GenFlex Roofing Systems


GenFlex Roofing Systems
GenFlexRoofing Systems
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GenFlexRoofing Systems
GenFlexRoofing Systemsoffers specificadvantagesover other single-plymembranesandtraditional
built-up roofs. Theseadvantagesarethe resultof75 yearsexperiencein the selectionandformulation of
chemicals,resins,plasticizers,stabilizersand specialagents.GenFlexoffers only high quality
componentsand systems.GenFlexRoofing Systemsfeaturestwo single-plyEPDM membranes:
GenFlexEPDM @thylenePropyleneDieneMonomer)- an elastomericmembraneand GenFlexFRM an EPDM membranereinforcedwith toughpolyesterfabric. Both aredesignedfor ulha high
performance,allowing extremeshucturalmovementwithout splittilg or checking.Both will retaintheir
pliability througba wide variation itr temperatures.The GenFlexEPDM membraneis availablein two
.45mil(l.lmm) or.60mil (l.5mm) andcomesin rolls up to 50' (15.2m)wide by
The GenFlexRoofing Systems
The BallastedSystem
The GenFlexBallastedSystemmay be usedto install the EPDM membraneon zubstatescapableof
suppoting the deadload ofthis system.Itfaximum slopeof the substateshouldnot be greaterthan 2 in
12 slope.Insulatio4 aswell asthe membrane,may be looselaid with the membranefastenedonly at the
perimeter.The numberof field seamsmay be reducedby using largesheetsof EPDM. The
recommendedballastis smootl, rounde4 washed,river rock,3l4" ta 1-ll2" in diameter,installedat a
minimum of l0# per squarefoot. Preferredinstallationwherespeedand economyarea major factor.
The Fully Adhered System
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