Corporate Presentation Nov 2014
Corporate Presentation Nov 2014
Corporate Presentation November, 2014 Grupo Carso in brief • Leading conglomerate in Mexico with diversified operations – 4 business sectors: Retail, Industrial, Infrastructure and Energy. • With well-known brands and formats such as: – Sears, Sanborns, Ishop/MixUp, Saks Fifth Avenue – Condumex, Promotora de Partes Electricas, Sinergia and Microm – CILSA, PC Construcciones, – Servicios Integrales GSM, Swecomex, Bronco Drilling Mexico • Figures (mm) 2013 – Net Sales: – EBITDA: – Assets: • • • • CapEx 2013: CapEx 2014e: Market Cap Oct-14: Employees 2013: MXN $85,871 $18,600 $85,930 USD $6,373 $1,380 $6,377 USD $180 mm USD $220 mm USD $13.1 Billion 70,000 Note: ForEx rate 13.47 MXN/USD Price of shares October 31, 2014 $76.94 Ps Business Segments Industrial and Manufacture – – – – Telecom Construction Energy Automotive Retail and Consumption – Restaurant – Department Stores – Entertainment Stores Infrastructure and Construction – Civil Construction – Manuf. and Services for the Oil&Chemical Ind. – Infrastructure – Ducts Installation – Housing Carso Energy – Oil & Gas – Electricity – Alternative Energies Recent Events Carso Energy Grupo Carso announced a corporate reorganization on its current energy related activities through its subsidiary Carso Energy, consolidating assets of more than $8 Billion pesos and experienced human capital. Certain assets were proposed to be integrated into two divisions, i) Carso Oil related to oil and gas (drilling of oil wells, drilling fluids, directional drilling, cementing; operation and leasing of drilling rigs or Jack ups as well as exploration and production of two oil fields in Colombia) and ii) Carso Electric, related to electric power activities, engineering and installation of photovoltaic systems, efficiency and saving energy systems such as LEDs. IPC Mexico GCARSO is part of the IPC Mexican Index since September 2014. Appointment of CEO Gcarso announced on April, 2014 the appointment of Mr. Antonio Gómez García, former CEO of CICSA and Condumex, as the new CEO of Grupo Carso, substituting Mr. José Gutiérrez-Olvera, who retired but remained as member of the Board of Directors. Transaction of Philip Morris shares On September 30, 2013 GCARSO announced the completion of the process to sell to Philip Morris International, INC. ("PMI") the remaining 20% of its equity stake in Philip Morris Mexico S.A. de C.V. (PMM), which is a subsidiary of PMI dedicated to the tobacco industry in Mexico. The price of the sale was approximately USD $703 million and is subject to a potential adjustment process that will reflect PMM’s performance during a three year period that shall end two years following the conclusion of the sale (2015). As a result of the transaction, PMI has acquired 100% of PMM. Leasing of “Independencia I” oil JackUp On May 7th, 2013, Grupo Carso announced a lease agreement with Pemex Exploracion y Produccion (PEP), without purchase Option of a Jack-Up Offshore Drilling Rig named Independencia 1. The agreement includes the complete maintenance of this rig and shall be used by PEP to drill for oil in Mexican waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The agreement shall be effective for seven years and its sum shall total up to $415 million USD. Outstanding Figures 2013 Million Pesos 2010 2011 2012 2013* Var 64,196 78,678 83,316 85,871 3.1% 6,887 6,918 9,103 17,277 89.8% Op Mg 10.7% 8.8% 11.0% 20.1% 9.1pp EBITDA 8,204 8,310 10,535 18,601 76.6% 12.8% 10.6% 12.6% 21.7% 9.1 pp 7,092 4,321 7,640 13,929 82.3% Total Assets 81,464 72,822 76,558 85,930 12.2% Stockholder’s Equity 31,715 43,764 41,881 56,641 35.2% Sales Operating Income EBITDA Mg Controlling Net Income Note: Includes $7,589 mm Ps as Other Income from the sale of Philip Morris Mexico as well as $210 쀀 Ps from appraisal of investment Properties in Grupo Sanborns. 5 year margin history Sales in million pesos 150,000 Op Mg EBITDA Mg 21.7 100,000 56,793 64,196 78,678 83,316 85,871 83,048 11.8 50,000 13.2 12.8 10.6 12.1 12.6 20.1 0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014e 9.6 10.8 10.7 8.8 10.9 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 11.8 2013 2014e Contribution to 2013-2014 results Retail and Consumption Industrial and Manufacture Infrastructure and Construction Grupo Condumex CICSA Grupo Sanborns Million Ps Sales Op Inc EBITDA Op Mg 2011 2012 2013 36,416 39,411 40,514 4,302 4,566 5,006 4,917 5,226 5,500 11.8% 11.6% 12.4% EBITDA Mg 13.5% 13.3% 13.6% Other & Elim -0.1% Var% 2.8% 9.6% 5.3% Million Ps Sales Op Inc EBITDA Op Mg 2011 2012 2013 28,793 27,415 26,723 1,847 2,211 1,779 2,249 2,571 2,130 6.7% 8.0% 6.6% 9.4% 8.0% EBITDA Mg 8.1% 9M14 Revenue Breakdown CICSA, 18.7% Condumex 33.7% GSanborn 47.7% Var% -2.5% -19.6% -17.1% Million Ps Sales Op Inc EBITDA Op Mg 2011 2012 2013 14,349 16,670 18,818 848 2,255 2,816 1,137 2,738 3,336 5.9% 13.5% 15.0% EBITDA Mg 7.9% 15.6% 17.4% Op. Income Breakdown 9M14 CICSA 25.2% Condum 30.1% GSanbor 43.0% Other & Elim 1.7% Var% 12.9% 24.9% 26.2% Financial Situation EBITDA 21000 Million Pesos CapEx by Business Segment Net Debt 5,000 18,601 19000 4,000 17000 15000 10,535 11000 7000 2,773 3,000 13000 9000 3,877 7,468 8,204 8,989 6,766 8,310 2,000 9,328 5000 -5,198 -1,671 3000 2009 2010 2011 2012 Dollars 15% Total bank Debt by TERM 561 207 1,350 2010 2011 Gsanborns 205 467 300 500 1,675 1,700 2012 2013 2014e GCondumex CICSA 1,791 396 334 961 CapEx in Million Pesos 4,949 5000 4,172 3,877 4000 3000 Long T 84% 773 2014e 6000 Total Debt by CURRENCY (Includes ForEx Hedges) Pesos 85% 2013 0 2,600 650 3,109 1,000 5,955 5,752 2,347 3,461 2,773 2,572 2,347 1,791 2000 Short T 16% 2,600 1000 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014e Retail and Consumption Grupo SANBORNS (47% of consolidated sales 2013) Has nationwide presence through its retail formats 9M14 Revenue Breakdown Sanb 31% Ishop/M 11% 9M14 EBITDA Breakdown Other Sanb 23.0% 6.0% Sears 58.0% Other 6% Sears 52% Ishop/ M 3.0% EBITDA (mm Ps) and margin ´09-´12 CAGR= 6.0% 4,917 Grupo Sanborns 4,388 Million Ps Sales Op Inc EBITDA Op Mg EBITDA Mg 2011 36,416 4,302 4,917 11.8% 13.5% 2012 39,411 4,566 5,226 11.6% 13.3% 2013 40,514 5,006 5,500 12.4% 13.6% Var% 2.8% 9.6% 5.3% 14.4% 2009 5,226 5,500 5,210 4,457 13.4% 2010 13.6% 13.5% 13.3% 2011 2012 2013 2014e EBITDA margin EBITDA 12.6% Industrial and Manufacture Grupo CONDUMEX (31% of consolidated sales 2013) Industrial conglomerate focused mainly in the Telecom, Energy, Construction, Mining and Automotive sectors. Markets: • Mobile and Traditional telephone companies in LatAm; • Heavy building construction; • House remodeling; • Energy companies; • Automotive Industry Revenue Breakdown by Business Sector Telecom Automotive Construction and Energy Industrial Metals Var% 3Q14 vs. 3Q13 16.0% -4.8% -19.1% -11.8% Var% 9M14 vs. 9M13 8.5% 12.7% -12.8% -13.2% Main Brands: Revenue Breakdown 3Q14 Telecom 20% Construc 51% Grupo Condumex Million Ps Sales Op Inc EBITDA Op Mg EBITDA Mg 2011 28,793 1,847 2,249 6.7% 8.1% 2012 27,415 2,211 2,571 8.0% 9.4% 2013 26,723 1,779 2,130 6.6% 8.0% Var% -2.5% -19.6% -17.1% Auto 29% Infrastructure and Construction Carso Infraestructura y Construcción (22% of consolidated sales 2013) CICSA is one of the largest infrastructure and construction companies in Mexico servicing 5 main business sectors: 1. Manufacturing and Services for the Oil & Chemical Industry; 2. Ducts Installation; 3. Infrastructure Projects; 4. Civil Construction 5. Housing 9M14 Sales Breakdown by sector Pipelines 35% Housing 2% Other & Elin Civil C 16% Infrastr 27% M&S Oil and Chemical 20% CICSA Million Ps Sales Op Inc EBITDA Op Mg EBITDA Mg 2011 14,349 848 1,137 5.9% 7.9% 2012 16,670 2,255 2,738 13.5% 15.6% 2013 18,818 2,816 3,336 15.0% 17.4% Op. Income Breakdown by sector Other Housing and Elim -1.2% 2.2% Infrastr 32% Civil C 6% M&S Oil and Chem 18% Pipeline 43% Var% 12.9% 24.9% 26.2% Infrastructure and Construction National Infrastructure Plan 2013-18: Ps 4Tr for transportation, telecom and energy • USD $125 Bn, or 67%: directed towards energy, Pemex and CFE included, • USD $105 Bn or 33%: USD $58Bn in telecom and USD $47Bn in transportation for the construction of 44 toll roads and highways, seven airports, seven marine ports, and three passenger trains, among others. Contracts • Private sector participation through government-granted contracts (no concessions) • Participate in refining, distribution and commercialization. • Payments based on progressive model of profit sharing Potential projects: 1) Deep water exploration 2) Cogenetarion 3) Clean Fuels 4) Cryogenic Plants 5) New Refineries Potential projects: 1) Thermoelectric, Hydroelectric 2) Coal-fired, 3) Geothermal, 4) Solar and wind powered plants • Grupo Carso has potential to participate via diverse investment schemes and divisions: • Our own capacity to build oil platforms, • Joint-Ventures for drilling and construction of platforms • Drilling, cimentation, and other value-added services por oil exploration. Carso Energy Investing in the Energetic Industry Carso Energy is well positioned to actively participate in new investment opportunities pursuant to the Energy Reform due to its expertise in structuring and financing projects as well as operating efficiently in the following activities: 1. 2. Oil and Gas: E&P, Drilling, Transportation, Oil rigs and Jack Up construction and leasing, drilling services; Electricity: Generation, Transportation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric and Renewable Energies. Drilling Services: Expertise includes development wells in Chicontepec and exploratory and development wells in the southern region including steam injection. Oil & Gas Electric Alternative Energies Construction of oil rigs and Jack Up With 2 fabrication docks in Veracruz GCarso has built oil rigs for: drilling, production (including the Jack Up), telecom and housing. E&P Through Tabasco Oil, GCarso operates 2 concession blocks in Colombia which incluides an exploratory and a water injection well. CICSA’s Financial Position Housing 167,321 Backlog $19340 MM Ps 9M14 Infrastr, 6,769,532 Construct, 5,596,072 M&S Oil and Chemical, 5,487,536 Pipelines 1,319,516 Independencia I Oil Jack-Up Main projects for CICSA: Water sewage system (Tunel Emisor Oriente); Plaza Carso multiple use complex, second phase; Drilling of oil wells in the Southeast of the country; Telecom and natural gas pipelines construction; Aqueducts and water treatment plants (Atotonilco); Bypass roads in the Northeast of the country Construction of department stores for Grupo Sanborns Investment Thesis • Dynamic conglomerate that adapts its business portfolio to take advantage of economic cycles, market tendencies and business opportunities; • Focus on industries where the Group holds a strong competitive position; • Retail sector with well-known formats and nationwide presence; • Innovative in products, engineering and construction processes; • Efficient use of resources and technology; • Value creation for shareholders; • Sound corporate governance Gallery of Projects Guadalajara By-pass road Atotonilco Waste Water Treatment Plant Culiacan By-pass road Oil Drilling Central Solar Fotovoltaica built by Condumex Sears Nuevo Veracruz Gallery of Projects Star Medica Hospital Emisor Oriente Water Sewage Tunnel (TEO) Fabrication dock for oil rigs Drilling head for the TEO Nuevo Veracruz Shopping Center Forward Looking Statements: Certain statements in this corporate presentation may be related to expectations about future events of Grupo Carso. The phrases "will allow," "will," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "might," "should" and similar expressions generally indicate comments based on financial information, operating levels and conditions of the market to date. These statements are subject to factors such as volatility in metals prices, energy inputs and other inputs, the possibility of cyclical or seasonal business or consumer slowdown risks that are detailed in the Company's annual report and may cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. Grupo Carso undertakes no obligation to publish a review on these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of publication of this presentation. For more information: Jorge Serrano T. +52 (55) 5625-4900 xt. 1460 [email protected] Angélica Piña T. +52(55) 1101-2956 [email protected] Trading Symbol: MSE: GCARSO A-1 OTC: GPOVY 2:1
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