Dallas Area Private Schools
Dallas Area Private Schools
Brilliance Academy American Heritage Academy 14450 Marsh, Addison, TX 75011 2660 Trinity Mills, Carrollton, TX 75006 972-488-1277 Pre K - 4 www.brillianceacademy.com/ 972-416-5437 Pre K - 12 www.starsaha.org/ Greenhill School Carrollton Christian Academy 4141 Spring Valley, Addison, TX 75011 2201 E. Hebron, Carrollton, TX 75010 972-628-5400 Pre K - 12 www.greenhill.org/ 972-242-6688 Pre K - 12 www.ccasaints.org/ Trinity Christian Academy Child’s Garden Montessori School 17001 Addison, Addison, TX 75001 1935 Old Denton, Carrollton, TX, 75006 972-931-8325 Pre K - 12 www.trinitychristian.com/ 972-446-2663 Pre K - 3 www.acgmontessori.com/ Coram Deo Academy 2435 E. Hebron, Carrollton, TX 75007 972-862-8657 Pre K - 8 Liberty Christian Academy 9301 Highway 377, Argyle, TX 76226 940-484-9733 Pre K - 12 www.libertyschool.org/ www.coramdeoacademy.org/ Newfound School 2206 Heads, Carrollton, TX 75006 214-390-1749 Pre K - 12 www.newfoundschool.com/ Southwest Academy Learning Center Prince of Peace Christian School 600 S. Jupiter, Allen, TX 75002 4000 Midway, Carrollton, TX 75007 972-359-6646 Pre K - 8 www.southwestacademy.org/ The information contained herein is obtained from outside parties and Capital Title makes no claim as to its accuracy. 972-447-9887 Pre K - 12 www.popcs.net/ 0613 St. Anthony School Autism Treatment Center 2030 Denton, Carrollton, TX 75006 10503 Metric, Dallas, TX 75243 214-447-9887 1 - 12 www.thestanthonyschool.com/ 972-644-2067 Pre K - 12 www.atcoftexas.org/dallas Bending Oaks High School 11884 Greenville, Dallas, TX 75243 Barbara Gordon Montessori 1513 Hall Johnson, Colleyville, TX 76034 817-354-6670 Pre K - 12 972-669-0000 8 - 12 www.bgordonmontessori.com/ Bishop Dunne Catholic School 3900 Rugged, Dallas, TX 75224 Covenant Christian Academy 214-339-6561 7 - 12 901 Cheek Sparger, Colleyville, TX 76034 817-281-4333 Pre K - 12 www.bdhs.org/ www.ccanet.org/ Bishop Lynch High School 9750 Ferguson, Dallas, TX 75228 Crown of Life Lutheran School 214-324-3607 9 - 12 6605 Pleasant Run, Colleyville, TX 76034 817-251-1881 Pre K - 8 www.bohs.com/ www.private-christianschool.org/ www.bishoplynch.org/ Bridgeway School at Green Oaks 7808 Clodus Fields, Dallas, TX 75251 972-770-0845 9 - 12 Christ Our Savior Lutheran School 140 S. Heartz, Coppell, TX 75019 972-393-7074 Pre K - 5 www.coslcs.org/ Cambridge School of Dallas 3202 Royal, Dallas, TX 75229 214-357-2995 5 - 12 www.cambridgedallas.org/ Akiba Academy Coram Deo Academy 12324 Merit Drive, Dallas, TX 75251 12727 Hillcrest, Dallas, TX 75229 972-239-7248 Pre K - 8 www.akibaacademy.org/ 972-385-6410 Pre K - 5 www.coramdeoacademy.org/ All Saints Catholic School The Covenant School 5231 Meadowcreek, Dallas, TX 75248 8202 Boedeker, Dallas, 75225 / 3877 Walnut Hill, Dallas, 75229 972-778-0367 Pre K - 8 www.allsaintsk8.org/ 214-358-5818 K-12 Arbor Acre Preparatory School Christ the King School 8000 S. Hampton, Dallas, TX 75232 4100 Colgate, Dallas, TX 75225 972-224-0511 K-8 The information contained herein is obtained from outside parties and Capital Title makes no claim as to its accuracy. 214-365-1234 K-8 www.covenantdallas.com/ www.cks.org/ 0613 Dallas Academy Highland Park Presbyterian Day School 950 Tiffany Way, Dallas, TX 75218 3821 University, Dallas, TX 75205 214-324-1481 7 - 12 www.dallas-academy.com/ 214-559-5353 Pre K - 4 Dallas International School Highlander-Carden School 6039 Churchill, Dallas, TX 75230 9120 Plano, Dallas, TX 75238 972-991-6379 Pre K - 12 www.dallasinternationalschool. org/ 214-348-3220 Pre K - 6 www.hppds.org/ www.hilanderschool.com/ Dallas Montessori Academy Hillcrest Academy 5757 Samuell, Dallas, TX 75228 12302 Park Central, Dallas, TX 75251 214-388-0091 Pre K - 8 www.dallasmontessori.com/ 972-788-0292 Pre K - 8 www.hillcrestacademy.org/ Episcopal School of Dallas Hillier School 4100 Merrell, Dallas, TX 75229 3821 University, Dallas, TX 75205 214-358-4368 Pre K - 12 www.esdallas.org/ 214-559-5363 1-7 Fairhill School Hockaday School 16150 Preston, Dallas, TX 75229 11600 Welch, Dallas, TX 75229 972-233-1026 1 - 12 www.fairhill.org/ 214-363-4396 Pre K - 12 Fellowship Christian Academy Holy Cross Lutheran School 1808 W. Camp Wisdom, Dallas, TX 75232 11425 Marsh, Dallas, TX 75229 214-672-9200 Pre K - 6 www.fcasoars.com/ 214-358-4396 Pre K - 6 www.hillierschool.org/ http://www.hockaday.org/ www.hcdallas.org/school/ First Baptist Academy Holy Trinity Academy 1704 Patterson, Dallas, TX 75221 13555 Hillcrest, Dallas, TX 75240 214-969-7861 Pre K - 12 www.fbacademy.com/ 972-490-7060 Pre K - 3 www.holytrinityacademy.com/ Good Shepherd Episcopal School Holy Trinity Catholic School 11110 Midway, Dallas, TX 75229 3815 Oak Lawn, Dallas, TX 75219 214-357-1610 Pre K - 8 www.gseschooldallas.org/ 214-526-5113 K -8 www.holytrinitycatholic.org/ Grace Academy of Dallas J. Erik Jonsson Community School 11306A Inwood, Dallas, TX 75229 106 E. Tenth, Dallas, TX 75203 214-696-5648 Pre K - 6 www.graceacademy.com/ The information contained herein is obtained from outside parties and Capital Title makes no claim as to its accuracy. 214-915-1890 K-6 0613 Jesuit College Preparatory School Mesorah High School for Girls 12345 Inwood, Dallas, TX 75244 6921 Frankford, Dallas, TX 75230 972-387-8700 9 - 12 www.jesuitcp.org/ 972-599-0031 9 - 12 Kessler School Metropolitan Christian School 1215 Turner, Dallas, TX 75208 8501 Bruton, Dallas, TX 75217 214-826-2931 Pre K - 4 www.thekesslerschool.com/ www.mesorahhighschool.org/ 214-288-4426 K - 12 Lakehill Preparatory School Montessori Children’s House and school 2720 Hillside, Dallas, TX 75214 7335 Abrams, Dallas, TX 75231 214-826-2931 K - 12 www.lakehillprep.org/ 214-348-6276 Pre K - K www.mchs-dallas.org/ Lakemont Academy Mount St. Michael Catholic School 3993 W. Northwest Highway, Dallas, 75220 4500 W. Davis, Dallas, TX 75211 214-351-6404 Pre K - 6 www.lakemontacademy.com/ 214-337-0244 Pre K - 8 Lakewood Montessori School Notre Dame School 6210 E. Mockingbird, Dallas, TX 75214 2018 Allen, Dallas, TX 75204 214-821-9466 Pre K - 6 www.lmschool.org/ 214-720-3911 K - 12 Lamplighter School Oak Hill Academy 1161 Inwood, Dallas, TX 75229 9407 Midway, Dallas, TX 75220 214-369-9201 Pre K - 4 www.thelamplighterschool.org/ 214-353-8804 Pre K - 8 www.msmcatholic.org/ www.notredameschool.org/ www.oakhillacademy.org/ Levine Academy Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School 18011 Hillcrest, Dallas, TX 75252 7625 Cortland, Dallas, TX 75235 972-248-3032 Pre K - 8 214-351-3396 K-8 www.levineacademy.org/ www.olphdallas.org/ Lighthouse Christian Academy Our Redeemer Lutheran School 5525 W. Illinois, Dallas, TX 75211 7611 Park, Dallas, TX 75225 214-339-2207 K - 12 www.lighthouseacademy.org/ 214-368-1371 Pre K - 6 www.orlcs.com/school Lutheran High School of Dallas Parish Episcopal School 8494 Stults, Dallas, TX 75243 14115 Hillcrest, Dallas, TX 75240 214-349-8912 7 - 12 www.lhsdfw.com/ 972-239-8011 Pre K - 12 The information contained herein is obtained from outside parties and Capital Title makes no claim as to its accuracy. www.parishday.org/ 0613 Park Forest School St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic School 12302 Park Central, Dallas, TX 75251 1420 Old Gate, Dallas, TX 75218 972-239-2798 Pre K - 6 www.salesmanshipclub.org/ jejcs.aspx 214-321-2897 Pre K - 8 Preston Hollow Presbyterian School St. Cecilia Catholic School 9800 Preston, Dallas, TX 75230 635 Marycliff, Dallas, TX 75208 214-368-3886 K-6 214-948-8628 Pre K - 8 www.phps.org/ www.stbernardofclairvaux.org/ www.stceciliacatholic.org/ Prince of Peace Community School St. Elizabeth of Hungary Catholic School 4500 W. Davis, Dallas, TX 75211 4019 S. Hampton, Dallas, TX 75224 214-337-0244 Pre K - 8 www.popcsdallas.com/ 214-331-5139 Pre K - 8 Providence Christian School of Texas St. James Episcopal School 5002 W. Lovers, Dallas, TX 75209 9845 McCree, Dallas, TX 75238 214-366-2071 K-9 www.pcstx.org/ 214-348-1349 Pre K - 8 Santa Clara of Assisi Catholic Academy St. John’s Episcopal School 321 Calumet, Dallas, TX 75211 848 Harter, Dallas, TX 75218 214-333-9423 Pre K - 8 www.santaclaraacademy.org/ 214-328-9131 Pre K - 8 Scofield Christian School St. Mark’s School 7730 Abrams, Dallas, TX 75231 10600 Preston, Dallas, TX 75230 214-349-6843 Pre K - 8 www.scofieldchristian.org/ 214-346-8000 1 - 12 www.stelizabethofh.org/ www.stjamesepiscopal.info/ www.stjohnsschool.org/ www.smtexas.org/ Shelton School St. Mary of Carmel Catholic School 15720 Hillcrest, Dallas, TX 75248 1716 Singleton, Dallas, TX 75212 972-774-1772 Pre K - 12 214-748-2934 Pre K - 8 www.shelton.org/ www.smcschool.org/ St. Alcuin Montessori School St. Monica Catholic School 6144 Churchill, Dallas, TX 75230 4140 Walnut Hill, Dallas, TX 75229 972-239-1754 Pre K - 8 www.saintalcuin.org/ 214-351-5688 Pre K - 8 St. Augustine Catholic School St. Patrick Catholic School 1064 N. St. Augustine, Dallas, TX 75217 9635 Ferndale, Dallas, TX 75238 214-391-1381 Pre K - 8 www.stadallas.com/ The information contained herein is obtained from outside parties and Capital Title makes no claim as to its accuracy. 214-348-8070 Pre K - 8 www.stmonicaschool.org/ www.stpatrickschooldallas.org/ 0613 St. Philip the Apostle Catholic School Vanguard Preparatory School 8151 Military, Dallas, TX 75227 4240 Sigma, Dallas, TX 75244 214-381-4973 K-8 www.stphilipcatholicschool.org/ 972-404-1616 Pre K - 12 www.vanguardprepschool.com/ St. Philip’s School Walden Preparatory School 1600 Pennsylvania, Dallas, TX 75215 14552 Montfort, Dallas, TX 75240 214-421-5221 Pre K - 6 www.stphilips1600.org/ 972-233-6883 9 - 12 St. Pius X Catholic School Wesley Prep 3030 Gus Thomasson, Dallas, TX 75228 9200 Inwood, Dallas, TX 75220 972-279-2339 K-8 www.spxdallas.org/ 214-706-9568 Pre K - 6 St. Rita School Westwood School 12525 Inwood, Dallas, TX 75244 14340 Proton, Dallas, TX 75244 972-239-3203 K-8 www.strita.net/ 972-239-8598 Pre K - 8 www.wesleyprep.org/ www.westwoodschool.com/ St. Therese Academy White Rock Montessori School 419 N. Cockrell Hill, Dallas, TX 75211 1601 Oates, Dallas, TX 75228 214-333-3210 9 - 12 214-324-5580 Pre K - 8 www.whiterockmontessori.org/ St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School White Rock North School 3741 Abrams, Dallas, TX 75214 9727 White Rock Trail, Dallas, TX 75238 214-826-0566 Pre K - 8 www.staschool.org/ 214-348-7410 Pre K - 6 Torah Day School of Dallas Winston School 6921 Frankford, Dallas, TX 75252 5707 Royal, Dallas, TX 75229 972-964-0090 Pre K - 8 www.tdsd.org/files/ 214-691-6950 1 - 12 www.whiterocknorthschool.com www.winston-school.org/ Tyler Street Christian Academy The Wise Academy 915 W. Ninth, Dallas, TX 75208 5608 Northhaven, Dallas, TX 75230 214-941-9717 Pre K - 12 www.tsca.org/ 214-739-3636 K-6 Ursuline Academy Yavneh Academy of Dallas 4900 Walnut Hill, Dallas, TX 75229 12324 Merit, Dallas, TX 75251 469-232-1800 9 - 12 http://ursulinedallas.org/ The information contained herein is obtained from outside parties and Capital Title makes no claim as to its accuracy. 972-239-5705 9 - 12 www.yavnehdallas.org/ 0613 Zion Lutheran School Buckingham North Christian School 6121 E. Lovers, Dallas, TX 75214 801 W. Buckingham, Garland, TX 75040 214-363-1630 Pre K - 8 www.ziondallas.org/ 972-495-0851 Pre K - 6 www.buckinghamnorth.com/ Good Shepherd Catholic School 214 S. Garland, Garland, TX 75040 Robert Muller Center for Living Ethics 972-272-6533 Pre K - 8 340 Country Club, Fairview, TX 75069 972-542-5330 Pre K - 8 www.goodshepherdcatholicsch ool.org/ www.centerforlivingethics.org/ Berean Christian Academy 1012 E. Sixth, Irving, TX 75060 Arbor Creek Montessori School 972-438-1440 Pre K - 6 2713 Cookscreek, Farmers Branch, TX 75234 972-406-8522 Pre K - 2 www.acmontessori.com/ Cistercian Preparatory School 1 Cistercian, Irving, TX 75039 Mary Immaculate School 469-499-5400 5 - 12 14032 Dennis, Farmers Branch, TX 75234 972-243-7105 K-8 www.berean-church.org/ academy/ www.mischool.org/ www.cistercian.org/ Faustina Academy 1621 W. Grauwyler, Irving, TX 75061 972-254-6726 Pre K - 12 www.faustinaacademy.com/ Coram Deo Academy 4900 Wichita Tr, Flower Mound, TX 75022 682-237-0232 Pre K - 12 www.coramdeoacademy.org/ Highlands School 1451 E. Northgate, Irving, TX 75062 972-554-1980 Pre K - 12 www.thehighlandsschool.org/ Holy Family of Nazareth School 2323 Cheyenne, Irving, TX 75062 Legacy Christian Academy 972-255-0205 Pre K - 8 5000 Academy, Frisco, TX 75034 469-633-1330 Pre K - 12 www.legacyca.org/ Redeemer Montessori School Starwood Montessori School 2700 Warren, Irving, TX 75062 6600 Lebanon, Frisco, TX 75034 972-257-3517 Pre K - 4 972-712-8080 Pre K - 6 www.hfns.com/ www.starwoodmontessori.com/ The information contained herein is obtained from outside parties and Capital Title makes no claim as to its accuracy. www.redeemermontessori.com/ 0613 St. Luke Catholic School Lucas Christian Academy 1023 Schulze, Irving, TX 75060 415 W. Lucas, Lucas, TX 75002 972-253-8285 Pre K - 8 www.stlukeschool.us/ 972-429-4362 K - 12 www.lucaschristianacademy.co m/ St. Therese Academy 2700 Finley, Irving, TX 75062 Good Shepherd Montessori School 972-252-3000 Pre K - 12 7701 Virginia, McKinney, TX 75071 972-547-4767 Pre K - 8 Wesleyan Academe www.goodshepherdmontessori. com/ 1615 W. Airport, Irving, TX 75062 972-252-4733 Pre K - 5 www.ppumc.org/school/ school.htm McKinney Christian Academy 3601 Bois D’arc, Mckinney, TX 75071 972-548-4855 Pre K - 12 www.mckinneychristian.org/ St. Bernadette Academy Our Savior Lutheran School 10200 Alta Vista, Keller, TX 76248 2708 W. Virginia, McKinney, TX 75071 972-562-9944 Pre K - 6 817-431-2353 Pre K - 8 http://oslmckinney.org/school/ St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School 2016 Willis, Keller, TX 76248 817-431-4845 Pre K - 8 www.seascc.org/ Bethany Christian School 3300 W. Parker, Plano, TX 75075 972-596-5811 Pre K - 12 Calvary Chapel Christian School Yardley Montessori School 703 Main Lake, Dallas, TX 75065 940-321-0280 Pre K - K www.bethanybible.com/school/ 5930 Alma, Plano, TX 75023 972-423-9841 1-4 www.yardleymontessorischool. com/ www.calvarychapeldallas.org/ Faith Lutheran School 1701 E. Park, Plano, TX 75074 972-423-7448 Pre K - 9 Willow Bend Academy www.faithplano.org/ 1565 W. Main, Lewisville, TX 75067 972-906-9493 7 - 12 www.willowbendacademy.com/ Great Lakes Academy 6000 Custer, Plano, TX 75075 972-517-7498 K - 12 The information contained herein is obtained from outside parties and Capital Title makes no claim as to its accuracy. www.greatlakesacademy.us/ 0613 John Paul II High School Alexander School 900 Coit, Plano, TX 75075 409 International Parkway, Richardson, TX 75081 972-867-0005 9 - 12 www.johnpauliihs.org/ 972-690-9210 8 - 12 www.alexanderschool.com/ Plano Christian Academy Canyon Creek Christian Academy 1400 Summit, Plano, TX 75074 2800 Custer, Richardson, TX 75080 972-422-1PCA 1 - 12 www.planochristianacademy.co m/ 972-231-4890 Pre K - 12 www.canyoncreekbc.org/ Prestonwood Christian Academy Dallas Learning Center 6801 W. Park, Plano, TX 75024 1021 Newberry, Richardson, TX 75080 972-820-5060 Pre K - 12 www.prestonwoodchristian.org/ 972-231-3723 7 - 12 www.dallaslearningcenter.com/ Prince of Peace Catholic School Dallas North Montessori School 5100 Plano Pkwy, Plano, TX 75093 1149 Rockingham, Richardson, TX 75080 972-380-5505 Pre K - 8 www.popschool.net/ 972-669-3322 Pre K - 3 http://dnmschool.com/ Spring Creek Academy John Knox School 6000 Custer, Plano, TX 75023 3901 North Star, Richardson, TX 75082 972-517-6730 3 - 12 www.springcreekacademy.com 972-669-9454 Pre K - 8 St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic School Lattner School 1201 Alma, Plano, TX 75075 701 Centenial, Richardson, TX 75081 972-599-7822 K-8 www.stmarkcatholicschool.com 972-238-7567 K - 10 St. Timothy Academy Richardson Adventist School 4550 Legacy, Plano, TX 75024 1201 W. Beltline, Richardson, TX 75080 214-291-4701 K-6 www.sttimothyacademy.org/ 972-238-1183 Pre K - 10 http:// richardsonadventistschool.org/ Willow Bend Academy Saber Academy 2220 Coit, Plano, TX 75075 811 Canyon Creek Sq, Ricardson, TX 75080 972-599-7882 5 - 12 www.willowbendacademy.com/ The information contained herein is obtained from outside parties and Capital Title makes no claim as to its accuracy. 972-231-7040 Pre K - 10 0613 St. Joseph Catholic School Rockwall Christian Academy 600 S. Jupiter, Richardson, TX 75081 6005 Dalrock, Rowlett, TX 75087 972-234-4679 K-6 www.stjosephcc.net/ 972-412-8266 Pre K - 12 www.cccdallas.org/rca St. Paul the Apostle Catholic School 720 S. Floyd, Richardson, TX 75080 972-235-3263 K-8 www.saintpaulschool.org/ Clariden School 100 Clariden, Southlake, TX 76092 682-237-0400 Pre K - 12 Country Day Montessori School 2305 Plaza, Rockwall, TX 75032 972-771-6680 www.claridenschool.org/site/ Highland Meadow Montessori Academy 1060 E. Highland, Southlake, TX 76092 http://cdmschool.com/ 817-488-2138 Pre K - 6 www.hmma.org/ Fulton Academy 1623 Laurence, Rockwall, TX 75032 972-772-4445 Pre K - 12 www.fultonacademy.org/ Heritage Christian Academy 1408 S. Goliad Street, Rockwall, TX 75087 972-772-3003 Pre K - 12 www.heritagechristianacademy .org/ The information contained herein is obtained from outside parties and Capital Title makes no claim as to its accuracy. 0613
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