- Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
- Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
The Catholic Church of Visalia St. Mary’s, Holy Family, St. Thomas the Apostle & St. Charles Borromeo CATHOLIC CENTER PARISH OFFICE 506 North Garden Street Visalia, CA 93291 Office Hours/ Horas de Oficina M-F 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sat. - 8:30 a.m. - Noon MARCH 9, 2014 SCHEDULE OF MASSES Holy Family 1908 N. Court Street, Visalia, 93291 M - F: (Misa) 8:00 AM Saturday: Sunday: 559-734-9522 Phone 559-734-3435 Fax CONFESSION SCHEDULE Holy Family - Visalia Tuesday: 5:00– 6:30 PM St. Mary’s - Visalia Wednesday: 12:45 –1:15 PM St. Charles Borromeo Saturday: 7:00-8:00 PM St. Mary’s - Nativity of the Blessed Virgin 608 N. Church Street, Visalia, 93291 M - S: Mass M - F: Mass Misa 5:00 PM Mass 8:00 & 10:00 AM Misa 11:45 y 5:00 PM Lahu 2:00 PM (1st Sunday of Month) St. Thomas the Apostle 6735 Ave. 308, Goshen, 93291 6:45 AM (Lent) 12:15 PM Saturday: Mass 4:00 PM Sunday: Mass 6:30, 8:30, 10:30, & 7:00 PM Misa 1:00 PM St. Charles Borromeo 5049 W. Caldwell Ave., Visalia, 93277 (S/E Corner of Akers) M - F: 8:00 AM Servicio de Comunión Sunday: Misa - 9:30 AM Mass - 6:00 PM Saturday: Sunday: Mass 5:30 PM Misa 8:00 AM Mass 10:00 AM Mass 12:00 PM Visit our website for more information: www.tccov.org WELCOME We would like to extend a warm welcome to all visitors, families and friends of our community! We hope the information in this weeks bulletin is a helpful resource. Please use the registration form on this page if you are interested in becoming a registered parishioner. Just fill it out and drop it in the collection basket. It’s that easy! Thank you for choosing to visit The Catholic Church of Visalia. CONTACT INFORMATION PRIESTS IN RESIDENCE Rev. Msgr. Raymond C. Dreiling, Pastor Rev. Jesus del Angel, Parochial Vicar George McCann Memorial Catholic School Sheila Rast, Principal 200 E. Race Street, Visalia, 93291 559-732-5831 Phone 559-741-1562 Fax Rev. Xavier Pappalliyil, O.C.D. Parochial Vicar Website: gmccatholicschool.org Rev. Juan Garcia, Parochial Vicar BETHLEHEM CENTER Benny Rodriguez, Director 1638 N. Dinuba Blvd., Visalia, 93291 Phone: 734-1572 Rev. Jose Luis Varo, (Retired) Rev. Msgr. Anthony Janelli, (Retired) Deacons Rev. Mr. Paul Hernandez Rev. Mr. Doug Pingel Rev. Mr. Julian Ponce Rev. Mr. Ken Ramage Rev. Mr. James V. Rooney (Retired) Rev. Mr. Henry Medina Rev. Mr. Rick Miller, Chaplain at Kaweah Delta District Hospital Director of Administration Rev. Mr. Henry Medina Administrative Assistant to the Priests Ruthanne Parlier, ext.118 Receptionist & Facilities Scheduler Danny Sarabia , ext. 110 Baptism Coordinator/Safe Environment, Bulletin Editor Cynthia Salazar, ext. 109 Facilities Manager Stan Hillan, Sr., ext. 103 Liturgy Coordinator/Schedules Patty Call, 559-733-2688 Office located in the Doherty Center 520 N. Church St., Visalia, CA 93291 Director of Music Charles Culbreth, 559-733-2687 Office located in the Doherty Center 520 N. Church St., Visalia, CA 93291 Youth Ministry Coordinator Ruben Cabatic, ext. 117 Scrip Office: 732-7419 call for hours of operation Website: www.bcvisalia.org RELIGIOUS FORMATION Barbara Cabatic, DRE St. Mary’s (English) Denise Vasquez, Admin. Asst., ext. 106 Edie Loudermilk, Secretary, ext. 120 (located in the Parish Center) 506 N. Garden Street, Visalia, M-TH: 1:30 - 5:30 p.m. CLOSED FRIDAYS 559-734-9522 St. Mary’s (Español) Adriana Robles, CRE La oficina-Doherty Center 520 N. Church St., Visalia, CA 93291 Horario de Oficina: Lunes: 5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Teléfono: 559-733-2686 Are you new to The Catholic Church of Visalia? Please take a moment to register by completing this form. You may drop it off at the Parish Office or in the weekend collection. Church most often attending: ___________________________ Name (Head of Household): ___________________________ Address: ___________________________ City, State & Zip: ___________________________ Holy Family Irma Gaitan, CRE Office Locations & Hours 1908 N. Court St., Visalia, Home Phone: ___________________________ (on the school grounds near Rm. 4) Cell Phone: M-Th 4:00 –7:00 p.m. Phone: 559-732-9651 St. Thomas The Apostle Antonio Mendoza - CRE Office Location (Sunday) 6735 Ave 308, Goshen Phone: 559-651-2270 Wedding Rehearsal Coordinators (Independent Contractors approved by TCCOV) Holy Family Church Rosann Porras-559-734-4456 E-mail: [email protected] REGISTRATION: St. Mary’s Church Carol Serpa-559-734-0412 Email: [email protected] ___________________________ Family email address: ___________________________ Would you like to receive offering envelopes? ___Yes ___No Mailings from the Church? Be notified about Church Events? Be notified about Ministry Events? Prayer Request Please Contact: Deacon Ken: [email protected] Nancy Kane: [email protected] FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT March 9, 2014 “The Lord, your God, shall you worship and him alone shall you serve.” - Matthew 4:10 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: As I prepare for my departure as your pastor and begin a new chapter in my priestly life as Vicar General for the Diocese of Fresno, I want to write a personal letter to you, first to express my thanks to all of you and secondly, to encourage you on your faithful journey with the Lord as missionary disciples in the Catholic Church of Visalia. We have come a long way together, you and I, as we worked to build new ways to come closer to the Lord Jesus and to each other. Along this road, there have been many wonderful and exciting successes as well as a few classic failures – some of them quite sad and quite damaging. Whatever part I played in the successes we have made I give thanks to the Lord. I also ask your forgiveness for the mistakes I’ve made and the decisions that have caused division rather than unity. Thankfully, I think the good and the positive far outweigh the negative. I encourage you – build on the progress we’ve made! We’ve accomplished so much together – it is incredible how much good we’ve done. Work with your new pastor – he is a good man and a wonderful servant of the Lord. Be patient with him. Give him some time and space. He has his own unique and wonderful personality and way to lead the community. There will be changes, it’s only natural with a new leader, but they will be exciting opportunities to advance the mission of the parish and the proclamation of the Gospel. Finally, I urge you, dear brothers and sisters, remove form the life of our wonderful community any bitterness, gossip, rivalries, and deceptive agendas – they kill the spirit of the Lord in your heart and in the heart of our parish. Work to build up unity of the community, not tear it apart with negative attitudes and rumors! Be open with your ideas rather than mumbling them behind the back. If there is a need for criticism, let it be done respectfully and positively, rather than behind the scenes and in the shadows. This way of acting is not of the Lord, it plays right into the hands of the Evil One. The Catholic Church of Visalia (St. Thomas the Apostle, St. Charles Borromeo, Holy Family and St. Mary’s) is blessed with good people like all of you. Each of you contributes wonderful gifts for the life of the parish. Thank you for allowing me to walk with you along this wonderful adventure these last ten years. You have taught me what it means to be a Shepard/Servant. I hope I have been some small help in your journey with the Lord. Thank you and God bless you always. Your humble servant, Msgr. Raymond C. Dreiling Pastor Hora de despedirme Acompáñenos a darle una despedida calurosa a Monseñor Raymond Dreiling y desearle buena suerte en su nueva oficina como Vicario General de la Diócesis de Fresno Domingo, 16 de Marzo del 2014 3:00pm Salón Parroquial de Sta. Maria Stations of the Cross/Estaciones de la Cruz Every Friday during Lent Holy Family/La Sagrada Familia Viernes - 7:00 p.m. (Español) St. Mary’s/ Santa Maria Friday - 7:00 p.m. (English) St. Thomas/ Santo Tomas Viernes - 7:00 p.m. (Español) St. Charles/ San Carlos Friday - 7:00 p.m. (English) St. Mary’s/Santa Maria Public Praying of the Rosary/ Rezo Publico del Rosario Santo Begins at approximately 5:55 a.m. (English) (before the 6:45 a.m. Mass) ROSARY MAKERS Upcoming Rosary Sales Our Lady’s Rosary Makers are having four “Rosary Sales”. We have a wonderful assortment of custom made rosaries. St. Thomas the Apostle March 16, 2014 8:30 a.m. until the end of the 9:30 a.m. Mass. St. Charles Borromeo March 23, 2014 8:00 a.m. until after the 12:00 p.m. Mass. Holy Family March 30, 2014 8:00 a.m. until after the 11:45 a.m. Mass. St. Mary’s April 5 & 6, 2014 Please stop by to see our wonderful selection. UPCOMING AND ONGOING EVENTS St. Mary’s Religious Formation Classes CONFIRMATION Monday—Confirmation 1 Bible Study Monday, March 24, 2014 George McCann Memorial Catholic School-Visalia EST. 1924 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Both Confirmation 1 & 2 each consist of 9-week classes. They may choose a Fall or Spring course and must complete a 9-week Youth Ministry course. Just a reminder that ALL classes must be completed by the end of the Spring Semester. George McCann Memorial Catholic School is accepting applications for the 2014-2015 school year. LENTEN CHEESE ENCHILADA DINNER Sponsored by the TCCOV Pro-Life Ministry MARCH 28, 2014 Take out or Dine in 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Parish Hall This delicious “mouthwatering” dinner plate is only $6.00 per person and includes rice and beans. You can purchase your tickets after Mass this weekend at St. Mary’s. If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Denis Culver at 559-967-5643. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S GUILD MEETING MARCH 26, 2014 7:00 P.M. in room 7. ST. CHARLES BORROMEO The Catholic Church of Visalia Singles We would like to invite those who are 35+ and older to join us on the third Wednesday of every month for dinner at a local restaurant. If you are interested in attending or would like more info, please call Carole at 786-6407 or e-mail Leisa at [email protected]. Caritas Christi Monthly Meeting & March 12th at 7:00 p.m. in St. Mary’s Parish Hall, room 3. Our school program includes a half-day three year-old enrichment program, as we as transitional kindergarten through 8th grade. ***The kindergarten readiness test will be given the week of March 17th. We invite you to consider a Catholic education for your child and to call the school office for information and an application. (732-5831). CONGRATULATIONS ARE IN ORDER…. The following students are this year’s Daughters of the American Revolution Essay Contest Winners: 5th Grade: Amanda Dominguez 6th Grade: Tim Flores 7th Grade: Carlos Gomez The following students are the winners of the Poetry and Prose Contest and will compete at the TCOE competition in March: 4th Grade: Nick Nelson and Kristin Princesa 5th Grade: Lily Stetson and Myrna Waddle 6th Grade: Gracie Richardson and Aaliyah Seuell UPCOMING AND ONGOING EVENTS SAVE THE DATE St. Joseph’s Table Annual Luncheon March 16, 2014 St. Joseph’s Table, sponsored by Sons of Italy, will be held on Sunday, March 16th. This annual luncheon will be to benefit the Bethlehem Center. Tickets are only $10. Sons of Italy is located at 4211 W. Goshen Avenue, Visalia. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. with blessing of the bread at noon, by Msgr. Ray Dreiling, followed by distribution of the bread and the luncheon. 6th Annual Fr. Dade Memorial Golf Tournament Sponsored by the Kings-Tulare Serra Club Monday April 28, 2014 Visalia Country Club This annual event is sponsored by the Kings-Tulare Serra Club to benefit vocations and The Catholic Church of Visalia. It promises to be a great day filled with golf, fun and fellowship! The entry fee includes gold and car, lunch, dinner and the chance win a new Camaro from Ed Dena’s Auto Center with a hole in one! Check in and Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Tee Off at 12:30 p.m. No Host Cocktails at 4:30 p.m. Dinner immediately following the Tournament. Entry Fee $150.00 Tee Sponsor $250.00 Dinner only $35.00 Tournament Sponsor –Various Levels: from $500-$5000 Send entry to: Mr. John Rast P.O. BOX 256 Visalia, CA 93279 Flyers are available in the Parish Office. If you would like more information please call John Rast at (5590 730 6232. For information or to purchase tickets, call Benny Rodriguez, 303-2170; Sherald Sluka, 592-8151; or Nick Notarnicola, 300-0180. Tickets may also be purchased at the door on the day of the event. BETHLEHEM CENTER IT’S ALMOST SPRING TIME! When you are doing your Spring cleaning please remember the Bethlehem Center. The Center is looking for donation from household items, Men’s clothing, Women’s clothing or children’s clothing. We are also accepting any furnishings you no longer need. Your donations can be dropped off at 1638 N. Dinuba Blvd. Or we can pick up your donations at a scheduled date and time, just call 559-734-1572. All donations are tax deductible. THE LIVING ROSARY MARCH 23, 2014 St. Mary’s Church We would like to invite all the Ministries of Holy Family, St. Thomas the Apostle, St. Charles Borromeo and St. Mary’s to join the Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Little Flower #1003 in praying a “Living Rosary”. Each person who participates will be a physical part of the “Living Rosary”. We would like at least 10 members of a ministry to participate. You will need to bring a flashlight that day. If you or your ministry would like to participate, please contact Mary Tafoya at 7397222. 26th Annual Mother’s Day Luncheon Fundraiser for George McCann Memorial Catholic School “THE FASHIONISTA IN YOU” May 17, 2014 Holiday Inn Visalia 9000 w. Airport Drive Please join us for a beautiful luncheon, fashion show, entertainment, auction and raffle. The cost is $40.00 per person. Tickets are available where GMC Scrip is sold. Reservations are required and must be made by MAY 9, 2014. Please contact Rae Crawford at 280-4562 to make your reservation. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ….. For The “Fashionista in You Luncheon” The Mother’s Day Luncheon Committee needs your help. We are having a volunteer meeting on March 11th, 6:00 p.m. at Panera Bread Restaurant. If you would like more information please call Tanya King (967-4937), Jim Spiotta (623-1155), Sylvia Brown (280-8681) or Rae Crawford (280-4562). TCCOV Pre- Ba ptismal Orien ta tion /Informa tional Mon thly Sessions for TCCOV Pa rishioners An informational pamphlet is available at the Parish Office. Pre-registration and material fee is required. Please contact the Baptismal Coordinator, at 734-9522, ext. 109 or via e-mail: [email protected], for more information. PLEASE NOTE: TCCOV does not schedule baptisms during LENT. Day of Spiritual Enrichment Single Women ages 18-35. Sister Disciples of the Divine Master Convent 3700 N. Cornelia Avenue Fresno, CA 93722 Saturday, March 22, 2014 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. You may call Sr. Mary Margaret at (559) 2759978 to register for this day of spiritual enrichment. Please bring your sack lunch, notebook, and a pen. Donations are accepted. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM We welcome all parent (s) of The Catholic Church of Visalia to stop by the Parish Office to inquire about having their child baptized. The Baptismal pamphlet answers questions regarding what the guidelines and requirements are at TCCOV. Inquires and arrangements must be made by the parent. Baptism dates are assigned in English and in Spanish and are scheduled after all the requirements have been fulfilled. Children over the age of 5 must be enrolled in the Religious Education Program and a letter from the Coordinator must be submitted prior to making arrangements for the baptism. Requirements: Register for an Orientation Session-/$10.00 material fee. Parents must provide copy of child’s birth certificate Godparent(s) must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and provide a copy of the Confirmation Certificate. If Godparent(s) is/are married, they must provide a copy of the marriage certificate showing they are married in the Catholic Church. After all documents are received, Parents and Godparent(s) must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class. Upon completion of the above requirements, a date and time for the baptism will be scheduled with the Baptismal Coordinator. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Marriages are arranged at least six months in advance. The bride and/or bridegroom should be registered members of The Catholic Church of Visalia (St. Mary’s , Holy Family, St. Thomas the Apostle or St. Charles Borromeo). Either the bride or bridegroom must call the Parish Office at 734-9522 to make an appointment to meet with one of the priests to make arrangements. No date may be set for a wedding, until the couple has met with the priest/Deacon. MARRIAGE VALIDATION Catholics are obliged to be married in the Church before a Catholic Ordained Minister (Deacon/Priest) and two witnesses. In these hectic times in which we live, many couples, for reasons known only to them, fail to get married in the Catholic Church. What can they do about it? They may have their marriage validated (sometimes called blessed) in the Catholic Church! Please call the Parish Office at 734-9522, to make an appointment to see a priest. The marriage can be validated (blessed) in a simple, private ceremony in the Catholic Church (the six-month waiting period would usually not apply to marriage validations). If you have had a prior marriage, the process may be somewhat longer, but we will be happy to assist you through it. QUINCEAÑERAS The young lady must have been registered and attending TCCOV Religious Education Program for at least **two years prior to the date requested for the Quinceañera. (**Registered and in the Religious Education Middle School Program and registered in the TCCOV High School Confirmation Program) Arrangements must be made at least six months in advance. The parents must be registered, practicing members of TCCOV. Parents must call the Parish Office at 734-9522 to make an appointment to meet with a Deacon. Please note: all Quinceañera are take place at St. Thomas the Apostle Church. NO DATE may be set for the Quinceañera until the parents and young lady have met with the Deacon. B IENVENIDA QUEREMOS dar una cálida bienvenida a todas las familias, amigos y visitantes de nuestra comunidad! Esperamos que la información contenida en este boletín semanal sea un recurso útil. Si usted no esta registrado. Por favor, llene el formulario de inscripción en la primera página y deposítelo en la canasta de la colecta y sea miembro de nuestra Comunidad. Es así de fácil! Gracias por elegir ser parte de nuestra Comunidad y por visitar la Iglesia Católica de Visalia. PRIMER DOMINGO DE CUARESMA 9 DE MARZO DE 2014 “Adorarás al Señor, tu Dios, y a él solo servirás”. Mateo 4:10 Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: Mientras me preparo para mi partida como su pastor y comienzo un nuevo capítulo en mi vida sacerdotal como Vicario General de la Diócesis de Fresno, quiero escribir una carta personal, en primer lugar para expresar mi agradecimiento a todos ustedes, y en segundo lugar, animarlos en su camino de fe con el Señor como discípulos misioneros en la Iglesia Católica de Visalia. Hemos recorrido un largo camino juntos, ustedes y yo, trabajando para construir nuevas formas para acercarnos al Señor Jesús y con los demás. A lo largo de este camino, ha habido muchos éxitos maravillosos y emocionantes, así como algunos fracasos clásicos - algunos de ellos muy tristes y dañinos. Le doy gracias al Señor por los éxitos y cualquier papel del cual yo fui parte. También pido perdón por los errores que he cometido y de las decisiones que han causado división en lugar de la unidad. Afortunadamente, creo que lo bueno y lo positivo sobre pasa lo negativos. Los animo a que siguán construyendo sobre el progreso que hemos hecho! Hemos logrado tanto juntos – realmente es increíble todo lo bueno que hemos hecho. Trabajen con su nuevo pastor - él es un buen hombre y un maravilloso siervo del Señor. Sean pacientes con él. Denle un poco de tiempo y espacio. Él tiene una personalidad única y maravillosa y su propia manera de guiar a la comunidad. Naturalmente habrá cambios, es natural con un nuevo líder, pero habrá oportunidades emocionantes para avanzar la misión de la parroquia y de la proclamación del Evangelio. Por último, les ruego, queridos hermanos y hermanas, retiren de la vida de nuestra maravillosa comunidad todas las amarguras, chismes, rivalidades, y engañosas agendas – estas matan el espíritu del Señor en su corazón y en el corazón de nuestra parroquia. Trabajen para construir la unidad de la comunidad, no destrozarla con actitudes y rumores negativos! Sean abiertos con sus ideas en lugar de murmurar a espaldas de los demás. Si hay una necesidad de criticar, que sea hecha con respeto y de forma positiva, en lugar de hacerlo detrás de las escenas y en las sombras. Esta manera de actuar no es del Señor, esto cae directamente en las manos del Maligno. La Iglesia Católica de Visalia (Santo Tomás Apóstol, San Carlos Borromeo, Sagrada Familia y Santa María) ha sido bendecida con buena gente como todos ustedes. Cada uno de ustedes aporta un regalo maravilloso para la vida de la parroquia. Gracias por haberme permitido caminar con ustedes a lo largo de esta maravillosa aventura de estos últimos diez años. Ustedes me han enseñado lo que significa ser un pastor y siervo. Espero haber sido una pequeña ayuda en su camino con el Señor. Gracias y que Dios los bendiga siempre. Su humilde servidor, Msgr. Raymond C. Dreiling Pastor SCHEDULE OF MASSES & INTENTIONS Saturday, March 8, Vigil for First Sunday of Lent Friday, March 14, Lenten Weekday 4:00 p.m. MARY PLAZOLA by Rae Crawford (SM) 5:00 p.m. CATALINA NUNEZ SILVA Y MARIA DE LOS ANGELES NUNEZ by Mario Alberto Macias y Jaime Macias (HF) 5:30 p.m. ISABELL GRIST by Karen Wallen & Heidi Smith (SC) 6:45 a.m.DWAYNE PACHECO by Jesse Pimentel (SM) 8:00 a.m. PATRICIA SEDILLO GARCIA by Lupe Montano (HF) 12:15 p.m. ERMALINDA & JOE JANELLI by Fr. Anthony Janelli (SM) Sunday, March 9, First Sunday of Lent Saturday, March 15, Lenten Weekday 7:00 a.m. DAVID & JOHN WHITE by Rose Neves 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. INT. OF LOIS MANNING by Caritas Christi (SM) INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT (SC) INTENTIONS OF ALL PARISHIONERS (HF) ALFRED WELCH by Jane Taylor (SM) FRED & ANNIE SCIACCA by Sam & Terry Sciacca (ST) MARIA REARDON by Maureen Fisher (SC) BERTA RAMOS by Kaweah Manor Catholic Res. (HF) VI COPPOLA by the Notarnicola family (SM) EODORO ESPINDOLA by Miguel Espindola (HF) INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT (SC) INT. OF MARIA DE LA TORRE by Rosalba Rodriguez (SM) 5:00 p.m. INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT (HF) 6:00 p.m. REGINA HERNANDEZ by grandparents, Jess & Connie (ST) 7:00 p.m. PATRICIA LUBONG TAJON by Marcie Gumayagay (SM) 6:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Monday, March 10, Lenten Weekday 10:30 a.m. 6:45 a.m. CATALINA PASCUA by Rosie Agacid (SM) 8:00 a.m. INT. OF LYDIA FLORES by Patty Carroll (HF) 12:15 p.m. KATY HAAS by St. Mary’s Altar & Rosary Society (SM) Tuesday, March 11, Lenten Weekday 6:45 a.m. MANUEL PACHECO by SM Altar & Rosary Soc. (SM) 8:00 a.m. IN HONOR OF THE HOLY FACE OF JESUS by Peter & Anna Maria Nava (HF) 12:15 p.m. INT. OF MERCY PACKENHAM - B-DAY by a friend (SM) Saturday, March 15, Vigil for Second Sunday of Lent 4:00 p.m. MARJORIE RANSDELL by Larry & Janet McLaughlin (SM) 5:00 p.m. ANTHONY MANJARREZ, SR. by Guadalupe S. Garcia & family (HF) 5:30 p.m. INT. OF THE BANE FAM. by the Quinn Blue fam. (SC) Sunday, March 16, Second Sunday of Lent 11:45 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:00 pm. 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. INTENTIONS OF MSGR. RAY by TCCOV BRENT GILL by Raymond Gill INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT ERNEST ARCHULETA by his mother & family INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT NADINE MACIEL by Don & Brenda Rose LONGINO & JUANITA GARCIA & MARY SANDOVAL by Celina Garcia Celillo JOSEPH ZIMMER, JR. by Steve & Madeline Zimmer INTENTIONS OF ALL PARISHIONERS INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT SANTIAGO HINOJOSA ROJAS by Rosa Hinojosa INT. OF MANUEL, JESUS, JUAN, PABLO & REYNA MEZA by Belen & Concepcion Meza INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT INTENTIONS OF THE CELEBRANT (SM) (SC) (HF) (SM) (ST) (SC) (HF) (SM) (HF) (SC) (SM) (HF) (ST) (SM) OUR BELOVED DEPARTED Wednesday, March 12, Lenten Weekday 6:45 a.m. CLARA COSTA by Joe I. Mendonca, Jr. (SM) 8:00 a.m. DECEASED MEMBERS - FAMILIA HELO-MEJIA a sus Gregoria Helo (HF) 12:15 p.m. WILLIAM H. GAULKE by Corinne H. Gaulke (SM) In the kindness of your prayers, please remember our most recently deceased: VINCENT ESTRADA husband of Gloria Estrada Thursday, March 13, Lenten Weekday HELEN HERNANDEZ 6:45 a.m. TONY COELHO RIBEIRO by Dan & Marjie Jungwirth 8:00 a.m. HENRY G. LORENZ by his wife, Juanita 12:15 p.m. RICHARD L. PELTZER by Larry & Katherine Peltzer (SM) mother o f Vickie Rabago (SM) (HF) (SM) LEONORA MADRIGLEJOS mother of Nelia Cardenas
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0600750-02-23-2014re.. - Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
QUEREMOS dar una cálida bienvenida a todas las familias, amigos y visitantes de nuestra comunidad! Esperamos que la información contenida en este boletín semanal sea un recurso útil. Si usted no es...
- Good Shepherd Catholic Parish
Receptionist & Facilities Scheduler
Denise Vasquez, ext. 110
Facilities Manager
Stan Hillan, Sr., ext. 103
TCCOV- Bulletin Editor
Cynthia Salazar, ext. 109
E-mail: [email protected]
Director of Mu...