Welcome to Welcome to


Welcome to Welcome to
Welcome to
21st of April
09.30 – 10.00
Registration and coffee
Welcome by Klaipeda University
Presentation of The network by Lund University
n centered Primary Health Care – challengesand perspectives in
Development of person
Arnoldas Jurgutis/ Klaipeda University,
University Lithuania
Short break
Antibiotic use and resistance – aGlobal overview
University Sweden
SigvardMölstad / Lund University,
What’s new in patient enablement?
An update of new research and some of the contextual issues surrounding the study of
enablement which are currently being explored
Teresa Pawlikowska / RCSI Health Professions Education Centre, Ireland
Parallel sessions
Short break with coffee
Patient education and Osteoarthritis in
Closing session day one
1. Sore throat in PHC
2. The Swedish Nasopharynx sample
3. Happy Audit 2 registration
4. Addressing AMR in Klaipeda City
1. Natural experiment in the PHC context
2. Use of the Trust in Patient-Physician
Physician Scale in PHC
patients: a pilot study in north--east Poland.
3. Vertigo and dizziness among patients in PHC
Evidence Based Practice–
What it is and How to do it
22nd of April
“Good Morning” – Flashbacks from yesterday
Parallel group-work sessions
Professional nursing image
surveyin Poland, Latvia,
Estonia, Lithuania and
Sweden: A study proposal
Ludmila Marcinowicz /
Bialystok University, Poland
Coffee Break
Systematic review. Trust,
communication and
consultation in PHC
Teresa Pawlikowska, Ulf
Eriksson et al.
Visit to health center
PEI, Patient centeredness and
Visit to health center
 Avoidable hospitalization
study and the future of the
INNOhealth project, Inga
 “What are we really
Rubana / National Health
measuring?”, Tova
Rylander, Sweden
Service, Latvia, Arnoldas
Jurgutis / Klaipeda
 Swedish validationstudy,
University, Lithuania
Eva Ekvall Hansson et al.
 The PEI validation project
in Lithuania and Latvia,
Aelita Skarbaliene, Klaipeda
Primary Health Care Physicians and sick listing decisions in a Swedish context
Peter Hultgren / Linnaeus University, Växjö/Kalmar, Sweden
Results of Happy Audit 2 in Latvia and
Audit Registration in excel format – an easy way to keep an eye on clinical behaviour
Alise Nicmane / Latvian Family Doctors Association, Latvia
Ingvar Ovhed / Blekinge R&D, Sweden
Lithuanian PHC – System, Financing and Development
Arnoldas Jurgutis / Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Coffee Break
Primary Health Care in the Republic of Moldova (trends, issues and solutions),
Alexandru Barbarosie, Constantin Rimis, Moldova
novation Centre at Klaipeda University
Health Research and Innovation
Alona Rauckiene-Michaelsson
Michaelsson / Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Closing session
Buffet Mingle
*All meals during the conference will be covered by the inviting organization Lund University.
Plenary sessions, April 21-22
Development of person centered Primary Health Care – challenges and perspectives in Lithuania
Person centeredness is one of the key characteristics of high quality primary health care organisation and one of
the key competences needed for primary health care professionals. Through continuous relation PHC professionals
cultural and existential dimensions
learn about patients as persons with individual context,
dimensions. Patient centred
y doctors)
consultation skills (applied by family
doctor allow to involve patient in the decision making and find tthe best
solution how to manage his/her problem. There are a number of recent initiatives of WHO EURO dedicated to
strengthen health systems towards a people-centred
focus, so that all people
ple in the community would get adequate,
timely and well coordinated health care.
There will be presented what are main challenges to develop person centred care, what are drivers that lead to
another direction – doctor and disease centeredness,
centeredness fragmentation of services. Examples will be provided from
several European and Central Asia countries with main emphasis on challenges
chal enges and perspectives of per
person centred
primary health care in Lithuania.
Arnoldas Jurgutis, Professor, General Practitioner, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Antibiotic use and resistance – a Global overview
Antibiotic use and prevalence of multi drug resistant bacteria are increasing worldwide, as are morbidity and
mortality of bacterial diseases. In developing countries, many patients do not have access to effective antibiotics.
Simultaneously in some areas there is uncontrolled excess use and at least half of all antibiotics is sold without a
antibiotic era, but a global strategy against resistance is lacking.
prescription. The world is facing a post-antibiotic
ractitioner/ Lund University, Sweden
Sigvard Mölstad Professor, General Practitioner
What’s new in patient enablement?
An update of new research and some of the contextual issues surrounding the study of enablement which are
currently being explored
Prof. Teresa Pawlikowska BSc (Pharmacol) MB BS MSc PhD MRCP DRCOG
Director, RCSI Health Professions Education Centre
Primary Health Care Physicians and sick listing decisions in a Swedish context
Peter Hultgren’s researchhas focused on demarcation practices that defines the line between the obligation to work
and the entitlement to sickness allowance.
allowance In 2008 he presented his licentiate thesis Sick-listing
practices at the
how primary health care physicians
health care centre (In Swedish: Sjukskrivningspraxis på vårdcentralen)on
make sick listing decisions considering unclear health statues and its effect on patients abilities to work. In 2011 he
presented his doctoral thesis The Double Disadvantage: Entitlement to Sickness Allowance and the Moral
Practices of Work Promotion at the Social Insurance Office. The thesis explores demarcation practices,
olicy of work promotion are translated into and made manifest in the case files of
highlighting the ways in which policy
538 rejected cases.
Dr. Peter Hultgren, Linnaeus University, Växjö/Kalmar,
Växjö/Kalmar Sweden
Results of Happy Audit 2 in Latvia and
Audit Registration in excel format – an easy way to keep an eye on clinical behavior
Alise Nicmane, Latvian Family Doctors Association, Latvia
Ingvar Ovhed, MD PhD, Blekinge R&D, Sweden
Lithuanian PHC – System, Financing and Development
Main features of Lithuanian primary health care system will be presented, including main challenges and
opportunities to improve the quality off primary health care services. Financing of primary health care services is
combined capitation fee with fee for service elements and bonuses for good results and is in the process of
continuous improvement. Nevertheless there are a lot of burdens for family doctors due to increasing flow of
patients with NCD, lower accessibility of hospital and specialised care. Rolee of primary health care nurses still is
limited and is one of the key priorities for the development of quality of primary health care services Lithuania.
Lessons learned from the introduced changes in PHC organisation, including introduction of private independent
contractors,, and main trends for further development will be presented.
Arnoldas Jurgutis, Professor, General Practitioner, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Primary Health Care in the Republic of Moldova (trends, issues and solutions)
The National Health Policy, adopted by the Government of Moldova in 2007 defines the Primary Health Care
(PHC) as a basic structure of the health system. Since 2013 in PHC,
PHC the indicators of performance have changed
and financing increased up to 15% of the budget. As a result of the decentralization process, the number of
independent providers has increased,, not only as public but also as private institutions.
institutions. The Ministry of Health
(MoH) has approved more than 200 clinical protocols, including standards
standard for family doctors. They contribute to
the quality of health care and are used in medical audits.
audi . Providers of the PHC are collaborating with the
community especially in the field of children's rights protection. To ensure the access to the health care services
for the population of Chisinau, Youth Friendly Centers and Mental Health Centers are going to be opened.
Alexandru Barbarosie, medical vice director of the Territorial Medical Association of the district Centru,
Dr. Constantin Rimis, deputy chief, Head Department of Health, Chisinau Municipal Council
Health Research and Innovation Centre at Klaipeda University
Michaelsson, Assoc. Professor, Director, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Alona Rauckiene-Michaelsson,
Group sessions, April 21
Session: Antibiotics and Resistance
Sore throat in primary Care
In this session you will hear about the recent research and ongoing projects about sore throat in primary care,
patient tests and the use of antibiotics.
about etiology, use of near-patient
Katarina Hedin, MD PhD, R&D Manager, Unit for Research and development, Kronoberg County Council,
assoc. professor, Lund University, Sweden
The Nasopharynx sample studies
ractitioner, Lund University, Sweden
Sigvard Mölstad Professor, General Practitioner
Julia Strumilo, Bialystok Medical School, University of Bialystok, Poland
Addressing AMR in Klaipeda City
Brigita Kariene, Lithuania
Session: Mixed
Natural experiment in the PHC context
Taking into consideration D. C. Mutz’s (2011) views that carrying out a nationwide survey the best thing to do is
to select the natural experiment strategy, the argumentation of G. D. Friedman (1980), M. R. Rosenzweig and
K. I. Wolpin (2000), J. DiNardo (2008), and Th. Dunning (2012) that natural experiment is one of the most
effective tools for investigating complex social phenomena in the fields of medical and health sciences, (3) the
statement of E. A. De Rooij, D. P. Green and A. S. Gerber (2009), S. D. Hyde (2010), A. S. Gerber, et al. (2011)
that in recent years natural experiments are gaining strong popularity, especially in the research of monitoring
relationships and behaviour, as well as taking into consideration (4) the
he fact that natural experiment gives
opportunity to determine the composition of the causal factors of the phenomenon, it was decided to bring the
presentation how natural experiment could be used in the PHC context.
t, lecturer, Klaipėda University; Deputy director, National Blood Center
Dr. Aelita Skarbalienė, Research scientist,
Klaipėda Branch
Physician Scale in PHC patients: a pilot study in north-east
Use of the Trust in Patient-Physician
north east Poland.
Ludmila Marcinowicz, Bialystok University, Poland
Vertigo and dizziness among patients in primary health care
Vertigo and dizziness are common symptoms causing distress both for the patient as well as for the GP. The
seminar will focus on vertigo and dizziness in primary health care; what are the common causes and ho
how are these
Eva Ekvall Hansson, assoc. professor in physiotherapy,
physiotherapy Lund University, Sweden
Session: OA
Osteoarthritis at the primary health care level
The prevalence of OA is expected to rapidly increase in our steadily ageing, inactive and increasingly obese
population. The seminar will focus on non-surgical,
non surgical, evidence based treatment options for OA.
om the physiotherapy-programme
at Lund University.
Anne Sundén, physiotherapist, PhD from
versity. Anne did her PhD on
Karin Åkesson, physiotherapist, PhD-student
student from Lund University and primary health care in Lund. Karin is
currently doing PhD-studies on OA and patient education for OA
for rheumatic diseases
Susanne Bengtsson from the Swedish patient association
Evidence Based Practice – What it is and How to do it
An interactive group session
Ulf Eriksson, MD, GP, EBM facilitator, Blekinge Center of Competence, Sweden
Group Work sessions, April 22
Professional nursing image survey in Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Sweden:
A study proposal
Ludmila Marcinowicz, Bialystok University, Poland
Systematic review.
Trust, communication and consultation in PHC
Teresa Pawlikowska, Ulf Eriksson
PEI, Patient centeredness and validation
“What are we really measuring?”
Tova Rylander, MD, General Practitioner, Växjö, Sweden
The Swedish validation study
Eva Ekvall Hansson, MattiasRööst, Cecilia Fagerström, Andrzej Zielinski, Sweden
The PEI validation project in Lithuania and Latvia
Dr. Aelita Skarbaliene, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Avoidable hospitalization study
The future of the INNO health project
Inga Rubana, National Health Service, Latvia,
Arnoldas Jurgutis, Klaipeda University, Lithuania
Conference will be held in Klaipeda University campus (H. Manto str. 84, Klaipeda). Firs part of each conference
day will take place in Aula Hall (building with the clock) and after lunch Parallel sessions (04.21) and work
groups sessions (04.22) will take place in Faculty of Health Sciences building room 117 and room 118.
Klaipeda University Campus
Aula Hall
Faculty of Health Sciences
Hotel Navalis
H. Mantas str. 23,
Klaipeda, Lithuania
Tel: +370 404 200,
Fax: +370 404 202
28 rooms in Hotel Navalis were pre-booked
participants for 3 nights (20-23 April).. Accommodation
is financed by Lund University and includes a single
leasecomplete attached
room, WiFi and breakfast.Pleasecomplete
booking form and send it back not later than March
18th2016. Contact details are indicated in the booking
form. After this date, participants will have to arrange
accommodation individually.
Hotel Navalis is located 850 m away from Klaipeda
University (walking 10 minutes) and 1 km away from
Old Town.
All travel and accommodation is funded by the SI grant for this collaboration. Please find your suggested
itinerary yourself (flight nr, dates, time, connection) and e-mail it to Kerstin Troein ([email protected]
[email protected])
by Monday, March 14. NB: If you did not participate in any of the earlier meetings organized by Lund
University, Kerstin also needs a copy of your passport.
The closest airports: Palanga International Airport is situated 25 km away from Klaipeda City. Kaunas Airport is
210 km away from Klaipeda. Vilnius Airport is 330 km away from Klaipeda
Local travel from the airport in Klaipeda can be booked by the hotel, please point it in Hotel booking form.
Kaipėda University – is a multidisciplinary national and Baltic Sea Region research and studies leader, promoter of
cultural heritage, and lifelong learning centre integrated in international academic networks.
Klaipėda University was established on January 1, 1991
1991 with three faculties, but it will celebrate the 25th anniversary
with six faculties: the Humanities, Marine and Natural Sciences, the Arts, Pedagogy, Social Sciences, and Health Sciences; it
also has a study institute (Continuing Studies Institute) and a research institute (Institute of Baltic Sea Region History and
cycle study programs providing the student with research-based
There are 120 three-cycle
research based modern knowledge and
technological based on higher university education level and higher education
education qualification, develops fully educated,
responsible, creative and entrepreneurial personality.
A base created for on-going
going fundamental, applied research and experimental development activities in physical,
biomedical, technology, social sciences and humanities to carry out has more than 60 laboratories, a botanical garden,
research and training schooner Brabander. Klaipėda University implements Integrated
research vessel Mintis and scientific-research
Science, Studies and Business Center - Marine Valley – program
ram for Lithuanian maritime sector development. The
University aims to be the leader in marine science and technology.
Art is an integral part of the scientific activities of the university. Klaipėda University, cultural and artistic
development priorities are focused on the Klaipėda Region and Lithuania Minor culture storage: Lithuania Minor historical,
linguistic, confessional, ethnic and musical heritage, Lithuania Minor and Klaipėda Region musical culture history and study
tive studies of music in the Baltic Region.
of the present events, comparative
The University annually carries over 60 international and national research projects, has the scientific and academic
partners in Europe and elsewhere in the world, and is also involved in a dozen international funds,
funds, programs and network
Assoc. prof. Alona Rauckienė –Michaelsson,
Director of Health Research and Innovation
Science Center
Tel. No. +370 46 398 578
[email protected]
Prof. Arnoldas Jurgutis, PhD
Head of Public Health Department
Tel. No +370 46 398 560
[email protected]
Aelita Skarbaliene, PhD
Research scientist of Health Research and Innovation Science Center
[email protected]
Eva Lena Strandberg
Strandberg, PhD
Project manager
The Baltic Sea Region Primary Health
Care Research Network
Lund University,
Dept of clinical sciences Malmö, Family
[email protected]
[email protected]
Kristina Lekutienė
Administrator of Health Research and Innovation Science Center
Tel. No. +370 46 398 588
[email protected]
The Baltic Sea Region Primary Health Care Research Network
H. Manto str. 84, Klaipeda, Lithuania
Tel. No.(8 46) 39 89 08, fax. (8 46) 39 89 99, [email protected]