Brahman Influence Female - South Texas Cattle Marketing


Brahman Influence Female - South Texas Cattle Marketing
South Texas Cattle Marketing
“Brahman Influence Female and All Breed Bull Sale”
Saturday • November 21, 2015 • 12:00 noon
Nixon Livestock
(3 miles east of Nixon on Hwy. 87)
750 Head of Replacement Females
225 - 1st Calf Heifer Pairs mostly Brangus and Brangus Baldy with a few F-1 and Brahman pairs.
90 - Three and Four year old F-1 & Brangus cows with 40 calves by Angus bulls by sale day.
250 - Brangus and Brangus Baldy heifers, 4-8 mos. bred to low birth weight Angus bulls & sorted into small
uniform groups.
50 - True F1 1st. calf Tiger Stripe heifers medium
and long bred to Angus bulls.
20 - 1st calf grey Brahman heifers medium to long
bred to horned Hereford bulls.
40 - Young Brangus and Braford South Texas cows
medium and long bred to Brangus and Hereford bulls.
120 - F-1 Tigerstripe, Brangus and Brangus Baldy heifers, wt. 600-800 lbs. sorted into small groups.
Visit our website after Nov. 1st for more information,
consignment detail and photos of all consignments.
40 Bulls - Angus, Brangus and Hereford bulls.
Many of these 2 ½ year old Angus bulls were on our heifers last
year Fall-Spring with a 92% conception rate overall. Bulls like
these are almost impossible to find. All bulls will be fertility and
trich tested but most importantly they have been range tested.
For more information contact:
South Texas Cattle Marketing
Sale Sponsored by
Lyssy & Eckel Feeds
Lew Thompson,Marketing Director
(830) 334-8227 (O) • (830) 965-3058 (M) • email: [email protected]