Software History
Software History
O. Widder. (2013). geek&poke. Available:! h(p:// So3ware History Hans-‐Pe(er Halvorsen, M.Sc. 1 Quotes • Det finnes absolu. ingen grunn for en privatperson å ha en datamaskin hjemme. Ken Olson, Administrerende direktør i Digital Equipment CorporaNon, i 1977. • Jeg kan se for meg et totalt verdensmarked for kanskje fem datamaskiner. Styreformann i IBM, Thomas Watson, i 1943. • Forretningsfolk vil ikke like den fordi den ikke har et keyboard. Noe som gjør den dårlig Al å sende e-‐post med. Steve Ballmer, sjef i Microso3, om iPhone da den ble lansert. • Abonnementsmodellen for musikk er konkurs. Steve Jobs, i 2003. • Ingen vil noensinne trenge mer enn 637kb minne i en datamaskin. Bill Gates i 1981. • Det finnes egentlig ikke så mange videoer det er verdt å se. Steve Chen, oppfinner av Youtube (muligens har han re(, sånn egentlig...) • ... men, hva skal vi bruke det Al? IBM-‐sjef Robert Lloyd, om mikroprossessorer i 1968. • Det potensielle markedet for kopimaskiner er 5000, maksimalt. IBM Nl det som ble grunnleggerne av Xerox i 1959. The beginning...! IBM! 1911! The Transistor! 1947! Moore’s Law! 1965! HP! 1939! The first Computer! ????! Intel!1968! The fist commercial Microprocessor! (intel 4004)! 1971! Internet! 3! The beginning Who´s Who – The Software Industry! So3ware Companies • MicrosoN (1975), Bill Gates, Paul Allen – MS DOS (1981), Office, Windows (1985), … – Employees (2012): 94.000, Revenue (2012): $74 bill. • Apple (So3ware and Hardware) (1976), Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak – Machintosh (1984), iPhone (1097), iPad (2012), iOS – Employees (2012): 72.800, Revenue (2012): $158 bill. • Google (1986), Larry Page, Sergey Brin • Facebook (2004), Mark Suckerberg – More than 1 bill. users 1975 7! a Computer Software Comany! Founded by Bill Gates + Paul Allen! Employees (2012): 94.000! Revenue (2012): $74 billion! 1975! Bill Gates! 8! 1976 9! Apple The beginning! April 1,1976! Steve Jobs! Steve Wozniak! 10! 1977 11! Apple I 1977! Just a circuit board with 60+ chips! 200 units sold! New price: $666.66! Today: $640 000! The customers needed to provide a case, power supply, keyboard, monitor, etc. by themselves! 12! Today: Raspberry Pi Apple I! New price: $666.66! Very similiar with todays! Rapberry Pi :-)! 13! Raspberry Pi! $25-$35! Apple II 1977! The first successful mass-produced microcomputer product! 6 million units sold between 1977-93! 14! 1981 15! PC DOS/MS DOS Microsoft + IBM PC! Bill Gates! 16! 1981! 1983 17! John Scully President of Pepsi Cola 1967-83! CEO Apple Inc. 1983-1993! 1987! Known as the man! who "fired" Steve Jobs! “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?"! Steve Jobs! 1983! 18! 1984 19! Macintosh 1984! • Graphical User Interface with a Mouse! • Microsoft Office! • Mcintosh -> Apple sort! • 1979-1984! $1,995! Release video! 20! 1984 Ad.! 1985 21! Windows 1.0 1985! • Bill Gates! • Was working closely with Apple at the time :-)! 22! NeXT Steve Jobs! "fired" from Apple and founded NeXT! 1985! 23! 1986 24! LabVIEW 1.0 (Machintosh) LabVIEW for Windows was first released in 1992!! 25! 1986! 1990 26! Windows 3.0 27! 1990! 1991 28! World Wide Web! 29! 1991! 1994 30! Web Browser! 1994! 31! 1995 32! Windows 95 Internet Explorer 1.0! 33! 1995! 1986! Steve Jobs head founder and investor, also co-founder of Apple Inc.! 1995! Toy Story was the first feature length computer animated film and the first film produced by Pixar.! Pixar was sold to Disney for $7.4 billion, a transaction which made Steve Jobs Disney's largest shareholder.! Directed by John Lasseter! 34! 1996 35! Steve Jobs is back (in black) NeXT was sold to Apple for $429 million +1.5 million Apple shares! The NeXT OS should be the foundation for a new version of the Mac OS! 1996! 36! Summary so far 1985! Steve Jobs! "fired"! NeXT! Apple I! Apple II! Macintosh! 1985! 1977! 1977! MS DOS! 1984! Windows 3! 1981! Windows! 1990! 1985! Windows 95! Apple! 1976! 37! ?! Steve Jobs! is back! 1996-97! 1997 38! iMac Bondi Blue! 1997! 39! 1998 40! Sergey Brin! Larry Page! 41! 1998! 2001 42! iPod 2001! 43! iPod 2012 iPod Touch! iOS! - based on OS X! 44! OS X (This is an image of ! OS X Mountain Lion from 2012)! Based on the software from NeXT (NeXTSTEP)! 2001! UNIX based! 45! OS X! Mac OS X 10.1 Cheetha! 2001! Mac OS X 10.2 Puma! Mac OS X 10.3 Jaguar! Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger! Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard! Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard! Mac OS X 10.7 Lion! Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion! 2012! 46! 2004 47! Social Networking!! Note!! Mark Suckerberg! 48! 2004! 2007 49! 2007! iPhone Release video! (The image is of iPhone 4! released in 2012)! iOS - based on OS X! ~50 million in Q4 2012! 50! 2008 51! App Store 2013.04.25: 45 billion downloads! 52! 2008! • Android 1.5 Cupcake (2009)! • Android 1.6 Donut (2009)! • Android 2.0 Eclair (2010)! • Android 2.2 Froyo (2010)! • Android 2.3 Gingerbread (2010)! • Android 3.1 Honeycomb (2011)! • Android 4.1 Ice Cream Sandwich (2011)! • Android 4.2 Jelly Bean (2012)! Eric Schmidt, CEO Google! Board member at Apple Inc. :-)! (Today: Chairman at Google)! 53! 2008! 1.5! 1.6! Cupcake! Donut! 2.2! 2.0! 2.3! Froyo! Gingerbread! Eclair! 4.2! 3.1! Honeycomb! 4.1! Ice Cream Sandwich! 54! Jelly Bean! 2010 55! iPad iOS - based on OS X! 56! 2010! 2011 57! 2011 58! 2012 59! iMac 2012 • 27"! • 5mm thick! • Wireless Keyboard & Mouse! 60! Mac 2012 MacBook Air! Mac Pro! MacBook Pro! iMac! Mac Mini! 61! 2014-‐… Whats next?! TV revolution?! Wearable computing?! 62! References • Wikipedia. Availible: • O. Widder. (2013). geek&poke. Available: h(p://geek-‐and-‐ • B. Lund. (2013). Lunch. Available: h(p://, h(p:// • S. Adams. Dilbert. Available: h(p:// 63! Hans-‐ Halvorsen, M.Sc. Telemark University College Faculty of Technology Department of Electrical Engineering, InformaAon Technology and CyberneAcs E-‐mail: [email protected] Blog: h.p:// 64!
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