report on giving - Indian Creek School


report on giving - Indian Creek School
Anonymous donors provided
$500,000 to build tennis courts on
the Upper School Campus and generously shared
$100,000 to provide a dollar-for-dollar
match for new or increased gifts to our Annual Fund.
This was a transformative gift.
Indian Creek’s top fundraising priority, the Annual Fund, accounted
for three percent of the funds needed to operate the School.
We raised $464,250—the highest total
in our school’s Annual Fund history.
Indian Creek School (ICS) faculty and staff reached
98 percent participation in the Annual Fund.
ICS faculty and staff are committed to challenging
each child to realize his or her full potential.
Indian Creek transformed our school’s technology
infrastructure with an incredibly generous donation
of $192,568 from Chris ’91 and Kelly Mannix.
While Indian Creek values gifts of all sizes, leadership
gifts are particularly important to the School’s financial health.
Dear Indian Creek School families and friends,
For more than 40 years, Indian Creek School (ICS) has been on a remarkable journey, thanks to
the support and involvement of our alumni, parents, and friends.
We are relentlessly moving forward to be known as the premier school for both learning and teaching,
one that fosters a nurturing and challenging environment and is at the forefront of the best
educational thinking. This is an exciting time for all of us to be stewards of this remarkable school.
There is a strong sense of school pride among families who are part of Indian Creek, and this pride
is something that inspires our community. Our school is energized by the passion of students, faculty,
staff, alumni, parents, and school leaders as a unifying force that motivates many talented and
dedicated people to be part of Indian Creek. We are particularly grateful to our Board of Trustees,
led by Chair Matt Alsted, for their dedicated and thoughtful stewardship and leadership.
Our Board Development Chair Nancy Morin was instrumental in our successful fundraising
efforts this year, and we appreciate her efforts on behalf of her daughter’s school. Another
important volunteer leader who works hard to provide meaningful experiences for parents is
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) President Lynne Sullivan. Indian Creek is fortunate
to have the support of so many people who believe in our school.
Our increases in enrollment and philanthropy, significant student accomplishments in academics,
arts, and athletics, and advances in educational technology are propelling our school forward.
Innovative teaching and new approaches to learning are engaging students in meaningful ways.
Blended Learning at Indian Creek (BLinc) provides curious students with a combination of
online and face-to-face enrichment experiences. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,
and Math (STEAM) experiences facilitate faculty collaboration and provide students
with hands-on learning experiences. Our humanities and arts programming helps students
give meaning to their world.
All of the positive momentum in our school is propelling students forward
in pursuit of their dreams. Our alumni are also sharing their successes with
their school, thus providing compelling stories about the relevance of an
excellent education as the foundation that prepares students for success in
college, graduate school, and beyond.
Your generosity supports Indian Creek School as we help students
and alumni to realize their full potential and fulfill their dreams.
With gratitude,
Rick Branson, Ed.D.
Head of School
Campaign Gifts*
Special Events (net)
Total Raised
Annual Fund
*Pledge payments from Upper School Capital Campaign
Gifts to
Capital Projects
As a school, Indian Creek believes our role is to help our
students imagine their future, embrace their loftiest dreams,
and realize their full potential. The generosity of our 2014-15
donors has an essential influence on our future—our future
scientists, entrepreneurs, and community leaders. Thank you
for supporting Indian Creek School as we help our students
and alumni fulfill their dreams.
TEACHING / Your generosity enabled the school to invest
$5,000 for the rare opportunity for five teachers to learn from
world-class neuroscience professionals. When our teachers returned
from the “Learning and the Brain” conference, they incorporated
this current research and changed their classroom techniques to
help students learn more effectively.
CURRICULUM / Funded by your gifts, we invested
$2,200 for 11 Lower School faculty members to be fully
trained to teach our newly adopted math curriculum,
Primary Mathematics, a Singapore-based math program.
Because of the robust professional development opportunities
for faculty and innovative program exploration for our
students, there is tremendous energy around strengthening
our academic program to improve student achievement.
ATHLETICS / With your support, we were able to afford
everything from a $5 hula hoop for the playground to $3,700 for
officials for one season of Middle and Upper School girls lacrosse.
These gifts fortified our fitness program and expanded opportunities
for high-level interscholastic play—winning conference championships in Boys’ Basketball, Boys’ Lacrosse, and Boys’ Soccer.
ARTS / Because of your philanthropic commitments, we
enhanced our arts program with sheet music for the holiday concert,
acrylic paint for our art classrooms, and more. We advanced the
integration of arts into the curriculum for every student because
research has shown that arts education strengthens deeper learning
and retention of new information.
TECHNOLOGY / Powered by your contributions,
we expanded our Blended Learning at Indian Creek (BLinc)
program to 17 online and face-to-face enrichment experiences
over four sessions. This innovative approach to teaching and
learning is benefitting every student. Great gains came from our
faculty using new technology tools to expand our curriculum
and do things in the classroom that were not possible before.
COMMUNITY OUTREACH / Through the generosity of
the Community Foundation of Anne Arundel County’s Ladders to
Success program, we invested $14,000 to strengthen our Students Taking
Academic Responsibility (STARs) program and reach 61 racially and
economically diverse middle school students from Anne Arundel public
schools. STARs is a three-week, tuition-free, summer academic program
that allows our talented faculty to reach out to the broader community
to address the achievement gap. Our efforts lead to increased
high school graduation rates amongst these low-income families.
RESULTS / Together, we make a tremendous difference
in the lives of every ICS student. We graduate students
prepared for top colleges who also possess important characterbased qualities that contribute to success in all areas of life.
From funding the purchase of necessary
daily supplies to enabling visionary
enhancements of teaching and resources,
your support of Indian Creek School
ensures that our students have what
they need for a top-notch education.
Celebrated Scholar-Athlete to Pursue Dream of
Becoming a Doctor at Georgetown University
Ashley Leverrett ’16 is a member of the Science, Technology, Engineering and
Math (STEM) Program, took three Advanced Placement classes her junior year,
and currently holds an A+ average. In addition to being a star on our field hockey
team, Ashley has been a key contributor to our back-to-back girl’s lacrosse
championships in 2013 and 2014. But that’s not all: Ashley has spent two summers
working as a counselor in our Students Taking Academic Responsibility (STARs)
program. She loves working with younger children, so during the summer of 2014
she tutored an incoming freshman and also coached an under-14 SPark field
hockey club team, helping to develop high-quality field hockey players in Maryland.
This enthusiasm and excitement for diving into such a wide range of activities is
the hallmark of an Indian Creek student. Ashley has been recruited by Georgetown
University, where she will play field hockey while pursuing her dream of becoming
a doctor.
National History Bee Washington
Regional Finalist Will Explore the Sciences
During his 7th-grade year, Henry Hardart ’20 was one of five Middle School students
from Indian Creek who advanced to the Washington Regional Finals in the National
History Bee. He went to Arlington, VA, with James Corckran ’19, Mason Howell ’21,
Christina McPhail ’19, and Jared Turner ’19. This is one of many Creek experiences
in which students are encouraged to take healthy risks and to persevere when facing a
new challenge. Henry enjoys learning new things and really likes exploring interesting
facts in history and science. His teachers always encourage him to ask questions, and
he likes the supportive environment at Indian Creek that helps him grow while he
figures out what aspects of the sciences he will pursue.
Gold Medalist Inspired to Study Engineering
While Continuing Ice Skating Passion
Caroline Figaro ’23 earned a gold medal at the 2015 Eastern Synchronized Skating
Sectional Championships in Lake Placid, NY, during January of her 4th-grade
year. Caroline’s team, the Eastern D.C. Edge Blue, took the gold medal in the
preliminary category. Caroline enjoys the support of her classmates and teachers as
she balances her academic, artistic, and athletic interests. She was inspired to study
engineering by some very interesting science lessons she had in Lower School,
and she hopes to continue her skating on top of her school work and playing the cello.
The “can do it all” philosophy at Indian Creek School is appreciated by the Figaro
family, including sister Alexandra ’18.
Inspired Leader Studies to Fulfill Dream of Becoming
a Business Executive at Susquehanna University
Travis Belt ’15 is the epitome of a well-rounded scholar and leader at Indian Creek—
fully prepared for what’s next after leaving a mark on our school community.
Travis received the Captial Gazette Outstanding Student Achievement Award,
participated in the Kevin Reichardt Foundation’s leadership workshops, played on
five championship teams, participated in four musicals/plays, mentored hundreds
of public school students enrolled in our Students Taking Academic Responsibility
(STARs) Program, and more. Travis is known for his positive attitude and affable
nature. He is also the first player to sprint over to pick up a teammate off the floor.
Attending Indian Creek has given Travis the confidence and freedom to try new
things. Our teachers are committed to developing the whole person and encourage
every student to step outside of their comfort zone and to take healthy risks.
“The Indian Creek community invested the time, the effort, and the resources
into helping me grow and develop, and it obviously changed the structure of my life,”
Travis says. “I don’t know where I would be if I didn’t go to Indian Creek, and
I will always be grateful for the opportunities I was given.”
Student Government Leader Dreams of
Becoming a Veterinarian
As the Middle School Student Government Vice President for Service during
her 7th-grade year, Alaura Enright ’20 really appreciates our school’s partnership
with Lighthouse, a homelessness prevention and support center. She enjoys
making and delivering lunches there, and cites this service program as one that
“inspires her to help others.” Another one of her favorite service projects
was the food drive for the animals at the local SPCA. Alaura likes how Indian
Creek “wants you to be your best and encourages you to do a lot of different
things like athletics, musicals, and classes.” She loves science and dreams of
becoming a veterinarian or marine biologist. Alaura really likes her teachers and
their encouragement of all of her different interests.
Independent Learning Day Inspires Student to
Interview an Astronaut
During the 3rd-grade astronomy unit in May 2015, Jackson Barroll ’24 shared
a video of his interview with Mr. Frederick Gregory, the first African American
to command a space flight for his astronaut project. Jackson liked the astronomy
unit and he really enjoys Independent Learning Days in Lower School because
students are “able to share what you are working on with other students and teachers.”
While he is still figuring out what he would like to be when he grows up, Jackson
likes spelling and basketball. He is glad to go to school at Indian Creek because
“it is a good school with a lot of fun activities.”
Entrepreneur Builds Successful Technology Company
Owner, Mid-Atlantic Control Systems
Indian Creek School Board of Trustees—Facilities Committee Chair
Elon University
I have served on the Indian Creek Board of Trustees for several years now and
support ICS because I firmly believe I am who I am because of my years at the
Creek. I arrived in 1st grade as a shy little guy afraid to try new things and graduated
years later with the academic skills, confidence, determination, and grit to go on to
build my own successful company. I also experienced at Indian Creek the value of
being part of the community and the importance of giving back to that community.
I am thankful for what an Indian Creek education has done for me and believe it is
imperative for all alumni to say thank you by way of their financial support. Together,
we can help sustain Indian Creek for the next 40 years.
An Illustrator Does What She Loves and Makes a Living
Social Media Designer for and Commissioned Illustrator
University of Virginia and Parsons School of Design
Indian Creek was hands down the most supportive environment I’ve experienced.
I feel extremely lucky that my early years were so nurturing, not only from teachers
like Mr. Voros, who saw and pushed my talent, but my peers who constantly
asked me for drawings of absolutely everything. At ICS, I developed a confidence
in my work.
My advice for current students is to do what you love and do it every single day. Share
what you did with anyone who will look. Forget insecurities and talk through your
work. But most important is to work at what you love every single day, even if it’s small.
Sometimes it will actually feel like work and you’ll hate it. Do it until you love it again.
Cornell University Doctoral Student Explores
Intersection of Engineering and Psychology
St. Mary’s College and Cornell University
Studying human behavior and design as a Ph.D. student at Cornell University is the
right combination of academic and personal interests for Kati Peditto ’11. After two
years studying systems engineering at George Washington University, she transferred to
St. Mary’s College of Maryland, where she earned a B.A. in psychology and completed
a capstone thesis on infusion pump keypad design. According to Kati, “The Cornell
program is a perfect intersection between engineering and psychology (with some design
and architecture thrown in)!” Her dissertation will focus on improving patient safety in
hospitals by designing better health care environments and equipment.
“Indian Creek taught me to think beyond the boundaries of a single discipline. I was
challenged to constantly question, whether it was questioning the poetic intent
of an author in AP Literature, or questioning the alternate paths to an answer in
AP Calculus. This type of interdisciplinary ‘questioning’ is the heart of research—
examining alternative explanations to determine the truth. It is a skill that will carry
me through the rest of my career, far beyond the halls of ICS.”
Trying New Things Leads to Success for a Recent
College Graduate
Human Resources Executive Development Program at Macy’s
George Washington University
During his time as a student at Indian Creek, Chris Kaloo was empowered by
his teachers and coaches. “ICS prepared me for my current career by giving me the
confidence to try new things,” Chris said. “I majored in marketing at George
Washington University (GWU), and now I am enjoying my new career with
Macy’s in the Human Resources Executive Development Program, where I recruit
college students into entry-level programs for corporate Macy’s.”
While he was a student at GWU, Chris helped start and became president of the cross
country club and played club lacrosse on a team that went to a national championship.
He played both sports at Indian Creek. According to Chris, “By being able to try
different things at ICS—such as a new sport in 10th grade, student government, and
such—I learned to be adaptive, which led me try a completely new career path. My
love of learning that was nurtured at ICS has made this a really fun journey.”
Indian Creek School is grateful to these
donors who appreciate that the financial needs
of the School reach beyond those met by
tuition. The names found in the following
lists are based upon all gifts to ICS received
during 2014-2015 fiscal year.
$10,000 and above
Anonymous (2)
Advanced Productions
Baltimore Community Foundation
Big Steaks Management
Jim and Debra Bird
Brian and Karen Blonder
Boatyard Bar & Grill
Tim and Lisa Brown
Joseph and Meredith Callanan
Rocky and Megan Cintron
Community Foundation of
Anne Arundel County
Steve and Darlene de Castro
Hester M. Digges Trust
Matt Earl and Diane McBee
James Earnest and Susan Gilson
John and Renee Enright
Force3 Foundation
Dick Franyo
Gary and Lesley Geisel
Todd and Gina Manganaro
Chris and Kelly Mannix
MHE Foundation
Mid-Atlantic Control Systems
Drew and Nancy Morin
Rick Powell
Janet Richardson-Pearson
Steve and Kate Riggs
T. Rowe Price Foundation
Chris and Lisa Smith
$5,000 to $9,999
Steve and Edythe Alexander
Matthew Alsted and Lisa Bellemore
Nancy Becker
Drew and Allison Breittholz
Cherish Life—Juhi and Rushil Narula
Jay Corckran
Jim and Jenny Corckran
Rick and Laura Grindrod
Aden and Phebe King
Ab and Kristen Krall
Labbe Family Orthodontics
Steve and Stacy Labbe
Vijay and Nishi Narula
Mairead M. O’Reilly & Associates
Mairead O’Reilly
Dan Reilly and Katherine Porter Reilly
Kurt and Nancy Salisbury
Robert and Nancy Wolfe
$2,500 to $4,999
Bryan Anderson and Joyce Russell
John and Stephanie Argilan
Rick and Sarah Branson
Mike Brown
Jim and Janet Clauson
Jim and Betty Davis
Tom and Diana Gardner
Clay and Adrian Goldsborough
Warren and Jody Hayden
Jonathan and Marnie Kagan
Kagan Law Group
Gwen Kinsella
Mike Lahowin and Linda Jones
Dave and Jessica Lutz
Stefan and Anne Marculewicz
Leo Menendez and Amy Zimmerman
Tony and Celia Pelina
PNC Foundation
Debbie Potter
Deepak and Lakshmi Ramani
Deana Michelle Ulmer-Bostick
Scholarship Fund
Cliff and Heleen Walzer
Wells Family
$1,000 to $2,499
Joseph and Doris Aiello
Matt and Joyce Aiello
Shirley Anderson
Rig and Mary Baldwin
Rob and Lesta Brady
Scott and Lori Bruther
Tim and Audrey Burke
William and Bonnie Chapman
Don and Harriet Colley
Richard and Linda DeMong
Mike and Jenifer Dignam
Bruce and Suzi Ebel
Matthew and Kathy Egeli
Ray and Donna Fanning
MaryEllen Frank
Jay and Lori Frankl
James and Eileen Griesser
Rich and Karen Hardart
Tom Heyer and Debbie Odell
Michael and Holly Johansen
J.B.A. Automotive
Bill and Kelly Karpovich
Richard and Sue Kennedy
Tim and Betty Laur
Dan and Bailey McMahon
Vollie and Maggie Melson
Rachelle Millison
David and Jody Mugford
Charles Nichols
Michelle Nichols Neff
O’Neill Foundation
Tim and Cindy O’Neill
Mike and Roberta Pardo
Todd and Harriet Petrocelli
Philpott Family Foundation
Mark and Jen Pratt
Ermis and Leslie Sfakiyanudis
Bob and Nancy Shoemaker
Dwight and Lynne Sullivan
Thornburg Investment Management
Boyd and Gretchen Tomkies
John and Christine Vos
John Vos Family Foundation
Michael Waesche and Liz Philpott
Scott Willard and Suzanne Niemela
$500 to $999
Eric and Roberta Anderson
Troy and Hilary Atkinson
Billy and Megan Barroll
Gregg and Caroline Behling
Tom and Erika Bode
Gregory and Melanie Boteler
Vince and Lindley Bucci
Mike and Nancy Cahlink
Bill and Karen Eden
Larry and Debbie Fowler
Billy and Deidre Franey
Dennis and Karen Frank
Getachew Family
Chuck Goetz and Karen Nash-Goetz
Isaac Green
Bernard and Betty Hardesty
Ross and Patricia Heisman
Chris and Dawn Hetzel
Jon Mark and Cecilia Hirshon
Keith and Maria Holland
Emmanuel and Ogay Irono
Bill and Nikki Isherwood
Karl and Stephanie Jameson
Jack and Mary Mannix
Brian Margerum
Joe and Eileen Mattingly
Clayton and Lisa McCarl
Rhonda McNamara
Steven and Caroline Miller
Dan and Amy Nadash
Brian O’Connor and Diana Dahl
Nina Paradiso
Mark Pelavin and Lori Morris
Beth Peters
Paul and Becky Qualey
Charlie and Brigitte Magnani Rains
Crae and Traci Ramsey
Ingrid Pailthorp Ratz
Cole Robertson
Taylor Robertson
Joe and Antoinette Schmitz
Trevor Simm
Kathy Simmons
Joe Creamer and Lauren Smith
State Farm Insurance
Jonathan and Kelly Steele
Robert and Paula Stewart
Brad and Dianne Thiergartner
David and Holly Tyler
Bill and Janine van der Westhuizen
Andrew and Alex Walworth
Bert and Debbie Winchester
Extending Our Gratitude (continued)
$250 to $499
James and Shari Albert
David and Janet Allen
Sarah Allen
Azam and Patricia Baig
Dave and Shannon Ballard
Doug and Wendy Bellett
John and Shari Biery
Stephen Bloor and Mary Holland
Dennis and Valerie Clark
Kevin and Lara Clemence
Tracy and Susan Coleman
Stephen and Nilda Collins
Linda Dennison
Brandi Dentice
Michael Drury and Carmel Conaty
Michael and Cheli Figaro
Sterling and Nakeshia Fleming
David and Holly Francis
Andre and Lisa Gallmon
Thomas and Charlotte Gibboney
Norbert Huang
Rick Huff and Kristen Stierwalt-Huff
Richard and Ellen Hughen
Robert and Tiffani Kinzer
Jonathan and Jacqueline Kline
Brent and Melissa Knipp
Christopher Kulczycki and Annette Najjar
Brad and Lori Lackey
Bob and Lynne Leavitt
Gerald and Cynthia Longanecker
Janet Love
Andrew and Denise Malinow
Randy and Amanda Mock
Allen Montecino
Maurice and Anita O’Connor
George and Suzanne Odell
Robert and Monina Parker
Bill and Laura Pease
Ed and Angela Ponatoski
Gross and Janet Scruggs
Lawrence and Stephanie Sisle
Megan Slowikowski
Jim Smith and Kristine Sendek-Smith
Margaret Tempkin
Matthew and Joanne Tobriner
Jeff and JT Ulehla
Todd and Ann Walls
Steven Whitesell
Paul and Karen Woodson
Leslie Woodward
$100 to $249
Steve and Darlene Akers
Jacqueline Albert
Ramsey Alexander
William and Susan Andrus
Josh and Hailey Anson
Chihae Arafune
John and Georgianna Avioli
Lisa Beall
Amy Benson
Andrew and Julianne Steele Bing
Karen Booth
Leroy and Debbie Bostick
Michael and Helen Botsaris
Steven and Julia Boucher
Harold and Patricia Brenner
William and Sandra Brown
Josh Bulgin
Wayne and Tomeka Bumbry
Ed Burger
Jim and Paige Burton
George and Carolyn Callaghan
Christopher and Jennifer Card
Jamie Carroll
James and Karen Cassedy
Neal and Nancy Chalkley
Margaret Chalkley
Ray Chalkley
Jay and Ginny Chambers
Mary Lou Chappell
Richard and Robin Church
Robert Cochran and Olga Acevedo
Karen and Jeff Colburn
Chris and Donna Crouch
Paul and Ramona Czyzia
Kevin and Daria Darby
Robert and Jennifer Davis
Jim and Pat De Angelis
David Deaton and Lorraine Tafra
Chris and Gale deBorja
Oscar and Darlene Delano
Ed and Lynann Derrick
Ramona Deshields
Michael and Margaret Duffy
Eric Edstrom
John Ellinwood and Nissa Shaw Ellinwood
Craig and Katie Eney
Herbert and Elizabeth English
Troy and Lori Evans
Robert and Maureen Farley
Fred and Jill Ferares
Dan and Kathryn Fitzmaurice
Roger and Tonya Flynn
Marsha Gardner
Rodney and Laura Gay
Ben Gehle
Rob and Janet Gerety
John and Margaret Gerety
George and Harriett Ghee
Donna Giordano
Mark Griffith
Lucjan and Melissa Haber
Stan Halle
Ben and Sarah Harries
Lillie Harrison
Ken and Judith Hawes
Stephen and Ruth Heffner
Bill and Tracy Hemmer
Richard and Jean Marie Hofstetter
Joan Holmberg
Tripp and Mara Holton
Michael and Gail Hulme
Elizabeth Schaub Huwe
Alan and Sharon Hyatt
ICS 8th Grade
Jeff Jacobsen
Mike and Anne Janac
Kevin and Susie Johnson
William and Susan Katcef
Jeff and Peggy King
George and Leanne Kreis
Rick Kuethe
Jim and Maria Kuhns
Brian and Liza Levay
Rhonda Link
Deborah Loetz
Ray and Joyce Lopez
Nancy Lyons
Carter and Corrine Macon
Matt Malinow
Douglas and Pat Margerum
Paul Martin and Mia Puyang
Brian and Cynthia McNamara
Sharon Miles
Alexay and Irina Mironova
Holly Moores
Patrick and Angela Moran
Al-Wayne and Tashica Morgan
Morgan Stanley
Melanie Morris and Angela Delano
Stephen and Phyllis Morris
Perry and Mary Moutsos
Chris and Debbie Murphy
Joseph and Martha Murphy
James Myers
Lorraine Neal
Dave and Jenn Neely
Marc Nicole and Tracey DeShields Nicole
Ike and Jackie Nnawuchi
Dennis and Shannon O’Connell
Brian and Denise O’Neal
David and Tedi Osias
Tom and Pat Osten
Michael and Ilona Peart
Kevin and Rahab Pettitt
Jack and Lisa Pickett
Joe and Emilia Poiter
Roger Porter
Michael Potter and Taylor Waters
R & F Metals
Dawn Rae
Joshua and Amanda Ragula
Steve and Karen Rakshys
Peter and May Frances Ramsey
David and Leigh Rand
Rebecca Randolph
Jeff and Krystal Register
Hugh and Julia Reinhart
Larry and Ruth Alice Richardson
Bill and Susan Ridenhour
Jeffrey and Jeanne Salinger
Tom Sexton
Vijay and Clare Sharma
Richard and Patricia Shields
Kevin and Terri Siegel
Randy and Stacy Skalski
Renie Sotiropoulos and Stacey Lawrence
Cy and Judy Svoboda
Skip and Katharine Tate
Jeanne Torstenson
Stig and Sara Torstenson
Frank and Kathy Turano
Oguz and Ulker Turgut
United Way
Hayden and Lisa Van Wormer
Brian and Janelle Vreeland
Chris Waldron
Wayne and Sylvie Weikert
Howard Weinberg and Abbie Ellicott
Willman & Silvaggio, LLP
Gerry and Florence Wixson
Sharon Wollman
Brad and Jill Woodward
Scott Wright and Annie Wong
Anne Yarbro
Up to $99
Anonymous (10)
Arnold and Tamyla Abraham
Ian Alexander
John Allen
Alex Almy
David and Monique Almy
Linnea Alsted
Tyler Alsted
Ann and Don Alsted
Brooklyn Anson
James and Janet Anson
Zachary Anson
Kimrey Argabright
Erica Argilan
Julia Argilan
Ron Baradal
Colin Barclay
Jim and Caroline Barringer
Will Bartz and Emily Swartz Bartz
Diane Bartz
Rick and Diane Baukhages
Thomas and Cindy Belnomi
Charles and Angela Belt
Parker Booth
Olivia Boucher
Catherine Brady
Connor Brady
Michael and Hilary Briles
Elizabeth Brunner
Kelly Bryant
Mary Bryce
Gregg Bush
Kelvin and Arlene Campbell
Tom and Mary Campion
Whitney Carroll
John Casey
Jim and Linda Cerulli
Bobby Chambers
Stephanie Chambers
Dewey and Betty Ann Chapple
Henrique and Tracy Clarke
Abbygael Clarke Schmitt
Alexander Clarke Schmitt
Brandon Cochran
Brianna Cochran
Amy Coleman
Kate Coleman-Meyer
Andrew and Beth Colley
Eva Collins
Thomas Collins
Gerry Connolly
Mallory Cook
Jamie and Cia Cook
Patrick and Susan Corrado
David and Jill Critcher
David and Carol Cronin
Bruce and Patti Crossman
Bill and Kathy Crowley
Gary and Jessica Daigle
Eric and Hope Davis
Roxie Davis
Lori Demeter
Ean Dent
Derek and Robin DePaolis
Annabelle Derrick
Philip Derrick
Bridget Desrosiers
Kevin and Vicki Dexter
Jennifer Johnson Dillard
Glenn and Mary Doerschner
Mary Beth Donovan
Mattie Dunigan
Emily Dunlap
Leo and Trish Dunn
Molly Dunn
Billy Easton and Nicole Russell Easton
Jackson Engles
James Engles and Anne Crossman Engles
Phyllis Everette
Jon-Erik and Christine Falknor
Cade Fanning
Ronan Fanning
Ashley Fetterolf
Kaylin Fitzmaurice
Kyle Fitzmaurice
Natasha Flanagan
Elwyn Fleming
Shaun Fleming
Lawrence Fowler
Vince Franco and Jeni Keisman
Sarah Franey
Jonathan Freeman-Coppadge
Mike Fretwell
Jamor Gaffney
Shane and Kiersten Gallagher
Maruca Garcia
Humphrey Gardner
Russ and Neville Gardner
Nathanial and Josie Gennett
Shaun Gerety
Talor Gerety
Carolyn Goddard
Ethan Goldsborough
Evan Goldsborough
Robert Goodman
Connie Gorum
Jon and Christine Grantham
Whitney Green
Henry Greenberg and Anne LoLordo
Elizabeth Gruendl
Demetria Hall
Powhatan Hall
Rosanne Hall
Bob and Lorraine Hanley
Courtney Hannon
Colin Harrington
Cheryl Haste
Amy Haury
Valeri Haywood
Jordyne Hebron
Madison Hebron
Tiffany Heimer
Sandi Hiller
Troy Peterson and Christa Hodge
Patti Hoey
John and Laura Homick
Rachel Horak
Eric and Heather Howell
Joshua Hubbell
Nancy Hubbell
Kevin and Crystal Hunter
Dan and Launy Huntz
Christine Monk Huxtable
Rachael Isacson
Clara Jenkins
McKenzie Jenkins
JoRon Johnson and Faythe Moyer
Kathryn Jolicoeur
Carol Jones
Sarah Siebert Juarez
Matthew Kagan
Skylar Kagan
Steve and Margaret Kaii-Ziegler
Anthony Kalloo
Mike and Margaret Kane
Sharon Katula
Todd Kerr
Melody Kinzer
Dale and Robyn Kirkendall
Glen Klakring
Erik Kornmeyer and
Stacy Phillips Kornmeyer
Adrian and Kathy Lacey
William Lang and Martha Shapiro
Len Langrick
Erica Larson
Nate and Ana Lohrmann
Elizabeth Crossman Magrogan
Mariana Mahoney
Max Mahoney
Michael Mahoney
Bill and Jennifer Malachowski
Estibalis Martinez
Aubrey Matulevich
Jessica McCarthy
Mindy McConville
Matt and Tiffany McCormick
Doug McCuiston
Cindy McFarland
Megan McManus
Ed and Jessica Meadows
Nicholas Menendez
Mike and Carol Mercer
Charlie Miller
Jack Miller
Madeleine Miller
Marc and Michelle Miller
Carol Mole
James Monack
Tonya Montgomery
Zoe Morin
Michael Mullin
Ann Nalepa
Nancy O’Brien
Sarah O’Connor
Hayley O’Connor
Barbara Oglesbee
Semih Oktay
Emma Pacheco
Isabelle Pacheco
Jeffrey and Heather Pacheco
John Palinski
Linda Parks
George Patton
Daniel Pelavin
Jordan Pelavin
Ann Pickett
Ella Pickett
John Pickett
JP Pickett
Karen and Wayne Pierzga
Larry and Beth Pratt
Extending Our Gratitude (continued)
Mindy Probst
Mary Sarah Proctor
Jeff and Sandy Rach
Cameron Ramsey
Margot Ramsey
Ashley Raymond
Razoo Foundation
Brian and Liz Riley
Siena Roccograndi
Chris Roney
Robert Roop
Stephen and Patricia Roth
Rudy and Tatiana Santos
Henrique and Tracy Schmitt
Mickie Schneider
Rolf and Muffie Schou
Kate Shoemaker
Joe and Ruth Shrum
Jenny Simmons
Tom Simmons
Lester and Sherrie Sims
Inna Slutskaya
Brian Smith and Vicki Hong-Smith
Bryton Smith
Cameron Smith
Isabella Smith
Patrick Smith
Scott and Marnie Smith
Sophia Smith
Ronita Snowdy
Larry and Kay Snyder
David and Alicia Sonde
Ann Souder
Robin Stafford
Virginia Sterling
Russ and Mandy Stinchcomb
Sarah Streyle
Erika Strickland
Jeremy Sugarman
Mitchell and Leslie Swerbilow
John and Jacque Tahsuda
Anne Tate
Spencer Tate
Mary Todd
Alexis Torstenson
Kirk Torstenson
Zach Torstenson
Susan Toth
Andrew and Michelle Turner
Joshua Turner
Reuben and LaWanda Turner
Ron Turner
Ronald and Lisa Turner
Casey Ulehla
Dylan Ulehla
Stan Underwood and Stacey Longanecker
H. Eugene and Elizabeth Waldner
Amy Watson
H.L. Waxman
Howard Weinberg and Abbie Ellicott
Lois Wells
Alexandra Wieland
Cynthia Wilby
Charles and Carolyn Wilson
Devon Wimbush
Mike and Jane Zabel
Laura Zlatos
Indian Creek alumni and parents
of alumni have a long history of
loyalty and generosity to their
school. Supporting our faculty and
students is a tangible way for them
to continue the legacy of giving and
express their appreciation for their
experience at Indian Creek.
Steve and Darlene Akers
Ian Alexander
Ramsey Alexander
Steve and Edythe Alexander
David and Janet Allen
John Allen
Sarah Allen
Alex Almy
David and Monique Almy
Shirley Anderson
Troy and Hilary Atkinson
Azam and Patricia Baig
Rig and Mary Baldwin
Ron Baradal
Colin Barclay
Will Bartz and Emily Swartz Bartz
Diane Bartz
Rick and Diane Baukhages
Andrew and Julianne Steele Bing
Jim and Debra Bird
Leroy and Debbie Bostick
Michael and Helen Botsaris
Catherine Brady
Harold and Patricia Brenner
Michael and Hilary Briles
Vince and Lindley Bucci
Josh Bulgin
George and Carolyn Callaghan
Jamie Carroll
Whitney Carroll
James and Karen Cassedy
Bobby Chambers
Jay and Ginny Chambers
Stephanie Chambers
Rocky and Megan Cintron
Jim and Janet Clauson
Amy Coleman
Kate Coleman-Meyer
Tracy and Susan Coleman
Stephen and Nilda Collins
Joe Creamer and Lauren Smith
David and Jill Critcher
David and Carol Cronin
Bruce and Patti Crossman
Paul and Ramona Czyzia
Roxie Davis
Jim and Betty Davis
David Deaton and Lorraine Tafra
Chris and Gale deBorja
Ean Dent
Kevin and Vicki Dexter
Jennifer Johnson Dillard
Mary Beth Donovan
Michael and Margaret Duffy
Emily Dunlap
Molly Dunn
Leo and Trish Dunn
Billy Easton and Nicole Russell Easton
John Ellinwood and Nissa Shaw Ellinwood
Craig and Katie Eney
James Engles and Anne Crossman Engles
Robert and Maureen Farley
Dan and Kathryn Fitzmaurice
Kaylin Fitzmaurice
Roger and Tonya Flynn
Billy and Deidre Franey
Sarah Franey
Dennis and Karen Frank
MaryEllen Frank
Marsha Gardner
Russ and Neville Gardner
Thomas and Charlotte Gibboney
Gary and Lesley Geisel
Donna Giordano
Carolyn Goddard
Robert Goodman
Jon and Christine Grantham
Rick and Laura Grindrod
Stan Halle
Bob and Lorraine Hanley
Bernard and Betty Hardesty
Colin Harrington
Lillie Harrison
Ross and Patricia Heisman
Jon Mark and Cecilia Hirshon
Richard and Jean Marie Hofstetter
Norbert Huang
Richard and Ellen Hughen
Elizabeth Schaub Huwe
Christine Monk Huxtable
Alan and Sharon Hyatt
Michael and Holly Johansen
Sarah Siebert Juarez
Steve and Margaret Kaii-Ziegler
Anthony Kalloo
Erik Kornmeyer and
Stacy Phillips Kornmeyer
George and Leanne Kreis
Rick Kuethe
Deborah Loetz
Ray and Joyce Lopez
Nancy Lyons
Elizabeth Crossman Magrogan
Mariana Mahoney
Michael Mahoney
Andrew and Denise Malinow
Matt Malinow
Chris and Kelly Mannix
Jack and Mary Mannix
Brian Margerum
Douglas and Pat Margerum
Joe and Eileen Mattingly
Clayton and Lisa McCarl
Brian and Cynthia McNamara
Jack Miller
Madeleine Miller
Steven and Caroline Miller
Patrick and Angela Moran
James Myers
Charles Nichols
Michelle Nichols-Neff
Tim and Cindy O’Neill
Mairead O’Reilly
Nina Paradiso
Daniel Pelavin
Jordan Pelavin
Mark Pelavin and Lori Morris
Beth Peters
Joe and Emilia Poiter
Ed and Angela Ponatoski
Roger Porter
Larry and Beth Pratt
R & F Metals
Charlie and Brigitte Magnani Rains
Rebecca Randolph
Dan Reilly and Katherine Porter Reilly
Janet Richardson-Pearson
Ingrid Pailthorp Ratz
Cole Robertson
Taylor Robertson
Siena Roccograndi
Rolf and Muffie Schou
Richard and Patricia Shields
Bob and Nancy Shoemaker
Kate Shoemaker
Jenny Simmons
Kathy Simmons
Tom Simmons
Larry and Kay Snyder
David and Alicia Sonde
Ann Souder
Jonathan and Kelly Steele
Sarah Storrs
Cy and Judy Svoboda
Anne Tate
Skip and Katharine Tate
Brian and Janelle Vreeland
Wayne and Sylvie Weikert
Steven Whitesell
Scott Willard and Suzanne Niemela
Charles and Carolyn Wilson
Bert and Debbie Winchester
Paul and Karen Woodson
Brad and Jill Woodward
Leslie Woodward
Anne Yarbro
Indian Creek is grateful to the
following grandparents who kindly
made gifts to the Annual Fund.
Joseph and Doris Aiello
Ann and Don Alsted
William and Susan Andrus
James and Janet Anson
Chihae Arafune
John and Georgianna Avioli
Nancy Becker
William and Sandra Brown
Mary Bryce
Ed Burger
Margaret Chalkley
Ray Chalkley
William and Bonnie Chapman
Mary Lou Chappell
Dewey and Betty Ann Chapple
Don and Harriet Colley
Eva Collins
Thomas Collins
Jim and Jenny Corckran
Jim and Pat De Angelis
Steve and Darlene de Castro
Oscar and Darlene Delano
Richard and Linda DeMong
Ramona Deshields
Herbert and Elizabeth English
John and Margaret Gerety
George and Harriett Ghee
Joan Holmberg
Nancy Hubbell
Bill and Nikki Isherwood
Jeff and Peggy King
Tim and Betty Laur
Gerald and Cynthia Longanecker
Carol Mole
Allen Montecino
Stephen and Phyllis Morris
Joseph and Martha Murphy
Lorraine Neal
David and Tedi Osias
Tom and Pat Osten
Ann Pickett
George Patton
John Pickett
Karen and Wayne Pierzga
Dawn Rae
Peter and May Frances Ramsey
Tom Sexton
Robert and Paula Stewart
Matthew and Joanne Tobriner
Stig and Sara Torstenson
Frank and Kathy Turano
Oguz and Ulker Turgut
John and Christine Vos
H. Eugene and Elizabeth Waldner
H.L. Waxman
Lois Wells
Gerry and Florence Wixson
Robert and Nancy Wolfe
Sharon Wollman
For the second year in a row,
Indian Creek faculty and staff
reached 98 percent participation in
the Annual Fund. Many thanks to the
following faculty and staff members,
not only for the confidence they
have in the School through their
gifts to the Annual Fund, but also
for the commitment they make each
day educating students.
Janet Allen
Sarah Allen
Patricia Baig
Diane Bartz
Emily Swartz Bartz
Will Bartz
Cindy Belnomi
Amy Benson
Debbie Bostick
Rick Branson
Hilary Briles
Elizabeth Brunner
Kelly Bryant
Gregg Bush
Tom Campion
John Casey
Nancy Chalkley
Ginny Chambers
Amy Coleman
Kate Coleman-Meyer
Andrew Colley
Gerry Connolly
Jamie Cook
Jill Critcher
Bruce Crossman
Chris Crouch
Linda Dennison
Robin DePaolis
Mary Beth Donovan
Mattie Dunigan
Nicole Russell Easton
Anne Crossman Engles
Troy Evans
Phyllis Everette
Ashley Fetterolf
Natasha Flanagan
Debbie Fowler
Vince Franco
Sarah Franey
Mike Fretwell
Jamor Gaffney
Maruca Garcia
Marsha Gardner
Neville Gardner
Ben Gehle
Charlotte Gibboney
Chuck Goetz
Melissa Haber
Rosanne Hall
Lorraine Hanley
Cheryl Haste
Amy Haury
Valeri Haywood
Sandi Hiller
Patti Hoey
Rachel Horak
Todd Kerr
Glen Klakring
Len Langrick
Stacey Lawrence
Ana Lohrmann
Jennifer Malachowski
Denise Malinow
Mary Mannix
Estibalis Martinez
Aubrey Matulevich
Matt McCormick
Tiffany McCormick
Doug McCuiston
Megan McManus
Jessica Meadows
Maggie Melson
Carol Mercer
Sharon Miles
James Monack
Tonya Montgomery
Ann Nalepa
Nancy O’Brien
Barbara Oglesbee
Linda Parks
Beth Pratt
Extending Our Gratitude (continued)
Mindy Probst
Mary Sarah Proctor
Traci Ramsey
Ruth Alice Richardson
Chris Roney
Stephen Roth
Tricia Roth
Mickie Schneider
Ruth Shrum
Kathy Simmons
Inna Slutskaya
Kay Snyder
Virginia Sterling
Sarah Streyle
Erika Strickland
Leslie Swerbilow
Mary Todd
Michelle Turner
Ron Turner
Amy Watson
Alexandra Wieland
Cynthia Wilby
Brad Woodward
Jill Woodward
Laura Zlatos
Indian Creek is fortunate to have
friends in the community who
share the School’s dedication to
providing a superior education
within a nurturing environment.
Linnea Alsted
Tyler Alsted
Brooklyn Anson
Zachary Anson
Erica Argilan
Julia Argilan
Parker Booth
Olivia Boucher
Abbygael Clarke Schmitt
Alexander Clarke Schmitt
Brandon Cochran
Brianna Cochran
Mallory Cook
Annabelle Derrick
Philip Derrick
Eric Edstrom
Jackson Engles
Cade Fanning
Ronan Fanning
Elwyn Fleming
Shaun Fleming
Lawrence Fowler
Humphrey Gardner
Shaun Gerety
Talor Gerety
Ethan Goldsborough
Evan Goldsborough
Isaac Green
Whitney Green
Powhatan Hall
Jordyne Hebron
Madison Hebron
Tiffany Heimer
Joshua Hubbell
ICS 8th Grade
McKenzie Jenkins
Matthew Kagan
Skylar Kagan
Richard and Sue Kennedy
Melody Kinzer
Max Mahoney
Jessica McCarthy
Nicholas Menendez
Charlie Miller
Zoe Morin
Ike and Jackie Nnawuchi
Hayley O’Connor
Sarah O’Connor
Emma Pacheco
Isabelle Pacheco
John Palinski
Ella Pickett
JP Pickett
Cameron Ramsey
Margot Ramsey
Megan Slowikowski
Bryton Smith
Cameron Smith
Isabella Smith
Patrick Smith
Sophia Smith
Jeremy Sugarman
Spencer Tate
Alexis Torstenson
Zach Torstenson
Joshua Turner
Casey Ulehla
Dylan Ulehla
In addition to direct contributions
from corporations, organizations
and foundations, many companies
match the charitable gifts of their
employees. We encourage all of
our donors to ask their employers
to match their gifts to Indian Creek.
Advanced Productions
Baltimore Community Foundation
Big Steaks Management
Boatyard Bar & Grill
Cherish Life—Juhi and Rushil Narula
Community Foundation of
Anne Arundel County
Deana Michelle Ulmer-Bostick
Scholarship Fund
Hester M. Digges Trust
Force3 Foundation
J.B.A. Automotive
John Vos Family Foundation
Kagan Law Group
Labbe Family Orthodontics
Mid-Atlantic Control Systems
MHE Foundation
Morgan Stanley
O’Neill Foundation
Mairead M. O’Reilly & Associates
Philpott Family Foundation
PNC Foundation
Razoo Foundation
Willman & Silvaggio, LLP
State Farm Insurance
T. Rowe Price Foundation
Thornburg Investment Management
United Way
Indian Creek appreciates the
donation of books, classroom
materials, items for the auction
or CREEKfest, or other items
that enhance the educational
experience for every student.
2 Rivers Lacrosse
ABC Events
Matt Alsted and Lisa Bellemore
Annapolis Bay Charters
Annapolis College Consulting
Josh and Hailey Anson
Bay Area Orthopedics
The Bellet Family
Best Western
Big Fish Grill
Bin 201 Wine Cellars
Boatyard Bar and Grill
Jim and Paige Burton
Camp Cody
John and Nia Castelly
Chesapeake Spas
Davis Pub
Steve and Darlene de Castro
Patricia DeHart
Del Campo Family
Cori Dykman
Matthew Earl and Diane McBee
Eau Palm Beach Resort and Spa
Bruce and Suzi Ebel
Matthew and Kathy Egeli
Elements Massage–Edgewater
En-Tice-Ment Stables
Elizabeth and Vince Fortunato
Andre and Lisa Gallmon
Go Kart Raceway–Crofton
Clay and Adrian Goldsborough
Gold’s Gym
Gossip Salon
William and Tracy Hammer
Hilton Worldwide
Alan Holman and Chasheryl
Faythe Johnson
Richard Kokoski and
Marcia LaScola Kokoski
Drs. Lee, Bonfiglio, Vesley and Associates
Loews Annapolis
David and Jessica Lutz
Christopher and Kelly Mannix
Dean and Judy Montgomery
My Gym Annapolis
Old South Country Club
Palate Pleasers Catering
Erin Palmer
Ian and Monina Parker
Antonio and Celia Pelina
Jack and Lisa Pickett
Jim Pierre
PMG Direct
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Chris and Lisa Smith
Greg and Lisa Smith
Rene Sotiropoulos and Stacey Lawrence
Sarah Storrs
School of Rock Annapolis & Gambrills
Stewart Landscape Management, Inc.
Synergy Martial Arts, Inc.
Margaret Tempkin
Boyd and Gretchen Tomkies
Trident Aircraft
David and Holly Tyler
Michael Waesche and Elizabeth Philpott
Todd and Ann Walls
Juan Watson, Pelorus Yacht Consulting
Bill and Janine van der Westhuizen
The Westin Annapolis
Foreman Wolf
World of Beer–Baltimore
Yellowfin Steak and Fish House
Zachary’s Jewlers
There are many occasions in life
that provide opportunities for
giving. Making a gift to Indian
Creek is a wonderful way to
memorialize or honor a student,
alumnus or alumna, teacher,
family member, or friend.
Gifts were made to Indian Creek
in memory of Virginia Brassel:
David and Janet Allen
Mallory and Jane Cook
Robert Farley
Stan and Carrie Halle
Dean and Elaine Hovell
Alan and Sharon Hyatt and Family
The Loetz Family: Debbie, Carter,
Chase, Colby, and Chris
Matushek, Nille & Sinars, LLC
Clayton and Lisa McCarl
Stephen Nolan
The Parker Family: Steven and Susan,
Scott and Shannon, Mark and Elizabeth
Linda Parks
Joe and Emilia Poiter
Debbie Potter
Kathy Simmons
Megan Slowikowski
Cyril and Judy Svoboda
Willman & Silvaggio, LLP
Named funds play an important
role in Indian Creek’s overall development program. Annual income
from the funds listed support tuition assistance for students in need.
These are active funds to which
contributions can be made at any
time. We ask you to consider supporting these funds in addition to
your support of the Annual Fund.
Deana Michelle Ulmer-Bostick
Scholarship Fund
This scholarship was established by Debbie
Bostick in memory of her daughter, Deana.
Proceeds from this fund benefit the Students
Taking Academic Responsibility (STARs)
Program at Indian Creek School.
Martha Selonick Tuition
Assistance Fund
Established on October 30, 2010, by Stuart
Selonick, Martha’s husband, in honor of a
“big” birthday. Proceeds provide tuition
assistance to deserving students in need of
financial assistance who are of outstanding
character and who excel in academics, arts,
and athletics.
Rebecca Y. Randolph Endowment
for Financial Aid
Established in May 2007 to honor the
retirement of Becky Randolph, our
Co-Founder and first Lower School Principal. Proceeds help sustain Indian Creek’s
accessibility to diverse and talented students.
Matt Alsted, Chair
Troy Atkinson, Treasurer
Sandi Hiller, Secretary
Dr. Rick Branson, Head of School
Rig Baldwin
Rocky Cintron
Eric Edstrom
Tom Gardner
Rick Grindrod
Mike Johansen
Ab Krall
Mike Lahowin
Chris Mannix ’91
Caroline Miller
Nancy Morin
Vijay Narula
Deepak Ramani
Ingrid Pailthrop Ratz ’88
Dan Reilly
Dr. Joyce Russell
Jonathan Steele ’93
Lynne Sullivan
Lynne Sullivan, President
Kelly Karpovich, President-Elect
Lisa Gallmon, Secretary
Catherine Levy, Treasurer
Sylvia MacArthur, Lower/
Middle School Chair
Jessica Lutz, Upper School Chair
2014-2015 EVENT CHAIRS
Caroline Behling
Jill Ferares
Tiffini Kinzer
Brigitte Rains
Cirque Du Creek Auction
Adrian Goldsborough, Chair
Diane McBee, Live Auction Co-Chair
Gretchen Tomkies, Silent Auction Co-Chair
David A. Nagey 5K
Suzi Ebel
We are deeply grateful to the generous parents,
alumni, grandparents, parents of alumni, faculty,
foundations, and friends who contributed to the
School during our fiscal year ending June 30,
2015. While we have made every effort to ensure
the accuracy of the donor lists, please accept our
apology for any mistake or omission and contact
the Development Office at 410-849-5154 to
let us know of the error.
Office of Development
Indian Creek School
1130 Anne Chambers Way
Crownsville, MD 21032
Traci Ramsey
Director of Development
[email protected]