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Julie Formby
Certified Master Herbalist
Nutritional Consultant
Biological Terrain Technician
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Looking at the Bible from a Hebraic
perspective, ie- through the lens of a
Hebrew person in the time and place
Scripture was written, we gain a richer
understanding of the meaning and
application to our lives vs. applying a Greek mindset to
Scripture which imposes meanings that never existed in the
•“The Macaroni Principle”
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“A macaroni (or formerly maccaroni) in mid18th century England, was a fashionable
fellow who dressed and even spoke in an
outlandishly affected and epicene manner.
The term pejoratively referred to a man who
"exceeded the ordinary bounds of fashion" in
terms of clothes, fastidious eating and
gambling. Like a practitioner of macaronic
verse, which mixed English and Latin to
affectations with his English nature, laying
himself open to satire...
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...The macaronis were precursor to the
dandies, who far from their present
connotation of effeminacy came as a
more masculine reaction to the
excesses of the macaroni.”
(Source: wikipedia)
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oMacaroni= fancy, dandy style
of dress for English
oDoodle= simpleton (English
referred to Yankees this way
oYankees were called “girly
fools” by the English
oYankee Doodle was calling
himself a country simpleton,
dressed like a girly fool with a
dandy, macaroni feather in his
cap- he was playing along with
the stereotype.
(Source: wikipedia)
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If we think that the only meaning of macaroni is a noodle,
then we lose the true meaning of “Yankee Doodle.” By the
same token, if we put a modern meaning on biblical words,
impressing new meanings that were foreign to the ancient
Hebrew mindset, then we also lose the original, true
meaning of Scripture.
In order to understand Scripture, we must understand the
time and mindset in which it was written. This is the point
of delving into the ancient Hebrew of words throughout this
seminar series.
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•“Studying the Bible by means of a translation is like
kissing a woman through a veil.” -Unknown Rabbi
oFor now we see only a reflection as in a mirror... We
are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to
prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was
passing away. But their minds were made dull, for to this
day the same veil remains when the old covenant is
read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is
it taken away. Even to this day when Moses is read, a
veil covers their hearts. But whenever anyone turns to
the L-RD, the veil is taken away.
o-1 Corinthians 13:12 & 2 Corinthians 3:13-16 (NIV)
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Let There Be Light!
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Seek the Kingdom of G-d above all else, and live
righteously, and He will give you everything you need.
–Matthew (Mattityahu) 6:33 (NLT)
Those in the New Age understand the healing
properties of colors, foods, textiles, herbs, and oils, but
rather than seeking G-d and obeying what He has laid
out, which ultimately leads to blessing, they seek the
blessing and worship the creation, not the Creator.
They give credit to the wrong “source” and even idolize
the temple vs. the G-d who dwells in the temple.
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Let Therethe
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We are body, mind, soul &
The benefits of
obeying G-d are multidimensional: for our whole
True health is holistic and
incorporates all aspects, but
the focus is on G-d, not on
health itself; health is a
fringe benefit of obedience.
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Let There Be Light!
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1st topic: light & color
Who is this G-d, that He
made His creation not only
functional but beautiful and
pleasing to all 4 senses as
well? More than beautiful,
light & color benefit our
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Let There Be Light!
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“And G-d said, ‘let there be light,’ and
there was light...G-d saw everything
He had made, and it was very good.”
– Genesis (Breishit) 1:3, 31 (NIV)
Understanding light and color is foundational to entire
BTBHFW series, because it is based on energy, and it is
the energy from substances that brings healing to our
oLight= different wavelengths & speeds
oRefraction/ bending of light creates colors
oVisible vs. invisible spectrum
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Let There Be Light!
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Visible light= between infrared & ultraviolet
Image Source:
Infrared & ultraviolet are both a part of the
invisible spectrum of light.
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Let There Be Light!
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Wavelength= frequency= vibration= energy– different
words for the same thing
(Image Source:
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Let There Be Light!
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• EVERYTHING has a vibration or frequency,
including the human body (62-78 MHz)
• There is an optimal frequency
for health; A sick body vibrates at
a lower frequency than a healthy body
(57-60 MHz)
• Every organism has a unique frequency, like a
barcode: fresh food/ herbs= 20-27MHz; processed
food= 0 MHz; essential oils start at 52 MHz; rose
oil= 320 MHz)
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• Frequency determines “state” of matter:
• In fact, matter and energy are simply different
forms of the SAME thing!
• Matter and energy freely convert back and
forth from one state to the other.
• This is what e=mc2 from Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity is all about!
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• When G-d spoke the universe into existence,
His word became matter...the ENERGY of His
words in the form of sound, maybe even in the
form of light, EMF’s and even other forms of
energy that we haven’t even discovered yet,
were converted into the ENERGY of matter!
• Hold that thought– I’ll be right back with you after the
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Let There Be Light!
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• If bacteria, viruses, cancer all vibrate at a lower
frequency than the human body, drawing energy away
from our bodies, then if
COLOR & LIGHT= energy, they must also have an effect
on our bodies! Right?
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Let There Be Light!
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We use color to describe our moods:
• Are you green with envy?
• Do you see red?
• Are you feeling blue?
• Are you yellow-bellied when it comes to conflict?
Which best color fits your mood today?
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Let There Be Light!
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So how does color affect your body?
Colored Light Therapy– both visible & invisible,
including LED:
•Nervous System (calms/ stimulates)
•Improves mental focus, calms aggression
melatonin, alertness
•Increases circulation, enhances immune function, antiaging:
Collagen regeneration
Dermal cell regeneration, wrinkles, scarring
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Let There Be Light!
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hyperpigmentation), glow to skin
•Acne (prevent & treat), purification of skin, kills
bacteria, stabilizes oil glands
•Speeds healing of cuts & wounds; cellular repair
•Detoxification, incl. heavy metals
•Cancer cells, also reduces side effects of radiation &
chemotherapy burden in body, including burning from
overexposure and oral sores from chemo
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Let There Be Light!
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•Stimulates retinal cells
•Lowers blood pressure, reduces severity of heart
•Reduces inflammation, redness, rosacea
•Air & water treatment
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Let There Be Light!
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• Conclusion: As part of G-d’s original creation, color
and light both have a profound effect upon our health
and healing. Not only is creation beautiful, but it was
created to benefit our health as well– light and color
are among the first modalities created for healing!
• Time to reclaim for today’s people of G-d
Available Early 2014: $1 per minute, 15-minute increments
• The Light Beam Generator is used by the Tour de
France team to get its riders back on the road the
very next day after crashing and burning.
• Uses negatively charged light photons to:
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Let There Be Light!
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Reduce pain, swelling & inflammation associated
injury, surgery
arthritis, bursitis
PMS, tender breasts
prostate issues
Detoxify & drain lymph
Heal burns, scars (prevent & reverse), acne,
Improve respiratory conditions such as croup,
bronchitis, and even Cystic Fibrosis.
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Let There Be Light!
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•Learn which colors of light:
•Prevent and even reverse aging
•Enhance sleep
•Elevate your mood and even help with depression
Purchase the full session of “Let There be Light!”
available in three formats:
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Threads of Truth
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Textiles tell the story of who we were created to be,
what happened to us, and who we will be one day.
G-d is a master weaver who uses the physical to give us
glimpse of the eternal and the spiritual
Every textile, color, scent, ritual has a purpose that
points to Messiah and who we are in Him.
G-d is VERY intentional– we just need to dig!
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Threads of Truth
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•Health Benefits of Linen:
oSince the earliest times, flax has been known to
have healing properties
oReduces solar gamma radiation by almost ½
oFlax fiber retrieved from contaminated soil
appears to be totally resistant to harmful
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Threads of Truth
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oPossesses rare bacteriological properties
oResistant to fungus
oResistant to decay- Egyptian mummies
oEast Turkey- 9,000 year old fragment
(Source: Herbs, p. 128-131.)
oWearing linen clothes helps to decrease some
skin diseases – from common rash to chronic
oHypoallergenic, helpful in treating a number of
allergic disorders.(Source:
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Threads of Truth
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conditions, reducing fever, and providing a
healthy air exchange
oSome neurological ailments benefit from the use
of linen clothing
oLinen underwear heightens positive emotions
High Priest:
“The priest shall then put on his linen clothes,
with linen undergarments next to his body...”
–Lev (Vayikra) 6:10 (NIV)
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Threads of Truth
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The reason?
•At the electronic cellular level, flax cells are highly
complementary with human cells; producing a
benevolent effect on the human organism
•The human cell is capable of completely dissolving
a flax cell
oFlax thread appears to be the only natural
material utilized for internal sutures in a surgical
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Threads of Truth
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“She makes coverings for her bed; she is clothed in fine
linen and purple.” –Proverbs 31:22 (NIV)
•Researchers found that one will fall asleep faster, sleep
deeper, and wake up in a better mood after sleeping in
•Stronger & more durable than any other natural fiber
o3X cotton-- what about hemp?
•According to Japanese researchers, studies have shown
that bed-ridden patients do not develop bedsores where
http://www.fabricslinen bed sheets are used (Source:
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Threads of Truth
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So what’s so special about the mixture of wool &
•Wool and flax were the fibers most used by the
ancient weavers. (Source: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)
•Linen fabric has a signature frequency of 5,000
•Pure wool measures 5000 units of energy
•Like linen, wool is:
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Threads of Truth
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Beneficial Qualities
Resists Fungus
Resists Mites
Resists Bacteria
“Thinking textile” (breathes)
“Hydroscopic” (absorbs & releases H2O)
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Threads of Truth
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Yes! Fabrics affect our health, and biblical fabrics are
more powerful than any other fabrics on earth! Divine
intention was behind the use of biblical fabrics, and they
can benefit your health even today!
Learn more about linen and wool plus other biblical
textiles when you purchase the full session of “Threads
of Truth,” available in three formats:
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Healing Oils
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Precious treasure and
oil are in a wise man’s
dwelling, but a foolish
man devours it.
-Proverbs (Mishlei) 21:20 (ISV)
A wise man stores oils
AND knows HOW to use
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Healing Oils
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•70% of books in Bible mention essential oils
•1,035 references
•33 species of aromatic herbs & trees
•Fatty oils used for fuel & light:
oFlaxseed (linseed)
(Source: Healing Oils, p. xviii-xx.)
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Healing Oils
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Power of EO’s:
•Like light, color, fabrics, foods, herbs, EO’s carry an
electrical charge (electrons or negative ions)
•Negative thoughts lower charge by 12 MHz
•Positive thoughts raise charge by 10 MHz
•Prayer raises charge by 15 MHz
•Healthy body= 62-68 MHz
•Colds= 58MHz
•50-70X more powerful than plants
•3-5K# rose petals= 1# EO
•Flu= 57 MHz
•35 cups peppermint tea=1 drop EO
•Cancer= 42 MHz
•Death begins at 24 MHz
(Source: Healing Oils, p. 32-33.)
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(Source: Healing Oils, p. 33.)
Healing Oils
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EMF ( MHz)
Blue Tansy
German Chamomile 105
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Healing Oils
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Strawberries 1,540
Marjoram 27,297
Rosemary 165,280
Oregano 175,295
Clove (10X 290,283
Rose of Sharon
Cinnamon Bark
25,300 Sumac
ORAC= Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity
312,400 Clove (30X oil)/
426X wolfberries)
(Sources: Healing Oils, p. 18 &
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(Source: Healing Oils, p. 18, 77.)
Healing Oils
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•Clove oil is 400X more potent then wolfberries (goji)
•An ounce of clove oil has the antioxidant capacity of:
o 450 pounds of carrots
o120 quarts of blueberries
o48 gallons of beet juice
•Thieves stripped dead bodies of jewelry and robbed
homes during plagues of the Dark Ages, and they
didn’t get sick, like everyone else. King James
demanded to know why:
oThey were perfumers and spice traders: clove,
cinnamon, lemon, eucalyptus, rosemary
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(Source: Healing Oils, p. 41, 45, 46.)
Healing Oils
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•G-d’s medicine vs. pharmaceuticals
molecules, tricking the body into thinking there is
nothing wrong (symptoms go away)
oDrugs tell lies to body, and multiple drugs create
confusion due to interactions
oEssential oils:
Cleanse receptor sites (Phenylpropanoids)
De-program miswritten DNA (Sesquiterpenes)
Reprogram DNA to G-d’s original (Monoterpenes)
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Healing Oils
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oAntibiotics wipe out all good bacteria along with
bad bacteria, which leads to compromised immune
oLeading causes of death in US:
Heart disease
Prescription drugs
oIatrogenic deaths: 1M people died from physician
administered drugs and procedures (FDA Report
from 1993-1998)
oDeaths from herbs and supplements: less than
200 from 1993-1998
(Source: Healing Oils, p. 41, 45, 46.)
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Healing Oils
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So, how do essential oils work?
•40 million trillion molecules in 1 drop of EO=4+19 0’s
(coat every cell in the body 40,000 times!!!)
•These molecules are so small that they can:
oEnter cells
oCross blood-brain barrier (fatty oils CANNOT)
•Thalamus (and some scientists believe the amygdala) of
brain files and stores memories and emotions in various parts
of the body- NOT only in the brain!
•According to Dr. David Stewart, the limbic system ONLY
responds to smell-> heal emotions (it actually responds to the 5
(Source: Healing Oils, p. 24-28.)
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Healing Oils
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“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart,
and the pleasantness of a friend
springs from their heartfelt advice.”
-Proverbs (Mishlei) 27:9 (NIV)
Curious about which essential oils
are best for you?
Remove the guesswork and schedule a ZYTO
biofeedback scan with me today:
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Healing Oils
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Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the
elders of the church to pray over them and anoint
them with oil in the name of the Lord. –James 5:14 (NIV)
to rub or smear olive oil on the body, physically anointing the body with (olive) oil. Anointing
brought healing and relief and hence became synonymous with gladness (festivity).
["Anointing" (#218 /aleíphō) usually applied olive oil on the face, to refresh a guest. Oil was also
applied to the feet to soothe and show honor (courtesy, respect). Anointing shares a "penetrating
comfort" to impart strength and healing (joy).]
(Source: Healing Oils, p. xxiii.)
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Myrrh Frankincense
Immune Support
Consciousness elevator
Mood elevator (pineal/
melatonin= sleep)
Spiritual elevator
Calming, reduces stress,
emotional release
Improved decisionmaking
De-program miswritten
Re-program DNA
Cleanse receptor sites
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Healing Oils
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•Experience enhanced & focused meditation
•Have an elevated spiritual consciousness
•Increase spiritual groundedness
•Overcome addictions & destructive habits
•Learn how G-d designed aromas used in Temple
worship to draw worshipers close to Himself
Buy the whole session NOW!
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
“For the L-RD your G-d is bringing you into a
good land—a land with brooks, streams, and deep
springs gushing out into the valleys and hills; a
land with wheat and barley, vines and fig trees,
pomegranates, olive oil and honey; a land where
bread will not be scarce and you will lack
nothing.” - Deuteronomy (Devarim) 8:7-8 (NIV)
“For I will bring them into the land I swore to give
their ancestors--a land flowing with milk and
honey.” --Deuteronomy (Devarim) 32:10 (NLT)© Copyright New Vitality, LLC, 2013. All rights reserved.
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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So if wheat and dairy are such a blessing, why
are so many people gluten and lactose
intolerant these days?
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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Dr. William Davis, MD
•Milwaukee, WI
seeker-of-truth in health
•Founder of Track Your Plaque
program for prevention and
reversal of heart disease
•Over 80% of the people he
meets today are pre-diabetic
or diabetic.
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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The Egyptian
Wheat, Einkorn
(far left) is reengineered
into the GMO
wheat of today,
(far right),
Dwarf Wheat.
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Einkorn :
•First ancestor of modern wheat p. 16
•Wild grass on the plains of the Fertile
Crescent, “the cradle of civilization” p. 16
•Ground by hand and eaten as porridge,
combined with wild meats such as ibex, boar,
fowl, and gazelle p.16
•Natufians began to cultivate einkorn vs.
harvesting from the wild p.16
(Source: Wheat Belly, Dr. William Davis)
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•It was hearty, cold-tolerant vs.
today’s wheat which requires
human intervention to survive.
p. 22
•Ancient wheat, even up
through the 1700’s was 4 feet tall vs. today’s
wheat at only 1-2 feet tall. p. 17 & 22
•Heavier, nuttier, and more astringent flavor than
modern wheat according to Eli Rogosa from
Heritage Grain Conservancy. p. 26
(Source: Wheat Belly, Dr. William Davis)
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speltoides) p. 19
•Einkorn contained 14 chromosomes vs. 28 in
Emmer (polyploidy) & 42 chromosomes in
modern wheat (Triticum aestivum). p.18-20
•95% of the proteins are the same, but 5% are
unique, in neither parent. p. 25 (Original Source: Shewry. J
Exp Botany 2009; 60 (6):1537-54.)
(Source: Wheat Belly, Dr. William Davis)
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Emmer (T. dicoccon)
•Known as 'farro' in Europe
•Wheat of Ancient Egypt/ Moses’ time
(Source: Wheat Belly, Dr. William Davis p. 19)
oKussemeth: spelt (a kind of wheat)
oOriginal Word: ‫ כֻּסְּ ִמים‬#3698
•Used for the original matzah, and in the early
years of Biblical Israel.
•Found in the Jericho cave where Bar Kokhba
rebels hid from the Romans in 135 C.E.
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Ancient Emmer
Modern Triticum asestivum
Ancient emmer had 28% or more protein vs. modern
wheat which has only 10-15% (1/2 the protein content
of ancient wheat).
(Source: Shewry PR. Whet. J Exp Botany 2009;60(5):1537-53.)
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International Maize & Wheat Improvement
Center (IMWIC):
•Goal: to help Mexico achieve agricultural selfsufficiency
•Grew into effort to stamp out world hunger
(Source: Wheat Belly, Dr. William Davis, p.23-24)
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•Dr. Norman Borlaug, “Father of the Green
Revolution,” was a University of Minnesotatrained geneticist credited with developing
genetically modified wheat that was:
oMore efficient
Quicker development
Less fertilizer
(for “useless” stalk) (Source: Wheat Belly, Dr. William Davis, p. 23-24.)
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oWon Nobel Peace Prize in 1970
oFrom 1961-1999, China’s wheat crop yield
increased 8X
•According to Professor Allan Fritz, PhD at
Kansas State University, dwarf and semi-dwarf
wheat now comprise more than 99% of all wheat
grown worldwide.
(Source: Wheat Belly, Dr. William Davis, p. 24.)
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A “Noble” Effort Gone Sour:
•No animal or human safety testing was conducted on
the new genetic strains
•95% of proteins in offspring are the same, 5% are
unique, found in neither parent.
•Now, single genes can be purposefully inserted or
removed, and strains bred for disease resistance,
pesticide resistance, cold or drought resistance, or
any number of other genetically determined
characteristics, [including genes from animals and
insects] = [my addition].
(Source: Wheat Belly, Dr. William Davis, p. 28.)
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“More than any other
single person,
Borlaug showed that
nature is no match
for human ingenuity
in setting the real
limits to growth.”
(Source: Wheat Belly, Dr. William Davis,
quoting the Wall Street Journal when
Borlaug died, p. 24.)
“Our scientific power
has outrun our
spiritual power. We
have guided missiles
and misguided men.”
–Martin Luther King, Jr.
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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The “Doctrine of Signatures:”
•Ancient philosophy shared by herbalists from the time
of Dioscorides and Galen
•Herbs are used to treat ailments of that part of the
body they resemble
•A theological justification was made for this
philosophy: "It was reasoned that the Almighty must
have set His sign upon the various means of curing
disease which He provided.”
(Sources: & White,
Andrew Dickson (1896). A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom.
Vol. 2. New York: D. Appleton and Company. p. 38.)
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•Common names of some plants still reflect this
philosophy, based on their similar appearance
to body parts.
•Viewed as superstition by modern scientists
•“There is no scientific evidence that plant
shapes and colors help in the discovery of
medical uses of plants.”
(Sources: & Bennett, Bradley C.
(2007). "Doctrine of Signatures: An Explanation of Medicinal Plant Discovery or Dissemination of
Knowledge?". Economic Botany 61 (3): 246–255 doi=10.1663/0013–0001. doi:10.1663/0013-0001.
ISSN 0013-0001. Retrieved 2008-08-31)
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“Historical scriptures were written by people with
little knowledge of botany, and translation by nonbotanists have compounded the problem. Hence the
difficulties of correlating modern botanical species
with plants mentioned in the Bible is overwhelming.”
(Source: Herbs, James A. Duke, PhD, p. 18-19.)
“In the Bible, “bean” refers to fava and “corn” refers
to wheat, yet corn or maize, was not discovered until
Columbus sailed to the New World.” (Source: Herbs: p. 19.)
•Fruits, nuts, and baked
goods were the desserts
of the ancient world.
•Dried fruit and nuts were
winter staples, often
crushed together into
stewmeats or stuffed into
pastries (hamantaschen
for Purim)
•Walnuts mentioned in
Song of Solomon
•Lower cholesterol
•Healthy fats
Pistachios & sesame (a garnish for
Mesopotamian food) also mentioned
in Scripture
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oHigher in Omega 3’s
than salmon, to ward off
dementia (1)
oExtract and break down
protein-based plaques
proteins] associated with
Alzheimer’s (2)
•Mood elevator
oProduce over 3 dozen
chemicals in brain,
including the highest
concentration of
serotonin by any plant (3)
(Sources: 1; 2 Dr. James Joseph,
Tuft University; 3
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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• Cultured dairy products are rich in enzymes
and probiotics for healthy digestion and
• Every culture has fermented/cultured foods:
o Israel- dairy, sourdough breads
o Japan- pickles, soy products
o Korea- kimchi
Request your FREE eResource on culturing
your own foods
o Russia- kombucha
About>Contact “CULTURED FOODS”
o Slavic- sauerkraut
o Hunza (Pakistan)- dairy
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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Eat Biblically for Health!
•Whole, fresh, natural, unmodified foods– as G-d
created them!
•Dietary laws
•Plenty of vegetables- 60/40
•Meat is a garnish- 80/20
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with me today!
•Cultured Foods
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through diet & nutrition!
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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•Learn how to reduce allergies and autoimmune issues
by using biblical foods
•Learn why foods grown in Europe and Israel do not
result in allergies and disease
•Be amazed with the intuitive nature of foods– foods
benefit the organs they resemble!
Purchase the full version of this session NOW!
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Every Green Herb
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“…everything that has the breath of life in
it--I give every green herb for food.“
–Genesis (Breishit) 1:30 (NIV)
If A=B,
and B=C,
then A=C
If herbs= food, and herbs= medicine, then food= medicine
“Let food be thy medicine and
medicine be thy food”
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Every Green Herb
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“Let food be thy medicine and
medicine be thy food”
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Every Green Herb
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Although healing by plants is not explicitly mentioned in
the Bible, herbal remedies [in those times] were
numerous and specific. The ultimate healer was G-d,
and prayer was therefore the remedy most often
prescribed.” (Source: (Herbs), James A. Duke, PhD, p. 18., quoting Michael Zohary)
“Many drugs and spices mentioned in the Bible, such as
spikenard, myrrh, galbanum, cinnamon and the like, were
never grown in the Middle East but were imported.”
(Source: Herbs of the Bible (Herbs), James A. Duke, PhD, p. 18.)
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Every Green Herb
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“Historical scriptures were written by people with little
knowledge of botany, and translation by non-botanists
have compounded the problem. Hence the difficulties of
correlating modern botanical species with plants
mentioned in the Bible is overwhelming.” (Source: Herbs, James A.
Duke, PhD, p. 18-19.)
“In the Bible, “bean” refers to fava and “corn” refers to
wheat, yet corn or maize, was not discovered until
Columbus sailed to the New World.” (Source: Herbs: p. 19.)
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Every Green Herb
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Plant studies:
•First studies of Near East plants: Theophrastus ca. 372287 BC
•Modern study of Egyptian flora: P. Frosskal in 1775
during Napoleonic expeditions
•Mesopotamian flora: Bossier & Post in 1867 and 1883
•First book devoted exclusively devoted to biblical
botany: Levinus Lemmens in 1556 in Latin
•First systematic study of biblical plants: F Hasselquist, a
student of Carolus Linnaeus, the founder of modern
(Source: Herbs: p. 19.)
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Every Green Herb
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Castor Oil:
And the L-RD G-d prepared a gourd, and made it
to come up over Jonah, that it might be a shadow
over his head, to deliver him from his grief. So
Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd.
–Jonah (Yonah) 4:6 (King James 2000 Bible)
(Source: Herbs p. 69-72.)
•Castor Bean Gourd=tree that thrives
in arid desert
•Egyptians oil in lamps ca. 4000 BC
•One of ingredients in Oil of Olay
•Major ingredient in skin-firming cosmetics
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Every Green Herb
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•Fast-drying oil used in cosmetics,
such as lipstick, nail polish, cream
sunscreens (fatty acids soothe skin)
•Industrial lubricating agent
•Coating on fabrics
•Drying agent in paints, varnishes,
waxes, etc.
•Used to dye and preserve leather
remedies; quickly absorbed into skin;
beans are poisonous
(Source: Herbs p. 69-72.)
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Every Green Herb
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oToxic protein from bean
oBlood coagulant
oCan be attached to
monoclonal antibodies that
attack only cancer cells
(1,000 cancer patients tested)
oAffix ricin to genetically engineered CD4
proteins which will lock onto AIDS virus
1,000X more often than on healthy cells
(Source: Herbs p. 69-72.)
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Every Green Herb
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Seeds (Beans)
Warts, corns, moles
Tumors-- ricin
Stimulates hair growth
Eye ailments
AIDS-- ricin
Purgative (laxative)– alkaloids: ricinine &
toxalbumin ricin
Counterirritants to scorpion stings & fish poisons
Female reproductive health (ricinoleic acid)
(Source: Herbs p. 69-72.)
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Every Green Herb
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•May have been one of bitter herbs of
•People today in Israel still gather and eat
chicory with lamb & unleavened bread
•Lose bitterness when blanched or boiled
•New shoots are good for animal feed,
but older plants embitter animal milk
•Root chicory established in Europe
during Napoleonic blockade, cultivated
as coffee substitute
(Source: Herbs p. 73-76.)
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Every Green Herb
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•Carolus Linnaeus, the famous Swedish
Botanist, used chicory in his floral clock:
oFlowers open with regularity at 8:30am
in the United States and close at 12:30pm
•Flowers can be eaten in salads
•Root contains no caffeine, so it is good for
heart patients
(Source: Herbs p. 73-76.)
Cleansing & restorative
Sedative & soothing, nerve tonic
Inflammation of gallbladder
Lebanon- juice;
Central America; Iran
Central America
Central America
Expectorant, asthma
Central America
Inflammation of stomach lining,
small intestine & piles
Europe; Ukraine
Chancres & fever blisters
Iroquois- wash or poultice
Tick repellant
Fungicidal, worms
Calmative, overcoming stimulus of
Preventive of liver problems,
bilious fevers, gallbladder ailments
(Source: Herbs p. 73-76.)
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Anti-malarial (under research)
Anti-viral, immune booster (AIDS)chicoric acid
Bronchitis, inflammation of nasal &
sinus passages
Inflammation of spleen
Female reproductive health
cancer- boiled w
Ukraine- toothache
(Source: Herbs p. 73-76.)
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Every Green Herb
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Hormetic effect of phytochemicals from biblical foods- while large doses are
toxic, small doses are therapeutic. USDA has confirmed:
•Aloes for radiation burns
Schedule a ZYTO biofeedback scan with me today
•Chicory for HIV
to discover which herbs are best for you!
•Cinnamon for diabetes
•Dill for colic
•Benzaldehyde from figs for cancer or psoralens for AIDS
•Garlic for hypertension
•Bay laurel leaves to treble insulin efficiency
•Mandrakes for vertigo (scopolamine)
•Choline from nettles to prevent Alzheimer’s
•Rosmaric acid from hyssop’s descendent oregano to prevent cataracts
•Anthraquinones from senna for herpes
•Gylcoalkaloids from Sodom’s apples for skin cancers
•Turmeric for lymphoma
•Walnuts to lower high cholesterol
•Yeast from fermenting grape as a source of Vitamin B-12 (Source: Herbs, p. 28-29.)
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Every Green Herb
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•Elijah’s Broom Tree contained medicinal compounds that
benefit the kidneys
• Zaccheus's Sycamore Tree is more likely to be a Black
Mulberry tree and is good for fevers, constipation and for sore
Learn more about biblical herbs, what they were used for, and
how you can use them to keep you and your family healthy
Choose the
format that
works best for
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The Glory of Man
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A man ... is the image
and glory of G-d; but
woman is the glory
of man. For man did
woman, but woman
from man; neither
was man created for
woman, but woman
for man....
–1 Corinthians 11:7-9 (NIV)
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The Glory of Man
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Women have:
•A special role
•A special calling
•Special qualities and gifts
•Special healthcare needs
We are a part of “mankind,” but we are unique and
special and treasured by G-d! He has created specific
fruits of the earth for our specific healthcare needs!
Back to Biblical Health for Women:
The Glory of Man- Beauty
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Herbal Preparations:
Salve— dried, powdered herbs combined with an oil base.
Bolus— dried, powdered herbs combined with an oil base,
formed into a bolus, and inserted into vagina or rectum;
may also be an herb wrapped in cloth and tied with a
string (like a tampon), ie- garlic bulb.
Poultice— macerated fresh herbs, powdered dried herbs,
or tincture placed on skin and covered with cloth (and
plastic) wrap.
Fomentation— like a poultice, but applied with heat to
activate herbs and driven them deeper into the body
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The Glory of Man- Beauty
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Strength of liquid herbal preparations, from weakest to
Tea– steep herbs
Infusion– pour boiling water over herbs
Decoction– boil herbs in water, creating a concentrate
Extract– fermented in apple cider vinegar, alcohol or
Tincture— fermented in distilled water & 80 proof
alcohol (vodka) at a ratio of 3:1, plus 1 T. glycerin.
•(2 drops= 1capsule)
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The Glory of Man- Beauty
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Cassia has 1200X
higher concentrations
coumarin than
cinnamon which may
cause liver damage in
high doses.
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The Glory of Man- Beauty
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CINNAMON ‫ ִקנָּמֹון‬QINNAMON #7075
Cinnamomum verum (Ceylon, “true cinnamon”)
Cosmetic: perfume
73% Phenols/ Phenylpropanoids, aldehydes (balance hormones, cleanse receptor sites)
Anti-tumor (benzyaldehyde)- breast (85.3% EOCR), cervical (58% EOCR) uterus, abdomen+
Used for hardening of soft tissues of breast, uterus +
Urinary tract infection
Anti-fungal (incl. candida, vaginal, bladder)
Germicide (antiseptic- coumarins)
Prevents blood clotting- expectant mothers (73% Phenols/ Phenylpropanoids- coumarins)
cinnamon, ginger,
Stimulates uterine contractions/ corrects defective uterine contractions
Reduces excessive bleeding during menstruation/ tedious labor
(Sources: Herbs p. 77-81; Healing Oils, p. 227, 286-287.)
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Oilsof ManGynecology
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Ninon de Lenclos was so youthfully beautiful
at age 90 that young men fell hopelessly in
love with her. She had the skin of a 20-year
old and was declared by King Louis XIV to be
“The Marvel of His Reign.”
paintings of her show a clear, smooth face
With youthful rounded corners, a smooth throat, and
symmetrical neck.
She taught her intimate friends the secret...
(Source: Dr. Crystal Bedford)
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Oilsof ManGynecology
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•One of her intimate friends, Saint
Evremond, was still so handsome at
age 89 that young girls swooned over
•Her secret was published in a
French pamphlet in 1710, authored
By Jeanne Sauval, who was her personal attendant for
almost 50 years.
•It is said to be the only successful method for removing
wrinkles, aside from plastic surgery.
(Source: Dr. Crystal Bedford)
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Oilsof ManGynecology
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Purchase one of the full versions to learn the secret recipe,
along with other beauty secrets!
And there’s more!!!
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The Glory of Man- Fertility
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ָּ ‫ ֽד‬DUDAIM #1736 means “love plant”
֙‫ּוד ִאים‬
Genesis (Breishit) 30:14-16 & (Shir HaShirim) Song of
Solomon 7:13
•Nightshades family
(Source: Herbs, p.28.)
•Effective against vertigo
•Contains deliriant hallucinogenic tropane
Poisonous bitter alkaloid found in
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Oilsof ManGynecology
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Dates (Palm):
•Fresh & dried fruit, pressed into
•Date syrup, “honey”
•Bee honey mentioned 4X in Bible
•Date honey mentioned 49X
•High in iron & potassium
•Low in proteins and fats
•Ancient and modern nomadic people subsist for months
on milk & some form of milk
•Symbolic of strength & longevity; life-giving
(Source: Herbs p. 101-104.)
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Oilsof ManGynecology
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•Palm fronds were a symbol of Judea
•After Romans forced Judea to retreat after
destruction of Temple in 70AD, Romans
replaced bay laurel leaves with palm fronds
as a symbol of triumph
•Date palm= symbol for Judea; on coins
•Palm flourished in desert; indicated water
•1 of 4 species gathered for Sukkot
(Feast of Tabernacles) -Deut (Dev) 8:8
“There as many uses for dates
as there are days in the year.”
–Arab Adage
(Source: Herbs p. 101-104.)
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Oilsof ManGynecology
•Leaves: roofing, mats© Copyright New Vitality, LLC, 2013. All rights reserved.
•Ribs: roofing, fencing
•Fibers: rigging for boats
•Wood: planks for doors, beams, rafters
•Pith: flour
•Heart: salads
•Seed: oil for soap; contraceptive
•Pollen: infertility
•Sap: collected in AM, fermented by PM
•Other: prevented sunstroke, averted lightning, cured
fevers, drove away mice and fleas
(Source: Herbs p. 101-104.)
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The Glory of Man- Fertility
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Seed/ Stone
swallow 3 date
Guard against infertility
N. Africa- vaginal
Nigeria- heifer
(Source: Herbs p. 101-104.)
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The Glory of Man- Fertility
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But each man will sit under his
grapevine and under his fig tree with no
one to frighten him. For the mouth of
the L-RD of Hosts has promised this.
–Micah (Micha) 4:4 (NET)
•Symbolize prosperity & peace
•Figs= staple food throughout the Middle East even today
•Used fresh and dried to make cakes and wine
•Threading them on strings made them portable for travel
•Ficus rennet coagulates milk and milk substitutes
(Source: Herbs p. 123-127.)
•Latex used in Africa to drive ants from holes
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The Glory of Man- Fertility
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•Represented the Tree of Life to Egyptians
•Flavor is like peach + strawberry mix
•The prophet Isaiah pounded the fruit into a pulp for a
poultice and applied it to King Hezekiah’s tumor, and
he was healed
“Medicinally, figs may hold the cures for
cancer, AIDS, and diabetes.”
(Source: Herbs of the Bible (Herbs), James A. Duke, PhD, p. 123-127.)
Biblical Fruits:
The fig is not an
orchard tree, but grows
singly or adjacent to a
pomegranate tree.
•Figs were a staple of
ancient Israelite cuisine
and were eaten fresh
or dried
•Figs are anti-parasitic;
the seeds shred
•Can be used in a
poultice to draw out
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Figs are full of seeds and
hang in pairs when they
•Dried figs are rich in folate
(200-400mcg/ day) which is
important for:
oNormal sperm
oSperm count
oSperm motility
oPrevention of
•Isaiah had said, “Prepare a
poultice of figs and apply it
to the boil, and he will
recover.” –Isaiah (Yeshayahu)
38:21 (NIV)
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{Information & Treatment of Infertility in Vancouver Canada})
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Laxative & tonic
Thrush- why not vaginal yeast infections too?
Antibiotic (even for staphylococcus)- psoralen
Africa- lotion
Uterine cancer (benzaldehyde)
Prevents osteoporosis- boron
Source of boron, reported to double levels of sex hormones (increases
testosterone, lowers estrogen, decreases inflammation)
Facilitates conception
Africa- dried (Source: Herbs p. 123-127.)
•Green or unripe figs are said to be poisonous; the
poison is replaced by sugar when fruit ripens.
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Oilsof ManGynecology
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Cervical Cancer:
The use of topically applied natural progesterone creams
can dramatically reduce the risk of cervical cancer,
especially in postmenopausal women. In addition, new
research indicates that some essential oils can
significantly inhibit cancer growth while leaving normal
cells unharmed.
•Single Oils: Tsuga, thyme, galbanum, patchouly,
sandalwood, Douglas fir, hyssop, nutmeg, sage
oInternally: 00-size capsule, 2-4 times daily
oRetention/ Bolus: 3 times per week on a tampon
(Source: EODR, Cancer: p. 1-19)
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Oilsof ManGynecology
Cervical Cancer: The use of topically applied natural progesterone
creams can dramatically reduce the risk of cervical cancer, especially
in postmenopausal women. In addition, new research indicates that
some essential oils can significantly inhibit cancer growth while
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leaving normal cells unharmed.
Retention/ Bolus
Essential Oils:
•Douglas Fir
•Tsuga (99.1% EOCR)
00-size capsule; 2-4X/ day
Tampon; vaginal; 3X/
(Source: Essential Oils Desk Reference, Cancer: p. 1-19)
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Ovarian & Uterine Cancers:
“Environmental pollutants become lodged in tissues, such
as the breasts, thyroid, ovaries, and uterus. Many
chemicals mimic or imitate our natural hormones and can
fit the hormone receptors, thus tricking and overstimulating these organs. This can become a major
source of cancer of the breast, uterus, ovaries, and
lymph nodes.”
(Source: EODR, Cancer: p. 1-19)
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The Glory of Man- Childbearing
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•“Menstrual blood rises to the breasts and is there
converted to milk”- common to antiquity, including
Aristotle, Arabs, etc.
•“Suckling an infant was the mother’s obligation.”
•A mother who refused to nurse was considered cruel
•Priests fasted every Thursday for nursing mothers
•Newborn was placed at the mother’s breast immediately
after birth, or within 24 hours at the most
•Length of nursing anywhere from 18 months to 5 years;
in general for 24 months
(Source: BTM, p. 404-410.)
•Banquet customarily held when baby was weaned
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•According to Rabbi Meir, “If a woman suckles her baby in the
street, the husband should divorce her, because such is
shameful behavior.”
•Alternatives to nursing:
o“Formula” of honey water + goat’s milk (Soran) vs.
modern formula (HFSC, soy-> obesity in infants)
oWet nurses:
Used if mother died, inadequate, milk, had twins
Engaged for 2 years
May not be employed by anyone else
May not nurse another child
If “heathen” wet nurses, must suckle in baby’s house,
(Source: BTM, p. 404-410.)
not her own
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The Glory of Man- Childbearing
Increases a woman’s bust size
Promote lactation
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Increase breast size &
promote lactation:
Decrease milk supply:
(Source: Herbs p. 119-122.)
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Oilsof ManGynecology
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Also, learn:
•How to manage your hormonal balance naturally with
biblical herbs and wisdom
•How to alleviate female concerns using G-d's medicine
•About ancient biblical thought regarding beauty, fertility,
gynecology, and childbirth
the full
version that
best suits
your needs:
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Fasting for Life
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NASB Lexicon
and My people
‫עַ מִִּ֜ י‬
by My name
‫שְּ ִ ִ֣מי‬
a name
‫וְּי ִ ָּכנ ְּ֨עּו‬
to be humble
themselves and pray
ִֽ ַ ְּ‫ו ְּיִ ִֽת‬
to intervene, interpose
and seek
‫ִו ִֽיבַקְּ ִ֣שּו‬
to seek
My face
‫פָּ ַַ֔ני‬
face, faces
and turn
‫וְּי ֻּ ָֻּׁ֖שבּו‬
to turn back, return
then I will hear
‫אֶ שְּ ַ ִ֣מע‬
to hear
will forgive
ּ֙‫ו ְּאֶ סְּ לַח‬
to forgive, pardon
and will heal
‫ו ְּאֶ ְּר ָּ ֻׁ֖פא‬
to heal
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Fasting for Life
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•Real humility:
oDoes not produce
depression, but
inspires joy,
courage, inner
dignity –Pirkei Avot 4:1
oIs not a lack of
self esteem
oIs occupying your
rightful space:
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Fasting for Life
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“Whether we see ourselves as nothing or as
everything, we are still preoccupied with the self, and
both of these traits are, therefore, forms of narcissism.”
Take up appropriate space for self and leave room for
Physical space in public places
Leave time for others in your life
“Make space” for others by listening to those who
have less status, achievement or ability
Rabbi Chatzkel Abramsky: “greatest living Jewish
authority in Europe”
(Source: Everyday Holiness, p. 45-54.)
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Fasting for Life
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•Fasting is a lost discipline that ancient Israel practiced
on a regular basis.
oPriests fasted:
Every Thursday for:
Nursing mothers (Source: Biblical & Talmudic Medicine, p. 407.)
Barren women
Pregnant women –Sanhedrin 109b (Source: BTM, p. 413.)
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Fasting for Life
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Various lengths of biblical fasts:
•Part of a day (Dan 6:18 {King Darius when Daniel was in lion’s den})
•1 day (Lev 23:27 {Yom Kippur}; 1 Sam 7:6 {Ark retrieved from Philistines},
14:24 {Saul & Philistines}; Jer 36:6 {read Torah in temple on fast day}, Neh 9:1
{24th of 7th month, Ezra read Torah during Sukkot & Israel repented)
•3 day
(1 Sam 30:12 {Egyptian found during battle betw David & Amalekites};
Matt 15:32; Mk 8:2-3 {4,000 people following Yeshua (Jesus); Acts 9:9 {Sha’ul})
•7 days
(1 Sam 31:11-13 {people mourned death of Saul}; 1 Chron 10:11-12
{death of Saul}; 2 Sam 12:15-18, 21-23 {David fasting for sick baby})
•14 days (Acts 27:33 {crew on Paul’s treacherous voyage to Rome})
•3 weeks (Dan 10:2,3 {Daniel’s vision of a man})
•40 days (Ex 34:28 {Moshe (Moses) on Mt. Sinai}; Deut 9:9,18 {Moses); 1 Ki
19:8 {Eliyahu (Elijah) after broom tree, went to Mt. Horeb}; Matt 4:1,2 {Yeshua
(Jesus) in wilderness after baptism}; Lk 4:1,2 {Yeshua (Jesus)})
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Fasting for Life
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oJews to this day fast:
4th month- Nebuchadnezzar took
5th month, 9th day- 9th of
Av (Destruction of temple in 586 BC &
70 AD)
7th month, 10th dayKippur
(Day of Atonement)
10th month-
siege of Jerusalem
by Babylon began
12th month-
Fast of Esther (in
remembrance of G-d saving the Jews
from the hand of Haman)
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“The rewards of observing a
fast include spiritual, mental,
physical [and emotional]...
experience the divine design
for health” –Elmer L. Towns
True health is holistic and
incorporates all aspects, but
the focus is on G-d, not on
health itself; health is a
fringe benefit of obedience.
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•“The Effect of Fasting,” research by George Thampy,
PhD, Indiana University; 60 subjects, 3-week fast:
oSignificantly lowered cholesterol
oLowered blood pressure
oRelief from arthritis
oLoss of body mass/ weight (up to 40#)
oThose who broke fast & continued with Genesis 1:29
diet did not regain weight even after one month
oThose who switched to normal diet regained
significant weight (up to 15#)
(Source: Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough (FFSB), Elmer L. Towns, Regal Books, 1999, p. 178.)
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oA certain factor that kills tumor cells is elevated
during fasting (George Thampy)
•“Controlled Trial of Fasting & One-year Vegetarian Diet
in Rheumatic Arthritis,” research by J. Kjeldsen-Kragh,
M.D.; 27 subjects, 12 months:
oReduces joint pain
oMorning stiffness
oThose who did not stick to the partial fast suffered
(Source: FFSB, p. 178.)
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oMay help with enzyme deficiency
oAfter 3 days, 12-year old boy responded to parents
for the first time
oRotational fast was used to further manage autism
and prevent overwhelming the enzyme system
•Symptoms clear with temporarily with fasts:
oIncorrigible delinquency
(Source: FFSB, p. 179.)
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Dr. Yuri Nikolayave, University of
Moscow psychiatrist:
25-30 day water fast
Then pure foods for 30 days
70% symptom-free for duration
of 6 year study
•Some symptoms of mental illness have cleared with
kidney dialysis (toxins from undigested foods)
(Source: FFSB, p. 179-180.)
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o“Dietary Restriction in Mice,”
Dr. Richard Weindruch, UCLA
“Mice that fasted frequently
lived longer and with significantly less disease than
mice that were allowed to eat any time they wanted.”
•Food addiction:
o24-abstinence does NOT clear food addiction to sugar,
fat, salt, caffeine; requires 3 weeks-3 mos. to clear food
oFrequent, short periods of abstinence may help
eventually clear bondage to food.”
(Source: FFSB, p. 182.)
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•More on addiction:
o“Every cell of [the body] is gradually being consumed
and destroyed by the effects of their addiction or
compulsion. Without a recovered body, neither the mind
nor the spirit can reach its full potential.” –Dr. Joseph Beasley
oWhen you sit to dine with a ruler, note well what is
before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are
given to gluttony. Do not crave his delicacies, for that
food is deceptive. -Proverbs (Mishlei) 23:1-3
•Saves time:
oAt least 3 extra hours/ day due to eating & food prep
(Source: FFSB, p. 182, 187.)
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“There are as many ways to
fast as there are ways to pray.”
There are 4 kinds of fasting, according to Dr. Rex
Russell’s book, What the Bible Says About Healthy
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•Normal- liquids only, juice fast (caution with fruits!)
•Absolute- no food or liquids
oOmit certain foods
oScheduled eating
oOmit one meal per day
oOnly fresh vegetables (raw)
•Rotational- good for allergies
•One food family per day
•Grains every 4th day
•Omit families of foods for designated periods
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•Dr. Mercola adds a 5th- Intermittent:
1. Daily (16-18hrs/ day): Restrict food intake to a 6-8
hour window, without restricting calories; FAST from
6pm-11am; exercise from 11am-12pm; consume
protein AFTER workout.
2. Alternate-day fasting: every other day
•Increases leptin (satiety hormone)
•Decreases triglycerides, risk of heart disease
(Sources: &
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•Increases energy by burning FAT; decreases body fat
•Decreases inflammation and free radical damage
•Decreases weight gain and metabolic disease risk
•Normalizes insulin sensitivity (chronic disease, incl.
diabetes, heart disease, cancer)
•Promotes HGH production= “fitness hormone” (burns
fat, builds muscle, anti-aging)
oStudy found that HGH release increased 1300% in
women and 2000% in men with intermittent fasting
•Excellent for high performance athletes (fast on
training days, eat on game days= train low, race high)
(Sources: Mercola: intermittent fasting infographic & HGH/ fasting article)
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Precautions for fasting:
•Blood sugar issues, such as hypoglycemia (low blood
sugar- acute, precursor to diabetes) or diabetes
oCommon symptoms of a hypoglycemic crash include:
(Sources: Mercola: HGH/ fasting article)
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oMore severe symptoms:
Confusion and/or abnormal behavior
Visual disturbances, such as double vision and
blurred vision
Loss of consciousness
(Sources: Mercola: HGH/ fasting article)
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Normalizing blood sugar issues:
•Implement a healthy diet
oAvoid sugars/ carbs, especially fructose (use natural,
zero- or low-glycemic sweeteners instead)
oEat every 4 hours
oEat within first hour of rising to prevent “fight or
flight” and the “insulin cycle.”
oProtein with every meal
oHealthy fats (coconut, nuts, seeds, olive oil, etc.)
o5+ vegetables per day, especially leafy greens
o½ your body weight in water per day
oSmall bit of protein before bed if wake often at night
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o“Taking a 15-minute walk after every meal- that’s
just three times a day- was more effective at
controlling blood sugar than one 45-minute stroll.”
-J.V. Wright
•Gradually increase your fasting time, working up as you
become more healthy.
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Fasting for Life
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•Learn how to supercharge your spiritual & physical
health through fasting
•Lose weight & have more energy
There are many more references to fasting in the Bible
than today's popular Daniel fast. Learn about a variety
of biblical fasts and how you can utilize fasting to boost
your spiritual and physical health today!
Check out
the full
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Training the Inclination
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G-d has given our minds the ability to be restored and
renewed through our FIVE SENSES.
lim·bic sys·tem
noun: limbic system;
plural noun: limbic systems
1. a complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving
several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and
mood. It controls the basic emotions (fear, pleasure, anger) and drives
(hunger, sex, dominance, care of offspring).
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The limbic system wires AND re-wires the brain through:
1. Smell:
o40 million trillion molecules in 1 drop of
EO=4+19 0’s (coat every cell 40,000 times)
oThese molecules are so small that they can:
Enter cells
Cross blood-brain barrier (fatty oils
oAccording to Dr. David Stewart, the limbic system
ONLY responds to smell-> heal emotions vs. stuffing
(Source: Healing Oils, p. 24-28.)
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The limbic system wires AND re-wires the brain through:
2. Hearing:
oThalamus responds to the SPOKEN word
oIt is important to use your voice to re-wire
the brain.
oMust voice decisions & choices
oUse the word of G-d, spoken out loud
oSound= energy of G-d
The tongue can bring death or life; those who
love to talk will reap the consequences.
–Proverbs (Mishlei) 18:21 (NLT)
(Sources: The Brain, Life Skills Int'l, Dr. Paul Hegstrom.)
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We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised
against the knowledge of G-d, and take every thought
captive to obey Christ...
-2 Corinthians 10:5 (ESV)
Let the words of my mouth and
the meditation of my heart be
acceptable in your sight, O L-rd...
–Psalm (Tehillim) 19:14 (ESV)
•Biblical meditation carries
connotation of “mumbling” or
saying out loud.
(Source: The Brain, Life Skills Int'l, Dr. Paul Hegstrom.)
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More facts about the power of sound:
•Music of Tabernacle came from HEBREW characters
•Each Hebrew character corresponded to a musical note
•Even today, Torah & traditional Jewish prayers are
chanted or sung in HEBREW
•Tradition holds that creation was SUNG into existence
(in Hebrew, of course!)
•Tabernacle was an electromagnetic frequency (EMF)
•Research from MIT found that Ark of Covenant was best
EMF conductor EVER!! (Source: 144,000 & The Song of Moses (144K), Rico Cortez.)
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•According to tradition, never a fly in the Tabernacle
(even with all of the sacrifices)
•15 steps up to Temple; Levites sung a different Psalm
for each step: “Psalms of Ascent” (Psalms 120-134)
•Sickness is being “out of tune;” the Hebrew language
“tunes” your body
•Hebrew tradition is the Psalms are sung to bring healing
to different parts of the body– the correct frequency can
heal the body!! (528 Hz repairs DNA)
G-d is revealing and training
us on how to heal our bodies!
(Source: 144K.)
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Voice Mapping:
•Calvin Young is the scientist who
initially developed voice mapping
•His research included the work of
Shari Edwards who has an exceptional
sense of hearing.
oCan hear identify which frequencies are missing in a
person’s voice
oTuning forks and other instruments are used to play
those frequencies back to her clients which helps in
the healing process.
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•A collaboration with Vaughn Cook of ZYTO, Inc., resulted
in an integration of voice mapping with biofeedback (EVOX)
oSome scientists believe that emotions and memories
are stored in tissues and organs.
Other scientists
disagree, however.
oMany muscles of the body are involved in creating the
voice. Many of the muscles from the pelvis up through
the skull contribute to the workings of our larynx and
oCalvin and his researchers have correlated 12 tones in
the voice to 12 emotions, which are visually represented
in a pie chart voice map
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SMELL: essential oils+SOUND: voice = DOUBLE power!!
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oThose frequencies are then fed back to you in a form
of biofeedback, stimulating the memory/muscle
connection allowing it to be surfaced, processed and
released (balanced).
oIn the process, you are permanently remapping your
brain, breaking the connection between subconscious
memories and your present day behavior. The result
is a reduction in stress and an ability to respond to life
more in the moment rather than being stuck in old
behavior patterns.
oSound= energy of G-d!!
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EVOX Perception Reframing
New Client Session (1 hour): $50 (Remote Session: $55)
Follow-up Session: $50 for 1 hour; $25 for 1/2 hour (Remote
Session: $55 for 1 hour; $30 for 1/2 hour)
EVOX Perception Reframing (1 hr.) Our words are powerful, and
they can bring healing or pain to ourselves and those around
us. Our words reveal what is going on internally. ZYTO EVOX
Perception Reframing in combination with Bach Flower Essences
and Aromatherapy are used to assist the emotions toward
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•repeated negative behavior
•weight problems
•work or athletic performance
•relationship problems
•Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
•chronic pain, etc.
Schedule an EVOX session with me today!
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The limbic system wires AND re-wires the brain through:
3. Sight:
oG-d designed sex so that the first time a
man has an orgasm, whoever or whatever
his eyes are fixed upon is permanently
imprinted upon his mind; this is what he is
connected to in the form of a
“photographic attachment”
oThis is why it is critical that sex be contained within
the marriage
oThis is also why sexual addiction/ pornography is so
destructive to marriage and intimacy (Sources: Sex, Men & G-d (SM&G).)
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I will refuse to look at anything vile and vulgar. I hate all
who deal crookedly; I will have nothing to do with them.
–Psalm (Tehillim) 101:3 (NLT)
Just as the will to change combined with the spoken word
has power to burn new neural pathways into our brain,
discriminating visual choices will create and strengthen
new sexual patterns and atrophy old ones.
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The limbic system wires AND re-wires the brain through:
4. Touch:
•Touch is necessary for people to survive.
children in the early 1900’s because
he thought they were “too spoiled.”
Increase in infant mortality, even among healthy babies
Children not touched in orphanages only reach ½ normal
height for their age
(Source:;jsessionid=C107C9C10F4D1FCD6EAF75222534ED41, Debra Fulgrum Bruce, PhD.)
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The limbic system wires AND re-wires the brain through:
5. Taste:
•Begins with bond to mother/ nursing
oDevelops as you as you grow, based
on life experiences:
marriage, etc.
oEvokes a variety of emotions, used by
marketers, varying with time of day consumed:
(Source: Google Search “Psychology of Taste,” George Tucker.)
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•Tired of struggling with bad habits?
•Want to learn the secrets to overcoming character flaws?
•Learn how G-d designed your body to utilize your 5 senses to
re-train your mind and break undesirable habits of the "flesh.“
Neurological pathways are burned into our brains through our
life experiences and how we respond. These brain pathways
are what cause habitual thinking and actions.
Check out
the full
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Living Water
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“The poor and needy search for water, but
there is none; their tongues are parched
with thirst. But I the L-RD will answer them;
I, the G-d of Israel, will not forsake them. I
will make rivers flow on barren heights, and
springs within the valleys. I will turn the
desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into
springs. –Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 41:17-18 (NIV)
The wilderness and the desert will be glad, and the Arabah
will rejoice and blossom; like the crocus it will blossom
profusely and rejoice with rejoicing and shout of joy.
–Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 35:1-2 (NAS)
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Living Water
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I give the following guidelines and recommendations to
RECOMMENDATION #1: Drink ½ your body weight in
ounces of H20 per day
•Holistic health experts agree that ½ your
body weight in ounces of water per day is
optimum for overall health.
Consider these facts:
•95% hydration at birth & 50% at death;
dehydration increases rate of aging
•Water allows for efficient cellular repair
(Source: “Living Water.”)
and smoother skin.
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Living Water
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For I will pour out water to
quench your thirst and to
irrigate your parched fields.
And I will pour out My Spirit
on your descendants, and my
blessing on your children.
–Isaiah (Yeshayahu) 44:3 (NLT)
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Living Water
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MAYIM CHAYIM ‫מיִם ַח ִּ֗ ִיים‬
ַ֣ ַ
“LIVING WATER” #4325 & 2416
•Natural water source:
oGroundwater well; not a
•Flowing; not still or stagnant
The fear of the L-RD is a
fountain of life, turning a
person from the snares of
–Proverbs (Mishlei) 14:27 (NIV)
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Living Water
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The teaching of the wise
is a fountain of life,
turning a person from
the snares of death.
–Proverbs (Mishlei) 13:14 (NIV
Discretion is a lifegiving fountain to those
who possess it, but
discipline is wasted on
–Proverbs (Mishlei) 16:22 (NLT)
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Living Water
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"'When a man is cleansed from
his discharge, he is to count off
seven days for his ceremonial
cleansing; he must wash his
clothes and bathe himself with
fresh water (MAYIM CHAYIM), and he
will be clean. -Leviticus (Vayikra)
15:13 (NIV)
Performed by the person
herself; witnessed by others
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Living Water
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You don't need further instruction
about baptisms, the laying on of hands,
the resurrection of the dead, and
eternal judgment. –Hebrews 6:2 (NLT)
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There are MANY biblical immersions/ baptisms which are
referred to as MIKVAH (pl. mikvaot) in Judaism:
•Ritual purity (mainly temple, but
applies relationally too)
oCorpse impurity
oSkin disorder (leprosy)
oUtensils (for temple or home use)
oDedication of priests/ temple duty
oBefore marriage
Pool of a medieval mikveh in
oAbnormal flow (tzav)- men & women Speyer, dating back to 1128 .
oMenstrual flow/ seminal emission (7-14 days)
oChildbirth (40 days for son, 80 days for daughter)
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RECOMMENDATION #2: Keep your insides clean through
adequate daily intake of H20
•In addition to being necessary for hydration, water is a
purifying agent.
•The body cannot cleanse itself without adequate
•Dehydration -> constipation-> autointoxication of our
system and a host of other health issues. Expecting to
move waste properly out of our systems without
adequate hydration is like not hooking up the water
supply to our dishwasher and still expecting our dishes
to come out clean when we run the wash cycle.
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oSo Naaman went down to the
Jordan River and dipped himself
(Strongs GR #909 LXX) seven times,
as the man of G-d had
instructed him. And his skin
Medieval Mikveh room in the old
became as healthy as the skin
Synagogue of Sopron, Hungary, which
dates to the 1300s.
of a young child's, and he was
healed! -2 Kings (Melachim) 5:14 (NLT)
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•Sin/ repentance
oSha’ul (Paul) said, “Yochanan’s (John's) baptism was a
baptism of repentance. He told the people to believe in
the one coming after him, that is, in Yeshua (Jesus).”
–Acts 19:4 (NIV)
•Conversion to Judaism
oBaptism was the final step in
conversion of Gentiles; 1st was
instruction in the Torah; 2nd was
circumcision; 3rd was baptism . At
this point, a person was considered
“born again.”
The Mikveh at the American
Jewish University.
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oJews were not “born again”– they
believed they were sons of G-d by
birth (descendents of Avraham);
oYeshua (Jesus) answered and
said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to
you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom
of G-d.” (Nakdimon) Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a
man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second
time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?”
–John (Yochanan) 3:3-4 (NASB)
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oWhat shall we say, then? Shall
we go on sinning so that grace
may increase? By no means! We
are those who have died to sin;
how can we live in it any longer?
Or don’t you know that all of us
who were baptized into Yeshua HaMashiach (Christ
Jesus) were baptized into his death? We were therefore
buried with him through baptism into death in order that,
just as Messiah (Christ) was raised from the dead
through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new
life. –Romans 6:1-4 (NIV)
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•Today, a shower is sufficient, done with
•A mikvah represents changing from one
state to another:
•Unclean-> clean
•Illness-> healed
•Sin-> repentance
•Unbelieving-> believing (“saved”)
•Undedicated-> dedicated (priests)
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Living Water
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So what about Yeshua (Jesus)…why was
He baptized (mikvah’ed)?
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So what about Yeshua (Jesus)... why was
He baptized (mikvah’ed)?
•Initiation of His ministry
•Men were of “full stature” at age 30
•Priests began their service at age 30
•Ritual impurity (not sin, just a fact of
being human)– all people had to mikvah
before entering Temple, even Yeshua
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Living Water
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•Water is healing, purifying, life-giving
•G-d= Spring of Living Water
•Living Water should flow from believers (filled wells)
•Where we plant ourselves determines the kind of fruit
•Cleansing with water is continual, not a one-time event
•Empty wells/ cisterns= false prophets, empty teaching
•If our wells become polluted or plugged, we should open them- great
history was made at wells!
•Our sexuality is represented
Schedule a Holistic Health
as a well or fountain, and it
Assessment with me today!
is to be exercised at the right time
Learn how to experience new vitality
•There is a correct temperature
through diet & nutrition!
of water for health
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Living Water
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•Your aches and pains may actually be due to dehydration
•That brain fog you experience in the afternoon can be remedied
with adequate water intake
•Ancient believers practiced many different forms of baptism,
including one by which the person was considered "Born Again"
•Learn how to improve your digestion with H20
•Did you know that thirst masquerades as hunger?
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Living Water
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Learn about the life-giving importance of water and its
significance in the Bible, including the spiritual symbolism of
Living Water. Also included are the results of my research to
answer the question that clients frequently ask: "What is the best
water to drink?"
Purchase the full version that best suits your needs:
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
“The fruit of the Spirit grows only
in the garden of obedience.”
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
Just as obedience is an action, so are the fruit of the
Spirit. Love is not love unless it is exercised. By
responding in action to the opportunities presented in life
for service, we develop fruit:
•Patience cannot be developed without opportunities to
learn how to wait.
•Joy cannot be truly developed without hardship.
•Compassion would not exist without suffering or lack.
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
When we choose to respond the way
Yeshua (Jesus) wants vs. according to
our flesh, then one kind of seed is
planted for fruit to grow.
When we choose our flesh, another
seed begins to develop a different kind
of fruit. If we don't respond in line with
good fruit, then these opportunities are
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death
and destruction. For I command you today to love the
L-RD your G-d, to walk in obedience to him, and to
keep His commands, decrees and laws; then you will
live and increase, and the L-RD your G-d will bless you
in the land you are entering to possess. This day I call
the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that
I have set before you life and death, blessings and
curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children
may live and that you may love the L-RD your G-d,
listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the L-RD is
your life! – Deut (Devarim) 30:15-16, 19-20 (NIV)
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the
desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary
to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh.
They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to
do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you
are not under the law...
–Galatians 5:16-18 (NIV)
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will
not inherit the kingdom of G-d… –Galatians 5:21 (NIV)
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to
Yeshua MaMashiach (Christ Jesus) have crucified the flesh
with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let
us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited,
provoking and envying each other. –Galatians
5:23-26 (NIV)
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
JOY is not dependent on circumstancesit is active; remaining active vs.
depression which is doing nothing.
•The experience of joy is connected
o“We rejoice in hope of the glory
of Elohim.” -Romans 5:2 (ESV)
oHe makes us full of joy.
-Jude (Y’hudah) 1:24
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
#8057, 8056
Joy, joyful, glad, merry
JOY is what comes from destroying the chaos of
separation/ fence that separates us from G-d
Tooth: to consume, to destroy
Water: liquid, massive, chaos
Fence: private, to separate
Behold: to reveal, the, what comes from
Opposite: Depression (joylessness); bitterness, broken, dejected,
afflicted, stricken
We have JOY because Yeshua destroyed the fence/ chaos
of separation that keeps us from G-d!!
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
•And Nehemiah continued, "Go and
celebrate with a feast of rich foods and
sweet drinks, and share gifts of food
with people who have nothing prepared.
This is a sacred day before our L-RD. Don't be dejected
and sad, for the joy of the L-RD is your strength!“
–Nehemiah (Nechemya) 8:10 (NLT)
•Rejoice, you people of Jerusalem! Rejoice in the L-RD
your G-d! For the rain He sends demonstrates His
faithfulness. Once more the autumn rains will come, as
well as the rains of spring. –Joel (Yoel) 2:2 (NLT)
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
DISOBEDIENCE/ BITTERNESS is what comes from a man of chaos
Head: a person, the highest
Behold: to reveal, the, what comes from
Water: liquid, massive, chaos
Opposite: Obedience, faithfulness
•‫ זמר‬ZAMAR #2167/ 2168 means “to prune/ cut off (‫ )ז‬bitterness
(‫ ”;)מר‬remedy for bitterness=song!!
•Choose to sing when bitter, in spite of feelings
•G-d uses obedience to change heart JOY!
•Singing increases oxygen vs. hatred which prevents the
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liver from taking in oxygen. (Source: Dr. Carey A. Reams, Choose Life or Death, p. 21)
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
Chemistry of JOY vs. BITTERNESS:
neurotransmittersreleased through activity vs. inactivity:
oSerotonin- contentment, sleep, digestion,
nervous system, depression
oEpinephrine (adrenaline)
oNorepinephrine- increases
blood sugar &
heart rate/ blood pressure, related to sleep/
(Source: A More Excellent Way,
oDopamine- pleasure, feel good
Henry W. Wright.)
oMelatonin- sleep, reproduction, immune, cancer, antioxidant
•Bitterness sets off a chain reaction: © Copyright New Vitality, LLC, 2013. All rights reserved.
Unforgiveness-> Resentment-> Retaliation-> Anger-> Hatred-> Violence-> Murder
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
A joyful heart is good medicine,
But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
–Proverbs (Mishlei) 17:22 (NASB)
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
Toward Self
Autoimmune: Lupus
Toward Others
Broken spirit/
X, osteo
ovarian, uterine; guilt
Deeply rooted; colon, liver, uterine (also
promiscuity, uncleanness)
betw. female & mother, sisters, mother-inlaw
•Cysts (breast & ovarian)
broken relationship between girl & mother
•Hodgkin’s Disease & Leukemia- deep
rooted unresolved rejection by father
•Liver (may involve lust, pornography,
fornication, drugs &/ or alcohol)
•Prostate (poss. fornication)
(Source: HR.)
toward males in family
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
Coronary Artery Disease
Toward Self
Toward Others
Drug Addiction
Broken spirit/
poss. sexual sin, guilt, shame
past memories
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS/ EI):
broken heart destroys
immune system, fear
rooted in insecurity and
great mistrust
Stress at home leading to spiritual &
emotional damage in 80-95% of women
with MCS
Obesity (depression)
(Source: HR.)
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Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not
boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not
self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of
wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the
truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes,
always perseveres. Love never fails... And now these three
remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is
love. -1 Corinthians 13:4-8, 13 (NIV)
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
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•Learn about what happens chemically when we choose the fruit
of the Spirit vs. the fruit of the flesh
•Learn how the characters of the Hebrew alefbet reveal the
remedy for sinful behaviors
•Learn how to overcome negative habits and behaviors
Whether we choose to manifest the fruit of the flesh or the fruit
of the Spirit, both have an impact spiritually as well as physically.
Purchase the
full version
that best suits
your needs:
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Enter My Rest
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•Want better quality and quantity of sleep?
•Want to wake up feeling energized and refreshed?
•What does the Bible have to say about sleep and rest?
Sleep is refreshing to your body, mind and soul. Without it you
would die! Unfortunately Americans suffer from chronic sleep
deprivation which leads to a host of preventable health
issues! Learn about G-d's design for sleep and how you can
improve your sleep naturally-- don't miss out on the gift of His
Brand new seminar available January 2014!
Session 11: “Enter My Rest”
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Let There Be Light!
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(Teresa Bergen) (Victoria Girard)
USA Weekend, “Light That Can Cure You,” Feb 2-4, 2007; Reed Karaim
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Let There Be Light!
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van der Zee J. Heating the patient: A promising approach? Annals of Oncology 2002; 13:1173-1184.
Wilson, L. Saunas and Cancer, Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, June 2004
Tatsuo I, Ishibashi, J. et al Non-Thermal Effects of Far-Infrared Ray (FIR) on Human Hepatocellular
Carcinoma Cells HepG2 and their Tumors, J Cancer Sci Ther Volume 1(2) : 078-082 (2009) – 078
Udagawa Y, Nagasawa H, Kiyokawa S, Inhibition by Whole-Body Hyperthermia (WBH) with Far
infrared rays of the Growth of Spontaneous Mammary Tumours in mice. Anticancer Res. 1999
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Threads of Truth
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Dr. Carey Reams, Choose Life or Death, p. 135
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Smith’s Bible Dictionary
Easton’s Bible Dictionary
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Threads of Truth
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Herbs of the Bible (Herbs), James A. Duke, PhD, p. 128-131.
In His Own Words, L. Grant Luton.
JPS Torah Commentary
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Healing Oils
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Healing Oils of the Bible (Healing Oils), David Stewart, PhD
Herbs of the Bible (Herbs), James A. Duke, PhD
The Little Herb Encyclopedia (TLHE), Jack Ritchason, N.D.
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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Wheat Belly (Wheat Belly), Dr. William Davis.
The Good Book Cookbook, (TGBCB) Naomi Goodman, Robert Marcus, Susan Woolhandler. {Mercola, Superbugs}
The Chemistry of Man (Chemistry), Dr. Bernard Jensen.
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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Dr. James Joseph, Tuft University {PubMed}) {American Cancer Society})
Lee W. Carroll B.Sc., Relieving Stress Through Adrenal Support: Part One: Fitter, Smarter,
Tougher: An Herbal Approach to Optimal Health & Physical Performance, p. 69-70. {Imperial College London}
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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Plants of the Bible, Michael Zohary.
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The Benefits of Biblical Foods
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The Little Herb Encyclopedia, Jack Ritchason, N.D. {Dr. Christopher} {Information & Treatment of Infertility in Vancouver Canada} {Dr. Oz}
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Every Green Herb
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Herbs of the Bible (Herbs), James A. Duke, PhD
The Little Herb Encyclopedia (TLHE), Jack Ritchason, N.D.
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The Glory of Man
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Herbs of the Bible (Herbs), James A. Duke, PhD
The Little Herb Encyclopedia, Jack Ritchason, ND
Dr. Crystal Bedford
Healing Oils of the Bible (Healing Oils), David Stewart, PhD
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The Glory of Man
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Essential Oil Cancer Research, Nicole Stevens (vpaulose)
Essential Oils Desk Reference (EODR)
The Good Book Cookbook, Naomi Goodman, Robert Marcus, Susan Woolhandler.
Plants of the Bible, Michael Zohary.
Biblical & Talmudic Medicine (BTM), Julius Preuss, translated & edited by Dr. Fred Rosner
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The Glory of Man
© Copyright New Vitality, LLC, 2013. All rights reserved. {Dr. Christopher} {Information &
Treatment of Infertility in Vancouver Canada} {PubMed}
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Fasting for Life
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Grolier’s Encyclopedia
Everyday Holiness: The Jewish Path of Mussar, Alan Morinis, Trumpeter Books, 2007.
Biblical & Talmudic Medicine, Julian Preuss, translated & edited by Dr. Fred Rosner
Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough (FFSB), Elmer L. Towns, Regal Books, 1999. (Mercola: intermittent fasting
infographic) (Mercola: HGH/ fasting article)
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Training the Inclination
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The Brain, Life Skills Int'l, Dr. Paul Hegstrom.
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Training the Inclination
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Lally, P., van Jaarsveld, C. H. M., Potts, H. W. W. and Wardle, J. (2010), How are habits formed:
Modelling habit formation in the real world. Eur. J. Soc. Psychol., 40: 998–1009.
doi: 10.1002/ejsp.674, Matt Kramer
“144,000 & The Song of Moses” (144K), Rico Cortez, Uri G-d
Sex, Men & G-d (SM&G), Douglas Wiess;jsessionid=C107C9C10F4D1FCD6EAF75222534ED41, Debra Fulgrum Bruce, PhD.
Back to Biblical Health for Women:
Living Water
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History Channel’s Ancient Aliens
“Living Water,” Vollara, Infographic: “Top 17 Functions and Health Benefits of Drinking
Water.”, Infographic: “The Miracle That is Water: What Does Water Do for the
Human Body?”
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Living Water
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The Chemistry of Spiritual Fruit
Healing Rooms, How to Minister to Specific Diseases (HR).
A More Excellent Way, Henry W. Wright.
Why Kindness is Good for You, David R. Hamilton, PhD
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