convocation - SFU AtoM - Simon Fraser University
convocation - SFU AtoM - Simon Fraser University
CONVOCATION Saturday, May 24, 1969 The Academic Procession will be led by The University Pipers BOARD OF GOVERNORS Dr. Gordon M. Shrum Chancellor Dr. Kenneth T. Strand Acting President Hon. Justice Angelo E. Branca Mr. Mark Collins Mr. Jack Diamond Mr. Alan M. Eyre Mr. Arnold F. C. Hean Mr. Richard E. Lester Chairman Mr. Cyrus H. McLean Mr. Robert C. Rolston Mr. George D. Wong Following the Ceremony a Reception will be held in the Faculty Lounge and Student Cafeteria at the East End of the University Mall. Music for the Ceremony will be played by Mr. David Stark, L.R.A.M. Organist, Holy Trinity Cathedral Church New Westminster ORDER OF PROCESSION GRADUANDS • FACULTY • CHANCELLOR'S PROCESSION • CHANCELLOR'S PARTY 0 CANADA INVOCATION by Rev. William H. Stannard Baptist Chaplain Simon Fraser University REMARKS by Gordon M. Shrum Chancellor of Simon Fraser University CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES by the Chancellor THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS The Hon. Chester A. Ronning Dr. Har Gobind Khorana The Hon. Henry H. Stevens Dr. Robert T. McKenzie CONVOCATION ADDRESS Dr. Robert T. McKenzie, B.A., Ph.D. Professor and Chairman Department of Sociology The London School of Economics and Political Science CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE by the Chancellor GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Reception in the Academic Quadrangle THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS Abrahamson, Walter Ross Adamache, John Stephen Allworth, James Henry Anderson, Reaid Edmund Andstein, Clifford Otto Angus, Robert George Anselmo, Garry Leroy Apostle, Richard Alexander Arden, James Randall Armstrong, Lorne Robert Arnott-Smith, Brenton Ralph Atchison, Joyce Lavonne Audet, Maurice George Baker, James Winston Ellis Baker, Lorian Nancy Balatti, David Roy Ball, Erica Ramsey Ballantyne, Fredrick Douglas Ballinger, Robert Paul Bigham Barichello, Ricardo Lee Bartleman, Susan Ruth Bates, Russell William Baxter, Edwin George Beaumont, Roy Plowman Bell, Daniel John Bell, Judith Lynn Bell, Neil Alan Bender, Rotraut Bennett, Gary John Bennett, Reginald Gilstrap Berg, John Edward Bergen, Louise Bergman, Catherine Berry, Donald Morris Bjonback, Gail Ann Bjonback, Ralph Derek Bodmer, Grant Hugh Barron, Starr Margaret Bouchard, Maurice Leo Joseph Bourke, Paul Lindsay Bradbury, Thomas Allen Braden, William Howard Brandolini, Gary John Economics Political Science Economics Economics Honors Economics Honors Psychology Philosophy Honors Sociology History Commerce Commerce History Honors Political Science Honors Anthropology Honors Spanish English English History Political Science History English Economics Geography Honors English Economics Psychology Political Science English History Geography Commerce Sociology Honors Economics Commerce English Honors Economics Political Science Anthropology Commerce Political Science Commerce Honors English English Brittain, Joyce Margaret Brooke, Elizabeth Anne Brothers, Ronald David Bryant, Dennis Ian Bryce, Peter Francis Budda, Peter Joseph Busby, Carl Martin Byford, Robert Michael Card, Robert Lawrence Carew-Gibson, Edward John Carmichael, Catherine Louise Cary, Douglas Stanley Cassan, Wesley Allan Brent Cave, Richard Chisholm Chalk, Cyril Allan Chan, David Kaye Chapman, Donald Edmund Charney, Lloyd Stephen Chaworth-Musters, Robert David Cirillo, Francesco Clarke, Roger Newton Clauson, Robert Gordon Clausson, Nils Ivan Clements, Douglas Allen Colbert, Patrick James Collins, Mervin Vincent Collins, Othniel Oneill Collyer, David John Colton, Terence John Conn, Margaret Kathleen Corbett, Patrick Douglas Coulthard, Helen Elizabeth Cowie, Robert Allan Cowles, Patricia Lynne Cox, Ian Mather Cyril Craig, Anthony Malcolm Craig, Christopher Stephen Crew, Glynn Allen Crisp, James George Cutler, David Robert Stuart Dahl, Leslie Donald Dairon, David William Daniel, Brian John Davidson, Frederick William Davidson, Lola Marie Davison, William James English Honors Sociology Economics History Psychology Honors English Economics & Commerce Economics & Commerce Economics & Commerce Commerce English Economics Geography Geography English Commerce Commerce History Economics & Commerce Honors French Sociology History English English English Sociology Political Science Geography Geography English Commerce English Geography Sociology Sociology Political Science Psychology Geography Geography History English Geography Geography Economics & Commerce Psychology English Dawson, Catherine Dorothy Dedijer, Marion Julie De Kraker, Johannes Antonus De Villiers, David Strutt Dickinson, William Grant Dilley, Alford Bryant Dodgson, Lorraine Margaret Dorey, Brian Lee Dowrey, Ill William Ritchie Drache, Sophie Drew, John Miller Drinkle, Robert Benjamin Dubois, Philip Murray Duguid, Marilyn Elizabeth Dumas, Paul Leon Joseph Dunbar, Robert Arthur Dyck, Elizabeth Freda Ehrenholz, Richard Einarson, Patrick Dennis Erbe, Harald Julius Gerhard Erickson, Ronald Murray Eso, Elizabeth Mary Essar, Dale Collin Evans, Julie Ann Fairhall, Matthew Davidson Falk, Gerald Arthur Fenske, Wayne Reynold Fisher, Malcolm Russell Forbes, Lachlan Nicholas Ferrar Foster, Stuart Edward Foulds, John Simon French, James Coleman Freney, Patrick Markham Funk, Ronald Dennis Gabriel, Lennox Michael Gadd, Carol Ann Galan, Steven Peter Galbraith, Linda Anne Gallagher, Barbara Ann Garand, Henri Gilbert Gardner, Sheila Mary Gardner, Wilfrid Lawrence Gausman, Kenneth Edward George, Richard Brooke Gill, James Edmond Gokey, Richard Lawrence Geography English History Psychoogy Anthropology Economics Honors French Geography Economics & Commerce Sociology Geography English Honors History English History Sociology & Anthropology English Geography History Geography Geography Sociology English English Commerce Honors History Commerce English Geography Geography Honors Anthropology Economics & Commerce Commerce Geography Spanish English Sociology Honors English English Honors English Honors Philosophy Psychology History Economics & Commerce History History Goike, Edmund Goodfellow, Reginald Arthur Henry Gordon, John Philip Goudie, Peter James Gould, Graham Keith Grass, Rolf Ludwig Gray, Judith Marilyn Greenway, Arielle Susan Greenaway, Nedra Louise Griffis, William James Gordon Groman, Jnr. Henry Newton Gruen, Jo Ann Louise Guder, Heinrich Lothar Hainsworth, Melody May Halbauer, Larry Daryl Hall, Roger Montague Hamaoka, Thomas Takakai Hamer, Thomas Norman Hamm, Victor Edward Hammond, Paul Leslie Hencheroff, Harold Hardie, Jane Elizabeth Hardy, Iris Marjorie Hargreaves, Elizabeth Ellen Harris, Ronald Watson Hazell, Frederick Martin Curtis Henderson, John Eric Henniger, Roger Albert Wilson Henschel, John Walter Herron, Benjamin Harrison Hilckmann, Herminia Estrela Machado Hillmer, John Arnold Hodge, James Mitchel Hogan, Gerald Patrick Holder, Myron Adolphus Holloway, Gordon Larry Holter, Gillian Margaret Hood, Robin Duncan Hope, Clayton Elroy Hopkins, Larry William Hugson, Frederick Arthur Stewart Hungerford, Dorothy Anne Hunter, Jill Maureen Hutchinson, Jessie Iva Hutton, Lisle Rae lshkanian, Vahan Aram Sociology Psychology History Political Science & Anthropology Economics & Commerce Honors History French Linguistics English Honors Anthropology Geography Geography Psychology History English Economics & Commerce English Economics & Commerce Economics Commerce Economics & Commerce Geography Honors Spanish English Psychology Economics & Commerce English Geography English Geography History Spanish English Commerce History English Commerce Commerce Psychology Economics Geography History English English English Honors French Linguistics English Jackson, Robert Jang, Darrell Mun Gain Jang, Erroll Mun King Jang, Sandra Arlene Jardine, James William Johnson, Edward Gerald Johnson, Philip Irving Johnston, Linda Marguerite Jones, Brenda Darlene Junek, Brian Edward Jung, Sandra Kearns, Norman Douglas Keenan, Nancy Elizabeth Kelly, Rowland Kemprud, Ogden Gerald Kenward, David Victor Keogh, Francoise Eveline Kern, Siegfried Armin Kerry, Michael James Kilian, Melody Kay Killy, George Ivor John Kirk, Peggie-Ann Kitson, Roger Rollins Knelsen, Richard John Knowlden, Thomas William Peter Knox, Michael Lorne Knutson Jnr., Harry Louis Kotschorek, Theodore Frank Kreutzer, Mary Anne Krug, Donna Louise Kuchar, Eva Kyba, Russell Landers, Gareth Alvin Larkin, Larry Peter Larson, Lillian Faye Laverty, Charles Michael Lawrance, Glenys Ida Lawrence, Wayne Melven Lee, Robert John Lehman, Kenneth Edward Lemire, Margaret Cecelia Leonard, Patricia Kathleen Lewis, Leslie Alma Lewis, Penn Albert Lipsack, Frederick Lomow, Robert Allen Psychology English English Honors German History Sociology Psychology Anthropology English Political Science English Commerce History Economics & Commerce History History French History English Honors Sociology Sociology English Economics Honors English Honors Political Science English Honors Economics & Commerce Commerce Honors Psychology Political Science & Sociology Honors Psychology Geography History Geography Geography English Psychology Economics Economics English Sociology English History History English History Loth, Jean Marie Love, Donna Marie Lundy, Desmond Ronald Lundy, Doris Marion Macdonald, Donald Bruce MacDonald, Douglas Daniel MacDonald, Gordon Preston MacKenzie, Colin Hugh MacKinlay, Gladys Margaret MacMillan, Marilyn Rita Mabardi, Sabine Maddin, Janet Kristine Mannix, Maureen Gail Manuel, Gary Ronald Marsden, John Wayne Martin, Jane Alison Martin, Morley Martyn, Ivor Bruce Matty, Robert Raymond Mauro, Bruno Mccloy, Sandra Gail McCune, Terence Hugh McDonald, Donald Ross McDonnell, Christopher Francis McEwen, Julia Cotton McEwen, Norman Paul McGrath, Richard Leo McHallam, Robert Henry Douglas McKee, William Stanley McLaren, Robert James McMahon, Ward Alan McNaughton, John Douglas McVey, Doreen Ann Menninga, Wilfrid Menu, Arthur Robert Meredith, Lindsay Norman Miller, James Guy Minty, Eileen Edith Moeser, Shannon Dawn Moggey, Robert Duncan Moir, John Leigh Nicholson Monk, Barbara Elizabeth Moore, Jacqueline Margaret Morrell, Bryan Morris, David William Morrow, Gordon John Political Science Sociology Geography Geography Anthropology Psychology Economics Sociology Anthropology Honors History French Psychology Commerce Geography Honors Philosophy Honors French Economics & Commerce Political Science & Anthropology Economics Political Science Honors Anthropology English Political Science & Sociology Honors Economics Anthropology Anthropology Political Science English Honors History English English Commerce Geography Economics Honors Philosophy Economics & Commerce Economics Psychology Honors Psychology History English Sociology Psychology English Economics English Muir, David Andrew Walter Mulder, Anthony John Murphy, Mark Randall Murray, Leslie Elizabeth Musial, Irene Hedwige Nagel, Harvey Donald Nash, Mary Teresa Nash, Robert Earl Nelson, Donald Bernhard Nelson, Larry Nelson, Patricia Anne Nemeth, Edward Dean Neubert, Gabrielle Carmen Neufeld, Chalene Audrey Neufeld, John Alvin Nicklin, David Jeff Nieuwenhuizen, Wilhelmus Nicholaas Nipius, Clifford George Nodge, Ross James Obegi, Michel Odamura, Arthur Kazuo Orris, Glenn Robert Paget, Gregg Eric Painter, Ronald Palethorpe, Barry Gordon Parent, Neon Claude Edmond Parker, William Donald Pattison, Stephen Law Paulson, John Peter Pearce, Sandra Dale Pedersen, Alvhild Sofie Pellegrin, Ronnie Louie Penner, Henry Peter Penner, Raymond Henry Petersen, Raymond Gaston Phillips, David Martin Piccinin, Domenico Maria Salvatore Podwin, Barbara Eileen Pope, John David Stuart Porteous, William Walter Poulsen, Charles Peter Prechtl, Kenneth Richard Prentice, Joseph Frederick William Price, Thomas William Price, Victor Hugh Priest, Gordon Edward History Philosophy Economics & Commerce Psychology English Economics & Commerce English Economics & Commerce History Commerce Political Science Philosophy Honors English English English Commerce Honors Geography Commerce English Honors French Commerce Economics & Commerce Geography Sociology History English Commerce Geography Political Science French Honors Russian Geography Economics & Commerce Honors English Sociology Honors Sociology Economics English Commerce Geography English Psychology English Political Science Geography Geography Priest, Norman Allan Quinn, Douglas Gilland Ramsay, James Blake Rasmussen, Patricia Jessie Rawley, Kim Hoerner Raymont, Shirley Anne Reader, Ronald Oswald Rees, Morris Henry Watts Reichert, Douglas Gordon Reid, Daniel Campbell Rendfleisch, Alvin Richard Renold, Patricia Joan Renwick, Ruth Agnes Reynolds, Grant Edwin Rhodes, Clifford Robert Rich, Maureen Ann Richardson, Paul Surtees Riis, Sharon Judy Robertson, Kathryn Lynda Robson, Thomas Claude Rolston, Barry Walter Rolston, Yvonne Morton Ross, Robin John Rowe, Malaney Royan, Christine Anne Rudelier, Nelson Hugh Runnels, Brenda Joyce Rusas, Joseph Vytautas Rusk, Harold John Samek, Leonard John Samson, Diane Marda Sasaki, Wayne Yoshio Scambler, Lynda Anne Schleicher, Margarete Schmidt, Thomas Schmok, Michael Carl Edward Seager, John William Sebo, Szabolcs Sam Seens, Robert Dale Selmser, David Calbert Semkuley, Walter John Serediak, Martin Sam Sharpe, Randi Joan Sharpe, William Malcolm Shaver, Calvin Murray Shaw, Michael Bernard Economics History Economics & Commerce French Geography Sociology Sociology Honors Geography Honors Economics & Commerce Sociology History English English Honors English History Honors Psychology History History French Geography Political Science History Honors Economics & Commerce English Honors Geography Sociology Honors Economics Philosophy English Economics English Commerce English Honors Psychology Political Science History Sociology History Psychology English Commerce Economics History Honors Anthropology Commerce Sociology Sheffield, Judith Diane Shelley, Gene Robert Shepetys, Rita Regina Shields, James Albert Shook, Royce Enciu Siedule, Thomas Kwok Kee Simmonds, Richard Alexander Sinclair, Margaret Joan Sinclair, William Francis Sirett, Lloyd Dawson Skogstad, Sharlyn Mae Smith, Adelbert George Smith, Bradley Eric Smith, Gary Albert Somers, Juanita Hilda Sorochuk, Dale Brian Spencer, Wayne Michael David Stanton, James Byron Steele, Larry Edward Stennett, Daryl Reid Stryd, Arnoud Henri Sturrock, Donald Calvin Summers, Gordon Michael Sumner, Terry Edmund Swann, Jacqueline Bell Taylor, George William Taylor, Robyn Margaret Thatchuk, Daniel Michael Thom, Inger Margarethe Thomas, Cyril John Thomas, David Simon Thompson, Blair Garfield Thomson, Stanley David Tighe, Ann de Gruchy Tomlinson, William Sherwood Tory, Melvin Wayne Trute, Janie Louise Tsang, Grace Lau Yin Tuemp, Erdmann Hugo August Tuffs, Arnet Tupper, Charles Thomas Craig Turner, Monica Muriel Uzelac, Steven Vallance, James Richard Vanderburch, Gerard Clarke Van Overbeek, James Henry Honors History Psychology English Political Science Economics Economics Commerce Sociology Honors Economics & Commerce History Psychology Honors French History Economics English Geography History Honors History Honors English Economics Anthropology Political Science Geography Economics Honors English Psychology Geography Honors English Honors English Spanish English Honors English Geography Anthropology Economics & Commerce Honors Economics & Commerce Honors English Psychology Honors Political Science History Honors English Psychology Honors Russian Geography Economics Anthropology Venhuizen, Ralph Henk Vincent, William Laurie Vipond, Norman Colvin Steele Vlastelic, Frank Von Wittgenstein, Paul Ludwig William Vooys, Jan John Walker, Gilbert Russell Wallace, Donald James Wallace, Elizabeth Jane Walsh, Robert Rumley Ward, John Warkentin, Edward Brian Warnke, Allan Edward Wasmuth, David Richard Weaver, Barry John Webster, Brenda Louise Wellwood, George Robert White, Brian Peter White, Helene Whitfield, John Laughlin Wicks, Robert Richard Wiens, John Wayne Williams, Anthony Thomas Williams, Earl James Williams, Frank Clinton Willis, Neal Graham Wong, Edwin Wong, Francis Chee Wing Wong, Stanley Woodhouse, Roger Gordon Woodworth, Sabra Joan Wright, Robert Henry Wrightman, Norman Reece Wyman, Virginia Jean Xenis, Douglas Gordon Yan, Alan Oi-Wan Yan, Sog Che Nancy Yandle, Sharon-Rose Heather Yaremko, Cyril Eugene Young, Anthony Blair Young, James William Zapp, Ron Ode! Economics Economics Political Science Commerce Honors Sociology Geography English History Anthropology Honors Political Science Economics & Commerce Honors Economics & Commerce Sociology Economics & Commerce Geography English Honors English Honors Sociology Russian Sociology Sociology English Honors Sociology History Honors Economics Economics Economics Economics Honors Economics Honors Geography Honors English English Psychology Psychology Geography Economics & Commerce Geography Honors Sociology Economics & Commerce Geography Economics & Commerce Psychology THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF EDUCATION Spence, Ronald Kennith Wayne Psychology THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Alke, Janice Maureen Allard, Charles Richard Allison, Linda Joyce Amann, Robert William Beaudet, Joseph Adelard Rosario Bennett, Lorna Jean Bennett, Roy Barry Bing, William Buck, James Elroy Bulat, Larry Arthur Galland, Richard Lyford Cheung, Juliana Hok-Him Chin-Shue, Linton Church, Ian Ross Clarke, Barry Richard Collins, Terry! Rand Coombe, David Gordon Crossley, Gwendolyn Julia Dahlen, Diane Carrie Danskin, Gordon Patrick Dewynter, John Ernest Dixon, Robert Earl Duval, Wayne Stuart Elving, John Dania Falk, Darrel Ross Farnan, Christine Mary Fee, Robert Martin Filby, Garry Roy Freer, Leona Dianne Friesen, Robert Jim Frizzell, Terrence Clifford Gamble, Michael Garrood, Dennis John Gorkoff, Bill Groulx, Patrick Neil Guenzler, Erhart Bodo Gupta, Arun Hamilton, Claire Louise Haylock, Clifford Raymond Henderson, Zena Violet Horn, James Duncan Howard, Leslie James Howarth, David Farnham Jackson, William Edward Honors Biological Science Biological Science Honors Biological Science Mathematics Honors Physics Honors Chemistry Biological Science Biological Science Biochemistry Biochemistry Biological Science Chemistry Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Honors Chemical Physics Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Honors Chemistry Chemistry Biological Science Honors Biological Science Mathematics Honors Biological Science Biological Science Honors Mathematics Biological Sceince Biological Sceince Mathematics Biochemistry Biological Science Physics Mathematics Mathematics Chemistry Mathematics Biochemistry Honors Biochemistry Biological Science Mathematics Mathematics Chemistry Biological Science Jacob, Lorrain Elouise Jenks, Bruce Giffin Johnstone, Joyce Janet Juergens, Dieter Heinz Ludwig Kira, Dennis Seiho Lee, Chung Lam Lee, Jerry Sherman Lee, Shing Yan Liskop, Karen Skaidrite Lockhart, Robert William MacGregor, Ian Robert Tracy Marshall, Chelan Leslie Marshall, Peter Lynn Masaro, Frederick Raymond Mathewes, Rolf Walter Matters, Sheilia Doreen McClelland, Sharon Jean McFarlane, David John McGauley, Terrance Copeland McGuire, Michael Howard William McKenzie, Lawrence Melvin Meade, Colleen Pamela Merchant, Vivian Edward Mickey, Douglas George Montgomery, Stephen Edward Nanson, Barbara Lorraine Nash, Thomas Wade Nelson, Jill Diana Nicholas, George Robert Olson, Bernt Ingemar Ott, Bruce Sigmund Palmer, Douglas Stephen Penner, Kenneth Robert Polley, Gordon Lawrence Pope, Peter Murray Pottle, William Roy Primrose, Edward Scott Purhar, Gurbachan Singh Rekdal, Denise Jean Rhodes, Charles St. Leger Sawatzky, Peter Schaffer, Stefan Simmons, Fraser Charles Simpson, Kent Steven Slawson, Frederick John Sterne, Robert Beatty M'athematics Honors Biochemistry Honors Chemistry Honors Physics Mathematics Biological Science Biological Science Honors Chemistry Biological Science Honors Chemistry Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Biochemistry Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Honors Mathematics Biological Science Mathematics Biological Science Mathematics Honors Physics Biological Science Chemistry Biological Science Biological Science Biochemistry Biological Science Honors Physics Honors Biological Science Biological Science Biochemistry Biological Science Honors Chemistry Chemistry Biological Science Mathematics Honors Biological Science Honors Physics Physics Mathematics Biological Science Biological Science Honors Chemistry Chemistry Stinner, Carolyn Leslie Sutcliffe, Richard Joseph Thompson, Stewart Nelson Tong, Sing on Albert Watts, Ronald Gilbert Webb, Douglas Louis James Welch, Robert Ritchie Wentworth, James Wallace Whipple, Kerry Wayne Whitlow, Karen Jean Whitley, Jane Wiens, Marilyn Neysa Williams, Alan Michael With, Jan Wong, Ming Oak Yeung, On-Ming Emma Mathematics Mathematics Biological Science Mathematics Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Biological Science Biochemistry Honors Biochemistry Biological Science Honors Biological Science Honors Biological Science Chemistry Honors Biochemistry Biological Science THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (KINESIOLOGY) Groves, Thomas Richard Robinson, Gary Craig Smith, Robert William Stowe, Catherine Corinne Taunton, Jack Edward Kinesiology Kinesiology Kinesiology Kinesiology Honors Kinesiology THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS Baban, Ill Roy Clyde Nicolas, B.A., A.B. (Central Philippine) Extended Essays. Baily, Martin Neil, B. A. (Cantab.) Economics Economics Extended Essays. Bowen, Roger, B.A. (Cantab.) English Thesis: "Experiments in Statement": The Theme of Man's Instinctual Life in Selected Writings by H. G. Wells." Cape, David Maxwell, B.A. (Simon Fraser) Economics Extended Essays. Cook, Harry Hugh, B.A. (Calvin College) English Thesis: "The Poetry of Raymond Souster." Cubit!, Elizabeth Anna, B.A. (Brit. Col.) Psychology Thesis: "Assessment of Visual Discrimination in Infants: Comparison of a Conditioning Method with Traditional Preference Methods." Einblau, Bunny Diane, B.A. (Alberta) Thesis: "Alienation - Sociology a Social Process." Ellingson, Lorne Eugene, B.A. (Alberta) Economics Extended Essays. Fenton, Robert William, B. Comm. (Sir George Williams) Economics Extended Essays. Gallez, Trinidad, Baduillerato Certificate (Valencia) Spanish Thesis: "A Phonological Study of Two Linguistic Groups in Comerio, Puerto Rico." Text in Spanish. Gerber, Jean Miriam, B.A. (Penn. State) English Thesis: "Time, Death, Mutability: Renaissance variations on these themes with particular reference to Spenser, Shakespeare, Donne." Gudgeon, Peter Spence, B.A. (Manchester) Economics Extended Essays. Hajdu, Csaba, B.A. (Simon Fraser) Economics Extended Essays. Jurisich, Dragoslav, B.A. (Simon Fraser) Spanish Linguistics Thesis: "A Re-examination of Spanish Articles with the Aid of Semantic and Syntactic Features." Kilby, Peter Barton, B.A. (Brit. Col.) History Thesis: "The Anglo-Ashanti War of 1873-1874." Long, Kenneth James Norman, B.A. (Brit. Col.) English Thesis: "The Use of Historical Material in Contemporary British Drama." Lowe, Robert William, B.A. (Brit. Col.) English Extended Essays. Macleod, John Bryan, B.Comm. (Loyola College) Economics Extended Essays. Malafry, Hugh Theodore, B.A. (Brit. Col.) English Thesis: "The Transcendental Symbol." McCormick, Jane Lee, B.A. (Susquehanna) English Thesis: "The Prose of Vernon Watkins." McDonald, Monique Annie Jacqueline, Licence es Lettres (De Bordeaux) French Linguistics Thesis: "Elude Morphologique et Syntaxique du frangais parte par un groupe de jeunes gens it Maillardville (C.B.)." McMillan, Grant Edgar, B.A. (Sir George Williams) English Thesis: "Fathomings of Moby Dick.'' Moore, Helen Grace, B.A., M.A. (Brit. Col.) Economics Extended Essays. Morley, Peter, B.A. (Simon Fraser) Anthropology Thesis: "The concepts of the Perspective in Karl Mannheim's Sociology of Knowledge." Munch, Warren Anthony, B.A. (Notre Dame) English Thesis: "The Making of an Anglo-Saxon Hero." Obertowich, Lynda Evelyn, B.A. (Alberta), B.S.W. (Brit. Col.) Thesis: "Husband-Wife Decision-Making Bu rnaby-Coquitl am.'' among Selected Sociology in Cou~les Price, Lesley Victoria, B.A. (Leicester) Economics Extended Essays. Reid, David James, M.A. (Glasgow) Economics Extended Essays. Robb, Stewart Andrew, B.A. (Brit. Col.) History Thesis: "The Collins Overland or Russian Extension Telegraph Project: A Pioneer Attempt to Establish Telegraphic Communications between North America and Europe." Roberts, Ernest Albert Kevin, B.A. (Adelaide) English Extended Essays. Sandilands, Roger James, B.A. (Strathclyde) Economics Extended Essays. Sawyer, Isabel Margaret, B.Ed. (Brit. Col.) General Linguistics Thesis: "A Study of the Partitive in French.'' Schofield, John Alexander, B.A. (Durham), M.B.A. (Indiana) Extended Essays. Stiebert, Horst, B.A. (Simon Fraser) Economics Economics Extended Essays. Strothotte, Hella Maria, (Studies: University of Erlangeraccepted as equivalent to B.A.) German Thesis: "Studien zur Sprache Abrahams a Santa Clara." Taylor, Constance Anne, B.Soc.Sc., (Birmingham) Sociology Thesis :"The Controversey Surrounding the David-Moore Theory of Stratification." Zurick, Elia Tewfik, B.A. (San Francisco State) Political Science Thesis: "Political Socialization of Elementary School Children: An Empirical Study." THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS (EDUCATION) Fix, William Robert, B.Sc. (Wisconsin) Behavioural Science Thesis: "Phase Two." Kerr, Andrew Stewart, B.A. (Victoria) Behavioural Science Thesis: "A Visual-Motor Test and a Perceptual-Reasoning Test as Discriminators of Academic Achievements." Michael, James Eric, B.A. (Brit. Col.) Behavioural Science Thesis: "Risk Taking in Individual and Group Decision Making: Problems of Enquiry." Trueman, Carole Lynne, B.Ed. (Alberta) Behavioural Science Thesis: "A Content Analytic Study of the Newspaper Coverage of an Educational Controversy at Simon Fraser University." Whale, George James, B.A. (Simon Fraser) Behavioural Science Thesis: "John Dewey and Pragmatism: Philosophy as Education: 'All Philosophy is Philosophy of Education.' " THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Brooks, Stephen Anthony, B.Sc. (Manitoba) Chemistry Thesis: "M'etal Spin Lattice Relaxation Mechanisms in Liquid Molybdenum and Tungsten Hexafluorides." Dyck, Robert Winston, B.Sc. (Manitoba) Chemistry Thesis: "Electrolytically Initiated Polymerizations.'' Gangadharan, A. Ra·makrishnan, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Bombay) Chemistry Thesis: "Nuclear Gamma Resonance and c1• and sn1 10 Fourier Transform Spectroscopic Studies in Tin-Iron Cluster Compounds." Loo, Pui Wah, B.Sc. (Nanyang) Chemistry Thesis: "A Study of the Crossed Aldo! Condensation of Chloral with Aliphatic Ketones." McKeever, Robert, B.A. (California) Mathematics Thesis: "An Application of Non-Standard Model Theoretic Methods, to Topological Groups and Infinite Galois Theory." Sasaki, David Takashi, B.Sc. (Rikkyo (St. Paul's) University) Thesis: "Nuclear Decay Scheme Studies of 112 Ag.'' Chemistry Siah, Soo-Seng, B.Sc. (Nanyang} Mathematics Thesis: "Abelian subgroups of p-groups." Van Netten, Christiaan, B.Sc. (Victoria College} Biological Science Thesis: "A Study of the Application of Neutron Activation Analysis to the effect of Pharmacological Agents on Membrane Transport in Nitella Cells."' Yang, Mai Keng, B.Sc. (Hong-Kong) Chemistry Thesis: "Complexes of indium(l 11) with Dithiolato Ligands."' THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Faculty of Science) Batra, lnder Paul, B.Sc. (Delhi), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Physics Dissertation: "lnterband Optical Absorption in Semiconductors."' Sulley, Norman Ross, B.Appl.Sc. (Toronto) Biological Science Dissertation: "Effects of Light Quality and Intensity on Photosynthesis and Photorespiration in Attached Leaves."' Chan, Sai-On, B.Sc. (Hong-Kong} Chemistry Dissertation: "Chemical Applications of High Resolution NM'R Rotary Spin Echoes."' Conradi, Jan, B.Sc. (Queens), M.Sc. (Birmingham} Physics Dissertation: "Luminescence Studies in Cadium Sulfide." Lue Kim, Hubert, B.Sc. (Agric.) (Ontario Agricultural College), M.Sc. (Agric.) (Toronto) Biological Science Dissertation: "Hydrostatic Pressure in Relation to the Synchronous Culture of Algae in Open and Closed Systems." Sharma, Bhim Sain, B.Sc. (Panjab), M.Sc. (Brit. Col.) Physics Dissertation: "Laser Induced Dillectric Breakdown and Mechanical Damage in Silicate Gases."' Students who have completed the Professional Development Program for teachers and who have been recommended to the Department of Education for a Teaching Certificate during the period August 31, 1968 to April 30, 1969. Adams, Mrs. Dora Mary Agnew, Miss Brenda M. Albo, Arnold Jerome Andresen, Frank A. Andrews, Glenn Arnold, Francis John Arnott, Miss Karen J. Ashton, Mrs. Bernice Astola, Miss Lynn Sigrid Atchison, Mrs. Christina Auld, Miss Judith E. Axford, Robert Joseph Baak, Miss Ann E. Bain, Miss Diana Stanley Baker, Mrs. Donna Laura Barnes, Miss Anne E. Barnes, Mrs. Kathleen Bartleman, Miss Susan R. Barwick, Miss Marcia J. Bateman, Miss Fern M. Baxter, Edwin George Baxter, James W. Baxter, Mrs. Margaret E. Beauchamp, Mrs. Elizabeth Beauchamp, George D. Beaudin, Miss Linda-Marie Beck, Robin Wesley Bedford, Mrs. Cecilia J. Bedford, Miss Melanie L. Bedford, Terrance David Begley, Miss Sheila E. Bell, Harvey R. S. Bell, John Brian Bell, Miss Karen J. Bennett, Gary John Bens, Miss Shirley A. Biagioni, Miss Marillee Bohonos, Mrs. Jeannette Bos, Jan Bourke, Brian R. Bremness, Miss Susan E. Bridge, Miss Margaret Briggs, Paul Randolf Brown, Miss Alice M. Bruce, Miss Colleen Buckham, Miss Marjorie E. Buckingham, Miss Sharon Burford, Miss Meredith Burke, Miss Jennifer Alice Burris, Mrs. Violet Imogene Burton, Mrs. Kathleen G. Burtt, Donald R. Byers, Miss Sandra Callarec, Miss Marie Genevieve Calvert, Miss Mary N. Cameron, Miss Patricia G. Campbell, Alan D. Campbell, Miss Mary-Jo Carlson, Miss Leslee G. Carpenter, Mrs. Eileen D. Carrelli, Gary Lewis Castleton, Robert W. Causey, Miss Donna Marileen Cawsey, Mrs. Joan B. Cervi, Miss Denise Louisa Challis, Miss Lynda A. Chambers, Miss Mary-Anne Charlton, Mrs. Alana Charlton, Miss Catherine Anne Chudley, Miss Lois Ruth Ciprian, Miss Judy L. Clark, Christopher G. Clark, Lawrence W. Clarkson, Miss Yvonne A. Clever, Miss Barbara Jean Cole, Miss Carol E. Coleman, Miss Janet L. Colvin, Miss Colleen M. Cosford, Miss Caron M. Craig, Miss Frances J. Craig, Mrs. Julianna Valerie Cross, Miss Linda Joy Cullen, Robert G. Dalles, Mrs. Lillian Joan Davidson, Miss Lynda Marie Davidson, Mrs. Wendie J. Davies, David John Davies, Kenneth Lewis Davis, Miss June Isabel De Blois, Mrs. Rita C. Dean, Mrs. Stella Anne Deering, Mrs. Victoria Lee De Kraker, John Anton Demers, Dennis George Derry, Miss Carol L. Des Mazes, Maurice B. Dick, Miss Shirley Ruth Dickie, Mrs. Carolyne Elizabeth Dodds, Eric Douglas, Miss Catherine E. Drader, Miss Vivian I. Dryhurst, Miss Sharon M. Dubois, Mrs. Wendy B. Dungate, Miss Sandra F. Dusman, Miss Emily Duthie, Mrs. Barbara Duus, Miss Joanne E. Elder, Ronald G. Ellis, Anthony Bernard Erikson, Miss Maureen Alice Evans, Miss Patricia Y. Falk, Mrs. Caroline Farrer, Miss Margaret Ferry, Miss Mary Anne Findlay, Miss Judith Lorraine Fisher, Miss Hannah Flewelling, Miss Nancy Jean Fodor, Miss Eileen Forbes, Miss Patricia A. Frederiksen, Miss Inger-Lise Fritz, Miss Caralie Funk, Mrs. Dorothy Ann Funk, Miss Eileen Gage, Robert John Gage, Mrs. Susan Galbraith, Miss Darlene Elaine Gathercole, Miss Judith E. Gee, Mrs. Arlene Geoffroy, Mrs. Bernice Angeline Gibbons, Mrs. Marion Eleanor Gidora, Mrs. Beverley Giroux, Leo Armie Glen, Mrs. Pearle Ivy Glover, Miss Carole L. Goldthorp, Miss Freda E. Goodlad, Miss Leona M. Goudsward, Miss Audrey K. Graham, Miss Beverly Judith Granbois, Russell N. Grant, Miss Gail M. Graves, Miss Maureen E. Gray, Lawrence Victor Green, Miss Jill H. Gretsinger, Robert H. Grolhau, Miss Marie Annette Grondahl, Mrs. Leonora E. Gonlie, Miss Myrna Guido, Miss Joan H. Guile, Miss Joanne A. Gunn, Miss Patricia Lynn Gyenese, Mrs. Marie T. Hagel, Benedict E. Hagel, Robert Kevin Haliman, Miss Diane M. Hamel, Miss Mary V. Hanna, Miss Gail L. Hansen, Miss Wendelyn D. Hanson, Grant J. Harcus, William Hardie, Miss Maureen Alice Harries, Gwynne Harris, Miss Kathleen Anne Harrison, Edward L. Harrison, Miss Heather Ruth Hart, Richard Hartshorne, Miss Dianne L. Harvey, Miss Barbara J. Hayden, Miss Laura J. Heaps, Mrs. Joan B. Hendy, Miss Arlene S. Hendrichsen, Miss Judith A. Heyman, Francis B. Hicks, Miss Irene A. Higgins, Miss Susan M. Hildreth, Frederick L. Hill, Miss Wendy Barbara Hinds, Miss Heather Isabel Hodgins, Mrs. Madeline Pearl Hoglund, Gordon George Hollingsworth, Mrs. Ethel Holoboff, Miss Sylvia A. Hoon, Miss Heather G. Horne, Mrs. Donna A. Horne, Howard Benjamin Horsford, Miss Frances Ann Hoy, Miss Sharon Hoyme, Miss Carla A. Hughes, Miss Teresa A. Huisman, Miss Truus F. Hunter, Miss Lorraine Elinor Hutchinson, Mrs. Sandra Inglish, Miss Linda M. Ivory, Mrs. Carol B. Jackson, Mrs. Bonnie J. Jakubiec, Miss Bonnie Jamieson, Miss Anne Marie Jenkins, Miss Sharon L. Jensen, Leslie Carl Johnson, Miss Darlene Louise Johnson, Mrs. Flora Palma Johnson, Mrs. Kathleen M. Johnson, Mrs. Marilyn Lee Johnson, Morley M. Johnson, Mrs. Patricia Jonasson, Miss Loa Eloise Jones, Miss Lynda D. Karaim, Mrs. Jill Kathleen Kennelly, Miss Carol A. Kent, Miss Marion E. Keyworth, Miss Carolyn L. Kidd, Mrs. Jolene Rae Kirk, Mrs. Mirjam T. Kirkham, Mrs. Kathryn Kline, Mrs. Carolyn Ruth Knaiger, Phillip Knox, Murray Andrew Kopfensteiner, Miss Linda Kotelko, Miss Nadine 0. Krygsveld, Miss Margaret Kyba, Russell Lane, Miss Anita Lawrence, Miss Barbara Mary Legros, Miss Rose Marie H. Lemke, Bruce Leslie, Miss Lorna P. Levis, Miss June Anne Lightfood, Edward William Ling, John Wayne Lipetz, Leon C. Lipsack, Frederick Little, Miss Helen Little, Kenneth W. Loken, Miss Kathleen M. Lonquist, Mrs. Raya Birgit Lovegrove, Miss Elizabeth Lowe, Miss Beverly June Lucas, Miss Dawn E. Ludeman, Miss Nancy Sylvia Lundquist, Miss Susan J. Luongo, Miss Franca MacAuley, Miss Agnes M. MacDonald, Miss Janet M. MacDonald, Miss Lorna Jean Maclean, Mrs. Frances A. Maddin, Miss Gail B. Madland, Miss Joyce A. Mallek, Miss Patricia J. Malmsten, Miss Jennifer L. Mandziuk, Miss Pauline Manson, Miss Lorraine Kathleen Marsh, Miss Barbara E. Marsh, Gary D. Martin, Mrs. Louise D. Mather, Brian M. May, Miss Carol R. McBlain, Robert Murray Mccombs, Arthur R. Mccready, Peter McCullough, Miss Carol Ann Mccutcheon, Miss Patricia Anne McDonald, Kenneth R. McDougall, Miss Peggy J. McElveen, Miss Patricia Barbara McFarlane, Miss Sandra E. Mcllvanie, Miss Linda Mavis Mcintosh, Miss Bonnie E. Mcintyre, Miss Carol A. Mcintyre, Dale George McKay, Miss Diana L. McKee, William S. McKinlay, Colin James Mclean, Miss Janet Trudy Mclean, William Eric McMullen, Miss Marilyn Patricia McNeil, James A. McTavish, Robert A. Miller, Miss Glenda Lillian Miller, Miss Lorna Lillian Milligan, Miss Margaret E. Mitchell, Allan K. Mitchell, Lawrence Edward Mitchell, Mrs. Rachel Lynnette Montgomery, Miss Joanne Helen Morash, Miss Doreen A. Moreau, Miss Roma Moyes, Miss Mary Jayne Muir, Mrs. Gladys L. Muir, Miss Susan Myers, Daniel Allen Myhill, Miss Susan D. Nagy, Miss Gloria Jean Nairne, Miss Patricia G. Nedeljak, Emil Neilson, Miss Nancy-Jean Nepveu, Joseph Leo Rosaire Nicholl, James Ross Niiranen, Miss Eeva Anneli Norberg, Miss Barbara Oram, Miss Maureen K. Ostafew, Miss Daphne C. Ottenbreit, Miss Rita Ann Palmer, Hudson James Pastorek, Miss Judith A. Pemberton, Miss Mary Pemble, Miss Lynne Roberta Percy, Mrs. Ruth Perrett, Miss Gail S. Peter, Miss Susan A. Peters, Miss Elizabeth Peters, Miss Mary E. Petersen, Miss Helen M. Phillips, Miss Maureen Phillips, Roger Allen Piddocke, Miss Beverley Piket, Mrs. Diane E. Plotnikoff, Miss Janice Pohl, Don R. Polukoshko, Mrs. Wendy-Jane Poole, Miss Judith A. Poole, Marvin S. Powell, Miss Barbara Ellen Pregler, Harold B. Pulchny, Miss Maria A. Radelet, Miss Carol E. Raesler, Miss Dianne J. Read, Miss Jean M. Regehr, Mrs. Donalda Frances Reid, Brent A. Reid, Miss Catherine A. Reid, Miss Margaret A. Rempel, Miss Lorna Rimmer, Mrs. Karen Jean Rippell, Mrs. Mary D. Robison, Miss Berniece Rochford, Mrs. Carol Ann Ronald, Miss Carolyn Jean Rorke, Miss Nona A. Rowland, Miss Dianne Mary Russell, Miss Valerie Salway, Harold S. Sande, Earl Peter Santesso, Gianfranco Schroeder, Walter H. Schutz, Miss Avis Maureen Scott, Mrs. Carol Josephine Seabrook, Mrs. Lynda E. Seigo, Arnold Norman Shatford, Miss Gail Anne Shenton, Miss Betti C. Shephard, Mrs. Linda Shutt, Miss Wendy J. Sieben, Miss Lynda Lorraine Sinclair, Miss Marjorie Christina Skelly, Raymond John Smith, Mrs. Betty-Mae Lucille Smith, Miss Carol T. Smith, Miss Donna M. Smith, Mrs. Ivy May Smith, Miss Marion Elizabeth Souther, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Spearman, Mrs. Arlene Speller, Miss Heather A. Spilos, Miss Elaine L. Spivak, Miss Carol J. Stead, Miss Margaret Ann Stinson, Miss Jacqueline Laverne Stirling, Mrs. Annie Stockley, Miss Jacqueline Stone, Mrs. Susan J. Stoutjesdyk, Adrian Strechel, Hans-Joachim Strell, Miss Barbara A. Strom, Robert Sullivan, Mrs. Sheila Summers, Mrs. Gillian Sutherland, Miss Geraldine Margaret Sutton, Mrs. Doreen E. Swan, Miss Beverley A. Swetnam, Sydney David Taylor, George W. Taylor, Miss Heather Anne Taylor, Miss Janine Agnes Taylor, Mrs. Maureen R. Taylor, Michael MacDonald Thom, Miss Geraldine Olive Thomas, Mrs. Judith L. Thompson, Miss Joanne Marguerite Thompson, Miss Lillian Beatrice Toevs, Miss Wendy Toolly, Miss Catherine Topham, Roy Arthur Tsuida, Miss Elaine Turnbull, Mrs. Vera Twemlow, Mrs. Constance Ulmer, Mrs. Kirsten I. Uszkalo, Mrs. Carolyn A. Van Der Ree, Miss Susan Van Dyke, Miss Gloria Joan Van Dyke, Miss Lena Van Nes, Miss Evelyn P. Van Steinburg, Miss Mavis Veale, Mrs. Shirley M. Verigin, Miss Shirley Vesik, Miss Evi Vrabek, Miss Charyl M. Watt, Miss Judith Louise Walker, Miss Patricia M. Walley, William A. Warner, Miss Nancy A. Waterston, Miss Aileen Waugh, Miss Sheila Webster, Miss Brenda Louise Weidenbruch, Donald Peter Wells, Miss Karin B. Westaway, Miss Rosalind White, Miss Jane C. Wilkinson, Miss Gail M. Wilson, Theodore Franklin Wilson, William Frederick Winterburn, Nelson W. Wise, Donald William Worrall, Miss Elaine C. Wright, Miss Kathryn Laurie Wyman, Miss Mary K. Yerkovich, Miss Joan H. Yorke, Mrs. Virginia Jean Young, Mrs. Phyllis V. Ziemer, Lorne David Zipursky, Mrs. Nancy S. CLAUDE E. LEWIS AWARD IN EDUCATION Miss Donna M. Causey (Fall 1968) Mrs. Susan Gage (Summer 1968) NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL SCIENCE SCHOLARSHIP (Awarded 1968-69) Chemistry G. P. Danskin NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL POST-GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIPS (Awarded 1968-69) L. J. Albright B. R. Alspach A. S. Arrott W. C. Austin J. Baldwin I. E. Ballentine J. S. Barlow B. P. Beirne T. N. Bell Mrs. L. J. Bennett P. Belton A. F. Berniaz A. R. Blackman D. S. Bloomberg P.H. Bly J. H. Borden R. C. Brooke T. C. Brown A.H. Burr K. R. Burstein T. Chan T. Chandler Y. L. Chow B. P. Clayman J. F. Cochrane K. Colbow E. M. Coles C. B. Crawford E. D. Crozier F. F. Cunningham A. F. Curson G. P. Danskin A. J. Dass J. M. D'Auria J. Dirnberger P. C. De Trey L. D. Druehl Biological Sciences Mathematics Physics Biological Sciences Mathematics Physics Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Chemistry Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Chemistry Psychology Physics Physics Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Mathematics Biological Sciences Psychology Physics Biological Sciences Chemistry Physics Physics Physics Psychology Psychology Physics Geography Physics Chemistry Mathematics Chemistry Mathematics Physics Biological Sciences D. Dunn W. S. Duval D. M. Eaves R. A. Ellis F. W. B. Einstein R. H. Enns R. B. Etches D. R. Falk R. C. Ferguson G. R. Filby Thelma Finlayson F. J. F. Fisher N. Flitcroft W. K. Forrest R. F. Frindt Dean B. L. Funt I. D. Gay G. H. Geen H. Gerber G. A. C. Graham S. Gygax R. R. Haering S. F. Hall R. Harrop N. D. Haven S. B. Haven D. J. Huntley J.C. Irwin M. H. Isaacs Miss J. J. Johnstone B. L. Jones C. H. W. Jones M. C. Kellman C. L. Kemp E. G. Kiehlmann C.W. Kim J.E. Koepke R. F. Koopman R. G. Korteling Mary Kreutzer A. H. Lachlan R. W. Lardner C. Y. Lee G. R. Lister M. A. Lowe Benston S. K. Lower Physics Biological Sciences Mathematics Biological Sciences Chemistry Physics Psychology Genetics Chemistry Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Chemistry Mathematics Physics Faculty of Science Chemistry Biological Sciences Mathematics Mathematics Physics Physics Chemistry Mathematics Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Physics Physics Mathematics Chemistry Physics Chemistry Geography Biological Sciences Chemistry Mathematics Psychology Psychology Chemistry Psychology Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Biological Sciences Chemistry Chemistry J. P. M. Mackauer Gulzari Malli D. J. Mallory M. McClaren R. S. McDaniel D. J. McMillin D. Meakin V. E. Merchant L. D. Melton K. K. Nair A. C. Oehlschlager L. H. Palmer P. D. Pate R. E. Paulson E. Pechlaner L. K. Peterson P. M. Pope N. R. Reilly R. R. Rennie W. R. Richards K. E. Rieckhoff R. M. Sadleir R. B. Sagar J. J. Sember D. Shadman A. G. Sherwood E. M. Shoemaker K. N. Slessor H. L. Speer L. M. Srivastava A. I. Stone D. Sutton A. J. Swindells T. L. Templeton R. J. Tomanek D. G. Tuck A. L. Turnbull A. M. Unrau A. P. van Overbeeke W. E. Vidaver K. S. Viswanathan E. M. Voigt J. Walkley J. M. Webster H. Weinberg E. J. Wells Biological Sciences Chemistry Mathematics Biological Sciences Chemistry Physics Chemistry Physics Chemistry Biological Sciences Chemistry Physics Chemistry Biological Sciences Mathematics Chemistry Chemistry Mathematics Mathematics Chemistry Physics Biological Sciences Geography Mathematics Mathematics Chemistry Mathematics Chemistry Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Mathematics Chemistry Mathematics Physics Kinesiology Chemistry Biological Sciences Chemistry Biological Sciences Biological Sciences Physics Chemistry Chemistry Biological Sciences Psychology Chemistry Biological Sciences M. D. Wong M. R. Zallen H. H. K. Zinner Biological Sciences Mathematics CANADA COUNCIL GRANTS 1968-69 English R. Baker C. R. Beaton W. Bolton P. Copes L. Currie R. Habenicht E. R. Ingram Ellis R. L. Koepke J. Leggett 0. M. H. Shoolbraid A.H. Somjee P. Stigger University Library Economics English Economics Economics English History History Sociology Modern Languages Political Science History WOODROW WILSON DESIGNATES 1968-69 Economics C. 0. Andstein G. P. Danskin B. C. Fawcett T. F. Grieve Mary A. Kreutzer R. A. Lockhard S. Wong Biochemistry English English Developmental Psychology Sociology Economics Students receiving an honorable mention Sharon R. Boyle Joyce J. Johnstone History Physical Chemistry COMMONWEALTH SCHOLARSHIPS (Awarded 1968-69) Mary A. Kreutzer E. B. Warkentin Developmental Psychology Economics & Commerce MacKENZIE KING TRAVELLING SCHOLARSHIP Economics S. Wong B.C. HEART FOUNDATION R. J. Tomanek E. W. Banister Physical Development Physical Development DEFENCE RESEARCH BOARD GRANTS R. R. Haering Physics K. Rieckhoff K. Colbow Physics Physics DONNER CANADIAN FOUNDATION University Library LEON AND THEA KOERNER FOUNDATION University Library MR. AND MRS. P. A. WOODWARD FOUNDATION The Department of Physical Development Studies SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES GIVEN FOR STUDENTS AT SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY The Alliance Francaise Scholarship Aluminum Company of Canada Limited Scholarship Bank of Nova Scotia Bilingual Exchange Scholarships British Columbia Government Scholarships British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority Scholarships Bralorne Pioneer Mines Limited Scholarships British Columbia Forest Products Limited Entrance Scholarships BMI Canada Ltd. Centennial Scholarship Dr. Maxwell A. Cameron Memorial Medals and Prizes The Chris Spencer Foundation Special Scholarships Cominco Diamond Jubilee Education Awards Cristoforo Colombo Lodge Crown Zellerbach Canada Foundation Entrance Scholarships Crown Zellerbach Canada Foundation Scholarship No. 1 Crown Zellerbach Canada Foundation Scholarship No. 2 The Dairyland Credit Union Scholarship James H. Edwards Sr. Scholarship The Elizabeth Bentley Eastern Star Scholarships The Federation of Telephone Workers of British Columbia, Plant Division, Scholarship Girl Guides of Canada-Vancouver Council-Elizabeth Rogers Trust (Two Scholarships) The William Gray and Alan J. MacSween Scholarships Greater Vancouver Real Estate Board Scholarships Harvey Scholarship in Sociology The Madge Hogarth Scholarship in Education The Hospital Employees' Union Local 180 Scholarships Imperial Oil Higher Education Awards The Icelandic Canadian Club of B.C. The International Longshoreman's and Warehousemen's Union Entrance Scholarships The International Longshoreman's and Warehousemen's Union Undergraduate Scholarships The l.W.A. Local 1-80 Scholarship 1.W.A. (New Westminster) Credit Union Scholarship The Japanese Canadian Citizen's Association B.C. Centennial Scholarship The Dr. H. B. King Memorial Scholarship in Education The Leon J. Koerner Scholarships Lafarge Cement of North America Scholarships The Dr. Hugh MacCorkindale Scholarship in Teacher Training MacMillan Bloedel Limited Scholarships MacMillan Bloedel Limited Special Scholarships for Dependents of Employees Patrick Duncan McTaggart-Cowan Award in Physical Sciences Naval Officers' Association of British Columbia Scholarships Ocean Cement Limited Entrance Scholarships Camfor P. and H. Social Club Scholarship The J. T. E. Palmer Memorial Scholarship The Retail Food and Drug Clerks Union Local 1518 Scholarship The Rhodes Scholarships Rotary Foundation Scholarships The Royal Arch Scholarships Royal Canadian Legion (Pacific Command) Bursary-Scholarship The St. Joseph's Unit, Local 180 Scholarship The Samuel Patrick Cromie-Pacific Press Credit Union Memorial Scholarship Standard Oil Company of British Columbia Limited Special Scholarship Standard Oil Company of British Columbia Limited Entrance Scholarship Tahsis Company Ltd. Entrance Scholarship Trans-Mountain Oil Pipe Line Company Scholarships United Steel Workers of America Scholarships The Vancouver Federal Employees Credit Union Harold Pocock Memorial Scholarship Vancouver General Unit, Local 180 Scholarships The Vancouver Journeymen Training and Industry Promotion Fund Vancouver Local Office U.l.C. Staff Scholarship Vancouver Police Force Scholarships Vancouver Postal Club Scholarship The Vancouver Real Estate Board Scholarships The Vancouver Sun Scholarships for Carriers The Vancouver Sun Special Scholarship for Carriers The Vancouver Elementary School Teachers' Association Scholarship The West Vancouver Teachers' Association Scholarship The Westminster Regiment Association Scholarship The Dr. Wickham and Dr. Mitchell Clinic Scholarship Hon. W. C. Woodward University Memorial Scholarship The Alliance Francaise Bursary (Third and Fourth Level) The Alliance Francaise Bursary (Fifth and Sixth Level) Association for Retarded Children of British Columbia Bursaries British Columbia Forest Products Limited Bursaries British Columbia Government Bursaries The B.C. Indian Arts & Welfare Society Memorial Bursary The Canadian Cancer Society, British Columbia and Yukon Division, Bursary The Grand Lodge Masonic Bursaries Gulf and Fraser Fishermen's Credit Union Bursary The Independent Order of Oddfellows Bursaries The International Woodworkers of America, Local 1-80 The Jack and Leah Levi Memorial Bursary MacMillan Bloedel Limited Bursaries to Inter-term (or Vacation Relief Employees) Naval Officers' Association of British Columbia Bursary Loans The Netherlands' Association Bursary Fund Pacific Coast Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance Company Bursary The Retail Wholesale & Department Store Union Local 535, Bursary The Stry Credit Union Bursary The Vancouver City Hall Employees Society Bursary The War Amputations of Canada, Vancouver Branch, Bursaries White Spot Limited, Bursaries Merrill C. Robinson Bursary Dr. Emil Wolf Bursary The Birks' Family Foundation Bursary The British Pacific Life Insurance Bursary The Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society Bursary Loans Edith Gavell Hospital Ltd. Bursary Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Cohen, Jr. Bursary Mr. and Mrs. Morris Feldstein Bursary The Alex W. Fisher Bursary The Lois M. Fisher Bursary Freeman, Freeman, Silvers & Koffman Bursary The Fresco Club of Vancouver Bursary Ellen Mary Greenaway Bursary IBM-Thomas J. Watson Memorial Bursary The H. A. Janssen Memorial Bursary Mr. and Mrs. Albert 0. Kaplan Bursary Lando Memorial Bursary Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Le Fohn Bursary Mr. and Mrs. Morris Miller Bursary Pony Express Ltd. Bursary Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Rothstein Bursary University Women's Club of Vancouver Bursary The Grandchildren Bursary in Memory of Mrs. M. M. Waterman In Memory of Mrs. M. M. Waterman Bursary Student Sponsored Bursary UNIVERSITY ENDOWERS Permanent Bursary Endowment Plan Vancouver Foundation (The Mark and Phae Collins Fund) L. J. LeFohn Mrs. Katherine Leshgold B.C. Jockey Club (Jack Diamond) Dr. W. Koerner A. Koch (Bella Koch Memorial Bursary) N. L. Rothstein (towards total) A. 0. Kaplan M. M. Waterman Henry Baker Julius Balshine Ted Cohen David A. Freeman John R. Hecht Dr. R. A. Palmer Shrum, Liddle & Hebenton Ben Wosk Gretta Bowma Memorial William Nelles Endowers-Special Education Centre B.C. Optometric Association Mrs. Stella Dean Eldorado Motor Hotel UNIVERSITY AWARDS Governor-General's Gold Medal The Chancellor Shrum Gold Medal The Canadian Arthritis and Rheumatism Society Book Prize United Empire Loyalists' Association Medal A. E. Sawyer Memorial Book Prize Prize of the Ambassador of Switzerland to Canada Alexander Fraser Award in Piping Claude E. Lewis Award in Education The Burton Baskerville Memorial Prize ATHLETIC AWARDS William Adshead Grant-in-Aid Scholarship The Bobby Bauer Memorial Award Carling Breweries Athletic Scholarship Fred H. Kietrich Athletic Scholarship Charles W. Donnelly Grant-in-Aid Scholarship C. B. Harmon Grant-in-Aid Scholarship The Leon J. Ladner Athletic Scholarship Labatt's Breweries of British Columbia Ltd. Athletic Scholarship B.C. Lions Athletic Scholarship in Memory of Grant McConachie William McMahan Trophy in Football
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