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VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. - Welkom bij Maasmond Maritime
DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 Number 207** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS ***Saturday 21-10-2006 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. THIS NEWSLETTER IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : VLIERODAM WIRE ROPES Ltd. wire ropes, chains, hooks, shackles, webbing slings, lifting beams, crane blocks, turnbuckles etc. Binnenbaan 36 3161VB RHOON The Netherlands Telephone: (+31)105018000 (+31) 105015440 (a.o.h.) Fax : (+31)105013843 Internet & E-mail www.vlierodam.nl [email protected] The SG PROPERITY seen enroute Rotterdam Photo : Frits Janse © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 1 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 SMITWIJS TOWAGE B.V. Westplein 5b 3016 BM Rotterdam The Netherlands Telephone: +31 10 412 6969 Telefax:+31 10 436 9587 E-mail: [email protected] DO YOU HAVE PICTURES OR OTHER SHIPPING RELATED INFORMATION FOR THE NEWS CLIPPINGS ?? PLEASE SEND THIS TO : [email protected] EVENTS, INCIDENTS & OPERATIONS The FRONT MELODY seen in Port of Dubai – Photo : Reinier Meuleman © Former Officer Says Ferry Sinking 'Preventable' A former B.C. Ferries safety officer says the entire ferry corporation is to blame for the sinking of the Queen of the North earlier this year and the public would understand why if the company releases his sworn affidavit. The sinking "was 100 per cent preventable,'' said Capt. Darin Bowland in an interview Friday. Bowland said there is much public focus on the final moments before the ship hit Gil Island and sank, but focusing on that won't help explain what happened…."It is about the leadership of B.C. Ferries. It is about the processes, the training, how they interpret PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 2 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 particular rules and regulations, how they manage the company. That's what it is about and that's what I am trying to bring to light. There is more accountability than just one individual on the bridge.'' Four men stand on the remains of their submerged vessel October 19th waiting for assistance from a small boat assigned to the Navy’s High Speed Vessel Swift (HSV 2). Swift rescued the men after it’s embarked SH-60B Seahawk helicopter noticed the submerged craft. Ship Linking Koreas Caught Smuggling A cargo ship linking the two Koreas was used in smuggling not only drugs, but also fake cigarettes, Rep. Lee Sang-bae of the main opposition Grand National Party claimed yesterday. Based on data submitted by Pusan’s customhouse and prosecution, Lee said that the district public prosecutor’s office in Pusan spotted Chuxing, a cargo ship linking North’s Najin port and South’s Pusan port, smuggling drugs and forged cigarettes 12 times since 2001. According to the prosecutor’s office, the Chuxing smuggled 91 kilograms of Philopon in 2001 and 45.23 kilograms of it in 2003. The total worth of the Philopon smuggled on those two occasions was 408.7 billion won. Since then, the cargo ship was caught seven times. It smuggled a total of 3.4 million forged foreign cigarette packs worth 6.5 billion won. Polish authorities pursue floating shop ship The late October calm of the Baltic Sea was rudely interrupted Thursday in what German broadaster Deutsche Welle describes as "an incident straining the fragile friendship between Germany and its eastern European neighbor." Shots were fired off the holiday island of Usedom after the captain of the 670-passenger excursion vessel Adler Dania, owned by Adler Schiffe, declined to cooperate with customs officers and headed off to Germany instead of the nearest port as requested. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 3 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 Polish authorities denied that shots were fired and insisted the coastguard simply used a flare pistol in order to prevent the captain leaving Polish waters. Undercover Polish customs officials maintained they had found cartons of cigarettes as well as crates of liquor without Polish revenue stamps, says Deutsche Welle When confronted, the captain refused any further searches and also refused to sail towards the next Polish port. The customs officials maintain they alerted the coastguard, who allegedly fired shots. Undeterred, the captain steered a determined course back to Germany. "The Polish authorities were prevented from doing their job," Deutsche Welle reports customs spokesman Janusz Wilczynski as saying "Then they were kidnapped by the German crew." The background to all this is that Polish authorities are irked by German pleasure cruise operators who are said to sell Polish cigarettes and liquor at reduced prices and without proper customs clearance, supposedly "damaging Polish interests." Adler Dania operates two separate bonded shops, one for German and the other for Polish territory. Germany had approved the German shop. At the time of the incident, the vessel was reportedly carrying 45 passengers. Adler Schiffe has had earlier brushes with Polish authorities. In the most recent, 380,000 cigarettes--carrying Polish tax stamps--were confiscated in Swinoujscie earlier this month by non-uniformed individuals. They were removed in a private passenger car by non-uniformed personnel without any written explanation for the seizure being provided. Adler Schiffe's version of this weeks incident is that the captain of the Adler Dania was informed that three nonuniformed persons were demanding entrance to a secure area of the ship. They were ordering the crew to collect the ship's liquor supplies, saying that it would be confiscated on the ship's arrival in Swinoujscie. The only identifications they showed were in Polish. They didn't have any form of international identification or any sort of search warrant. According to Adler Schiffe, the captain treated the incident as provided for by the ISPS Code and immediately turned the ship around and headed for the nearest German port. The Adler Dania was then pursued by what is described as a Polish border guard "speed" boat which apparently was unsuccessful in heading off the Adler-Dania--whose top speed is a thundering 13.6 knots. Adler Dania immediately sent a message to the German Federal Border Police and made a complaint against the three intruders on the grounds of their illegal presence on board and unauthorized entrance to a restricted area. Subsequently, the three were escorted to the Polish border. Reportedly the Adler Dania is now docked and the Polish authorities say its presence in Polish waters is undesirable. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 4 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 SMIT LLOYD 28 SOLD TO PELICAN OFFSHORE Last Wednesday the SMIT LLOYD 28 was renamed PELICAN 28 and handed over in Singapore to PELICAN OFFSHORE SINGAPORE PTE LTD . Photo : Piet Sinke © Oil recovery operation to be completed in 48 hours Despite high swell at the site of casualty of capsized oil barge 'Orion-I', the lighterage operation would be completed in next 48-hours. The salvagers hoped that the oil recovery in siphonage operation would be completed till mid-night on Saturday, but the weather with high wind velocity creating two-metre tides which is hampering the rescue efforts. Sources told Business Recorder on Thursday night, when they were winding-up the operation for the day (Thursday), the experts were worried about the stability of weather at sea. The source said prevailing rough sea condition might cause delay to commence the diving operation and mooring of crafts near casualty site. After the sunset, the divers were working with the help of high-power lighting system under the sea and cutting through hot-tap system in the two submerged tanks No 5 and 6 for oil recovery operation. While the remaining four tanks were completely emptied on Wednesday, the sources said. During the operation, the divers commenced and completed connecting, as well as running suction hose from tank No 3. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 5 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 Due to rough sea conditions, barge 'Navera' could not remain alongside and it was instructed to untie the ropes to secure the oil recovery barge and move it away. Another bunker barge re-moored about 10 metres off 'SSS-98' and dropped an anchor to hold it for oil recovery. The salvage team commenced the oil recovery operation with pumping from tank no.3 of Orion-I into bunker receiving barge 'Navera'. During the operation, senior Karachi Port Trust (KPT) officials visited at the site of accident and were briefed by the salvagers regarding the ongoing operation. The source said that due to the month of Ramazan, procurement of required equipment and gears is slow, as most service providers close down early in the day. There are 15 person, including experts, who are involved in the oil recovery operation, of which seven divers were engaged for this purpose only. The oil barge Orion-I capsized on October 6, creating a widespread oil spill into the sea. The vessel had turned turtle (capsized) in about 5 meters of water on the seabed, which is composed of soft mud and silt. The barge is resting on its bridge. Container Yachts Unveils First 'Boat-in-box' Yachting connections to the deepsea world are on the rise. The first sailing boat designed to be shipped in a 40-foot container to the cruise area of choice has been unveiled, and production models are due to be built by the first quarter of 2007. The Far Harbour 39 , built by US-based Container Yachts, debuted at the Newport International Boat Show last month with the unveiling of a prototype, named InBox . Designed by Bob Perry, the 39-foot-long, 7.4-foot-beam motorised yacht is designed to fit inside a standard shipping container so that owners can transport it to cruising destinations around the world for a fraction of the normal cost. Perry started with a strict envelope of physical parameters to fit the boat in a box but he says he is pleased with its sea-trials. "This is the very first boat of mine that I have wanted to personally own for a long, long time," he said of InBox , which has registered speeds of 8.3 knots under power and 6.7 knots under spinnaker sail in 10 knots of apparent wind. Helft containervaart in overtreding Binnenvaartschippers, die containers vervoeren, houden zich vaak niet aan de regels. Dat blijkt na een controle, die half juni is gehouden, op de route tussen Rotterdam en Antwerpen. Van de 74 schepen, die gecontroleerd werden door verschillende opsporingsinstanties, werden er bij 39 overtredingen geconstateerd. In totaal werden aan boord van deze schepen 5617 containers geïnspecteerd. Photo : Piet Sinke © Van de 295 containers met gevaarlijke stoffen voldeden 126 niet aan de regels van de Wet Vervoer Gevaarlijke Stoffen (42,7 procent). Van de 177 afvalcontainers bleken 28 niet te voldoen van de Europese Verordening Overbrenging Afval (15,8%). Door deze overtredingen wordtinformatie gemist die noodzakelijk wordt geacht voor hulpverlening bij calamiteiten met gevaarlijke stoffen en afval, of bij het opsporen van criminele activiteiten. Opmerkelijk was ook het hoge percentage (60%) van niet of onjuist gedane meldingen in het zogenoemde Informatie en Volg Systeem (IVS 90). Schepen met gevaarlijke stoffen of met een lengte van meer dan 110 meter zijn verplicht PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 6 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 aan de verkeersleiders van Rijkswaterstaat te melden, welke lading men heeft, hoeveel personen aan boord zijn, wanneer en waar de vaart wordt begonnen en langs welke route men waar naar toe vaart. Het op de juiste wijze beschikbaar hebben van deze informatie is eveneens bij ongevallen encalamiteiten essentieel. De handhavers bevelen aan samen met de vervoerssector na te gaan hoe ladinginformatie beter en sneller uitgewisseld kan worden. Hierbij kan aansluiting worden gezocht bij Europese initiatieven, zoals de ontwikkeling van een Europees meld- en volgsysteem voor de binnenvaart. Mede aanleiding voor de actie was het voornemen van de Europese Commissie om de Europese verordening 11/1963 in te trekken. Deze schrijft voor dat van alle containers tijdens het vervoer ladingdocumenten aan boord moeten zijn. De handhavers zijner voor dat deze Verordening vooralsnog in stand blijft. Het hoge percentage overtredingen en het slecht nakomen van de meldplicht is voor de handhavers aanleiding om een soortgelijke controle binnen een half jaar nog eens uit tevoeren. Dutch Seamen's Mission starts Television Experiment With Help of the ITF-Trustfund Seafarers welfare work is mostly associated with ship visitors and seafarer's centres. Although this work is very important, welfare organizations are modernising themselves. After the successful launch of a 24 hours toll free telephone helpline, nowadays seafarers are receiving a welfare dvd on board. This disc is containing a television program called SeaTV. It is made for and also by seafarers. One can see a female crew visiting a merchant navy ship. They inform, question and entertain the people on board. Piracy, sports, tattoos, music and spiritual thoughts about loneliness are presented in simple English almost any seafarer can understand. The DVD contains also an interactive database. If the disc is put into a computer, addresses of seafarer's centres around the world can be found. The production of this professional program has been paid by the ITF-Trustfund. The Dutch reformed church and some shipping companies contributed as well. At the moment shipvisitors are copying the discs and distribute them at ships. Shipping companies like Wagenborg and Spliethoff ordered the discs for their entire fleet. It is hoped and expected that more shipowners will follow. Inspired by the positive reactions the Dutch Seamen's Mission is aiming to produce more episodes of their experimental' SeaTV'. The program can also be watch online at www.seatv.info. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 7 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 Giant church bell sails to Japan The biggest church bell ever cast in the Netherlands has been loaded onboard the NYK Aphrodyte ship on Thursday evening to sail towards Tokyo, Japan. This church bell will never ring for a mass, but will ring for guests of Gotenba Kohgen tourist resort near Tokyo instead. The bell was ordered by Japanese businessman Kiyokazu Shoji, owner of the resort. It was designed and made by Royal churchbell makers Eijsbouts from Asten in the south of the Netherlands. Because of its size and weight (36 tons, 3,72 meters high and 3,82 meters wide) the bell had to be cast in a shipyard. Fors hogere tol Westerscheldetunnel Minister Gerrit Zalm van Financiën heeft nooit geloofd dat een tunnel bij Sluiskil kan worden betaald zonder de tol van de Westerscheldetunnel flink te verhogen. Dat blijkt volgens een bericht in de Pronvinciale Zeeuwse Courant uit documenten die de krant heeft opgevraagd met een beroep op de Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur. Het is bekend dat Zalm de Westerscheldetunnel wilde verkopen. Zijn ambtenaren melden hem dat ‘verkoop het sluitstuk van een succesproject zou kunnen vormen waarbij de door het Rijk ingezette middelen met rendement terugkomen naar het Rijk’. Vorig jaar gaf het dagelijks provinciebestuur bij Zalm aan de verkoop best te vinden als dat 300 miljoen euro zou opleveren voor de Sluiskiltunnel. Per kerende post maakte Zalm korte metten met dit idee. Alleen door een forse verhoging van de toltarieven zou de provincie bij dat bedrag in de buurt kunnen komen. De provincie mag immers het zogenoemde overrendement van de Westerscheldetunnel, alles boven de 7,5 procent winst, gebruiken voor de aanleg van de Sluiskiltunnel. Uit een interne notitie blijkt dat ambtenaren een jaarlijkse verhoging van 3 procent als onvoldoende beoordeelden om de kanaalkruising bij Sluiskil te kunnen realiseren. Het absolute minimum zou naar hun zeggen 4 procent zijn. NAVY NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : ANGLO DUTCH SHIPBROKERS bvba Waterstraat 16 2970 SCHILDE BELGIUM Tel : + 32 3 464 26 09 Fax :+ 32 3 297 20 70 e-mail : [email protected] PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 8 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 The Korean Ship Dae Jo Yeong (DDG 977), is guided into Naval Base San Diego with the help of a tugboat after passing underneath the Coronado Bridge. The Republic of Korea Navy’s visit to San Diego is in support of training efforts, and interaction with friends and allies. F 803 TROMP seen arriving in Willemstad (Curacao) Thursday morning Photo : Kees Bustraan © Srilankaanse marine bergt lijken zeven Tamils De Srilankaanse marine heeft de lijken geborgen van zeven Tamil Tijgers die betrokken zijn geweest bij een zelfmoordaanslag op de marine in het toeristische zuiden van het eilandland. Slechts één matroos kwam om bij de aanslag. Twee matrozen die na de aanslag als vermist waren opgegeven werden teruggevonden en bleken gewond. Het dodental onder de plegers van de aanslag wordt geschat op tien tot vijftien. De Tamil Tijgers hadden zich voorgedaan als vissers en enkele van hun vijf boten tot ontploffing gebracht. De andere zouden door de marine zijn vernietigd. Het was voor het eerst dat de Tamil Tijgers een aanslag pleegden aan de toeristische zuidkust van Sri Lanka. Maandag pleegden zij al een zelfmoordaanslag in het midden van het land. Daarbij kwamen zeker 95 matrozen om het leven en PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 9 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 raakten meer dan 150 mensen gewond. Australië heeft zijn burgers naar aanleiding van de aanslagen gemaand Sri Lanka te mijden. SHIPYARD NEWS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : RENERGI COMBUSTION IMPROVER >> RENERGI added to the fuel, changes the structure of the hydrocarbons within the fuel. >> RENERGI will increase the efficiency of the combustion process. Before using RENERGI After using RENERGI RENERGI will effectively lead to: > Reduced fuel consumption. > Cleaner turbochargers exhaust gas boilers and engines. > Extended maintenance intervals and reduced consumption of spare parts. > Lower emissions and substantially cleaner exhaust gasses. > Easy and simple dosing system. WESTMARK bv Postbox 1082 3920 EB Woudenberg The Netherlands Tel + 31 (0)33 461 4844 Fax + 31 (0)33 461 2461 E-Mail : [email protected] Fincantieri wins AHTS orders Fincantieri has gained an order from Germany's Hartmann Logistik GmbH to build two multipurpose Anchor Handling, Tug & Supply Vessels (AHTS) with delivery scheduled for December 2008 and February 2009, respectively, plus an option for further two. The vessels, designed to ABS class, will be 76.50 m long, 17.50 m wide with a draft of 6.80 me and a deadweight of over 3,000 tonnes. Equipped with four diesel engines capable of generating 16,000 HP, the ships will be capable of reaching a maximum speed of 16.3 knots and will have a bollard pull in excess of 180 tonnes. The vessels will be able to work in any field of offshore operations and will carry out support activities for oil platforms, such as anchor handling and positioning, deep-sea towing, anti-pollution operations and fire-fighting (Fire Fighting 2 class equipment), transport of dry-bulk and liquid cargo. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 10 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 The ships will be DP 1 equipped with two adjustable pitch aft propellers, bow and stern thrusters and a forward azimuthing thruster. The ships will have a 600 sq.m dedicated area for cargo on deck and accommodations for 29 persons , Hartmann Logistik GmbH is the Hartmann Group company active in the Offshore Industry, which is headed by Dr. Niels Hartmann, son of the founder of the Group. Founded in 1981, Hartmann Reederei is a leading global player, a first class shipping and logistic company with a fleet of over 100 vessels including container ships, gas tankers and product tankers as well as bulk carriers, multipurpose vessels and special carriers and has a substantial newbuilding program currently going on with yards in Europe and the Far East. Operation of offshore support vessels is a relatively new, developing business for the Hartmann Group, although the company has been involved in the tug and barge business since 1984. ROUTE, PORTS & SERVICES THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : TOTAL VESSEL MANAGEMENT K.P. van der Mandelelaan 34 - 3062 MB Rotterdam (Brainpark) - The Netherlands Telephone : (31) 10 - 453 03 77 Fax : (31) 10 - 453 05 24 E-mail : [email protected] Website : www.workships.nl PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 11 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 The MULTRASALVOR arrived with a floating crane of Boskalis in Rotterdam Photo : Frits Janse © Boxship Order Qatar National Line ordered four 1,000 TEU ships from Daesun, South Korea at a reported $24 mn each, according to Dyna Liners. UK's Bristol Port to spend £450m on container terminal The Bristol Port Co plans to spend about £450 million (S$1.3 billion) on a container terminal, a departure for the UK port that has relied on cargo such as cars and coal to expand over the past two decades. The company's owners, entrepreneurs Terence Mordaunt and David Ord, who bought a 150-year lease for the port for about £36 million in 1991, want to build a terminal that can handle 1.5 million containers a year, the company's website says. Containers can carry cargo such as DVDs, clothes and chemicals. The port, which flourished in the Middle Ages, has more than quadrupled its cargo in the past 15 years after attracting importers including International Power plc and Toyota Motor Corp. The operator is now betting it can capture some of the nine million containers imported into the UK annually even as rival ports at Southampton and Harwich expand their capacity. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 12 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 'They have found themselves a number of niche trades and reinvented the port,' said Neil Davidson, a director of research in London at Drewry Shipping Consultants. The owners 'now want to get in on the growth in containers'. Container terminals in the UK have boomed in the past decade as retailers including Marks & Spencer and Tesco import more of their products from China. Mr Mordaunt and Mr Ord have spent more than £330 million on the port, which covers an area of 260 hectares and is made up of the Royal Portbury and Avonmouth docks. Cargo handled at Bristol has grown to 12 million metric tons since they took over. Bristol, about 192 km from London, now handles about 150,000 containers a year. About 700,000 cars and six million metric tons of coal pass through the port a year. The volume of the 20-foot containers coming into the country's ports increased 5.5 per cent a year between 1992 and 2004, according to MDS Transmodal, a transport-research company based in Chester, England. Located at the mouth of the River Avon on the Severn estuary, Bristol Port Co says road and rail links to Birmingham in central England as well as to the west of London will help it attract business from importers. 'If you look at where container volumes go in the UK, then a lot of them go to the Midlands,' Simon Bird, managing director of Bristol Port Co, said. 'Bristol is close to these areas.' About 37 million people live within 250 km of Bristol, compared with 33 million for Southampton, owned by Associated British Ports, and 25 million for Hutchison Whampoa's Felixstowe, according to the Bristol Port Co's website. The port has been central to the expansion of Bristol, which in the 17th century included the running of slave ships to Africa. Bristol Port Co is consulting local people and businesses on the expansion, and will apply to the government for permission next year, Mr Bird said. 'At the height of optimism,' it will be approved by the end of 2007, he said. Expansion at Bristol would come after the UK government this year approved plans by Hutchison Whampoa for a 300 million terminal at Harwich, on the east coast. Dubai's DP World also won permission for a terminal on London's Thames that will handle 3.5 million containers a year. ******* www.vanbeest.nl ******** Maersk Line Extends International Connections For NZ Ports Maersk Line is to replace its direct service to Europe with a relay service through its Tanjung Pelepas hub in Malaysia, linking to the carrier's network of services to other continents. Negotiations with Ports of Auckland and Port of Tauranga regarding which services will call at these ports are yet to be completed. However, Maersk New Zealand's managing director, Tony Gibson, said that the carrier will continue to serve the nine ports it currently visits, albeit with a different service structure. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 13 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 The carrier's Asia service, which hubs through Tanjung Pelepas in Malaysia, will employ four 4,100 TEU vessels on a weekly string, calling at Auckland or Tauranga, Napier and Port Chalmers. The carrier's US East Coast service, involving nine vessels on a weekly string, will call US East Coast, Auckland/Tauranga, Australia, Auckland/Tauranga, New Plymouth, Timaru, Port Chalmers and back to the US East Coast. The tug FAIRPLAY IX departed with the TAKLIFT 7, and 2 barges in tow from Rotterdam bound for the Caribbean Island of Curacao Photo : Piet Sinke © Tino Salud Named Director, Port Operations For Holland America Line Seattle, October 20, 2006 – Holland America Line has named Tino Salud as director, port operations. Salud will report to Bill Sharp, vice president port security and operations. In this position, Salud will ensure a reliable system of port access and support activities as well as provide overall direction and coordination for fleet port calls. “Tino comes with extensive knowledge related to port operations,” said Bill Sharp, vice president port security and operations. “Holland America Line has had the privilege of working with Tino at the Port of Seattle for the past several years, so bringing him in-house will be invaluable.” Salud was involved with marketing and business planning for several lines of business at the Port of Seattle. In 1997, his primary goal was to develop the homeport cruise business. Later he served as the general manager, Cruise and Dock Services, at the Port of Seattle. He was responsible for the Port’s overall cruise business including marketing, planning, security and operations. Under Salud’s direction, the Port of Seattle’s cruise business has been immensely successful and had grown from six cruise calls and 6,000 passengers in 1999 to nearly 200 calls and 740,000 passengers in 2006. Salud graduated from the University of Washington and earned an M.P.A. from the Evans School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington, where he also received the Denny Fellowship for Excellence in Public Service. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 14 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 De drijvende bokken Matador en Matador 2 van Bonn & Mees installeerden op woensdagmiddag 18 oktober een 375 ton zwaar kraanhuis op de nieuwe kraanbak VOLGA bij NAMI Constructions b.v. te Ridderkerk. Foto : Hans de Jong – Maritime Pictures © PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 15 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 Solstad confirms Statoil charter for large AHTS Solstad Offshore in Norway has confirmed that it has entered into an agreement with Statoil ASA for the charter of a large anchor-handling vessel. The vessel which was designed in close cooperation between Solstad and Vik-Sandvik, is under construction at Flekkefjord Slipp & Maskinfabrikk and will be delivered in April 2007. The length of the contract is five years firm and Statoil has additional options for a further 3 x 1 year. The vessel is designed with a focus on economic fuel consumption and reduced emissions. The vessel has good capacities with respect to anchor-handling, supply duties as well as standby/rescue and will have automated anchor-handling gear, using the Triplex MDH, which was developed by Solstad and Triplex. MOVEMENTS THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : MULTRASHIP Towage & Salvage Scheldekade 48 4531 EH Terneuzen The Netherlands Tel : + 31 – 115 645 000 Fax : + 31 – 115 645 001 Internet [email protected] http://www.multraship.com PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 16 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 The tug FAIRPLAY IX – Photo : Piet Sinke © MARINE WEATHER THIS SECTION IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY : Internet: www.spos.nl Tel : +31 317 399800 E-mail : [email protected] PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 17 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 Today’s wind (+6Bft) and wave (+3m) chart. Created with SPOS, the onboard weather information & voyage optimisation system, used on over 500 vessels today. …. PHOTO OF THE DAY ….. Birds eye view of the SAVANNAH EXPRESS off the Dutch Coast Photo : Rik van Marle © Geeststroom and Geestdijk PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 18 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 The sisterships Geeststroom and Geestdijk were built by Damen Shipyards for Reederi Jorg Kopping of Germany. The new Combi Feeder 800 design was especially developed by the Dutch-based Damen Shipyards Cargo Vessels, to transport 45ft-high cube containers, the largest used on European roads. The designers say that the vessel can also accommodate other sizes of box. The Geeststroom has a length of 140.64m and a length between perpendiculars of 130m. There is a structural design break on the hull because of the location of the No 1 and No 2 holds. The depth to the main deck is therefore 12.4m forward but only 9.5m amidships. Photo : Peter Aerts © The ship has a design draught of 7.32m. The hull has a double skin, 1.5m at the bottom and 1.6m at the side. The vessel registers 7,987gt and has a deadweight of 9,400dwt. The engine runs on heavy fuel oil. The ship's bunkers store 880m³ of heavy oil and 103m³ of diesel oil. The main engine consumes approximately 36t of fuel a day. The tanks also have a water ballast capacity of 4,587m³. TEU / FEU CAPACITY The Geeststroom has a total TEU / FEU capacity of 804 and 361 units respectively. This breaks down to206/97 units in the holds and 598/264 units on the deck. These are arranged in four tiers of seven rows in the holds and seven tiers of eight rows on deck. Photo : Piet Sinke © The container storage system is particularly versatile. The design means that it can accommodate standard ISO boxes of 2.438m. The cell guides in the holds have been designed by Macgregor. The moveable guides means that the ships can accommodate containers in 20ft, 30ft, 40ft, 45ft, 48ft and 49ft lengths and 8ft, 8ft 6in and 9ft 6in heights. There are also 180 reefer plugs available for refrigerated units. PSi-Daily Shipping News Page 19 10/20/2006 DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2006 – 207 The hatch covers are Macgregor high-stowing, folding types. These are arranged in 2+2 panel sets and have been designed for a uniformly distributed loading of 1.75t/m². It can accommodate container stack loadings of 60t (20ft units), 70t (30ft units) 90t (40ft units) and 95t (45ft units). FIRE CONTROL In case of fire, there is a CO2 extinguishing system in the cargo holds as well as a CO2 / water mist system in the engine room. ENGINES The main engine is a MaK 9M43 manufactured by Caterpillar Mak. It has an output of 8,400bhp at 500rpm. This is connected to a Nautilus GUCP 1060 gearbox from Flender. It as an output speed of 40rpm. The shaft is connected to a single propeller, designed and manufactured by Wartsila. The controllable pitch propeller is made from nickelaluminium-bronze, and has a diameter of 4,900mm.This gives a service speed of 18 knots (90% MCR, 15% sea margin) at a draught of 7.32m. Maneuvering in port is assisted by a 700kW Wartsila bow thruster and a 500kW stern thruster. CREW AND BRIDGE The vessel has a complement of six officers and eight crew, along with four Suez crew. The accommodation and the bridge are at the stern of the vessel. The bridge control system is supplied by Radio Holland. There are two radars, a 2115BB and a 2135SBB supplied by Funuro. CLASSIFICATION AND NOTATION The vessels are classified by Germanischer Lloyd with the notation +100A5 E3, +MC E3 AUT IW. It is equipped for Finnish Swedish ice class 1A Container Cargoes in holds and on hatch covers, and fitted for dangerous goods to SOLAS reg:19 II-2 Except class VIII. 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