Anvs n-e seglC n str
Anvs n-e seglC n str
forSOPColdcase Margaret Hospital Charges Princess Medical & Geriatrics Clinic OutPatient HongKongCitizen ( HoHerof HKlDcardandchiHrenUnder11 Procedure years OIdCaseFollow-up KongrwHent of agewithHong status) forCharges WaivedDocument provide document Please thefollowing (original) forcharges waiver / HAstaff& family- HA181 { Government staff& family- GF181 { Retired government staff& coupleTRY447 / Person onCSSA- CSSAdocument / Others- document waiver for medical in HongKong Non-Citizen Allwaivedocument shouldbe: Follow-up Procedure E Follow-up shouldbeuponto appointment E Anyone without booking or comelatewillnot beentertained E Anyone couldnotattendonschedule should rebookforconsultation. Toattendon schedule areencouraged aswaiting timefor re-booking is long. Allmedication shouldbe self-arranged if appointment is changed. Enquiry : 29903870 or 29q)3871 Payment canuse Outopus Cash ffiru Within validperiod Allpartshasbeencompleted chopandsignature Withdepartment ofsupervisor or Noamendment, chop Amendment withdepartment ofsupervisor andsignature the nstr-!:eviCe Anvs n-e seglC should abovedocument mL!-o-t-qgl'sulldlgn Registration Procedure 4 4 E 200e 1 [],{.1 0r,q BNBH T5 lR@trerl L$0 E€ Nffi tr I lilotr|u * FIoq E t[-81-t flrrl Illondry f FhLl H i Forpatients withheartdisease, hypertension, renaldisease and diabetes should measure bloodpressure l Waiting Notification Waitatwaiting halluponto instruction sheet [Pdorttr] Zone1 [Nn l ((tot orll.|t) uponto Queueupforregistration registration fromClinic timeandinstruction Staff. Waitatwaiting hallif youcomeearlier than registration time. Pre-consultation Test goto RM28 Please Allpatients should measure bodyweight Ccrsn|btonRnlA-l2A Patients withrenaldisease and diabetes shouldhaveurinetest Tone1 Casna|in funlA-lA Thefrontlineof seatswithlabelare forpatient whowasinformed to queueupforconsultation UrineTestHere F 1= * Notice* Please self-prepare forurinetest container Nosupply fromSOPC Forenquiryorspecial appointment booking after consultation byone
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