Kleshchev Algebra Student Solution Manual James Wilson 1
Kleshchev Algebra Student Solution Manual James Wilson 1
Kleshchev Algebra Student Solution Manual Chapter 1 through 5 James Wilson 1 Groups • Sylow Theorems • Simple Groups • Chain Conditions 2 Fields • Galois Theory • Finite Fields • Transcendental Extensions 3 Modules • Over PIDs • Semi-simplicity • Algebras 4 Categories • Commutative Diagrams • Naturality • Category Equivalence 5 Commutative Algebra • Localization/Extensions • Radicals • Algebraic Geometry Published: December 3, 2003 c 2002-2003. James Wilson, University of Oregon. Department of Mathematics 1222 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 97403-1222 [email protected] www.uoregon.edu/ jwilson7/ Written with LATEX 2ε . Please Recycle when finished. This is the product of a graduate level algebra course taken at the University of Oregon, 2002-2003, under the instruction of Alexander Kleshchev. The solutions are mostly the work of the author, James Wilson, while the exercises were developed by Kleshchev. Many exercises appear in common texts, such as Hungerford’s Algebra and Rotman’s Advanced Modern Algebra. I developed the solutions as a preparation for the Ph.D. qualifying exams. With the exception of some parts of chapter 2, most of the solutions have been proof read to some degree. However, mistakes are bound to exist still. My hope is that these may help others with many of the common problems encountered when preparing for qualifying exams. Having passed the exams, my advice in using these notes is to do each problem yourself. I welcome any comments and corrections you may have. I would also like to thank Professor Kleshchev, David Hill, Alex Jordan, and Dragos Neacsu for their advice on certain solutions. Contents 1 Groups 5 2 Fields 35 3 Modules 65 4 Categories 125 5 Rings 127 3 4 CONTENTS Chapter 1 Groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 T/F Cyclic Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . Transitive Embedding . . . . . . . Probability of Commutativity . . . Infinite Groups . . . . . . . . . . . Frattini Subgroup . . . . . . . . . . T/F Cyclic Automorphisms . . . . . . . Maximal p-subgroups . . . . . . . . Minimal p-quotients . . . . . . . . T/F Nilpotent Subgroups . . . . . . . . Classification of “Local” Groups . p-subgroup Chains . . . . . . . . . T/F Counting Involutions . . . . . . . . Nilpotent Extensions . . . . . . . . T/F Normal Transitivity . . . . . . . . Examples of the Parallelogram Law The Complex Subgroup . . . . . . Parallelogram Law . . . . . . . . . HK-subgroup . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Hamiltonian Groups . . . . . . . . Center of Sn . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parallelogram Example . . . . . . . Q subgroups . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finite Index Intersections . . . . . Unions of Conjugation . . . . . . . Unions of Conjugation . . . . . . . Conjugacy Classes and Generators GLn (Fq ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Conjugate Cluster . . . . . . . . . 3 Sylow-2-subgroups . . . . . . . . Infinite Simple Groups . . . . . . . Simple Groups of order 120 . . . . Simple Groups of order 24 72 . . . . Simple Groups of order 150 . . . . Simple Groups of order 80. . . . . D8 Representation . . . . . . . . . Trivial Relations . . . . . . . . . . 2 Conjugacy Classes . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 CHAPTER 1. GROUPS 6 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 T/F S4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Transitive Subgroups of S5 . . . . . . T/F pq-groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Metabelian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Normalizers of Sylow subgroups . . . . Inherited Sylow subgroups . . . . . . . Normalizers of Sylow-subgroups. . . . Simple Groups of Order pqr. . . . . . . Simple Groups of Order p(p + 1). . . . Cyclic Sylow-2-subgroups. . . . . . . . Automorphism of Sn . . . . . . . . . . . Automorphism of S6 . . . . . . . . . . . Nilpotency and Normalizers. . . . . . . T/F Dihedral Nilpotency. . . . . . . . . . . Sylow-subgroups of Quotients. . . . . . Sylow-subgroups of Normal subgroups. Conjugacy Classes. . . . . . . . . . . . Embedding in An . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F C15 as a Permutation Group. . . . . . C15 as a Permutation Group. . . . . . T/F Normal Sylow-subgroups. . . . . . . . Centers of p-groups. . . . . . . . . . . Centers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centers of Products. . . . . . . . . . . T/F Counter Examples. . . . . . . . . . . . Solvable Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . Subgroups of Cp × Cp . . . . . . . . . . Automorphisms. . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Nilpotency of order 18. . . . . . . . . . Diagonal Embedding. . . . . . . . . . . T/F Centrality in p-groups. . . . . . . . . . Classification of Sylow-subgroups. . . . Groups of order 175. . . . . . . . . . . Free-Abelian Groups. . . . . . . . . . . Free Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Symmetries of the Tetrahedron. . . . . Conjugation in S5 . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Dihedral Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . Sp generators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dihedral Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 30 31 31 32 Algebra – James Wilson 1 Cyclic Groups – True or False? Let G be a group such that any finitely generated subgroup of G is cyclic. Then G is cyclic. Example: Of course the assertion is too good to be true, and we find a counter example in the Prüfer group Z(p∞ ). The geometric description of the Prüfer group is the rotations of all pn -gons, for all n ∈ N. These are all inscribed one in the next. The subgroups, thus, form a chain of cyclic groups, and so any finite number of generators is generated by a generator with highest order, that is, that all finitely generated subgroups are cyclic. However, the entire group is not cyclic as certainly it is not isomorphic to Z which has the subgroups 2Z and 3Z which are not in a chain. 7 Hint: Consider the Prüfer group Z(p∞ ). 2 Transitive Embedding Let G be a finite group with |G| > n. Then G is isomorphic to a transitive subgroup of Sn if and only if G contains a subgroup H of index n such that neither H nor any proper subgroup of H is normal in G. Proof: Suppose H is a subgroup of index n in G which is not normal and which has no proper normal subgroups. Let us take G to act on the left cosets G/H. This induces a homomorphism G → Sn whose kernel must be contained in H (as gH 6= H whenever g ∈ / H.) However, H is not normal, nor are any of its proper subgroups, so the only option we have is to choose the kernel as h1i. This kernel shows we have a monomorphism so G is represented faithfully in Sn . Since the action of G on G/H is always transitive, the representation of G in Sn is transitive. Now that the mystery is explained we consider the reverse implication. Begin with G a transitive faithful embedding of G in Sn . Then we must have an monomorphism G → Sn . This induces a natural action of G on n elements. This action is G-isomorphic to G acting on G/G1 by [Kle03, Theorem-1.5.5]. The action is transitive so the size of the orbit is n which forces the size of index of the stabilizer G1 in G to be n. All that remains is to show no non-trivial subgroup of G1 is normal in G – including G1 . Suppose there where a normal subgroup N in G contained in G1 . Since G1 is conjugate to Gi for all i = 2, . . . , n, then in fact N – which is invariant under conjugation – is in each Gi . However we know the intersection of all Gi ’s is trivial – since it is precisely the kernel of the faithful embedding of G – and it would certainly contain N ; thus, N must be trivial. Hint: Consider G acting on G/H. 3 Probability of Commutativity Let G be a finite group. We choose an element g ∈ G randomly, then replace it and make another random choice of an element h ∈ G. Prove that the probability that g and h commute equals k/|G|, where k is the number of conjugacy classes in G. Proof: Given a fixed g ∈ G, the probability of choosing an element h ∈ G which commutes with g is the same as the probability of selecting something from the centralizer, so |CG (g)|/|G|. Since this is for a specific element we must average over all the elements. As the group action is conjugation, CG (g) = F ix(g) so we get: 1 X |CG (g)| 1 1 X k P = = |F ix(g)| = . |G| |G| |G| |G| |G| Hint: Use Brunside’s Formula[Rot02, Thm-2.113] and centralizers. g∈G g∈G Notice the second step applies the Burnside’s Lemma [Rot02, Thm-2.113]. CHAPTER 1. GROUPS 8 Hint: Show either a subgroup is a copy of Z, or there are infinitely many cyclic subgroups of finite order. 4 Infinite Groups Any infinite group has infinitely many subgroups. Proof: When a group G is infinite it has an infinite number of elements; thus it must certainly contain a countable subset which we enumerate {ai | i ∈ N} ⊆ G, where ai = aj if and only if i = j. Each element generates a subgroup Ai = hai i of G. For each subgroup Ai we have two options: it is infinite, or it is finite. If any such subgroup is infinite then it is isomorphic to Z which has the infinite list of subgroups mZ for each m ∈ Z; therefore, Ai has an infinite number of subgroups and so so must G. Not having been forced into this option, consider the alternative that every Ai is finite. Once again consider the subgroups hai i. There is no reason to suspect that each hai i is distinct; several generators for each could appear in one group. However, these subgroups are a subset of the lattice of subgroups of G and therefore they are partially ordered. If there is an infinite chain, or an infinite number of finite chains, then there are infinitely many subgroups.1 Therefore suppose that there are only a finite number of chains and that each is finite length. This requires that an infinite number of elements be packaged in a finite number of subgroups all of which are finite. A finite number of finite sets has only a finite number of elements; therefore, this last case cannot be. So G must have an infinite number of subgroups. Hint: Leverage the (proper) maximality of subgroups to show two way set containment. 5 Frattini Subgroup Let G be a finite group. The Frattini subgroup Φ(G) is the intersection of all maximal subgroups of G. An element g ∈ G is called a non-generator if whenever hX, gi = G, we have hXi = G for subsets X ⊆ G. Show that Φ(G) is the set of non-generators of G. Proof: Suppose an non-generator g is not in the Frattini subgroup. Take any maximal subgroup M which does not contain g (which exists since g ∈ / Φ(G)). Since M is maximal, it follows: hM, gi = M ∨ hgi = G. Since it is assumed to be a non-generator then hM i = G. Of course this violates the assumption of M , since M is a maximal proper subgroup. Thus g is in the Frattini subgroup. Given any element g ∈ Φ(G), if hX, gi = G suppose hXi 6= G. Whatever hXi is, it is contained in a maximal subgroup M then. But this means hX, gi = hXi ∨ hgi can be no more than M since g and X are both in M . Thus hX, gi = 6 G. So this last contradiction proves our assertion: the Frattini subgroup is the group of all non-generators. Hint: Aut(Zn ) = Z× n. 6 Cyclic Automorphisms – True or False? Aut(C8 ) ∼ = C4 . × Example: The assertion is false. We know Aut(C8 ) = Z8 where Z× 8 = {[m] ∈ Z8 | (m, 8) = 1} under multiplication. Certainly the order of the group is 4, but it is the Klein 4 group not C4 . We see this because 32 = 9 ≡ 1 52 = 25 ≡ 1 72 = 49 ≡ 1 (mod 8) (mod 8) (mod 8). Thus all the non-trivial elements are of order 2, so no element is of order 4 so the group cannot be C4 . 1 The first case can be seen in the Prüfer group. Algebra – James Wilson 7 Maximal p-subgroups Let G be a finite group and p be a prime. Show that there exists a normal p-subgroup Op (G) such that H ≤ Op (G) for any normal p-subgroup H in G. Show that there exists a normal subgroup Op0 (G) of order prime to p such that H ≤ Op0 (G) for any normal subgroup H in G whose order is prime to p. 9 Hint: Recall if N is normal, then N ∨ H = N H. Also, the join of normal subgroups is normal, as is the intersection. Consider {Hi | i ∈ I} as the collection of all p-subgroups of G which are normal in G. Since G is finite it can only have a finite number of subgroups so we can denumerate our Hi ’s as H1 , . . . , Hn . Since they are normal their join is simply their complex, that is, that Proof: Op (G) = hH1 , . . . , Hn i = H1 · · · Hn . We observe this set will be Op (G) since it, by construction, contains all normal p-subgroups. Since the normal subgroups of a group form a complete modular lattice, we in fact know the join of these normal subgroups is normal.2 Moreover, we use the complex to give us the necessary counting arguments to determine its order as |H1 | · · · |Hn |. Since these are all subgroups of a finite group their orders are respectively finite and so this product is finite; in fact, they are all p-subgroups so our resulting group is non-other than a p-subgroup with all the properties of Op (G). Now suppose we take K1 , . . . , Km to be all normal subgroups with orders relatively prime to p. Then again using the normal lattice properties we see Op0 (G) = hK1 , . . . , Km i = K1 · · · Km , and once again this is normal; it contains all the Ki ’s; and it it has order |K1 | · · · |Km |. Since p does not divide any |Ki | it follows it will not divide their product; thus, Op0 (G) has all the properties we require. 8 Minimal p-quotients Let G be a finite group and p be a prime. Show that there exists a normal subgroup Op (G) such that G/Op (G) is a p-group, and H ≥ Op (G), for any normal subgroup H in G such that G/H is a p-group. 0 0 Show that there exists a normal subgroup Op (G) such that [G : Op (G)] is 0 prime to p, and H ≤ Op (G), for any normal subgroup H in G with [G : H] prime to p. Proof: Let {Hi : i ∈ I} be the family of all normal subgroups of G whose quotient groups are p-groups. As the normal subgroups form a complete lattices, we may consider the normal subgroup \ H= Hi . i∈I Clearly H ≤ Hi for all i ∈ I. Now we wish to show [G : H] = pn for a suitable n. Suppose a prime q 6= p divides [G : H]. Then there is an element a of order q in G by Cauchy’s Theorem[Kle03, Thm-1.5.25]. Thus by the correspondence theorem [Kle03, Thm-1.4.15], we may pull back a subgroup K which corresponds to hai under the projection of G onto G/H. Hence the complex KHi for any i ∈ I, is a subgroup above both H and Hi . However, [KHi : Hi ] = q which 2 We see this also by a direct check: gH1 · · · Hn g −1 = gH1 g −1 gH2 g −1 · · · gHn g −1 = H1 · · · Hn . Hint: Recall if N is normal, then N ∨ H = N H. Also, the join of normal subgroups is normal, as is the intersection. CHAPTER 1. GROUPS 10 shows that G/Hi is not a p-group. Thus no q other than p divides [G : H] so H is the group Op (G). G pj KHi ???q p Hi K? k ?? ? p q H k 0 The existence of Op (G) is the identical argument, only we assume p does divide [G : H] and show the impossibility. Hint: Use the characterization of nilpotent groups as products of Sylow subgroups together with the fact that the join of normal subgroups is the complex. 9 Nilpotent Subgroups – True or False? If G is a finite nilpotent group, and m is a positive integer dividing |G|; then there exists a subgroup of G of order m. True, indeed even a normal subgroup of order m can be found. Given every finite nilpotent group is a product of its Sylow subgroups, we may write Proof: G∼ = P1 × · · · × Pn , where |Pi | = pki i is the Sylow pi -subgroup for each i. Moreover, for every Pi there is a chain of normal subgroups in Pi 0 = Pi0 C Pi1 C · · · C Piki = Pi with |Pij | = pji .3 Finally we note that if N C H then N × 0 C H × K; thus, each Pij is normal in G in a canonical way.4 Now we have the tools to construct our desired groups. Take m|n, and express m in primes: mn 1 m = pm 1 · · · pn . As the complex with a normal subgroup is a subgroup we see we may take mn H = P1m1 P2m2 · · · Pm to be a subgroup of G, and furthermore we can know the order is simply m. What is more, as each Pi,j is normal in G we are in the normal subgroup lattice so we have indeed constructed a normal subgroup of order m in G. Hint: Consider any element in G\H. 10 Classification of “Local” Groups A non-trivial group G has a proper subgroup H which contains every proper subgroup of G. What can you say about G? (Another version: Let G be a finite group such that for all subgroups H, K ≤ G, we have H ≤ K or K ≤ H. What can you say about G?) Example: Indeed the classification is that G ∼ = Cpi for some prime p and some i ≥ 1. Since G 6= H, G\H is non-empty, so take an element a ∈ G\H. Notice 3 We know the center of a p-group is non-trivial, and every subgroup of the center is normal, so we may find a normal subgroup of order p. Then we quotient the p group by this subgroup, repeat the process to find a new normal subgroup of order p, use the correspondence theorem to pull it back to the original and thus construct a chain of p-powered normal subgroups. 4 (a, b)N × 0(a−1 , b−1 ) = aN a−1 × 0 = N × 0. Algebra – James Wilson 11 hai ≤ G so either G = hai or hai ≤ H by the hypothesis on H. Yet a avoid H so we are forced to conclude that G is cyclic and generated by a. Now to complete the classification we assume G is infinite and immediately know G ∼ = Z so there are distinct maximal subgroups 2Z and 3Z which prove G does not fit the hypothesis. Thus G must be finite. But if p, q|n, where n = |G| then the subgroups han/p i and han/q i have index p and q respectively; thus, once again we have distinct maximal subgroups. Therefore only one prime divides the order of G and G is cyclic so G ∼ = Cpi . Indeed the lattice for G is a chain as suggested by the alternate version. 11 p-subgroup Chains Let G be a finite group. For each prime p dividing |G|, let Sp (G) denote the set of all p-subgroups of G. Suppose for each p dividing |G|, that Sp (G) is totally ordered by inclusion (i.e.: we have H ≤ K or K ≤ H for any H, K ∈ Sp (G)). Prove that G is cyclic. Hint: Show G is a product of its Sylow subgroups then invoke Exercise-1.10 to conclude each Sylow subgroup is cyclic. Proof: Since Sp (G) is totally ordered and G is finite, there is a top element in each chain, and so we take P1 , . . . , Pn to be the respective top elements of the chains of each pi dividing the order of G. Notice conjugation is an automorphism so it must send subgroups to subgroups of the same order, but there is a unique subgroup of maximal pi -th order for each i so we see that each Pi is indeed normal in G. Moreover, as there orders are relatively prime these groups can only intersect trivially – precisely stated 5 Pi ∩ P1 · · · P̂i · · · Pn = 0. Furthermore from the pigeon-hole principle we know G = P1 · · · Pn so the stage is set to conclude that G = P1 × · · · × Pn . Now we recall one final step: in Exercise-1.10 we saw a finite group whose lattice is a chain is simply a cyclic group, so now we may say: G∼ = Cpi1 × · · · × Cpinn 1 so G is cyclic by the classification of cyclic groups. 12 Counting Involutions – True or False? If G is a group with even number of elements, then the number of elements in G of order 2 is odd. Proof: The assertion is true. The result falls from the abstraction of a common notion for groups. Suppose we define an action of C2 = {1, −1} on a group G by g · x = xg where g ∈ C2 and x ∈ G. There are only two issues to check: 1 · x = x1 = x, and g(hx) = g(xh ) = xhg = xgh = (gh)x. This natural action makes orbits out of an element and its inverse; thus, each orbit has one or two elements; furthermore, orbits of size one correspond precisely to the trivial element or elements of order 2. The orbits induced on G are a partition of G so their sizes must sum to G. When |G| = 2n, the elements of the orbits must add up to 2n. If we let k be 5 The hat means skip this entry. Hint: Partition G into pairs {a, a−1 } then count. 12 CHAPTER 1. GROUPS the number of orbits of size two, then we must remove 2k from 2n to indicate the number of elements remaining; so there are 2(n − k) elements in orbits of size one. However, we know the trivial element will always be in an orbit of size one because it is its own inverse. This leave an odd number, 2(n − k) − 1, of non-trivial elements, all of which are in orbits of size one and so by construction are elements of order two. Hint: S3 . 13 Nilpotent Extensions Show if N is a normal subgroup of G, and both N and G/N are nilpotent, G still may not be nilpotent. Example: Consider the group S3 . The subgroup h(1 2 3)i is normal in S3 because it has index 2. Since it is also cyclic it is nilpotent. Thus S3 /A3 is nilpotent and A3 is nilpotent. However, S3 is not since the center of S3 is trivial, proving the lower (ascending) central series never begins.6 Hint: Consider D8 . 14 Normal Transitivity – True or False? If X is a normal subgroup of Y and Y is a normal subgroup of Z, then X is a normal subgroup of Z. Example: The transitivity of normality is generically false. The first place we can test this meaningfully is with the groups of order 8. Naturally we will look into non-abelian groups where normality is questionable – specifically D8 since we know Q8 is Hamiltonian. For convince, represent D8 in S4 as the group h(1 2 3 4), (1 3)i. Notice the subgroup F = h(1 3)i is of index 2 in the subgroup K4 = h(1 3), (2 4)i so F is normal in K4 ; likewise, K4 is of index 2 in D8 so it is normal in D8 . We have our setup. The subgroup F is easy to conjugate because it has only one non-trivial subgroup. Take (1 2 3 4) in D8 and conjugate F : (1 2 3 4)F (1 4 3 2) = {(1), (2 4)} = 6 F. Since F is not invariant under conjugation in D8 it is not normal in D8 and so we see normality may not be transitive. Hint: Use the second isomorphism theorem. 15 Examples of the Parallelogram Law Let G be a finite group and N E G. If (|N |, [G : N ]) = 1, prove that N is the unique subgroup of G having order |N |. Proof: Suppose N1 and N2 are normal subgroups of G satisfying the hypothesis and where |N1 | = |N2 |. Then their complex is their join. Notice [N1 : N1 ∩ N2 ]|N1 ∩ N2 | = |N1 | = |N2 | = [N2 : N1 ∩ N2 ]|N1 ∩ N2 | so j = [N1 : N1 ∩ N2 ] = [N2 : N1 ∩ N2 ] and by the parallelogram law (second isomorphism theorem would also work), j = [N1 N2 : N1 ] = [N1 N2 : N2 ]. We see this in the following diagram. G i N N2 j j 1 ? ?? N1 ? j j N2 ?? N1 ∩ N2 k 0 6 Notice this is a special case of a family of such examples: the dihedral groups of orders not a power of 2. Algebra – James Wilson 13 [G : N1 ] = [G : N1 N2 ][N1 N2 : N1 ] = ij and since |N1 | = [N1 : N1 ∩ N2 ]|N1 ∩ N2 | = jk we see that we require (jk, ij) = 1 to satisfy our assumptions on N1 ; therefore, j = 1, so N1 = N2 as [N1 : N1 ∩ N2 ] = 1. 16 The Complex Subgroup Let G be a finite group and H, K ≤ G be subgroups. Then HK is a subgroup of G if and only if HK = KH. Proof: Let H, K be subgroups of G and presume the complex HK is a subgroup of G. Since HK contains K (1 ∈ H, so 1 · k ∈ HK for all k ∈ K) it will be closed to conjugation by K. Given any h ∈ H, k ∈ K, hk ∈ HK by construction, and therefore k(hk)k −1 = kh ∈ HK. So KH ⊆ HK, and by the symmetric argument, HK ⊆ KH so in fact HK = KH. Hint: Recall any proof of N H being a subgroup when N is normal. The normal form HK = KH replaces the need for normality. Now suppose HK = KH. Given 1 ∈ H and 1 ∈ K, 1 · 1 = 1 ∈ HK proving HK is non-empty. Take h, h0 ∈ H and k, k 0 ∈ K, so that we choose arbitrary elements hk 0 , h0 k ∈ HK. Since KH = KH there is some h00 ∈ H, k 00 ∈ K such that k 0 h0 = h00 k 00 . With this, the product hk 0 h0 k becomes (hh00 )(k 00 k 0 ) which is visibly in HK; therefore, HK is closed to products. Also, (hk)−1 = k −1 h−1 ∈ KH so in fact (hk)−1 ∈ HK. Therefore HK is a subgroup of G. 17 Parallelogram Law If H, K are subgroups of G, then [H : H ∩ K] ≤ [G : K]. If [G : K] is finite, then [H : H ∩ K] = [G : K] if and only if G = HK. Hint: Consider the bijection hH ∩ K → hK. Remark 1.0.1 If we allow for a certain abuse of notation we may even say [H : H ∩ K] = [HK : K], where [HK : K] denotes the cosets of K over HK even if HK is not a subgroup. This reveals the truly combinatorial nature of the proof. Let H/H ∩ K and HK/K denote the sets {hH ∩ K | h ∈ H} and {gK | g ∈ HK} without any assertions of group structure on H/H ∩ K, HK or HK/K. With this define a map ϕ : H/H ∩K → HK/K as hH ∩K 7→ hK. The map is well-defined if whenever hH ∩K = h0 H ∩K it follows hK = h0 K. But this is equivalent to asking that h−1 h0 H ∩ K map to K. Since h−1 h0 H ∩ K = H ∩ K it follows h−1 h0 ∈ H ∩ K so indeed h−1 h0 ∈ K; thus, h−1 h0 K = K so ϕ is well-defined. Given h ∈ H such that hK = K it follows h ∈ K and so h ∈ H ∩ K so Ker ϕ ≤ H ∩ K. For any h ∈ H ∩ K, clearly h ∈ K so hK = K and thus Ker ϕ = H ∩ K. Thus ϕ is injective. For all g ∈ HK, g = hk for some h ∈ H and k ∈ K. Thus gK = hkK = hK = ϕ(hH ∩ K) so ϕ is surjective and even now bijective. So we conclude [H : H ∩ K] = [HK : K] where the abused notation is understood. Proof: As a corollary we see HK ⊆ G so [H : H ∩ K] ≤ [G : K]. Whenever G is finite, the pigeon-hole-principle proves [H : H ∩ K] = [G : K] if and only if G = HK. 18 HK-subgroup If H and K are subgroups of finite index of a group G such that [G : H] and [G : K] are relatively prime, then G = HK. Proof: We let [G : K] = k, [G : H] = h, [H : H ∩ K] = i, and [K : H ∩ K] = j. Then we have the following subset lattice (notice the labels on the lines indicate Hint: Notice [G : K][K : H ∩ K] = [G : H][H : H ∩ K]. 14 CHAPTER 1. GROUPS the index of the lesser in the greater): G -- m- h HK4 - ww 44 - wwww 44 --k 44 - www j 44 H4 i 4 -44 44 44-44 444 44 K i 4 w 44 j www 44 w 4 wwww H ∩K H ∩ K is a subgroup in G. Furthermore both [G : H] and [G : K] are finite indices, so by the Lemma of Poincaré ([Hun74, Proposition-I.4.9]) we know [G : H ∩ K] ≤ [G : H][G : K] and is therefore finite. From the Theorem of Lagrange ([Hun74, Theorem-I.4.5]) we know: [G : H][H : H ∩ K] = [G : H ∩ K] = [G : K][K : H ∩ K], which are all finite products. We must resolve when hi = kj knowing (h, k) = 1. Since h and k are relatively prime it follows h|j and k|i, so h ≤ j and k ≤ i. But by Proposition-I.4.8 we see j = [K : H ∩ K] ≤ [G : H] = h and likewise i ≤ k. Therefore i = k and j = h. Finally Proposition-I.4.8 concludes since [H : H ∩ K] = [G : K] then G = HK. Hint: The maximal subgroups have index 2 and intersections of normal subgroups are normal. Hint: Conjugate using cycles and the fact that conjugation permutes indices. 19 Hamiltonian Groups – True or False? All subgroups of Q8 are normal. Example: This is true as Q8 is a Hamiltonian group. To see this notice the elements i, j, k all determine distinct subgroups of order 4 – which means they have index 2, so they are normal. These maximal subgroups intersect at h−1i and since the normal subgroups form a lattice, this intersection is normal. The only subgroups remaining are the entire group and the trivial group both of which are trivially normal. Thus all subgroups are normal. That these are indeed all the subgroups follows from the observation that the only element of order 2 is -1, so there can be no C2 × C2 subgroups, and all the cyclic order 4 subgroups are accounted for. 20 Center of Sn The center of Sn is trivial for n ≥ 3. Example: Let n > 2 and consider the center of Sn . Since disjoint cycles are independent of each other we may test for centrality on just the elements in the cycle. Given a central element σ, pick a cycle κ = (a1 , . . . , ai ), with 2 < i ≤ n out of σ which consequently must also be central. Next take τ to be τ = (a1 , a2 ). Now conjugate: κτ κ−1 = (a1 , . . . , ai )(a1 a2 )(ai , . . . , a1 ) = (a2 a3 ) 6= τ. Therefore κ is not central forcing σ to be the same. This leaves us only the case where σ is a product of disjoint transpositions. Now consider a cycle in such an element: it must take the from κ = (a1 , a3 ). But since n > 2 we know there exists a τ = (a1 , a2 , a3 ) and we simply conjugate: κτ κ−1 = (a1 , a3 , a2 ) = τ −1 6= τ. Algebra – James Wilson 15 So once again neither κ nor σ are central, so indeed the center of Sn is trivial. 21 Parallelogram Example If N E G, |N | is finite, H ≤ G, [G : H] is finite, and [G : H] and |N | are relatively prime, then N ≤ H. Proof: We know [G : H] is finite so [N H : H] is finite and as always it follows [N H : H] = [H : N ∩ H]. Also |N | is finite so from the theorem of Lagrange we know |N | = [N : H ∩ N ]|H ∩ N | = [N H : H]|H ∩ N | Hint: Draw a parallelogram then justify the index of the desired side is 1. (where all the pieces here are finite) and [G : H] = [G : N H][N H : H]; thus, since these two numbers are relatively prime, it follows [N H : H] = 1 so N ≤ H. 22 Q subgroups (Q, +) does not have subgroups of finite index. Proof: Given any subgroup H of Q we know H is normal in Q as Q is abelian. Let n = [Q : H]. By the theorem of Lagrange every element in Q/H as order dividing n. So carelessly take any coset ab + H and write a a na +H = +H =n + H = 0. b nb nb Hint: Use the index of the subgroup to annihilate any element in the quotient group. Thus Q/H is trivial so n = 1 and thus all proper subgroups of Q have infinite index. 23 Finite Index Intersections If H and K are finite index subgroups in G, then so is H ∩ K. Proof: Recall from the Parallelogram Law that [H : H ∩ K] ≤ [G : K]. Yet [G : K] is finite so [H : H ∩ K] must also be finite. Now we use the Lagrange’s Theorem to see [G : H ∩ K] = [G : H][H : H ∩ K] Hint: Use the Parallelogram Law (Exercise-1.17). which is a product of finite numbers so it is finite. 24 Unions of Conjugation If H is a proper subgroup of finite a finite group S G, then the union g∈G gHg −1 is not the whole G. [See also Exercise-1.25.] Proof: The number of subgroups conjugate to H is given by the index of the normalizer NG (H) in G. As H 6= G it follows if H is normal it conjugacy class contains only itself so G is not the union of the conjugate subgroups of H. So we therefore know H is strictly contained in NGS (H) so indeed 1 < [G : NG (H)] < [G : H]. Now let n denote the cardinality of g∈G gHg −1 . As the identity is in common with each gHg −1 , and possibly more, we may bound n as follows: n ≤ [G : NG (H)](|H| − 1) + 1 ≤ [G : H](|H| − 1) + 1 = [G : H]|H| − [G : H] + 1. Using the theorem of Lagrange we see this is simply: n ≤ |G| − [G : H] + 1 < |G|, the last step justified as [G : H] > 1. Thus the cardinalities do not agree so that G is not the proposed union. Hint: Make an estimation of the order of the union from the index of the normalizer. CHAPTER 1. GROUPS 16 Hint: Mimic Exercise-1.24 usT ing G/ g∈G gHg −1 as a set (not as a group) instead. 25 Unions of Conjugation S union g∈G gHg −1 . If H < G and of finite index, then G is not the The number of subgroups conjugate to H is given by the index of the normalizer NG (H) in G. As H 6= G it follows if H is normal it conjugacy class contains only itself so G is not the union of the conjugate subgroups of H. So we therefore know H is strictly contained in NG (H) so indeed 1 < [G : NG (H)] < [G : H] < ∞. We also pause to provide a technical result: [G : H] = [G : gHg −1 ] for any group G and subgroup H and element g ∈ G. To see this take a transversal T of G/H – as a set only (that is a subset of G for which h, k ∈ T , hH = kH implies h = k and G/H = {kH : k ∈ T }). This is because Proof: [ kH = G = gGg −1 = k∈T [ k∈T [ gkHg −1 = gkg −1 gHg −1 = G/gHg −1 . k∈T So we see the natural bijection of transversal so the indices are equal. Thus both are also finite as one is. T Now take K = g∈G gHg −1 . As there are only finitely many subgroups conjugate to H, by induction and Exercise-1.23 we have that the intersection of finitely many subgroups of finite index is of finite index as well. STreating H/K as the set {hK : h ∈ H} we let n denote the cardinality of g∈G g(H/K)g −1 . As the identity is in common with each g(H/K)g −1 , and possibly more, we may bound n as follows: n ≤ [G : NG (H)]([H : K] − 1) + 1 ≤ [G : H]([H : K] − 1) + 1 = [G : H][H : K] − [G : H] + 1 = [G : K] − [G : H] + 1 < [G : K], the last step justified as [G : H] > 1. Hence the conjugate subgroups do not cover the elements in the quotient (as a set only) so they will not cover the elements in the inter group G. Hint: Use Exercise-1.25 to show that the subgroup generated by these elements cannot be proper. Hint: 26 Conjugacy Classes and Generators Let G be a finite group G, and g1 , . . . , gl be representatives of the conjugacy classes of G; then G = hg1 , . . . , gl i. Let H = hg1 , . . . , gl i. We must show H is not a proper subgroup of G. SSince we have a representative from each conjugacy class it follows G = g∈G gHg −1 . However form Exercise-1.25 we know this cannot occur (note since all is finite certainly [G : H] is finite) so H must be G itself. Proof: 27 GLn (Fq ) The group GLn (Fq ) has an element of order q n − 1. Consider Fqn as a Fq vector space. It is clear that the dimension is n so as an abelian group it splits as Proof: Fq n ∼ = Fnq . Now GLn (Fq ) is precisely the group of all linear automorphisms of Fnq ; therefore, also of Fqn in a natural way. However we know that set of linear automorphisms of Fqn contains F× q n and furthermore that any finite subgroup of the multiplication of a field is cyclic – so indeed ∼ F× q n = Cq n −1 . Thus GLn (Fq ) contains a copy of Cqn −1 . So indeed there is an element of order Algebra – James Wilson q n − 1 in GLn (Fq ). 7 17 28 Conjugate Cluster Let H be a subgroup of a group G. Let C := {g ∈ G | H ∩ gHg −1 has finite index in both H and gHg −1 }. Hint: For closure show H ∩ ghHh−1 g −1 contains H ∩ gHg −1 ∩ hHh−1 . Show that C is a subgroup of G. Proof: Notice of course H ∩ 1H1 = H so 1 ∈ C proving C is non-empty. Next take g, h ∈ C. From Exercise-1.23 we know [H : H ∩ gHg −1 ∩ hHh−1 ] is finite as [H : H ∩ gHg −1 ] and [H : hHh−1 ] are both finite. Now we need only show that H ∩ ghHh−1 g −1 contains H ∩ gHg −1 ∩ hHh−1 and we will have shown that [H : H ∩ ghHh−1 g −1 ] is finite since then [H : H ∩ ghHh−1 g −1 ] ≤ [H : H ∩ gHg −1 ∩ hHh−1 ]. Moreover, mutatis mutandis, we will have [ghHh−1 g −1 : H ∩ ghHh−1 g −1 ] finite as well so we will be able to conclude that gh ∈ C. Well certainly if u ∈ H ∩ gHg −1 ∩ hHh−1 then huh−1 ∈ H which means ghuh−1 g −1 ∈ H so indeed any u in this given intersection also lies in ghHh−1 g −1 . So we have our desired set containment. Finally take g ∈ C. We know [H : H ∩ gHg −1 ] is finite as is [gHg −1 : H ∩ gHg −1 ]. Now simply conjugate by g −1 . Since conjugation is an automorphism the indices must be preserved; thus, [gHg −1 : H ∩ gHg −1 ] = [g −1 gHg −1 g : g −1 (H ∩ gHg −1 )g] = [H : g −1 Hg ∩ H] is finite and [H : H ∩ gHg −1 ] = [g −1 Hg : g −1 (H ∩ gHg −1 )g] = [g −1 Hg : g −1 Hg ∩ H] is as well, so g −1 ∈ C. 29 3 Sylow-2-subgroups Suppose that a finite group G has exactly three Sylow 2-subgroups. Show that every permutation of these Sylow subgroups can be obtained by conjugation by some suitable element in G. Proof: Let G act on the Sylow-2-subgroups by conjugation. It follows this action is closed as Sylow-2-subgroups can only be conjugate to other Sylow-2subgroups in a finite group. Moreover the action is transitive so the induced homomorphism f : G → S3 must cover A3 . That is to say that [G : Ker f ] ≥ 3. So we have only two choices: [G : Ker f ] = 3 or [G : Ker f ] = 6 in which case f is surjective. If f is surjective then we have confirmed that every permutation of the Sylow-2-subgroups can be had by appropriate conjugating elements. Now suppose instead that [G : Ker f ] = 3. As G as distinct Sylow-2subgroups it must therefore have non-trivial Sylow-2-subgroups so indeed 2 divides the order of G. Moreover now we see that as [G : Ker f ] = 3, every 7 The element in question can be determined as 1 ··· 1 . . A = .. . . .. . 1 1 0 ··· 1 0 .. . 0 Hint: Act on the Sylow subgroups by conjugation and show that the kernel of the action cannot contain all three Sylow-2-subgroups. CHAPTER 1. GROUPS 18 Sylow-2-subgroup must be contained inside Ker f or otherwise the index would be even by the correspondence theorem. However we may also characterize the kernel as the intersection of all the normalizers. If we take S1 , S2 and S3 to be the Sylow-2-subgroups, then S1 , S2 , S3 ≤ Ker f ≤ NG (S1 ) so it follows that S1 is not conjugate to S2 or S3 inside NG (S1 ). However, S1 is a Sylow-2-subgroup of NG (S1 ) so it must be conjugate to all other Sylow-2-subgroups in NG (S1 ) which contradicts the previous result. Therefore Ker f cannot contain all the Sylow-2-subgroups so indeed [G : Ker f ] = 6. Hint: Consider that left regular action on a finite index subgroup. Hint: Consider Sylow-5subgroups and show G is then impossibly embedded in A6 . 30 Infinite Simple Groups subgroup of finite index. Prove that any infinite simple group G has no Proof: Suppose G is an infinite simple group with a subgroup H of finite index n. Certainly G acts transitively on the left cosets of H so there is an induced homomorphism f : G → Sn . Since G is simple, the kernel of f may only be trivial or G. A trivial kernel requires the impossibility of embedding an infinite number of elements in a finite group. Making G the kernel forces the action of the left cosets to be trivial, not transitive. With no options left, we conclude H was a fantasy to begin with. 31 Simple Groups of order 120 order 120. Prove that there is no simple group of Proof: From the third Sylow theorem it follows there are either 1 or 6 Sylow-5- subgroups. If G is to be simple then there must be 6. Thus conjugation induces a homomorphism f : G → S6 . Moreover, the kernel must be trivial if G is simple, thus f is and embedding. If G is not completely contained in A6 then G ∩ A6 is a normal subgroup of G. Thus G ≤ A6 . However this cannot be as [A6 : G] = 6!/(2 · 120) = 3 and we know to keep A6 simple there can be no subgroup of index 2, . . . , 5. So while it is possible to have a 6 Sylow-5-subgroups – for example S5 – it is not possible to avoid a normal subgroup somewhere in G. Hint: Count the Sylow subgroups. Hint: Notice 52 - (6 − 1)! 32 Simple Groups of order 24 72 The groups of order 24 · 72 are not simple. Example: The number of Sylow 7-subgroups r7 must divide 24 · 72 and be congruent to 1 modulo 7. The possible choices are 1,2,4,8, and 16. Of these only 1 is congruent to 1 mod 7. Therefore there is one Sylow 7-subgroup. Since conjugation is an automorphism, a lone Sylow 7-subgroup must be invariant to conjugation and thus it must be normal. Therefore all groups of this order are non-simple. 33 Simple Groups of order 150 order 150. Prove that there is no simple group of Using [Kle03, Thm-1.7.13] we know a group of order 150 = 2 · 3 · 52 is not simple as (5, 6) = 1 yet 52 - 5!. Proof: Hint: Consider conjugation on Sylow-2-subgroups. 34 Simple Groups of order 80. Show that a group of order 80 must have a non-trivial normal subgroup of order a power of 2. Example: By the third Sylow theorem we knew a group G of order 80 has either 1 or 5 Sylow-2-subgroups. If it is 1, then G has a proper normal subgroup of order a power of 2, as requested. So presume that now there are 5 Sylow-2subgroups. 19 Algebra – James Wilson As Sylow-2-subgroups are conjugate we have an induced homomorphism f : G → S5 which represents the action of conjugation on the Sylow-2-subgroups. As 80 does not divide 120, we are forced to acknowledge there is a non-trivial kernel for f . Moreover, if g any element in G, then if gHg −1 = H for every Sylow-2-subgroup H, then g ∈ NG (H) for each H. However, the index of every Sylow-2-subgroup in G is prime, 5, so NG (H) = H or else H would be normal in G. Hence we see that the kernel of f lies inside the Sylow-2-subgroups of G and so there is a non-trivial proper normal 2-subgroup of G. 35 D8 Representation Prove that the group of upperunitriangular 3 × 3 matrices over F2 is isomorphic to D8 . Hint: Use v. Dyck’s theorem. Proof: Let U3 (F2 ) be upperunitriangular matrices and define the map f : D8 → U3 (F2 ) on the generators as follows: 1 1 1 1 1 0 f (a) = 0 1 1 ; f (b) = 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 1 It is easy to verify f (b)2 = I3 and 1 0 f (a)2 = 0 1 0 0 1 0 ; 1 f (a)4 = I3 . Now f (b)f (a)f (b)−1 1 1 = 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 = 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 = f (a)−1 . 1 Now that we have satisfied all the relations we use v. Dyck’s Theorem to conclude f extends to a homomorphism from D8 to U3 (F2 ). Moreover, the kernel of f is trivial as the order of f (a) and a and f (b) and b agree. Finally, |U3 (F2 )| = 23 = 8 so by the pigeon-hole principle f is surjective so f is an isomorphism. 36 Trivial Relations Prove that G = 1. Let G be a finite group with g ∼ g 2 for every g ∈ G. Hint: Remark 1.0.2 The following proof is an exercise in killing a flee with an atomic bomb; it should not be viewed as the best proof. Let a ∈ G and take g ∈ G so that a2 = gag −1 . Since conjugation is an isomorphism, it follows the order of a2 is that of a. Thus the order of a is odd. Moreover since every element has odd order, the order of the group must be odd so it must be solvable. Now notice [g, a] = gag −1 a−1 = a2 a−1 = a Proof: so G = G0 . Since G is solvable, but has as a derived series that does not start, it follows G is the trivial group. 37 2 Conjugacy Classes Suppose that a finite group G has exactly two conjugacy classes. Determine G up to isomorphism. Hint: The order of each conjugacy class must divide the order of the group. CHAPTER 1. GROUPS 20 Proof: One conjugacy class must always be that of the trivial element, and it contains exactly this one element. By our assumption all other elements of G are in the second conjugacy class. If G has order n then we are saying there is a conjugacy class of order n − 1. However since this is an orbit, it must divide the order of G so in fact n − 1|n. Since (n − 1, n) = 1 the only case this can occur is when n = 2. Thus G ∼ = C2 . 38 S4 – True or False? S4 /V4 ∼ = S3 . Hint: Let S4 act on its Sylow2-subgroups. Proof: Hint: Every element of order 5 is of the form (a1 , . . . , a5 ). 39 Transitive Subgroups of S5 – True or False? 5 of S5 is transitive. This is true. We know the number of Sylow-2-subgroups is 1 or 3 by the third Sylow theorem. Easily we see there are 6 elements of the form (a, b), and three of the from (a, b)(c, d). All these having order 2 must be contained in some Sylow-2-subgroup, but there are 9 and the order of the Sylow-2-subgroups is 8, so there must be 3 Sylow-2-subgroups, not 1. From Exercise-1.29 we know that S4 ’s action on the Sylow-2-subgroups by conjugation yields a surjection onto S3 . Thus we have f : S4 → S3 and all we need to identify is the kernel so we may conclude that S4 /V4 ∼ = S3 by the first isomorphism theorem. In particular, the subgroups of order 4 are cyclic or C2 × C2 . In the first case h(1234)i is conjugate to h(1324)i via (23) so they cannot be normal. Likewise h(12), (34)i and h(13), (24)i are conjugate via (23) again. So the only order 4 subgroup that is normal in S4 is V4 . Thus it must be the kernel. Every subgroup of order This is true. A subgroup of order 5 must be a cyclic subgroups and thus corresponds entirely to elements of order 5 in S5 . When we write an element as a product of disjoint cycles α = α1 · · · αn we immediately know its order to be the least common multiple of the length of each cycle αi . Since 5 is prime it follows the only permutations that can be of order 5 are those which are a product of disjoint length 5 cycles. However we only have 5 elements to act on so each element of order 5 in S5 takes the form α = (a1 , . . . , a5 ) with {a1 , . . . , a5 } = {1, . . . , 5}. Without loss of generality let a1 = 1 – we can rotate the permutation until this is so – and choose any point b = 1, . . . , 5. It follows b = ai for some i = 1, . . . , 5 so indeed αi (1) = b so the orbit of 1 is {1, . . . , 5} so the group hαi acts transitively. As this is an arbitrary order 5 subgroup of S5 we know all subgroups of order 5 in S5 are transitive. Proof: Hint: Any (the) non-abelian group of order pq will serve. 40 pq-groups – True or False? pq is nilpotent. If p and q are primes, then a group of order Example: As with Exercise-13, the group S3 serves as an example. The order of S3 is pq where p = 2, q = 3 but it is not nilpotent because its center is trivial; thus its upper ascending central series never begins. Moreover, whenever q ≡ 1 (mod p), the non-abelian group of order pq is never nilpotent for the same reason. Hint: Use the isomorphism theorems. 41 Metabelian A group G is call metabelian of there exists a normal subgroup N of G with N and G/N both abelian. Prove that every subgroup of a metabelian group is metabelian. Prove that every quotient of a metabelian group is metabelian. Proof: Let H ≤ G. Certainly N ∩ H E H as N E G. Moreover, N is abelian so so must be all its subgroups, including N ∩ H. By the second isomorphism 21 Algebra – James Wilson theorem we know N H/N ∼ = H/N ∩ H, and as G/N is abelian, and N H/N is a subgroup of G/N , it follows N H/N is abelian; therefore, H/N ∩ H is abelian. Hence H is metabelian. Let K E G and consider G/K. As both N and K are normal it follows N K is normal so N K/K is normal in G. Moreover, N K/K ∼ = N/N ∩ K which we know to be abelian because it is the quotient of an abelian group – namely of N . Thus G/K as a normal subgroup N K/K which is abelian. Finally, (G/K)/(N K/K) ∼ = G/N K by the third isomorphism theorem. Yet N ≤ N K and G/N is abelian, so G/N K is abelian proving that indeed G/K is metabelian. 42 Normalizers of Sylow subgroups – True or False? If P is a Sylow psubgroup of the finite group G, then NG (P ) contains just one Sylow p-subgroup of G. Hint: Sylow p-subgroups are conjugate. Proof: If P is a Sylow p-subgroup of G, then it must also be a Sylow p-subgroup of NG (P ). However it is also normal in NG (P ) so it may not be conjugate to any other subgroup of NG (P ). If there is another Sylow p-subgroup Q, of G, in NG (P ) then it would also be a Sylow p-subgroup of NG (P ) and thus it would be conjugate to P . As just stated this cannot occur so NG (P ) may not contain any other Sylow p-subgroup but P itself. 43 Inherited Sylow subgroups rp (G). If H ≤ G are finite groups, then rp (H) ≤ Hint: Use normalizers. First notice we may describe the number of Sylow p-subgroups by the the counting arguments of group actions: all Sylow p-subgroups are conjugate, so rp (G) = [G : NG (P )] for any Sylow p-subgroup P . Every Sylow p-subgroup PH of H is a p group of G so it can be extended to a Sylow p-subgroup PG in G. Thus PH = PG ∩ H. In the same way NG (PG ) ∩ H = NG (H). Therefore Proof: rp (G) = [G : NG (PG )] ≥ [H : NH (PG ∩ H) = [H : NH (PH )] = rp (H) by the parallelogram law. 44 Normalizers of Sylow-subgroups. Let H ≤ G be finite groups, P be a Sylow-p-subgroup of H, and NG (P ) ≤ H. Then P is a Sylow-p-subgroup of G. Hint: Proof: Suppose Q is a Sylow-p-subgroup of G containing P . Take any g ∈ P . Clearly gP g −1 = P and as P ≤ Q also gQg −1 = Q so indeed g ∈ NG (P )∩NG (Q) so that P ≤ NG (P ) ∩ NG (Q).PENDING: I don’t know. 45 Simple Groups of Order pqr. with p, q and r prime. If |G| = pqr, show that G is not simple, Suppose p < q < r. Then we know the total number of elements in G must be bounded below by Proof: 1 + rp (p − 1) + rq (q − 1) + rr (r − 1). From the Sylow theorems we know rr = 1, pq, and we focus on rr = pq since we suspect G is simple. Also rq = 1, r, pr, the best case is that rq ≥ r. Finally for the same reasons rp ≥ q as we want only a lower bound. This gives us: 1 + q(p − 1) + r(q − 1) + pq(r − 1) = pqr + (qr + 1) − (q + r). Hint: Count the number of elements required to avoid normal Sylow subgroups. 22 CHAPTER 1. GROUPS However q + r < qr + 1 and so our total number exceeds the allocation of pqr many elements. So we recognize one of the Sylow subgroups is unique and thus normal; hence, G is not simple. Hint: In the case where there is no normal p-subgroup, consider P = hgi and show that g i xP 6= g j xP for any x ∈ / P. Then use this to show the nonp-elements all take the form g i xg −i . 46 Simple Groups of Order p(p + 1). Let |G| = p(p + 1), where p is prime. Show G has either a normal subgroup of order p or a normal subgroup of order p + 1. 8 Consider the Sylow-p-subgroups. If rp = 1, then there is a normal Sylow-p-subgroup. Now suppose instead that rp = p + 1, and let P be a Sylow-p-subgroup. Given P is of prime order it is cyclic so there exists a generator g ∈ P . No take an element x ∈ G which is not in any of the Sylow-p-subgroups. It is clear that x does not have order p. Now we study the cosets (without making assumptions that P is normal.) If g i xP = g j xP , then g i−j xP = xP and even x−1 g i−j x ∈ P . If i 6= j then g i−j generates P so indeed x−1 P x = P . Notice, furthermore, that [G : NG (P )] = p + 1 since rp = p + 1, so indeed NG (P ) = P . However, g i−j ∈ P and x is not, so x−1 P x 6= P . This means that i = j. Therefore the cosets Proof: P, xP, gxP, · · · , g p−1 xP are all distinct. Furthermore, as there are p + 1 of them, they are all the cosets of P . This means the following representatives from each coset are distinct: 1, x, gxg −1 , · · · , g p−1 xg −(p−1) . More to the point, as x is not of order p, neither is gxg −1 , through g p−1 xg −(p−1) , and none are trivial. Of the total p(p + 1) elements, 1 + (p − 1)(p + 1) of them are found in Sylow-p-subgroups leaving only p many non-p-elements. These are precisely the g i xg −i elements, and each is found in one and only one coset of P . Now we can conclude that the non-p-elements are closed under multiplication. Take x and y to be two non-trivial, non-p-elements. If xy is contained in a Sylow-p-subgroup, then without loss of generality we may assume xy ∈ P . So y ∈ x−1 P . Yet x−1 ∈ P , and certainly x−1 is a non-p-element. As every coset has a unique non-p-element it follows y = x−1 so xy lies in a Sylow-p-subgroup if and only if xy = 1. So multiplication of non-p-elements is closed. As such that set H of all non-p-elements is the lone subgroup of order p + 1 so it is trivially normal.9 Hint: Consider the Cayley representation of G and its intersection with An . 47 Cyclic Sylow-2-subgroups. Let a finite group G have a cyclic Sylow-2-subgroup. Show that G has a subgroup of index 2. Let n = |G|. We choose first to represent G as a permutation group under the traditional Cayley representation of left regular action. Notice then that G ∩ An is a subgroup of G which has at most index 2 – as we know Proof: [G : G ∩ An ] ≤ [Sn : An ] = 2. So if we can demonstrate that G 6= An then we will be forced to conclude that G ∩ An has index 2 in G. 8 This is a trivial result if it is observed that G is a Frobenius group. However, the proof that Frobenius groups are semi-direct products requires character theory and is therefore outside the nature of this chapter. 9 Note that moreover every non-trivial element of H is conjugate, so indeed, H ∼ C × = q · · · × Cq for some prime q and in fact this occurs if and only if p + 1 = q i for some prime q. 23 Algebra – James Wilson As n = |G| we take n = 2k m with (2, m) = 1. We are given that G has a cyclic Sylow-2-subgroup, so we may say it is generated by an element g of order 2k . Hence under the regular representation we find g is represented by (h1 , gh1 , g 2 h1 , . . . , g 2 k −1 h1 ) · · · (hm , ghm , g 2 hm , . . . , g 2 k −1 hm ) where the hi ’s are a transversal for the cosets of hgi. Each of these cycles has even length so it follows as permutations they are odd permutations, and as m is also odd, the total sign of our permutation representation of g is odd times odd which is odd. Hence G contains an odd element, namely the regular representation of g, and as such it follows G 6= An . 48 Automorphism of Sn . inner. Let n 6= 6. Then every automorphism of Sn is Hint: Let f : Sn → Sn be an automorphism of Sn , for n 6= 6. We know f must send conjugate subgroups to conjugate subgroups as Proof: f (gHg −1 ) = f (g)f (H)f (g)−1 . We know that the stabilizers of points, 1, . . . , n, are all conjugate as they are stabilizers of the same action – namely Sn acting on 1, . . . , n. Denote StabSn (k) k by Sn−1 and notice they are isomorphic to Sn−1 for each k = 1, . . . , n. It follows k any automorphism of Sn is therefore a permutation on the Sn−1 subgroups. 49 Automorphism of S6 . The group S6 has an automorphism mapping the stabilizer of a point in S6 to a transitive subgroup. No such automorphism can be inner. Hint: Example: 50 Nilpotency and Normalizers. Let G be a finite group. Then G is nilpotent if and only if H is a proper subgroup of NG (H), whenever H is a proper subgroup of G. Hint: The normalizer of a product is the product of the normalizers. Proof: Suppose G is nilpotent, then it is is the direct product of it Sylow p-subgroups; say G = P1 × · · · × Pn . Now take H a proper subgroup of G. Since there is a unique Sylow p-subgroup for each p dividing the order of G, it follows H = H ∩ P1 × · · · × H ∩ Pn . Now it follows NG (H) = NG (H ∩ P1 ) × · · · × NG (N ∩ Pn ). If each NG (H ∩ Pi ) = H ∩ Pi then H = G because the normalizer of a proper subgroup of any Sylow p-subgroup will be at least P and when G is nilpotent G. Thus H is strictly contained in NG (H). In the converse take any Sylow p-subgroup Pi . Then if G = Pi it is nilpotent. If not then Pi is proper so NG (Pi ) 6= Pi . However we know for Sylow p-subgroups that NG (NG (Pi )) = NG (Pi ) so the only case this can occur is when NG (Pi ) = G. Therefore each Sylow subgroup is normal in G so G is nilpotent. 51 Dihedral Nilpotency. – True or False? Lemma 1.0.3 D2in /hai i ∼ = D2n . D2n is nilpotent. Hint: Note D4n /Z(D4n ) ∼ = D2n . that 24 CHAPTER 1. GROUPS Since hai is a cyclic normal subgroup, all its subgroups are normal. Therefore hai i is normal. Notice, hai i has index n in hai; therefore, ahai i has order n. Likewise, bhai i has order 2. Since hai i has index 2n in D2n , it follows D2in /hai i has order 2n. Finally, Proof: bhai iahai i = bahai i = a−1 bhai i = a−1 hai ibhai i. Therefore D2in /hai i ∼ = D2n since it has the same presentation of the dihedral group D2n . Theorem 1.0.4 D2n is nilpotent if and only if n = 2k for some k. If n = 1 = 20 then D2n is C2 which is nilpotent; likewise when n = 2, D2n is abelian so it is nilpotent. Now consider n > 2. From Exercise-1.77 we know the center of D2n is trivial if and only if n is odd. So if n has any odd factors we use the above lemma to quotient out the centers and arrive at D2m where (2, m) = 1. Here the center is finally trivial so the ascending central series does not terminate with the whole group so it is not nilpotent. Whenever n has no odd factors it is a 2-group so it is nilpotent. Proof: Hint: Use the first isomorphism theorem. 52 Sylow-subgroups of Quotients. Let ϕ : G → H be a surjective homomorphism of finite groups. If P is a Sylow-p-subgroup of G, then ϕ(P ) is a Sylow-p-subgroup of H. Conversely, every Sylow-p-subgroup of H is the image of a certain Sylow-p-subgroup of G. Proof: Take K = Ker ϕ. Let |P | = pn . By the parallelogram law we know [P K : K] = [P : P ∩ K] = pi . Hence P K/K is a p-subgroup of G/K. Also, i = [G/K : P K/K] = [G : P K] but as P is a Sylow-p-subgroup in G, it follows (i, p) = 1. Thus, P K/K is indeed a Sylow-p-subgroup of G/K. By the first isomorphism theorem we see in fact ϕ(P ) is a Sylow-p-subgroup of H. Now take Q a Sylow-p-subgroup of H. It follows K ≤ ϕ−1 (Q). Now take P to be a Sylow-p-subgroup of ϕ−1 (Q). If P is not a Sylow-p-subgroup of G, then there exists some Sylow-p-subgroup P 0 containing P . Such a subgroup also contains K, and so pj = [P 0 : K] > [P : K] = pi with i < j. However, this produces a strictly large p-subgroup in the quotient space G/K. This applies to H by the first isomorphism theorem so indeed such a P 0 cannot exist. Therefore P is a Sylow-p-subgroup of G and ϕ(P ) = Q. Hint: Use conjugation of Sylow-p-subgroups prove P ∩ N is Sylow in N . 53 Sylow-subgroups of Normal subgroups. Let G be a finite group, N E G, and P a Sylow-p-subgroup of G for some prime p. Show that P N/N is a Sylow-p-subgroup of G/N and P ∩ N is a Sylow-p-subgroup of N . Proof: Take ϕ : G → G/N to be the canonical projection. Now make use of Exercise-1.52 to conclude that P N/N is Sylow-p-subgroup of G/N . That P ∩ N is a Sylow-p-subgroup of N follows with a little more care. Suppose Q is a Sylow-p-subgroup of N containing P ∩N . Then Q is contained in some Sylow-p-subgroup of G, call it P 0 . Thus P and P 0 are conjugate, say by g. Hence: gP ∩ N g −1 = gP g −1 g ∩ N g −1 = P 0 ∩ N = Q. Thus |Q| = |P ∩ N | which means Q = P ∩ N so indeed P ∩ N is a Sylow-psubgroup of N . Hint: Act on the order conjugacy class. 54 Conjugacy Classes. If a group G contains an element having exactly Algebra – James Wilson 25 two conjugates, then G has a non-trivial proper normal subgroup. Proof: Let X = {a, b} be the given conjugacy class of order 2. Note that G acts transitively on X by conjugation. This induces a natural surjection G → S2 proving G has a normal kernel of index 2. Thus G = C2 , or the subgroup is a proper non-trivial normal subgroup. If G = C2 then there is no conjugacy class of order 2. 55 Embedding in An . Any finite group is isomorphic to a subgroup of An for some n. Proof: By Cayley’s theorem we know the right regular action of G induces a natural embedding of G in Sn , via σg , where n = |G|. The generalization to An+2 is possible with the following construction. Define f : G → An+2 as f (g) = σg if σg is an even permutation. In the case that σg is an odd permutation, it follows that some cycle in a disjoint cycle decomposition of σg is of even length, or σg is a product of disjoint transpositions. In any event, the order of σg is even. As such we may assign f (g) = σg (n + 1, n + 2). As n + 1 and n + 2 are fixed by Sn , this addition does not interfere with the embedding and simply serves to make each permutation even. Hint: Attach a transposition to any odd permutations. 56 C15 as a Permutation Group. – True or False? A5 contains no subgroup of order 15.10 Proof: Suppose H is a subgroup of order A5 . Since [A5 : H] = 4, it follows A5 acts on 4 elements transitively so A5 embeds in S4 . However |A5 | = 60 and |S4 | = 24 which means there is a proper non-trivial kernel in A5 . Yet A5 is simple so no suitable kernel exists. Hint: Act on the cosets of such a subgroup. 57 C15 as a Permutation Group. Find the smallest n such that An contains a subgroup of order 15. Example: n = 8 is required. To see, this first we recall that the groups of order pq are classified. As 5 /≡ 1 (mod 3) it follows the only group of order 3 · 5 is C15 . To build a permutation of order 15 requires one of two things: a cycle of length 15, or a disjoint product of a 3 cycle and a 5 cycle. Thus we need at least n = 8. When n = 8 the element (123)(45678) has order 15 and is even so indeed we have C15 embedded in A8 . Hint: The only group of order 15 is C15 and such a subgroup does not embed in Sn until S8 . 58 Normal Sylow-subgroups. – True or False? Let G be a finite group, and let P be its Sylow-p-subgroup. If P E N E G then P E G. Proof: As P is Sylow G, and contained in N , it must be a Sylow-p-subgroup of N as well. We know given any Sylow-p-subgroup Q, Q∩N is a Sylow-p-subgroup of N by Exercise-1.53. This means every Sylow-p-subgroup of G is completely contained in N or otherwise the intersection would be of an order less than that of P . However now we see that since P is normal in N it cannot be conjugate to any other subgroups of N , so N must have a unique Sylow-p-subgroup, and so indeed G has a unique Sylow-p-subgroup proving P is normal in G. Hint: Note all Sylow-psubgroups are hence contained in N (Exercise-1.53). 59 Centers of p-groups. Let G be a finite p-group, and N E G be a normal subgroup of order p. Then N is in the center of G. Hint: Consider the size of a conjugacy class in N . 10 The only group of order 15 is cyclic, and clearly now permutation on 5 letters can have order 15. So such a subgroup is not in S5 much less A5 . CHAPTER 1. GROUPS 26 Take any element n ∈ N . If N is not central then there is an element g ∈ G which conjugates n non-trivially. If gng −1 ∈ / N then N is not normal. Thus gng −1 ∈ N . This means that the conjugacy class of n is contained entirely in a group of order p. If n = 1 then the class has order 1. Thus if n 6= 1 then its conjugacy class has order less than or equal to p − 1. However all numbers less than p are relatively prime to p, and so as all conjugacy classes must have order dividing that of the group, the conjugacy class of n must be 1. Hence n is central so N ≤ Z(G). Proof: Hint: Every p-group is nilpotent. 60 Centers. If G is a finite p-group, N EG, and N 6= 1, then N ∩Z(G) 6= 1. Proof: First we know from Prop-1.9.21 every p-group is nilpotent. When we combine this with Prop-1.9.25 we have every non-trivial normal subgroup of G intersects the center non-trivially. Hint: Look at commutators between the product. 61 Centers of Products. Let H, K, N be non-trivial normal subgroups of a group G, and suppose that G = H × K. Prove that N is in the center of G or N intersects H, K non-trivially. Give an example where N is in the center and does not intersect either H or K non-trivially. Give an example where N is not in the center but intersects both H and K non-trivially. Give an example when N is in the center and intersects both H and K non-trivially. Proof: Suppose H ∩ N = K ∩ N = 1. Take a commutator from each: let h ∈ H, k ∈ K and n ∈ N ; then [h, n] ∈ N as N is normal, and also [h, n] ∈ H as H is normal, so [h, n] = 1 as their intersection is trivial. The same goes for [k, n]. Therefore N is central to all elements of H and to all elements of K, so since HK = G it follows N is central to all elements in G, so N ≤ Z(G). Example: D2 = hai × hbi ∼ = Z2 ⊕ Z2 11 has a normal subgroup habi which does not intersect either product. However since the group is abelian every thing is contained in the center. In D6 the center is no longer the entire group but simply ha3 i (see Exercise??). ha3 i, ha2 , bi E D6 and nontrivial. ha3 i ∩ ha2 , bi = 0 and finally hha3 i ∪ ha2 , bii = ha2 , a3 , bi = D6 . Therefore D6 = ha3 i × ha2 , bi ∼ = Z2 × D3 . 12 The list of nontrivial normal subgroups of D6 is (Exercise-??): ha3 i, ha2 i, hai, ha2 , bi, ha2 , abi. Clearly the first non-trivially intersects ha3 i – and it is contained in the center (it is the center); the next four non-trivially intersect ha2 , bi – they all contain ha2 i. Hint: Each is false. 62 Counter Examples. – True or False? which are true and which are false. For i = 1, 2 let Hi E Gi , determine (a) G1 ∼ = G2 and H1 ∼ = H2 ⇒ G1 /H1 ∼ = G2 /H2 . (b) G1 ∼ = G2 and G1 /H1 ∼ = G2 /H2 ⇒ H1 ∼ = H2 . (c) H1 ∼ = H2 and G1 /H1 ∼ = G2 /H2 ⇒ G1 ∼ = G2 . Example: (a) Z ∼ = Z and 2Z ∼ =Z∼ = 3Z but certainly Z/2Z is not isomorphic to Z/3Z as they do not even have the same order. 11 D 2 12 D 6 is the symmetries of a rectangle. is the symmetries of a hexagon, which contains two disjoint regular triangles whose symmetries are D3 – hence D6 is structurally equivalent to a product of D3 . Algebra – James Wilson 27 (b) D8 ∼ = D8 and D8 /hai ∼ = Z2 ∼ = D8 /ha2 , bi but hai is cyclic and ha2 , bi is not, so they are not isomorphic. (c) h2i E Z4 and h(1, 0)i E Z2 ⊕ Z2 . Notice h2i ∼ = Z2 ∼ = h(1, 0)i, and Z4 /h2i ∼ = ∼ Z2 = Z2 ⊕ Z2 /h(1, 0)i; however, Z4 is cyclic while Z2 ⊕ Z2 is not, so they are not isomorphic. 63 Solvable Groups. Let G be a finite group. If G is solvable, then G contains a non-trivial normal abelian subgroup. If G is not solvable then it contains a normal subgroup H such that H 0 = H. Proof: Consider the derived series of G. First notice G(i) is normal in G for all i. In the first case G0 is normal. Now suppose G(i) is normal in G. Then taking any generator [a, b] ∈ G(i+1) and any x ∈ G, it follows a, b ∈ G(i) so xax−1 , xbx−1 ∈ G(i) since G(i) is normal. Moreover now we see: Hint: Consider the last term in the derived series. x[a, b]x−1 = xaba−1 b−1 x−1 = xax−1 xbx−1 xa−1 x−1 xbx−1 = [xax−1 , xbx−1 ]. Since G(i+1) contains all commutators of G(i) it must therefore contain x[a, b]x−1 . Since G(i+1) is closed under conjugation of generators it is in fact closed to conjugation of all elements. Therefore G(i+1) is normal in G so by induction the derived series is a normal series. If G is solvable then the series must terminate at some n. Thus the commutator of G(n−1) is trivial. Therefore G(n−1) is abelian and thus G has a normal abelian subgroup. If G is not solvable, then the series must not terminate. However the group is finite so the sequence must stabilize at some G(n) ; that is: (G(n) )0 = G(n) for some n and G(n) 6= 1. 64 Subgroups of Cp × Cp . Let p be prime. Show the number of subgroups of Cp × Cp is p + 3. Proof: Given any (a, b) ∈ Cp × Cp it follows (a, b)p = (ap , bp ) = (1, 1). Thus every non-trivial element generates a subgroup of order p. Furthermore, each such subgroup contains p − 1 non-trivial elements. Since every proper subgroup of Cp × Cp must have order p, it follows this counts all proper subgroups. There are, therefore, p2 − 1 elements in proper subgroups of Cp × Cp each which con2 −1 tains p − 1 elements for a total of pp−1 = p + 1 proper subgroups. Adding the two trivial groups we get our formula. Hint: Number of generator in each copy of Cp is p − 1. 65 Automorphisms. Let G be a group, and suppose |Aut(G)| = 1. Prove that G has at most two elements. Proof: If G is non-abelian then there exists elements g, h ∈ G such that gh 6= hg so indeed ghg −1 6= h. However conjugation is always an automorphism of G, so we are now convinced there is a non-trivial automorphism of G. Now suppose G is abelian. If G has an element that is not of order 2, then the automorphism f (x) = −x is non-trivial. We see this is indeed an automorphism since it is clearly bijective – inverses are unique – and as G is abelian Hint: Treat in cases: G nonabelian, abelian, and G as a group of involutions. f (x + y) = −(x + y) = −x + −y = f (x) + f (y). Now consider the case where G is a group of involutions. As G is still abelian, Z acts on G but 2Z annihilates G so indeed G is a Z2 vector space. Thus G∼ = Z2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z2 = Fn2 . CHAPTER 1. GROUPS 28 Thus G has GLn (F2 ) as its automorphism group which is non-trivial unless n = 1. Therefore |Aut(G)| > 1 unless |G| ≤ 2. Hint: Consider the dihedral groups. 66 Nilpotency of order 18. – True or False? nilpotent. Every group of order 18 is Example: False. In Exercise-1.51 we saw Dn was nilpotent only if n was a power of 2. Hence D18 is not nilpotent and it is a group of order 18. Hint: Consider C2 × C2 . 67 Diagonal Embedding. Let G1 , and G2 be finite groups. Is it true that every subgroup of G1 × G2 is of the form H1 × H2 , where H1 ≤ G1 and H2 ≤ G2 ? What if additionally (|G1 |, |G2 |) = 1? Example: The first assumption is false. We see this even with the smallest example C2 × C2 . Here the subgroup h(1, 1)i is isomorphic to C2 but its left and right projections are C2 , suggesting it should be C2 × C2 , which it is not. Therefore the subgroup cannot be split. However adding the condition of relatively prime is sufficient. Proof: Suppose |G1 | and |G2 | are relatively prime. Let H ≤ G1 ×G2 . If we take any (h1 , h2 ) ∈ H we observe the following: |G1 | (h1 , h2 )|G1 | = (1, h2 ) = (1, h02 ). Since the order of |G1 | is relatively prime to |G2 | it must also be relatively prime the order of any element h2 in G2 ; thus, h02 has the same order as h2 and moreover generates h2 – say by a power k. Therefore: (h1 , h2 )|G1 |k = (1, h0k 2 ) = (1, h2 ). Therefore, π2 (H) is naturally embedded in H as 1 × π2 (H). The same goes for π1 (H). Clearly H1 = π1 (H)×1 and H2 = 1×π2 (H) split in H, and they are normal in H because they are equivalent to G1 ∩ H and G2 ∩ H and we know both G1 and G2 are normal. Therefore H is the internal direct product of H1 and H2 . Hint: Consider D8 . 68 Centrality in p-groups. – True or False? finite p-group is central. Any element of order p in a Example: In D8 every flip is of order 2, yet no flip is central. Hint: Consider the action of G on the cosets of H. 69 Classification of Sylow-subgroups. Let p be a prime and G be a finite simple group having a subgroup H of index p. Find the isomorphism type of a Sylow-p-subgroup of G. Since G acts transitively on the subgroup’s cosets we have a map G → Sp . However G is simple so it is contained in Ap . Now we see that the order of G is less than or equal to p!/2. This means p|G but p2 - G and that p (and p is the largest prime dividing the order of G.) Now we know that a Sylow-p-subgroup has order p so it is simply Cp . Proof: Hint: Use Sylow theory. 70 Groups of order 175. 2 Classify the groups of order 175. Note that 175 = 5 · 7; thus, the third Sylow theorem tells us there is precisely one Sylow 7-subgroup, of order 7, and is consequently normal. At the same time, since 7 ≡ / 1 (mod 5) we know the number of Sylow-5-subgroups is 1 as well. Hence G has two normal subgroups that intersect trivially because Proof: Algebra – James Wilson 29 their orders are relatively prime, and whose product is the entire group. So G is a direct product of its Sylow subgroups. Therefore using the classification of the groups of order p2 we may say with certainty the groups of order 175 are C7 × C25 , C7 × C5 × C5 . 71 Free-Abelian Groups. Let F be a free group with basis X = {x1 , . . . , xn }. Then F/F 0 ∼ = Z ⊕ · · · Z, n-copies. Proof: Define f : F/F 0 → Zn by f (xi F 0 ) = ei where {e1 , . . . , en } is the standard basis of the free-abelian group Zn . Since F/F 0 is abelian, the relations commutative relation holds across f so by v. Dyck’s theorem we know f is a homomorphism. Moreover, {e1 , . . . , en } spans Zn so indeed f is surjective. Finally suppose f (aF 0 ) = ~0. As F is free we may take a to be generated from the basis so that: aF 0 = xi1 · · · xij F 0 = xd11 · · · xdnn F 0 Hint: Recall a basis of a freeabelian group is linearly independent. for appropriate ik ’s and di ’s – with the last step made possible by the commutator relations in F 0 . As such we have ~0 = f (aF 0 ) = f (xd11 · · · xdnn F 0 ) = f (xd11 F 0 · · · xdnn F 0 ) = d1 e1 + · · · + dn en However Zn is a free-abelian group so the ei ’s are linearly independent so that their sum is 0 only if each coefficient is 0; thus, di = 0 for all i. Now we pull this result back to say aF 0 = x01 · · · x0n F 0 = F 0 . Hence the kernel is trivial so our homomorphism is an isomorphism. 72 Free Groups. Let X ⊆ Y . Show F (X) ≤ F (Y ). Proof: We make use of the canonical embedding: X _ i ιX F (x) / Y _ ιY f +3 F (Y ). f is given by applying the universal property on F (x) with the map ιY i. Now we verify that f is injective. 1 = f (ιX (xi1 ) · · · ιX (xim )) = ιY (i(xi1 )) · · · ιY (i(xim )) = ιY (xi1 ) · · · ιY (xim ). Now recall that the image lies in F (Y ) which is free of all but the necessary group relations. Thus 1 = ιY (xi1 ) · · · ιY (xim ) only if there is a path to reduce the letters to the empty string. This path depends only on the arrangement of the indices ik . So we pull this path back to F (X) and find it too reduces ιX (xi1 ) · · · ιX (xim ) = 1. Thus the kernel is trivial. Hint: Use the universal property of F (X) to create a natural injection. CHAPTER 1. GROUPS 30 73 Symmetries of the Tetrahedron. Find the group of rotations and the full group of symmetries of a regular tetrahedron. Example: There are four vertices on the regular tetrahedron so the action on the vertices being sufficient to describe the symmetries tells us the symmetries lie in S4 . When we fix an axis of rotation through the center of a fact and the opposing vertex we see a rotation of order 3, so we attain all 3 cycles and thus a copy of A4 – as the 3-cycles generate An in Sn . This is thus the group of rotations as it includes the rotations (ab)(cd) which are those whose axis of symmetry is the center of the tetrahedron. For the full group of symmetries we must convince ourselves that there are no other symmetries. If we add any odd permutation we will acquire all of S4 as our symmetries. Thus consider a permutation (ab). If two adjacent vertices are fixed then the edge between them is fixed and thus the triangles that share this edge are fixed. This means two of the 4 triangle faces are fixed, and thus the edges of these triangles are also fixed. This means indeed all the triangles are fixed as the two triangles already fixed share two edges with the remaining two triangles. Finally, unlike the cube, any two vertices are adjacent so this is always the case. Hence, the symmetries do not contain a permutation of the form (ab) so they cannot be all of S4 . Since they must contain A4 – the group of all rotations – we are forced to conclude the full symmetry group is precisely the group of rotations: A4 . Hint: Permutations in Sn are conjugate if they have the same cycle structure. 74 Conjugation in S5 . Describe the conjugacy class of A5 and S5 . Example: In Sn permutation with the same cycle structure are conjugate. So in S5 we have the following conjugacy classes: (let a, b, c, d, e be distinct elements from {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) [()], [(a, b)], [(a, b, c)], [(a, b, c, d, e)], [(a, b, c, d)], [(a, b)(c, d)], [(a, b, c)(d, e)], with respective orders: 1, 10, 20, 30, 15, 24, 20.13 The sum is 120 so we have accounted for all the permutations. Now in An we are not privileged to have as strong a statement as we have in Sn . First of all the size of the conjugacy classes must divide the order of the group, so we can only select from 1,2,3,4,5,6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, or 30. To help us narrow the study consider any class order less than 5. Then conjugation acts transitively on this class so that we require a homomorphism A5 → Sk , with k < 5. Since A5 is simple this requires the action to be trivial – which it is not unless the class is of order 1. However the center of A5 is trivial so the only class of order less than 5 is [()]. These leaves us with the possible orders 5,6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, and 30. Note moreover that this applies not only to the size of conjugacy classes of elements but also of subgroups. We observe that in A4 , the permutations (a, b)(c, d) are all conjugate – for instance by (a, b, c) we see it is conjugate to (a, d)(b, c) and from (a, c, b) we get (a, c)(b, d). Now we put this to use. As (a, b)(c, d) fixes e, it must be in Ae4 which is the copy of A4 in A5 which fixes e. Hence all copies of A4 in A5 have disjoint 2 by 2 cycles. By the above reasoning we know that the subgroups Ai4 13 The number of cycles of length r from n letters is given by nJr = n! . (n − r)!r For k disjoint copies of length r from n letters simply notice this is produced from a cycle of length kr taken to the r/k power. Hint: The axes either through opposing vertex ter of the tetra Algebra – James Wilson 31 (of which there are five because we can only fix one of the five letters at a time) are conjugate. Therefore indeed the conjugation extends to the 2 by 2 cycles so we may now conclude that all 2 by 2 cycles are conjugate in A5 . Now we are left with 3 cycles and 5 cycles. We must partition the total 20 3-cycles and 24 5-cycles into conjugacy classes whose orders are 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30. In A4 the 3-cycles break into 2 conjugacy classes each of size 4, since the the elements are not central, 8 does not divide 12, and there is no subgroup of index 2 so there is no centralizer of this order. Thus in A5 the 3-cycles are at least in classes of size 4. However the Ai4 subgroups are conjugate so we must extend this conjugation to the classes in A4 to see that we either connect them all into 2 classes, or into 1. However we notice the centralizer of (a, b, c) is contains (a, b, c) and (d, e) so it must have order at least 6 which forces use to conclude the class size is no larger than 10. Yet it must be exactly 10 so that there are only 2 classes. This also tells us about (a, b, c)(d, e). Since the first component is conjugate only in groups of 10, then we must have these conjugate in groups of 10 or 5. If it is 5 then the centralizer must have order 12 which would make it A4 (no other order 12 group lies in A5 ). Yet the centralizer must contain the element which would mean A4 has an element of order 6 which it does not. So the elements (a, b, c)(d, e) are arranged in two classes of order 10 each. Finally, the 30 5-cycles must be arranged. The centralizer must have order at least 5 which requires the classes have order no greater than 12. This means either 2 classes of order 12, or 4 classes of order 6, etc – we know the arrangement to be homogeneous because all centralizers are conjugate and so the their indices are equal. If it is 6 then we require the copy of D10 in A5 centralizer its 5-cycles – which it does not – the center of D10 is trivial. Hence it must be 12 as the centralizer must be C5 . So the conjugacy classes of A5 are: a single [()] of order 1, 2 classes of 3cycles, each of order 10, 1 class of 2 by 2 cycles, and of order 15, 2 classes of order 10 of 3 by 2 cycles, and 2 classes of order 12 each of 5-cycles. 75 Dihedral Groups. – True or False? D12 ∼ = S3 × C2 . Proof: Geometrically the proof is simple: the hexagon has two regular triangles inscribed within. This gives two copies of D6 ∼ = S3 in D12 , both of index 2 so they are normal. Now consider the rotation a3 which visibly has order 2. This rotates one regular triangle onto the other. In particular this tells us it does not intersect the copies of D6 . As a3 b = ba3 we see a3 is central so this C2 subgroup is normal. Hence we have two normal subgroups that intersect trivially and whose join is the entire group. Hence we have an internal direct product so indeed: D12 ∼ = D6 × C2 . Hint: Consider the regular triangles embedded in a regular hexagon. 76 Sp generators. Let p be prime g be any p-cycle in Sp and h be any transposition in Sp . Prove hg, hi = Sp . Hint: Show that all transposition can be determined from the cycle. Make sure to use the primality of p. Take σ = (a0 , . . . , ap−1 ) and τ = (a0 , ai ) (we can rotate the numbers in σ so that the first terms agree, thus choice imposes nothing outside the hypothesis). We also know Proof: σ j τ σ −j = (aσj (1) , aσj (i) ) where i + 1 i modulo p. Since p is prime we know the cycles remain the same length as we take powers: σ j = (a1 , aj , a2j , . . . ). CHAPTER 1. GROUPS 32 Together we see we can construct the transpositions: (a0 , ai ), (a1 , ai+1 ), . . . , (ap−1 , ai+p−1 ) Since we have p distinct transpositions so they generate a symmetric group. Yet we also have that they are transitive on all p elements so they must generate Sp . 77 Dihedral Groups. Let D2n be the dihedral group of order 2n. For which values of n: (a) The center of D2n is trivial? (b) All involutions in D2n are conjugate to each other? (c) D2n is a direct product of two proper subgroups? (a) Proposition 1.0.5 Let n > 2. If n is even then the center of D2n is han/2 i, and when n is odd the center is trivial. Remark 1.0.6 When n = 2, D2n is simply the Klein 4-group C2 × C2 which will have as its center all of D2n . When n = 1, D2 ∼ = C2 so we restrict our attention to n > 2. Proof: To see this we make use of the free presentation: D2n = ha, b | an = b2 = e, ba = a−1 bi and D2n has order 2n. Notice this last relation gives D2n the normal form ai bj . Suppose ai b is central; then given any ak it should follow: ai−k b = (ai b)ak = ak (ai bj ) = ai+k b. However this implies a−k = ak for all k = 1, . . . , n. Since n > 2 this will not be true for all k. Therefore the center of D2n may not contain an element of the form ai b. Suppose ai is central. Then for all aj b it follows: ai+j b = ai (aj b) = (aj b)ai = aj−i b, which requires aj+i = aj−i or simply that ai = a−i . Of course this requires 2|n and that i = n/2. Now we check; let 2|n, then: an/2 (aj b) = an/2+j b = aj an/2 b = aj ba−n/2 = (aj b)an/2 . Since ai is clearly central to all aj we may conclude the center of D2n is han/2 i when n is even and trivial otherwise. (b) Proposition 1.0.7 Let n > 2. If n is even then the involutions break into conjugacy classes of: {an/2 }, {b, a2 b, . . . , an−2 b}, {ab, a3 b, . . . , an−1 , b}. If n is odd then we have all involutions conjugate to each other. Algebra – James Wilson We saw above that when n is even, an/2 is central. Hence it is in its own conjugacy class. For the rest, when we conjugate we get: Proof: ai ba−i = a2i ; ai (ab)a−i = a2i ab = a2i+1 b. Hence we have the above conjugacy classes when n is even. When n is odd we see that 2i will eventually span all of Zp so indeed the class becomes all involutions. (c) Proposition 1.0.8 Given (2, m) = 1 and n ≥ 1, it follows D4m ∼ = D2m × C2 . Otherwise D2n does not split as a non-trivial direct product. Proof: Take D2n = H × K for subgroups H and K of D2n . As such both must be normal subgroups of D2n . This means they are either subgroups of the full rotation group or they are of index 2 – since all subgroups of D2n are copies of D2i and are conjugate unless the index is 2. If both H and K are rotation groups then their join will not be all of D2n so one must be a copy of D2 n2 which requires furthermore that 2|n. As such we now see the other group must have order 2, and so it must be C2 and so it is the center of D2n as it is the only normal involution group. In the end we see that the intersection of D2 n2 and Z(D2n ) is trivial only when n2 is relatively prime to 2. So we conclude that n = 2m with (2, m) = 1. Now suppose these conditions are met: Z(D4m ) intersect D2m is trivial and their join is all of D4m . Moreover both are normal so indeed D2n is the internal direct product of these two groups. 33 34 CHAPTER 1. GROUPS Chapter 2 Fields 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 T/F Galois Group Order. . . . . . . Countable Extensions. . . . . . Countability of A. . . . . . . . T/F Algebraic Towers. . . . . . . . . T/F Simple Extensions. . . . . . . . Irreducible Polynomials. . . . . T/F Normal Transitivity. . . . . . . T/F Field Isomorphisms. . . . . . . Transcendental Extensions. . . T/F Domain Extensions. . . . . . . Algebraic Extensions. . . . . . Perfect Fields. . . . . . . . . . . Transitive Actions on Roots. . . Infinite Field Multiplication. . . Partial Splits. . . . . . . . . . . T/F Transcendental Galois Groups. Field Extensions. . . . . . . . . Normal Extensions. . . . . . . . Extension Degrees. . . . . . . . T/F Field Monomorphisms. . . . . . Galois Groups. . . . . . . . . . Finite Fields. . . . . . . . . . . T/F pk -th roots in Finite Fields. . . T/F Normal Extensions of C. . . . . Rational Function Fields. . . . T/F Normal Extensions. . . . . . . . Separable Transitivity. . . . . . Counting Polynomials. . . . . . Intermediate Finite Fields. . . . Splitting Fields. . . . . . . . . . Simple Extensions. . . . . . . . Squares in Finite Fields. . . . . Simple Transitivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 43 44 44 45 47 48 48 48 48 48 49 49 49 49 50 50 50 50 50 51 CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 36 40 41 42 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 60 68 72 77 78 80 83 84 85 86 88 89 91 92 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 51 52 52 52 52 52 52 53 54 54 54 55 55 56 57 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 61 61 61 62 62 37 Algebra – James Wilson √ 1 Galois Group Order. – True or False? The Galois group of Q( 3 2) over Q has order 3. √ 3 Proof: True. We notice 2 is a root of x3 − 2, and √ 3 x3 − 2 = (x − 2)(x2 ) √ so irr(Q; 3 2) = x3 − √ 2. The minimal polynomial x3 − 2 tells us the degree of the field extension Q( 3 2)/Q is 3. Therefore the order of the Galois group is 3. Hint: Find the degree of the minimal polynomial. 2 Countable Extensions. If the extension K/k is algebraic and k is countable then K is also countable. Proof: Since k is countable, the ring k[x] S is countable as it is in one-to-one correspondence with the countable union i∈N k i of countable sets. Thus there are a countable number of roots as each element in k[x] has only finitely many roots. Since K is algebraic of k, every element in K is a root of some polynomial in k[x] so it is a subset of the countable number of all roots of k. Hint: Note that a countable union of countable sets is countable. 3 Countability of A. The field A – all algebraic elements over Q – is countable. Proof: Since Q is countable and by definition A/Q is an algebraic extension, it follows from Exercise-2.2 that A is countable. Hint: Use Exercise-2.2. 4 Algebraic Towers. – True or False? If F/K/k are field extensions with F/K and K/k algebraic, then F/k is also algebraic. Proof: Given any element α ∈ F , α is algebraic over K so there exists an irreducible polynomial an xn + · · · + a0 , ai ∈ K to which α is a root. Moreover, K is algebraic over k so each ai is algebraic over k. Thus in fact k(a0 , . . . , an ) is algebraic over k and k(a0 , . . . , an , α) is algebraic over k(a0 , . . . , an ). Notice [k(a0 , . . . , an , α) : k(a0 , . . . , an )] = n as the irreducible polynomial has degree n, and k(a0 , . . . , an ) is a finite extension also of k as it is a finite number of simple extensions. Thus the degree [k(a0 , . . . , an , α), k] is finite and thus algebraic. Therefore α is algebraic over k. Since we began by selecting any α ∈ F it follows all of F is algebraic over k. Hint: Choose any element and show its extension is finite over k. √ 5 Simple Extensions. – True or False? The extension Q(i, 5) is simple. √ √ 2 √ √ Example: Consider Q(i + 5). Notice (i + 5) = −1 + 2i 5√ + 5 = 4 + 2i√ 5, √ and so in fact i 5 is in the extension as −4, 1/2 ∈ Q. Thus 1+i 5 ∈ Q(i+ 5). Now take √ √ √ √ (i + 5)(1 + i 5) = i + 5i + 5 − 5 = 6i. √ As 1/6 ∈ Q it√follows i ∈ Q(i +√ 5) and so −i √ √ is as well allowing us to conclude 5 ∈ Q(i + 5) so that Q(i, 5) ≤√Q(i + 5) Since √ the reverse inequality is trivial we may actually assert Q(i, 5) = Q(i + 5) so it is visibly a simple extensions. 6 Irreducible Polynomials. Let p be prime. Then the polynomial f (x) = 1 + x + · · · + xp−1 in Q[x] is irreducible. Proof: If p = 2 then f (x) = 1 + x which is irreducible as it is a monomial. Now let p > 2. This follows from a clever application of the Eisenstein Criterion. If we substitute 1 + x for x in f (x), (by the evaluation homomorphism) we shift all Hint: Compare it to Q(i + √ 5) Hint: Use Eiseinstein’s Criterion. CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 38 roots to the left by 1 – formally any root α of f (x), yields the root α − 1 of f (1 + x); thus if f (1 + x) is irreducible then so is f (x), by the contrapositive of the statement. f (1 + x) = 1 + (1 + x) + · · · + (1 + x)p−1 = a0 + a1 x + · · · + ap−1 xp−1 . Recall n n k (1 + x) = 1 + x + ··· + x + · · · + xn 1 k n so that ai = p−1 X j j=i i p−1 =p , i i < p − 1. First ap−1 = 1. Also p divides each ai , 0 ≤ i < p − 1 and p2 - a0 = p. So by the Eisenstein criterion f (x + 1) is irreducible. Hint: Consider the statement in terms of Galois groups. 7 Normal Transitivity. – True or False? If F/K/k are field extensions with F/K and K/k normal, then F/k is also normal. √ √ √ Example: Consider Q( 4 2)/Q( 2)/Q. As ± 4 2 is a root of x4 − 2 with √the other two roots being complex, we do not have all the roots of x4 − 2 in Q( 4 2) √ 4 proving the extension Q( 2)/Q is not normal. √ that ± 2 are the only roots of x2 − 2 so √However at the same time notice Q(√ 2) is a splitting field for x2√ − 2 so it is√a normal extension over Q. Also, √ 4 2 ± 4 2 are the√only roots of x − 2 over Q( 2), so indeed Q( 2) is a splitting √ field over Q( 2) of x2 − 2 and hence the extension is normal. In the end we have a tower of normal extensions but the overall extension is not normal so we have disproved the transitivity of normality.1 Hint: Consider Q as fixed and that the squares of the square roots are distinct. 8 Field Isomorphisms. – True or False? fields. √ Q(i) and Q( 2) are isomorphic Example: First we construct the irreducible polynomials associated with the extensions. Certainly i is a root of the unique monic lowest degree irreducible 2 polynomial x2 + √1 in Q. Likewise x + 2 is the unique monic irreducible polynomial with root 2 – both so because we require even, positive, degree to reverse the squareroot function so no lower degree polynomial will suffice. Now to conclude they are not isomorphic consider constructing a Q-isomorphism. Let ϕ = idQ . From Thm-2.3.14 we know there exists a field isomorphism √ √ ϕ̂ : Q(i) → Q( 2) extending ϕ if and only if ϕ(irr(i, Q)) = irr( 2, Q). But notice a field isomorphism (indeed homomorphism) must send 1 to 1, so ϕ(x2 + 1) = x2 + 1 6=√ x2 + 2. Thus we cannot extends the isomorphism ϕ to be between Q(i) and Q( 2). Well√this does not preclude the existence of an isomorphism between Q(i) and Q( 2) which is not a Q-isomorphism. However if such an isomorphism ϕ exists then notice it too is required to map 1 to 1. This then forces ϕ|Z = idZ , as 1 generates Z. Moreover this then requires 1 = ϕ(1) = ϕ(n · 1/n) = ϕ(n)ϕ(1/n) = nϕ(1/n), so 1/n = ϕ(1/n). But then notice in fact ϕ(a/b) = ϕ(a)ϕ(1/b) = a/b; 1 Notice that a splitting field for x4 − 2 has Galois group D which is the first counter 8 example for normal transitivity in groups. Algebra – James Wilson 39 thus, ϕ|Q = idQ . Hence all isomorphism must be Q-isomorphisms,√but none such exist so there are in fact no isomorphisms between Q(i) and Q( 2). 9 Transcendental Extensions. If β is algebraic over k(α) and β is transcendental over k, then α is algebraic over k(β). Proof: Given β is algebraic over k(α) it follows there exists some polynomial f (x) = a0 + a1 x + · · · + an xn in k(α) to which β is a root. Moreover, since β is transcendental over k, not all of the coefficients ai are in k, or otherwise the polynomial would lie in k[x] make β algebraic over k. Thus for some ai , some positive power of α is exhibited. If we substitute all instances of α in f (β) with y, and call this f 0 (y), then f 0 (y) is a polynomial in x for which f 0 (α) = f (β) = 0; hence, α is a root of some polynomial of k(β) proving α is algebraic over k(β). Hint: Construct a new polynomial over k(β) which annihilates α from a polynomial killing off β over k(α). 10 Domain Extensions. – True or False? If K/k is algebraic and D is an integral domain such that k ≤ D ≤ K, then D is a field. Proof: Take any a ∈ D. Since a ∈ K it follows a is algebraic over k. Hence k(a) = k[a, a2 , . . . , an ] is an algebraic extension. Notice k(a) simply consists of all powers, sums, and products of elements in k and and of a, all of which are in D as well, so k(a) ≤ D. However, k(a) is a field so there exist an a−1 ∈ k(a). But this requires then that a−1 ∈ D so that D is closed to inverses. Thus in fact D is an integral domain. Hint: Show k(a) ≤ D for any a ∈ D. 11 Algebraic Extensions. Let K/k be a field extension. This extension is algebraic if and only if for every intermediate field F every k-monomorphic from F to F is in fact a k-automorphism of F . Proof: Suppose K/k is algebraic and let F be an intermediate field. It follows for every α ∈ F , that α is algebraic so that in fact [k(α) : k] is finite. Thus given any monomorphism ϕ : F → F , it is clear ϕ|k(α) is also a monomorphism, and as such it has a trivial kernel. Pick any basis {e1 , . . . , en } of k(α) over k and consider {f (e1 ), . . . , f (en )}. Take any ai ∈ k, where Hint: Use the finiteness of an algebraic k(a) extension for surjectivity. For the converse use the contrapositive. f (a1 e1 + · · · + an en ) = a1 f (e1 ) + · · · + an f (en ) = 0. Since the kernel is trivial, it follows a1 e1 + · · · an en = 0 but as {e1 , . . . , en } is a basis we require ai = 0 for all i; hence, {f (e1 ), . . . , f (en )} is linearly independent. As k(α) over k has dimension n it follows this is in fact a basis, so ϕ|k(α) is an automorphism of k(α) as it is now seen to be onto k(α). Now suppose for some α ∈ F that α ∈ / ϕ(F ). Then certainly ϕ|k(α) is not an automorphism of k(α) which is a contradiction of our earlier work. Therefore ϕ is surjective and thus it is an automorphism of F . For the converse consider the contrapositive. Let τ ∈ K be transcendental over k. As such we know {1, τ, τ 2 , . . . } is a basis of the extension k(τ )/k. So define a map ϕ(τ ) = τ 2 . This determines a unique homomorphism where {1, τ, τ 2 , . . . } maps to {1, τ 2 , τ 4 , τ 6 , . . . }. As this new set is still linearly independent it follows the map in injective, and, moreover, 1 maps to 1, so it is a k-monomorphism. Finally as τ is not in the image it is not an automorphism of k(τ ). 12 Perfect Fields. A field F is called perfect if every irreducible polynomial over F is separable. Show that a field F of characteristic p is perfect if and only if every element of F has a pth root in F . Show that every finite field is perfect. Proof: [Rot02, Prop. 6.79] Suppose F is a perfect characteristic p field. For every a ∈ F there is a polynomial xp − a. Since F is perfect, xp − a is separable, Hint: Cite the canonical form for separable polynomials. CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 40 meaning it does not have multiple roots in a splitting field. However notice it carries the canonical form of an inseparable polynomial and is in a characteristic p field. Then to avoid a contradiction, xp − a must not satisfy the hypothesis of this result (Prop-2.6.18), that is, that xp − a must be reducible. Therefore there exists a pth root of a in F . Now suppose a field F has characteristic p and each element contains a pth root in F . The only possible irreducible inseparable polynomials take the form: f (x) = a0 + a1 xp + · · · + an xpn . Since every element of F has a pth root we may take each ai = bpi for some bi ∈ F . Moreover, we may now express f (x) as: f (x) = bp0 + bp1 xp + · · · + bpn xpn = bp0 + (b1 x)p + · · · + (bn xn )p = (b0 + b1 x + · · · bn xn )p . (As we are in a field of characteristic p, the Freshman’s Dream applies for the last step.) Since f (x) is visibly reducible, it follows all irreducible polynomials over F are separable, and so F is perfect. Every finite field has prime characteristic, say p for a given field F . Notice that x 7→ xp is field homomorphism when F has characteristic p (Freshman’s Dream coupled with rules of exponents.) So it is a monomorphism, as 1 7→ 1, and furthermore by the pigeon-hole-principle it follows it is surjective; therefore it is an isomorphism which simply means F = F p and every element has a pth root, so F is perfect. Hint: Consider the roots forming a basis of the extension. 13 Transitive Actions on Roots. Let f ∈ k[x], K/k be a splitting field for f over k, and G = Gal(K/k). Show that G acts on the set of roots of f . Show that G acts transitively if f is irreducible. Conversely, if f has no multiple roots and G acts transitively then f is irreducible. Proof: Take σ, τ ∈ G. Since f splits in K it follows there are α, αi ∈ K such that f (x) = α(x − α1 ) · · · (x − αn ), and also that K = k(α1 , . . . , αn ). Since each automorphism of G is a function, the action of G on {α1 , . . . , αn } defined as σ · αi = σ(αi ) is well-defined. Notice σ(τ (αi )) = (στ )(αi ), by the fact that multiplication in G is composition. Also the identity map leaves all elements invariant; thus, G does indeed act on {α1 , . . . , αn }. When f is irreducible, all the roots of f are outside k. As K is a splitting field, it follows it is normal and finite. Thus applying Prop-2.7.8, it follows there exists an element σ ∈ G, for each (i, j), such that σ(ai ) = aj . That is to say that G acts transitively. Finally, if f has no multiple roots and G acts transitively, K remains a splitting field of f so K/k is still normal and finite; moreover, with no multiple roots it is a separable extension. Now applying Coro-2.7.15 we may assert G has the order n. Since G acts transitively on n elements, it follows every non-trivial element acts non-trivially on K. If any root αi actually lies in k, then G must act trivially on this element – for G is the set of all k-automorphisms of K. To avoid this contradiction we require each αi be outside k; thus, f is irreducible as it has no root in k. 41 Algebra – James Wilson cases: charac- 14 Infinite Field Multiplication. Prove that if F is an infinite field, then its multiplicative group F × is never cyclic. If F has characteristic 0, then Q is embedded in F , and so Q× lies in F . Notice 2 and 3 are relatively prime, so Q× is not cyclic, and hence neither is F × . Suppose F has characteristic p; then the prime subfield is isomorphic to Zp . If F × is to be cyclic, it most certainly is infinite, so it is isomorphic to Z. How× ever, Z is torsion free and Z× is acyclic. p is nothing but torsion. F Proof: × 15 Partial Splits. Let K/k be a normal field extension and f be an irreducible polynomial over k. Show that all irreducible factors of f in K[x] all have the same degree. Hint: PENDING: Since f (x) is irreducible over k, it follows f (x) = a(b(x)) for some a(x), b(x) ∈ k[x] where a(x) is irreducible over k (or else f (x) would not be) and has a root in K – otherwise it would have no proper factors in K either. However, K/k is normal, so a(x) has all its roots in K so it splits in K as follows: Proof: a(x) = α(x − α1 ) · · · (x − αm ). Consequently f (x) = α(b(x) − α1 ) · · · (b(x) − αm ). Suppose b(x) − α1 is reducible. Consider the k-automorphism σ sending α1 to αj . We know σ exists because both α1 and αj are roots of the same irreducible polynomial, and furthermore we know the automorphism is closed to K because K is normal, thus containing all roots of a(x). So clearly then any factorization of b(x) − α1 maps to an equivalent factorization of b(x) − αj by σ; thus each component is irreducible if even one is irreducible. Finally we simply take a(x) to have the highest possible degree and since this requires each b(x) to have the smallest possible degree not all can have factors. Since one b(x) − αi is irreducible, so are they all, and hence every irreducible factor of f (x) over K[x] has the same degree – that of b(x). 16 Transcendental Galois Groups. – True or False? Gal(k(x)/k) = 1. Example: False. Indeed Gal(k(x)/k) ∼ = GL2 (k). While the isomorphism is not important we can show that at least all of GL2 (k) is contained in the Galois group. Consider the map Γ(p(x)) = p ax + b cx + d , ad − bc 6= 0, where p(x) is any rational function in k(x). If a0 ∈ k then p(x) = a0 for any entry of x so indeed Γ(p(x)) = a0 = p(x) proving Γ is a k-fixing map. That Γ is well-defined follows because it is a an evaluation map.2 2 Formally it is a substitution homomorphism so nothing but bijectivity need be checked. However as the map does not end in k, as we are substituting functions, it seem prudent to verify all steps for completeness. Hint: Consider substituting x with 1/x. 42 CHAPTER 2. FIELDS Next we verify the homomorphism properties: Γ(p(x) + q(x)) n X = Γ ! (pi + qi )xi i=0 n X i ax + b (pi + qi ) cx + d i=0 i i n X ax + b ax + b pi + qi cx + d cx + d i=0 ax + b ax + b p +q cx + d cx + d Γ(p(x)) + Γ(q(x)). = = = = Now for multiplication: Γ(p(x)q(x)) n X m X = Γ pi qj xi+j i=0 j=0 n X m X i+j ax + b cx + d i=0 j=0 i j n X m X ax + b ax + b = pi qj cx + d cx + d i=0 j=0 j n m i X ax + b X ax + b = pi qi cx + d j=0 cx + d i=0 = = pi q j Γ(p(x))Γ(q(x)). Finally we realize that Γ p(x) q(x) = Γ(p(x)) Γ(q(x)) so indeed it is sufficient to test homomorphism only on polynomials; therefore, Γ is a k-homomorphism from k(x) to k(x) and as such must be a monomorphism as well. Finally that Γ is invertible follows from the assumption that ad 6= bc. This makes the matrix invertible so that we have: −dx + b Γ−1 (p(x)) = p . cx − a Clearly then −1 Γ(Γ (p(x))) = p and likewise: Γ−1 (Γ(p(x))) = p a −dx+b cx−a + b ! = p(x) c −dx+b cx−a + d −d ax+b cx+d + b c ax+b cx+d − a ! = p(x). So Γ is k(x) automorphism fixing k. Hence Γ ∈ Gal(k(x)/k). Moreover there is a canonical bijection between Γ and the matrix a b A(Γ) = , det(A(Γ)) 6= 0 c d Algebra – James Wilson 43 so indeed we have an embedding of GL2 (k) in Gal(k(x)/k) so the Galois group is not trivial. 17 Field Extensions. Construct subfields of C which are splitting fields over Q for polynomials x3 − 1, x4 − 5x2 + 6, and x6 − 8. Find the degrees of those fields as extensions over Q. Hint: Adjoin any real roots first, then find the appropriate primitive complex roots. Example: • The third roots of unity are 1, √ 1 3 2πi/3 ω=e =− +i ; 2 2 2 4πi/3 ω =e √ 1 3 =− −i . 2 2 For our extension √ we may drop the rational translations and coefficients to obtain Q(i 3) as a splitting field of x3 − 1. In particular by dividing by x − 1 we find x2 + x + 1 is the irreducible component of x3 − 1 and so the degree of the extension is 2. • We begin by factoring our polynomial in C: √ √ √ √ x4 − 5x2 + 6 = (x2 − 2)(x2 + 2) = (x − 2)(x + 2)(x − i 2)(x + i 2). √ Thus the extension Q( 2, i) is our desired splitting field. This gives us a basis for our splitting field of √ √ {1, 2, i, i 2}. Therefore the degree of the extension is 4. • When considering x6 − 8, we begin by considering the sixth roots of unity, which are: ( √ !) 3 1 ±1, ± ± i 2 2 √ √ √ √ and the radius is 6 8 = 2, so our splitting field is Q( 2, i 3). As √ √ x2 − 2 = irr( 2; Q) 6= irr(i 3; Q) = x3 + 3 it follows √ √ √ {1, 2, i 3, i 6} is a basis for the extension, and thus it has degree 4. 18 Normal Extensions. (a) Q(x)/Q; √ (b) Q( −5)/Q; √ (c) Q( 7 5)/Q; √ √ √ (d) Q( 5, 7 5)/Q( 7 5); √ (e) R( −7)/R. Example: Which of the following extensions are normal? Hint: Try to verify if they are splitting fields for some polynomial. 44 CHAPTER 2. FIELDS (a) Let p(x) be an irreducible polynomial over Q. Then p(x) has all its roots in C, but C ∩ Q(x) = Q so Q(x) has no roots of p(x), and thus vacuously Q(x)/Q is normal. (Also recall its Galois group was trivial so normality it for free.) √ (b) The√polynomial x2 + 5 has ±i 5 as a roots. It is enough now to claim Q(i 5)/Q is the splitting field of an irreducible polynomial so it is a normal extension. (c) Here note that x7√− 5 is irreducible by the rational roots theorem. Moreover it has as a root, 7 5. However it does not contain √ 2π 7 ω = 5(ei 7 ), √ / R since sin( 2π as Q( 7 5) ⊆ R and ω ∈ 7 ) 6= 0. Therefore we have an irreducible polynomial with one root in the extension but yet does not split; hence, the extension is not normal. √ (d) Take x2 − 5; the roots are ± 5. Clearly any extension that contains one contains the other. Therefore any extension that is generated by one is a splitting field for x2 − 5, and hence it is a normal extension. √ (e) The polynomial x2 + 7 has the roots ±i 7 which again means √ the extension is normal if it is the extension of one of these. Hence R(i 7)/R is normal. In both these last two cases, the fact that the extension is of index 2 explains why the extension is normal. Hint: 19 Extension Degrees. Let K/k be a splitting field for a polynomial f (x) ∈ k[x] of degree n. Show that [K : k] divides n!. Proof: The case for inseparable polynomials is unclear. We pretend these are not important. We know [K : k] = |Gal(K/k)|. Moreover, from our previous exercises we know that the automorphisms in Gal(K/k) are uniquely determined by the permutations they make on the roots of the irreducible polynomials that generate the extension. Since K/k is splitting field for f (x), it follows the roots a1 , . . . , an of f (x) determine K ∼ = k(a1 , . . . , an ). At best f (x) is irreducible at which point the automorphisms may permute the n roots in what ever fashion they wish; hence, Gal(K/k) = Sn , so [K : k] = n!. But if f (x) is reducible, then the automorphisms must only permute the roots within the irreducible factors in which they are found. Therefore Gal(K/k) is a subgroup of Sn and so by the theorem of Lagrange [K : k] = Gal(K/k)|n!. Hint: Consider a transcendental extension. 20 Field Monomorphisms. – True or False? If K/k is a field extension then every k-monomorphism K → K is an automorphism. Example: False. Consider the extension k(x)/k. If we define a map on the basis elements 1, x, x2 , . . . by sending 1 to 1, x to x2 , x2 to x4 , and in general xm to x2m , we determine conclusively a linear mapping f : k[x] → k[x] which leaves k invariant. Moreover, f (a(x)b(x)) = f (c(x)) = c(x2 ) = a(x2 )b(x2 ). Now if we rationalize k[x] we must ensure that f 0 : k(x) → k(x) remains welldefined, and we will thus have an monomorphism k(x) → k(x) which fixes k (recall fields have no ideals so the map is trivially monic.) 45 Algebra – James Wilson We define f 0 (a(x)/b(x)) = f (a(x))/f (b(x)). As b(x) 6= 0, it follows there exists a coefficient bi of b(x) which is non-zero. This element maps to b2i , thus f (b(x)) 6= 0. Furthermore, given a(x)/b(x) = c(x)/d(x), it is equivalent to state a(x)d(x) = b(x)c(x). Notice: a(x2 )d(x2 ) = f (a(x)d(x)) = f (b(x)c(x)) = b(x2 )c(x2 ); thus, f 0 (a(x)/b(x)) = f (c(x)/d(x)) so f 0 is well-defined, and thus a k-homomorphism of k(x) to k(x). Finally, notice that f (k[x]) = k[x2 ] so indeed f 0 (k(x)) = k(x2 ) which is a proper subset of k(x), and hence f 0 is not surjective so it is not an automorphism. 21 Galois Groups. √ √ (a) Q( 2, 3)/Q; √ (b) Q( 5 3, e2πi/5 )/Q; √ √ (c) Q( 3 2, 2)/Q; √ (d) Q( 3 2, e2πi/3 )/Q. Determine the Galois groups fo the following extensions: √ √ (a) G = Gal(Q( 2, 3)/Q) = C2 × C2 . 2 Example: The polynomials√x2 −2 and √ x −3 are monic minimal irreducible polynomials for the roots 2 and 3 respectively. Hence the extension √ Q( 2)/Q has degree 2 as does its Galois group since we have √ a separable 2 normal extension. Moreover, x − 3 is irreducible over Q( 2)/Q so the √ √ √ extension√Q(√ 2, 3)/Q( 2) has degree 2 as well so by the tower law we have [Q( 2, 3) : Q] = 4 = |G|. √ √ Any automorphism√in the Galois group may permute 2 with − 2 and likewise the pair ± 3. Thus we recognize every permutation has at most order 2, so the group must be C2 × C2 . √ (b) G = Gal(Q( 5 3, e2πi/5 )/Q) = M r20 . M r20 = ha, b | a5 = b4 = 1, bab−1 = a2 i. Example: Since 5 is prime, e2πi/5 is a primitive 5th root of unity. Moreover, √ 5 3 is a root of x5 − 3 so the extension is a splitting field for x5 − 3. There is only one real root as the derivative is nowhere negative so the graph is increasing, thus having only one x-intercept. Therefore x5 − 3 √ x− 53 √ is irreducible over R and so also over Q( 5 3). Clearly p(x) has degree 4 so we have finally that √ √ √ √ 5 5 5 5 [Q( 3, e2πi/5 ) : Q] = [Q( 3, e2πi/5 ) : Q( 3)][Q( 3) : Q] = 20. p(x) = Since p(x) is not over Q it follows the roots are acted upon transitively. Therefore we need a transitive subgroup of S5 of order 20. S5 cannot have an element of order 10 – requires (12345)(67) cycle or greater. Hint: Determine the degrees of the extensions first. CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 46 Let G be a group of order 20. By the third Sylow theorem we know there exists a unique Sylow 5-subgroup, which must be isomorphic to C5 . Let S4 be a Sylow 2-subgroup, it must have order 4. As (5, 4) = 1 it follows C5 and S4 intersect trivially. Moreover, C5 S4 = G by the pigeon-hole-principle. As C5 is the unique Sylow 5-subgroup it is normal in G. If we can establish that G/C5 ∼ = S4 we will be able to assert that G = C5 o S4 . Suppose S4 = C4 . Then there is precisely one C2 subgroup of S4 which intersects C5 trivially, so it produces an order 10 subgroup C5 < C5 C2 < G. Moreover, if C5 C2 ∼ = C10 , then any other Sylow 2-subgroup must intersect C5 C2 as there are only 10 elements left and if there is more than one C4 subgroup, these elements must all be their generators; thus their C2 subgroups are all the same. Finally if C5 C2 ∼ = D5 – the only other possibility, then again as D5 require 5 involutions, all the C2 subgroups of the C4 ’s intersect C5 C2 . Therefore, the only intermediate subgroup between C5 and G is C5 C2 so G/C5 ∼ = C4 whenever S4 ∼ = C4 . Suppose S4 = C2 × C2 . Here the argument in simpler. If C5 C2 contains any two non-trivial elements of S4 then it contains all of S4 so it generates G. This cannot be as we know C5 is normal so C5 C2 , which has order 10, is a proper subgroup. Therefore each of the three proper subgroups of S4 generate their own order 10 subgroup, so in fact G/C5 has three proper subgroups so it must be C2 × C2 . Now we can sum up our result with the claim that the following diagram is split exact: / / S4 /G / 1. / C5 1 Whence, there exists a homomorphism ϕ : S4 → Aut C5 = C4 . This determines the following table: (let hai = C5 and b ∈ S4 ) ϕ : C4 / / C4 ; ϕ : C4 / / C2 / C4 ; ϕ : C4 / / 1 / C4 ; ϕ : C2 × C2 / / C2 / C4 ; ϕ : C2 × C2 / / 1 / C4 . Which produces the following corresponding groups:3 M r20 Q20 Z20 D20 C2 × C10 = = = = = ha, b ha, b ha, b ha, b ha, b | | | | | a5 a5 a5 a5 a5 = b4 = b4 = b4 = b2 = b2 = 1, bab−1 = 1, bab−1 = 1, bab−1 = 1, bab−1 = 1, bab−1 = a2 i = a−1 i = ai = a−1 i = ai 3 The presentations all have the order of a and b together with a normal form relation; thus they determine at most 20 elements, and by their construction at least 20, so they are necessary and sufficient. Algebra – James Wilson 47 We can observe that all but M r20 have Z10 as a subgroup. However we know our Galois group lies in S5 so as there is no element of order 10 in S5 we must conclude the Galois group is M r20 .4 √ √ (c) G = Gal(Q( 3 2, 2)/Q) = C2 Example: Notice the irreducible polynomial x2 − 2 splits in our extension but the polynomial x3 − 2 only does so partially. Hence given √ our √ extension is not normal. As such we only have the roots ± 2 and 3 2 to permute, but we cannot mix roots of different √ irreducible factors. Hence we only have permutations that transposed pm 2, so the Galois group is C2 . √ √ (d) G = Gal(Q( 3 2, 2, e2πi/3 )/Q) = C2 × S3 √ √ √ Example: Since irr( 2; Q) = x2 − 2 and irr( 3 2; Q( 2)) = x3 − 2 (irreducibility follows from rational roots theorem) it follows our extension is simply √ √ √ √ √ 2 3 Q( 2, 2, ω)/Q( 2, 2)/Q( 2)/Q where we let ω = e2πi/3 which is a primitive third root of unity. As such from the tower law we see the degrees of the extension are √ de2 termined by the irreducibles that cause them: so deg x − 2 = [Q( 2) : √ √ √ Q], √deg√x3 − 2 =√[Q(√ 2, 3 2) : Q( 2)], and finally deg x2 + x + 1 = [Q( 2, 3 2, ω) : Q( 2, 3 2)] so our total extension degree is 12. As this is the splitting field for (x2 − 2)(x3 − 2) we see that it is normal and separable so its Galois group has order 12. √ Since we have intermediate field Q( 2) of degree 2 it is normal, so √ the √ √ H = Gal(Q( 2, 3 2, ω)/Q( 2)) C G, and moreover H has order 6. Also, (ω, ω 2 ) is a permutation of √ required 2by the transitive action on3 the roots√ 3 2 so (ω, ω ) ∈ H. Also, the roots of x − 2 are 2, x2√+ x + 1 and it fixed √ 2 3 ω 3 2 and ω 2 and are acted upon transitively so there must be a 3-cycle √ √ √ √ σ = ( 3 2, ω 3 2, ω 2 3 2) in G. But as this fixes 2 it is clear σ ∈ H also. Hence visibly H is non-abelian so H ∼ = √ S3 . Finally we can rearrange the tower to have an intermediate field Q( 3 2, ω) which has degree 6 over Q as it is the splitting field for x2 − 3, and it also normal for the same reason. Thus we have an order 2 subgroup K of G which does not intersect H and that meets H at G, so we have the conditions for an internal direct product. Hence from the isomorphism types of H and K we know G ∼ = C2 × S3 . 22 Finite Fields. Prove that the quotient ring R := F3 [x]/(x2 + 1) is a field of order 9. Exhibit an explicit generator for R× . Example: Notice x2 + 1 is irreducible in F3 since 02 ≡ 0, 11 , 22 ≡ 1 (mod 3). As such, x2 + 1 is the monic irreducible polynomial of its roots, and R is thus an extension containing one of its roots i. Notice the degree of the extension is 2 as the polynomial has degree 2. Hence, R = F3 (i) and {1, i} is a basis for R/F3 . Visibly then R = F3 ⊕ F3 as a vector space, and so it has order 9. 4 The title of Mr. 20 is clearly not a standard name for this group. Hint: Find the dimension of the field as an F3 vector space. CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 48 Finally, the element 1 + i generates R× as (1 + i)2 ≡ 2i, (1 + i)4 ≡ (2i)2 ≡ 2, (1 + i)8 ≡ 22 ≡ 1 (mod 3). Hence (1 + i) has order at least 8, in a group of degree 8, so it is a cyclic generator. Hint: Show the Frobenius homomorphism is injective. 23 pk -th roots in Finite Fields. – True or False? If F is a field of characteristic p, α ∈ F , then F contains at most one pk th root of α. k k True. We must show that xp = y p implies x = y for all x, y ∈ F . This will not ensure the existence of pk th roots, but it will determine them to be unique upon existence. Notice this is a short application of the Freshman’s Dream: k k k 0 = (xp − y p ) = (x − y)p . Proof: k This implies (x − y)(x − y)p −1 = 0, so x − y is a zero-divisor. In a field this requires x − y = 0, and so x = y. Hint: All such extensions are algebraic. 24 Normal Extensions of C. – True or False? Every finite normal extension of C is normal over R. Proof: True. Every finite extension of C is an algebraic extension. Yet C is algebraically closed, so there are no polynomials with roots outside it, and so every finite extension is a trivial extension. Thus every finite extension is C/C and so as C/R is normal, so is every finite extension of C. Hint: Construct a polynomial that annihilates the given rational function. 25 Rational Function Fields. Let F be a field, and F (x) be the field x3 of rational functions. Show F (x)/F ( x+1 ) is a simple extension, determine its 3 x degree, and irr(x; F ( x+1 ). 3 x ) with x as a root, we need to Example: To construct a polynomial over F ( x+1 ride ourselves of the fraction. Since x is to be our root we will consider inverting x+1 our fraction as x+1 x3 . Here then we require the term x3 y in our polynomial p(y) 3 x in F ( x+1 )[y]. Since we want the minimal degree we will look no further and use what we have to determine the remaining terms of the polynomial as: p(y) = x+1 3 y − y − 1. x3 Since we want a monic minimal degree polynomial we will replace the polynomial with x3 x3 p(y) = y 3 − y− . x+1 x+1 By our construction this is monic and of minimal degree having x as a root, x3 x3 so since x is not in F ( x+1 ) it is irreducible, and indeed p(y) = irr(x; F ( x+1 )). Hence, the extension is of degree 3, and as it is finite it is simple. Hint: Consider division by any factor. Hint: Follow a root through irreducible decompositions of an irreducible over k, K, and finally F . 26 Normal Extensions. – True or False? If [K : k] = 2 then K/k is normal. Proof: True. Suppose [K : k] = 2. Then there is a basis {1, a} for the extension, and so visibly a2 ∈ k. Thus x2 − a2 is an irreducible polynomial in k[x] which splits in K, so the extension is normal. 27 Separable Transitivity. For extensions F/K/k, if F/K and K/k are Algebra – James Wilson 49 separable then F/k is separable. Proof: Take an irreducible polynomial p(x) in k[x]. Over K[x] p(x) factors into irreducible components. Since the extension K/k is separable no irreducible component appears more than once, and thus each root appears in exactly one of the irreducible components. Now take any irreducible component and move to F [x]. Here the polynomial may factor further into irreducible components. However, as F/K is separable, once again each root appears exactly once and in exactly one of these second generation irreducible components. Therefore together we see that every root is a simple root over F . So F/k is separable. 28 Counting Polynomials. Let p be prime. Then there are exactly (q p − q)/p monic irreducible polynomials of degree p in Fq [x]. Proof: For every irreducible polynomial of degree p, the splitting field is Fqp as there is only one finite field of this order. Now the extension is a splitting field so it is normal. Since p is prime there are no intermediate fields either. Now every element α in Fqp \Fq is irreducible and algebraic over Fq as the extension is finite. With no intermediate fields it follows the irr(α; Fq ) has degree p. Therefore of the q p − q elements, each corresponds to an irreducible polynomial of degree p. Since all finite field extensions are separable, each irr(α; Fq ) actually absorbs p p many elements so we have a total of q p−q irreducible polynomials over Fq . Hint: Count the number of roots for each irreducible. 29 Intermediate Finite Fields. Let q = pn and d|n. Then Fq contains d exactly one subfield with p elements. Conversely, if Fpd is a subfield of Fpn then d|n. Proof: We know the Galois group of a finite field extension over a finite field is cyclic. Moreover, if the degree of the extension is n, then the Galois group has order n so it is the cyclic group Cn . Therefore from the Galois correspondence we know there is one and only one subfield of degree d over the prime subfield, for every d|n. Hint: The Galois group of a finite field is cyclic. 30 Splitting Fields. If K/k is a finite normal separable field extension, then there exists an irreducible polynomial f ∈ k[x] such that K is a splitting field for f over k. Proof: Since the extension is finite and separable we know it is a simple extension. Thus K = k(α) for some α. Since the extension is finite it is algebraic so irr(α; k) has a root in K. Yet K is normal so it follows all the roots of irr(α; k) are in K so indeed irr(α; k) splits in K. And moreover K is a splitting field of irr(α; k). Hint: Notice the extension is simple. 31 Simple Extensions. Every finite field extension is simple. Example: Consider Fp (x, y)/Fp (xp , y p ). Since it is the tower of extensions Fp (x, y)/Fp (xp , y)/Fp (xp , y p ) we see the degree is p2 – as there minimal monic irreducible polynomials are z p − xp and z p − y p respectively. However the extension is not simple. We notice that for every a(x, y) ∈ F [x, y], we may use the Freshman’s dream to get: p m,n m,n X X a(x, y)p = ai,j xi y j = api,j xip y jp ∈ Fp (xp , y p ). Hint: Consider an inseparable extension. i,j=0 So rational functions a(x) p b(x) i,j=0 are also in Fp (xp , y p ). Hence no element in Fp (x, y) CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 50 can have degree p2 over Fp (xp , y p ) so the extension is not simple. Hint: Consider √ √ the Galois group of a, b. 32 Squares in Finite Fields. If F is a finite field and a, b ∈ F are not squares then ab is a square. √ √ Proof: Suppose all three are not squares√in F . Then the extension F ( a, b) √ (where a is a solution of x2 −a) contains ab so it contains the three extensions √ √ F ( a, b) KKK s KKK sss s KKK s s K ss s √ √ √ F ( a) F ( ab) F ( b) LLL rr LLL rrr LLL r r LL rrrr F Now this may not be as the extension are all of degree 2 so it illustrates the Galois extension of C2 × C2 . Since It is also to be a√finite√extension of a finite field, it must have a cyclic Galois group. Therefore a = b at which point aa is clearly a square. Hint: 33 Simple Transitivity. Let F/K/k with K/k finite separable and F/K simple. Then F/k is simple. Proof: Since K/k is finite and separable it is indeed a simple extensions. So let K = k(α) for some α ∈ K. Moreover, as the extension is finite, α is algebraic over k so αn ∈ k for some k. Now as F/K is simple let F = K(t). It follows k(τ + α) ≤ k(t, α) = F . We wish to show F = k(t + α) so that we may conclude the extension is simple. So consider (u + α)n = n X n i=0 i un−i αi = n−1 X i=0 n n−i i u α + αn . i Since αn ∈ k it follows we have u n−1 X i=0 ! n n−i i u α α ∈ k(τ + α). i 34 35 There is no irreducible polynomial of degree 4 over Q with splitting field of degree 6. Proof: Since Q has characteristic 0, all irreducible polynomials are separable; thus, so is our degree 4 polynomial p(x). Moreover, the splitting field will be a normal extension and also finite, so we have a Galois extension allowing us to conclude |Gal(p; Q)| = 6. As the Galois group acts transitively on the roots of our polynomial we have to find a transitive order 6 subgroup of S4 . But the best part is there are none (the only order 6 subgroups of S4 are S3i , where i is a fixed point 1, . . . , 4.) So p(x) does not exist. 37 Let ϕ be the Euler function and ε ∈ C be a primitive mth root of unity. Prove that [Q(ε + ε−1 ) : Q] = ϕ(m)/2. Algebra – James Wilson 51 First of all note that the Euler-ϕ function is even for m > 2. When m = 2, the primitive 2th roots of unity is −1 which is in Q so the extension has degree 1. Now consider m > 2. Now notice x2 + (ε + ε−1 )x − 1 is irreducible over Q(ε + ε−1 ) as it has as a root ε. Therefore [Q(ε) : Q(ε + ε−1 )] = 2 so by the tower law [Q(ε + ε−1 ) : Q] = ϕ(m)/2. Proof: It is interesting to furthermore note the irreducible polynomial for the extension Q(ε + ε−1 )/Q is simply: Y Y m−a a 2πa x − 2 cos . Υm (x) = (x−(e2πi m +e2πi m ) = m a≤m/2,(a,m)=1 a≤m/2,(a,m)=1 And in fact Υm (x) ∈ Z[x]. 38 Let m > 1 be an odd integer. Show that Φ2m (x) = Φm (−x). Proof: Since m is odd, it follows ϕ(m) is even, and ϕ(2m) = ϕ(m). Φm (−x) = ϕ Y (m)(−x − εi ) = (−1)ϕ (m) i=1 ϕ Y (m)(x + εi ) = i=1 ϕ Y (2m)(x − (−ε)). i=1 Notice (−εi )2m − 1 = 0 for all primitive mth roots of unity. Q Since m is odd, (−ε)d − 1 6= 0 for any d|m. Therefore recalling x2m − 1 = d|2m Φd (x) we now see −εi are the roots of Φ2m ; wherefore, Φm (−x) = Φ2m (x). 40 Show there exist f ∈ k[x] where Gal(f ; k) acts transitively on f , but f is reducible. Example: The answer requires a repeated root. The simplest example is x2 over any field k. Certainly the only root is 0 so any group acts transitively on the roots – including our Gal(x2 ; k). Yet clearly x2 is reducible. 41 Let K/k be a field extension. If α1 , . . . , αn ∈ K are algebraically independent over k, and α ∈ k(α1 , . . . , αn ) − k, then α is transcendental over k. p(α ,...,α ) Proof: Let α = q(α11 ,...,αnn ) where p(x1 , . . . , xn ), q(x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ k[x1 , . . . , xn ]. Suppose α is algebraic over k; say it is a root of a polynomial f (x) ∈ k[x]. Then f (α) = a0 + a1 p(α1 , . . . , αn ) p(α1 , . . . , αn )m . + · · · + am q(α1 , . . . , αn ) q(α1 , . . . , αn )m So we clear the denominators and take g(x) = q(α1 , . . . , αn )f (x). However we may now take g(x) to be a polynomial in k(α)[x1 , . . . , xn ] in a natural way as: g(α)(x1 , . . . , xn ) = q(x1 , . . . , xn )f (α)(x1 , . . . , xn ). Notice then that g(α)(α1 , . . . , αn ) = 0. This means α1 , . . . , αn is algebraically dependent over k(α). This implies T rDeg(k(α1 , . . . , αn )/k(α)) < n. Now by the Tower Law, n = T rDeg(k(α1 , . . . , αn ) : k) = T rDeg(k(α1 , . . . , αn ) : k(α))T rDeg(k(α) : k) = T rDeg(k(α1 , . . . , αn )/k(α)). Work of James, Dragos, and Dawn CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 52 However, we now have a contradiction as the transcendence degree cannot be both n and less than n. So α must be transcendental over k. 42 Let k be a field and x a transcendental element over k. Describe Gal(k(x)/k). There is a no resolution on a fully determined description of this extension’s Galois group. Certain conditions on the fields, such as order, may exclude maps that here seem reasonable. Example: We know any two transcendental extensions are isomorphic fields. Therefore given any two such elements α, β we can construct an automorphism sending α to β. 44 Let G be a finite group of automorphism of a field K with fixed field k = K G . Show K/k is Galois and Gal(K/k) = G. By Thm-2.7.3 we now [K : k] = |G| so the extension is finite; furthermore, if Gal(K/k) = G then by Thm-2.7.18 it follows K/k is normal and separable, and thus Galois. All we must show now is that Gal(K/k) = G. Certainly G ≤ Gal(K/k), so we must now show these are all the elements. It follows |G|[G∗ : k] = |Gal(K/k) but notice that G∗ = k so |G| = |Gal(K/k) and since all is finite the pigeon-hole-principle applies to say G = Gal(K/k). Proof: 45 Show if K/k is a splitting field extension for f ∈ k[x], then [K : k] ≤ (deg f )!. Proof: We know from exercise 19 that [K : k]|(deg f )! so it is immediate. 46 If k is a field, f ∈ k[x], and K/k is a splitting field then [K : k] = (deg f )! implies f is separable and irreducible. Thanks to Mike for the separability. Proof: Suppose f has a repeated root α. Then there exists a g(x) = k(α)[x] and f (x) = (x − α)2 g(x) – note we are guaranteed at least a factor of 2. Now it follows that deg irr(α; k) ≤ deg f and deg g = deg f − 2. Thus using the result from exercise 45 it is now clear that [K : k] = [K : k(α)][k(α) : k] ≤ (deg f − 2)!(deg f ) 6= (deg f )! Whence f is must be separable to avoid contradictions. We have n = deg f roots so as the Galois group is characterized completely by its permutation on the roots it is clear Gal(K/k) is embedded in Sn . As we know K/k is a separable normal extension it follows n! = [K/k] = |Gal(K/k)| and so Gal(K/k) = Sn by the pigeon-hole principle. This means the group is free to permute roots in any combination. However the group is also required to permute roots only within the irreducible factors. Thus the entire polynomial must be irreducible. 47 Thanks to Hungerford and Dragos Compute Gal(R/Q). Example: Take any automorphism f : R → R. Such a map must be order preserving as: take x ∈ Q, x ≥ 0 then √ 2 √ f (x) = f ( x ) = (f ( x)2 > 0. Therefore as the positive set is preserved, order is preserved. Now take any r ∈ R. For all n ∈ N it follows there exists a rational q such that q < r < q+1/n. Hence f (q) = q < f (r) < f (q + 1/n) = q + 1/n. As n → ∞ we force f (r) = r. Algebra – James Wilson √ √ √ 48 Compute Gal(Q( 2, 3, 5) : Q). 2 2 Example: Because 2, 3, and 5 are√prime we conclude √ √ x − 2, x − 3 and 2 x − 5 are all irreducible over Q, Q( 2), and Q( 2, 3) respectively; √monic; and √ as they √ have degree √2 must√be√the corresponding polynomials irr( 2; Q), is of√degree irr( 3; Q( 2)) and irr( 5; Q( 2, 3)). As such each extension√ √ 2, and so the entire extension is of degree 8. In fact we now say Q( 2, 3, 5) is the splitting field of f (x) = (x2 − 2)(x2 − 3)(x2 − 5). f (x) is clearly separable, so the extension is Galois and hence |Gal(f ; Q)| = 8. Finally, the irreducible factors are all of degree 2 so each automorphism is an involution. Therefore it is the group C2 × C2 × C2 . 49 Let K/k be a Galois extension, and L, M be intermediate fields. Denote by LM the minimal subfield of K containing L and M . (i) Prove that (L ∩ M )∗ = hL∗ , M ∗ i. (ii) Prove that (LM )∗ = L∗ ∩ M ∗ . (iii) Prove that Gal(LM/L) ∼ = Gal(L/(L ∩ M )). Proof: From the definition of a group join, we know \ L∗ ∨ M ∗ = H. L∗ ,M ∗ ≤H So if we apply our dual ∗ we get: (L∗ ∨ M ∗ )∗ = [ H ∗. L,M ≥H ∗ However we know H ∗ ≤ L ∩ M whenever H ∗ ≤ L and M , as L ∩ M is the ∗ largest subfield S contained∗ in both L and M , and indeed (L ∩ M ) is such an H, so L ∩ M = L,M ≥H ∗ H , so in fact (L∗ ∨ M ∗ ) = ((L∗ ∨ M ∗ )∗ )∗ = (L ∩ M )∗ . Now consider (LM )∗ . Given any σ ∈ LM ∗ we know then σ fixes L and M so therefore σ ∈ L∗ ∩ M ∗ . Moreover this tells us (LM )∗ ≤ L∗ ∩ M ∗ ≤ L∗ , M ∗ . Applying the Galois correspondence we notice: L, M ≤ (L∗ ∩ M ∗ )∗ ≤ LM. As (L∗ ∩ M ∗ )∗ is a field containing both L and M , and now visibly contained in the least such field, it must be precisely the field LM . Therefore (LM )∗ = (L∗ ∩ M ∗ ). Finally, let M/k be a normal extension. As such, M ∗ is normal in G = Gal(K/k). Certainly then L∗ /(LM )∗ = L∗ /(L∗ ∩ M ∗ ) ∼ = L∗ M ∗ /M ∗ = (L ∩ M )∗ /M ∗ by the second isomorphism theorem for groups. But notice L∗ /(L∗ ∩ M ∗ ) = Gal(LM/L) and L∗ M ∗ /M ∗ = Gal(M/L∩M ); thus, Gal(LM/L) ∼ = Gal(M/L∩ M ). 53 CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 54 Example: When L/k is not normal, it is possible that Gal(LM/L) not be isomorphic to Gal(L/L ∩ M ). For instance, take p(x) to be a polynomial over Q whose Galois group in splitting field K is isomorphic to A4 . There must correspond subfield L and M which correspond to the subgroups L∗ = A3 and M ∗ = h(12)(34)i respectively. Thus (LM )∗ = L∗ ∩ M ∗ = 1 and (L ∩ M )∗ = L∗ ∨ M ∗ = A4 . Notice then that [LM : L] = [L∗ : (LM )∗ ] = 3, [L : L ∩ M ] = [(L ∩ M )∗ : L∗ ] = 4. Since |Gal(LM/L)| = [LM : L] and |Gal(L/L ∩ M )| = [L : L ∩ M ] it follows these groups cannot be isomorphic as they do not even have the same order. 50 Let k be a subfield of R and f ∈ k[x] an irreducible cubic with discriminant D. Then (i) D > 0 if and only if f has three real roots; (ii) D < 0 if and only if f has precisely one real root. Proof: We take a result from analysis that states every cubic equation over R has one real root. Therefore f has either three roots in R or only one, as complex roots must come in conjugate pairs. When D = 0 it follows we have a repeated root. This would imply the f is inseparable polynomial over a characteristic 0 field, an impossibility. Therefore it suffices to show D > 0 if and only if f has only real roots and the second result will follow by the contrapositive in both directions, together with D 6= 0 and the existence of only one or three real roots. Let a1 ∈ R be the one real root, and a2 +ib2 and a2 −ib2 be the two conjugate roots in C (possibly they are in R as well). D = (a1 − (a2 + ib2 ))2 (a1 − (a2 − ib2 ))2 ((a2 + ib2 ) − (a2 − ib2 ))2 = (((a1 − a2 ) − ib2 ))((a1 − a2 ) + ib2 ))(2ib2 ))2 = ((a1 − a2 )2 + b22 )2 (2ib2 )2 Now we see the discriminant is positive if and only if b2 = 0 which occurs if and only if all roots are real. 51 Let char k 6= 2 and f ∈ k[x] a cubic whose discriminant has a square root in k, then f is either irreducible or splits in k. Proof: If f has no multiple roots then by virtue of having a square root of the discriminant in k, and char k 6= 2, we know Gal(f ; k) ≤ A3 . Thus, the Galois group is trivial implying f splits in k, or it is A3 implying there are no roots of f in k (refer to Exercise-13, we have a transitive action on the roots of a polynomial with no multiple roots so it is irreducible.) Now for the cases when f has multiple roots. If f (x) = (x − α)3 , then certainly it splits in k if and only if α ∈ k, so when α ∈ / k it is irreducible. Suppose f (x) = (x − α)2 (x − β) in some splitting field. If α ∈ k then it follows β ∈ k as the only extension of a monomial is trivial. Now suppose α ∈ / k. If β is also not in k then by the definition f is irreducible over k. Suppose instead β ∈ k. Then (x − α)2 is irreducible over k. If k has characteristic 0, then there are no inseparable polynomials so α ∈ k causing a contradiction. In the final case, k has characteristic greater than 2 by assumption. Since the characteristic is greater than the degree of the polynomial, the polynomial cannot be inseparable as the derivative test will not be 0. Therefore (x − α)2 should be separable Algebra – James Wilson which it visibly is not. Thus this case cannot exist for any k with characteristic not equal to 2. 52 Let f be an irreducible separable quartic over a field k and α be a root of f . There is no field properly between k and k(α) if and only if the Galois group of f is A4 or S4 . Let K be splitting field for f over k. As such the extension is Galois. Therefore the intermediate fields correspond precisely to intermediate subgroups. Since f is irreducible it follows [k(α) : k] = 4. Also the automorphisms need to act transitively on the 4 roots so it is in fact the case that the Galois group is V, C4 , D8 , A4 or S4 . Proof: The first three are 2-groups. However we know from the first Sylow theorem that every 2-subgroup lies inside a 4-subgroup of any 8-group. Thus none of these groups of a subgroup of index 4 with no intermediate group. Therefore the corresponding field extension with these Galois groups will have no such case where [k(α) : k] = 4 and there are no intermediate fields. This leaves S4 and A4 . All we need to do is confirm they have subgroups of index 4 with no intermediate subgroups. This follows empirically by noticing S3 in S4 and A3 in A4 . If S3 is contained in an intermediate subgroup, this subgroup must have order 12. However there is only one order 12 subgroup of S4 which is A4 . Moreover, S3 is not in A4 as A4 does not contain any subgroup of order 6. This last statement in fact also explains why there are no intermediate subgroups between A3 and A4 . Therefore both S4 and A4 are candidates for such a situation. 53 Every element of a finite field can be expressed as a sum of two squares. Proof: 54 Determine the Galois group of x3 + 11 over Q, determine all subfields of its splitting field, and decide which are normal over Q. Describe the subfields by their generators. Proof: The polynomial splits as (x − √ 3 11)(x2 − √ 3 11x + √ 3 112 ). √ Therefore letting α = 12 − i 23 we have α and −α2 as roots of x2 − x + 1. So we √ have a splitting extension of Q( 3 11, α)/Q. The degree is equal to √ √ √ 3 3 3 [Q( 11, α) : Q( 11)][Q( 11) : Q] = 2 · 3 = 6 as x3 + 11 is irreducible over Q and the roots of x2 − x + 1 are complex so it is √ 3 irreducible over Q( 11). Since x3 + 11 is irreducible, its Galois group is a transitive group on all irreducible components – here there is only one (there can only ever be one with any irreducible degree 3 polynomial: you cannot split only three elements into non-trivial imprimitivity blocks.) The only group of order 6 that acts transitively on 3 elements is S3 so the Galois group is S3 . 55 CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 56 The intermediate fields are exhibited as √ Q( 3 11, α) YYYY RRR YYYYYY RRR YYYYYY RRR YYYYYY R YYYYYY R RR YYYY √ √ √ 3 3 Q(α 11) Q(−α2 3 11) Q( 11) k xx kkk xx kkk k x k k xx kkk xx kkk k x k x k Q(α) kkk xx KKK xx kkkkkk KKK x x k KKK xx kkk KK xxkxkkkkk k Q √ Certainly every subfield is normal in Q( 3 11, α) as it is a splitting field – moreover it corresponds to the trivial group which is normal in all subgroups. Finally we should expect to observe the Q(α)/Q is normal. This is true in two ways: first it is the splitting field for x2 − x + 1, and second it is of degree 2. We also observe the remaining intermediate fields are not normal as in each case, the polynomial x3 + 11 does not split in them even though each contains a root of x3 + 11. To be certain of our construction we must verify exist √ the automorphism √ that correspond to this field extension. Define σ( 3 11) = −α2 3 11 and leaving α invariant. By the fact that both are roots of the same monic minimal degree irreducible polynomial, we know there exists a field monomorphism σ and as it lies √ inside a normal extension we may extend this to Q-automorphism of Q( 3 11, α). Notice then √ √ √ √ 3 3 3 3 σ(α 11) = σ(α) − α2 11 = −α3 11 = 11, √ √ √ 3 3 3 σ(α2 11) = −α4 11 = α 11, √ √ √ so that in fact σ = ( 3 11, −α2 3 11, α 3 11). Therefore σ has order 3 – it is A3 – and it fixes Q(α) as predicted. √ √ In similar fashion, τ ( 3 11) = 3 11 and τ (α) = −α2 again produces a monomorphism of √ √ √ 3 3 3 Q(α, 11)/Q( 11) → Q(−α2 , 11) by the fact that α and −α2 share the same monic minimal degree irreducible √ 3 polynomial. Clearly this is an automorphism of Q(α, 11). Furthermore, √ √ √ τ = (α 3 11, −α2 3 11) so τ has order 2, and fixes Q( 3 11) so the correspondence is verified. 56 Find all subfields of the splitting field for x3 − 7 over Q. Determine its Galois group, and which subfields are normal. Proof: The polynomial splits as √ √ √ 3 3 3 (x − 7)(x2 + 7x + 72 ). √ Therefore letting α = − 12 − i 23 then α and α2 are the roots of x2 − x + 1; √ whence, we have a splitting extension of Q( 3 7, α)/Q. The degree is equal to √ √ √ 3 3 3 [Q( 7, α) : Q( 7)][Q( 7) : Q] = 2 · 3 = 6 2 as x3 + 7 is irreducible √ over Q and the roots of x − x + 1 are complex so it is irreducible over Q( 3 7). Algebra – James Wilson Since x3 +7 is irreducible, its Galois group is a transitive group on 3 elements with order 6 – it is S3 . The intermediate fields are exhibited as √ Q( 3 7, α) XXXX QQQ XXXXX X QQQ QQQ XXXXXXXXXX Q XXXXX QQQ XXXXX √ X √ √ 3 3 Q( 7) Q(α 7) Q(α2 3 7) l yy lll yy lll l y l yy lll lll yy l y l Q(α) lll yy JJJ yy llllll y JJJ l y JJJ yy lll JJ yylylllll l Q √ Certainly every subfield is normal in Q( 3 7, α) as it is a splitting field – moreover it corresponds to the trivial group which is normal in all subgroups. Finally we should expect to observe the Q(α)/Q is normal. This is true in two ways: first it is the splitting field for x2 + x + 1, and second it is of degree 2. We also observe the remaining intermediate fields are not normal as in each case, the polynomial x3 + 7 does not split in them even though each contains a root of x3 + 7. To be certain of our construction we must verify exist √ the automorphism √ that correspond to this field extension. Define σ( 3 7) = α 3 7 and leaving α invariant. By the fact that both are roots of the same monic minimal degree irreducible polynomial, we know there exists a field monomorphism σ and as it lies √ inside a normal extension we may extend this to Q-automorphism of Q( 3 7, α). Notice then √ √ √ 3 3 3 σ(α 7) = σ(α)α 7 = α2 7 √ √ √ so that in fact σ = ( 3 7, α 3 7, α2 3 7). Therefore σ has order 3 – it is A3 – and it fixes Q(α) as predicted. √ √ In similar fashion, τ ( 3 7) = 3 7 and τ (α) = α2 again produces a monomorphism of √ √ 3 3 Q(α, [3]7)/Q( 7) → Q(α2 , 7) by the fact that α and α2 share the same monic minimal degree irreducible √ 3 polynomial. Clearly this is an automorphism of Q(α, 7). Furthermore, τ = √ √ √ (α 3 7, α2 3 7) so τ has order 2, and fixes Q( 3 7) so the correspondence is verified. 57 K. Let K be a splitting field for x4 + 6x2 + 5 over Q. Find all subfields of Proof: Notice √ √ x4 + 6x2 + 5 = (x2 + 1)(x2 + 5) = (x − i)(x + i)(x − i 5)(x + i 5), √ and, irr(i; Q) = x2 + 1√and irr(i 5; Q) = x2 + 5. Thus we have√know our splitting field to be Q(i, 5)/Q. Moreover, its degree is 4 as deg irr( √ 5; Q) = 2 and as all the roots of x2 + 1 are complex, it is irreducible over Q( 5) we obtain the tower of extensions: √ √ √ √ [Q(i, 5) : Q] = [Q(i, 5) : Q( 5)][Q( 5) : Q] = 4. 57 CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 58 Since the irreducible factors each contain only two of the roots it follows the Galois group lies in S4 but it not transitive on the four elements. There is only one such family of subgroups in S4 , the Klein-4-groups of the form: K41 = {(1), (1 2), (3 4), (1 2)(3 4)}. So this is our Galois group: √ √ √ √ G = {(i), (i − i), (i 5 − i 5), (i − i)(i 5 − i 5)}. Note the automorphisms exist and are well-defined as they are clearly the extension of the Q-monomorphisms i → −i etc. which have the same irreducible polynomial so they are justified. Hence the subfields of K correspond to this lattice. Having the automorphisms in hand we can compute the subfields as √ Q(i, 5) QQQ nn QQQ nnn QQQ n n n QQQ n n Q n nn √ √ Q(i) P Q( 5) Q(i 5) PPP m PPP mmm PPP mmm m PPP m PPP mmm mmm Q √ √ In particular, which is to √ Q(i) √ is the√fix field of σ(i) = i and σ( 5) = − 5, √ say σ = (i √ 5, −i 5); Q( 5) is fixed in τ = (i, −i); and finally Q(i 5) is fixed √ √ √ √ by (i − i)(i 5 − i 5), as √ i 5 → −i 5 → i 5. √All are normal as Q(i) is the splitting field of x2 + 1, Q( 5) of x2 − 5 and Q(i 5) that of x2 + 5. 58 Let K be a splitting field for x4 − 3 over Q(i). Find the Galois group of K over Q(i). Proof: √ √ √ √ √ √ 4 4 4 4 x4 − 3 = (x2 − 3)(x2 + 3) = (x − 3)(x + 3)(x − i 3)(x + i 3). √ √ Therefore Q( 4 3, i)/Q(i) is a splitting field. Moreover, as 4 3 ∈ / Q(i) it follows x4 − 3 is irreducible over Q(i). Moreover, the irreducible factors are not over Q(i) so there is only one irreducible component and thus the Galois group acts transitively on all four roots. √ The degree of the extension is 4 as the irr( 4 3; Q(i)) = x4 − 3. Therefore the√Galois group is V or C4 . There is however only one intermediate field: Q( 3, i)/Q(i). So it must be C4 . 59 Let ε ∈ C be a primitive 7th root of unity. Determine the minimal polynomial of ε, the structure of the Galois group, and the subfields. Work with Dawn. Proof: We know xp −1 x−1 is irreducible over Q and certainly this is nothing more than Φ7 so it has ε as a root. Now the Galois group of a Cyclotomic extension is cyclic (mostly by design) so it must be the cyclic group C6 . Therefore we expect to find two proper intermediate fields. To formalize the Galois group we can take σk as a Q-automorphism of Q(ε)/Q with e2πi/7 7→ e2πik/7 and k ∈ Z× 7 . The automorphism is σ1 is unit and σ3 is a generator. From here we identify the intermediate fields as hσ2 i∗ and hσ6 i∗ . Algebra – James Wilson 60 Let K = Q(i, e2πi/3 ), where i = Gal(K/Q). Example: The polynomial x3 −1 x−1 √ −1 in C. Find [K : Q] and determine √ √ has roots − 12 ± i 32. Certainly 3 ∈ / Q(i) so 3 −1 is irreducible over Q(i). Hence [K : Q] = [K : Q(i)][Q(i) : Q] = Φ3 (x) = xx−1 2 · 2 = 4. Moreover, the extension is no visibly a splitting field of (x2 + 1)Φ3 (x) so it is normal, and as Q has characteristic 0 also separable; therefore, the extension is Galois. Moreover, the Galois group must act transitively on the irreducible factors, which are x2 + 1 and Φ3 (x) respectively. As both of these have only two roots we see that no automorphism in Gal(K/Q) can have order greater than 2 (they are all transpositions when restricted to the roots of the irreducible factors). As there are only two groups of order 4, we must conclude the Galois group of the extension is C2 × C2 as C4 has elements of order 4. In particular Gal(K/Q) = h(i, −i), (e2πi/3 , e4πi/3 )i. In a field of characteristic p, there is one pm -th root of unity. Proof: By the Freshman’s dream we know 68 m m xp − 1 = (x − 1)p . Hence this polynomial has only one root, so there is at most one pm -th root of unity. Each certainly has at least one root of unity – simply 1. Thus there is precisely one pm -th root of unity. If F is a finite field and f ∈ F [x] is irreducible then f 0 (x) 6= 0. Proof: Let F have characteristic p > 0, which it must have as it is a finite field. Suppose f 0 (x) = 0. Then there exists some g(x) ∈ F [x] such that f (x) = p g(x ) (this way the non-zero coefficients are annihilated.) Now F is a finite field so the Frobenius map a 7→ ap is an automorphism of F . √ Therefore every element has a p-th root in F – we will denote such a root as p a. In this way we see: 72 g(xp ) = = = = a0 + a1 xp + · · · + an xpn √ √ √ ( p a0 )p + ( p a1 )p xp + · · · + ( p an )p xpn √ √ √ ( p a0 + p a1 x + · · · + p an xn )p (f2 (x))p . Visibly f (x) is reducible as p > 1. As all other polynomials have non-zero derivatives it follows any irreducible polynomial over F has non-zero derivative. 77 Show there is a Galois extension of F125 with Galois group C6 . Example: Notice 125 = 53 so we begin by acknowledging F518 exists as it is the 18 splitting field of x5 − x over F5 . Now as 3|18 we have F125 ≤ F3,814,697,265,625 . Moreover, the degree of [F125 : F5 ] = 3 so [F3,814,697,265,625 : F125 ] = 6. As the Galois group of F3,814,697,265,625 /F5 is C18 , the subgroups are all cyclic, so the Galois group of F3,814,697,265,625 /F125 is C6 . 59 CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 60 78 Every Galois extension of C is Galois over R. Proof: Every Galois extension is finite, so it is algebraic. However C is algebraically closed so there are only trivial Galois extensions. Therefore the question is equivalent to asking if C is a Galois extension of R. Certainly so as it has degree 2 which is both finite and also indicates normal, and it is over a field of characteristic 0 so it is separable. 80 Let k be a subfield of an algebraically closed field K such that the transcendence degree is finite. Prove that if ϕ : K → K is a k-monomorphism, then ϕ is an automorphism of K. Proof: Let T = {a1 , . . . , an } be a transcendence basis of K. Since ϕ is a monomorphism it follows ϕ(T ) is a set with cardinality n. Moreover, if ϕ(T ) is algebraically dependent, then there exists some p(x1 , . . . , xn ) ∈ k[x1 , . . . , xn ] such that p(ϕ(a1 ), . . . , ϕ(an )) = 0. Since ϕ|k(T ) is bijective, fixing k, we see that 0 = ϕ−1 (0) = ϕ−1 (p(ϕ(a1 , . . . , ϕ(an )) = p(a1 , . . . , an ). This contradicts the assumption that T is algebraically independent. Whence we now see ϕ(T ) is as well. Since it has the same size as the transcendence degree it follows ϕ(T ) is a transcendence basis for K. Therefore indeed we now see that ϕ is an automorphism of k(T ) – the purely transcendental extension of k in K. Now we look to the algebraic material. We know that any k(T )-monomorphism of k(T )(α) lies in k(T )(β) where α and β are roots of the same irreducible. Therefore ϕ|k(T )(A) is an automorphism of k(T )(A) for any set A of all roots of any given irreducible. Since K is algebraically closed, we know K/k(T ) is precisely the extension of adjoining all roots, so in fact ϕ is an automorphism of all of K. Let f ∈ Fp [x] such that f 0 = 0, then any splitting field for f is separable. Proof: Let α be any element in the splitting field and take g(x) to be irr(α; k). If the extension is to be inseparable then we may suppose that g(x) is an example of an inseparable polynomial that makes it so. However, for g(x) to be inseparable it must have a 0 derivative. Whence g(x) is irreducible if and only at least one coefficient has no p-th root in k. However k is a finite field of characteristic p. Therefore the Frobenius map is an automorphism, so every element has a p-th root in k. This leads to a contradiction: either g(x) is reducible – impossible by the choice of g(x), or it is separable. So it must be separable, and now as every minimal polynomial is separable, the extension is separable. 83 84 A field of order 243 contains exactly one proper subfield. Proof: First factor 243 into 35 . Since the existence of intermediate fields is purely a number theory game we quickly notice since 5 is prime, the only divisors are 1 and 5, so the only subfield is F3 and in fact F243 has only one proper subfield. 85 Give an example of a finite extension K/Fq in which two intermediate fields L and M are incomparable. Example: The smallest such example comes from extending Fq to Fq6 . Because of the extension has Galois group C6 (simply because the degree of the extension is 6, and the Galois group of a finite field extension of a finite field must be cyclic.) The group C6 has two incomparable subgroups – one of order 2, another of order 3 – so there is precisely the same correspondence in the Algebra – James Wilson subfields. 86 Prove in a finite extension of a finite field every intermediate field is stable (every automorphism of the intermediate field maps back into the subfield.) Proof: The Galois group of any such extension must be cyclic. As such every subgroup is normal. Normal subgroups imply normal intermediate fields. If an intermediate field extension is normal then it stable. 88 Show the field extension Q(x)/Q(x6 ) is not a Galois extension. Example: Consider the polynomial y 6 − x6 ∈ Q(x6 )[y]. Certainly x is a root, and furthermore we can factor y 6 − x6 as (y − x)(y + x)(y 2 − yx + x2 )(y 2 + yx + x2 ). Since we are over Q we can apply the quadratic formula to solve for the remaining factors: √ ±x ± −3x2 . y= 2 Now we notice that the remaining roots are complex so their monomials are not over Q(x6 ). Now by inspection: (y − x)(y + x) (y − x)(y 2 + yx + x2 ) (y − x)(y 2 − yx + x2 ) (y + x)(y 2 + yx + x2 ) (y + x)(y 2 − yx + x2 ) (y 2 + yx + x2 )(y 2 − yx + x2 ) = = = = = = y 2 − x2 ∈ / Q(x6 ) y 3 − x3 ∈ / Q(x6 ) 3 2 y − 2y x + 2yx2 − x3 ∈ / Q(x6 ) y 3 + 2y 2 x + 2yx2 + x3 ∈ / Q(x6 ) y 3 + x3 ∈ / Q(x6 ) y 4 + y 2 x2 + x4 ∈ / Q(x6 ). Therefore y 6 − x6 is irreducible as none of its proper factors is over Q(x6 ) and none of the roots are in Q(x6 ). However this illustrates that the extension is not Galois as it does not contain any of the complex roots but it does contain some roots, so the extension is not normal, hence, not Galois. 89 Let K/k be a finite field extension and L, M be intermediate fields such that L ∩ M = k. Prove [LM : k] ≤ [L : k][M : k] and show by example that a strict inequality is possible. Proof: Notice LM = L(M ); whence, [LM : k] = [LM : L][L : k]. Now extend a basis from the linearly independent set {1} for the vector space LM over L. This basis A = {1 = a1 , a2 , . . . , am } if finite since we lie in a finite field extension. Moreover, if any two basis vectors lie in L then they are linearly dependent so in fact all A ⊂ M − L ∪ {1} since the only element from L is the vector 1. Therefore [LM : L] ≤ [M : L ∩ M ] Now recall L ∩ M = k, so [LM : L] ≤ [M : L ∩ M ] = [M : k]. Therefore we now observe that: [LM : k] ≤ [M : k][L : k]. Example: Consider the splitting field in C of x3 − 7 over Q. We have already 61 CHAPTER 2. FIELDS 62 established that this possess the intermediate fields: √ Q( 3 7, α) XXXX QQQ XXXXX X QQQ QQQ XXXXXXXXXX QQQ XXXXX XXXXX Q X √ √ √ 3 3 Q( 7) Q(α 7) Q(α2 3 7) l yy lll yy lll l y l yy lll lll yy l y l l y Q(α) l JJJ yy lll yy llllll JJJ y JJJ yy ll JJ yylylllll l Q √ √ Notice then the intermediate fields L = Q( 3 7) and M = Q(α 3 7) intersect at √ Q and join at Q( 3 7, α). Therefore 6 = [LM : Q] ≤ 9 = [L : Q][M : Q]. 91 Let k be a field, p(x) an irreducible polynomial in k[x] of degree n, and let K be a Galois extension of k containing a root α of p(x). Let G = Gal(K/k), and Gα be the set of all σ ∈ G with σ(α) = α. (a) Show that Gα has index n in G. (b) Show that if Gα is normal in G, then p(x) splits in the fixed field of Gα . To begin with, given any two σ, τ ∈ Gα it follows σ(α) = α and τ (α) = α so στ (α) = σ(α) = α so στ ∈ Gα . Naturally 1(α) = α so 1 ∈ Gα . Finally α = σ −1 (σ(α)) = σ −1 (α) by the definition of functional inverses, so σ −1 ∈ Gα and so Γα is a subgroup of G. Of importance is the fact the K is a Galois extension over k. Thus it is normal and finite, so G is finite and p(x) splits in K as it contains one root in K. Therefore G contains the Galois group of p(x). Notice p(x) has degree n and is irreducible so [k(α) : k] = n. As Gα fixes α and all of k it is certainly contained in k(α)∗ . Now we must show this is sufficient. Given any σ which fixed k(α) it follows σ(α) = α so indeed σ ∈ Gα . Therefore Gα = k(α)∗ . As such the by the Galois correspondence we know [G : Gα ] = [k(α) : k] = n. Now suppose Gα is normal in G. Then as Gα = k(α)∗ and the extension is Galois it follows ∗ is invertible so G∗α = k(α), so k(α) is normal over k. As it contains one root of p(x) it must contain all roots, so p(x) splits in k(α). Proof: 92 Let k(α)/k be a field extension obtained by adjoining a root α of an irreducible separable polynomial f ∈ k[x]. Then there exists an intermediate field k < F < k(α) if and only if the Galois group Gal(f ; k) is imprimitive. If the group is imprimitive then the subfield F can be chosen so that [F : k] is equal to the number of imprimitivity blocks. If the Galois group is primitive then it has maximal stabilizer of α. However Gα determines the field k(α) (see 91) that is now minimal over k, so there is no intermediate field. Whence in the contrapositive if an intermediate field exists then G is imprimitive. Proof: Algebra – James Wilson Now suppose G acts imprimitively on the roots of f . Then there is a nontrivial block decomposition of the roots, one of which contains α, call this block B. Every element that stabilizes α must also act inside the block of B. Furthermore, G acts transitively inside B so there exists and element g ∈ G such that gα = β for some distinct β ∈ B. Therefore GB – the elements that act inside of B (perhaps stabilize B is the proper term, only they are not actually fixing elements of B) – is a proper parent group of Gα . As such it corresponds to and intermediate field k < G∗B < G∗α . Moreover we now see that the index [G : GB ] is the number of imprimitivity blocks so we have the required field whose extension degree is the number of imprimitivity blocks. 63 64 CHAPTER 2. FIELDS Chapter 3 Modules 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F Noetherian/Artinian Rings. . . . . . . D.C.C. submodules and quotients. . . Modules over artinian Rings. . . . . . Sum decomposition of A.C.C./D.C.C. Module Bases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uniqueness of Module Decomposition. Maschke’s Theorem. . . . . . . . . . . Module Annihilators. . . . . . . . . . . Divisor Chains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Composition Series . . . . . . . . . . . Free Submodules . . . . . . . . . . . . Free Submodules . . . . . . . . . . . . Free PID Modules . . . . . . . . . . . Free Inheritance . . . . . . . . . . . . . PID Quotients . . . . . . . . . . . . . PID subrings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Polynomials over PIDs . . . . . . . . . Polynomials over Artinian Rings . . . Torsion Free vs. Free . . . . . . . . . . Hom over PIDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pure Submodules . . . . . . . . . . . . Invariant Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . Smith Normal From . . . . . . . . . . Invariant Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . Left Regular Modules . . . . . . . . . Matrix Equivalence . . . . . . . . . . . Invariant Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . Primary Decomposition . . . . . . . . Endomorphisms over PIDs . . . . . . . Endomorphisms over PIDs . . . . . . . Torsion Free vs. Free . . . . . . . . . . Rank Ordering . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free Quotients . . . . . . . . . . . . . Isomorphic Quotients . . . . . . . . . . Classification of Modules . . . . . . . . Abelian Groups of order 56 · 75 . . . . Abelian Groups of order 108 . . . . . . 65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 69 69 69 70 71 71 71 72 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 76 76 78 78 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 82 82 CHAPTER 3. MODULES 66 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 T/F Noetherian Modules . . . . . . . . . Diagonal Submodules . . . . . . . . Cyclic Product . . . . . . . . . . . . Simple Products . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Module Quotients . . . . . . . . . . . Indecomposable Modules . . . . . . . T/F Matrix Subrings . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Schur’s Lemma Converse . . . . . . . T/F Noetherian Modules . . . . . . . . . T/F Zero-Divisors in Group Algebras . . T/F Commutative Semi-simple Rings . . Idempotents and J(R) . . . . . . . . T/F Nilpotent Ideal . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Nilpotency in Semi-simple Rings . . Semi-simple Rings of order 4 . . . . T/F Jacobson Radical . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Semi-simple Rings . . . . . . . . . . Jacobson Radical of Z/m . . . . . . Idempotents and Jacobson Radicals Jacobson Radical of Matrices . . . . Nakayama’s Lemma . . . . . . . . . T/F Jacobson Radical . . . . . . . . . . . Jacobson Radicals of PIDs . . . . . . Nakayama’s Lemma . . . . . . . . . T/F Schur’s Lemma . . . . . . . . . . . . Semi-simple Rings . . . . . . . . . . T/F Division Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Division Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Simple Artinian Rings . . . . . . . . Group Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . Group Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Commutative Algebras . . . . . . . . T/F Commutative Algebras . . . . . . . . Simple Modules over Algebras . . . . Finite Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Finite Simple Rings . . . . . . . . . . T/F Complex Algebra Dimensions . . . . Division Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Division Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Complex dimension 4 Algebras . . . T/F Complex dimension 3 Algebras . . . Rings of idempotents . . . . . . . . . T/F Nilpotent Free Rings . . . . . . . . . Real Algebras of Dimension 2 . . . . Similar Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . Similar Matrices . . . . . . . . . . . Nilpotent Matrices . . . . . . . . . . T/F Similarity Classes . . . . . . . . . . . Similarity Class of F2 . . . . . . . . . Simultaneous Diagonalization . . . . Simultaneous Diagonalization . . . . Matrices and Polynomials . . . . . . Minimal Polynomials . . . . . . . . . Matrix Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 83 84 84 84 85 85 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 89 90 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 92 92 93 93 94 94 95 95 95 96 96 97 97 97 97 97 98 98 99 99 99 100 100 101 103 103 67 Algebra – James Wilson 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F Linear Decomposition . . . . . . . . Jordan Normal Form . . . . . . . . . Jacobson Module . . . . . . . . . . . Simple Algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . Endomorphisms and Semi-simplicity Indecomposable Modules . . . . . . . Maximal Ideals . . . . . . . . . . . . Polynomial Rings . . . . . . . . . . . Injective Modules . . . . . . . . . . . Non-projective Modules . . . . . . . Projective Z-modules . . . . . . . . . Non-projective Modules . . . . . . . Cyclic Projective Modules . . . . . . Projective/Injective Inheritance . . . Injective Z/nZ-modules . . . . . . . Injective Z-modules . . . . . . . . . . Projectives over PIDs . . . . . . . . Module Quotients . . . . . . . . . . . Injectivity of Fraction Fields . . . . . Injective Hulls . . . . . . . . . . . . . Semi-simple Modules . . . . . . . . . Semi-simple Modules . . . . . . . . . Projective R[x]-modules . . . . . . . Projectivity and Freeness . . . . . . Dual Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . Duals of Projectives . . . . . . . . . Finite Dimensional Duals . . . . . . Projectivity and Fields . . . . . . . . Subring Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . Tensors over PIDs . . . . . . . . . . Torsion and Tensors . . . . . . . . . Fraction Field Tensors . . . . . . . . Tensor Isomorphisms . . . . . . . . . Tensors and Quotients . . . . . . . . Tensors of Exact Sequences . . . . . Flat Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . Induced Quotient Modules . . . . . . Tensored Maps . . . . . . . . . . . . Endomorphism Rings and Tensors . Induced Modules over Tensors . . . . Dimension and Tensors . . . . . . . . Annihilating Modules . . . . . . . . Identity Tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . Tensors over Free Modules . . . . . . Applied Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . Applied Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . Applied Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . Applied Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . Quotients and Tensors . . . . . . . . Mixed Ring Tensors . . . . . . . . . Fields and Tensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 104 104 104 105 105 105 106 106 106 107 108 108 108 109 109 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 112 112 112 113 113 114 114 115 115 116 116 117 118 119 120 120 121 121 121 122 122 122 122 122 122 122 123 123 CHAPTER 3. MODULES 68 1 Noetherian/Artinian Rings. Let K be an infinite field extension of k. Let R be the ring of all 2 × 2 upper triangular matrices: α β 0 c with α, β ∈ K and c ∈ k. Show that R is left artinian and left noetherian but is neither right artinian nor right noetherian. Example: The submodules of R R are nothing more than the left ideals of R as left translation must be closed in each submodule. Given any ideal S of R, we take A ∈ S and B ∈ R and observe: 0 0 αα αβ 0 + βc0 α β α β0 . = BA = 0 cc0 0 c0 0 c As A comes from an ideal S, then BA is in S. The multiplication above demonstrates that the projection maps π1,1 : R → K and π2,2 : R → k are ring homomorphisms (the addition is clearly preserved) and so they tell us that π1,1 (BA) ∈ π1,1 (S); π2,2 (BA) ∈ π2,2 (S). Indeed, π1,1 (S) is an ideal of K and π2,2 (S) is an ideal of k. As both K and k are fields we have only the trivial choices of ideals. Therefore the components A1,1 and A2,2 correspond to the two ideals of their respective fields which gives us an up bound of four choices for the ideals in these components. However, the component (BA)1,2 illustrates the fact that the projection map π1,2 : R → K is not a ring homomorphism as multiplication is not preserved. So now we know we may take I T S= 0 J where I E K and J E k, and T a subset of K closed under addition and with the property that KT + KJ ⊆ T ⊆ K. If J = k then KJ = Kk = K ≤ T ⊆ K; T = K. So assume we have J = 0. Then we simply have the requirement that KT ⊆ T ⊆ K, and I does not factor into the problem at all. Clearly then 0 ∈ T if T is non-empty – which it must be as otherwise matrices in S would not have an upper right corner. Moreover, if there is a non-zero element a ∈ T , then a−1 ∈ K so 1 ∈ T and then from here clearly K ⊆ T ⊆ K forcing once again T = K. Thus we have the following list of left ideals: 0 0 K 0 0 K K K 0 K K K , , , , , . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 k 0 k As there are only finitely many left ideals, the ring is trivially left artinian and left noetherian. Now consider the right ideals. Given K/k is infinite, it follows there is a basis B = {bi : i ∈ I} for K/k as a vector space which is infinite. Certainly kn = Spank {b0 , . . . , bn } is an infinite ascending chain of distinct k-vector spaces in K. Moreover, this induces the same in the RR : 0 kn Sn = . 0 0 Algebra – James Wilson 69 Therefore RR is not right noetherian. With the similar construction: kn0 = Spank {Bi : i ∈ I\{0, . . . , n}} we see RR is neither right artinian as this is an infinite descending chain.1 2 D.C.C. submodules and quotients. Let V be a left R-module and W ≤ V be a submodule. Then V satisfies the D.C.C. if and only if W and V /W do. Hint: Use the correspondence theorem and the second isomorphism theorem. Suppose V satisfies the D.C.C. Given any chain of submodules in W , certainly these are submodules of V so they stabilize in finitely many steps in V , and so too in W . Likewise, given any chain of submodules in V /W , by the correspondence theorem we have a chain of submodules in V whose factors are the original chain in V /W . Thus in V they stabilize so in V /W they stabilize. Now suppose V /W and W satisfy the D.C.C. Take a chain Proof: V0 ≥ V 1 ≥ · · · in V . This induces the chains: V0 + W/W ≥ V1 + W/W ≥ · · · ; V0 ∩ W ≥ V 1 ∩ W ≥ · · · . As both V /W and W satisfy the D.C.C. it follows both these chains stabilize. Now we use the 2nd isomorphism theorem to replace our chain in V /W with: V0 /V0 ∩ W ≥ V1 /V1 ∩ W ≥ · · · , which must also stabilize in finitely many steps as it is isomorphic to the chain in V /W . Since the quotients and the intersections stabilize, and we have an abelian group, the original chain stabilizes. 3 Modules over artinian Rings. If R is left artinian and V is a finitely generated left R-module then V satisfies D.C.C. Hint: Resolve the module with a finitely generated free Proof: Given V is finitely generated, it follows it has a generating set {a1 , . . . , an }, R-module, then use Exercise3.2. and so the free module Rn maps canonically onto V . Therefore V is a quotient module of Rn . However, from Exercise-3.2 we know if Rn satisfies D.C.C., then so must the quotient V . Therefore we need only prove Rn satisfies D.C.C. Given R is left artinian we know every chain of left ideals in R has finite length. In R ⊕ R we have the canonical embedding R ⊕ 0 of R, and we notice that by projecting we obtain R ⊕ R/R ⊕ 0 ∼ = R. Hence, using Exercise-3.2 in reverse we see that R2 satisfies the D.C.C. as a left R-module. Now we induct. Let Rk satisfy the descending chain condition. As such, Rk+1 /Rk ⊕ 0 ∼ = R so once again by Exercise-3.2 we know Rk+1 to also satisfy the descending chain condition as a left R-module. Therefore by induction we may now conclude that Rn satisfies the descending chain condition and as use so does V . 4 Sum decomposition of A.C.C./D.C.C. is written as a finite sum of its submodules: V = n X Assume that a left R-module V Vi . i=1 Show that V is noetherian (resp. artinian) if and only if so is every Vi . 1 When multiplying from the right, the matrix A spans R and B is fixed in S; thus, the term T = IK + T k which is K, or any k vector space. Hint: Show that extensions of A.C.C. modules are A.C.C., then induct. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 70 Suppose V satisfies the ascending chain condition as a left R-module. Then given that each Vi is a submodule of V , any ascending chain of submodules of Vi is also one in V . Hence, the length of this chain must be finite in V so it must also be finite in Vi . In conclusion each Vi satisfies the ascending chain condition. The same argument follows mutatis mutandis for the descending chain condition. Now take each P Vi to satisfy the ascending chain condition. Suppose also k for induction that i=1 Vi satisfies the ascending chain condition. First as the Pk additive structure is an abelian group, we know i=1 Vi is a subgroup of V since all the submodules Vi are normal subgroups. Furthermore, given any r ∈ R, ! k k k X X X r Vi ) = rVi ⊆ Vi . Proof: i=1 i=1 i=1 Pk using the fact that each Vi is indeed a submodule. Hence i=1 Vi is a submodPk+1 ule, and moreover, so is i=1 Vi . Finally, ! k+1 k k X X X ∼ Vi / Vi = Vk+1 / Vi ∩ Vk+1 . i=1 i=1 i=1 Since Vk+1 satisfies the ascending chain condition, so does ! k X Vk+1 /Vk+1 / Vi ∩ Vk+1 . i=1 If we show that an extension of A.C.C. modules is A.C.C. we will have the right to conclude that V is A.C.C. by induction. Now suppose V /W and W satisfy the A.C.C. Take a chain V0 ≤ V 1 ≤ · · · in V . This induces the chains: V0 + W/W ≤ V1 + W/W ≤ · · · ; V0 ∩ W ≤ V1 ∩ W ≤ · · · . As both V /W and W satisfy the A.C.C. it follows both these chains stabilize. Now we use the 2nd isomorphism theorem to replace our chain in V /W with: V0 /V0 ∩ W ≤ V1 /V1 ∩ W ≤ · · · , which must also stabilize in finitely many steps as it is isomorphic to the chain in V /W . Since the quotients and the intersections stabilize, the original chain stabilizes. Hint: Verify the the claim directly. 5 Module Bases. Let k be a field and V be a vector space over k with an infinite basis {e0 , e1 , . . . }, and R = Endk (V ). Let r, s ∈ R be the elements defined by r(e2n ) = en , r(e2n+1 ) = 0 and s(e2n ) = 0, s(e2n+1 ) = en . Prove {r, s} is a basis of R. Proof: Take ϕ, ψ ∈ R so that ϕr + ψs = 0. If we evaluate ϕ(en ) = ϕr(e2n ) + ψs(e2n ) = 0; ψ(en ) = ϕr(e2n+1 ) + ψs(e2n+1 ) = 0. Therefore ϕ = 0 and ψ = 0 so {ϕ, ψ} are linearly independent. Furthermore define for every ϕ ∈ R ϕe (ei ) = ϕ(e2i ); ϕo (ei ) = ϕ(e2i+1 ). Algebra – James Wilson 71 So ϕe (r(e2i )) + ϕo (s(e2i )) = ϕe (ei ) = ϕ(e2i ) and ϕe (r(e2i+1 )) + ϕo (s(e2i+1 )) = ϕe (ei ) = ϕ(e2i+1 ). Thus, ϕ = ϕe r + ϕo s so {r, s} is a basis for R. 6 Uniqueness of Module Decomposition. – True or False? Let V = W ⊕ X and V = W ⊕ Y be decompositions of a left R-module v as direct sums of modules. Then X = Y . Example: Consider V = Z2 ⊕ Z2 as Z-module. The decompositions h(1, 0)i ⊕ h(0, 1)i; Hint: Consider non-cyclic finite Z-modules. h(1, 0)i ⊕ h(1, 1)i do not agree but they both are decompositions of V . If you allow W to vary then it is worse: X need not be isomorphic to Y ; consider Z2 ⊕ Z6 = (Z2 ⊕ Z2 ) ⊕ Z3 . 7 Maschke’s Theorem. Let G be a finite group, F a field of characteristic p dividing |G|, and F G the group algebra. Consider the 1-dimensional submodule P of the left regular module F G F G spanned by the element g∈G g. Show that this submodule is not a direct summand of the regular module. P Proof: Let x = g∈G g and take W be a complement to hxi in F G F G. Hence we know 1 ∈F G F G = hxi ⊕ W Hint: Consider the augmentation ideal. so 1 = λx + w for some λ ∈ F G and w ∈ W ; that is, 1 − λx ∈ W . Therefore for any g ∈ G, g(1 − λx) ∈ W since W is an F G-module. Indeed we may take λ ∈ F since gx = x it is clear that X X X λx = cg g g = cg x, g∈G g∈G g∈G and each cg ∈ F . Given that the characteristic of F divides the order of |G|, it must follow that |G|λ = 0 in F . Also λ commutes with g so we get X X X X g(1 − λx) = g − gλx = (g − λgx) = (g − λx) = x − |G|λx = x. g∈G g∈G g∈G g∈G However, above we resolved that this sum was in W so we must conclude that x ∈ W which means that W does not split with hxi in F G F G. Therefore hxi has no complement proving F G F G is not semi-simple. 8 Module Annihilators. – True or False? (a) Let R be a commutative ring with ideals I, J such that R/I ∼ = R/J (as modules), then I = J. (b) Let R be any ring and I, J any two left-ideals where R/I and R/J are isomorphic as left modules, then I = J. Hint: Consider the annihilators of quotient modules. 72 CHAPTER 3. MODULES (a) Proof: True. Given R is a commutative ring, it follows R → End(R/I) : r 7→ r(1+I) has kernel I, and by definition this kernel is AnnR (R/I). Hence, I = AnnR (R/I) and likewise J = AnnR (R/J). As such, if R/I ∼ = R/J as R-modules, then we have AnnR (R/I) = AnnR (R/J) so indeed I = J. (b) Example: False. With a non-commutative example we know that the annihilator of a module is always a two sided ideal, so we need only choose one sided ideals to defeat the proof above. So consider a non-commutative ring R = M2 (F ), with F a field. Then the left ideals x 0 0 x I= , J= , y 0 0 y give the natural projection quotients: R/I ∼ = J, R/J ∼ = I. There is also a natural R-module isomorphism between I and J so indeed R/I ∼ = R/J. However, I 6= J visibly. Hint: Place the matrix for the injection from W into V in Rational Canonical Form. 9 Divisor Chains. Let R = C[[x]], the ring of formal power series over C. Consider the submodule W of the free module V = Rv1 ⊕ Rv2 generated by u1 = (1 − x)−1 v1 + (1 − x2 )−1 v2 and u2 = (1 + x)−1 v1 + (1 + x2 )−1 v2 . Find a basis {v10 , v20 } of V and elements δ1 |δ2 ∈ R such that W is generated by δ1 v10 and δ2 v20 . Describe V /W . Example: We are asked to find unimodular matrices P and Q such that we have the following diagram: 0 / Ru1 ⊕ Ru2 0 / δ1 Rv 0 ⊕ δ2 Rv 0 1 2 / V /W /0 / R/δ1 Rv10 ⊕ R/δ2 Rv20 / 0. / Rv1 ⊕ Rv2 A Q P / Rv 0 ⊕ Rv 0 1 2 −1 P AQ We do this by computing the Rational Canonical Form for the matrix A. We notice that if we let 1 1 1−x 1+x A= 1 1 1−x2 1+x2 and consider R expressed according to v1 and v2 , then we have W = SpanR {Ae1 , Ae2 }, with eT1 = (1, 0) and eT2 = (0, 1). 1 1 1 1 1 0 1−x 1+x 1−x 1+x = ; −1 1 1 1 1 0 − 1+x 1 1−x 2 (1+x)2 + 1+x2 1+x2 1 1−x 0 1 1+x −1 (1+x)2 + 1 1+x2 1 1 − 1−x 1+x = 1−x 0 0 1 0 −1 2 (1+x) + 1 1+x2 . 1 1 1 1 Since 1−x (1 − x) = 1 we know 1−x is a unit so it clearly divides 1+x 2 − (1+x)2 so our matrix is in rational canonical form. Therefore the elementary divisors 1 1 1 are δ1 = 1−x and δ2 = 1+x 2 − (1+x)2 . In the same way we have P = 1 1 − 1+x 0 , 1 Q−1 = 1 − 1−x 1+x . 0 1 73 Algebra – James Wilson Thus to transfer V from the basis {v1 , v2 } to {v10 , v20 } we simply use P . 0 1 0 v1 v1 v1 v1 = . =P = −1 v1 − 1+x + v2 1 v2 v2 v20 1+x Finally, under this new basis {v10 , v20 } we see 1 1 1 ∼ ⊕ R/ − V /W = R/ = 0 ⊕ R/(x) ∼ =C 1−x 1 + x2 (1 + x)2 using the fact that 1 1−x 1 1 − 1 + x2 1 + 2x + x2 is a unit and that = = 1 + 2x + x2 1 + x2 − 2 3 4 1 + 2x + 2x + 2x + x 1 + 2x + 2x2 + 2x3 + x4 2x . 1 + 2x + 2x2 + 2x3 + x4 Since 1 + 2x + 2x2 + 2x3 + x4 ∈ C[[x]] it follows 1 1 ∼ R/ − = R/(2x) ∼ = R/(x). 1 + x2 (1 + x)2 10 Composition Series – True or False? Every finitely generated module over a commutative noetherian ring has a composition series. Example: Consider Z. Certainly Z is noetherian as any ascending chain must begin with 0, mZ, and from there there are only finitely many intermediate submodules. However, Z is not artinian as pi Z is an infinite descending chain. Since Z is finitely generated it has a composition series if and only if it is both artinian and noetherian. Thus it has no composition series. Hint: Consider the integers. 11 Free Submodules – True or False? If R is a commutative ring then any submodule of a free module is free. Example: Consider Z4 over Z4 . Certainly any ring over itself is free, and this is also a commutative ring; yet, Z2 is a submodule over Z4 but it is not isomorphic to a direct product of Z4 (finite means it is finitely generated as well) so Z2 is not free over Z4 . Hint: Consider finite rings. 12 Free Submodules – True or False? If R is a domain then any submodule of a free module is free. Example: False. Consider a field F , and its associated polynomial ring F [x, y]. Since F is an integral domain, so is F [x, y]. However, if we take the left F [x, y] ideal (x, y), then we notice the relation xy = yx. Yet x and y are independent elements as y ∈ / (x) and x ∈ / (y). This means x, y cannot be a basis as there is a relation, so (x, y) is not a free F [x, y] module. Hint: Consider F [x, y]. 13 Free PID Modules – True or False? If R is a PID then any submodule of a finitely generated free R-module is free. Proof: True. Let V be a finitely generated free R-module and W a submodule of V . From Theorem-3.7.7, and the fact that R is a PID, we know W is finitely generated and W ∼ = R/δ1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ R/δn Hint: Use the canonical representation of finitely generated modules over a PID. 74 CHAPTER 3. MODULES where d1 | · · · |dn . Furthermore, as V is free, there can be no torsion in V or in any submodule W ; therefore, each di = 0. So indeed, W is a finite direct product of R’s so it is a free R module. Hint: Show any two generators have relations. 14 Free Inheritance – True or False? If R is commutative and every submodule of a free R-module is free, then R is a PID. Proof: Certainly R R is free so each of its submodules I is free. Suppose that I has basis {a1 , a2 , . . . }. As R is commutative it follows that a1 a2 = a2 a1 so there is a non-trivial relation between the proposed basis. Hence a1 = a2 = · · · is required so indeed I is generated by a single element. Since every ideal of R is a submodule, we see R is a PID. Hint: Consider Z. 15 PID Quotients – True or False? If R is a PID and I a proper ideal of R then R/I is a PID. Example: Notice that what can fail is to have a quotient that is not an integral domain. For example, Z and 4Z has quotient Z/4Z which has zero-divisors; thus, while it is a principle ideal ring, it is not a domain, so it is not a PID. Hint: Consider Q[x]. 16 PID subrings – True or False? If R is a PID, then any subring of R is a PID. Example: As Q is a field, Q[x] is a PID; however, Z[x] is a subring but not a PID. To see this consider the map: 0 / I = Ker f / Z[x] / Z2 /0 given by f (p(x)) = p(0). This is simply an evaluation homomorphism so its properties will not be verified explicitly. Also clearly f (1) = 1 and f (0) = 0 so f is surjective so I 6= Z[x]. Notice also that I is simply all polynomials with even constant term, as p(x) ∈ I whenever f (p(x)) = p(0) = p0 ∼ = 0 (mod 2). Suppose I = (a(x)) for some a(x) ∈ Z[x]. Hence we have 2 ∈ I and so there must exist a b(x) ∈ Z[x] such that 2 = b(x)a(x) proving that deg a(x) = 0 so a(x) = ±1 or ±2. If a(x) = ±1 then I = Z[x] – already seen to be false. If a(x) = ±2 then there is no f (x) such that x = f (x)a(x), and so we conclude that I could not be principle to begin with. Hint: Consider Z. 17 Polynomials over PIDs – True or False? If R is a PID then R[x] is a PID. Example: Let R = Z. Z[x] is not a PID. (See Exercise-3.16.) Hint: Consider (x) ≥ (x2 ) ≥ ···. 18 Polynomials over Artinian Rings – True or False? R[x] is as well. Example: Given any ring R, notice If R is artinian, i (1) ≤ (x) ≤ (x2 ) ≤ (x4 ) ≤ · · · ≤ (x2 ) ≤ · · · so R[x] is not artinian. Hint: Consider the canonical presentation of modules over PIDs. 19 Torsion Free vs. Free – True or False? free module over a PID is free. Any finitely generated torsion Algebra – James Wilson 75 Proof: True. Since the module is finitely generated over a PID R it is equivalent to a direct sum M = R/(d1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ R/(dk ). However M is torsion free so each di = 0 as otherwise ei – the canonical component generator – has non-trivial annihilator and thus has torsion. As such M is truly just a direct sum of R modules, so consequently it is a free R module. 20 Hom over PIDs Let R be a PID. Calculate HomR (R/(a), R/(b)). Example: The solution is HomR (R/(a), R/(b)) ∼ = R/(a, b) ∼ = R/GCD(a, b). Define the map Λ : R → HomR (R/(a), R/(b)) by Λ(r)(x + (a)) = r b x + (b) GCD(a, b) for r, x ∈ R. Since R is a PID, the greatest common divisor of a and b is defined, and furthermore, GCD(a, b)|b in R. To show that Λ is well-defined take x + sa ≡ x (mod a). From here it follows from the definition of Λ b (x + sa) GCD(a, b) ab b x + rs ≡ r GCD(a, b) GCD(a, b) ≡ Λ(r)(x) + rsLCM (a, b) ≡ Λ(r)(x) (mod b). Λ(r)(x + sa) ≡ r Since Λ(r) is left translation, it is clearly an R-module homomorphism between R/(a) and R/(b), so Λ is well-defined. Now we briefly demonstrate that Λ is R-linear itself: b Λ(rs + t)(x) ≡ (rs + t) x GCD(a, b) b b x +t x ≡ r s GCD(a, b) GCD(a, b) ≡ rΛ(s)(x) + Λ(t)(x) ≡ (rΛ(s) + Λ(t))(x) (mod b). Next we demonstrate that Λ is epic so we may use the first isomorphism theorem. To see this take any g ∈ HomR (R/(a), R/(b)). Here we know 0 ≡ g(0) ≡ g(a · 1) ≡ ag(1) (mod b). However this then requires that b|ag(1), and clearly we also have a|ag(1), so indeed, LCM (a, b)|ag(1). So there exists an r0 ∈ R such that ag(1) = r0 LCM (a, b) = r0 ab b = (r0 a) . GCD(a, b) GCD(a, b) So if we let r = r0 a then we have Λ(r)(1) = g(1) so indeed by the linearity, Λ(r) = g. Finally we must determine the kernel of Λ to prove our assertion. Take any r ∈ R such that Λ(r)(x) ≡ 0 (mod b) for all x ∈ R. It follows then when x = 1 that b 0 ≡ Λ(r)(1) ≡ r (mod b) GCD(a, b) Hint: Consider the greatest common divisor of a and b. Prove it by sending 1 in R to b the map x+(a) 7→ (a,b) x+(b) in HomR (R/(a), R/(b)). CHAPTER 3. MODULES 76 and therefore GCD(a, b)|r. Hence r ∈ (GCD(a, b)). And as expected, if we take Λ(rGCD(a, b))(x) ≡ rGCD(a, b) b x ≡ rbx ≡ 0 (mod b). GCD(a, b) So Ker Λ = (GCD(a, b)); thus, by the first isomorphism theorem we now can say – as R-modules: R/(GCD(a, b)) ∼ = HomR (R/(a), R/(b)). Hint: Show W contains the torsion submodule then use the canonical presentation for finitely generated modules over PIDs. 21 Pure Submodules Let R be a PID, and V and R-module. A submodule W ≤ V is called pure if W ∩ rV = rW for all r ∈ R. If V is a finitely generated R-module, prove that a submodule W ≤ V is a pure submodule if and only if W is a direct summand of V . Proof: Given V = W ⊕ U take any v ∈ V to be v = w + u with w ∈ W and u ∈ U . Certainly rv = rw + ru and rv ∈ rW if and only if ru = rv − rw ∈ rW as clearly rw ∈ rW . Thus ru = 0 since W ∩ U = 0. Hence u = 0 as this works for all r ∈ R. Therefore v = w proving W ∩ rV = rW. Now suppose that W is a pure submodule of V . Given any r ∈ R such that rv + W = W , it follows rv ∈ W , so rv ∈ W ∩ rV = rW . This implies v ∈ W to begin with. So indeed, V /W is torsion-free. Hence the torsion submodule of V is contained in W . Since V is finitely generated over a PID, and V /T (V ) is torsion-free, it follows V /T (V ) is free and W/T (V ) remains a pure submodule of V /W . If W/T (V ) is a direct summand of V /T (V ) then by the correspondence theorem we know W is a direct summand of V . However, as V /T (V ) is free and W/T (V ) a submodule, we know there exists a suitable basis and suitable elementary divisors to present W/T (V ). However, the second isomorphism theorem tells us (V /T (V ))/(W/T (V )) ∼ = V /W which is torsion free, so each elementary divisor must be a unit or 0. Hence W/T (V ) is a direct summand of V /T (V ) and so W is a direct summand of V . Hint: Use the norm to determine which Gaussian integers are units and which are irreducible. Also recall that the Gaussian integers are a Euclidean Domain so the Euclidean algorithm applies. 22 Invariant Factors Calculate the invariant factors of the following matrices, working over Z[i] of Gaussian Integers: 2i i 2+i 1 0 0 i − 1 1 + i 0 . 0 1 + i 0 and 0 0 2 + i 0 0 2+i 1 + i −1 2 + i Example: First we recall a useful tool for working with commutative ring extensions. The norm function N : Z[i] → Z : x = a + bi → xx = a2 + b2 sends units to units. So if the norm of a number is invertible, only then is the element invertible in Z[i]. Also, as N (xy) = N (x)N (y) it follows if N (x) is irreducible then so is x. Thus using the Smith Normal Form algorithm in the first matrix we notice we need only work on the minor with top corner 2, 2. Here we add column 3 to column 2 first so that a2,2 - a2,3 . 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 + i 0 0 1 0 = 0 2 + i 0 . 0 0 2+i 0 1 1 0 1+i 1+i Algebra – James Wilson Using the Euclidean algorithm we find the greatest common divisor (2 + i, 1 + i): 2+i = 1+i = (1)(1 + i) + 1; (1 + i)(1) + 0. As such we have 1 as the GCD and moreover 1 = (1)(2 + i) + (−1)(1 + i). We also know from the proof of the Smith Normal Form algorithm that there exists d1 , d2 ∈ Z[i] such that 1 = (1)d1 + (−1)d2 ; d1 = 1, d2 = 0. Finally it follows the following matrix reduces our irreducible 2 + i by some number of irreducible factors, so in our situation it must reduce to a unit allowing us to complete the normal form by recursion on the algorithm. 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 −1 0 2 + i 0 = 0 1 −1 − i . 0 1 0 0 1+i 1+i 0 2+i 0 Now that a2,2 is a unit we use it to clear the second row and column. 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 −1 − i = 0 1 −1 − i , 0 −2 − i 1 0 2 + i 0 0 0 1 + 3i 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 −1 − i 0 1 1 + i = 0 1 0 . 0 0 1 + 3i 0 0 1 0 0 1 + 3i The invariant factors are thus 1, 1, 1 + 3i. Now we move the the challenging matrix. PENDING: redo Notice that 2 + i is a unit and common to every term in the third column. So we clear the third column. 2i i 2+i 2i i 0 1 0 −1 0 0 1 0 0 −1 + i 1 + i 0 0 . = −1 + i 1 + i 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 + i 0 2+i 1+i −1 2 + i 1+i −1 0 0 0 −1 1 Next we notice 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 that adding row 4 to row 2 leaves the first row. 2i i 0 0 0 2i i 0 0 i 0 0 1 = 2i . −1 + i 1 + i 0 2 + i 0 0 2 + i 1 0 0 1 + i −1 0 0 1 1+i −1 0 Now delete the 1 −1 0 0 superfluous row 2. 2i i 0 2i i 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 1 0 0 . = 0 2i 0 0 2 + i 0 0 2+i 0 1 0 1 + i −1 0 0 0 0 1 1 + i −1 Now we 0 0 1 0 move our units into the diagonal. 2i i 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 + i 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 + i −1 0 1 0 2+i 0 1 0 −1 0 = 0 i 0 0 0 0 1 + i . 2i 0 77 CHAPTER 3. MODULES 78 Finally we use the unit −1 to clear the second row and second column. 1 0 0 0 2+i 0 0 2+i 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 −1 1 + i −1 1+i = 0 . 0 i 1 0 0 i 2i 0 0 −1 + 3i 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2+i 0 0 2+i 0 0 1 0 0 0 −1 1+i −1 0 0 1 1 + i = 0 . 0 0 0 −1 + 3i 0 −1 + 3i 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Finally we clean it up (2 + i)−1 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 a little: 0 0 2+i 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 −1 0 = 1 0 0 0 −1 + 3i 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 . 0 −1 + 3i 0 0 The invariant factors are 1, 1, −1 + 3i but as this unique up to units we may say it is 1, 1, −1 + 3i. Hint: The invariant factors are 1, 2, 6. 23 Smith Normal From Let −4 −6 7 2 4 . A= 2 6 6 15 Find unimodular matrices X and Y such that XAY has the Smith Normal form: diagonal matrix with a divisor chain along the diagonal. Example: 0 1 0 −4 −6 7 2 2 4 1 0 0 2 2 4 = −4 −6 7 , 0 0 1 6 6 15 6 6 15 2 2 4 1 −1 −2 2 0 0 −4 −6 7 0 1 0 = −4 −2 15 , 6 6 15 0 0 1 6 0 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 −4 −2 15 = 0 −2 15 , −3 0 1 6 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 −2 15 0 1 7 = 0 −2 1 , 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 −2 1 0 0 1 = 0 1 −2 , 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 −2 0 1 2 = 0 1 0 , 0 −3 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 = 0 2 0 . 0 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 6 nvariant factors Algebra – James Wilson 79 24 Invariant Factors – True or False? Let R be a PID and V be a finitely generated R-module with invariant factors δ1 |δ2 | · · · |δk . Then V cannot be generated by less than k elements. Proof: True. Take V to be generated by {g1 , . . . , gn } and relators f1 (g1 , . . . , gn ) = 0, . . . , fk (g1 , . . . , gn ) = 0 for fi ∈ R[x1 , . . . , xn ]. Then V is equivalently described by a n × k matrix over R Γ. This matrix Γ is equivalent to a unique Smith normal form (diagonal matrix with a divisor chain along the diagonal) Γ0 . Given any other generating set, this process must produce the same Smith normal as this is an invariant of the module V . Therefore, as each time the number of invariant factors (the non-zero, non-unit divisors along the diagonal) is less than or equal to the number of generators n (they lie along the diagonal which has length less than or equal to n), it follows the number of invariant factors is the minimum number of generating elements for V . 25 Left Regular Modules – True or False? Let R be a commutative ring. Is it true that the left regular R-module is indecomposable? What if R is a PID? Hint: For the first consider finite rings, for the second use the canonical representation of modules over a PID. (a) Example: False. Consider Z6 ∼ = Z2 ⊕ Z3 . As a Z2 and Z3 are ideal of Z6 they are acceptable Z6 -modules. Moreover, they decompose Z6 proving it is not indecomposable. (b) Proof: True. The addition of the PID condition tells us we can use the canonical presentation of finitely generated modules over a PID. Take R R to be decomposed into a direct product of submodules W1 , . . . , Wn . As 1 generates R R it follows R R is a finitely generated module over a PID R; therefore, there exists a generating set for R R such that Wi ∼ = R/(di ) and so that: ∼ R R = R/(d1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ R/(dn ) where d1 | · · · |dn – and we allow di = 0 if free terms appear. Now we notice that R R is torsion free as sr = 0 implies r = 0 or s = 0 as we have an integral domain. Hence we may take di = 0 for all i = 1, . . . , n. However now we notice that the rank of R R is n, but clearly a basis for R R is 1. Since R is a commutative ring as a regular module it is rank invariant, so indeed n = 1. Therefore there is not proper decomposition of R R when R is a PID. 26 Matrix Equivalence – True or False? Let R be a PID and A and n × n matrix over R. Then A is invertible if and only if A is equivalent to the identity matrix. Proof: True. Given A is invertible it follows A−1 exists. Moreover, A−1 is also invertible so it is trivially unimodular. With this we can directly see that the equivalence A−1 AIn = In where the unimodular transformation matrices are A−1 and In . Hint: The product of unimodular matrices is unimodular. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 80 For the converse take P AQ = In with P and Q unimodular. It follows then that both P and Q are invertible so A = P −1 In Q−1 = (QP )−1 . As Q and P are unimodular so is their product, and so their inverse is as well; hence, A is unimodular and so invertible. Hint: Primary decomposition corresponds to prime factorization in Z. 27 Invariant Factors Find the invariant factors and the primary decomposition for Z/2000Z. Example: Given 2000 = 24 · 53 and Z/2000Z is cyclic it follows its invariant factor is simply 2000 while its primary decomposition is simply Z/2000Z = Z/(24 ) ⊕ Z/(53 ). Hint: Determine that p divides each invariant factor. 28 Primary Decomposition Let p be a prime and V be a finitely generated Z-module with pa V = 0. Suppose that v ∈ V has order exactly pa . Show that V = Zv ⊕ W for some submodule W ≤ V . Proof: Since Z is a PID, and V is finitely generated it follows V decomposes as Z/d1 ⊕ · · · Z/dk where d1 |d2 | · · · |dk and di is a non-unit but possibly 0. Notice since pa V = 0 that p|di for all i, and di ≤ pa . Moreover, as there exists an element of order exactly pa , it follows some di = pa . Since v may be chosen, without loss of generality, to lie in this component of the decomposition we now see we may take as the complement of Zv the remaining Z/di ’s. Hint: Show first V is simply a direct sum of Q[t]’s. 29 Endomorphisms over PIDs – True or False? Let V be a finitely generated torsion free Q[t]- module, and τ ∈ EndQ[t] (V ) be surjective; then τ is injective. Proof: True. Given this Q[t] is a PID we may decompose the finitely generated torsion free module V into a finite direct sum of Q[t]. Given an endomorphism τ that is surjective we know the first isomorphism theorem applies so that V /Ker τ ∼ = V . Now suppose x is a non-trivial element of the kernel of τ . It follows Q[t]x ≤ Ker τ . However V is torsion free so Ann(x) = 0 so Q[t]x ∼ = Q[t]; thus, Ker τ ∼ = Q[t] ⊕ · · · ⊕ Q[t]. Now we must concern ourselves with a possible “diagonal” embedding. Let {e1 , . . . , en } represent a basis for V . Then if Q[t]ei ∩Ker τ 6= 0 then Q[t]ei /Ker τ ∩ Q[t]ei must be trivial or else it will have torsion; whence ei ∈ Ker τ . Therefore Ker τ reduces the rank of V .2 Since the rank is finite reducing the rank cannot be surjective. Therefore the kernel must be trivial. Hint: Consider translation by t. Hint: Consider Q as a Zmodule. 30 Endomorphisms over PIDs – True or False? Let V be a finitely generated torsion free Q[t]-module, and τ ∈ EndQ[t] (V ) be injective; then τ is surjective. Example: False. The translation by t map τ (x) = tx is always an endomorphism; however, the element t has no inverse in Q[t] so indeed τ is not surjective as it will not hit 1. 31 Torsion Free vs. Free – True or False? 2 Rank A (not necessarily finitely of free modules over a commutative ring is invariant. Algebra – James Wilson 81 generated) torsion-free module over a PID is free. Example: False. Given Q as an additive group is a Z-module we see for any q ∈ Q, nq = 0 implies n = 0 or q = 0 as Q is an integral domain and n ∈ Q whenever n ∈ Z. Hence, Q is torsion-free. Yet, Q is not a free Z-module as it has no basis. Consider any two rational numbers a/b and c/d. Clearly a c (cb) + (−ad) = ac − ac = 0 b d so ab and dc are linearly dependent. So as Z 6= Q, Q is not free of rank 1, and by the above it is not free of a higher rank – so Q is not free as a Z-module. 32 Rank Ordering – True or False? Let V < W be a proper containment of free Z-modules; then rankZ V < rankZ W . Example: False. Consider 2Z < Z. As Z is commutative 2Z is an ideal and so a submodule. Moreover, Z ∼ = 2Z so it is a free Z-module. Finally, as they are isomorphic, and rank in commutative rings is invariant, it follows they both have rank 1, not one less than the other. Hint: Consider V =Z Z and its submodules. 33 Free Quotients – True or False? If V ≤ W are free Z-modules of equal finite rank, then W/V is a finite group. Proof: True. Since both are finitely generated modules over a PID we may select a basis {e1 , . . . , en } for W such that V is precisely Hint: Express V in terms of the same basis as W . V = (δ1 Z)e1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ (δn Z)en with δ1 | · · · |δn and none of the δi ’s units. Furthermore, as V and W have the same rank it follows n = rank V = rank W , and also di 6= 0 for any i – as for then the rank of W would be less than that of V . Now the quotient is visibly isomorphic to: W/V ∼ = Z/(δ1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z/(δn ) with each δi a positive integer. Clearly now we know the size of the quotient to be δ1 · · · δn which is finite. 34 Isomorphic Quotients The C[x, y]-modules C[x, y]/(x, y) and C[x, y]/(x− 1, y − 1) are isomorphic. Proof: False. Note from Exercise-??.3.17.8 part (a) we already know that two quotient modules of a commutative ring are isomorphic only when the ideals agree. So we need only show (x, y) 6= (x − 1, y − 1). To do this suppose p(x, y), q(x, y) ∈ C[x, y] so that x = p(x, y)(x − 1) + q(x, y)(y − 1) = p(x, y)x − p(x, y) + q(x, y)y − q(x, y). As y is not a unit nor does it divide x, it follows that q(x, y) = 0 is required, and p(x, y) must really be a polynomial in x only. However then we allowed to take about degrees so we have 1 = deg x = deg p(x)(x − 1) which requires p(x) be a constant. As 1 is not a zero-divisor it is clear that no such p(x) exists so indeed x ∈ / (x − 1, y − 1) so (x, y) 6= (x − 1, y − 1) and so the two quotient modules are not isomorphic. Hint: Recall Exercise??.3.17.8 part (a) – annihilators of isomorphic quotients must agree. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 82 35 Classification of Modules Classifying, up to isomorphism, all Q[t]modules V which are annihilated by I = ((t3 −2)(t−2)3 ) and satisfying dimQ V = 5. Example: There are seven cyclic modules whose annihilators contain I, and thus will vanish by I, enumerated as follows: V1 := Q[t]/(t − 2), V2 := Q[t]/((t − 2)2 ), W1 := Q[t]/((t3 − 2)), V3 := Q[t]/((t − 2)3 ), W2 := Q[t]/((t3 − 2)(t − 2)), W3 := Q[t]/((t3 − 2)(t − 2)2 ), W4 := Q[t]/((t3 − 2)(t − 2)3 ); with dimensions over Q of 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, and 6 respectively. Any product of these modules will produce a modules annihilated by I, so we need only consider products that give dimension 5, which are precisely the following: • V1 ⊕ V 1 ⊕ V 1 ⊕ V1 ⊕ V 1 , • V1 ⊕ V 1 ⊕ V 1 ⊕ V2 , • V1 ⊕ V 2 ⊕ V 2 , • V1 ⊕ V 1 ⊕ V 3 , • V2 ⊕ V 3 , • V1 ⊕ V 1 ⊕ W 1 , • V2 ⊕ W 1 , • V1 ⊕ W 2 , • W3 . Hint: Describe the primary decomposition. This way there is an implicit ordering unlike invariant factors. 36 Abelian Groups of order 56 · 75 How many abelian groups are there of order 56 · 75 ? Example: We know that in a primary decomposition the situation of one prime does not influence the other primes. Thus we can count the number of primary states of the primes 5 and 7 separately, then multiply their states to attain all possible primary decompositions which uniquely describe an abelian group of the desired order. For 5 we need only look at the number of distinct partitions on 6 – it is sufficient to insist the order of partition blocks be non-decreasing; that is, 6 = n1 + · · · + nk and 1 ≤ n1 ≤ · · · ≤ nk ≤ 6. Thus we count. 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 1, 1, 2, 2 2, 2, 2 1, 1, 1, 3 1, 2, 3 3, 3 1, 1, 4 2, 4 1, 5 6. In total there are 11 distinct partitions. For the prime 7 we do the same only now we look at distinct partitions of 5. 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 1, 2 1, 2, 2 1, 1, 3 2, 3 1, 4 5 A total of 7. Therefore the total number of distinct primary decompositions of 56 · 75 is 77; so there are 77 distinct abelian groups of order 56 · 75 . Hint: Conside contain I. This lators of the po primary decomabelian groups. Algebra – James Wilson 83 37 Abelian Groups of order 108 Find the isomorphism class of abelian groups of order 108 having exactly 4 subgroups of order 6. Example: Groups of the abelian variety are fully classified as Z- modules, and thus we need only consider the possible configurations whose order is 108 = 22 33 . For each element of order 6 we must have at least one component of order 2, and at least one component of order 3. In each group we can count the elements of order 2 as 2i − 1 where i is the number of Z/2k modules in the primary decomposition, and likewise the elements of order 3 are counted as 3j − 1 where j is the number of Z/3k components in the primary decomposition. Thus we can quickly count the total number of elements of order 6 in each of the possible groups as follows: Z/4 ⊕ Z/27, Z/4 ⊕ Z/3 ⊕ Z/9, Z/4 ⊕ Z/3 ⊕ Z/3 ⊕ Z/3, Z/2 ⊕ Z/2 ⊕ Z/27, Z/2 ⊕ Z/2 ⊕ Z/3 ⊕ Z/9, Z/2 ⊕ Z/2 ⊕ Z/3 ⊕ Z/3 ⊕ Z/3, (21 − 1)(31 − 1) = 2; (21 − 1)(32 − 1) = 8; (21 − 1)(33 − 1) = 26; (22 − 1)(31 − 1) = 6; (22 − 1)(32 − 1) = 24; (22 − 1)(33 − 1) = 68. Now as the only abelian group of order 6 is Z/6, and we know ϕ(6) = 2 we know each subgroup of order 6 is precisely one which contains exactly two elements of order 6. Therefore we need a group with exactly 8 elements of order 6; so our group is isomorphic to Z/4 ⊕ Z/3 ⊕ Z/9. 38 Noetherian Modules – True or False? If V is a noetherian modules over a ring, then any surjective endomorphism of V is bijective. Proof: True. Take f : V → → V to be a surjective endomorphism. We may invoke the first isomorphism theorem to state that V /Ker f ∼ = V . Now suppose the kernel is non-trivial. Then f −1 (Ker f ) is a module properly containing Ker f as Ker f is non-trivial. Call K0 = Ker f and Ki+1 = f −1 (Ki ). This gives an ascending chain. Moreover, if Ki = Ki+1 then f −1 (Ki ) = Ki for some minimum i. Yet this requires that Ki not properly contain Ki−1 which contradicts the minimality of i (take an element x ∈ Ki \Ki−1 , certainly f −1 (x) = x+Ki−1 6= Ki−1 as x ∈ / Ki−1 .) So we have an infinite ascending chain which does not stabilize. So as this conflicts with the noetherian assumption it follows our insistence that K0 6= 0 must be false. So f is injective. 39 Diagonal Submodules Let V and W be simple left R-modules. Suppose there exists non-zero elements v ∈ V and w ∈ W such that (v, w) generates a proper submodule of V ⊕ W . Then V ∼ = W. First we set up the appropriate diagram. Set V 0 = V ⊕ 0 and W 0 = 0 ⊕ W with 0 = 0 ⊕ 0. Thus we may write V 0 ∩ W 0 = 0 as they are in V ⊕ W . Moreover, letting U = h(v, w)i, we know U ∩ V 0 = 0 or V 0 as V 0 is simple. If it is V 0 then as U 6= V ⊕ W , there is a proper submodule of V ⊕ W/V 0 ∼ = W . Yet W is simple so this cannot be. Hence U ∩ V 0 = 0. The symmetric argument Proof: Hint: Consider the chain of ideals produced by the kernel of a surjection. Hint: Consider the example Z2 ⊕ Z2 , then use the third isomorphism theorem to prove the observation. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 84 shows that U ∩ W 0 = 0 as well. Thus we have the following lattice: V ⊕W ??? V 0 ? U W0 ?? ? 0 Now we see that in fact V ∼ = W as: W ∼ = W 0 /0 = W 0 /W 0 ∩ U ∼ = V ⊕ W/U and at the same time V ∼ = V 0 /0 = V 0 /V 0 ∩ U ∼ = V ⊕ W/U. Hint: Show any element avoiding V1 and V2 generates a subgroup of distinct from both. Then conclude such a subgroup cannot be proper. 40 Cyclic Product If V1 and V2 are non-isomorphic simple R-modules, then the R-module V1 ⊕ V2 is cyclic. Proof: Take any (v, w) ∈ V1 ⊕ V2 \V1 ∪ V2 and consider the submodules U = h(v, w)i. If U is a proper submodule then it cannot be V1 or V2 as we know (v, w) to be outside of both. As both V1 and V2 are simple modules, using the third isomorphism theorem we see that V1 ⊕ V2 /V1 ∼ = V2 and V1 ⊕ V2 /V2 ∼ = V1 proving U cannot contain either V1 or V2 and remain proper. Thus we are forced into the diagram: V1 ⊕ V?2 ?? V1 ? U V2 ??? 0 But this creates a problem as we know V1 is not isomorphic to V2 ; yet, this diagram tells us that: V2 ∼ = V2 /0 = V2 /V2 ∩ U ∼ = V1 ⊕ V2 /U and at the same time V1 ∼ = V1 /0 = V1 /V1 ∩ U ∼ = V1 ⊕ V2 /U. To avoid this contradiction we require that U = V1 ⊕ V2 and therefore V2 ⊕ V2 is visibly cyclic. Hint: Use the third isomorphism theorem to construct the lattice. 41 Simple Products If V1 and V2 are non-isomorphic simple R-modules then V1 ⊕ V2 has exactly four submodules: 0 ⊕ 0, V1 ⊕ 0, 0 ⊕ V2 , V1 ⊕ V2 . Proof: Since V1 and V2 are simple they have no non-trivial submodules, and by the third isomorphism theorem together with the correspondence theorem it follows V1 ⊕ V2 /V1 ∼ = V2 and V1 ⊕ V2 /V2 ∼ = V1 have no intermediate modules. So if there is to be a fifth submodule W it must intersect V1 and V2 trivially and its join with either V1 or V2 will be the entire module. Therefore V 1 ⊕ W = V1 ⊕ V 2 = W ⊕ V 2 . Now we project along W to V1 and along W to V2 to see: (by the third isomorphism theorem) V1 ∼ = V1 /V1 ∩ W ∼ = V1 ⊕ W/W ∼ = V1 ⊕ V2 /W ∼ = W ⊕ V2 /W ∼ = V2 /W ∩ V2 ∼ = V2 . Algebra – James Wilson 85 Yet we assumed to begin with that V1 and V2 are non-isomorphic, so we have no other modules. 42 Module Quotients – True or False? Let V be a left R-module and V1 6= V2 be maximal submodules. Then V /V1 ∩ V2 ∼ = V /V1 ⊕ V /V2 . Proof: True. We set up the lattice: V ??? V1 ? V2 ?? V1 ∩ V 2 Since V1 and V2 are maximal it follows V /V1 is simple and so by the third isomorphism theorem so is V2 /V1 ∩ V2 . 43 Indecomposable Modules Let R be a ring and V be an R-module. Set E := EndR (V ), the endomorphism ring of V . (a) If V id the direct sum of two non-trivial R-submodules, show E contains an idempotent e 6= 0, 1. Hint: Show that the sum of the two non-trivial idempotents is 1, and that both are zero-divisors. (b) Suppose that all zero divisors of E lie in a proper ideal J ∈ E. Show that V is indecomposable. Proof: (a) Let V = V1 ⊕ V2 and define the endomorphism e1 : V → V : (v1 , v2 ) 7→ (v1 , 0). That this is a well-defined R-linear map is clear. Moreover, e21 (v1 , v2 ) = e1 (e1 (v1 , v2 )) = e1 (v1 , 0) = (v1 , 0) = e1 (v1 , v2 ) proving that e21 = e1 so that e1 , and the associated e2 are both non-trivial idempotents. (b) First notice that any non-trivial (6= 0, 1) idempotent is a non-trivial zerodivisor as e2 = e implies 0 = e2 − e = e(e − 1) and neither e nor e − 1 are zero. Therefore any idempotents of E are contained in this ideal J. Now suppose V is decomposable. If V = V1 ⊕ V2 ⊕ · · · we may always take V = V1 ⊕ W with W = V2 ⊕ · · · . Now from part (a) we know E has two distinct idempotents e1 and e2 . These must both be contained in J. Unfortunately, (e1 +e2 )(v1 , v2 ) = e1 (v1 , v2 )+e2 (v1 , v2 ) = (v1 , 0)+(v2 , 0) = (v1 , v2 ) = id(v1 , v2 ) proving that 1 = e1 + e2 in E. Therefore J = E. Yet J was assumed to be a proper ideal so we are forced to accept that V is in fact indecomposable. 44 Matrix Subrings – True or False? Let R be a subring of Mn (Q) which is finitely generated as a Z-module. Then R is free as a Z-module. Hint: Show R is torsion-free. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 86 True. From the canonical representation of finitely generated modules over a PID we know that if R is torsion-free (over Z) then it is indeed free as a Z-module. Notice that any torsion of R is also torsion in Mn (Q). However Q is torsion-free over Z and the action of Z on the matrices is component-wise multiplication so indeed there is no Z-torsion in Mn (Q). Proof: Hint: Note that any endomorphism from f : Q → Q is completely determined by f (1). Thus EndZ (Q) = Q. 45 Schur’s Lemma Converse – True or False? If V is a left R-module and EndR (V ) is a division ring, then V is simple. Example: False. This demonstrates the converse of Schur’s lemma cannot be obtained. Consider Q over Z as a module (as an abelian group.) We begin with a short lemma: given any integral domain R, and two maps f, g : Q(R) → Q(R) such that f |R = g|R and both R-linear, it follows f = g.3 To prove this we resort to slight of hand: nf (1/n) = f (n/n) = f (1) = g(1) = g(n/n) = ng(1/n); (note f (1) = g(1) because they agree on R) therefore, f (1/n) = g(1/n) by the cancellation property of R. As such, f (m/n) = mf (1/n) = mg(1/n) = g(m/n). So f = g. Now we see we can characterize any R-module endomorphism f : Q(R) → Q(R) by simply stating what f (1) equals: f (m) = mf (1) so f (1) determines fR and by our above lemma this is sufficient to uniquely determine f . Finally, given any θ ∈ Q(R), it follows fq (m/n) = m/n · q is an R-module endomorphism form Q(R) to Q(R) so indeed EndR (Q(R)) ∼ = Q(R) so it is a division ring (field.) Whenever R is not finite, it follows R 6= Q(R), so Q(R) has R as a proper R-submodule proving Q(R) is not simple. Thus Schur’s lemma may not be improved in this fashion. Hint: Notice that the given ring is itself noetherian. 46 Noetherian Modules – True or False? Every finitely generated module over R[x, y, z]/(x2 − y 3 , y 2 + z 2 ) is noetherian. Proof: Let R = R[x, y, z]/(x2 − y 3 , y 2 + z 2 ). It is sufficient to prove that R is noetherian as any finitely generated module over a noetherian ring satisfies the ascending chain condition. 4 First not that R a UFD so R[x, y, z] is as well. So we can look at irreducible factors. If we briefly pass to C(x, y, z) we see we can factor these completely as follows: p p x2 − y 3 = (x − y 3 )(x + y 3 ), y 2 + z 2 = (y − iz)(y + iz). However none of these factors are in R[x, y, z] so we now know they are irreducible and so there are no intermediate ideals proving R is in fact noetherian. Hint: Consider g n − 1 = 0. 47 Zero-Divisors in Group Algebras – True or False? If G is a finite abelian group then the group algebra QG is a domain. Example: Let g ∈ G, g 6= 1 and |g| = n, so that g n = 1. Certainly then (1 − g)(1 + g + g 2 + · · · + g n−1 ) = 1 − g n = 1 − 1 = 0. 3 When we are willing to allow ring homomorphism to send one to other numbers, then the statement can be improved to say any ring R, possibly even without a 1, and any ring homomorphisms f, g : Q(R) → R are completely determined by where they send R. 4 From the Hilbert basis theorem this is already clear. R is a quotient of a noetherian ring so it is noetherian. 87 Algebra – James Wilson However clearly 1−g 6= 0 and 1+g +· · ·+g n−1 6= 0 so RG has a zero-divisor.The converse of this is an open conjecture. 48 Commutative Semi-simple Rings – True or False? A commutative ring is left semi-simple if and only if it is isomorphic to a direct sum of finitely many fields. Proof: True. A semi-simple ring is isomorphic to a finite product of matrix rings over division rings by the Wedderburn-Artin theorem. First of all, as the division ring is embedded in every matrix ring over the division ring, it follows for our ring to be commutative that each of the prescribed division rings be commutative. Furthermore, any non-trivial matrix ring over a field remains non-commutative as it has elements of the form: 0 1 ··· 1 0 ··· A = 1 0 B = 0 0 .. .. . . Hint: Show matrices commute only if they have dimension 1. which yield: 0 1 AB = .. . 0 ··· 0 , 0 0 BA = .. . 1 ··· 0 , which clearly are not equal. Therefore the dimension of each matrix must be 1 × 1 and so in fact the ring is simply a finite product of fields. 49 Idempotents and J(R) Prove that J(R) contains no non-zero idempotent. Proof: True. We use the characterization of the Jacobson radical as the set of all x ∈ R such that for any r ∈ R, 1 − rx is left invertible. Given any non-trivial idempotent e 6= 0, 1, we quickly see e is a zero-divisor (on the left and right) as 0 = e − e2 = e(1 − e) = (1 − e)e. Therefore 1 − e is not invertible on the left or right so it is not in the Jacobson radical. Furthermore, 1 ∈ / J(R) as 1 is not in any maximal ideal. So the only idempotent in J(R) is 0. Hint: Show any non-trivial (6= 0, 1) idempotent is a zerodivisor. 50 Nilpotent Ideal – True or False? In a ring R the set of nilpotent elements is an ideal. Example: False. √ If R is commutative then it is true and the ideal is precisely the nil-radical 0. However if we take the non-commutative ring M2 (Q) we quickly find two nilpotent elements: 0 1 0 0 A= and B = 0 0 1 0 Hint: Consider commutative rings. non- where A2 = 0 and B 2 = 0; yet, A + B a unit (it is a permutation matrix). Thus if A and B are in a ideal in M2 (Q) then this ideal is the entire ring. As the identity is not nilpotent it is clear such an ideal is not simply composed of nilpotent elements. 51 Nilpotency in Semi-simple Rings – True or False? If R is a commutative semi-simple ring and r ∈ R with r2 = 0 then r = 0. Proof: True. Given R is semi-simple it follows J(R) = 0. Furthermore, as R is commutative it contains all nilpotent elements; so r ∈ J(R) = 0. Without Hint: The Jacobson radical of a commutative ring contains all nilpotent elements. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 88 further question, r = 0. Hint: Use Wedderburn-Artin. 52 Semi-simple Rings of order 4 R is a semi-simple finite ring of order 4. What must R be? Example: Two possibilities arise immediately: the field of order 4 F4 and the product of the field of order 2, F2 ⊕ F2 . Now we prove these. Given R is semi-simple, by the Wedderburn-Artin theorem it is a product of matrix rings over division rings. As these must be finite, so must the division ring. Indeed by the little theorem of Wedderburn, every finite division ring is a field. The smallest non-trivial matrix ring M2 (F2 ) already has 16 elements, so in fact our ring a product of fields. Therefore it can only be F2 ⊕ F2 or F4 . Hint: Consider a local ring. 53 Jacobson Radical – True or False? For every left noetherian ring R, the Jacobson radical J(R) is the largest nilpotent ideal of R. Example: False. When R is artinian this is true. However when we take a noetherian non-artinian local ring such as C[[x]] we see we get J(C[[x]]) = (x) – the unique maximal ideal (left/right do not matter as we have a commutative ring).5 However (x) is not a nilpotent ideal. Notice (x)n = (xn ) 6= 0 for any n ∈ Z+ . Hint: Consider the integers. 54 Semi-simple Rings – True or False? If R is a noetherian commutative ring then R/J(R) is a semi-simple ring (i.e.: every R-module is semi-simple). Example: False. Let R = Z. Z is noetherian and any chain of ideals beginning with 0 must next go to mZ for some m. From here there are only finitely many ideals until Z is reached. Also, the maximal ideal of Z are pZ where p is prime. So the intersection is the set of all integers which every prime divides; so J(R) = 0. Hence R/J(R) ∼ = R. Yet Z is not semi-simple as it is not artinian: evidenced by (1) > (2) > (4) > (8) > · · · . Hint: Maximal ideal in Z correspond to primes. 55 Jacobson Radical of Z/m Calculate the Jacobson radical of the ring Z/mZ. Example: Since prime ideals are maximal in a PID, we have pZ as the maximal ideals of Z where p is prime. Thus when we consider Z/mZ, the maximal ideals are pZ/mZ where p|m (if (p, m) = 1 then mZ is not a subring of pZ, so it is not included in the quotient lattice.) Now their intersection follows their intersection in Z: pZ ∩ qQ = [p, q]Z, where [p, q] is the least common multiple of p and q; hence, the intersection of maximal ideals in Z/mZ is: [p1 , . . . , pn ]Z/mZ, p|m. A final cosmetic step is to observe that kZ/mZ ∼ = Z/(m/k)Z where k|m (as otherwise the quotient is not defined.) So we may write: m ∼ J(Z/mZ) = Z/GCDp|m Z. p Hint: 56 Idempotents and Jacobson Radicals 5 C[[x]] Let e ∈ R be a non-zero idem- is noetherian by the Hilbert basis theorem, and not artinian by the obvious descending chain (x) > (x2 ) > (x3 ) > · · · . 89 Algebra – James Wilson potent. Then eRe is a ring and J(eRe) = J(R) ∩ eRe. Proof: Given a, b ∈ R, notice eae + ebe = e(a + b)e ∈ eRe. Also notice eae + e(−a)e = e(a − a)e = e0e = 0 so e(−a)e = −eae and thus R contains inverses, and clearly also 0 so it is nonempty and thus a subgroup of R under addition. Also notice (eae)(ebe) = eaeebe = e(aeb)e which is in R and so eRe is closed under multiplication; moreover, the multiplication is associative since it is also in R. For unity we take e, and notice that indeed: (eae)(e) = eae = e(eae). Hence, eRe is a unital ring.6 Now consider a simple left R-module V . We may take eV and all the properties for eRe-modules hold, with the only interesting feature being the unital nature: e(ev) = eev = ev. So we have eV as an eRe-module, although possibly trivial. Thus the annihilators of simple eRe-modules in eRe are a subcollection of the annihilators of simple R-modules, intersected with eRe. So J(eRe) ⊆ J(R) ∩ eRe. PENDING: reverse inclusion 57 Jacobson Radical of Matrices Let R be a ring. Show that J(Mn (R)) = Mn (J(R)). Remark 3.0.9 The following proof is a farce. Our recent examples over Z show that left ideals such as: 1 5 M2 (Z) · . 0 7 are maximal and yet clearly not contained in any of the proposed maximal matrices in the proof. These may in fact not be maximal, but certainly are not sufficient. Let {Ji : i ∈ I} be the maximal left ideals of R. First we claim the maximal left ideal of Mn (R) are the sets Proof: mk (Ji ) = {(ai,j ∈ Mn (R) : ai,k ∈ Ji } for all i ∈ I and all k = 1, . . . , n. Since each Ji is closed to sums and absorbs products on the left, it follows each mk (Ji ) is a left ideal of Mn (R). Furthermore, as each Ji is maximal in R, we cannot adjoin any other matrices without forcing the k-th column to contain all elements of R, and thus obtain Mn (R); hence, each mk (Ji ) is maximal in Mn (R). Now suppose M is a maximal left ideal of Mn (R). It follows then we may express M = (Ii,j ) where Ii,j are each left ideals of R. Moreover, as we can multiply on the left by permutation matrices – an action that can resort rows – we must have each column with the same ideal; that is, Ii,k = Ij,k for all i, j and k. Now to be proper, we must have some column ideal Ii,k be a proper ideal in R. To remain maximal we require that only one column have this, and that this column’s ideal be maximal in R. Hence the maximal left ideal in Mn (R) are in fact exactly all mk (Ji ). 6 Even when R itself it not unital we have this situation; however, when R has unity 1, then e = e1e as expected. Hint: CHAPTER 3. MODULES 90 Now intersect these maximal ideals and we see as i ranges that each column space must have entries over the intersection of all maximal left ideals – J(R). Furthermore, letting k range we see each column must be over J(R), and so the matrices themselves are exactly those of Mn (J(R)). Nakayama’s 58 Nakayama’s Lemma Let V be a finitely generated left R-module, and π : V → V /J(R)V be the projection. If π(v1 ), . . . , π(vn ) generate V /J(R)V , then v1 , . . . , vn generate V . Proof: Let W be the span of v1 , . . . , vn and as required assume W +J(R)V = V since π(v1 ), . . . , π(vn ) generates V /J(R)V (this is not assuming what is to be proved, it is simply writing the same details as cosets.) Thus by Nakayama’s Lemma we have W = V , so indeed the vectors span V . Hint: Use the result of Exercise-3.56 to determine the internal direct product. 59 Jacobson Radical – True or False? J(R1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Rn ) = J(R1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ J(Rn ). Proof: True. We saw in Exercise-3.56 that given a non-trivial idempotent e, eRe formed a ring and furthermore J(eRe) = J(R) ∩ eRe. Now take the idempotents e1 = (1, 0, · · · , 0) through en = (0, . . . , 0, 1) in R = R1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Rn . It follows that ei Rei ∼ = Ri . Also, Hint: Lemma. Use J(R) ∩ ei Rei = J(ei Rei ) ∼ = J(Ri ). As such we see that J(ei Rei ) ∩ J(ej Rej ) = 0 whenever i 6= j. Also clearly J(R) = J(e1 Re1 ) + · · · + J(en Ren ). Therefore we have the ingredients for an internal direct product: J(R1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ J(Rn ) ∼ = J(e1 Re1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ J(en Ren ) = J(e1 Re1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ en Ren ) = J(R1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Rn ). Hint: Express R in its primary decomposition. 60 Jacobson Radicals of PIDs Let F be a field and R = F [x]/I where I is the ideal of F [x] generated by x2 + 2x + 1. What is the Jacobson radical of R? Example: Notice first that x2 + 2x + 1 = (x + 1)2 and x + 1 is irreducible. As F [x] is a PID it follows irreducible elements generate maximal ideals. Since we have a commutative ring we care only about full ideals, not left. Furthermore, I = ((x + 1)2 ) is (x + 1)-primary so our quotient ring has precisely one maximal ideal, namely (x + 1)/((x + 1)2 ). Therefore the Jacobson Radical is (x + 1)/((x + 1)2 ). Hint: Lemma. 61 Nakayama’s Lemma Prove the following generalization of Nakayama’s Lemma. If R is an arbitrary ring, I a two-sided ideal of R contained in the Jacobson Radical of R, and V a left finitely generated R-module such that IV = V , then V = 0. Proof: Since I is contained in J(R), it follows J(R)V ≥ IV = V , and so J(R)V = V . However Nakayama’s lemma tells us that 0 + J(R)V = V implies V = 0, so we are done. Use Nakayama’s ur’s Lemma Algebra – James Wilson 91 62 Schur’s Lemma – True or False? If V is an irreducible R-module, the center of EndR (V ) is a field. Proof: True. By Schur’s Lemma we recognize the EndR (V ) is a division ring. The center of a division ring is a commutative division ring and so it is a field. 63 Semi-simple Rings Say what you can about an artinian ring containing no non-zero nilpotent elements. Example: Given any nilpotent ideal, all its elements are nilpotent. Thus, each nilpotent ideal is trivial. Moreover, the Jacobson radical is the maximal nilpotent ideal since our ring is artinian; so it must, therefore, be trivial. As our ring is artinian and has trivial Jacobson radical, we now see it is a semi-simple ring. As any semi-simple ring is artinian and has trivial Jacobson radical, (and consequently no non-zero nilpotent elements) this statement cannot be improved. Hint: Consider nilpotent ideals first. 64 Division Rings – True or False? If R is a left artinian ring containing no zero-divisors, then R is a division ring. Proof: True. As R has no zero-divisors it has no nilpotent elements, and thus also no nilpotent ideals. Hence the Jacobson radical is trivial as in an artinian ring it is always nilpotent; therefore, R is semi-simple artinian. Making use of the Wedderburn-Artin theorem we now see Hint: Use the WedderburnArtin theorem. R∼ = Mn1 (D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Mnk (Dk ). However if any ni > 1 then there are zero-divisors, for example: ··· 0 1 0 A= .. . is nilpotent so it is a zero-divisor. Hence R = D1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Dk . Yet even this is a problem as we have idempotents (for example (1, 0, . . . , 0)) which are not 0 or 1, and such elements are always zero-divisors.7 We are left with the conclusion R = D1 where D1 is a division ring. 65 Division Algebras – True or False? Let F be a field. A finite dimensional F -algebra without zero-divisors is a division algebra. Proof: True. Let A be a finite dimensional F -algebra with no zero-divisors. Given any left ideal I in A, it follows I is an F -subspace of F A. Take a chain of descending left ideals I0 ≥ I1 ≥ · · · in A. It follows with it we get dimF A ≥ dimF I0 ≥ dimF I1 ≥ · · · . Yet F is a field so if dimF Ii = dimF Ii+1 then Ii = Ii+1 . As the total dimension of A as an F -vector space is finite it follows the descending chain stabilizes in 7 e(1 − e) = 0, e 6= 0, 1 − e 6= 0. Hint: Show A is left artinian then use Exercise-3.64. 92 CHAPTER 3. MODULES finitely many steps; hence, A is left-artinian. As A has no zero-divisors, as we saw in Exercise-3.64, it is semi-simple and consequently also a division ring, our in our case a division algebra. Hint: Every simple artinian ring is isomorphic to a ring of matrices over a division ring. 66 Simple Artinian Rings – True or False? If a ring R is simple artinian then the ring of all 2 × 2 matrices over R is simple artinian. Proof: True. As the Jacobson radical is a two-sided ideal, in R it must be trivial. As R is also artinian it follows it is in fact semi-simple artinian. So by the Wedderburn-Artin theorem we know R∼ = Mn1 (D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Mnk (Dk ). Yet unless k = 1, there are two sided ideals in this presentation (we see this by the projection map π1 which has as its kernel the ideal Mn2 (D2 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Mnk (Dk ).) Therefore R = Mn (D). There is an obvious isomorphism between M2 (Mn (D)) and M2n (D); therefore, it is simple artinian as matrix rings over division rings are always simple artinian. Hint: Show F G/J(F G) is semi-simple artinian. 67 Group Algebras Let G be a finite group and F be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p. Prove the following: (i) Up to isomorphism, that there are only finitely many irreducible F Gmodules L1 , . . . , Lk . Pk (ii) Let di = dim Li , 1 ≤ i ≤ k. Then i=1 d2i ≤ |G|, and the equality holds if and only if p - |G|. Pk (iii) Is it true that the inequality i=1 d2i ≤ |G| holds even if F is not algebraically closed? Proof: Since any field F is commutative, left ideals are in fact ideals and so F has no proper left ideals. Hence F is trivially artinian. Since G is finite, and F G is a finite dimensional F vector space (hence F G ∼ = F × · · · F over F ) it follows F G is artinian. Consider the Jacobson radical J = J(F G), [which is trivial when char F does not divides the order of G – Maschke’s Theorem.] Study F G/J. As J is an ideal of F G, this quotient is a well-defined ring. Moreover, as quotients of artinian rings are artinian, and J(F G/J) = 0, we now see F G/J is semi-simple artinian. We now may consider any simple left F G/J module V . Since J annihilates all simple F G modules, we may inflate V to and F G-module, and for the same reason we may go back. Thus there is a one to one correspondence between the simple F G-modules and the simple F G/J-modules. We may now answer the first problem: F G/J is semi-simple artinian, so it has finitely many irreducibles – make use here of the Wedderburn-Artin representation of semi-simple rings. The second result follows from that fact that our modules are inflated to F G-modules. Clearly from the P Wedderburn-Artin theorem, the modules over k 2 F G/J have the property that i=1 di = |G|. However, over a larger ring, the dimensions are possibly less. Using Maschke’s theorem, the equality holds whenever p does not divide the order of G. Finally for the third question is false. For example, given C3 , we may use Q and study QC3 . For notational convenience let C3 be generated by a primitive 3rd root of unit ω. It follows e = 1 + ω + ω 2 is an idempotent. Its associated principal ideal QC3 e = Qe is simple as it is isomorphic to Q. We also immediately see QC3 = 93 Algebra – James Wilson Qe ⊕ QC3 (1 − e). We also notice that QC3 (1 − e) = Q(ω). Hence as it is a field it too is simple. So we have our simple decomposition: QC3 = Q(1 + ω + ω 2 ) ⊕ Q(ω) and as dimQ Q(ω) = 2 and clearly 11 + 22 > 3. 68 Group Algebras Let Cn be the cyclic group of order n. Decompose the group algebra CCn as a direct sum of simple ideals. Do the same for QCn . Example: Let F be either Q or C. Let Cn = hωi where for convenience ω ∈ C is a primitive n-th root of unity when F = Q and simply an abstract generator outside of C when F = C. The element e = 1 + ω + · · · + ω n−1 lies in F Cn and furthermore, the left ideal L1 = F Cn e = F e so dimF L1 = 1. This means L1 is an irreducible F Cn -module as any smaller module would have dimension 0. It also follows that e2 = e so we see that F Cn F Cn = F Cn e ⊕ F Cn (1 − e). Now we need to decompose F Cn (1 − e). Notice what elements look like here: n−1 X ai ω i · (−ω − ω 2 − · · · − ω n−1 ) = − i=0 n−1 X n−1 X Hint: ai ω i+k . k=1 i=0 So let a0 = −1 and ai = 0 for all i > 0. Then the result is simply ω. Hence, F (ω) ≤ F Cn (1 − e). One final general property is to note that each left ideal of F Cn is an F vector space. Add to this the fact that F Cn is semi-simple artinian by Maschke’s theorem and it is commutative so we know it is a product of fields. Hence the decomposition must have the following property: F Cn ∼ = F1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Fk where dimF F1 + · · · + dimF Fk = dimF F G = |G|. Now we make use of the specific fields. When F = Q it follows F (ω) = Q(ω), and 2 = dimQ Q(ω) ≤ dimQ QCn ≤ 2. Therefore QCn (1 − e) = Q(ω) and as such it is a field so we have satisfied the Wedderburn-Artin claim and as such we know L2 = QCn (1−e) to be irreducible and finally that QCn = Qe ⊕ QCn (1 − e) ∼ = Q ⊕ Q(ω). When F = C the result is little different. The fact that all finite dimension field extensions of C are of degree 1 forces us to admit dimC Fi = 1 for all i and so there are L2 through Ln all isomorphic to C. Now we must find their generators by decomposing CCn (1 − e). 69 Commutative Algebras – True or False? Let A be a finite dimensional commutative algebra over an algebraically closed field F . Then all simple Amodules are 1 dimensional over F . Proof: True. The proof is a trail of falling dominoes. Let V be a simple A-module. From Schur’s lemma it follows EndA (V ) is the field F , since F is algebraically closed, V is simple, and A is an F -algebra. Now as A is finite dimensional over F , we know any quotient by a left ideal is also finite dimensional, and in particular our simple module V , which is isomorphic to one such quotient, must be finite dimensional as an F vector space. Now we consider EndF (V ) which is all F -linear maps from V to V and hence completely determined by a finite basis {e1 , . . . , en }. However, V is simple and each of its two submodules has each other as a complement so V is semisimple. Hence we may invoke the Jacobson Density Theorem to infer that to Hint: Use The Jacobson Density Theorem together with Schur’s Lemma. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 94 any f ∈ EndF (V ) there exists an r ∈ A such that f (ei ) = rei . Since F is central in A it follows: f (~x) = f (a1 e1 + · · · an en ) = ra1 e1 + · · · ran en = r~x where ai ∈ F , and ~x ∈ V as an F vector space. Therefore f is completely characterized by left translation, and as any r produces a viable F -linear endomorphism of V , we now see there exists a surjective ring epimorphism form A onto EndF (V ).8 Finally we observe the EndF (V ), being simply linear transformations of a finite dimensional vector space, must coincide with Mn (F ). However this requires A map surjectively as a ring onto Mn (F ). Since A is given as a commutative ring, it follows Mn (F ) must also be commutative, which requires n = 1. Thus V is 1-dimensional over F . Hint: Consider QC4 . 70 Commutative Algebras – True or False? Let A be a finite dimensional commutative algebra over a field F . Then all simple A-modules are 1 dimensional over F . Example: False. Consider QC4 . In Exercise-3.68 we saw that QC4 ∼ = Q ⊕ Q(ω) where ω is a primitive fourth root of unity. As dimQ Q(ω) = 3 we see it is not of dimension 1. Hint: Use the Jacobson Density Theorem. 71 Simple Modules over Algebras Let A be a finite dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field F , and V be simple A-module. (i) Show that V is finite dimensional. (ii) Let {v1 , . . . , vn } be a basis of V , and π(b) be a matrix of a linear transformation V → V , v 7→ bv with respect to this basis. Show that for any matrix B ∈ Mn (F ) there exists b ∈ B with B = π(b). (iii) Show that (ii) may fail if F is not algebraically closed. Proof: Certainly V is a quotient of A, so it is an F vector space. Moreover, V has finite dimension over F as A has finite dimension, and quotients of vector spaces have dimensions less than or equal to the original. Now assume v1 , . . . , vn is a basis of V over F . As Schur’s lemma applies, we know the endomorphisms of V over A are simply F . Moreover, now the Jacobson Density Theorem applies, since simple modules are semi-simple, so we get that EndF (V ) is characterized completely by scalar transformations given a finite number of vectors. Yet we have a finite F dimensional space so we have indeed all our transforms are scalar. Thus, as EndF (V ) = Mn (F ) we see to every matrix B of Mn (F ) there exists a scalar b such that B = π(b). Example: For the counter-example let F = R and consider V =C C as an R-algebra. As dimR C = 2 we see that indeed C is a finite dimensional algebra 8 fr (s~ x+~ y) = rs~ x + r~ y = sfr (~ x) + fr (~ y ); (fr + fs )(~ x) = r~ x + s~ x = (r + s)~ x = fr+s (~ x), fr ◦ fs (~ x) = rs~ x = frs (~ x). 95 Algebra – James Wilson over R. Clearly V is a simple C-module as C has no proper ideals. The matrix corresponding to complex conjugation, namely 1 0 0 −1 is not scalar. 72 Finite Rings of fields. A finite ring with no nilpotent elements is a direct product Hint: Use the WedderburnArtin theorem. Proof: Given a finite ring R, it can have only finitely many subsets and so also only finitely many left ideals. Hence it is left artinian. As such, the Jacobson radical is a nilpotent ideal, and so every element of J(R) is nilpotent. Since we also assume R has no nilpotent elements it is clear that J(R) = 0. Thus R is semi-simple artinian. By the theorem of Wedderburn-Artin we know R∼ = Mn1 (D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Mnk (Dk ). Yet as seen many times before, every matrix ring with n > 1 has nilpotent elements so each ni = 1. Moreover by the little theorem of Wedderburn we know each finite division ring is a field, so we are left with the conclusion that R is a direct product of fields. 73 Finite Simple Rings Describe the finite simple rings. Example: Every finite ring is trivially left artinian. Moreover, as R is simple, it has only one maximal two-sided ideal – the trivial ideal – so J(R) = 0 as it is a two-sided ideal and must be contained in a maximal ideal. Thus R is left semi-simple. Therefore R is simple and semi-simple then by Theorem-3.11.13 we know R ∼ = Mn (D) for some division ring D. Furthermore, D is embedded in Mn (D) which must be finite, so it is a finite division ring and hence by the little Wedderburn theorem, D is a field. Finally we can say R ∼ = Mn (F ) for some finite field F . Now, given any finite field Fpk , we know from Thm-3.11.13 that Mn (Fpk ) is simple. Moreover, for each n it is also finite, so the description cannot be improved as each Mn (Fpk ) is a viable simple finite ring. Hint: Use Wedderburn-Artin and the little Wedderburn theorem. 2 It may be of interest to note that each finite simple ring has order pkn and for each pm there are exactly as many simple rings as there are ways to write m = kn2 . In particular, there is only a unique simple ring (the field) of order pq where p and q are prime. 74 Complex Algebra Dimensions – True or False? If A is a finite dimensional simple algebra over C, then dimC A is a perfect square. True. Since A is a finite dimensional C-algebra, it follows any descending chain of left ideals must have distinct dimensions over C for each step. Being finite dimensional over all, all such chains must stabilize in finitely many steps. Thus A is left artinian. Moreover, A is simple so its Jacobson radical is trivial as J(A) is a two-sided ideal. Therefore A is semi-simple artinian and so we invoke the Wedderburn-Artin Theorem to state: Proof: A∼ = Mn1 (D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Mnk (Dk ) for division rings Di . Hint: Use the WedderburnArtin theorem. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 96 Finally we have proper two-sided ideals Mni (Di ) if k 6= 1. So since A is simple we require k = 1. Thus indeed A∼ = Mn (D). As such, dimC A = dimC Mn (D) = (dimC D)2 so the dimension is a perfect square. One final problem is if n = 1 and so dimC A = dimC D. However such a division ring is a division C-algebra and is also finite dimensional. We will show this requires C = D since C is algebraically closed. Given any finite dimensional field of extension is algebraic, there are only trivial finite dimensional field extensions of C. Also, C is in the center of D. Now take a ∈ D. It follows for any x ∈ C that ax = xa so indeed C(a) is a field. Yet C(a)/C is a finite field extension and so C(a) = C. In conclusion D = C. Hint: Use the correspondence theorem on some maximal left ideal properly containing J. 75 Division Rings Let R be a ring and J be its Jacobson Radical. Then R/J is a division ring if and only if R has a unique maximal left ideal. Lemma 3.0.10 A ring R with identity 1 6= 0 is a division ring if and only if R has no proper left ideals. Proof: Consider R, a unital ring. When R is a division ring and I a left ideal of R, I must absorb product. But for all r ∈ I, if r 6= 0 then there exists a left inverse r0 such that r0 r = 1. Therefore when I is nonzero it is the entire ring. So R has no proper left ideals. Consider R to be a unital ring with no proper left ideals. Given any nonzero element a in R, which must exists since 1 6= 0, then Ra is a left ideal. Left ideals may not be proper so Ra is 0 or R. The unity of R allows a ∈ Ra where a 6= 0 so Ra = R. Thus 1 ∈ Ra so there exists an a0 such that 1 = a0 a, so a is left invertible. Having shown Ra = R for all nonzero a in R take a and b to be non-zero elements in R and suppose they are zero-divisors so that ab = 0. Thus it would follow that 0 = R0 = Rab = (Ra)b = Rb = R but 1 6= 0, forcing R 6= 0 so a and b are not zero-divisors. Therefore R − {0} is closed under multiplication and so it is a semigroup with left identity and left inverses so it has a multiplicative group structure. Therefore R is a division ring. Now to the exercise. Proof: Suppose J is not a maximal left ideal – that is the same as suppose there are more than one such ideals. Then J is properly contained in any maximal left ideal, say for instance M . As such R/J has a proper left ideal M/J by the correspondence theorem; hence, R/J is not a division ring. So by the contrapositive, if R/J is a division ring then R has exactly one maximal left ideal. If R has a unique maximal left ideal then it is precisely the Jacobson radial. Also as J is maximal it follows R/J has no proper left ideals. Since R/J has an identity and no proper left ideals it follows it is a division ring. We prove this with as a lemma. Hint: Consider Z2 ⊕ Z2 . 76 Division Rings – True or False? If R is a semi-simple artinian ring with r3 = r for all r ∈ R, then R is a division ring. Example: False. Notice if r3 = r for all r then 0 = r(r2 − 1) for all r. If r 6= 0 and r2 6= 1, then r is a zero-divisor in which case R would not be a division ring. This means everything must have order 2. Now we simply look for a semi-simple ring without this property. For instance, Z2 ⊕ Z2 is semi-simple artinian as it is a product of fields. Moreover Algebra – James Wilson 97 (a, b)3 = (a3 , b3 ) = (a, b). Yet clearly Z2 ⊕ Z2 under componentwise multiplication is not a field or a division ring as it has zero-divisors: (1, 0)·(0, 1) = (0, 0). 77 Complex dimension 4 Algebras – True or False? If A and B are semi-simple artinian complex algebras of dimension 4 then A ∼ = B. Example: False. By the Wedderburn-Artin theorem we know R = C⊕C⊕C⊕C and S = M2 (C) are complex semi-simple artinian algebras. However R has nontrivial two sided ideals while S is a simple ring. Therefore R is not congruent to S. 78 Complex dimension 3 Algebras – True or False? If A and B are semi-simple artinian complex algebras of dimension 3 then A ∼ = B. True. By the Wedderburn-Artin theorem we know that any complex dimension 3 algebra must decompose as follows: Proof: A∼ = Mn1 (D1 )⊕· · ·⊕Mnk (Dk ), Hint: Use the WedderburnArtin theorem to describe the possibilities. Hint: Use the WedderburnArtin theorem to describe the possibilities. n21 dimC D1 +· · ·+n2k dimC Dk = dimC A = 3. As no perfect square is less than 3, save 1, it follows each ni = 1. Now recall from Exercise-3.74 that any finite dimensional simple algebra over C has a perfect square for its dimension. Since neither 2 nor 3 are perfect squares there are no division rings over dimension 2 or 3 over C. It follows the rings take the form C⊕C⊕C and so they are all isomorphic. 79 Rings of idempotents If R is a left semi-simple artinian ring with r2 = r for all r ∈ R then R is isomorphic to a direct product of of copies of F2 . Proof: Since R is semi-simple artinian by the Wedderburn-Artin it takes the Hint: Notice that all nonzero non-unital idempotents are zero-divisors. form R∼ = Mn1 (D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Mnk (Dk ). If any ni > 1 then there exists non-trivial nilpotent matrices which clearly are not idempotent. So we restrict ourselves to having ni = 1 for each i. Next suppose 1 < |Di | = n 6= 2. Then pick and r ∈ Di which is not 0 or 1. Clearly the fact that r2 = r implies 0 = r(1 − r) proving r is a zero-divisor. Hence |Di | = 2. As such it is precisely the field F2 . In conclusion, R is a finite direct sum of F2 ’s. 80 Nilpotent Free Rings – True or False? If R is an artinian ring having no non-zero nilpotent elements then R is a direct sum of fields. Hint: Consider any noncommutative division ring. Example: False. Take any division ring, for instance the Hamiltonians . As × there can be no non-zero zero-divisors, let alone nilpotent elements. As every division ring has no proper left ideals it is trivially artinian as well. Furthermore, division rings are simple rings so they cannot be isomorphic to any non-trivial ring product. As itself is not a field we see indeed the claim is false. 81 Real Algebras of Dimension 2 Classify all 2-dimensional R-algebras. Proof: Let A be a 2-dimensional R-algebra. As R is a field it follows any finite dimensional R algebra is artinian. If the Jacobson radical is non-trivial then to be proper it must have dimension 1 over R. As A is also artinian it follows J(A) is nilpotent and so indeed J(A)2 = 0. Hint: When the Jacobson radical is not trivial the algebra is R[x]/(x2 ). Do not forget to show there are no division rings of dimension 2 over R which are not C. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 98 Select a basis that extends 1, so {1, α}. It follows every element takes the form a1 + a2 α. So consider α2 = a0 + a1 α. If a0 = 0 and a1 = 0. Then α2 = 0 in which case there is a natural surjection from R[x]/(x2 ) onto A by sending x 7→ α. With little effort this is seen as injective as well. This is the case when there is not a trivial Jacobson radical. Now consider a1 6= 0. Suppose b0 + b1 α is a nilpotent element of order 2. 0 = (b0 + b1 α)2 = b20 + 2b0 b1 + b21 α2 = (b20 + b21 a0 ) + (2b0 b1 + b21 a1 )α. Since {1, α} is a basis it follows b20 + b21 a0 = 0, 2b0 b1 + b21 a1 = 0. In the first we see b20 = −b21 a0 , and so a0 must be a square as well. However √ in R all squares are non-negative so 0 ≤ b20 = −(b1 a0 )2 . The problem is that √ 2 (b1 a0 ) ≥ 0 as well. Therefore 0 = b0 and either b1 = 0 or a0 = 0. If it is the former we are done, if it is the latter we return to 2b0 b1 + b21 a1 = 0 and notice we need only ask when b21 a1 = 0. Since we assumed a1 6= 0 we see indeed b1 = 0. Therefore all nilpotent elements of order 2 are trivial. Hence J(A) = 0. In the other case that J(A) = 0, it follows A is semi-simple artinian. Hence A∼ = R ⊕ R, A∼ = C, A∼ =D where D is some division ring of dimension 2 over R. It remains to show that any dimension 2 division ring over R is isomorphic to C. Given {1, α} as a basis of D over R consider the product rα for any r ∈ R. Since R is in the center of D it follows rα = αr. Now take any two elements (a + bα), (c + dα) ∈ D. (a+bα)(c+dα) = ac+adα+bαc+bαdα = ca+bcα+dαa+dαbα = (c+dα)(a+bα). Thus any 2-dimensional division algebra over R is a field. As such it is C. So the list of 2-dimensional R-algebras up to isomorphism is: R[x]/(x2 ), R ⊕ R, C. Hint: Determine the companion matrices. 82 Similar Matrices 1 A = 2 1 Determine whether or not 3 1 0 2 −1 and B = 1 1 1 0 the matrices 0 −6 0 1 1 4 are similar over rationals. Example: Since Q is not algebraically closed it is possible that some of the eigenvalues are not in Q and as such we may not use the Jordan Canonical form. Instead we use invariant factors and the rational canonical form. First we find the characteristic polynomial to be χA (λ) = λ3 − 4λ2 − λ + 6, χB (λ) = λ3 − 4λ2 − λ + 6. Notice in fact B is the companion matrix of χA and χB . Algebra – James Wilson 99 By the rational root test there are no rational roots so we know χA is irreducible and so the minimal polynomial must equal χA . Hence A is similar only to matrices whose companion matrix is precisely the same as C(χA ). As noted above, B is such a matrix. So A and B are similar. 83 Similar Matrices Determine whether or not 0 1 0 0 A = 0 0 1 and B = 2 −1 2 1 0 the matrices 1 0 3 0 0 −5 Hint: Determine the companion matrices. are similar over rationals. Example: Since Q is not algebraically closed it is possible that some of the eigenvalues are not in Q and as such we may not use the Jordan Canonical form. Instead we use invariant factors and the rational canonical form. Notice that AT is a companion matrix for p(x) = x3 − x2 − 2x + 1. As A is similar to AT it follows are have the invariant factors of A. For B we simply compute it directly as: χB (x) = (x + 5)(x2 − 3x − 2). By the rational roots test we find p(x) to be irreducible over Q so it is the lone invariant factor. As χB (x) is reducible, so is the minimal polynomial and so indeed A and B do not have the same invariant factors. Hence they are not similar. (Indeed the minimal polynomial for B is χB .) 84 Nilpotent Matrices An n × n nilpotent matrix with entries in a field has characteristic polynomial xn . Hint: Find the minimal polynomial of nilpotent matrix. Take a nilpotent n × n matrix A. Assume that Ak = 0 for some the least k. It follows xk is the minimal polynomial for A. As such xk divides the characteristic polynomial. But we also know that all the roots of the characteristic polynomial are roots of the minimal polynomial, so there can only be 0 eigenvalues. Hence, xn is the characteristic polynomial. Proof: 85 Similarity Classes – True or False? There are exactly 3 similarity classes of 4 × 4 matrices A over F2 satisfying A2 = 1. Hint: Consider invariant factors. Example: True. We see that the minimal polynomial of A must divide x2 − 1. Over F2 this allows for the following factors two factors: x − 1, x2 − 1. Therefore we have the following choices of invariant factors: x − 1|x − 1|x − 1|x − 1, x − 1|x − 1|x2 − 1, x2 − 1|x2 − 1. As invariant factors uniquely describe each similarity class we see we have only 3 similarity classes with the property that the matrices by 4×4 and the minimal polynomial divide x2 − 1. 86 Similarity Class of F2 Give a list of 2 × 2 matrices over F2 such that every 2 × 2 matrix over F2 is similar to exactly one on your list. Example: Over F2 the number of polynomials of degree 2 or less is few and each is allowed as a minimal polynomial of 2 × 2 matrices over F2 – in fact they Hint: Consider all possible minimal polynomials and then from these all possible invariant factors. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 100 uniquely exhaust the possibilities. Therefore we fix a minimal polynomial and find the associated invariant factors the end with this minimal polynomial and then move on. The coefficients of the polynomials of degree less than or equal to 2 correspond to all length 3 binary words – excluding 000 and 001: a(x) = x, d(x) = x2 + 1, b(x) = x + 1, e(x) = x2 + x, c(x) = x2 , f (x) = x2 + x + 1. Now their associated invariant factors with the added condition that the total degree fo the product of the invariant factors equal 2 so that the companion matrices fit in 2 × 2 matrices. 0 0 x|x → ; 0 0 1 0 x + 1|x + 1 → ; 0 1 0 0 x2 → ; 1 0 0 1 x2 + 1 → ; 1 0 0 0 x2 + x → ; 1 1 0 1 x2 + x + 1 → . 1 1 Hint: Consider eigenspaces of ϕ and ψ. the 87 Simultaneous Diagonalization Let V be a finite dimensional vector space and let ϕ and ψ be commuting diagonalizable linear transformations from V to V . Show that ϕ and ψ can be simultaneously diagonalized. If a finite dimensional linear transformation is diagonalizable over its field then it has all its eigenvalues in the field (under some basis the matrix is diagonal and the eigenvalues are simply those elements on the diagonal.) If all the eigenvalues of a linear transform are the same then the associated diagonal matrix is scalar. If both ϕ and ψ are scalar then they are both simultaneously diagonalized. Now presume that without loss of generality that ϕ is not a scalar transform. Hence there are at least two distinct eigenspaces. It follows each eigenspace of ϕ has dimension less than that of V . Since ϕ(Ei ) = Ei for any eigenspace Ei we see that in fact that since ϕ and ψ commute they leave each others eigenspaces invariant – consider restricting to some eigenspace Ei of ϕ. Now we setup an induction. When the dimension of V is 1, all linearly transformations are scalar (Schur’s lemma). Suppose that for all vector spaces of dimension n, any commuting diagonalizable linear transformations can be simultaneously diagonalized. Then in the case where dim V = n + 1, either all the two linear transformations are scalar and so simultaneously diagonalized, or one is not scalar in which case its eigenspaces are proper subspaces. So we restrict the maps to any eigenspace and by induction simultaneously diagonalize on the this subspace. That the maps commutate means that they respect each others eigenspaces and as such we can do this for all eigenspaces of V under the non-scalar map until in the end we have both maps simultaneously diagonalized. Proof: 101 Algebra – James Wilson 88 Simultaneous Diagonalization Let V be a finite dimensional vector space and let {ϕ}i∈I be a family of commuting diagonalizable linear transformations from V to V . Show that ϕi can be simultaneously diagonalized. Hint: Consider eigenspaces of ϕi . the If a finite dimensional linear transformation is diagonalizable over its field then it has all its eigenvalues in the field (under some basis the matrix is diagonal and the eigenvalues are simply those elements on the diagonal.) If all the eigenvalues of a linear transform are the same then the associated diagonal matrix is scalar. If all ϕi are scalar then they are both simultaneously diagonalized. Now presume that without loss of generality that ϕi is not a scalar transform. Hence there are at least two distinct eigenspaces. It follows each eigenspace of ϕi has dimension less than that of V . Since ϕi (Ej ) = Ej for any eigenspace Ej we see that in fact that since all ϕi commute they leave each others eigenspaces invariant – consider restricting to some eigenspace Ei of ϕi . Now we setup an induction. When the dimension of V is 1, all linearly transformations are scalar (Schur’s lemma). Suppose that for all vector spaces of dimension n, any commuting diagonalizable linear transformations can be simultaneously diagonalized. Then in the case where dim V = n + 1, either all the two linear transformations are scalar and so simultaneously diagonalized, or one is not scalar in which case its eigenspaces are proper subspaces. So we restrict the maps to any eigenspace and by induction simultaneously diagonalize on the this subspace. That the maps commutate means that they respect each others eigenspaces and as such we can do this for all eigenspaces of V under the non-scalar map until in the end we have both maps simultaneously diagonalized. Proof: 89 Matrices and Polynomials Q. Let V be a 7-dimensional vector space over (a) How many similarity classes of linear transformations on V have characteristic polynomial (x − 1)4 (x − 2)3 ? (b) Of the similarity classes in (a), how many have minimal polynomial (x − 1)2 (x − 2)3 ? (c) Let ϕ be a linear transformation from V to V having characteristic polynomial (x − 1)4 (x − 2)3 and minimal polynomial (x − 1)2 (x − 2)3 . Find dim ker (ϕ − 2id). Example: (a) Let a = (x − 1) and b = (x − 2). Having fixed the characteristic polynomial we look at the possible invariant factors that give this polynomial. We now the final invariant factor is the minimal polynomial so it must have all the roots of the characteristic. Thus both a and b divide the final term. Let a1 , . . . , ak denote the powers of a in the order of the invariant factors, and likewise b1 , . . . , bl the powers for b. The algorithm to traverse each invariant factor chain is given by the relations, 1 ≤ a1 ≤ · · · ≤ ak ≤ 4, a1 + · · · + ak = 4, 1 ≤ b1 ≤ · · · ≤ bl ≤ 3, and b1 + · · · + bl = 3. Hint: Construct the companion matrices of the invariant factors to match dimension 7. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 102 Notice the last two always force a1 + · · · + ak + b1 + · · · + bl = 7 so that we need not explicitly make use of the fact that we have 7-dimensional space. This gives the following possible chains for ai ’s: A= 1, 1, 1, 1 1, 1, 2 2, 2 1, 3 1, 4 For bj ’s we get B = 1, 1, 1 1, 2 3 Thus the total number of configurations is the product of the configurations possible for a and b. This gives a total of 15. For clarity they are enumerated below A1,1 + B1 : a | ab | ab | ab A1,1 + B2 : a | a | ab | ab2 A1,1 + B3 : a | a | a | ab3 A1,2 + B1 : ab | ab | a2 b A1,2 + B2 : a | ab | a2 b2 A1,2 + B3 : a | a | a2 b3 A2,2 + B1 : b | a2 b | a2 b A2,2 + B2 : a2 b | a2 b2 A2,2 + B3 : a2 | a2 b3 A1,3 + B1 : b | ab | a3 b A1,3 + B2 : ab | a3 b2 A1,3 + B3 : a | a3 b3 A1,4 + B1 : b | b | a4 b A1,4 + B2 : b | a4 b2 A1,4 + B3 : a4 b3 (b) Now assume instead that the invariant factor all conclude with a2 b3 . Ignoring the possible characteristic polynomials what are our options. We redesign our algorithm slightly. The information that is missing now is what the total multiplicity of powers is. We do however now the dimension of our space to be 7 so we can add this to our defining relations as follows: 1 ≤ a1 ≤ · · · ≤ ak = 2, 1 ≤ b1 ≤ · · · ≤ bl = 3, a1 + · · · + ak + b1 + · · · + bl = 7. If, for instance, we look at the ai ’s separately we notice the length k is not restricted. Thus we must make sure of the final relation each time. Indeed we see the subrelation a1 + · · · + ak−1 + b1 + · · · + bl−1 = 2. This means 1 ≤ k − 1 + l − 1 ≤ 2 or simply 3 ≤ k + l ≤ 4. Our options are k = 1, l = 2, 3; l = 1, k = 2, 3; or k = l = 2. Thus we get the possibilities b2 |a2 b3 , b|b|a2 b3 , a2 |a2 b3 , a|a|a2 b3 , ab|a2 b3 . There are 5 similarity classes with minimal polynomial a2 b3 . Algebra – James Wilson 103 (c) Now we combine our results and notice that when a4 b3 is the characteristic polynomial and a2 b3 the minimal polynomial, then the only choices for invariant factors are a|a|a2 b3 , a2 |a2 b3 . To calculate the dimension of the null-space of the eigenspace associated with the eigenvalue 2, we simply see the multiplicity of 2 is 3, so its eigen space has dimension 3, and so the nullity is of dimension 3. 90 Minimal Polynomials Exhibit a 4 × 4 matrix A with integer coefficients such that A5 = I4 6= A. Example: As the relation A5 = I4 demonstrates, the minimal polynomial for A divides x5 − 1. As A 6= I4 it follows the factor x − 1 is not the contributing factor. So consider Hint: Notice the minimal polynomial for any such A divides x5 − 1. p(x) = (x5 − 1) ÷ (x − 1) = x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1. Certainly p(A) = 0 still as expressed above, and also as we want a 4 × 4 matrix we may as well simply choose the companion matrix of p(x). So take 0 0 0 −1 1 0 0 −1 A= 0 1 0 −1 . 0 0 1 −1 As designed A5 = I4 and A 6= I4 . 91 Matrix Relations Let A, B ∈ M5 (Q) be non-zero 5 × 5 matrices over Q such that AB = BA = 0. Prove that if A4 = A and B 4 = B 2 − B then A + B is invertible. Proof: From the relation A4 = A we know the minimal polynomial of A 4 divides x − x, and as A 6= 0, it cannot be the factor x alone. Nor can it be the factor x − 1 as A is a zero-divisor and as such not the identity. The rational roots theorem tells us x2 + x + 1 is irreducible so there are no smaller factors. However if the minimal polynomial is x2 + x + 1 then the invariant factors must have a total degree which is even. As we have 5 × 5 matrix this cannot exist. Also if no eigen value is 0, then the product of eigenvalues is a unit in Q so A is invertible. However, invertible matrices are not zero-divisors. Hence we can conclude that the only possibilities for minimal polynomials are: x(x − 1), x(x2 + x + 1), Hint: Compute the possible invariant factors of A and B. x(x − 1)(x2 + x + 1). Moving to B we notice the minimal polynomial divides x4 − x2 + x, and again as B 6= 0 it is not only the factor x that accounts for the annihilation. So the minimal polynomial must divide contain factors from x3 − x + 1. By the rational roots theorem we see x3 − x + 1 is irreducible over Q; hence, the minimal polynomial of B is precisely x4 − x2 + x. This means the stray eigen value is 0 as the other roots are outside of Q. So the invariant factors of B are x|x4 − x2 + x. Now we invoke the property that AB = BA = 0. As the transformations commute they respect each others eigenspaces.PENDING: finish 92 Linear Decomposition Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over Hint: Consider a decomposition into eigenspace first, and then a decomposition into invariant factors. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 104 a field F . Let θ be a linear transformation on V . Assume that there do not exist proper θ-invariant subspaces V1 , V2 of V such that V = V1 ⊕ V2 . Show that for some basis of V the matrix of θ is the companion matrix of p(x)e , where p(x) is some irreducible polynomial in F [x]. The minimal polynomial of θ is a product of irreducibles in F [x]. If there are two are more irreducibles in the minimal polynomial, then the roots of each determine distinct eigenspaces. As eigenspaces are respected by the map from which they are determined, it follows this non-trivial decomposition is of the type forbidden by the hypothesis. So we are forced to accept that there is indeed only one irreducible component in the minimal polynomial. Finally if there are more than one invariant factors, then we know Proof: V = I1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ In where each Ii is generated by the invariant factor i. This decomposition is also clearly respected by θ as it describes θ. Therefore there can only be on invariant factor and this invariant factor must be the minimal polynomial which we recently decided was simply a power of an irreducible in F [x]. Hint: 93 Jordan Normal Form Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over Q. Let θ be a linear transformation on V having characteristic polynomial (x − 2)4 . (a) Describe the possible Jordan normal forms for θ, and for each of these give the minimal polynomial of θ. (b) For each of the possibilities in (a) give the dimension of the 2-eigenspace of θ. (c) Assume that θ leaves invariant only finitely many subspaces of V . What can be said about the Jordan normal form of θ? Example: PENDING: find the energy to do this one. Hint: Use the fact that J(R) annihilates all simple Rmodules. 94 Jacobson Module Let R be an artinian ring. Show that J(R) is a semi-simple left R-module if and only if J(R)2 = 0. Proof: Let V = J(R) be a semi-simple left R-module. Suppose that V = V1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Vn is the decomposition into simple R-modules. From Nakayama’s Lemma we know if J(R)Vi = Vi then Vi = 0. Since each Vi is simple as an R-module, it follows J(R)Vi = 0 for each i. This means that J(R)V = 0. But now recall that V = J(R) and we see that indeed J(R)2 = 0. Now suppose that J(R)2 = 0. It is clear that J(R) is contained in the annihilator of V = J(R), and as J(R)2 = 0 it is in fact the annihilator. Therefore J(R) is a faithful R/J(R)-module. However, R is artinian, so R/J(R) is semi-simple artinian. Thus every left R/J(R)-module is semi-simple. Now we observe that we can use this decomposition into simple R/J(R)-modules back to R-modules since J(R) annihilates all simple R-modules. Hence, V is a semisimple R-module, that is, J(R) is a semi-simple R-module. Hint: Note R is a matrix ring over a division ring. 95 Simple Algebras Suppose that R is a finite dimensional simple F algebra, for a field F . Show that dimF R = n2 e, where ne = dimF V for some irreducible R-module V . 105 Algebra – James Wilson Since are R is a finite dimensional simple F -algebra it follows it is semi-simple artinian so indeed Proof: R∼ = Mn (D). Furthermore, D is an F -algebra and finite dimensional as well. However, as soon as we fill one component in a matrix, then to generate the full left ideal we need to include the entire column. Thus we get a natural copy of V = Dn as an irreducible R-module – irreducible because it is a minimal left ideal of R. Finally letting e = dimF D we see: dimF R = n2 e, dimF V = ne. 96 Endomorphisms and Semi-simplicity Let F be a field and V be a finite dimensional F -vector space. Let θ ∈ EndF (V ) have minimal polynomial f (x) ∈ F [x]. Let R be the subalgebra F [θ] of EndF (V ). Prove that R is semisimple artinian if and only if each prime factor of f (x) in F [x] has multiplicity 1. Hint: Proof: Suppose R is semi-simple artinian. By the theorem of Wedderburn-Artin we decompose R as R = F [θ] = Mn1 (D1 ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ Mnk (Dk ). Since V is an F [x]-modules it also passes as an R-module. Moreover, it then follows that V is an Mni (Di )-module. In a PID primes correspond to irreducibles so we simply wish to prove that f (x) is a product p1 (x) · · · pn (x) with each pi (x) irreducible and pi (x) = pj (x) implying i = j. PENDING: figure it out. 97 Indecomposable Modules – True or False? 0 /W /V /X For a short exact sequence /0 Hint: Consider a cyclic group with zero-divisors. if V and W are indecomposable then so is X. Example: False. Consider the following sequence of Z-modules: 0 /Z 6 /Z / Z6 /0. As Z has no zero-divisors it can have no idempotents and so it is indecomposable. Yet clearly as Z-modules Z6 ∼ = Z2 ⊕ Z3 . 98 Maximal Ideals Show that if M1 , M2 , . . . , Mn are distinct maximal ideals of the commutative ring R, then each R-module R/Mi , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, is isomorphic to exactly one factor of the chain R ≥ M1 ≥ M1 ∩ M2 ≥ · · · ≥ M1 ∩ M2 ∩ · · · ∩ Mn . Proof: With the correct picture the result is an obvious interpretation of the Hint: Use the third isomorphism theorem. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 106 third isomorphism theorem. o R OO ooo a OOOb OO ooo M1 ? M2 M3 ??a ???b M1 ∩ M ??b2 M2 ∩ Mc3 ? M1 ∩ M2 ∩ M3 c c We simply recurse. R/Mi ∼ = Mi−1 /Mi−1 ∩ Mi ∼ = Mi−2 ∩ Mi−1 /Mi−2 ∩ Mi−1 ∩ Mi ∼ = ··· ∼ = M1 ∩ · · · Mi−1 /M1 ∩ · · · ∩ Mi . As each Mi is distinct, so is each R/Mi and so each factor of the chain is uniquely one of the R/Mi ’s. Hint: 99 Polynomial Rings – True or False? ring then R[x] is noetherian. Proof: True.9 Hint: Show it is divisible. 100 Injective Modules – True or False? Q is an injective Z-module. Proof: Since Z is a PID it is sufficient to show Q is divisible. This means for every n ∈ Z, nQ = Q. Certainly for every fraction a/b ∈ Q the fraction a/nb is also in Q and thus n(a/nb) = a/b proving nQ = Q. So Q is an injective Z-modules as it is divisible. Hint: For (ii) implies (iii) use P = W , for (iii) implies (iv) use the retract of the split sequence, for (iv) implies (ii) use the pull-back of the diagram. 101 Non-projective Modules Give three different definitions of projective modules and show that your definitions are equivalent. If R is a commutative artinian Theorem 3.0.11 All the following are equivalent in the category of left Rmodules: (i) P is a projective R-module. (ii) Given any map ϕ : P → W and another surjective map f : V → W , then there exists a map ψ : P → V such that the following diagram commutes: V ~} } f } ψ } P φ /W / 0. (iii) Every short exact sequence: 0 /U /V f /P /0 splits. 9 By the Hilbert basis theorem, R[x] is noetherian because R is commutative and noetherian. Algebra – James Wilson 107 (iv) If P is a quotient module of V then it is also a direct summand of V ; so there exists an embedding P 0 ∼ = P in V and a complement U such that V = P0 ⊕ U. (i) implies (ii) and (ii) implies (i) by the very definition of projective modules. Now consider why (ii) implies (iii). If we take a short exact sequence Proof: /U 0 /V f /P /0 and let W in (ii) be equal to P , together with ϕ = idP , then we immediately have the picture: P ~ O ~ ~ idP ~~ ~~ f ψ /V /P /U 0 / 0. As (ii) tells us, ψf = idP . However this is an equivalent condition for a short exact sequence to be split exact – we now have a retract ψ. Therefore (ii) implies (iii). Assume (iii) now and let P be a quotient of a module V . It follows we we have surjection f : V → P with kernel U . Thus we have the short exact sequence: /V /U 0 f /P / 0. From our assumption of (iii) we know this short exact sequence splits so indeed P can be embedded in V as a direct summand – (iv). Finally assume (iv) is true, and assume we have a surjection f : V → W and a map ϕ : P → W . Then consider the pull-back of the diagram: πP /P X P πV φ V f /W / 0, V φ f /W /0 where X = {(v, p) ∈ V ⊕ P : f (v) = φ(p)} and where πP (v, p) = p and πV (v, p) = v. Given any p ∈ P , φ(p) ∈ W so there exists a v ∈ V such that f (v) = φ(p). Hence (v, p) ∈ X and πP (v, p) = p proving that πP is surjective. Therefore P splits in X by the assumption of (iv). Use the map i : P → X as the retract for πP . Then we see the composition πV i : P → V and furthermore, f πV i(p) = f (πV (v, p)) = f (v) = φ(p) by design. So the diagram commutes: P } } }} φ }} ~}} /W V f πV i / 0. Therefore P is projective. 102 Projective Z-modules Prove Q is not a projective Z-module by Hint: Suppose Z < Q < F the consider F/Z > Q/Z and the torsion of each quotient module. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 108 showing it is not a direct summand of a free Z-module. Suppose F is any free Z-module containing Q. As it stands, F ∼ = ⊕i Z. Since Q is embedded in F , we may take the principle copy of Z inside Q and create a tower of Z ≤ Q ≤ F through which we quotient by Z to obtain: F/Z ≥ Q/Z. Q/Z corresponds to the rational points on the unit circle so we visibly have an infinite amount of torsion; more specifically, we have torsion of every positive order. However, given any Z embedded in F , there corresponds a generator v ∈ F , such that Z = Zv in F . Yet F is a direct sum, so v must be almost everywhere 0. This means no matter how large F is, we can only factor out, non-trivially, a finite number of components. So while factors exist that create torsion, there is insufficient to create the infinite amount that is created by quotienting Q by Z. Thus Q/Z cannot be a submodule of F/Z so by the correspondence theorem, Q is not embedded in F and hence cannot be a direct summand either. Proof: Hint: Show that they contain Q and that Q is not contained in a free module (Exercise3.102.) Hint: Only 0 and R work. 10 103 Non-projective Modules Show a field of characteristic 0 is not a projective Z-module under the regular action. Proof: Every field of characteristic 0 contains a subfield isomorphic to Q. However, from Exercise-3.102, Q is not a direct summand of a free Z-module. Moreover, the proof indicates that Q is indeed not even a submodule of a free Z-module. Hence, no field of characteristic 0 is a submodule of a free Z-module and hence it may not be a direct summand of a free Z-module. This characterization describes all projective modules; thus, no field of characteristic 0 is a projective Z-module. 104 Cyclic Projective Modules are projective? Let R be a PID. Which cyclic R-modules Example: Let V = Rv be a cyclic R-module. Without loss of generality assume V 6= 0. Define the map f : R → Rv by f (x) = xv. Since f (rx + y) = (rx + y)v = r(xv) + yv = rf (x) + f (y) and multiplication is well-defined, we have a nice R-linear map. Also, any xv ∈ Rv is clearly hit by x, so f is surjective. Finally if the kernel of f is trivial then we attain an isomorphism of R-modules. Thus R ∼ = Rv whenever xv = 0 implies x = 0. So we may say, any cyclic R-module with trivial annihilator is projective, simply because it is isomorphic to R as a regular left R-module, and R is free as an R-module. Now assume Ann(V ) 6= 0, so the kernel is non-trivial; then rv = 0 for some non-zero r ∈ R. Thus V contains torsion elements by definition. However, free R-modules must be torsion free, so they cannot contain V as a submodule, let alone as a direct summand. Hence such cyclic modules are not projective. Hint: The category of Z4 modules provides all the necessary counter-examples. 105 Projective/Injective Inheritance Disprove: Let R be commutative. Prove or (i) Every submodule of a projective R-module is projective. 10 An equivalent way to show Q is not projective is to observe every projective module over a PID is free. Yet Q is not free as any two rational numbers are linearly dependent over Z. Algebra – James Wilson 109 (ii) Every submodule of and injective R-module is injective. (iii) Every quotient of a projective R-module is projective. (iv) Every quotient of a injective R-module is injective. Example: Let R = Z/4. Consider the short exact sequence: 0 / Z/2 / Z/4 / Z/2 /0. It does not split as Z/4 is not isomorphic to Z/2 ⊕ Z/2. However as it does not split we see the Z/2 as Z/4-module is not projective because it is the left term of a short exact sequence that does not split. Visibly, Z/2 is both a submodule and a quotient modules of a projective module (the ring is always a free module under the regular action, and thus projective), but it itself is not projective. If we can show that Z/4 is injective over itself we will be able to conclude that Z/2 is not an injective module as the sequence does not split, and it is the left term of the sequence. Thus, neither as a submodule, nor as a quotient is it injective. To show Z/4 is injective requires only that we show it is injective on left ideals of Z/4, namely, 0, 2Z/4, and Z/4. Fix the picture: Z/4 O aD f D /L 0 g D i D / Z/4 Since HomZ/4 (0, Z/4) = 0, when L = 0 we see f = 0 so we extend the map with the trivial map: g(x) = 0. Now suppose the left ideal is Z/2. Now HomZ/4 (Z/2, Z/4) has only two maps: the trivial map and inclusion. If f is the trivial map then g is trivial and properly extends f . When f is inclusion, we let g be the identity map. Finally suppose the left ideal is Z/4 itself. Here we trivially let f = g. Since these extensions work for all left ideals, it proves by Baer’s Criterion that Z/4 is injective over itself. 106 Injective Z/nZ-modules Let n ≥ 1. Then Z/nZ is injective Z/nZmodule. Proof: We make use of Baer’s Criterion. The (left) ideals of Z/nZ are mZ/nZ. Thus we need only consider extending our maps Z/nZ O dI f 0 / mZ/nZ I Ig i I Hint: Any cyclic module homomorphism is determined by where the generator is sent. I / Z/nZ Since everything is cyclic, we notice f is determined by where m is mapped, say f (m) = k. To be defined, m must divide n and so n = am and thus 0 = f (am) = af (m) = ak, so indeed am|ak and m|k. Hence, k = lm for some l, so f is multiplication by l. Define g : Z/nZ → Z/nZ by g(x) = lx. Certainly this is Z/nZ-linear and also agrees with f on mZ/nZ. As any left ideal map can be extended, Z/nZ is injective. 107 Injective Z-modules – True or False? phism Zp∞ → A splits. Every abelian group monomor- Hint: Show Zp∞ is divisible. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 110 Proof: True. It suffices to show Zp∞ is injective, and for this we show it is divisible as a Z-module. Take any m ∈ Z such that m 6= 0; then we need to show for all pai + Z ∈ Zp∞ that there exists a pbj + Z such that a b ≡m j pi p (mod Z). We begin with generators: Let m = kpl so that (k, p) = 1. As such we know there exists integers s and t such that: sk + tpi = 1, equivalently: pi |sk − 1, or 1 sk s ≡ i ≡ m i+l pi p p (mod Z). Thus each generator is divisible, but this is temporary for certainly then: a as ≡ m i+l i p p (mod Z), and so in fact Zp∞ is divisible. Hint: Show Q[x, x−1 ] is not free. 108 Projectives over PIDs – True or False? Q[x]-module. Q[x, x−1 ] is a projective Proof: Q[x, x−1 ] will be projective only if it is a free Q[x]-module, since Q[x] is a PID. Clearly any basis be of size 2 or P greater. If we select any two elements Pmust l n from Q[x, x−1 ], q = i=−k qi xi and p = i=−m pi xi then xk q, xm p ∈ Q[x] so m k k m we have a = x px and b = x qx both in Q[x] and also ((xm p)xk )q − ((xk q)xm )p = xm pxk q − xm pxk q = 0. Therefore any two elements of Q[x, x−1 ] are Q[x]-linearly dependent so that Q[x, x−1 ] has no basis and is not free. Hint: Notice that R is projective so it is a direct summand of W and W 0 . 109 Module Quotients Let R be a ring and V ≤ W , V 0 ≤ W 0 be R-modules such that W/V ∼ =R∼ = W 0 /V 0 and V ∼ = V 0 then W ∼ = W 0. Proof: Since R is projective it follows every short exact sequence that ends in R splits. Thus /W /R /0 /V 0 and 0 / V0 / W0 /R /0 split, so indeed W = V ⊕ R and W 0 ∼ = V 0 ⊕ R. But V ∼ = V 0 so W ∼ = W 0 .11 Hint: Use Baer’s Criterion. 110 Injectivity of Fraction Fields Let R be an integral domain and F its field of fractions. Prove that F is an injective R-module. Proof: We make use of Baer’s Criterion. So consider the following diagram, I E R: RF O f 0 / RI aC C i g C C / RR 11 A truly convincing proof here uses the 5-lemma on the short exact sequence with the middle map defined by the split map from W to V , followed by the isomorphism of V to V 0 followed by the inclusion of V 0 to W 0 . 111 Algebra – James Wilson Given non-zero values a, b ∈ I it is clear by linearity that af (b) = f (ab) = f (ba) = bf (a); f (a)/a = f (b)/b = c. Define g(r) = rc and clearly for any non-zero a ∈ I it follows g(a) = af (a)/a = f (a), so g extends f .12 Moreover, g(sx + y) = sxc + yc = sg(x) + g(y) so it is R-linear. Hence g extends f so by Baer’s Criterion F is injective as and R-module. 111 Injective Hulls – True or False? Q is the injective hull of Z. Hint: Definition 3.0.12 Given R-modules X ≤ Q, and Q0 , with Q and Q0 injective R-modules, then Q is an injective hull (injective envelope) of X if given any monomorphism g : X → Q0 there exists a monomorphism h : Q → Q0 so that the following diagram commutes: 0 0 /X g i h Q0 /Q True. We see Q is divisible as nQ = Q for any n ∈ Z, n 6= 0. Clearly Z ≤ Q. Now take any other injective module Q0 with Z embedded via a map g : Z → Q0 . As Q0 is injective over Z it is divisible by Z. So nQ0 = Q0 for any n. Take 1 ∈ Q0 to be the element g(1). Then for all b ∈ Z, b 6= 0, bQ0 = Q0 so there exists an element c ∈ Q0 such that bc = 1. Now suppose c0 ∈ Q0 also has the property that bc0 = 1. Then bc = bc0 and so b(c − c0 ) = 0. Let x = c − c0 . If x = 0 we are done. If x 6= 0 then bx = 0 tells us there must be a y ∈ Q0 such that bx1 = x. But then b2 x1 = 0 and we repeat. In the end bn+1 xn = 0 for all n so in the end x∞ has no y ∈ Q such that by 6= x∞ as then b2 y = 0. in Q0 then Thus given any a/b ∈ Q, there exists a c ∈ Q0 such that bc = g(a). Define h : Q → Q0 as h(a/b) = c. Suppose that c0 ∈ Q0 also has the property that bc0 = g(a). Then As (b, 1) = 1, there are integers n, m such that 1 = mb + n1 Proof: 112 Semi-simple Modules Every short exact sequence of C[x]/(x2 − 1)modules splits. Proof: It is sufficient to show that C[x]/(x2 − 1) is semi-simple artinian; for then every module is injective and projective, and so every short exact sequence splits. Let I = (x2 − 1). Notice that the only proper ideals are ((x − 1) + I) and ((x + 1) + I). This intersect trivially, and their sum is the entire ring, thus C[x]/(x2 − 1) has a complement for every submodule over itself, so it is semisimple artinian. Hint: Show that the ring is semi-simple artinian. 113 Semi-simple Modules – True or False? Every short exact sequence over Z15 -modules splits. Proof: True. Notice Z15 ∼ = Z3 ⊕ Z5 which is the form of the Wedderburn-Artin theorem, so Z15 is semi-simple artinian. Hence, every module is projective and Hint: Show that Z15 is semisimple artinian. 12 Assume that R is canonically embedded in F already so that rc is well-defined. 112 CHAPTER 3. MODULES injective, so every short exact sequence splits. Hint: Show R[x] is not artinian. 114 Projective R[x]-modules – True or False? projective. Every R[x]-module is Example: False. If every module is projective, then every short exact sequence splits, and consequently every module is also injective. This shows every submodule has a complement, so every module is semi-simple. But this is a condition equivalent to requiring that R[x] be semi-simple artinian. Thus if R[x] is not, then some submodule is not projective. Clearly the chain (1) ≥ (x) ≥ (x2 ) ≥ · · · is an infinite descending, never stabilizing, chain, so R[x] is not artinian. Hint: Consider any ring product ring. 115 Projectivity and Freeness – True or False? over a commutative ring is free. Every projective module Example: False. Let the ring be R = Z/2 ⊕ Z/2. If we define Z/2 as a left Z/2 ⊕ Z/2-module by noticing I = ((1, 0)) is a left ideal of R. Moreover, J = ((0, 1)) is also a left-ideal and I ⊕ J = R so I is a direct summand of R. Yet I has order 2, not a multiple of 4, so it cannot be a free R-module, yet it is still projective. Hint: Map a basis {ei } to {εi } where εi (ej ) = δij – the Kronecker delta. 116 Dual Modules Let F be a free left R-module with finite basis. Prove that F ∗ is a free right R-module with finite basis dual to the basis of F . Prove that F is reflexive. Proof: Let e1 , . . . , en be a basis for F . Define the linearly functionals εi (ej ) = δij and extend i by linearization. Define the map E from R F to FR∗ = HomR (R F,R RR ) as ei 7→ i and generalize by linearization as follows: n X λi ei 7→ i=1 n X εi li . i=1 The map is clearly well-defined and R-linearly. Now take any f ∈ F ∗ . It follows ! n n n n n n X X X X X X f (x) = f λi ei = λi f (ei ) = λi fi εi (ei ) = fi εi (λi ei ) = fi εi (x). i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 Therefore f = f1 ε1 + · · · + fn εn and so ε1 , . . . , εn is a basis of FR∗ . So not only is FR∗ finite dimensional, it has the same dimension as F ; thus by the universal property of free modules, F ∼ = F ∗ as they are free on cardinally equivalent bases. ∗∗ Hence F ∼ = F proving F is reflexive. Hint: Use the fact that P is a direct summand of a free module and the already proven result for free modules – see Exercise-3.116. 117 Duals of Projectives Let P be a finitely generated projective R-module. Prove that P ∗ is a finitely generated projective right R-module, and that P is reflexive. Demonstrate that both statements may be false if P is not finitely generated. Let {v1 , . . . , vn } be a set of generators for P . We may define the Kronecker δi,j maps as δi,j = 0 when i 6= j and 1 when i = j. From this we may define the maps fi : P → R by fi (vj ) = δi,j , and generalized linearly. These maps lie in P ∗ = HomR (R P,R RR ), which is a right R-module. Furthermore, as P is generated by {v1 , . . . , vn } we may take any map g ∈ P ∗ and express Proof: Algebra – James Wilson 113 g = gf1 + · · · gfn . Thus P ∗ is finitely generated. Moreover, we may show P ∗∗ ∼ = P with the following isomorphism: ϕ : p 7→ (ϕp : g 7→ g(p)). Suppose ϕp = ϕq . Then for all g ∈ P ∗ it follows g(p) = g(q). However, we know fi (vi ) = 1 while fi (vj ) = 0 for all i 6= j so letting g = fi we see the requirement that p = q; thus the map is injective. That ϕ is linear follows from the linearity in each component: ϕsp+q (g) = g(sp + q) = sg(p) + g(q) = sϕp (g) + ϕq (g). All that remains is surjectivity. Recall that P ∗ is generated by {f1 , . . . , fn }. Now take any ψ ∈ P ∗∗ . Clearly ψ(r1 v1 + · · · + rn vn ) = r1 ψ(v1 ) + · · · + rn ψ(vn ). Now provided ψ(v1 ), . . . , ψ(vn ) generate P ∗∗ we are done. But certainly this is true because each ψ(vi )(fj ) = δi,j = gi (fj ), where {gi } is a basis for P ∗∗ . (Notice the size of the generating sets in P , P ∗ , and P ∗∗ are all equal.) To show P ∗ is projective consider the characterization of projective modules as a direct summand of a free module. Recall that ! n n n n M Y Y M HomR R , R = Hom ( R , R ) = R = R R R R R R R R R R R R RR . i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 Moreover, P is finitely generated so it is a direct summand of a finitely generated free R-module (consult the proof of the characterization to verify finiteness is implied.) Finally, HomR (−, R RR ) takes split exact sequences to split exact sequences, so we obtain: / Ln 0 /P 0 / P∗ i=1 R RR Hom(−,R) Hom(−,R) / Ln R R R i=1 /Q /0 Hom(−,R) / Q∗ /0 Since we now see P ∗ is a direct summand of a free R-module it is clear that P ∗ is projective. L Example: If we let P = N F2 then it is projective as it is a module in the category of semi-simple artinian ring. However P ∗∗ has cardinality 2ℵ0 > ℵ0 so ∗∗ P is not isomorphic to P L . So P is not reflexive. Now suppose P = are projective we N Z. As coproducts of projectives Q know P is projective. However, once again, P ∗ is N Z which is not projective as it is not a direct summand of a free module. 118 Finite Dimensional Duals Let V be a finite dimensional vector space over a division ring D. Prove that V is reflexive. Hint: Use Exercise-3.116. Proof: Since V is a vector space it is a free module. Thus V ∗ is a free module of the same rank (Exercise-3.116) and so V ∼ = V ∗∗ . 119 Projectivity and Fields every R-module is projective. Prove that a domain R is a field if and only if Proof: Let R be an integral domain. Hint: Use the WedderburnArtin theorem to characterize R. 114 CHAPTER 3. MODULES Suppose that every R-module is projective. Then every short exact sequence splits so every module is semi-simple. Thus R is semi-simple artinian. Applying Wedderburn-Artin we see R∼ = Mn1 (D1 ) ⊕ · · · Mnk (Dk ). Yet k = 1 or otherwise the decomposition reveals zero-divisors, for instance In1 ⊕ 0 · · · ⊕ 0 and 0 ⊕ · · · ⊕ 0 ⊕ Ink . Also R is commutative so n1 = 1 and D1 is commutative. Therefore R is the field D1 . Now suppose that R is a field. Then R is semi-simple artinian so every short exact sequence splits. In particular every module is projective. Hint: Use the middle linear property of tensors. 120 Subring Tensors Let R be a subring of the ring S such that S is a free right R-module with basis {si : i ∈ I}. If V is a left R-module, then, as abelian groups, M S ⊗R V = si ⊗ V, i∈I where si ⊗ V denotes the subspace of S ⊗R V generated by all pure tensors of the form si ⊗ v. Proof: Recall the submodule generated by each si is si R. So indeed we have: ! M M M S ⊗R V = si R ⊗ V = si R ⊗ V = si ⊗ V, i∈I i∈I where we observe that any element si r ⊗ v can be written as si ⊗ rv and thus fits our given form. Hint: Use the universal property of tensors to construct the maps. Do not forget to invert each for the isomorphism. 121 Tensors over PIDs Let V and W be Z-modules. (i) V ⊗ Z/mZ ∼ = V /mV . (ii) Z/mZ ⊗ Z/nZ ∼ = Z/kZ where k = (m, n). (iii) Describe V ⊗ W if V and W are finitely generated. Proof: (i) Define the map f : V × Z/mZ → V /mV by (v, k) = kv. Given any k ≡ j (mod m) if follows k − j = l · m so that indeed (kv + mV ) − (jv + mV ) = (k − j)v + mV = l · mv + mV = mV ; therefore, kv ≡ jv (mod mV ), and f is well-defined. Also f (rv, k) = krv = rkv = f (v, rk) for all r ∈ Z. Finally: f (v + w, k) = kv + kw = f (v, k) + f (w, k) and f (v, k + j) = kv + jv = f (v, k) + f (v, j); hence, f is Z-balanced and so by the universal property of tensors there exists a Z-balanced map (furthermore a group homomorphism as Z is commutative so the tensor product is again a Z-module and the induced maps Z-homomorphisms): f˜ : V ⊗ Z/mZ → V /mV which covers f . Algebra – James Wilson 115 Now define its inverse as: g : V /mV → V ⊗ Z/mZ by g(v + mV ) = v ⊗ 1. Clearly f˜(g(v + mV )) = f˜(v ⊗ 1) = f (v, 1) = 1v + mV = v + mV. Also g(f˜(v ⊗ k)) = g(f (v, k)) = g(kv + mV ) = kv ⊗ 1 = v ⊗ k. Thus g and f are indeed inverses and so f is a bijective Z-homomorphism and thus a module isomorphism. (ii) Let V = Z/mZ. From part (i) we see that V ⊗ Z/nZ = V /nV so in our situation we have Z/mZ ⊗ Z/nZ = (Z/nZ)/m(Z/nZ). However, this is nothing more than Z/(m, n)Z. (iii) If V and W are finitely generated we may decompose them as: V ∼ = Z/d1 Z ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z/dk Z; W ∼ = Z/e1 Z ⊕ · · · ⊕ Z/el Z, where d1 |d2 | · · · |dk , and e1 | · · · |el and we allow di and ei to be 0 if free parts appear. By distributing and using part (ii) we see: ∼ = (Z/d1 Z ⊗ W ) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Z/dk Z ⊗ W ) ∼ = (Z/d1 Z ⊗ Z/e1 Z) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Z/d1 Z ⊗ Z/el Z) .. . ⊕(Z/dk Z ⊗ Z/e1 Z) ⊕ · · · ⊕ (Z/dk Z ⊗ Z/el Z) V ⊗W k,l M ∼ = Z/(di , ej )Z. i=1,j=1 122 Torsion and Tensors – True or False? If V is a torsion module over R a PID and Q any field containing R. Then V ⊗ Q = 0. Proof: True. Given any element a ∈ V , let (p) be the order ideal of a. Since V is a torsion module over a PID, we know p 6= 0. Thus p−1 exists in Q. Furthermore we now see given any pure tensor q ⊗ a we have: q⊗a= Hint: Pull across the the pure tensors, any annihilator of any torsion elements. q q q p ⊗ a = ⊗ pa = ⊗ 0 = 0. p p p As every pure tensor is 0, the entire group is trivial. 123 Fraction Field Tensors – True or False? Q⊗Q∼ = Q? Proof: True. Define f : Q × Q → Q by f (q, p) = qp. Since products in Q are well-defined, so is this map. Now take any r ∈ Z, certainly f (qr, p) = qrp = f (q, rp) and s ∈ Q also yields: f (s+q, p) = sp+qp = f (s, p)+f (q, p); f (q, s+p) = qs+qp = f (q, s)+f (q, p). Therefore, f is Z-balanced so it induces a Z-balanced (and furthermore, Zlinear), map f˜ : Q ⊗ Q → Q. Now we must simply invert the map. Hint: Normalize one component of each pure tensor. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 116 Take g : Q → Q ⊗ Q by g(q) = q ⊗ 1. Clearly this map is well-defined and now we check it is an inverse: f˜(g(q)) = f˜(q ⊗ 1) = f (q, 1) = q · 1 = q. g(f˜(q ⊗ p)) = g(f (q, p)) = g(qp) = qp ⊗ 1. Now we must show that q ⊗ p = qp ⊗ 1. To begin with notice m(p ⊗ q) = 0 implies mp = 0 or mq = 0. But assuming p ⊗ q 6= 0 then q 6= 0 and q 6= so mp 6= 0 and mq 6= 0 unless m = 0 – we have a torsion free module. Now notice: a c bd ⊗ 1 = ac ⊗ 1 = a ⊗ c bd and bd a b ⊗ c = a ⊗ c; d therefore, bd ac a b ⊗1− ⊗ bd b c = 0. Sense we have a torsion free module this means we have: ac a c pq ⊗ 1 = ⊗ 1 = ⊗ = p ⊗ q. bd b d Thus f and g are inverse maps, and f is a homomorphism, so f is an isomorphism. Hint: Both are false. 124 Tensor Isomorphisms – True or False? and W be a left R-module. True or False? Let V be a right R-module (i) There is an isomorphism of abelian groups V ⊗R W ∼ = V ⊗Z W ? (ii) If v ⊗ w = v 0 ⊗ w0 in V ⊗R W , then v = v 0 and w = w0 . Example: Both are false. For (i) consider letting R = Z ⊕ Z. Then Z ⊕Z⊕Z Z ⊕ Z = Z; Z ⊕Z Z ⊕ Z = Z ⊕ Z. For (ii) consider 2 ⊗ 3 = 1 ⊗ 6 in Z ⊗ Z. Certainly 2 6= 1 and 3 6= 6. Hint: Use the universal property in both directions. 125 Tensors and Quotients If V 0 is a submodule of the right R-module V and W 0 is a submodule of the left R-module W , then (V /V 0 ) ⊗R (W/W 0 ) ∼ = (V ⊗R W )/U , where U is the subgroup of V ⊗R W generated by all elements of the form v 0 ⊗ w and v ⊗ w0 with v 0 ∈ V 0 and w ∈ W , and v ∈ V and w0 ∈ W . Proof: Declare g : V × W → V /V 0 ⊗ W/W 0 by g(v, w) = (V 0 + v) ⊕ (w + W 0 ). First our map is well-defined as the cosets lie in the image not the domain. Next we must verify this map is R-balanced: g(vr, w) g(v + u, w) = = = = g(v, w + u) = = = (V 0 + vr) ⊗ (w + W 0 ) = (V 0 + v) ⊗ (rw + W 0 ) = g(v, rw); V 0 + (v + u) × w + W 0 ((V 0 + v) ⊗ (w + W 0 )) + ((V 0 + u) ⊗ (w + W 0 )) g(v, w) + g(u, w); (V 0 + v) × ((w + u) + W 0 ) ((V 0 + v) ⊗ (w + W 0 )) + ((V 0 + u) ⊗ (u + W 0 )) g(v, w) + g(v, u). Algebra – James Wilson 117 As g is R-balanced it induces an R-balanced map g : V ⊗ W → V /V 0 ⊗ W/W 0 . Furthermore, on pure tensors alone g is surjective, thus we need only look for its kernel to establish an isomorphism. Notice indeed given any v 0 ∈ V 0 and any w ∈ W that g(v 0 ⊗ w) = g(v 0 , w) = (V 0 + v 0 ) ⊗ (w + W 0 ) = 0 ⊗ (w + W 0 ) = 0. Likewise given w0 ∈ W 0 and v ∈ V we have g(v ⊗ w0 ) = 0. Therefore U is contained in the kernel of g. Thus we have g factors through U so we may abusively write: g : V ⊕ W/U → V /V 0 ⊗ W/W 0 . Now we look to construct an inverse map. Notice U = V 0 ⊗ W + V ⊗ W 0 and declare f : V /V 0 × W/W 0 → V ⊗ W/U by f (V 0 + v, w + W 0 ) = v ⊗ w + U. First we must verify the f is well-defined. Given V 0 + v = V 0 + u and w + W 0 = x + W 0 we see v − u ∈ V 0 and w − x ∈ W 0 so: f (V 0 + (v − u), (w − x) + V 0 ) = (v − u) ⊗ (w − x) + U = U ; therefore, f is well-defined. Moreover f is middle linear: f (V 0 + vr, w + W 0 ) f ((V + v) + (V 0 + u), w + W 0 ) = = = 0 0 0 f (V + v, (w + W ) + (x + W )) = = 0 vr ⊗ w + U = v ⊗ rw + U ; f (V + (v + u), w + W 0 ) = (v + u) ⊗ w + U (v ⊗ w + U ) + (u ⊗ w) + U = f (V 0 + v, w + W 0 ) + f (V 0 + u, w + W 0 ); f (V 0 + v, (w + x) + W 0 ) = v ⊗ (w + x) + U (v ⊗ w + U ) + (v ⊗ x + U ) = f (V 0 + v, w + W 0 ) + f (V 0 + v, x + W 0 ). Therefore we have an induced map on the tensor which visibly is the inverse of g. Therefore we have an isomorphism of groups. 126 Tensors of Exact Sequences 0 /A f If /C g /B Hint: Use the split to distribute the tensor then consider the components of the sequence. /0 is split exact sequence of left R-modules, then 0 / X ⊗R A idX ⊗f / X ⊗R CidX ⊗g / B /0 is an exact sequence of abelian groups for any right R-module X. Proof: Since our given sequence splits it follows C ∼ = A⊕B so we may consider instead the following diagram: ? AO @@ @ ~~ ~ ~ ιA πA @@0@ ~ @ ~~ /A g /C f /B @@ O > @@ ~~ @π@B ιB ~~~ 0 @ ~~ 1B B 1A 0 /0 Now we tensor with X and notice that X ⊗C ∼ = X ⊗ (A ⊕ B) = (X ⊗ A) ⊕ (X ⊗ B). CHAPTER 3. MODULES 118 Moreover, this sequence splits naturally. Thus we see componentwise the above sequence with tensors is exact. Specifically we have the following natural construction: X ⊗O A R RRR mm6 RRR0 RRR 1x ⊗πA RRR m mmm 1X ⊗g ( 1X ⊗f / X ⊗C / X ⊗B / X ⊗A QQQ O 6 QQQ mmm QQQ 1X ⊗πB 1X ⊗ιB mmmmm QQQ mm 0 Q( mmm 1X ⊗1B X ⊗B m 1X ⊗1A mmm mmm 1X ⊗ιA 0 / 0. Hint: Use the fact that projectives are direct summands of free modules and the visible fact that free modules are flat. 127 Flat Modules Prove that a projective module is flat. Given a projective module P there exists a module L Q such that F = P ⊕ Q is a free R-module. A free module is isomorphic to R for some index L set so we observe given any module A that F ⊗ A ∼ A. Thus given a short = exact sequence: Proof: 0 /A f /B /C g /0 it follows: / F ⊗A 0 1⊗f / F ⊗B 1⊗g / F ⊗C /0 is short exact as it is componentwise, and each element in the sequence is a coproduct (universal property of coproducts infers the exactness on the entire coproduct.) But now we translate the information using F = P ⊗ Q: 0 / (P ⊗ A) ⊕ (Q ⊗ A)1⊗f ⊕1⊗f / (P ⊗ B) ⊕ (Q ⊗ B)1⊗g⊕1⊗g / (P ⊗ C) ⊕ (Q ⊗ C) πA 0 / P ⊗A πB πC / P ⊗B 1⊗f 1⊗g / P ⊗C where πA is the projection along Q ⊗ A to P ⊗ A, etc. As these projections are surjective we see the diagram commutes. Now we will use the exactness of the first row to deduce the exactness of the second row – we diagram chase. Take a ∈ Ker 1 ⊗ f . Since πA is epic, there exists a a0 ⊕ a00 which maps to a via πA . Likewise, there exists a 0 ⊕ b in the pre-image of 0 via πB since it is projection to P ⊗ B along Q ⊗ B. Since the diagram commutes we see: 00 a0 ⊕ _a a (1⊗f )⊕(1⊗f ) / 0⊕ _b 1⊗f /0 But (1 ⊗ f ) ⊕ (1 ⊗ f ) is monic so a0 = 0 and so a = 0, and so 1 ⊗ f is monic. Now take any c ∈ P ⊗C. Since πC is surjective it follows there exists a c0 ⊕c00 such that πC (c0 ⊕ c00 ) = c. Recall that the top row is exact so (1 ⊗ g) ⊕ (1 ⊗ g) is epic and so there exist a b0 ⊕ b00 which covers c0 ⊕ c00 . But now we simply project the element to b via πB and as the diagram commutes we see b covers c: 00 b0 ⊕ _b b (1⊗g)⊕(1⊗g) 1⊗g /0 / c0 ⊕ c00 _ /c / 0, 119 Algebra – James Wilson Now we must show the sequence is exact at B. So first is Im 1 ⊗ f ≥ Ker 1 ⊗ g? Take any b ∈ Ker 1 ⊗ g. Since this maps to 0 via 1 ⊗ g we may pullback to 0 in (P ⊗ C) ⊕ (Q ⊗ C) with πC . Next we use the exactness of the top row to assert the existence of b0 which maps to b via πB and to 0 via (1 ⊗ g) ⊕ (1 ⊗ g). Thus the exactness in the top row gives the existence of an a0 that maps to b0 and if we project this using πA we get an a that maps to b which maps to 0. Therefore, every element in the Ker 1 ⊗ g is contained in the image of 1 ⊗ f . 5 / 0 3 / 0_ a_0 b_ 6 a 4 7 /b 1 /0 2 Now take any a ∈ P ⊗ A and consider its image b = (1 ⊗ f )(a). This element we retract along πB to some b0 which intern we see is in the image of (1⊗f )⊕(1⊗f ) by retracting a along πA and using the commutativity of the square. Thus b0 maps to 0 over the tensor of g, and so its projection also maps to 0 proving Im 1 ⊗ f ≤ Ker 1 ⊗ g. Unfortunately the resulting diagram chase is identical and not enlightening: 3 / 0 5 / 0_ a_0 b_ 4 a 2 1 /b 7 /0 6 In the end we agree the second row is exact and so indeed projective modules are flat. 128 Induced Quotient Modules Hint: Use the universal property of tensors. (i) If I is a right ideal of R and V is a left R-module, then there is an isomorphism of abelian groups R/I ⊗R V ∼ = V /IV, where IV is the subgroup of V generated by all elements xv with x ∈ I, v ∈V. (ii) If R is a commutative and I, J are ideals in R, then R/I ⊗R R/J ∼ = R/(I + J). Proof: (i) Define the map f : R/I ×R V → V /IV on the pure tensors as: f (r + I, v) = rv + IV . That f is well-defined follows from r + I = s + I implies rv − sv + IV = (r − s)v + IV = IV . Moreover, f ((r + I)s, v) = f (rs + I, v) = rsv + IV = f (r + I, sv); f ((r + I) + (s + I), v) = f ((r + s) + I, v) = (rv + +IV ) + (sv + IV ) = f (r + I, v) + f (s + I, v); f (r + I, v + w) = (rv + IV ) + (rw + IV ) = f (r + I, v) + f (r + I, w). Therefore f is R-balance so it induces a map f from the tensor to V /IV . Now we must build an inverse map and we will conclude this map is an isomorphism. CHAPTER 3. MODULES 120 Take g : V /IV → R/I ⊗R V to be v + IV 7→ (1 + I) ⊗ v, and of course generalize linearly. First take v + IV = v 0 + IV so that v − v = iw for some w ∈ V , and i ∈ I. Then g(0) = g((v + IV ) − (v 0 + IV )) = (1 + I) ⊗ v − v 0 = (1 + I) ⊗ iw = I ⊗ w = 0. Therefore g is well-defined. Now f (g(v + IV )) = f ((1 + I) ⊗ v)) = f ((1 + I) ⊗ v) = v + IV. Likewise g(f (((r+I)⊗v)) = g(f ((r+I)⊗v)) = g(rv+IV ) = (1+I)⊗rv = (r+I)⊗v. So f is bijective so it is an isomorphism. (ii) Consider I(R/J). Given i(r + J) = ir + iJ = i0 + J where i0 = ir in I – which exists because I is an ideal, and J absorbs the i as well because it is an ideal. Therefore I(R/J) ≤ I + J/J. Now let r = 1 and notice i(1 + J) = i + J and so indeed I + J/J ≤ I(R/J) so I + J/J = I(R/J). Now we notice by the third isomorphism theorem and our work in part (i) that: R/J R/J R/I ⊗R R/J ∼ = = R/(I + J). = I(R/J) (I + J)/J Hint: Consider covering all pure tensors first. 129 Tensored Maps – True or False? If f : V → V 0 and g : W → W 0 are surjective maps of right and left R-modules respectively, then f ⊗g is surjective. Proof: True. Take a pure tensor v 0 ⊗ w0 ∈ V 0 ⊗ W 0 . As f and g are surjective there exists a pure tensor v ⊗ w ∈ V ⊗ W such that f (v) ⊗ g(w) = v 0 ⊗ w0 . So f ⊗ g is surjective on pure tensors. However pure tensors generate V 0 ⊗ W 0 so f ⊗ g is surjective. Hint: Use the universal property of tensors to construct the maps. 130 Endomorphism Rings and Tensors Let R be a commutative ring and V and W be R-modules. Show that there exists a homomorphism of R-algebras θ : EndR (V ) ⊗R EndR (W ) → EndR (V ⊗ W ) where θ(f ⊗ g)(v ⊗ w) = f (v) ⊗ g(w), for all v ∈ V , w ∈ W , f ∈ EndR (V ) and g ∈ EndR (W ). Proof: First observe that both V and W are bi-modules so indeed R VR ⊗R W is an R-module and EndR (V ) = HomR (R VR ,R V ) is an R-module as well as a ring, so indeed all objects concerned are R-algebras. Now we construct θ from the universal mapping property for tensors. Let Θ : EndR (V ) × EndR (W ) → EndR (V ⊗ W ) be given by Θ(f, g) = f ⊗ g. As there are no equivalence classes we are assured this is well-defined and clearly f ⊗ g : V ⊗ W → V ⊗ W ∈ EndR (V ⊗ W ). Now we check if Θ is middle linear. Θ(f + h, g)(v ⊗ w) = = = Θ(f r, g)(v ⊗ w) = = ((f + h) ⊗ g)(v ⊗ w) = (f + h)(v) ⊗ g(w) = f (v) + h(v) ⊗ g(w) f (v) ⊗ g(w) + h(v) ⊗ g(w) = (f ⊗ g)(v ⊗ w) + (h ⊗ g)(v ⊗ w) ((f ⊗ g) + (h ⊗ g))(v ⊗ w) = (Θ(f, g) + Θ(h, g))(v ⊗ w); (f r ⊗ g)(v ⊗ w) = f (v)r ⊗ g(w) = f (v) ⊗ rg(w) (f ⊗ rg)(v ⊗ w) = Θ(f ⊗ rg)(v ⊗ w). Algebra – James Wilson 121 Of course the sum in the right component is completely symmetric. Therefore Θ is middle linear so it induces the map θ which we see agrees with the stated definition. 131 Induced Modules over Tensors Suppose f : R → S is a surjective ring homomorphism. Let V and W be right and left S-modules respectively. Describe how to give V and W a right and left R-module structure and prove V ⊗R W ∼ = V ⊗S W. If f is not surjective, is V ⊗R W ∼ = V ⊗S W ? Proof: Let r ∈ R and v ∈ V , w ∈ W . Then define r · v = f (r)v and r · w = f (r)w. Since f (r) ∈ S it is clear that the extension to R is well-defined. To verify this is an R-module notice: Hint: The obvious R-module structure is well-defined because of the partition induced by the surjection. Use the universal property of tensors for the rest. (r + s) · v = f (r + s)v = f (r)v + f (s)v = r · v + s · v; (rs) · v = (f (r)f (s))v = r · (f (s)v) = r · (s · v); r · (v + v 0 ) = f (r)(v + v 0 ) = f (r)v + f (r)v 0 = r · v + r · v 0 . Now we construct the isomorphism by using the universal property of tensors. Let g : V × W → V ⊗S W be given by g(v, w) = v ⊗ w. Given any r ∈ R we have: g(vr, w) = vf (r) ⊗ w = v ⊗ f (r)w = g(v, rw) g(v + u, w) = (v + u) ⊗ w = v ⊗ w + u ⊗ w = g(v, w) + g(u, w). Therefore we have an induced map g : V ⊗R W → V ⊗S W . For the reverse map we again use the universal property, but the design is a canonical embedding so the R-balance is clear: h(v ⊗ w) = v ⊗ w. Clearly the two maps are inverses and so they are an isomorphism of abelian groups. Example: No. Let R = Z and S = Z ⊕ Z with f the inclusion map 1 7→ (1, 0). Recall Z∼ = Z ⊗Z⊕Z Z ⊕ Z Z ⊗Z Z ⊕ Z ∼ = Z ⊕ Z. 132 Dimension and Tensors – True or False? If V and W are respectively right and left D-modules, for a division algebra D, such that V ⊗D W = 0, then either V = 0 or W = 0. Proof: True. First recall that modules over a division ring are vector spaces, and as such are free and have well-defined dimension. Also recall Hint: dimD A ⊗ B dimD AdimD B. = dimD (V ⊗D W ) = dimD V · dimD W even if we consider infinite cardinalities (here 0 times infinity is 0.) Hence 0 = dimD 0 = dimD V ⊗D W = dimD V · dimD W which implies dimD V = 0 or dimD W = 0. Since vector spaces are free, this implies one of the two modules is trivial. 133 Annihilating Modules – True or False? Let R be a commutative ring and V be an R-module. If L ⊗R V = 0 for every simple R-module L then V = 0. Hint: Consider the case when all simple modules are torsion modules. 122 CHAPTER 3. MODULES Example: False. Consider R = Z and V = Q. We know each simple R-module to be Z/p for some prime p. However Z/p ⊗Z Q = 0. But clearly Q 6= 0. Hint: Consider letting X = R. 134 Identity Tensor – True or False? Let V be a left R-module. If X ⊗R V ∼ =0 for all right R-modules X, then V ∼ = 0. Proof: True. Let X = RR . Then we have two results which in the end prove our question: 0∼ = RR ⊗R V ∼ = V. Hint: Tensors distribute over the components of free modules, so a rank formula exists. 135 Tensors over Free Modules – True or False? If V , V1 , and V2 are non-trivial free R-modules over a commutative ring R, where each is finitely generated and V ⊗R V1 ∼ = V ⊗R V2 then V1 ∼ = V2 . Proof: True. Notice that rankR V · rankR V2 = rankR V ⊗R V1 = rankR V ⊗R V2 = rankR V · rankR V2 . As every term is finite, and non-zero, it follows by cancellation in the integers that rankR V1 = rankR V2 . Any two free modules of the same rank are isomorphic, so V1 ∼ = V2 . Hint: Use Exercise-3.121. 136 Applied Tensors – True or False? Z3 ⊗Z (Z ⊗Z Z2 ) ∼ = Z6 . Example: False. Z3 ⊗Z (Z ⊗Z Z2 ) ∼ = Z3 ⊗Z Z2 ∼ = 0. Hint: Use Exercise-3.121. 137 Applied Tensors – True or False? Find (Q ⊕ Z7 ) ⊗Z Z5 . Example: (Q ⊕ Z7 ) ⊗Z Z5 ∼ = (Q ⊗ Z5 ) ⊕ (Z7 ⊕ Z5 ) = 0. Hint: Use Exercise-3.121. 138 Applied Tensors – True or False? True or False: Z35 ⊗Z Z5 ∼ = Z7 ? Example: False. Z35 ⊗Z Z5 ∼ = Z5 . Hint: Use Exercise-3.121. 139 Applied Tensors – True or False? Find (C ⊕ Z6 ) ⊗Z Z3 . Example: (C ⊕ Z6 ) ⊗Z Z3 ∼ = (C ⊗ Z3 ) ⊕ (Z6 ⊕ Z3 ) = Z3 . Hint: Prove using the universal property of tensors directly. 140 Quotients and Tensors – True or False? Let R be a ring, V a right R- Algebra – James Wilson 123 module, and W a left R-module. Then the additive group V ⊗R W is a quotient of the abelian group V ⊗Z W . Proof: True. It is sufficient to construct a surjection from V ⊗Z W to V ⊗R W . To do this we follow the universal property: f (v, w) = v ⊗R w. This is a welldefined map as it is the canonical middle linear map for V ⊗R W ; however, it may not be Z-balanced. However recall that Z/m ≤ R where char R = m – possibly 0. So we can say for any n ∈ Z that v · n ∈ V as we take n to act on v as n + mZ. Thus f (vn, w) = vn ⊗ w = v ⊗ nw = f (v, nw). It is clear that f is R-balanced so sums follow as required. Therefore f is Zbalanced. Thus we have f : V ⊗Z W → V ⊗R W which is clearly surjective as it is surjective on the pure tensors – the generators of these two abelian groups. 141 Mixed Ring Tensors Give an example of a ring R, V a right R-module and W are left R-module such that V ⊗R W V ⊗Z W as abelian groups. Example: Let R = Z ⊕ Z. Then Z ⊕Z⊕Z Z ⊕ Z = Z; Hint: Consider R = Z ⊕ Z. Z ⊕Z Z ⊕ Z = Z ⊕ Z. 142 Fields and Tensors – True or False? If K/Q and L/Q are finite field extensions then K ⊗Q L is a semi-simple artinian ring. Proof: True. As dimQ K ⊗Q L = dimQ KdimQ L we see that as a vector space K ⊗Q L is finite dimensional. Therefore it is trivially artinian as a Q-algebra. Also we note that given a ⊗ b, c ⊗ d 6= 0 then ac ⊗ bd 6= 0 as ac 6= 0 and bd 6= 0 and both K and L have no zero-divisors. Hint: Use the dimension rule to conclude the extension is finite. 124 CHAPTER 3. MODULES Chapter 4 Categories 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 125 CHAPTER 4. CATEGORIES 126 5 If the functors F : A → B and G : B → A establish an equivalence of categories between A and B then F is both left and right adjoint to G. Proof: Let Ff / F A0 F AaB BB y< y BB yy BB yy y B y f / A0 α α A EE || EE | EE | EE || " }|| / GA0 . GA Gf Chapter 5 Rings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 T/F Jacobson Radical . . . . . Jacobson Radical . . . . . Primary Ideals . . . . . . Primary Containment . . Primary Decomposition . Maximal Radicals . . . . . Associated Primes . . . . Localization . . . . . . . . Localization . . . . . . . . T/F Localized Local Rings . . Localization of Primes . . T/F Primary Ideals . . . . . . Local Rings . . . . . . . . Nil-Radical . . . . . . . . T/F Polynomial Rings . . . . . T/F Noetherian Rings . . . . . T/F Artinian Rings . . . . . . T/F UFDs . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Noetherian Rings . . . . . T/F Noetherian PIDs . . . . . T/F Prime Ideals . . . . . . . . T/F Prime Ideals . . . . . . . . T/F UFDs . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Prime Intersection . . . . T/F Tensors . . . . . . . . . . T/F Prime Ideals . . . . . . . . Primary Ideals . . . . . . Units . . . . . . . . . . . . T/F Localization of Ideals . . . T/F Localization and Radicals Localization . . . . . . . . Localization of Domains . Localized Modules . . . . Integral Fields . . . . . . . T/F Integral Closure . . . . . . T/F Integral Closure . . . . . . T/F Integral Closure . . . . . . 127 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 129 129 129 130 130 130 130 131 131 131 132 132 132 132 132 132 133 133 133 133 133 133 134 134 135 135 135 135 136 136 136 137 137 137 137 137 CHAPTER 5. RINGS 128 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F T/F Integral Closure . . . . . . . . . . . Idempotent Ideals . . . . . . . . . . Finite Local Rings . . . . . . . . . Local Artinian Rings . . . . . . . . Primary Decomposition . . . . . . Algebraic Extensions . . . . . . . . Integrality of Polynomials . . . . . Integral Closures and Polynomials Integrality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Integral Closure over Z . . . . . . . Integral Closure of Non-UFDs . . . Prime Ideals of Integral Extensions Prime Unions . . . . . . . . . . . . Primary Decomposition . . . . . . Prime Height . . . . . . . . . . . . Krull Dimension . . . . . . . . . . Krull Dimension . . . . . . . . . . Minimal Primes . . . . . . . . . . . Generators of Varieties . . . . . . . Non-radical Ideals . . . . . . . . . Ideal Lattice and Varieties . . . . . Radical Ideals . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct Products with Varieties . . DCC for Varieties . . . . . . . . . . ACC for Varieties . . . . . . . . . . ACC for Varieties . . . . . . . . . . Solution Sets and Varieties . . . . Zariski Topology . . . . . . . . . . Zariski Topology . . . . . . . . . . Zariski Topology and Frobenius . . Automorphisms of Varieties . . . . Isomorphism of Varieties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 137 138 138 138 139 139 139 139 140 141 141 142 142 142 142 143 143 144 144 144 144 144 145 145 145 145 146 146 147 147 147 129 Algebra – James Wilson 1 Jacobson Radical – True or False? J(R[x]) = 0. Proof: True. As we have a commutative ring, maximal left ideals are twosided ideals. The maximal ideals of R[x] are those generated by irreducible polynomials (as R[x] is a PID). Given the irreducible polynomials x−n for n ∈ Z it follows each In = (x−n) is a distinct maximal ideal of R[x]. Also, ∩n∈Z In = (p(x)) since R[x] is a PID. Yet this requires x − n|p(x) for all n ∈ Z. Unfortunately no polynomial has infinitely many roots so no such p(x) exists save p(x) = 0. Since J(R[x]) is at least contained in this intersection we must conclude that J(R[x]) = 0. Hint: Consider irreducible polynomials and there associated maximal ideals. 2 Jacobson Radical Let R = R[[x]]. Calculate J(R) and Rad R. Example: Since R[[x]] is a local ring it follows J(R) = (x). Moreover, R is an integral domain, so R[[x]] is an integral domain; thus, there are no zero-divisors, let alone nilpotent elements. Hence, Rad R = 0. Hint: R[[x]] is an integral domain. 3 Primary Ideals The ideal (4, 2x, x2 ) in Z[x] is primary but not irreducible. Proof: Let I = (4, 2x, x2 ) and notice Hint: Show the quotient has no non-nilpotent zero-divisors. (4) < (4, x2 ) < (4, x2 , 2x). Thus by the third isomorphism theorem we get: R = Z[x]/(4, x2 , 2x) ∼ = Z4 [x]/(x2 ) Z[x]/(4) ∼ . = (4, x2 , 2x)/(4) (x2 , 2x)/(x2 ) Thus R = {0 + I, 1 + I, 2 + I, 3 + I, x + I, (x + 1) + I, (x + 2) + I, (x + 3) + I}. Now we simply check that all zero-divisors are nilpotent. First notice the elements 1 + I, 3 + I, (x + 1) + I, and (x + 3) + I are all units, indeed of order 2, so they are not zero-divisors. Finally, 0 + I, 2 + I, x + I, and (x + 2) + I are all nilpotent of order 2, so all zero-divisors are nilpotent. Hence I is primary in Z[x] – in particular it is (2, x)-primary, where (2, x) is prime as its quotient is the field Z/2. However as suggested I is not irreducible as visibly (4, 2x, x2 ) = (4, x) ∩ (2, x2 ). [Z[x] is a UFD so intersections are generated by all all minimal products, i.e.: (4, 4x2 , 2x, x2 ) = (4, 2x, x2 ).] 4 Primary Containment The ideal I = (x2 , 2x) in Z[x] is not primary, but (x2 ) < I < (x) and the ideal (x) is prime, and (x2 ) is (x)-primary. Example: To show I is not primary it is sufficient to show that the quotient contains some non-nilpotent zero-divisor. To do this observe that x(x + 2) = x2 + 2x ≡ 0 (mod I) yet (x+2)m = (x+2)2 (x+2)m−2 = (x2 +4x+4)(x+2)m−2 ≡ 4(x+2)m−2 (mod I) So if (x + 2) is nilpotent mod I, then 4 is a zero-divisor mod I and so would also be nilpotent. However 4i ∈ / I as x has no inverse in I, and so 4 is not nilpotent Hint: Show the quotient has a non-nilpotent zero-divisor. CHAPTER 5. RINGS 130 so either it is not a zero-divisor in which case (x + 2) is a criminal element, or it is itself a non-nilpotent zero-divisor. In either event, I is not primary. That (x) is primary follows from that fact that Z[x]/(x) = Z which is an integral domain. That (x2 ) is (x)-primary follows from the fact that for all 2 ab / (x2 ) we see x2 |ab so x2 - a so x|b for certain b ∈ (x) and p ∈ (x ) where a ∈ 2 (x ) = (x). Hint: Recall that Z[x] is a UFD so irreducible factors are immutable. 5 Primary Decomposition Represent the ideal (9, 3x + 3) in Z[x] as the intersection of primary ideals. Example: Since Z is a UFD so is Z[x]. Thus intersections can be detected by divisors. Consider the intersection (3) ∩ (9, x + 1). Any element in the intersection must be divisible by 3, and furthermore also by either 9 or by x + 1. In the first case then the element is simply divided by 9, so indeed we must include the minimal version of such an element – 9 itself. In the later case as 3(x + 1) divides the element, then 3x + 3 must be in the intersection as well. Given any element in the intersection it is characterized by being divided by either 9 or 3x + 3 thus the intersection is precisely (9, 3x + 3). Hint: Pass to R/I and notice √ I/I is now the nil-radical of R/I. 6 Maximal Radicals Let I be an ideal of a commutative ring R such that √ I is a maximal ideal in R. Prove that I is primary. √ √ Proof: Given that I is a maximal ideal we see that in R/I, I/I is also a maximal ideal. Given any√x + I which is nilpotent, it follows xn + I = I so xn ∈ I and we now see that I/I is precisely the nil-radical of R/I. So it is the intersection of all prime ideals in R/I. Yet this implies, by the maximality of √ √ I/I, that I/I is the only prime ideal in R/I, √ so also the only maximal ideal in R/I. Hence R/I is a local ring and indeed I/I must contain all√non-units. In particular, all zero-divisors. However, moments ago we notice, I/I is the nil-radical so it contains nothing but the nilpotent elements of the ring R/I so is follows all zero-divisors of R/I are nilpotent, and so this characterizes I as a primary ideal in R. Hint: Notice √ J. √ I ∩J = √ I∩ 7 Associated Primes In a noetherian ring, prove that of the associated prime ideals of I. Proof: Let I = Q1 ∩ · · · ∩ Qn √ I is the intersection √ be an irredundant primary decomposition of I, with Pi = Qi the associated primes. These associated primes are uniquely determined in a noetherian ring by the Lasker-Noether theorem. √ √ √ I ∩ J = I ∩ J as given any xn ∈ I ∩ J clearly xn ∈ I and J It follows √ √ so x ∈ I ∩ J, and the process is reversible. Finally p p p √ I = Q1 ∩ · · · ∩ Qn = Q1 ∩ · · · ∩ Qn . Hint: Inverting the invertible elements should not change anything. 8 Localization Let S = Z× m be the set of all units in Zm (equivalently the set of all non-zero-divisors,) and determine S −1 Zm . Example: Consider the equivalence relation: ab = dc if and only if for some u ∈ S we have u(ad − bc) = 0. However, u is in S so by the choice of S, u is not a zero-divisor, and hence we must have ad = bc. Hence h r i rt = : t∈S . s st Algebra – James Wilson 131 In particular, as all elements of S are units, each r/s can be expressed as r0 /1. Thus we see a canonical isomorphism between Zm and S −1 Zm . 9 Localization Let S be a multiplicative subset r of R and T be a multiplicative ∈ T for some s ∈ S}. Then subset of S −1 R. Let S∗ = {r ∈ R : s S∗ is a multiplicative subset of R and there is a ring homomorphism S∗−1 R ∼ = T −1 (S −1 R). Proof: Given any a, b ∈ S∗ it follows there exist s, t ∈ S for which as , bt ∈ T . This means st ∈ S as S is multiplicative and furthermore, ab st ∈ T as T is multiplicative. Therefore ab ∈ S∗ . Given that 1 ∈ T , then for any s ∈ S, ss ∈ T proving S ⊆ S∗ and so specifically 1 ∈ S∗ proving S∗ is multiplicative itself. Now define the map: f : R → T −1 (S −1 R) : r 7→ Hint: Use the universal property of localization. r/1 1/1 and we quickly verify this is an R-homomorphism. Through the universal property we now get an S∗−1 R-homomorphism r r/s fˆ : S∗−1 R → T −1 (S −1 R) : → 7 , s s/s0 where s0 ∈ S is any such that s/s0 ∈ T . By the universal property applied T we get another map ĝ : T −1 (S −1 R) → S∗−1 R : r/s rs0 → 7 . t/s0 st It follows routinely that f g = id and gf = id so this is an isomorphism. 10 Localized Local Rings – True or False? If R is a local ring, then there 0 is a commutative ring R0 and a prime ideal P of R0 such that R ∼ . = RP Proof: Let P be the unique maximal ideal in R. As such, P contains all non-units of R. Indeed, P is also prime as it is maximal. Thus letting R0 = R 0 ∼ we see that RP = R. Hint: Localize on the unique maximal ideal. 11 Localization of Primes Let p be a prime ideal of R. Show that Rp /pp is isomorphic to the field of quotients of R/p. Proof: Define a map f : R → F r(R/p) as f (r) = [r + p/1 + p]. This definition makes sense as it is simply the composition of the canonical projection map R → R/p followed by the canonical inclusion map R/p → F r(R/p), and thus there is no need to verify f is an R-algebra homomorphism. More importantly, we see given any s ∈ / p, f (s) 6= 0 so f (s) is invertible. Thus we have from the universal property of localization the following: Hint: Use the universal property of localization. / Rp R HH HH f HH fˆ HH H# F r(R/p). µ Given any [r + p/s + p] ∈ F r(R/p) −1 h i r+p r+p s+p r = = f (r)f (s)−1 = fˆ([r]p )fˆ([s]p )−1 = fˆ . s+p 1+p 1+p s p CHAPTER 5. RINGS 132 Hence fˆ is surjective. Now we inspect the kernel. Given [r/s]p in the kernel of fˆ it follows [f (r)/f (s)] = [0/1] in F r(R/p). Hence f (r) = 0 and so r ∈ Ker f . This implies r ∈ p since the kernel of f is determined entirely by the projection of R → R/p. Hence [r/1]p ∈ pp and since pp is and ideal it follows that in fact [r/s]p is contained in pp . Therefore the kernel of fˆ is contained in pp . It is not difficult to see the reverse of this inclusion as well. So we conclude that the kernel of our map is precisely pp and so by the first isomorphism theorem we have Rp /pp ∼ = F r(R/p). Hint: Show (x, 2) is a maximal ideal and invoke Exercise5.6. 12 Primary Ideals – True or False? The ideal (x2 , 4) is (x, 2)-primary in Z[x]. p Proof: True. Clearly (x2 , 4) contains (x, 2), and since the quotient Z[x]/(x, 2) = Z/2 it is clear that (x, 2) is prime and indeed maximal so it must be the radical. Now we appeal to the fact of Exercise-5.6 that all ideals whose radicals are maximal are primary to this radical. Hint: Lemma. Nakayama’s 13 Local Rings Let R be a noetherian local ring with maximal ideal M and let x1 , . . . , xn ∈ M . Suppose that {x1 + M 2 , . . . , xn + M 2 } is a basis of the R/M -vector space M/M 2 . Show that M = Rx1 + · · · + Rxn . Proof: First notice since M is and ideal of R that M 2 is also an ideal. Thus we have M/M 2 as an ideal of R/M 2 and so M/M 2 is an R/M 2 -module. Thus we are free to take the quotient module (M/M 2 )/(M · M/M 2 ) = M/M 2 as and R/M -module. So the question makes sense. Take N = Rx1 +· · ·+Rxn which is clearly contained in M . As this is a basis for M/M 2 as an R/M -module, it follows M = N + M 2 = N + M M . However R is a local ring so J(R) = M . This means we have the setup of Nakayama’s lemma: M = N + J(R)M and so M = N . We see M = R. Hint: P must be the nilradical. 14 Nil-Radical Let R be a commutative ring with a unique prime ideal P and let r ∈ R. Prove that x is nilpotent if and only if x ∈ P . Proof: Since R has only one prime ideal then Rad R = P so P contains all nilpotent elements and indeed is all nilpotent elements. Hint: Consider (x, y). 15 Polynomial Rings – True or False? C[x, y] is a PID. Example: False. Consider the ideal (x, y). Since C[x, y]/(x, y) ∼ = C it follows (x, y) is a proper maximal ideal and thus prime. Now we must make sure it is not principal. Suppose (p(x, y)) = (x, y). Then x|p(x, y) and y|p(x) so indeed xy|p(x, y). However it follows then that x = q(x)p(x, x) for some q(x) in C[x]. Yet as xy|p(x, y) it follows x2 |p(x, x) so by a degree argument we see we reach a contradiction. Hence (x, y) is not principal. Use Hint: Use the Hilbert Basis Theorem. 16 Noetherian Rings – True or False? C[x, y] is a noetherian ring. Proof: True. By the Hilbert basis theorem any polynomial ring over a noethe- rian ring is noetherian. Hence C[x] is noetherian and so also C[x][y] = C[x, y]. r Q. Algebra – James Wilson 133 17 Artinian Rings – True or False? Every subring of an artinian ring is artinian. Example: False. Since Q is a field it is artinian. However it clearly contains the non-artinian ring Z which has an infinite descending chain (2) > (4) > (8) > · · · . 18 UFDs – True or False? Z[x] is a UFD. Proof: True. Since Z is a PID it is also a UFD, and as polynomial rings over a UFD are a UFD we see indeed Z[x] is a UFD. Hint: Polynomials over UFDs are UFDs. 19 Noetherian Rings – True or False? Z[x, y]/(x − 2y) is a noetherian ring. Proof: True. As Z is noetherian, the Hilbert basis theorem tells us so is Z[x, y]. We also no quotients of noetherian rings are noetherian by the correspondence theorem. So Z[x, y]/(x − 2y) is noetherian. Hint: Quotients of noetherian Rings are noetherian. 20 Noetherian PIDs – True or False? If R is a PID then R is noetherian. Proof: Given any chain of principal ideals Hint: Every non-zero nonunit in R has a finite unique factorization into primes. 0 < (r1 ) ≤ (r2 ) ≤ · · · . It follows ri |ri−1 | · · · |r2 |r1 . However in a PID we may factor r1 6= 0 into a finite unique set of irreducibles with difference only by a unit. So unless ri = rj for all i < j for sufficiently large i, we will run out of irreducibles to eliminate from r1 . Thus the chain stabilizes in finitely many steps. 21 Prime Ideals – True or False? If R is a noetherian ring then every non-zero prime ideal of R is maximal. Example: False. Consider C[x, y]. By the Hilbert basis theorem this is a noetherian ring. Furthermore, (x) < (x, y) and both are prime since their quotients give the integral domains C[y] and C respectively. However visibly (x) is not maximal. Hint: Consider C[x, y]. 22 Prime Ideals – True or False? If R is a UFD then every non-zero prime ideal of R is maximal. Example: False. Consider k[x, y], with k any field. Since k is a field it is a PID and so also a UFD. Hence k[x] is a UFD so indeed k[x][y] = k[x, y] is a UFD. Notice k[x, y]/(y) ∼ = k[x] which is an integral domain so (y) is a prime ideal. Yet k[x] is not a field as x has no inverse. Hint: Consider C[x, y]. 23 UFDs – True or False? (a) Every quotient ring of a UFD is a UFD. (b) Every subring of a UFD is a UFD. Example: (a) False. Consider Z which is a PID and so also a UFD. The quotient Z/6Z is not an integral domain so in particular it is not a UFD. √ Hint: Use the subring Z[ 10] of R. CHAPTER 5. RINGS 134 √ (b) False. Consider the ring R = {a + b 10 : a, b ∈ Z} as a subring of R. Certainly the field R is a UFD, but we need to verify R is not. Notice √ √ 2 · 3 = 6 = (4 + 10)(4 − 10). Now we must verify that all these are irreducible. We do this in parts with some tools. (i) There exists a norm function N : R → Z such that N (xy) = N (x)N (y), and N (x) = 0 if and only if x = 0. (ii) N (u) = ±1 if and only if u is a unit in R. √ (i) Define√ the norm of an element x = a + b 10 to be xx where √ x = a − b 10,√ so that N (x) = a2 − 10b2 ∈ Z. Let x = a + b 10 and y = c + d 10 be arbitrary elements of R. √ N (xy) = N ((ac + 10bd) + (ad + bc) 10) = (ac + 10bd)2 − 10(ad + bc)2 = a2 c2 + 100b2 d2 − 10a2 d2 − 10b2 c2 = (a2 − 10b2 )(c2 − 10d2 ) = N (x)N (y). 2 2 When x = 0 it is clear N (x) = 0. Given √ N (x) = 0 it follows a −10b = 2 2 0; therefore, a = 10b and so |a| = |b| 10. So either a is not an integer or b is not, unless both are zero; so x = 0. Hence, N (x) = 0 if and only if x = 0. (ii) Suppose uv = 1 for two elements u, v in R. Applying the norm function it is clear N (u)N (v) = N (uv) = N (1) = 1. Since N maps only into the integers and only 1 and −1 have multiplicative inverses in Z it follows N (u) = ±1. Now we may prove that the elements are irreducible. Suppose 2 = uv for two non-units u and v in R. Then N (u)N (v) = N (2) = 4 √ and with u and v being non-units it is forced that N (u) = ±2. Let u = a + b 10 and consider the equation a2 − 10b2 = N (u) = ±2. Since the equation is true in the integers it must be true in its factor rings; therefore, a2 − 10b2 ≡ 2 (mod 5). However no element exists in Z/5Z such that a2 = 2 (proved by testing all five elements.) So no u exists in R with the property N (u) = ±2 concluding by contradiction that 2 is irreducible in R. Again suppose 3 = uv with u and v again non-unit elements. Picking up the pace suppose a2 − 10b2 = N (u) = ±3. Then a2 − 10b2 ≡ 3 (mod 5) but once again a2 6= 3 mod 5 for any elements a. Therefore 3 is irreducible in R. √ √ Finally N (4 ± 10) = 16 − 10 = 6. Suppose 4 ± 10 = uv for non-units u and v. Then clearly N (u)N (v) = 6 and thus N (u) = ±2 or ±3 however √ from the above argument it is clear no such element exists therefore 4 ± 10 is irreducible. Hint: Consider Z. 24 Prime Intersection – True or False? The intersection of prime ideals in a commutative ring is prime. Example: False. Consider Z where primes correspond precisely to maximal ideals pZ where p is a prime number. Here 2Z ∩ 3Z = 6Z 135 Algebra – James Wilson which is not prime. 25 Tensors – True or False? If R is a local ring with maximal ideal M and V is a finitely generated R-module with (R/M ) ⊗R V = 0 then V = 0. Example: False. Let R = C[[x]] and take M = V = (x). Certainly V is a finitely generated R module, and R is also a local ring. Furthermore, R/M ⊗R V ∼ = 0 since Hint: Consider V ≤ M . a(x) + M ⊗ b(x)x = a(x)x + M ⊗ b(x) = M ⊗R b(x) = 0 + M ⊗ b(x) = 0. However V 6= 0. 26 Prime Ideals – True or False? If R is an integral domain and r ∈ R is an irreducible element of R, then (r) is a prime ideal of R. Example: √ False. Refer back to the example in Exercise-23. Here R was taken to be Z[ 10]. Recall √ √ 2 · 3 = 6 = (4 + 10)(4 − 10). √ √ Suppose 2 is prime. Then R/(2) = Z + Z 10 has a nilpotent element 10 as √ ( 10)2 = 10 ≡ 0 (mod 2). Hint: Work in ring which is not a UFD. Therefore we do not have an integral domain in the quotient so 2 is not prime. 27 Primary Ideals Show that if Q is a primary ideal in a commutative ring √ R, then Q is a prime ideal. Show the converse holds if R is a PID. √ √ √ Proof: Consider ab ∈ Q. We wish to show a ∈ Q or b ∈ Q. Without loss √ √ of generality let a ∈ / Q. Thus an ∈ / Q for any n > 0. However as ab ∈ Q it follows an bn = (ab)n ∈ Q for large enough √ n. Now using the definition of n primary we see that a√ ∈ / Q implies bn ∈ Q. But then bnm ∈ Q for some m > 0, so √ indeed b ∈ Q – using the elemental definition of the radical ideal. Therefore Q is prime. √ Now assume R is a PID and that Q is prime for some ideal Q. We will √ show Q is Q-primary. As R is a PID there exists an element – a prime element √ √ – p such that Q = (p). Also take Q = (q). Then p Q by definition implies √ i q|pn . But (q) ≤ (p) implies p|q so q = pi for some i ≥ 0. Therefore Q = Q . But any prime to a power is primary. Hint: Use the prime element and division properties for the converse. 28 Units Let R be an integral domain and F its field of fractions. Then r ∈ R is a unit if and only if 1r ∈ F is integral over R. Proof: Let r ∈ R be a unit. It follows 1r ∈ R and so x − 1r ∈ R[x] so indeed 1r is integral over R. Now suppose 1r ∈ F is integral over R. Then there exists a monic polynomial p(x) = xn + · · · + a0 ∈ R[x] such that p(1/r) = 0. That is: Hint: 1 a1 + ··· + + a0 rn r 1 + · · · + a1 rn−2 + a0 rn−1 r 1 r = 0; = 0 = −an−1 − an−2 r − · · · − a0 rn−1 ∈ R. CHAPTER 5. RINGS 136 29 Localization of Ideals – True or False? Let S be a proper multiplicative subset of a commutative ring R and I 6= J be ideals of R. Then S −1 I 6= S −1 J. Example: False. Let R = Z and I = 3Z and J = 5Z. Clearly I 6= J. Now consider p = 2Z and localize over p. Thus Ip = Rp = Jp as we now have both 3 and 5 as units. Hint: Expand and contract the intersection of prime ideals over I. 30 Localization and Radicals – True or False? Let S be a proper multiplicative subset of a commutative ring R and I be an ideal of R. Then √ √ S −1 I = S −1 I. √ T Proof: True. Let I = I≤P P where P is a prime in R. If P is prime in R then S −1 P = R or S −1 P is prime in S −1 R. In particular when P avoids S we know S −1 P C = P . So we see for every prime Q of S −1 R there exists a prime P ∈ R such that Q = S −1 P . Moreover as the extension is order preserving, I ≤ P if and only if S −1 I ≤ S −1 P . Thus we have \ \ \ √ √ P = S −1 P = S −1 P = S −1 I. S −1 I = S −1 I≤P I≤P S −1 I≤S −1 P Hint: Notice the complement of S is the prime ideal of all graphs that pass through the origin. 31 Localization The ring R = R[x, y] is localized at the multiplicative set S = {f (x, y) ∈ R | f (0, 0) 6= 0}. Find all maximal ideals of S −1 R and its Jacobson radical. Example: Localized rings are local so we are searching for a unique maximal ideal. The complement of S is the set P of all polynomials g(x, y) ∈ R[x, y] whose graph passes through the origin. Given any two polynomials g(x, y), h(x, y) ∈ R[x, y] for which g(x, y)h(x, y) ∈ P it follows g(0, 0)h(0, 0) = 0 so either g or h is in P . Clearly P is closed to sums and products and absorbs products so P is a prime ideal. Therefore we are localizing at P . So the maximal ideal is PP = P , and the Jacobson radical is PP as well [in commutative rings the Jacobson radical is the intersection of maximal ideals.] Hint: Show that any element outside R in the intersection is equal to a fraction of elements that must be in R. 32 Localization of Domains Let R be an integral domain with a quotient field F . Prove that for T any maximal ideal M of R, RM can be canonically embedded into F and M RM = R. Proof: The embedding follows form the universal property. Take any proper multiplicative set S in R. Starting with the inclusion map of R into F we notice ι(r) is invertible in F so long as r 6= 0. Hence all elements s ∈ S have the property ι(s) is invertible in F . So by the universal property of either F or S −1 R we see ι extends to a ring homomorphism ι̂ : S −1 R → F . Furthermore, if ι̂(r/s) = 0 then ι(r) = 0 so r = 0 proving T we have a canonical embedding. Now consider the intersection R0 = M RM where M is a maximal ideal of R. As R ≤ RM for each M we see R ≤ R0 . Take any x ∈ R0 . If x ∈ / R then define I = {y ∈ R | yx ∈ R}. As 0 ∈ I, I is non-empty. Also r ∈ R, y ∈ I gives us ryx ∈ R so ry ∈ I. The closure of sums is also clear so I is an ideal of R and so it is contained in some maximal ideal M as clearly 1 ∈ / I. Notice that x ∈ RM as it is in the intersection of all such localizations. This means there exist a w ∈ / M and r ∈ R such that x = r/w. Yet this implies wx = r ∈ R and so w ∈ I which it cannot be as I ≤ M . The contradiction implies x ∈ R in the first place. Hint: Conside an ideal which tain I or J. Algebra – James Wilson 33 Localized Modules Let R be a commutative ring and V be an R-module. Show that V = 0 if and only if VM = 0 for every maximal ideal M of R. Proof: Suppose that V = 0 then clearly VM = 0. 137 Hint: Use the maximal ideal containing the annihilator of V. Now suppose that VM = 0 for every localization RM at a maximal ideal M . If V = 0 we are done. So assume it is non-trivial so that we know its annihilator is a proper ideal of R. Thus there exists a maximal ideal M in R containing the annihilator of V . We localize R at M and consider VM we notice that V ≤ VM as v/1 6= 0 unless v = 0. Yet VM = 0 so V = 0. 34 Integral Fields Let A be a domain which is integral over R. Prove that A is a field if and only if R is as well. Proof: Suppose A is a field. Using Exercise-5.28 we know if any element of R is a unit in A then it is also a unit R, so therefore all non-zero elements in R are invertible because they are in A. Now suppose R is a field. Then we use Lemma-5.3.21 to conclude A is a field. 35 Integral Closure – True or False? The ring Q[x, y] is integrally closed. Hint: Recall the result of Exercise-5.28: integral units are contained in the ring. Hint: Show it is a UFD. True. Notice that Q is a PID so it is a UFD and as polynomial rings over UFDs are UFDs we may conclude Q[x, y] is a UFD. Now we conclude by recalling all UFDs are integrally closed. Proof: 36 Integral Closure – True or False? The ring Q(x)[y] is integrally closed. Hint: Show it is a UFD. True. Notice Q(x) is a field so it is PID and thus a UFD – although trivially so. Hence Q(x)[y] is a UFD so as all UFDs are integrally closed we conclude that Q(x)[y] is integrally closed. Proof: 37 Integral Closure – True or False? The ring Z[x] is integrally closed. Hint: Show it is a UFD. Proof: True. Notice that Z is a PID so it is a UFD and as polynomial rings over UFDs are UFDs we may conclude Z[x] is a UFD. Now we conclude by recalling all UFDs are integrally closed. 38 Integral Closure Let R be a commutative integral domain. Prove that if Rp is integrally closed for every prime ideal p of R, then R is integrally closed. Proof: Let a ∈ R. As such there exists a monic polynomial f (x) ∈ R[x] for which f (a) = 0. Now recall that R is a domain so in Rp we have R canonically 0 embedded as 1r = r1 if and only if ur = ur0 for some u ∈ / p. But being a domain this is equivalent to r = r0 . As such, f (x) ∈ R[x] ⊆ Rp [x] so we see indeed a ∈ Rp for all p so it is in the intersection of all these. Now that we see the integral closure of the the local rings contains the integral closure of R we may use our assumption that Rp = Rp to continue. Recall that R is embedded in each Rp and that every maximal ideal M is prime; thus \ \ R⊆ Rp ⊆ RM = R. p M Hence a∈ \ Rp = R, p illustrating R ⊆ R so naturally R = R. Hint: Recall that R is the intersection of the localization at maximal ideals – Exercise5.32. CHAPTER 5. RINGS 138 Hint: Use Krull’s intersection theorem. 39 Idempotent Ideals Let R be a commutative noetherian local ring with maximal ideal M which satisfies M 2 = M . Prove that R is a field. T Proof: From Krull’s intersection theorem we know J = n>0 M n = M and as R is local J = 0; hence, M = 0 and this was a maximal ideal so indeed R is a field as R/M ∼ = R and R/M is a field. Hint: Consider Z/4. 40 Finite Local Rings – True or False? Every finite local ring is a field. Example: False, and we may as well use the smallest example Z/4. The subring {0, 2} is an ideal as discovered empirically [1{0, 2} = {0, 2}, 3{0, 2} = {0, 2}.] Moreover the other non-zero elements are units so they cannot be adjoined to a proper ideal; hence, Z/4 is a local ring. However 2 · 2 ≡ 0 (mod 4) so it is not a field. Hint: The only prime ideal in such a ring is the unique maximal ideal. 41 Local Artinian Rings – True or False? A local artinian ring has finitely many prime ideals. Example: True. In fact we will prove that the only prime ideal in such a ring is the lone maximal ideal. Begin by letting J be the maximal ideal which we notice is also the Jacobson radical as the ring is local. Now any prime ideal P must be contained in J by the maximality. However, notice that our ring is artinian so there exists some n such that J n = 0 – the Jacobson radical is nilpotent. As such, suppose, J 6= P so that we may take an element x ∈ J − P . This element is non-trivial in the quotient R/P . Moreover, xn = 0 as x ∈ J, so (x + P ) = xn + P = 0 + P = P so there is a nilpotent element in the quotient. Therefore P is not prime. Hence the only prime ideal in a local artinian ring is the maximal ideal itself. Hint: It is primary. 42 Primary Decomposition Let R = R[x, y], and ∂f ∂f (0, 0) = (0, 0) . I = f (x, y) ∈ R : f (0, 0) = ∂x ∂y Check that I is an ideal of R and determine if it is maximal, prime, primary, or determine is primary decomposition. Example: Let f ∈ I and g ∈ R. Consider the product gf (R is commutative so this is sufficient) gf (0, 0) ∂ f g(0, 0) ∂x ∂ f g(0, 0) ∂y = g(0, 0)f (0, 0) = g(0, 0)0 = 0; ∂f ∂g = g(0, 0) (0, 0) + (0, 0)f (0, 0) = 0; ∂x ∂x ∂f ∂g = g(0, 0) (0, 0) + (0, 0)f (0, 0) = 0. ∂y ∂y Hence I absorbs product. Notice f (x, y) = 0 is an element in I so I is non-empty. Also given f, g ∈ I we have (f + g)(0, 0) = f (0, 0) + g(0, 0) = 0; ∂ ∂f ∂g (f + g)(0, 0) = (0, 0) + (0, 0) = 0; ∂x ∂x ∂x ∂ ∂f ∂g (f + g)(0, 0) = (0, 0) + (0, 0) = 0. ∂y ∂y ∂y Thus f + g ∈ I. Therefore I is an ideal of R. 139 Algebra – James Wilson Notice x2 ∈ I but x ∈ / I proving that I is not prime, and so also not maximal. In particular notice I = (xi y j : i + j ≥ 2, i, j ≥ 0). Hence √ I = (x, y) √ i j as x2 and y 2 are in I and √ the x y terms are all contained in (x, y). Notice I is therefore prime so I is I-primary and so we have its primary decomposition. 43 Algebraic Extensions Let M be a maximal ideal of Q[x, y, z]. Prove that F = Q[x, y, z]/M is a finite algebraic extension of Q. Proof: It is clear that a quotient of R = Q[x, y, z] does not introduce any transcendental elements, so indeed F is an algebraic extension of Q. What must be determined is why the degree of the extension is finite. Consider localizing R at M . It still follows that RM /MM ∼ = F . However now we recall that R is a noetherian ring so M is generated by finitely many irreducibles. PENDING: figure out. Hint: Only the finiteness is in question. 44 Integrality of Polynomials Let R be a domain. Then R is integrally closed if and only if R[x] is integrally closed. Proof: Suppose R = R. It is clear that R[x] is a domain since R is and as such R[x] is integrally closed if it is so inside F r(R[x]) = F r(R)(x). Suppose we take a reduced fraction f (x)/g(x) ∈ R[x]. This means there exists a monic polynomial h(x, y) ∈ R[x][y] for which h(x, f (x)/g(x)) = 0. Since h is monic it follows the leading coefficient is 1 and supposing the degree is n we see: Hint: n−1 h(x, f (x)/g(x)) f (x)n g(x)n n f (x) = f (x)n X f (x)i + r (x) = 0; i g(x)n g(x)i i=0 = − n−1 X i=0 = − n−1 X i=0 ri (x) f (x)i ; g(x)i i n−i ri (x)f (x) g(x) = g(x) − n−1 X ! i n−i−1 ri (x)f (x) g(x) . i=0 Hence g(x)|f (x) and as this is reduced we have g(x) = 1. As such f (x) ∈ F r(R)[x]. We must show that indeed f (x) ∈ R[x]. PENDING: slay this dragon! It is sufficient to show R[x] ≤ R[x]. How is not yet known. For the reverse direction we play set theory: Let R[x] = R[x]; thus R ⊆ R ⊆ R[x] = R[x] so R = R ∩ F r(R) ⊆ R ∩ F r(R) = R ⊆ R[x] ∩ F r(R) = R[x] ∩ F r(R) = R. Hence R = R. 45 Integral Closures and Polynomials Let R ⊆ A be rings with R integrally closed in A. Suppose that h(x) is a polynomial in R[x] which factors in A[x] as the product of two monic polynomials h(x) = f (x)g(x). Show that f (x) and g(x) are each in R[x]. Proof: PENDING: yeah right. Hint: Consider the proof that an irreducible integer polynomial is irreducible over the rationals. CHAPTER 5. RINGS 140 46 Integrality Let α ∈ C be algebraic over Q. Show α is integral over Z if and only if irr(α; Q) ∈ Z[x]. Proof: If irr(α; Q) ∈ Z[x] then by definition irr(α; Q) is monic and also irr(α; Q)(α) = 0 so indeed α is integral over Z. Now suppose instead that α is integral over Z. Then there must exist a monic polynomial f (x) ∈ Z[x] such that f (α) = 0. Without loss of generality we may take f (x) to be of the lowest possible degree with α as a root. Consequently, f is irreducible over Z, so by Lemma-2.2.1 we know it to be irreducible over Q[x] as well and thus f (x) = irr(α; Q). Hint: Follow the steps directly. 47 √ Integral Closure over Z Z[ n] as follows: For each n ∈ Z find the integral closure of (i) Reduce to the case where n is square-free. √ (ii) Use the fact that n is integral √to deduce that what we want is the integral closure R of Z in the field Q( n). √ (iii) If α = a + b n with a, b ∈ Q, deduce that the minimal polynomial of α is x2 − T r(α)x + N (α), where T r(α) = 2α and N (α) = a2 − b2 n. Thus, using Exercise-5.46, α ∈ R if and only if 2α and a2 − b2 n are integers. (iv) Show that if α ∈ R then a ∈ 12 Z. If a = 0 show that α ∈ R if and only if b ∈√Z. If a = 12 and α ∈ R, show that b ∈ 12 Z; thus, subtracting a multiple of n, we may assume b = 0 or b = 12 ; b = 0 is impossible. √ (v) Conclude that the integral closure is Z[ n] if n ≡ / 1 (mod 4), and Z[ 12 + √ 1 2 n] otherwise. Proof: √ √ (i) If n = a2 m then Z[ n] = Z[ m] so without loss of generality we may assume n is square-free. √ √ (ii) Notice that for any n, x2 − n ∈ Z[x] so n is integral√over Z[ n]. So the integral closure can be agreed upon to lie within Q( n) – the field of √ fractions of Z[ n]. √ √ √ (iii) Given any α = a + b n ∈ Q( n) which is integral over Z[ n] it follows √ √ (a + b n)2 = a2 + 2ab n + b2 n so we eliminate all the terms with the monic polynomial: pα (x) = x2 − 2ax + a2 − b2 n = x2 − T r(α)x + N (α). √ If the polynomial has smaller degree then α√∈ Z[ n] to begin with. Therefore for any integral elements outside of Z[ n] we consider this to be precisely the minimal monic polynomial annihilating α. From √ √ Exercise-5.46 √ we know α is integral over Z[ n] if and only if irr(α; Q( n) ∈ Z[ n][x]. √ (iv) So we set about verifying when the coefficients are in Z[ n]. The term 2a ∈ Z if and only if a ∈ 12 Z. Also when a = 0 we see b2 n ∈ Z so as b ∈ Q it follows b ∈ Z is required. Suppose now a = 21 , then we require 14 − b2 n ∈ Z so in fact Also, if 4|n − 1 then 1 1 − n ∈ Z. 4 4 So if b = 12 then n ≡ 1 (mod 4). 1 2 divides b. Hint: Recall po Z are irreducib ever they are ir 141 Algebra – James Wilson (v) So when n ≡ 1 (mod 4) we may let b = 12 and as such also let a = we must adjoin this element to attain the closure: 1 2 so √ 1 1√ Z[ n] = Z[ + n]. 2 2 However when n /≡ 1 (mod 4) then a 6= 1/2 and consequently b 6= 1/2. So √ √ indeed: Z[ n] = Z[ n]. 48 Integral Closure of Non-UFDs closed but R is not a UFD. √ Let R = Z[ 10]. Then R is integrally Hint: Use the norm function. √ Example: We have seen before that the norm N (a + b 10) = a2 − 10b2 has the property that N (xy) = N (x)N (y). Thus we notice as N (2) = 4 then if 2 = ab then 4 = N (ab) = N (a)N (b). So either one of a or b is a unit, or N (a) = N (b) = ±2. However this requires 2 = a21 − 10a22 . If we pass to Z/5 any solution in Z must also produce a solution in Z/5. Yet by empirical testing 2≡ / a21 (mod 5) for any a1 . Therefore there is no solution for√this in Z either. √ Hence 2 is irreducible in R. The same procedure shows 3, 4 + 10, and 4 − 10 are also irreducible in R. However visibly √ √ 2 · 3 = 6 = (4 + 10)(4 − 10). Hence R is not a unique factorization domain. Now we must demonstrate that R is yet integrally closed. Given that 10 /≡1 √ (mod 4) we know from Exercise-5.47 that Z[ 10] is integrally closed. 49 Prime Ideals of Integral Extensions √ (i) Find all prime ideals of Z[ 5] which lie over the prime ideal (5) of Z. √ (ii) Find all prime ideals of Z[ 5] which lie over the prime ideal (3) of Z. √ (iii) Find all prime ideals of Z[ 5] which lie over the prime ideal (2) of Z. √ Example: Notice that Z[√ 5]/Z is an integral ring extension as x2 −5 is a monic polynomial annihilating 5. Therefore for each prime ideal P of Z there exists √ prime ideals P 0 of Z[ 5] such that P 0 ∩ Z = P – this by the going up theorem. √ Moreover by the maximality theorem we know all such P 0 are maximal in Z[ 5] and moreover each is incomparable – as each prime ideal of √ Z is maximal. Now √ it is clear that if pZ ⊆ P 0 where P 0 is a prime of Z[ 5] laying over pZ, then pZ[ 5] ⊆ P 0 . √ Now suppose we consider R = Z[ 5] and study R/pR for any prime p ∈ Z. Clearly this yields the relation √ a + b 5 ≡ 0 (mod pR) ⇔ p|a and p|b. √ Thus we have a suitably nice Z/pZ-algebra R/pR with center all√a + 0 5. As any ideal of R/pR must also be a Z/pZ vector space it follows ( 5)/pR is the only option. Therefore this is both the√ Jacobson radical √ and the nil-radical. More importantly, it proves that pR is ( 5)-primary. Thus√ pR is the smallest prime ideal in R containing pR, and consequently pZ. As pR is also maximal (see the above argument) it is the unique prime ideal of R laying over pZ. Now we switch to specific examples. Hint: Notice the extension is an integral extension and that any ideal lying over pZ contains pR. 142 CHAPTER 5. RINGS (i) √ As R5Z √ = 5R it follows √ every ideal over 5Z contains 5R. Now the radical 5R = 5R. Since 5R is maximal – its quotient is Z/5Z – it is prime. Moreover, as it is a maximal prime, which by definition of begin a radical ideal, contains all primes that contain 5R, it is the unique prime ideal over 5Z. (ii) For p = 3 consider R/3R. √ √ √ √ √ √ R/3R = {0, 1, 2, 5, 2 5, 1 + 5, 1 + 2 5, 2 + 5, 2 + 2 5}. By testing we see for all n 6= 0: √ √ √ 1 ≡ n4 ≡ (n 5)4 ≡ (n(1 + 5))8 ≡ (n(1 + 2 5))8 (mod 3R). Therefore R/3R is the field F9 . Hence 3R is maximal and so prime and also by the fact that R(3Z) = 3R and the maximality theorem, it is the unique prime ideal lying over 3Z. (iii) For p = 2 the √ procedure is √ the same. Consider R/2R. Here we get the elements 0, 1, √ 5, and 1 + 5. Notice that the only nilpotent elements are 0 and 1 + 5 so they form the nil-radical. R/2R (1 + √ 5)/2R 0 As the √ quotient has all zero-divisors as nilpotent elements it follows 2R is (1 + 5)R-primary. As the radical of a primary ideal is the smallest prime ideal containing the ideal, and this radical is also maximal, it follows it is the unique prime ideal in R lying over 2Z. Hint: Show I times the product of all but one prime lies in this left out prime ideal. 50 Prime Unions Let P1 , . . . , Pr be prime ideals of a commutative ring. Show that an ideal I which is contained in P1 ∪ · · · ∪ Pr is contained in some Pi . Proof: Suppose I is not contained completely in any Pi . So without loss of generality assume I ∩ Pi 6= 0 for any i – if it does we can remove this Pi from the union. Therefore we know Pi is not contained in Pj for any i 6= j. T If J = I ∩ i6=j Pi is not contained in Pj for every j, then pick xj ∈ J\Pj . Notice then x1 + · · · + xr ∈ I\(P1 ∪ T· · · ∪ Pr ). Yet I lies in P1 ∪ · · · ∪ Pr so indeed there exists a j for which I ∩ i6=j Pi is contained in Pj . But this means Q I i6=j Pi ⊆ Pj so that I ⊆ Pj as Pj is prime. Hint: The associated primes of an ideal in a noetherian ring are unique. 51 Primary Decomposition Let I be a an ideal of a noetherian ring R with a reduced primary decomposition I = Q1 ∩ · · · ∩ Qr . Show that every prime ideal of R which is minimal over I is the radical of some Qi . Is the converse true? √ Proof: We know the associated primes Qi are the unique Hint: 52 Prime Height Let P be a prime ideal of height r in a noetherian ring R. Show that there exists an ideal I of R with r generators over which P is minimal. Algebra – James Wilson 143 Proof: 53 Krull Dimension Let P be a prime ideal of R. Show that the height of P is the dimension of RP . Proof: Let {Pi : i ∈ I} be a be a chain of primes of maximum length below P – we assume the length if finite as the height is assumed to exist. Then we know that RP has unique maximal ideal PP and because each prime below PP there is a one-to-one correspondence with primes below P in R we see that {PiP : i ∈ I} is a maximum length chain of primes below PP . Since RP is a local ring, any chain of primes can be augmented to begin from PP and as such the Krull dimension of RP will be determined by the longest descending chain of primes from PP . As we have seen this chain has the same length as the height of P in R so the two invariants agree. Hint: Recall there is a bijection between the prime ideals of the local ring and the primes below the prime of localization. 54 Krull Dimension Let P be a non-zero prime ideal of R. Show that dim R ≥ 1 + dim R/P . Proof: First we resolve a simple lemma: let π : R → R/P and take any prime Q of R/P . Then π −1 (Q) is prime in R. To see this notice Hint: Notice the pre-image, under a surjective map, of prime ideals is prime. R/π −1 (Q) ∼ = R/P R/P ∼ , = π −1 (Q)/P Q by the second isomorphism theorem. Since Q is prime in R/P , the quotient is an integral domain and therefore so is R/π −1 (Q). Hence we may say π −1 (Q) is prime in R. Now take a maximum length chain of descending primes in R/P – which we assume to exist as the Krull dimension is defined. Q0 > Q1 > · · · > Qm . We pull the chain back to R by the correspondence theorem and find π −1 (Q0 ) > π −1 (Q1 ) > · · · > π −1 (Qm ) ≥ P > 0. Therefore we have a chain in R of primes of length at least m + 1. So we must conclude dim R ≥ 1 + dim R/P. 55 Minimal Primes Let F be an algebraically closed field. Show that the minimal prime ideals of F [x1 , . . . , xn ] are the principal ideals generated by irreducible polynomials. √ Proof: Given any minimal prime ideal P , we know P = P so we may pass to the variety without loss of information. As P is minimal in R = F [x1 , . . . , xn ] and Z is an order reversing bijection of varieties and radical ideals – to follows Z(P ) is maximal in the set of all varieties (under set inclusion.) As R is noetherian there are finitely many generators fo P call them f1 , . . . , fn and none of them trivial. Suppose further that fi 6= fj for some i, j. Then Z(fi ) 6= Z(fj ) and so Z(P ) ⊆ Z(fi ) ∩ Z(fj ). But as Z(P ) is maximal this cannot be so we admit f1 = · · · = fn so P = (f1 ). Furthermore, if f1 = g · h then as P is prime it contains either g or h and so f1 does not generate P . Therefore we see f1 is irreducible. Hint: Consider the associated varieties of the minimal prime ideals. 144 CHAPTER 5. RINGS Now take any irreducible polynomial f ∈ F [x1 , ,̇xn ] and consider (f ). Given gh ∈ (f ) it follows f |gh so either f |g or f |h as R is a UFD. Thus (f ) is a prime ideal of R. Furthermore it is a minimal prime because it does not divide other irreducibles to which it is not associate. Hint: Choose the generators of I(Z(S)). 56 Generators of Varieties – True or False? Let F be a field. If S is an arbitrary subset of F [x1 , . . . , xn ], then there is a finite subset T of F [x1 , . . . , xn ] such that Z(S) = Z(T ). Proof: True. PENDING: determine if algebraically closed matters. As every field is noetherian so is F [x1 , . . . , xn ]. Furthermore, for every subset S there is associated a radical ideal I = I(Z(S)). As every ideal in a noetherian ring is finitely generated let T be the generators of I. Clearly then Z(S) = Z(I) = Z(T ). Hint: Use the Nullstellensatz. 57 Non-radical Ideals – True or False? Let F be a field. If I is any ideal of F [x1 , . . . , xn ], then I = {f ∈ F [x1 , . . . , xn ] : f (a) = 0 for each a ∈ Z(I)}. Example: √False. Let F = C. Then we have the Nullstellensatz which state I(Z(I)) = I. So let n = 1 and take I = (x2 ). Clearly then I(Z(I)) = (x) 6= (x2 ). Hint: Note that IJ ⊆ I ∩ J. 58 Ideal Lattice and Varieties – True or False? Let F be algebraically closed and I, J be ideals in F [x1 , . . . , xn ]. Then Z(I) ∪ Z(J) = Z(IJ). Proof: True. An element a ∈ F n is in Z(IJ) if and only if f (a)g(a) = 0 for all f ∈ I and g ∈ J which happens precisely when either f (a) = 0 or g(a) = 0 for each pair f ∈ I, g ∈ J. That is if and only if a ∈ Z(I) or a ∈ Z(J). Therefore Z(I) ∪ Z(J) = Z(IJ). Hint: Recall if P is prime containing IJ then it contains I or J. 59 Radical Ideals –√True or False? √ F [x1 , . . . , xn ]. Then I ∩ J = IJ. Let F be a field, and I, J be ideals in √ √ It is clear the IJ ⊆ I ∩ J so IJ ⊆ I ∩ J. Now consider the reverse inclusion. Let P be a prime lying over IJ. It follows either I ≤ P or J ≤ P as P is prime. In either case I ∩ J ≤ P . So we conclude: Proof: √ IJ = \ IJ⊆P P = \ √ P = I ∩ J. I∩J≤P √ Hint: Notice if I + J = A then 1n ∈ I + J so I + J = A. 60 Direct Products with Varieties Let I and J be ideals of A = C[x, y] and Z(I) ∩ Z(J) = ∅. Show that A/(I ∩ J) ∼ = A/I × A/J. Proof: We begin with the given: Z(I + J) = Z(I) ∩ Z(J) = ∅. Then we apply the Nullstellensatz: √ I + J = I(Z(I + J)) = I(∅) = A. √ Now that 1 ∈ I + J it follows that 1n = 1 ∈ I + J for some n. However this implies I + J = A. Therefore we have all the ingredients of a split extension: Algebra – James Wilson 145 both I and J are ideals, their join is A so when we quotient by I ∩ J then we have our split: I + J/(I ∩ J) OOO o O ooo I/(I ∩ J) J/(I ∩ J) OOO o O ooo (I ∩ J)/(I ∩ J) Thus we have by the third isomorphism theorem: A/(I ∩ J) ∼ = I/(I ∩ J) × J/(I ∩ J) ∼ = A/J × A/I. 61 DCC for Varieties – True or False? Let F be algebraically closed. Any decreasing sequence of algebraic sets in F n stabilizes. Proof: True. Let Z1 ≥ Z2 ≥ · · · Hint: Use the noetherian property of F [x1 , . . . , xn ]. be a decreasing sequence of varieties. Then as F is algebraically closed we may use the Nullstellensatz to produce an identical length chain I(Z1 ) ≤ I(Z2 ) ≤ · · · in F [x1 , . . . , xn ]. However here we have an ascending chain of ideals in a noetherian ring so it must stabilize, say I(Zn ) = I(Zm ) for all n > m. Now we reapply the Nullstellensatz to see: Zn = Z(I(Zn )) = Z(I(Zm ) = Zm so the descending chain of varieties stabilizes in F n . 62 ACC for Varieties – True or False? Let F be algebraically closed. Any increasing chain of algebraic sets in F n stabilizes. Example: False. Consider the descending chain of ideals Hint: Consider the chain of zeros {0}, {0, 1}, . . . (x) ≥ (x(x − 1)) ≥ (x(x − 1)(x − 2)) ≥ · · · in C[x]. Immediately we see the associated variety chain: Z(x) = {0} ( Z(x(x − 1)) = {0, 1} ( Z(x(x − 1)(x − 2)) = {0, 1, 2} ( · · · ascends forever never stabilizing. 63 ACC for Varieties – True or False? Let F be algebraically closed. Any increasing sequence of irreducible algebraic sets in F n stabilizes. Proof: True. Given any chain of irreducible varieties Z1 ≤ Z2 ≤ · · · it follows the associated ideals are all prime so we get P1 = I(Z1 ) ≤ P2 (Z2 ) ≤ · · · S However if we take P = i I(Zi ) we get a prime under which is a chain of primes. Since F [x1 , . . . , xn ] is noetherian, Krull’s finite height theorem tells us Hint: Consider the Krull dimension of of the varieties. CHAPTER 5. RINGS 146 that this chain of primes can only have finite length. Therefore the chain must stabilizes, say Pi = Pj for all j > i. Now reapply the Nullstellensatz: Zi = Z(I(ZI )) = Z(Pi ) = Z(Pj ) = Z(I(Zj )) = Zj . Therefore an ascending chain of irreducibles must stabilize. Hint: Consider the variety spanned by all fi . 64 Solution Sets and Varieties – True or False? closed field. A system of polynomial equations Let F be an algebraically f1 (x1 , . . . , xn ) = 0 .. . fm (x1 , . . . , xn ) = 0 over F has no solutions in F n if and only if 1 can be expressed as a linear P combination 1 = i pi fi with polynomial coefficients pi . Proof: True Let I = (f1 , . . . fm ). Suppose the system has no solutions, that is: Z(I) = ∅. As F is algebraically closed we use the Nullstellensatz to say √ I = I(Z(I)) = I(∅) = F [x1 , . . . , xn ]. √ As such, 1 ∈ I so 1n = 1 ∈ I P for some n, so indeed I = F [x1 , . . . , xn ]. As I = (f1 , . . . , fn ) it clear that 1 = i gi fi for appropriate gi . Now suppose that 1 is not a linear combination of the fi ’s. It follows I is a proper ideal and so Z(I) 6= emptyset. But as Z(I) is the set of all solutions to the system we see there are in fact solutions to the system now. Hint: The basic closed sets in C are finite subsets of C while C2 includes the uncountably infinite lines. 65 Zariski Topology – True or False? The Zariski topology on F m+n is the product topology of the Zariski topologies on F n and F m . Hint: 66 Zariski Topology Let R be any ring. Denote by Spec R the set of the prime ideals of R. For any ideal I E R denote Example: False. The product topology has too few closed sets. For instance, consider F = C and n = m = 1. In C the varieties are all finite subsets of C. For C2 the varieties also include such things as the line through y − x which when projected in R is y = x – clearly an uncountably infinite set of points. However if C2 where to have the same Zariski topology as C × C then this line – a closed set in C2 – would have to be the finite union of basic closed sets in C×C. The basic sets in C×C are all products of finite subsets which are clearly always finite. Thus the task is impossible. Z(I) := {P ∈ Spec R : I ≤ P }. Introduce the Zariski topology on Spec R by declaring the sets of the form Z(I) to be closed. Define a distinguished open set of Spec R to a set of the form U (f ) := {P ∈ Spec R : f ∈ / P} where f ∈ R. (a) Prove that this is indeed a topology. 147 Algebra – James Wilson (b) Prove that distinguished opens sets are indeed open, and S moreover, they form a basis of the Zariski topology. Show that Spec R = i U (fi ) for some collection fi of elements of R if and only if the ideal generated by all the fi ’s is R. (c) Prove that Spec R is compact in the Zariski topology. Proof: PENDING: when pigs fly and quals pass. 67 Zariski Topology and Frobenius – True or False? Let F be an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0, and F r : F → F : a → 7 ap be the Frobenius homomorphism. True or False: Hint: (i) F r is a homeomorphism in the Zariski topology. (ii) F r is an isomorphism of algebraic sets. (i) Proof: True. (ii) Example: 68 Automorphisms of Varieties Describe all automorphism of the algebraic set F . Example: Hint: 69 Isomorphism of Varieties are isomorphic. Hint: (i) C; (ii) Z(x) ⊂ C2 ; (iii) Z(y − x2 ) ⊂ C2 ; (iv) Z(y 2 − x3 ) ⊂ C2 ; (v) Z(y 2 − x3 − x2 ) ⊂ C2 . Example: Which of the following algebraic sets over C 148 CHAPTER 5. RINGS Bibliography [Hun74] Thomas W. Hungerford, Algebra, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1974. [Kle03] Alexander Kleshchev, Lectures on abstract algebra for graduate students, pre-print, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, 2003. [Rot02] Joseph J. Rotman, Advanced modern algebra, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2002. 149 Index An of Sylow subgroups, 17 unions, 15, 16 Consider the lattice above the intersection., 85 C15 , 25 conjugacy classes, 30 embedding, 25 Sn Dihedral, 31 dihedral, 23 18, 28 representation, 19 domains, 39 S4 , 20 automorphisms, 23 center, 14 conjugacy classes, 30 generators, 31 transitive subgroups, 7, 20 Q, 107 p-th roots, 48 endomorphism, 70 over tensors, 120 semi-simple modules, 105 endomorphisms, 80, 85, 86 center, 91 of noetherian modules, 83 Extensions algebraic, 37 normal, 38 of algebraic fields, 37 simple, 37 extensions algebraic, 39 degree, 44 domains, 39 inseparable, 49 nilpotent, 12 normal, 43, 48 separable, 48, 49 simple, 50 transcendental, 39 actions on roots, 40 algebras, 94 classification, 97 commutative, 93, 94 complex, 95, 97 cyclic group algebras, 93 dimension, 95, 97 direct products, 144 division, 91 finite dimensional, 91, 93, 94 group algebras, 92, 93 over algebraically closed fields, 92 real, 97 simple, 104 tensors, 115 zero-divisors, 91 Automorphisms cyclic groups, 8 automorphisms, 23 of fields, 39 varieties, 147 Fields A, 37 algebraic extensions, 37 countable, 37 extensions of Q, 37 Galois group order, 37 normal extensions, 38 towers, 37 fields, 135 algebraic extensions, 39, 139 algebraically closed, 92, 93, 143, 144 automorphisms, 39 Burnside’s Formula, 7 commutative probability, 7 conjugation, 30 2 conjugacy classes, 19 as generators, 16 intersection, 17 150 INDEX extensions, 43 finite, 47–50 Galois extensions, 45 infinite, 41 integral, 137 intermediate, 49 isomorphism, 38 monomorphisms, 44 normal extensions, 43 of Rational Functions, 48 perfect, 39 projective, 108, 113 splitting, 49 splitting fields, 41 squares, 50 tensors, 123 transcendental, 44 Frattini, 8 free groups, 29 Frobenius homomorphism, 48 Frobenius homomorphism, 147 group algebra zero-divisors, 86 Groups conjugacy classes, 24 cyclic, 7 Galois, 37 infinite, 8 Prüfer, 7 groups An , 22 F × , 41 HK-complex, 13 Sn , 22 Q, 15 p-groups, 28 “local” groups, 10 abelian groups, 80–83 action, 17, 22 alternating, see An automorphisms, 27 counter examples, 26 diagonal embedding, 28 finite, 86 finite abelian groups, 81 free, 29 free-abelian, 29 Frobenius groups, 22 Galois, 45 Galois group, 40 Galois groups, 41 Algebra – James Wilson generators, 16 Hamiltonian, 14 invariant factors, 82 involutions, 11 metabelian, 20 nilpotent, 10–12, 20 of involutions, 27 of matrices, 16 of symmetries, 30 order p(p + 1), 22 order pq, 20 order pqr, 21 order 175, 28 parallelogram law, 13 products, 26 simple, 18, 21, 22, 28 solvable, 27 transitive, 20 trivial, 19 Hamiltonian, 14 Hilbert Basis Theorem, 132, 133 Hilbert’s Nullstellensatz, 144, 146 Hom, 75 ideals associated primes, 130 idempotent, 138 irreducible, 129 Jacobson Radical, 136 laying over, 141 localization, 136 maximal, 132, 133, 135, 136, 138 nil-radical, 132 primary, 129, 130, 132, 135, 138 primary decomposition, 130, 138, 142 prime, 129–135, 137, 138, 141– 144 prime height, 142, 143 products, 144 radical, 130, 136, 144 radicals, 130 idempotents, 87, 88, 97 irreducible polynomial, 37 irreducibles, 135 Jacobson Density Theorem, 93 Jacobson Radical, 87, see rngs88 Maschke’s Theorem counter example, 71 matrices 151 INDEX 152 GLn (Fq ), 16 characteristic polynomial, 99, 101, 103, 104 companion matrix, 98, 99 elementary divisors, see ivariant factors76, 98, 99, 104 equivalent, 79 invariant factors, 76, 78, 98, 99, 103 Jacobson Radical, 89 Jordan Normal Form, 104 linear transforms, 103 minimal polynomial, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104 minimal polynomials, 99 nilpotent, 99 nullity, 101 Rational Canonical Form, 72, 98, 99 relations, 103 similarity, 98, 99 similarity classes, 99, 101 simple artinian rings, 92 Smith Normal Form, 72, 76, 78 subrings, 85 uni-triangular, 19 unimodular, 78, 79 matrix diagonalization, 100, 101 modules R R, 79 A.C.C., 69 ACC, 86 annihilator, 71 annihilators, 90 ascending chain condition, see A.C.C. basis, 70 classification, 82 composition series, 73 cyclic, 84, 108 D.C.C., 69 decomposition, 71, 103 descending chain condition, see D.C.C. diagonal embeddings, 71 diagonal submodules, 83 direct sums, 83–85 divisible, 106 divisor chains, 72 dual, 112, 113 dual basis, 112 dual vector spaces, 113 elementary divisors, see ivariant factors76 endomorphism ring, 70 endomorphisms, 80 flat, 117, 118 free, 70, 72–74, 80, 81, 106, 107, 112, 122 free modules, 73, 74 free quotients, 81 free submodules, 73 generators, 79, 90 indecomposable, 85, 105 induced, 119 induced modules, 121 injective, 106–111 injective hull, 111 invariant factors, 76, 78–80, 82, 83, 99 Jacobson Radical, 104 left regular module, 79 left vs. right, 68 linear transformations, 101 localization, 137 noetherian, 83 of matrices, 85 of quotient rings, 119 over algebras, 94 over artinian rings, 69 over commutative rings, 81 over division rings, 113 over domains, 113 over fields, 113 over finite rings, 73 over noetherian rings, 86 over PID’s, 72 over PIDs, 73, 74, 76, 79, 80, 82, 83, 107, 110, 114 primary decomposition, 80, 83 projective, 106–108, 110, 112, 113 pure submodules, 76 quotients, 69, 71, 81, 85, 108, 110 rank, 79, 81 semi-simple, 87, 105, 111, 112 short exact sequences, 105 simple, 83, 84, 86, 91, 93, 94 submodule complements, 71 submodules, 69, 76, 108 sums, 69 tensors, 114 torsion, 115 torsion free, 74, 80 vector spaces, 101, 113 INDEX multiplicative sets, 131 Nakayama’s Lemma, 90 Nilpotent, 23 nilpotent, 23, 87, 88, 91, 97, 132 center, 26 extensions, 12 groups of order 18, 28 normalizer, 21 Parallelogram Law, 13, 15 permutation groups C15 , 25 polynomial degree, 44 polynomials, 132 characteristic, see mtrices99 counting, 49 extensions, 43 irreducible, 129 minimal, see mtrices99 over fields, 47 primes height, 145 Products groups, 28 Prüfer group, 109 relations dihedral, 19 trivial, 19 rings Homr , 75 Z/m, 88 Z/nZ, 109 annihilator, 71 artinian, 68, 73, 74, 91, 97, 104, 106, 112, 133, 138, 145 classification, 88 commutative, 71, 106 composition series, 73 decomposition, 79, 132 direct sums, 90 division rings, 86, 91, 95–97, 104, 113 domains, 73, 136 endomorphism ring, 85 finite, 95, 138 finite rings, 95 formal power series, 72, 129 fraction field, 110, 115 injective hull, 111 integral closure, 140, 141 integral elements, 135 Algebra – James Wilson integral extensions, 137, 139– 141 integrally closed, 137, 139 J(R), see Jcobson Radical88 Jacobson Radical, 88–90, 96, 129 Krull dimension, 143 local, 131, 132, 138, 143 local rings, 96 localization, 130, 131, 136, 137 localization at primes, 131 maximal ideals, 105 nil-radical, 87 noetherian, 68, 73, 86, 106, 130, 132, 133, 142–146 non-commutative, 71 non-UFDs, 141 of endomorphisms, 70 of idempotents, 97 of polynomials, 74, 132, 133 PID, 72–74 PIDs, 88, 90, 99, 132, 133 polynomials, 139 primary decomposition, 142 primary ideals, see ieals129 prime localization, 137 Principal Ideal Domains, see PID quotients, 74, 133 semi-simple, 87, 88, 91, 97 semi-simple artinian, see smisimple87, 96, 105, 111, 112 simple, 95 simple artinian, 92 subrings, 74, 133 tensors, 123 UFDs, 130, 132, 133, 141 Unique Factorization Domains, see UDs130 units, 135 zero-divisors, 91 Schur’s Lemma, 91, 93 semi-simple commutative, 87 simple Sylow-2-subgroups, 18 Sylow-subgroups, 28 subgroup Frattini, 8 second isomorphism, 12 subgroups Cp × Cp , 27 p-chains, 9 p-subgroup chains, 11 p-subgroups, 25 153 INDEX 154 center, 14, 23, 25, 26, 28 centralizer, 30 complex, 13 conjugations, 15, 16 counter examples, 26 cyclic Sylow-2-subgroup, 22 cyclic Sylow-subgroups, 11 index, 15 index 2, 22 infinite, 8 inherited subgroups, 21 intersections, 15 join, 13 maximal subgroups, 10 minimal p-quotient subgroups, 9 normal, 13, 22, 24 normal chains, 9 normal subgroups, 10 normal transitivity, 12 normalizer, 21, 25 normalizer of Sylow subgroup, 21 normalizers, 23 of Q, 15 of orders dividing, 10 parallelogram law, 12 quotients, 24 Sylow p-subgroups, 9 Sylow subgroups, 17 Sylow-subgroups, 28 Sylow normalizer, 21 Sylow subgroups, 21 Sylow-subgroups normality, 25 of normal subgroups, 24 of quotients, 24 symmetries, 30 tensors, 123, 135 annihilators, 121, 122 dimension, 121, 123 examples, 122 flat, 122 identity tensor, 122 induced modules, 121 isomorphism, 116 killing torsion, 115, 121, 122 of algebras, 115 of endomorphisms, 120 of exact sequences, 117, 118 of flat modules, 118 of fraction fields, 115 of free modules, 121 of maps, 120 of quotients, 116, 119 of split exact sequences, 117 of subrings, 114 over Z, 116 over division rings, 121 over fields, 123 over free modules, 122 over PIDs, 114 quotients, 122 transcendental extensions, 39 Galois group, 41 transitive embedding, 7 True/False C15 as a Permutation Group., 25 S4 , 20 pk -th roots in Finite Fields., 48 pq-groups, 20 ACC for Varieties, 145 Algebraic Towers., 37 Annihilating Modules, 121 Applied Tensors, 122 Artinian Rings, 132 Centrality in p-groups., 28 Commutative Algebras, 93, 94 Commutative Semi-simple Rings, 87 Complex Algebra Dimensions, 95 Complex dimension 3 Algebras, 97 Complex dimension 4 Algebras, 97 Composition Series, 73 Counter Examples., 26 Counting Involutions, 11 Cyclic Automorphisms, 8 Cyclic Groups, 7 DCC for Varieties, 145 Dihedral Groups., 31 Dihedral Nilpotency., 23 Dimension and Tensors, 121 Division Algebras, 91 Division Rings, 91, 96 Domain Extensions., 39 Endomorphisms over PIDs, 80 Field Isomorphisms., 38 Field Monomorphisms., 44 Fields and Tensors, 123 Finite Local Rings, 138 INDEX Fraction Field Tensors, 115 Free Inheritance, 74 Free PID Modules, 73 Free Quotients, 81 Free Submodules, 73 Galois Group Order., 37 Generators of Varieties, 144 Hamiltonian Groups, 14 Ideal Lattice and Varieties, 144 Identity Tensor, 122 Indecomposable Modules, 105 Injective Z-modules, 109 Injective Hulls, 111 Injective Modules, 106 Integral Closure, 137 Invariant Factors, 79 Jacobson Radical, 88, 90, 129 Left Regular Modules, 79 Local Artinian Rings, 138 Localization and Radicals, 136 Localization of Ideals, 136 Localized Local Rings, 131 Matrix Equivalence, 79 Matrix Subrings, 85 Module Annihilators., 71 Module Quotients, 85 Nilpotency in Semi-simple Rings, 87 Nilpotency of order 18., 28 Nilpotent Free Rings, 97 Nilpotent Ideal, 87 Nilpotent Subgroups, 10 Noetherian Modules, 83, 86 Noetherian PIDs, 133 Noetherian Rings, 132, 133 Non-radical Ideals, 144 Normal Extensions of C., 48 Normal Extensions., 48 Normal Sylow-subgroups., 25 Normal Transitivity, 12 Normal Transitivity., 38 Normalizers of Sylow subgroups, 21 PID Quotients, 74 PID subrings, 74 Polynomial Rings, 106, 132 Polynomials over Artinian Rings, 74 Polynomials over PIDs, 74 Primary Ideals, 132 Prime Ideals, 133, 135 Prime Intersection, 134 Projective R[x]-modules, 112 Projectives over PIDs, 110 Algebra – James Wilson Projectivity and Freeness, 112 Quotients and Tensors, 122 Radical Ideals, 144 Rank Ordering, 81 Schur’s Lemma, 91 Schur’s Lemma Converse, 86 Semi-simple Modules, 111 Semi-simple Rings, 88 Similarity Classes, 99 Simple Artinian Rings, 92 Simple Extensions., 37 Solution Sets and Varieties, 146 Tensor Isomorphisms, 116 Tensored Maps, 120 Tensors, 135 Tensors over Free Modules, 122 Torsion and Tensors, 115 Torsion Free vs. Free, 74, 80 Transcendental Galois Groups., 41 Transitive Subgroups of S5 , 20 UFDs, 133 Uniqueness of Module Decomposition., 71 Zariski Topology, 146 Zariski Topology and Frobenius, 147 Zero-Divisors in Group Algebras, 86 v. Dyck, 19 varieties, 139, 144 ACC, 145 ascending chain condition, see AC145 automorphisms, 147 DCC, 145 descending chain condition, see DC145 generators, 144 isomorphism, 147 lattice, 144 singular points, 143 solution sets, 146 trivial intersections, 144 Zariski Topology, 146 Wedderburn-Artin, 91, 95 Zariski Topology, 146 over characteristic p, 147 155