Leader-Herald PDF - The Leader Herald


Leader-Herald PDF - The Leader Herald
Menu Guide, 2011 • THE LEADER-HERALD
320 Steele Avenue Ext
Gloversville • 725-2200
Sou p d u jou r ..............................................$2.00
B ak ed Fren ch O n ion ..................................$3.95
NEW B eer B attered O n ion R in gs
Tow ered H igh W ith D ip p ing S auce ............$5.95
NEW olossal Sh rim p C ock tail
w ith L obster C law .......................................$9.95
M ozzarella Stix w ith M arin ara ..................$5.95
NEW Sw eet Potato Fries
w ith M ap le D ip p ing S auce...........................$5.95
Spin ach A rtich ok e D ip
w ith F resh M ade C hip s ...............................$4.95
B u ffalo or B ou rbon C h ick en Ten d ers
w ith H om em ade B leu C heese .....................$6.95
Firesid e C om bo P latter
L a rge E n ou gh
B uffalo or B ourbon Tenders,
T o S h a re!
S p inach A rtichoke D ip and C hip s,
O nion R ings,M ozzarella S tix ......................$9.95
C h ick en C aesar Salad .................................$6.95
B u ffalo C h ick en Salad
C risp y B readed C hicken in B uffalo S auce over S alad
S erved w ith B leu C heese..............................$6.95
A sian Salm on Salad
NEW Pan-S eared S alm on S erve on a F ield of G reens w ith
F resh Veggies,Pecans,M andarin O range w ith a
H oney O range V inaigrette...........................$9.95
C h ick en P arm
H and B readed,Top p ed w ith M arinara
& M ozzarella C heese.................................$13.95
C h ick en P arm Stack er
F resh H and B readed C hicken & E ggp lant
Piled H igh w ith S auce & C heese...............$14.95
A d iron d ack C h ick en
Top p ed w ith a C ream y A rtichoke S auce
& C heese S ure To Please............................$14.94
C h ick en C arbon ara
C hicken,H am & Peas in a C ream S auce
over Pasta,T he Perfect C om fort F ood ........$11.95
u ffalo B leu
C risp y B uffalo C hicken in B leu C heese
S auce over Pasta.........................................$11.95
B lack & B leu Salad
S teak or S hrim p B lackened in a C ast Iron S killed
A top a F ield of G reens Top p ed w ith B leu C heese
C rum bles & B alsam ic V inaigrette..............$11.95
NEW Fresh E ggplan t P arm ............................$9.95
B roccoli Stir-Fry
F resh B roccoli,O nion,M ushroom
& C arrots in a H oney G arlic S auce........$9.95
C hicken ................................................add $2
S hrim p .................................................add $4
Slow R oasted C hoice P rim e R ib
K ing..........................................................$20.95
Q ueen ........................................................$15.95
D elm onico.................................................$16.95
NEW M u sh room B leu Filet M ign on
8 oz. filet top p ed w ith fresh sautéed
m ushroom s & m elted bleu cheese..............$19.95
NEW Filet O scar
Top p ed w ith L obster C law & H ollandaise....$24.95
C h ateau B rian d for Tw o
24 oz. of Filet M ign on Served w ith a B ern aise
Sau ce, G rilled V egetable, & D u ch ess Potato $42
G rilled Pork C h ops
Plain,B B Q ,or B ourbon S tyle....................$11.95
12 O z. Sirloin Served on a Sizzlin g P latter
H ou se........................................................$12.95
P ittsbu rgh Style
B lackened the O utside and R are
on the Inside..............................................$13.95
Sm oth ered in O n ion s & M u sh room s......$15.95
G arlic Sh rim p Sm oth ered ........................$18.95
B acon B leu ...............................................$17.95
St. L ou is Style B B Q R ibs
F ull R ack F alling O ffT he B one.................$17.95
A m azin g P h illy C h eese Steak .....................$9.95
C lassic C h eesebu rger..................................$6.95
R od eo B u rger, B acon , B B Q & C h eese.....$8.95
B ou rbon B leu .............................................$7.95
B acon , E gg & C h eesebu rger.....................$8.50
Italian C h ick en San d w ich
Top p ed w ith R oasted R ed Pep p ers,E ggp lant &
C heese.........................................................$8.95
R od eo C h ick en ...........................................$8.95
B u ffalo C h ick en San d w ich .........................$7.95
Fresh P an Seared Salm on .........................$16.95
Scallops Floren tin e...................................$15.95
Sh rim p Scam pi.........................................$16.95
NEW Seafood A lfred o
S hrim p ,S callop s & L obster C law ..............$16.95
Seafood P latter for Tw o
S hrim p ,S callop s,H addock &
L obster C law .............................................$38.00
H om em ad e C h eesecak e..............................$3.95
B an an as Foster...........................................$4.95
*A sk you r server
for oth er ch oices
Menu Guide, 2011 • THE LEADER-HERALD
320 Steele Avenue Ext
Gloversville • 725-2200