Strength of Materials
Strength of Materials
STRENGTH OF MATERIALS By Dr. Fathelarahamn Mohamed Adam Course Content: 311 EngC Strength of Materials: (4: 3,3,0) Review of basic principles of static. Plane stress and strain and their relations. Normal force. Shear force and bending moment diagrams for determinate members. Relation between load, shear force and bending moment. Review of properties of plane sections. Bending stresses in beams. Symmetric and unsymmetrical bending. Shear flow and shearing stresses in beams. Torsion of circular members. Compound stresses. Transformation of plane stress and strain. Mohr’s circle of stress. Deflection of beams. Double integration and moment-area methods. Buckling of columns. Euler’s formula. Laboratory experiments. Prerequisite: 221 EngC Engineering Mechanics (Static): Refrences: Text Books: 1. William A. Nash, Merle C. Potter, “Strength of Materials” 5th Edition, Schaum’s Outlines Series, 2011 2. George F. Limbrunner and Leonard Spiegel “Applied Statics and Strength of Materials” 5th Edition, Mar 9, 2008. References: 1. Ferdinand P. Beer, Johnston, E.R., DeWof, J.T. and David F. Mazurek "Mechanics of Materials", 6th edition, McGraw Hill, 2012. 2. Barry S. Onouye and Kevin Kane “Statics and Strength of Materials for Architecture and Building Construction”, Jul 3, 2006. About Strength of Material Strength of material is the study of the behavior of structural members under the action of external loads, taking into account the internal forces created and the resulting deformations. Analysis is directed towards determining the limiting loads which the member can stand before the material fail or excessive deformation occurs. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 1 General review System of Units (SI System): The SI system (International System of Units) is the modern metric system of measurement and the dominant system of international commerce and trade. SI units are gradually replacing Imperial (old English unit) and USCS units (United States Customary System Units are the measuring units used in the U.S. consisting of the mile, inch, gallon, second and pound) The SI system includes: • SI base and derived units described in terms of acceptable SI units. • SI Prefixes. Table contains some base and derived units and conversion factors Quantity Length Mass Time Area Volume Velocity Acceleration Angular velocity Force, Weight Density Specific weight Pressure, stress Work, Energy Power Symbol L m t A V V a w F,W r g P W,E,U W SI Units m kg s m2 m3 m/s m/s2 rad/s rad/s N kg/m3 N/m3 kPa J W W Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam English Units ft lbm sec ft2 ft3 ft/sec ft/sec2 rad/sec rpm lbf lbm/ft3 lbf/ft3 psi ft-lbf ft-lbf/sec hp To Convert from English to SI units Multiply by 0.3048 0.4536 1 0.0929 0.02832 0.3048 0.3048 1 9.55 4.448 16.02 157.1 6.895 1.356 1.356 746 2 SI prefixes: Prefixes for SI Units Prefix Symbol Abbreviation 1018 exa E 1015 peta P 1012 tera T 109 giga G 106 mega M 103 kilo k 102 hecto h 101 deka da 10-1 deci d 10-2 centi c 10-3 milli m 10-6 micro μ 10-9 nano n 10-12 pico p 10-15 femto f 10-18 atto a Scalar quantities: The scalar quantities are those quantities which have magnitude only such as length, mass, time, distance, volume etc. Vector quantities: The vector quantities are those quantities which have both magnitude and direction such as force, displacement, velocity, acceleration etc. Analysis process: Action Resistance Loads Tension or Compression Bending Action (uni-axial) Bending Action (biaxial) Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam Reaction Axial Force single bending moment, Shear Force double bending moment , shear force 3 Coordinates System: There are many types of system coordinates like: Cartesian coordinates system, polar coordinate system, cylindrical coordinate system, natural coordinate system, curvilinear coordinate system. The most general coordinate system used in structural analysis is Cartesian coordinate system, which classify to two axes the one is the local axis and the other is global axis. Local axis: is the axis defines the element locally and the terms used for it is x, y and z. where x is the axial axis which is the axis pass through the element between ends, y is perpendicular to x and z is perpendicular to the plane xy. Global axis: is the axis defines the structure, in other words all the elements are corporate the same axis termed as X, Y and Z. Supports: The supports are special joints where located at the ends of elements and where the applied loads are finally transmitted to. Paths at which the applied loads are transferred to the system to its supports are called "load paths". The resisting force forces against translation/rotation at the support are called "support reactions" Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 4 Loads: The loads that act on common civil engineering structures can be grouped according to their nature and source into three classes: (1) dead loads due to the weight of the structural system itself and any other material permanently attached to it; (2) live loads, which are movable or moving loads due to the use of the structure; and (3) environmental loads, which are caused by environmental effects, such as wind, snow, and earthquakes. The loads are classified as its acting along the local axis to axial loads (along the axial axis x) and transverse loads (along transverse axis y or/and z). The loads are classified according to the location where it acts to two types: 1. joint loads if act at place defined as joint and 2. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 5 member load if act between joints. The member loads may be concentrated at point (concentrated load) or distributed along definite length (distributed load) which it may be distributed uniformly i.e. has the same value along the length or have variable value (varying linearly or trapezoidal or any shape) Forces: Are the results of resistance of structures to loads accordance to its behavior. The forces named as it acts along to direction of axis are: 1. Axial force: which it acts along the axial axis. Two types are distinguished, according to the deformation they cause: tension Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 6 causes elongation. Compression causes shortening. This force can be found in bars and trusses and columns as well. 2. Shear force: which it acts along the transverse axis i.e. along the x-section and at supports named as reaction. The shear force generally accompanied by bending moment. 3. Bending moment: acts around the transverse axis. The shear force and bending moments can be found in bending elements like beams as an example. 4. Torsion moment: acts around the axial axis. Forces on Supports: Displacements: Classify to two: Translation and Rotation. Translation: mean the points translate from situation to situation along the axes, and there are two types of translation: axial translation (along axial axis) and transverse translation (along transverse axes). Rotation: is the bent of axial axis from its original situation and equal to the tangent at the point considered, and it always about the transverse axis. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 7 Relation between force and displacements: At any points except supports: axial force – axial translation transverse force – transverse translation bending moment – rotation At support: if there exist a force; the displacement is absent Equilibrium Equation: For a two dimensional body occupied a region on the X-Y plane, equilibrium of this body implies that all forces and moments applied to the body must satisfy the following three equations: ∑ FX = 0 ∑ FY = 0 ∑ MZ = 0 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam (1) (2) (3) 8 Chapter 1 Review of properties of plane sections Centroid and First Moment of Area Definitions Centroid is the geometric centre which represents a point in the plane about which the area of the cross-section is equally distributed. Centre of gravity (CG) for a body is a point which locates the gravity or weight of the body. Centroid and CG are same for homogeneous material. The First Moment of Area is analogous to a moment created by a Force multiplied by a distance except this is a moment created by an area multiplied by a distance and it is used to find out centroid. Consider an area A located in the xy plane in the Figure shown below. Denoting by x and y the coordinates of an element of area dA. we define the first moment of the area A with respect to the x axis as the integral: = (1) Similarly, the first moment of the area A with respect to the y axis is defined as the integral: = (2) The centroid of the area A is defined as the point C of coordinates ̅ and as shown in Figure which satisfy the following relations: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 9 = , = ̅ (3) We note that the first moments of the area A can be expressed as the products of the area and of the coordinates of its centroid: Or = = , , = = (4) (5) Example (1.1): For the triangle shown in Figure below, find: 1. The first moment Qx of the area with respect to the x axis. 2. The ordinate of the centroid of the area. Solution: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 10 From triangle similarity: = So: ℎ− ℎ ℎ− ℎ = The area of small element: = ℎ− ℎ = 1. The first moment Qx of the area with respect to the x axis: From equation (1): = = ℎ = ℎ− ℎ ! ℎ ℎ! ℎ! − " = − " 3 ℎ 2 3 2 ℎ! ℎ = # %= ℎ 6 6 2. The ordinate of the centroid of the area: From equation (5): = Where: So: = ℎ 6 = ℎ 2 2 1 = ℎ ℎ 3 Note that: if an area A possesses an axis of symmetry, its centroid C is located on that axis as shown in Figure below: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 11 From this note and from the above examples, the centriod of standard shape can easily be found as tabulated in the Table below. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 12 Centriod of complex shape: Where an area is of more complex shape, a simple method of determining the location of the centroid can be used which divides the complex shape into smaller simple geometric shapes for which the centroidal locations may easily be determined such as (rectangles, right triangles, circles etc). Then instead of using equations (4) and (5) to calculate the centriod, use the following: =& ' ' , and instead of A, use ∑ so by substitute in (5) ∑ ' ' = , ∑ ' ' =& = ∑ ∑ ' ̅' (6) ' ̅' ' (7) Example (1.2): Locate the centroid C of the area A shown in Figure below. Solution: Divide the area to two areas and selecting the coordinate axes shown as shown below: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 13 From symmetry of axis y, the ̅ is known and equal to zero. From Figure: A1 = 20(80) = 1600 mm2 A2 = 40(60) = 2400 mm2 from the x axis: & ' ' * = 70,,, & ' ' = = 30,, * * + = 1600(70) + 2400(30) = 184,000,,! & & ' = ' = * + = 1600 + 2400 = 4,000,, ∑ ∑ ' ' ' = 184,000 = 46,, 4,000 Example (1.3): Locate the centroid of the shape shown in Figure below. y 600 mm 1000 mm All thicknesses are 10 mm x 500 mm Solution: Divide the shape to three elements as shown in Figure with specify the area and centriod of each area from the two axes x and y. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 14 y 500 102.6 mm 3 300 550 C 365.8 mm 2 1 50 x 50 250 Element b h 1 500 100 2 100 400 3 1000 100 Summation ̅= = ∑ ∑ ∑ ∑ A (bxh) 50,000 40,000 100,000 x 250 50 50 190,000 = = y 50 300 550 Ax Ay 2,500,000 12,000,000 55,000,000 19,500,000 2,500,000 12,000,000 55,000,000 69,500,000 19,500,000 = 102.6,, 190,000 69,500,000 = 365.8,, 190,000 Second Moment of Area or Moment of Inertia: The second moment of area or second moment of inertia is a property of a cross section that can be used to predict the resistance of beams to bending and deflection, around an axis that lies in the cross-sectional plane. The deflection of a beam under load depends not only on the load, but also on the geometry of the beam's cross-section. This is why beams with higher area moments of inertia, such as I-beams, are so often seen in building construction as opposed to other beams with the same area. The moment of inertia, of the area A shown in Figure with respect to the x axis and y axis are defined, respectively, as: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 15 1 = , 1 = Polar moment of inertia: The Polar moment of inertia of an area is a quantity used to predict an object's ability to resist torsion. It is used to calculate the angular displacement of an object subjected to a torque. It is analogous to the area moment of inertia. We now define the polar moment of inertia of the area A with respect to point O shown in Figure as the integral: 23 = 4 where r is the distance from O to the element dA. While this integral is again a double integral, it is possible in the case of a circular area to select elements of area dA in the shape of thin circular rings, and thus reduce the computation of JO to a single integration. An important relation may be established between the polar moment of inertia JO of a given area and the rectangular moments of inertia Ix and Iy of the same area. Noting that: r2 = x2 + y2 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 16 so we can write: 23 = 4 = ( + ) = + Or: JO = Ix + Iy The radius of gyration: The radius of gyration of an area A with respect to the x axis is defined as the quantity rx, that satisfies the relation: 1 =4 where Ix is the moment of inertia of A with respect to the x axis. Solving the Equation above for rx, we have: 1 4 =5 In a similar way, we define the radii of gyration with respect to the y axis and the origin O. We write: 1 13 4 = 5 , 43 = 5 Example (1.4): Find the moment of inertia and the radius of gyration about the x axis for the rectangular section shown in Figure. Solution: select as an element of area a horizontal strip of length b and thickness dy Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 17 Since the area at distance y from the x axis, the moment of inertia of the strip with respect to that axis is: 1 = where: dA = b dy the integration limited between –h/2 and +h/2 so: 1 = 1 = ! 3 " 6 6 = 3 ℎ 2 ! ℎ ! − − " 2 ℎ! ℎ! 1 1 1 = 7 + 8= 3 8 8 12 The radius of gyration about x axis is given by: 1 4 =5 where: A=bh so: ℎ! ℎ ℎ =5 = = 3.464ℎ 4 =5 12( ℎ) 12 √12 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 18 The moment of inertia about x axis (Ix), y axis (Iy) and polar moment of inertia (IC), for standard shape can easily be found as tabulated in the Table below: Parallel axis theorem The moment of area of an object about any axis parallel to the centroidal axis is the sum of moment of inertia about its centroidal axis and the product of area with the square of distance of from the reference axis. 1 =1 :+ Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 19 where: 1 : is the moment of inertia about the centriod. Example (1.5): Find the second moment of inertia about the centriod C for the section shown in Figure. Solution: Divide the area A into two areas A1 and A2, and compute the moment of inertia of each area with respect to the x axis. Note that the 1 : for the rectangular section is: ℎ! 1 := 12 for A1: b1 = 80 mm, h1 = 20 mm 80(20)! 1 ;: = = 53.33 10! ,,< 12 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 20 for A2: b2 = 40 mm, h2 = 60 mm 1 : = 40(60)! = = 720 10! ,,< 12 Use the parallel axis theorem to find the 1 for the two areas. Note that, the centriod is at distance 46 mm from bottom of section as calculated from previous example. 1 =1 :+ Note that, d is the distance from the centriod of area to the axis x for A1: A1 = 80(20) = 1,600 mm2 , d1 = 10+14 = 24 mm 1 ; 1 ; =1 : ; + * * = 53.33 10! + 1,600(24) = 974.93 10! ,,< for A2: A2 = 40(60) = 2,400 mm2 , d1 = 16 mm 1 1 = =1 : = + = 720 10! + 2,400(16) = 1.334 10> ,,< For the hole area: 1 = 1 =1 ; +1 = = 974.93 10! + 1,334 10! = 2.31 10> ,,< Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 21 Chapter 2 Simple Stress and Strain: Stress: Stress is defined as the force intensity or force per unit area. Here we use a symbol σ to represent the stress. @ ? = (1) where: A is the area of the x-section P is the applied external load Here we are using an assumption that the total load carried by the rectangular bar is uniformly distributed over its cross section. The basic units of stress in S.I units. (International system) are N/m2 (or Pa) KPa = 103 Pa MPa = 106 Pa GPa = 109 Pa Some times N/mm2 for units are also used. Types of Stresses: Only two basic stresses exist: 1. Normal stress or Direct stress: Is defined as force per unit area, If the stresses are normal to the areas concerned, then these are termed as normal Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 22 stresses. It must be uniaxial state of stress, biaxial state of stress or triaxial state of stress as shown in Figures below: Uniaxial state of stress Biaxial state of stress Triaxial state of stress The normal stresses can be either: tensile which the member is being stretched by the axial force and is in tension and the deformation is characterized by axial elongation. or compressive which the member is being compressed by the axial force and is in compression and the deformation is characterized by axial shortening. @ @ Tensile Stress Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 23 @ @ Compressive Stress 2. Shear stress: When a section is subjected to two equal and opposite forces, acting tangentially across the resisting section, as a result of which the body tends to shear off across the section, the stress induced is called shear stress. Note that the shear stress will always be tangential to the area on which it acts. The shear stresses can be computed from the following equation: @ A = (2) where A is the shear area. @ @ A A Complementary shear: When a body influenced by a shear stress as shown in figure below: A A we observed that the body in unbalanced state and must be balanced by the same shear but in opposite direction Á as shown in figure below and the balanced shear stress called the complementary shear stress. A Á Á A Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 24 Strain: If a bar is subjected to a direct load, and hence a stress, the bar will change in length. If the bar has an original length L and changes in length by an amount δ, the strain produced is defined as follows: CD4EFG(H) = IℎEGJKFGLKGJDℎ N = (3) M4FJFGELLKGJDℎ O Note that the strain is thus a measure of the deformation of the material and is non-dimensional, i.e. it has no units; it is simply a ratio of two quantities with the same unit. Types of Strains: The strain can be classified to two basic strains: 1. Normal strain or Direct strain: It is as the direct stress due to the load and it must be tensile or compressive according to the type of load as in the stress. 2. Shear strain: Shear strain is defined as the strain accompanying a shear stress. It is the angle in radian measure through which the body gets distorted when subjected to an external shear stress. It is denoted by γ and mathematically is equal to change in right angle. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 25 Deformed shape Original shape S A A Sign convention: For the stress and strain as alike, tensile is positive and compressive is negative. The relation between stress and strain: When a load is applied to an element of any material, there exist a relationship between the load and small change in the element and if the change is disappear (the element retain to the original shape) when the load is removed, this state is called the elastic behavior and the material be elastic under that load action. Experiments have shown that the stress is directly proportional to the strain within the straight line region. This relationship is expressed by Robert Hook and defines by Hooke's Law which it stated by “when a material is loaded within its elastic state, the stress is directly proportional to the strain.” Mathematically: ? ∝ H(4) The constant of the relation is stated by Thomas Young and known by Young’s modulus or modulus of elasticity denoted by (E) and its value is indicator to the material property. Its unit is the same as stress N/mm2. Then the relation can be rewrite by equation: ? = QH(5) In the case of shear stress and strain the constant relate the shear stress and shear strain is called the modulus of rigidity or shear modulus and is denoted by (G) and its unit is the same as stress N/mm2. The relation can be writing as: A = RS(6) Young’s modulus and shear modulus for some materials are tabulated later. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 26 Relation between load and deformation: If a body of length L and x-section A subjected to an axial load P. if the modulus of elasticity for the material of the body is E, find an expression for the deformation in the body. *Note that the deformation is the extension (δ) acted in the body by the load From equation (1), the stress can be calculated from: @ ? = (E) From equation (3), the strain can be calculated from: N H = ( ) O The relation between stress and strain from (5) ? = QH(I) From (a) and (b), substitute in (c): @ N =Q O From that and for δ: N= O Q @( ) Equation (d) used to calculate the deformation by denotation of load. Also we can find the load by denotation of deformation as in equation (e) below. O @= N(K) Q Example (2.1): A steel rod of 1 m length and square x-section 20 mm x 20 mm, subjected to a tensile force of 40 kN. If modulus of elasticity E is 200 GPa (kN/mm2) , find: 1. The Stress in the bar σ. 2. The extension δ due to applied load. 3. The strain in the bar. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 27 Solution: Given data: L = 1 m = 1,000 1x103 mm A = 20 x 20 = 400 mm2 P = 40 kN = 40,000 or 40x103 N E = 200 kN/mm2 = 200,000 or 200x103 N/mm2 1. The stress σ: ?= 2. The extension δ: @ = N= 40,000 = 100T/,, 400 O Q @ 1 10! N =# % 40 10! = 0.5,, ! 200 10 (400) 3. The strain ε: H= N 0.5 = = 0.5 106! ! O 1 10 Example (2.2) A load of 5 kN is carried by steel wire, if the stress to be carried by wire is 100 MPa, Dind the minimum diameter of the steel wire. Solution: Given data: P = 5 kN = 5x103 N σ = 100 MPa =100x106 N/m2 =100x106/1x106 = 100 N/mm2 If the diameter of the wire is d, then the area is: V = 4 W W from ? = so = , then: X V 5 10! = 4 100 5 10! 4 = = 63.66 100 V = √63.66 = 7.98,,, CE 8,, Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 28 Example (2.3) Steel bar of cross section 500 mm2 is acted upon by the forces shown in Figure. Determine the total elongation of the bar. For steel, consider E = 200 GPa. 2 1 3 15 kN 50 kN 10 kN 0.6 m 1m 45 kN 1.25 m Solution: By superposition (element by element) and balance forces: 1 3 50 50 45 45 2 50 15 10 35 35 45 Given Data: A = 500 mm2 E = 200 kN/mm2 = 200x103 N/mm2 L1 = 0.6 m = 600 mm, L2 = 1000 mm, L3 = 1250 mm P1 = 50 kN = 50x103 N, P2 = 35x103 N, P3 = 45x103 N O @ Q E A = 200x103 (500) = 100x106 N= N* = N = 600 50 10! = 0.3,, > 100 10 1000 35 10! = 0.35,, > 100 10 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 29 N! = 1250 45 10! = 0.56,, 100 10> Totalextension(δ)=δ1+δ2+δ3 δ=0.3+0.35+0.56=1.21mm Tensile Test: In order to compare the strengths of various materials it is necessary to carry out some standard form of test to establish their relative properties. One such test is the standard tensile test in which a circular bar of uniform cross-section is subjected to a gradually increasing tensile load until failure occurs by using Universal Testing Machine. Measurements of the change in length of a selected gauge length of the bar are recorded throughout the loading operation by means of extensometers and a graph of load against extension or stress against strain is produced as shown in Figure below; this shows a typical result for a test on a mild (low carbon) steel bar; other materials will exhibit different graphs but of a similar general form. Stress D UltimateStress(σu) FracturePoint YieldStress(σy) LimitofProportionality E B A C Strain o ElasticZone PlasticZone For the first part of the test it will be observed that Hooke’s law is obeyed, i.e. the material behaves elastically and stress is proportional to strain, giving the straight-line (O-A), where the deformations are completely recovered when load is removed and point A is termed the Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 30 limit of proportionality. For a short period beyond this point the elongation increases more quickly and the diagram becomes curved. At B a sudden elongation of the bar take place without an appreciable increase in the tensile force. This phenomenon called yielding is shown in diagram at points B and C where B, termed the upper yield point, and C, the lower yield point, and the corresponding stress is called yield stress (σy ). Upon further stretching, relatively rapid increases in strain occur without correspondingly high increases in stress up to point D at which the stress have a maximum value and called ultimate stress (σu ). Beyond point D the strain increases with decreasing in stress and finally the fracture or failure in the material occurs at point E. During tensile testing, the zone between O and A corresponds to elastic behavior and called elastic zone. Thus if the load were removed within this zone, the material would return to its original state. But the zone between A and E corresponds to plastic behavior and called plastic zone whereby the material undergoes a permanent change without recovering its original state. Properties of the material: There are two main types of material which described below: Ductile Materials: • Materials those are capable of undergoing large strains (at normal temperature) before failure. • An advantage of ductile materials is that visible distortions may occur before failure. • Have a high resistance to tensile and compression stress, but may buckle under compression. • Capable of absorbing large amounts of energy prior to failure. • The failure in ductile materials not happens suddenly but takes time and generally happens by yielding or buckling. • As examples of ductile materials: mild steel, aluminum and some of its alloys, copper, magnesium, nickel, brass, bronze and many others. Brittle Material: • Materials that exhibit very little inelastic deformation. • As an advantage have large amount of resistance to compression stress, but have poor resistance to tensile stress. • The failure in brittle materials occurs suddenly and generally happens by crushing. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 31 • As examples of brittle materials: concrete, stone, cast iron, glass and plaster etc. The figure below is a picture for ductile and brittle material after failure. Ductile material Brittle material In the following there are brief definitions to some properties of material: Elasticity: Is the ability of the material to return to its original dimensions when the external applied load is removed. Plasticity: Is the property which permits materials to undergo permanent change in shape without fracture, i.e the material does not return to its original dimensions. Ductility: Is the ability of the material to stand large plastic deformation in tension, i.e the property of the material which enables it to be drawn out to a considerable extent before failure. Strength: Is the resistance of the material to any applied forces, and is measured in the known stress units. Stiffness: Is the property of the material to resist any sort of deformation. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 32 A stiff material is that material which withstands high unit stress with relatively small unit deformation. In axial tension and compression tests, the stiffness is quantitatively measured by the modulus of elasticity within the elastic limit. Resilience: It is the capacity of the material to store mechanical energy; given in energy units, which is the maximum amount of mechanical energy that may be stored in a unit volume and be completely recovered upon the removal of load. Hardness: Is the ability of the material to resist scratching, abrasion, cutting, or indentation. Durability: Is the ability of the material to resist the internal or external destructive conditions over long period of time. Elastic Constants: The elastic constants of a material describe its response to an applied stress and are derived from an experimental point of view, according to the relation between the stress and strain. Modulus of Elasticity or Young’s modulus (E): Is the constant used to measure the stiffness of a material below the proportional limit and mathematically is equal to the ratio between the stress and strain. Its unit is N/mm2. ? Q = H With the modulus of elasticity, we can describe the material by isotropic, anisotropic or homogeneous. Isotropic – Isotropic materials have elastic properties that are independent of direction of the load applied. Most common structural materials are isotropic. Anisotropic – Materials whose properties depend upon direction. An important class of anisotropic materials is fiber-reinforced composites. Homogeneous – A material is homogeneous if it has the same composition at every point in the body. A homogeneous material may or may not be isotropic. Poisson’s ratio (ν): Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 33 Any direct stress is accompanied by a strain in its own direction and called longitudinal (linear) strain and an opposite kind strain in every direction at right angles to it called lateral strain. The ratio between the lateral strain and longitudinal strain is called the Poisson’s ratio and is denoted by (ν) this constant is defined by Simon-Denis Poisson. It has dimensionless unit. Y = − LEDK4ELCD4EFG LMGJFD FGELCD4EFG The minus sign is due to fact that longitudinal strains always opposite to lateral strains (because in tensile stress, there exist increase in length accompanied by decrease in x-section). Modulus of Rigidity or Shear Modulus (G) Is the constant obtained by finding the ratio between the shear stress τ and the shear strain γ within elastic limit. A R = S Bulk Modulus (K): When a body is subjected to three mutually perpendicular stresses of equal intensity in the case of hydrostatic pressure, the ratio of direct pressure to the corresponding volumetric strain is known as bulk modulus. It is denoted by K Z = Where: [F4KID\4KCC 4K ]ML ,KD4FI^D4EFG Volumetric strain = εx + εy + εz Relation between elastic constants: 1. Relation between Young’s modulus and shear modulus: The relation gives by the equation: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 34 Q = 2R(1 + Y) 2. Relation between Young’s modulus and bulk modulus: The relation gives by the equation: Q = 3Z(1 − 2Y) 3. Relation between Young’s modulus, shear modulus and bulk modulus: The relation gives by the equation: Q= 9RZ (R + 3Z) *For derivation of these equations refer to the references. Values of Elastic constants for some materials Material Aluminum alloy Brass Concrete Nickel Steel Timber Glass Young Modulus E kN/mm2 (GPa) 70 – 79 96 – 110 17 – 31 210 195 – 210 11 – 14 48 – 83 Shear Modulus G kN/mm2 (GPa) 26 – 30 36 – 41 80 80 – 100 1 19 – 35 Bulk Modulus K kN/mm2 (GPa) 76 102 14 175 167 – 58 Poisson’s ratio ν 0.33 0.34 0.1 – 0.2 0.31 0.27 – 0.3 0.5 0.17 – 0.27 Example (2.4) A rod made of a homogenous and isotropic material, have 500 mm length and 16 mm diameter. The rod is observed to increase in length by 300 µm and to decrease in diameter by 2.4 µm when subjected to an axial load of 12 kN. Determine the modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio of the material. Solution: Given data: L = 500 mm, P = 12 kN = 12x103 N, d = 16 mm Longitudinal extension = 300 µm = 300x10-6(1000) = 0.3 mm Lateral contraction = -2.4 µm = 2.4x10-6(1000) = 2.4x10-3 mm = V V(16 ) = = 201.1,, 4 4 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 35 ?= @ 12 10! = = 59.7T/,, 201.1 H_`ab'cde'af_ H_fcghf_ N O 0.3 = = 0.6 106! 500 H= −2.4 106! = = −0.15 106! 16 H_fcghf_ −0.15 106! Y= = = 0.25 H_`ab'cde'af_ 0.6 106! *Note: ignore the minus sign Q= ? 59.7 = = 99.5 10! T/,, H 0.6 106! Q = 99.5R@E Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 36 Chapter 3 Simple Bending of Beams When a beam is subjected to transverse loads it causes deflection in the beam which produces bending. If the bending not accompanied by torsion then the bending is said to be simple bending. If the shear force in the beam is zero, then the beam is said to be subjected to pure bending. The theory of simple bending was developed by Bernoulli. The following assumptions are made in this theory: 1. The material of the beam is assumed to be homogeneous, perfectly elastic and isotropic. 2. All transverse sections of the beam, which are planes before bending, remain plane after bending. 3. The radius of curvature of the beam before bending is very large in comparison to its transverse dimensions. This implies that the beam is initially straight. 4. The resultant pull or push across any transverse section of the beam is zero. This implies that total tensile force is equal to the compressive force in the beam cross- section. 5. The Young’s modulus of elasticity is same in tension and compression. 6. The stresses are within the proportional limit. If we now consider a beam subjected to a constant bending moment (M) along its length, i.e. pure bending, it will bend to a radius R as shown in Figure below. As a result of this bending the top fibers of the beam will be subjected to compression and the bottom to tension. It is reasonable to suppose, therefore, that somewhere between the two there are plane at which the stress is zero called the neutral plane and the axis passed through it called neutral axis (N.A). The radius of curvature R is then measured to this axis. For symmetrical sections the N.A is the axis of symmetry, but whatever the section the N.A. will always pass through the centre of area or centroid. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 37 O θ R Y Compression M M y N S N S δA X σ N.A y Tension Consider that the beam is bent into an arc of a circle through angle θ radians. NN is on the neutral axis and is the same length before and after bending. The radius of the neutral axis is R. There is a layer of material at distance y from the neutral axis and this is stretched because it must become longer (SS). The original length (L) before and after bending is NN: L = NN = R θ The length at distance y is SS: SS = (R + y) θ = R θ + y θ The extension (δ): δ = SS – NN δ = R θ + y θ –R θ = y θ The strain (ε) at level SS: H= N O i = ji j According to the relation between stress and strain: ? Q = H So: H= Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 38 H = ? Q ? = Q j Q ?= j Therefore, the bending stress at any point in the cross-section is proportional to its distance from the neutral axis. ? Q = (1) j In other form: Now consider an elementary area dA at a distance y from the neutral axis, as shown in Figure. And the stress at this level is σ. Force acting on dA is: The total F is: Substitute for σ, so: k=& dF = σ dA F = ∑ σ dA Q j = Q &( j ) The total moment of all the forces acting on various elements composing the cross-section forms a couple which is equal to the bending moment M and is called the moment of resistance (MR). The moment of resistance can be obtained by taking moment about the N.A, so: MR = M = F y Substitute for F, so: Q l = &( ) j Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 39 Know that: So: In other form: l= Q &( j &( l= Q &( j l= ) = 1 Q1 j ) ) l Q = (2) 1 j Combine equation (1) and (2), we get: l ? Q = = (3) 1 j And this equation called Bending Equation or Engineering Equation • The engineering equation indicates that the stress in a beam depends on the bending moment and so the maximum stress will occur where the bending moment is a maximum along the length of the beam. • It also indicates that stress is related to distance y from the neutral axis so it varies from zero to a maximum at the top or bottom of the section. One edge of the beam will be in maximum tension and the other in maximum compression. • Note that the stress σ is called bending stress, it results from bending moment and it differ from the direct stress which results from direct load. • Note that the neutral axis must always pass through the centroid The section Modulus: From equation (3), the bending stress can be calculated by using the relation: ?= l 1 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 40 Or ?= Where: l l = 1/ m m= 1 Z is called the section modulus and used to find the maximum bending stress according to the maximum value of y which it clearly is the far distance from N.A at outer fibers at top and bottom. Bending stress for symmetrical sections: 1. Rectangular section: if a beam have a rectangular section of width b and depth h as shown in Figure below: b h/2 y h N.A y h/2 ymax = h/2 , top or bottom mnf = ℎ! 1= 12 1 nf ?nf = ℎ! 2 ℎ = = 12 ℎ 6 l mnf = 2. For circular section of diameter d: 6l ℎ V < 1= 64 mnf = 1 nf ymax = d/2 V < 2 V ! = = 64 32 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 41 ?nf = l mnf = 32l V ! Example (3.1) Abeamhasarectangularcrosssection80mmwideand120mm deep.Itissubjectedtoabendingmomentof15kNmatacertain point along its length. Calculate the maximum stress on the section. Solution: Given data: b=80mm,h=120mm ℎ! 1= 12 80(120)! 1= = 11.52 10> ,, 12 mnf = = nf 1 nf ?nf = l ℎ 120 = = 60,, 2 2 11.52 10> = = 192 10! ,,! 60 mnf 15 10> = = 72.1T/,, 192 10! Example (3.2) Abeamhasahollowcircularcrosssection40mmouterdiameter and30mminnerdiameter.Itismadefrommetalwithamodulusof elasticityof205GPa.Themaximumtensilestressinthebeammust notexceed350MPa.Calculatethefollowing. 1. Themaximumallowablebendingmoment. 2. Theradiusofcurvature. Solution: Given data: douter=40mm,dinner=30mm σmax=350MPa=350N/mm2 E=205GPa=205x103 N/mm2 1= Vo( `dcgh ) −( 64 < < 'aagh ) p Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam Vo(40)< − (30)< p = 64 42 I=85x103mm4 nf mnf = 1 = nf `dcgh 2 = 40 = 20,, 2 85 10! = = 4.25 10! ,,! 20 1. Themaximumallowablebendingmoment. From that: ?nf = l mnf l = ?nf . mnf l = 350(4.25 10! ) = 1.5 10> T. ,, = 1.5qT. , 2. Theradiusofcurvature. From Equation (2) j= Q1 l 205 10! (85 10! ) j= = 11.6 10! ,, = 11.6, > 1.5 10 Bending stress for unsymmetrical sections: The only difference between the symmetrical and unsymmetrical sections in calculating the bending stress is that: The bending stress for symmetrical sections is the same at tension and compression, which means the bending stress at bottom fiber, is equal to the bending stress at top fiber, i.e y measured upward and downward is equals. This is result from thecentriodliesatequidistancebetweentopandbottom. But for unsymmetrical sections and because of the centriod not liesatequidistancetopandbottom,sothevaluesofymeasured fromneutralaxistotopandbottomfibernotequals. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 43 b σt yt t2 N.A d yb t1 σb mc = ?c = 1 c , mr = 1 r l l , ?r = mc mr Example (3.3) Two wooden planks 150 mm x 50 mm each, connected to form a T-section of a beam. If a moment of 6.4 kN.m is applied around the horizontal neutral which inducing tension below the neutral axis, find the bending stresses at both the extreme fibers of the cross-section. 150 50 50 150 Solution: Firstly determine the location of centriod by divide the section to two areas as shown: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 44 150 1 50 175 2 = 125 75 Element b 1 150 2 50 Summation = c= h 50 150 A (bxh) 7,500 7,500 y 175 75 15,000 ∑ ∑ = Ay 1,312,500 262,500 1,875,000 1,875,000 = 125,, 15,000 1 75 50 50 r= 125 2 Secondly calculate the moment of inertia: Element b h A d Ad2 Ix' 6 1 150 50 7,500 50 18.75x10 1.56x106 2 50 150 7,500 50 18.75x106 14.1x106 Summation Ad2+ Ix' 20.3x106 32.8x106 53.1x106 I = 53.1x106 mm4 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 45 1 53.1 10> mc = = = 708.2 10! 75 c mr = 1 r = 53.1 10 = 424.8 10! 125 > l 6.4 10> ?c = = = 9T/,, mc 708.2 10! l 6.4 10> ?r = = = 15.1T/,, mr 424.8 10! Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 46 Chapter 4 Shear stress in beams When a beam is subjected to non-uniform bending, both bending moments (M) and shear forces (V), act on the cross section. We will now consider the distribution of shear stresses (τ), associated with the shear force (V). The shear stress in a beam at any transverse cross-section in its length, and at a point a vertical distance y from the neutral axis, resulting from bending is given by: A= ] 1C Where: V is the applied vertical shear force at that section. A is the area of cross-section “above” y, i.e. the area between y and the outside of the section, which may be above or below the neutral axis (N.A.). is the distance of the centroid of area A from the N.A. I is the second moment of area of the complete cross-section. y is the position where shear stress τ is being calculated s is the actual width of the section at position y. Rectangular section: b A y h = = ℎ − 2 ℎ ℎ s2 − t 2 + − 2 + = 2 2 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam h/2 – y τ N.A = 2 + ℎ 4 47 1= s=b ℎ! 12 substitute in Equation of shear above: ℎ ℎ ] s − ts + t 2 2 4 A= ! ℎ 12 A= 6] ℎ # − ℎ! 4 % From the above Equation τ denotes the shearing stress on a fiber at a distance y from the neutral axis. The distribution of vertical shearing stress over the rectangular cross section is thus parabolic, varying from zero at the outer fibers where y = h/2 to a maximum at the neutral axis where y = 0. Anf = 6] ℎ ] = 1.5 # % ℎ! 4 ℎ Example (4.1) A timber beam 10 cm wide by 15 cm deep, carries a uniformly distributed load over a span of 2 m. if the permissible bending stress is 28 N/mm2 and shear stress is 2 N/mm2, calculate the maximum load which can be carried by beam. Solution: Given Data: b = 10 cm = 100 mm, d = 15 cm = 150 mm L = 2 m = 2000 mm σ = 28 N/mm2, τ = 2 N/mm2 Assume the uniformly distributed load = w N The maximum bending stress can be calculated from: l= ?nf = l m uL u(2000) = = 500 10! u 8 8 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 48 1= ! 12 m= 1 = 100(150)! = 28.125 10> ,,< 12 = 2 = 150 = 75,, 2 28.125 10> = = 375 10! ,,! 75 l = ?nf m 500 10! u = 28(375 10! ) 28(375 10! ) u = = 21T/,, 500 10! The shear stress can be calculated from: Anf = 1.5 ]= u= ]= ] Anf 1.5 uL u(2000) = = 1000u 2 2 100(150)(2) = 20T/,, 1.5(1000) For maximum load select w=20N/mm I-Section: B v−ℎ 2 2 H ℎ 2 1 N.A y * τ h b Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 49 * = =w ℎ − 2 , * v−ℎ , 2 = ℎ s2 − t = 2 + = ℎ + 4 2 ℎ v−ℎ v ℎ v+ℎ + = + = 2 4 4 4 4 The shear stress calculated from the same Equation: = s=b Where: * * * * = =w So: A= + ℎ − 2 v−ℎ 2 ℎ = # − 2 4 A= ] 1C ℎ ℎ + = # − 4 2 2 4 % v+ℎ w = v −ℎ 4 8 %+ w v −ℎ 8 ] ℎ # − 1C 2 4 %+ w v −ℎ " 8 Here again the maximum shear stress be at N.A, i.e at y = 0 Note: Anf = ] o ℎ +w v −ℎ p 81C More than 95% of the shear stress was found to be carried by the web, so the flange carried the rest of shear stress and almost be neglected by compare. Example (4.2) A 12 cm by 5 cm I-beam is subjected to a shearing force of 10 kN. Calculate the value of the transverse shear stress at the neutral axis and at the top of the web. Take I = 220 cm4, Area = 9.4 cm2, web thickness = 0.35 cm, Dlange thickness = 0.55 cm. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 50 Given data: b = 0.35 cm, B = 5 cm h = 12 – 0.55(2) = 10.9 cm, H = 12 cm I = 220 cm4, V = 10 kN = 10,000 N A= ] ℎ # − 1C 2 4 %+ w (v − ℎ )" 8 s = 0.35 cm A= = 0.175(29.7 − 10,000 0.35 10.9 − # 220(0.35) 2 4 A = 129.87o0.175(29.7 − A = 129.87(20.94 − 0.175 ) + 15.74 5 % + (12 − 10.9 )" 8 ) + 15.74p )T/I, At neutral axis y = 0, gives max shear stress: A = 129.87(20.94) = 2719.15T/I, A = 27.2T/,, At the top of the web y = (12/2-0.55) = 5.45 cm: A = 129.87(20.94 − 0.175(5.45) ) = 2,044T/I, A = 20.44T/,, Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 51 Chapter 5 Torsion When a uniform circular shaft of radius (r) and length (L) is subjected to a torque (T) it can be shown that every section of the shaft is subjected to a state of pure shear (τ) as shown in Figure below, the moment of resistance developed by the shear stresses being everywhere equal to the magnitude, and opposite in sense, to the applied torque. For the purposes of deriving a simple theory to describe the behavior of shafts subjected to torque it is necessary to make the following basic assumptions: 1. The material is homogeneous, i.e. of uniform elastic properties throughout. 2. The material is elastic, following Hooke's law with shear stress proportional to shear strain. 3. The stress does not exceed the elastic limit or limit of proportionality. 4. Circular Sections remain circular. 5. Cross-sections remain plane. 6. Cross-sections rotate as if rigid, i.e. every diameter rotates through the same angle (θ) through the length L. T L δr τ A τ θ r A B θ τ τ B γ T d From the Figure: θ is the angle of twist suspended by an arc AB and it constant through the length (L). γ is the shear strain and it constant with constant torque (T) in other way it is the angle suspended by an arc AB. The length AB = rθ = Lγ Previously you know that γ can be given by: γ = A R Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 52 So: 4i = O A R A Ri = (1) 4 O The torque can be equated to the sum of the moments of the tangential stresses on the elements: T = Force x r kM4IK = A= kM4IK = x= Ri O x= Ri 4 O Ri O x= Aδ Ri 4δ O (4δ )4 42 δ Ri 2 O x Ri = (2) 2 O Or Where J is polar modulus, computed from the following formula: V < 2= , yM4CMLF CKIDFMG 32 V([< − 2= 32 <) , yM4ℎMLLMuCKIDFMG Combining (1) and (2): x A Ri = = (3) 2 4 O Equation (3) called the Equation of simple theory of torsion. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 53 Torsion stiffness (k) is defined as torque per radian twist q= x i = R2 O Example (5.1) If a twisting moment of 1100 N m is impressed upon a 4.4 cm diameter shaft, what is the maximum shearing stress developed? Also, what is the angle of twist in a 150 cm length of the shaft? The material is steel for which G = 85 GPa. Solution: Given data: T = 1100 N m = 1.1x106 N mm D = 4.4 cm = 44 mm L = 150 cm = 1500 mm G = 85 GPa = 85x103 N/mm2 For the shear stress and from the general Equation of torsion: x A = 2 4 A= x 4 2 V[4 V(44)4 3 2= = = 368 10 ,,< 32 32 A= 4= [ 44 = = 22,, 2 2 1.1 10> 368 10 3 (22) = 65.8T/,, A = 65.8l@E For angle of twist and from the general Equation of torsion: x Ri = 2 O i= xO 2R Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 54 i= 1.1 106 1,500 368 10! 85 103 ) i = 0.0527 180 = 0.05274E = 3° V Example (5.2) Ahollow3mlongsteelshaftmusttransmitatorqueof25kNm. Thetotalangleoftwistinthislengthisnottoexceed2.5°andthe allowable shearing stress is 90 MPa. Determine the inside and outsidediametersoftheshaftifG=85GPa. Solution: Givendata: T=25kNm=25x106Nmm L=3m=3000mm 2.5(V) θ = 2.5° = = 0.04364E 180 τ=90MPa=90N/mm2 G=85GPa=85x103N/mm2 From: x Ri = 2 O 2 = xO Ri 25 10> (3000) 2= = 20.24 10> ,,< ! 85 10 (0.0436) Assume the outer diameter is D and inner diameter is d, then: V s [4 − 2= 32 V ([ < − 32 From: [< − < <) 4 t = 20.24 106 = 206.2 106 (1) x A = 2 4 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 55 x4 A [ 4= 2 2= V([ < − 32 [< − (1)-(2),gives: Fromthis: 2(90) = 1.415 106 [(2) 206.2 10> [= = 145.7,, 1.415 10> From(1): < = 25 106 [ 0 = 206.2 10> − 1.415 10> [ < <) < = [ < − 206.2 106 = (145.7)< − 206.2 106 = 244.4 106 = {244.4 10> = 125,, | Example (5.3) Theworkingconditionstobesatisfiedbyashaftofdiameter165 mmtransmittingpowerare: 1. 2. Thattheshaftmustnottwistmorethan1degreeona lengthof2.5meters. Theshearstressmustnotexceed55N/mm2 If G = 80,000 N/mm2, calculate the torque which can be transmitted for a given diameter according to the two conditions. Solution: Givendata: θ = 1° = 1(V) 4E = 0.01744E 180 L=2.5m=2500mm,D=165mm τ=55N/mm2 G=80,000N/mm2 Condition1: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 56 Byusingequation2: x= x= 80,000(0.0174) 2,500 Ri 2 O V[4 V(165)4 6 2= = = 72.8 10 ,,< 32 32 Condition2: FromEquation3: x Ri = 2 O x= 4= s72.8 10 t = 40.5 10 T. ,, 6 6 x = 40.5qT. , x A = 2 4 A x = 2 4 [ 165 = = 82.5,, 2 2 55 6 6 s72.8 10 t = 48.5 10 T. ,, 82.5 x = 48.5qT. , Tomeetthetwoconditionsselect: T=40.5kN.m Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 57 Chapter 6 Complex (Compound) Stress Complex Stress Materials in a stressed component often have direct and shear stresses acting in two or more directions at the same time. This is a complex stress situation. The engineer must then find the maximum stress in the material. We will only consider stresses in two dimensions, x and y. Derivation of equations: Consider a rectangular part of the component material. The stresses σx and τxy are act on the AB plane and the stresses σy and τyx are act on the BC plane. (note that τxy = τyx = τ). Frequently it is desirable to investigate the state of stress on a plane inclined at an angle θ, measured counterclockwise to the vertical, as shown in Figure above. σy τ C B τ τθ σx σθ θ A Find the forces in all planes by multiplying the stress by the area of the plane exerted on it. Let t denote the thickness of the element. Area of Planes: plane AB: AAB = AB(t) plane BC: ABC = BC(t) plane AC: AAC = AC(t) Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 58 Then the forces are explained at Figure below: σy (ABC) τ (ABC) C B τ (AAB) τθ (AAC) σx (AAB) θ σθ (AAC) A From the Figure we can write the lengths AB and BC by using the length AC: AB = AC cos(θ) BC = AC sin(θ) Then the area can be rewrite by: AAB = AC cos(θ) (t) ABC = AC sin(θ) (t) Resolve in the direction of σθ and τθ C [σy (ABC) +τ (AAB)] cos θ [σy (ABC) +τ (AAB)] θ [σy (ABC) +τ (AAB)] sin θ τθ (AAC) [σx (AAB) +τ (ABC)] cos θ θ σθ (AAC) θ [σx (AAB) +τ (ABC)] [σx (AAB) +τ (ABC)] sin θ A Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 59 Find the summation of forces at direction σθ: σθ (AAC) = σy (ABC) sin θ + σx (AAB) cos θ + τ (AAB) sin θ + τ (ABC) cos θ Substitute for AAB , AAC and ABC: σθ AC(t) = σy AC sin θ (t) sin θ + σx AC cos θ (t)cos θ + τ AC cos θ (t) sin θ + τ AC sin θ (t) cos θ Reduce for AC and t and rearrange: σθ = σy sin2 θ + σx cos2 θ + τ (2 sin θ cos θ) Note: From the trigonometry: sin 2i = 2 sin i cos i 1 − cos 2i 2 1 + cos 2i IMC i = 2 CFG i = so: ?‚ = ?‚ = ? (1 − cos 2i) ? (1 + cos 2i) + + τ^FG2i 2 2 ƒ? + ? „ ƒ? − ? „ + cos 2i + τCFG2i(1) 2 2 Find the summation of forces at direction τθ: τθ (AAC) = σx (AAB) sin θ – σy (ABC) cos θ + τ (ABC) sin θ - τ (AAB) cos θ Substitute for AAB , AAC and ABC: τθ AC(t) = σx AC cos θ (t) sin θ – σy AC sin θ (t) cos θ +τ AC sin θ (t) sin θ– τ AC cos θ (t) cos θ Reduce for AC and t and rearrange: τθ = (σx – σy ) sin θ cos θ – τ (cos2 θ – sin2 θ) A‚ = ƒ? − ? „ sin 2i − τIMC2i(2) 2 Example (6.1): If the stresses on two perpendicular planes through a point are 60 N/mm2 tension applied horizontally, 40 N/mm2 compression applied vertically and 30 N/mm2 shear, find the stress components on a plane inclined by 60° to the vertical. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 60 Solution: The Figure below explain the stress as described 40 30 τθ θ = 60° σθ 30 60 All data in N/mm2 Given Data: σx = 60 N/mm2, σy = -40 N/mm2, τ = 30 N/mm2, Calculate the stresses from the following equations: ?‚ = ?‚ = ƒ? + ? „ ƒ? − ? „ + cos 2i + τCFG2i 2 2 A‚ = ƒ? − ? „ sin 2i − τIMC2i 2 (60 + (−40)) (60 − (−40)) + cos(120) + 30CFG(120) 2 2 ?‚ = 10 + 50(−0.5) + 30(0.866) = 11T/,, A‚ = (60 − (−40)) sin 2(60) − 30IMC2(60) 2 A‚ = 43.3 + 15 = 58.3T/,, The maximum and minimum stresses: The place of maximum and minimum stresses can be located by angle θ by finding the first derivative of stress with relative to θ. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 61 put ƒ? − ? „ …?‚ = −2 sin 2i + 2τIMC2i …i 2 †X‡ †‚ = 0 to find θ −2 ƒ? − ? „ sin 2i + 2τIMC2i = 0 2 sin 2i 2τ = IMC2i ƒ? − ? „ tan 2i = By using the right angle theorem: 2τ 2τ ƒ? − ? „ sin 2i = ± cos 2i = ± 2θ ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ ƒ? − ? „ From triangle: 2τ ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ ƒ? − ? „ ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ The above equations gives two values for angle θ, which are defined two planes called the principal planes. These two planes differ by angle 90°. The normal stresses that exist on these planes are designated as principal stresses. They are the maximum and minimum values of the normal stress in the element under consideration. Substitute for sin 2θ and cos 2θ, to Dind the values of stresses: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 62 ?‚nf Ž ‘ Ž ‘ ƒ? + ? „ ƒ? − ? „ ƒ? − ? „ 2τ • • • • = ± ± τ 2 2 • • • • ‹ ‹ Œ 4τ + ƒ? − ? „ • Œ 4τ + ƒ? − ? „ • ?‚nf Ž ƒ? + ? „ 1 4τ + ƒ? − ? „ = ± • 2 2• ‹ Œ 4τ + ƒ? − ? „ ?‚nf = ƒ? + ? „ 1 ± ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ 2 2 ‘ • • • This gives the maximum value says (σ1) and minimum value says (σ2), so: ƒ? + ? „ 1 ?* = + ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ (3) 2 2 ? = ƒ? + ? „ 1 − ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ (4) 2 2 By repeating the above process for equation of shear stress, by †’ using ‡ = 0 we get: †‚ In other form: 1 Anf = ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ 2 1 Anf = (?* − ? )(5) 2 Example (6.2): For the stresses shown in Figure, find the following: 1. The principal stresses. 2. The position of the principal planes. 3. The maximum shear stresses. 200 All data in MPa 150 150 100 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 63 Solution: Given data: σx = 100 N/mm2, σy = 200 N/mm2, τ = 150 N/mm2 (Note that Pa = 1 N/m2, MPa = 1 N/mm2) 1. The principal stresses: ?* = ? = ?* = ƒ? + ? „ 1 + ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ 2 2 ƒ? + ? „ 1 − ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ 2 2 (100 + 200) 1 + {4(150) + (100 − 200) 2 2 ?* = 150 + 158.1 = 308.1T/,, ? = 150 − 158.1 = −8.1T/,, 2. The position of the principal planes: tan 2i = tan 2i = 2τ ƒ? − ? „ 2(150) = −3 (100 − 200) 2i = tan6* (−3) 2i = −71.6° or: i = −71.6/2 = −35.8° i = −35.8 + 90 = 54.2° 3. The maximum shear stress: 1 Anf = (?* − ? ) 2 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 64 1 Anf = (308.1 − (−8.1)) = 158.1T/,, 2 Example (6.3): For the state of plane stress shown in Figure below, determine: (a) The principal planes. (b) The principal stresses (c) The maximum shearing stress. (a) (b) (c) Ans. 26.6°, 116.6° σ1 = 70 MPa, σ2 = -30 MPa τmax = 20 MPa Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 65 Mohr’s Stress Circle: Known also as Mohr’s circle, refers to German Civil Engineer Otto Mohr. Mohr’s circle for stress it is the graphical representation for stress used to locate the principal planes and to calculate the principal stresses and maximum shear stresses instead of using the equations. In this representation normal stresses are plotted along the horizontal axis and shearing stresses along the vertical axis. The stresses σx, σy, and τxy or (τ) are plotted and a circle is drawn through these points having its center on the horizontal axis. General steps to draw the Mohr’s circle: 1. Draw point “S” at a suitable position. 2. By using suitable scale, measure σx to right if positive, start from S and end at x S x σ σx 3. From S and to right if positive measure σy to y. S x y σ σy σx 4. Measure τ vertically from y upward to A and from x downward to B if positive. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 66 τ A τ σ x y S τ σy B σx 5. Draw the diagonal AB. τ A τ x O σ y S τ ½(σx – σy) B σx – σy σy σx Note: • The line AB divide the distance xy (xy = σx – σy) at O to two distance ox and oy, where ox = oy = ½(σx – σy). • The point O is the centre of the circle of radius OA or OB, where: “ = “w = 5A + s ? −? 1 t = ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ 2 2 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 67 6. Draw the circle of radius OA and centre O, along the line SO mark point 1 at intersection between circle and line and mark 2 at intersection between circle and line. σ1 A σ2 τmax τxy x 1 y S O 2 2θ1 τxy ½(σx – σy) B σx – σy σy σx 7. From the drawing you can measure S1 and S2 Note: Proof: • The length of S1 equal to σ2 • The length of S2 equal to σ1. ^“ = ? + ? −? ? +? = 2 2 1 “1 = “ = ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ 2 S1 = SO – O1 ^1 = ? +? 1 − ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ 2 2 Which is equivalent to equation (4), so S1 = σ2 S2 = S1 + 2(OA) ^2 = ? +? 1 − ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ + ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ 2 2 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 68 ^2 = ? +? 1 + ‹4τ + ƒ? − ? „ 2 2 Which is equivalent to equation (3), so S2 = σ1 8. forτmax: τmax = radius (OA) or O1or O2 from diagram: ?* − ? “1 = s t 2 This mean: ?* − ? Anf = s t 2 which is equivalent to equation (4) 9. for the position of principal planes measure the angle between line S2 and line AB to give 2θ1 10.for the stresses at any angle θ, draw angle 2θ anticlockwise start from line AB: τ C A τθ S 2 σ 2θ 1 O D σθ B By measuring the length CD vertically, this gives τθ • By measuring the length SD horizontally, this gives σθ • Example (3): With referring to example 2, recalculate by using the Mohr's circle. Solution: Given data: σx = 100 N/mm2, σy = 200 N/mm2, τ = 150 N/mm2 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 69 Required: σ1, σ2, τmax, θ1 Follow the steps of drawing circle: take the scale: 1 cm ≡ 25 N/mm2 For σx = 100, draw Sx = 4 cm horizontally For σy = 200, draw Sy = 8 cm horizontally For τ = 150, draw yA = 6 cm vertically upward, and xB= 6 cm downward τ A τmax O S 2 2θ1 x 1 y σ B Connect AB and determine O (intersection between AB and Sy. Measure the length OA, which is the radius of circle, you find OA = 6.325 cm, use it to draw the circle. For σ1, measure S2 = 12.3 cm, so σ1 = 12.3x25 = 307.5 N/mm2 σ1 = 307.5 N/mm2 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 70 For σ2, measure S1 = -0.325 cm, so σ2 = -0.325x25 = -8.125 N/mm2 σ2 = -8.1 N/mm2 For τmax, OA = 6.325 cm, so τmax = 6.325x25 = 158.1 N/mm2 τmax = 158.1 N/mm2 For θ1, you can measure it directly or measured Oy and calculate tan-1 (Ay/Oy). Oy = 2.05 and Ay = 6, so 2θ1 = tan-1 (6/2.05) = 71.1° , so θ1 = 71.1/2 = 35.6° anticlockwise Example (4): If the stresses on two perpendicular planes through a point are 60 N/mm2 tension applied horizontally, 40 N/mm2 compression applied vertically and 30 N/mm2 shear, find the following: 1. The principal stresses. 2. The location of principal stresses. 3. The maximum shear stress. 4. The stress components on a plane inclined by 60° to the vertical. Solution: Given data: σx = 60 N/mm2, σy = -40 N/mm2, τ = 30 N/mm2 Required: σ1, σ2,θ, τmax, θ1, σθ , τθ Follow the steps of drawing circle: take the scale: 1 cm ≡ 10 N/mm2 For σx = 60, draw Sx = 6 cm horizontally For σy = -40, draw Sy = 4 cm horizontally to left S For τ = 30, draw yA = 3 cm vertically upward, and xB= 3 cm downward Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 71 τ C A τθ 120° 1 y S 2 x O D 2θ1 σ σθ B Connect AB and determine O (intersection between AB and Sy. Measure the length OA, which is the radius of circle, you find OA = 3.16 cm, use it to draw the circle. For σ1, measure S2 = 6.8 cm, so σ1 = 6.8x10 = 68 N/mm2 σ1 = 68 N/mm2 For σ2, measure S1 = -4.84 cm, so σ2 = -4.84x10 = -48.4 N/mm2 σ2 = -48.4 N/mm2 For τmax, OA = 5.83 cm, so τmax = 5.83x10 = 58.3 N/mm2 τmax = 58.3 N/mm2 For θ1, you can measure it directly or measured Oy and calculate tan-1 (Ay/Oy). Oy = 5.03 cm and Ay = 3 cm, so Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 72 2θ1 = tan-1 (3/5.03) = 30.8° , so θ1 = 30.8/2 = 15.4° clockwise For θ = 60° , draw line OC by rotating anticlockwise 2θ = 120° from AB then measure CD to find τθ and measure SD to find σθ SD = 1.1 cm, so σθ = 1.1 x 10 = 11 N/mm2 CD = 5.8 cm, so τθ = 58 N/mm2 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 73 Chapter 7 SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT Introduction: The internal forces in any point or section can be determined by making cut at specified point or section and there are three forces appear which are: 1. Axial forces (acting along the axial axis x). 2. Shear force (acting at transverse axes y and/or z). 3. Bending moment (acting about transverse axes y and/or z). A shear force is the force tending to produce a shear failure at a given point in a beam or frame, the value of it at any point in a beam or frame = the algebraic sum of all upward and downward forces to the left of the point. (The term "algebraic sum" means that upward forces are regarded as being positive and downward forces are considered to be negative). The unit of shear force is kN or N. The bending moment is the magnitude of the bending effect at any point in a beam or frame which is a force multiplied by a perpendicular distance, it's either clockwise or anticlockwise and is measured in kN.m or The value of bending moment at any point on a beam or frame = the sum of all bending moments to the left of the point. The sign convention: The sign convention is the determination of the signs of forces (positive or negative) according to the rule set from starting Take the following rule: • For the axial force N, if the force tends to elongate the segment consider this force is positive. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 74 • For the shear force V, if the force tends to rotate the segment clockwise, consider this force is positive. • For the bending moment if the moment tends to make a sag (concave or downwards curvature) in the segment, consider this moment is positive. Sag Note that: the opposite to sag is hog which is the curvature upwards hog the moment create sag called sagging moment (positive) and the moment create hog called hogging moment (negative). in the sag the tension at bottom and in the hog the tension at top. Example (7.1): Determine whether is the applied load(s) create sag or hog in the following beams by drawing the deflected shape: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 75 Solution: Figures explains the deflected shape under loads Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 76 Distributed load: • Uniformly distributed full span: x w = 10 kN/m A 5m VA B x VB x For the beam shown above, find the shear force and bending moment at section x-x when x = 0, x = 1 m, x = 2 m, x = 3 m, x = 4 m and x = 5 m. Solution: For symmetry the vertical reactions at A and B are equal VA = VB = total load/2 Total load = 10x5 = 50 kN VA = VB = 50/2 = 25 kN Sx = VA – w(x) = 25 – 10(x) Mx = VA (x) – w (x)(x/2) = 25 (x) – 10(x2/2) x (m) Sx (kN) Mx (kN.m) 0 1 2 3 4 5 25 – 10(0) = 25 25 – 10(1) = 15 25 – 10(2) = 5 25 – 10(3) = -5 25 – 10(4) = -15 25 – 10(5) = -25 25 (0) – 10(02/2) = 0 25 (1) – 10(12/2) = 20 25 (2) – 10(22/2) = 30 25 (3) – 10(32/2) = 30 25 (4) – 10(42/2) = 20 25 (5) – 10(52/2) = 0 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 77 • Uniformly distributed short than span: x A VA w = 10 kN/m B 3m x x VB 5m For the beam shown above, find the shear force and bending moment at section x-x when x = 0, x = 1 m, x = 2 m, x = 3 m, x = 4 m and x = 5 m. Find reactions: By taking moment about B: ∑MB = 0; VA (5) – 10(3)(3/2+2) = 0 VA = 105/5 = 21 kN from ∑FY = 0; VA + VB = 10(3) VB = 30 – 21 = 9 kN for0≤x≤3 Sx = VA – 10(x) Mx = VA (x) – 10(x2/2) for3≤x≤5 Sx = VA – 10(3) Mx = VA (x) – 10(3)(x-1.5) x(m) Sx(kN) Mx(kN.m) 0 1 2 3 4 5 21 – 10(0) = 21 21 – 10(1) = 11 21 – 10(2) = 1 21 – 10(3) = -9 21 – 10(3) = -9 21 – 10(3) = -9 21 (0) – 10(02/2) = 0 21 (1) – 10(12/2) = 16 21 (2) – 10(22/2) = 22 21 (3) – 10(32/2) = 18 21 (4) – 30(4 – 1.5) = 9 21 (5) – 30(5 – 1.5) = 0 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 78 • distributed load varying linearly x y A B x/3 VA x x F w=10kN/m VB 5m y/x=10/5;y=2x F=½(0+y)(x) Sx=VA–F Mx=VA(x)–F(x/3) for reactions: taking moment about B: x=5m y=2(5)=10kN/m F=½(0+10)(5)=25kN ∑MB=0;VA(5)–F(5/3)=0 5VA = 25(5/3); VA = 8.33 kN ∑FY=0;VA+VB = F; VB=F–VA VB=25–8.33=16.67kN x (m) Y (kN/m) 0 1 2 3 4 2(0)=0 2(1)=2 2(2)=4 2(3)=6 2(4)=8 F (kN) ½(0+0)(0)=0 ½(0+2)(1)=1 ½(0+4)(2)=4 ½(0+6)(3)=9 ½(0+8)(4)=16 Sx (kN) 8.33–0=8.33 8.33–1=7.33 8.33–4=4.33 8.33–9=-0.67 8.33–16=-7.67 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam Mx (kN.m) 8.33(0)–0(0/3)=0 8.33(1)–1(1/3)=8 8.33(2)–4(2/3)=14 8.33(3)–9(3/3)=16 8.33(4)–16(4/3)=12 79 5 2(5) = 10 ½(0 + 10)(5) = 25 8.33 – 25 = -16.67 8.33 (5) – 25(5/3) = 0 Notes about shear force: You can observe that shear force is constant between concentrated loads, but it varies linearly along uniformly distributed load. The maximum values of shear force are at ends and equal in values to the reactions. Notes about bending moment: The bending moment is varies linearly between concentrated loads, but it draw curve throw the distributed loads. Maximum bending moments obtained at points of concentrated loads and points of reactions. The points of zero moment fall in-between ends called the points of contraflexure. Relation between Shear Force and Bending Moment If the bending moment at any section x-x (Mx), is the function of x, where x is the distance measured from left side to the section considered, then the slope at any point is equal to the shear force. ^ = l When the applied load is distributed load, notices that: • the maximum bending moment corresponds zero shear force. • The first derivative of shear force gives the distributed load u = ^ Shear force and bending moment diagram: The shear force and bending moment diagrams is the drawing represents the variation of shear force and bending moment along the beam or frames by draw the values using graphical representations. To draw the shear force diagram follow the following steps: 1. Draw the datum (Zero Shear Force Line). 2. Marks any points of: a. Concentrated loads. b. Start and end of distributed load. c. Reactions. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 80 3. Calculate the values of shear force at the marking points, and notice that at any point of concentrated load the shear force is calculated twice one exclude the load and the other include the load. 4. Select suitable scale and put a dot at any marked point. The dot must be upward or downward the datum according to the sign of shear force value if positive put the dot upward if negative put the dot downward the datum. 5. Connect between the dots start from the zero point at the left and continue in series until reach the zero point at right. The final shape is shear force diagram. To draw the bending moment diagram follow the following steps: 1. Draw the datum (Zero Bending Moment Line). 2. Marks any points of: a. Concentrated loads. b. Start and end of distributed load. c. Reactions. d. Zero shear force. 3. Calculate the values of bending moment at the marking points. 4. Calculate the values of maximum moment at the points that are coincide with the points of zero shear force. 5. Select suitable scale and put a dot at any marked point. The dot must be upward or downward the datum according to the sign of shear force value if positive put the dot upward if negative put the dot downward the datum. 6. Connect between the dots start from the zero point at the left and continue in series until reach the zero point at right with notice that the line drawn under distributed load is not drawn as straight line but it drawn as curve. The final shape is shear force diagram. Examples (7.2): Draw the shear force and bending moment diagram for the beams shown in Figures below and find the points of contraflexure if exist. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 81 50 kN A B C 3m 7m VA VB Fig. (1) 50 kN 30 kN A B C D 3m 3m 4m VA A Fig. (2) VB 10 kN/m B 10 m VA 25 kN A VB Fig. (3) 50 kN 10 kN/m B D C 3m 5m 10 m VA Fig. (4) Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam VB 82 30 kN 20 kN A 10 kN/m B 4m C D E 2m 2m VA 2m VB Fig. (5) Solutions: 1. 50 kN A B C 3m 7m VA VB Fig. (1) First find the reactions: By taking moment about B ∑ l” = 0 : ] 10 − 50(3) = 0 150 ] = = 15qT 10 By taking the vertical balance: (∑ k = 0): ] + ]” = 50 ]” = 50 − 15 = 35qT 50 kN A B C 7m 15 kN x Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 3m 35 kN 83 Shear Force: Point A C B Sx Before (kN) 0 15 -35 Sx After (kN) 15 15 - 50 = -35 -35 + 35 = 0 S.F.D 15 15 (+) 0 0 (-) all numbers are in kN 35 35 Bending Moment: Point A C B Mx (kN.m) 0 15(7) = 105 (sag) 0 B.M.D 0 0 (+) all numbers are in kN.m Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 105 84 2. 50 kN 30 kN A B C D 3m 3m 4m VA VB Fig. (2) First find the reactions: By taking moment about B ∑ l” = 0 : ] 10 − 30(7) − 50(3) = 0 ] (10) = 210 + 150 360 = 36qT ] = 10 By taking the vertical balance: (∑ k = 0): ] + ]” = 80 ]” = 80 − 36 = 44qT 50 kN 30 kN A B C D 3m 36 kN 3m 4m 44 kN x Shear Force: Point A Sx Before (kN) 0 Sx After (kN) 36 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 85 D C B 36 3 -44 36 - 30 = 3 36 -30 -50 = -44 -44 + 44 = 0 S.F.D 36 36 (+) 3 0 0 (-) all numbers are in kN 44 44 Bending Moment: Point A C D B Mx (kN.m) 0 36(3) = 108 (sag) 36(7) – 30(4) = 132 (sag) 0 B.M.D 0 0 (+) 108 132 all numbers are in kN.m Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 86 3. A 10 kN/m B 10 m VA VB Fig. (3) First find the reactions: By taking moment about B ∑ l” = 0 : ] 10 − 10(10)( 10 )=0 2 ] (10) = 500 500 = 50qT ] = 10 By taking the vertical balance: (∑ k = 0): ] + ]” = 100 ]” = 100 − 50 = 50qT A 10 kN/m B 10 m 50 kN 50 kN Shear Force: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 87 Point A B Sx Before (kN) Sx After (kN) 0 50 – 100 = -50 50 -50 – 50 = 0 S.F.D 50 (+) 0 0 (-) all numbers are in kN 50 From shear force diagram the maximum at centre (x = l/2) Bending Moment: l = ] − u Point A B max x (m) 0 10 5 2 Mx (kN.m) 0 50(10) – 10(10)(10/2) = 0 50(5) – 10(5)(5/2) = 125 (sag) B.M.D 0 0 (+) 125 all numbers are in kN.m Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 88 4. 25 kN A 50 kN 10 kN/m B D C 5m 3m 10 m VA VB Fig. (4) First find the reactions: By taking moment about B ∑ l” = 0 : 5 ] 10 − 10(5) + 5 − 25(5) − 50(3) = 0 2 ] (10) = 375 + 125 + 150 650 ] = = 65qT 10 By taking the vertical balance: (∑ k = 0): ] + ]” = 10(5) + 25 + 50 ]” = 125 − 65 = 60qT 25 kN A 50 kN 10 kN/m B D 5m C 3m 10 m 65 kN 60 kN Shear Force: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 89 Point A D C B Sx Before (kN) Sx After (kN) 0 65 – 10(5) = 15 -10 -60 65 15 – 25 = -10 -10 – 50 = -60 -60 + 60 = 0 50 S.F.D (+) 0 15 0 10 (-) all numbers are in kN 50 Between A & D no maximum moment Bending Moment: Point A D C B x (m) 0 5 7 10 Mx (kN.m) 0 65(5) – 10(5)(5/2) = 200 (Sag) 65(7) – 10(5)(5/2+2) – 25(2) = 180 (Sag) 65(10) – 10(5)(5/2+5) – 25(5) – 50(3) = 0 B.M.D 0 0 (+) 200 180 all numbers are in kN.m Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 90 5. 30 kN 20 kN 10 kN/m A B D E 4m C 2m 2m VA 2m VB Fig. (5) First find the reactions: By taking moment about A ∑ l = 0 : 4 10 4 + 20 6 − ]” (8) + 30(10) = 0 2 ]” (8) = 80 + 120 + 300 500 ]” = = 62.5qT 8 By taking the vertical balance: (∑ k = 0): ] + ]” = 10(4) + 20 + 30 ] = 90 − 62.5 = 27.5qT 30 kN 20 kN 10 kN/m A B D E 4m C 2m 2m 27.5 kN 2m 62.5 kN Shear Force: Point A Sx Before (kN) 0 Sx After (kN) 27.5 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 91 E D B C 27.5 – 10(4) = -12.5 -12.5 -32.5 30 -12.5 -12.5 – 20 = -32.5 -32.5 + 62.5 = 30 30 – 30 = 0 30 27.5 4-x S.F.D (+) (+) 0 0 x (-) 12.5 all numbers are in kN 32.5 32.5 Between A & E there is a maximum bending moment coincide with zero shear force at distance x from A Shear force between A & E can be calculated from the equation: ^ = ] − u( ) When ^ = 0 ⇒ u( ) = ] From that = ] /u Bending Moment: Point A E D B C max x (m) 0 4 6 8 10 2.75 = 27.5 = 2.75, 10 Mx (kN.m) 0 27.5(4) – 10(4)(4/2) = 30 (Sag) 27.5(6) – 10(4)(4/2+2) = 5 (Sag) 27.5(8) – 10(4)(4/2+4) – 20(2) = -60 (hog) 27.5(10) – 10(4)(4/2+6) – 20(4) + 62.5(2) = 0 27.5(2.75) – 10(2.75)(2.75/2) = 37.8 (Sag) Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 92 60 Point of contraflexure (-) 0 0 5 a (+) 2-a 30 37.8 all numbers are in kN.m B.M.D to find the location of point of contraflexure: Assuming the point is at distance a from D, then: E 2−E = 5 60 60(E) =2−E 5 12E + E = 2 2 = 0.154, 13 This means the point of contraflexure is at distance of 0.154 m from D. E= Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 93 Chapter 8 Buckling in Columns Structural members which carry compressive loads may be divided into two broad categories depending on their relative lengths and crosssectional dimensions. 1. Short, thick members are generally termed short columns and these usually fail by crushing when the yield stress of the material in compression is exceeded 2. Slender columns or struts, however, fail by buckling some time before the yield stress in compression is reached. In general the buckling is a tendency of slender compression members to bow out, which causes lateral bending. Buckling effects all compression members, such as columns, truss bars, bracing, etc. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 94 Classification of slender columns: The slender column is classified according to the ratio of length (L) and radius of gyration (r) which it called the slenderness ratio. CLKG K4GKCC4EDFM = O 4 The radius of gyration (r) describes the way in which the area of a cross-section is distributed around its centroidal axis. If the area is concentrated far from the centroidal axis it will have a greater value of r and a greater resistance to buckling. The section tends to buckle around the axis with the smallest value. The radius of gyration, r, mathematically is calculated as: 4=5 1 where I is the moment of inertia and A is the area of the cross-section. The Critical Load: When a load P of a value below the buckling load is applied to a slender column, the column will be in stable equilibrium condition and the lateral displacement caused by load will be totally recovered when the is removed. If the load exceed a value of Pcr which called the critical load it is possible for slender column to achieve a condition of unstable equilibrium and the lateral displacement happened by this load is not recovered and this is case of failure called by buckling. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 95 The critical load is determined through the study of stability of columns by using Euler's theorem with considering different end conditions. Euler's Theorem: The following assumptions are made in this theorem: 1. The column is initially straight and the applied load is truly axial. 2. The material of the column is homogeneous, linear and isotropic. 3. The length of the column is very large as compared to the crosssectional dimensions of the column. 4. The cross-section of the column is uniform throughout. 5. The shortening of the column due to axial compression is negligible. 6. The self weight of the column is neglected. 7. The ends of the column are frictionless. There are three conditions at the end of the column. 1. Column Pinned at both ends: Consider an elastic column of length L, pin-ended so free to rotate at its ends, subjected to an axial load P, as shown in Figure below. Assume that it undergoes a lateral deflection denoted by y. Moment equilibrium of a section of the deflected column cut at a typical point at distance x from A, and using the relation: l Q = , M4 1 j 1 1 l = Q1 EG = j j l = Q1 (1) Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam , CM 96 P A y x y C L B P x From Figure, moment at point C is: Mx = - P y (2) From (1): Q1 Let: Q1 + = −@ + @ = 0, M4 @ = 0(3) Q1 @ =– Q1 Rewrite (3): + – = 0(4) Equation (4) is the differential equation has a general solution of: y = A sin α x + B cos α x (5) where A and B are constants, which can be determined using the column’s kinematic boundary conditions Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 97 by applying end condition at equation (5): at x = 0, y = 0: 0 = A (0) + B (1), B =0 at x = L, y = 0: 0 = A sin αL Either A =0, in which case y = 0 for all values of x and column in this case not buckle, so the preponderant sin αL = 0 from that αL = π, corresponding to: α2 L2 = π2 From that: α2 = π2/ L2 @ V = Q1 O @ = V Q1 O The least value of the above Equation which causes buckling is called the Euler crippling load (Pcr), so: Where: Pcr E I L @—h = V Q1 (6) O is the critical or maximum axial load on the column just before it begins to buckle is the Young’s modulus of elasticity is the least second moment of area for the column’s cross sectional area is the unsupported length of the column, whose ends are pinned. Example (8.1) A 2-cm-diameter, 120-cm-long steel column with pinned ends supports a load P. Calculate the slenderness ratio and Euler’s buckling load. Take E = 200,000 N/mm2. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 98 Solution: Given data: L = 120 cm = 1200 mm, d = 2 cm = 20 mm E = 200,000 N/mm2 Required: Slenderness ratio, Pcr CLKG K4GKCC4EDFM = 4=5 @—h = Calculate least value of I: 1 O 4 V Q1 O V < V(20)< 1 = = = 7,854,,< 64 64 = V V(20) = = 314.2,, 4 4 7,854 4=5 = 5,, 314.2 CLKG K4GKCC4EDFM = @—h = 1,200 = 240 5 V (200,000)(7,854) = 10,766T = 10.8qT (1200) Example (8.2) Steel bar of rectangular cross section 40 mm x 50 mm and pinned at each end is subject to axial compression. If the proportional limit of the material is 230 MPa and E = 200 GPa, determine the minimum length for which Euler’s equation may be used to determine the buckling load. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 99 Solution: Given data: b = 50 mm, h = 40 mm σy = 230 MPa = 230 N/mm2, E = 200 GPa = 200x103 N/mm2 Required: L=? Since the column is pinned at tow ends then the Euler load can be calculated by using the following Equation: @—h = Q1V O ℎ! 50(40)! 1= = = 266.67 10! ,,< 12 12 The critical load can be calculated by using the yield stress: ? = @—h , @—h = ? A = bxh = 40(50) = 2,000 mm2 @—h = 230(2,000) = 460,000T Use this to calculate length from: Q1V O=5 @—h 200 10! (266.67 10! )V O=5 = 1070,, = 1.07, 460,000 Example (8.3) A straight column of alloy, 1 m length and 12.5 mm by 4.8 mm in section, is mounted in a buckling testing machine and loaded axially until it buckles. Assuming the Euler theorem to apply, estimate the Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 100 maximum central deflection before the materials attains its yield point of 280 N/mm2. Use E = 72,000 N/mm2. Solution: Given data: L = 1 m = 1000 mm, b = 12.5 mm, h = 4.8 mm σy = 280 N/mm2, E = 72,000 N/mm2 Required: Max central deflection (δmax) Calculate least value of I: ℎ! 12.5(4.8)! 1 = = = 115.2,,< 12 12 Find critical load by using Equation (6): @—h = V (72,000)(115.2) = 81.9T (1000) The maximum bending moment at centre: Mmax = Pcr (δmax) = 81.9 δmax The stress in section is compound stress compose of direct stress (σd) and bending stress (σb), where: ?e = @ = 81.9 = 1.4T/,, 12.5(4.8) ?r = lnf m 1 115.2 m = = = 48,,! (4.8/2) ?r = 81.9(Nnf ) = 1.7Nnf 48 σy = σd + σb 280 = 1.4 + 1.7 δmax Nnf = 280 − 1.4 = 163.9,, 1.7 2. Column fixed at both ends: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 101 P M y A x y C L M B P x Mx = - P y + M (7) From (1): Q1 Q1 + Let: Rewrite (8): = −@ + l + @ = l, M4 @ l = (8) Q1 Q1 @ =– Q1 +– = The complete solution is: l (9) Q1 = CFG– + wIMC– + l (10) Q1– by applying end condition at equation (10): at x = 0, y = 0: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 102 l Q1– l l w = − =− Q1– @ 0 = 0 + w(1) + @ = Q1– Note that: at x = 0, † † =0: = –IMC– − w–CFG– 0 = –(1) − 0 =0 Substitute A & B in (10): = l l l − IMC– = (1 − IMC– ) @ @ @ l = (1 − IMC– )(11) @ at x = L, y = 0 (substitute in (11)): cos αL = 1 the least solution is: αL=2π (12) By quadrate the two ends of (12) – O = 4V Since: – = Then: @ Q1 @ O = 4V Q1 From that: @= 4Q1V (13) O Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 103 Equation (13) is equivalent to Equation (6) with taking L/2 insteadofL IfEquationrewrittenbythegeneralformas: @—h = Q1V (14) (qO) Wherek=1forpinnedends,andk=0.5forDixedends. Byfollowingthesamepreviousprocedure,wecanderivethelength factorforotherconditionsbasedonEquation(14). ThelengthfactorfortheendconditionsaresummarizedinTable below: Euler Load Effective Length End Conditions ›œ•ž Factor (k) s˜™š = (Ÿ )ž t BothEndsPinned BothEndsFixed OneEndFixedand otherPinned OneEndFixedand otherFree 1 0.5 0.7 2 Q1V O 4Q1V @—h = O 2Q1V @—h = O Q1V @—h = 4O @—h = Chapter 9 DEFLECTION OF STRUCTURES Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 104 1. MOMENT AREA METHOD: The moment-area method, developed by Otto Mohr in 1868, is a powerful tool for finding the deflections of structures primarily subjected to bending. Consider the beam shown in Figure below. A N.A B A A´ Original N.A B B´ Bended N.A θ R R dθ R A´ B´ θA θB P dS Q dθ dΔ Δ θ M ̅ B.M.D Q P dx x From diagram: AB - is the original length of beam before loading. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 105 A´B´ - is the deflected length along the curve after loading. ds - is the very short curve length between P & Q. dx - is the very short straight length between P & Q. θ - is the angle subtended at the centre of arc A´B´. dθ - is the angle subtended at the centre of arc ds. M - is the average bending moment over the portion x between P & Q. ∆ is the vertical intercept, measured from point B to point meet the extension of tangent at point A. with referring to the diagram: 1. Change of slope: C = j. i, y4M,DℎED: 1 i = (1) j C from the Euler-Bernoulli theory of bending: Q l 1 l = M4 = (2) j 1 j Q1 From (1): i l l = M4 i = C(3) C Q1 Q1 noting that for small deflections, we can take ds ≈ dx from (3) find the total change of rotation between A & B , by taking the bound integration between A & B then: ” i= ” l Q1 l i” − i = 7 8 (4) Q1 ” where the right side is the area of 2. Change of slope: from Fig.: from (3) substitute i = Let = £ ¤¥ , then: £ ¤¥ diagram between A & B. ∆= . i £ ¤¥ ∆= ∆= l Q1 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 106 Integrate each side, then: ” ” ∆= ” where: ∆ = ∆” , uℎFIℎFCDℎK§K4DFIELFGDK4IK\DECK \LEFGFGkFJ. ” = £ ̅ , which is the first moment of area of diagram about B ¤¥ therefore: ∆” = ̅ (5) Example (9.1): Find the rotation and deflection at the free end for the cantilever shown in Fig. P kN B A EI = const Lm θ = (θB – θA) = θB θA = 0 θB M = PL ΔBA (-) B.M.D = (-) ̅= 1 @O @O − O=− 2 Q1 2Q1 2O 3 £ ¤¥ Diagram calculate the rotation by using equation (4): Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 107 l i” − i = 7 8 Q1 ” note that θA = 0, then: θB = A = 6W¨= ¤¥ calculate the deflection by using equation (5): ∆” = ̅ note that the slope at A is straight, then the deflection is directly equal to the intercept: KyLKIDFMG = ∆” −@O = 2Q1 2O −@O! = 3 3Q1 Example (9.2): Find the rotation and deflection at the free end for the cantilever shown in Fig. 10 kN 2EI A B EI 2m 2m C θ = (θB – θA) = θB θA = 0 M = 10(4) = 40 ΔBA θB 20 (-) B.M.D 40 20 = 2Q1 Q1 10 Q1 10 Q1 A3 A2 20 Q1 10 Q1 A1 x1 £ ¤¥ Diagram x2 x3 1 20 20 (2) = , * 2 Q1 Q1 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam = * 2 4 = (2) = 3 3 108 = ! = 10 Q1 1 10 2 Q1 2 = 2 = 20 , Q1 = 10 , Q1 ! = 1 2 +2=3 2 10 2 2 +2= 3 3 calculate the rotation by using the equation: l i” − i = 7 8 Q1 ” note that θA = 0, then: 20 20 10 50 i” = * + + != + + = Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 calculate the deflection by using the equation: ∆” = ̅ note that the slope at A is straight, then the deflection is directly equal to the intercept: KyLKIDFMG = ∆” = [KyLKIDFMG = Example (9.3): * * + + ! ! 20 4 20 10 10 120 + (3) + = Q1 3 Q1 Q1 3 Q1 32 kN A B 3m C 2m EI = 36x103 kN/m2 For the cantilever shown in Fig. find the rotations and displacements at joint B and C. Solution: Draw the bending moment diagram: Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 109 96 l FEJ4E, (-) 0 B A 0 C 96 = 2.67 106! ! 36 10 (-) A 0 xB From diagram: ” l FEJ4E, Q1 0 xC 1 3 −2.67 106! = −4 106! 2 2 2 = 3 = 2,, © = (3) + 2 = 4, 3 3 = Rotation: Apply in the equation: l i” − i = 7 8 Q1 ” i = 0: KDuKKGªMFGD &w: i” = 4KE KDuKKG &w = −4 106! 4E KDuKKGªMFGD &¬: i© = 4KE KDuKKG &¬ = −4 106! 4E Deflection: As before for cantilever the deflection is directly equal to vertical intercept (∆) by using the equation: ∆” = ̅ Between A & B: δB = moment area about B: 6! 6! N” = ∆” = ” = −4 10 (2) = −8 10 , Between A & C: δC = moment area about C: 6! 6! N© = ∆© = © = −4 10 (4) = −16 10 , Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 110 2. DEFLECTION BY CALCULUS: From the general equation of bending (Engineering Equation), the curvature can be expressed as: 1 l = (1) j Q1 where: M: is the bending moment. I: is moment of inertia. E: is the modulus of elasticity. * - from calculus equal to †= † = When a beam is subjected to a transverse loading, this gives a bending moment through the length of beam and can be calculated at any section at distance x from one end of the beam and can be denoted as Mx. so equation (1) can be rewritten by equation: † Q1 … … = l (2) The rotation can be found by differentiate each side of equation (2), † as: … Q1 = l + ¬* (3) … The deflection y can be found by differentiate each side of equation (3), as: Q1 = ® l + ¬* + ¬ (4) where C1 and C2 are constant. *note that: for double integrating shown in equation (4), this method sometimes called (Method of Double Integration) The two constants C1 and C2 can be obtained by substituting known values of slope or deflection at particular points. This called applying boundary conditions. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 111 Example (9.4) Find the rotation and deflection at the free end for the cantilever shown in Fig. by using method of calculus. P kN B A EI = const Lm x Solution: By taking the origin of x at B, then the moment can be calculated by: l =@ Substitute in equation (2): … Q1 =@ … Integrate each side: … @ Q1 = + ¬* (E) … 2 Integrate each side of equation (a): @ ! Q1 = + ¬* + ¬ ( ) 6 from figure: at x = L: † = 0 and y=0 † Substitute in (a) and (b): @O Q1(0) = + ¬* 2 from that: @O ¬* = − 2 Substitute in (b): @O! @O Q1(0) = + #− %O + ¬ 6 2 from that: 1 1 @O! ! ¬ = @O − =− 6 2 3 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 112 Rewrite equations (a) & (b): … @ @O Q1 = − (1) … 2 2 @ ! @O Q1 = − 6 2 @O! − (2) 3 Equations (1) & (2) are general equations to calculate rotation and deflection anywhere through the length. So at free end this means at x =0: from (1): so the rotation is: Q1 … @(0) @O = − 2 … 2 … @O =− … 2Q1 @(0) @O @O! Q1 = − (0) − 6 2 3 so the deflection is: @O! =− 3Q1 from (2): Example (9.5): A 10 kN/m C 6m EI = const For the simply supported beam shown in figure, find: 1. Rotation at support A & B. 2. Deflection at centre. Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 113 Solution: 10kN/m A C x ¯°(±) = ²° ž ²° Calculate the reaction and take origin of x at A. Then: l = 30 − 10 # Q1 … … 2 = 30 − 10 # % 2 % Integrate each side: ! … Q1 = 30 # % − 10 # % + ¬* (1) … 2 6 Integrate each side of equation (1): Q1 = 30 # ! 6 < % − 10 # % + ¬* + ¬ (2) 24 Apply boundary condition: y =0, at x= 0 and x = 6: substitute in (2): 0 0 Q1(0) = 30 − 10 + ¬* (0) + ¬ ⇒ ¬ = 0 6 24 6! 6< Q1(0) = 30 # % − 10 # % + ¬* (6) + 0 6 24 ¬* = − 540 = −90 6 Substitute for C1 & C2 in (1) and (2): ! … Q1 = 30 # % − 10 # % − 90(1) … 2 6 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 114 Q1 = 30 # ! < % − 10 # % − 90 (2) 6 24 1. Rotation at A, x =0: Substitute in (1): … 0 0 Q1 = 30 − 10 − 90 … 2 6 … 90 =− … Q1 Rotation at B, x = 6: Substitute in (1): … 6 6! Q1 = 30 # % − 10 # % − 90 … ” 2 6 … … ” = 90 Q1 2. Deflection at centre: x = 3: Substitute in (2): 3< 3! Q1 —gachg = 30 # % − 10 # % − 90(3) 6 24 —gachg =− 168.75 Q1 Strength of Material – Dr. Fathelrahman Mohamed Adam 115