commercial catalogue 02 / 2013
commercial catalogue 02 / 2013
H O U S E WAT ER E R S U P P LY WATER PIPES AND FITTINGS FOR HOUSE WATER DISTRIBUTION COMMERCIAL CATALOGUE 02 / 2013 2 CERTIFICATES 3 System description Plastic materials have a wide range of applications in all sectors because of the excellent chemical and physical properties. Simple assembly of vargoterm plastic pipes has insured success for this type of product in wide range of applications. Material used for production of vargoterm installation system elements is PP-R 80, polymer of high molecular weight. In comparison to classic materials, PP-R 80 has higher resistance to chemicals and different products like acids or alkali, such as lime and cement, with which they could come in contact. Considering that Vargon d.o.o. started with production of vargoterm pipes and fittings in a moment when there were quite a number of manufacturers of PP-R pipes and fittings on European market, it was necessary to offer a top quality program to the market, a program that would contain latest technological achievements in the area of projecting and building house installations for distribution of drinking water. Special attention was made in choosing basic material and design of brass threaded parts of the fittings. vargoterm installation system is designed for usage in sanitary area, for supplying hot and cold water, for heating installations and air-conditioning. System may also be used in industry, for transportation of chemicals and liquid foods, or for irrigation in greenhouses and gardens. System is generally designed for installation of new pipelines, but can be used for improvement of sanitary conditions of existing installations (mixed installations) etc. vargoterm pipes and fittings are made according to the corresponding norms regarding resistance and longevity and they guarantee a minimum of 50 years with pressure up to 10 bars and temperature up to 70°C for pipe installations where rated pressure is 20 bar. An example of vertical distribution An example of horizontal distribution Placing pipes into the wall It is recommended to isolate the pipes in order to achieve better thermal characteristics and protection from condensation. Places in the wall where pipe turns should be filled with some elastic material in order to achieve protection from possible damages. Due to the excellent chemical existence of the material, pipes can be placed directly into the wall, without isolation, as there is no danger in direct contact of pipes with cement, lime, plaster, etc. 4 System advantages Hygienic suitability Raw material used for production of vargoterm pipes and fittings is completely non-toxic and meets most rigorous national and international standards in sense of human consumption. Making corrosion impossible PP-R pipes are resistant to any water hardness, so there is no danger of corrosion occurring. Easy handling and fast assembly Simple way of installing, lightweight of pipes and fittings, simple hand machines and welding tools essentially shorten the time needed to finish making installations. Resistance to cold weather High elasticity of the material allows certain enlargement of pipe volume, if water freezes in pipes. Chemicals resistance Since PP-R has high molecular weight, installation system vargoterm insures high resistance to acids and alkali such as lime and cement, with which they could come in contact. Small pressure loss vargoterm pipes have very smooth inner wall surface with negligible roughness (0,0070 μ), which results in small pressure loss in pipeline, so there will be no scale forming. Excellent acoustic properties Flexibility of vargoterm installation system absorbs almost all vibrations and hums which occur due to water flow, which is not the case with metal pipes. Duration of the system PP-R material is resistant to all thermal and mechanical stresses which occur during exploitation of the system. System will be resistant for over 50 years under continuous pressure of 10 bar and temperature of 67°C. No problems with itinerant electricity vargoterm installation system conducts electricity poorly, so itinerant electricity cannot cause any damage. Resistance to seismic influences International commission of experts recommends usage of PP-R ductworks in seismic zones because of the internal pipe elasticity, which absorb possible vibrations. Excellent thermal properties Water condensation on outer pipe surface occurs frequently in certain atmospheric conditions (especially on metal pipes). Low thermal conduction of PP-R material (0,23 W/m *K) considerably lowers condensation. 5 Manual pipe welding 1. Place the welding machine onto suitable carrier. Heating elements must be fastened using hexagon key. Switch the welding machine on, in order to preheat it. Cut the pipe to the wanted length using pipe shears (Art. 025) or pipe cutter (Art. 030) vertically in relation to the pipe's axis. Pipe's ends must be cut straight. Sharp ends, unevenness, or scrapings on pipes must be removed by appropriate tools (Art. 035, 036). 1. 2. If you are working with STABI pipes, then the aluminum layer should be removed at each end with STABI peeling tool (Art. 041). One end of STABI pipe must be pushed into the peeling tool and, by turning it, aluminum layer will be peeled to the border-line of the peeling tool, which represents the depth of future welding. 2. If knives on the peeling tool were correctly placed, after the aluminum layer is peeled off, STABI pipe should be as hard to insert into a welder as regular pipe. 3. Pipes and fittings, together with the welding machine, must be clean and dry. Before welding they should be checked and, if necessary, cleaned with hard paper napkins without fibers or with a clean cloth. 4. Welding machine's socket and spigot length has to be marked on the pipe. 3. Working temperature of a welding machine is 260°C which has to be controlled. According to the general guidelines for manual welding, control of working temperature has to be performed with measurement device which has a display with actual temperature reading. Such devices have to insure temperature measurement up to 360°C and have to have high measurement precision. 5. Insert the end of the pipe inside of welding machine socket's female part evenly and 4. without rotating. At the same time attach the fitting on the welding machine spigot's male part, also evenly and without rotating. 6. After prescribed heating time, pull the pipe and fitting out of socket and spigot and immediately, without rotating, push the pipe evenly into fitting up to the fitting border line, in order to cover the marked length on the pipe. After few seconds, the pipe and fitting are welded together. Pipe must not be pushed into the fitting too deep as this could cause deformation of the pipe and, in extreme cases, deformed pipe could block the passage of water. Welding time for fittings corresponds to heating time. During this time position of the fitting can be corrected. Correction is limited to positioning of pipes and fittings into alignment. Bending of elements is not permitted. After the end of welding time, junction must not be corrected again. 5. 7. The result of the pipe and fitting's merging (fusion) is a union of vargoterm installation system fittings. 6. This is an unexampled jointing technique with lifetime guarantee! 7. 6 Generals guidelines for manual welding of hot elements are defined in part 11 of DSV2207 technical code. According to it, heating time of pipes and fittings should be 5 seconds longer if surrounding temperature is below +5°C. pipe's outer diameter mm 20 25 32 40 50 63 75 90 110 Relevant figures regarding heating times are given in the table on the right. heating time inserting sec. depth mm DVS *vargoterm 14,0 15,0 16,5 18,0 20,0 24,0 26,0 29,0 32,5 5 7 8 12 18 24 30 40 50 treatment time sec. cooling time min. 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 10 2 2 4 4 4 6 8 8 8 8 11 12 18 27 36 45 60 75 Installation design Change in PP-R pipes length due to temperature conditions. Exposure of PP-R pipes to temperature differences (difference between surroundings temperature and the temperature of the medium that flows through the pipe) results in relatively big change in pipe's length. Elongation and shortening of pipes is called dilatation. Compared to metal pipes, dilatation of PP-R pipes is about 11 times greater, so this change has to be taken into consideration while designing or installing the pipeline. Difference in length of a 10 m pipe are shown in the diagram below: Difference in length, regardless of pipe's diameter or wall thickness, can be calculated from the following equation: DL = a # L # Dt (mm) where: ΔL = length difference (mm) α = length difference coefficient (mm/m°C) L = pipe's initial length (m) tm = temperature of a medium (°C) t0 = surrounding's initial temperature (°C) Δt = temperature difference (tm-t0) (°C) PP-R pipe coefficient α = 0,15 mm/m°C PP-R STABI pipe coefficient α = 0,035 mm/m°C Example of calculation: size length difference length difference coefficient pipe's length temperature of a medium surroundings temperature temperature difference designation value measure. unit ΔL α L tm t0 Δt ? 0,15 12 65 15 50 mm mm/m°C m °C °C °C DL = a # L # Dt (mm) DL = 0, 15 mm/mcC # 12 m # 50 cC DL = 90 mm Compensation of pipes elongation and shortening In most cases it is possible to compensate the variation in length by changing pipe's direction. While doing that we must ensure that pipe is free to dilatate along its main axis. If the variation in length cannot be compensated by changing pipe's direction, then it is necessary to calculate and build a compensation curve. Curve's length can be calculated by using the following equation: Ls = k # Ls = curve arm's length (mm) ΔL = length difference (mm) d # DL (mm) where: d = pipe's outer diameter (mm) k = constant - depends on used material (for PP = 30) 7 Example of calculation for curve's arm's length: size designation value measure. unit curve arm's length (mm) constant of PP-R material pipe’s outer diameter length difference from the previous calc. ΔL 90 (mm) Ls k d ΔL ? 30 25 90 mm mm mm Ls = k # d # DL Ls = 30 # 25 # 90 Ls = 1430 mm Pictures below show the way for compensation for the length variation (ΔL). Fixed points must be correctly defined in accordance to curve's length Ls. HOW TO COMPENSATE FOR THE LENGTH VARIATION USING DILATATION ARM USING DILATATION CURVE FP = FIXED POINT, KP = FREE POINT, L = PIPE'S LENGHT, ΔL = LENGHT VARIATION, Ls = ARM LENGHT, d = PIPE'S OUTER DIAMETER FP = FIXED POINT, KP = FREE POINT, L = PIPE'S LENGHT, ΔL = LENGHT VARIATION, Ls = ARM LENGHT, d = PIPE'S OUTER DIAMETER Dilatation curves must be simple. In order to make a dilatation curve we have to calculate the length of the dilatation arm (Ls) that will serve to solve the problem of dilatation. DILATATION CURVE FOR PP-RANDOM B = ARM WIDTH, Ls = ARM LENGTH, d = PIPE'S OUTER DIAMETER Width "B" has to be at least 10 times larger than used pipe's diameter. 8 Approximate values of Ls can be seen on the diagram below. ARM'S LENGTH (Ls) FOR APPROPRIATE LENGTH VARIATIONS(Δl) Instructions and warnings 1. Fusion welder Check carefully if fusion welder you use is in good working condition; it must be preheated to the working temperature of 260°C (±5°C) for any diameter of pipes and/or under any conditions. Do not weld in windy areas (especially when it's cold) because the wind can cause heat variation on the fusion welder. Sometimes, these temperature variations can have values over 50°C in relation to the exact working temperature and the thermostat cannot keep up the working temperature. 2. Fixed and free points While fixing the pipe line, number of support points and their type depends on the material the pipe is made of, dilatation, compensation value, future working conditions (combination of pressure and temperature) and type of assembly. Pipelines are fixed with combination of fixed and free points with a presumed length change of the pipe due to dilatation. Fixed points divide the pipeline into sections in which length dilatation can occur; dilatation must not be prevented on the parts of the pipeline where there are fittings. Free points enable pipe dilatation (stretching), without disrupting the pipe's axis. Dosed points are achieved using adequate pipe clips (for example Art.001 Jointed pipe clip). Different pipe sections are held on the wall with help of pipe joints. Distance between those pipe clips (support points) depends on future working conditions and pipe weight (together with the fluid which they distribute). DISTANCE BETWEEN SUPPORT POINTS (cm) Following table shows recommended distances between support points: Dim. 20°C 30°C 40°C 50°C 60°C 70°C 80°C 25 85 85 85 80 75 75 70 32 100 95 95 90 85 75 75 40 110 110 105 100 95 90 85 50 125 120 115 110 105 100 90 63 140 135 130 125 120 115 105 75 155 150 145 135 130 115 115 90 165 160 155 150 145 125 125 110 190 180 170 170 160 140 130 3. Cross-overs In pipe installations, a pipe must often cross over another pipe. Cross overs are suitable for bridging over in such cases. 4. Bending Cold bending may be used when bending radius is minimum 8 times larger than pipe's diameter, and with smaller curves the part of the pipe that is going to be bent should be pre-heated by warm air stream (for example by warm air from hair-drier). Use of flame is strictly prohibited. 5. Threaded joints Jointing must be made only by using identical male and female threads (see DIN 2999). It is not recommendable to use conical thread with transition joints of female cylindrical thread. 6. Sealing In order to secure efficient sealing of vargoterm installation system, wrap the thread with an adequate quantity of Teflon or similar tape Do not apply too much tape. 9 7. Transport and assembly As a consequence of careless handling during working phases, different cuts and damages can occur on vargoterm pipe surfaces. In order to avoid such dangerous situations, handle the pipes with adequate caution and try to secure them from damaging. Never install damaged pipe or a fitting. 8. Low temperatures When temperature drops down to 0°C or lower, PP-R vargoterm pipes and fittings become brittle, so it is recommendable to handle them with special care in all working phases (special attention is needed when cutting pipes). 9. UV - rays vargoterm pipes and fittings are equipped with UV stabilizer, which makes storing out in the open possible, but despite such stabilizer, it is not recommended to store the pipes in the open for longer than 6 months. It is recommended to store PP-R pipes in a way that they are not exposed to UV rays without adequate protection. 10. Storage vargoterm pipes need to be stored carefully and protected from direct exposure to sunlight. Pipes must not be piled in stacks higher than 1,5 m. Recommendations 1. Jointing of PP-R pipes and galvanized metal pipes When jointing PP-R pipe to a galvanized metal pipe, it is recommended to use male threaded transition fitting, in a way that an extra metal fitting, such as coupling, is placed between pipe and fitting. Usage of PP-R female threaded transition fitting for jointing PP-R and metal pipes is not recommended. 1. 2. Jointing of PP-R elements with valves To accomplish connection between PP-R pipe and fittings with metal valves, PP-R male threaded transition fittings should always be used. Avoid jointing PP-R female threaded transition fittings and metal conical threaded nipples. 2. 3. Fixing the holes In case that PP-R pipe is pierced, it is possible to fix it using special tools (repair welding sockets) and PP-R pins for pipe repair (Art. 885). 3. 10 Durability of vargoterm pipes Durability of vargoterm pipes and fittings depends on the pressure within them and the temperature of the water in them. If the pressure is higher, the longevity of the pipes will shorten. The same applies for the temperature of the water in them – if the temperature is higher (and the pressure is the same) the longevity of the pipes will shorten. The table below shows longevity of the vargoterm pipes given the temperature and the pressure. Temperature of the medium °C 20 °C 30 °C 40 °C 50 °C 60 °C 65 °C 70 °C 75 °C Service life years vargoterm pipe PN20 / SDR6* stabi pipe with aluminium layer PN16 / SDR7,4* Permissible working presure (bar) 1 5 10 25 50 1 5 10 25 50 1 5 10 25 50 1 5 10 25 50 1 5 10 25 50 1 5 10 25 50 1 5 10 25 30 50 1 5 10 25 30,0 28,1 27,3 26,5 25,7 25,5 23,9 23,1 22,3 21,8 21,5 20,2 19,6 18,8 18,3 18,3 17,0 16,5 15,9 15,4 15,4 14,3 13,8 13,3 12,7 14,6 13,6 13,1 12,6 11,1 13,0 11,9 11,7 10,1 8,8 8,5 12,3 11,4 10,5 8,4 28,6 26,8 26,1 25,3 24,5 24,3 22,8 22,0 21,3 20,7 20,5 19,2 18,7 18,0 17,5 17,5 16,2 15,7 15,2 14,7 14,7 13,7 13,2 12,6 12,1 13,9 12,9 12,5 12,0 10,6 12,4 11,4 11,1 9,6 9,3 8,1 11,7 10,8 10,0 8,0 *SDR = Standard Dimension Ratio (diameter / wall thickness ratio) 11 PIPES Art. 800 Art. 804 PP-R 80, for hot and cold water, 67° C / 10 b, HRN EN ISO 15874-2, green color PP-R 80, for hot and cold water, 67°C / 10 b, HRN EN ISO 15874-2, green color PIPE STRAIGHT 4 m PN 20 / SDR 6 PIPE IN COIL PN 16 / SDR 7,4 Dimension Ø mm 20 Wall s mm 3,4 3 856015 910004 met 100 25 4,2 3 856015 910011 100 32 5,4 3 856015 910028 40 6,7 50 EAN 60 Dimension Ø mm 20 Wall s mm 2,8 3 856015 910172 met 100 3 856015 910035 40 25 3,5 3 856015 910189 100 8,3 3 856015 910042 20 63 10,5 3 856015 910059 20 75 12,5 3 856015 910066 12 90 12,3 3 856015 910073 8 110 15,1 3 856015 910080 8 EAN Art. 805 PIPE STRAIGHT 4 m PN 10 / SDR 11 PP-R 80, for hot and cold water, HRN EN ISO 15874-2, green color Art. 801 PIPE IN COIL PN 20 / SDR 6 Dimension Ø mm 20 PP-R 80, for hot and cold water, 67°C / 10 b, HRN EN ISO 15874-2, green color EAN 3 856015 910196 met 100 25 2,3 3 856015 910202 100 32 2,9 3 856015 910219 60 40 3,7 3 856015 910226 40 50 4,6 3 856015 910233 20 63 5,8 3 856015 910240 20 Dimension Ø mm 20 Wall s mm 3,4 3 856015 910097 met 100 25 4,2 3 856015 910103 100 EAN Wall s mm 1,9 Art. 806 PIPE IN COIL PN 10 / SDR 11 PP-R 80, for hot and cold water, HRN EN ISO 15874-2, green color Art. 803 PIPE STRAIGHT 4 m PN 16 / SDR 7,4 PP-R 80, for hot and cold water, HRN EN ISO 15874-2, green color Dimension Ø mm 20 Wall s mm 2,8 3 856015 910110 met 100 25 3,5 3 856015 910127 100 32 4,4 3 856015 910134 60 40 5,5 3 856015 910141 40 50 6,9 3 856015 910158 20 63 8,6 3 856015 910165 20 12 EAN Dimension Ø mm 20 Wall s mm 1,9 EAN 3 856015 910257 met 100 25 2,3 3 856015 910264 100 32 3,0 3 856015 910271 50 PIPES Art. 810 PIPE STABI STRAIGHT 4 m PN 20 / SDR 6 PP-R 80 with aluminium layer, for hot and cold water, HRN EN ISO 15874-2, green color Dimension Ø mm Wall s mm 2,8 3 856015 912565 100 25 2,8 3 856015 912572 100 32 3,6 3 856015 912589 60 40 4,5 3 856015 912596 40 50 5,6 3 856015 912602 20 63 7,1 3 856015 912619 20 75 8,4 3 856015 912626 8 20 * EAN met 90 10,1 3 856015 912633 8 110 12,3 3 856015 912640 8 * - PN 16 / SDR 7,4 Art. 812 PIPE FIBER STRAIGHT 4 m PN 20 PP-R 80 with glass fibers, for hot and cold water, HRN EN ISO 15874-2, green color Dimension Ø mm 20 Wall s mm 2,8 EAN 3 856015 910288 met 100 25 3,5 3 856015 910295 100 32 3,6 3 856015 910301 60 40 4,5 3 856015 910318 40 50 5,6 3 856015 910325 20 63 7,1 3 856015 910332 20 75 8,4 3 856015 910349 8 90 10,1 3 856015 910356 8 110 12,3 3 856015 910363 8 13 FITTINGS Art. 819 Art. 822 COUPLING CURVE 45° Dim. Ø mm EAN Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 910370 50 300 20 3 856015 910592 40 120 25 3 856015 910387 50 200 25 3 856015 910608 30 90 32 3 856015 910394 20 80 32 3 856015 910615 15 60 40 3 856015 910400 15 75 40 3 856015 910622 5 20 50 3 856015 910417 5 35 50 3 856015 910639 1 15 63 3 856015 910424 4 16 63 3 856015 910646 1 8 75 3 856015 910431 1 12 75 3 856015 910653 1 6 90 3 856015 910448 1 8 90 3 856015 910660 1 4 110 3 856015 910455 1 6 110 3 856015 910677 1 2 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 910684 30 120 25 3 856015 910691 35 140 32 3 856015 910707 10 40 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 910714 40 160 25 3 856015 910721 30 90 32 3 856015 910738 10 40 40 3 856015 910745 5 30 Art. 820 Art. 823 CURVE 90° CURVE M/F 45° Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 910462 60 240 25 3 856015 910479 35 140 32 3 856015 910486 25 75 40 3 856015 910493 10 40 50 3 856015 910509 5 25 63 3 856015 910516 2 8 75 3 856015 910523 1 6 90 3 856015 910530 1 3 110 3 856015 910547 1 2 Art. 825 TEE Art. 821 CURVE M/F 90° Dim. Ø mm EAN 50 3 856015 910752 3 18 20 3 856015 910554 50 200 63 3 856015 910769 2 8 25 3 856015 910561 20 80 75 3 856015 910776 1 3 32 3 856015 910578 15 60 90 3 856015 910783 1 2 40 3 856015 910585 1 20 110 3 856015 910790 1 2 14 FITTINGS Art. 828 Art. 830 TEE REDUCED REDUCTION Dim. Ø mm EAN 25 / 20 / 20 3 856015 910806 15 90 25 / 20 / 25 3 856015 910813 20 80 32 / 20 / 32 3 856015 910820 10 40 32 / 25 / 32 3 856015 910837 10 50 40 / 20 / 40 3 856015 910844 5 20 40 / 25 / 40 3 856015 910851 5 20 40 / 32 / 40 3 856015 910868 5 35 50 / 20 / 50 3 856015 910875 1 10 50 / 25 / 50 3 856015 910882 1 10 50 / 32 / 50 3 856015 910899 1 8 50 / 40 / 50 3 856015 910905 1 8 63 / 25 / 63 3 856015 910912 1 6 63 / 32 / 63 3 856015 910929 1 6 63 / 40 / 63 3 856015 910936 1 6 63 / 50 / 63 3 856015 910943 1 6 75 / 20 / 75 3 856015 910950 1 4 75 / 25 / 75 3 856015 910967 1 4 75 / 32 / 75 3 856015 910974 1 4 75 / 40 / 75 3 856015 910981 1 4 75 / 50 / 75 3 856015 910998 1 4 75 / 63 / 75 3 856015 911001 1 3 90 / 63 / 90 3 856015 911018 1 2 90 / 75 / 90 3 856015 911025 1 2 110 / 63 / 110 3 856015 911032 1 2 110 / 75 / 110 3 856015 911049 1 2 110 / 90 / 110 3 856015 911056 1 2 Dim. Ø mm EAN 25 / 20 3 856015 911100 50 250 32 / 20 3 856015 911117 30 120 32 / 25 3 856015 911124 20 120 40 / 20 3 856015 911131 15 60 40 / 25 3 856015 911148 15 60 40 / 32 3 856015 911155 15 75 50 / 20 3 856015 911162 1 35 50 / 25 3 856015 911179 5 40 50 / 32 3 856015 911186 5 30 50 / 40 3 856015 911193 5 30 63 / 25 3 856015 911209 5 40 63 / 32 3 856015 911216 5 40 63 / 40 3 856015 911223 5 30 63 / 50 3 856015 911230 5 30 75 / 40 3 856015 911247 1 14 75 / 50 3 856015 911254 1 12 75 / 63 3 856015 911261 1 12 90 / 50 3 856015 911278 1 8 90 / 63 3 856015 911285 1 8 90 / 75 3 856015 911292 1 8 110 / 63 3 856015 911308 1 6 110 / 75 3 856015 911315 1 6 110 / 90 3 856015 911322 1 6 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 911339 50 200 25 3 856015 911346 30 150 32 3 856015 911353 20 80 Art. 835 END CAP Art. 829 CROSS PIECE 40 3 856015 911360 10 50 Dim. Ø mm EAN 50 3 856015 911377 5 25 20 3 856015 911063 10 60 63 3 856015 911384 1 18 25 3 856015 911070 10 30 75 3 856015 911391 1 10 32 3 856015 911087 1 12 90 3 856015 911407 1 4 40 3 856015 911094 1 10 110 3 856015 911414 1 2 15 FITTINGS Art. 836 Art. 838 SADDLE PLASTIC FLANGE WITH STEEL INSERT (for Art. 837/1) Dim. Ø mm EAN 40 / 20 3 856015 911421 1 40 / 25 3 856015 911438 1 50 / 20 3 856015 911445 50 / 25 3 856015 911452 63 / 20 63 / 25 3 856015 912756 1 10 3 856015 912763 1 10 75 3 856015 912770 1 5 90 3 856015 912787 1 5 110 3 856015 912794 1 5 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 911544 15 60 25 3 856015 911551 10 40 32 3 856015 911568 5 20 Dim. Ø mm EAN 50 50 50 63 1 50 1 50 3 856015 911469 1 40 3 856015 911476 1 40 75 / 20 3 856015 911483 1 40 75 / 25 3 856015 911490 1 40 90 / 20 3 856015 911506 1 40 90 / 25 3 856015 911513 1 40 110 / 20 3 856015 911520 1 40 110 / 25 3 856015 911537 1 40 Art. 837/1 COUPLING (for Art. 837/2 and 838) Art. 840 CROSS OVER Art. 845 TRANSITION PIECE female thread Dim. Ø mm EAN 50 3 856015 912657 1 20 63 3 856015 912664 1 12 75 3 856015 912671 1 10 90 3 856015 912688 1 6 110 3 856015 912695 1 4 Art. 837/2 SEAL (for Art. 837/1) Dim. Ø mm EAN 50 3 856015 912701 1 - 63 3 856015 912718 1 - 75 3 856015 912725 1 - 90 3 856015 912732 1 - 110 3 856015 912749 1 - 16 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ½” 3 856015 911575 15 60 20 x ¾” 3 856015 911582 10 70 25 x ½” 3 856015 911599 15 45 25 x ¾” 3 856015 911605 20 60 32 x ¾” 3 856015 911612 5 30 FITTINGS Art. 846 Art. 849 with hexagon socket with hexagon socket TRANSITION PIECE female thread TRANSITION PIECE male thread EAN 32 x 1” 3 856015 911629 5 25 Dim. Ø mm EAN 40 x 1” 3 856015 911636 1 20 32 x 1” 3 856015 911766 5 20 40 x 1” 3 856015 911773 1 20 Dim. Ø mm 40 x 1¼” 3 856015 911643 1 14 50 x 1¼” 3 856015 911650 1 10 40 x 1¼” 3 856015 911780 1 16 3 856015 911797 1 10 50 x 1½” 3 856015 911667 1 12 50 x 1¼” 63 x 2” 3 856015 911674 1 6 50 x 1½” 3 856015 911803 1 10 75 x 2½” 3 856015 911681 1 5 63 x 2” 3 856015 911810 1 6 75 x 2½” 3 856015 911827 1 5 90 x 3” 3 856015 911698 1 3 110 x 4” 3 856015 911704 1 2 Art. 848 90 x 3” 3 856015 911834 1 3 110 x 4” 3 856015 911841 1 2 Art. 851 TRANSITION PIECE male thread TRANSITION CURVE 90° female thread EAN Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ½” 3 856015 911711 15 60 20 x ½” 3 856015 911858 20 60 20 x ¾” 3 856015 911728 10 50 20 x ¾” 3 856015 911865 5 30 25 x ½” 3 856015 911735 10 40 25 x ½” 3 856015 911872 10 40 25 x ¾” 3 856015 911742 15 45 25 x ¾” 3 856015 911889 10 30 32 x ¾” 3 856015 911759 5 25 32 x ¾” 3 856015 911896 1 20 Dim. Ø mm Art. 852 TRANSITION CURVE 90° female thread with hexagon socket Dim. Ø mm EAN 32 x 1” 3 856015 911902 1 16 17 FITTINGS Art. 854 Art. 860 TRANSITION CURVE 90° male thread TRANSITION TEE male thread Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ½” 3 856015 911919 10 50 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ¾” 3 856015 911926 5 30 20 x ½” 3 856015 912039 10 30 25 x ½” 3 856015 911933 5 30 20 x ¾” 3 856015 912046 1 25 3 856015 912053 5 25 25 x ¾” 3 856015 911940 10 30 25 x ½” 32 x ¾” 3 856015 911957 1 18 25 x ¾” 3 856015 912060 5 25 32 x ¾” 3 856015 912077 1 14 Art. 855 Art. 861 TRANSITION CURVE 90° male thread TRANSITION TEE male thread with hexagon socket with hexagon socket Dim. Ø mm EAN 32 x 1” 3 856015 911964 1 16 Art. 857 TRANSITION TEE female thread Dim. Ø mm EAN 32 x 1" 3 856015 912084 1 14 Art. 863 TRANSITION WALL CURVE 90° female thread Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ½” 3 856015 911971 20 40 20 x ¾” 3 856015 911988 4 20 25 x ½” 3 856015 911995 5 25 25 x ¾” 3 856015 912008 15 30 32 x ¾” 3 856015 912015 1 16 Art. 858 TRANSITION TEE female thread with hexagon socket Dim. Ø mm EAN 32 x 1“ 3 856015 912022 1 14 18 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ½” 3 856015 912091 20 60 20 x ¾” 3 856015 912107 5 30 25 x ½” 3 856015 912114 10 30 25 x ¾” 3 856015 912121 5 30 FITTINGS Art. 865 TRANSITION MODULAR GROUP female thread Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ½” 3 856015 912138 1 10 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ¾" 3 856015 912145 5 50 25 x 1" 3 856015 912152 3 30 32 x 1¼" 3 856015 912169 1 20 Art. 866 TRANSITION JOINT Art. 867/1 TRANSITION JOINT female thread with hexagon body Dim. Ø mm EAN 40 x ½” 3 856015 912176 1 50 50 x ½” 3 856015 912183 1 50 63 x ½” 3 856015 912190 1 40 75 x ½” 3 856015 912206 1 40 90 x ½” 3 856015 912213 1 40 110 x ½” 3 856015 912220 1 40 19 VALVES Art. 871/2 Art. 872 plastic chromium plated cap and plastic chromium plated rosette metal chromium plated handle, metal chromium plated cap and metal chromium plated rosette CONCEALED VALVE "ECONOMIC" CONCEALED VALVE "DELUXE" Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ¾” 3 856015 912299 1 25 Dim. Ø mm EAN 25 x ¾” 3 856015 912305 1 25 20 x ¾” 3 856015 912312 1 10 25 x ¾” 3 856015 912329 1 10 Art. 871 Art. 875 CONCEALED VALVE "STANDARD" metal chromium plated cap and plastic chromium plated rosette BALL VALVE "ECONOMIC" plastic chromium plated cap and plastic chromium plated rosette Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ¾” 3 856015 912251 1 25 Dim. Ø mm EAN 25 x ¾” 3 856015 912268 1 25 20 x ¾” 3 856015 912350 1 10 25 x ¾” 3 856015 912367 1 10 Art. 871/1 CONCEALED VALVE "STANDARD PLUS" metal chromium plated cap and metal chromium plated rosette Art. 874 DRAIN VALVE Dim. Ø mm EAN Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 x ¾” 3 856015 912275 1 25 20 x ¾” 3 856015 912336 10 20 25 x ¾” 3 856015 912282 1 25 25 x ¾” 3 856015 912343 10 20 Art. 874/1 ANGLE SEAT VALVE without draining connection 20 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 912800 1 - 25 3 856015 912817 1 - 32 3 856015 912824 1 - 40 3 856015 912831 1 - VALVES Art. 874/2 Art. 870 ANGLE SEAT VALVE STOP VALVE BODY female thread with draining connection and test plug EAN 20 x ¾” 3 856015 912237 5 30 25 x ¾” 3 856015 912244 5 30 Dim. Ø mm Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 912848 1 - 25 3 856015 912855 1 - 32 3 856015 912862 1 - 40 3 856015 912879 1 - Art. 879 CONCEALED VALVE SPINDLE Art. 882/3 BALL VALVE PN 10 "TB" Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 912374 10 50 25 3 856015 912381 5 25 32 3 856015 912398 5 15 40 3 856015 912404 2 10 50 3 856015 912411 1 6 63 3 856015 912428 1 5 75 3 856015 912435 1 - 90 3 856015 912442 1 - 110 3 856015 912459 1 - Art. 883 ¾” (W27 x 19) 3 856015 912541 5 50 Art. 880 EXTENSION FOR CONCEALED VALVE SPINDLE (for Art. 871, 871/1 and 871/2) Dimension EAN ¾” x 30 mm 3 856015 912558 5 120 CAP AND ROSETTE FOR CONCEALED VALVE female and male EAN EAN Art. 878 DRAIN VALVE FOR SOCKET – WELDING Dim. Ø mm Dimension Name of the valve EAN "ECONOMIC" 3 856015 912480 10 40 20 3 856015 912886 1 - "STANDARD" 3 856015 912466 10 40 25 3 856015 912893 1 - "STANDARD PLUS" 3 856015 912473 5 40 32 3 856015 912909 1 - 40 3 856015 912916 1 - 21 ACCESSORIES Art. 882/13 Art. 895/1 HANDLE FOR BALL VALVE "ECONOMIC" TEFLON TAPE FOR WATER P.T.F.E. (for Art. 875 and 882/3) Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 - 25 3 856015 912923 50 - Art. 885 Dimension EAN 12 mm x 10 m 3 856015 913470 10 250 19 mm x 12 m 3 856015 913487 10 50 24 mm x 12 m 3 856015 913494 5 25 Art. 895/2 PIN FOR PIPE REPAIR TEFLON TAPE FOR GAS P.T.F.E. Dim. Ø mm EAN 7 / 11 3 856015 912497 25 400 Art. 888 Dimension EAN 12 mm x 12 m 3 856015 913500 25 250 19 mm x 15 m 3 856015 913517 10 50 CAP FOR PRESSURE TESTING male thread Art. 001 JOINTED PIPE CLAMP ZN with rubber and M8 array Dimension EAN ½” blue 3 856015 912503 30 120 ½” red 3 856015 912510 30 120 22 Dim. Ø mm 20 Dimension mm EAN 20-32 3 856015 912930 10 100 25 26-28 3 856015 912947 10 100 32 32-35 3 856015 912954 10 100 40 40-43 3 856015 912961 10 100 50 50-55 3 856015 912978 10 50 63 63-66 3 856015 912985 10 50 ACCESSORIES / TOOLS Art. 006 Art. 012 SCREW RB-16 ZN with cap (for Art. 001) WELDING MACHINE WITH BASE AND CASE Dim. Ø mm EAN M8 x 80 3 856015 912992 10 250 M8 x 100 3 856015 913005 10 200 M8 x 120 3 856015 913012 10 150 Art. 007 JOINTED PIPE CLAMP PP-R with screw ZN Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 912527 50 250 25 3 856015 912534 50 150 Model Dim. Ø mm EAN R 63 TFE 800W 20 - 63 3 856015 913050 1 Welding machine set R 63 TFE consists of: - welding sockets m/f Type A: A 20, A 25, A 32, - support legs - carriers for fixing to a table - a key for fixing the sockets - thorn for sockets Art. 015/2 Art. 010 ELECTRIC WELDING MACHINE "POLYWELD MAN 3500W” WELDING MACHINE Model Dim. Ø mm EAN R 25 TFE 500W R 63 TFE 800W R 125 Q TFE 1400W 20 - 25 20 - 63 20 - 125 3 856015 913029 3 856015 913036 3 856015 913043 1 1 1 Dim. Ø mm 20 - 315 Model EAN POLYWELD MAN 3500W 3 856015 913067 1 23 TOOLS Art. 020 Art. 025 WELDING SOCKETS TYPE A M/F PIPE SHEARS Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 913074 1 - 25 3 856015 913081 1 - 32 3 856015 913098 1 - 40 3 856015 913104 1 - 50 3 856015 913111 1 - Dim. Ø mm Model EAN 63 3 856015 913128 1 - 35 ROS P 35 3 856015 913258 1 75 3 856015 913135 1 - 35 ROS P 35 A 3 856015 913265 1 90 3 856015 913142 1 - 42 C 2 AC 3 856015 913272 1 110 3 856015 913159 1 - 42 ROS P 42 P 3 856015 913289 1 125 3 856015 913166 1 - 42 ROS P 42 3 856015 913296 1 51 CD 3 856015 913302 1 63 ROS P 63 P 3 856015 913319 1 75 C 3 AC 3 856015 913326 1 Art. 021 SADDLE WELDING SOCKETS M/F Art. 030 PIPE CUTTERS with cutter wheels Dim. Ø mm EAN 40 3 856015 913173 1 - 50 3 856015 913180 1 - 63 3 856015 913197 1 - 75 3 856015 913203 1 - 90 3 856015 913210 1 - 110 3 856015 913227 1 - Art. 023 WELDING MACHINE MATRIX REPARATION PART M/F Dim. Ø mm EAN 7 3 856015 913234 1 11 3 856015 913241 1 24 Dim. Ø mm Model EAN 10 / 40 RAS P 10-40 3 856015 913333 1 6 / 75 TU / 75 3 856015 913340 1 50 / 140 TU / 140 3 856015 913357 1 Art. 031 CUTTER WHEELS for PIPE CUTTER "RAS P 10-40" Dim. Ø mm Model EAN P 10 - 63 RAS P 10-40 3 856015 913364 1 TOOLS Art. 035 Art. 042 DEBURER BORER Model EAN REG UNIVERSAL 3 856015 913371 1 Art. 036 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 913456 1 - Art. 043 OUTER-INNER TUBE DEBRURER CHAMFERING DEVICE Dim. Ø mm Model EAN 3 - 35 REG 3-35 3 856015 913388 1 Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 3 856015 913463 1 - Art. 037 PIPE CHAMFERING TOOLS 15º Dim. Ø mm Model EAN 16 - 110 RAG P 16-110 3 856015 913395 1 Art. 041 PEELING TOOL FOR PP STABI PIPES, DOUBLE-SIDED Dim. Ø mm EAN 20 / 25 3 856015 913401 1 - 32 / 40 3 856015 913418 1 - 50 / 63 3 856015 913425 1 - 75 3 856015 913432 1 - 90 3 856015 913449 1 - 25 NOTES 26 NOTES 27 VARGON d.o.o. 51227 Kukuljanovo - Kukuljanovo 352 - Croatia Tel. + 385 51 / 25 18 00 Fax. + 385 51 / 25 18 01 e mail: [email protected] Local distributor:
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