GoGreaterReading.com GoGreaterReading.com GoGreaterReading.com greater greater greater GoGreaterReading.com GoGreaterReading.com take take aa ride ride greater greater greater The The ThePagoda Pagoda Pagoda Maple Maple MapleGrove Grove GroveRaceway Raceway Raceway Berks Berks BerksJazz Jazz JazzFest Fest Fest Hawk Hawk HawkMountain Mountain MountainSanctuary Sanctuary Sanctuary Cabela’s Cabela’s Cabela’s Kutztown Kutztown KutztownFolk Folk FolkFestival Festival Festival World World WorldWar War WarIIIIIIWeekend Weekend Weekend VF VF VFOutlet Outlet OutletCenter Center Center Liederkranz Liederkranz LiederkranzOktoberfest Oktoberfest Oktoberfest Koziar’s Koziar’s Koziar’sChristmas Christmas ChristmasVillage Village Village GoggleWorks GoggleWorks GoggleWorks Center Center Centerfor for forthe the theArts Arts Arts Mussels Mussels Musselsat at atThe The ThePeanut Peanut PeanutBar Bar BarRestaurant Restaurant Restaurant Top Top Things Things to to Do! Do! September September September2016 2016 2016 The The TheEast East EastCoast’s Coast’s Coast’sPremier Premier Premier Hamburger Hamburger HamburgerEvent! Event! Event! Taste Taste Tasteof of ofHamburger Hamburger HamburgerFestival Festival Festival September September September2016 2016 2016 Celebrate Celebrate CelebrateBerks Berks BerksCounty’s County’s County’srich rich rich history history historyof ofofPretzel Pretzel Pretzeland and andBeer Beer Beermaking making making (and (and (andhave have haveaaalittle little littlefun fun fundoing doing doingit!). it!). it!). Reading Reading Reading Pretzel Pretzel PretzelFestival Festival Festival July July July The The Theoldest oldest oldestcontinuously continuously continuouslyoperated operated operated folklife folklife folklifefestival festival festivalinininAmerica. America. America. Kutztown Kutztown KutztownFFolk F olk olkFestival Festival Festival September September September The The TheHottest Hottest HottestLittle Little LittleTown Town Towninininthe the theUSA. USA. USA. Chile Chile ChilePepper Pepper PepperFestival Festival Festival DINING DINING GUIDE GUIDE Cheers Cheers CheersAmerican American AmericanBistro Bistro Bistro The The ThePike Pike PikeCafé Café Café Lily’s Lily’s Lily’sGrill Grill Grill 115 115 115East East EastHigh High HighStreet Street Street Pottstown, Pottstown, Pottstown,PA PA PA 484-945-1008 484-945-1008 484-945-1008 Mon Mon Mon---Wed Wed Wed11a-3p 11a-3p 11a-3p Thurs Thurs Thurs---Sat Sat Sat11a-9p 11a-9p 11a-9p www.lilysgrill.com www.lilysgrill.com www.lilysgrill.com Expect Expect Expectthe the thebest best bestatatatLily’s Lily’s Lily’sgrill. grill. grill.Enjoy Enjoy Enjoyfarm farm farmfresh, fresh, fresh,healthy, healthy, healthy,nutritious nutritious nutritiousand and and great great greattasting tasting tastingfood food foodatatatreasonable reasonable reasonableprices. prices. prices.We We Wework work workwith with withlocal local localfarmers farmers farmers toto toensure ensure ensurethe the thefreshness freshness freshnessofofofour our ouringredients ingredients ingredientsand and andour our ourmeats meats meatsand and and seafood seafood seafoodare are areofofofthe the thehighest highest highestquality. quality. quality.Prompt, Prompt, Prompt,professional, professional, professional,and and andfriendly friendly friendly service service serviceinininour our ourclean, clean, clean,comfortable comfortable comfortableand and andwell-maintained well-maintained well-maintainedpremises premises premises ensures ensures ensuresthe the thebest best bestexperience experience experiencepossible, possible, possible,for for foryou, you, you,our our ourguest! guest! guest! LGBT LGBT LLLDDD ; ; ;O O OS S S8 8 8LGBT inininDowntown Downtown DowntownReading Reading Reading (2(2(2Blocks Blocks Blocksfrom from fromthe the theSantander Santander SantanderArena) Arena) Arena) Gracie’s Gracie’s Gracie’s21st 21st 21stCentury Century CenturyCafé Café Café Corner Corner Cornerof ofof4th 4th 4th&&&Cherry Cherry CherrySt. St. St. &&&Catering Catering Catering (2(2(2blocks blocks blocksfrom from fromthe the theSantander Santander Santander Arena Arena ArenainininDowntown Downtown DowntownReading) Reading) Reading) 332 332 332Penn Penn PennStreet Street Street Reading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19602 19602 19602 610-376-8500 610-376-8500 610-376-8500 M-Th: M-Th: M-Th:11a-10:30p 11a-10:30p 11a-10:30p Fri: Fri: Fri:11a-11:30p 11a-11:30p 11a-11:30p Sat: Sat: Sat:12a-11:30p 12a-11:30p 12a-11:30p www.peanutbar.com www.peanutbar.com www.peanutbar.com Greater Greater Reading, Reading, PA PA 1534 1534 1534Manatawny Manatawny ManatawnyDrive Drive Drive Pine Pine PineForge, Forge, Forge,PA PA PA19548 19548 19548 610-323-4004 610-323-4004 610-323-4004 Wed-Sat: Wed-Sat: Wed-Sat:5:30p 5:30p 5:30p www.gracies21stcentury.com www.gracies21stcentury.com www.gracies21stcentury.com 30 30 30South South South4th 4th 4thStreet Street Street Reading Reading ReadingPA PA PA19602 19602 19602 21 21 21South South SouthFifth Fifth FifthStreet Street Street Reading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19602 19602 19602 610-373-6791 610-373-6791 610-373-6791 M-F: M-F: M-F:11:30a-2a 11:30a-2a 11:30a-2a Sat: Sat: Sat:12p-2a 12p-2a 12p-2a www.theuglyoyster.com www.theuglyoyster.com www.theuglyoyster.com Festivals Festivals Festivals for for for F FF oodies! oodies! oodies! 930 930 930Pike Pike PikeStreet Street Street Reading Reading ReadingPA PA PA19604 19604 19604 610-373-6616 610-373-6616 610-373-6616 Kitchen Kitchen KitchenHours: Hours: Hours: M-W: M-W: M-W:11a-11p 11a-11p 11a-11p Thr-F: Thr-F: Thr-F:11a-12a 11a-12a 11a-12a Sat: Sat: Sat:12p-12a 12p-12a 12p-12a Sun: Sun: Sun:12p-11p 12p-11p 12p-11p Bar Bar Baropen open opendaily daily dailyuntil until until2a 2a 2a www.pikecafe.com www.pikecafe.com www.pikecafe.com Chatty Chatty ChattyMonks Monks MonksBrewing Brewing BrewingCo. Co. Co. Shirley’s Shirley’s Shirley’sCafé Café Café&& &Tequila Tequila TequilaBar Bar Bar 1615 1615 1615Duke Duke DukeStreet Street Street Laureldale, Laureldale, Laureldale,PA PA PA19605 19605 19605 484-926-9221 484-926-9221 484-926-9221 Mon-Fri:11a-2a Mon-Fri:11a-2a Mon-Fri:11a-2a Sat Sat Sat&&&Sun:12p Sun:12p Sun:12ptoto to2a 2a 2a www.shirleystequilabar.com www.shirleystequilabar.com www.shirleystequilabar.com Cheer’s Cheer’s Cheer’sAmerican American AmericanBistro Bistro Bistro&&&Bar Bar Barsources sources sourcesthe the thefreshest freshest freshestseasonal seasonal seasonal ingredients ingredients ingredientstoto tocreate create createaaacuisine cuisine cuisinethat that thatreflects reflects reflectsthe the thevariety variety varietyofofofindigenous indigenous indigenous foods foods foodsfrom from fromaround around aroundthe the thecountry. country. country.The The Thecharacter character characterofofofeach each eachdish dish dish represents represents representsthe the thehistory, history, history,culture culture cultureand and andethnicities ethnicities ethnicitiesthat that thatinfluence influence influenceaaa particular particular particularregion. region. region.Executive Executive ExecutiveChef Chef ChefDaniel Daniel DanielWooten Wooten Wootenand and andSous Sous SousChef Chef Chef Chris Chris ChrisEdinger Edinger Edingershow show showthe the theversatility versatility versatilityafter after aftercomposing composing composingthe the themenu menu menutoto to feature feature featurethe the thefinest finest finestfood food foodavailable available availablecreating creating creatingaaatruly truly trulyunique unique uniquedining dining dining experience experience experienceinininaaacasual casual casualAAALa-Carte La-Carte La-Carteand and andBuffet Buffet Buffetdining dining diningwith with withan an anurbanurbanurbanrustic rustic rusticrelaxed relaxed relaxedsetting. setting. setting. $$$$$$BBBRRRLLLDDD; ; ;+O +O +OS S S8 8 8 Café Café CaféSweet Sweet SweetStreet Street Street An An Anelectrifying electrifying electrifyingatmosphere atmosphere atmospherespecializing specializing specializinginininsensational sensational sensationalSouthwest-flair Southwest-flair Southwest-flair food food foodsuch such suchas as asCasuelas, Casuelas, Casuelas,fish fish fishtacos, tacos, tacos,fresh fresh freshquesadillas. quesadillas. quesadillas.Homemade Homemade Homemade dough dough doughdaily daily dailyfor for forartisan artisan artisanpizza’s, pizza’s, pizza’s,strombolis strombolis strombolisand and andscrumptious scrumptious scrumptious sandwiches. sandwiches. sandwiches.We We Wepride pride prideourselves ourselves ourselvesinininthe the thebest best besttequila tequila tequilamenu menu menuinininBerks Berks Berks County County Countywith with withover over over140 140 140Tequilas Tequilas Tequilasand and andMezcals. Mezcals. Mezcals.Enjoy Enjoy Enjoyan an anintroductory introductory introductory flight flight flightoror orsome some someofofofthe the thefreshest freshest freshestSignature Signature SignatureMargaritas Margaritas Margaritasaround. around. around.We We Wealso also also feature feature featureaaavariety variety varietyofofofconstantly constantly constantlychanging changing changingbottle bottle bottleand and andtap tap tapcraft craft craftbeers. beers. beers. $$$$$$LLLDDD ; ; ;+¯ +¯ +¯S S S8 8 8O O O LGBT LGBT v¯ v¯O $$$$$$LLLDDD; ; ;v¯ O OS S Sb b b8 8 8LGBT Willoughby’s Willoughby’s Willoughby’son on onPark Park Park Berks Berks BerksCounty’s County’s County’spremier premier premierfine fine finedining dining diningSteakhouse, Steakhouse, Steakhouse,offering offering offeringsuperior superior superior quality quality qualityand and andflavors flavors flavorswith with withexceptional exceptional exceptionalservice service serviceinininan an anelegant elegant elegantyet yet yet energetic energetic energeticatmosphere. atmosphere. atmosphere.Whether Whether Whetherit’s it’s it’sone one oneofofofour our ourdelicately delicately delicatelychosen chosen chosen chops, chops, chops,fresh fresh freshselected selected selectedseafood, seafood, seafood,toto toour our ourcreative creative creativepasta’s pasta’s pasta’sand and and appetizers, appetizers, appetizers,everything everything everythingwe we weserve serve servedelivers delivers deliversthe the thebest best bestquality quality qualityand and and flavors flavors flavorsfor for forour our ourappreciated appreciated appreciatedguests. guests. guests.We We Weoffer offer offerour our ourguests guests guestsaaabroad broad broadofofof selections selections selectionsofofofcocktails, cocktails, cocktails,scotches, scotches, scotches,whiskeys whiskeys whiskeysand and andofofofcourse, course, course,wines wines wines LGBT LGBT from from fromaround around aroundthe the theglobe. globe. globe.$$$$$$--$ -$$$$$$$$DDD+O +O +OS S Sb b b8 8 8 LGBT 622 622 622–––624 624 624Penn Penn PennAvenue Avenue Avenue West West WestReading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19611 19611 19611 610-373-4907 610-373-4907 610-373-4907 www.distilledwhiskey.net www.distilledwhiskey.net www.distilledwhiskey.net 238 238 238S. S. S.Third Third ThirdAvenue Avenue Avenue West West WestReading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19611 19611 19611 www.thirdandspruce.com www.thirdandspruce.com www.thirdandspruce.com 610.376.5754 610.376.5754 610.376.5754 Café Café CaféSweet Sweet SweetStreet, Street, Street,offers offers offersspectacular spectacular spectacularbreakfast breakfast breakfastand and andlunch lunch lunchmenus menus menus featuring featuring featuringmade-from-scratch made-from-scratch made-from-scratchsignature signature signaturedishes dishes dishesallall allfrom from frompure, pure, pure,locally locally locally sourced sourced sourcedingredients ingredients ingredientsincluding including includingthe the theCafé’s Café’s Café’svery very veryown own ownherb herb herbgarden. garden. garden. We We Wefeature feature featurefarm farm farmfresh fresh fresheggs, eggs, eggs,house-made house-made house-madesoups, soups, soups,toasted toasted toastedgourmet gourmet gourmet sandwiches, sandwiches, sandwiches,spectacular spectacular spectacularsalads, salads, salads,local local localpasture pasture pastureraised raised raisedbeef beef beefburgers, burgers, burgers, and and andartfully artfully artfullycreated created createdluscious luscious lusciousdesserts. desserts. desserts.All All Allmade made madeusing using usingthe the thefreshest, freshest, freshest, most most mostflavorful flavorful flavorfulingredients ingredients ingredientsand and andseasonings. seasonings. seasonings. v vS $$$$$$BBBLLL; ; ;v S Sb b b Since Since Since1962, 1962, 1962,Ed Ed EdStoudt Stoudt Stoudthas has hasprovided provided providedguests guests guestswith with withhand-cut hand-cut hand-cutsteaks, steaks, steaks, fresh fresh freshseafood, seafood, seafood,and and andhomemade homemade homemadeGerman German Germanfavorites. favorites. favorites.Our Our Ourseasonal seasonal seasonal menus menus menusemphasize emphasize emphasizefresh, fresh, fresh,locally locally locallygrown grown growningredients, ingredients, ingredients,artisan artisan artisancheese cheese cheese and and andbread bread breadfrom from fromour our ourWonderful Wonderful WonderfulGood Good GoodMarket, Market, Market,and and andcraft craft craftbeer beer beerfrom from fromour our our brewery. brewery. brewery.Stop Stop Stopinininfor for foraaapint pint pintoror orflight flight flightofofofour our ouraward-winning, award-winning, award-winning,handcrafted handcrafted handcrafted beer beer beerand and andgood good goodfood food foodinininaaaunique, unique, unique,family family familyfriendly friendly friendlyatmosphere. atmosphere. atmosphere. $$$$$$LLLDDD; ; ;+v +v +vO O O¯ ¯ ¯b b b Say Say SayCheese! Cheese! Cheese!Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant&& &Cheese Cheese Cheese 305 305 305N. N. N.Park Park ParkRoad Road Road Wyomissing, Wyomissing, Wyomissing,PA PA PA19610 19610 19610 610-816-7473 610-816-7473 610-816-7473 Open Open Opendaily daily dailyatat at4:30pm 4:30pm 4:30pm www.willoughbysonpark.com www.willoughbysonpark.com www.willoughbysonpark.com 600 600 600Penn Penn PennAvenue Avenue Avenue West West WestReading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19611 19611 19611 610-406-5390 610-406-5390 610-406-5390 Tues-Sat: Tues-Sat: Tues-Sat:11a-10p 11a-10p 11a-10p Sun: Sun: Sun:9a-3p 9a-3p 9a-3p www.saycheese-restaurant.com www.saycheese-restaurant.com www.saycheese-restaurant.com Looking Looking Lookingfor for forsome some somecheesy cheesy cheesygoodness? goodness? goodness?Say Say SayCheese! Cheese! Cheese!offers offers offersAmerican American American comfort comfort comfortfood food foodmade made madefrom from fromscratch scratch scratchwith with withaaatwist. twist. twist.Enjoy Enjoy Enjoyone one oneofofofour our our signature signature signaturecheese cheese cheeseplates plates plateswith with withaaaglass glass glassofofofwine, wine, wine,relax relax relaxand and andget get getready ready readyfor for for aaapleasant pleasant pleasantdining dining diningexperience! experience! experience! 722 722 722Hiesters Hiesters HiestersLane Lane Lane Reading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19605 19605 19605 610-929-0616 610-929-0616 610-929-0616 www.cafesweetstreet.com www.cafesweetstreet.com www.cafesweetstreet.com Winedown Winedown WinedownCafé Café Café&& &Wine Wine WineBar Bar Bar Third Third Third&& &Spruce Spruce SpruceCafé Café Café Emily’s Emily’s Emily’s 3790 3790 3790Morgantown Morgantown MorgantownRd. Rd. Rd. Mohnton, Mohnton, Mohnton,PA PA PA19540 19540 19540 610.856.7887 610.856.7887 610.856.7887 Lunch: Lunch: Lunch: Tues.Tues.Tues.-Fri. Fri. Fri.11:30a-2p 11:30a-2p 11:30a-2p Dinner: Dinner: Dinner:Tues-Sat Tues-Sat Tues-Sat5-9p 5-9p 5-9p www.emilysberks.com www.emilysberks.com www.emilysberks.com This This Thischarming charming charming1827 1827 1827historic historic historicinn inn innoffers offers offerscasual casual casualfine fine finedining dining dininginininone one one ofofoffive five fivedining dining diningrooms rooms roomsoror oron on onour our ourspacious spacious spaciouscovered covered covereddeck. deck. deck.Great Great Greatfor for for small small smallintimate intimate intimatesettings, settings, settings,group group groupgatherings, gatherings, gatherings,weddings, weddings, weddings,banquets. banquets. banquets. Our Our Ourspecialties specialties specialtiesinclude include includesucculent succulent succulentappetizers, appetizers, appetizers,an an anarray array arrayofofofentrées entrées entrées including including includingbut but butnot not notlimited limited limitedtoto toFilet, Filet, Filet,seafood, seafood, seafood,pastas pastas pastasand and andmore more moretoto tosatisfy satisfy satisfy the the themost most mostdiscriminating discriminating discriminatingpalate. palate. palate.Experience Experience Experienceone one oneofofofthe the themost most mostunique unique unique bars bars barsfeaturing featuring featuringburgers, burgers, burgers,wings, wings, wings,sandwiches, sandwiches, sandwiches,salads salads saladsand and andlite lite liteentrees. entrees. entrees. Available Available Available777days days daysaaaweek week weekfor for forprivate private privateparties. parties. parties.Reservations Reservations Reservationssuggested. suggested. suggested. Stoudt’s Stoudt’s Stoudt’sBlack Black BlackAngus Angus Angus&& &Brew Brew BrewPub Pub Pub 2800 2800 2800N. N. N.Reading Reading ReadingRoad Road Road Rt Rt Rt272 272 272South South South Adamstown, Adamstown, Adamstown,PA PA PA19501 19501 19501 717-484-4386 717-484-4386 717-484-4386 M-Th: M-Th: M-Th:4-9p 4-9p 4-9p F-Sat: F-Sat: F-Sat:12p-10p 12p-10p 12p-10p Sun: Sun: Sun:11:30a-8p 11:30a-8p 11:30a-8p www.stoudts.com www.stoudts.com www.stoudts.com 610 610 610Penn Penn PennAvenue Avenue Avenue West West WestReading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19611 19611 19611 484-818-0176 484-818-0176 484-818-0176 www.chattymonks.com www.chattymonks.com www.chattymonks.com Tues: Tues: Tues:4p-10p 4p-10p 4p-10p Wed/Thurs: Wed/Thurs: Wed/Thurs:11a-10p 11a-10p 11a-10p Fri/Sat: Fri/Sat: Fri/Sat:11a-Midnight 11a-Midnight 11a-Midnight Sun: Sun: Sun:11a-8p 11a-8p 11a-8p Inside Inside InsideDoubleTree DoubleTree DoubleTree by by byHilton Hilton HiltonReading Reading Reading 701 701 701Penn Penn PennStreet Street Street Reading Reading ReadingPA PA PA19601 19601 19601 610.375.8000 610.375.8000 610.375.8000 Mon Mon Mon---Sun Sun Sun6a 6a 6a---11p 11p 11p www.dthotelreading.com www.dthotelreading.com www.dthotelreading.com West West WestReading’s Reading’s Reading’sonly only onlymicrobrewery microbrewery microbreweryserving serving servingexceptional exceptional exceptionalcraft craft craftbeer beer beer and and andartisanal artisanal artisanalpub pub pubfare. fare. fare.AAAtrue true truemicrobrewery, microbrewery, microbrewery,allall allbeer beer beerisisisbrewed brewed brewedon on on the the thepremises. premises. premises.There There Thereisisisan an anemphasis emphasis emphasison on onBelgian Belgian Belgianstyle style styleales, ales, ales,utilizing utilizing utilizinginininhouse house houseyeasts, yeasts, yeasts,home-grown home-grown home-grownhops hops hopsand and andcreative creative creativegenius. genius. genius.Chatty Chatty ChattyMonks Monks Monks will will willhave have haveyou you youchanting. chanting. chanting. $$$$$$LLLDDD ; ; ;¯ ¯ ¯S S S8 8 8O O O The The TheWorld World WorldFamous Famous FamousPike Pike PikeCafé Café Caféisisisthe the thecozy, cozy, cozy,comfortable comfortable comfortableneighborhood neighborhood neighborhood bar bar baryou’ve you’ve you’vebeen been beenlooking looking lookingfor. for. for.The The Theplace place placetoto togo go gofor for foraaaquick quick quickbite bite biteoror or gourmet gourmet gourmetdinner dinner dinnerwith with withclients, clients, clients,friends friends friendsoror orfamily. family. family.Daily Daily Dailylunch lunch lunchand and anddinner dinner dinner specials. specials. specials.Serving Serving Servingeverything everything everythingfrom from fromPike Pike Pikefries, fries, fries,wings, wings, wings,daily daily dailyhomemade homemade homemade soups, soups, soups,sandwiches, sandwiches, sandwiches,filet filet filetmignon, mignon, mignon,crab crab crabcakes, cakes, cakes,seafood seafood seafoodand and andpasta. pasta. pasta. 24 24 24spigot spigot spigottap tap tapsystem system systemwith with withan an anever ever everchanging changing changingdraft, draft, draft,microbrew microbrew microbrewand and and craft craft craftbeer beer beerselection, selection, selection,40 40 40flat flat flatscreen screen screensatellite satellite satelliteTV’s TV’s TV’sshowing showing showingevery every every game. game. game.100+ 100+ 100+space, space, space,well-lit well-lit well-litparking parking parkinglot. lot. lot.Area’s Area’s Area’sfavorite favorite favoritespot spot spottoto todine dine dine oror orhave have havedrinks drinks drinksbefore before beforeoror orafter after afteran an anevent. event. event.Home Home Homeofofofthe the theOriginal Original Original“Wing “Wing “Wing Night” Night” Night”inininBerks Berks BerksCounty. County. County. $$$LLLDDD ; ; ;+v +v +vS S S8 8 8O O O This This Thisvery very veryspecial special specialdining dining dining‘find’ ‘find’ ‘find’isisisan an anexperience experience experienceallall allit’s it’s it’sown. own. own.The The The eclectic eclectic interior design creates cozy, romantic fireside dining the eclecticinterior interiordesign designcreates createscozy, cozy,romantic romanticfireside firesidedining dininginininthe the winter winter warm and nurture the soul with beautiful patio setting for wintertoto towarm warmand andnurture nurturethe thesoul soulwith withaaabeautiful beautifulpatio patiosetting settingfor for alalalfresco fresco dining the summer. The menu brings fresh, organic frescodining dininginininthe thesummer. summer. The Themenu menubrings bringsfresh, fresh,organic organic ingredients, ingredients, your table, locally grown when available, create ingredients,toto toyour yourtable, table,locally locallygrown grownwhen whenavailable, available,toto tocreate create the the recipes designed by chef owner, Gracie Skiadas. Explore our therecipes recipesdesigned designedby bychef chefowner, owner,Gracie GracieSkiadas. Skiadas.Explore Exploreour our Blue Blue Plate Special every Wednesday and Date Night Deal every BluePlate PlateSpecial Specialevery everyWednesday Wednesdayand andDate DateNight NightDeal Dealevery every Thursday. Thursday. Kick back, relax, take “step outside the ordinary” and Thursday.Kick Kickback, back,relax, relax,take takeaaa“step “stepoutside outsidethe theordinary” ordinary”and and enjoy enjoy an organic dining experience the country. enjoyan anorganic organicdining diningexperience experienceinininthe thecountry. country. 2444 2444 2444Morgantown Morgantown MorgantownRoad Road Road (I-176 (I-176 (I-176&&&Route Route Route10) 10) 10) Reading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19607 19607 19607 610-777-9611 610-777-9611 610-777-9611 www.dansatgreenhills.com www.dansatgreenhills.com www.dansatgreenhills.com Sun-Mon: Sun-Mon: Sun-Mon:4-8p 4-8p 4-8p Tues-Sat: Tues-Sat: Tues-Sat:4-9p 4-9p 4-9p LGBT LGBT $$$$$$$$$LLLDDD ; ;;+¯ +¯ +¯O O OS S Sb b b8 8 8O O OLGBT Plein Plein PleinAir, Air, Air,aaaFrench French Frenchexpression expression expressionwhich which whichtranslates translates translates“in “in “inthe the theopen open openair.” air.” air.” Judy’s Judy’s Judy’son on onCherry’s Cherry’s Cherry’ssister sister sisterrestaurant restaurant restaurantboasts boasts boastsaaalush lush lushgarden garden gardensetting setting setting inininan an aninterior interior interiorcourtyard courtyard courtyardadjacent adjacent adjacentto totoThe The TheSpeckled Speckled SpeckledHen Hen HenPub... Pub... Pub...aaa magical magical magicalFrench French Frenchcafé café caféambiance ambiance ambiancethat that thatfeels feels feelslike like likeaaalittle little littlepiece piece pieceofofofEurope Europe Europe ininindowntown downtown downtownReading. Reading. Reading.Serving Serving Servingbright, bright, bright,bold bold boldsummer summer summerfare fare farewith with withan an an emphasis emphasis emphasison on onfresh, fresh, fresh,local local localingredients. ingredients. ingredients.Open Open Openseasonally, seasonally, seasonally,May-Sept. May-Sept. May-Sept. 30 30 30South South South4th 4th 4thStreet Street Street Reading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19602 19602 19602 610-374-8511 610-374-8511 610-374-8511 Lunch Lunch LunchW-F: W-F: W-F:11:30a-2p 11:30a-2p 11:30a-2p Dinner Dinner DinnerW-Sat: W-Sat: W-Sat:5-10p 5-10p 5-10p www.judysoncherry.com www.judysoncherry.com www.judysoncherry.com An An AnOutdoor Outdoor OutdoorGarden Garden GardenCafé Café Caféby by byJudy’s Judy’s Judy’son on onCherry Cherry Cherry Plein Plein PleinAir Air Air LGBT LGBT $$$$$$$$$LLLDDD ; ;;+¯ +¯ +¯O O OS S S8 8 8O O OLGBT The The TheSpeckled Speckled SpeckledHen Hen HenCottage Cottage CottagePub Pub Pub&&&Ale Ale AleHouse House House LGBT LGBT DDD ; ; ;+¯ +¯ +¯O O OS S Sb b bLGBT LGBT LGBT $$$$$$$$$LLLDDD+¯ +¯ +¯O O OS S S8 8 8O O OLGBT AAAbeautiful beautiful beautifulMediterranean-inspired Mediterranean-inspired Mediterranean-inspiredrestaurant restaurant restaurantwith with withvaulted vaulted vaultedwooden wooden wooden ceilings, ceilings, ceilings,gorgeous gorgeous gorgeousappointments appointments appointmentsand and andcomfortable comfortable comfortableservice. service. service.Judy’s Judy’s Judy’s hearth-fired hearth-fired hearth-firedoven oven oventurns turns turnsout out outfreshly freshly freshlybaked baked bakedfocaccia focaccia focacciabread bread breadto totocrispy, crispy, crispy, gourmet gourmet gourmetpizzas, pizzas, pizzas,pastas pastas pastasand and andtapas-like tapas-like tapas-likesmall small smallplates. plates. plates.Signature Signature Signature entrees entrees entreesinclude include includeclay clay clayroasted roasted roastedscallops scallops scallopsand and andthe the thebest best bestLondon London Londonbroil broil broil you’ve you’ve you’veever ever evertasted. tasted. tasted.Make Make MakeJudy’s Judy’s Judy’syour your yourlate late latenight night nightstop stop stopfor for forluscious luscious luscious homemade homemade homemadedesserts desserts dessertsand and andfrothy frothy frothycappuccinos. cappuccinos. cappuccinos. Judy’s Judy’s Judy’son on onCherry Cherry Cherry 141 141 141Stokesay Stokesay StokesayCastle Castle CastleLane Lane Lane Reading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19606 19606 19606 610-375-6100 610-375-6100 610-375-6100 Hours: Hours: Hours:visit visit visitour our ourwebsite website website www.stokesay.net www.stokesay.net www.stokesay.net www.theknightspub.com www.theknightspub.com www.theknightspub.com The The TheKnight’s Knight’s Knight’sPub Pub Pub& &&Stokesay Stokesay StokesayCastle Castle Castle LGBT LGBT $$$$$$LLLDDD ; ;;+¯ +¯ +¯S S S8 8 8O O OLGBT Featured Featured Featuredon on onthe the theTravel Travel TravelChannel, Channel, Channel,Chosen Chosen Chosenone one oneofofofUSA USA USAtoday’s today’s today’sTop Top Top 10 10 10restaurants restaurants restaurantsinininthe the thenation nation nationfor for forwings...And wings...And wings...Andconsistently consistently consistentlyvoted voted voted the the the“Best “Best “BestinininBerks,” Berks,” Berks,”this this thistimeless timeless timelessReading Reading Readinglandmark landmark landmarkisisisstill still stillserving serving serving up up upfun fun funand and andpeanuts peanuts peanutsafter after after92 92 92years. years. years.Great Great Greatcuisine cuisine cuisinefrom from fromcasual casual casualto toto gourmet gourmet gourmetwith with withmany many manycarefully carefully carefullyprepared prepared preparedgluten-free gluten-free gluten-freeand and andvegetarian vegetarian vegetarian selections. selections. selections.Family Family Familyfriendly friendly friendlyatmosphere! atmosphere! atmosphere!Free Free Freeattended attended attendedoff-street off-street off-street parking parking parkingand and andWIFI. WIFI. WIFI.Within Within Withinwalking walking walkingdistance distance distance(or (or (orminutes) minutes) minutes)ofofofall allall downtown downtown downtownevent event eventlocations locations locationsand and andhotels. hotels. hotels.Reservations Reservations Reservationssuggested. suggested. suggested. Yes,you Yes,you Yes,youcan can canstill still stillthrow throw throwthe the thepeanut peanut peanutshells shells shellson on onthe the thefloor. floor. floor.The The ThePeanut Peanut PeanutBar Bar Bar Restaurant, Restaurant, Restaurant,where where wherepeanuts peanuts peanutsare are arejust just justthe the thebeginning. beginning. beginning. Pub-style Pub-style Pub-stylecomfort comfort comfortfood food foodand and andfinely finely finelycrafted crafted craftedbeers beers beersserved served servedinininan an an authentically authentically authenticallyrestored restored restored18th 18th 18thcentury century centurylog log loghouse. house. house.Two Two Twoworking working working fireplaces, fireplaces, fireplaces,tavern tavern taverntables tables tableswith with withupholstered upholstered upholsteredbenches, benches, benches,and and andradiant radiant radiant red red redwalled walled walledparlor. parlor. parlor.Menu Menu Menuincludes includes includestraditional traditional traditionaldishes dishes disheslike like likescotch scotch scotch eggs, eggs, eggs,shepherds shepherds shepherdspie, pie, pie,fish fish fishand and andchips, chips, chips,plus plus plusgluten-free gluten-free gluten-freeand and and vegetarian vegetarian vegetarianoptions. options. options. The The ThePeanut Peanut PeanutBar Bar BarRestaurant Restaurant Restaurant LLLDDD + + +O O OS S S LGBT LGBT $$$$$$BBBRRR,,$,$$$$$$$$DDD+¯O +¯O +¯OS S S8 8 83 3 3LGBT Contemporary Contemporary ContemporaryAmerican American AmericanCuisine Cuisine Cuisinewith with withaaafocus focus focuson on onfresh, fresh, fresh,seasonal seasonal seasonal ingredients ingredients ingredientspresented presented presentedwith with withbold bold boldan an anunique unique uniqueflavor flavor flavorcombinations. combinations. combinations. Serving Serving Serving“Prime” “Prime” “Prime”beef; beef; beef;with with withan an anextensive extensive extensiveselection selection selectionofofofwine wine wineand and and cocktails. cocktails. cocktails.Fine Fine Finedining dining diningwith with withimpeccable impeccable impeccableservice. service. service.Country Country Countrysetting setting settingwith with with plenty plenty plentyofofofparking. parking. parking.Outdoor Outdoor Outdoordining dining diningavailable. available. available.Private Private Privateparties parties partiesand and andevent event event catering catering cateringavailable. available. available.Reservations Reservations Reservationssuggested. suggested. suggested. AAAReading Reading Readinglandmark landmark landmarkfor for forover over over80 80 80years, years, years,Stokesay Stokesay StokesayCastle Castle CastleisisisBerks Berks Berks County’s County’s County’spremier premier premierdining dining diningdestination. destination. destination.Keep Keep Keepitititcasual casual casualwith with withThe The The Knight’s Knight’s Knight’sPub, Pub, Pub,an an anAmerican American AmericanPub Pub Pubwith with withan an aninternational international internationaltwist. twist. twist.Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy happy happy happyhour, hour, hour,weeknight weeknight weeknightspecials, specials, specials,and and andlive live liveentertainment; entertainment; entertainment;all allallwhile while while being being beingsurrounded surrounded surroundedby by byfolding folding foldingglass glass glassdoors doors doorsthat that thatallow allow allowthe the theserene serene serene mountain mountain mountainview view viewto totobe be beexperienced experienced experiencedthrough through throughevery every everyseason. season. season.Don’t Don’t Don’tforget forget forget about about aboutour our ourfire fire firepit, pit, pit,the the theperfect perfect perfectplace place placeto totorelax relax relaxwith with withdrinks drinks drinksand and andenjoy enjoy enjoy conversation conversation conversationwith with withfriends. friends. friends.Or, Or, Or,get get getaaataste taste tasteofofoffine fine finedining dining diningAmerican American American cuisine cuisine cuisineinininThe The TheLord’s Lord’s Lord’sDining Dining DiningRoom. Room. Room.Whether Whether Whetherit’s it’s it’saaacasual casual casualnight night nightout, out, out, romantic romantic romanticdinner, dinner, dinner,corporate corporate corporateevent, event, event,or ororwedding, wedding, wedding,Stokesay Stokesay Stokesaywill will willgive give giveyou you you LGBT LGBT “The “The “TheRoyal Royal RoyalTreatment.” Treatment.” Treatment.”$$$$$$BBBLLLDDD ; ;;+v +v +vO O O¯ ¯ ¯S S S8 8 8LGBT 610-374-8511 610-374-8511 610-374-8511 Lunch Lunch LunchT-F: T-F: T-F:11:30a-2p 11:30a-2p 11:30a-2p Dinner Dinner DinnerT-Sat: T-Sat: T-Sat:5-9p 5-9p 5-9p www.judysoncherry.com www.judysoncherry.com www.judysoncherry.com Dans Dans Dansat at atGreen Green GreenHills Hills Hills $$$LLLDDD; ;;+¯O +¯O +¯Ob b b8 8 8 AAALatin-inspired Latin-inspired Latin-inspiredGastro Gastro GastroPub Pub Puboffering offering offeringaaavibrant vibrant vibrantatmosphere atmosphere atmosphere located located locatedinininaaafunky funky funkyturn turn turnofofofthe the thecentury century centuryneighborhood neighborhood neighborhoodinininReading’s Reading’s Reading’s Centre Centre CentrePark Park ParkHistoric Historic HistoricDistrict. District. District.Serving Serving Servingplantain-encrusted plantain-encrusted plantain-encrustedcrab crab crab cakes, cakes, cakes,Jamaican Jamaican Jamaicanjerk jerk jerkchicken chicken chickensalad, salad, salad,Cuban Cuban Cubanspring spring springrolls, rolls, rolls,chicken chicken chicken mango mango mangoquesadillas quesadillas quesadillasand and andmuch much muchmore. more. more.Be Be Besure sure sureto tototry try tryone one oneofofofour our our chef chef chefinspired inspired inspireddaily daily dailyspecials. specials. specials.The The TheGastro Gastro GastroPub Pub Pubisisissmall small smalland and andcozy cozy cozywith with with aaawarm warm warminviting inviting invitingfeel...Tu feel...Tu feel...TuSabes! Sabes! Sabes! 220 220 220Douglass Douglass DouglassStreet Street Street Reading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19601 19601 19601 610-373-3115 610-373-3115 610-373-3115 Kitchen Kitchen Kitchenopen open opendaily: daily: daily: 12p-10p 12p-10p 12p-10p www.sofritogastropub.com www.sofritogastropub.com www.sofritogastropub.com Sofrito Sofrito SofritoGastro Gastro GastroPub Pub Pub LGBT LGBT $$$$$$AAAAAAAAALLLDDD+ + +O O OS S S8 8 8LGBT We We Weare are arean an anauthentic authentic authenticGuinness Guinness GuinnessIrish Irish IrishPub, Pub, Pub,specializing specializing specializingininin tantalizing tantalizing tantalizingsteaks steaks steaksand and andthe the thefreshest freshest freshestseafood seafood seafoodininintown. town. town.You’ll You’ll You’llalso also also love love loveour our ourbig, big, big,juicy juicy juicyburgers, burgers, burgers,tasty tasty tastybuffalo buffalo buffalowings wings wingsand and andoverflowing overflowing overflowing cheesesteaks. cheesesteaks. cheesesteaks.We We Wehave have have13 13 13taps, taps, taps,rotating rotating rotatingquality quality qualitymicros micros microsand and and Belgian Belgian Belgianales ales alesand and andaaahuge huge hugeselection selection selectionofofofbottled bottled bottledbrews. brews. brews.Voted Voted Voted best best bestneighborhood neighborhood neighborhoodbar bar barmultiple multiple multipletimes times timesand and andconvenient convenient convenientto toto the the theSantander Santander SantanderArena. Arena. Arena.Visit Visit Visitour our ourwebsite website websiteand and andtake take takeour our ourvirtual virtual virtualtour. tour. tour. Reading, Reading, Reading,PA PA PA19602 19602 19602 610-685-8511 610-685-8511 610-685-8511 W-Sat: W-Sat: W-Sat:5p-Midnight 5p-Midnight 5p-Midnight www.speckledhenpub.com www.speckledhenpub.com www.speckledhenpub.com The The TheUgly Ugly UglyOyster Oyster Oyster Mon Mon Mon---Thur: Thur: Thur:11a-Midnight 11a-Midnight 11a-Midnight Fri Fri Fri&&&Sat: Sat: Sat:11a-1a 11a-1a 11a-1a Sun:12p-Midnight Sun:12p-Midnight Sun:12p-Midnight Conveniently Conveniently Convenientlylocated located locatednear near nearthe the theSantander Santander SantanderArena Arena Arenaand and andthe the theVF VF VFOutlet Outlet Outlet Center Center Center“The “The “TheSpruce” Spruce” Spruce”has has hasbeen been beenaaalocal local locallandmark landmark landmarkfor for forover over over60 60 60years. years. years. Offering Offering Offeringaaacasual casual casualatmosphere atmosphere atmospherewith with withdaily daily dailyfood food foodand and anddrink drink drinkspecials. specials. specials. Our Our OurKitchen Kitchen Kitchenisisisopen open open777days days daysaaaweek week weekuntil until untilmidnight. midnight. midnight.20 20 20beers beers beerson on ontap tap tap and and andplenty plenty plentyofofofscreens screens screenstoto towatch watch watchyour your yourfavorite favorite favoritesporting sporting sportingevent. event. event.Loft Loft Loft available available availablefor for forprivate private privateparties parties partiesand and andlarge large largegroups. groups. groups.Plenty Plenty Plentyofofofoff off offstreet street street parking. parking. parking.New New Newmenu menu menu&&&daily daily dailyspecials. specials. specials.Good Good GoodFriends, Friends, Friends,Good Good GoodFun, Fun, Fun, LGBT LGBT Great Great GreatFOOD! FOOD! FOOD!$$$$$$LLL, ,D ,DD; ; ;+v +v +vO O OS S Sb b bLGBT the the the the the the whiskey whiskey whiskeyroom room room room whiskey whiskey whiskey room room Biggest Biggest Biggestselection selection selectionofofofwines wines winesby by bythe the theglass glass glassinininBerks Berks BerksCounty. County. County.Also Also Also serving serving servingfine fine finespirits, spirits, spirits,craft craft craftbeer beer beerand and andsmall small smallbatch batch batchwhiskey. whiskey. whiskey.Enjoy Enjoy Enjoythese these these with with withour our ourarray array arrayofofofsmall small smalltapas tapas tapasstyled styled styledplates plates platesand and andfine fine finecheeses. cheeses. cheeses. LGBT LGBT $$$$$$DDD+S +S +Sb b b8 8 8LGBT Brewer’s Brewer’s Brewer’sBar Bar Bar&&&Grill Grill Grill Salute Salute SaluteRistorante Ristorante RistoranteItaliano Italiano Italiano Basil Basil Restaurant Pizzeria BasilRestaurant Restaurant&&&Pizzeria Pizzeria The The TheGrille Grille GrilleatatatBear Bear BearCreek Creek CreekMountain Mountain MountainResort Resort Resort Pappy Pappy PappyT’s T’s T’sPub Pub Pub&&&Lounge Lounge Lounge 101 101 101 101 S.S.S. S. 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd Ave., Ave., Ave., Ave., West West West West Reading, Reading, Reading, Reading, PA PA PA PA 19611 19611 19611 19611 610-375-8760 610-375-8760 610-375-8760 610-375-8760 Open Open Open Open Daily: Daily: Daily: Daily: 11a-2a 11a-2a 11a-2a 11a-2a www.brewersbarandgrill.com www.brewersbarandgrill.com www.brewersbarandgrill.com www.brewersbarandgrill.com Salute Salute Salute Salute Ristorante Ristorante Ristorante Ristorante Italiano Italiano Italiano Italiano 4718 4718 4718 4718 Penn Penn Penn Penn Ave. Ave. Ave. Ave. Sinking Sinking Sinking Sinking Spring, Spring, Spring, Spring, PA PA PA PA 19608 19608 19608 19608 484.577.4833 484.577.4833 484.577.4833 484.577.4833 Sun: Sun: Sun: Sun: 11:30a 11:30a 11:30a 11:30a - -9:30p --9:30p 9:30p 9:30p Mon-Tues: Mon-Tues: Mon-Tues: Mon-Tues: 4p 4p 4p 4p - -9:30p --9:30p 9:30p 9:30p Wed-Thurs: Wed-Thurs: Wed-Thurs: Wed-Thurs: 11a 11a 11a 11a - -9:30p --9:30p 9:30p 9:30p Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: 11a 11a 11a 11a - -10:30p --10:30p 10:30p 10:30p www.saluteristorante.com www.saluteristorante.com www.saluteristorante.com www.saluteristorante.com 776 776 776 776 Fritztown Fritztown Fritztown Fritztown Road Road Road Road Sinking Sinking Sinking Sinking Spring, Spring, Spring, Spring, PA PA PA PA 19608 19608 19608 19608 484-509-2066 484-509-2066 484-509-2066 484-509-2066 Mon Mon Mon Mon - -Sat --Sat Sat Sat 11a-10p 11a-10p 11a-10p 11a-10p Website Website Website Website isisis under isunder under under construction. construction. construction. construction. Please Please Please Please check check check check facebook facebook facebook facebook for for for for info. info. info. info. 101 101 101 101 Doe Doe Doe Doe Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain Lane Lane Lane Lane Macungie, Macungie, Macungie, Macungie, PA PA PA PA 18062 18062 18062 18062 866-754-2822 866-754-2822 866-754-2822 866-754-2822 www.bcmountainresort.com www.bcmountainresort.com www.bcmountainresort.com www.bcmountainresort.com 50 50 50 50 Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Drive Drive Drive Drive I-78, I-78, I-78, I-78, Exit Exit Exit Exit 29 29 29 29 S.R. S.R. S.R. S.R. 61 61 61 61 Hamburg, Hamburg, Hamburg, Hamburg, PA PA PA PA 19526 19526 19526 19526 610-562-5645 610-562-5645 610-562-5645 610-562-5645 www.pappyts.com www.pappyts.com www.pappyts.com www.pappyts.com The Grille Bear Creek Mountain Resort features aaunique unique dining The The The Grille Grille Grille atatat at Bear Bear Bear Creek Creek Creek Mountain Mountain Mountain Resort Resort Resort features features features aaunique unique dining dining dining experience infused with cultural highlights including an authentic experience experience experience infused infused infused with with with cultural cultural cultural highlights highlights highlights including including including anan an authentic authentic authentic Sushi Bar. The mountainside dining offers beautiful vistas anytime Sushi Sushi Sushi Bar. Bar. Bar. The The The mountainside mountainside mountainside dining dining dining offers offers offers beautiful beautiful beautiful vistas vistas vistas anytime anytime anytime the year and fantastic outdoor dining throughout the summer ofofof of the the the year year year and and and fantastic fantastic fantastic outdoor outdoor outdoor dining dining dining throughout throughout throughout the the the summer summer summer months. The Grille frequently runs special music and events months. months. months. The The The Grille Grille Grille frequently frequently frequently runs runs runs special special special music music music and and and events events events including Holiday Brunches, Lobster Week June, Prime Rib including including including Holiday Holiday Holiday Brunches, Brunches, Brunches, Lobster Lobster Lobster Week Week Week ininin in June, June, June, Prime Prime Prime Rib Rib Rib Nights, Daily Specials, and Sushi Nights. The full service bar offers Nights, Nights, Nights, Daily Daily Daily Specials, Specials, Specials, and and and Sushi Sushi Sushi Nights. Nights. Nights. The The The full full full service service service bar bar bar offers offers offers drink specials, and aarotating rotating draught list and the resort offers drink drink drink specials, specials, specials, and and and aarotating rotating draught draught draught list list list and and and the the the resort resort resort offers offers offers activities and events through the year. activities activities activities and and and events events events through through through the the the year. year. year. Northern Northern Northern Northern Berks Berks Berks Berks premier premier premier premier establishment establishment establishment establishment featuring featuring featuring featuring great great great great food, food, food, food, refreshing refreshing refreshing refreshing drinks, drinks, drinks, drinks, and and and and friendly friendly friendly friendly atmosphere. atmosphere. atmosphere. atmosphere. It’s It’s It’s It’s aa‘Cheers-y’ aa‘Cheers-y’ ‘Cheers-y’ ‘Cheers-y’ type type type type place place place place with with with with billiards, billiards, billiards, billiards, darts, darts, darts, darts, Buzztime Buzztime Buzztime Buzztime interactive interactive interactive interactive video, video, video, video, and and and and 18 18 18 18 TV’s. TV’s. TV’s. TV’s. Customers Customers Customers Customers enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy aalarge aalarge large large variety variety variety variety ofofof of menu menu menu menu items items items items from from from from wings wings wings wings tototo to gourmet gourmet gourmet gourmet dishes. dishes. dishes. dishes. Choose Choose Choose Choose from from from from 12 12 12 12 beers beers beers beers on on on on tap tap tap tap including including including including aavariety aavariety variety variety ofofof of Craft, Craft, Craft, Craft, IPA IPA IPA IPA beers, beers, beers, beers, and and and and aalarge aalarge large large selection selection selection selection ofofof of wine wine wine wine &&& spirits. &spirits. spirits. spirits. Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly entertainment entertainment entertainment entertainment includes includes includes includes Free Free Free Free Texas Texas Texas Texas Hold’em Hold’em Hold’em Hold’em Poker, Poker, Poker, Poker, Karaoke, Karaoke, Karaoke, Karaoke, Open Open Open Open Mic Mic Mic Mic night, night, night, night, and and and and Live Live Live Live Bands. Bands. Bands. Bands. Check Check Check Check PappyTs.com PappyTs.com PappyTs.com PappyTs.com for for for for weekly weekly weekly weekly events, events, events, events, and and and and specials. specials. specials. specials. Located Located Located Located across across across across from from from from Cabela’s Cabela’s Cabela’s Cabela’s adjacent adjacent adjacent adjacent behind behind behind behind the the the the Microtel Microtel Microtel Microtel Inn Inn Inn Inn &&& Suites. &Suites. Suites. Suites. Always Always Always Always the the the the Place Place Place Place tototo to Meet, Meet, Meet, Meet, atatat at Pappy Pappy Pappy Pappy T’s! T’s! T’s! T’s! Premier Premier Premier Premier sports sports sports sports bar bar bar bar and and and and restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant that that that that takes takes takes takes you you you you back back back back deep deep deep deep into into into into the the the the history history history history ofofof of Reading Reading Reading Reading Breweries. Breweries. Breweries. Breweries. Our Our Our Our full full full full menu menu menu menu with with with with beer-inspired beer-inspired beer-inspired beer-inspired dishes dishes dishes dishes will will will will have have have have your your your your taste taste taste taste buds buds buds buds singing! singing! singing! singing! Eat Eat Eat Eat ininin in ororor or take-out. take-out. take-out. take-out. 18 18 18 18 taps, taps, taps, taps, 330 330 330 330 brands brands brands brands ofofof of bottles bottles bottles bottles featuring featuring featuring featuring craft craft craft craft brews brews brews brews from from from from allallall all over over over over the the the the country, country, country, country, delicious delicious delicious delicious cocktails, cocktails, cocktails, cocktails, wine, wine, wine, wine, 14 14 14 14 HD-TVs HD-TVs HD-TVs HD-TVs and and and and NFL NFL NFL NFL ticket. ticket. ticket. ticket. Build Build Build Build your your your your own own own own 6-pack 6-pack 6-pack 6-pack ininin in our our our our full full full full self-serve self-serve self-serve self-serve beer beer beer beer outlet…there’s outlet…there’s outlet…there’s outlet…there’s something something something something for for for for everyone! everyone! everyone! everyone! LGBT LGBT LGBT $$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; +¯ +¯ +¯ OO O SS S 8 8 8LGBT GNA GNA GNARistorante Ristorante Ristorante&&&Pizzeria Pizzeria Pizzeria 421 421 421 421 Penn Penn Penn Penn Avenue Avenue Avenue Avenue West West West West Reading, Reading, Reading, Reading, PA PA PA PA 19611 19611 19611 19611 610-376-1155 610-376-1155 610-376-1155 610-376-1155 Tues-Th: Tues-Th: Tues-Th: Tues-Th: 11a-10p 11a-10p 11a-10p 11a-10p Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: 11a-11p 11a-11p 11a-11p 11a-11p Sunday: Sunday: Sunday: Sunday: 12a-9p 12a-9p 12a-9p 12a-9p Closed Closed Closed Closed Mondays Mondays Mondays Mondays www.gnaristorante.com www.gnaristorante.com www.gnaristorante.com www.gnaristorante.com InInIn In business business business business over over over over 40 40 40 40 years, years, years, years, GNA GNA GNA GNA offers offers offers offers aaformal aaformal formal formal dining dining dining dining area, area, area, area, customcustomcustomcustombuilt built built built tototo to accommodate accommodate accommodate accommodate large large large large events events events events and and and and banquets, banquets, banquets, banquets, and and and and aacasual aacasual casual casual dining dining dining dining area area area area for for for for lunches, lunches, lunches, lunches, sandwiches, sandwiches, sandwiches, sandwiches, and and and and pizza. pizza. pizza. pizza. Our Our Our Our bar bar bar bar isisis open isopen open open until until until until 10 10 10 10 ororor or 11pm 11pm 11pm 11pm most most most most nights. nights. nights. nights. When When When When weather weather weather weather permits, permits, permits, permits, enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy our our our our beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, spacious, spacious, spacious, spacious, new new new new outdoor outdoor outdoor outdoor patio patio patio patio area area area area with with with with tables tables tables tables and and and and umbrellas. umbrellas. umbrellas. umbrellas. $$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; +v +v +v OO O SS S bb b 8 8 8 Basil’s Basil’s Basil’s Basil’s new new new new owners, owners, owners, owners, Chef Chef Chef Chef Gianluca Gianluca Gianluca Gianluca and and and and wife, wife, wife, wife, Amy, Amy, Amy, Amy, have have have have aasimple aasimple simple simple recipe recipe recipe recipe for for for for success; success; success; success; combine combine combine combine aapassion aapassion passion passion and and and and love love love love ofofof of client client client client satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction satisfaction with with with with only only only only the the the the freshest freshest freshest freshest ofofof of ingredients! ingredients! ingredients! ingredients! The The The The result result result result isisis pure ispure pure pure and and and and delicious delicious delicious delicious Italian Italian Italian Italian cuisine! cuisine! cuisine! cuisine! With With With With 24 24 24 24 years years years years ofofof of restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant and and and and bakery bakery bakery bakery experience, experience, experience, experience, including including including including work work work work asas as as aacelebrity aacelebrity celebrity celebrity chef chef chef chef atatat at Armani’s Armani’s Armani’s Armani’s and and and and Deniro’s Deniro’s Deniro’s Deniro’s Restaurants, Restaurants, Restaurants, Restaurants, Chef Chef Chef Chef Gianluca’s Gianluca’s Gianluca’s Gianluca’s culinary culinary culinary culinary skills skills skills skills are are are are unrivaled! unrivaled! unrivaled! unrivaled! Treat Treat Treat Treat yourself yourself yourself yourself tototo to dinner dinner dinner dinner atatat at Basil Basil Basil Basil soon. soon. soon. soon. BYOB, BYOB, BYOB, BYOB, Free Free Free Free WiFi, WiFi, WiFi, WiFi, Private Private Private Private Party Party Party Party room room room room can can can can accommodate accommodate accommodate accommodate up up up up tototo to 60 60 60 60 people. people. people. people. Big Big Big Big City City City City Flavor Flavor Flavor Flavor ininin in aaSmall aaSmall Small Small Town: Town: Town: Town: The The The The concept concept concept concept behind behind behind behind the the the the Salute Salute Salute Salute isisisis simple: simple: simple: simple: serve serve serve serve delicious delicious delicious delicious food, food, food, food, quality quality quality quality service service service service and and and and aagreat aagreat great great atmosphere. atmosphere. atmosphere. atmosphere. We We We We believe believe believe believe ininin in using using using using fresh, fresh, fresh, fresh, quality quality quality quality ingredients ingredients ingredients ingredients tototo to make make make make allallall all our our our our dishes. dishes. dishes. dishes. One One One One look look look look atatat at our our our our menu menu menu menu will will will will reveal reveal reveal reveal aablend aablend blend blend ofofof of traditional traditional traditional traditional offerings offerings offerings offerings with with with with the the the the authentic authentic authentic authentic flavors flavors flavors flavors ofofof of modern modern modern modern Italian Italian Italian Italian cuisine. cuisine. cuisine. cuisine. Every Every Every Every 33to 33toto to 66months 66months months months we we we we bring bring bring bring aanew aanew new new chef chef chef chef ininin in from from from from Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, ininin in addition addition addition addition tototo to cur cur cur cur Executive Executive Executive Executive Chef, Chef, Chef, Chef, Pastry Pastry Pastry Pastry Chef. Chef. Chef. Chef. Experience Experience Experience Experience our our our our Tour Tour Tour Tour ofofof of Italy, Italy, Italy, Italy, where where where where every every every every two two two two weeks weeks weeks weeks we we we we feature feature feature feature aadifferent aadifferent different different region, region, region, region,ininin in addition addition addition addition tototo to our our our our original original original original menu menu menu menu that that that that includes includes includes includes pastas, pastas, pastas, pastas, steaks, steaks, steaks, steaks, seafood, seafood, seafood, seafood, and and and and cocktails. cocktails. cocktails. cocktails. LLLLDDD D;; ; +v +v +vOO O SS S 8 8 8 The The TheRestaurant Restaurant Restaurantat at atGolden Golden GoldenOaks Oaks Oaks 10 10 10 10 Stoneledge Stoneledge Stoneledge Stoneledge Drive Drive Drive Drive Fleetwood, Fleetwood, Fleetwood, Fleetwood, PA PA PA PA 19522 19522 19522 19522 610-944-6000 610-944-6000 610-944-6000 610-944-6000 11a-9p 11a-9p 11a-9p 11a-9p Daily Daily Daily Daily www.goldenoaksgolfclub.com www.goldenoaksgolfclub.com www.goldenoaksgolfclub.com www.goldenoaksgolfclub.com You’ll You’ll You’ll You’ll find find find find our our our our cozy cozy cozy cozy atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere ininin in the the the the heart heart heart heart ofofof of West West West West Reading Reading Reading Reading isisis the isthe the the perfect perfect perfect perfect spot spot spot spot tototo to enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy great great great great pizza pizza pizza pizza and and and and good good good good conversation! conversation! conversation! conversation! Our Our Our Our brick brick brick brick ovens ovens ovens ovens offer offer offer offer rapid rapid rapid rapid cook cook cook cook times, times, times, times, fluffier fluffier fluffier fluffier crusts crusts crusts crusts and and and and crispier crispier crispier crispier topping topping topping topping pizzas pizzas pizzas pizzas ororor or trytry try try other other other other authentic authentic authentic authentic Italian Italian Italian Italian favorites. favorites. favorites. favorites. We We We We will will will will not not not not disappoint disappoint disappoint disappoint even even even even the the the the most most most most discriminating discriminating discriminating discriminating palate! palate! palate! palate! Sit Sit Sit Sit down down down down ororor or order order order order out. out. out. out. We’re We’re We’re We’re perfect perfect perfect perfect for for for for date date date date nights, nights, nights, nights, family family family family gatherings, gatherings, gatherings, gatherings, special special special special occasions, occasions, occasions, occasions, and and and and casual casual casual casual weekday weekday weekday weekday lunches. lunches. lunches. lunches. $$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; +v +v +v OO O SS S bb b 8 8 8 $$$$$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; +v +v +vOO O ¯ ¯ ¯ SS S bb b 8 8 8 Located Located Located Located ininin in the the the the heart heart heart heart ofofof of the the the the beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful Oley Oley Oley Oley Valley, Valley, Valley, Valley, our our our our dressings, dressings, dressings, dressings, soups, soups, soups, soups, appetizers, appetizers, appetizers, appetizers, side side side side dishes, dishes, dishes, dishes, entrées entrées entrées entrées and and and and desserts desserts desserts desserts are are are are allallall all homemade homemade homemade homemade including including including including vegetarian vegetarian vegetarian vegetarian dishes, dishes, dishes, dishes, charbroiled charbroiled charbroiled charbroiled steaks, steaks, steaks, steaks, crab crab crab crab cakes, cakes, cakes, cakes, seafood seafood seafood seafood selections selections selections selections and and and and much much much much more! more! more! more! Offering Offering Offering Offering over over over over 50 50 50 50 Martinis Martinis Martinis Martinis and and and and specialty specialty specialty specialty drinks. drinks. drinks. drinks. Live Live Live Live music music music music Friday Friday Friday Friday &&& Saturday &Saturday Saturday Saturday nights. nights. nights. nights. Best Best Best Best ofofof of Berks Berks Berks Berks for for for for Best Best Best Best Country Country Country Country Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel / /Restaurant. //Restaurant. Restaurant. Restaurant. Be Be Be Be sure sure sure sure tototo to Like Like Like Like Us Us Us Us on on on on Facebook! Facebook! Facebook! Facebook! Please Please Please Please call call call call for for for for reservations. reservations. reservations. reservations. Established Established Established Established ininin in 1885. 1885. 1885. 1885. AAA cordial Acordial cordial cordial dining dining dining dining experience experience experience experience worth worth worth worth the the the the drive. drive. drive. drive. Serving Serving Serving Serving real real real real food food food food for for for for real real real real people people people people with with with with aadiverse aadiverse diverse diverse menu menu menu menu featuring featuring featuring featuring fresh fresh fresh fresh seafood, seafood, seafood, seafood, hand hand hand hand cut cut cut cut steak, steak, steak, steak, and and and and array array array array ofofof of poultry poultry poultry poultry and and and and pork pork pork pork entrees. entrees. entrees. entrees. On On On On the the the the lighter lighter lighter lighter side side side side we we we we have have have have salad, salad, salad, salad, burgers, burgers, burgers, burgers, sandwiches sandwiches sandwiches sandwiches and and and and appetizers appetizers appetizers appetizers for for for for allallall all appetities. appetities. appetities. appetities. Admire Admire Admire Admire our our our our 130-year-old 130-year-old 130-year-old 130-year-old Bar Bar Bar Bar back, back, back, back, while while while while enjoying enjoying enjoying enjoying your your your your favorite favorite favorite favorite beverage beverage beverage beverage from from from from our our our our fully fully fully fully stocked stocked stocked stocked bar bar bar bar featuring featuring featuring featuring craft craft craft craft beers, beers, beers, beers, wine wine wine wine and and and and spirits. spirits. spirits. spirits. See See See See you you you you allallall all soon... soon... soon... soon... LGBT LGBT LGBT $$$$$$$BBB BLLLLDDD D;; ; +v +v +vOO O ¯ ¯ ¯ SS S 8 8 8LGBT 4 Coastal Coastal Coastal Grille Grille Grille Coastal Coastal CoastalGrille Grille Grille Intersection Intersection Intersection Intersection ofofof of 33Covered 33Covered Covered Covered Bridge Bridge Bridge Bridge Road Road Road Road &&& Rt. &Rt. Rt. Rt. 73 73 73 73 Oley, Oley, Oley, Oley, PA PA PA PA 19547 19547 19547 19547 610-689-5818 610-689-5818 610-689-5818 610-689-5818 Open Open Open Open 77Days 77Days Days Days www.BridgeInn www.BridgeInn www.BridgeInn www.BridgeInn Pleasantville.com Pleasantville.com Pleasantville.com Pleasantville.com 458 458 458 458 Main Main Main Main Street Street Street Street Virginville, Virginville, Virginville, Virginville, PA PA PA PA 19564 19564 19564 19564 610-562-7072 610-562-7072 610-562-7072 610-562-7072 Mon-Tues: Mon-Tues: Mon-Tues: Mon-Tues: Closed Closed Closed Closed Wed-Thurs: Wed-Thurs: Wed-Thurs: Wed-Thurs: 3:30p-9p 3:30p-9p 3:30p-9p 3:30p-9p Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: 12p-9p 12p-9p 12p-9p 12p-9p Sun: Sun: Sun: Sun: 12p-7p 12p-7p 12p-7p 12p-7p www.VirginvilleHotel.com www.VirginvilleHotel.com www.VirginvilleHotel.com www.VirginvilleHotel.com One One One One ofofof of Berks Berks Berks Berks County’s County’s County’s County’s best best best best kept kept kept kept secrets—The secrets—The secrets—The secrets—The Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant atatat at Golden Golden Golden Golden Oaks Oaks Oaks Oaks offers offers offers offers great great great great food food food food and and and and drinks drinks drinks drinks ininin in aacharming aacharming charming charming rustic rustic rustic rustic setting setting setting setting overlooking overlooking overlooking overlooking the the the the spectacular spectacular spectacular spectacular view view view view ofofof of our our our our award award award award winning, winning, winning, winning, championship championship championship championship golf golf golf golf course. course. course. course. Open Open Open Open tototo to the the the the public public public public seven seven seven seven days days days days aaweek, aaweek, week, week, The The The The Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant atatat at Golden Golden Golden Golden Oaks Oaks Oaks Oaks serves serves serves serves lunch lunch lunch lunch and and and and dinner dinner dinner dinner and and and and features features features features the the the the best best best best Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Brunch Brunch Brunch Brunch ininin in Greater Greater Greater Greater Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Ask Ask Ask Ask tototo to see see see see our our our our extensive extensive extensive extensive international international international international wine wine wine wine list. list. list. list. Extensive Extensive Extensive Extensive Craft Craft Craft Craft Beer Beer Beer Beer selection selection selection selection on on on on draft draft draft draft and and and and ininin in bottles. bottles. bottles. bottles. We We We We are are are are aafabulous aafabulous fabulous fabulous setting setting setting setting for for for for weddings weddings weddings weddings and and and and banquets. banquets. banquets. banquets. Overnight Overnight Overnight Overnight accommodations accommodations accommodations accommodations are are are are available available available available atatat at our our our our Farmhouse. Farmhouse. Farmhouse. Farmhouse. 1101 1101 1101 1101 Snyder Snyder Snyder Snyder Rd Rd Rd Rd West West West West Lawn, Lawn, Lawn, Lawn, PA PA PA PA 19609 19609 19609 19609 610-678-5500 610-678-5500 610-678-5500 610-678-5500 www.austinsrestaurant.com www.austinsrestaurant.com www.austinsrestaurant.com www.austinsrestaurant.com $$$$$$$BBB R BRR RLLLLDDD D;; ; +O +O +O SS S 8 8 8 &&&Martini Martini MartiniBar Bar Bar Virginville Virginville VirginvilleHotel Hotel Hotel Austin’s Austin’s Austin’sRestaurant Restaurant Restaurant&&&Bar Bar Bar Our Our Our Our Upscale/Casual Upscale/Casual Upscale/Casual Upscale/Casual American American American American restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant has has has has been been been been Berks’ Berks’ Berks’ Berks’ most most most most popular popular popular popular since since since since 1996. 1996. 1996. 1996.You You You You can can can can expect expect expect expect excellence excellence excellence excellence with with with with our our our our team team team team service service service service and and and and homemade, homemade, homemade, homemade, fresh fresh fresh fresh food. food. food. food.Choose Choose Choose Choose from from from from our our our our “wide “wide “wide “wide appeal” appeal” appeal” appeal” selection selection selection selection ofofof of hand hand hand hand cut cut cut cut steaks, steaks, steaks, steaks, fresh fresh fresh fresh fish, fish, fish, fish, chicken chicken chicken chicken &&& ribs, &ribs, ribs, ribs, pastas, pastas, pastas, pastas, salads salads salads salads and and and and more. more. more. more.AAA few Afew few few local local local local favorites favorites favorites favorites include include include include our our our our homemade homemade homemade homemade soups, soups, soups, soups, apple apple apple apple walnut walnut walnut walnut salad, salad, salad, salad, fish fish fish fish &&& chips, &chips, chips, chips, slow slow slow slow roasted roasted roasted roasted prime prime prime prime rib, rib, rib, rib, Chesapeake Chesapeake Chesapeake Chesapeake crab crab crab crab cakes, cakes, cakes, cakes, roasted roasted roasted roasted vegetable vegetable vegetable vegetable pasta pasta pasta pasta and and and and our our our our “famous” “famous” “famous” “famous” baby baby baby baby back back back back ribs. ribs. ribs. ribs.We We We We also also also also offer offer offer offer aaseasonal aaseasonal seasonal seasonal inspired inspired inspired inspired menu. menu. menu. menu.AAA complete Acomplete complete complete gluten gluten gluten gluten free free free free menu menu menu menu isisis available isavailable available available including including including including pastas, pastas, pastas, pastas, sandwiches sandwiches sandwiches sandwiches and and and and desserts. desserts. desserts. desserts. Happy Happy Happy Happy Hour Hour Hour Hour M-F M-F M-F M-F 5-7pm, 5-7pm, 5-7pm, 5-7pm, (bar (bar (bar (bar stools stools stools stools only), only), only), only), Wednesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays Wednesdays 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 price price price price bottles bottles bottles bottles ofofof of wine wine wine wine 5pm 5pm 5pm 5pm ––close, ––close, close, close, Sundays Sundays Sundays Sundays Kids Kids Kids Kids Eat Eat Eat Eat Free, Free, Free, Free, Sunday Sunday Sunday Sunday Brunch Brunch Brunch Brunch menu menu menu menu available. available. available. available. The The TheBridge Bridge BridgeInn Inn InnRestaurant Restaurant Restaurant $$$$$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; +v +v +vOO O ¯ ¯ ¯ SS S bb b 8 8 8 Nonno Nonno NonnoAlby’s Alby’s Alby’s 701 701 701 701 Penn Penn Penn Penn Avenue Avenue Avenue Avenue West West West West Reading, Reading, Reading, Reading, PA PA PA PA 19611 19611 19611 19611 610-376-1011 610-376-1011 610-376-1011 610-376-1011 Tues-Sun: Tues-Sun: Tues-Sun: Tues-Sun: 11a-9p 11a-9p 11a-9p 11a-9p Closed Closed Closed Closed Mondays Mondays Mondays Mondays www.nonnoalbys.com www.nonnoalbys.com www.nonnoalbys.com www.nonnoalbys.com LGBT LGBT LGBT $$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; ++ +OO O SS SLGBT Pike Pike PikeCafé Café Café The The TheKnight’s Knight’s Knight’sPub Pub Pub &&& Stokesay StokesayCastle Castle Stokesay Castle 340 340 340 340 Old Old Old Old Route Route Route Route 22 22 22 22 Kutztown, Kutztown, Kutztown, Kutztown, PA PA PA PA 19522 19522 19522 19522 484-452-3633 484-452-3633 484-452-3633 484-452-3633 Mon-Tues: Mon-Tues: Mon-Tues: Mon-Tues: Closed Closed Closed Closed Wed-Thurs: Wed-Thurs: Wed-Thurs: Wed-Thurs: 11a-8p 11a-8p 11a-8p 11a-8p Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: Fri-Sat: 11a-9p 11a-9p 11a-9p 11a-9p Sun: Sun: Sun: Sun: 10a-5p 10a-5p 10a-5p 10a-5p www.FolinoEstate.com www.FolinoEstate.com www.FolinoEstate.com www.FolinoEstate.com 41 41 41 41 Diner Diner Diner Diner Road Road Road Road I-78, I-78, I-78, I-78, Exit Exit Exit Exit 16 16 16 16 Bethel-Midway, Bethel-Midway, Bethel-Midway, Bethel-Midway, PA PA PA PA 19507 19507 19507 19507 717-933-4402 717-933-4402 717-933-4402 717-933-4402 M-Sat: M-Sat: M-Sat: M-Sat: 5a-11p 5a-11p 5a-11p 5a-11p Sun: Sun: Sun: Sun: 6a-11p 6a-11p 6a-11p 6a-11p www.midwayholdings.com www.midwayholdings.com www.midwayholdings.com www.midwayholdings.com Imagine Imagine Imagine Imagine driving driving driving driving up up up up tototo to aagorgeous aagorgeous gorgeous gorgeous Italian Italian Italian Italian style style style style villa villa villa villa ininin in anticipation anticipation anticipation anticipation ofofof of drinking drinking drinking drinking aanice aanice nice nice cool cool cool cool glass glass glass glass ofofof of white white white white wine wine wine wine paired paired paired paired with with with with aamouth-watering aamouth-watering mouth-watering mouth-watering pasta pasta pasta pasta dish, dish, dish, dish, watching watching watching watching the the the the sun sun sun sun set set set set over over over over aagorgeous aagorgeous gorgeous gorgeous vineyard. vineyard. vineyard. vineyard. Now Now Now Now imagine imagine imagine imagine where where where where you you you you would would would would have have have have tototo to be be be be tototo to enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy this. this. this. this. Tuscany? Tuscany? Tuscany? Tuscany? Napa Napa Napa Napa Valley? Valley? Valley? Valley? Hoe Hoe Hoe Hoe about about about about Kutztown, Kutztown, Kutztown, Kutztown, PA. PA. PA. PA. Folino Folino Folino Folino Estate Estate Estate Estate features features features features aatasting aatasting tasting tasting room room room room &&& gift &gift gift gift shop, shop, shop, shop, Italian Italian Italian Italian restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant and and and and event event event event venue. venue. venue. venue. Out Out Out Out restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant serves serves serves serves fresh fresh fresh fresh homemade homemade homemade homemade pastas pastas pastas pastas and and and and mouthwatering mouthwatering mouthwatering mouthwatering pizzas pizzas pizzas pizzas made made made made ininin in aawood aawood wood wood fired fired fired fired oven. oven. oven. oven. We We We We also also also also serve serve serve serve anan an an Italian Italian Italian Italian style style style style brunch brunch brunch brunch on on on on Sundays. Sundays. Sundays. Sundays. Visit Visit Visit Visit usus us us tototo to experience experience experience experience allallall all Folino Folino Folino Folino Estate Estate Estate Estate has has has has tototo to offer! offer! offer! offer! Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly service, service, service, service, customer customer customer customer satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfaction, palette palette palette palette pleasing pleasing pleasing pleasing PA PA PA PA Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch entrees, entrees, entrees, entrees, and and and and tasty tasty tasty tasty desserts desserts desserts desserts have have have have been been been been aastaple aastaple staple staple atatat at the the the the Midway Midway Midway Midway Diner Diner Diner Diner Family Family Family Family Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant since since since since 1950. 1950. 1950. 1950. The The The The Midway Midway Midway Midway Diner Diner Diner Diner isisis located islocated located located atatat at the the the the foothills foothills foothills foothills ofofof of the the the the Blue Blue Blue Blue Mountain Mountain Mountain Mountain ininin in the the the the north-west north-west north-west north-west section section section section ofofof of Berks Berks Berks Berks County County County County with with with with easy easy easy easy access access access access on/off on/off on/off on/off Interstate Interstate Interstate Interstate 78 78 78 78 with with with with plenty plenty plenty plenty ofofof of parking. parking. parking. parking. Experience Experience Experience Experience the the the the delicious delicious delicious delicious American American American American cuisine cuisine cuisine cuisine and and and and the the the the tasteful tasteful tasteful tasteful décor décor décor décor ofofof of aagenuine aagenuine genuine genuine family family family family restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant tradition. tradition. tradition. tradition. The The The The Midway Midway Midway Midway also also also also serves serves serves serves daily daily daily daily featured featured featured featured specials, specials, specials, specials, freshly-made freshly-made freshly-made freshly-made pies, pies, pies, pies, cakes, cakes, cakes, cakes, and and and and Hershey’s Hershey’s Hershey’s Hershey’s Ice Ice Ice Ice cream cream cream cream desserts. desserts. desserts. desserts. Banquet Banquet Banquet Banquet &&& meeting &meeting meeting meeting facilities facilities facilities facilities available available available available for for for for small small small small &&& larger &larger larger larger groups groups groups groups up up up up tototo to 225. 225. 225. 225. Adjacent Adjacent Adjacent Adjacent tototo to the the the the Comfort Comfort Comfort Comfort InnInnInnInnv v vOO Midway. Midway. Midway. Midway. $$$$BBB BLLLLDDD D;; ; O SS S 8 8 8 Deitsch Deitsch DeitschEck Eck Eck 78 78 78 78 11 Trainer’s Trainer’s Trainer’sMidway Midway Midway Diner Diner Diner 44 The Ugly Oyster The TheUgly UglyOyster Oyster Judy’s Judy’s Judy’son on onCherry Cherry Cherry Plein Air Plein PleinAir Air Speckled Hen Speckled SpeckledHen Hen Virginville Virginville Virginville Hotel Hotel Hotel The The TheBridge Bridge BridgeInn Inn Inn Salute Salute SaluteRistorante Ristorante Ristorante Italiano Italiano Italiano 3rd 3rd 3rd&&&Spruce Spruce Spruce 22 737 737 737 737 The The TheRestaurant Restaurant Restaurant at at atGolden Golden GoldenOaks Oaks Oaks Shirley’s Shirley’s Shirley’sCafé Café Café &&&Tequila Tequila TequilaBar Bar Bar READING READING READING AREA AREA AREA See See SeeMap Map Map See See SeeBelow Below Below at at at Left Left Left Map Map Map Dans Dans Dansat at atGreen Green GreenHills Hills Hills Stoudt’s Stoudt’s Stoudt’s Black Black BlackAngus Angus Angus PA PA PA PA TRNPK TRNPK TRNPK TRNPK 87 87 87 87 Penn Penn Penn Penn Street Street Street Street Lenhartsville, Lenhartsville, Lenhartsville, Lenhartsville, PA PA PA PA 19534 19534 19534 19534 610-562-8520 610-562-8520 610-562-8520 610-562-8520 Wed-Fri: Wed-Fri: Wed-Fri: Wed-Fri: 4-8p 4-8p 4-8p 4-8p Sat: Sat: Sat: Sat: 11:30a-8p 11:30a-8p 11:30a-8p 11:30a-8p Sun: Sun: Sun: Sun: 11:30a-7p 11:30a-7p 11:30a-7p 11:30a-7p Closed Closed Closed Closed Mon Mon Mon Mon &&& Tues &Tues Tues Tues www.TheEck.com www.TheEck.com www.TheEck.com www.TheEck.com Deitsch Deitsch Deitsch Deitsch Eck Eck Eck Eck (Dutch (Dutch (Dutch (Dutch Corner) Corner) Corner) Corner) isisis aisaflashback aaflashback flashback flashback tototo to aasimpler aasimpler simpler simpler time, time, time, time, featuring featuring featuring featuring American American American American and and and and traditional traditional traditional traditional PA PA PA PA Dutch Dutch Dutch Dutch fare fare fare fare such such such such asas as as chicken chicken chicken chicken pot pot pot pot pie, pie, pie, pie, corn corn corn corn pie, pie, pie, pie, pig pig pig pig stomach, stomach, stomach, stomach, chow chow chow chow chow, chow, chow, chow, potato potato potato potato filling, filling, filling, filling, and and and and shoofly shoofly shoofly shoofly pie. pie. pie. pie. Decorated Decorated Decorated Decorated dining dining dining dining rooms rooms rooms rooms byby by by late late late late hex hex hex hex sign sign sign sign painter painter painter painter and and and and self self self self proclaimed proclaimed proclaimed proclaimed “hexologist”, “hexologist”, “hexologist”, “hexologist”, Johnny Johnny Johnny Johnny Ott. Ott. Ott. Ott. LGBT LGBT LGBT $$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; OO O SS S 8 8 8LGBT 272 272 272 272 Map Map MapZones Zones Zones 111 222 333 444 DI DI DINNNI IN INNGG GGG GUUUI IDE IDE DEKE KE KEYYY BBB Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast Breakfast BR BR BRBrunch Brunch Brunch Brunch LLL Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch DDD Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner ¯ ¯ ¯Live Live Live Live Entertainment Entertainment Entertainment Entertainment AAA AAA AAA AAA Rating Rating Rating Rating 33 3Personal Personal Personal Personal Checks Checks Checks Checks Accepted Accepted Accepted Accepted S S SSmoke Smoke Smoke Smoke Free Free Free Free bb bOutdoor Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Dining Dining Dining Dining 8 8 8Wireless Wireless Wireless Wireless Internet Internet Internet Internet ;;; Wheelchair Wheelchair Wheelchair Wheelchair Accessible Accessible Accessible Accessible LGBT LGBT LGBT LGBT LGBT LGBT LGBT Friendly Friendly Friendly Friendly + + +Bar Bar Bar Bar v v vBuses Buses Buses Buses Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome OO ODining Dining Dining Dining Room Room Room Room 33 Gracie’s Gracie’s Gracie’s21st 21st 21st Century Century CenturyRestaurant Restaurant Restaurant Basil Basil BasilRestaurant Restaurant Restaurant &&&Pizzeria Pizzeria Pizzeria Deitsch Deitsch DeitschEck Eck Eck $$$$$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; +O +O +O SS S 8 8 8 Pappy Pappy PappyT’s T’s T’sPub Pub Pub&&& Lounge Lounge Lounge Austin’s Austin’s Austin’s Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant &&&Bar Bar Bar 2713 2713 2713 2713 NNN Meridian NMeridian Meridian Meridian Blvd Blvd Blvd Blvd Reading, Reading, Reading, Reading, PA PA PA PA 19610 19610 19610 19610 610-743-4006 610-743-4006 610-743-4006 610-743-4006 www.coastalgrille.com www.coastalgrille.com www.coastalgrille.com www.coastalgrille.com Berks’ Berks’ Berks’ Berks’ premier premier premier premier Upscale/Casual Upscale/Casual Upscale/Casual Upscale/Casual Seafood Seafood Seafood Seafood restaurant. restaurant. restaurant. restaurant. Our Our Our Our menu menu menu menu isisisis inspired inspired inspired inspired byby by by the the the the coastal coastal coastal coastal regions regions regions regions with with with with bold bold bold bold fresh fresh fresh fresh flavors flavors flavors flavors for for for for seafood seafood seafood seafood and and and and non-seafood non-seafood non-seafood non-seafood lovers lovers lovers lovers alike. alike. alike. alike.Choose Choose Choose Choose from from from from 99grilled 99grilled grilled grilled fish fish fish fish with with with with 4444 different different different different sauces/styles. sauces/styles. sauces/styles. sauces/styles. Other Other Other Other seafood seafood seafood seafood favorites favorites favorites favorites include; include; include; include; hand hand hand hand battered battered battered battered coconut coconut coconut coconut shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, shrimp, Baja Baja Baja Baja fish fish fish fish tacos, tacos, tacos, tacos, lobster lobster lobster lobster grilled grilled grilled grilled cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, grilled grilled grilled grilled lobster lobster lobster lobster tails, tails, tails, tails, pan pan pan pan seared seared seared seared scallops scallops scallops scallops and and and and our our our our shrimp shrimp shrimp shrimp &&& strawberry &strawberry strawberry strawberry salad. salad. salad. salad.Non-seafood Non-seafood Non-seafood Non-seafood options options options options include; include; include; include; island island island island wings, wings, wings, wings, sliders, sliders, sliders, sliders, tower tower tower tower ofofof of cobb cobb cobb cobb salad, salad, salad, salad, coastal coastal coastal coastal cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, cheeseburger, hand hand hand hand cut cut cut cut steaks, steaks, steaks, steaks, and and and and slow slow slow slow roasted roasted roasted roasted baby baby baby baby back back back back ribs ribs ribs ribs and and and and more. more. more. more.AllAll All All desserts desserts desserts desserts are are are are home home home home made made made made daily. daily. daily. daily.Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy Enjoy aacraft aacraft craft craft beer beer beer beer ororor or unique unique unique unique cocktail cocktail cocktail cocktail ininin in our our our our large large large large bar bar bar bar area area area area with with with with aa800 aa800 800 800 gal gal gal gal salt salt salt salt water water water water fish fish fish fish tank. tank. tank. tank. Sundays Sundays Sundays Sundays Kids Kids Kids Kids Eat Eat Eat Eat Free, Free, Free, Free, Thursdays Thursdays Thursdays Thursdays 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 price price price price bottles bottles bottles bottles ofofof of wine. wine. wine. wine. Happy Happy Happy Happy Hour Hour Hour Hour M-F M-F M-F M-F 5-7pm. 5-7pm. 5-7pm. 5-7pm. Folino Folino FolinoEstate Estate Estate Bear Bear BearCreek Creek Creek Mountain Mountain MountainResort Resort Resort Willoughby’s Willoughby’s Willoughby’son on onPark Park Park Chatty Chatty Chatty Monks Monks Monks Nonno Nonno NonnoAlby’s Alby’s Alby’s The The ThePeanut Peanut PeanutBar Bar Bar GNA GNA GNA Cheers Cheers Cheers Brewer’s Brewer’s Say Say SayCheese! Cheese! Cheese! Brewer’s Bar Bar Bar&&&Grill Grill Grill Trainer’s Trainer’s Trainer’sMidway Midway MidwayDiner Diner Diner&&&Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant 3 Sofrito Sofrito SofritoGastro Gastro Gastro Pub Pub Pub Winedown Café Winedown WinedownCafé Café &&&Wine Wine WineBar Bar Bar Folino Folino FolinoEstate Estate Estate $$$$$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; +v +v +vOO O ¯ ¯ ¯ SS S bb b 8 8 8 $$$$$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; +O +O +O SS S 8 8 8 Café Café CaféSweet Sweet Sweet Street Street Street $$$$LLLLDDD D;; ; +v +v +v¯ ¯ ¯ SS S 8 8 8 Emily’s Emily’s Emily’s 176 176 176 176 Lily’s Lily’s Lily’sGrill Grill Grill