IMEC’S INTEGRATED SI-PHOTONICS PLATFORM (ISIPP50G) Imec offers an integrated silicon photonics (iSiPP50G) platform targeting the telecom, datacom and medical diagnostics industries. The iSiPP50G platform co-integrates a wide variety of passive and active components, enabling competitive photonic integrated circuits for short reach optical interconnects. Regular multiproject wafer (MPW) runs are available at fixed tape-in dates, enabling cost competitive access by sharing mask, process and engineering costs. Ease of access is enabled through an extensive process design kit (PDK). In addition, technology customization options are available through dedicated wafer fabrication services, which include full-size reticles, delivery of full wafers, and access to specialty modules enabling advanced functionality. ISIPP50G The platform enables cost-effective silicon photonic ICs for: O High-performance optical transceivers (50Gb/s and beyond) for datacom, telecom and access networks O Optical sensing (gas, pressure, strain) and read-out ICs O Biomolecule detection, drug development, point-of-care diagnostics The iSiPP50G platform co-integrates a wide variety of passive and active components to support a wide range of optical transceiver architectures at data rates of 25Gb/s or 50Gb/s. The offered integrated components include low-loss waveguides, efficient vertical grating or broadband edge couplers, high-speed silicon electro-optic modulators, high-speed germanium-silicon electro-absorption modulators and high-speed germanium waveguide photo-detectors. iSiPP50G offers state-of-the-art performance, design flexibility and superior CD and thickness control. It is a fixed process technology (130nm) with a validated device library. ISIPP50G DESIGN KIT To enable users access, imec provides an extensive iSiPP50G process design kit (PDK). This kit includes process documentation, library performance, layout guidelines for custom, design and verification rules. The PDK is available upon signature of imec’s Silicon Photonics Design Kit License Agreement (DKLA). ISIPP50G MPW ACCESS iSiPP50G is a fixed process technology with a validated device library. To lower the cost for access, MPW runs are available at fixed tape-in dates, allowing to share mask, process and engineering costs. Users in the USA can contact MOSIS for accessing the iSiPP50G technology for R&D and prototyping. Outside the USA, users can contact Europractice-IC for access. Modules Description Enabled devices 3 silicon patterning steps 3 etch depths in 220nm Strip/rib waveguides, Si: 70nm, 160n; 220nm various passive optical (193 nm litho) devices, silicon taper Gate oxide and PolySilicon layer 1 etch depth: full poly etch (160nm) (193nm litho) Advanced grating couplers, poly-Si waveguide Ion implantation in Si 6 implants levels: 3x ntype and 3x p-type Si carrier depletion, injection and accumulatin devices, Ge Photodectors, doped Si resistors, ... Ge module 100% Ge(Si) RPCVD se- Ge Photodectors lective epitaxial growth Ge(Si) EA modulator & 2x implants levels Silicide tungsten contact module Ohmic contacts to doped silicon Standard CMOS contacts plugs, Tungsten heater Two-level metal interconnect Cu-based two-level metallization Standard CMOS interconnects Aluminum passivation Aluminium finish metallization Standard CMOS interconnects Deep trench Deep trench to expose Edge couplers edge coupler facets 50G TRAVELING-WAVE MACH-ZEHNDER MODULATOR (typical performance values) Parameter Typ.Value Unit Comments Operation Wavelength nm GHz GHz dB V dB O-band designs also available at 0V bias at -1V bias (0.1GHz - 50GHz) at 0V bias Electro-Optic Bandwidth (S21) f3dB RF Return Loss (S11) Modulation efficiency Optical Insertion Loss Vπ IL 1550 22 27 <-12 ~11 -2.5 Dynamic Extinction Ratio dER 2.2 dB Not including bias induced loss at 56Gb/s (2.5Vpp, quadrature bias point) 2.5V pp drive voltage (single-ended) Phase-Shifter Length Termination Resistance L RT 1.5 26 mm Ohm Doped Si resistor S21 50Gb/s, 2.5Vpp 50G GESI ELECTRO-ABSORPTION MODULATOR (typical performance values) Parameter Typ.Value Unit Comments Operation Wavelength nm GHz GHz dB L-band version also available at -1V bias at -2V bias 50Gb/s, 1560nm 2.0Vpp drive voltage (single-ended) at -1V bias at -1V bias Optical Insertion Loss IL ~1560 >50 >50 -4.2 Dynamic Extinction Ratio dER 3.0 dB Diode Capacitance Diode Series Resistance Device Length Cj Rs L 14 220 40 fF Ohm um Electro-Optic Bandwidth (S21) f3dB Microscope image 50Gb/s, 2.0Vpp Microscope image 50Gb/s, 2.0Vpp 50G SI RING MODULATOR (typical performance values) Parameter Typ.Value Unit Comments Operation Wavelegnth Quality Factor nm Q Electro-Optic Bandwidth (S21) f3dB Static Transmitter Penalty Diode Capacitance Diode Series Resistance Ring Radius TP Cj Rs R ~1550 2000-3500 ~35 ~47 10-11 20-30 ~70 5 O-band version also available (40Gb/s) Low Q - Medium Q Medium Q (0V bias) Low Q (0V bias) Medium Q - Low Q (1.5Vpp drive swing) GHz GHz dB fF Ohm um Opto-Electrical Bandwidth C-band Responsivity O-band Responsivity Dark Current f3dB Id Unit Comments GHz A/W A/W nA C-band Type.Value Unit Comments >25GHz ~1.0 ~0.94 <50 GHz A/W A/W nA C-band Statistics Id Parameter (type 2) Typ.Value >50GHz ~0.88 ~0.85 <50 25Gb/s f3dB 50Gb/s Parameter (type 1) Opto-Electrical Bandwidth C-band Responsivity O-band Responsivity Dark Current TEM image 50G GE PHOTODETECTOR (typical performance values) Typ.Value Unit Comments <2.0 <3.0 <1.0 <1.5 <4.5 dB/cm dB/cm dB/cm dB/cm nm 450nm wide 380nm wide 650nm wide 580nm wide Fiber Grating Couplers Type.Value Unit Comments Insertion Loss I dB Bandwidth Peak-λ within-wafer control 2.5 29 <4 dB nm nm C-band*, TE, SMF C-band*, TE Fiber Edge Couplers Typ.Value Unit Comments Insertion Loss I dB Bandwidth Polarization dependent loss <2 >100 <0.5 dB nm dB C-band*, Lensed Fiber C-band* C-band* 3σ 1σ Edge Coupler Single Mode Waveguides Strip Waveguide C-band Strip Waveguide O-band Rib Waveguide C-band Rib Waveguide O-band Thickness Control Grating Coupler PASSIVES (typical performance values) * O-band versions available in PDK MOREINFORMATION INFORMATION MORE [email protected] T +32 16 28 34 55 MPW Access: Amit Khanna: [email protected] T +32 468 33 29 05 MPW Access (USA): Russ Pina: [email protected] T +1 310 448 87 40 imec Kapeldreef 75 3001 Leuven Belgium DISCLAIMER. This information is provided ‘AS IS’, without any representation or warranty. Imec is a registered trademark for the activities of imec International (a legal entity set up under Belgian law as a “stichting van openbaar nut”), imec Belgium (IMEC vzw, supported by the Flemish Government), imec the Netherlands (Stichting IMEC Nederland, part of Holst Centre which is supported by the Dutch Government), imec Taiwan (IMEC Taiwan Co.), imec China (IMEC Microelectronics Shanghai Co. Ltd.), imec India (IMEC India Private Limited) and imec USA (IMEC Inc).
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