1 CITY OF CAPE TOWN HELDERBERG ADMINISTRATION CONSTITUTION OF THE VREDENZICHT ESTATE HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION The contents of this document is minimum requirements for approval of the Constitution of an owners’ association as is required in terms of the Land Use Planning Ordinance, 1985 (No 15 of 1985) or any other legislation which might substitute it. Helderberg Municipality however reserves the right to withhold its consent where in its opinion any provision hereof is impractical, unreasonable or contradictory. 2 VREDENZICHT ESTATE HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE CONSTITUTION OF VREDENZICHT ESTATE HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION WAS THIS DAY APPROVED AS IS REQUIRED IN TERMS OF SECTION 29 (2)(b)(iii) OR SECTION 42 OF THE LAND USE PLANNING ORDINANCE, 1985 (NO 15 OF 1985) OR SECTION 29 (2)(b)(iii) OF THE WESTERN CAPE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ACT, 1999 (ACT 7 OF 1999) WHICHEVER IS APPLICABLE. SIGNED AT SOMERSET WEST THIS ............. DAY OF ...................................... ................................................ DIRECTOR: URBAN PLANNING, HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT 3 CONSTITUTION OF VREDENZICHT ESTATE HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION 1. NAME/ADDRESS The name of the Association is: VREDENZICHT ESTATE HOME OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION The address of the Association is: C/O Sunland Financial Services, Twin Oaks Centre, 142 Main Road, Somerset West. 2. DEFINITIONS In this Constitution, unless the contrary is indicated: 3. 2.1 “Association” shall mean Vredenzicht Estate Home Owners’ Association; 2.2 “Area” shall mean Erf 14210 Somerset West, a Portion of Portion 1 of the Farm Vredenburg, No 696 Stellenbosch, including any subdivision thereof, as well as the private roads situated in the Area; 2.3. “Developer” shall mean Vredenzicht Developments (Pty) Ltd Nr 1997/010891/07 or its successors in title or assigns; 2.4 “person” shall include a Company, Close Corporation, Club, Partnership, current Trustees of a Trust or other Association of persons entitled in law to hold title to immovable property; 2.5 “erf” shall mean any subdivision in the Area as approved of by the Local Authority; and words importing the singular shall include the plural and the converse shall also apply; the masculine gender shall include feminine and neuter genders and the neuter gender shall include the masculine and feminine genders. HEAD NOTES The head notes to the Clauses in this Constitution are inserted for reference purposes only and shall not affect the interpretation of any of the provisions to which they relate. 4. OBJECTS OF THE ASSOCIATION The objects of the Association are: 4.1 to promote and enforce standards, not the least of which would be the congenial atmosphere in the Area in such a way that members may derive the maximum collective benefit therefrom; 4.2 to manage, own and maintain the private road reserve, private open 4 space, all services and amenities constructed for the mutual benefit of members, except for the water supply up to the development metre and electricity supply pertaining to street lighting; 5. 4.3 to control the aesthetic appearance of all land and buildings within the boundaries of the Area; 4.4 that the Association shall have the power to do such acts as are necessary and reasonably required to give effect to the provisions of the Constitution. MEMBERS 5.1 Membership of the Association shall be evidenced by registered ownership in the Deeds Registry in Cape Town of one or more erven in the Area. Upon registration of ownership, membership of the Association shall be automatic and members shall be obliged to comply with the provisions of the Constitution. No persons shall be entitled to cease to be a member of the Association while remaining the registered owner of an erf in the Area; 5.2 Each member shall be entitled to ONE (1) vote for each registered erf owned in the Area. Ownership of an erf in undivided shares shall constitute only one membership, which membership shall be represented by one individual; 5.3 Membership shall be transferred by the registration of a Deed of Transfer in the Deeds Registry at Cape Town, passing transfer of one or more erven in the Area to the new member; 5.4 Every member shall pay a monthly levy to the Association, the amount to be determined by EXCOM. The levy so determined shall be calculated on the square meter size of each erf and shall be payable by each member and the Developer. 1 5.5 The subscription shall commence on the date fixed by EXCOM in respect of the transfers from the Developer to the first buyers and upon commencement of membership to the Association in respect of all subsequent transfers. The first Annual/monthly levy shall become due and payable on the day fixed for commencement. The annual/monthly levy for every subsequent calendar Year/months shall become due and payable on the first day of each such subsequent calendar year/month. No erf shall be transferred without the consent of the Association, where any amount of the levy in terms hereof is still outstanding in respect of such erf. 5.6 No erf shall be sold, subdivided, consolidated or transferred without the prior written consent of the Association, which consent shall not 1 Amendment of para 5.4 approved at General Meeting dated 22 July 2013, paragraph 2.1 of minutes. 5 unreasonably be withheld. The Association however reserves the right to lay down any reasonable conditions it deems fit before issuing such consent. 5.7 6. No member shall be entitled to lease his erf unless it is a specific condition of such lease that the Lessee be handed a copy of the Constitution of the Association and that such Lessee undertakes to abide by the conditions thereof as far as they may affect such Lessee. COMMITTEE The powers of the Association other than those to be exercised by the members in General meeting shall be exercised by the Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as “EXCOM”). 7. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 7.1 Composition 7.1.1 The number of EXCOM members shall be determined from time to time by the members of the Association in General Meeting and shall consist of registered owners of erven in the Area, provided that there shall not be less than THREE (3) nor more than SEVEN (7) EXCOM members. Furthermore, the Developer’s right to appoint members to EXCOM, as contained in clause 13 hereof is, however, restricted in that the Developer or his duly authorized representative shall only be Chairperson and be entitled to appoint a maximum of THREE (3) EXCOM members to ensure that there shall at all times after the fist ANNUAL General Meeting be THREE (3) vacancies on EXCOM to be filled by the resident members. 7.1.2 the first EXCOM members shall be: 1) 2) 3 (THREE) representatives nominated by the Developer, subject to paragraph 7.2.2; the CHAIRPERSON, which shall be the Developer or a representative nominated by him; who shall hold office until the first Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the members of the Association when the said EXCOM members shall retire but be eligible for reappointment by the Developer in terms of Clause 13 hereof and at which first AGM the members shall be entitled to elect the first resident members to EXCOM; 7.2 Election at Annual General Meeting 7.2.1 EXCOM members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and shall remain in office until the following Annual 6 General Meeting; 7.2.2 EXCOM members may fill any vacancy in their number or co-opt any additional member. Any EXCOM member so appointed or co-opted shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting when he shall retire and be eligible for re-election as though he had been elected at the previous Annual General meeting. 7.3 Vacation of office An EXCOM member shall cease to hold office as such if: 7.3.1 by notice in writing to EXCOM, he resigns his office; 7.3.2 he is or becomes of unsound mind; 7.3.3 he surrenders his estate as insolvent or his estate is sequestrated; 7.3.4 he is convicted of an offence, which involves dishonesty; 7.3.5 he absents himself from THREE (3) consecutive meetings of EXCOM without special leave of absence from EXCOM; 7.3.6 by resolution of a General Meeting of the Association, he is removed from his office; 7.3.7 he ceases to be a member of the Association. 7.4 Building- and Architectural Design and Landscaping Requirements EXCOM shall have the power to: 7.4.1 prescribe and enforce the architectural style, the material to be used in respect of any buildings to be erected or in respect of any alterations or additions to be carried out to existing buildings and in particular to control the exterior design of such buildings and the materials and landscaping used so as to ensure an attractive, aesthetic and pleasing character to the building in the Area according to Annexure A attached hereto and to ensure that construction works and the site is maintained in an orderly and neat manner which is reasonable; 7.4.2 to appoint a Building Committee to evaluate building plans and landscape proposals and to certify that they comply with the Architectural Designs and Landscaping Requirements as set out in clause 7.4.1. hereof; the said Committee to consist of the following (THREE) 3 persons: (TWO) 2 members of EXCOM, 7 a registered architect appointed by EXCOM; 7.4.3 do such acts as are necessary to accomplish the purposes expressed or implied herein 7.4.4 compel members to comply with it’s requirements, and failing compliance therewith, to take steps to remedy such noncompliance at the cost of the members and, without in any way limiting the generality of the foregoing, to call upon a member in writing to remove or alter within a specified period, anything erected contrary to the requirements laid down pursuant thereto and failing which, to apply to Court for an appropriate order. 8. MEETINGS 8.1 Annual General Meetings shall be held once every year. EXCOM shall give 21(TWENTY ONE) days notice to the members of the time and place as may be determined by EXCOM, but so that no more than SIXTEEN (16) months shall be allowed to elapse between any TWO (2) such successive meetings, the first of which shall be held within 12 (TWELVE) months from date of approval of the Constitution by the Director: Planning & Environment of the City of Cape Town. The business to be done at the Annual General Meeting shall include: 8.1.1 the receipt of a report on the affairs of the Association; 8.1.2 the elections of members to EXCOM. 8.2 Ordinary General Meetings EXCOM may call an Ordinary General Meeting whenever it thinks fit. Ordinary General Meetings shall also be called upon the written request of not less than TEN (10) members, directed to the Chairman of EXCOM. 8.3 Quorum No matters shall be discussed at any meeting unless a quorum is present when the meeting commences. For all purposes, the quorum shall not be less than 4 (Four) or half of the total number of members, whichever shall be the lesser, and consisting of members present in person or represented by proxy. 8.4 Adjournment If within half an hour from the time appointed for the holding of the meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened on the request of members, shall be dissolved. It shall stand adjourned to the 8 same day in the next week at the same time and place. If a quorum is not present at the adjourned meeting within half an hour from the time appointed for holding, the members present should constitute a quorum. All members of the Association shall be given notice of such an adjourned meeting. 8.5 Chairperson The Chairperson of EXCOM shall preside at every General Meeting, but if he is not present at such meeting, the members present shall choose a Chairperson from the members of EXCOM, or if no EXCOM members are present, they shall choose some other member present to be Chairperson of the meeting. 8.6 Votes At all General Meetings a Resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a poll which shall be taken immediately in accordance with the following provisions, subject to the Developer’s rights pertaining to voting at General Meetings, as contained in Clause 13 hereof: 8.6.1 each member present in person shall have ONE (1) vote for every erf registered in his name; 8.6.2 each person present as proxy for a member shall have ONE (1) vote for every erf registered in its name; 8.6.3 each member and person present as proxy for a member shall verbally announce how he cast each vote to which he is entitled as aforesaid; 8.6.4 all Resolutions shall be with the majority vote representing 70% (SEVENTY PERCENT) of the votes of those members present in person or proxy at the meeting and voting; 8.6.5 the Chairman of the meeting shall count the votes for and against the Resolution and shall declare it carried or lost as the case may be; 8.6.6 a declaration by the Chairman of the result of the poll and entry thereof in the Minute book of the Association shall be conclusive evidence of that fact. 8.7 Incapacity Should any member be declared incapable of managing his own affairs, or a prodigal or insolvent, or in the case of a Company, placed under Judicial Management, or into liquidation, such member shall be represented by his Curator Bonis, trustee, Judicial Manager or Liquidator 9 as the case may be, who shall be entitled on his behalf, either personally or by proxy. 8.8 Co-ownership If two or more persons are jointly registered owners of an erf, then in voting upon any question, the vote of the senior, who tenders a vote, whether in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the votes of the other registered owners of the erf, and for this purpose, seniority shall be determined by the dates of birth of the joint owners as recorded in the Deeds registry, Cape Town. In the event of an erf being jointly owned by a natural person and a Company, then in such event the natural person cast a vote on behalf of such membership. 8.9 Proxy 8.9.1 Votes may be given either personally or by proxy, or by postal vote or by fax; 8.9.2 the instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing in the common form, or any form approved by EXCOM under the hand of the appointed, or his Attorney or agent, duly authorised in writing, or if such appointee is a Company, under the hand of an Officer duly authorised in that behalf 8.9.3 the instrument of appointing a proxy, together with the Power of Attorney (if any) under which it is signed or a notarially certificate copy thereof shall be deposited at the domicilium citandi of the Association at least TWENTY FOUR (24) hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting, or adjourned meeting, at which the person named in such instrument proposed to vote, otherwise the person so named shall not be entitled to vote in respect thereof. 8.10 Legal Persons Any legal person which is a member of the Association may, through resolutions of its’ Directors or other governing body, authorise such person as it think fit to act as its’ representative at any meeting of the Association and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same power on behalf of the Company which such person, as a representative of that Company, could exercise as if it were an individual member of the Association. The foregoing provision shall apply mutatis mutandis in the case of a Trust. 8.11 Financial Year End The financial year-end of the Association shall be the 30th day of September of each year. 10 9 THE STATUS OF THE ASSOCIATION The Association shall come into existence simultaneously with the registration of transfer of the first deducted subdivided portion of the Area: 10 9.1 with legal personality, capable of suing and being sued in its own name; 9.2 none of whose members in their personal capacities shall have any right, title or interest to or in the property, funds or assets of the Association, which shall vest in and be controlled by EXCOM in terms hereof; 9.3 not for profit, but for the benefit of the owners and occupants of immovable property situate in the Area; 9.4 able to obtain registration in its’ name of the private road reserve. RULES AND REGULATIONS AND AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION Any proposed: 11 10.1 rule or regulations or any proposed repeal of, or amendment or addition to, any rule or regulations by EXCOM; 10.2 amendment or addition to the Constitution (Annexure “A” included), may be effected by a Resolution passed at a general or annual meeting provided that for purposes thereof a quorum shall be deemed to be FIFTY FIVE PERCENTUM (55%) of all members, after written notice thereof setting out such amendment or addition in full, has been given in the notice calling such meeting, subject to the consent of the Local Authority concerned and the legitimate objectors to the initial development application, if they still reside at the same address. 2 SUBMISSION OF PLANS Members shall be obligated to submit all building plans for new construction, renovations, alterations or additions to the Building Committee as set out in Clause 7.4. hereof (who is bound by Annexure “A”) for examination and approval prior to the submission of such plan to the Local Authority for approval and the said committee shall make known its decision to the applicant within 10 working days of the plan being submitted to it; Members shall not be permitted to commence with any alteration to their buildings pertaining to any changes of the external finishes, materials and colour schemes or any other item included or referred to under Annexure “A” without the prior approval of the Building Committee. 12 USE AND OCCUPATION REQUIREMENTS 2 Amendment of para 10.1 – 10.2 approved at AGM dated 27 November 2008, paragraph 8 of minutes. 11 12.1 The premises shall be used by the members in accordance with the zoning scheme regulations applicable for the area and for no other purposes whatsoever; 12.2 all members shall ensure that their respective activities on and uses of the estate shall be carried out with reasonable and diligent care and with due and proper consideration for the other members. This shall likewise apply to guests, lessees, servants or members while they are on the estate; 12.3 no member shall cause or permit such conduct either on his own erf or elsewhere on the estate as shall cause a nuisance or disturbance to other members in the quiet enjoyment of their own premises or which is likely to or in any way may tend to effect detrimentally the benefit, enjoyment, rights of occupation and interest of any other member or adjacent property owner. Such conduct will include, but will not be limited to, the usage of radio, television and hi-fi sets, recording equipment and the like or the playing of musical instruments to the extent that it will be audible beyond the boundaries of the premises of the member concerned; 13 12.4 no caravans, tents or structures of a temporary nature shall be allowed to be parked or erected in view of any dwelling on the property, save with the approval of EXCOM and the adjoining neighbour; 12.5 no member shall be entitled to dump materials or goods on the private road, or on any erf not registered in the name of the member and shall be liable for payment of the cost of rectifying the damage or removal of the material or good; 12.6 Members may not commit or permit any act, which would increase the hazard of fire. Members will not be permitted to make fires other that in their own private braai areas; 12.7 Every attempt should be made to ensure that gardens are of a suitable standard and should be well maintained by the owner; 12.8 No member shall cause or permit any destruction or degradation of the environment. STATUS OF THE DEVELOPER IN THE ASSOCIATION Notwithstanding all or any of the provisions contained in this Constitution, the Developer shall be entitled at any General Meeting to a number of votes equal to the total number of votes of all the other members of the Association, plus One(1) vote, so that the Developer shall have the majority of votes in the Association. In addition the Developer shall be entitled to appoint a sufficient number of EXCOM members to ensure that it has a majority of such members at all times. The Provisions of this Clause shall remain until Fifty Per cent (50%) of 12 the number of building opportunities in the Area as determined by the Developer have been transferred out of the name of the Developer. 14. DOMICILIUM 14.1 For all purposes arising out of this Constitution, including the giving of notices and the serving of legal process, the Association and each member choose domicilium citandi et executandi as follows: 14.1.1 The association - C/o Sunland Financial Services Twin Oaks Centre 142 Main Road SOMERSET WEST 7130 14.1.2 each member - at the erf registered in his name whether or not such erf is vacant land or email address provided3 provided that the Association or any member may at any time by notice change his domicilium citandi et executandi to some other address, which new address shall be in the Republic of South Africa and shall not be a Port Office box or post restante; and provided further that such change shall become effective only FOURTEEN (14) days after receipt of the notice in question. 14.2 15. Any written notice which may be required to be given in terms of this Constitution may be delivered by hand or via email4 or may be given by the dispatch of such notice in writing by pre-paid registered post, in which event, such notice shall be deemed to have been received FIVE (5) days after the posting thereof from any Post Office within the Republic of South Africa. The exhibition of the certificate of registered item shall be full and complete proof of the date of dispatch of the said notice. INTERPRETATION/DISPUTES 15.1 Any dispute whatsoever between members or between the Developer and a member or members concerning the interpretation of this Constitution and/or any rules and regulations of the Association shall, subject to the provisions of Clauses 15.2 or 15.3 as the case may be, be referred for decision to a practicing Advocate of the Cape Bar of not less than FIVE (5) years standing, or in the event of a dispute in the case of Clauses 11, to an Architect of not less than FIVE (5) years standing, agreed upon by the parties to the dispute, who shall then, acting as an 3 Amendment of para 14.1.2 approved at General Meeting dated 22 July 2013, paragraph 2.2 of minutes. 4 Amendment of para 14.2 approved at General Meeting dated 22 July 2013, paragraph 2.3 of minutes 13 expert and not as an Arbitrator, determine the dispute and his decision shall be final and binding upon the parties and capable of being enforced in a Court of Law. 16 15.2 In the event of the parties being unable to agree upon the Advocate who should be appointed to determine the dispute, then he shall be nominated by the President of the Cape Bar Council. 15.3 In the event of the parties being unable to agree upon the Architect who should be appointed, he shall be nominated by the President of the Cape Provincial Institute of Architects. 15.4 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, EXCOM shall at its sole option be entitled to institute proceedings in the Court having jurisdiction for any relief to which it is entitled under the provision of this Constitution, including the recovery of arrear subscription and are permitted to levy costs incurred at Attorney Client Schedule. MAINTENACE OF PRIVATE SERVICES In light of the fact that there is a single connection 450 mm diameter storm water pipe situated at the Bakkerskloof Road boundary of Vredenzicht Estate (Erf 14210 Somerset West), which pipe exists and runs of into an existing retention dams within Vredenberg Estate (Erf 14211 Somerset West), which in turn runs of into an existing retention dams Helderberg Village, and whereas the all the said storm water pipes and retention dams are private services, a agreement will be entered into between the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF VREDENBERG ESTATE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION and HELDERBERG VILLAGE MASTER'S HOME OWNER'S ASSOCIATION pertaining to the maintenance of the storm water service. VREDENBERG ESTATE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION shall be responsible for the maintenance relating to storm water system of Erf 14210 Somerset West, as well as any costs incurred in the event of any damage sustained to the services of Vredenberg Estate and Helderberg Village as per the said agreement. 17 BULK WATER METER It is a condition imposed by the Local Authority that the Developer shall install a bulk water meter pertaining to the whole of Erf 14210 Somerset West. The Homeowners Association shall receive one water usage account in respect of the whole of the development, and therefore it shall be the responsibility of each member to install at it's own cost a approved water meter on it's erf, before the owner of such erf shall be allowed to connect to the water service. The Building Committee shall be entitled to withhold the approval of any building plan until confirmation of the installation of a water meter. Each and every member shall be obligated to pay a water deposit to be determined by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to the Homeowners Association. It shall be the responsibility of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE to take monthly 14 water meter readings of the erven within the development and to allocate the water usage of each member together with a pro rata share of the basic cost to its erf. The member shall be obliged to pay the account rendered by the Homeowners Association on or before the last day of each and every month. 18 USE OF COMMON PROPERTY Any persons, members, their family, visitors and employees entering the common property or utilizing any of the facilities, neither the Developer nor the Homeowners Association or their successors in title shall be liable for any loss, damage or any injury, including any consequential loss to any property or any injury suffered by any person, however the same may be caused. All persons entering the common property and or utilizing any facilities on the common property agree by doing that they hold the Developer and Homeowners Association and their successors in title harmless against any loss, claim or expense however arising through negligence or recklessness and whatever liability would be vicarious or not. Such persons also indemnify the Developer and Homeowners Association and their successors in title against any claim on behalf of or instituted by any persons brought to or accompanying such person on the common property or facility. Children play at their own risk on the common property. Parents are responsible for their children’s safety at all times. Parents are to ensure that children do not play in or close to the dams and that they are closely supervised when playing and around the common property. 19. SPEEDLIMIT The speed limited on the estate is strictly 20 km/h. 15 ANNEXURE "A" VREDENZICHT ESTATE SOMERSET WEST REGULATIONS FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND THE PROCEDURE FOR OPERATIONS CONTENTS 1. GENERAL 2. SUBMISSION OF PLANS TO THE BUILDING COMMITTEE 3. BUILDING DEPOSIT AND PROCEDURE 4. DESIGN AND BUILDING CONTROLS 5. BUILDING PLAN SUBMITION (ANNEXURE "A1") 6. AUTHORISATION BY BUILDING COMMITTEE FOR REFUNDING OF DEPOSIT (ANNEXURE "A2") 7. HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION BUILDING PROCEDURES (ANNEXURE "A3") 8. CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATION AGREEMENT (ANNEXURE "A4") 16 1. GENERAL 1.1 Vredenzicht Estate is an up market security residential development. Its streetscape, landscape and the homes that have been built have a high ESTATE standard of environmental quality and the Estate also has a specific architectural character. The Vredenzicht Home Owners Association and its Building Committee are entrusted with preserving these and ensuring that a new development is undertaken along the same lines to the benefit of all residents, existing and future. 1.2 These Building Design and Operational Procedures are intended as a framework to regulate and guide development. Which, whilst encompassing individual expression and freedom in the design of new dwellings, has the definite objective of maintaining the harmony in style and character, the prevailing ethos of Vredenzicht Estate, its identity and distinct sense of place? NEW DWELLINGS MUST FIT IN WITH THE OVERALL AESTHETICS THAT HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED ON THE ESTATE. 1.3 The Vredenzicht Estate Home Owners Association and its Building Committee requires that building plans submitted for approval will be of a high standard of design commensurate to that expected from a qualified Architect. 1.4 The Home Owners Association believes that new development in the Estate can be guided along a favourable course. More appropriately though, would be a consultative process between its Building Committee and Property Owners wishing to build new houses rather than by imposing too many controlling guidelines, design criteria or rigid rules that govern all aspects. The Building Committee will therefore take a proactive and supportive role in the scrutiny and approval of building plans and in monitoring building operations and consider any situation on its own merits together with these BUILDING DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES. Communication, consultation and co-operation at all stages are openly encouraged. 1.5.1 The Vredenzicht Estate Home Owners Association requires that construction on any new house on a specific erf in the development must commence within 3 (THREE) years calculated from the date of the first transfer of that specific Erf into the name of the first Purchaser. 1.5.2 In the event of the first transfer of a specific erf taking place after 31 December 2006 then construction of the dwelling on such transferred erf must commence by not later than 15 January 2010. 1.5.3 In the event of an owner of a transferred erf failing to commence timeously with the construction of a dwelling as required above; EXCOM shall impose a monthly penalty levy equal the normal 17 monthly levy at the time on the owner of the Erf 5, and; Four (4) times penalty levies will be payable from 1 April 2009 until 31 August 2009. From 1 September 2009 an amount of R1500 plus a penalty levy of 20% (R123)6 will be payable until 30 November 2009. The 1 time penalty levy will be payable from 1 December 2009 until 31 December 2011, thereafter a 3 times penalty levy will be payable until 31 December 2012 and thereafter 4 times penalty will be payable as from 01 January 20137. The penalty levy will be suspended for a maximum of ten8 months during the construction of the house9. All dwellings must be fully completed within 10 months after the commencement date failing which the owner shall be liable to pay the penalty levy applicable at that stage.8 1.5.4 The Developer shall ensure that his Erven shall have been developed by the commencement of construction of dwellings on his Erven by the 1st of February 2014 or alternatively he shall sell his Erven before the 1st of February 2014. If the Developer fails to commence with construction by the 1st of February 2014, a penalty levy of 4 (four) times the normal levy, per sq meter, shall be payable by the Developer in terms of this Constitution. The penalty levy shall be due and payable by the Developer and/or his successor in title monthly in advance on or before the first day of each and every succeeding month until commencement of construction.10 1.5 Any matters or aspects concerning these BUILDING DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES must be dealt with in consultation with the BUILDING COMMITTEE. All enquiries to be addressed to: THE CHAIRPERSON THE BUILDING COMMITTEE THE VREDENZICHT ESTATE HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION 2. SUBMISSION OF PLANS TO THE BUILDING COMMITTEE 2.1 All building plans require be submitting for scrutiny and approving by the Building Committee of the Vredenzicht Home Owners Association. 5 Amendment of para 1.5.1 – approved at AGM dated 27 November 2008, paragraph 8 of minutes. 6 Amendment of para approved at OGM dated 3 September 2009 and ratified at AGM dated 3 December 2009. 7 Amendment of para approved at AGM dated 30 November 2011, paragraph 8.5. 8 Amendment of para approved at General Meeting dated 22 July 2013, paragraph 2.4 of minutes 9 Amendment of para approved at AGM dated 3 December 2009, paragraph 2 of minutes. 10 Paragraph 1.5.4 inserted at General Meeting dated 22 July 2013, paragraph 2.6 of minutes. 18 The Building Committee shall consist of three people, comprising two members of the Home Owners Association and a qualified Architect. If there is no architect on the Building Committee, the services of an architect, on a consultancy basis, will be arranged. 2.2 The Building Committee shall commission an Architect to determine and charge a scrutiny fee for building plans submitted each time, irrespective of whether they are approved. This is payable on submission. If a house is required to be substantially re-designed, then the re-submission of building plans will entail a new scrutiny fee. Tasks and associated fee as follows: Scrutiny of first submission Inspect position of boundary beacons, building lines, levels, trenches and floor levels in relation to roof height Inspection of building and site on completion and acceptance thereof, in order to authorise the return of deposits. Sub total: R2850.00 Plus administration fee of Managing Agent THE BUILDING COMMITTEE MAY REVISE AND ADJUST THE SCRUTINY FEES YEARLY. Note: In the event of it becoming necessary, for any reason, that the Architect has to participate in additional meetings or site inspections, a basic fee of R 500.00 per hour will be charged for the owners account. 2.3 The Building Committee shall not unreasonably withhold the approval of plans submitted to it provided the following: - (duration two weeks max.) Designs submitted must fit in with the overall character, context, quality of environment and aesthetics of the Vredenzicht Estate; Building plans submitted must fully illustrate the nature, quality and detail aspects of a design proposal to show how it will blend into the Estate; Designs must comply with the TOWN PLANNING REQUIREMENTS and the DESIGN & BUILDING CONTROLS as stipulated and outlined in all sections of these rules and regulations Designs must comply with Municipal and National Building Regulations; That all documentation and agreements forming part of this document is duly completed and is signed by the relevant parties; The payment of all levies and fees is up to date. The Chairman of the Building Committee shall indicate approval of submitted plans by appending his signature to the said plans. Building plans approved by the Building Committee are valid for a period of 12 months. Re-submission is required if building operations do not commence within this time. 2.4 The Building Committee is empowered, at any time, to stop any building work that has not been approved until such time that it is approved. 19 2.5 All amendments made to approved plans are to be submitted to and approved by the Building Committee before commencing with construction of these amendments. See 2.4 above. 2.6 Once building plans have been approved by the Building Committee all copies of the drawings will be stamped “APPROVED” and signed by the Chairperson of the Home Owners Association. Submission of three sets of these plans, that includes the coloured-in set, to the City of Cape Town can then be undertaken by the Property Owner. The Building Committee will retain one set for reference purposes. The City of Cape Town Helderberg Administration will not review any building plans submitted to it that have not first been approved by the Building Committee of the Vredenzicht Estate Home Owners Association. On its approval, the Helderberg municipality will retain one set of the Drawings, namely of that in colour, and return the other two sets to the Property Owner. The Building Committee is to be provided with a set of drawings to be retained permanently on file, and the Owner shall maintain the other set on site and to be available during the course of building operations. NO BUILDING WORK IS TO COMMENCE ON SITE BEFORE THESE PROCEDURES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED 3. BUILDING DEPOSIT Prior to the commencement of any building operations or work on site a R10 000 deposit must be paid to VEHOA. The deposit will be placed in a Trust account, bearing interest. (Allow for a 35-day notice period for repayment of the deposit) The repayment of R5, 000 will be after the completion of the building operations or building work provided that: 3.1 Copies of approved as build drawings are on record at designated property administrator's offices. 3.2 Owner has notified designated property administrators that building operations are completed. 3.3 Municipal Completion Certificate has been submitted to designated property administrators. 3.4 Architect has done a Site Inspection and Report has been submitted to Building Committee via designated property administrators that the house has been finished off to a high standard, the storm water reticulation is in place, any roads, common areas or ground levels or fencing of adjoining properties disturbed or damaged during operations work are restored to their original condition. 3.5 All the requirements as per Vredenzicht Estate Homeowners' Association 20 have been fulfilled satisfactorily. The remaining R2 000 plus the interest will be repaid when the basic Landscaping has been done, and the site cleared to the satisfaction of the Building Committee. The Vredenburg Estate Home Owners Association as a special road maintenance levy, which levy will be deposited into a separate road maintenance fund, shall retain the sum of R3000.00. THE BUILDING COMMITTEE MAY REVISE AND ADJUST THE AMOUNT OF THE BUILDING DEPOSIT TO BE PAID YEARLY. 4. DESIGN AND BUILDING CONTROL 4.1 Design Concept The concept is based on criteria derived from the surrounding neighbourhood, being residential with the emphasis on simplicity, scale and proportion, harmony and refined details. Buildings shall be mainly plastered brick with a thickened plinth. These design guidelines are only concerned with the external appearance and positioning of the buildings and structures. Owners are unrestricted with regard to the interior layout, finishes and interior colours of their homes. 4.2 Scales and Proportion It is intended that the architecture of the development must be harmonious and of human scale, avoiding unnecessarily large building forms. The size, proportion and placement of buildings must be compatible. 4.3 Maximum Coverage and Floor area The maximum coverage (or footprint) of all covered (roofed) buildings will be 40% of the erf. By building double storey the floor area can be increased as follow: 40% x 1.5 Example: stand is 500m² x 40% = 200m². By building double storey you can increase the floor area to 200 x 1.5 = 300m². The maximum coverage remains the same. These requirements are applied to avoid excessively large houses being built on a small stand. The minimum house size will be 160 m² excluding garage. A double garage must be provided for each dwelling. The double garage 21 may not be included in the 160m² minimum house area. 4.4 Building Envelope and Building Setbacks Each building will have a specified building area (the building envelope) within which construction must take place. In general the building setbacks are 2 metres all round except the setback from the street, which must be 4 metres. Garages with doors facing the street must have a setback of 4 metres. 4.5 Maximum Building Height The height of ground fill at any point on the site may not be higher than 1.2 metres above natural ground level. The maximum height of the plinth wall may not be higher than 1.2 metres above natural ground level. The maximum building height to the top of the roof is 8 metres measured from the highest buildable point within the building lines. Maximum of two storeys. Natural ground level shall be measured from the highest point within the building lines of each individual erf. 22 4.6 House Form The Maximum building width under a single storey roof is 8 metres and under a double storey roof is 7 metres. Maximum width under a lean-to must not be more than two thirds of the width of the adjacent gable. Outbuildings must be of the same form as the main house if they are free standing. Main buildings to be broken up where possible into separate elements to reduce the visual impact. All forms to be directly attached to ground- no stilts permitted unless supporting timber deck. Round building forms on plan will only be allowed under a square or rectangular roof shape. The minimum length of an uninterrupted wall is restricted to 7metres. Recesses and protrusions of the wall are encouraged to achieve this. 23 4.7 Roofs Flat roofs: To be concealed behind parapet wall. Gables: Gable walls may not project above the roof surface as parapets. Gable walls must terminate at the roof surface, in which case the roof covering must be carried over the head of the wall to form a clipped roof end with a barge board to finish the roof covering. Pitched roofs: 22½-35° in traditional styles. Flat roofs must be hidden behind horizontal parapet walls. Maximum 30% of total roof area may be flat. Overhang must be not less than 500mm and maximum 750mm. Using hipped ends instead of gables reduces the overall impact of the roof. 24 Materials permitted: - Natural slate Fibre cement tiles (earthy colours) Concrete roof tiles (earthy colours) No sheet material may be used eg. Corrugated sheeting or fibre cement sheets Concrete flat roofs (waterproofing to be covered or painted earthy colours) Materials for covering of all roof areas must be specified, in writing, on all plans submitted for approval11. Colours: All roofs should be of natural earthy colours Barge tiles must be the same material as roof and of the same colour Painted bargeboards will not be permitted Fascias must be white or the same colour as roof and minimum 200mm wide. Gutters and down pipes: must be square PVC or Seamless Aluminium finished matching roof or wall colour. 4.8 Walls Walls must be plain, without decoration. Plastered and painted with earthy colours. Natural stone or approved rock face clay bricks or approved face brick for plinths. Simple plaster surrounds around openings to a width of 150mm are acceptable but quoins, rustication and decorative mouldings are not permissible. All window openings must have a single plaster surround, including face brick walls. This is optional12. 11 Change approved by Excom via email dated 14 April 2014 12 Para 4.8 amended via email voting: 95% in favour – confirmed at AGM of 19 November 2012, paragraph 8.2 of minutes. 25 All buildings to have a thickened base (minimum 50mm) up to finished ground floor level or maximum 900mm above finished ground floor level. Maximum 4m-wall height permitted in one vertical plane – if higher then a face brick or stone base must be added to break up vertically. 4.9 Chimneys Black metal pipe with cowl. Chimneys must be bricked up. No metal/pipes chimneys will be allowed. May be of stone or face brick if building has other similar elements. Must comply with National Building Regulations. Height may exceed building envelope restrictions if required. 4.10 Yard and Boundary walls 4.10.1 Compulsory boundary walls between properties must be 1.8m high. 4.10.2 Yard walls may be 2.2m high above natural ground level. 4.10.3 Yard walls may also be 2.2m high where it encompasses a yard. The finish of boundary- and yard walls must be a smooth plastered masonry wall painted the same as main building. Owners should endeavor to achieve agreement on walls where they share a boundary. 4.10.4 4.11 No boundary walls and/or picket fencing are allowed between the street boundary and the building line. Doors and windows Windows to be primarily vertically orientated. The width should be less than the height. 26 Reflective glass not permitted. Shutters permitted for sun control & privacy but must be functional and not only decorative & must match windows and doors in colour and finish. 4.12 Driveways Clay pavers or approved cement pavers (cobblestones etc.) 4.13 Miscellaneous Items Provide two parking bays (including garage). TV aerials and satellite dishes to be positioned as discreetly as possible. Plumbing to be concealed within walls. No pipes will be allowed on wall surfaces. Air-conditioning units may not be visible from the street. Decorative items such as "broekie lace", finials, elaborative moldings etc. are not permitted. 4.14 General In addition to these guidelines, the Vredenzicht Estate Design Review Committee reserves the right to reject any proposed architectural form or feature that in its sole opinion would detract from the overall ambience and quality of the estate. All buildings to comply with the National Building Regulations. All future external alterations and additions must be designed and submitted for approval, based on these guidelines. A full colour scheme with colour samples must be submitted for approval with the submission of building plans. 27 ANNEXURE "A 1" VREDENZICHT ESTATE BUILDING PLAN SUBMISSION CLIENT INFORMATION: Erf No: _____________ Owner's name: _____________________________ Tel: _________________ Contact person: _____________________________ Tel: _________________ ARCHITECT INFORMATION: Name of Firm: ______________________________ Tel: _________________ Contact person: _____________________________ Tel: _________________ SACA Registration No. ________________________ Tel: _________________ Postal Address: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ ROJECT INFORMATION: Area of house (include garages, terraces): Checklist: Site plan indicating Development Platform (setbacks) and position of Building Platform Site section indicating Building Envelope, existing contours, floor levels and heights Roof plan Floor plans Sections and Elevations Description of proposed external finishes (Roof, Walls, Doors & Windows) Landscape plan indicating areas of hard and soft landscaping; boundary walls and fences Scrutiny fee: R_______________ Signature ________________________________ Date _____________________ 28 ANNEXURE"A2" VREDENZICHT ESTATE AUTHORISATION BY BUILDING COMMITTEE FOR REFUNDING BUILDING DEPOSIT Owner's name: _______________________ Erf no: ______________ The above Owner to ensure that the following conditions are met before 50 % of the building deposit will be refunded: Copies of approved as build drawings are on record at designated property administrator's offices. Owner has notified designated property administrators that building operations are completed. Municipal Completion Certificate has been submitted to designated property administrators. Architect has done a Site Inspection and Report has been submitted to Building Committee via designated property administrators that the house has been finished off to a high standard, the storm water reticulation is in place, any roads, common areas or ground levels or fencing of adjoining properties disturbed or damaged during operations work are restored to their original condition. All the requirements as per Vredenzicht Estate Homeowners' Association have been fulfilled satisfactorily. 50 % of building deposit may be refunded. (The remainder of the deposit plus interest will be repaid when the Landscaping has been done, and the site cleared to the satisfaction of the Building Committee.) _________________________________ Estate Manager _________________________ Date _________________________________ Building Committee Member _________________________ Date _________________________________ Chairman Building Committee _________________________ Date 29 ANNEXURE"A3" VREDENZICHT ESTATE Building Procedures Date: _________________ Erf no: ________________ Name of owner: ______________________ Contact numbers: Tel: __________________________ Cell: _________________________ Builder information: Name: _____________________________ NHBRC Registration no: _______________ Name of Responsible Person on site: __________________________ Tel no: _________________________ Cell no: _________________________ Please complete and sign the "Contractors Obligation Agreement". Submit your drawings to the Local Authorities for approval. Attach a cheque for the amount of R__________ made out to "Vredenzicht Home Owners Association" for the refundable building deposit. Your deposit will be interest bearing and will be released after the successful completion of you project, including the condition of the common property in the area of operation, to the satisfaction of the Home Owners Association. (Please refer to clause 3 of the Guidelines) The owner must apply for the release of his deposit. Accepted by Owner __________________ Signature 30 ANNEXURE"A4" VREDENZICHT ESTATE CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATION AGREEMENT (To be completed and signed by both parties in respect of all work carried out on Vredenzicht Estate) PARTIES Vredenzicht Estate Home Owners Association (VEHOA) with the estate Vredenzicht Estate (VE) And ____________________________________________________________________ The Contractor And/Or ___________________________________________________________________ The Principle Agent It is recorded that the Principal Agent above is the owner, accredited architect or anyone else commissioned by the owner for the duration of the building contract. Signed: _______________________________________ (Contractor) Witness: ______________________________________ Date: __________________ Signed: _______________________________________ (VEHOA) Witness: ______________________________________ Date: _________________ 31 VREDENZICHT ESTATE CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATION AGREEMENT Construction Signs The Contractor must erect a construction sign that must be approved by VEHOA sign shall accommodate the street address, erf number, and owner's name. No other signs of contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers, financing companies or any other party may be erected on the site. Erosion Control The Contractor shall install erosion control methods considered necessary immediately upon the building site being cleared. All erosion control measures must be undertaken in collaboration with the Estate Manager or Resident Architect so as to ensure erosion is avoided. Sand bags and berms are to be placed where necessary to prevent erosion, particularly over weekends and holiday periods. Litter Control The Contractor shall control litter and wind blown litter by the following methods: Clearing the site of litter and building scraps particularly on Friday afternoons. The Estate Manager, or his deputy, may require the Contractor to clear the site at any stage if, in their opinion, the site is untidy. Placement of litter bins on site, or a demarcated screened refuse collection area. All litter and building refuse is to be removed form the Estate. No burning of litter or rubbish is permitted on site. Any litter spread outside the site is to be regularly picked up. Work Hours Unless otherwise approved by VEHOA constitution work shall be limited to the time between 07h00 and 18h00, Mondays to Fridays. Construction work shall be limited to 13 the time between. No construction will be allowed on Saturdays , Sundays or Public holidays. A person with a contact number is to be nominated by the Contractor for any emergencies, which may occur after hours. Behaviour All construction workers are expected to behave in a workmanlike manner. Behaviour 13 “Saturday” inserted at AGM dated 30 November 2011, paragraph 8.2 of minutes. 32 shall not disturb other residents or activities on the Estate. The Estate Manager, the Assistant Estate Manager, or the Security Manager, shall have the right to control behaviour and noise generated by construction workers and to ban disruptive or disrespectful workers form the Estate. No workers may leave the building site at any time save in the exercise of their duties, and only then by vehicle and not on foot. In the case of construction on more than one site, movement of personnel between sites is restricted to vehicles i.e. no pedestrian traffic. No worker employed by the Contractor shall be entitled to be on the site other than during the hours provided unless the prior written consent of the VEHOA Estate Manager, or his deputy, is given. Contractors are responsible for the conduct of all sub-contractors on site. Supervision A supervisor or foreman shall be appointed to control the site. No such supervisor/foreman will control more than two sites on the Estate at any one time. He is to be on site or immediately available during working hours, and will be deemed to be representing the contractor in that person's absence. Security, Access to the Estate and damage to services / trees The Contractor will ensure that all contractor and sub-contractor employees engaged in this contract are aware of and abide by the Security rules contained in Annexure "1"to these obligations. The Contractor shall ensure that all vehicles use the roads with due care and, should any of the road edgings/verges, Telkom and electricity manholes, sewer connections, irrigation valves, metro water pipes, fire hydrants, any other services or trees on the property or verge be damaged by the said vehicles or persons under control of the Contractor, then the Contractor shall be responsible for repairing such damage at the Contractor's own cost. Precautionary measures should be taken at the outset to prevent any such damage. Care shall be taken when transporting materials to the site that the Estate speed restriction of 30 km/h is adhered to. Failure to take due care or to adhere to the speed restriction may result in a driver being fined or banned form access to the estate and the construction site. Parking Construction vehicles shall not be parked in any area other than on the building site or on the verge bordering the site. Vehicles shall be parked with due consideration for the users of the streets. Any damage caused by the parking of heavy vehicles will be repaired at the Contractor's expense. Storing of Construction Material 33 All construction material shall be stacked neatly behind the shade cloth at the site. Toilet facilities The Contractors must provide adequate portable toilet facilities, either water-borne (flushing) connected to the main sewer, or chemical, plus rubbish bins for construction workers during the construction period. The location of such facilities must be placed so as to minimize offence to the owners of other units on the Estate. The toilets should be screened off within the site with forest green shade cloth. Final Clean Up At the conclusion of the construction work, the Contractor shall restore all pavements, roadways, verges, ditches and drainage channels, to their original conditions, including fine grading and seeding, assure positive drainage with no standing water, clean the entire site of all construction debris and refuse, and remove all temporary fencing facilities, equipment and unused materials. Where necessary, verges are to be leveled to their original conditions, grass sods laid and any trees destroyed replaced, in liaison with the Estate Landscaping Consultant. The Estate Manager or Resident Architect will, on completion of the contract, as part of the approval of the as-built plans by VEHOA carry out an inspection of the works inclusive of the verges and services. Insurance The Contractor shall take out at its own expense public liability assurance for any claim for damages arising from the acts or omissions of it or its employees or agents. The Contractor hereby indemnifies VEHOA against payment of any such claims for damages. Exterior Coatings The Contractor acknowledges the requirement to comply fully with the VEHOA Regulations for Building Design and the Procedure for Operations in all respects, as well as with regard to exterior coatings and colours. Failure to comply with this requirement will result in VEHOA insisting on the exterior coatings being re-applied at the Contractor's expense. Neighbouring Erven No encroachment onto neighbouring Erf will be permitted without the prior permission of the owners of such erven and VEHOA Deviation from Approved Plans The Contractor shall not deviate form the approved plans without being in possession of amended plans approved by VEHOA and the Somerset West Local Authority. Breach In the event of the Contractor being in breach of any obligations under this agreement, then VEHOA shall be entitled to one or more of the following remedies: 34 Give written notification to the Contractor to remedy the breach within 24 hours. Close the Contractor's access to the site until the breaches have been remedied. Insist on rectification of the breach at the cost of the Contractor. Issue a written warning. Imposition of a fine as decided by the Disciplinary Committee. General Non-waiver No indulgence, which any party may give to the other party in terms of this agreement, shall constitute a waiver by the former of any of its rights under this agreement. Variation No agreement varying, adding to, deleting from or canceling this agreement, and no waiver of any right under this agreement, shall be effective unless reduced to writing and signed by or on behalf of the parties. 35 ANNEXURE "1" Vredenzicht Estate Home Owners Association (VEHOA) Contractor, sub-contractor and suppliers rules and regulations Introduction • All contractors working at VEHOA must sign acceptance of these rules before any work commencing on site. • Signature of this document does bind the company to all VEHOA guidelines, rules and controls. • The following protocols are to be strictly adhered to. • The definition of a contractor includes: building contractors, installers of internal building fittings, landscapers and other companies associated with garden installations, suppliers and consultants to the building trade and architects; and their staff. This definition also includes the estate contracted landscaping service. General rules: Working hours: • Contractors are only permitted on the estate from Monday to Friday between 07h00 and 18h00. • Work is not permitted on Saturdays, Sundays and over public holidays. • all building work is suspended during the December shutdown period as decided annually by VEHOA. The only exceptions to this are the estate landscaping service and other landscapers as approved by the estate manager. Access Points / Access: • Contractors are only permitted to enter the estate through the Main Gate. The driver of the vehicle must report to security. • All delivery vehicles must use Main Gate. The driver of the delivery vehicle must report to security and show delivery note, which must indicate clearly the owners name and erf number. • Overloaded trucks will not be allowed access. • Access will be permitted to all based on the following procedure: 36 ○ the contractor will for all his workers and sub contractors advise them to have a copy of their Identity document available to hand to the gate guard. ○ the residential address and contact telephone numbers of the person wanting to enter is to be written on the copy of the identity document. ○ Failure by anyone to have the above information will be refused entrance to the estate – NO EXCEPTIONS Other: • a contractor or any of his employees is not permitted to walk on the estate. • Changing and or washing in full view of public is not permitted. • the speed limited on the estate is strictly 20 km/h. • any wastage on roads, curbs and in the storm water system will be cleaned by contractor at his expense as soon as possible. • it is the contractor's responsibility to ensure that all loads are secure. • the contractor is to ensure that at all times there is a supervisor on the building site. • No contractor may allow any personnel to sleep on the Estate. • Security arrangements for private sites must be approved, in writing, by the VEHOA. • Parking of vehicles is not permitted on pavements, verges and/or in such a manner as to obstruct other vehicles and or pedestrians. • Contractor staff is not allowed to congregate outside the main gate waiting for their employer or supervisor. All staff is to be picked up at an area away from the estate and brought by vehicle to the main gate. At the main gate they will alight, enter the estate and then be taken through to their site. • Deliveries are not permitted before 08h00 and after 16h30. Deliveries required after these hours must be pre arranged with the VEHOA and the contractors is responsible to advise the guard at the gate, after approval has been obtained. • Fines issued must be paid within 7 working days of issue, or access will be suspended. 37