Brunswick City Map Amendment - Medina County Department of
Brunswick City Map Amendment - Medina County Department of
Planning Commission Zoning Map Amendment 2992 Center Road City of Brunswick App. No.: Meeting: Applicant: Owner: 059-2015-MA May 6, 2015 Brunswick Planning Commission Industrial Parkway 303 Partners LLC Surveyor: Riverstone Surveying Zoning: I-L Light Industrial Proposed Zoning: C-H Highway Interchange Commercial Acreage: Approximately 1.01 acres Hearing Date: Sept. 3, 2015 (Brunswick Planning Commission) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The site is located on the southeast corner of Center Road (SR 303) and Industrial Parkway South (see location map). The proposed map amendment would rezone approximately 1.01 acres of the subject property located at 2992 Center Road from the existing I-L Light Industrial District to C-H Highway Interchange Commercial District. The property owners wish to rezone the southern 150 feet of the property to provide for uniform zoning on the entire property. Recommendation: APPROVAL ADJACENT ZONING/LAND USE Direction North East South West Zoning C-H Highway Interchange Commercial C-H Highway Interchange Commercial I-L Light Industrial I-L Light Industrial C-H Highway Interchange Commercial Land Use Crestmont Hyundai, Brunswick Auto Mart Subaru Warehouse/distribution: Wingfoot Commercial Tire Systems, LLC Industrial: Medina Supply Company Brunswick Auto Mart Volkswagon Site Conditions: The site is gently rolling and the former Pizza Hut structure was recently razed (see attached GIS map). Zoning: The stated purpose of the I-L Light Industrial District is established to accommodate light industrial uses in the fields of repair, storage, manufacturing, processing, wholesaling and distribution, free from the encroachment of residential, retail and institutional uses. The I-L District allows those uses which, because of their normally unobjectionable characteristics, can be in relatively close proximity to residential and commercial districts. The I-L District is intended to accommodate a broad spectrum of clean industries operating under high performance standards. Compared to the I-D Industrial Distribution District, the I-L District allows uses which a) benefit from relatively greater isolation from non-industrial uses, and b) generate more and larger truck traffic requiring a close proximity to the I-71-Center Road (S.R. 303) interchange. City of Brunswick, Map Amendment: 2992 Center Rd. Auto dealerships are not a permitted use. The C-H Highway Interchange Commercial District is established to further provide for significant, high visibility commercial uses which will reflect positively on the image of the community, to provide for uses which accommodate travelers on Interstate 71, and to provide locations for other commercial uses which particularly benefit from the high visibility and regional accessibility offered by the Interstate. The C-H district is further intended to minimize interference with through traffic on Center Road and with traffic using the interchange ramps. Auto dealerships are conditionally permitted in the C-H district. Comprehensive Plan: The “Future Land Use Plan” contained in the City of Brunswick Comprehensive Plan: Designing Our Future, 2005 (Plan) recommends the subject site for Industrial use (see graphic to the right). Staff Comments: 1. The property owners wish to rezone the property to allow the construction of an auto dealership. 2. The southern 150 feet of the property is zoned I-L while the remainder of the property is zoned C-H. 3. Adjacent properties to the north and west contain auto dealerships. Adjacent properties to the east and south contain a warehouse/distribution and an industrial facility which will not suffer from the proposed commercial use. 4. While the City of Brunswick Comprehensive Plan, recommends the subject site for industrial use, the small area being rezoned will not be detrimental to the goals contained in the Plan. 5. While all permitted uses are potentially possible once a site is rezoned, it is of little consequence since it is unlikely that any of the uses permitted would have adverse impacts on any of the surrounding properties. Staff Recommendation: The Department of Planning Services recommends that the Medina County Planning Commission APPROVE the zoning map amendment from I-L Light Industrial District to C-H Highway Interchange Commercial. Attachment: GIS map R:\arcview\wp_planning\map_amend\City_of_Brunswick\2015\2992_center_rd_brunswick_059-2015-ma\brunswickcity_map_amend_059-2015-MA.docx Medina County Planning Commission Page 2 of 2 August 5, 2015 1172 1152 52 1174 11 70 48 11 1 154 1190 1166 1168 11 54 1170 1156 1154 11 50 115 2 1150 1192 1176 11 72 11 CENTER ROAD 1160 116 1162 0 1188 6 18 8 1 18 4 1 I-L to C-H 1186 1176 11 62 4 1178 11 9 2 66 1164 1 18 1174 0 1172 11 6 8 Visit us on the web at 8 9 70 11 11 1176 11 1166 11 1168 116 8 0 1 16 4 1 18 1182 1 1170 6 INDUSTRIAL PARKWAY S 11 62 115 8 1 16 90 11 1 90 1180 1 1 64 1 19 0 CATHERINE DRIVE 1176 1162 1164 1 46 1170 1166 11 50 1 2992 Center Rd. Brunswick City Map Amendment App. 059-2015-MA Meeting Date: 8/5/2015 Hearing Date: 9/3/2015 Amendment: I-L to C-H Number of Parcels: 1 1 1 inch = 200 feet 0 45 90 180 270 Feet