SHOOK LIN R BOK EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR SHOOK Lin R BOK EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR Shook Lin & Bok celebrates 90th Anniversary 90th Anniversary cocktail reception IN THIS ISSUE Issue No 2 2008 1 SHOOK LIN R BOK EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR SHOOK LIN R BOK Address by the firm’s Chief Executive Partner EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR SHOOK LIN R BOK EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR Case Updates Banking Forgery of cheques Abdul Hamid Tun Azmi SHOOK LIN R BOK Bankruptcy No further proof of debt other than judgment, required at hearing of petition Progressive payments against architect’s certificate EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR SHOOK LIN R BOK EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR Companies Shareholder who holds share on trust has no standing to present winding up petition where it is against the wish of the beneficiary. Defamation Advertisement for substituted service of bankruptcy notice is privileged SHOOK LIN R BOK Labour Constructive dismissal EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR EST 1918 SHOOK LIN R BOK KUALA LUMPUR Access To Justice As A Constitutional Right Introduction A Constitutional Right SHOOK LIN R BOK EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR EST 1918 SHOOK LIN R BOK KUALA LUMPUR Exchangeable and Convertible Private Debt Securities From the Perspective of Issuers Introduction Common Features From the Perspective of Investors/ Holders SHOOK LIN R BOK Principal Legal Framework – Ringgit EBs and CBs Possible Structures in Foreign Currency EBs and CBs EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR SHOOK LIN R BOK EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR Principal Legal Framework – Foreign Currency EBs and CBs SHOOK Lin R BOK Advocates & Solicitors Registered Patent Agents PARTNERS Too Hing Yeap Ext 201 [email protected] Dato’ Dr Cyrus V Das Ext 217 [email protected] Porres P Royan Ext 212 [email protected] Lai Wing Yong Ext 213 [email protected] Patricia David Saini Ext 288 [email protected] Nagarajah Muttiah Ext 216 [email protected] Michael CM Soo Ext 370 [email protected] Romesh Abraham Ext 241 [email protected] Jalalullail Othman Ext 204 [email protected] Yoong Sin Min Ext 242 [email protected] Khong Mei Lin Ext 221 [email protected] Mohanadass Kanagasabai Ext 234 [email protected] Ivan Ho Yue Chan Ext 225 [email protected] Steven Thiruneelakandan Ext 236 [email protected] Adrian Hii Muo Teck Ext 255 [email protected] Goh Siu Lin Ext 206 [email protected] Hoh Kiat Ching Ext 208 [email protected] Lam Ko Luen Ext 243 [email protected] Chay Ai Lin Ext 228 [email protected] Sudharsanan Thillainathan Ext 227 [email protected] Chan Kok Keong Ext 237 [email protected] Tharmy Ramalingam Ext 233 [email protected] Ong Boo Seng Ext 365 [email protected] Kevin Prakash Ext 308 [email protected] Alvin Tang Wye Keet Ext 250 [email protected] Tan Gian Chung Ext 367 [email protected] Kelvin Loh Hsien Han Ext 411 [email protected] Lau Kee Sern Ext 223 [email protected] CONSULTANT Michael KL Wong Ext 215 EST 1918 KUALA LUMPUR Registered Trade Marks Agents Registered Industrial Design Agents Notary Public PRACTICE AREAS & PARTNERS CORPORATE Lai Wing Yong Patricia David Saini Jalalullail Othman Ivan Ho Yue Chan Khong Mei Lin Hoh Kiat Ching Chay Ai Lin Kelvin Loh Hsien Han BANKING & FINANCE Lai Wing Yong Patricia David Saini Jalalullail Othman Khong Mei Lin Hoh Kiat Ching Chay Ai Lin Kelvin Loh Hsien Han PROPERTY & CONVEYANCING Lai Wing Yong Patricia David Saini Jalalullail Othman Khong Mei Lin Hoh Kiat Ching Chay Ai Lin Kelvin Loh Hsien Han INSURANCE, SHIPPING & AVIATION Porres P Royan Nagarajah Muttiah Romesh Abraham Steven Thiruneelakandan Sudharsanan Thillainathan Alvin Tang Wye Keet BANKING & FINANCE LITIGATION Too Hing Yeap Porres P Royan Yoong Sin Min Adrian Hii Muo Teck Goh Siu Lin Chan Kok Keong Tharmy Ramalingam Tan Gian Chung Lau Kee Sern CONSTRUCTION, ENGINEERING & ARBITRATION Dato’ Dr Cyrus V Das Nagarajah Muttiah Mohanadass Kanagasabai Lam Ko Luen Kevin Prakash GENERAL & CIVIL LITIGATION Dato’ Dr Cyrus V Das Porres P Royan Nagarajah Muttiah Romesh Abraham Mohanadass Kanagasabai Steven Thiruneelakandan Adrian Hii Muo Teck Goh Siu Lin Lam Ko Luen Sudharsanan Thillainathan Tharmy Ramalingam Kevin Prakash Alvin Tang Wye Keet Lau Kee Sern INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & LICENSING Michael CM Soo Porres P Royan Ivan Ho Yue Chan Ong Boo Seng PROBATE & ADMINISTRATION Dato’ Dr Cyrus V Das Goh Siu Lin EMPLOYMENT & LABOUR Dato’ Dr Cyrus V Das Romesh Abraham Steven Thiruneelakandan TAX ADVISORY & COMPLIANCE Dato’ Dr Cyrus V Das Sudharsanan Thillainathan COMPANY SECRETARIAL SERVICES Too Hing Yeap Chay Ai Lin EDITORIAL BOARD Adrian Hii Muo Teck Steven Thiruneelakandan Goh Siu Lin The newsletter is also available on our website. The contents of this publication are of a general nature and not intended as legal advice. For any specific legal advice, please contact the partners. © Shook Lin & Bok All rights reserved Shook Lin & Bok 20th Floor, AmBank Group Building 55, Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tel: (603) 20311788 Fax: (603) 20311775/8/9 website: email: [email protected]
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