The Lander Leopard News


The Lander Leopard News
The Lander Leopard News
February 2014
Volume 2, Issue 5
Relay for Life
By Jaiden Varanese
If you were wondering what Relay for Life is, it is an all-night event to
raise money for The American Cancer Society. You can form a team or
join an existing one to help raise money to win the fight against cancer.
You can do Relay for Life with your family and friends. You and your
family don’t even have to be part of a team; you can also just come
and have fun. There are all different kinds of contests, games, activities,
prizes and even a DJ. Our theme this year is super heroes, so you’ll
never know who will show up! The local Police Departments are also
joining us this year and will have fun activities. I will be bringing you an
update on May 14 with more information on Relay for Life. Hope to see
you June 14 at Mayfield High School stadium.
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Mystery Students
By Delaney Lancry
Has brown hair
Wears glasses
4th grade
Has brown hair
Mystery Teachers
Wears glasses
Has dirty blond hair
Has 2 daughters
Has 2 kids
Short brown hair
Jump Rope for Heart:
An Interview with Mr. Lanese
By Madison Bean
Me: Hi
Mr. Lanese: Hello
Me: So, what is Jump Rope for Heart?
Mr. Lanese: It is a community learning
project that contains three main things,
1. to get exercise 2. raise awareness for heart
disease and 3. raise money for the American
Heart Association.
Me: Why did you decide to do this program at Lander?
Mr. Lanese: I did this program with my mentor teacher when I
was a student teacher and I saw how much fun the kids had
with it.
Me: Do you enjoy Jump Rope for Heart?
Mr. Lanese: Yes, it is great to see so many students exercising
and raising so much money for this great association.
Me: When is the money due?
Mr. Lanese: It is due February 21, but
the American Heart Association will take
any donations up until March.
Me: Thank you for your time.
Mr. Lanese: You’re welcome.
did you
do on a snow day?
Interview with Mrs. Winfield
Reporter, Lindsey Urban
Mrs.Stepanek- Laundry, read, and cleaned
out her closet.
Camryn- She went to the movies, sat at
home, and had a party.
Shauntez-Went to his grandma’s house
and watched TV.
Sydney- Stayed in pjs and watched Netflix.
Catherine- Relaxed.
Spencer- Played video games.
Maija- Went to her grandma’s house and
watched babies.
Laine- Went outside.
Brynn- Made a movie with
her friends.
Cidney- Got her hair done and
went over her friend’s house.
Josh- Played video games.
Me: How are you?
Mrs. Winfield: I’m good, thank you.
Me: How was your Valentine’s Day?
Mrs. Winfield: It was wonderful.
Me: What is your favorite part of
Valentine’s Day?
Mrs. Winfield: Every Valentine’s Day
Mr. Winfield brings me a dozen yellow roses.
Me: What did you do for Valentine’s Day this year?
Mrs. Winfield: I love to bake so I made a special desert and
watched the Olympics.
Me: Did you enjoy the Valentine’s Day party at
Mrs. Winfield: It was very fun.
Me: What do you love most about your
Mrs. Winfield: I love how they’re all different
and they’re all growing.
Me: Thank you.
Mrs. Winfield: You’re welcome.
By Julietta Puletti
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PTG Interview with Mrs. Blanchard
By Riley Anderson and Kelsey Blanchard
Riley: What will be the next event for the school?
Mrs. Blanchard: The ice skating party on Feb. 21
Kelsey: How was Kalahari?
Mrs. Blanchard: A lot of fun and very wet
Riley: Do you think they will do the yoga night since they postponed it?
Mrs. Blanchard: No we are not allowed to do it at Lander
Kelsey: What was your favorite part about Kalahari?
Mrs. Blanchard: The zip coaster
Riley: When will the next fundraiser take place?
Mrs. Blanchard: It starts on Feb. 25
Kelsey: What is your favorite part about being in PTG?
Mrs. Blanchard: Doing activities with my daughter
Riley: What is the theme for the spring fun night?
Mrs. Blanchard: Pizza bingo
Kelsey: What are the main prizes for the fundraiser?
Mrs. Blanchard: The limo ride and the money wheel
Riley: Why do you think the limo ride and money wheel had the
most votes?
Mrs. Blanchard: Because the limo ride gets you out of school and
everyone loves money.
Riley and Kelsey: Thank you
Mrs. Blanchard: You’re welcome
Riley and Kelsey: Have a nice day
Mrs. Blanchard: You too
Kindness Kids
An update by Mrs. Schmidt
We would like to celebrate the following students who were recognized for being kind here at
Jordan Ahmed, Christine Rocco, Nick Januszewski, Anthony Willrich, Jillian Sarris, Aaron Wei,
Hayyam Salem, Frankie Menta, Sofia Bonarrigo, Mailq Hicks, Eryka Stafford, Myles Castleberry,
Michael DeVincentis, Luis DelaRosa Vasquez, Maddie Bean, Jack Zaslov, Veronica Mui, Vinnie
D'Alessandro, Corinne Schreiber, Kayden Coffey, Olivia Tagg, Amari Monday, and Octavia
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Interview with Taylor Sabbagh about being a new student at Lander!
By: McCartney Puhalla
Me: Hi
Taylor: Hello
Me: What school did you go to before Lander?
Taylor: The two schools I went to were Saint Greg’s and Saint Francis.
Me: What are some of the differences between Lander and your old school?
Taylor: Saint Francis had a lot less kids and only one classroom per grade. The kids at Lander
are a lot nicer, and Lander is more fun and is better than my old school.
Me: How did you feel about switching
schools in the middle of the school year?
An Interview with Mrs.Klein
By Kaylie Cornelius
1. Q what did you do on New Year’s?
Taylor: I was very nervous but I was also
A. Went to brunch with family and watched football.
excited because when I walked into each 2. Q Do you like New Year’s?
classroom everyone seemed very nice.
A. I like it /yes.
3. Q Have you ever seen the ball drop live?
Me: What do you like about Lander?
A. No but would love to maybe.
4. Q Do you know anybody who celebrates Chinese New
Taylor: I like everything because things are Year’s?
A. No!
less complicated than Saint Francis.
5. Do you have or have you put up any decorations?
A. If party, yes.
Me: How does it feel not having to wear
6. Did you achieve your New Year’s resolution last year?
school uniforms to school?
A. Yes!
Taylor: It feels different because I get to be 7. Where do you celebrate New Year’s?
A. Eve-restaurant/day-aunt’s house.
myself instead of having to wear a
8. Who do you celebrate with?
uniform that doesn’t express who I am.
A. Mr.Klein, brother, and sister-in-law.
9. What do you eat on New Year’s?
Me: Ok, thank you.
A. Lots of appetizers.
10. Birthday: August 18th
Taylor: You’re welcome.
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Valentine’s Day Parties
By Myah Goodman
Valentine Gifts
By Alvin Cai
I went around to different classes
and asked them what they were
doing for the Valentine’s Day party
and here is what they said.
Mrs. Jacobson: Celebrating the
100th day of school
Have you ever had a problem choosing out a gift for your loved
one? Well it’s not as hard as you think. You don’t need to buy
anything or spend money for a gift. All you need to do is just make
a gift with simple household objects, or just a simple hug is fine. As
long as it comes from the bottom of your heart it’s great. If you do
want to buy a gift for a loved one, here are some things you can
get. You can get them chocolates or maybe some flowers (roses
will be great). Also maybe you can buy them some candles or a
key chain, and if you want something for a guy then buy him a tie,
a new wallet, or even watch. Next, if you want a homemade gift,
then make them a valentine’s card or an eggling. An eggling is an
egg shell with a little garden inside, so you can give your loved
one a little plant surprise. Finally, probably the best gift there is is to
just hang out with your loved one. Just sit on the couch and watch
TV. I hope this has helped you out, and have a wonderful
Valentine’s Day.
Check out more Valentine’s Day gifts on this website:
Mr. Kuenzel: Hand out Valentine
cards and then look at them
Mrs. Macauda: Games and
decorating cookies
Mrs. Staley: Opening Valentines
and decorating cookies
Mrs. Bolke: Decorating sugar
cookies and games
Well, it seems like all of these
classes had so much fun at their
Valentine’s Sweets
By Maia Langan
1. Box of chocolates
2. Candy hearts
3. Heart gummies
4. Red, white, and pink candy corn
5. Pink and red jelly beans
6. Candy bouquet
7. Reese’s
8. Heart cake pops
9. Pink, red, and white M&Ms
10. Heart shaped cookies
11. Heart shaped peeps (marshmallow)
12. Chocolate covered pretzels
13. Lollie pops
Valentines Day?
By Samantha Walters
Camryn~ Yes
Miss Newman~Yes
Mrs. D~Yes
Haley~ Yes
Maia~ Yes
Mr. Legan~Yes
Krystal~ No
Kathy ~ No
Mr.S~ No
Grace ~ No
6 out of 10 said Yes
4 out of 10 said No
Or do you just like the candy? : )
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How To Spend Valentine's Day with Your Dog
By Gianna Balog
People get excited about Valentine's Day but let's not forget about our furry friends!
You know you can't give your dog a box of chocolates but you can still give your dog a sweet
treat. There are a lot of treats out there for your dog; Biscuits, toys, and bones.
Pet stores even have special Valentine treats and toys for your dog. So don't forget about
your furry valentine this year. I know I won't! And don't forget to tell your dog "I woof you!"
The Legend of Valentine
By Katie DeMello
Many in the United States just celebrated Valentine’s Day, but did you know the reason for
The holiday? St. Valentine was a priest who lived in Rome during the early years of the
Christians. He was put in jail for performing weddings for soldiers who were not allowed
to be married. He was also in trouble for helping Christians, who were the enemies of the
Romans. While he was in prison, he healed the blind daughter of the man in charge of the
jail. On the night before he was to be put to death, he wrote a letter to that woman and
signed it “Your Valentine”. This was to become the very first Valentine ever!
Another part of the legend of Valentine is that he cut out hearts from parchment paper to
give to the couples he married, as well as to the Christians he helped. This is where the
tradition of hearts and Valentine’s day comes from. So even if you don’t have a special
someone in your life on Valentine’s day, you can still celebrate those you love in the tradition of the kind hearted
St. Valentine!
Who were you with on Valentine’s Day?
By Haley Lackner
This year I interviewed teachers on who these teachers were with on this special holiday!
Let’s see who they were with on Valentine’s Day!
Mr.Skupniewicz- “I spent my Valentine’s Day with my son and we went to monster jam!”
Officer Bandelow- “I spent my Valentine’s day with my wife.”
Mrs. D’Alessandro- “I spent my Valentine’s day with my wonderful husband.”
Mrs. Stretch- “I spent it with my children.”
Mrs. Dugal- “I spent my Valentine’s day with my lovely students, my wonderful husband, and my wonderful
Mrs. Jacobson- ‘I spent my Valentine’s day with my family.”
These teachers all spent their Valentine’s Day with their lovely family members and loved ones. When I interviewed
these teachers, they sounded like they had a fun time on this holiday. The teachers were great and were really kind!
Have a nice rest of February!
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A Sneak Peek at Winter Olympians
Editor-in-Chief, Molly Xiao
The first mind-blowing winter Olympian is a snowboard cross
athlete. He is on the U.S. Olympics team. His name is…
Trevor Jacob! He’s been dedicating his life to this sport for the
past 2 decades of his life. He is 20 years old and the youngest
snowboard cross athlete on the U.S. snowboard cross team.
The next brave Winter Olympian is an ice skater. The one and only, Kim Yuna from
South Korea will stop at nothing to get her hands on the gold medal this year.
And as you all know, the biggest and best snowboarder in history, Shaun White will
also be competing in the Winter Olympics this year. But sadly, this 2-time gold
medalist dropped out of this year’s men’s snowboarding slope style event in worries
that he will injure himself and not be able to compete in the half pipe event.
The last but not least winter Olympian is a skier. Her name is Jessica Jerome. She,
Lindsey Van, and Sarah Hendrickson are the 3 female U.S. skiers competing in the
Winter Olympics this year.
These are only a few of the many, many, many winter Olympians competing this
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2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi
10 Amazing Facts
Reporter, Marco Ochoa
1. Sochi games has broken the record for most expensive Olympics
in history
2. BMW built the USA team Bobsled
3. The building that was built is for the opening and closing events
4. There are 3 mascots for the Olympics and they are… the polar
bear, the hare, and the leopard
5. There are 12 winter sport events
6. The Winter Olympics are held from February 7-23 in Sochi, Russia
7. Sochi is the warmest city to ever host the Winter Games
8. There are 2 mascots for the Paralympics and they are … the
Snowflake and the Ray of Light
9. The Sochi torch relay is the longest of the history of the Olympics
10. The Olympic games are held in 2 locations
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Very Yummy!!!!
By Alexis Ochi
Trefoils! Samoas! Thin mints! Thank You Berry Munch! Dulche-Duleche!
Tagalongs! Savana Smiles! Dosi-does!
It’s that time again! It’s Girl Scout Cookie season! Have you stocked up on
your favorite cookies yet? Well it’s not too late to order some!
Do you have trouble finding cookie booths by you? Well, there’s an app for that!
Download the Cookie Locator app on your phone and it will tell you cookie booths near you.
The favorite cookie is the thin mint followed by the samoa. After that is the tagalong! I <3 Girl
Scout cookies!!!!!!!!
Snow Facts
Reporter, Emily Warsheskie
Hi, my name is Emily and I am here to tell you all about the snow. One thing
you need to know is that the largest snowfall was in the winter of 2004. It
snowed 117.9 inches! But, the least amount of snow that we got was in 1957
and it was 31.1 inches! Wow, on October 2, 1974 and October 2, 2003 was
the earliest snowfall of any year. Can you believe that snow weighs about
7 pounds per cubic feet? An average snowflake weighs about .02 grams.
Snow is actually not white. It is clear and colorless. It appears white
because the light bounces off the snow crystals.
Can you believe that all snowflakes have 6 sides? Snow is actually a form of precipitation.
It actually has to be below 32 degrees for it to snow. Finally, each snowflake is made up of 200
ice crystals.
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The History of President’s Day
Reporter, Natania Pollard
Originally established in 1885 in recognition of President George Washington, it
is still called “Washington’s Birthday” by the federal government. Traditionally
celebrated on the third Monday in February, Washington’s actual day of birth,
the holiday became popularly known as President’s Day.
What do you think of these weather changes?
Reporter, Camryn Brown
Mrs. Suchy: It’s winter; living in northeast Ohio we should expect this weather.
Brynn: umm……it stinks. I wish summer would come.
Marcelo : It’s rad cause sometimes we don’t have school so I can chill at my house.
Cidney: it’s been crazy.
Sydney: I don’t like it at all.
Haley: It’s crazy and confusing.
Katie E: I do not like it because I’m stuck inside and I hate cold.
Marissa: It’s confusing, like the snow storm breaks that we have.
Famous Birthdays
Reporter, Kaylie Cornelius
Birthdays are mostly fun for everyone. Famous people’s birthdays may be the same
as your birthday from January – December. Here are some famous people’s
Rayan Lopez, Jan. 6, 1996, Cody Simpson, Jan. 11, 1997, and Zayn Malik, Jan 12, 1993.
Harry Styles, Feb. 1, 1994, Davis Cleveland, Feb. 5, 2002, Taylor Lautner, Feb. 11, 1992.
Justin Bieber, Mar. 1, 1994, Sterling Knight, Mar. 5, 1989, Albert Einstein, Mar. 14, 1879.
Leigh-Allyn Baker, Apr. 3, 1972, Austin Mahone, Apr. 4, 1996, Peyton Roi List, Apr. 6, 1998.
Noah Munck, May 3, 1996, Adele, May 5, 1988, Robert Pattinson, May 13, 1986. Elizabeth Reaser, June 15, 1975, Max
Schneider, June 21, 1992, Drake Bell, June 27, 1986.
Raini Rodriguez, Jul. 1, 1993, Jason Dolley, Jul. 5, 1996, Jaden Smith, Jul. 8, 1998. Barack Obama, Aug. 4, 1961, Cole &
Dylan Sprouse, Aug. 4, 1992, Olivia Holt, Aug. 5, 1997. Zendaya Coleman, Sept. 1, 1996, Beyonce Knowles, Sept. 4, 1981,
Pink Sept. 8, 1979. Roshon Fegan, Oct. 6, 1991, Bella Thorne,
Oct. 8, 1997, Bruno Mars, Oct. 8, 1985, Kendall Schmitt, Nov. 2, 1990, Mackenzie Foy,
Nov. 10, 2000, Josh Peck, Nov. 10, 1986. Jake T. Austin, Dec. 3, 1994, Ross Lynch,
Dec. 29, 1995, LeBron James, Dec. 30, 1984.
I hope you learned something because I did.
Here’s a question: “Who were the oldest and the youngest people I listed?”
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Check out February’s
featured cartoonists:
Can’t get enough LLN cartoons?
Then check out more here on our
website: More LLN Cartoons
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Heart Hunt
Can you find all of the hearts hidden in this month’s newspaper?
LLN Puzzles & Games
This month Director of Puzzles & Contests, Jimmy Shaw has collected a St.
Patrick’s Day word search, a Valentine’s Day maze, and a connect -thedots puzzle for you to enjoy!
Director of Puzzles
& Contests,
Jimmy Shaw
Coloring Contests
For the month of February, Jimmy has hand-picked a heart character for
grades 3-5 to color and a Valentine bear for grades K-2. Turn in your
completed coloring contest entries to the LLN mailbox in room 24 no
later than Monday, March 10th. The LLN staff will review all submitted
entries and will select two to be published in next month’s newspaper!
Submit your best artwork and good luck. 
Congratulations to our January coloring contest winners:
K-2 Winner: Allison Spencer
3-5 Winner: Kaylie Cornelius (congratulations on being selected a second time!)
They received the most votes from our LLN staff for their neatness and
use of color. They each won their own copy of this month’s LLN!
Thank you to everyone who
submitted a picture! We hope you
will participate in this month’s
coloring contest.
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Our 5th grade LLN Staff:
Reporters: Madison Bean, Camryn Brown, Alvin Cai, Marissa D’alessandro, Kathy Du, Katie
Eippert, Myah Goodman, Seth Jones, Haley Lackner, Paige Lamson, Delaney Lancry, Maia
Langan, Brynn Lorkovich, Alexis Ochi, Marco Ochoa, Natania Pollard, McCartney Puhalla,
Julietta Puletti, Grace Rocco, Shrinidhi Shah, Shane Trivisonno, Jaiden Varanese, Katie Voronkin,
and Samantha Walters.
Cartoonists: Josh Davidson, Brynn Gillen, and Krystal Tatum.
Director of Surveys: Logan Ferritto
Director of Puzzles & Contests: Jimmy Shaw
Editor-in-Chief: Molly Xiao
Our 4th grade LLN Staff:
Reporters: Riley Anderson, Gia Arnold, Gianna Balog, Kelsey Blanchard, Kaylie Cornelius, Katie
Demello, Cassidy Feng, Wynter Gant, Samantha Konecek, Megan Linsky, Iulia Marginean,
Wale Onamusi, Laney Sipos, Ryan Turek, Lindsey Urban, Lexie Warren, and Emily Warsheskie.
Cartoonists: Allie Collette, Joey Dilella, Kimberly Faithbell, Madison Ferrell, Emily Folliett, Ayden
Freeman, Steven Ribovich, Camila Sardo-Longo, Gino Tierney, Gia Varanese, and Tommy
Next month in LLN:
Look for our March 2014 edition of
LLN next month!
Grades 3-5 LLN February Coloring Contest
Due Date: March 10th
Please write your name and teacher on the back
Grades K-2 LLN February Coloring Contest
Due Date: March 10th
Please write your name and teacher on the back