"Keep the mojo in your business"


"Keep the mojo in your business"
Mojo Maintenance
Margie Ireland
• A quality that attracts people to you and makes you successful
and full of energy
• A power that may seem magical and that allows someone to be
very effective, successful, etc.
Meriam Webster
• The word originally means a charm or a spell. But now its more
commonly said meaning sex appeal or talent.
"I can get any girl if I just use a bit of the old mojo"
“Man, that girl has MOJO!"
"God help me, I think I've lost my mojo!”
Urban Dictionary
Who do you know who has
• High on Purpose
• Goal/Action oriented
At Work
• Self-Belief
• Resilient
• Determined
• Influential
• Impactful
• Successful
“Psychological Empowerment”
What decreases PE & Mojo?
• Toxic Leadership
• Ambiguous Job Roles
• Low Self-efficacy (skills, support, resources)
• Unhealthy coping strategies
• Disconnection from Values
• Negative Self-Talk
2015 Research
• 15 Australian based Male CEOs
• Self-Belief
• Work Goals
Intervention: For Negative Self-Talk
Negative Self- Talk
• Intrusive negative thoughts are
experienced by 80-99% of the nonclinical population
• These are defined as a distinct
experience that is unwanted,
unintended, and recurrent.
• Negative thoughts can disrupt
performance and are difficult to
Moving Towards and Moving Away Worksheet
Anyone could see these taste, touch,
see, hear, smell
3. Write down how you copewhen
4. Write down some small acts you could
you have these thoughts, feelings,
do that would move you towards this
urges, and/or bodily sensations
(e.g., eat, drink, watch tv, withdraw,
value you chose. Don't forget to think
2. Write down what gets in the way of
acting towards this value (thoughts,
emotions, urges, bodily sensations)?
1. Write down the value you
here and briefly say why this value
matters to you.
Mental Experience (only we can see these)
thoughts, emotions, motivations, concerns
The Matrix from Kevin Polk and Jerold Hambright
Maintain Your Mojo
 Understand what your Values are at Work
 Work in environments that encourage you to work towards
 Develop healthy coping strategies during times of stress
 Be kind to yourself when you don’t
Focus on your Values!
Antonovsky, A. (1979). Health, stress, and coping.
Bennett, J. B., & LehmBester, J., Stander, M. W., & Van Zyl, L. E. (2015). Leadership empowering behaviour, psychological empowerment,
organisational citizenship behaviours and turnover intention in a manufacturing division. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 41(1), 14-pages.
an, W. E. (2001). Workplace substance abuse prevention and help seeking: Comparing team-oriented and informational training. Journal of
Occupational Health Psychology, 6(3), 243.
Cooper, C. L., & Cartwright, S. (2001). Organizational management of stress and destructive emotions at work. Emotions at work: theory,
research and applications for management, 269-280.
Glozier, N. (2002). Mental ill health and fitness for work. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 59(10), 714-720.
Jones, R. J., Woods, S. A., & Guillaume, Y. R. (2015). The effectiveness of workplace coaching: A meta‐analysis of learning and performance
outcomes from coaching. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology.
Kahn, R.L., & Byosiere, P. (1992). Theoretical Framework for the study of stress in organisations. In M.D Dunnette & L. M. Hough (Eds.),
Handbook of Industrial and organisational psychology (2nd ed), 3, 571-650. Palo Alto, Ca: Consulting Psychologists Press.
Karasek RA Jr. 1979. Job demands, job decision latitude, and mental strain: implications for job redesign. Admin. Sci. Q. 24:285–308