these are characterized by: +LJKTXDOLW\ (QHUJ\HIÀFLHQF\ - Long service life Fully pre-assembled module with REVENTA® - integrated fan ready for connection. For a reduction in costs during planning and assembly. Compatible with »AGROFLEX«® and »vario-clip«®DQDGDSWHULVUHTXLUHG for the »air duct« . (Applies to 400V DQG9 Note: Duct performance curves are featured in chapter 4 / Electric. Adapter »air duct« see page 1.8 »Fan module« »Fan module« incl. PUR intake nozzle A455[ )DQPRGXOH A456[ )DQPRGXOHLQFOLQWDNHQR]]OH385 Speed revs per min Voltage V * Current A ** Capacity W M500-ST-D4 520 M560-ST-D6 580 M630-ST-D6 650 M710-ST-D6 730 M800-ST-D6 820 M910-SI-D6 920 M910-SI-D6-5 920 M1070-ST-D8 1,090 M1070-ST-D10 1,090 M1250-ST-D10 1,270 1,360 890 910 890 900 890 840 700 540 500 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 1.20 0.74 1.40 1.80 2.90 1.95 2.60 3.60 3.20 4.50 530 360 580 890 1,300 960 1,300 1,600 1,300 2,200 Type Module Internal Ø Technical data »Fan module« Capacity/V at 0 Pa [W/(1,000m3/h)] Air flow (m3/h) Pressure (Pa) 0 0 5 $*52)/(; 8,300 9,000 12,800 17,000 22,900 24,000 24,800 — — 46,100 9,100 10,000 14,200 19,500 26,000 26,900 28,400 45,100 36,500 52,300 30 30 50 50 5 7,800 8,000 11,700 15,800 21,400 21,000 22,500 — — 41,700 80 max. Fan $*52)/(; 5 $*52)/(; 5 5 5 $*52)/(; 8,300 8,800 12,600 17,600 23,900 24,100 26,300 39,900 32,300 46,200 7,500 7,100 10,800 14,800 20,300 19,000 21,100 — — 38,900 7,600 7,600 11,000 16,000 22,000 21,800 24,700 36,300 28,800 42,500 6,800 — 8,500 13,100 18,700 15,600 18,800 — — 33,100 4,900 3D 5,700 3D 7,300 3D 11,000 3D 14,300 3D 9,600 3D 11,500 3D — — 29,600 3D 53.4 40.0 37.3 40.9 45.0 35.6 42.3 — — 42.1 49.0 — 33.6 35.7 39.7 31.8 36.9 33.4 31.3 37.1 * Rated current at the separation point of the fan characteristic curve / ** Rated power consumption 5 )UDPHGIDQPHDVXUHGLQIXOOGXFWZLWKRXWFRQWDFWSURWHFWLRQYHUVLRQ$SHU,62 ª$*52)/(;©®: measured in accordance with drawing below, »AGROFLEX«®²'XFWPZLWK385LQWDNHQR]]OH diffuser and shutter 6, 6LFNOHVKDSHGLPSHOOHU 67 6WDQGDUGLPSHOOHU : 9+] ' 9+] 1XPEHURISROHSDLUV 1.22 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Duct Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ »)DQPRGXOH«9VLQJOHSKDVH »Fan module« 230V single-phase ø (inner) / mm 230V single-phase Article no. Price 420 M400-ST-W4 A455100 310.00 470 M450-ST-W4 A455200 336.00 520 M500-ST-W4 A455300 373.00 580 M560-ST-W6 A455400 447.00 *650 M630-ST-W6 A455500 480.00 730 M710-ST-W6 A455600 729.00 820 M800-ST-W6 A455700 911.00 Description, see left page. M910-SI-W6 A455800 807.00 *920 * Please note our new EC-blue in chapter 4 / Electric. »Fan module« Note: Duct performance curves are featured in chapter 4 / Electric. Adapter »air duct« see page 1.8 Cross section »Fan module« Type Module Internal Ø Speed revs per min Voltage V * Current A ** Capacity W Technical data »Fan module« M500-ST-W4 M560-ST-W6 M630-ST-W6 M710-ST-W6 M800-ST-W6 M910-SI-W6 520 580 650 730 820 920 1,310 880 890 850 830 830 230 230 230 230 230 230 2.70 1.95 2.70 4.10 7.00 4.80 510 430 600 890 1,350 960 Capacity/V at 0 Pa [W/(1,000m3/h)] Air flow (m3/h) Pressure (Pa) 0 0 5 $*52)/(; 8,000 8,900 12,500 16,100 23,000 23,000 8,700 9,900 14,000 18,500 25,600 25,800 30 30 50 50 80 max. 5 7,400 8,000 11,500 15,000 21,200 20,000 $*52)/(; 5 $*52)/(; 5 5 7,900 8,600 12,500 16,600 22,900 22,900 7,000 7,100 10,500 14,000 20,000 17,500 7,300 6,500 5,000 3D 7,200 — 5,800 3D 11,100 8,200 6,900 3D 14,800 12,000 10,900 3D 20,600 18,100 12,100 3D 20,300 13,800 10,900 3D Fan Duct 5 $*52)/(; 52.4 48.3 40.0 44.7 43.7 36.0 48.2 — 35.7 38.8 39.3 32.2 H1 CE H2 RT IFI CA TE * Rated current at the separation point of the fan characteristic curve / ** Rated power consumption 5 )UDPHGIDQPHDVXUHGLQIXOOGXFWZLWKRXWFRQWDFWSURWHFWLRQYHUVLRQ$SHU,62 ª$*52)/(;©®: Measured in accordance with the adjacent drawing, »AGROFLEX«®²'XFWPZLWK385LQWDNHQR]]OHGLIIXVHUDQGVKXWWHU 6, 6LFNOHVKDSHGLPSHOOHU 67 6WDQGDUGLPSHOOHU Dimensioning of »Fan module« with large intake nozzle Connection circuit diagram : 9+] Ø mm Dimensions/ Dimensions/ Dimensions/ ' 9+] 230V D mm H1 mm H2 mm D1 1XPEHURISROHSDLUV 420 290 350 566 ified on cert Tested h nc test be 1~ Motor with operating capacitor U1 brown / U2 blue / Z1 black / Z2 orange As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. D1 470 520 580 650 730 820 920 1,090 1,270 331 320 315 305 390 465 490 510 600 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 685 795 636 704 776 861 971 1091 1201 1464 1658 1.23 6KXWWHUPRGXOH9 Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems Shutter module with actuator 230 Volt / 0...10 V signal (constant) and open/close (2/3 point) ø (inner) / 0... 10V signal mm Article no. Price Open/close (2/3 point) Article no. Price 420 % 311.00 % 257.00 470 % 343.00 % 289.00 520 % 376.00 % 322.00 580 % 415.00 % 358.00 650 % 437.00 % 380.00 730 % 504.00 % 447.00 820 % 541.00 % 484.00 920 % 558.00 % 501.00 1,090 % 717.00 % 637.00 1,270 % 780.00 % 700.00 Made of insulating PUR reinforced integral foam with integrated intake QR]]OHZKLFKUHVXOWVLQDQDLUÁRZ increase of up to 10 %. Flow optimised, this offers an even and OLQHDUDLUÁRZSHUIRUPDQFH Suitable for the air duct system »AGROFLEX«® and »vario-clip«®; with an adapter, it is also suitable for air ducts. The fan module can be directly combined with the shutter module. Shutters Note: Connection diagram see page 1.26 Shutter module with measuring fan and actuator 230 Volt / 0...10 V signal (constant) ø (inner) / mm 0... 10V signal Article no. Price 420 % 421.00 470 % 453.00 520 % 496.00 580 % 535.00 650 % 567.00 730 % 634.00 820 % 681.00 920 % 698.00 Shutter module as described above, but with a smooth-running measuring fan for the exact determination of the actual volume of exhaust air. $FWXDWRU9VLJQDOFRQVWDQW Turning moment: 1P PP 1P 820, 920 mm 1P Shutters Note: Shutter module with measuring fan Ø 1,090 - 1,270 mm on request Individual measuring fans, are featured in chapter 4 / Electric. Measuring fan Dimensions of shutter module Ø/ mm D 420 D1 1.24 Dimensions/ Dimensions/ Dimensions/ mm H 1 mm H mm D1 350 398 566 470 400 458 636 520 400 470 704 580 400 500 776 Accessories 650 400 513 861 730 500 620 971 For cleaning/ maintenance, we recommend the combination with a swivel mechanism See page 1.33 820 500 658 1091 920 500 708 1201 1,090 685 857 1464 1,270 795 968 1658 Height of the shutter module fully opened (H) or with closed (H 1) shutter As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ 6KXWWHUPRGXOH9 Shutter module with actuator 24 Volt / 0...10 V signal (constant) and open/close (2/3 point) ø (inner) / 0... 10 V signal mm Article no. Price Open/close (2/3 point) Article no. Made of insulating PUR reinforced integral foam with integrated intake QR]]OHZKLFKUHVXOWVLQDQDLUÁRZ increase of up to 10 %. Flow optimised, this offers an even DQGOLQHDUDLUÁRZSHUIRUPDQFH Price 420 % 283.00 % 256.00 470 % 316.00 % 289.00 520 % 350.00 % 323.00 580 % 388.00 % 361.00 650 % 410.00 % 383.00 730 % 477.00 % 450.00 820 % 514.00 % 487.00 504.00 Suitable for the air duct system »AGROFLEX«® and »vario-clip«® with an adapter it is also suitable for air ducts. The fan module can be directly combined with the shutter module. Shutters % 531.00 % 1,090 % 682.00 % 645.00 Note: 1,270 % 746.00 % 709.00 Connection diagram see page 1.26 920 Shutter module with measuring fan and actuator 24 Volt / 0...10 V signal (constant) ø (inner) / mm 420 0... 10 V signal Article no. Shutter module as described above, but with a smooth-running measuring fan for the exact determination of the actual volume of exhaust air. $FWXDWRU9VLJQDOFRQVWDQW Price % 393.00 470 % 426.00 520 % 470.00 580 % 508.00 650 % 540.00 730 % 607.00 820 % 654.00 920 % 671.00 Turning moment: 1P PP 1P 820, 920 mm 1P PP Shutter module with measuring fan Ø 1,090 - 1,270 mm on request Shutters Note: Measuring fan Individual measuring fans, are featured in chapter 4 / Electric Shutter module Transitions by means of adapter ring Technical description, alternative motor (with emergency return movement and/ RUSURWHFWLYHKRXVLQJIRUPDQXDODGMXVWPHQW see chapter 4/Electric, actuator REVENTA®. Shutter module with measuring fan »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® ø 30 mm Adapter ring PUR tongue Air duct ø 50 mm Air duct ø 50 mm More climate control possibilities Adapter ring PUR groove 2SWLPLVDWLRQRIWKHH[KDXVWDLUUDWH DFFRUGLQJWRWKHDFWXDOÁRZFDSDFLW\ »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip«® ø 30 mm Fan module, shutter module, intake nozzle PUR *UHDWHUSRWHQWLDOVDYLQJV As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Practical example of shutter module 1.25 6KXWWHUPRGXOH99 Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems Motor Connection diagram for motor 230V AC (0..10V) constant Connection diagram shutter module optionally with measuring fan Connection diagram for motor 230V AC open/close Motor Messventilator measuring fan - optional - 1 2 3 PE 4 5 6 7 8 9 C 230V *1'0RWRU Messventilator Measuring fan - optional - Motor Connection diagram 24V (0..10V) constant '&9 Factory pre-set To be provided by the customer L1 Messventilator measuring fan - optional - Motor Factory pre-set 12-24V 1 2 3 PE 4 5 6 7 8 9 Messventilator Measuring fan - optional - 1 2 3 PE 4 5 6 7 8 9 To be provided by the customer Connection diagram 24V open/close (2/3 point) 1.26 '&9 1 2 3 PE 4 5 6 7 8 9 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. '&9 L1 cw 1 *1'0RWRU 1 *1'0RWRU braun nr. 2 brown no. 2 blau nr. 1 blue no. 1 weiß nr. 3 white no. 3 orange nr. 5 orange no. 5 schwarz nr. 1 black no. 1 rot nr. 2 red no. 2 '&9 cw +24V rot nr. 2 red no. 2 schwarz nr. 1 black no. 1 weiß nr. 3 white no. 3 orange nr. 5 orange no. 5 ~+24V L1 ccw Impulse Pulse braun nr. 2 brown no. 2 weiß nr. 3 white no. 3 blau nr. 1 blue no. 1 ccw rot nr. 2 red no. 2 weiß nr. 3 white no. 3 schwarz nr. 1 black no. 1 +24V *1' *1' *1' *1' schwarz black braun brown blau blue +24V 12-24V +24V schwarz black braun brown blau blue Impulse Pulse schwarz black braun brown blau blue Impulse Pulse schwarz black braun brown blau blue Impulse Pulse Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ 0HDVXUHPHQWGDWDPHDVXULQJIDQ Measuring fan measurement data Speed rpm Ø 370 Ø 420 Ø 470 Ø 520 Ø 580 Ø 650 Ø 730 Ø 820 Ø 920 Ø 1090 Ø 1270 [m³/h] [m³/h] [m³/h] [m³/h] [m³/h] [m³/h] [m³/h] [m³/h] [m³/h] [m³/h] [m³/h] Maximum (m³/h) Shutter moduleØ 370 400 4,600 500 6,000 7,500 1,300 1,800 2,400 3,600 Shutter moduleØ 420 500 700 800 1,100 1,500 2,000 2,600 3,600 5,400 Shutter moduleØ 470 600 50 75 Minimum (m³/h) Measurement range type 100 300 500 700 900 1,200 1,500 2,000 2,600 3,500 4,800 7,300 Shutter moduleØ 520 800 9,200 125 400 600 800 1,100 1,400 1,900 2,500 3,300 4,400 6,000 9,100 Shutter moduleØ 580 1,000 11,400 150 500 700 1,000 1,300 1,700 2,200 2,900 4,000 5,300 7,300 10,900 Shutter moduleØ 650 1,200 14,300 175 600 900 1,200 1,500 1,900 2,600 3,400 4,600 6,100 8,500 12,700 Shutter moduleØ 730 1,500 18,100 200 700 1,000 1,300 1,700 2,200 3,000 3,900 5,300 7,000 9,700 14,500 Shutter moduleØ 820 1,900 22,800 225 800 1,100 1,500 1,900 2,500 3,300 4,400 5,900 7,900 10,900 16,300 Shutter moduleØ 920 2,400 28,700 250 900 1,200 1,700 2,200 2,800 3,700 4,900 6,600 8,800 12,100 18,100 275 900 1,400 1,800 2,400 3,100 4,100 5,400 7,200 9,700 13,300 19,900 Shutter moduleØ 1,090 3,400 40,300 300 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,600 3,300 4,500 5,900 7,600 10,500 14,500 21,800 Shutter moduleØ 1,270 4,600 54,700 325 1,100 1,600 2,200 2,800 3,600 4,800 6,400 8,600 11,400 15,700 23,600 350 1,200 1,700 2,300 3,000 3,900 5,200 6,900 9,200 12,300 16,900 25,400 375 1,300 1,900 2,500 3,200 4,200 5,600 7,400 9,900 13,200 18,100 27,200 400 1,400 2,000 2,600 3,400 4,400 5,900 7,800 10,500 14,000 19,300 29,000 425 1,500 2,100 2,800 3,700 4,700 6,300 8,300 11,200 14,900 20,500 30,800 450 1,500 2,200 3,000 3,900 5,000 6,700 8,800 11,800 15,800 21,700 32,600 475 1,600 2,300 3,100 4,100 5,300 7,000 9,300 12,500 16,700 22,900 34,400 500 1,700 2,500 3,300 4,300 5,600 7,400 9,800 13,150 17,600 24,200 36,300 525 1,800 2,600 3,500 4,500 5,800 7,800 10,300 13,800 18,400 25,400 38,100 550 1,900 2,700 3,600 4,700 6,100 8,200 10,800 14,500 19,300 26,600 39,900 575 2,000 2,800 3,800 5,000 6,400 8,500 11,300 15,100 20,200 27,800 41,700 600 2,000 2,900 4,000 5,200 6,700 8,900 11,700 15,800 21,100 29,000 43,500 625 2,100 3,100 4,100 5,400 6,900 9,300 12,300 16,400 21,900 30,200 45,300 650 2,200 3,200 4,300 5,600 7,200 9,600 12,700 17,100 22,800 31,400 47,100 675 2,300 3,300 4,500 5,800 7,500 10,000 13,200 17,800 23,700 32,600 48,900 700 2,400 3,400 4,600 6,000 7,800 10,400 13,700 18,400 24,600 33,800 50,800 725 2,500 3,600 4,800 6,200 8,100 10,700 14,200 19,100 25,500 35,000 52,600 750 2,600 3,700 5,000 6,500 8,300 11,100 14,700 19,700 26,300 36,200 54,400 775 2,600 3,800 5,100 6,700 8,600 11,500 15,200 20,400 27,200 37,400 56,200 800 2,700 3,900 5,300 6,900 8,900 11,800 15,700 21,000 28,100 38,600 825 2,800 4,000 5,500 7,100 9,200 12,200 16,200 21,700 29,000 39,900 850 2,900 4,200 5,600 7,300 9,400 12,600 16,700 22,400 875 3,000 4,300 5,800 7,500 9,700 13,000 17,200 23,000 900 3,100 4,400 5,900 7,700 10,000 13,300 17,600 925 3,200 4,500 6,100 8,000 10,300 13,700 18,100 950 3,300 4,700 6,300 8,200 10,600 14,100 975 3,300 4,800 6,400 8,400 10,800 14,400 1,000 3,400 4,900 6,600 8,600 11,100 1,025 3,500 5,000 6,800 8,800 11,400 1,050 3,600 5,200 6,900 9,000 11,700 1,075 3,700 5,300 7,100 9,300 1,100 3,700 5,400 7,300 1,125 3,800 5,500 7,400 1,150 3,900 5,600 7,600 1,175 4,000 5,800 1,200 4,100 5,900 1,225 4,200 6,000 1,250 4,300 1,275 4,300 1,300 4,400 1,325 4,500 1,350 4,600 1,375 4,700 * 3.4 4.9 6.6 8.6 11.1 The measurements were performed in a REVENTA® shutter module with fully opened shutter segments. Measuring fan connection Supply voltage (GND) Sensor measuring fan Supply voltage Impulse (sensor) Connection data measuring fan: 10 - 30V DC 200mA P$9 0 - 4 mm PVC cable 2m/3-core Connection data measuring fan Pro: Operating voltage: Max. current capacity: &XUUHQWFRQVXPSWLRQ Cycle time: Connection: 14.8 black Cable assignment Operating voltage: Max. current capacity: &XUUHQWFRQVXPSWLRQ Cycle time: Connection: 41,100 blue brown 19.6 26.3 35.1 48.3 10 - 24V DC 200mA P$9 0 - 4 mm PVC cable 2m/3-core 72.5 * Air flow / rotational speed conversion factor As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 1.27 ([WUDFWLRQGXFW Ɇ Duct system exhaust air / fresh air ([WUDFWLRQGXFWIRUGLDPHWHUPP tested by MPA North Rhine Westphalia 7KHQHZO\GHYHORSHGH[WUDFWLRQGXFWHQDEOHVIUHHGRPIURPVPRNHGXULQJWKHÀUHIRUPDWLRQSKDVHDQG WKHUHIRUHIXOÀOVWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUDSRVVLEOHDQLPDOUHVFXHSHU/RZHU6D[RQ\EXLOGLQJUHJXODWLRQV 'XHWRWKHYHULÀFDWLRQRIKHDWUHVLVWDQFH &IRUDPLQLPXPRIPLQXWHVLW is possible to implement extraction via WKHH[LVWLQJYHQWLODWLRQZLWKWKH5(9(1 TA® extraction duct, as an alternative to IXOÀOOLQJWKHUHTXLUHPHQWRIWKHUHJXODWRU\ authorities for an automatically triggering smoke and heat extraction system with an effective opening dimension of at least 2% RIWKHVWDEOHÁRRUDUHD Stabi kit for diffuser ø (inner) / mm Article no. Price 920 A418920 85.00 The effective Stabi kit prevents the diffuser from falling inwards, even with high temperatures. In this way the air duct is not closed off. A VWDQGDUGÀ[LQJVHWLVUHTXLUHG Excl. diffuser. $GGLWLRQDOO\DVWDQGDUGÀ[LQJ VHWDQGDGLIIXVHUDUHUHTXLUHG (A418910 + A41880_ _ Product advantages: ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQRIWKHÀUHSURWHFWLRQ UHTXLUHPHQWVIRUWKH´UHVFXHRIKXPDQV DQGDQLPDOVµYLDWKHH[LVWLQJYHQWLODWLRQ 1RDGGLWLRQDOFRVWVIRUDXWRPDWLFDOO\ triggering extraction systems Extraction cartridge PPDLUFDSDFLW\ approx. 36,000 m³/h [Pa] (meas. with fan art. no.: 720810 / 400V/50Hz; N:$ 1,000 mm 6LPSOLÀHGDSSURYDO ø (inner) / mm Article no. Price 920 A490800 1,100.00 The extraction cartridge with a total length of 1 m is produced with stainless steel and a VSHFLDOLQWHUQDOÁHHFH7KH À[LQJULQJIRUWKHIDQLV ready-integrated into the cartridge. Simple attachment WRWKH5(9(17$® air duct is facilitated by the tongue and groove system. Excl. duct clamps, fan. &DQEHUHWURÀWWHGLQH[LVWLQJEXLOGLQJV Außenstelle Erwitte Auf den Thränen 2 59597 Erwitte Telefon (02943) 897-0 Telefax (02943) 897 33 E-Mail: [email protected] PRÜFBERICHT Nr. 210006261 vom 10.09.2012 Auftraggeber: REVENTA GmbH & Co. KG Im Gewerbegebiet 3 48612 Horstmar Auftragsdatum: Probenahme: Datum der Prüfung: 13.03.2012 Keine amtliche Probenahme 02.08.2012, 03.08.2012 Anzahl der Probekörper: 2 Auftrag: Brandprüfungen an Abluftkaminen inkl. Ventilator Actuator Die Ergebnisse der Prüfungen beziehen sich ausschließlich auf den oben bezeichneten Prüfgegenstand. Prüfberichte dürfen ohne Zustimmung des MPA NRW nur nach Form und Inhalt unverändert veröffentlicht oder vervielfältigt werden. Die gekürzte Wiedergabe eines Prüfberichtes ist nur mit Zustimmung des MPA NRW zulässig. Dieser Prüfbericht umfasst 4 Seiten und 8 Anlagen. ø (inner) / mm Article no. Price 920 % 295.00 Product advantages 2SHUDWLRQRIWKHIDQDVVXUHGIRUD minimum 30 minutes at 140°C )L[LQJVHWLQWKHURRIVSDFHZLWKDQFKRULQJ ring DUO External and internal pipes from stainless steel 1.28 1,000 mm &RQQHFWLRQRQERWKVLGHVÀWWLQJZLWK 5(9(17$® air ducts (»AGROFLEX«®PPZDOOWKLFNQHVV Temperature sensor Actuator automatically opens the shutter at temperatures of over 70°C. Spring return drive, combined with thermoelectric trigger GHYLFH&IRUÀUHDQG smoke protection dampers 1RPLQDOYROWDJH$&'& 24V, actuation open/close. 7XUQLQJPRPHQWPRWRU1P turning moment spring return 1P As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Duct system exhaust air / fresh air Ɇ%XWWHUÁ\FKLPQH\VKXWWHU385 %XWWHUÁ\FKLPQH\VKXWWHU385 ø (inner) / mm 370 Article no. Price 426050 72.90 420 426150 79.50 470 426250 86.10 520 426350 94.40 580 426450 104.50 650 426550 119.00 730 426650 129.00 820 426750 170.50 920 426850 174.00 1,090 42610950 191.50 1,270 42612750 217.50 The shuttle valves are comprised of insulated, smooth PUR reinforced integral foam and open under pressure. The shutters have been designed for uncontrolled fans. When using controlled fans, we recommend the use of a PUR shutter for the actuator. ,QFOXGLQJDOOÀ[LQJ materials. PUR shutter 2-part shutter module ø (inner) / mm Article no. Price 1,090 V46010910 280.00 1,270 V46012710 310.00 The 2-part shutter for actuators is delivered already mounted in the module. Prices excluding actuator and housing. Other diameters as a 2-part shutter module on request %XWWHUÁ\FKLPQH\VKXWWHU385PP As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Item Fixing set 2.1 7U\VTXDUHZLWKHGJHJXDUG 2.2 Securing plate 2.3 %HDULQJSODVWLF 2.4 Hexagon head screw »vario-clip«® 30 mm M6 x 55 2.5 Hexagon head screw »air duct« 50 mm M6 x 75 2.6 Carriage bolt »vario-clip«® 30 mm 2.7 Carriage bolt »air duct« 50 mm M6 x 60 2.8 Hexagon head nut M6 2.9 Washer D6.4 x 17 2.10 Chipboard screw Raised head cross slot 5 x 20 mm M6 x 40 1.29 385VKXWWHUDFWXDWRUPDQXDOɆExhaust air duct systems PUR shutter for actuator Shaft Ø 20 mm ø (inner) / mm Article no. Price 370 427000 58.00 420 427100 59.60 470 427200 62.90 520 427300 67.90 580 427400 71.20 650 427500 77.80 730 427600 79.50 820 427700 89.40 920 427800 96.00 The shutter is comprised of insulating, smooth PUR reinforced integral foam. The shutter drive is performed as selected either by means of an actuator or with a manual adjustment device. The devices are simply positioned on the shaft. A conversion or UHWURÀWLVSRVVLEOHDWDQ\WLPH All shutters can also be delivered with a shaft diameter of 16 mm. ,QFOXGLQJDOOUHTXLUHGÀ[LQJPDWHULDOV Shutter Note: Actuators with 230V / 24V / brackets see chapter 4 / Electric. PUR shutter manual ø (inner) / mm Article no. Price 370 425000 72.90 420 425100 77.80 470 425200 79.50 520 425300 86.10 580 425400 89.40 650 425500 94.40 730 425600 101.00 820 425700 106.00 920 425800 117.50 Manual operation for continuous adjustment. The device is simply positioned on the shaft. A FRQYHUVLRQRUUHWURÀWWLQJIRUD drive with actuator is possible at any time. The shutters are comprised of insulating, smooth PUR reinforced integral foam. 6PRRWKDQGÁRZRSWLPLVHG surfaces provide hardly any grippy surface for contamination. ,QFOXGLQJDOOUHTXLUHGÀ[LQJ materials. Manual operation PUR shutter / actuator Ø 370-920 mm Item Designation 1 PUR shutter 2 6KDIW385VKXWWHU/ PP 3 6KDIW385VKXWWHU/ PPDFWXDWRU 4 %HDULQJSODVWLFZLWKGULOOKROHV 5 Carriage bolt M6 x 55 6 Hexagon head nut, self-locking M6 7 Carriage bolt M6 x 55 8 Carriage bolt M6 x 75 9 Hexagon head nut M6 Item Optional 1.30 10 Console actuator 11 Carriage bolt 12 Carriage bolt M6 x 65 13 Hexagon head nut M6 14 &RQLFDOVSULQJZDVKHUVTXDUH 6.6 x 35 x 1.5 15 Actuator M6 x 40 16 Countersunk screw M3 x 6 17 Hexagon head nut M3 18 Washer 3.2 x 9 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ :DWHUFROOHFWLQJEDVLQ Water collecting basin, round ø (inner) / mm Article no. 1,100 1310_ _ Price 62.90 1,250 1311_ _ 86.10 1,400 1312_ _ 106.00 1,700 1314_ _ 162.50 1,900 1315_ _ 202.00 0DGHRI89VWDELOL]HGÀEUHJODVV reinforced polyester, for suspension below the air duct. 'HOLYHU\ZLWKRXWÀ[LQJVHWDQG drain. %URZQ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 00 /LJKWJUH\ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 04 Colours: Fixing set PS for water collecting basin 4-fold Article no. ø (inner) / mm Price 131360 420 - 1,270 43.00 7KHÀ[LQJVHWIROGVHWLVFRP prised of 4 steel chains of 1.00 m, À[LQJDWWDFKPHQWVDQG À[LQJPDWHULDO 385À[LQJVHWVKXWWHUPRGXOHIRUZDWHUFROOHFWLQJEDVLQ4-fold Article no. ø (inner) / mm Price 131350 420 - 470 45.00 131352 520 - 650 45.00 131354 730 - 920 45.00 131356 1,090 - 1,270 45.00 7KHÀ[LQJVHWIROGVHWFRP prised of 4 steel chains of 1.00 m (also for water collecting basin PPGLVWDQFH DQJOHVDQGÀ[LQJPDWHULDO Drain for water collecting basin Article no. Price 131390 26.40 For the easy draining of water from the water collecting basin. The water collecting basin is supplied without drilled holes. Drilled hole: Ø 33 mm Note Please note that if the permissible water volumes are exceeded (see assembly instUXFWLRQVDGUDLQPXVWEHLQVWDOOHG Practical example As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Practical example 1.31 +RUL]RQWDOZDOOGXFW99Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems Horizontal wall duct with fan 400V three-phase / 230V single-phase ø (inner) / Three-phase current Article no. mm 400 V three-phase 920 E910-SI-D6 920 7KH5(9(17$® wall ducts with integrated intake nozzle and pressure stable fan are suitable for example for the usage of tunnel or emergency fans in poultry stables. The wall duct can be cleaned easily due to the smooth surface. The wall duct is delivered disassembled in order to facilitate easier installation. Price 470810 852.00 E910-SI-D6-5 470811 1,124.00 1,090 E1070-ST-D10 47010910 1,150.00 1,270 E1250-SI-D10 47012710 1,440.00 470800 880.00 230V single-phase 920 E910-SI-W6 Horizontal wall duct with fan 400V / 230V and shutter ø (inner) / Three-phase current Article no. mm 400 V three-phase 920 920 E910-SI-D6 472810 As described above, however with shutter. The wall ducts characterize themselves with excellent tightness and can be cleaned easily. The wall duct is delivered without the actuator and IP66 housing. Price 1,023.00 E910-SI-D6-5 472811 1,295.00 1,090 E1070-ST-D10 47210910 1,440.00 1,270 E1250-SI-D10 47212710 1,735.00 230V single-phase 920 E910-SI-W6 472800 1,051.00 Mounting plate ø (inner) / mm Article no. For the installation of the horizontal wall duct. Collar height: 50 mm The maximum wall thickness must be taken into account during the installation of two mounting plates. Price 920 V473800 148.00 1,090 V4731090 186.00 1,270 V47312700 228.00 Product advantages: Note: +LJKO\SUHVVXUHVWDEOH Actuator/IP66 housing, see chapter 4 / Electric. Technical data 230V RQUHTXHVW +LJKO\HIÀFLHQWHJ:KPò (DV\WRDVVHPEOH *RRGOLQHDUDGMXVWPHQWDQGOHDNWLJKW Illustration of tunnel ventilation Practical example ** Capacity W * Current A Voltage V Speed revs per min Module Internal Ø Type Horizontal wall duct with fan 400V three-phase E910-SI-D6 920 890 400 1.95 960 E910-SI-D6-5 Air flow (m3/h) Pressure (Pa) 20 30 W/1,000 B (m³/h) at 0 Pa (mm) L (mm) K (mm) 0 10 26,300 25,200 24,100 23,000 31.8 390 640 1,304 920 840 400 2.60 1,300 27,900 27,200 26,500 25,800 36.9 390 640 1,304 E1070-ST-D10 1,090 540 400 3.20 1,300 35,800 34,600 33,100 31,600 31.3 410 860 1,524 E1250-SI-D10 1,270 500 400 4.50 2,200 51,300 49,900 48,400 46,900 37.1 500 990 1,758 Horizontal wall duct with fan 400V three-phase and shutter E910-SI-D6 920 890 400 1.95 960 26,100 25,000 23,900 22,800 32.0 - 1,130 1,304 E910-SI-D6-5 920 840 400 2.60 1,300 27,400 26,800 26,100 25,400 37.5 - 1,130 1,304 E1070-ST-D10 1,090 540 400 3.20 1,300 35,200 34,000 32,600 31,100 31.8 - 1,370 1,524 E1250-SI-D10 1,270 500 400 4.50 2,200 50,600 49,100 47,700 46,200 37.7 - 1,590 1,758 * Rated current at the separation point of the fan characteristic curve, ** Rated power consumption / B = fan depth, L = duct length, K = edge length 1.32 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Exhaust air duct systemsɆ$FFHVVRULHVIRUDLUGXFWVKXWWHUPRGXOHDQGVZLYHOPHFKDQLVP Fixing ring for fans ø (inner) / mm »air duct« Article no. »AGROFLEX«® »vario-clip« Article no. Price 370 432010 — 38.10 420 432110 — 38.10 — 41.40 470 432210 520 432310 V432310 43.10 580 432410 V432410 45.50 650 432510 V432510 48.90 730 432610 V432610 54.60 820 432710 V432710 60.40 920 432810 V432810 67.90 1,090 — V43210910 88.00 1,270 — V43212710 102.50 Mountings and fasteners made RIKLJKTXDOLW\SODVWLF The fan does not have to be VSHFLÀHG (DFKÀ[LQJULQJFDQEHPRGLÀHG individually on site for three or four-arm fans. Replacement and installation of the fans by simple fastener opening – for service and maintenance. Including rubber bearings for the prevention of noise transmission. Material: Stainless steel Protective grid ø (inner) / mm Article no. Price 420 V466100 31.00 470 V466200 33.50 520 V466300 35.00 580 V466400 50.00 650 V466500 60.00 730 V466600 70.00 820 V466700 90.00 920 V466800 111.00 1,090 V46610900 153.00 1,270 V46612700 186.00 Protective grid for the shutter PRGXOHLQFOÀ[LQJEUDFNHW Prevents contact with the rotating measuring fan. The protective JULGGHFUHDVHVWKHDLUÁRZ Material: Steel wire Ø3 mm Swivel mechanism compact 370 - 920 mm Article no. Price 464000 44.50 The swivel mechanism made of stainless steel, comprised of two tensioners and a joint, is used for the easy swivelling of the shutter module e.g. for cleaning and maintenance work. In the case of high weight loads in the swivelled section, use the swivel mechaQLVPZLWKWZRULQJVRQUHTXHVW Swivel mechanism 1,090 - 1,270 mm ø (inner) / mm Article no. Price 1,090 46410900 91.10 1,270 46412700 95.20 Made of stainless steel. Comprised of two tensioners and two joints. For the easy swivelling of the shutter module, e.g. for maintenance and cleaning work. Installation of fans in the lower section is not recommended. The joints of the swivel mechanism 1,090/1,270 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 1.33 )RUPHGSLHFH Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems Curve 45° ø (inner) / mm »air duct« Article no. Curve for air duct system, internal coating made of GRP. »air duct« (with a wall thickness of PPª$*52)/(;©® and »varioclip«® ZLWKZDOOWKLFNQHVVPP »AGROFLEX«® / »vario-clip«® Article no. Price 370 4070_ _ — 106.00 420 4071_ _ — 121.00 — 136.00 470 4072_ _ 520 4073_ _ A4073_ _ 139.00 580 4074_ _ A4074_ _ 159.00 650 4075_ _ A4075_ _ 172.00 730 4076_ _ A4076_ _ 182.00 820 4077_ _ A4077_ _ 200.00 920 4078_ _ C A4078_ _ 223.00 1,090 — A407109_ _ 259.00 1,270 — A407127_ _ 345.00 B A D AD w Curve 90° 370 4090_ _ — 114.50 420 4091_ _ — 132.50 470 4092_ _ — 142.50 520 4093_ _ A4093_ _ 155.50 580 4094_ _ A4094_ _ 170.50 650 4095_ _ A4095_ _ 182.50 730 4096_ _ A4096_ _ 197.00 820 4097_ _ A4097_ _ 227.00 920 4098_ _ A4098_ _ 250.00 A409109_ _ 271.00 A409127_ _ 371.00 1,090 — 1,270 — F %URZQ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 00 /LJKWJUH\ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 04 Colours: G D AD Attention: Order-specific article – returns not permitted! Dimensions formed pieces 45° curve »air duct« 90° curve »air duct« D AD A B 370 460 402 1,013 C D 745 370 AD A 460 579 F 809 G 349 420 510 392 1,030 788 420 510 578 834 324 470 570 380 1,050 839 470 570 579 864 294 520 620 370 1,070 881 520 620 579 889 269 580 680 357 1,090 933 580 680 579 919 239 650 750 343 1,116 993 650 750 616 991 241 730 830 326 1,144 1,070 730 830 616 1,031 201 820 910 307 1,176 1,138 820 910 607 1,068 148 920 1,020 286 1,211 1,223 920 1,020 600 1,109 89 ® Curve 45° »AGROFLEX« and »vario-clip« D AD A B ® ® Curve 90° »AGROFLEX« and »vario-clip«® C D AD A F G 520 580 380 1,059 849 520 580 587 877 297 580 640 367 1080 900 580 640 588 908 268 235 650 710 353 1,105 960 650 710 590 945 730 790 336 1,133 1,028 730 790 592 987 197 820 880 318 1,165 1,105 820 880 594 1,034 154 920 980 297 1,200 1,190 920 980 596 1,086 106 1,090 1,150 262 1,260 1,335 1,090 1,150 883 1,458 308 1,330 225 1,324 1,489 1,270 1,330 899 1,553 223 1,270 »AGROFLEX« , »vario-clip« DQGªDLUGXFW©VSHFLDOIRUPHGSLHFHVRQUHTXHVWªYDULRFOLS© formed pieces are delivered pre-assembled. All dimensional data in mm ® 1.34 ® ® As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ )RUPHGSLHFH7SLHFH<SLHFH T-piece ø (inner) / mm »air duct« Article no. T-piece and Y-piece for air duct system, internal coating made of GRP. »air duct« (with wall WKLFNQHVVPPª$*52)/(;©® and »vario-clip«® (with wall thickness PP »AGROFLEX«® / »vario-clip«® Article no. Price 370 4110_ _ — 195.50 420 4111_ _ — 203.50 470 4112_ _ 520 4113_ _ A4113_ _ — 252.00 227.00 580 4114_ _ A4114_ _ 288.00 650 4115_ _ A4115_ _ 322.00 730 4116_ _ A4116_ _ 341.00 820 4117_ _ A4117_ _ 381.00 920 4118_ _ A4118_ _ 442.00 H H1 A L1 AD 1,090 — A411109_ _ 490.00 1,270 — A411127_ _ 650.00 L Y-piece 370 4130_ _ — 195.50 420 4131_ _ — 203.50 470 4132_ _ — 227.00 520 4133_ _ A4133_ _ 252.00 580 4134_ _ A4134_ _ 288.00 650 4135_ _ A4135_ _ 322.00 730 4136_ _ A4136_ _ 341.00 820 4137_ _ A4137_ _ 381.00 920 4138_ _ A4138_ _ 442.00 — A413109_ _ 490.00 — A413127_ _ 650.00 B 1,090 1,270 Colours: %URZQ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 00 /LJKWJUH\ $UWLFOHQR_ _ _ _ 04 AD Attention: Order-specific article – returns not permitted! Dimensions formed pieces T-piece »air duct« D 370 Y-piece »air duct« AD A L D 1,000 370 755 1,000 420 510 1,290 1,300 785 1,000 470 570 1,330 1,320 810 1,000 520 620 1,370 1,340 840 1,000 580 680 1,410 1,360 875 1,000 650 750 1,460 1,380 85 915 1,000 730 830 1,520 1,415 45 933 1,000 820 910 1,580 1,450 90 1,110 1,200 920 1,020 1,650 1,485 460 270 420 510 245 470 570 215 520 620 190 580 680 160 650 750 125 730 830 820 910 920 1,020 H 730 ® T-piece »AGROFLEX« and »vario-clip« D AD ® AD 460 B H 1,250 1,280 ® Y-piece »AGROFLEX« and »vario-clip«® A H L D AD B H 520 580 210 790 1,000 520 580 1,117 1,060 580 640 180 820 1,000 580 640 1,160 1,080 650 710 145 855 1,000 650 710 1,209 1,106 730 790 105 895 1,000 730 790 1,266 1,134 820 880 60 940 1,000 820 880 1,329 1,166 920 980 260 1,240 1,200 920 980 1,400 1,201 1,090 1,150 175 1,225 1,500 1,090 1,150 1,875 1,688 1,270 1,330 100 1,430 1,500 1,270 1,330 2,003 1,752 »AGROFLEX«®, »vario-clip«® DQGªDLUGXFW©VSHFLDOIRUPHGSLHFHVRQUHTXHVWªYDULRFOLS©® formed pieces are delivered pre-assembled. All dimensional data in mm As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 1.35 ([KDXVWDLUZDVKHUGXFWLQVWDOODWLRQ Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems d approve 12/11 ([KDXVWDLUZDVKHUGXFWLQVWDOODWLRQ Play Video FHUWLÀHG²GHFHQWUDOL]HG²UHWURÀWSHUXQLWPòK High cleaning capacities in the areas of dust and ammonia, in conjunction with low waste water production are hallmarks of the REVENTA® exhaust air washer duct installation. The installation of the exhaust air washer developed specially for pig stables takes place economically and VSDFHHIÀFLHQWO\LQDQH[KDXVWDLUGXFW Duct unit WRWDOKHLJKWP 7KLVHQDEOHVÁH[LEOHSODQQLQJZLWKRXW additional building costs and guarantees the emergency ventilation function. Droplet separator Prevents the smallest droplets at the air duct outlet. Operation of the washer takes place IXOO\DXWRPDWLFDOO\'XHWRLWVXQLTXH functionality and process control, it is almost entirely maintenance-free. Cleaning is unnecessary. It is merely advisable to carry out an inspection every six months. With an elutriation rate of 139 l per feeding place and year, the costs for storage and output are unbeatably economical. Checking and operation of the system is simple and speedy due to the visualisation of all operating parameters via a user-friendly touchscreen. Service opening Nozzle stem / nozzle arrangement Generates a secondary fog for the bonding of ammonia and dust. Water supply Water collecting trap Odour problems solved! 1HZELRVWDJHVSHFLDOO\IRU the exhaust air washer duct installation. Initial measurements in a test system show less than 300 GE/m3DVUHTXLUHG The typical pig stable odour is no longer discernible. No crude gas in the clean gas! Ammonia 88 % Dust 89 % 9 9 Odour < 300 GE/m3* Operation tank Exhaust air fan ph-value control Components of a system 9 * expected to become available from the end of 2013. 1.36 Water return $V\VWHPVSHFLÀFDWLRQLVVWUDLJKWIRUZDUG,QDGGLWLRQ to the 1 - 5 exhaust air washers it is also necessary to incorporate each of the following components: High-pressure cleaner, pipe expansion set and water treatment station consisting of control cabinet, operation tank, pH-value control. Control cabinet As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ ([KDXVWDLUZDVKHUGXFWLQVWDOODWLRQ require advice concerning Do you have any questions or do you SS\WRDVVLVW\RX HKD DOOE HVK \RXRZQSURMHFWV"î: Cost statement and comparison After a period of 1.6 years the total costs of both exhaust air washers is the same. 7KHVWDWHPHQWRIFRVWVVKRZVWKDWWKH5(9(17$® exhaust air washer duct installation, when compared with a DLG-approved exhaust air washer, enables savings of € 36,223 after 15 years of operation and depreciation! 3 € 36,2g2s! Savin REVENTA® exhaust air washer duct installation Exhaust air washer DLG approved System € 72,000 € 30,000 Building - € 20,000 Central channel € 7,500 additional ventilation / central duct € 12,500 6 mon. waste water storage € 2,919 € 15,330 Investment requirement € € 82,419 Operating costs € / a € 12,405 € 4,589 € 2,703 / a € 77,830 € 15,108 )LJXUHVSHUWDLQWRDIDWWHQLQJVWDEOHIRUPòKVXPPHUDLUÁRZUDWH Ō Ō erformance: Reduction p LD Overall, operating and investment costs per animal [€/year] RQ DPP XVW G DO RW W XU RGR 11,56 € 12,00 € 8,00 € /RZPDLQWHQDQFHDQGHFRQRPLFDO 8,65 € 8,63 € 10,00 € Product advantages: 9,69 € 9,30 € 7,41 € 6,96 € 8,74 € (PHUJHQF\YHQWLODWLRQIXQFWLRQDOLW\ remains intact with a loss of power 6,58 € 6,99 € 6,00 € 5,69€ 3,83 € 4,68 € 2,75 € 2,73 € 6,15 € 4,00 € 2,00 € 2,95 € 2,51 € 3,57 € 2,70 € 2,81 € 0,00 € er yB sh a ® an w ion p A r m NT ai lat Co VE ust tal RE ha ins Ex ct du C ny pa m Co m Co D ny pa m Co E ny pa p m Co yF an p m Co yG an Total cost per animal Operating costs per animal Figures pertain to a 1200 fattening stable Investment costs per animal 1RDGGLWLRQDOEXLOGLQJUHTXLUHG UHWURÀWWLQJWRH[LVWLQJYHQWLODWLRQ possible )LUHVDIHW\UHJXODWLRQVFDQEHLPSOHPHQWHG constructionally and with ease /RZHOXWULDWLRQUDWHVSHUfeeding place and year *RRGDQGVLPSOHSURFHVVFRQWURO '/*FHUWLÀHGH[KDXVWDLUZDVKHUFRPSDULVRQ REVENTA® Firm B Firm C Firm D Decentralised exhaust air washer Exhaust air washer Exhaust air washer Exhaust air washer 17,500m³/h 3-stage 2-stage 2-stage No. of the DLGtest report 6050 5955 5954 5944 Exhaust air treatment 30 32.8 32.8 15.2 Fan 22 28.6 28.6 47.7 Sum total 52 61.4 61.4 62.9 kWh/feed place/year kWh/feed place/year kWh/feed place/year Sewage 139 839 839 1055 Litre/feed place/year Comparison of decentralised exhaust air washer with the central exhaust air washer systems since 2010 for pig rearing. As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 1.37 ([KDXVWDLUZDVKHUWKUHHVWDJHFHQWUDO Ɇ Exhaust air duct systems ([KDXVWDLUZDVKHUWKUHHVWDJH FHQWUDO IRUWKHHIIHFWLYHGHFUHDVLQJRIHPLVVLRQVIURPSLJVWDEOHV In this exhaust air treatment system, the entire exhaust air LVJXLGHGWKURXJKDFHQWUDOWKUHHVWDJHÀOWHUV\VWHPDQG cleaned. ,QWKHÀUVWÀOWHUVWDJHWKHIURQWVLGHRIWKHÀOWHUZDOOLVFRQ WLQXRXVO\VSUD\HGZLWKZDWHU,QWKLVPDQQHUWKHÀUVWGXVWLV VHSDUDWHGDGGLWLRQDOO\WKHDGKHVLRQRIGXVWWRWKHÀOWHULV avoided and drying out is prevented. The dust and therefore the odourous substances present are washed down into the water tank. The third, biological cleaning stage is comprised of a root wood wall. This is used for the microbial conversion of the odourous substances. 7KHVHFRQGÀOWHUVWDJHLVXVHGIRUDPPRQLDVHSDUDWLRQ Again, the water mixed with sulphuric acid is sprayed over the ÀOWHUZDOODQGLVVXEVHTXHQWO\FROOHFWHGLQDFRQWDLQHU7KH ammonia present in the washing water is chemically bonded DVDPPRQLXPVXOIDWHZKLFKSUHYHQWVDVXEVHTXHQWRXWJDV VLQJRI1+ The dosage of the acid is controlled by means of the pH value of the washing water. The storage of the acid is performed in a lockable service room. The following parameters can be displayed in detail on the control computer: pH value of the circulation water; static pressure difference of the LQGLYLGXDOÀOWHUVWDJHV levels in the water tanks; FOHDQHGH[KDXVWDLUÁRZ water and power consumption. Reduction performance: 90% ammonia 95% total dust 80% odour 90% germs and endotoxins Schematic presentation of the 3-stage exhaust air washer Moistening of the ÀOWHUZDOOV Collection channel for the exhaust air from the stable building Filter wall 1 – physical cleaning stage Filter wall 2 – chemical cleaning stage Centrifugal pump for the nozzle group Filter wall 3 – biological cleaning stage 1R]]OHJURXSV cleaned exhaust air Water tank 2 with pH value regulation Water tank 1 6XEPHUVLEOHSXPSDQGIRUWKHPRLVWHQLQJRIWKHÀOWHUZDOOV 1.38 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Exhaust air duct systems Ɇ ([KDXVWDLUZDVKHUWKUHHVWDJHFHQWUDO Exhaust air washer, three-stage, central m³/h Filter wall length / m 60,000 9 80,000 12.0 100,000 14.4 120,000 17.4 140,000 20.4 160,000 23.4 180,000 25.8 200,000 28.8 3-stage, central exhaust air treatment system Filter wall length: 9 - 28.8 m Comprised of: - physical cleaning stage )LOWHUZDOO - chemical cleaning stage )LOWHUZDOO - biological cleaning stage )LOWHUZDOO - incl. root wood - incl. nozzles and pumps - control cabinet and sensors - pH value control Price on inquiry. Exhaust air collection channels are located on the left and right-hand side above the compartments. Product advantages: High separation performance of ammonia, dust and odour Good buffer capacity due to the large water supply The filling material of the filter wall is comSULVHGRIKLJKTXDOLW\SODVWLFHDV\WRFOHDQ ORQJVHUYLFHOLIH Nozzle groups spray water RQWKHIURQWVLGHRIWKHÀOWHU wall, preventing dust from adhering. High operational safety )XOO\ZDONDEOHHDV\WRFOHDQHDV\WRPDLQWDLQ Good and clearly arranged process control Very little waste water flow per livestock area and per year Moderate acid consumption %HWZHHQWKHVWDQGQGÀOWHU wall is an inspection path. In the third cleaning stage, which is comprised of root wood, the microbial conversion of the odourous substances is performed. External view As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 1.39 fresh air systems for ceilings and walls OverviewɆ Information/overview Fresh air inlets............................................ 2.3 - 2.9 Fresh air duct .........................................2.35 - 2.38 Fresh air inlets Individual wall inlets »pure-let« 1200 ................................................. 2.10 »pure-let« 1700 .................................................. 2.10 »pure-let« 2200/»pure-let« 2200 long ............. 2.10 »ZEW 1500« ......................................................2.12 »ZEW 2500«/»ZEW 2500 long« ........................2.12 »ZEW 3600« ......................................................2.13 »ZEW 5000« ......................................................2.13 »ZEW 2000« ...................................................... 2.14 »ZEW 1500-M«...................................................2.15 »ZEW 2500-M«/»ZEW 2500-M long« ...............2.15 »safe-let«®...........................................................2.18 »safe-let«® compact ...........................................2.20 Multi wall inlets »AIRSTEP«® 5000 .............................................. 2.16 »safe-let«® ..........................................................2.19 Ceiling inlets »ZED« 1500 (Double)/1000/1800 .......2.22 - 2.23 »ZED 5000« ............................................2.24 - 2.25 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 2 Fresh air inlets, accessory Bird protection grid, air conduction sheet »pure-let« ...........................................................2.11 ZEW, »AIRSTEP«® 5000 ..................................... 2.17 »safe-let«®...........................................................2.21 /LJKWÀOWHUZLQGGHÁHFWLRQKRRG .........2.26 - 2.28 ZED motor control set .......................................2.29 Motor control set ...............................................2.29 Accessory, pulleys etc. .....................................2.29 6DQGZLFKHOHPHQW ............................................2.33 Fresh air distributor ZLV Rain hood ..........................................................2.44 Rain hood incl. protective bird grid ..................2.44 5RRÀQJSDQHO ....................................................2.45 8QLYHUVDO*53ÁDWRUZDYHG GITTEX / All-purpose sealing tapes ..................2.46 Air duct ....................................................2.39 - 2.40 Anchoring ring ...................................................2.48 Fan .......................................Chapter 4 4.10/4.11 Assembly kit Pro ................................................2.47 Light trap ...........................................................2.47 Adhesive ............................................................ 2.41 Fresh air distributor (ZLV) .................................2.42 Intake nozzle .....................................................2.44 2.1 Overview fresh air inlets for walls and ceilings Best combined! With Heating Technology from REVENTA® Chapter 5 • Flow-optimised design • High insulation value • Smooth surfaces, easy to clean • Wide product range • Optimised rope adjustment with all inlets Overview Please unfold the page! You can easily find all components ZLWKRXWLQWHQVLYH searching 2.2 8VHUIULHQGO\ÀWWLQJ • Easy to assemble As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Overview fresh air inlets for walls and ceilings »ZED« »pure-let«® »ZEW« »safe-let«® »AIRSTEP« »safe-let«® compact ® Fresh air inlets Individual wall inlets »pure-let« 1200 ...................................................2.10 Accessories »pure-let« 1700 ....................................................2.10 /LJKWÀOWHU:LQGGHÁHFWLRQKRRG......... 2.26 - 2.28 »pure-let« 2200 ...................................................2.10 ZEW 1500 ........................................................... 2.12 ZEW 2500/2500 »Long« ................................... 2.12 Bird protection grid, air conduction sheet: ZEW 3600........................................................... 2.13 »pure-let« ................................................................... 2.11 ZEW 5000........................................................... 2.13 ZEW, »AIRSTEP«® 5000 ...........................................2.17 ZEW 2000............................................................2.14 »safe-let«® ................................................................. 2.21 ZEW 1500-M ...................................................... 2.15 ZEW 2500-M/2500-M »Long« ........................... 2.15 ZED motor control set .............................................. 2.29 »safe-let«®............................................................ 2.18 Motor control set ...................................................... 2.29 »safe-let«® compact ........................................... 2.20 Accessory, pulleys etc.. ................................... from 2.30 6DQGZLFKHOHPHQW ................................................... 2.33 Multi wall inlets »AIRSTEP«® 5000 ...............................................2.16 »safe-let«®........................................................... 2.19 Ceiling inlets ZED 1500 (Doppel)/1000/1800 ........... 2.22 - 2.23 ZED 5000 .......................................................... 2.25 As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. 2.3 »pure-let« individual wall inlets Type »pure-let« 1200 Traction force Stroke Air Installation size capacity* Self-opening Self-closing Self-opening Self-closing 1.800 550 x 240 35 N 140 Page 2.10 »pure-let« 1700 2.500 800 x 240 - 40 N - 140 »pure-let« 2200 3.100 800 x 300 - 50 N - 150 2.10 2.10 »pure-let« 2200 long 4.500 800 x 300 - 50 N - 150 2.10 »ZEW« individual wall inlets Type 1500 Traction force Stroke Air Installation size capacity* Self-opening Self-closing Self-opening Self-closing 2.200 540 x 360 20 N 50 N 450 260 ªSXUHOHW©ª=(:©LQGLYLGXDOZDOOLQOHWV Air capacity: 1,800 – 5,400 m3 (at 20 Pa) Page 2.12 1500-M 2.100 540 x 360 20 N - 520 - 2000 1.900 760 x 245 25 N 55 N 300 250 2.12 2.14 2500 3.500 854 x 380 30 N 60 N 450 260 2.12 2500-M 3.400 854 x 380 25 N - 520 - 2.15 3600 4.900 978 x 440 35 N 55 N 490 270 2.13 5000 5.400 1.184 x 360 35 N 60 N 400 280 2.13 »AIRSTEP«®0XOWLZDOOLQOHWV Air capacity: 9,100 – 23,800 m3 (at 20 Pa) »AIRSTEP«® multi wall inlets Type 2-fach Air capacity* 9.100 Installation size 1.184 x 712 Traction force Stroke Self-opening Self-closing Self-opening Self-closing 80 N 60 N 400 400 3-fach 13.900 1.184 x 1.068 120 N 90 N 400 400 4-fach 18.800 1.184 x 1.424 160 N 120 N 400 400 5-fach 23.800 1.184 x 1.780 200 N 150 N 400 400 Page 2.16 »safe-let«® individual wall inlets Type »safe-let« 600 Traction force Stroke Air Installation size capacity* Self-opening Self-closing Self-opening Self-closing 4.200 650 x 480 35 N 85 N 630 280 »safe-let« 800 5.500 850 x 480 40 N 80 N 630 280 »safe-let« 1000 6.700 1.050 x 480 45 N 75 N 630 280 »safe-let« 1200 7.900 1.250 x 480 50 N 70 N 630 280 Page 2.18 »safe-let«®,QGLYLGXDOZDOOLQOHWV Air capacity: 4,200 – 7,900 m3 (at 20 Pa) »safe-let«® multi wall inlets, width 1,200 mm Type Traction force Stroke Air Installation size capacity* Self-opening Self-closing Self-opening Self-closing 14.700 1.250 x 960 100 N 130 N 630 430 21.300 1.250 x 1.440 150 N 185 N 630 430 27.800 1.250 x 1.920 200 N 240 N 630 430 28.800 2.500 x 960 200 N 260 N 630 430 3.750 x 1.440 300 N 370 N 630 430 44.100 Page 2.19 »safe-let«®0XOWLZDOOLQOHWV Air capacity: 14,700 – 44,100 m3 (at 20 Pa) ® Wall inlets »safe-let « compact Type Air capacity* Installation size Traction force Self-opening Stroke Self-opening 485 »safe-let« C 600 4.200 650 x 480 50 N »safe-let« C 800 5.500 850 x 480 70 N 485 »safe-let« C 1000 6.700 1.050 x 480 90 N 485 Page 2.20 »ZED« Ceiling inlets Traction force Stroke Self-opening Self-closing Self-opening Self-closing 15 N 220 - ZED 1000 Air capacity* 1.300 ZED 1500 1.800 780 x 240 25 N - 220 - 2.22 ZED 1500 Double 3.800 845 x 800 2 x 25 N - 220 - 2.22 ZED 1800 2.100 640 x 340 15 N 50 N 330 230 2.23 ZED 5000 5.500 1.126 x 352 40 N 80 N 140 140 2.24 ZED 5000 m. extension 5.900 1.126 x 352 45 N 80 N 170 150 2.25 Type Installation size 540 x 240 Page 2.22 *Air capacity with differential pressure of 20 Pa in m3/h. (Sizes in mm) Definition installation size: The installation size is the external size of the inlet, the opening must be at least 10 mm larger depending on local installation conditions. Definition pulling force: The specification of the pulling force is in N and already includes one pulley 2.4 »safe-let«®FRPSDFWZDOOLQOHWV Air capacity: 4,200 – 6,700 m3 (at 20 Pa) »ZED« Ceiling inlets Air capacity: 1,300 – 5,900 m3 (at 20 Pa) As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. Fresh air systems Ɇ »Fresh air technology« »REVENTA Fresh air inlets ® proven in practic« In order to ensure an optimised fresh air supply in the stable REVENTA® offers you a comprehensive product range of fresh DLUVXSSO\V\VWHPVIRUZDOOVDQGFHLOLQJV In poultry stables fresh air inlets are primarily used to bring IUHVKDLULQWRWKHVWDEOHZLWKRXWWKHDQLPDOVEHLQJH[SRVHGWR draughts. Ventilation ceilings, fresh air inlets and duct solutions are suitable for use in pig stables in order to supply the individuDOED\VZLWKIUHVKDLU All REVENTA® fresh air elements are ideal for everyday use in stables due to their sturdy design and good mechanical qualities. Smooth and hard surfaces ensure simple and easy cleaning. The foamed polyurethane shutters have a high insulation value and reduce the risk of condensation. A large range of accessories completes the fresh air product line. »ZED 5000« with extension Individual inlets »safe-let«® Individual inlets »safe-let«® REVENTA® multi air inlets )RUODUJHUDLUÁRZVWKHPXOWLDLU inlets »AIRSTEP«® and »safe-let«® are available to you, alongside the single air inlets. A multitude RIFRQÀJXUDWLRQVDUHSRVVLEOH due to the modular format of the »safe-let«® multi air inlet. Detailed descriptions of this can be found on pages 2.7, 2.16 - 2.19. »AIRSTEP 5000« multi air inlet As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved. »safe-let«® multi air inlet 2.5 ª7(&+1,&$/'$7$©Ɇ Fresh air systems Connection example »ZEW automatically opening« 3 4 2 »ZEW automatically closing« »ZEW differentiated opening« »ZED automatically opening« 5 4 3 5 6 2 3 1 1 Electric motor 5 1 (opens by release) (opens by tension) 2 Pulley 3 .QXUOHGVFUHZ 4 Pulley universal 2 2 4 4 3 5 1 (differentiated opening) 5 Pull spring 6 1 (opens by release) Delay adjuster Position of the pulley »ZEW« »safe-let«® Automatically opening »ZEW« »safe-let«® Automatically closing A = Minimum clearance 3XOOH\EUDFNHWORZHUHGJH WRÁDQJHXSSHUHGJH 300 mm A = Minimum clearance )ODQJHORZHUHGJHWRSXOOH\ bracket upper edge 200 mm A A Air measurements (fog test) fresh air inlets with REVENTA® test facility »safe-let«® with air conduction sheet 8VLQJIUHVKDLULQOHWVLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKWKHDLUFRQGXFWLRQ VKHHWHQFRXUDJHVWKHDLUWRÁRZWRZDUGVWKHFHQWUHRIWKHVWDE le rather than having an increase in air in the immediate vicinity ZLWKVPDOORSHQLQJV 2.6 ZEW 2500-M $VDUHVXOWRIWKHVSHFLDOPRXQWLQJRIWKHFXUYHGVKXWWHUZKHQ IXOO\RSHQHGXSWRRIWKHLQFRPLQJDLUFDQEHGHÁHFWHG GLUHFWO\GRZQZDUGVDQGWKLVLVSDUWLFXODUO\DGYDQWDJHRXVLQ summer. The differentiated air guidance can be clearly seen in fog images. As at 03/04/2013 Technical changes and further development reserved.
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