January 2015 - The Texican Rangers
January 2015 - The Texican Rangers
Texican Star A Publication of the Texican Rangers An Authentic Cowboy Action Shooting Club That Treasures & Respects the Cowboy Tradition SASS Affiliated January 2015 PO Box 294713 Kerrville 78029-4713 WHATCHA LOOKIN’ FER Howdy, Texican Rangers Officers 2015 Dues-Pay Now Test Your Knowledge Message from CD Match Director The Marshal Who Fought With His Fists E-Mail Addresses Happy Birthday Texicans Calendar of Events Monthly Shooting Schedules SASS Affiliated Clubs Longhorn Bullets 2015 Dues/Waiver CD Registration Form Howdy Texican Rangers! The New Year is 1 2 3 3 4 5 7 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 underway and already the plan failed at the first contact. We had everything in place to shoot on the second weekend in January for the first time since I can remember, except for the weather. I had previously remarked that as I get older I do those “shiverin’ shoots” less and less. But I figured shiverin’ and slippin’ was too much to bear. We do have a backup plan in place so we will try to hold both a Wild Bunch Match and a Cowboy Action Shooting Match at the same time on January 31st. We talked about having one match in the morning and the other in the afternoon but with the need to complete all shooting between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM it seemed just too close and nearly impossible with a lunch in between. So if you want to shoot both try the Wild Bunch on Saturday and come back on Sunday for the Cowboy match. We should easily be done in time for the game. The weather on the second weekend of this month also killed our chances of getting folks from the SASS Convention in San Antonio to swing by for some shooting before they headed home. I thought that maybe I would get a chance to swing by the Convention if roads weren’t too bad but then the flu struck and I spent the weekend in bed. But I heard that Sheriff Robert Love and Shooting Iron Miller showed up to help Tombstone Mary and General Burleson staff the Cimarron Firearms booth and Handlebar Bob was in attendance and managed to take in some of the seminars. If you get a chance to talk to these folks they can surely give you some feedback on that event. (continued on page 2) The January Monthly Match had to be cancelled due to weather but it has been rescheduled for: January 31st-February 1st On Saturday you will have the choice of shooting either 5 stages of Wild Bunch or 5 stages of Cowboy. On Sunday we will offer 5 stages of Cowboy. 1 OFFICERS HOWDY, TEXICAN RANGERS President - Yuma Jack John Thomas San Antonio, TX (210) 240-8284 [email protected] This time of year people traditionally make New Year’s Resolutions that, at least when they make them, they are committed to carry out over the following year. I suppose as President I ought to throw some Resolutions out there to see if any stick. Some I have brought up before as some ideas I wanted to act upon but this gives me the opportunity to bring them up again sort of like a reminder to myself to get busy. So here goes, I resolve to: 1. Get some version of improved By-Laws approved by membership. 2. Get CY 2015 Budget approved by the Executive Committee. 3. Officially establish three new categories to be available during monthly matches: a. 1911 Modern and Traditional b. Bolt Action Military Rifle c. Civil War Cartridge Rifle 4. Develop/publish a Manual of rules specifically unique to the Texican Rangers. 5. Establish a “Speed Stage” that will remain unchanged for the calendar year. 6. Develop a club publicity program. 7. Develop a New Member orientation program. Vice President- GeePee Gary Powell San Antonio, TX (830) 980 7502 [email protected] Secretary - Agarita Annie Janie Thomas Camp Wood, TX (936) 662-1962 [email protected] Treasurer - Madam Ella Moon Joann Messer Kerrville, TX (830) 257-5904 [email protected] Range Master – Nueces Slim Johnny Thomas Camp Wood TX (936) 662-1004 [email protected] Territorial Governor Dusty Lone Star Don Hathorne San Antonio TX (210) 373-5517 [email protected] To submit articles to the Star, please send to: Texican Star [email protected] (continued from page 1) I have had some resolutions suggested to me like, “make less editorial comments on material others have written” and “don’t cancel any more matches because of weather” and “try to write all stages so that good shooters can complete them in less than 20 seconds.” I am just not sure I can measure up to any of those because they are so subjective. But I will add the following resolutions to my list: 8. I will cancel future matches only if weather or other circumstances present unsafe conditions or at the property owners request. 9. I will try to ensure that stage scenarios are clear, straightforward and fun. I suppose I should take advantage of the segue that the first resolution above gives me to mention that we did send out the proposed By-Laws revision back in December and to date I have not seen any questions or comments. I’m going to take that as a good sign that encourages me even more to call for a vote on Jan 31. Hopefully I can check off one resolution before the year gets two months old. (Continued on page 3) 2 HOWDY, TEXICAN RANGERS There have already been three planning meetings for Comancheria Days 2015. We hope to make this 20th Anniversary a very special event with some new and not recently included activities. I anticipate that, as always, you Rangers will jump right in to contribute your time and skills to assist in any way you can. At the very least I hope you will sign up to participate in what I expect to be a memorable experience. (continued from page 2) The past couple of matches the property owner has requested us to leave the gate at the barn open. If that practice is to continue we will post a sign on the gate to that effect. If there is no sign, please close the gate after passing through. I look forward to seeing y’all on Saturday morning, January 31st. Texican Rangers, let’s ride! Yuma Jack TIME TO PAY YOUR DUES Well the rescheduled January shoot will be here before you know it! You can speed up the process of registration and posse sign-up at the shoot by getting your membership form and dues in now. At the back of this newsletter and on the website you can find a copy of the membership form/waiver. Please make a copy and go ahead and fill it out and send it in. The more folks that pay their 2015 dues now, the faster the process will be in January. Thanks Agarita Annie Which actor WASN’T one of “The Magnificent Seven”? Steve McQueen Lee Marvin Yul Brynner Charles Bronson (Lee Marvin) What movie are these lines from? “There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window.” You see, in this world there’s two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.” Tuco and Blondie in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 3 MESSAGE FROM THE CD MATCH DIRECTOR Plans are well underway for Comancheria Days 2015 where we will be celebrating 20 years for this event at Stieler Ranch. I’d say that’s quite an accomplishment. I am proud and honored to be your Match Director this year and to have a fine bunch of Texican Rangers to help out. I really appreciate the fact I have a hardworking committee, dedicated to making this year’s event one that you will remember for years to come. The Stieler Ranch site is rich in history of the Old West. Comanche and Apache Indians raided all through this area of Texas, while the Texas Rangers worked to protect settlers. You’ll say scenario lines taken from “The Searchers”, since the real-life story that was the basis for John Wayne’s classic movie took place not far from our Texican Rangers’ range site. It takes a lot of people to pull off an event such as this. Volunteers work many months before the event, and continue to work all the way through to the end of the event. But most of all, I have to say I appreciate your participation and enthusiasm as a shooter in the past. It has contributed to the overall success of this very special event. We do hope to see you at Comancheria Days this year. Whether this is your 100th Cowboy Action Shoot, or your 1st, just know that shooting this event will be one of the most fun Cowboy Action Shoots you’ll ever experience. And I can guarantee you will meet and shoot with some of the finest cowboys and cowgirls you’ll ever hope to know. I’m happy to say registrations are coming in daily now. We had 158 shooters last year and we have high hopes of attracting even more this year. There’s still time to send in your registration and receive free stretch raffle tickets! The first 50 that sign up will receive them when they check in for the match, so what are you waiting for? Mail your form today, along with a check, of course, and be sure to arrange for a hotel if you need one. Your Comancheria Days Committee for 2015: Shooting Iron Miller – Match Director Culebra Blaze – Assistant Match Director Grouchy Spike – Vendor Coordinator Yuma Jack – TR President GeePee – TR Vice President Agarita Annie – Secretary Madam Ella Moon – Treasurer Nueces Slim – Range Master Our theme is “Shots from the Past,” so we’ll reminisce At the back of this newsletter you can find a a little by incorporating scenarios that were done in registration form. Watch the website past Comancheria Days. (www.texicanrangers.org) for all the most up to date information on the event. Shooting Iron Miller 4 THE MARSHAL WHO FOUGHT WITH HIS FISTS Thomas James Smith was born sometime around 1830 in New York. Little is known about his early life as there are no known records. Smith has been described as having been a handsome man, 170 pounds and 5’ 11, with a thick mustache and a trait of an almost fearless nature. There are numerous reports indicating Smith would refuse to back down despite whatever odds might be against him. He was a middleweight professional boxer before joining the New York City Police force. He used his skill as a boxer throughout his law career and became known as the “marshal who fought with his fists”. Smith worked in law enforcement in quite a few different states. He served as a police officer in New York City where he was involved in an accidental killing of a young boy. After this incident, he resigned from the police department and began working for the Union Pacific Railroad in Nebraska, the beginning of his westward journey. Smith received the nickname “Bear River” from a stand he made during a skirmish with vigilantes while serving as a lawman in Bear River City, Wyoming. A group of armed vigilantes killed an employee of the railroad because they claimed the man was guilty of murder. A massive fight occurred between the vigilantes and the railroad workers. Much of the town was destroyed by fire, but Smith managed by “sheer will and some brutality” to keep the entire town from being utterly destroyed until troops from Fort Bridger arrived and imposed martial law. When Joseph McCoy built the Great Western stockyards in Abilene, Kansas in 1867, turning the town into a cattle shipping railhead, the town mostly consisted of sod homes and dugouts. By 1870 much had changed. The town had numerous saloons and brothels and up until that point law enforcement was all but nonexistent. Abilene had become a town of transients, cattle drivers. When cowboys arrived in Abilene, they had been on the trail for months. On the trail discipline was strict because if not, cattle could be lost or someone could be injured or killed. Once the cattle were delivered, the cowboys were paid their wages. They would clean themselves up, get a haircut and buy new clothes. Then it was time to hit the saloons where they could drink and gamble their money away, in some cases the cowboys would visit one of the brothels and spend their money on a lady of the night. Fights over poker games would occur and although most of these fights were fistfights these cowboys were wearing six-shooters so shootings did occur. These out-of-state cowboys bringing the cattle to Abilene became very disruptive to the city. Smith was hired as Abilene’s first marshal on June 4, 1870 at a rate of $150/month and $2 for every conviction he made. Smith was actually hired for the position for one month but he stayed on until his death in the fall. Smith was a Deputy US Marshal and was insistent that he could police Abilene using his hands and wit rather than using guns. On one occasion, shortly after taking office, Smith singlehandedly overpowered two men known for (continued on page 6) 5 THE MARSHAL WHO FOUGHT WITH HIS FISTS (continued from page 5) their bad temperament, “Big Hank” Hawkins and his partner “Wyoming Frank”. Smith banished them both from Abilene, after beating them both using only his bare hands. Abilene. A gunfight erupted, in which Smith was shot in the chest. Smith returned fire and wounded McConnell. The deputy fled back to Abilene to get some help. Smith was getting the better of McConnell but Miles stuck Smith with a firearm, He enforced the law of “no guns in town limits”. With knocking him to the ground. Miles picked up an ax this law, everyone arriving in Abilene was required to and chopped at Smith’s neck nearly decapitating him. check in their firearms with the proprietor of the McDonald raised up a posse but when they returned business until they were ready to leave town. Smith to the dugout Smith was already dead and the received praise for was closing down the red light murderers were gone. district. In the Abilene Chronicle, September 8, 1870, it stated that Smith told the “vile characters” to “close McConnell and Miles were captured three days after their dens-or suffer the consequences”. According to the killing. McConnell was sentenced to 12 years in the article, all of the ‘houses of ill fame” quickly prison and Miles was sentenced to 16 years. closed down and the women involved in that work left very shortly thereafter. What is most surprising about Smith’s death is that it occurred at the hands of two farmers rather than two Some folks didn’t appreciate Smith and he was cowboys. The town of Abilene returned to its lawless extremely unpopular with many of the cowboys that ways until the next marshal could be hired, James drifted through town, he survived two assassination Butler “Wild Bill” Hickok in April, 1871. attempts. Several other incidents and arrests led him to develop a solid reputation and he became widely Dwight Eisenhower reportedly considered Smith a respected and admired by the Abilene citizens. personal hero and visited Smith’s gravesite on numerous occasions. As reported in the Abilene Chronicle, November 2, 1870: Smith was buried in the Abilene cemetery. At that In late October a local farmer named Andrew time it was not a very lavish grave. In 1904 Smith was McConnell had an argument with his neighbor John reburied and a unique stone, a red granite rock Shea. Shea had been driving his cattle across weighing about 2¼ tons, was used to mark his grave. McConnell’s land and McConnell being unhappy about this confronted Shea. After the confrontation, The stone still marks Smith’s grave today and reads: Shea ended up dead. McConnell was brought in for questioning but claimed that he shot Shea in selfThomas J. Smith defense. A man named Miles backed up McConnell’s Marshal of Abilene, 1870 claim, so he was released. Other neighbors claimed Died, a Martyr to Duty, Nov. 2, 1870. that Shea was not the aggressor and that McConnell A Fearless Hero of Frontier Days Who was guilty of murder. A warrant for McConnell’s In Cowboy Chaos arrest was issued. On November 2, 1870, Smith and a Established the Supremacy of Law temporary deputy named James McDonald, attempted to serve a warrant on Andrew McConnell and Moses Miles. McDonald and Smith located the suspects in a small settlement ten miles outside of 6 Happy Birthday Texicans! www.sassnet.com www.texicanrangers.org www.greenmountainregulators.org www.pccss.org www.stxpistolaros.com www.tejascaballeros.org www.tinstarranch.com www.traviscountyregulators.com www.trpistoleros.com www.texasjacks.com www.cimarron-firearms.com www.tsra.com www.wildwestmercantile.com JANUARY FEBRUARY Big John Mesquite Blacky Vela Block Creek Kid Chasen Aces Doc Eliott Hawkeye Leather Lug Skyhawk Hans Bar Diamond Rider Charlie Reynolds Charlie Saringo Dirty James Doc O’Bay Doc Smiley Dusty Lone Star Howdy Nabor Long Juan Major Samuel Clayton Newt Ritter Shooting Iron Miller Sombrero Negro Tricky Tunes Will Peso Yuma Jack 7 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Head’Um Up – Move’um Out TEXICAN RANGERS 2015 Jan 31-Feb 1….…..rescheduled Monthly February 14………………..Monthly Match February 15 Monthly Match March 14…………………….Monthly Match March 15…………………….Monthly Match April 8-12…..COMANCHERIA DAYS 2015 May 9………………………...Monthly Match May 10………………….……Monthly Match Jun 13……………..………….Monthly Match June 14………………..……..Monthly Match July 11……………………..….Monthly Match July 12………………..……….Monthly Match August 8…………….………..Monthly Match August 9……………….……..Monthly Match September 12………………………...SHINDIG September 13……..……….Monthly Match October 10………….…Final Shoot of 2015 November/December...……range closed Jan 24-25 Feb 23-Mar 1 Mar 13-15 Mar 19-22 Mar 20-22 Apr 10-12 Apr 23-25 Apr 24-26 Apr 25 Apr 30-May 3 New Mexico State Championship Las Cruces Winter Range Louisiana State Championship Trailhead Arkansas State Championship Jail Break Oklahoma State Championship SW Black Powder Championship Regulators Revenge SASS TX State Championship Phoenix Lake Charles THSS Fort Smith Oakwood Outlaws Oklahoma City Magnolia Green Mountain Plum Creek Jun 18-28 End of Trail (EOT) Founders Ranch Oct 15-17 SW Regional Oklahoma City CENTRAL TEXAS MONTHLY CLUB SHOOTING SCHEDULES 1st Saturday Saturday st 1 Weekend 2nd Saturday 2nd Saturday 2nd Sunday 2nd Weekend 3rd Saturday 4th Saturday 4th Saturday (Cowboy) and 4th Sunday (Long Range) 1st Plum Creek (Lockhart) South Texas Pistoleros (San Antonio) Fort Parker Patriots (Groesbeck) Texas Riviera Pistoleros (George West) Travis County Regulators (Smithville) Rio Grande Valley Vaqueros (Pharr) Texican Rangers (Comfort) Tejas Caballeros (Dripping Springs) Tin Star Texans (Fredericksburg) Green Mountain Regulators (Marble Falls) 8 SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS IN TEXAS WESTERN AREA Bounty Hunters (Levelland) (2nd) Butterfield Trail Regulators (Anson) (3th) Canadian River Regulators (Clarendon) (2nd/3rd/5th) Comanche Trail Shootists (Midland) (1st) Concho Valley Shooters (San Angelo) (2nd) El Vaqueros (Breckenridge) (1st) Gruesome Gulch Gang (Plainview/Kress) (3rd) Lajitas Rangers and Rogues (Lajitas) (2nd) Purgatory Ridge Rough Riders (Slaton) (4th) Texas Tumbleweeds (Amarillo) (1st) CENTRAL AREA Green Mountain Regulators (Marble Falls) (4th) Plum Creek Shooting Society (Lockhart)(1st) Rio Grande Valley Vaqueros (Pharr) (2nd) South Texas Pistolaros (San Antonio) (1st) Tejas Caballeros (Dripping Springs) (3rd) Texas Riviera Pistoleros (George West) (2nd) Texican Rangers (Fredericksburg) (2nd) Tin Star Texicans (Fredericksburg) (4th) Travis County Regulators (Smithville) (2nd) EASTERN AREA Badlands Bar 3 (Clarksville) (3rd) Berger Sharpshooters (Greenville) (3rd) Big Thicket Outlaws (Beaumont) (3rd) Buck Creek Bandoleros (Nemo) (1st/3rd) Comanche Valley Vigilantes (Cleburne) (4th) Lone Star Frontier Shooting Club (Cleburne) (2 nd) Magnolia Misfits (Houston) (4th) Oakwood Outlaws (Oakwood) (2nd) Old Fort Parker Patriots (Groesbeck) (3rd) Orange County Regulators (Orange) (1st/3rd) Red River Regulators (Texarkana) (3rd) Tejas Pistoleros (Eagle Lake) (4th) Texas Historical Shootist Society (Columbus) (3rd) Texas Peacemakers (Tyler) (1st) Texas Tenhorns Shooting Club (Leonard) (Last Full Weekend) Texas Troublemakers (Brownsboro) (1st) Thunder River Renegades (Magnolia) (1st) Trinity Valley Regulators (Mansfield) (3rd) Willow Hole Cowboys (North Zulch) (3rd) [information obtained from Cowboy Chronicle] 9 Longhorn Bullets Hopalong Herbert Donald Herbert 210-602-6994 Rick Page 210-844-9362 Caliber Weight Config PRICE/500 PRICE/1000 .38 100 105 125 125 130 158 158 158 100 245 215 180 240 200 160 180 200 250 124 125 180 200 200 230 405 RNFP FP RNFP FP RNFP RNFP FP SWC RNFP RNFP SWC RNFP SWC RNFP RNFP RNFP RNFP RNFP RN CN FP SWC RN RN FPT 32 33 35 35 36 39 39 39 33 59 49 41 52 45 46 41 45 53 35 35 41 45 45 51 111 64 66 70 70 72 77 77 77 65 117 98 81 104 90 92 81 90 106 70 70 81 90 90 101 222 .380 .38-55 .41 .44 .44-40 .45 COLT 9MM 40 S&W .45ACP 45-70 10 THE TEXICAN RANGERS WAIVER/MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION OR RENEWAL Texican Rangers; PO Box 294713; Kerrville TX 78029-4713 Alias: ___________________________________________________ SASS Number: _______________________ Name (Releasor): _____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: ___________________ Zip code: _______________ Email Address: ___________________________________________ Birth Date: _______________ RO1□ RO2 □ Phone: ______________________________(h)_____________________________(c) ANNUAL DUES Individual Membership - $24 Cash/Check # _____________________ Family Membership - $48 Cash/Check #______________________ Family Member(s):_____________________________________________Date/Amount Paid: _________________ EMERGENCY CONTACT: In the event of an emergency on the range, who should we contact? Name: ________________________________________ Relationship: __________________________________ Phone: ( ) ___________________________________ Cell: ( ) ____________________________________ GENERAL RELEASE FROM LIABILITY, WE REQUIRE ALL SHOOTERS TO ASSUME ALL RISK BY SIGNING THIS RELEASE. WAIVER Voluntary participation by guests may involve observing, handling, and firing various firearms of the type(s) used during the period from 1836 through 1900. A guest may participate in handling and loading live ammunition into such firearms. During a match the firearms are fired, using lead bullets, at steel targets. ALL PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED TO ASSUME ALL RISK BY SIGNING THIS GENERAL RELEASE FROM LIABILITY. I, the undersigned, will abide by the safety rules of SASS and the TEXICAN RANGERS, INC (hereafter referred to as TR) including the Club Rules while on Stieler Ranch. I recognize the inherent dangers of injury and/or death associated with Cowboy Action Shooting and will not handle or discharge firearm(s) in a manner that may be unsafe to others or me. I understand that the range is a “cold” range and that my firearms must be unloaded at all times unless I am on the firing line and under the supervision of a range officer. I am aware of the potentially injurious noise level associated with the discharge of firearms and the possibility of being struck by rebounding bullet particles. I will always wear eye protection both on and off the firing line, and insist that my guest(s) do likewise. I understand that ear protection is also recommended. I grant TR the right to use photographs of me participating in TR events or at the Stieler Ranch for any lawful purpose, including without limitation, printed and electronic content. I, the undersigned, do hereby release and discharge (1) the TR and their representatives, agents, servants, directors, and employees, (2) Becky Patterson, her children, heirs and successors, (3) the Stieler Ranch, its owners and their successors, and (4) any and all operating facilities associated with the TR or the Stieler Ranch, from any and all liability of every kind and character, howsoever arising, including bodily injuries and loss or damage of property, sustained by me, my guest, and any other person or entity, having or asserting claims or rights, by, through, or under me; and I do covenant and agree to HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY the said entities and persons from any claims of the nature released or discharged, arising by, through, or under me INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY CLAIMS ARISING OR ALLEGED TO ARISE FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF ANY SUCH INDEMNITEE. I AM SIGNING THIS DOCUMENT FOR THE PURPOSE AND CONSIDERATION EXPRESSED AS MY FREE ACT AND DEED. This is a legal and binding obligation from date of signature to 31 December 2015, inclusive. Signature: ______________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Parent or Guardian: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________ 11 “Shots from the Past” The Texican Rangers Old Time Cowboy Action Shooting April 09 – April 12, 2015 Located on the Stieler Ranch, a historic “Old West” working cattle ranch from the 1870’s 8 miles north of Comfort, TX - 12.6 miles south of Fredericksburg, TX on Hwy 87 Name______________________________________________Alias______________________________SASS#________________ Address____________________________________________City____________________State______Zip___________________ E-Mail__________________________________________________________________________Phone______________________ Posse Request:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ ENTRY FORM – ONE PER ENTRANT Wednesday RO I & RO II Classes Contact Agarita Annie – [email protected] Thursday Wild Bunch Long Range Side Matches Friday Mandatory Shooters’ Meeting 5 Main Match Stages Posse Shoot Side Match Awards Shooter Costume Awards Covered Dish Supper Saturday Mandatory Shooters’ Meeting 5 Main Match Stages Posse Shoot Awards Banquet – BYOB (No Glass) Sunday Cowboy Church Master Gunfighter Main Match Category (Check one below): Buckaroo Young Gun Cowboy Wrangler 49’r Senior Silver Senior Elder Statesman Cattle Baron Gran Patron B Western Duelist Senior Duelist Silver Senior Duelist Gunfighter Senior Gunfighter Frontier Cartridge Frontier Cartridge Duelist Frontier Cartridge Gunfighter Frontiersman Cody Dixon Lever Cody Dixon SS Classic Cowboy Ladies (check if applicable) Other ____________________ Wild Bunch Category (Check one): I am certified R.O. I Traditional Modern Open R.O. II (Check all that apply) One entry makes a category - Trophies awarded three deep - No award for Wild Bunch Individual $110 $ YG & Buckaroo $ 50 $ Banquet Guest $ 30 $ $10/Night $ Camping Open. # of Nights # attending Friday Dinner $ TOTAL Make check payable to Texican Rangers, Inc. Send to Texican Rangers, P.O. Box 294713, Kerrville, TX 78029. Registration confirmation will be e-mailed or mailed. Additional fee applies if registering day of event. Questions? Email us at [email protected] 12
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