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Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report SWAT BIKE K-9 TRAFFIC Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s 2 Annual Report 2012 Table of Contents……………………………….. City of Plantation………………………………... 1 Message from Chief W. Howard Harrison…… 2 Police Department Staffing …….………………. 3 National and State Accreditation.…………….... 3 Budget & Grant Funding ………………………. 4 Employee Complaints ………..………………… 5 2012 Calls for Service …..……………………... 6 Crime Statistics ………………………….. …….. 9 Traffic Crash Information …………………….. 10 Technology Updates 2012 ………………………11 Civil Citation Program…………………………... 12 Communication News…………………………... 13 Officers of the Month……………………………. 14 2012 Awards and Retirements ……………….. 15 Officer of the Year………………………………. 16 Explorer Post Information ………..……………. 17 Community Outreach Center Programs……… 18 Holiday Food and Toy Drive ……..……………. 19 Community Involvement—Special Olympics….. 20 The B.I.K.E. Program……………………………. 21 K-9 Unit …………………………………………… 22 The Police Department Patch…………………... 23 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report C i t y o f P l a n t a t i o n 1 The City of Plantation is located in central Broward County, Florida, just west of the City of Fort Lauderdale. The City was incorporated in 1953 and is governed by a strong mayor and five elected council members. The City’s population is approximately 86,524 according to the 2012 estimate. Mayor’s message: Diane Veltri Bendekovic was elected Mayor in March of 2011. Mayor Bendekovic moved to the City in 1955 and has been a long time resident of the City of Plantation since. As a resident of Plantation for over 50 years, she had the opportunity of growing up in the community and truly understands the history of Plantation. She strives to maintain the residential services and provides first class recreational facilities and programs for the Plantation Community. Mrs. Bendekovic’s City of Plantation history and her proven work ethic as a Councilwoman sum up her dedication to the residents of Plantation as she strives to make “the grass even greener” in Plantation. Mayor Diane Veltri Bendekovic Plantation City Council members: Left to right, council members are: • • • • • • Dr. Robert Levy Peter S. Tingom Mayor Diane Veltri Bendekovic Sharon Moody Uria Lynn Stoner Ron Jacobs Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report C h i e f W. H o w a r d H a r r i s o n 2 CHIEF’S MESSAGE I would like to welcome you to the Plantation Police Department’s 2012 Annual Report. I am very proud of this agency and the dedicated men and women who serve this community. Our department is accredited both nationally through the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. and the at the state level through the Commission on Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation. Our department is staffed with 169 full-time sworn officers, 92 full-time civilians, 8 part-time officers and 35 part-time civilians (304 total) who are committed to the principles of community policing. The Plantation Police Department’s Mission Statement expresses the goal of the agency to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Plantation through a partnership with the community that promotes safe and secure streets and neighborhoods. W. Howard Harrison Chief of Police MISSION STATEMENT We the members of the Plantation Police Department are committed to being responsive to the community in the delivery of quality law enforcement services. We recognize our responsibility to maintain order, while affording dignity and respect to every individual. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Plantation through a partnership with the community that promotes safe, secure streets and neighborhoods. Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report S t a f f i n g & A c c r e d i t a t i o n 3 STAFFING The Plantation Police Department is budgeted for 261 full-time employees who are committed to providing the finest in law enforcement services to the people of Plantation. The Plantation Police Department assigns approximately 92 percent of our full-time employees to operational units such as Patrol, K-9, Investigations, Street Crimes, Traffic, VIN, School Resource Officers, Communications, and Code Enforcement. ACCREDITATION The Plantation Police Department is one of a select few police agencies in the State of Florida to have earned and maintained accreditation from both the international accrediting agency, the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) and the accrediting agency for the State of Florida, the Commission on Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation (CFA). Plantation Police is also proud to receive its first international accreditation for the Communications Center from CALEA. Our rd Communications Center is the 3 municipality in the State of Florida to earn this accreditation. Visit CALEA’s website at www.CALEA.org Visit CFA’s website at www.flaccreditation.org Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report BUDGET The department’s 2012/2013 budget is approximately $35,360,806. Personnel costs account for 95 percent of the department’s budget. There were $ 69,585 approved for capital expenditures in the 2012/2013 budget. The budget funds are allocated as follows: B u d g e t Budget 2012/2013 $35,360,806 56% & 38% 3% 3% F u n d i n g 0% Salaries & Wages - $19,810,712 Employee Benefits - $13,349,787 Services - $1,070,125 Materials & Supplies - $1,060,597 Capital - $69,585 GRANT FUNDING The police department actively searches for any available grant funding to supplement the budget and save money for the taxpayers of Plantation. GRANT AMOUNT $ $ 4 SOURCE 6,077.72 U.S Department of Justice 21,337.00 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) USED FOR Purchase new body armor for police officers New Technology & Equipment Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report E m p l o y e e C o m p l a i n t s Employee Complaints The Police Department accepts and investigates all complaints made against employees in a fair and impartial manner. Administrative Inquiry Complaints Not Sustained; Exonerated: Unfounded Pending Sustained Partial Sustained TOTAL Internal Affairs Investigations Sustained Pending TOTAL 6 1 0 2 9 1 2 3 Definitions: Administrative Inquiry complaints concern an allegation of an officer or employee's minor violation of department directives or the City Employee Handbook. Internal Investigations address allegations of violations of law or major violations of departmental policies, rules or procedures. Sustained: A violation of policy and/or regulations occurred. Not sustained: Insufficient evidence available to prove or disprove the allegation. Unfounded: The allegations are false or not supported by facts. Exonerated: The alleged actions occurred but were lawful an proper. If you want to file a complaint against any department employee, please call 954-797-2100 and have all pertinent information available. If you want to commend any department employee for their actions or behavior, please call 954-797-2100 and have all pertinent information available. 5 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report Calls for Service 2012 C a l l s F o r Do you ever wonder what the members of the Plantation Police Department do in a year? Every incoming call to the police department for police or rescue or fire response is handled by someone in the Communications Center before it gets dispatched to a police officer, community service aide or fire department personnel. The Patrol Division handles the majority of these calls for service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. S e r v i c e NOTE: Calls for Service numbers for some crimes may be different than those numbers reported for UCR purposes due to reclassifications. Continued on following page …………………………………... 6 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report This is a partial listing of most of the 67,717 calls for service Plantation Police Department employees handled in 2012. C a l l s F o r S e r v i c e Continued TYPE ABANDONED VEHICLE ABUSE ACCIDENT ALARM ANIMAL COMPLAINT ASSIST OTHER AGENCY ASSAULT ARMED ASSAULT ASSIST ANIMAL BITE BURGLARY BUSINESS BURGLARY RESIDENTIAL BURGLARY VEHICLE CITY CODE VIOLATION CHILD MOLEST CIVIL ASSIST DISABLED VEHICLE DEATH DETAIL DISTURBANCE DOMESTIC DOMESTIC ARMED DROWNING DRUNK DRIVING DRUNK PEDESTRIAN PREMISE CHECK FIELD INTERVIEW FIGHT FORGERY FRAUD GAMBLING GAS HAZMAT HITCHHIKER HIT & RUN TOTAL 131 22 3658 6827 1049 1632 340 3 498 20 173 729 1000 2054 1 666 2012 52 541 3615 1303 7 3 84 56 5120 1308 89 6 729 1 18 15 4 589 TYPE INFORMATION JUVENILE LEWD ACT MENTALLY ILL MISSING MURDER NARCOTICS NOTIFY OPEN PROPERTY PROWLER RECKLESS REPO LOG RESCUE ROBBERY ROBBERY ARMED SERVICE SEXUAL BATTERY SHOOTING SHOP SMOKE STABBING STOLEN VEHICLE STRUCTURAL FIRE SUICIDE SUICIDE ARMED SUSPICIOUS PERSON SUSPICIOUS PERSON ARMED TAG THEFT TRAFFIC TRESPASS VANDALISM VEHICLE FIRE WIRES DOWN TOTAL 2492 345 41 136 477 5 268 249 309 518 9 727 1818 499 110 16 4594 26 55 275 27 1 291 167 103 1 5480 24 63 1192 1965 465 473 42 71 Many calls for service (e.g. alarms, domestics, in-progress crimes, traffic crashes) require more than one Police Officer or Police Service Aide to handle. Many calls require several officers or aides to secure the scene, treat the injured and handle the investigation. 7 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report Calls for Service Information C a l l s CALLS FOR SERVICE 2010 65,903 2011 65,568 -0.5% 2012 67,717 3.3% CALLS FOR SERVICE BY DAY OF WEEK 12000 10899 10026 10000 F o r 10187 9818 9649 9421 7717 8000 6000 4000 S e r v i c e 2000 0 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday CALLS BY TIME OF DAY 8000 7383 7000 7299 7340 6746 6651 6876 6329 5834 6000 5000 4867 4000 3219 3000 2492 2681 2000 1000 2200-2359 2000-2159 1800-1959 1600-1759 1400-1559 1200-1359 1000-1159 800-959 600-759 400-559 200-359 8 0000-159 0 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report U C R C r i m e S t a t i s t i c s 9 UNIFORM CRIME REPORTING INCIDENTS BY TYPE UNIFORM CRIME REPORTING INCIDENTS BY ZONE ARRESTS BY SEX, AND TYPE SEX TOTAL F 511 M 1100 TOTAL 1611 TYPE TOTAL JUVENILE 280 ADULT 1331 TOTAL 1611 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report T r a f f i c C r a s h e s Top Locations for Traffic crashes 2012 ADDRESS 5200 BLOCK W SUNRISE BLVD 54 8000 W BROWARD BLVD 53 PETERS RD/S UNIVERSITY DR 46 800 S UNIVERSITY DR 45 W SUNRISE BLVD/N UNIVERSITY DR 39 W BROWARD BLVD/N UNIVERSITY DR 24 2012Traffic crashes by Day of the week and Month DAY OF THE WEEK Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday MONTH OF THE YEAR January February March April May June July August September October November December 10 TOTAL NUMBER % OF TOTAL 260 496 520 506 505 591 418 7.89 % 15.05 % 15.78 % 15.35 % 15.32 % 17.93 % 12.68 % NUMBER % OF TOTAL 251 261 306 267 291 312 239 260 233 334 239 303 7.62 % 7.92 % 9.28 % 8.10 % 8.83 % 9.47 % 7.25 % 7.89 % 7.07 % 10.13 % 7.25 % 9.19 % Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report Technology Updates 2 0 1 2 I n n o v a t i o n s 11 A New Digital Asset Management System, named ‘SAFESERV’ system went LIVE in April – Our police department has implemented a digital asset management system which will ensure the integrity of digital recordings by creating an audit trail of all digital evidence entered into it. The system will ensure that original files are preserved and unaltered with a hashing signature and digital signature. The SAFESERV system will also maintain a chain of custody and generates audit reports related to activities by users with access to the system. FDLE CJIS Security Policy – Information Security The Plantation Police Department is in the process of updating network access to Criminal Justice Information (CJI) in compliance to the new FDLE CJIS Security Policy. This policy mandates that all access to criminal justice systems utilize specific authentication methods to support information security. CJI is the term used to refer to all of the FBI CJIS provided data necessary for law enforcement and civil agencies to perform their missions including, but not limited to biometric, identity history, biographic, property, and case/incident history data. Examples of CJI systems are CJNET, DAVID, LEO Online, FCIC Teletype, FALCON, etc. Compliance to the new security policy also requires automated monitoring and alerting systems to ensure specific incident response actions will take place in case of a security breach. The agency must be in compliance to all security requirements by January 2013. Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report 2 0 1 2 I n n o v a t i o n s 12 CIVIL CITATION PROGRAM As authorized by Florida State Statute 985.12, Civil Citation is an alternative to arrest for juveniles under the age of 18 who commit a “first-time” misdemeanor offense. The program offers law enforcement the option of issuing the juvenile with a civil citation in lieu of an arrest. Thanks to the efforts and due diligence of Victim Advocate Jumorrow Johnson and the cooperation and support of Chief Harrison, Captain McGowan, Sgt. Al Butler and Legal Advisor Melissa Presser, on October 1, 2012 the Plantation Police Department implemented the Broward County Civil Citation Program. The Broward County Civil Citation Program is a county wide program supported by Florida Statue which allows first time misdemeanor offenders the opportunity to “right their wrong” without leaving a footprint in the Juvenile Justice System. The program allows the youth to remain arrest free while still being held accountable for their behavior. The youth receive immediate consequences for their actions through services offered by multiple service providers. The youth and the parent receive behavior management counseling as well as conflict resolution tools. Other services are offered to the youth and family depending upon the need of the youth and the family. All services are free to the youth and family. All services and providers are sponsored by the CSC (Children Service Council) of Broward County. The victim’s cooperation (i.e., agrees to waive prosecution) must be obtained before the citation can be issued. Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report Communication News 2 0 1 2 I n i t i a t i v e s The Communications Center received its first international accreditation demonstrating professional excellence on July 21, 2012 from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA). Our Communications Center is the 3rd municipality in the State of Florida to earn this accreditation. The CALEA Communications accreditation program requires compliance with 218 standards related specifically to communications operations. During the 3 day on-site assessment, conducted in March of this year, assessors observed operations, reviewed policies/ procedures, interviewed employees, and evaluated written documentation (proofs) in accordance with the CALEA standards. The assessors ranked our Communications Center as one of the top 3% in the country. The Communications Center will continue to demonstrate superiority to the Department and community by meeting the standards set forth by CALEA. The next on-site assessment will be conducted in July 2015 Telecommunicator of the Quarter Quarter 1Operator Erica Sanford Dispatcher Kenyetta Stokes Dispatcher Luciana Ramos Lead Dispatcher Christina Robinson Quarter 2Operator Alex Gandero Operator Rosa Gandero Operator Ann Bussiere Dispatcher Trinesia Smith Lead Dispatcher Christina Robinson Lead Dispatcher Erin Lubow 13 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report OFFICERS OF THE MONTH O f f i c e r s of January Officer Michael Brutto and Officer Rudolph Brown III February Officer Joseph Santy March Detective Michael Moberg April Officer Kendrick Gomez and Detective Robert Rettig May Officer Marco Lopez June There were no Officers of the Month selected for June the July Officer Casey Mittauer M o n t h August Officer Joel Stevenson September Detective James Murray October Officer Shayne Highfield November Officer David Khaleel December Officer Michael Hanlon 14 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report AWARDS 2012 2 0 1 2 A w a r d s Commendation Award • Complaint Operator Cathy Smith • Officer Brian Boos Distinguished Performance Award • January Officer Patrice Kilpatrick • June Officer Jeffrey Young • June Officer Adam Rigg Life saving Award • July Officer Rigg and Officer Brian Boos • August Officer Jan Geerlings and Officer Deanna Sanders Retirements: The following employees retired from the Plantation Police Department in 2012: • • • • • • • • • • • 15 Lee Ann Armstrong Roberta Barksdale Karen Amabile Linden Wagner Officer Veronica Donahue Det. William Tighe Det. Michael Jasinski Det. Joseph Quaregna Det. Cindy Hager Captain Patrick McGowan Captain Michael Price Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report Officer of the Year 2012 Detective Jim Murray O f f i c e r o f t h e Y e a r Shortly after Graduating from Plantation High School, Detective Murray began his career with Plantation Police Department in 1984. He was hired as a Police Service Aide and performed his duties to a very high standard for the next three years. Detective Murray was then hired as a Police Officer in 1987 and attended the 126th Police Academy at the Broward Criminal Justice Institute. During his time at Plantation Police Department, Detective Murray has become a role model for veteran Detectives and Road Patrol officers alike. After serving his first few years assigned to the Road Patrol Division, Detective Murray was promoted to the Criminal Investigations Division. For the past 19 years as a Detective, he has been assigned to several specialized areas within the Detective Bureau to include the Gang Unit, Burglary, Crimes Against Persons (Robbery), and is the most senior Detective on the Major Crimes Teams. In 2001, shortly after the 9/11 attacks, he was assigned as a liaison with the Southeastern Regional Domestic Security Task Force through FDLE. Whether the lead investigator of a homicide, handling one of his other added responsibilities, or lending a helping hand to new detectives navigating the complexities of cases, Detective Murray always does his job with class and professionalism. Detective Murray has repeatedly shown consistency, throughout his career, receiving the Meritorious Service Award, Lifesaving Award, and the Officer of the Month award on five separate occasions. His personnel file is overflowing with additional commendations from local, state, and federal agencies as well as residents of Plantation. Being selected Officer of the Year for 2012, by prior recipients of this award, is no doubt a humbling experience. After a career full of impeccable police work, it seemed fitting to bestow this upon him. Congratulations Jim, and thank you for your dedicated service to the Plantation Police Department and the citizens of Plantation. 16 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report E x p l o r e r P o s t N e w s Explorer Post news for 2012 The Plantation Police Explorer program is for young men and woman ages 14 to 21 who participate in a front seat experience to learn about Law Enforcement with the City of Plantation Police Department. The Explorers learn many skills while in the program about the various jobs in law enforcement as well as participate in community service which prepares them for life skills, job preparation and public speaking. Many of the Explorers move on to careers in law enforcement and are working here in the City today. Here are two examples of The Explorers’ efforts for 2012: On October 27, 2012 the Plantation Police Explorers participated in the Halloween Safety Festival at Kennedy Community Center, with The City. The Explorers served food, beverages, did face painting for kids and had an information booth on display. This fundraiser produced $1,910.61 for the Explorers. This money is used to participate in local and state completions as well as purchase equipment needed for events. This is just one event of many the Explorers participate in annually where they serve the community and the department. The family and friends of the Explorers volunteered their time to show support and dedicate countless hours to ensure the event was a success. During November 10th and 11th, 2012, the Explorers assisted the Jr. Women’s Club at Liberty Tree Park for the annual Art in the Park event. There the Explorers assisted with parking, setting up displays and getting involved with the community while being visible throughout the park. The Explorer post enjoys working alongside a great organization in The City for many years and is another example of their service work for the fourth quarter of 2012. 17 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report Outreach Center C o m m u n i t y O u t r e a c h The Plantation Police Department Outreach Center, located at the Westfield Broward Mall had a very busy and active 2012, Lynn Braden and Katy Andrews provided exceptional service for the residents in and around the City of Plantation. In 2012, 25 students attended the 4th annual Teen Police Academy for young adults ages 13-18. Several of them went on to join the Explorers, while others had a good background to proceed with an education in criminal justice and/or law enforcement. On a daily basis, Lynn and Katy provided fingerprints to Plantation and non-Plantation residents. They also processed alarm permits and renewals, and numerous bike registrations. STUFFED ANIMAL DONATIONS Officer Wilkins and The Outreach continues to collect stuffed bears and animals for the children diagnosed with cancer at the North Broward Hospital. A big thank you goes out to Officer Bill Briody, for donating hundreds of stuffed animals every year. Almost 1000 stuffed animals were given to the hospital so that children can take a “friend” into the treatment room when getting chemotherapy. New stuffed animals are always welcome at the Outreach. HONOR GUARD The Outreach also planned and executed breakfast and snacks for over 110 attendees of the honor Guard Training. DRUG TAKE BACK PROGRAM In April, the Outreach held a drug take back program at the Police Department. Numerous bags of unwanted or expired drugs were turned in so that they weren’t dumped into the water system or used by people who shouldn’t be in possession of them. 18 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report C o m m u n i t y O u t r e a c h 19 2012 Holiday Food and Toy Drive Lynn Braden and Katy Andrews once again had a huge undertaking with food and toy drives for the needy in and around the Plantation area. The Plantation FOP was very generous in their donations, as well as the employees and outside donations. A special thank you goes to Joe Mercogliano and Sgt. Joe Gallignani for expediting funds to buy the much needed toys. For Christmas, over 200 children who live in the City of Plantation were able to get just about everything on their Christmas list. Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible. Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report C o m m u n i t y O u t r e a c h Department Community Service Events Special Olympics Annually the members of the Plantation Police Department contribute significant support to the Florida Special Olympics through participation in events such as the Bake Sale, Tee shirt sale, Tip-a-Cop program and the Torch Run. Bake Sale Our annual bake sale and hot dog sale was held April 18, 2012, at the PD. This event raised $448.00. Tip-A-Cop The Tip-A-Cop event was held on March 13, 2012, at the Macaroni Grill. This event raised $1,000.00 Shirt and Hat Sales This event raised $376.00 Miscellaneous Donations $92.00 Torch Run The Torch Run was held Thursday, April 26, 2012 Total Raised for Special Olympics: $1,916.00 20 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report B.I.K.E Program J u v e n i l e P r o g r a m s 21 B.I.K.E. program (Be Intelligent Kind & Enthusiastic): The B.I.K.E. Program was set up to reward students from local elementary school for academic achievement with the reward of a new bicycle. This year the program was funded solely through donations from the Plantation Women’s Club. Here’s a list of the bicycles awarded since the program’s inception. Peters Elementary School: 2003-2012 810 students participated and 162 received bicycles and helmets. Plantation Elementary School: 2003-2012 416 students participated and 111 received bicycles and helmets. Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report K-9 UNIT Statistical Information • • • 556 K-9 Deployments 91 Arrests 1,560 Total Training Hours • 14 K-9 Demonstrations were conducted for community groups, schools, churches, Plantation athletic leagues, Parks and recreation camps, and businesses (Motorola and American Express) K 9 U n I t On January 29, 2012 Officer Curt Hampton's K-9 Partner "Rudi" was officially retired from service after faithfully serving the residents of Plantation for 7 1/2 years. Officer Bill Dorr K-9 Max in dog training 22 Plantation Police Department 2012 Annual Report The Police Department patch In the center of the patch are several items of interest: • • • • • 1953 is the year the City of Plantation was founded; The figure on the left is a Seminole Indian; The figure on the right is a pioneer. The green tree in the center is a Cypress tree; The Latin phrase E Vasitate, Haec Urbs translates as Out of the Wilderness, this City. Annual Report prepared by Marsha Hassan 23