AHVMA Conference Program


AHVMA Conference Program
2016 AHVMA Conference • COLUMBUS, OHIO
t is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2016 AHVMA Annual Conference in Columbus,
Ohio. Besides being the culmination of our 30th Year as an organization, this Conference
promises to be one of the most inclusive, far ranging and best attended conferences in
that 30 years! There is so much going on that I am sure you will be torn trying to decide which
session to attend during any given time slot. Thank goodness for the great audio recordings.
They are well worth the price so remember to order them there!
This year’s Exhibit Hall is the most inclusive you will find for all your practice needs, and it is 30%
larger than last year! Be sure to spend as much time there as you can. Our exhibitors are not only
a source of products, services and support but also have a tremendous store of knowledge and
experience to share with us. We are also welcoming two new classes of AHVMA Membership: Our new Technician and
Support Staff category, and our new Associate Membership for companies related to the veterinary profession.
Because balance in Conferences, as in Life, is so important, we’ve planned a number of social events to give you
ample opportunity to reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and have fun with a great group of people. Be
sure to attend the Banquet Gala, and support the Silent Auction that benefits the AHVM Foundation! We have been
working on some new ideas and an expedited checkout system for the Auction. Remember the real auction winners
are the students.
Once again, our Conference Committee has done a wonderful job this year and I want to thank them, both personally
and as President, for creating this wonderful environment in which to share. I want to take a moment and thank our
retiring Chairperson, Dr. Deb Mitchell for her incredible work.
Last but by far not least, I want to also thank our intrepid Executive Director, Dr. Charles Emely and his tireless staff,
Lauana and Wendy, for all their hard work and dedication.
I am sure your time in Columbus will bring added joy and light into your practices and your lives.
Larry Bernstein
Not yet an AHVMA member?
Membership is only $205 per year and includes a deep discount on Conference Registration. You’ll
also receive our quarterly publication, Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association,
and enjoy a listing on our online veterinary referral page as well as access to our “members
only” page.
So what are you waiting for? Please join us today! See our membership form on p. 47-48 or
register online:
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 3
AHVMA 2016 Conference
– A great
to learn, connect and earn CE credits
The 2016 AHVMA Annual Conference is another record breaker for AHVMA. The 2016 AHVMA Annual
Conference (RACE Program: 131-25741) has been approved for a total of 94 hours of continuing education
credit in jurisdictions that recognize AAVSB RACE approval; however, participants are responsible for
ascertaining each board’s CE requirements.
Veterinarians and Veterinary Technicians can earn a maximum of 22 available AAVSB RACE approved CE
credits. Our conference is open to veterinarians, veterinary technicians, veterinary students, and others
interested in complementary and alternative veterinary medicine. However, only registered veterinarians and
veterinary technicians will receive a certificate of attendance.
AVMA House of Delegates
Through member growth and continued commitment, we have once again maintained our position as a
proud member of the AVMA House of Delegates. As a constituent/satellite/allied organization of the AVMA,
many states grant blanket approval for AHVMA Provided Continuing Education.
Whether you have been a member for over 30 years or just joined today, AHVMA would like to thank each
and every member. All of you have made this possible. Despite humble beginnings, AHVMA has become a
major resource and the voice of integrative veterinary medicine.
Help us lead the way; join AHVMA, bring your technicians, refer a colleague, join a committee. Every
member matters.
2016 Hands-on Lab
This year’s lab “Skull and Spine Manual Therapy” with Dr. Laurie McCauley, will be offered twice. Lab
attendance is limited so if you are interested, YOU MUST SIGN UP IN ADVANCE. There is a small additional
fee for attending.
2016 Exhibitor Hosted Breakfast Meetings
Sponsored Breakfast Meetings are held each morning from 6:50 – 7:40 am. Please see daily schedule for
listing of host companies, speakers and topics. You must have a ticket to attend. Some meetings may
already be full, as space is limited.
Please inquire at AHVMA registration desk about space and availability of Labs and Breakfast Meetings.
Contact the AHVMA Office 410-569-0795 [email protected]
2016 AHVMA Conference • COLUMBUS, OHIO
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 5
Todd Cooney, DVM, MS, CVH
Natural Animal Consulting
2205 S. Park Rd
Kokomo, IN 46902
[email protected]
Vaccination: Then and Now
Objective: Discussion of the origin of vaccination, and
development of this practice to its present state in allopathic
practice of medicine, and how the phenomenon of
vaccinosis developed concurrently.
Vaccinosis; Symptoms and Recognition in
Clinical Practice
Objective: Early recognition of the chronic disease state of
vaccinosis, its treatment, and recognition of this condition
in our animal patients today. Many holistic veterinarians
feel vaccinosis accounts for a majority of the cases we see
in our practices today. We will discuss this controversial
subject, and present ideas on avoiding the creation of this
devastating syndrome.
become deficient in antioxidant mediators, such as
malonedialdehyde, glutathione, cysteine, ascorbic acid and
other antioxidant vitamins, which is associated with poor
clinical outcome. These effects also pertain to the lipid
oxidation and risk of rancidity in pet foods with their higher
fat and oil content.
Cellular Oxidative Stress & Chronic
Inflammatory Disease Results in Obesity,
Infections and Cancers, Part 2
Objective: Part 2 continues the mechanisms that underlie
cellular oxidative stress which leads to chronic inflammation
with a discussion of how this can lead to cancers. An
important aspect of this topic deals with prevention and the
early recognition of the cellular changes that lead to cancer.
Novel Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress for Veterinary
Medicine, Part 1 (W. Jean Dodds, DVM and Denis M.
Callewaert, PhD)
Objective: To discuss the various factors that predispose to
cellular oxidative stress, as revealed by measurements of
specific biomarkers of the body’s response to stress
Homeoprophylaxis: Using Homeopathic Medicines
as Preventives
Objective: After a brief review of the symptoms of
vaccinosis, we will focus on the holistic option of
homeoprophylaxis as an aid to prevention for the common
contagious diseases of dogs and cats. We will also discuss
the rabies vaccine issue, and how to integrate a sensible
approach into a holistic practice
W. Jean Dodds, DVM
11561 Salinaz Avenue
Garden Grove, CA 92843
[email protected]
Cellular Oxidative Stress & Chronic
Inflammatory Disease Results in Obesity,
Infections and Cancers, Part 1
Chronic cellular inflammation from the increased free
radical formation of oxidative stress leads to a wide variety
of diseases. Chronic inflammation occurs when the tissues
or organs receive inflammatory “mediator” messages that
cause them to react as though the “trigger” or pathogen
was still present. Rather than repairing themselves, these
cells remain in an ongoing state of inflammation that can
wax and wane for an entire lifetime. As a result, tissues
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 13
Bernie Fischer, DVM, PhD
Durham, NC
[email protected]
Ready to Rock and Write? Writing for Scientific
Journals Part 1 (Bernie Fischer & Shelley Epstein)
Objective: To understand the requirements for a paper
submitted for publication in a scientific journal, and to
understand the review, editing, and revision process.
The Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical
Association (JAHVMA) is growing in content and interest,
and has seen a steep rise in the number of scientific
paper submissions. In this first hour, JAHVMA’s editor
along with a member of the editorial board will discuss
writing a scientific paper, with an emphasis on the
case report and case series. Understanding the target
audience of holistic veterinarians as well as academics
and conventional practitioners will serve as the basis for
the writing process. The unique nature of a paper that
combines the conventional perspective with that of the
particular CAVM modality while maintaining scientific
standards will be discussed. The five “Ds” of publication will
be covered: documentation, diagnosis, details, diligence,
and dedication. The editors will cover the importance of
integrity and professionalism.
Ready to Rock and Write? Writing for Scientific
Journals Part 2 (Bernie Fischer & Shelley Epstein)
Objective: To understand what is acceptable for publication
and what needs to be revised, and to assist the production
of participants’ case reports/case series.
Using selected examples from cases submitted to
JAHVMA as well as comparisons to selected examples
from respected conventional journals, JAHVMA’s editor
along with a member of the editorial board will illustrate
the proper way to compose a scientific paper. Common
problems will be discussed. Participants will be asked to
present their ideas for case reports/case series, and the
editors will assist in developing the outline for the paper.
Participants may also bring papers in progress for editorial
critique and comment.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 15
Elizabeth Hassinger, DVM
Nathan Heilman, BS, DVM, CVA
Wolf Rock Animal Health Center
Exeter, RI
Qi Veterinary Clinic
1333 Shelburne Rd
South Burlington, VT 05403
[email protected]
Interactive Forum on Practice Styles and Options for
Holistic Veterinarians
Whether working as an associate, business partner, or
independent practitioner, holistic veterinarians have
created many unique styles of practice that differ from
the mainstream. Our membership is full of creative
individuals, many of whom have come up with creative
ways of earning their living, serving their patients and
enjoying a fulfilling lifestyle.
We will present on a variety of practice styles that AHVMA
members have developed, and host a panel discussion on
their experiences. We will also facilitate an open discussion
among attendees of their own experiences, tips and
suggestions on how they integrate alternative therapies
into their practice styles. Whether you have questions on
what to do next, or tips from what you have experienced in
your own career path, this forum will be enlightening and
inspiring for all.
Introduction to Chinese Veterinary Medicine
Chinese medicine was developed as a complete system of
medicine over the past 5000 years, or more. In Chinese
medicine, proper lifestyle emphasizing harmonization with
nature and its rhythms, and the use of specific exercise
techniques, nutrition, herbal medicines, and acupuncture
are all integral to maintaining health and addressing
disease. In this lecture we’ll touch briefly upon the history
of Chinese medicine, and discuss the major components of
this medical system. We’ll then review how Chinese herbal
medicine is used today to address the needs of the modern
veterinary patient. The objectives of this lecture are to
understand how Chinese medicine integrates lifestyle,
exercise, nutrition, herbal medicine, and acupuncture
to maintain health and treat disease, and to see how this
might be applied to the veterinary patient.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 17
Katie Kangas, DVM, CVA, CVCP
Integrative Veterinary Care
5775 Chesapeake Ct.
San Diego, CA 92123
[email protected]
The Proactive Approach to Oral Health
Presenting new trends in periodontal therapy and disease
prevention, focusing on “host modulation”; i.e. improving
the body’s resilience to oral inflammation and therefore
to oral disease. This discussion will cover the role of diet/
nutrition and specific neutraceuticals which support better
health within the oral cavity as well as the whole body.
Dispelling the Myths of Veterinary Dentistry
This discussion will debunk common beliefs regarding
veterinary dentistry; including the effects of dry kibble diet
on oral health, anesthesia-free dentistry, the prevalence of
oral disease, etc.
Alternative Treatment Modalities which Compliment
Veterinary Dentistry Procedures and Support Oral Health
This discussion will include applications of various therapies
such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, homeopathy,
essential oil therapy, cold laser therapy and ozone therapy.
Learn how each of these modalities can be utilized to
support oral health, control pain and inflammation,
and optimize post-operative healing following dental
Susan A. Klein, DVM
Alpine Meadows Animal Clinic
PO Box 1887
Edwards, CO 81632
[email protected]
Nutrigenomics –An Introduction
Objective: To understand the science of nutrigenomics
as the connection between food and genetic expression
so as to be able to apply this knowledge to designing
appropriate diets on an individual basis.
Most information regarding appropriate nutrition is based
on micronutrient analyses. The increase in processed
foods parallels the increase in disease rates associated with
chronic inflammation, such as heart disease and diabetes.
This lecture will present current food-related genetic
research as well as basic nutritional concepts about what
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 19
Fresh Food Case Reports
Three or four case reports will be presented, each with a
CWM and TCM diagnosis. Case discussions will include
treatment with fresh food, acupuncture, probiotics, and
herbal medications. These case reports will present the
challenges and pitfalls, and successes associated with
changing the diets of pet patients. An emphasis on the fact
that diet and life style changes are long term commitments.
Range Beef Herd Fertility & Health Management
This presentation is a case report of a Range Beef Herd
on the Northern Coast of California that spanned from
2000-2010. The presenting complaint was poor reproductive
performance with only 50% of the cows producing a calf in
the 2000 Fall calving season. An initial herd investigation
involved an inventory of the cow herd and collection of
production data. Also included was a meeting with principal
decision makers for the herd, and evaluation of the work
crew and handling facilities. The land, water, and feed
resources utilized by the herd, in addition to climate and
geographical location were also important factors and were
incorporated into the development of a management plan
for the herd. The goals of the management plan were to
improve the herd fertility and restore balance to the herd.
TCM philosophy, theories of cosmogony, and pattern
diagnosis are utilized to demonstrate the usefulness of TCM
philosophy and mythology in range animal management.
Predator-Prey Dynamics & Animal Agriculture
Animal agriculture is being dissected away from both
Conventional Western Medicine and Alternative
Medicine. Currently horses, dogs, cats, and some small
ruminant flocks or herds are considered companion pets.
Practitioners of TCVM, Homeopathy, and other alternative
medical disciplines are accustomed to addressing the
competing mythologies of alternative medicine and CWM
with companion pet clients every day as we present the
risks and benefits of CWM medical and surgery treatments
when compared to acupuncture, nutrition, herbs, and
homeopathic preparations. Each individual companion
pet is presented in an unbalanced state and the medical
practitioner works in their medical discipline to restore
balance to the pet and the animal owner is made happy.
Range animal production has several additional competing
mythologies to consider when attempting to restore
balance. These competing mythologies may include
economics, the science of genetics for range resource
utilization vs. genetics selected for marketability, and
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 21
include a discussion of how the characteristic symptoms
of the patient are a match for the selected medicine.
Conditions for homeopathic treatment that will be
presented include post-operative analgesia, wound healing,
infectious tracheobronchitis, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis,
cat bite abscesses, aural hematomas, corneal abrasions, and
traumatic injuries.
Brook A. Niemiec,
Veterinary Dental Specialties and
Oral Surgery
5775 Chesapeake Court
San Diego, CA 92123
[email protected]
Performing a Proper Oral Exam
and Common Small Animal Oral Diseases
Following this lecture, attendees will understand the
importance and technique for a complete oral exam.
They will also gain insight into common oral diseases in
dogs and cats, their pathophysiology, and basic treatment
options. This lecture begins with a step by step guide to
performing a proper oral exam in the holistic/integrative
setting. We will also briefly discuss the anesthetized exam
for integrative practices. Following this we will discuss
the various common oral pathologies in the dog and
cat. Topics included: endodontic disease (fractured and
discolored teeth), caries, feline tooth resorption (TRs),
oral neoplasia, retained deciduous teeth, missing teeth and
oral signs of systemic disease.
Periodontal Disease and Whole Body Heath
Following this lecture, attendees will gain a greater
understanding regarding the pathophyiolgy of periodontal
disease as well as its negative effects on the entire body. This
will lead into a discussion on the importance of preventative
care. This presentation initiates with a discussion of the
current knowledge as to the cause of canine and feline
periodontal disease (hint, it’s not tartar). Following this we
will cover its progression and demonstrate the significant
local and regional complications associated with periodontal
disease. Finally, we will cover in detail the systemic
ramifications of untreated periodontal disease, as well as the
benefits of proper oral care on the whole body.
Proper Periodontal Therapy
Proper periodontal care is a multifaceted approach
combining plaque control, bone regeneration, and support
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 23
Pedro Luis Rivera,
The Healing Oasis Wellness Center
2555 Wisconsin St.
Sturtevant, WI 53177
[email protected]
Biomechanics of the Thoracic Limb
This lecture will help the attendees grasp a better
understanding of the basic anatomy and biomechanics of
the equine thoracic limb. Several pathological conditions
will be discussed and described from the neuro-anatomical
point of view and how trained veterinarians can intervene
not only to maintain conditioning of the patient, but how to
avoid plausible decrease in performance. Attendees will be
able to integrate the information to better design treatment
protocols to improve not only the alpha-gamma gain
(different lecture) that helps protect the front limb, but also
to help clients with some simple therapeutic exercises to
improve conditioning.
Alpha and Gamma Gain: What Every Practitioner
Should Know and Understand About This “Sensitive”
Topic Part 1 & 2 (2hrs)
This two part lecture will organize the basic neuro-anatomy
of the spinal cord, peripheral nervous system and how it
affects and influences the dorsal and ventral horn regions
of the local spinal cord segment. Attendees will be able to
name and describe the local and segmental information
that can affect the performance or modulation of the
ventral horn cells. Through case presentations and
audience participation, the attendees will be able to better
assess and identify the patient that might have a functional
weakness as opposed to a pathological lesion. Attendees
will be provided with several simple integrative therapeutic
techniques that can be used safely and effectively to improve
or maintain the modulation of the VHC.
Motor Ballet: From Thought to Action – Part 1 & 2 (2hrs)
The first part of this lecture will be dedicated to help the
attendees recognize, describe and organize the systems
that are necessary to provide the patient with coordinated,
productive and flawless movement. A brief introduction
to the motor cortex, per-motor cortex, basal ganglia,
cerebellum and pattern generators are some of the topics
to be discussed. The second part of this lecture will be
dedicated to help the attendees integrate the information
and describe how Veterinary Spinal Manipulative Therapy
and Rehabilitation Therapy can be used to improve on
patient treatment outcome.
Nancy Scanlan, DVM
American Holistic Veterinary
Medical Foundation
404 N Mt Shasta Blvd, Rm B
Mount Shasta, CA 96067
[email protected]
The Immune System and Cancer
Attendees will understand the interaction of the immune
system and cancer, and how to enhance the immune system
in its anti-cancer role. All parts of the immune system are
involved in the control and treatment of cancer. Without
a competent immune system, treatments for cancer can’t
work. Cancer has ways of hiding from the immune system,
and even co-opts macrophages into helping with metastases.
This lecture will discuss how to counteract these effects and
how to enhance the immune system’s anti-cancer effects.
Herbs for Cancer Treatment
Attendees will learn how understand how to judge herbal
research, and how to best use herbs in the treatment
of cancer. Many herbs and herbal formulas have been
proposed for the treatment of cancer. Claims have been
made for their efficacy, with and without the benefit of
research. This lecture will present research evidence for
effectiveness of herbs and herbal formulas, alone or in
combination, and how to choose the ones best suited for
various cancers in your patients.
Supplements for Cancer Treatment
With recent evidence showing that vitamin E and beta
carotene can decrease survival time in cancer patients, and
warnings that anti-oxidants can decrease effectiveness of
chemotherapy, it is time to examine their use more closely.
Other supplements have been shown by research to increase
survival time in patients. This lecture will show which to use,
when to use them, and why.
Rona Sherebrin,
DVM, CVA, CVH (pending)
Secord Animal Hospital
3271 Yonge St.
Toronto, ON Canada
[email protected]
Introduction to Veterinary Botanical Medicine
Objectives: Being able to understand the basic concepts and
descriptive language of the different systems of botanical
medicine, including Western European, Oriental, Ayurvedic
and Native American. Being able to understand different
processing and extraction methods.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 25
(ECS) which has been characterized by researchers as
having these 5 functions for the body: Relax, Eat, Sleep,
Protect, Forget. The ECS has an affinity for the nervous
system and nourishes, protects and repairs nervous tissue, a
system that in the geriatric is on the decline.
Cannabis for Cancer?
What if cannabis cured cancer? Well from all indications,
reports from the field and research studies, it appears this
may be true. Research supporting this anti-neoplastic effect
and case reports from the field will be presented in this
fascinating class.
Lea Stogdale,
DVM, Diplomate ACVIM
Aesops Veterinary Care
260 St. Mary’s Road
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2M 3A4
[email protected]
Adrenocortical Function and Deficiency:
The adrenal cortex is central to the body’s electrolyte
balance, to the animal’s ability to cope with life, stress
and disease, and to the pet’s balance of sex steroids in
the neutered animal. Deficiency in any of these hormone
pathways results in an unbalanced physiology that produces
a wide variety of signs. Important principles include
variabilities in the degree of deficiency or excess, the causes
and the changes over time within a patient, the effects and
interactions of other hormonal systems and organs, and the
uniqueness of every animal. Diagnosis can be challenging
but is essential. Excellent therapies are available but need to
be individualized for each patient.
Hypocortisolism: Diagnosis and Management of
Cortisol Insufficiency
Insufficient cortisol secretion by the adrenal cortex results
in a bewildering array of signs and a pet that is ‘ADR,’
‘Ain’t Doing Right.’ Dr. Stogdale discusses the challenges
of diagnosis and of owner understanding. The therapy is
straightforward depending upon owner comprehension,
patient individualization and response, and client
compliance: the usual challenges. Case examples are used to
illustrate the challenges and the outcomes.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 27
thinking approach that lends fresh perspective to the
timing-of-spaying debate.
The Aging-Cancer Connection: Implications for
Cancer Prevention
The aging-cancer intersection is surprisingly underexplored
territory – few aging researchers know much about cancer,
few cancer researchers know much about aging. This lecture
will explore the relationship between: aging and the risk for
cancer development; aging and the clinical aggressiveness
of resultant cancers. Moreover, the observation that the
oldest-old are resistant to cancer – a paradox shared by both
dogs and humans – creates a unique opportunity to better
understand the factors that favor cancer resistance. This
lecture will emphasize how realizing progress in the agingcancer intersection will be a key to developing smarter
strategies for achieving cancer risk reduction.
Celebrating Your Unfinishedness: A Perspective on
Personal Performance and the Aims of Education
Creative excellence in discovery, education, and
communication demands stamina and openmindedness.
Stamina requires renewal, yet few opportunities for selfrenewal are built into most workplaces. And as experts,
our openmindedness is often stifled by our own sense of
finishedness. This lecture will lay out a strategy for sustained
renewal and creative excellence: Each person assembling a
gallery of hand-picked intellectual heroes to serve as their
life-long teachers. It will argue that tethering oneself to
intellectual heroes does not limit one’s creative potential
but instead achieves exactly the opposite effect – enabling
one to see and reach their own greatest potential. By
strengthening the habit of strategic tethering, we situate
an active, partially guided search for self-renewal and a
heightened receptivity to new ideas at the very core of
achieving excellence in the research-education space. The
lecture will provide fresh insights into the skills and attitudes
of peak performance that can make us better educators –
educating our clients, our colleagues, ourselves.
Huisheng Xie, DVM, PhD
Chi Institute
9700 Hwy 318 West
Reddick, FL 32686
[email protected]
TCVM for the Treatment of Cancers
Clinical evidence indicated that Traditional Chinese
Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) including acupuncture and
herbal medicine can be beneficial in the treatment of cancers
in people and animals. Acupuncture and/or Chinese herbals
reduced pain or discomfort, promoted the quality of life,
or reduced drug-associated side-effects in cancer patients.
Acupuncture also promoted the activities of humoral and
cellular immunity as well as NK cell activity. Some herbs
together with conventional protocols (chemotherapy or
surgery) demonstrated a promising outcome in lymphoma
and breast cancer in both humans and dogs. The possible
mechanisms of herbal anti-cancer effects include inhibition
of the metabolism of tumor cells, alteration of tumor cell
membranes and information conduction, inhibition of tumor
cell proliferation and reduction of tumor cell differentiation,
induction of tumor cell apoptosis, enhancement of
immune function and anticancer capabilities, inhibition
of neovascularization to prevent tumor growth and
metastasis, prevention of metastasis through improvement
of the physical and chemical properties of blood cells,
and reversal of drug resistance and enhancement of the
effectiveness of chemotherapy. This lecture will discuss
the most recent research on acupuncture and herbal
medicine for the treatment of cancers, and how to apply the
TCVM for the treatment of lymphoma, osteosarcoma and
hemangiosarcoma in dogs.
TCVM for IVDD and Degenerative Myelopathy
The recent clinical studies indicated that Traditional
Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) including
acupuncture and herbal medicine, can be the effective
sole therapy, or part of integrated therapy with Western
medicine and surgery to treat intervertebral disc disease
(IVDD), and can help slow down the pathological
processing of degenerative myelopathy (DM). In the TCVM
perspective, IVDD is often considered as a Bi syndrome
but can be accompanied by a Wei (weakness) syndrome.
DM is often considered with Wei Syndrome. Both IVDD
and DM are related to the Kidney (bones and spinal cord),
the Liver (joints and smooth flow of Qi and blood), and
the Spleen (muscle strength). There are 2 Excess Patterns
and 3 Deficiency Patterns that are associated with various
forms of IVDD. The Excess conditions are invasion of
Wind-Cold-Damp and Qi-Blood stagnation, which are often
associated with acute trauma in chondrodystrophic dogs
(Type I). The Deficiency Patterns, often associated with
chronic, Type II IVDD in non-chondrodystrophic breeds,
include Qi/Yang Deficiency, Yin Deficiency and combined
Yin-Qi/Yang Deficiency. DM is primarily divided into 4
Patterns including Spleen Qi Deficiency, Kidney/Liver Yin
Deficiency, Kidney Yang and Spleen Qi Deficiency, and
Kidney Qi/Yin Deficiency. This lecture also explains how
to use acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for the
treatment of each Pattern of IVDD and DM in dogs and cats.
TCVM for Seizure
In the Chinese language seizures are called “Chou Feng” or
“strong wind”. A wind trapped within the body will cause
trembling, twitching, shaking of the limbs, contortion of the
body – much like the leaves and branches of a tree in a heavy
storm. Seizures are mostly a reflection of disharmony in the
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 29
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 31
Booth 512
4600 Witmer Ind. Est. #6
Niagara Falls, NY 14305
[email protected]
Formed in 2001, BIOAGE has for sole purpose the promotion of
exclusive algae blends researched by Dr. Michael Kiriac, PhD in
a non-profit environment for over 13 years on over 20 species of
animals, surpassing by far any endeavor in this field.
Blissful Dog Inc.
Booth 208
28569 Dancing Bear Lane NW
Pinewood, MN 56676
855.DOG.BLISS / 218-243-2845
[email protected]
The Blissful Dog offers handcrafted, all natural and organic good
stuff for your client dog’s dry noses, rough paws, skin irritations
and emotional discomforts. Plus, FREE custom product labeling
at no extra charge. Stop by Booth #208 for free your dog’s
NOSE BUTTER®. The Blissful Dog® Inc. | TheBlissfulDog.com |
TheBlissfulDogWholesale.com | 855.DOG.BLISS
Bravo Pet Foods
349 Wetherell St.
Manchester, CT 06040
[email protected]
Bravo is a family-owned company located in Manchester,
Connecticut. Becoming a raw diet purveyor was a natural
outgrowth of the family business, Manchester Packing Company,
specializing in providing high quality meats to the finest New
England restaurants since 1942. Today, Bravo offers over 100
items for pets made from the highest quality ingredients.
Booth 311
Calm My Pet
7211 Wales Ave NW
North Canton, OH 44720
[email protected]
Calm My Pet products are handcrafted by Dr. Pamela Fisher with
the energy of gemstones, flowers, and plants to promote calmness,
balance, and healing. Her innovative wellness program combines
Unscented Hypoallergenic Essences or Organic Aromatherapy
with Therapeutic Music for use in clinics and to help clients
continue holistic healing at home. www.CalmMyPet.com
Canine Matrix
Booth 320
5931 Priestly Drive, Suite 101
Carlsbad, CA 92008
[email protected]
Canine Matrix is a wellness company that grows medicinal
mushrooms. The goal to increase balance and wellness by raising
the immune system to its optimum level. All of the 11 medicinal
mushrooms grown in our two facilities are pure, organic, Non
GMO’s, gluten free, no fillers or preservatives, USDA, raw
Carna4 Hand Crafted Pet Food
Booth 413
3230 Yonge St., #1925
Toronto, Ontario M4N 3P6
[email protected]
Carna4 is the incredibly delicious, ready-to-serve pet food
made with only 100% US and Canadian-grown WHOLE FOOD
ingredients and NO SYNTHETICS, including NO vitamin-mineral
pre-mix. Organic sprouted seeds provide vitamins, minerals,
probiotics & enzymes. Quick-baked then air-dried. Every batch
safety-tested for 15 pathogens & toxins and over 50 nutrients.
P.O. Box 429
Inola, OK 74036
[email protected]
Booth 103
Chi Institute of Chinese Medicine
Booth 410
9700 W. Hwy 318
Reddick, FL 32686
800-891-1986 X109
[email protected]
The Chi Institute of Chinese Medicine is a leading continuing
education (C.E.) provider of Traditional Chinese Veterinary
Medicine (TCVM). With a main campus in Reddick, Florida, and
program bases in Spain, Australia, and China, we have proudly
graduated nearly 5,000 licensed veterinarians from 55 countries
and regions around the world since our founding in 1998. Chi
graduates are not active and competent TCVM practitioners in
the US, Canada, Central and South America, Europe, Australia,
Asia and Africa.
CoCoTherapy (Oscar Newman LLC)
Booth 117
313 Oswalt Avenue
Batavia, IL 60510
[email protected]
CocoTherapy makes organic virgin coconut oil and organic
coconut-based supplements and treats for pets. We make our
own therapeutic-grade virgin coconut oil in our USDA-organic
inspected manufacturing facility, using organic coconuts from
our family-owned coconut farm. All our treats are grain-free,
gluten-free, 100% human-grade, and made in the USA.
Booth 704
Cogent Solutions Group
P.O. Box 11686
Lexington, KY 40577
[email protected]
At Cogent Solutions Group, we are committed to providing highquality supplements for animal care. Our products were developed
for maximum bioavailability and efficacy and incorporate the
powerful properties of the polysaccharides hyaluronan and
schizophyllan. Our lines are recommended by progressive small
and large-animal veterinarians for all-natural heath maintenance.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 35
DVM Multimedia
Booth 421
2921 Gnatcatcher Avenue
N. Las Vegas, NV 89084
[email protected]
We are experts in veterinary website design and veterinary
marketing. We’ve worked intimately with veterinarians and
veterinary hospitals of all sizes since 2010, providing them with
cutting edge web solutions that turn the internet into an advantage
for their clinics. We focus our website design and marketing
efforts solely on the veterinary industry, and as a result we have
developed proven campaigns that not only raise your bottom line,
but enhance your clients’ experience with you as well.
EcoDerm Vet
Booth 114
4111 Westchester Court
Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
[email protected]
Created by a veterinarian EcoDermVet provides innovative
odor and environmental management solutions by applying the
principles of probiotics to the environment or on the animal
rather than in the animal. We also have developed otitis and acute
moist dermatitis products that rely solely on beneficial bacteria.
Our products are environmentally responsible and safe for pets,
people and our planet.
Thanks for Choosing EcoDermVet
Innovative Odor & Environmental Management
Gary Rybka, DVM
Eddie’s Wheels for Pets
Booth 308
140 State Street
Shelbourne Falls, MA 01370
[email protected]
Eddie’s Wheels is the premier manufacturer of custom mobility
carts. Our highly specialized product line is designed to match
each individual pet’s anatomy, disability and rehab prognosis. Rear
wheel, front wheel and quad carts, plus a land-based clinical line of
rehab equipment, including an adjustable therapy stand, and clinic
quad cart available.
Contact [email protected], 1-888-211-2700 and visit our
website www.eddieswheels.com.
Booth 724
Effective Pet Wellness
P.O. Box 484
Jacksonville, OR 97530
[email protected]
Effective Pet Wellness is a family of clinical practitioners who are
committed to the highest standards of health and well-being.
We know through our direct healing and wellness practice and
professional knowledge that our products work, and continue to
make a real difference in the lives of animals and humans alike.
Elite Science VET
Booth 109
433 Heights Drive
Gibsonia, PA 15044
888 492-5965
[email protected]
Elite Science VETTM provides veterinarians with 1-TDC®
Total Wellness, a natural, proprietary fatty acid technology for
periodontal health, joint/muscle health and skin/coat health…..
all in one easy-to-use, economical solution. Research conducted
by Dr. James Anthony (boarded Veterinary dentist) and clinical
review by Dr. PJ Broadfoot demonstrated positive results across
all periodontal parameters measured. Leading rehabilitation and
agility professionals are adopting 1-TDC® for joint/muscle health,
faster recovery and improved performance. Call 1-888-792-6203 or
visit www.elitesciencevet.net.
Booth 123
2021 Commerce Drive
McKinney, TX 75069
[email protected]
Experience what Erchonia’s Veterinary Low Level Laser Therapy
(VLLLT) can do for your patients and practice. This exciting state
of the art tool can transform both the small and large animal
practice through its proven, non-invasive, drug free solutions for
your toughest cases. Stop by our booth for a demonstration.
Booth 319
Evermore Pet Food, Inc.
400 Rugby Road, #4k
Brooklyn, NY 11266
[email protected]
Evermore’s gentle and detoxifying recipes mimic the best home
cooking. Our human-grade ingredients include antibiotic/
hormone-free meats from humane ranchers, organic produce,
and very few supplements. We cook in a USDA-inspected kitchen
using low-heat to maintain nutrients, enhance flavor, and guarantee
safety. Great for picky, sensitive, aging and immune-compromised
dogs. www.evermorepetfood.com.
Booth 710
Fat Turtle Herbal Pharmacy
1483 Havenhurst Dr.
West Hollywood, CA 90046
[email protected]
Fat Turtle Chinese Herbal Pharmacy provides custom herbal
prescriptions in any format. Practitioners save time and money
using an advanced online ordering system. Fat Turtle is here to help
you compose safe and powerful formulas as unique as your patients.
Booth 105
3804 S. Airport Road
Ogden, UT 84405
[email protected]
Fidobiotics specializes in the digestive health of your dog, because
we know that a happy doggy equals a happy family. Backed by years
of research and experience, Fidobiotics focuses exclusively on pawlickin’-good probiotic supplements for digestive health, immune
function, oral hygiene and anxiety in four delivery methods –
capsule, chewy tablet, powder sachet and stick pack.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 37
Hilton Herbs, Ltd.
Booth 618
Downclose Farms
North Perrott, Somerset UK
[email protected]
We formulate and produce an extensive, unique range of pure
herbal, condition specific, supplements, lotions and creams for
Dogs, Cats, Horses, Poultry and Birds. Formulated by our Medical
Herbalist using only the finest human grade ingredients and
offering full traceability. We are a long term NASC audited member
holding the “Seal of Quality” Award.
The Honest Kitchen
Booth 412
111 14th Street
San Diego, CA 92101
[email protected]
The Honest Kitchen makes a line of human grade foods for dogs
and cats that are made with minimally processed whole foods. Try
NEW Proper Toppers, 100% human grade clusters made with either
cage-free turkey or free-range chicken. Proper Toppers are limited
ingredient, and complete and balanced.
Journey to Botanicals (Wealth & Wellness)
Booth 102
3944 Whitacre Avenue, SE
Minerva, OH 44657
[email protected]
The Journey to Botanicals company is the creation of Alicia Rocco,
N.D., and offers 4 lines of tree essences and rainforest herbal extracts
that help to change the “energy-in-motion” of both people and
pets for balanced health and well-being. The Animal Tree Essence
line includes “Rescue” for difficult behavior or stress, “Restore” for
neglect or abuse, “Comfort” for fear or separation, and many more
based on body system.
K9 Natural
Booth 620
P.O. Box 11367, Sockburn
Christchurch 8443
New Zealand
[email protected]
K9 Natural is a New Zealand based manufacture of raw, freeze
dried, and canned dog and cat food and treats. We have made the
most of New Zealand natural resources, sourcing free range meat
from grass-fed animals, the finest seafood from sustainable sources,
vegetables grown in the most fertile soil on earth and cage-free
chicken and eggs.
KAM Animal Services
Booth 702
4450 Wither Industrial Estates
Niagara Falls, NY 14305
[email protected]
Continuing the long history of KAM Animal Services bringing
nutrient specific Equine Supplements to market, we are proud to
introduce the NEW Dr. Raw Canine line of Supplements that is
specific for Raw and Home Cooked dog diets.
These Veterinary formulated products target specific nutritional
deficiencies, while complementing the Raw and Home Cooked
Canine Diet.
Learn more about the NEW Dr. Raw Canine Supplement line:
Digestive Formula
Joint & Mobility Formula
Overall Health and Wellness Formula
Allergy & Itching Formula
Weight Management Formula
Kan Herb Company
Booth 201 & 300
380 Encinal Street, Suite 100
Santa Cruz, CA 95060
[email protected]
All Kan proprietary products are manufactured and tested exclusively in
the United States, following current Good Manufacturing Practices. We test
and validate each formula batch, assuring potency, consistency, safety and
purity. We test for over 250 pesticides residues, heavy metals, total bacterial
count, Yeast and Mold, total coliforms and E. Coli, and Salmonella. Our
downloadable certificates of analysis attest to our commitment to quality.
Katie’s Pet Products
Booth 317
200 Skyline Drive
Golden, CO 80403
[email protected]
MUSHROOMS, MYRISTIN Joint Formula with Cetyl Myristoleate,
and DESERVING PETS daily VITAMINS. We help you reduce
inflammation and strengthen immune systems with our US MADE
all natural superfood supplements. Our products are preferred by
AHMVA vets worldwide. Show special: 15% off all orders.
Booth 220
Kombat Boots
1208 Northport Drive
Portage, WI 53901
[email protected]
Founded in 2006, Kombat Boots Inc. is headquartered in Portage,
WI, about 30 miles from Madison. It is family owned and operated
specializing in natural and organically accepted products for horses
and dogs. We currently sell in 48 states, Canada and Puerto Rico.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 39
Nature’s Variety
Booth 323
55 West Port Plaza, Suite 200
St. Louis, MO 63146
[email protected]
Nature’s Variety® is an independent pet food company based in
St. Louis, Missouri with manufacturing operations in Lincoln,
Nebraska. We believe the best nutrition comes from healthy,
natural ingredients. Nature’s Variety makes a variety of premium,
wholesome, natural foods to keep pets healthy and happy. The
company produces pet food through two brands – Instinct®, the
leader in raw pet food; and Prairie®, a balanced holistic line of food.
Nutramax Laboratories Veterinary
Booth 615
Sciences, Inc.
946 Quality Drive
Lancaster, SC 29720
[email protected]
The science behind animal health and wellness starts here. Ask us about
new Solliquin™ behavioral health supplement and Cobalequin™
cobalamin tablets. Other products include #1 veterinarian recommended
joint health brand Dasuquin® and liver support brand Denamarin®,
Crananidin® for urinary tract health, Proviable® multi-strain probiotics,
and Welactin® omega-3 fish oil supplement.
Neutricks, LLC
466 South Segoe Road
Booth 504
Madison, WI 53711
[email protected]
Neutricks® is an exciting, evidence-based approach to healthy brain
aging in senior pets. As our pets grow older, they can experience
memory problems associated with aging. Neutricks® has designed a
supplement for your pet’s cognitive health based on the success of
the protein apoaequorin in research and clinical trials.
O3 Vets
Booth 516
7608 Lanac Street
Lansing, MI 48911
[email protected]
We focus on providing exceptional therapeutic ozone and ultraviolet
equipment as well as training veterinarians to effectively utilize these
tools. From managing pain to treating cancer, ozone and ultraviolet have
been proven effective through hundreds of medical studies over the
course of 100 years. Come by and sign up for a demo.
Visit www.o3vets.com or write us at [email protected]
New Zealand Deer Velvet
Booth 404
1061 Depot Road, OXFORD 7495,
North Canterbury, New Zealand
[email protected]
Specializing in excellent quality bioavailable New Zealand sourced
Deer Velvet products. The history of Deer Velvet as a medicinal
substance stretches back thousands of years.
New research suggests this powerful rejuvenating tonic can provide
a natural holistic treatment for conditions including anaemia,
alopecia, arthritis, wound healing & chronic inflammatory states.
Booth 616
Northwest Naturals
4050 NE 158th
Portland, OR 97230
[email protected]
Northwest Naturals, Raw Frozen Diets, Freeze Dried Diets and Treats
manufactured in our family owned facility in Portland, OR. USDA, FDA and
FSIS inspected and certified facility for human food, NWN is manufactured
under the strictest safety guidelines using only the highest quality ingredients.
Our products were created to provide companion pets with the best
in natural, raw nutrition.
Booth 121
NOW Pets
244 Knollwood Drive
Bloomingdale, IL 60108
[email protected]
NOW® Pets products are intended to support all aspects of your pet’s
health. Our products support immune system health, normal joint
structure and function, cardiovascular health, a healthy mood, a
lustrous coat, and much more. We choose ingredients and ingredient
combinations based on recommendations and guidance from Dr.
Barbara Royal, DVM, CVA, and supported by the latest clinical research.
Omega QD/Nutrition Science Int’l
Booth 409
3482 Keith Bridge Road
Cumming, GA 30041
[email protected]
Omega QDTM is an Exclusive Holistic Powder providing Sardine
Fish Omega 3s, Pre-Biotic Apple Pectin, and freeze-dried
Blueberries. This unique, easy-to-use blend promotes efficient
absorption for optimal joint, skin, immune, brain, and GI health.
Proudly USA made and sourced! Stop by! Meet developer/founder,
Debbie Decker, DVM, Nutrition
Options for Animals College of Animal
Booth 309
4267 Virginia Road
Wellsville, KS 66092
[email protected]
Looking to set yourself apart from others in your field? Want to
add the new skill of animal chiropractic to your veterinary practice?
For over 25 years, Options for Animals has been maximizing the
health and well-being of our animal companions, by promoting the
science, art and philosophy of animal chiropractic through quality
post graduate education.
Pet Guard
Booth 218
P.O. Box 668
Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
[email protected]
PetGuard Since 1979
USDA Certified Organic & Natural, Canned & Dry, Dog & Cat
Organic & Natural Dry Snacks. Supplements include; Yeast &
Garlic Powder & Wafers, Digestive Enzymes for dogs and cats, Multi
Vitamins, Anitra’s Vita-Min Mix, Skin & Coat Supplement, Herbal
Collars, Shampoo for dogs & cats. Organic CatNip.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 41
Radagast Pet Food, Inc.
Booth 400
3617 SE 17th Avenue
Portland, OR 97202
[email protected]
Rad Cat Raw Diet makes the original grain and vegetable-free,
free-range and organic frozen raw diets for cats. All varieties
are bone-free for optimal digestion, while still being complete
diets. Rad Cat offers a ‘whole foods’ approach with no synthetic
vitamin supplements and single protein sources for cats’ simple
focused tastes.
RAWZ Natural Pet Food
Booth 202
28 Long Sands Road 6B
York, ME 03909
[email protected]
RAWZ Natural Pet Food is a family-owned company whose goal
is to provide pets with exceptional nutrition. RAWZ is “The
Next Best Thing to Feeding Raw.” All of our products are 100%
Rendered-Free. They contain no meals and are made with
human grade ingredients. In addition to providing minimally
processed nutrition, RAWZ donates 100% of its profits through
The RAWZ Fund.
Ramaekers Nutrition
Booth 116
3055 Stanley Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA 95065
[email protected]
Ramaekers Nutrition’s mission is to provide patented natural
products for all domestic species to educate immune cells and
dramatically enhance their function. These supplements are used
for cancer patients, autoimmune conditions and most importantly
as a WELLNESS supplement. These innovative formulas provide
highly effective, immune active ingredients for all life stages in
the companion animal and livestock industry. ASK US ABOUT
Redstone Media Group
Booth 601
160 Charlotte St., Suite 202
Peterbough, ON K9J 2T8
705-741-0817 X110
[email protected]
Since 1999, Redstone Media Group has been the foremost resource
in the integrative pet, equine and veterinary markets. Redstone
publishes Animal Wellness, Feline Wellness & Equine Wellness
magazines, Integrative Veterinary Care Journal and prints and
distributes the AHVMA Journal, all of which are synonymous with
the highest quality that the market offers. Articles Wanted
Raw Bistro Pet Fare
Booth 209
305 Cannon St. W
Cannon Falls, MN 55009
[email protected]
Raw food for dogs, made with respect. 100% GRASS-FED - FREERANGE - ORGANIC ingredients. Healthful & fetchingly tasty
treats + raw bones too! Made at our hyper-clean facility close to
home in Minnesota.
Booth 200
Respond Systems
20 Baldwin Drive
Banford, CT 06405
[email protected]
Respond Systems has been providing non-invasive, nonpharmaceutical therapies to help reduce inflammation, decrease
pain and accelerate healing for over 30 years. Our laser therapy and
PEMF therapy systems are backed by decades of scientific research
and have helped thousands of animals heal or live a better quality
of life since 1982.
Booth 604
Raw Paws Pet Food
5601 Fortune Circle S., Ste. P
Indianapolis, IN 46241
[email protected]
Raw Paws Pet Food is a national manufacturer, and eCommerce
provider of the best Meats, Grain Free Kibble, Single Ingredient
Treats and Chews and Freeze Dried items for dogs and cats. We look
forward to meeting everyone at this years AHVMA - we have a great
sample program and Holistic Veterinary Affiliate Program.
Booth 508
Revitavet Therapy Systems
19226 N. Cave Creek Road, #109
Phoenix, AZ 85024
[email protected]
RevitaVet™ Infrared Light Therapy Systems is the leading technology
in non-invasive care for most conditions and sets precedent for
preventive maintenance. Easily applied to the horse or small animals
and delivers safe and effective pulsed which stimulates the body’s
natural ability to heal, but at an accelerated pace.
Rx Vitamins, Inc.
Booth 304
150 Clearbrook Road
Elmsford, NY 10523
[email protected]
Rx Vitamins offers a line of innovative, leading edge, nutraceutical
formulas. These formulas are all designed by Robert Silver,
DVM, and are marketed and sold exclusively to the veterinary
professional. Please stop by our booth to pick up information on
our new HempRx and RxB-12 formulas. Rx Vitamins is offering a
10% discount on all orders placed at the AHVMA Conference.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 43
Veterinary Medical Aromatherapy
Booth 606
6315 S. Rainbow Blvd. Ste. 104
Las Vegas, NV 89118
[email protected]
The VMAA is an organization of veterinarians dedicated to the
medical use of aromatherapy in animals. The mission is to promote
standards of excellence in animal aromatherapy, to provide
outreach and education to veterinarians, and to promote continual
improvements in Veterinary Medical Aromatherapy®.
VetriScience Laboratories
Booth 111
20 New England Drive
Essex Junction, VT 05452
[email protected]
VetriScience® Laboratories has led the way in the animal health industry
with the formulation of nutritional supplements for companion animals.
For over 40 years, pet owners and veterinarians have known VetriScience®
as a company that sets new standards of quality, safety and efficacy.
Vets First Choice
Booth 210
7 Custom House Street
Portland, ME 04101
[email protected]
Vets First Choice provides you with your own online store offering
over 6000 veterinary products and an innovative digital prescription
management platform to dramatically increase prescription
compliance, improve patient health, client satisfaction, and practice
revenues. Set-up is fast with no start-up or monthly fees. Call 1-844205-9140 or visit www.vetsfirstchoice.com/demo.
Vetz Life Products
Booth 100
4264 Shoreline Drive
Spring Park, MN 55384
[email protected]
VetzLife is happy to announce over 7,000 clinics are now introducing
the best all natural oral care product available on the market,
especially helpful for your senior patients.
If you have not tried our Great line of all natural products stop by
our booth and get all the latest specials and new sizes – especially
our new 1ounce spray for under $10.
See why 1,000’s of other clinics have found VetzLife a very valuable
tool in their: Oral care tool Box!!
And check out our new all natural Flea Killer – Complete Coat
&VetzLife/Wound Care far more effective than Vetricine!!
See you at booth #100 – or call us at 1-888-453 4682 and we can send
you all the information.
Booth 416
17 Mercer Road
Natick, MA 01760
World class cat and dog food cans, pouches, dog kibble, freezedried treats and kitty litter.
Wholistic Pet Organics
Booth 101
341 Route 101
Bedford, NH 03110
[email protected]
Since 1998, Wholistic Pet Organics™ has been manufacturing
premium-grade, all-natural, Whole Food Supplements and
Animal Health Products. Using only Human-grade and Certified
Organic ingredients, our products are used and recommended
by veterinarians and other health care professionals. We are a
registered and inspected FDA facility and audited member of NASC.
Wild Kitty Cat Food
P.O. Box 607
Kennebunkport, ME 04046
[email protected]
Booth 119
Young Living (Solutions Sales)
Booth 712 & 714
W5255 Lakeville Road
Walworth, WI 53184
[email protected]
As a world leader in essential oils, Young Living brings the essence
of nature to you and your practice. Our Seed to Seal® standard
ensures the highest quality oils and oil-infused products are ready
to partner with you and your commitment to offering whole-life
wellness for your clientele.
Zycal Bioceuticals Healthcare, Inc.
Booth 104
5 Executive Drive, Suite A
Toms River, NJ 08755
[email protected]
ZyCal Bioceuticals, Inc. is a nutritional supplement company focused on
manufacturing and marketing of biologically active proteins that address
bone and joint conditions for healthcare providers and their patients. The
company is headquartered in Toms River, New Jersey. Since its’ founding in
2006, ZyCal Bioceuticals has developed and launched the first biologically
active class of proteins containing BMPs (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins)
and growth factors as a nutritional supplement.
Zyto Technologies, Inc.
Booth 217
387 S. 520 W. Suite 200
Lindon, UT 84042
[email protected]
An energetic and holistic approach to personalized decisions for
choosing products for pets.
ZYTO Pet technology uses Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) to
determine biological coherence for Virtual Items representing
specific nutritional products, foods, oils, and supplements. We call
items that produce more coherent responses biological preferences.
This information helps Pet Parents to make decisions about which
products to purchase and use for their beloved pet.
Practitioners and Retailers demonstrating ZYTO My Pet Picks! onsite scans create a fun and informed experience that Pet Parents
love, boosting sales and increasing store loyalty.
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 45
Carefully pull out forms, complete, then scan and email, fax or mail
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 49
Save t he date!
October 21-24, 2017
San Diego, California is the
site of the American Holistic
Veterinary Medical Association’s
2017 Annual Conference. The
newly renovated and remodeled
Town and Country Resort and
Convention Center will host
AHVMA for a larger than ever
integrative education experience.
The 2017 AHVMA Conference
at the Town and Country Resort
is conveniently located within
walking distance of Fashion Valley
Mall and close proximity to all
the finest San Diego attractions,
including Sea World, the San
Diego Zoo, Balboa Park and
more. Adventure is around every
corner. Explore acres of garden,
including award-winning roses
within our tropical grounds,
offering three sparkling
swimming pools, sunning decks
and an over-sized whirlpool for
everyone to enjoy.
Treat yourself to a unique day spa
experience at Bella Tosca Spa and
Salon. Experience the ultimate in
whole body health, nourishment,
and rejuvenation at this worldclass, 14,000 square foot spa.
Town and Country Resort in
San Diego offers four on-site
restaurants at their Mission
Valley resort. Enjoy a diverse
range of dining choices,
including Charlies Bar, Terrace
Café, and a Grab and Go Market.
San Diego International
Airport AKA Lindbergh
Field (www.san.org) is
served by most airlines,
with many non-stop flights
available. Transportation
from the airport to the Town
and Country Resort and
Convention Center includes
rental car, taxi, or shuttle.
San Diego skyline
2016 AHVMA Conference • COLUMBUS, OHIO
American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association 51
2016 AHVMA Conference • COLUMBUS, OHIO