A Guide to Reading and Writing JAPANESE FOURTH EDITION A COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE TO THE JAPANESE WRITING SYSTEM First edition compiled by Florence Sakade Third edition revised by kenneth henshall, christopher seeley & henk de groot Fourth edition revised by janet ikeda T UT T L E Publishing Tokyo Rutland, Vermont Singapore FM_i-xii.indd i 7/5/13 10:12 AM The Tuttle Story: “Books to Span the East and West” Many people are surprised to learn that the world’s largest publisher of books on Asia had its humble beginnings in the tiny American state of Vermont. The company’s founder, Charles E. Tuttle, belonged to a New England family steeped in publishing. Immediately after WW II, Tuttle served in Tokyo under General Douglas MacArthur and was tasked with reviving the Japanese publishing industry. He later founded the Charles E. Tuttle Publishing Company, which thrives today as one of the world’s leading independent publishers. Though a westerner, Tuttle was hugely instrumental in bringing a knowledge of Japan and Asia to a world hungry for information about the East. By the time of his death in 1993, Tuttle had published over 6,000 books on Asian culture, history and art—a legacy honored by the Japanese emperor with the “Order of the Sacred Treasure,” the highest tribute Japan can bestow upon a non-Japanese. With a backlist of 1,500 titles, Tuttle Publishing is more active today than at any time in its past—inspired by Charles Tuttle’s core mission to publish ¿ne books to span the East and West and provide a greater understanding of each. Published by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. Distributed by: Japan Tuttle Publishing Yaekari Building, 3rd Floor Fourth edition © 2013 Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. 5-4-12 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku Third edition © 2003 Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. Tokyo 141-0032, Japan Original edition © 1959 by Charles E. Tuttle Co., Tel: (81) 3 5437-0171; Fax: (81) 3 5437-0755 Inc. [email protected] www.tuttle.co.jp All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by North America, Latin America & Europe any means, electronic or mechanical, including Tuttle Publishing photocopying, recording, or by any information 364 Innovation Drive storage and retrieval system, without prior written North Clarendon, VT 05759-9436, USA permission from the publisher. Tel: 1 (802) 773-8930; Fax: 1 (802) 773-6993 [email protected] ISBN: 978-1-4629-1482-1(ebook) www.tuttlepublishing.com www.tuttlepublishing.com 17 16 15 14 13 5 4 3 2 1 1307RP Printed in China TUTTLE PUBLISHING® is a registered trademark of Tuttle Publishing, a division of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. FM_i-xii.indd ii Asia Paci¿c Berkeley Books Pte. Ltd. 61 Tai Seng Ave, #02-12 Singapore 534167 Tel: (65) 6280-1330; Fax: (65) 6280-6290 [email protected] www.periplus.com 7/17/13 8:32 AM CONTENTS Introduction ....................................................................................... iv 1 Aim iv 2 This Book and the Modern Japanese Writing System iv 2.1 About the Characters Selected iv 2.2 How Characters Are Read in Japanese v 2.3 Writing Characters vi 2.4 Romanization ix 2.5 Kana Signs and Combinations ix 3 Layout Details x 4 Final Notes xi 5 Select Bibliography of Main Works Consulted for This Edition xi Acknowledgments........................................................................... xii Section 1: The 1,006 Essential Characters ................................ 1–202 Grade One: Characters 1–80 .............................................. 1–17 Grade Two: Characters 81–240 ........................................ 17–49 Grade Three: Characters 241–440 ...................................... 49–89 Grade Four: Characters 441–640 .................................... 89–129 Grade Five: Characters 641–825 .................................. 129–166 Grade Six: Characters 826–1,006 ............................... 166–202 Section 2: The 2,136 General-Use Characters ...................... 203–302 Radical Index .......................................................................... 303-319 Index of Readings ................................................................. 320–340 Bonus: List of the 196 Newest Jǀyǀ Characters .................. ONLINE at Tuttlepublishing.com FM_i-xii.indd iii 7/5/13 10:12 AM INTRODUCTION 1 Aim This newly revised edition is designed for students and others who have at least an elementary knowledge of spoken Japanese and want to acquaint themselves with the Japanese writing system. The most signi¿cant revisions are the addition of 196 characters, which were added to the Jǀyǀ kanji (General-Use Characters) list in November of 2010. The elimination of 5 seldom-used characters now brings the total of General-Use characters to 2,136. The newly added characters reÀect an information age where technology now allows characters to be more widely generated and consumed on screens. New characters reÀect prefectural names and major cities and a concern with health and parts of the body. A¿cionados of Japanese cuisine and culture will see familiar characters for foods (mochi, donburi, men, senbei), plants and Japanese cultural artifacts and customs, in particular inclusion of auspicious characters for tsuru and kame. Previous revisions to the Jǀyǀ kanji list had been made in 1981 and 1946. The highlights of this new edition are the following: • Radical index for all characters • Clearly marked characters found on the Kanji List of the AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam (marked with this symbol: ) • Clearly marked characters (marked by level, based on past practice , , etc.) used for the Japanese Language Pro¿ciency Test (JLPT) Although pro¿ciency in the Japanese language is not determined by knowing characters alone, this revised edition will provide an excellent study guide for students who wish to increase their reading ability. All characters recommended for the high school National Japanese Exam (NJE) are included. 2 This Book and the Modern Japanese Writing System 2.1 About the Characters Selected While the Jǀyǀ kanji List (hereafter abbreviated to JK List) does not represent an exhaustive list of Chinese characters which the student will encounter in modern Japanese texts, in combination with the two syllabaries (hiragana and katakana) it does nevertheless provide a very sound iv FM_i-xii.indd iv 7/5/13 10:12 AM INTRODUCTION basis for reading and writing modern Japanese. In Japanese schools, 1,006 of the more commonly used JK List characters are taught in the six years of elementary school, the balance of 1,130 characters being spread out over the intermediate and high school curriculum. The JK List characters also form the basis of character usage in modern newspapers, though sometimes the Japan Newspaper Association chooses to deviate from the List in some ways. For writing the names of their children, Japanese today can choose from a corpus of characters consisting of the JK List together with a supplementary list of characters for use in given names. The ¿rst such name character list, approved in 1951, consisted of 92 characters, but was expanded considerably in 2004. The current Jinmeiyǀ Kanji list, which is determined by the Ministry of Justice, includes 861 characters. We do not list these here. This book is divided into two main sections. Section One presents the 1,006 characters designated by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to be taught during the six years of elementary school—termed here “Essential Characters.” The choice of these characters is the result of extensive research and deliberation by the Ministry. For these characters, the editors of this volume have endeavored to give illustrative character compounds that are in common use. Section Two of this book sets out the 2,136 characters designated for general everyday use (including the 1,006 characters taught at elementary school). In 1946 the Japanese writing system underwent fairly radical reform in the direction of simpli¿cation, but the 1970s onwards saw some movement away from what some saw as an over-simpli¿cation, and the trend towards use of a bigger range of Chinese characters has been encouraged by the development and popularity from the mid-1980s of word-processors and computers that can handle conventional Japanese text. Despite this trend, the major impact of the orthographic reforms of the late 1940s has meant that the Japanese writing system of today still remains much simpler than it was before 1946. 2.2 How Characters Are Read in Japanese Typically, each Chinese character has two types of readings—on-yomi and kun-yomi. The on-yomi (on reading, i.e., Sino-Japanese reading) is a reading originally based on the Chinese pronunciation associated v FM_i-xii.indd v 7/5/13 10:12 AM INTRODUCTION with each character, and reÀects the fact that the Chinese script was adopted from China the best part of 2,000 years ago, when the Japanese themselves did not have a writing system. Contrasting with the on-yomi is the kun-yomi (kun reading, i.e., native Japanese reading). In some cases, a given Chinese character has several on readings, reÀecting different forms of underlying Chinese pronunciation. A given character may also have more than one associated kun reading. Context and the use or absence of accompanying kana (okurigana) are the pointers as to which reading is appropriate in a given case. In this book, the majority of the readings set out in the JK List as it appeared in the Kanpǀ (Of¿cial Gazette) of 1 October 1981 have been included, but some readings have been excluded, bearing in mind the aim of this book, because they are archaic, obsolescent, or not common (e.g., nagomu [to soften] for ሆ). Also excluded from among the formal readings listed in this book are the sort of common minor—or relatively minor—variations in character readings which are found only in certain environments in compounds. For instance, the character ߔ has the on reading GAKU, which is truncated to GAK- in the compound ߔ৫ gakkǀ [school, college], the kun reading ame [rain] of ۫ changes to ama- as the ¿rst element in compounds such as ۫টamado [rainshutters], and the character ਗ Gƿ is read GAT- in the compound ਗ ๘ gatten [understanding, consent]. It was considered best for readers of this book to learn such changes gradually as they progress. In modern Japanese usage there are quite a number of characters which lack either an on reading or a kun reading. For instance, nowadays the character ດ [sugar] is employed only for its on reading Tƿ, while the character པ [box] is used only for its kun reading hako. 2.3 Writing Characters Firstly, the student should make every effort to practice so as to keep the characters of uniform size in relation to one another. Thus, the 2-stroke character katana should be written within the equal-sized imaginary square or circle as the 15-stroke ሄ RON [argument, opinion], and by the same token the element should be written larger when used as an independent character (read GEN, GON, [speech, word]) than when used as a radical / component in a more complex character such as ሄ RON above. Secondly, bear in mind that Chinese characters sometimes consist of just a few strokes, sometimes many, but the characters are always vi FM_i-xii.indd vi 7/12/13 9:14 AM INTRODUCTION written according to a set stroke order. Listed below are some principles that will be of assistance with regard to priority in the order of strokes. 1. Top to bottom: 2. Left to right: Other rules are: 3. When two or more strokes cross, horizontal strokes usually precede perpendicular ones: vii FM_i-xii.indd vii 7/5/13 10:12 AM INTRODUCTION 4. Sometimes perpendicular strokes precede horizontal ones: 5. Center ¿rst, then left and right: 6. Perpendicular line running through center written last: 7. Right-to-left diagonal stroke precedes left-to-right: viii FM_i-xii.indd viii 7/5/13 10:12 AM INTRODUCTION While the above may all seem rather complicated, the student might ¿nd solace in the fact that, as noted above, the writing system has been simpli¿ed to a considerable extent compared with the past, and has been mastered by many thousands of students having neither native speaker competence in Japanese nor prior background knowledge of the Chinese script. 2.4 Romanization There are several different systems of representing Japanese using the Roman alphabet. This book employs a slightly modi¿ed form of the Hepburn system, this being a system which is widely used and which is based on conventions associated with the spelling of English. The minor modi¿cation involves using the letter n rather than m to represent the syllabic nasal ɭ when the latter occurs immediately before the consonants m, b or p (thus, for instance, shinbun [newspaper], not shimbun, and kenpǀ [constitution], not kempǀ). Other points to note are: 1. use of a macron to indicate vowel lengthening for o and u, e.g., gakkǀ [school], renshnj [practice]; 2. use of a hyphen in cases where it is considered that this might facilitate understanding of boundaries between constituent elements in a Japanese word, e.g., sara-arai [dishwashing], rather than saraarai; and 3. use of the apostrophe ’ instead of a hyphen after a syllabic nasal ɭ, such as tan’i [unit] (a word of three short syllables, which in kana would be written ȹɭȞ) as opposed to tani [valley] (a word of two short syllables, written ȹɅ! in kana). 2.5 Kana Signs and Combinations The two main sections of this book are followed by a section setting out individual symbols in the hiragana and katakana syllabaries, and illustrations of stroke order for each of those symbols. Each of the two syllabaries evolved and became established over a period of many centuries, thereby becoming cemented as integral components in the modern writing system. Katakana, which are more angular in appearance than hiragana, are today used ¿rst and foremost to represent loanwords of European origin, e.g., ʩˋ pan [bread] and ʫĜ˃ biiru [beer]. Hiragana are used widely and variously elsewhere to represent such elements as ix FM_i-xii.indd ix 7/5/13 10:12 AM INTRODUCTION grammatical particles, inÀectional endings of verbs, and frequently to represent in writing words which would otherwise need to be written with intricate or uncommon characters such as those for ǀmu [parrot] (Ἴუ) or for the ken of sekken [soap] (ಒ). For the convenience of users of this book, the ¿nal part consists of an alphabetical index of readings for the 2,136 JK List characters. 3 Layout Details The 1,006 most essential characters are set out in Section One in accordance with the MEXT’s division into six grades. These are in running sequence, but note that the grade divisions are: 1–80 = Grade One 81–240 = Grade Two 241–440 = Grade Three 441–640 = Grade Four 641–825 = Grade Five 826–1,006 = Grade Six Characters within each grade are set out in the traditional “50 sounds” (gojnjon) order which is commonly used for reference-type works in Japanese, except that the characters in Grade One alone are ordered on the basis of semantic groupings. Each character is typically accompanied by the on reading, then the kun reading and English meaning(s). The context is the best guide as to which reading is appropriate in a given case. Also included for each of the 1,006 characters is information regarding the total number of strokes (the stroke count) and the set order to be followed in writing individual strokes. In most cases, three examples of character compounds are provided for each of these Essential characters. Section Two, which presents the total 2,136 General-Use characters, gives them with their on and/or kun readings, and English meanings, but without illustrative compounds. In many cases, however, compounds containing characters which are among the 1,130 “non-essential” characters may be found among the compounds given for each of the 1,006 characters in Section One. The order adopted for listing the corpus of 2,136 characters is that of stroke count (and, within a given stroke count, by radical). So as to avoid undue repetition, each of the 1,006 Essential characters appearing in Section Two is given with the corresponding reference to Section One, to which the reader can refer for details. This symbol Ÿ marks each of the 196 newest additions to the JK list. With regard to the typographical conventions employed in giving readings and meanings for characters, these are explained by means of the example below. x FM_i-xii.indd x 7/5/13 10:12 AM INTRODUCTION ॽ KEN1; mi(ru)2, to see, look3 On reading in upper case. Kun reading in lower case italics. Parentheses used to indicate end-syllable(s) to be written in kana (thus, mi(ru), since this word is conventionally written ॽɥ). ] Common reading is included though it is not a kun reading. 3 English meaning(s) given in regular lower case. 1 2 Also note the use of a comma after a single on-reading to indicate that it can be used as a stand-alone word, e.g., “ZA, seat...” (i.e., “za” exists as a word meaning “seat”), as opposed to “U canopy...” (i.e., “u” does not exist as an independent word). 4 Final Notes This guide is an ideal way to begin a serious study of the Japanese writing system. Other textbooks should be consulted for studies in vocabulary, grammar and culture. A number of textbooks and reference works are available from Tuttle Publishing. With each revision this guide continues to provide a useful and comprehensive approach to an ever-growing circle of readers and lifelong learners. There are many specialists of Japanese who began their study of Japanese with the ¿rst version of this guide and fondly keep that original volume, with its familiar orange and black book jacket, on their shelves. My own well-worn copy reminds me of my very ¿rst sensei and the joy that learning and now teaching of Japanese brings. 5 Select Bibliography of Main Works Consulted for This Edition Note: All the books in Japanese listed below have been published in Tokyo. Haig, J.H. et al. (ed.), The New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary. Charles E. Tuttle, Tokyo, 1997. Henshall, Kenneth G., A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters. Charles E. Tuttle, Tokyo, 1988. Maeda, Tomiyoshi. Jǀyǀ kanji saishin handobukku : nisenjnjnen kaitei taiǀ. Tǀkyǀ : Meijishoin, 2011. xi FM_i-xii.indd xi 7/5/13 10:12 AM ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sanseidǀ henshnjjo (ed.). Atarashii kokugo hyǀki handobukku. Tokyo: Sanseidǀ, 2011. College Board AP Japanese Language and Culture. http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/sub_japaneselang. html Dictionary.goo.ne.jp. http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/ Jim Breen’s WWWJDIC. http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/ wwwjdic.cgi?1C Jisho.org. http://jisho.org/kanji/radicals/ Kanjijiten.net. http://www.kanjijiten.net/jiten/4151.html#k4155 Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. http://www.mext.go.jp/ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many thanks to Professor Janet Ikeda for her careful review of the previous edition’s text, and her updates and improvements to allow this book to continue as a core reference for today’s learners. The editors of this revised edition respectfully acknowledge the work of the earlier editions carried out by Florence Sakade and her editorial team, work which has been of assistance to generations of students. Grateful acknowledgment is also due to Calvert Barksdale, Nancy Goh, Tan Cheng Har, Flavia Hodges, Tan Mike Tze, Nathan Burrows, Neil Chandler, Bruce Penno, Paul Eagle, Shozo Tsuji, Yasuko Tsuji, and Kazuko Seeley. xii FM_i-xii.indd xii 7/5/13 10:12 AM The 1,006 ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ێ ICHI, ITSU, hito-, hito(tsu), one ୍᭶ ୍␒ ୍ ichigatsu, January ichiban, ¿rst, best issatsu, one (book, magazine) 1 1 stroke = AP ٬ = JLPT Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 1 SAN, mi-, mit(tsu), three ୕᭶ ୕ே ୕᪥ sangatsu, March sannin, three people mikka, three days, the third day SHI, yon, yo-, yot(tsu), yo(tsu), four ᅄ᭶ ᅄ᪥ ᅄ༑ 4 5 strokes ᭶ nigatsu, February ᭶ nikagetsu, two months ᅇ nikai, twice 3 3 strokes હ NI, futa(tsu), two 2 2 strokes જ shigatsu, April yokka, four days, the fourth day shijnj, yonjnj, forty 1 7/5/13 3:25 PM 5–9 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS র GO, itsu(tsu), ¿ve ᭶ ே ༑ gogatsu, May gonin, ¿ve people gojnj, ¿fty 5 4 strokes ᇿ ROKU, mut(tsu), mu(tsu), six භ᭶ rokugatsu, June භ᭶ rokkagetsu, six months භ༑ rokujnj, sixty 6 4 strokes SHICHI, nana(tsu), nana, seven ᭶ shichigatsu, July ᭶ nanakagetsu, seven months ༑ shichijnj, nanajnj, seventy 7 2 strokes ཞ HACHI, yat(tsu), ya(tsu), eight ඵ᭶ hachigatsu, August ඵ᭶ hachikagetsu, eight months ඵ༑ hachijnj, eighty 8 2 strokes ࣻ KYNj, KU, kokono(tsu), nine ᭶ ༑ 9 2 strokes kugatsu, September kujnj, kynjjnj, ninety kuji, nine o’clock 2 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 2 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 10–14 JNj, tǀ, ten ༑᭶ ༑᪥ ༑ᅇ jnjgatsu, October tǀka, ten days, the tenth day jikkai, ten times 10 2 strokes ࿄ HYAKU, hundred ⓒ nihyaku, two hundred ୕ⓒ sanbyaku, three hundred ⓒ㈌ᗑ hyakkaten, department store 11 6 strokes ಫ ༓ ୕༓ ༓ 14 4 strokes sen’en, a thousand yen sanzen, three thousand gosen, ¿ve thousand NICHI, JITSU; hi, day, sun; ~ka, suf¿x for counting days ᪥᭙᪥ nichiyǀbi, Sunday ᪥ sakujitsu, yesterday ᮅ᪥ asahi, morning sun 13 4 strokes ॢ SEN, chi, thousand 12 3 strokes GETSU, GATSU; tsuki, month, moon ᭶᭙᪥ getsuyǀbi, Monday ᮶᭶ raigetsu, next month ୕᪥᭶ mikazuki, new moon 3 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 3 7/5/13 3:25 PM 15–19 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ݮ KA; hi, ¿re ⅆ᭙᪥ kayǀbi, Tuesday ⅆࡤࡕ hibachi, charcoal brazier ⅆ kaji, ¿re, conÀagration 15 4 strokes SUI; mizu, water Ỉ Ỉຊ Ỉර ǀ-mizu, Àood, inundation suiryoku, water power suihei, sailor 16 4 strokes ᄄ ᮌ᭙᪥ mokuyǀbi, Thursday ᮦᮌ zaimoku, lumber ᮌ〇 mokusei, made of wood KIN, gold; KON gold; kane, money 㔠᭙᪥ kin’yǀbi, Friday ࠾㔠 o-kane, money 㔠㨶 kingyo, gold¿sh 18 8 strokes BOKU, MOKU; ki, tree, wood 17 4 strokes ࣸ DO, TO; tsuchi, earth, soil ᅵ᭙᪥ doyǀbi, Saturday ᅵᆅ tochi, ground, plot of land ᅵே dojin, native 19 3 strokes 4 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 4 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 20–24 ༃ NEN; toshi, year භᖺ⏕ rokunensei, sixth-grade pupil ᖺᐤࡾ toshiyori, old person 㟷ᖺ seinen, youth 20 6 strokes SA; hidari, left ᕥὴ ᕥഃ ᕥᡭ saha, leftist (political), left wing sasoku, hidarigawa, left side hidarite, left hand 21 5 strokes ۦ 23 3 strokes ݚ 24 3 strokes U, YNj; migi, right ᕥྑ ྑὴ ྑഃ 22 5 strokes ௫ saynj, left and right uha, right wing (political) usoku, migigawa, right side Jƿ; ue, top, above, on; kami, upper; nobo(ru), to go up, to go toward Tǀkyǀ; a(geru), to raise; a(garu), to rise ୖὶ ᾏୖ ᕝୖ jǀrynj, upstream, upper class kaijǀ, on the sea, maritime kawakami, upstream KA, GE; shita, bottom, under, beneath; moto, base; shimo, lower; kuda(ru), to go down, to go away from Tǀkyǀ; sa(geru), to hang (v.t.), to lower; sa(garu), to hang down; kuda(saru), to bestow ᕝୗ kawashimo, downstream ୗရ gehin, vulgar, coarse ᆅୗ㕲 chikatetsu, subway 5 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 5 7/5/13 3:25 PM 25–29 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS DAI, TAI; ǀ(kii), big, large, great Ꮫ daigaku, university, college ኚ taihen, tremendous, serious ᗈ㛫 ǀ-hiroma, grand hall 25 3 strokes ෂ 26 4 strokes ழ CHNj; naka, middle, within, inside; JNj, throughout ୰Ꮫᰯ chnjgakkǀ, middle school ୰ᚰ chnjshin, center, heart (of a city, etc.) 㞟୰ shnjchnj, concentration ᑠᏛᰯ shǀgakkǀ, primary school ᑠᒇ koya, hut ᑠㄝ shǀsetsu, novel (¿ction) 29 5 strokes NYNj; iri, entering, attendance; i(reru), to put in; hai(ru), to enter ධᏛ ㍺ධ ධཱྀ 28 2 strokes SHƿ; ko, o-, chii(sai), small, minor 27 3 strokes nynjgaku, entering school yunynj, importation iriguchi, entrance SHUTSU, SUI; de(ru), to come out, to go out; da(su), to put out, to take out, to bring out, to draw out ฟⓎ ฟ∧ ฟཱྀ shuppatsu, setting out, departure, starting shuppan, publishing deguchi, exit 6 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 6 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 30–34 ᄆ MOKU, BOKU; me, eye; also used as an ordinal suf¿x ᶓ┠ ┠ⓗ ┠ᶆ yokome, side glance mokuteki, purpose mokuhyǀ, mark, target 30 5 strokes ॽ 31 7 strokes 32 6 strokes ݙ KEN; mi(ru), to see, to look; mi(eru), to be visible, to be able to see; mi(seru), to show, to display ぢ ぢ≀ ぢᮏ migoto, splendid kenbutsu, sightseeing mihon, sample JI; mimi, ear hayamimi, keen of hearing ⪥㬆ࡾ miminari, ringing in the ears ⪥ࡀ㐲࠸ mimi ga tǀi, deaf ᪩⪥ ON, IN; ne, oto, sound 㡢ᴦ Ⓨ㡢 ẕ㡢 ongaku, music hatsuon, pronunciation boin, vowel 33 9 strokes Kƿ, KU; kuchi, mouth ཱྀࡦࡆ kuchihige, mustache ධཱྀ iriguchi, entrance ཱྀㄽ kǀron, dispute 34 3 strokes 7 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 7 7/5/13 3:25 PM 35–39 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHU; te, hand ᥱᡭ ᡭ⿄ ᡭ⣬ akushu, handshake tebukuro, gloves tegami, letter 35 4 strokes SOKU; ashi, foot, leg; ta(riru), to be suf¿cient; ta(su), to add, to supplement ഫ ㊊㊧ ‶㊊ ㊊ 36 7 strokes ashi-ato, footprint manzoku, satisfaction fusoku, insuf¿ciency RITSU, RYNj; ta(tsu), (v.i.), to stand; ta(teru) (v.t.), to erect, to set up ᆏ ⊂❧ dokuritsu, independence ᙺ❧ࡘ yakudatsu, useful ❧ሙ tachiba, standpoint 37 5 strokes RYOKU, RIKI; chikara, strength, power ᆵ ຊᣢ ༠ຊ ດຊ 38 2 strokes ఱ ఱ chikaramochi, strong person kyǀryoku, co-operation doryoku, endeavor JIN, NIN; hito, person ே㢮 ே㛫 ேཱྀ 39 2 strokes jinrui, human race ningen, human being jinkǀ, population 8 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 8 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 40–44 ા SHI, SU; ko, child Ꮚࡶ kodomo, child, children ཎᏊ genshi, atom ᵝᏊ yǀsu, the state of things, appearance 40 3 strokes ட ዪ୰ ᑡዪ ዪ⋤ 44 5 strokes DAN, NAN; otoko, man, male ⏨ᛶ ⏨Ꮚ 㛗⏨ dansei, male sex, male danshi, male, boy chǀnan, eldest son SEN; saki, previous, ahead ඛ⏕ sensei, teacher ඛ᪥ senjitsu, the other day ⾜ࡁඛ yukisaki, destination 43 6 strokes ౺ jochnj, maid shǀjo, maiden joǀ, queen 42 7 strokes ಪ JO, NYO; me, female; onna, woman, girl 41 3 strokes ට SEI, SHƿ birth, life; u(mareru), to be born; u(mu), to give birth; i(kiru), to live; ki, pure, genuine; nama, raw; ha(eru), to grow, to spring up ୍⏕ isshǀ, oneތs (whole) life ⏕ά seikatsu, livelihood Ꮫ⏕ daigakusei, college student 9 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 9 7/5/13 3:25 PM 45–49 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ߔ GAKU, learning, science; mana(bu), to learn Ꮫᰯ ་Ꮫ ⛉Ꮫ gakkǀ, school igaku, medicine kagaku, science 45 8 strokes ৫ Kƿ school; to correct, to investigate, to compare, to think ᰯṇ ᰯ⯋ ᰯ kǀsei, proofreading kǀsha, school building kǀynj, alumnus 46 10 strokes ݄ ⋤ᵝ ⋤Ꮚ ⋤ᅜ ǀsama, king ǀji, prince ǀkoku, kingdom, monarchy GYOKU; tama, jewel, round object Ỉ⋢ ┠⋢ mizutama, drop of water medama, eyeball 48 5 strokes ީ ƿ, king 47 4 strokes kai, sea shell ㈅Ẇ kaigara, shell ㈅ᣠ࠸ kaihiroi, shell gathering ┿⌔㈅ shinjugai, pearl oyster 49 7 strokes 10 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 10 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 50–54 ܟ 50 4 strokes ಘ 51 7 strokes ಆ EN, circle, yen (Japanese monetary unit); maru(i), round enman, perfection, satisfaction ༓ᮐ senҲensatsu, thousand-yen bill ┙ enban, disc ‶ SEKI, SHAKU; aka, aka(i), red; aka(rameru) (v.t.), to color up, to add blush; aka(ramu), to turn red, to blush ㉥ࡕࡷࢇ akachan, baby, infant ㉥༑Ꮠ sekijnjji, Red Cross ㉥㖡 shakudǀ, alloy of copper and gold SEI, SHƿ; ao, ao(i), blue, green, inexperienced 㟷ᖺ seinen, youth 㟷ⓑ࠸ aojiroi, pale 㟷✵ aozora, blue sky 52 8 strokes ཆ HAKU, BYAKU; shiro, shiro(i), white ⓑே ⓑ≧ ⓑ㫽 hakujin, Caucasian hakujǀ, confession hakuchǀ, swan 53 5 strokes ᅄ SEKI; ynj, evening ኤ᪉ ኤ㣤 ኤ㢼 54 3 strokes ynjgata, evening ynjhan, supper ynjkaze, evening breeze 11 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 11 7/5/13 3:25 PM 55–59 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS MEI, MYƿ name, fame; na, name შ ྡࡲ࠼ namae, name ᭷ྡ ynjmei, famous, well-known ྡே meijin, an expert 55 6 strokes Sƿ; haya, haya(i), early, fast ഁ ᪩ཱྀ haya-guchi, quick speaking ᪩ sǀshun, early spring ᡭ᪩࠸ tebayai, quick, nimble 56 6 strokes Sƿ; kusa, grass, vegetation ഐ kusahara (kusawara), grassy plain ⲡ sǀan, draft (of a manuscript) ⲡྲྀࡾ kusatori, weeding ⲡཎ 57 9 strokes SAN; yama, mountain ટ ᒣ㐨 ᒣ⬦ Ⓩᒣ sandǀ, yamamichi, mountain path sanmyaku, mountain range tozan, mountain climbing 58 3 strokes ರ ರ SEN; kawa, river ㇂ᕝ tanigawa, mountain stream ᕝࡤࡓ kawabata, riverside ᕝཱྀ kawaguchi, mouth of a river 59 3 strokes 12 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 12 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 60–64 DEN; ta, rice ¿eld ⏣ᅬ ✋⏣ ⏣᳜ denҲen, ¿elds and gardens, rural districts inada, rice ¿eld taue, rice planting 60 5 strokes ෨ CHƿ; machi, town ⏫እࢀ machihazure, outskirts of a town ⏫ෆ chǀnai, the neighborhood ⏫㛗 chǀchǀ, mayor of a town 61 7 strokes ഺ ᮧẸ ᮧ㛗 ㎰ᮧ sonmin, villager sonchǀ, village mayor nǀson, a farm village SHA; kuruma, wheel, vehicle ⮬ື㌴ jidǀsha, automobile ⮬㌿㌴ jitensha, bicycle Ⓨ㌴ hassha, departure of a vehicle 63 7 strokes ᆹ SON; mura, village 62 7 strokes ଠ RIN; hayashi, woods ᳜ᯘ ᐦᯘ ㎰ᯘ 64 8 strokes shokurin, reforestation mitsurin, thick forest nǀrin, agriculture and forestry 13 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 13 7/5/13 3:25 PM 65–69 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ఝ SHIN; mori, forest, grove ᳃ᯘ ᳃㛩 ᳃ཝ shinrin, forest shinkan, silent shingen, solemn, aweinspiring 65 12 strokes ऋ 66 8 strokes ๏ KNj, sora, sky; a(ku), to become empty; a(keru), to vacate; kara, emptiness 㟷✵ ✵Ẽ ✵ aozora, blue sky knjki, air knjkǀ, airport ኳẼ ኳ ኳᡯ tenki, weather tenjǀ, ceiling tensai, genius KI, spirit, energy, mind; KE ኳẼ ඖẼ Ẽ tenki, weather genki, good spirits, health byǀki, sickness 68 6 strokes ۫ TEN, ame, sky, heaven 67 4 strokes U; ame, rain 㞵 㞵ᡞ ᱵ㞵 69 8 strokes ǀ-ame, heavy rain amado, rain door, shutter baiu, rainy season of early summer 14 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 14 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 70–74 ݴ KA; hana, Àower ⰼᒇ hanaya, Àower shop, Àorist ⰼࡧࢇ kabin, vase ⰼⅆ hanabi, ¿reworks 70 7 strokes ඹ CHIKU; take, bamboo ➉ࡸࡪ takeyabu, bamboo grove ➉⣽ᕤ takezaiku, bamboo ware ➉ࡈ takekago, bamboo basket 71 6 strokes ಒ SEKI, KOKU, SHAKU; ishi, stone ᑠ▼ ▼Ⅳ ☢▼ ko-ishi, pebble sekitan, coal jishaku, magnet 72 5 strokes ॶ KEN; inu, dog ᑠ≟ ko-inu, puppy ␒≟ banken, watchdog ≬≟ kyǀkenbyǀ, rabies 73 4 strokes ් CHNj; mushi, insect, bug, worm ᐖ ṑ ᪻ 74 6 strokes gaichnj, harmful insect mushiba, decayed tooth konchnj, insect, bug 15 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 15 7/5/13 3:25 PM 75–79 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHI; ito, thread ẟ⣒ ⣒ཱྀ ⣒ᕳ keito, woolen yarn itoguchi, clue itomaki, spool for thread 75 6 strokes Ⴈ 76 5 strokes ဦ 77 4 strokes ૦ 78 6 strokes ౷ 79 5 strokes HON, book, suf¿x for counting long, slender objects; moto, basis, essence, (tree) root ୍ᮏ ᮏ⟽ ᪥ᮏ ippon, one (bottle, rod, etc.) honbako, bookcase Nihon, Nippon, Japan BUN, writings, a sentence; MON, old unit of money; fumi, letter, book ᩥ bunka, culture ᩥᏛ bungaku, literature ᩥ㒊⮧ Monbudaijin, Minister of Education JI, letter, mark; aza, section (of a village) Ꮠᘬ ᩥᏐ ᩘᏐ jibiki, dictionary moji, monji, letter, character, ideograph snjji, number, numeral SEI, SHƿ; tada(shii), correct, right; tada(su), to correct, to rectify; masa(ni), surely, truly ṇ┤ shǀjiki, honesty ṇ᪉ᙧ seihǀkei, square (geometrical ¿gure) ṇ᭶ shǀgatsu, New Yearތs 16 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 16 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 80–84 KYNj; yasu(mi), rest, vacation; yasu(mu), to rest ఇ᠁ ఇ᪥ ఇ㣴 80 6 strokes ۜ kynjkei, rest, intermission kynjjitsu, holiday kynjyǀ, relaxation, recreation IN; hiki, pulling; hi(ku), to pull, to draw ⚟ᘬࡁ fukubiki, lottery ᘬ⏝ inҲyǀ, quotation, citation ᘬࡁ❧࡚ hikitate, favor, patronage 81 4 strokes ۩ ⩚ẟ ୍⩚ ⩚⧊ umǀ, feathers, plumage ichiwa, one (bird) haori, haori coat UN; kumo, cloud 㞼≧ unjǀ, cloudlike, nebulous ධ㐨㞼 nynjdǀgumo, gigantic clouds ᫍ㞼 seiun, nebula 83 12 strokes ܠ U; hane, ha, feather, plumage; -wa, counter for birds 82 6 strokes ܀ EN; sono, garden බᅬ kǀen, public park ⰼᅬ hanazono, Àower garden ື≀ᅬ dǀbutsu-en, zoo 84 13 strokes 17 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 17 7/5/13 3:25 PM 85–89 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ܳ EN, ON; tǀ(i), far, distant 㐲㊊ 㐲᪉ Ọ㐲 ensoku, excursion, long walk enpǀ, long distance eien, eternity 85 13 strokes ݝ KA; nani, what, how many (interrogative pre¿x) ఱே nannin, how many people? ఱ㛫 nanjikan, how much time? ఱ nanji, what time? 86 7 strokes ݨ Ꮫ⛉ gakka, a school subject ᩍ⛉᭩ kyǀkasho, textbook ⛉Ꮫ kagaku, science KA; natsu, summer ኟఇࡳ natsuyasumi, summer vacation ึኟ shoka, early summer ┿ኟ manatsu, midsummer 88 10 strokes ݦ KA, course, branch 87 9 strokes ݤ KA, KE; ie, ya, house ᐙ ᐙ᪘ ㎰ᐙ 89 10 strokes yanushi, owner of a house, landlord kazoku, family nǀka, farmhouse 18 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 18 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 90–94 ݬ KA; uta, song; uta(u), to sing ᅜḷ ḷ ḷᡭ kokka, national anthem kageki, opera kashu, singer 90 14 strokes ކ GA a picture; KAKU, stroke of a Japanese character ᅗ⏬ ᫎ⏬ ィ⏬ zuga, a drawing eiga, moving picture keikaku, plan 91 8 strokes ޑ 93 6 strokes ޠ KAI, a turn; mawa(su), to turn (v.t.); mawa(ru), to turn (v.i.) ఱᅇ ᅇ㌿ ᅇᩘ 92 6 strokes ޏ nankai, how many times? kaiten, revolution, rotation kaisnj, number of times, frequency KAI, meeting; a(u), to meet; E ሙ 㛗 ヰ kaijǀ, place of meeting, site kaichǀ, president (of a society), chairman (of a committee) kaiwa, conversation KAI; umi, sea, ocean ᾏᓊ kaigan, seacoast, seaside ᾏỈᾎ kaisuiyoku, sea bathing ᾏእ kaigai, overseas, abroad 94 9 strokes 19 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 19 7/5/13 3:25 PM 95–99 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ޤ KAI; E, picture ᾋୡ⤮ ukiyoe, Japanese print ⤮ⴥ᭩ ehagaki, picture postcard ᤄࡋ⤮ sashie, illustration 95 12 strokes ެ GAI, GE outside, foreign; hoka, other; soto, outside እᅜ gaikoku, foreign country እᅜே gaikokujin, foreigner እ⛉ geka, surgery 96 5 strokes ߍ ୕ゅ ᅄゅ ゅᗘ sankaku, triangle shikaku, square kakudo, angle GAKU, music; RAKU, comfort, ease; tano(shii), pleasant ᴦࡋࡳ tanoshimi, pleasure 㡢ᴦ ongakukai, concert, musical Ẽᴦ kiraku, ease, comfort 98 13 strokes ߤ KAKU, angle; tsuno, horn of an animal; kado, corner 97 7 strokes ߖ KATSU energy ⏕ά άື άᏐ 99 9 strokes seikatsu, life katsudǀ, activity katsuji, printerތs type 20 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 20 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 100–104 ࠰ KAN, KEN; aida, interval, space; ma, interval, room, time 㛫 jikan, time 㛫 nijikan, two hours 㛫 hiruma, daytime 100 12 strokes ࠷ 101 3 strokes ࠾ GAN; maaru, maru, round (n.); maru(i), round (adj.); -maru, suf¿x in ship names; maru(meru), to make (something) round ⸆ gan’yaku, pill ᪥ࡢ hinomaru, Rising Sun Àag ኴ maruta, log (of timber) GAN; iwa, rock, crag ⰼࡇ࠺ᒾ kakǀgan, granite ᒾ▼ ganseki, rock ᒾᒇ iwaya, cavern 102 8 strokes ࡃ GAN; kao, face 㢦㠃 㢦Ⰽ 㢦 ganmen, face kao-iro, complexion kaotsuki, face, look, countenance 103 18 strokes KI steam, vapor Ỷ㌴ kisha, steam-driven train Ỷ➜ kiteki, steam whistle Ỷ⯪ kisen, steamship, steamboat 104 7 strokes 21 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 21 7/5/13 3:25 PM 105–109 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ࡥ 105 10 strokes ࡚ 106 10 strokes KI chronicle; shiru(su), to write down ᪥グ グᛕ グ⪅ nikki, diary kinen, remembrance, souvenir kisha, journalist KI; kae(ru), to return, to leave ᖐࡾ㐨 kaerimichi, (on) oneތs way back ᖐே kikajin, naturalized person ᖐᅜ kikoku, return to oneތs native country ᘪ㐨 ᘪᘻ ᘪ≧ kynjdǀ, archery yumizuru, bowstring kynjjǀ, arch, bow shape GYNj; ushi, cow, bull ᑠ∵ ∵ங ∵⫗ ko-ushi, calf gynjnynj, milk gynjniku, beef 108 4 strokes ࢳ KYNj; yumi, bow, archery 107 3 strokes ࢥ GYO; uo, ¿sh; sakana, ¿sh 㔠㨶 kingyo, gold¿sh 㨶ᕷሙ uo-ichiba, ¿sh market 㨶ࡘࡾ uotsuri, ¿shing 109 11 strokes 22 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 22 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 110–114 ࢶ KYƿ, capital, KEI ᮾி ி㒔 ୖி Tǀkyǀ, capital of Japan Kyǀto, ancient capital of Japan jǀkyǀ, going to Tǀkyǀ 110 8 strokes ࣅ 111 11 strokes ࣋ KYƿ, Gƿ; tsuyo(i), strong; tsuyo(meru) (v.t.), to reinforce, to emphasize; shi(ite), by force; shi(ru), to force, to urge ຮᙉ ᙉᙅ ᙉ benkyǀ, study kyǀjaku, strength and weakness gǀjǀ, obstinacy ᩍᐊ ᩍ⫱ ᩍ kyǀshitsu, classroom kyǀiku, education kyǀkai, church KIN; chika(i), near ㏆㐨 ㏆ᡤ ᭱㏆ chikamichi, shortcut kinjo, neighborhood saikin, recently 113 7 strokes य KYƿ; oshi(eru), to teach 112 11 strokes ࣷ KEI, KYƿ; ani, older brother ᘵ ∗ 114 5 strokes kyǀdai, brothers (and sisters) fukei, guardians (of pupils) 23 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 23 7/5/13 3:25 PM 115–119 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS व KEI, GYƿ; katachi, ~gata, shape, form ேᙧ ningyǀ, doll 㛗᪉ᙧ chǀhǀkei, rectangle ༙ᙧ hanҲenkei, semicircle 115 7 strokes ो 116 9 strokes ই KEI; haka(ru), to measure; haka(rau), to arrange, to discuss ྜィ gǀkei, sum, total ᐮᬮィ kandankei, weather thermometer య ィ taionkei, clinical thermometer 118 7 strokes ঈ GEN, GAN; moto, beginning, foundation ᰿ඖ ඖ᮶ ඖ᪥ kongen, root, origin, source ganrai, originally, primarily ganjitsu, New Yearތs 117 4 strokes GEN, GON, speech, statement; koto, word, speech, expression; i(u), to say ᪉ゝ ↓ゝ ゝⴥ hǀgen, dialect mugon, silence, muteness kotoba, word, language GEN original; hara, ¿eld, meadow ཎᅉ 㧗ཎ ⲡཎ 119 10 strokes genҲin, cause kǀgen, plateau kusawara, grassy plain 24 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 24 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 120–124 ট KO; to, door ᡞእ ᮌᡞ Ụᡞ kogai, outdoors kido, gate, door Edo, old name for Tǀkyǀ 120 4 strokes গ KO; furu(i), old, ancient ྂ௦ kodai, ancient times ྂ kokon, past and present ⪃ྂᏛ kǀkogaku, archeology 121 5 strokes 123 9 strokes া GO noon ༗๓ gozen, morning, A.M. ༗ᚋ gogo, afternoon, P.M. ṇ༗ shǀgo, noon 122 4 strokes ষ GO, Kƿ; ushi(ro), behind; nochi, after; ato, the rear, after, the remainder 㣗ᚋ ᭱ᚋ ๓ᚋ shokugo, after a meal saigo, last zengo, before and after, context GO, word, speech; katari, narration; kata(ru), to tell, to speak እᅜㄒ gaikokugo, foreign language ⱥㄒ eigo, English language ≀ㄒ monogatari, tale 124 14 strokes 25 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 25 7/5/13 3:25 PM 125–129 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS Kƿ, KU worker, construction ᕤኵ kǀfu, workman, laborer ᕤ୰ kǀjichnj, under construction ᕤᏛ kǀgaku, engineering 125 3 strokes Kƿ; ǀyake, public ேබ shujinkǀ, hero, heroine බᅬ kǀen, public park බ㌿ kǀten, revolution, turning 126 4 strokes ঢ় 127 5 strokes ৄ 128 6 strokes Kƿ; hiro(i), wide; hiro(geru), to spread (v.t.); hiro(garu), to spread (v.i.); hiro(maru), to be spread ᗈሙ ᗈ࿌ ᗈ hiroba, open space, plaza kǀkoku, advertisement kǀdai, vast Kƿ; ma(jiru), to be mixed; maji(waru), to associate with; ka(wasu), to exchange kǀsai, intercourse, association ␒ kǀban, police box ㏻ kǀtsnj, traf¿c 㝿 Kƿ; hikari, light, ray; hika(ru), to shine ගᖺ ගἼ ほග 129 6 strokes kǀnen, light-year kǀha, light wave kankǀ, sightseeing 26 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 26 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 130–134 ৽ Kƿ; kanga(e), thought, idea, opinion; kanga(eru), to think ཧ⪃ ⪃ ⪃ᰝ sankǀ, reference kǀan, idea, plan, scheme kǀsa, examination 130 6 strokes Kƿ, GYƿ, AN; i(ku), yu(ku), to go; oko(nau), to hold, to conduct ⾜ิ ᛴ⾜ 㖟⾜ gyǀretsu, procession, queue kynjkǀ, express ginkǀ, bank 131 6 strokes 132 10 strokes ݉ 134 6 strokes Kƿ; taka(i), high, costly; taka(maru), to rise, to be elevated; taka(meru), to lift, to boost 㧗➼Ꮫᰯ kǀtǀgakkǀ, high school ᭱㧗 saikǀ, highest 㧗ྎ takadai, elevated land Kƿ, ƿ; ki, yellow 㯤Ⰽ ki-iro, yellow 㯤㔠 ǀgon, gold 㯤⇕ ǀnetsubyǀ, yellow fever 133 11 strokes ਗ Gƿ; a(u), to be together, to ¿t; a(waseru), to join, to combine ྜᅗ 㒔ྜ ⤌ྜ aizu, signal, sign tsugǀ, circumstances, convenience kumiai, union 27 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 27 7/5/13 3:25 PM 135–139 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ඇ KOKU; tani, valley ㇂㛫 ㇂ᗏ tanima, valley tanizoko, bottom of a ravine 135 7 strokes ਡ KOKU; kuni, country ᅜㄒ ᅜ ᅜ kokugo, national language (Japanese) kokkai, the National Diet zenkoku, national 136 8 strokes ਥ KOKU; kuro, kuro(i), black 㯮ே 㯮ᯈ ᬯ㯮 kokujin, negro kokuban, blackboard ankoku, darkness, blackness 137 11 strokes KON, KIN; ima, now, the present ᭶ ᗘ ኪ 138 4 strokes ਜ਼ kongetsu, this month kondo, next time konҲya, tonight SAI, talent, suf¿x for counting age ༑භᡯ jnjroku-sai, sixteen years old ኳᡯ tensai, genius ᡯ⬟ sainǀ, talent 139 3 strokes 28 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 28 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 140–144 ੧ SAI; hoso(i), slender, narrow; koma(kai), minute, ¿ne, detailed ⣽㐨 ⣽ᕤ ⣽⳦ hosomichi, narrow road saiku, work, craftsmanship saikin, bacillus, germ 140 11 strokes SAKU, SA; tsuku(ru), to make సᩥ ྡస స᭤ 141 7 strokes ધ 142 14 strokes ો 143 4 strokes ી sakubun, (literary) composition meisaku, masterpiece sakkyoku, musical composition SAN reckoning ⟬ᩘ sansnj, arithmetic, ィ⟬ keisan, computation, ண⟬ ¿guring yosan, budget calculation SHI; to(maru), to stop (v.i.); to(meru), to bring to a stop; tome, stop ୰Ṇ chnjshi, discontinuation ⚗Ṇ kinshi, prohibition ㏻⾜Ṇ tsnjkǀdome, suspension of traf¿c SHI, city; ichi, market ᕷᙺᡤ shiyakusho, city of¿ce ᕷሙ ichiba, shijǀ, market 㒔ᕷ toshi, cities 144 5 strokes 29 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 29 7/5/13 3:25 PM 145–149 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ᄚ SHI; ya, arrow ▮༳ ᘪ▮ ୍▮ yajirushi, arrow(-sign) yumiya, bow and arrow isshi, retort, shot in return 145 5 strokes ઼ SHI; ane, elder sister ጜጒ ጜፉ ጜ፵ shimai, ane-imǀto, sisters anemusume, elder daughter anemuko, elder sisterތs husband 146 8 strokes ૃ SHI; omo(u), to think, to recall ᛮ shisǀ, thought, idea ᛮ㆟ fushigi, strange ᛮ࠸ฟ omoide, remembrance, recollection 147 9 strokes SHI; kami, paper ୍࣎ࣝ⣬ bǀrugami, cardboard ⾲⣬ hyǀshi, cover, binding ⣬ࡃࡎ kamikuzu, wastepaper 148 10 strokes ૧ JI; tera, temple ᑎ㝔 ᒣᑎ 149 6 strokes ji-in, Buddhist temple yamadera, mountain temple 30 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 30 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 150–154 JI, SHI; mizuka(ra), self, in person ⮬ศ ⮬ಙ ⮬⏤ jibun, self jishin, con¿dence jiynj, freedom 150 6 strokes ૪ ࠎ ィ ௦ 153 7 strokes ଯ 154 10 strokes tokidoki, sometimes tokei, watch, clock jidai, period, epoch SHITSU, room; muro, storeroom, cave ᩍᐊ ᐊෆ ᐊ 152 9 strokes ଜ JI; toki, time 151 10 strokes ଆ kyǀshitsu, classroom shitsunai, indoors onshitsu, hothouse, greenhouse SHA, a company; yashiro, Shintǀ shrine ♫ ♫ ⚄♫ shakai, society, the world, the community kaisha, (business) company jinja, shrine JAKU; yowa(i), weak; yowa(ru), to grow weak, to be perplexed; yowa(meru) (v.t.), to weaken ᙅ ᙅ㡢 ㈋ᙅ yowamushi, weakling yowane, complaints hinjaku, scantiness, meagerness 31 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 31 7/5/13 3:25 PM 155–159 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ଽ SHU; kubi, neck 㤳㍯ ᡭ㤳 㤳ᗓ kubiwa, collar (dog) tekubi, wrist shufu, capital 155 9 strokes SHNj; aki, fall, autumn ึ⛅ ⛅㢼 ⛅ศ shoshnj, early autumn akikaze, autumn breeze shnjbun, autumnal equinox 156 9 strokes ଢ଼ SHNj, week 㐌หㄅ shnjkanshi, weekly magazine ᮶㐌 raishnj, next week 㐌 konshnj, this week 157 11 strokes SHUN; haru, spring 㢼 㟷 ᬌ harukaze, spring breeze seishun, springtime of life banshun, late spring 158 9 strokes ங SHO; ka(ku), to write ㎡᭩ jisho, dictionary ᭩≀ shomotsu, book, volume ᩍ⛉᭩ kyǀkasho, textbook 159 10 strokes 32 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 32 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 160–164 வ 160 4 strokes ௲ SHƿ; suko(shi), suku(nai), few, little, scarce ᑡᖺ shǀnen, boy, lad ከᑡ tashǀ, more or less, somewhat ᑡబ shǀsa, major (army), lieutenant commander (navy) Jƿ; ba, place ᕤሙ kǀjǀ, kǀba, factory ሙᡤ basho, place ሙ shigotoba, place of work 161 12 strokes ఋ 㢦Ⰽ kao-iro, complexion ኳ↛Ⰽ tennenshoku, natural color, technicolor Ⰽᙬ shikisai, color, hue 164 4 strokes SHOKU, food; ta(beru), to eat; ku(u), to eat 㣗≀ 㣗ᇽ 㣗 163 9 strokes ఘ SHOKU, SHIKI; iro, color 162 6 strokes shokumotsu, food, edibles shokudǀ, dining hall shokuji, a meal SHIN; kokoro, spirit, heart, mind ᚰᣢࡕ kokoromochi, mood, feeling, sensation ┿ᚰ magokoro, sincerity, devotion ୍ᚰ isshin, whole-heartedness 33 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 33 7/5/13 3:25 PM 165–169 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ఛ SHIN; atara(shii), new; ara(tani), newly, afresh; nii-, ¿rst, new ᪂⪺ shinbun, newspaper ᪂ᖺ shinnen, the New Year ᪂Ꮫᮇ shingakki, new school term 165 13 strokes ప 166 16 strokes ూ SHIN; oya, parent; shita(shimu), to make friends with, to take kindly to; shita(shii), intimate, familiar ୧ぶ ぶษ ぶ㢮 ryǀshin, parents shinsetsu, kindness shinrui, relative, relation ᅗ⏬ zuga, drawing, a picture ᆅᅗ chizu, map ᅗ᭩㤋 toshokan, library SNj; kazu, number; kazo(eru), to count ᩘᏐ ᩘᏛ ேᩘ snjji, ¿gure, numeral snjgaku, mathematics ninznj, the number of people 168 13 strokes ಀ ZU, drawing, plan; TO; haka(ru), to devise 167 7 strokes ౘ SEI, SAI; nishi, west すὒ seiyǀ, the West, the Occident すὒ Taiseiyǀ, Atlantic Ocean ᮾす tǀzai, east and west, Orient and Occident 169 6 strokes 34 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 34 7/5/13 3:25 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 170–174 ౾ SEI, SHƿ; koe, voice Ἵࡁኌ nakigoe, crying voice 㡢ኌᏛ onseigaku, phonetics ኌᖏ seitai, the vocal cords 170 7 strokes SEI, Jƿ; hoshi, star ᫍᗙ ⅆᫍ ᫂ᫍ seiza, constellation kasei, Mars myǀjǀ, Venus 171 9 strokes 172 12 strokes ಜ 173 4 strokes ಥ SEI; ha(re), ¿ne weather; ha(reru), to clear (weather), to be dispelled; ha(rasu), to clear away, to dispel (doubts) ⛅ᬕࢀ akibare, clear autumn weather ᬕࢀ╔ haregi, oneތs best clothes ᬕኳ seiten, ¿ne weather SETSU, SAI; ki(ru), to cut; ki(reru), to be sharp, to snap, to break, to run out, to expire ୍ษࢀ hitokire, one slice ぶษ shinsetsu, kindness ୍ษ issai, all, everything SETSU; yuki, snow 㞷ࡔࡿࡲ yukidaruma, snowman 㞷ゎࡅ yukidoke, thaw ✚㞷 sekisetsu, snowdrift 174 11 strokes 35 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 35 7/5/13 3:25 PM 175–179 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SEN; fune, funa, boat, ship Ώࡋ⯪ watashi-bune, ferry ⯪ဨ senҲin, sailor Ỷ⯪ kisen, steamboat, steamship 175 11 strokes ೀ SEN, line, track, wire, string ᆅᖹ⥺ chiheisen, horizon (on land) ග⥺ kǀsen, light, beam, ray ┤⥺ chokusen, straight line 176 15 strokes 177 9 strokes ೨ 178 11 strokes ഖ ZEN; mae, before, in front of, previous ༗๓ ๓ᚋ ௨๓ gozen, morning, A.M. zengo, before and after, context izen, ago, since, before SO; kumi, class, group, set; ku(mu), to join, to unite ⤌ࡳ❧࡚ kumitate, construction, structure ୍⤌ hitokumi, one set, one class ␒⤌ bangumi, program Sƿ; hashi(ru), to run ➇㉮ kyǀsǀ, race, running match ㉮ࡾ᭩ࡁ hashirigaki, hasty writing ㉮ࡾཤࡿ hashirisaru, to run away 179 7 strokes 36 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 36 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 180–184 ഽ TA; ǀ(i), many, much, abundant ከᩘ ከศ ከ㔞 tasnj, large number tabun, perhaps taryǀ, great quantity 180 6 strokes ാ 181 4 strokes ൌ TAI, TA; futo(i), big, deep (voice), bold (lines), shameless; futo(ru), to grow fat ኴ㝧 taiyǀ, sun ኴ maruta, log ኴᖹὒ Taiheiyǀ, Paci¿c Ocean య⫱ ᅋయ ㌴య tai-iku, physical education dantai, a group shatai, body of a vehicle DAI, TAI; a stand ྎ㢼 ⯙ྎ ⇠ྎ taifnj, typhoon butai, stage tǀdai, lighthouse 183 5 strokes ණ TAI, TEI body; karada, the body, health 182 7 strokes CHI, JI, earth, ground ᆅୖ ᆅୗ ᆅ㠃 184 6 strokes chijǀ, on the ground chika, underground jimen, surface of the earth 37 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 37 7/5/13 3:26 PM 185–189 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ද 185 6 strokes ඪ CHI; ike, pond, lake denchi, electric cell, battery ụ␁ chihan, side of a pond, around a pond ⏝Ỉụ yǀsuichi, reservoir 㟁ụ CHI; shi(ru), to know; shi(raseru), to inform ▱㆑ ▱ே ᢎ▱ chishiki, knowledge chijin, an acquaintance shǀchi, assent, agreement 186 8 strokes ⲔⰍ cha-iro, light brown Ⲕࡢ cha-no-yu, tea ceremony Ⲕࢃࢇ chawan, teacup, rice bowl CHNj; hiru, noon, daytime 㛫 ኪ 㣗 hiruma, daytime chnjya, day and night chnjshoku, noon meal, lunch 188 9 strokes ෳ CHA, tea, tea plant, SA 187 9 strokes CHƿ; head of an institution or organization; naga(i), long ⣽㛗࠸ hosonagai, long and narrow 㛗ࡄࡘ nagagutsu, boots ᰯ㛗 kǀchǀ, principal of a school 189 8 strokes 38 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 38 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 190–194 CHƿ; tori, bird 㫽㢮 chǀrui, birds (as a species) ᑠ㫽 kotori, small bird Ώࡾ㫽 wataridori, migratory bird 190 11 strokes CHƿ; asa, morning ᮅห ᮅ㣗 ẖᮅ 191 12 strokes 192 8 strokes ฆ 193 10 strokes ษ chǀkan, morning paper chǀshoku, breakfast mai-asa, every morning CHOKU, upright, honest, cheap; JIKI, direct; tada(chini), immediately; nao(su), to repair, to put right, to convert; nao(ru), to be repaired, to change for the better ┤ゅ ṇ┤ ⣲┤ chokkaku, right angle shǀjiki, honesty sunao, gentle, obedient TSNj; tǀ(ru), to go along, to pass; tǀ(su), to let pass, to continue; kayo(u), to go back and forth, to commute ㏻ࡾ ǀ-dǀri, main street ㏻ಙ tsnjshin, correspondence, communication ㏻ヂ tsnjyaku, interpreter TEI, DAI; otǀto, younger brother ᘵ ᘵጒ 194 7 strokes kyǀdai, brothers teimai, younger brothers and sisters 39 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 39 7/5/13 3:26 PM 195–199 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ๑ TEN; mise, store ᗑ␒ ၟᗑ ᗑ miseban, tending a store shǀten, store (shop) baiten, stand, stall 195 8 strokes ๘ Ⅼᩘ tensnj, merit marks ⅬᏐ tenji, braille points ỴⅬ kesshǀten, goal DEN lightning, electricity 㟁Ẽ 㟁ヰ 㟁ሗ denki, electricity denwa, telephone denpǀ, telegram 197 13 strokes TEN, point, marks, dot 196 9 strokes Tƿ; katana, sword ᑠย ย ㌷ย kogatana, pocketknife daitǀ, long sword guntǀ, sabre 198 2 strokes Tƿ; fuyu, winter ఇࡳ fuyuyasumi, winter vacation ╀ tǀmin, hibernation ᮇ tǀki, winter season 199 5 strokes 40 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 40 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 200–204 ຎ 200 6 strokes ຄ Tƿ; a(taru), to hit, to be equal to, to win (v.i.); a(teru), to hit, to apply, to guess (v.t.) ぢᙜ ᡭᙜ ᙜ↛ kentǀ, guess teate, treatment, allowance tǀzen, justly, naturally Tƿ; higashi, east ᮾഃ ᮾὒ ᮾ higashigawa, east side tǀyǀ, the East, the Orient hokutǀ, northeast 201 8 strokes ຒ 202 12 strokes ຢ Tƿ; kota(e), answer; kota(eru), to answer tǀan, examination paper mondǀ, questions and answers ゎ⟅ kaitǀ, answer, solution ⟅ ၥ⟅ Tƿ, ZU; atama, head, top, brain; kashira, head, top, leader ඛ㢌 ᩍ㢌 㢌③ sentǀ, leader, head kyǀtǀ, head teacher zutsnj, headache 203 16 strokes ວ Dƿ; ona(ji), same ྠ ྠ ୍ྠ 204 6 strokes dǀji, the same time dǀjǀ, sympathy ichidǀ, all (of us, them), all the persons concerned 41 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 41 7/5/13 3:26 PM 205–209 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ັ Dƿ; michi, road, path Ỉ㐨 㐨ල 㕲㐨 suidǀ, waterworks dǀgu, tool tetsudǀ, railroad 205 12 strokes DOKU, TOKU; yo(mu), to read ㄞ⪅ dokusha, reader (person) ㄞ᭩ dokusho, reading ㄞࡳ㏉ࡍ yomikaesu, to reread 206 14 strokes ໘ ෆ ෆᾏ ෆᐜ annai, guidance, invitation uchiumi, naikai, inland sea naiyǀ, contents NAN; minami, south ༡㒊 ༡ᴟ す༡ nanbu, southern part Nankyoku, South Pole seinan, southwest 208 9 strokes NAI, DAI; uchi, inside, home, within, during, among, between 207 4 strokes NIKU, meat, Àesh ∵⫗ ➽⫗ ⫗ᒇ 209 6 strokes gynjniku, beef kinniku, muscles nikuya, butcher, butcher shop 42 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 42 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 210–214 ༣ BA; uma, horse 㤿㌴ basha, carriage ➇㤿ሙ keibajǀ, race track 210 10 strokes ༸ BAI; u(ri), sale; u(ru), to sell ࡾฟࡋ uridashi, opening sale, bargain sale ၟ shǀbai, business Ⓨ hatsubai, sale 211 7 strokes ༷ BAI; ka(u), to buy, to purchase baibai, purchase and sale, buying and selling ㈙࠸≀ kaimono, shopping ㈙࠸ᡭ kaite, buyer ㈙ 212 12 strokes དྷ BAKU; mugi, barley, wheat 㯏ࢃࡽ mugiwara, (barley) straw 㯏สࡾ mugikari, mowing barley ᑠ㯏 komugi, wheat 213 7 strokes HAN; naka(ba), half ༙ศ hanbun, half ୍༙ ichiji-han, one-thirty, halfpast one ༙ᓥ hantǀ, peninsula 214 5 strokes 43 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 43 7/5/13 3:26 PM 215–219 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ྈ BAN, number, guard, order, (oneތs) turn ␒⤌ ␒ 㡰␒ bangumi, program kǀban, police-box junban, order, oneތs turn 215 12 strokes 218 4 strokes ဧ 219 14 strokes ∗ fukeikai, parentsތ association ♽∗ sofu, grandfather ∗ẕ fubo, parents FNj; kaze, wind 㢼ᬒ ྎ㢼 ༡㢼 fnjkei, scenery taifnj, typhoon minamikaze, south wind 217 9 strokes ယ FU; chichi, father 216 4 strokes ဇ BUN, BU, part, share; FUN, a minute; wa(keru) (v.t.), to divide; wa(kareru), to be separated, to branch off; wa(karu), to know, to understand ⮬ศ ศ ༑ศ jibun, self nifun, two minutes jippun, ten minutes BUN; ki(ku), to hear, to listen to, to ask, to obey; ki(koeru), to be heard ᪂⪺ shinbun, newspaper ᪂⪺♫ shinbunsha, newspaper of¿ce ぢ⪺ kenbun, information, experience 44 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 44 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 220–224 ဴ 220 6 strokes ၐ BEI America, rice; MAI rice; kome, rice ⡿ᅜ ⡿స ⓑ⡿ Beikoku, America, the United States beisaku, rice-growing (crop) hakumai, polished rice HO, BU; ayu(mu), aru(ku), to walk, to step ➨୍Ṍ dai-ippo, the ¿rst step 㐍Ṍ shinpo, progress ᩓṌ sanpo, a walk, a stroll 221 8 strokes ၚ BO; haha, mother ẕࡢ᪥ Haha-no-hi, Motherތs Day ẕᅜ bokoku, mother country ẕぶ haha-oya, mother 222 5 strokes ၫ Hƿ, direction, side; kata [gata], side, way of ~ing, person ୧᪉ ryǀhǀ, both sides సࡾ᪉ tsukurikata, way of making ኤ᪉ ynjgata, evening 223 4 strokes ႘ HOKU; kita, north ᴟ ༡ 㢼 224 5 strokes Hokkyoku, North Pole nanboku, north and south kitakaze, north wind 45 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 45 7/5/13 3:26 PM 225–229 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS Ⴔ MAI every (pre¿x) ẖ᪥ ẖᮅ ẖ㐌 mainichi, every day mai-asa, every morning maishnj, every week 225 6 strokes Ⴑ MAI; imǀto, younger sister ᘵጒ ጜጒ teimai, younger brothers and sisters shimai, sisters 226 8 strokes 228 8 strokes ხ 229 14 strokes MAN, ten thousand; BAN ᖺ➹ mannenhitsu, fountain pen ୍ manҲichi, if by any chance ᅜ bankoku, all countries 227 3 strokes ც MEI, MYƿ bright; aka(rui), light, bright; aki(raka), bright; a(keru), to dawn, to break (day); a(kasu), to disclose (a secret), to pass the night ኪ᫂ࡅ yoake, dawn ㄝ᫂ setsumei, explanation Ⓨ᫂ hatsumei, invention MEI; na(ku), to sing (birds), to cry (animals), to howl (animals), to chirp (insects); na(ru) (v.i.), to ring, to sound; na(rasu) (v.t.), to ring (a bell), to sound (a drum), to complain, to be famous 㬆ࡁኌ nakigoe, cry (of animals) ᝒ㬆 himei, scream, cry of distress 㬆ື meidǀ, rumbling 46 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 46 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 230–234 ჽ Mƿ; ke, hair ẟ⣒ keito, woolen thread, yarn ẟ kemushi, caterpillar ẟᕸ mǀfu, blanket 230 4 strokes ᄑ MON, gate; kado, gate ᰯ㛛 ᑓ㛛 㛛ཱྀ kǀmon, school gate senmon, specialty kadoguchi, door, entrance 231 8 strokes ᄕ YA; yo, yoru, evening, night ኪ୰ yonaka, midnight ༑ኪ jnjgoya, night of the full moon ኪ konҲya, tonight 232 8 strokes ᄘ YA; no, ¿eld, plain 㔝ཎ 㔝⌫ 㔝እ nohara, ¿eld yakynj, baseball yagai, outdoors 233 11 strokes ᄯ YNj; tomo, friend ࡔࡕ tomodachi, friend ே ynjjin, friend ynjjǀ, friendship 234 4 strokes 47 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 47 7/5/13 3:26 PM 235–239 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ᅙ Yƿ, business; mochi(iru), to use ⏝ព ⏝ᚰ ⏝ yǀi, preparation yǀjin, heed, care, caution yǀji, business 235 5 strokes ᅓ Yƿ term used for days of the week ᮌ᭙᪥ mokuyǀbi, Thursday ᅵ᭙᪥ doyǀbi, Saturday Ỉ᭙᪥ suiyǀbi, Wednesday 236 18 strokes ᅰ 237 7 strokes ᆊ 238 7 strokes ᆅ RAI; ku(ru), to come; kita(ru), to arrive, next; kita(su), to cause, to induce ᮶ᖺ ௨᮶ ᑗ᮶ rainen, next year irai, since, from that time shǀrai, the future RI, Japanese linear unit (2.44 miles); sato village, country, oneތs native home (usually as viewed by a woman married into another family) 㒓㔛 kyǀri, oneތs native place, home ᮧ㔛 murazato, village ୍㔛 ichiri, one ri RI, reason, logic ⌮ゎ ᩚ⌮ ᩱ⌮ 239 11 strokes rikai, understanding seiri, arrangement, adjustment ryǀri, cooking 48 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 48 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 240–244 ሇ WA; hanashi, story; hana(su), to speak ୡヰ 㟁ヰ ヰ sewa, aid denwa, telephone kaiwa, conversation 240 13 strokes ڏ 241 11 strokes ڤ AKU, badness, evil; waru(i), bad, evil ᝏཱྀ warukuchi, evil talk, gossip ᝏே akunin, bad man, villain ᝏ㊰ akuro, bad road Ᏻᚰ Ᏻ Ᏻ anshin, peace of mind anzen, safe fuan, uneasiness AN; kura(i), dark ┿ࡗᬯ makkura, pitch dark ᬯྕ angǀ, code, cryptograph ᬯグ anki, memorization 243 13 strokes ۇ AN; yasu(i), cheap, inexpensive 242 6 strokes ڧ I to heal, to cure ་⪅ ་Ꮫ ་㝔 244 7 strokes isha, physician, doctor igaku, medical science i-in, medical practitionerތs of¿ce 49 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 49 7/5/13 3:26 PM 245–249 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ڳ 245 8 strokes ڷ I; yuda(neru), to entrust with ጤဨ i-in, committee, delegate ጤဨ㛗 i-inchǀ, chairman of a committee ጤ௵ i-nin, charge, trust, commission I, mind, heart, attention, care ὀព ពぢ ព chnji, care, attention iken, opinion, admonition imi, meaning 246 13 strokes ۋ 247 8 strokes ۙ IKU; haguku(mu), brood over (one’s chicks), soda(teru), to bring up, to educate, to raise; soda(tsu), to grow up ᩍ⫱ య⫱ ⫱ඣ 249 10 strokes kyǀiku, education tai-iku, physical education ikuji, upbringing of a child IN member, of¿cial, personnel ‶ဨ ୍ဨ ⫋ဨ 248 10 strokes ۡ manҲin, no vacancy, full house ichi-in, (one) member shokuin, staff, personnel IN temple, academy, board, suf¿x for “institution” 㝔 byǀin, hospital ⨾ᐜ㝔 biyǀin, beauty shop ୗ㝔 ka-in, House of Representatives, Lower House 50 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 50 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 250–254 IN; no(mu), to drink 㣧ᩱỈ inryǀsui drinking water 㣧ࡳỈ nomimizu, drinking water 㣧ࡳ≀ nomimono, drinks 250 12 strokes ۿ 254 5 strokes EI; oyo(gu), to swim ỈὋ suiei, swimming ᖹὋࡂ hira-oyogi, breast stroke ỈὋ suiei taikai, swimming meet EKI, station 㥐๓ 㥐㛗 㥐ဨ ekimae, in front of the station ekichǀ, station master eki-in, station employee 253 14 strokes ܻ 㐠ࡼࡃ unҲyoku, luckily 㐠ື undǀ, exercise, motion 㐠 unmei, fate 252 8 strokes ܘ UN, luck; hako(bu), to carry, to transport 251 12 strokes ܋ ƿ center, middle ୰ኸ chnjǀ, center ୰ኸ⥺ Chnjǀ-sen, the Chnjǀ Line (electric railway in Tǀkyǀ) 㟈ኸ shinҲǀ, the epicenter, the center of an earthquake 51 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 51 7/5/13 3:26 PM 255–259 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ݁ 255 15 strokes ݎ ƿ; yoko, the side, the width ᶓ᭩ࡁ yokogaki, writing from left to right ᶓ᩿ ǀdan, crossing, intersection ᶓ㢦 yokogao, side view of a personތs face, pro¿le 257 12 strokes ݛ 258 4 strokes ݷ OKU; ya, shop ᒇ᰿ yane, roof ィᒇ tokeiya, watch shop ᒇୖ okujǀ, housetop, roof 256 9 strokes ݗ ON; warm; atata(kai), warm (to the touch); atata(maru), to warm oneself; atata(meru), to heat ᗘ Ἠ య ondo, temperature onsen, hot spring taion, body temperature KA, KE; ba(keru), to take the form of; ba(kasu), to bewitch ኚ Ꮫ ⢝ henka, change, variation, alteration kagaku, chemistry keshǀ, make-up KA; ni, a load, burden Ⲵ≀ nimotsu, baggage Ⲵ⯪ nibune, freighter Ⲵసࡾ nizukuri, packing 259 10 strokes 52 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 52 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 260–264 ޢ KAI world ୡ⏺ sekai, world ୡ⏺୍ sekai-ichi, best in the world 㝈⏺ genkai, boundary, limits 260 9 strokes ާ 261 12 strokes ި KAI; hira(ku), to open (v.t. & i.); a(keru) (v.t.), to open; hira(keru), to be civilized, to open; a(ku) (v.i.) to be open 㛤 ‶㛤 㛤Ⓨ kaikai, opening a meeting mankai, full bloom kaihatsu, development, exploitation KAI, story of a building, Àoor, grade 㝵ẁ 㝵⣭ ୕㝵 kaidan, stairs, stairway kaikynj, class, caste sangai, 3rd Àoor 262 12 strokes ࠂ KAN, the coldest season of the year; samu(i), cold ᴟᐮ ᐮ୰ ᐮὶ gokkan, bitter cold kanchnj, cold season kanrynj, cold current 263 12 strokes ࠐ KAN, feeling, thought ឤ ឤᚰ ឤぬ 264 13 strokes kansǀ, thoughts, impressions kanshin, admiration kankaku, sensation 53 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 53 7/5/13 3:26 PM 265–269 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ࠛ KAN China; ~kan, suf¿x for “man” ₎Ꮠ ₎ᩥ ᝏ₎ kanji, Chinese character kanbun, Chinese composition akkan, villain, crook 265 13 strokes ࠵ KAN, building, hall; yakata, mansion ᅗ᭩㤋 toshokan, library ᫎ⏬㤋 eigakan, movie theater ᪑㤋 ryokan, inn, hotel 266 16 strokes ࠹ GAN; kishi, bank, shore ᾏᓊ ᓊቨ ᕝᓊ kaigan, seashore ganpeki, quay, wharf kawagishi, riverbank 267 8 strokes ࡧ 268 10 strokes ࡖ KI; o(kiru), to rise, to get up; o(kosu), to raise, to awaken (v.t.); o(koru), to occur, to develop ᪩㉳ࡁ hayaoki, early rising ㉳ཎ kigen, origin ㉳㔜ᶵ kijnjki, crane, derrick KI, GO period, term Ꮫᮇ ᮇᚅ ᮇ 269 12 strokes gakki, school term kitai, expectation jiki, the times, season 54 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 54 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 270–274 ࢊ KYAKU, guest; KAKU ࠾ᐈࡉࢇ o-kyaku-san, guest ᐈ㌴ࡾ kyakusha, railroad passenger car ᐈ⯪ kyakusen, passenger boat 270 9 strokes ࢞ KYNj study; kiwa(meru), to study thoroughly ◊✲ kenkynj, research ◊✲ kenkynjkai, research society ◊✲ᐙ kenkynjka, researcher 271 7 strokes KYNj; iso(gu), to hurry ᛴ kynjbyǀ, sudden illness ᛴ⾜ kynjkǀ, express ᛴࡂ ǀ-isogi, great haste 272 9 strokes ࢡ KYNj, rank, grade Ꮫ⣭ gakkynj, school class ୖ⣭ jǀkynj, high class ྠ⣭⏕ dǀkynjsei, classmate 273 9 strokes KYNj, GNj, KU; miya, shrine, prince (of the blood) ᐑẊ ⚄ᐑ ᐑᵝ 274 10 strokes kynjden, palace jingnj, Shintǀ shrine miya-sama, royal prince 55 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 55 7/5/13 3:26 PM 275–279 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ࢝ KYNj, sphere, globe; tama, ball 㔝⌫ ᆅ⌫ 㟁⌫ yakynj, baseball chikynj, the earth, the globe denkynj, electric light bulb 275 11 strokes ࢦ KYO, KO past; sa(ru), to leave, to depart ཤᖺ 㐣ཤ kyonen, last year kako, the past, past tense 276 5 strokes ࣌ KYƿ; hashi, bridge ᱞᶫ ᅵᶫ 㕲ᶫ 277 16 strokes ࣞ 278 13 strokes ࣠ 279 6 strokes sanbashi, pier dobashi, earthen bridge tekkyǀ, iron bridge GYƿ, occupation, business, industry, studies; Gƿ, karma; waza, act, deed ⫋ᴗ ⏘ᴗ ᕤᴗ shokugyǀ, occupation, profession sangyǀ, industry kǀgyǀ, industry, manufacturing industry KYOKU, melody; ma(garu), to bend, to twist, to turn, (v.i.); ma(geru), to bend, to twist, to turn (v.t.) kyokusen, curved line sakkyoku, musical composition ᭤ࡀࡾ㐨 magarimichi, crooked road, winding lane ᭤⥺ స᭤ 56 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 56 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 280–284 ࣟ 280 7 strokes ࣺ KYOKU, bureau, board, of¿ce, department ᨺ㏦ᒁ hǀsǀkyoku, broadcasting station ⦅㞟ᒁ henshnjkyoku, editorial department 㒑౽ᒁ ynjbinkyoku, post of¿ce GIN, silver 㖟⾜ 㖟Ⰽ 㖟㈌ ginkǀ, bank ginҲiro, silver color ginka, silver coin 281 14 strokes ࣾ 282 4 strokes ं KU, ward, section ༊ู kubetsu, distinction, classi¿cation ᆅ༊ chiku, area ༊⏬ kukaku, boundary, block, division KU, pain, anxiety; kuru(shii), painful; niga(i), bitter ⱞປ ⱞᚰ ⱞᡓ kurǀ, troubles, toil kushin, pains, hard work kusen, hard ¿ghting 283 8 strokes इ GU, tool, utensil; ingredients dǀgu, tool, utensil, instrument ලྜ guai, condition, state ලయⓗ gutaiteki, concrete, de¿nite 㐨ල 284 8 strokes 57 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 57 7/5/13 3:26 PM 285–289 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ण 285 7 strokes ब 286 9 strokes ॎ KUN Mister, Master; kimi, you (familiar form) బ⸨ྩ Satǀ-kun, Mr. Satǀ ㈗ྩ kikun, you (lit., masc.) ㅖྩ shokun, gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, you KEI; kakari, charge, duty, in charge (of); kaka(ru), to affect, to concern kakari-in, clerk in charge kankei, relation, connection, participation, implication グ㘓ಀ kirokugakari, person in charge of records, recorder ಀဨ 㛵ಀ KEI; karu, karu(i), light (in weight), slight, easy; karo(yaka), airy, light ㍍༞ keisotsu, rashness, hastiness ㍍㡢ᴦ kei-ongaku, light music Ẽ㍍ kigaru, light-hearted 287 12 strokes ॠ KETSU; chi, blood ⾑ᾮ ฟ⾑ ⾑⟶ ketsueki, blood shukketsu, bleeding, hemorrhage kekkan, blood vessel 288 6 strokes ड़ 289 7 strokes KETSU; ki(maru), to be decided; ki(meru), to decide Ỵᚰ Ỵᐃ ゎỴ kesshin, making up oneތs mind kettei, decision kaiketsu, solution 58 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 58 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 290–294 ॸ KEN study; to(gu), to sharpen, to wash (rice) ◊✲ kenkynj, study, research ◊✲ᐊ kenkynjshitsu, laboratory ◊✲ᡤ kenkynjjo, research institute 290 9 strokes ॻ KEN, prefecture ┴㐨 kendǀ, prefectural road ┴ᗇ kenchǀ, prefectural of¿ce ┴▱ kenchiji, prefectural governor 291 9 strokes ঝ KO warehouse ᭩ᗜ shoko, library ᗜ sǀko, warehouse ෭ⶶᗜ reizǀko, icebox, refrigerator 292 10 strokes ঢ KO; mizu-umi, lake †Ỉ †ᓊ †␁ kosui, lake kogan, shore of a lake kohan, border of a lake 293 12 strokes 294 6 strokes Kƿ; mu(ku), to turn toward, to be suited for; mu(kau), to face, to head for; mu(kǀ), the opposite side, beyond ྥࡇ࠺ mukǀ, opposite ྥࡇ࠺ഃ mukǀgawa, opposite side ᪉ྥ hǀkǀ, direction, course 59 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 59 7/5/13 3:26 PM 295–299 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ড় 295 8 strokes ৱ Kƿ; saiwa(i), blessings, good luck, happiness, fortune; sachi, happiness, luck; shiawa(se), happiness, good fortune ᖾ ᖾ⚟ ᖾ㐠 fukǀ, unhappiness, misfortune kǀfuku, happiness kǀun, good fortune Kƿ; minato, harbor ⏫ ධ ✵ minatomachi, port town nynjkǀ, entry into port knjkǀ, airport 296 12 strokes ਖ Gƿ, number, issue (of a magazine) ␒ྕ グྕ ಙྕ 297 5 strokes 298 10 strokes 299 11 strokes bangǀ, number kigǀ, symbol shingǀ, signal, code KON, root (math.), perseverance; ne, root ᰿Ẽ ᰿ ᰿ᮏ konki, patience, perseverance daikon, giant white radish konpon, basis SAI; matsu(ri), festival; matsu(ru), to deify, to worship as a god, to offer prayers for the sake of ᮧ⚍ࡾ muramatsuri, village festival ⚍᪥ saijitsu, national holiday ᩥ⚍ bunkasai, cultural festival 60 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 60 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 300–304 ચ sara, plate, dish, bowl ─Ὑ࠸ sara-arai, dishwashing ─Ὑ࠸ᶵ sara-araiki, dishwasher ⅊─ haizara, ashtray 300 5 strokes SHI, JI work; tsuka(eru), to serve ⤥ ᪉ shigoto, work kynjji, of¿ce boy, waiter shikata, way of doing 301 5 strokes ૌ 302 6 strokes SHI, death; shi(nu), to die Ṛయ shitai, corpse Ṛയ⪅ shishǀsha, dead and injured, casualties ᚲṚ hisshi, certain death, desperation SHI; tsuka(u), to use ࠸ ⏝ 303 8 strokes 304 8 strokes tsukai, errand, messenger shimei, mission, errand shiyǀ, use SHI; haji(maru), to begin (v.i.); haji(meru), to begin (v.t.) 㛤ጞ ጞᮎ ጞᴗ kaishi, commencement, start shimatsu, circumstances, the particulars; management shigyǀ, beginning of work or class 61 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 61 7/5/13 3:26 PM 305–309 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ૄ 305 9 strokes ૡ SHI; yubi, ¿nger; sa(su), to point at, to indicate ぶᣦ oyayubi, thumb ᣦ㍯ yubiwa, ring ᣦ⪅ shikisha, conductor, commander SHI; ha, tooth ṑ mushiba, decayed tooth ṑ་⪅ ha-isha, dentist ṑ㌴ haguruma, gear, cogwheel 306 12 strokes SHI, poetry, poem リே shijin, poet リ㞟 shishnj, anthology of poetry ླྀリ jojishi, epic poem 307 13 strokes ૫ 308 6 strokes ૢ JI, SHI; tsugi, next; tsu(gu), to rank next to ḟ➨ ḟᐁ ┠ḟ shidai, order, reason, as soon as jikan, vice-minister mokuji, table of contents JI; koto, thing, action, affair, fact ⏝ 309 8 strokes shigoto, work yǀji, business daiji, great matter, serious affair, importance 62 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 62 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 310–314 ૩ JI; mo(chi), durability; mo(tsu), to have, to hold Ẽᣢ ᣢཧ ᨭᣢ kimochi, feeling jisan, bringing shiji, support 310 9 strokes ૺ 311 6 strokes ଌ SHIKI, ceremony, form, model; ~shiki, ~-style (suf¿x for “style”, “type”) ᘧሙ shikijǀ, ceremonial hall ༞ᴗᘧ sotsugyǀ-shiki, graduation ceremony, commencement ᪧᘧ kynjshiki, old-style JITSU, reality; mi, nut, fruit; mino(ru), to bear fruit ᐇ㝿 ┿ᐇ ᯝᐇ jissai, actual state, reality shinjitsu, truth kajitsu, fruit 312 8 strokes ଖ 313 5 strokes ଞ SHA; utsu(su), to copy, to imitate, to take (a photograph); utsu(ru), to be photographed, to be projected ┿ ⏕ ᫎ shashin, photograph shasei, sketch, drawing from nature eisha, projection SHA; mono, person ⱝ⪅ ་⪅ Ꮫ⪅ 314 8 strokes wakamono, young man isha, doctor gakusha, scholar 63 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 63 7/5/13 3:26 PM 315–319 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHU, SU; nushi, master, owner; omo, main, foremost ே shujin, master Ẹ⩏ minshushugi, democracy ᣢ mochinushi, owner 315 5 strokes ଳ 316 6 strokes ଲ SHU, SU; mamo(ru), to protect, to guard, to defend, to obey (the law), to keep (a promise); mori, mo(ri), nursemaid, baby-sitter ࠾Ᏺࡾ o-mamori, amulet, charm ␃Ᏺ rusu, absence ಖᏲ hoshu, conservatism SHU; to(ru), to take ྲྀࡾฟࡍ toridasu, to take out ྲྀᮦ shuzai, choice of subject ྲྀᢅ࠸ toriatsukai, treatment, handling 317 8 strokes ଼ 319 8 strokes SHU; saka-, sake, rice wine, liquor ࡪ࠺㓇 budǀshu, wine 㓇㣧ࡳ sakenomi, drinker 㓇ᒇ sakaya, liquor shop 318 10 strokes ି JU; u(keru), to receive; u(karu), to pass (an exam) ukemochi, charge, matter in hand ཷ uketsuke, receptionist, information desk ཷヰᶵ juwaki, telephone receiver ཷᣢ 64 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 64 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 320–324 ୋ 320 6 strokes 321 9 strokes SHNj, province, state (U.S.A.); su, shallows, a sandbank Honshnj (main island of Japan) ᕞ Kynjshnj (Japanތs third largest island) ࣘࢱᕞ Yuta-shnj, State of Utah ᮏᕞ SHNj; JNj, ten (used in legal documents); hiro(u), to pick up ᣠ࠸≀ hiroimono, something picked up, windfall, bargain ᣠ࠸ inochibiroi, narrow escape (from death) ᣠᘨ jnjni-en, 12 yen SHNj; o(wari), end; o(waru), to come to an end; o(eru), to ¿nish ⤊ᡓ ⤊ᴗ ᭱⤊ shnjsen, end of a war shnjgyǀ, end of work saishnj, the last 322 11 strokes SHNj; nara(u), to learn, to study ⦎⩦ renshnj, practice ⩦Ꮠ shnjji, penmanship ⩦័ shnjkan, habit, custom 323 11 strokes ୠ 324 12 strokes SHNj; atsu(meru), to collect (v.t.); atsu(maru), to gather together (v.i.); tsudo(u), to meet, to gather ⦅㞟 リ㞟 ᩥ㞟 henshnj, editing shishnj, anthology of poems bunshnj, literary anthology 65 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 65 7/5/13 3:26 PM 325–329 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ୣ 325 7 strokes ୭ 326 9 strokes ୱ JNj dwelling; su(mu), to dwell, to live; su(mai), dwelling ఫᡤ jnjsho, address ⾰㣗ఫ i-shoku-jnj, necessities of life (clothing, food, shelter) ఫᏯ jnjtaku, dwelling, living quarters JNj, CHƿ; omo(i), heavy; kasa(neru), to pile (things) up; kasa(naru), to be piled up; ~e, ~fold య㔜 ཝ㔜 㔜 taijnj, weight (of the body) genjnj, strictness futae, nijnj, duplicate, double, twofold SHUKU; yado, inn; yado(ru), to lodge at; yado(su), to provide shelter ᐟᒇ ᐟ㢟 ୗᐟ yadoya, inn shukudai, homework geshuku, boardinghouse 327 11 strokes ஒ 329 12 strokes SHO; tokoro, place ྎᡤ ሙᡤ ㏆ᡤ daidokoro, kitchen basho, place kinjo, neighborhood 328 8 strokes ஓ SHO; atsu(i), hot ṧᬬ 㑊ᬬ ᬬ୰ zansho, lingering summer heat hisho, summering, going to a summer resort shochnj, midsummer 66 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 66 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 330–334 330 7 strokes ூ JO; tasu(karu), to be aided, to be rescued; tasu(keru), to aid, to rescue; ~suke, suf¿x for masculine names ຓᡭ joshu, assistant ⿵ຓ hojo, assistance ຓຊ joryoku, help, aid SHƿ bright Shǀwa, Emperor Hirohito or his reign (1926–1989) 331 9 strokes 332 10 strokes SHƿ; ki(eru), to vanish, to go out, to melt away; ke(su), to extinguish, to switch off, to put out (a light) ᾘࡋࢦ࣒ keshigomu, eraser ᾘ㜵 shǀbǀ, ¿re ¿ghting ᾘẘ shǀdoku, disinfection SHƿ; akina(u), to sell, to deal in ၟே ၟ ၟᴗ shǀnin, merchant shǀbai, business, trade, transaction shǀgyǀ, commerce, trade 333 11 strokes SHƿ, chapter ᩥ❶ グ❶ ❶ 334 11 strokes bunshǀ, sentence kishǀ, medal, badge kunshǀ, decoration, order (for honors) 67 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 67 7/5/13 3:26 PM 335–339 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 335 12 strokes ௮ SHƿ; ka(tsu), to win; masa(ru), to excel ㈇ ᩋ ᡭ shǀbu, victory or defeat, match shǀhai, the outcome (of a battle) katte, sel¿sh, willful Jƿ; no(ru), to ride; no(seru), to give a ride to, to place upon ࡾ≀ norimono, vehicle ᐈ jǀkyaku, passenger 㐲ࡾ tǀnori, a long ride 336 9 strokes ఆ 337 12 strokes డ 338 5 strokes బ SHOKU; u(eru), to plant, to set up (type); u(waru), to be planted shokubutsu, plant, vetegation ᳜Ẹᆅ shokuminchi, colony ⏣᳜࠼ taue, rice planting ᳜≀ SHIN; mǀ(su), to say mǀshikomi, application, proposal ⏦࿌ shinkoku, report, ¿ling a return ⏦ࡋྜࢃࡏ mǀshiawase, arrangement ⏦ࡋ㎸ࡳ SHIN; mi, body ㌟య shintai, body ㌟㛗 shinchǀ, height (of the body) ㌟ศ mibun, social position 339 7 strokes 68 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 68 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 340–344 త SHIN, JIN; kami, god ⚄⤒㉁ shinkeishitsu, nervous temperament ⢭⚄ seishin, soul, spirit ⚄ᵝ kamisama, god 340 9 strokes ణ SHIN; ma, truth, reality ┿ᶵ shashinki, camera ┿ኟ manatsu, midsummer 341 10 strokes ఠ 342 11 strokes మ 343 11 strokes ౦ SHIN; fuka(i), deep, profound, thick (fog), close (connection); fuka(sa), depth, profundity; fuka(meru) (v.t.), to make deeper, to intensify ῝ኪ shinҲya, midnight ῝྾ shinkokynj, deep breath ῝้ shinkoku, serious, signi¿cant SHIN; susu(mu), to advance, to proceed; susu(meru) (v.t.), to move forward, to stimulate 㐍⾜ 㐍⣭ ⾜㐍 shinkǀ, progress, advance shinkynj, promotion kǀshin, march, parade SEI; yo, world, age, reign ୡ⏺ sekai, the world ୡ⣖ seiki, century ୡ㛫 seken, the world, society, life 344 5 strokes 69 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 69 7/5/13 3:26 PM 345–349 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SEI; totono(eru), to put in order, to get ready; totono(u), to be ready ᩚ⌮ ᩚഛ 345 16 strokes ಐ 346 8 strokes seiri, adjustment, arrangement, reorganization seibi, adjustment, complete equipment, consolidation SEKI, SHAKU; mukashi, in the past, olden times ᫇ヰ ᫇ ᫇ mukashibanashi, old tale, folklore konjaku, past and present ǀmukashi, high antiquity, in the remote past ZEN, whole; matta(ku), sube(te), entirely, all య 㒊 zentai, the whole zenbu, all, the whole kanzen, perfect 347 6 strokes ഊ 348 9 strokes ഗ Sƿ, appearance, aspect, phase; SHƿ minister of state; ai-, each other, mutual ┦ㄯ ┦ᡭ 㤳┦ sǀdan, consultation, talk aite, companion, the other party shushǀ, prime minister Sƿ; oku(ru), to send ᨺ㏦ ㍺㏦ ㏦㔠 349 9 strokes hǀsǀ, broadcast yusǀ, transportation sǀkin, sending money 70 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 70 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 350–354 Sƿ, idea, thought ീ ⌮ ண sǀzǀ, imagination risǀ, ideal yosǀ, expectation 350 13 strokes ധ SOKU, son; iki, breath ࡓࡵᜥ tameiki, sigh ఇᜥ kynjsoku, rest ᾘᜥ shǀsoku, news, letter, circumstances 351 10 strokes ബ 352 10 strokes ര SOKU; haya(i), speedy, quick; haya(maru) (v.i.) quicken, speed up; haya(meru) (v.t.), to hasten, to accelerate; sumi(yaka), speedy, prompt ㏿ᗘ sokudo, speed ㏿グ sokki, stenography, shorthand ㏿㐩 sokutatsu, express mail, special delivery ZOKU, family, tribe, clan kazoku, family, household minzoku, race, people, nation Ỉ᪘㤋 suizokukan, aquarium ᐙ᪘ Ẹ᪘ 353 11 strokes ഼ TA; hoka, other ᅜ tako ku, other countries ே tanin, other people, stranger ࡑࡢ sonota, the others, the rest; and so forth 354 5 strokes 71 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 71 7/5/13 3:26 PM 355–359 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS DA; u(tsu), to strike, to beat ⯉ᡴࡕ shita-uchi, smacking oneތs lips, click of the tongue ᡴ⪅ dasha, batter, hitter ୕ሠᡴ sanrui-da, three-base hit 355 5 strokes ൎ 356 7 strokes TAI, opposite, against; TSUI, pair, set ᑐ hantai, opposition, opposite, objection, reverse ᑐ㠃 taimen, interview, confrontation ᑐ୍ ni-tai-ichi, (score of) 2 to 1 358 5 strokes ൦ 359 11 strokes TAI; ma(tsu), to wait for ᚅྜᐊmachiaishitsu, waiting room ᥋ᚅ settai, reception ᣍᚅ shǀtai, invitation 357 9 strokes ൣ DAI, generation, price; ka(eru), to substitute, to use instead; ka(waru), to take the place of, to relieve; yo, generation, era, reign ௦ jidai, period, era, age ⌧௦ gendai, the present age ௦⾲ daihyǀ, representative DAI grade, pre¿x for ordinal numbers ➨୍ᅇdai-ikkai, the ¿rst time ཬ➨ kynjdai, passing an examination ⴠ➨ rakudai, failure (in an examination), rejection 72 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 72 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 360–364 ൨ DAI, subject, topic, theme, title (of book, story, etc.) ၥ㢟 mondai, question, problem ヰ㢟 wadai, topic of conversation ᐟ㢟 shukudai, homework 360 18 strokes ඖ TAN; sumi, charcoal Ⅳᆙ tankǀ, coal mine ▼Ⅳ sekitan, coal ᮌⅣ mokutan, charcoal 361 9 strokes 362 12 strokes ඨ TAN shortness, defect; mijika(i), short, brief ▷Ẽ tanki, quick temper ᭱▷ saitan, shortest 㛗▷ chǀtan, long and short, merits and demerits 364 12 strokes DAN, talk ┦ㄯ sǀdan, consultation ㄯヰ danwa, conversation, talk Ḽㄯ kandan, pleasant chat 363 15 strokes ශ CHAKU; ki(ru), to wear; tsu(ku), to reach, to arrive; ki(seru), to dress, to plate ╔≀ kimono, Japanese robe ୍╔ itchaku, ¿rst arrival, a suit (of clothes) ୖ╔ uwagi, coat 73 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 73 7/5/13 3:26 PM 365–369 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 365 8 strokes CHNj; soso(gu), to pour, to concentrate on ὀព chnji, attention, care, warning, advice ὀ┠ chnjmoku, attention, observation ὀᩥ chnjmon, order, request, demand CHNj; hashira, post, pillar ᕹᰕ hobashira, mast ᰕィ hashiradokei, wall clock 㟁ᰕ denchnj, telegraph (electric) pole 366 9 strokes ූ 367 2 strokes ො 368 11 strokes ෮ 369 15 strokes CHƿ Japanese linear unit (120 yds.), division of a ward or town, leaf of a book; TEI “D” grade ᶓ yokochǀ, side street, alleyway ᗘ chǀdo, exactly, just ᑀ teinei, politeness CHƿ curtain, register ᖒ㠃 chǀmen, notebook, account book ᡭᖒ techǀ, memo book, notebook ᪥グᖒ nikkichǀ, diary CHƿ; shira(be), melody, inspection; shira(beru), to investigate, to examine, to inspect; totono(u), to be prepared, to be arranged, to be settled ㄪᏊ ㄪᰝ ㄪ⠇ chǀshi, tune, key, rhythm, tone, way, condition chǀsa, investigation, examination chǀsetsu, adjustment 74 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 74 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 370–374 ฃ 370 9 strokes ฤ 371 8 strokes ว TSUI; o(u), to run after, to drive away ㏣࠸ࡅࡿoikakeru, to chase ㏣ồ tsuikynj, pursuit ㏣ᨺ tsuihǀ, banishment, exile, purge TEI, Jƿ; sada(meru), to ¿x, to decide, to establish; sada(ka), certain; sada(maru), to be decided, to be settled ᐃဨ tei-in, regular staff, full number of personnel ᐃᮇ teiki, ¿xed period or term, regularity; pre¿x for “regular” ணᐃ yotei, previous arrangement, program, schedule TEI; niwa, garden ᗞᅬ teien, garden ᰯᗞ kǀtei, school playground ᐙᗞ katei, home 372 10 strokes ใ TEKI; fue, Àute, whistle ㆙➜ keiteki, alarm whistle, warning horn Ỷ➜ kiteki, steam whistle, siren ཱྀ➜ kuchibue, whistling 373 11 strokes ์ TETSU, iron, steel 㕲㐨 tetsudǀ, railroad ᆅୗ㕲 chikatetsu, subway 㕲ᶫ tekkyǀ, iron bridge, railway bridge 374 13 strokes 75 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 75 7/5/13 3:26 PM 375–379 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ๖ 375 11 strokes TEN to turn round, to change, to fall, to tumble; koro(gasu), to knock down, to roll over; koro(garu), to tumble; to lie down; koro(geru), to roll over; koro(bu), to tumble, to fall down ㌿ᰯ ㌿௵ 㐠㌿ 377 9 strokes ຂ working, operation 㒔 tokai, city 㤳㒔 shuto, capital 㒔ྜ tsugǀ, circumstances, conditions DO, TO, TAKU degree, time, times; tabi, occasion, counter for number of times ୍ᗘ ichido, once ㏿ᗘ sokudo, speed ⛬ᗘ teido, degree, level, extent Tƿ; na(geru), to throw, to give up ᢞ⚊ tǀhyǀ, voting ᢞ㈨ tǀshi, investment ᢞ᭩ tǀsho, contribution (to a magazine, newspaper, etc) 378 7 strokes ຜ TO, TSU; miyako, capital, metropolis 376 11 strokes tenkǀ, change of schools tennin, change of post unten, driving, Tƿ, ZU; mame, peas, beans; mame-, baby/miniature ㇋⭉ tǀfu, bean-curd ㇋ daizu, soy beans ㇋ᮏ mamehon, miniature book 379 7 strokes 76 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 76 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 380–384 Tƿ; shima, island ༙ᓥ hantǀ, peninsula ⩌ᓥ guntǀ, group of islands ᓥᅜ shimaguni, island country 380 10 strokes ຊ! Tƿ; yu, hot water Ẽ yuge, steam ⯪yubune, bathtub ⇕ nettǀ, boiling water 381 12 strokes Tƿ, TO; nobo(ri), climbing (n.); nobo(ru), to climb Ⓩᒣ tozan, mountain climbing Ⓩᰯ tǀkǀ, attending school ᮌⓏࡾ ki-nobori, tree climbing 382 12 strokes ຑ 383 12 strokes Tƿ, class, quality; hito(shii), like, equal jǀtǀ, high-class, very good, superior ୍➼ ittǀ, ¿rst class, most, best 㧗➼Ꮫᰯkǀtǀgakkǀ, senior high school ୖ➼ Dƿ; ugo(ku), to move ື≀ dǀbutsu, animal ⮬ື㌴ jidǀsha, automobile 㐠ື undǀ, motion, physical exercise, athletic sports 384 11 strokes 77 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 77 7/5/13 3:26 PM 385–389 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ຮ Dƿ; warabe, child ඣ❺ jidǀ, child, boys and girls ❺ヰ dǀwa, nursery tale ❺ㅴ dǀyǀ, nursery song 385 12 strokes ༔ Nƿ, farming ㎰ሙ nǀjǀ, farm ㎰ᴗ nǀgyǀ, agriculture ㎰ᐙ nǀka, farmhouse 386 13 strokes ༜ HA; nami, wave Ἴ ǀ-nami, big wave 㜵Ἴሐ bǀhatei, breakwater 㟁Ἴ denpa, electric wave 387 8 strokes ༯ 388 10 strokes ༰ HAI; kuba(ru), to distribute, to deliver 㓄⤥ haikynj, ration, distribution (of food or goods) 㓄㐩 haitatsu, delivery ᚰ㓄 shinpai, worry BAI, two times, double; suf¿x denoting “times” ᩘಸ snjbai, several times ఱಸ nanbai, how many times? ಸ⋡ bairitsu, magnifying power 389 10 strokes 78 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 78 7/5/13 3:26 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 390–394 པ hako, box, case ୗ㥏⟽getabako, shoe cabinet 㒑౽⟽ ynjbinbako, mailbox, postbox ⟽ᗞ hakoniwa, miniature garden 390 15 strokes ཛྷ 391 9 strokes ཡ hata, hatake, ¿eld, farm, cultivated ¿eld tahata, ¿elds mugibatake, wheat (barley) ¿eld ⰼ⏿ hanabatake, Àower garden ⏣⏿ 㯏⏿ HATSU to expose, to open, to shoot, to happen Ⓨ㡢 hatsuon, pronunciation Ⓨ⾲ happyǀ, announcement ฟⓎ shuppatsu, departure 392 9 strokes ཱ 393 4 strokes ੲ HAN, antithesis, anti-; HON, TAN, unit of measure (for land and cloth); so(ru) (v.i.), to curve; so(rasu) (v.t.), to bend (something) ᑐ hantai, opposition, contrast ┬ hansei, self-examination ᑕ hansha, reÀection HAN; saka, slope, hill ᆏ㐨 sakamichi, sloping road ୖࡾᆏ noborizaka, ascent, uphill road ᛴᆏ kynjhan, steep slope 394 7 strokes 79 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 79 7/5/13 3:26 PM 395–399 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ྲྀ HAN; ita, board (of wood) ᯈࡢ㛫ita-no-ma, wooden Àoor ᥖ♧ᯈ keijiban, notice-board ┳ᯈ kanban, poster, signboard, shingle 395 8 strokes ྛ HI; kawa, skin, leather ẟ⓶ kegawa, fur ⓶⫗ hiniku, irony ⓶ hifu, skin 396 5 strokes ྒྷ HI; kana(shii); sad, kana(shimu), to be sad ᝒ higeki, tragedy, tragic event ᝒኊ hisǀ, pathetic ឿᝒ jihi, mercy 397 12 strokes ྰ BI, beauty; utsuku(shii), beautiful ⨾⾡ bijutsu, ¿ne arts ⨾ே bijin, a beauty, pretty girl, beautiful woman ⨾⾡㤋 bijutsukan, art museum 398 9 strokes ྱ 399 14 strokes BI; hana, nose 㰯ඛ hanasaki, tip of oneތs nose, under oneތs very nose 㰯⣬ hanagami, paper handkerchief 㰯⾑ hanaji, nosebleed 80 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 80 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 400–404 ྾ HITSU; fude, writing brush ᖺ➹mannenhitsu, fountain pen 㖄➹ enpitsu, pencil ➹⪅ hissha, writer 400 12 strokes ࿉ HYƿ; kǀri, ice ịࡍ࣋ࡾkǀrisuberi, ice skating ịᒣ hyǀzan, iceberg ○ị⯪ saihyǀsen, icebreaker 401 5 strokes 402 8 strokes ࿓ HYƿ, list, table, schedule; omote, the outside, surface; ara(wasu), to show, to indicate, to expose, to express, to represent ⾲⣬ hyǀshi, cover of a book ⾲㠃 hyǀmen, surface 㛫⾲ jikanhyǀ, schedule, timetable BYƿ, second (unit of time) ⛊㔪 byǀshin, second hand ୍⛊ ichibyǀ, one second ᩘ⛊ snjbyǀ, several seconds 403 9 strokes ࿒ BYƿ; yamai, illness; ya(mu), to fall ill Ẽ byǀki, illness, sickness 㝔 byǀin, hospital ே byǀnin, sick person 404 10 strokes 81 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 81 7/5/13 3:27 PM 405–409 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ࿚ HIN, elegance, dignity; shina, goods ရ≀ shinamono, article, goods ᡭရ tejina, jugglery, sleight of hand సရ sakuhin, work, works 405 9 strokes 406 9 strokes င FU; o(u), to bear, to owe; ma(keru), to be defeated, to reduce a price; ma(kasu), to defeat ㈇ shǀbu, victory or defeat, game ㈇യ fushǀ, wound ⫼㈇࠺ se-ou, to carry on oneތs back 㒊 zenbu, all, whole ᮾ㒊 tǀbu, eastern part 㒊ศ bubun, part FUKU, dress, European clothes ὒ᭹ yǀfuku, European clothes ♩᭹ reifuku, full dress ไ᭹ seifuku, uniform 408 8 strokes ဏ BU, department, copy, part 407 11 strokes ဎ FUKU, good fortune ᖾ⚟ kǀfuku, happiness ⚟ࡢ⚄ fuku-no-kami, God of Wealth ⚃⚟ shukufuku, blessing 409 13 strokes 82 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 82 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 410–414 ဘ 410 8 strokes ိ 411 5 strokes ၄ BUTSU, MOTSU; mono, thing, article, object 㣗≀tabemono, food ྡ≀ meibutsu, noted product, special product ㈌≀ kamotsu, freight HEI, BYƿ; tai(ra), evenness, Àatness; hira(tai), even, level, simple ᖹ heiwa, peace ᖹẼ heiki, calmness, indifference ᖹ➼ byǀdǀ, equality ㏉ henji, answer ⧞ࡾ㏉ࡍkurikaesu, to repeat ᜠ㏉ࡋ ongaeshi, repayment of a favor, returning a favor BEN, to exert oneself, to make efforts ຮᙉ benkyǀ, study ຮ kinben, diligence ຮᙉᐙbenkyǀka, studious person 413 10 strokes ၪ 414 8 strokes HEN; kae(su), to return, to give back 412 7 strokes ၇ H ƿ; hana(su), to let go, to release; hana(tsu), to set free, to send forth, to shoot; hǀ(ru), to throw ᨺ㏦ hǀsǀ, broadcasting ᨺㄢᚋ hǀkago, after school 㛤ᨺ kaihǀ, freedom, opening 83 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 83 7/5/13 3:27 PM 415–419 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS Ⴭ MI; aji, taste, relish, experience; aji(wau), to savor, to appreciate ↓ mumi, tastelessness ᪉ mikata, friend, ally ⯆ kyǀmi, interest, enjoyment 415 8 strokes ჩ MEI, order, command; MYƿ; inochi, life ௧ meirei, order, command shimei, mission ⏕ seimei, life, soul 416 8 strokes ჶ 417 9 strokes ᄎ 418 11 strokes ᄜ MEN, side, phase, mask; omote, face, outside, front, surface; omo (lit.), face, surface; tsura, face ⾲㠃 hyǀmen, surface ṇ㠃 shǀmen, the front ሙ㠃 bamen, scene MON; to(u), to ask, to question, to care, to accuse; to(i), ton, question, inquiry ၥ㢟 m ondai, problem, issue, trouble Ꮫၥ gakumon, learning ၥ gimon, doubt, question YAKU, of¿ce, duty, role, use, service; EKI (lit.), war ᙺᡤ yakusho, public of¿ce ᙺே yakunin, government of¿cial ᙺ⪅ yakusha, actor, actress 419 7 strokes 84 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 84 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 420–424 ᄞ YAKU; kusuri, medicine, chemicals ⸆Ꮫ yakugaku, pharmacy (study) ⅆ⸆ kayaku, gunpowder ⸆ᒁ yakkyoku, pharmacy, pharmacistތs of¿ce 420 16 strokes ᄻ 421 5 strokes ᄧ YU, YNj; yoshi, a reason, signi¿cance ⮬⏤ jiynj, liberty, freedom ⮬⏤ fujiynj, inconvenience, discomfort ⌮⏤ riynj, reason YU; abura, oil Ἔ⤮ abura-e, oil painting ▼Ἔ sekiyu, petroleum Ἔ⏣ yuden, oil ¿eld 422 8 strokes ᄵ 423 6 strokes ᄿ 424 12 strokes YNj, U; a(ru), to exist, to have, to measure, to have experience, to happen, to consist of ᭷ྡ ynjmei, fame, well-known ᭷┈ ynjeki, bene¿t, pro¿t ᭷ᚿ ynjshi, volunteer YNj; aso(bu), to play, to be idle 㐟ᫍ ynjsei, planet 㐟ᡙ ynjgi, game, sports, childrenތs play 㐟ぴ ynjran, excursion, sightseeing 85 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 85 7/5/13 3:27 PM 425–429 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ᅅ YO previous ண㜵 yobǀ, prevention ணᐃ yotei, previous arrangement, schedule ண yosǀ, anticipation 425 4 strokes ᅛ Yƿ; hitsuji, sheep, ram, ewe ⨺ẟ yǀmǀ, wool ⨺⓶ yǀhi, sheepskin Ꮚ⨺ kohitsuji, a lamb 426 6 strokes ᅖ Yƿ, ocean すὒ ὒ㛫 ὒ᭹ ኴᖹὒ seiyǀ, the West, the Occident yǀma, Western-style room yǀfuku, Western-style clothes Taiheiyǀ, Paci¿c Ocean 427 9 strokes ᅝ Yƿ; ha, leaves, foliage ⴥ⥳⣲yǀryokuso, chlorophyll ⴠࡕⴥ ochiba, fallen leaves ⴥᕳ hamaki, cigar 428 12 strokes ᅣ Yƿ positive, male principle in nature ኴ㝧 taiyǀ, sun ኴ㝧⣔ taiyǀkei, solar system 㝧Ẽ yǀki, season, weather, cheerfulness 429 12 strokes 86 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 86 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 430–434 ᅕ 430 14 strokes ᅶ 431 12 strokes ᆔ 432 10 strokes ᆟ Yƿ, way, style, manner; sama, Mr., Mrs., Miss, etc. (polite suf¿x for personal names); state, way, form, condition ⚄ᵝ kamisama, god ᵝᏊ yǀsu, appearance, manner, state RAKU; o(chiru), to fall (v.i.), to be omitted, to be inferior to; o(tosu), to omit, to make worse, to let drop, to lose ⴠ➨ rakudai, failure (in an examination), rejection ⴠᡂ rakusei, completion (building, etc.) RYNj, RU; naga(re), stream, current, Àow; naga(reru), to Àow (v.i.); naga(su), to set aÀoat, to wash away, to pour (v.t.) ὶࢀᫍnagareboshi, shooting star ὶ⾜ rynjkǀ, fashion, vogue 㟁ὶ denrynj, electric current RYO; tabi, travel, journey ᪑ே tabibito, traveler ᪑⾜ ryokǀ, trip, travel ᪑㤋 ryokan, inn, hotel 433 10 strokes ᆤ 434 6 strokes RYƿ, old Japanese monetary unit; two, both ୧ᡭ ryǀte, both hands ୧᪉ ryǀhǀ, both, both sides ୧ぶ ryǀshin, parents, father and mother 87 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 87 7/5/13 3:27 PM 435–439 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ᆶ RYOKU, ROKU; midori, green ᪂⥳ shinryoku, fresh verdure ⥳ᆅ ryokuchi, green tract of land ⥳Ⰽ midori-iro, green (color) 435 14 strokes ᇏ 436 5 strokes ᇙ REI, salutation, courtesy, bow, thanks ♩ reigi, courtesy, manners, etiquette ↓♩ burei, impoliteness, discourtesy ኻ♩ shitsurei, discourtesy, rudeness RETSU, row, line ⾜ิ gyǀretsu, row, procession ิ㌴ ressha, train ᩚิ seiretsu, standing in a row 437 6 strokes ᇣ 438 14 strokes ᇭ REN; ne(ru), to polish (oneތs style), to discipline (oneތs mind), to parade, to knead (a dough) ⦎⩦ renshnj, practice ⇍⦎ jukuren, skill, dexterity カ⦎ kunren, drill, training RO road, route, path; ~ji, suf¿x denoting “way” 㐨㊰ dǀro, road ⥺㊰ senro, railway track ⯟㊰ kǀro, sea route 439 13 strokes 88 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 88 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 440–444 ሆ 440 8 strokes ڈ WA, harmony, peace, Japan; yawa(ragu), to soften, to calm down (v.i.); nago(yaka), calm, harmonious ᖹ heiwa, peace ᭹ wafuku, Japanese clothes, kimono ㄪ chǀwa, harmony AI, love; ai(suru), to love ឡ aijǀ, love, affection ឡᅜᚰ aikokushin, patriotism ឡඣ aiji, oneތs beloved child 441 13 strokes ڨ 442 10 strokes ڬ AN, plan, idea; an(jiru), to be anxious about, to be concerned about እ angai, unexpectedly ෆ annai, guide, guidance ྡ meian, good idea, good plan I with, through, on account of ௨ୖ ijǀ, above, more than ௨እ igai, besides, outside of ௨๓ izen, before, formerly 443 5 strokes ۃ 444 6 strokes I; koromo, clothes, garment, priestތs robe ⾰㢮 irui, clothing ⾰㣗ఫ i-shoku-jnj, clothing, food and shelter ⾰᭰࠼ koromogae, change of dress 89 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 89 7/5/13 3:27 PM 445–449 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ڮ I; kurai, rank, position, grade; about (approximately) ᆅ chi-i, rank, social standing ⨨ ichi, location, situation Ꮫ gaku-i, academic degree 445 7 strokes ڱ 446 7 strokes ہ I; kako(mu), kako(u), to surround, to enclose, to besiege ⬚ᅖ kyǀi, girth of the chest, chest measurement ࿘ᅖ shnji, circumference, surroundings ⠊ᅖ hanҲi, extent, sphere, limits I, stomach ⫶⿄ ibukuro, stomach ⫶ ibyǀ, stomach trouble ⫶⭠ i-chǀ, stomach and intestines 447 9 strokes ۗ IN, seal, stamp; shirushi, sign, symbol, trace ༳ๅ insatsu, printing ▮༳ yajirushi, arrow sign ┠༳ mejirushi, mark 448 6 strokes ܑ EI England, excellent ⱥㄒ eigo, English language ⱥ㞝 eiynj, hero ᪥ⱥ Nichi-Ei, Japan and England 449 8 strokes 90 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 90 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 450–454 ܉ 450 9 strokes ܶ EI, honor; saka(e); ha(e), prosperity; saka(eru), to prosper; ha(eru), to excel, to shine ගᰤ kǀei, honor ⦾ᰤ hanҲei, prosperity ᰤ㣴 eiyǀ, nutrition EN; shio, salt ሷỈ shiomizu, salt water ሷ⏣ enden, salt bed 㣗ሷ shokuen, table salt 451 13 strokes ݍ OKU, one hundred million ༑൨ᖺnijnjoku-nen, two billion years ᩘ൨ snjoku-en, several hundred million yen 452 15 strokes ݡ 453 5 strokes ݪ 454 8 strokes KA; kuwa(eru), to add, to join, to increase (v.t.); kuwa(waru), to join, to enter (v.i.) ཧຍ sanka, participation ຍධ kanynj, entrance, joining ቑຍ zǀka, increase KA, fruit, result; ha(te), end, result; ha(tasu), to carry out, to realize, to ful¿ll; ha(teru), to end, to die ⤖ᯝ kekka, result, effect ຠᯝ kǀka, effect ᯝᐇ kajitsu, fruit 91 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 91 7/5/13 3:27 PM 455–459 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ݽ KA treasure, goods ⓒ㈌ᗑhyakkaten, department store 㖟㈌ ginka, silver coin 㞧㈌ zakka, miscellaneous goods, sundries 455 11 strokes ݻ KA, section, lesson ㄢእ kagai, extra-curricular ㄢ㢟 kadai, theme, homework Ꮫㄢ gakka, lesson 456 15 strokes ވ GA; me, bud, sprout, shoot ᮌࡢⱆki-no-me, leaf bud ᪂ⱆ shinme, sprout, bud, shoot ⱆࡤ࠼ mebae, bud, sprout 457 8 strokes ޜ 458 7 strokes ޟ KAI; arata(meru), to change, to reform, to revise; arata(maru), to be reformed ᨵⰋ kairyǀ, improvement ᨵᚰ kaishin, conversion, reform ᨵᮐཱྀ kaisatsuguchi, ticket gate KAI shackles ᶵᲔ kikai, machine ჾᲔ kikai, instrument, apparatus 459 11 strokes 92 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 92 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 460–464 ޮ GAI, harm, calamity ᐖ gaichnj, harmful insect ᦆᐖ songai, loss, damage 㞀ᐖ shǀgai, obstacle, hindrance 460 10 strokes 461 12 strokes ߂ GAI, KAI; machi, street, town, quarters ၟᗑ⾤ shǀtengai, shopping centre ᕷ⾤ shigai, the streets; city, town ⾤㐨 kaidǀ, highway, route KAKU; ono-ono, each, every ྛᆅ kakuchi, every place ྛே kakujin, each person ྛ㥐 kaku-eki, each station 462 6 strokes ߌ 463 12 strokes ࠊ KAKU; obo(eru), to remember, to understand; sa(masu), to awake (v.t.); sa(meru), to wake up (v.i.) ぬ࠼᭩oboegaki, memorandum note ឤぬ kankaku, sensation, sense, feeling ⮬ぬ jikaku, consciousness, self-consciousness KAN end, completion kanzen, perfection ᡂ kansei, completion ⤖ kanketsu, completion, ¿nish, termination 464 7 strokes 93 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 93 7/5/13 3:27 PM 465–469 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ࠋ 465 8 strokes ࠣ 466 14 strokes ࠲ 467 14 strokes ࠫ KAN, government, government position ᐁᗇ kanchǀ, government of¿ce ุᐁ saibankan, judge ㆙ᐁ keikan, policeman, police of¿cer KAN, to control, to administer; kuda, tube, pipe 㕲⟶ tekkan, iron pipe (tube) ⾑⟶ kekkan, blood vessel ⟶⌮ kanri, administration, control, charge KAN; seki, barrier; kan(suru), kaka(waru), to relate to 㛵ᚰ kanshin, concern, interest ⋞㛵 genkan, entrance hall, entrance ᶵ㛵㌴ kikansha, engine, locomotive KAN to look at carefully, to show ほග kankǀ, sightseeing ほᐹ kansatsu, observation ほ kansoku, observation, survey 468 18 strokes ࡄ 469 19 strokes GAN; nega(i), wish, petition, request; nega(u), to ask, to request, to wish, to beg 㢪᭩ gansho, written application ᚿ㢪 shigan, volunteering, desire, application 94 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 94 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 470–474 ࡏ KI rare; desire ᕼᮃ kibǀ, hope, desire ᕼᮃ⪅ kibǀsha, aspirant, applicant ᕼⷧ kihaku, thin, weak, sparse 470 7 strokes ࡠ KI, season Ꮨ⠇ kisetsu, season ᅄᏘ shiki, the four seasons 㞵Ꮨ uki, rainy season 471 8 strokes ࡢ KI history, chronicle ୡ⣖ seiki, century, period ༑ୡ⣖nijisseiki, twentieth century ⣖ඖ kigen, era, epoch 472 9 strokes ࡈ 473 12 strokes ࡔ KI; yoroko(bi), joy, happy event, congratulation; yoroko(bu), to rejoice, to be glad ႐ࡧǀ-yorokobi, great joy, great delight ႐ kigeki, comedy Ḽ႐ kanki, joy, ecstasy KI; hata, Àag ᅜ kokki, national Àag ᰯ kǀki, school Àag ᫍ᮲ seijǀki, the Stars and Stripes 474 14 strokes 95 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 95 7/5/13 3:27 PM 475–479 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ࡉ KI; utsuwa, vessel, utensil, capacity, caliber 㣗ჾ shokki, tableware 㝡ჾ tǀki, pottery, ceramics Ὑ㠃ჾ senmenki, wash basin 475 15 strokes ࡙ KI; hata, loom ᶵᲔ kikai, machine, mechanism ᶵ kikai, opportunity, chance ༴ᶵ kiki, crisis, emergency 476 16 strokes ࡼ GI discussion ㆟ ㆟ㄽ ㆟ kaigi, conference giron, argument, discussion gikai, Diet 477 20 strokes ࢙ 478 7 strokes ࢛ KYNj; moto(me), request, demand; moto(meru), to request, to search for, to buy, to wish for ồே kynjjin, offer of a job ㄳồ seikynj, demand ồ⫋ kynjshoku, seeking employment KYNj; na(ku), to cry, weep, sob Ἵࡁኌnakigoe, crying, sobbing Ἵࡁ nakimushi, crybaby ឤἽ kankynj, weeping with emotion 479 8 strokes 96 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 96 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 480–484 KYNj; suku(i), rescue, help; suku(u), to rescue, to help ᩆ῭ kynjsai, relief ᩆຓ kynjjo, rescue ᩆᛴ㌴ kynjkynjsha, ambulance 480 11 strokes ࢣ KYNj to supply ⤥ᩱ kynjryǀ, pay, salary ౪⤥ kyǀkynj, supply ᭶⤥ gekkynj, monthly salary 481 12 strokes ࢫ 482 10 strokes ࢱ KYO to conduct, to perform; a(geru), a(garu) (v.i), to raise, to hold (a function) 㑅ᣲ senkyo, election ᣲ⾜ kyokǀ, performance ᣲᡭ kyoshu, raising oneތs hand, a show of hands GYO; RYƿ, ¿shing ⁺⯪ gyosen, ¿shing boat ⁺ᴗ gyogyǀ, ¿shing industry ⁺ᖌ ryǀshi, ¿sherman 483 14 strokes ࢼ KYƿ; tomo, both, as well as, together ඹ㏻ kyǀtsnj, commonness ඹᅜ kyǀwakoku, republic ඹ⏘ඪ kyǀsantǀ, Communist Party 484 6 strokes 97 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 97 7/5/13 3:27 PM 485–489 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ࢾ KYƿ to be in harmony ༠ຊ kyǀryoku, cooperation ༠ kyǀkai, society, association ༠㆟ kyǀgi, conference, consultation 485 8 strokes ࣖ KYƿ; kagami, mirror 㙾ྎ kyǀdai, dressing table, mirror stand ║㙾 sǀgankyǀ, binoculars 㢧ᚤ㙾 kenbikyǀ, microscope 486 19 strokes ࢻ 487 20 strokes ࣡ 488 12 strokes थ 489 10 strokes KYƿ, KEI; kiso(u), to rival, to compete; se(ru), to bid, to compete for ➇த kyǀsǀ, competition ➇ᢏ kyǀgi, match, tournament, sporting events ➇㤿 keiba, horse race KYOKU, terrestrial poles, magnetic poles, zenith; GOKU very, extremely; kiwa(maru) (v.i.), to reach an end, an extreme; kiwa(mi), apex ᴟ➃ kyokutan, extremity ᴟ hokkyoku, North Pole ⮳ᴟ shigoku, very, quite KUN, precept, Japanese rendering of a Chinese character (i.e., “kun” reading) ᩍカ kyǀkun, teachings, lesson カ⦎ kunren, training, drill カ㎡ kunji, address of instructions 98 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 98 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 490–494 ध GUN, army, military authorities ㌷ഛ gunbi, armaments ㌷㝲 guntai, troops, army ㌷Ⰴ gunkan, warship 490 9 strokes न GUN, county, district 㒆㒊 gunbu, rural district, counties 㒆㛗 gunchǀ, head of a county 491 10 strokes श 492 8 strokes ळ KEI; path, course, direct ᚄ㊰ keiro, course, path ┤ᚄ chokkei, diameter ┤ᚄ⾜ chokujǀkeikǀ, impulsiveness KEI; kata, type, model, mold, conventionality ᶍᆺ mokei, model ᑠᆺ kogata, small size ᆺ ǀ-gata, large size 493 9 strokes ा KEI, KE view, scene 㢼ᬒ fnjkei, scenery, view ᬒẼ fukeiki, bad times, depression ගᬒ kǀkei, spectacle, scene 494 12 strokes 99 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 99 7/5/13 3:27 PM 495–499 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ॑ GEI, arts, accomplishments ⱁ⾡ geijutsu, art Ẹⱁ mingei, folk art ⱁ⪅ geisha, Japanese singing and dancing girl 495 7 strokes ज़ 496 4 strokes य़ 497 12 strokes ८ 498 9 strokes ० KETSU lack, absence; ka(keru), to be broken off, to lack (v.i.); ka(ku), to lack, to want (v.t.) ḞⅬ ketten, fault Ḟᖍ kesseki, absence Ḟஈ ketsubǀ, shortage KETSU; musu(bi), end, knot; musu(bu), to tie, to bind, to conclude, to link; yu(u), to dress (the hair); yu(waeru), to fasten, to bind ⤖ᯝ kekka, result ⤖፧ kekkon, marriage 㐃⤖ renketsu, coupling, connection, linking KEN, KON; ta(teru), to build, to establish; ta(tsu), to be built; ~date, ~-storied building ᘓ≀ tatemono, a building ᘓ⠏ kenchiku, construction, architecture, building 㝵ᘓ nikaidate, two-storied building KEN; suko(yaka), healthy, sound ᙉ kyǀken, robust ಖ hoken, (preservation of) health kenzen, healthy, sound 499 11 strokes 100 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 100 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 500–504 অ KEN, GEN, effect; to examine ᐇ㦂 jikken, experiment ⤒㦂 keiken, experience ヨ㦂 shiken, examination, experiment 500 18 strokes ঙ 501 8 strokes ো KO; kata(meru), to harden, to make hard (v.t.); kata(maru), to become hard; kata(i), hard, ¿rm ᅛ᭷ koynj, peculiar, oneތs own ᅛయ kotai, a solid (body) ᙉᅛ kyǀko, ¿rmness, solidity, stability Kƿ, merits, effect, service; KU ᡂຌ seikǀ, success ຌ⦼ kǀseki, meritorious deed ຌປ kǀrǀ, service 502 5 strokes 503 6 strokes ে Kƿ; kono(mu), su(ku), to like, love; su(ki), fond of, like ዲព kǀi, goodwill, kindness ዲࡁ᎘࠸ sukikirai, likes and dislikes ዲࡁዲࡴsukikonomu, like, prefer Kƿ, season, sign; to inquire after Ẽೃ kikǀ, climate, weather ኳೃ tenkǀ, weather ೃ⿵ kǀho, candidacy, candidate 504 10 strokes 101 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 101 7/5/13 3:27 PM 505–509 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ਂ Kƿ to sail on the water ⯟ᾏ kǀkai, voyage, navigation ⯟㊰ kǀro, sea route, air route ⯟✵ kǀknj, aviation, air voyage 505 10 strokes য় Kƿ to enjoy ᗣ kenkǀ, health, good health ᗣ fukenkǀ, bad health 506 11 strokes ਠ KOKU; tsu(geru), to tell, to inform ሗ࿌ hǀkoku, report ᗈ࿌ kǀkoku, advertisement ᛅ࿌ chnjkoku, advice 507 7 strokes ੇ 508 10 strokes ੨ SA, difference, remainder (math.); sa(su), to thrust, to insert ᕪู sabetsu, distinction, discrimination ᕪ taisa, great difference ᕪฟே sashidashinin, sender, addresser SAI; na, greens, rape (vegetable) 㔝⳯ yasai, vegetables ⳯ࡢⰼ na-no-hana, rape blossoms ⳯ᅬ saien, vegetable garden 509 11 strokes 102 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 102 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 510–514 SAI pre¿x for forming superlatives; motto(mo), most ᭱ึ saisho, the ¿rst, beginning ᭱ᚋ saigo, the last ᭱ၿ saizen, the best 510 12 strokes ੮ 511 7 strokes ZAI, material (for work), timber, ability, talent ᮌᮦ mokuzai, lumber, wood ᮦᩱ zairyǀ, raw material, ingredients ேᮦ jinzai, capable man SAKU yesterday, ancient times ᪥ sakujitsu, yesterday ᖺ sakunen, last year ኪ sakuya, last night 512 9 strokes ઑ 514 8 strokes SATSU, paper money; fuda, label, namecard, tag, placard; bid ᮐධࢀsatsu-ire, wallet ྡᮐ nafuda, nameplate, name-tag ධᮐ nynjsatsu, bid, bidding 513 5 strokes ઌ SATSU; su(ru), to print; ~zuri, suf¿x for “printing” insatsu, printing kǀseizuri, proofs (printing) ㅞ∧ๅࡾ tǀshaban-zuri, mimeographed copy ༳ๅ ᰯṇๅࡾ 103 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 103 7/5/13 3:27 PM 515–519 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SATSU, SAI, SETSU; koro(su), to kill ẅே satsujin, homicide, murder ẅ㢼ᬒ sappnjkei, tasteless, dreary ⮬ẅ jisatsu, suicide 515 10 strokes ઍ SATSU; sas(suru), to guess, to perceive, to sympathize with ほᐹ kansatsu, observation どᐹ shisatsu, inspection ㆙ᐹ keisatsu, police 516 14 strokes ઞ 517 8 strokes દ 518 11 strokes ઢ 519 12 strokes SAN, three (used in legal papers); mai(ru), to go, to come, to surrender, to be nonplussed, to visit for worship ཧຍ sanka, participation ཧほ sankan, visit ཧ⪃᭩ sankǀsho, reference book SAN, childbearing, product, fortune; u(mu), to give birth to, to produce; u(mareru), to be born; ubu, birthing, bearing ⏘≀ sanbutsu, products ⏘ᆅ sanchi, place of production ⏘ᴗ sangyǀ, industry SAN; chi(ru), to fall (leaves), to be scattered (v.i.); chi(rasu), to scatter, to disperse (v.t.); chi(rakaru), to be in order; chi(rakasu), to scatter ᩓṌ sanpo, walk, stroll ゎᩓ kaisan, breakup, dissolution ⫶ᩓ isan, medical powder for the stomach 104 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 104 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 520–524 ર 520 10 strokes ZAN; noko(ri), remainder; noko(ru), to be left over, to remain; noko(su), to leave, to save ṧᛕ zannen, regret, disappointment ṧ㔠 zankin, balance, money left over ṧࡾ≀ nokorimono, remains, left-overs SHI man, ¿gure Ṋኈ bushi, samurai ⤀ኈ shinshi, gentleman ຬኈ ynjshi, brave man, hero 521 3 strokes ્ 522 4 strokes ષ SHI Mister (used as suf¿x); uji, family name, lineage Ặྡ shimei, full name Ặ᪘ไᗘshizoku-seido, the clan or the family system ㅖẶ shoshi, Messrs., gentlemen SHI annals, history, chronicles Ṕྐ rekishi, history ዪྐ joshi, Madame, Mrs., Miss ྐୖ shijǀ, in history, in the annals 523 5 strokes શ 524 5 strokes SHI to rule, to manage ྖ⪅ shikaisha, master of ceremonies, moderator, chairman ྖ௧ shirei, order, command ྖ௧㒊 shireibu, headquarters 105 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 105 7/5/13 3:27 PM 525–529 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 525 13 strokes 526 7 strokes ૭ 527 8 strokes 528 13 strokes SHI; kokoro(mi), trial, test; kokoro(miru), to try; tame(su), to try, to test ヨ㦂 shiken, examination ヨ㐠㌿ shi-unten, test driving, trial run ヨྜ shiai, match, contest JI, NI infant, child jidǀ, child, boys and girls, juvenile Ꮩඣ koji, orphan ᑠඣࡲࡦ shǀni-mahi, infantile paralysis ඣ❺ JI, CHI; osa(meru), to rule over; osa(maru), to be peaceful; nao(ru) (v.i.), to heal; nao(su) (v.t.), to cure ᨻ seiji, politics, administration ⮬ jichi, self-government ⒪ chiryǀ, medical treatment JI, word, speech; ji(suru), to resign, to take oneތs leave, to decline; ya(meru), to retire, to quit ㎡᭩ jisho, dictionary ㎡⫋ jishoku, resignation ⚃㎡ shukuji, congratulatory address SHITSU; ushina(u), to lose, to miss ኻ♩ shitsurei, impoliteness ኻᩋ shippai, failure ኻᮃ shitsubǀ, despair, disappointment 529 5 strokes 106 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 106 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 530–534 ତ 530 10 strokes ହ SHAKU; ka(ri), borrowing, debt; ka(riru), to borrow, to rent, to substitute temporarily, to obtain (help) 㔠 shakkin, debt, loan ࡾ≀ karimono, borrowed thing ᣏ haishaku, loan, borrowing SHU kind, sort; tane, seed ✀ࡲࡁtanemaki, sowing seed ✀㢮 shurui, sort, kind ே✀ jinshu, human race 531 14 strokes ୈ 532 8 strokes ୳ SHNj circumference; to go round; mawa(ri), border, periphery ࿘ᅖ shnji, circumference, surroundings ࿘㎶ shnjhen, outskirts ୍࿘ isshnj, one round SHUKU; SHNj; iwa(i), celebration; iwa(u), to celebrate ⚃㈡ shukuga, celebration ⚃⚟ shukufuku, blessing ⚃᪥ shukujitsu, festival day 533 9 strokes ஏ 534 12 strokes JUN, order, turn 㡰ᗎ junjo, order, procedure, method 㡰␒ junban, order, turn 㡰ㄪ junchǀ, normal condition, smooth progress 107 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 107 7/5/13 3:27 PM 535–539 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 535 7 strokes SHO; hatsu, hajime(te), ¿rst; ui, haji(me), beginning, ¿rst time; -so(meru), to beginึ⛅ shoshnj, early autumn ึ㞷 hatsuyuki, ¿rst snow of the year ึᮇ shoki, ¿rst stage SHƿ, matsu, pine ᯇⴥ matsuba, pine needles ᯇᯘ matsubayashi, pine forest ᯇ➉ᱵ shǀchikubai, pine-bambooplum decorations 536 8 strokes SHƿ; wara(u), to laugh, smile; e(mu), to smile, beam ➗࠸ǀwarai, loud laughter ⱞ➗ kushǀ, forced laugh ᚤ➗ bishǀ/hohoemi, smile 537 10 strokes SHƿ; tona(eru), to chant, to recite, to say ⊂ၐ dokushǀ, vocal solo ྜၐ gasshǀ, chorus ၐḷ shǀka, song, singing 538 11 strokes ௌ 539 12 strokes SHƿ, ya(ku), to burn, to bake, to grill, to toast (v.t.), to burn with jealousy; ya(keru), to be burned, to be roasted, to be jealous of ኤ↝ࡅ ynjyake, evening glow, sunset colors ↝ኻ shǀshitsu, destruction by ¿re 108 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 108 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 540–544 SHƿ image; Zƿ, elephant ᑐ㇟ taishǀ, object ༳㇟ inshǀ, impression ㇟ࡆ zǀge, ivory 540 12 strokes 541 13 strokes SHƿ; te(rasu), to shine on, to compare with, to shed light on; te(ru), to shine; te(reru), to be shy, to be embarrassed ᪥↷ࡾ hideri, drought ↷᫂ shǀmei, illumination ᑐ↷ taishǀ, contrast SHƿ, prize ㈹ရ shǀhin, prize (thing) ㈹㔠 shǀkin, prize (money) 㚷㈹ kanshǀ, appreciation 542 15 strokes ధ SHIN, JIN, retainer, subject ⮧ daijin, cabinet minister ᛅ⮧ chnjshin, loyal retainer 543 7 strokes ఒ 544 9 strokes SHIN, sincerity, trust, faith; shin(jiru), to believe, to trust, to believe in ಙ⏝ shinҲyǀ, trust, con¿dence, belief, credit ಙྕ shingǀ, signal ㏻ಙ tsnjshin, communication 109 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 109 7/5/13 3:27 PM 545–549 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 545 6 strokes ௐ 546 9 strokes ౸ 547 11 strokes ಇ 548 14 strokes ಌ SEI, Jƿ; na(ru), to become, to be completed, to consist of, to come to, to succeed; to come, to go (honori¿c); na(su), to do, to perform ᡂ㛗 ᡂ ㈶ᡂ seichǀ, growth kansei, completion sansei, agreement, approval SEI to look; habu(ku), to omit, to cut down; kaeri(miru), to reÀect upon (oneself); SHƿ suf¿x for “government department” ┬␎ shǀryaku, omission እົ┬ Gaimushǀ, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan) ┬ hansei, self-examination SEI; kiyo(i), kiyo(raka), pure, clear; kiyo(meru) (v.t.), kiyo(maru) (v.i), to cleanse, purge, to exorcize Ύ₩ seiketsu, cleanliness Ύ᭩ seisho, fair copy ⾑Ύ kessei, (blood) serum SEI, Jƿ; shizu, shizu(ka), quiet, silent, peaceful; shizu(maru), to become quiet; shizu(meru), to make calm, to soothe 㟼Ṇ seishi, stillness, standstill 㟼≀ seibutsu, still life Ᏻ㟼 ansei, complete rest SEKI, seat, place ฟᖍ shusseki, attendance, presence Ḟᖍ kesseki, absence ᗙᖍ zaseki, seat 549 10 strokes 110 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 110 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 550–554 ಓ 550 16 strokes ಠ 551 7 strokes ಣ SEKI, product (math.); tsumo(ri), intention; tsu(mu), to pile up, to load, to accumulate (v.t.); tsumo(ru), to be piled up 㠃✚ menseki, area ✚ᴟⓗ sekkyokuteki, positive, active, progressive ✚Ⲵ tsumini, cargo, a load SETSU; ori, o(ru), to break, to fold, to bend; o(reru), to break, to be broken kyokusetsu, winding, complications ᢡࡾྜ࠸ oriai, mutual relations, compromise ᢡࡾ┠ orime, crease ᒅᢡ kussetsu, inÀection ᭤ᢡ SETSU, SECHI, paragraph, season, time; fushi, joint, knot, tune ⠇⣙ setsuyaku, economy, frugality ㄪ⠇ chǀsetsu, regulation, control ⠇ shisetsu, delegate, envoy 552 13 strokes ತ 553 14 strokes ಷ 554 9 strokes SETSU, opinion, theory; ZEI; to(ku), to explain, to persuade, to preach ㄝ᫂ setsumei, explanation ఏㄝ densetsu, legend ♫ㄝ shasetsu, editorial SEN; asa(i), shallow ὸぢ senken, super¿cial view ὸⷧ senpaku, super¿cial 㐲ὸ tǀasa, shoaling beach, shallowness extending far from shore 111 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 111 7/5/13 3:27 PM 555–559 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ಱ 555 13 strokes ೊ SEN; ikusa, tataja(i), tataka(i), ¿ght, war, struggle; takaka(u), to ¿ght, to make war, to struggle, to compete in games ᡓத sensǀ, war ⤊ᡓ shnjsen, end of a war ᡓሙ senjǀ, battle¿eld SEN; era(bu), to choose, to select 㑅ᣲ senkyo, election 㑅ᡭ senshu, player, champion ᙜ㑅 tǀsen, victory in an election 556 15 strokes 558 6 strokes ೲ ZEN, NEN yes, but, however ⮬↛ shizen, nature ᙜ↛ tǀzen, natural, just, as a matter of course ኳ↛ tennen, nature 557 12 strokes ഈ Sƿ; araso(i), quarrel, dispute, competition; araso(u), to struggle, to dispute, to quarrel ➇த kyǀsǀ, competition ゝ࠸த࠺ ii-arasou, to quarrel தዣᡓ sǀdatsusen, scramble, contest, challenge Sƿ; kura, warehouse ᗜ sǀko, warehouse ⯪ sensǀ, hold (of a ship) ⡿ komegura, rice granary 559 10 strokes 112 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 112 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 560–564 ഃ Sƿ; su, nest, den, breeding place ᕢ⟽ subako, nesting box ᕢ❧ࡘ sudatsu, to leave the nest, home Ⴀᕢ eisǀ, nest building 560 11 strokes ഩ 561 7 strokes ത SOKU; taba, bundle, bunch; bind ⣙᮰ yakusoku, appointment; promise ᮰⦡ sokubaku, restriction, restraint ⰼ᮰ hanataba, bouquet, bunch of Àowers SOKU; gawa, side ෆഃ uchigawa, the inside ྑഃ migigawa, usoku, right side ഃ㠃 sokumen, the side 562 11 strokes റ 563 13 strokes ല ZOKU; tsuzu(ki), continuation, sequel, range; tsuzu(ku), to continue, to follow, to last (v.i.); tsuzu(keru), to continue, to resume (v.t.) ⥆ฟ zokushutsu, successive occurrence ᡭ⥆ tetsuzuki, procedure ┦⥆ sǀzoku, inheritance SOTSU, a private, common soldier; to ¿nish ༞ᴗ sotsugyǀ, graduation ༞ᴗ⏕ sotsugyǀsei, graduate ර༞ heisotsu, private (soldier) 564 8 strokes 113 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 113 7/5/13 3:27 PM 565–569 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ഷ 565 10 strokes SON; mago, grandchild ᏊᏞ shison, descendants Ꮮㄳࡅ mago-uke, sub-sub contractor ᭯Ꮮ sǀson/himago, great grand child TAI; obi, girdle; o(biru), to wear ᆅᖏ chitai, zone ⇕ᖏ nettai, torrid zone, tropics ᖏᑒ obifnj, half wrapper 566 10 strokes ൠ TAI, a party, a corps, band, unit ර㝲 heitai, soldier ᴦ㝲 gakutai, band (musical) 㝲㛗 taichǀ, captain, commander, leader 567 12 strokes ൿ TATSU; tas(suru), to arrive, to reach, to attain (oneތs object) Ⓨ㐩 hattatsu, development 㓄㐩 haitatsu, delivery 㐩ே tatsujin, an expert 568 12 strokes ඍ TAN single ༢⣧ tanjun, simple ⡆༢ kantan, simple, easy ༢౯ tanka, unit price 569 9 strokes 114 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 114 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 570–574 CHI; o(ku), to put, to place ⨨ ichi, position ⨨≀ okimono, ornament (for a tokonoma) ≀⨨ mono-oki, storeroom 570 13 strokes ස 571 6 strokes CHNj; naka, relationship ௰ࡀ࠸࠸naka ga ii, to be on good terms with ௰㛫 nakama, workmate, colleague, associate ௰ chnjsai, mediation CHO to store, to save ㈓Ỉᆅchosuichi, reservoir ㈓ⶶ chozǀ, storage ㈓㔠 chokin, savings 572 12 strokes CHƿ, trillion (U.S.), sign; kiza(shi), sign, omen; kiza(su), to show signs ೃ chǀkǀ, sign, omen nichǀen, two trillion yen ๓ zenchǀ, omen, portent 573 6 strokes ෬ 574 13 strokes CHƿ, the intestines mǀchǀ, (vermiform) appendix ⭠ daichǀ, large intestine ⭠࢝ࢱࣝ chǀkataru, intestinal catarrh ┣⭠ 115 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 115 7/5/13 3:27 PM 575–579 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ฝ 575 7 strokes ฦ TEI; hiku(i), low, short; hiku(meru) (v.t.), hiku(maru) (v.i.), to lessen పẼᅽ tei-kiatsu, low atmospheric pressure ప✵ teiknj, low altitude పᆅ teichi, low ground TEI; soko, bottom, depth ㇂ᗏ tanizoko, bottom of a ravine ᾏᗏ kaitei, bottom of the sea ᚭᗏⓗ tetteiteki, thoroughgoing, out-and-out 576 8 strokes พ TEI to stop Ṇ teishi, stop, suspension 㟁 teiden, electricity stoppage ␃ᡤ teirynjjo, stopping place, streetcar (bus) stop 577 11 strokes โ 578 8 strokes ํ TEKI like, similar, suf¿x for forming adjectives from nouns; mato, mark, target ┠ⓗ mokuteki, purpose ୡ⏺ⓗ sekaiteki, international, world-wide ♫ⓗ shakaiteki, social TEN ceremony, celebration ㎡ jiten, dictionary ྂ koten, classics ⚍ saiten, festival, rite 579 8 strokes 116 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 116 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 580–584 ๙ 580 6 strokes DEN; tsuta(eru) to report, to impart, to transmit; tsuta(waru), to be reported, imparted, transmitted, tsuta(u), to follow along ఏグ denki, biography ఏᰁ densenbyǀ, epidemic ᐉఏ senden, propaganda TO companion ⏕ᚐ seito, pupil, student ᚐṌ toho, going on foot ᚐ➇㉮tokyǀsǀ, running match 581 10 strokes DO; tsuto(meru), to make efforts ດຊ doryoku, effort ດຊᐙdoryokuka, hard worker 582 7 strokes ຌ Tƿ, hi, light, lamp 㟁ⅉ dentǀ, electric light Ᏻⅉ anzentǀ, safety lamp ୰㟁ⅉkaichnjdentǀ, Àashlight, electric torch 583 6 strokes ຨ 584 11 strokes Dƿ, temple, hall shokudǀ, dining room, eating house බᇽ kǀkaidǀ, town hall, public hall ᅜ㆟ᇽ Kokkai-gijidǀ, the Diet Building 㣗ᇽ 117 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 117 7/5/13 3:27 PM 585–589 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ລ 585 13 strokes ູ Dƿ; hatara(ki), work (n.); hatara(ku), to work, to do (evil), to come into play ປാ⪅rǀdǀsha, laborer ാࡁᡭ hatarakite, bread winner, worker ാࡁ⪅ hatarakimono, hard worker TOKU special ≉ู tokubetsu, special, particular ≉㛗 tokuchǀ, strong point ≉ᛴ tokkynj, limited express 586 10 strokes ຶ 587 11 strokes ຽ 589 15 strokes TOKU, pro¿t, bene¿t, advantage; e(ru), to get, to obtain; -u(ru), to be able to ᚓព tokui, proud satisfaction; customer; oneތs forte ⣡ᚓ nattoku, understanding, compliance ᚓⅬ tokuten, score (in a game) DOKU, poison Ẽࡢẘki-no-doku, sorry, pitiful ẘⲡ dokusǀ, poisonous herb ୰ẘ chnjdoku, poisoning 588 8 strokes ༂ NETSU, heat, fever, craze, zeal; nes(suru), to heat, to become hot; atsu(i), hot ⇕ netsubyǀ, fever ⇕ᚰ nesshin, zeal ⇕ᖏ nettai, tropical zone 118 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 118 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 590–594 ༄ NEN, thought, feeling, desire グᛕ kinen, commemoration ṧᛕ zannen, regret, disappointment ᛕ㢪 nengan, oneތs heartތs desire 590 8 strokes ༨ HAI; yabu(reru), to be defeated ᩋᡓ haisen, lost battle ⭉ᩋ fuhai, putrefaction, corruption ኻᩋ shippai, failure 591 11 strokes ༳ BAI; ume, plum, plum tree ᱵ㞵 baiu/tsuyu, rainy season ᱵ㓇 umeshu, plum brandy ᱵᖸࡋ umeboshi, pickled plums 592 10 strokes ག HAKU, BAKU learned; to spread; abundant ༤ኈ hakushi, doctor (degree) ༤≀㤋 hakubutsukan, museum ༤ぴhakurankai, exposition 593 12 strokes ྅ HAN; meshi, boiled rice, a meal ᮅ㣤 asahan, asameshi, breakfast 㣤 hirumeshi, lunch ኤ㣤 ynjhan, ynjmeshi, supper 594 12 strokes 119 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 119 7/5/13 3:27 PM 595–599 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ྦ 595 9 strokes ྣ HI; to(bu), to Ày; to(basu), to let Ày, to launch 㣕ࡧ㎸ࡴtobikomu, to jump in, to dive into, to rush in 㣕⾜ᶵ hikǀki, airplane 㣕⾜ሙ hikǀjǀ, airport HI; tsui(yasu) (v.i.), tsui(eru) (v.t.), to spend, to consume, to squander ㈝⏝ hiyǀ, expense ᪑㈝ ryohi, traveling expenses ฟ㈝ shuppi, expenditure 596 12 strokes ྼ 597 5 strokes ࿌ HITSU; kanara(zu), without fail, by all means, invariably, necessarily ᚲせ hitsuyǀ, need ᚲṚ hisshi, inevitable death, desperation ᚲ hisshǀ, sure victory HYƿ, vote ᢞ⚊ tǀhyǀ, voting ఏ⚊ denpyǀ, chit ༑⚊ gojippyǀ, ¿fty votes 598 11 strokes ࿈ HYƿ mark, sign; to write down, to express ᶆᮏ hyǀhon, specimen ᶆㄒ hyǀgo, motto ┠ᶆ mokuhyǀ, mark, object 599 15 strokes 120 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 120 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 600–604 FU dis-, in-, un-, mal-, ill⮬⏤ fujiynj, inconvenience, want ᖹ fuhei, discontent, complaint ᖾ fukǀ, misfortune, unhappiness, death 600 4 strokes FU, FNj; otto, husband ᕤኵ kǀfu, laborer, coolie ኵ፬ fnjfu, husband and wife ኵே fujin, married lady, Mrs. 601 4 strokes 602 5 strokes FU; tsu(ku), to adhere, to stick (v.i.); tsu(keru), to attach, to stick (v.t.) ㏆ fukin, neighborhood ᐤ kifu, contribution ཷ uketsuke, acceptance, information of¿ce FU, urban prefecture, center ᨻᗓ seifu, government 㤳ᗓ shufu, capital ᗓ┴ fuken, prefectures 603 8 strokes ဋ FUKU vice-, sub-, secondary モ fukushi, adverb 㛗 fukukaichǀ, vice-president (of a society) ᴗ fukugyǀ, side job 604 11 strokes 121 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 121 7/5/13 3:27 PM 605–609 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ဢ FUN; kona, ko, powder ⅆࡢ⢊hi-no-ko, spark ᑠ㯏⢊ komugiko, wheat Àour 〇⢊ seifun, milling (Àour) 605 10 strokes ဪ HEI, soldier; HYƿ ර㝲 heitai, soldier රჾ heiki, arms රኈ heishi, soldier 606 7 strokes ် 607 7 strokes ၃ BETSU, distinction, exception; different, particular; waka(reru), to part (from) ≉ู tokubetsu, special ูၥ㢟 betsumondai, another question ูࢀ wakare, parting, separation HEN, -be, side, neighborhood; atari, vicinity ᗏ㎶ teihen, the base (geom.) ࿘㎶ shnjhen, outskirts ㏆㎶ kinpen, neighborhood 608 5 strokes ဿ 609 9 strokes HEN, odd; disturbance, accident, change; ka(waru), to change, to be uncommon, to move (v.i.); ka(eru), to change, to reform ኚ henka, change, variety, conjugation ኚ taihen, serious, great, terrible 122 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 122 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 610–614 ၆ 610 9 strokes ၟ BEN, convenience, bodily waste; BIN, mail; tayo(ri), tidings, communication, a letter ౽ benri, convenience ౽ᡤ benjo, toilet ⯟✵౽ kǀknjbin, air mail Hƿ; tsutsu(mu), to wrap, to cover ᑠໟ kozutsumi, postal package ໟࡳ⣬ tsutsumigami, wrapping paper ໟᅖ hǀi, encirclement 611 5 strokes ၭ Hƿ, HA(TT), HO(TT), law, doctrine, reason, method ᪉ἲ hǀhǀ, way, method ἲᚊ hǀritsu, law ᩥἲ bunpǀ, grammar 612 8 strokes ႊ 613 11 strokes ႞ Bƿ, Mƿ; nozo(mi), desire, wish; nozo(mu), to desire, to expect, to see ኻᮃ shitsubǀ, disappointment ᕼᮃ kibǀ, hope, wish ⤯ᮃ zetsubǀ, despair BOKU; maki, pasture ∾ሙ bokujǀ, makiba, stock farm ∾ⲡ bokusǀ, grass ᨺ∾ hǀboku, grazing 614 8 strokes 123 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 123 7/5/13 3:27 PM 615–619 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS Ⴢ 615 5 strokes 616 12 strokes MATSU; sue, end, future, youngest child, triÀe ᮎࡗᏊsuekko, youngest child ᭶ᮎ getsumatsu, end of the month ጞᮎ shimatsu, management, circumstances MAN fullness; mi(chiru), to rise (tide), to wax (moon); mi(tasu), to ¿ll, to meet (a requirement) ‶ဨ manҲin, ¿lled to capacity ‶᭶ mangetsu, full moon ‶ṓ man-shichisai, full seven years old MI yet, never, till now, unᮍ᮶ mirai, future ᮍ㛤 mikai, uncivilized, uncultivated ᮍ▱ michi, unknown, strange 617 5 strokes ი MYAKU, pulse, hope, range ᒣ⬦ sanmyaku, mountain range 㟼⬦ jǀmyaku, (blood) vein 㖔⬦ kǀmyaku, vein of ore 618 10 strokes მ MIN; tami, people, subjects ᕷẸ shimin, townsman ᅜẸ kokumin, nation Ẹ᪘ minzoku, race 619 5 strokes 124 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 124 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 620–624 ჟ 620 12 strokes ᄝ 621 9 strokes ᄮ MU, BU; na(shi) (lit.), na(i), to be non-existent, not to have, to be missing, to lack, to be deceased ↓⌮ m uri, unreasonable, compulsory, impossible, excessive ↓⥺ musen, wireless (radio) ↓ buji, safe, peaceful, well YAKU, promise, abridgment; approximately, about (pre¿x) yakusoku, promise, appointment, regulation ண⣙ yoyaku, subscription, pre-engagement ⣙ᅄ༑ศyaku-yonjippun, about forty minutes ⣙᮰ YNj; isa(mashii), isa(mu), brave ຬẼynjki, courage ຬኈ ynjshi, brave man ຬᩒ ynjkan, bravery 622 9 strokes ᅟ 623 9 strokes ᅤ Yƿ; the main point, necessity; yǀ(suru), to require, to need; i(ru), to need, to be required; kaname, the pivot, the mainpoint ᚲせ hitsuyǀ, necessity, need せồ yǀkynj, request, demand 㔜せ jnjyǀ, important Yƿ; yashina(u), to bring up, to support, to recuperate, to cultivate ᩍ㣴 kyǀyǀ, culture 㣴ᡂ yǀsei, training 㣴Ṫ yǀshoku, raising, culture 624 15 strokes 125 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 125 7/5/13 3:27 PM 625–629 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ᅩ 625 10 strokes ᆀ YOKU; a(biru), to bathe oneself in (water, the sun); a(biseru), to pour (liquid) on, to shower with (abuse) Ỉᾎࡧmizu-abi, bathing ධᾎ nynjyoku, taking a bath ᪥ගᾎ nikkǀ-yoku, sun bath RI, advantage, pro¿t, interest (on money); ki(ku), to function well ⏝ riyǀ, utilization ┈ rieki, gains, bene¿t ᶒ kenri, a right, a claim 626 7 strokes ᆌ RIKU, land 㝣 tairiku, continent ୖ㝣 jǀriku, landing ╔㝣 chakuriku, landing (of an airplane) 627 11 strokes ᆯ RYƿ; yo(i), good, well, ¿ne, right, satisfactory ᨵⰋ kairyǀ, improvement Ⰻᚰ ryǀshin, conscience ᭱Ⰻ sairyǀ, the best, the ideal 628 7 strokes ᆧ RYƿ, charge, materials ཎᩱ genryǀ, raw material ᩱ⌮ ryǀri, cooking ᩱ㔠 ryǀkin, charge 629 10 strokes 126 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 126 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 630–634 ᆲ RYƿ, quantity, measure; haka(ru), to weigh, to measure 㞵㔞 uryǀ, rainfall 㔜㔞 jnjryǀ, weight ศ㔞 bunryǀ, quantity 630 12 strokes ᆾ RIN; wa, ring, circle, wheel ୕㍯㌴ sanrinsha, tricycle, threewheeled vehicle ㌴㍯ sharin, wheel 㤳㍯ kubiwa, collar (for a dog) 631 15 strokes ᇆ RUI, a kind, a variety; tagu(i), a kind, a type; an equal, a match ✀㢮 shurui, kind, sort ぶ㢮 shinrui, a relative ศ㢮 bunrui, classi¿cation 632 18 strokes ᇇ REI proclamation, law, order ྕ௧ gǀrei, (word of) command ௧ meirei, command, order ᣦ௧ shirei, order, instructions 633 5 strokes ᇊ 634 7 strokes REI; tsume(tai), cold; hi(eru), to grow cold, feel chilly; hi(ya), cold water; hi(yakasu), to banter; hi(yasu), to cool (v.t.); sa(meru) (v.i.), to cool off; sa(masu) (v.t.), to let cool ෭Ỉ ෭Ẽ ෭ⶶ reisui, cold water reiki, cold air reizǀ, cold storage, refrigeration 127 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 127 7/5/13 3:27 PM 635–639 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ᇉ 635 8 strokes ᇘ REI, example; tato(eru), to liken to; tato(eba), for example እ reigai, exception ᐇ jitsurei, (concrete) example ᖺ reinen, ordinary year, every year REKI to pass, to travel about Ṕྐ rekishi, history ⤒Ṕ keireki, background (of a person), career ᒚṔ᭩ rirekisho, personal history 636 14 strokes ᇦ 637 10 strokes ᇻ 638 6 strokes ᇯ REN, a ream (of paper), a group; ~ren, suf¿x for “group”; tsu(reru), to take along; tsura(naru) (v.i.), tsura(neru) (v.t.), to range; ~zure, suf¿x for “companion” 㐃⤡ renraku, connection, communication, contact 㐃┕ renmei, league Rƿ, old age; o(i), old age, the aged; o(iru), to grow old; fu(keru), to grow old ⪁ே rǀjin, old man ⪁ᮌ rǀboku, aged tree 㣴⪁㝔 yǀrǀin, asylum for the aged Rƿ, labor, service, trouble ⱞປ kurǀ, toil, care ປ kinrǀ, labor ປാ⪅ rǀdǀsha, laborer 639 7 strokes 128 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 128 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 640–644 ሃ ROKU to copy, to write down グ㘓 kiroku, record ᪂グ㘓 shinkiroku, new record 㘓㡢 rokuon, (sound) recording, transcription 640 16 strokes !ڗ ATSU pressure Ẽᅽ kiatsu, atmospheric pressure ᅽຊ atsuryoku, pressure 㟁ᅽ denҲatsu, voltage 641 5 strokes ھ 642 11 strokes ۚ 643 6 strokes ܊ I; utsu(ru), to move (to a place, into a house), to change (v.i.), to sink into, to be infectious; utsu(su), to remove (v.t.), to infect imin, immigration (emigration), immigrant ⛣ࡾኚࢃࡿutsurikawaru, to change, to shift ⛣Ẹ IN, cause; yo(ru), to be due to, to be based on ཎᅉ genҲin, cause ᅉᯝ inga, cause and effect, fate ᅉく inshnj, long-established custom EI long, eternal, perpetual; naga(i), everlasting Ọ㐲 eien, eternity Ọ╀ eimin, death Ọఫ eijnj, permanent residence 644 5 strokes 129 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 129 7/5/13 3:27 PM 645–649 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ܄ 645 12 strokes ܒ EI; itona(mi), occupation; itona(mu), to run (a hotel), to perform (a religious service) ⤒Ⴀ keiei, management, operation Ⴀᴗ eigyǀ, business, trade, operation EI to protect, to defend ⾨⏕ eisei, hygiene 㜵⾨ bǀei, defense Ᏺ⾨ shuei, guard, watchman 646 16 strokes ڹ EKI, divination; I; yasa(shii), easy ᐜ᫆ yǀi, easy ㈠᫆ bǀeki, trade ᫆⪅ ekisha, fortuneteller 647 8 strokes ܗ EKI, YAKU, bene¿t, pro¿t ┈ rieki, gain, bene¿t ᭷┈ ynjeki, instructive, pro¿table ┈ ekichnj, useful insect 648 10 strokes ܕ EKI, liquid, Àuid, juice ᾮయ ekitai, liquid ⾑ᾮ ketsueki, blood ᾘẘᾮ shǀdoku-eki, antiseptic solution 649 11 strokes 130 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 130 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 650–654 ܩ 650 14 strokes ܾ 651 7 strokes ܽ 652 8 strokes ઇ EN; en(jiru), to act, to perform a play, to create (a comic scene), to commit (a blunder) ₇ㄝ enzetsu, speech ₇ᢏ engi, acting ₇ዌ ensǀ, (musical) performance ƿ, ǀ(jiru), to answer, to comply with, to apply for, to accept; kota(eru), to answer, to respond ᛂ ǀen, aid, cheering ᛂ⏝ ǀyǀ, practical application ᛂ᥋㛫ǀsetsuma, parlor ƿ to go; ancient times ᮶ ǀrai, (street) traf¿c, going and coming, street ǀfuku, going and returning, round trip ❧ ⏕ tachi-ǀjǀ, standstill ƿ; sakura, cherry tree, cherry blossom, pink ᱜⰼ ǀka, cherry blossoms (lit.) ᱜ⫗ sakuraniku, horsemeat ᒣᱜ yamazakura, wild cherry 653 10 strokes ݖ 654 10 strokes ON, favor, kindness ᜠே onjin, benefactor ㅰᜠ shaon, expression of gratitude ᜠ㏉ࡋ ongaeshi, requital of anotherތs favor 131 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 131 7/5/13 3:27 PM 655–659 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ݢ KA, good, approval ྍỴ kaketsu, approval ྍ⬟ kanǀ, possibility ྍ⬟fukanǀ, impossibility 655 5 strokes ݜ KA, KE; kari, temporary, false ௬ᐃ katei, supposition ௬ kasǀ, disguise ௬ kebyǀ, pretended illness 656 6 strokes ݟ KA; atai, price, value ᐃ౯ teika, ¿xed price ౯್ kachi, value ≀౯ bukka, prices of commodities 657 8 strokes ݭ KA; kawa, river Ἑཱྀ kakǀ, mouth of a river 㖟Ἑ ginga, Milky Way 㐠Ἑ unga, canal 658 8 strokes ݿ 659 12 strokes KA; su(giru), to elapse, to pass, to exceed; su(gosu), to pass (a day), to go to excess; ayama(chi), error, mishap ㏻㐣 tsnjka, passage ⤒㐣 keika, progress, lapse 㐣ཤ kako, past, past tense 132 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 132 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 660–664 ފ 660 12 strokes ޕ GA congratulations ᖺ㈡ nenga, New Yearތs greetings ᖺ㈡≧ nengajǀ, New Yearތs card ⚃㈡ shukuga, celebration, congratulation KAI; kokoroyo(i), pleasant, refreshing ᛌᬕ kaisei, ¿ne weather ទᛌ yukai, pleasant ᛌά kaikatsu, cheerful 661 7 strokes ސ 662 13 strokes ߆ 663 10 strokes ߊ 664 15 strokes KAI, explanation; to(ku), to untie, to solve; to(keru) (v.i.), to relent, become loose; hodo(ku), to untie ⌮ゎ rikai, understanding ゎᩓ kaisan, breaking up, dissolution ศゎ bunkai, analysis, decomposition KAKU, Kƿ, status, case (in grammar) ᛶ᱁ seikaku, personality, character ே᱁ jinkaku, character ౯᱁ kakaku, price ᱁Ꮚ kǀshi, grid, lattice KAKU; tashi(ka), sure, accurate, reliable; tashi(kameru), to ascertain, to con¿rm ṇ☜ seikaku, correctness ☜ᐇ kakujitsu, certainty ☜ᐃ kakutei, decision 133 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 133 7/5/13 3:27 PM 665–669 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ߗ GAKU, framed picture, amount (of money); hitai, forehead 㔠㢠 ⥲㢠 ከ㢠 kingaku, amount of money sǀgaku, sum total tagaku, large sum 665 18 strokes ࠃ KAN publication, edition ห⾜ kankǀ, publication 㐌ห shnjkan, weekly publication ᪂ห shinkan, new publication 666 5 strokes ࠎ KAN; miki, trunk of a tree ᖿ㒊 kanbu, the executive, leading members ᰿ᖿ konkan, basis, root ᖿ⥺ kansen, trunk line 667 13 strokes ࠑ 668 14 strokes ࠽ KAN; na(reru), to get accustomed (to), to become inured (to) shnjkan, habit, custom kanҲyǀ, common use, practice ぢ័ࢀࡿ minareru, to get used to seeing, to be familiar (with) ⩦័ ័⏝ GAN; manako, eye ⫗║ nikugan, naked eye ㏆║ kingan, near-sightedness ║㙾 sǀgankyǀ, binoculars 669 11 strokes 134 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 134 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 670–674 ࡊ 670 11 strokes ࡍ 671 11 strokes ࡤ KI; motoi, foundation, basis; moto(zuku), to be based on ᇶᮏ kihon, foundation, basis, standard ᇶᆅ kichi, (air, etc.) base ᇶ♏ kiso, foundation, basis KI; yo(ru), to approach, to drop in, to gather (v.i.); yo(seru), to draw up (a chair), to push (a desk) aside ᐤ kikǀ, call at a port ᐤ kifu, contribution ᐤ kiyo, contribution, service KI compass つᚊ kiritsu, order, discipline つᶍ kibo, scale, scope つ‽ kijun, standard 672 11 strokes ࡳ GI, waza, art, skill ᢏᖌ gishi, engineer ➇ᢏ kyǀgi, sporting events, contest ᢏ⾡ gijutsu, art, technique 673 7 strokes ࡹ 674 13 strokes GI, justice, morality, loyalty, relationship; pre¿x for “in-law,” “arti¿cial” ⩏ shugi, principle, ~ism ㅮ㆟ kǀgi, lecture ⩏ gikei, elder brother-in-law 135 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 135 7/5/13 3:27 PM 675–679 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ࢍ 675 9 strokes 676 3 strokes ࢤ GYAKU, inverse, reverse; gyaku(ni), inversely, reversely; saka(rau), to oppose, to go against ㏫㌿ gyakuten, reversal, going backward ㏫ቃ gyakkyǀ, adversity ㏫ hangyaku, treason KYNj, KU; hisa(shii), long (time), lasting; hisa(shiku), for a long time eikynj, permanence, eternity ஂࡋࡪࡾ hisashiburi, after a long time ஂ㐲 kuon, eternity Ọஂ KYNj, old ᪧᘧ kynjshiki, old-style ᪧ㊧ kynjseki, place of historic interest ᪧᬺ kynjreki, lunar calendar 677 5 strokes ࢧ KYO dwelling place; i(ru), to be, to be present, to dwell ఫᒃ jnjkyo, dwelling ᒃ╀ࡾ inemuri, napping, dozing (n.) ᒃ㛫 ima, living room 678 8 strokes ࢮ 679 11 strokes KYO; yuru(shi), permission, pardon, approval; yuru(su), to permit, to forgive, to approve チྍ ≉チ චチ kyoka, permission, license, admission, approval tokkyo, patent, concession menkyo, license, certi¿cate 136 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 136 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS• 680–684 ࣃ 680 14 strokes ࣧ KYƿ, KEI; sakai, border, boundary, border line ቃ㐝 kyǀgnj, circumstances, surroundings ᅜቃ kokkyǀ, frontier ቃෆ keidai, precincts KIN level, equality ᖹᆒ heikin, average, balance ᆒ➼ kintǀ, equality, identity 681 7 strokes ࣮ 682 13 strokes ࣽ KIN; kin~, pre¿x for “forbidden” or “prohibited”; kin(jiru), to forbid, to abstain from ⚗Ṇ kinshi, prohibition, ban ⚗↮ kinҲen, “No Smoking” ⚗㓇 kinshu, abstinence from alcoholic beverages KU, clause, phrase, verse, line ᩥྃ monku, words, objection ㄒྃ goku, words and phrases ྃㄞⅬkutǀten, punctuation marks 683 5 strokes द GUN; mu(re), group, Àock, herd; mu(reru), mura(garu), to throng (v.i.) 㨶⩌ gyogun, school of ¿sh ⩌ᓥ guntǀ, group of islands ⩌⾗ gunshnj, crowd (of people) 684 13 strokes 137 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 137 7/5/13 3:27 PM 685–689 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ॄ 685 11 strokes ढ़ 686 15 strokes ॣ KEI, circles of longitude; KYƿ, the sutras, (law, reason, way, ordinary course of things); he(ru), to pass, to pass through ⤒㈝ keihi, expenditure ⤒⏤ keiyu, by way of, through ⚄⤒ shinkei, nerve KETSU; isagiyo(i), manly, brave, pure Ύ₩ seiketsu, clean ₩ⓑ keppaku, innocent, pure, upright ⡆₩ kanketsu, concise KEN, matter ௳ jiken, event, matter ⏝௳ yǀken, business ᮲௳ jǀken, condition, terms 687 6 strokes २ KEN, bond, ticket ᐃᮇๆteikiken, commutation ticket ᪑ๆ ryoken, passport ධሙๆ nynjjǀ-ken, admission ticket, platform ticket 688 8 strokes ঃ KEN; kewa(shii), steep, ¿erce ༴㝤 kiken, danger ಖ㝤 hoken, insurance ෑ㝤 bǀken, adventure 689 11 strokes 138 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 138 7/5/13 3:27 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 690–694 ॳ KEN to examine ᥈᳨ tanken, exploration ᳨デ kenshin, medical examination ᳨ᐃ kentei, of¿cial approval 690 12 strokes ঔ GEN; kagi(ri), limit, end, as far as possible; kagi(ru), to limit, to restrict ไ㝈 seigen, limitation ᮇ㝈 kigen, term ↓㝈 mugen, in¿nity 691 9 strokes এ 692 11 strokes ঌ 693 12 strokes ঠ 694 9 strokes GEN present, now; ara(wareru), to show oneself, to come into sight, to be found (out); ara(wasu), to manifest, to expose, to express ᐇ⌧ jitsugen, realization ⾲⌧ hyǀgen, expression ⌧௦ gendai, present age GEN; he(ru), to decrease (v.i.), to wear out; he(rasu), to decrease (v.t.) ຍῶ kagen, state of health, degree, adjustment, inÀuence, addition and subtraction ῶᑡ genshǀ, diminution, decrease ῶ㏥ gentai, decline, failing KO old, former times; reason; yue reason,cause ᨾ jiko, accident, hindrance ᨾ㒓 kokyǀ, oneތs native place ᨾ㞀 koshǀ, mishap, trouble, accident, hindrance 139 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 139 7/5/13 3:28 PM 695–699 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS খ 695 10 strokes ী KO individual, suf¿x for enumeration ಶே kojin, individual ಶᛶ kosei, individual character, personality ᩘಶ snjko, several GO to protect, to defend ಖㆤ hogo, protection ┳ㆤ፬ kangofu, trained nurse ᘚㆤኈ bengoshi, lawyer 696 20 strokes ৌ 697 8 strokes ৎ Kƿ, ef¿cacy, effect; ki(ku), to be effective ຠᯝ kǀka, effect, ef¿cacy, result, sound effects ຠຊ kǀryoku, effect, ef¿cacy ᭷ຠ ynjkǀ, valid, effective, ef¿cacious Kƿ; atsu(i), thick, cordial ཌ⣬ atsugami, thick paper, cardboard ཌព kǀi, kindness ཌ⏕ kǀsei, public welfare 698 9 strokes ৼ Kƿ; tagaya(su), to till ⪔ᆅ kǀchi, arable (cultivated) land ⪔స kǀsaku, cultivation ㎰⪔ nǀkǀ, farm labor 699 10 strokes 140 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 140 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 700–704 Kƿ ore 㖔ᒣ kǀzan, mine 㖔≀ kǀbutsu, mineral 㕲㖔 tekkǀ, iron ore 700 13 strokes ৭ 701 14 strokes ࣓ Kƿ; kama(e), structure, posture; kama(eru), to put oneself in a posture, to build ᵓᡂ kǀsei, composition ᵓ㐀 kǀzǀ, structure, construction ᚰᵓ࠼ kokorogamae, mental attitude, preparation Kƿ, KYƿ; interest; oko(ru), to prosper; oko(su), to restore ⯆ kyǀmi, interest, appeal ⯆ዧ kǀfun, excitement ⯆ fukkǀ, revival, reconstruction 702 16 strokes ਆ Kƿ investigation, lecture; to think out, to study, to explain ㅮ₇ kǀen, lecture ㅮᇽ kǀdǀ, auditorium ㅮ⩦ kǀshnj, short training course 703 17 strokes ਼ 704 11 strokes KON; ko(mu), to be crowded; ma(zeru), to mix, to mingle; ma(jiru), to be mixed, to be mingled; ma(zaru) (=majiru) ΰ ΰ㞧 ΰྜ konran, confusion konzatsu, congestion, confusion kongǀ, mixture 141 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 141 7/5/13 3:28 PM 705–709 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ੈ SA to examine, to investigate ᳨ᰝ kensa, inspection, examination ᕠᰝ junsa, policeman ᑂᰝ shinsa, screening 705 9 strokes SAI, SA re- (pre¿x); futata(bi), again ᘓ saiken, reconstruction saikai, meeting again ୕ saisan, again and again 706 6 strokes SAI; wazawa(i), disaster, misfortune ⅏ᐖ saigai, disaster, calamity ⅏㞴 sainan, misfortune, calamity ⅆ⅏ kasai, ¿re, conÀagration 707 7 strokes SAI, my wife; tsuma, wife ኵጔ fusai, husband and wife ጔᏊ saishi, wife and children ✄ጔ inazuma, lightning 708 8 strokes ੜ 709 11 strokes SAI; to(ru), to gather (fruit, etc.), to employ (a person), to adopt (a measure) ᥇㞟 saishnj, collection ᥇⏝ saiyǀ, employment, adoption ᥇᥀ saikutsu, mining 142 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 142 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 710–714 ੫ 710 14 strokes ੭ 711 6 strokes ੰ SAI, occasion; kiwa, verge, occasion ᐇ㝿 jissai, actual state, truth, reality ᅜ㝿 kokusai, international 㝿 kǀsai, intercourse, acquaintance, association ZAI, country, suburbs, to exist; a(ru), to be, to exist Ꮡᅾ sonzai, existence, being ᅾ taizai, sojourn ⌧ᅾ genzai, present time, present tense ZAI, SAI treasure ㈈⏘ zaisan, property, fortune ㈈ᨻ zaisei, ¿nance(s) ⚾㈈ shizai, private property 712 10 strokes ੯ ZAI; tsumi, crime, sin ≢⨥ hanzai, crime ⨥ᝏ zaiaku, sin, crime ㅰ⨥ shazai, apology 713 13 strokes ઔ 714 14 strokes ZATSU, rough; Zƿ miscellaneous, rough 」㞧 fukuzatsu, complexity, complication 㞧ㄅ zasshi, magazine 㞧ࡁࢇ zǀkin, Àoorcloth, mopping cloth 143 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 143 7/5/13 3:28 PM 715–719 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS બ SAN, acid; su(ppai), sour 㓟⣲ sanso, oxygen ሷ㓟 ensan, hydrochloric acid 㓟 sanka, oxidization 715 14 strokes ફ SAN to praise, to assist, to agree ㈶ᡂ sansei, approval, support ㈶ຓ sanjo, support, help ༠㈶ kyǀsan, cooperation 716 15 strokes ૅ 717 4 strokes ૂ 718 7 strokes SHI branch; to branch off, to support; sasa(eru), to support, to hold ᨭ㓄 shihai, rule, management ᨭᡶ࠺ shiharau, to pay ᨭᗑ shiten, a branch (store, of¿ce) SHI; kokorozashi, will, intention, ambition, aim, kindness; kokoroza(su), to intend, to aim at ពᚿ ishi, will ᚿᮃ shibǀ, desire ྠᚿ dǀshi, comrade SHI; eda, branch, twig shiyǀ, minor details, side issues ᯤࢀᯞ kare-eda, dead branch ᑠᯞ koeda, twig ᯞⴥ 719 8 strokes 144 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 144 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 720–724 ુ SHI, teacher, expert; army ∾ᖌ bokushi, pastor ᩍᖌ kyǀshi, teacher ᖌᅋ shidan, division (army) 720 10 strokes SHI wealth, help, nature ㈨※ shigen, resource ㈨᱁ shikaku, capacity, quali¿cation ≀㈨ busshi, goods, materials 721 13 strokes ૠ SHI; ka(u), to raise/keep/feed (animals) 㣫ᩱ shiryǀ, fodder, animal-feed 㣫࠸kainushi, animal owner 㣫⫱ shi-iku, breeding, rearing 722 13 strokes JI, SHI; shime(su), to show, to point out ♧၀ shisa, suggestion ᥖ♧ keiji, notice ᣦ♧ shiji, instructions, indication 723 5 strokes ૣ JI; ni(ru), to resemble 㢮ఝ ruiji, similarity ఝ㢦 nigao, portrait, likeness ఝྜ funiai, unbecoming 724 7 strokes 145 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 145 7/5/13 3:28 PM 725–729 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ૻ SHIKI to know, to write down, to distinguish ▱㆑ chishiki, knowledge ᶆ㆑ hyǀshiki, mark ᖖ㆑ jǀshiki, common sense 725 19 strokes ଋ 726 15 strokes କ SHITSU, quality, substance; to inquire; simple and honest; SHICHI, pawn ㉁ၥ shitsumon, question ⣲㉁ soshitsu, makings, quality ㉁ᒇ shichiya, pawnshop SHA house, lodging ᰯ⯋ kǀsha, school building ∵⯋ gynjsha, cowshed ᐟ⯋ shukusha, lodging 727 8 strokes ଟ SHA; sha(suru), to apologize, to thank; ayama(ru), to apologize ឤㅰ kansha, thanks ㅰ⤯ shazetsu, refusal ㅰ♩ sharei, remuneration, thanks 728 17 strokes ୂ JU; sazu(keru), to grant, to instruct; sazu(karu), to be blessed with ᤵᴗ jugyǀ, lesson(s), teaching ᩍᤵ kyǀju, teaching, professor ᤵ㈹ jushǀ, awarding a prize 729 11 strokes 146 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 146 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 730–734 ୌ 730 10 strokes 731 8 strokes SHNj, SHU; osa(meru), to study, to ¿nish, to practice; osa(maru), to behave well ಟ⌮ shnjri, repair ᨵಟ kaishnj, improvement, repair ಟṇ shnjsei, amendment JUTSU; no(beru), to speak, to express, to state ⴭ㏙ chojutsu, writing (of books), oneތs writings ཱྀ㏙ kǀjutsu, oral statement ㏙ㄒ jutsugo, predicate (gram.) JUTSU, art, arti¿ce, means, magic ᡭ⾡ shujutsu, surgical operation ᢏ⾡ gijutsu, technique ⨾⾡ bijutsu, art 732 11 strokes ஈ JUN, water level; rule; to imitate; pre¿x denoting “semi-,” “associate” ᶆ‽ hyǀjun, standard ᇶ‽ kijun, standard ‽ᛴ junkynj, semi-express 733 13 strokes JO, preface 㡰ᗎ junjo, order, method ⛛ᗎ chitsujo, public order, discipline ᗎᩥ jobun, preface 734 7 strokes 147 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 147 7/5/13 3:28 PM 735–739 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS SHƿ; mane(ku), to invite, to beckon ᣍᚅ shǀtai, invitation ᣍᚅ≧ shǀtaijǀ, invitation card 735 8 strokes SHƿ; uketamawa(ru), to hear ᢎ▱ shǀchi, consent, knowledge ᢎㄆ shǀnin, approval ᢎ ryǀshǀ, acknowledgment 736 8 strokes SHƿ evidence, testimony ド᫂ shǀmei, proof, certi¿cation ドே shǀnin, witness (law), surety ಖド hoshǀ, guarantee, security 737 12 strokes ௸ Jƿ clause in a law or treaty, logic, stripe ᮲௳ jǀken, terms, conditions ᮲⣙ jǀyaku, treaty ↓᮲௳ mujǀken, unconditional 738 7 strokes 739 7 strokes Jƿ state, condition, letter ≧ែ jǀtai, state (of things), condition ⌧≧ genjǀ, existing state of affairs, present condition ♩≧ reijǀ, letter of thanks 148 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 148 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 740–744 ௵ Jƿ; tsune, usual, ordinary; toko-, everlasting 㠀ᖖhijǀ-ni, very (much) ṇᖖ seijǀ, normal ᪥ᖖ nichijǀ, everyday 740 11 strokes ௶ 741 11 strokes ఉ Jƿ, feeling, sympathy; nasa(ke), feeling, sympathy, love, mercy ឡ aijǀ, affection ࡅ῝࠸ nasakebukai, compassionate ໃ jǀsei, state of things SHOKU, SHIKI; ori, textile; o(ru), to weave ⧊≀ orimono, textile fabric ⧊ᶵ shokki, weaving machine ⤌⧊ soshiki, organization 742 18 strokes ఊ SHOKU, employment, duties ⫋ᴗ shokugyǀ, occupation, business ෆ⫋ naishoku, side job ⫋ሙ shokuba, place of work 743 18 strokes ౫ SEI law, rule; sei(suru), to restrain, to control ไᗘ seido, system, institution ไ᭹ seifuku, uniform ไ㝈 seigen, restriction 744 8 strokes 149 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 149 7/5/13 3:28 PM 745–749 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ౯ SEI, sex, nature; SHƿ, nature, temperament ᛶ㉁ seishitsu, nature, property ⩦ᛶ shnjsei, habit Ẽᛶ kishǀ, temper 745 8 strokes SEI, SHƿ; matsurigoto, government ᨻᗓ seifu, government ᨻ seiji, administration, politics ᨻ⟇ seisaku, policy 746 9 strokes ౬ 747 13 strokes ౼ SEI; ikio(i), force, vigor, power, inÀuence ໃຊ seiryoku, power, inÀuence ໃ taisei, general trend; ǀzei, large number of people ㌷ໃ gunzei, number of soldiers, troops SEI, spirit, vitality, essence; SHƿ ⢭⚄ seishin, spirit, mind, soul ⢭ᕦ seikǀ, exquisite (workmanship) ⢭㐍 shǀjin, diligence 748 14 strokes ౿ 749 14 strokes SEI to manufacture, suf¿x for “make” or “manufacture” 〇ရ seihin, manufactured goods 㖟〇 ginsei, made of silver ⡿ᅜ〇 Beikokusei, of American make 150 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 150 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 750–754 ಉ ZEI, tax ⛯㔠 zeikin, tax ⣡⛯ nǀzei, tax payment ⛯㛵 zeikan, custom house 750 12 strokes ಗ 751 11 strokes ಕ SEKI; se(meru), to blame, to urge, to torture ㈐௵ sekinin, responsibility ㈐௵⪅ sekininsha, person responsible ↓㈐௵musekinin, irresponsibility SEKI to spin; meritorious deed ᡂ⦼ seiseki, result, record ຌ⦼ kǀseki, meritorious deeds ⣳⦼ bǀseki, spinning 752 17 strokes ಞ 753 11 strokes ಡ SETSU; ses(suru), to come in contact with, to receive, to adjoin; tsu(gu), to join together, to splice, to set (a broken bone) ┤᥋ chokusetsu, directly ᥋ᚅ settai, reception ᥋⥆ setsuzoku, junction SETSU; mǀ(keru), to establish タഛ setsubi, equipment タィ sekkei, plan, design (for construction) ᘓタ kensetsu, construction 754 11 strokes 151 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 151 7/5/13 3:28 PM 755–759 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ಧ ZETSU; shita, tongue ⯉ᡴࡕ shita-uchi, click of the tongue, smacking oneތs lips ⯉㰘 shita-tsuzumi, smacking of the lips 755 6 strokes ದ 756 12 strokes ೌ 757 14 strokes ZETSU; ta(eru), to cease, to become extinct; ta(tsu), to sever, to discontinue ⤯ᑐ zettai, absoluteness ⤯㡬 zetchǀ, peak, zenith, summit Ẽ⤯ kizetsu, fainting SEN, former unit of money (a hundredth part of a yen); zeni, money 㔠㖹 kinsen, money ࡇ࡙࠸㖹 kozukaisen, pocket money SO, ancestor, founder ♽ᅜ sokoku, fatherland ♽ẕ sobo, grandmother ඛ♽ senzo, ancestor 758 9 strokes ೧ SO, SU white, origin, source ⣲ᮔ soboku, simple せ⣲ yǀso, element, important factor ⣲㢦 sugao, unpainted face 759 10 strokes 152 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 152 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 760–764 760 14 strokes ഢ 761 10 strokes ജ Sƿ whole, general ⥲⌮⮧sǀri-daijin, prime minister ⥲ဨ sǀin, entire staff, all hands, full force ⥲㑅ᣲ sǀsenkyo, general election Zƿ; tsuku(ri), structure, build (n.); tsuku(ru), to make, to create, to build; ~zuku(ri), made of ~ (suf¿x denoting type of structure) ᮌ㐀 mokuzǀ, made of wood ே㐀 jinzǀ, arti¿cial ▼㐀ࡾishizukuri, built of stone Zƿ, image, ¿gure 㖡ീ dǀzǀ, bronze statue ീ butsuzǀ, image of Buddha ⌧ീ genzǀ, development (of a ¿lm) 762 14 strokes ഝ 763 14 strokes ഥ Zƿ; ma(su), to increase (v.i. & v.t.); fu(eru) (v.i.), to increase, to proliferate; fu(yasu) (v.t.), to increase, to add (to) ቑຍ zǀka, increase ቑᙉ zǀkyǀ, reinforcement ቑ㐍 zǀshin, promotion SOKU law; to act on ἲ๎ hǀsoku, law つ๎ kisoku, rule ཎ๎ gensoku, principle 764 9 strokes 153 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 153 7/5/13 3:28 PM 765–769 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS പ SOKU; haka(ru), to fathom, to measure ほ kansoku, observation 㔞 sokuryǀ, surveying ᐃ sokutei, measurement 765 12 strokes മ 766 12 strokes ᆎ 767 11 strokes ഹ 768 13 strokes ൞ 769 9 strokes ZOKU, genus (biol.); zoku(suru), to belong to 㔠ᒓ kinzoku, metal ᡤᒓ shozoku, oneތs position ᒓ㝔 fuzoku-byǀin, attached hospital SOTSU; hiki(iru), to lead, to command; RITSU, rate ⬟⋡ nǀritsu, ef¿ciency ฟᖍ⋡ shussekiritsu, percentage of attendance ⤫⋡ tǀsotsu, command, leadership SON, loss, disadvantage; son(suru), to suffer a loss; soko(nau), soko(neru), to hurt, to damage ᦆᐖ songai, loss, damage ᦆኻ sonshitsu, loss ◚ᦆ hason, damage, breakdown TAI; shirizo(ku), to retreat, to withdraw, to retire (v.i.); shirizo(keru), to drive back, to keep away, to refuse (v.t.) ㏥ሙ ㏥ ᚋ㏥ taijǀ, leaving, walk-out, exit taiji, stamping out, subjugation kǀtai, retreat 154 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 154 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 770–774 ൝ 770 12 strokes ൔ 771 14 strokes ච TAI; ka(shi), loan; ka(su), to lend, to loan, to hire out ㈚ᐙ kashiya, house for rent ㈚୍࣎ࢺ kashibǀto, boat for hire ㈚ taishaku, borrowing and lending TAI appearance, state of affairs ែᗘ taido, attitude ≧ែ jǀtai, state (of things) condition ᐜែ yǀdai, condition (of a patient) DAN; TON, round, group, party ᅋయ dantai, party, organization ᴦᅋ gakudan, band (musical) ᕸᅋ futon, Japanese quilt 772 6 strokes ඣ 773 11 strokes භ DAN; kotowa(ru), to decline, to refuse, to give notice, to ask leave; ta(tsu), to sever, to give up (drinking), to exterminate ᩿㣗 danjiki, a fast Ἔ᩿ yudan, negligence, carelessness, unpreparedness ุ᩿ handan, judgment CHIKU; kizu(ku), to build ᘓ⠏ kenchiku, building ⠏㐀 chikuzǀ, construction ᪂⠏ shinchiku, new building 774 16 strokes 155 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 155 7/5/13 3:28 PM 775–779 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ෟ 775 11 strokes อ 776 12 strokes า CHƿ; ha(ri), tension, expansion; ha(ru), to stretch, to spread, to cover ぢᙇࡾ mihari, lookout ᘬࡗᙇࡿ hipparu, to pull ᙇ shuchǀ, insistence, opinion TEI; sa(geru), to carry in oneތs hand ᥦฟ teishutsu, presentation (of a thesis), ¿ling (of an application) ᥦ౪ teikyǀ, offer, tender (law) ᥦ teian, suggestion, proposition TEI degree, rule; hodo, extent, limit ⛬ᗘ teido, degree, standard, limit ᪥⛬ nittei, dayތs program, schedule ⾜⛬ kǀtei, distance 777 12 strokes ไ TEKI; teki(suru), to be ¿t for 㐺ᙜ tekitǀ, suitable, moderate 㐺௵ tekinin, ¿tness ᛌ㐺 kaiteki, agreeable 778 14 strokes เ TEKI, kataki, enemy, opponent ᙉᩛ kyǀteki, formidable enemy ᩛព teki-i, hostile feeling ᩛᅜ tekikoku, enemy country 779 15 strokes 156 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 156 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 780–784 ຕ Tƿ; su(beru), to control ⤫ィ tǀkei, statistics ⤫㡿 daitǀryǀ, president (of a country) ఏ⤫ dentǀ, tradition 780 12 strokes າ Dƿ, copper 㟷㖡 seidǀ, bronze 㖡⥺ dǀsen, copper wire 㖡ᒣ dǀzan, copper mine 781 14 strokes ຩ Dƿ; michibi(ki), guidance; michibi(ku), to guide, to lead ᣦᑟ shidǀ, guidance ᣦᑟ⪅shidǀsha, leader ⿵ᑟ hodǀ, guidance 782 15 strokes ື TOKU, virtue, power of commanding love and respect 㐨ᚨ dǀtoku, morality ᚨᮃ tokubǀ, moral inÀuence ேᚨ jintoku, natural virtue 783 14 strokes DOKU; hito(ri), one person; Germany ⊂❧ dokuritsu, independence ⊂≉ dokutoku, peculiar, unique ⊂ၐ dokushǀ, vocal solo 784 9 strokes 157 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 157 7/5/13 3:28 PM 785–789 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS NIN, duty; maka(seru), to entrust, to leave (v.t.) ㈐௵ sekinin, responsibility ㌿௵ tennin, change of post ௵ົ ninmu, duty 785 6 strokes ༇ NEN; mo(eru), to burn (v.i.); mo(yasu), to burn (v.t.) ⇞ᩱ nenryǀ, fuel ⇞↝ nenshǀ, combustion ⇞ᛶ funensei, incombustible 786 16 strokes ༑ Nƿ, ability, expert, skill, the Noh ⬟ຊ nǀryoku, ability, capacity, faculty ᡯ⬟ sainǀ, talent ⬟⋡ nǀritsu, ef¿ciency 787 10 strokes ༟ HA; yabu(re), a tear (rent); yabu(ru), to tear, to break (a promise) ◚ᦆ hason, breakdown ◚⏘ hasan, bankruptcy 㞴◚ nanpa, shipwreck 788 10 strokes ེ HAN; oka(su), to commit, to violate, to rape ≢⨥ hanzai, crime ≢ே hannin, criminal 㜵≢ bǀhan, crime prevention 789 5 strokes 158 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 158 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 790–794 790 7 strokes ཹ HAN to decide; seal for stamping; BAN, size ุ᩿ handan, judgment, divination ุ saiban, justice, trial, judgment ุ ǀ-ban, large size (paper, book) HAN, plate, printing, edition ∧⏬ hanga, woodblock print ∧ᶒ hanken, copyright ฟ∧ shuppan, publication 791 8 strokes HI, ratio, comparison; kura(beru), to compare ẚ㍑ hikaku, comparison ẚ⋡ hiritsu, ratio ẚ hirei, proportion 792 4 strokes ྠ HI; ko(eru), to grow fat; koyashi, manure, fertilizer; ko(yasu), to fertilize, to fatten, to enrich (oneself) ⫧ᩱ hiryǀ, manure, fertilizer ࡓ࠸⫧ taihi, compost 793 8 strokes ྥ HI, fault, wrong; non-, un㠀ᖖhijǀ-ni, very 㠀ᖖཱྀ hijǀguchi, emergency door 㠀㞴 hinan, censure 794 8 strokes 159 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 159 7/5/13 3:28 PM 795–799 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ྩ 795 12 strokes ࿆ BI; sona(e), preparation(s); sona(eru), to furnish, to prepare; sona(waru), to be possessed of, to be furnished with ‽ഛ junbi, preparation(s) Ᏺഛ shubi, defense ணഛ yobi, reserve HYƿ; tawara, straw bag ᅵಥ dohyǀ, sandbag; sum (wrestling) ring ୍ಥ ippyǀ, one straw bag Ⅳಥ sumidawara, charcoal sack 796 10 strokes ࿎ 797 12 strokes HYƿ, criticism; hyǀ(suru), to criticize, to comment ホุ hyǀban, reputation, popularity, rumor ホ౯ hyǀka, appraisal, appreciation ᢈホ hihyǀ, criticism HIN, poverty; BIN; mazu(shii), poor ㈋ᙅ hinjaku, meager, poor ㈋ஈ binbǀ, poverty ㈋ᅔ hinkon, poverty, lack 798 11 strokes FU; nuno, cloth ẟᕸ mǀfu, blanket 㓄ᕸ haifu, distribution ⥥ᕸ menpu, cotton cloth 799 5 strokes 160 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 160 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 800–804 FU woman, wife ፬ே fujin, woman ፬ shufu, housewife ኵ፬ fnjfu, husband and wife 800 11 strokes 801 12 strokes က FU, FNj; tomi, riches; to(mu), to be rich, to abound (in) ㇏ᐩ hǀfu, abundance ᐩ㈗ fuki, fnjki, fukki, rich and noble ᐩ⿱ fuynj, riches, wealth BU, MU, military Ṋ busǀ, arms, weapons Ṋჾ buki, weapon Ṋຊ buryoku, military power 802 8 strokes ဌ 803 12 strokes ထ 804 14 strokes FUKU re-, again, repeat ᅇ kaifuku, recovery ⯆ fukkǀ, revival, reconstruction ά fukkatsu, revival, resurrection FUKU to repeat; pre¿x for “double” 」㞧 fukuzatsu, complication, complexity 」〇 fukusei, reproduction 㔜」 chǀfuku, jnjfuku, duplication, repetition 161 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 161 7/5/13 3:28 PM 805–809 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ဗ BUTSU; hotoke, Buddha; France daibutsu, colossal statue of Buddha ീ butsuzǀ, image of Buddha ᩍ bukkyǀ, Buddhism 805 4 strokes ၂ HEN; a(mu), to knit, to edit ⦅㞟 henshnj, editing ⦅㞟⪅ henshnjsha, editor ⦅ᡂ hensei, formation 806 15 strokes ၉ BEN, speech ᘚㄽ benron, debate ᘚㆤே bengonin, counsel ᘚᙜ bentǀ, lunch 807 5 strokes ။ HO; tamo(tsu), to keep, to maintain ಖㆤ hogo, protection ಖᏑ hozon, preservation ಖ㝤 hoken, insurance 808 9 strokes ၖ BO; haka, grave ᆅ bochi, graveyard ▼ boseki, haka-ishi, gravestone ཧ bosan, visit to a grave 809 13 strokes 162 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 162 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 810–814 ၡ 810 12 strokes ၹ Hƿ, report; muku(i), retribution; muku(iru), to reward, to return (a favor) ሗ࿌ hǀkoku, report ሗ jihǀ, announcement of time 㟁ሗ denpǀ, telegram Hƿ; yuta(ka), abundance ㇏ᖺ hǀnen, year of abundance ㇏స hǀsaku, good harvest 811 13 strokes ႕ Bƿ; fuse(gu), to defend, to keep off, to prevent ண㜵 yobǀ, prevention ᾘ㜵 shǀbǀ, ¿re ¿ghting 㜵Ἴሐ bǀhatei, breakwater 812 7 strokes ႓ Bƿ to purchase, to exchange ㈠᫆ၟ bǀekishǀ, trader ㈠᫆♫ bǀekigaisha, trading ¿rm ㈠᫆㢼 bǀekifnj, trade wind 813 12 strokes ႉ 814 15 strokes Bƿ, BAKU, violent; to disclose; aba(ku), to divulge; aba(reru), to behave violently ᭀຊ bǀryoku, violence, force ᭀ ranbǀ, violence, unreasonableness ᭀ㟢 bakuro, disclosure 163 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 163 7/5/13 3:28 PM 815–819 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ო 815 11 strokes პ MU; tsuto(maru), to be quali¿ed for; tsuto(meru), to discharge one’s duties, to enact (a role) ົᡤjimusho, of¿ce ົ kinmu, service, duty ⩏ົ gimu, duty MU; yume, dream, vision ᝏክ akumu, nightmare ክ୰ muchnj, unconsciousness; ecstasy, rapture ክᗁ mugen, dreams, visions 816 13 strokes წ 817 9 strokes ჴ MEI; mayo(u), to be puzzled, to lose oneތs way, to go astray, to be tempted by; mayo(wasu), to lead astray, to puzzle, to tempt ㏞ಙ meishin, superstition ㏞ᝨ meiwaku, trouble, annoyance MEN; wata, cotton ⥥ᒇ wataya, cotton shop (dealer) ⥥ᐦ menmitsu, minute, careful 818 14 strokes ᄪ YU to send ㍺ฟ yushutsu, export ㍺⾑ yuketsu, blood transfusion ㍺㏦ yusǀ, transportation 819 16 strokes 164 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 164 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 820–824 ᅆ 820 7 strokes ᅊ 821 13 strokes ᅎ YO, more (than), above; ama(ri), the remainder, the balance; ~ama(ri), more than, over; ama(ru), to remain, to be beyond (oneތs power); ama(su), to leave over వศ yobun, surplus వᬤ yoka, spare time వᆅ yochi, room, scope YO; azu(karu), to keep, to take charge of, to refrain from, to receive; azu(keru), to deposit, to put into the charge of 㡸㔠 yokin, money on deposit 㡸ࡾ≀ azukarimono, item left in someoneތs charge 㡸ࡾドazukarishǀ, deposit receipt Yƿ ¿gure; to admit ᙧᐜモkeiyǀshi, adjective ෆᐜ naiyǀ, content, substance ᐜ✚ yǀseki, capacity, cubic measure 822 10 strokes ᆒ 823 11 strokes ᆗ RYAKU, abbreviation, omission, outline; ryaku(suru), to omit ィ␎ keiryaku, stratagem, plan, plot ┬␎ shǀryaku, omission ␎⛠ ryakushǀ, abbreviation RYNj, RU; to(meru) (v.t.), to(maru) (v.i.), to fasten, to stop ␃ᡤteirynjjo, streetcar (bus) stop ␃Ꮫ rynjgaku, studying abroad ␃Ᏺ rusu, absence 824 10 strokes 165 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 165 7/5/13 3:28 PM 825–829 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ᆴ RYƿ chief point; to control せ㡿 yǀryǀ, the point, knack 㡿ᅵ ryǀdo, territory 㡿 ryǀji, consul 825 14 strokes ڽ 826 11 strokes ۆ I; koto(naru), to be different, to be unusual ␗ᖖ ijǀ, unusual ␗ㄽ iron, different opinion, objection ␗ᵝ iyǀ, strange, odd, extraordinary I, YUI to leave behind, to bequeath 㑇᪘ izoku, bereaved family 㑇㊧ iseki, remains, relics 㑇ゝ yuigon, will, testament 827 15 strokes ۊ IKI, region, limits ᆅᇦ chi-iki, region, area ༊ᇦ kuiki, domain, zone, limits 㡿ᇦ ryǀiki, territory, sphere 828 11 strokes ۧ U canopy of heaven, space, eaves Ᏹᐂ uchnj, universe, cosmos Ᏹᐂ᭹ uchnjfuku, space suit ᇽᏱ dǀ-u, hall, temple, edi¿ce 829 6 strokes 166 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 166 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 830–834 ܇ 830 9 strokes ܤ 831 8 strokes ܨ EI; utsu(ru), to be reÀected, match, come out (of photos); utsu(su), to project, reÀect; ha(eru), to shine (v.i.) ᫎ⏬ eiga, ¿lm, movie ୖᫎ jǀei, screening ᫎ hanҲei, reÀection, inÀuence EN; no(biru), to be postponed, to be extended; no(basu), to postpone, to extend; no(be), total ᘏ㛗 enchǀ, prolongation, extension ᘏ╔ enchaku, late arrival ᘏᮇ enki, postponement ἢᓊ engan, coast, shore ἢ㐨 endǀ, roadside ᕝἢ࠸ kawazoi, riverside GA; ware, self, oneself, I ᡃࠎ ware-ware, we ↓ᡃ muga, selÀessness, ecstasy ᡃὶ garynj, oneތs own way, self-taught method 833 7 strokes ޡ EN; so(u), to run along, lie along 832 8 strokes ބ KAI; hai, ash, ashes ▼⅊ sekkai, lime ⅊Ⰽ hai-iro, grey ⅆᒣ⅊ kazanbai, volcanic ash 834 6 strokes 167 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 167 7/5/13 3:28 PM 835–839 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ߄ 835 8 strokes ߓ KAKU to extend, to unfold, to spread ᣑ kakudai, magni¿cation ᣑᙇ kakuchǀ, extension, expansion ᣑኌᶵ kakuseiki, loud-speaker KAKU leather; to reform 㠉 kakumei, revolution 㠉᪂ kakushin, innovation, reform ᨵ㠉 kaikaku, reform 836 9 strokes ߑ KAKU tower, pavilion, the Cabinet ෆ㛶 naikaku, the Cabinet 㛶 kakuryǀ, Cabinet member 㛶ୗ kakka, Your Excellency 837 14 strokes ߠ 838 12 strokes ߰ 839 10 strokes KATSU; wa(ru), to split, divide, separate (v.t.); wa(reru), to break, split (v.i.); wa(ri) proportion, rate; sa(ku), to cut, spare ศ bunkatsu, division, partition ྜ wariai, rate, ratio ᘬ waribiki, discount, rebate kabu, shares, stocks, speculation in shares; stub ษࡾᰴ kirikabu, stump ᰴᘧ♫ kabushiki-kaisha, jointstock corporation ᰴๆ kabuken, share certi¿cate 168 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 168 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 840–844 ࠍ 840 3 strokes ࠆ 841 9 strokes ࠡ KAN to dry, to drain, shield, thrust; ho(su), to dry, to drain (v.t.); hi(ru), to dry, to ebb (v.i.) ᖸࡋⲡhoshikusa, dry grass, hay ᖸ₻ kanchǀ/hishio, ebb tide ᖸ΅ kanshǀ, interference, intervention KAN; ma(ki), volume, manuscript roll; ma(ku), to roll, wind (v.t.) ᕳ㢌 kantǀ, the beginning part of a book ᕳ≀ makimono, a scroll ❳ᕳ tatsumaki, whirlwind, tornado KAN to see, to observe, to examine ┳ㆤ kango, nursing, caring for ┳Ᏺ kanshu, warder, jailer ┳ᯈ kanban, signboard, sign, placard 842 9 strokes ࠤ KAN simple, brief; document ⡆༢ kantan, simple, easy ⡆᫆ kanҲi, easy, elementary ᭩⡆ shokan, letter, correspondence 843 18 strokes ࡇ 844 6 strokes KI; abu(nai), dangerous, critical (of condition), doubtful; aya(ui), dangerous, doubtful ༴㝤 kiken, danger ༴⠜ kitoku, critical condition (illness) ༴ᶵ kiki, crisis 169 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 169 7/5/13 3:28 PM 845–849 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ࡓ KI; tsukue, desk ᮘୖࡢ kijǀ no, theoretical, impractical ົᮘ jimuzukue, of¿ce desk ᮘ୍ᮼ tsukue-ippai, a deskful 845 6 strokes ࡒ KI to wield, to brandish ᣦ shiki, command; conducting (of music) Ⓨ hakki, display, exhibition Ⓨᛶ kihatsusei, volatility 846 12 strokes ࡦ 847 12 strokes ࡷ KI noble, dear, precious; tatto(bu), to esteem, to prize; tatto(i), valuables, precious ㈗㔜 ㈗㔠ᒓ kichǀ, precious kikinzoku, precious metals ㈗㔜ရ kichǀhin, valuables GI; utaga(i), doubt, suspicion; utaga(u), to doubt, to suspect ၥ gimon, question, doubt ㉁ shitsugi, question ᝨ giwaku, suspicion, doubt 848 14 strokes KYNj; su(u), to sip, to breathe in, to suck, to smoke (tobacco) ྾ kynjshnj, absorption ྾⾑㨣 kynjketsuki, vampire ྾ kokynj, breathing, respiration 849 6 strokes 170 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 170 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 850–854 ࢷ KYƿ; tomo, attendant; sona(eru), to offer (to a god) ౪⤥ kyǀkynj, supply, provision ᥦ౪ teikyǀ, offer ౪ฟ kyǀshutsu, quota delivery 850 8 strokes ࣑ KYƿ; mune, chest, heart, mind ᗘ⬚ dokyǀ, courage ⬚↝ࡅ muneyake, heartburn ⬚ᅖ kyǀi, chest measurement 851 10 strokes ࣕ 852 11 strokes ࣦ KYƿ, Gƿ country, village, native place 㒓ᅵ kyǀdo, oneތs native place; local ㏆㒓 kingǀ, neighboring districts 㒓ឋ kyǀshnj, nostalgia, homesickness KIN; tsuto(me), duties, service; tsuto(meru), to serve (in an of¿ce) ົ kinmu, service, duty ຮ kinben, diligence ฟ shukkin, attendance 853 12 strokes ࣰ KIN; suji, muscle, sinew; thread, plot, line; sources ➽⫗ kinniku, muscle ➽㐨 sujimichi, reason, logic ➽᭩ࡁ sujigaki, outline, plan 854 12 strokes 171 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 171 7/5/13 3:28 PM 855–859 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ृ KEI system, family line ⣔⤫ keitǀ, system, family line ⣔ᅗ keizu, genealogical table ᐙ⣔ kakei, family line 855 7 strokes ऽ KEI; uyama(u), to respect ᑛᩗ sonkei, respect ᩗㄒ keigo, honori¿c word ᩗព kei-i, respects 856 12 strokes ् KEI to warn, to caution ㆙ᐹ keisatsu, police ㆙࿌ keikoku, warning, caution ㆙ሗ keihǀ, alarm, warning 857 19 strokes ॔ 858 15 strokes ॗ 859 16 strokes GEKI, drama, play; intense, severe ሙ gekijǀ, theater ₇ engeki, play, theatrical performance ⸆ gekiyaku, powerful medicine GEKI; geki(suru), to become excited/agitated; hage(shii), violent, intense, passionate ឤ⃭ kangeki, deep emotion ᛴ⃭ kynjgeki, sudden, abrupt ⃭Ⅿ gekiretsu, severe, intense, violent 172 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 172 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 860–864 फ़ KETSU; ana, cave, hole ✰ boketsu, a grave ✰ᇙࡵ ana-ume, stopgap ✰ᒃ kekkyo, cave-dwelling 860 5 strokes ॺ KEN; kinu, silk ⤱⣒ kinu-ito, silk thread ⤱⧊≀ kinu-orimono, silk fabrics ே⤱ jinken, arti¿cial silk, rayon 861 13 strokes ॴ KEN weight, authority, power; GON ேᶒ jinken, human rights ∧ᶒ hanken, copyright ᨻᶒ seiken, political power 862 15 strokes ९ KEN law, regulation ᠇ἲ kenpǀ, constitution ᠇ර kenpei, military police, shore patrol ᠇❶ kenshǀ, charter, constitution 863 16 strokes GEN; minamoto, origin, source ㈨※ shigen, resources ※Ặ Genji, Minamoto Clan Ỉ※ suigen, head of a stream/river 864 13 strokes 173 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 173 7/5/13 3:28 PM 865–869 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS উ 865 17 strokes জ GEN, GON severe, strict, austere; kibi(shii), strict, harsh; ogoso(ka), solemn, severe ཝ⚗ genkin, strict prohibition ཝ᱁ genkaku, stern, austere Ⲯཝ sǀgon, sublime, solemn KO, KI myself, oneself, I ⮬ᕫ jiko, oneތs self, self ᕫ⩏ rikoshugi, egoism ▱ᕫ chiki, acquaintance, appreciative friend 866 3 strokes ঘ 867 8 strokes ি KO to call, to breathe; yo(bu), to call, to invite, to name Ⅼ tenko, roll call ࡧ≀ yobimono, drawcard, attraction Ẽ koki, exhalation GO; ayama(ri), fault, mistake, error; ayama(ru), to err, to mistake ㄗゎ gokai, misunderstanding ㄗᏐ goji, wrong word ㄗヂ goyaku, mistranslation 868 14 strokes Kƿ empress, queen ⓚྡྷ kǀgǀ, Empress (of Japan) ⓚኴྡྷ kǀtaikǀ, Empress Dowager (of Japan), Queen Mother (of England) 869 6 strokes 174 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 174 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 870–874 ৗ Kƿ, ¿lial duty Ꮥ⾜ kǀkǀ, ¿lial piety Ꮥᚰ kǀshin, ¿lial affection Ꮥ㣴 kǀyǀ, discharge of ¿lial duties 870 7 strokes ৴ 871 9 strokes ৸ 872 9 strokes ਏ 873 10 strokes Kƿ, ƿ monarch, emperor ⓚኴᏊkǀtaishi, Crown Prince (of Japan) ⓚᐊ kǀshitsu, Imperial Family (of Japan) ኳⓚ tennǀ, Emperor (of Japan) Kƿ, KU; kurenai, crimson; beni, lipstick, rouge ཱྀ⣚ kuchibeni, lipstick ⣚Ⲕ kǀcha, black tea ⣚ⴥ kǀyǀ, crimson foliage; momiji, maple Kƿ; fu(ru), to fall (of rain/snow); o(riru), to come down, to get off (a vehicle, etc.); o(rosu), to lower ୕᪥௨㝆(mikka) ikǀ, (falling) on and after (the 3rd) ࡾ㝆ࡾ noriori, getting on and off 㝆㞵 kǀ-u, rainfall Kƿ; hagane, steel 㗰㕲 kǀtetsu, steel 㗰Ⰽ hagane-iro, steel-blue 〇㗰 seikǀ, steelmaking 874 16 strokes 175 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 175 7/5/13 3:28 PM 875–879 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ਟ 875 8 strokes ਢ KOKU engrave; short period of time; kiza(mu), to cut ¿ne, to carve, to engrave ้ ῝้ ᙮้ jikoku, time shinkoku, grave, serious chǀkoku, carving, engraving, sculpture KOKU grain, cereals ✐≀ 㞧✐ ✐㢮 kokumotsu, grain, cereals zakkoku, minor cereals kokurui, cereals, grain 876 14 strokes ਬ 877 10 strokes ਲ KOTSU; hone, bone, frame, “backbone” 㦵ᢡࡾ hone-ori, pains, trouble, effort 㦵ᢡ kossetsu, a fracture Ẽ㦵 kikotsu, spirit, grit, mettle KON; koma(ru), to be in trouble/in a ¿x ᅔ㞴 ᅔ❓ ㈋ᅔ konnan, dif¿culty, adversity konkynj, destitution hinkon, poverty, indigence 878 7 strokes ੋ SA, SHA; suna, sand ◁⢾ ◁㔠 ◁ 879 9 strokes satǀ, sugar sakin, gold dust jari, gravel 176 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 176 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 880–884 ZA, seat, gathering, constellation; suwa(ru), to sit ᗙᖍ ᫍᗙ 㖟ᗙ 880 10 strokes 881 11 strokes ੩ zaseki, seat seiza, constellation Ginza, the Ginza (major street/district in Tokyo) SAI; su(mu), to end, to be settled; su(masu), to ¿nish, to pay back (a debt), to manage with (little money, etc.) ⤒῭ keizai, economics, thrift ⤒῭ fukeizai, bad economy ㏉῭ hensai, repayment SAI; saba(ku), to judge; ta(tsu), to cut (cloth etc.) ุ ⦭ ⊂ saiban, trial saihǀ, needlework dokusai, dictatorship 882 12 strokes SAKU, policy, scheme, measure, plan ᨻ⟇ ⟇␎ ᑐ⟇ seisaku, policy sakuryaku, stratagem taisaku, counterplan 883 12 strokes ઋ 884 5 strokes SATSU, SAKU; counter for books and magazines ୍ Ꮚ ู issatsu, one volume sasshi, booklet, pamphlet, brochure bessatsu, separate volume 177 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 177 7/5/13 3:28 PM 885–889 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 885 10 strokes SAN; kaiko, silkworm yǀsan, sericulture sanshitsu, silkworm rearing room 㣴⺋ᆅ yǀsanchi, silkworm raising district 㣴⺋ ⺋ᐊ SHI; ita(ru), to reach, to go so far (as to), to come, to lead to, to be brought to ⮳ᛴ ⮳ shikynj, urgency tǀji, winter solstice 886 6 strokes ૐ SHI, watakushi, watashi, I, personal (affairs), privacy ⚾⏝ ⚾≀ ⚾᭷ shiyǀ, private use (business) shibutsu, private property shiynj, private ownership 887 7 strokes ઽ 888 9 strokes SHI; sugata, shape, ¿gure; appearance, condition shisei, posture, pose, stance yǀshi, oneތs form, appearance ᚋࢁጼ ushirosugata, view from the back ጼໃ ᐜጼ SHI to look at carefully ど⏺ どຊ ↓ど 889 11 strokes shikai, ¿eld of vision shiryoku, eyesight, vision mushi, disregard 178 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 178 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 890–894 SHI speech, words ḷモ kashi, words (of a song) ྡモ meishi, noun ᙧᐜモ keiyǀshi, adjective 890 12 strokes ! SHI document, magazine, record 㞧ㄅ zasshi, magazine 㐌หㄅ shnjkanshi, weekly magazine ᆅㄅ chishi, a topography 891 14 strokes ૱ JI magnet; porcelain ☢▼ ☢Ẽ ☢ჾ jishaku, magnet, compass jiki, magnetism jiki, porcelain ware 892 14 strokes ଗ 893 10 strokes ଘ 894 11 strokes SHA; i(ru), to shoot (an arrow); to strike (oneތs eyes) ᑕᧁ shageki, ¿ring, shooting Ⓨᑕ hassha, discharge, ¿re ᪥ᑕ nisshabyǀ, sunstroke, heatstroke SHA; su(teru), to throw away, to abandon ᤞ࡚Ꮚ sutego, abandoned child ႐ᤞ kisha, charity, alms ྲྀᤞ shusha, adoption or rejection; choice 179 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 179 7/5/13 3:28 PM 895–899 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ଦ 895 4 strokes ଭ 896 8 strokes ୃ SHAKU old unit of length (approx 30 cm); length shakudo, linear measure, scale, gauge ᑻ㈏ἲ shakkanhǀ, Japanese system of weights and measures ᑻඵ shakuhachi, shakuhachi Àute ᑻᗘ JAKU; waka(i), young; immature; mo(shikuwa), or ⱝ⪅ wakamono, young people ⱝࠎࡋ࠸ wakawakashii, youthful, young-looking ⱝᖸ jakkan, some, a few, a little JU tree, plant; ki, tree ᶞᮌ ᶞ⬡ ᶞ❧ jumoku, trees and shrubs jushi, resin juritsu, establishment, founding 897 16 strokes େ 898 4 strokes SHNj; osa(meru), to obtain, to pay (taxes), to accept, to store, to seize; osa(maru), to be restored, contented ✭ ᐜ ධ shnjkaku, harvest shnjyǀ, admission, accommodation shnjnynj, income SHNj, Sƿ foundation, source, origin ᐀ᩍ ᐀ὴ ᐀ 899 8 strokes shnjkyǀ, religion shnjha, sect sǀshǀ, master (in an art), teacher 180 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 180 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 900–904 900 12 strokes ! SHNj, JU to sit, to engage in, to be completed; tsu(ku), to engage in, to set about (a job) ᑵᏛ ᑵ⫋ ᡂᑵ shnjgaku, entering school shnjshoku, ¿nding employment jǀju, accomplishment, realization SHNj many ⾗㆟㝔 Shnjgi-in, House of Representatives ほ⾗ kanshnj, spectators Ẹ⾗ minshnj, the masses 901 12 strokes ୦ 902 10 strokes ୬ JNj; shitaga(u), to obey, to comply with, to observe (rules), to yield to, to follow ᭹ᚑ fukujnj, obedience ᚑ jnjji, engaging in (business) ᚑᴗဨ jnjgyǀin, employee JNj; tate, length, height; warp ᧯⦪ sǀjnj, handling, operation ⦪᭩ࡁ tategaki, vertical script ⦪ᶓ tateyoko, length and breadth 903 16 strokes ୴ 904 17 strokes SHUKU; chiji(meru), to shrink (v.t.); chiji(mu), chiji(maru), to shrink (v.i.); chiji(reru), to be frizzy, wavy shukushǀ, reduction, curtailment, retrenchment ⦰ࢀẟ chijirege, curly hair ㌷⦰ gunshuku, arms reduction ⦰ᑠ 181 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 181 7/5/13 3:28 PM 905–909 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ୷ JUKU; juku(suru), u(reru), to ripen, to mature ᡂ⇍ ᮍ⇍ ⇍⦎ 905 15 strokes seijuku, ripeness, maturation mijuku, immature jukuren, skill, dexterity, mastery JUN purity, innocence ༢⣧ tanjun, simple ⣧⢋ junsui, pure, genuine ⣧᪥ᮏ㢼 jun-nihonfnj, purely Japanese style 906 10 strokes ஐ 907 5 strokes 908 13 strokes ஜ SHO; sho(suru), to manage, to deal with, to sentence, to conduct oneself ฎ⌮ ฎ⨨ ฎศ shori, management, transaction shochi, measure, treatment (medical) shobun, disposal, punishment SHO station (police, ¿re, etc.); (public) of¿ce; write, sign ㆙ᐹ⨫ keisatsusho, police station ⨫㛗 shochǀ, head of a government of¿ce ⨫ྡ shomei, signature SHO many ㅖᅜ ㅖྩ ㅖᓥ 909 15 strokes shokoku, various countries shokun, gentlemen, you shotǀ, group of islands 182 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 182 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 910–914 த 910 10 strokes ள! JO, JI division (math.); nozo(ku), to take off, to remove, to exclude, to omit 㝖ᖥᘧ jomakushiki, unveiling ceremony 㝖ྡ jomei, dismissal from membership 㥑㝖 kujo, extermination SHƿ to lead; about to ᑗ ᑗᲦ ᑗ᮶ taishǀ, a general, leader shǀgi, Japanese chess shǀrai, the future 911 10 strokes 912 13 strokes ௩ 913 14 strokes ௱ SHƿ; kizu, wound, injury, cut; kizu(tsukeru), to injure; kizu(tsuku), to get injured; ita(mu), to be painful shǀgai, wound, injury, accident Ṛയ⪅ shishǀsha, casualties യ㊧ kizuato, scar യᐖ SHƿ to hinder; to separate; sawa(ru), to hinder, to interfere with, to harm 㞀ᐖ ᨾ㞀 㞀Ꮚ shǀgai, obstacle, impediment koshǀ, obstacle, impediment, breakdown shǀji, paper sliding door Jƿ; shiro, castle ᇛ㊧ shiroato, castle ruins/site ᇛୗ⏫ jǀkamachi, castle town ጲ㊰ᇛ Himeji-jǀ, Himeji Castle 914 9 strokes 183 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 183 7/5/13 3:28 PM 915–919 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS 915 13 strokes య Jƿ; mu(su), to steam, be steamy; mu(rasu), to steam (v.t.); mu(reru), to be steamed, steamy, stuffy, musty (v.i.) Ẽ jǀki, steam, vapour ࡋᬬ࠸ mushiatsui, hot and muggy Ⓨ jǀhatsu, evaporation, strange disappearance SHIN; hari, needle, pin, pointer 㔪㔠 ᪉㔪 ⛊㔪 harigane, wire hǀshin, policy, line byǀshin, second-hand (of a watch) 916 10 strokes JIN, perfect virtue, benevolence, humanity ల ோᚨ ோ⩏ 917 4 strokes ோឡ ె 918 8 strokes ై 919 11 strokes jintoku, benevolence jingi, humanity and justice, humanity, duty, gamblersތ moral code jinҲai, benevolence SUI; ta(reru), to hang down, dangle (v.i.); ta(rasu), to drip, dribble, spill (v.t.) ᆶ┤ࡢ suichoku, vertical, perpendicular 㞵ᆶࢀ amadare, raindrops, eavesdrops ᆶࢀ㣭ࡾ tarekazari, pendant SUI; o(su), to infer, to guess, to recommend, to boost (a candidate) ᥎⌮ ᥎ᐃ ᥎⸀ suiri, reasoning suitei, inference, presumption suisen, recommendation 184 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 184 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 920–924 SUN, old unit of length (approx. 3 cm) ᑍἲ ᑍศ ᑍ๓ sunpǀ, measurements; plan sunbun, a little sunzen, just before 920 3 strokes ౻! 921 11 strokes ౽ SEI, Jƿ abundant, plentiful; mo(ru), to pile up; saka(n), prosperous; saka(ri), prime, heyday ┒ seidai, splendid, prosperous ┒ࡾ ǀmori, large serve, helping ⦾┒ hanjǀ, prosperity, success SEI sage, saint ⪷ே ⪷᭩ ⚄⪷ seijin, sage, saint seisho, the Bible shinsei, sacred, holy 922 13 strokes ಁ SEI; makoto, sincerity, truth ㄔᐇ ㄔព ⮳ㄔ 923 13 strokes ಭ seijitsu, sincerity, faithfulness sei-i, sincerity, good faith shisei, sincerity, oneތs true heart SEN to promulgate, to state ᐉゝ sengen, declaration ᐉఏ senden, propaganda ᐉᩍᖌ senkyǀshi, missionary 924 9 strokes 185 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 185 7/5/13 3:28 PM 925–929 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ಮ SEN sole, exclusive; moppa(ra), wholly, exclusively ᑓ㛛 ᑓ⏝ ᑓ senmon, specialty senҲyǀ, exclusive use senbai, monopoly 925 9 strokes ಶ 926 9 strokes ಸ SEN; izumi, spring, fountain, source Ἠ ἨỈ ※Ἠ 928 9 strokes onsen, hot spring sensui, garden pond, fountain gensen, source, origin SEN; ara(u), to wash, cleanse Ὑ℆ Ὑ Ὑ⦎ 927 9 strokes ಹ sentaku, washing, laundry senzai, washing powder senren, polishing, re¿nement SEN; so(meru), to dye; shi(miru), to pierce, to penetrate, to soak into; to smart; shi(mi), a stain ᰁᩱ senryǀ, dyestuffs, dyes ᰁࡳᢤࡁ shiminuki, stain remover ởᰁ osen, pollution ZEN, good, goodness, virtue; yo(i), virtuous, goodnatured ぶၿ ᭱ၿ ឿၿ 929 12 strokes shinzen, amity, friendship saizen, the best jizen, charity 186 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 186 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 930–934 930 9 strokes ഋ! Sƿ; kana(deru), to play/perform on (an instrument) ₇ዌ కዌ ྜዌ ensǀ, (musical) performance, recital bansǀ, (musical) accompainment gassǀ, concert, ensemble Sƿ; mado, window ❆ཱྀ madoguchi, service window ྠ❆ dǀsǀkai, alumni association ❆㝿 madogiwa, by the window 931 11 strokes ೯ 932 12 strokes ക 933 12 strokes 934 14 strokes Sƿ, tsukuru, origin, beginning sǀritsu, establishment sǀsaku, literary creation, original work ⊂ⓗ dokusǀteki, original, creative ❧ స Sƿ, SHƿ; yoso-o(u), to dress, wear; to pretend ⨨ sǀchi, equipment, device ⾰ ishǀ, clothes, costume ኚ hensǀ, disguise Sƿ layer, stratum ୗᒙ㝵⣭ kasǀkaikynj, the lower classes ᩿ᒙ dansǀ, (geological) fault 㧗ᒙࣅࣝ kǀsǀ-biru, high-rise building 187 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 187 7/5/13 3:28 PM 935–939 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ഀ 935 16 strokes ഠ Sƿ to grasp, to manage, principle; misao, chastity, virtue; ayatsu(ru), to operate (machine), manipulate sǀsa, manipulation, operation ᧯ࡾேᙧ ayatsuri-ningyǀ, puppet ㈆᧯ teisǀ, chastity ᧯స Zƿ; kura, warehouse; zǀ(suru), to own, to have ෭ⶶᗜ reizǀko, refrigerator ㈓ⶶ chozǀ, storage ⶶ᭩ zǀsho, oneތs library 936 15 strokes ട Zƿ, entrails ⫢⮚ ෆ⮚ ᚰ⮚ kanzǀ, the liver naizǀ, internal organs shinzǀ, the heart 937 19 strokes ശ 938 6 strokes സ SON, ZON to exist; zon(jiru), to know, to think ಖᏑ ⏕Ꮡ Ꮡᅾ hozon, preservation seizon, existence, life, survival sonzai, existence, being SON; tatto(i), noble, valuable; tatto(bu), to respect, to value ᑛᩗ ᑛ㔜 ᮏᑛ 939 12 strokes sonkei, respect sonchǀ, respect, deference honzon, principal image, idol 188 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 188 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 940–944 ൮ TAKU home; to dwell ఫᏯ ⮬Ꮿ Ꮿᆅ jnjtaku, a dwelling, housing jitaku, oneތs own home takuchi, residential land 940 6 strokes ඐ! 941 8 strokes එ 942 11 strokes ඞ TAN; katsu(gu), to carry on the shoulder; nina(u), to carry; take upon oneself ᢸᯫ ᢸᙜ ㈇ᢸ tanka, a stretcher tantǀ, being in charge (of) futan, burden TAN; sagu(ru), to search, look for, explore; saga(su), to search ᥈ồ ᥈᳨ ᥈▱ tankynj, search, enquiry, research tanken, exploration, expedition tanchi, detection TAN be born, to give birth ㄌ⏕᪥ tanjǀbi, birthday 㝆ㄌ kǀtan, holy birth ⏕ㄌ seitan, birth, nativity 943 15 strokes ඦ DAN, platform, step, grade 㝵ẁ ẁ㝵 ᡭẁ 944 9 strokes kaidan, steps, stairs dankai, stage, phase, grade shudan, a means, way 189 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 189 7/5/13 3:28 PM 945–949 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ඤ 945 13 strokes ඩ DAN; atata(kai), warm; atata(meru), to warm (v.t.); atata(maru), to warm up (v.i.) ᬮᡣ ᬮὶ ᬮ danbǀ, heating danrynj, warm current ondan, warm, mild, temperate CHI; ne, price; atai, price, value, merit ್ẁ ౯್ ᩘ್ nedan, price kachi, value, worth, merit snjchi, numerical value 946 10 strokes හ CHNj, heaven, sky, space, air Ᏹᐂ uchnj, the universe, space ᐂ㏉ࡾ chnjgaeri, somersault ⯟ᐂ kǀchnj, space Àight 947 8 strokes ළ CHNj, loyalty, faithfulness ᛅ࿌ ᛅ⩏ ᛅᐇ chnjkoku, (friendly) advice chnjgi, loyalty chnjjitsu, faithful 948 8 strokes ු 949 11 strokes CHO; ichijiru(shii), remarkable, notable, conspicuous; ara(wasu), to write (a book) ⴭ᭩ ⴭ⪅ ⴭྡ chosho, book, work chosha, writer, author chomei, famous 190 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 190 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 950–954 ෝ CHƿ hall, government of¿ce ᐁᗇ kanchǀ, government of¿ce ⎔ቃᗇ Kankyǀchǀ, Environment Agency ᗇ௧ chǀrei, of¿cial ordinance 950 5 strokes ෴ 951 11 strokes ෦ CHƿ; itada(ku), to receive (humble), be capped; itadaki, top, summit 㡬Ⅼ chǀten, zenith, peak 㡬ࡁ≀ itadakimono, a gift one has received ⤯㡬 zetchǀ, summit (of mountain); zenith CHƿ; shio, tide, seawater ₻ὶ ‶₻ ₻㢼 chǀrynj, tide, current; trend manchǀ, high tide shiokaze, sea breeze 952 15 strokes CHIN wages, rent ㈤㔠 chingin, wages ᐙ㈤ yachin, house rent 㟁㌴㈤ denshachin, carfare 953 13 strokes ฅ TSNj; ita(mu), to feel pain, ache; ita(i), painful 㢌③ ⱞ③ ③Ⅿ 954 12 strokes zutsnj, headache kutsnj, pain, anguish tsnjretsu, severe, bitter, scathing 191 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 191 7/5/13 3:28 PM 955–959 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ๐ TEN to open, to exhibit ᒎᮃ㌴ tenbǀsha, observation car Ⓨᒎ hatten, expansion, development, prosperity ᒎ♧ tenjikai, exhibition 955 10 strokes ບ Tƿ; u(tsu), to subjugate, to attack ᳨ウ ウㄽ ウ㆟ kentǀ, examination, investigation tǀron, debate tǀgi, discussion 956 10 strokes Tƿ, party, faction ᨻඪ ඪὴ seitǀ, political party tǀha, party, faction, clique 957 10 strokes ດ Tƿ sugar ◁⢾ satǀ, sugar ⢾ศ tǀbun, sugar content ⢾ᒀ tǀnyǀbyǀ, diabetes 958 16 strokes 959 8 strokes todo(ku), to reach; todo(keru), to forward, to send, to report Ḟᖍᒆࡅ kessekitodoke, notice of oneތs absence ᒆࡅඛ todokesaki, receiverތs address ⾜ࡁᒆࡃ yukitodoku, to be attentive (to details), to be careful 192 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 192 7/5/13 3:28 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 960–964 960 18 strokes ! NAN, disaster, dif¿culty; kata(i), dif¿cult, impossible; muzuka(shii), dif¿cult 㞴◚ 㠀㞴 ᅔ㞴 nanpa, shipwreck hinan, (adverse) criticism, censure konnan, dif¿culty, trouble, suffering NYNj; chi-, chichi, milk, breasts ∵ங gynjnynj, milk ங〇ရ nynjseihin, dairy products ங㤳 chikubi/chichikubi, nipple 961 8 strokes 962 14 strokes ༐ 963 10 strokes ༒ NIN; mito(meru), to see, to recognize; to approve of, to judge, to regard (as) ᢎㄆ බㄆ ㄆ㆑ shǀnin, approval, consent, recognition kǀnin, of¿cial recognition ninshiki, cognition Nƿ, NA, Tƿ; osa(meru), to put away, to pay, to supply, to dedicate, to obtain, to accept, to put back ⣡ධ ⣡ᒇ ฟ⣡ nǀnynj, payment, delivery naya, barn suitǀ, receipts and disbursements Nƿ, brain(s) 㢌⬻ zunǀ, brain(s) ⬻ shunǀ, focus ⬻㞀ᐖ nǀshǀgai, brain injury 964 11 strokes 193 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 193 7/5/13 3:29 PM 965–969 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ༝ HA, group, party, school ᕥὴ ὴ㐵 saha, left wing, radical haken, dispatch 965 9 strokes HAI; oga(mu), to worship, to pray to ༦ ᣏၨ 966 8 strokes ཧᣏ ༬ 967 9 strokes ༭ ᣏぢ haiken, inspection, looking over (polite speech) haikei, Dear Sir, Dear Madam, etc. (salutation in a letter) sanpai, worship HAI; se, the back, stature, behind; sei, stature, height; somu(ku), to disobey, rebel; somu(keru), to turn oneތs back haikei, background, setting; af¿liations ⫼୰ senaka, the back ⫼ࡀ㧗࠸ se/sei ga takai, be tall ⫼ᬒ HAI, lung(s) ⫵⮚ ⫵ ⫵⅖ haizǀ, the lungs haibyǀ, lung disease haien, pneumonia 968 9 strokes ༤ HAI amusement; actor ತྃ ತ ತඃ 969 10 strokes haiku, 17-syllable Japanese verse haimi, re¿ned taste haiynj, actor 194 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 194 7/5/13 3:29 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 970–974 ཻ HAN, squad, group ᩆㆤ⌜ kynjgohan, relief squad సᴗ⌜ sagyǀhan, work squad ⌜㛗 hanchǀ, squad leader 970 10 strokes ྇! 971 12 strokes ྏ BAN, evening, night konban, this evening, tonight ᬌᚚ㣤 bangohan, evening meal, dinner ᬌᖺ bannen, late in life, evening years ᬌ HI; ina, no ྰᐃ ᣄྰ Ᏻྰ hitei, denial kyohi, refusal, rejection anpi, safety, well-being 972 7 strokes ྕ HI to criticize, to comment on; to strike ᢈ㞴 ᢈホ ᢈุ hinan, (adverse) criticism hihyǀ, commentary hihan, comment, criticism 973 7 strokes ྜྷ HI secret, mysterious; hi(meru), to conceal ⛎ᐦ ⚄⛎ ⛎᭩ 974 10 strokes himitsu, a secret shinpi, mystery hisho, secretary 195 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 195 7/5/13 3:29 PM 975–979 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS တ 975 13 strokes အ FUKU; hara, abdomen, belly; heart, mind ‶⭡ manpuku, full stomach ⭡❧ࡕ haradachi, anger ⭡ษࡾ harakiri, suicide by disembowelment FUN; furu(u), to rouse oneself ⯆ዧ ዧ㜚 Ⓨዧ 976 16 strokes ူ 977 8 strokes ဳ 978 10 strokes ဲ 979 11 strokes kǀfun, excitement funtǀ, hard ¿ghting, strenuous efforts happun, being inspired, rousing oneself HEI; nami(no), common, ordinary; nara(beru), to place in order; nara(bu), to form a line/be in line; nara(bi ni), and ୪ิ heiretsu, a row ᭶୪ࡳ tsukinami (no), commonplace ୪ᮌ namiki, row of trees HEI stairs of a palace heika, His (Her) Majesty, Your Majesty ኳⓚ㝎ୗ tennǀ-heika, His Majesty the Emperor (of Japan) ⓚྡྷ㝎ୗ kǀgǀ-heika, Her Majesty the Empress (of Japan) 㝎ୗ HEI; to(jiru), to shut/close (v.t.); shi(meru), to shut/close (v.t.); shi(maru), to shut/close (v.i.) 㛢ᗑ 㛢ཱྀ 㛢㙐 heiten, closing a shop heikǀ (suru), be dumbfounded heisa, closing, lockout 196 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 196 7/5/13 3:29 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 980–984 ၀ 980 4 strokes ၒ 981 12 strokes ၙ 982 14 strokes ၣ HEN; kata, piece, scrap; incomplete; one side ᩿∦ ◚∦ ∦ᡭ danpen, fragment, scrap hahen, broken piece, splinter (of glass, etc.) katate, one hand HO; ogina(u), to supply, to compensate (for), to supplement ೃ⿵ ⿵ຓ ⿵⤥ kǀho, candidacy, candidate hojo, assistance, supplement, subsidy hokynj, supply BO; ku(re), nightfall, year-end; end; ku(reru), to grow dark, end; ku(rasu), to make a living seibo, end of year, endof-year present ኤᬽࢀ ynjgure, evening ୍ேᬽࡽࡋ hitorigurashi, single life, celibacy ṓᬽ Hƿ; takara, treasure, riches ᐆ▼ ᅜᐆ ᐆ⟽ hǀseki, precious stone, gem kokuhǀ, a national treasure takarabako, treasure chest 983 8 strokes ၸ 984 11 strokes Hƿ; otozu(reru), tazu(neru), to visit, call on ゼၥ ᮶ゼ ゼ⡿ hǀmon, visit raihǀ, visit hǀbei, visiting America 197 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 197 7/5/13 3:29 PM 985–989 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ႀ 985 3 strokes ႆ 986 7 strokes ႌ Bƿ, Mƿ to perish, to Àee; na(ki), the late (of deceased persons); na(kunaru), to pass away, die; na(kusu), to lose (a loved one) ஸ bǀmei, exile Ṛஸ shibǀ, death ஸࡁ᳃Ặ naki Mori-shi, the late Mr Mori Bƿ; wasu(reru), to forget, leave behind ᛀᖺ bǀnenkai, year-end party ᛀࢀ≀ wasuremono, a forgotten item ≀ᛀࢀ monowasure, forgetfulness Bƿ, stick, club tetsubǀ/kanabǀ, iron bar, crowbar Წࢢࣛࣇ bǀgurafu, bar graph ⦅ࡳᲬ amibǀ, knitting needle 㕲Წ 987 12 strokes Ⴓ MAI counter for thin or Àat objects ᯛᩘ ᩘᯛ ᯛᣲ 988 8 strokes Ⴗ 989 13 strokes maisnj, number of pages snjmai, a few (sheets of paper, shirts, etc.) maikyo, enumerate, count MAKU, curtain; act (of a play); BAKU ᖥษࢀ makugire, fall of the curtain ᖥෆ makunouchi, high-ranking sumo wrestlers ᖥᗓ bakufu, Shogunate 198 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 198 7/5/13 3:29 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 990–994 დ 990 11 strokes ძ MITSU dense, ¿ne (of texture); secret ⥥ᐦ ᐦᗘ ⛎ᐦ menmitsu, detailed, meticulous mitsudo, density himitsu, a secret MEI to swear, to pledge 㐃┕ ྠ┕ ຍ┕ renmei, league dǀmei, alliance kamei, joining (an alliance), participation 991 13 strokes ჹ MO, BO mould; to model after ᶍ⠊ mohan, model, paragon ⦰ᑻᶍᆺ shukushakumokei, scale model つᶍ kibo, scale, scope 992 14 strokes ᄟ 993 11 strokes ᅁ YAKU, translation; wake, reason, meaning, circumstances; yaku(suru), to translate honҲyaku, translation tsnjyaku, interpretation, interpreter ゝ࠸ヂ iiwake, excuse, apology ⩻ヂ ㏻ヂ YNj posthouse, mail 㒑౽ ynjbin, mail, post 㒑౽ᒁ ynjbinkyoku, post of¿ce 㒑㏦ ynjsǀ, transport, transportation 994 11 strokes 199 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 199 7/5/13 3:29 PM 995–999 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ᄭ 995 17 strokes ᅌ YNj excellent; abundant; actor; yasa(shii), gentle, graceful, kindly; sugu(reru), to excel, be superior ඃ㉺ ඃඛ ತඃ ynjetsu, superiority, supremacy ynjsen, priority haiynj, actor Yƿ; osana(i), young, childish, immature ᗂඣ yǀji, baby, infant ᗂ yǀchnj, larva ᗂ⛶ᅬ yǀchien, kindergarten 996 5 strokes ᅧ 997 11 strokes ᅪ YOKU, avarice, desire; hos(suru) to desire, to wish; ho(shii), want, desire ḧࡤࡾ yokubari, greedy person, miser ḧᮃ yokubǀ, desire 㣗ḧ shokuyoku, appetite YOKU the next, the following (day, etc.) ⩣᪥ yokujitsu, the next day ⩣ᖺ yokunen, the next year ⩣ࠎᖺ yokuyokunen, two years later 998 11 strokes ᅸ 999 7 strokes RAN; mida(reru), to fall into disorder/disarray, be corrupt; mida(su), to throw into disorder/ disarray, to disturb, to agitate ΰ konran, confusion 㞧 ranzatsu, disorderly, confused hanran, rebellion, revolt 200 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 200 7/5/13 3:29 PM ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS • 1000–1004 ᅹ 1,000 7 strokes ᅿ 1,001 17 strokes ᆈ 1,002 13 strokes ᆍ RAN; tamago, egg, spawn; budding, emergent ༸㯤 ༸ⓑ ⏕༸ ranҲǀ, egg yolk ranpaku, albumen, egg white namatamago, raw egg RAN to see, to look at ynjran, sightseeing, excursion ᒎぴ tenrankai, exhibition ୍ぴ ichiran, a look, check, summary 㐟ぴ RI; ura, reverse side, back, opposite, inner, lining rimen, back, inside, “behind the scenes” ࡅ urazuke, backing, support ᡴࡕ urauchi, backing, lining 㠃 RITSU law, degree ἲᚊ つᚊ ᪕ᚊ hǀritsu, law kiritsu, order, discipline, regulations senritsu, melody 1,003 9 strokes ᆽ 1,004 18 strokes RIN; nozo(mu), to face, to meet, to be present at ⮫⤊ ⮫ ⮫ᖍ rinjnj, the hour of death rinji, special, extra, temporary rinseki, attendance 201 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 201 7/5/13 3:29 PM 1005–1006 • ESSENTIAL CHARACTERS ᇳ 1,005 10 strokes ሄ Rƿ; hogaraka, clear, bright, cheerful, melodious ᮁㄞ ᮁሗ ᫂ᮁ rǀdoku, reading aloud, recitation rǀhǀ, glad tidings meirǀ, bright, clear, openhearted RON, argument, opinion, essay ⤖ㄽ ウㄽ ⌮ㄽ 1,006 15 strokes ketsuron, conclusion tǀron, debate, discussion riron, theory 202 Guide R & W Jpn_001-202.indd 202 7/5/13 3:29 PM The 2,136 GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS 1 STROKE ێ ݓ 1 page 1 OTSU, second in a series, grade B; chic, witty; strange 2 STROKES ූ 367 page 74 28 page 6 ଁ 7 page 2 ཞ 8 page 2 ࣻ 9 page 2 198 page 40 ᆡ RYƿ to come to an end, to understand ᆵ 38 page 8 2 page 1 10 page 3 ఱ 39 page 8 Ⴠ mata, and, again, also 203 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 203 7/5/13 3:20 PM 3 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS 3 STROKES ௬ Jƿ, old unit of length (3.316 yd.), length; take, height, stature BON generally, all; roughly, ordinary Ⴊ ᅇ NjYO; ata(eru), to give, to award, to supply, to cause (damage), to assign (a task) ళ JIN; ha, edge (of a knife, sword, etc.), blade 227 page 46 ಫ 12 page 3 જ 3 page 1 KYNj; oyo(bi), and; oyo(bu), to reach, to equal, to extend ݚ 24 page 5 34 page 7 ௫ 23 page 5 19 page 4 ࠷ 101 page 21 521 page 105 676 page 136 ᅄ 54 page 11 ূ k(o), ask, request 25 page 6 ႀ 985 page 198 ட 41 page 9 Ÿ 204 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 204 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 4 Strokes ા 40 page 9 জ 866 page 174 920 page 185 ࣨ KIN; towel; width ழ 27 page 6 ࠍ 840 page 169 ટ 58 page 12 107 page 22 ರ 59 page 12 ਜ਼ 139 page 28 59 page 12 Ÿ 4 STROKES 600 page 121 ᅅ 425 page 86 ෂ 26 page 6 GO; taga(i), each other, one another, mutual ඌ TAN cinnabar, red; elixir of life SEI, SHƿ; i (lit.), well (n.) ۈ ၿ Bƿ; tobo(shii), scanty, short (of food, money) 5 page 2 র 205 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 205 7/5/13 3:20 PM 4 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ގ KAI to come between, to aid; kai(shite), through the good of¿ces of ڬ 443 page 89 ల ࢽ KYƿ evil, calamity ka(ru), to mow, to reap, to prune, to shear, to cut (hair) 917 page 184 ಜ 173 page 35 ဗ 805 page 162 ယ 218 page 44 138 page 28 nio(u), fragrant; scent ই 117 page 24 ্ Kƿ; be bent ᇿ 6 page 2 ݛ 258 page 52 126 page 26 ྴ HITSU an equal; HIKI suf¿x for counting small animals, rolls of cloth ܟ 50 page 11 ࣾ 282 page 57 ໘ 207 page 42 ன SHƿ, old unit of capacity (3.81 pt.); masu, a unit of measure ௯ Jƿ waste, uselessness, surplus 122 page 25 Ÿ Ÿ 206 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 206 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 4 Strokes ᄛ YAKU, misfortune, disaster ໌ TON barracks ᄯ 234 page 47 ঊ GEN; maboroshi, vision, phantom Sƿ, both, pair; to rival; futa-, a pair ෞ CHƿ; tomura(i), funeral, condolence; tomura(u), to condole, to mourn ཱ 393 page 79 ۜ 81 page 17 େ 898 page 180 ఘ 164 page 33 601 page 121 ট 120 page 25 ാ 181 page 37 35 page 8 ๏ 67 page 14 ૅ 717 page 144 Kƿ hole; extremely; to pass ဦ 77 page 16 வ 160 page 33 TO old unit of capacity (19.04 qt.), one-to measure ଦ 895 page 180 ࣪ KIN old unit of weight (1.323 lb.) 207 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 207 7/5/13 3:20 PM 5 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ၫ 223 page 45 16 page 4 13 page 3 ݮ 15 page 4 ॢ 14 page 3 ธ tsume, tsuma, claw; nail; talon ᄄ 17 page 4 216 page 44 ज़ 496 page 100 ၀ 980 page 197 ો 143 page 29 ޅ GA, GE; kiba, tusk, fang 792 page 159 ࢥ 108 page 22 ჽ 230 page 47 ॶ 73 page 15 ્ 522 page 105 ݄ 47 page 10 Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ 5 STROKES ဨ HEI, third class, the third in a series, grade ߪ ka(tsu), besides, moreover, at the same time 208 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 208 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 5 Strokes ࢎ KYNj; oka, hill ઋ 884 page 177 ౦ 344 page 69 ଖ 313 page 63 donburi, don, bowl; bowl of good 199 page 40 315 page 64 ஐ 907 page 182 SEN, hermit, wizard ໂ TOTSU convex ᇇ 633 page 127 ܺ ƿ concave ഼ 354 page 71 29 page 6 301 page 61 ࠃ 666 page 134 602 page 121 ো 502 page 101 ൣ 358 page 72 ݡ 453 page 91 य 114 page 23 ၟ 611 page 123 Ÿ 209 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 209 7/5/13 3:20 PM 5 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ႘ 224 page 45 ۦ 22 page 5 214 page 43 ݢ 655 page 132 ಬ SEN; urana(i), divination; urana(u), to divine; shi(meru), to occupy, to hold (a seat) গ 121 page 25 ࢦ 276 page 56 SHNj to capture; captivity, slavery, prisoner ଂ SHITSU; shika(ru), scold હ 4 page 1 ਖ 297 page 60 ڗ 641 page 129 ࣽ 683 page 137 ެ 96 page 20 ப SHƿ; me(su), honori¿c for “to wear,” “to summon” ܻ 254 page 51 ષ 523 page 105 529 page 106 શ 524 page 105 DO manservant, fellow, guy 183 page 37 NI; ama, nun 210 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 210 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 5 Strokes Ÿ ఐ shiri, buttocks, rear end; hips Kƿ; taku(mi), skill ࢨ KYO many, much, huge, gigantic 21 page 5 ྼ 597 page 120 ပ FUTSU; hara(u), to pay, to clear away, to lop off (branches), to dispose 355 page 72 ಏ SEKI to drive away, to keep away, to refuse Ÿ 799 page 160 ඒ TAN, DAN; dawn; morning ી 144 page 29 ࢤ 677 page 136 ိ 411 page 83 ઑ 513 page 103 ᅌ 996 page 200 Ⴢ 615 page 124 ෝ 950 page 191 617 page 124 ঢ় 127 page 26 Ⴈ 76 page 16 ၉ 807 page 162 ౷ 79 page 16 211 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 211 7/5/13 3:20 PM 5 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ၚ 222 page 45 ౺ 44 page 9 მ 619 page 124 ᅙ 235 page 48 ܊ 644 page 129 ᄻ 421 page 85 ࿉ 401 page 81 ৳ Kƿ, grade A, the former; back (of the hand); shell (of a tortoise); KAN Ÿ ཷ HAN; spread out; wide డ 338 page 68 ୩ JNj; shiru, soup, juice, gravy 60 page 13 ེ 789 page 158 ཆ 53 page 11 GEN dark, black, abstruse; heaven; quiet ྛ 396 page 80 48 page 10 ચ 300 page 61 ߾ GA; kawara, tile ᄆ 30 page 7 ࠟ KAN; ama(i), sweet, indulgent, Àattering, over-optimistic, easy to deal with ს MU; hoko, halberd Ÿ 212 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 212 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 6 Strokes ᄚ 145 page 30 फ़ 860 page 173 ಒ 72 page 15 ᆏ 37 page 8 723 page 145 ਮ ko(mu), to be crowded; ko(meru), to load (a gun), to include; to concentrate (on) ᇏ 436 page 88 ၃ 608 page 122 6 STROKES ᆤ 434 page 87 ࡅ KI; kuwada(te), attempt, plan, intrigue; kuwada(teru), to attempt, to plan ഈ 558 page 112 785 page 158 ৄ 128 page 26 ࣚ GYƿ, Kƿ; ao(gu), to look up at (to), to ask for; ǀ(se), anotherތs word or instructions ॣ 687 page 138 ည FUKU; fu(seru), to turn over (v.t.), to cover, to conceal, to lay (an ambush) ཤ BATSU to attack, to fell; to boast ස 571 page 115 KI, GI; skill ๙ 580 page 117 Ÿ ࡆ 213 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 213 7/5/13 3:20 PM 6 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS 80 page 17 869 page 174 ޏ 93 page 19 ᆁ RI an of¿cial ݜ 656 page 132 ࣁ KYƿ; sake(bu), to exclaim, to shout, to cry for 347 page 70 TO; ha(ku), to vomit, to spew, to emit, to confess, to express 573 page 115 ࢀ KICHI, good luck, good omen; KITSU JNj to ¿ll; a(teru), to allot, to appropriate 294 page 59 129 page 26 849 page 170 ಪ 43 page 9 ߂ 462 page 93 ࢼ 484 page 97 ਗ 134 page 27 706 page 142 შ 55 page 12 म KEI, punishment, penalty ວ 204 page 41 214 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 214 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 6 Strokes ۚ 643 page 129 ശ 938 page 188 ච 772 page 155 ૦ 78 page 16 ޑ 92 page 19 ൮ 940 page 189 Sƿ powerful, inÀuential, brave ۧ 829 page 166 ੭ 711 page 143 ଳ 316 page 64 ණ 184 page 37 ڤ 242 page 49 ഽ 180 page 37 ૧ 149 page 30 ྐ HI empress, married princess స JIN; tsu(kusu), to render service to; to exhaust, to use up; tsu(kiru), to be used up ჻ Mƿ, Bƿ arbitrary, reckless JUN; megu(ru), to go oneތs rounds, to patrol, to travel about JO, NYO as if, looking like; to equal, to reach 320 page 65 ୋ 503 page 101 ཱི HAN; ho, sail, canvas 215 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 215 7/5/13 3:20 PM 6 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ༃ 20 page 5 ࡓ 845 page 170 NI, two (used in legal documents) ႝ BOKU, simple, plain ૺ 311 page 63 ࢘ KYNj; ku(chiru), to rot, to perish, to remain in obscurity ຎ 200 page 41 ଵ SHU, cinnabar, vermilion ႇ Bƿ; isoga(shii), busy ૫ 308 page 62 545 page 110 ླྀ HAN; pan- ڙ atsuka(u), to deal with, to receive, to manage, to deal in, to work (manipulate) 11 page 3 ࿄ ૉ SHI; mune, purport, effect, principle, command 71 page 15 ඹ JUN, period of ten days; SHUN, in season ဴ 220 page 45 ࣠ 279 page 56 75 page 16 ഁ 56 page 12 ࠦ KAN a can Ÿ 216 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 216 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 6 Strokes ᅛ 426 page 86 ୖ SHNj; fune, boat, ship ۩ 82 page 17 ఋ 162 page 33 ৽ 130 page 27 shiba, turf, grass 32 page 7 ۔ imo, taro, Irish potato, sweet potato, etc. 209 page 42 ් 74 page 15 ཛ hada, skin ॠ 288 page 58 ᄵ 423 page 85 131 page 27 150 page 31 ۃ 444 page 89 886 page 178 ಀ 169 page 34 ۱ KYNj; usu, mortar JIN swift, quick, fast ಧ 755 page 152 Ÿ 217 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 217 7/5/13 3:20 PM 7 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS 7 STROKES ऐ kushi, spit, skewer SHIN; no(beru), to extend; to spread; no(biru), to extend, to grow; to collapse (v.i.); no(basu), to lengthen, to stretch ᅸ 999 page 200 ୣ 325 page 66 ڃ A, sub~, near~ (used as pre¿x); Asia ൌ 182 page 37 ૣ 724 page 145 ฝ 575 page 116 ൾ tada(shi), but, provided (that) 141 page 29 ੂ SA to help 820 page 165 ᅆ ળ SHI; ukaga(u), to visit, to ask, to hear 86 page 18 ݝ HAN, BAN; tomo(nau), to accompany, to take with KOKU to be able to do, to conquer ਞ ཀ HAKU a count, a chief, elder brother 526 page 106 ڮ 445 page 90 ဪ 606 page 122 Ÿ 218 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 218 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 7 Strokes Ÿ ᄔ YA; melting ᅹ 1,000 page 201 ᇊ 634 page 127 ദ SOKU at once; namely, nothing but; accession ᇨ RO; backbone ย TEI; tei(suru), to offer (congratulations), to present (a tragic sight) ࣹ GIN; gin(jiru), to recite (a poem) GO ancient province of China ྏ 972 page 195 ࠸ GAN; fuku(mu), to contain, to include, to keep in oneތs mouth, to harbor, to cherish Ÿ 535 page 108 790 page 159 ᆀ 626 page 126 330 page 67 582 page 117 ᇋ REI; hage(mu), to strive, to make an effort ᇯ 639 page 128 ਠ 507 page 102 ۇ 244 page 49 ण 285 page 58 ࢉ KYAKU to reject, to withdraw SUI; fu(ku); to blow, to breathe out, to play (a wind instrument), to talk big 219 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 219 7/5/13 3:20 PM 7 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ڱ 446 page 90 ਲ 878 page 176 ൃ DA peaceful, calm NIN to conceive, to become pregnant ᅍ Yƿ, aya(shii), attractive; bewitching კ MYƿ, strange, mysterious; clever, admirable Ÿ ూ 167 page 34 ۏ ICHI, one (used in legal documents) ੲ 394 page 79 ৗ 870 page 175 ႃ Bƿ, sonny, boy, priest, priestތs lodge ࠊ 464 page 93 Kƿ hole, mine pit, cave ୁ JU; kotobuki, congratulations; longevity ࣧ 681 page 137 ൎ 356 page 72 ౾ 170 page 35 NYƿ, urine ༸ 211 page 43 ྪ BI suf¿x for counting ¿sh; o, tail, ridge, trail (of a shooting star) ႄ Bƿ; samata(geru), to obstruct, to disturb, to prevent ࣟ 280 page 57 220 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 220 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 7 Strokes ࡑ KI; i(mu), to abhor, to detest, to avoid, to taboo; i(mawashii), odious, offensive NIN; shino(bu), to endure (pain); shino(baseru), to conceal 734 page 147 ܾ 651 page 131 ஸ SHƿ; toko, bed, alcove; yuka, Àoor ޕ 661 page 133 ศ TEI, public of¿ce ޚ KAI; imashi(meru), to admonish, to warn; imashi(me), admonition, warning, lesson ބ 833 page 167 ᄋ REI; modo(ru), to return, go back; modo(su), to give back, restore ༘ HA bundle, sheaf, to grasp ࡎ KI fork of a road ࡏ 470 page 95 Ÿ ᇲ Rƿ, rǀ(suru), moteaso(bu), play with; triÀe with ษ 194 page 39 व 115 page 24 ᄜ 419 page 84 ྕ 973 page 195 ႆ 986 page 198 SHƿ to excerpt; extract, excerpt ૂ 718 page 144 FU to help 221 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 221 7/5/13 3:20 PM 7 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ᅦ YOKU to restrain, to hold down, to stop; osa(eru), to hold down, to restrain ৣ Kƿ to resist, to confront ࡳ ౝ sugi, cryptomeria, a Japanese cedar ഺ 62 page 13 673 page 135 ഩ 561 page 113 ಠ 551 page 111 ௸ 738 page 148 ຂ 378 page 76 ᅰ 237 page 48 ས BATSU; nu(ku), to pull out, to outstrip, to omit, to remove, to capture ࢙ 478 page 96 ൰ TAKU to choose, to select, to sort out ി TA; luxury; select ০ Kƿ; se(meru), to attack, to assault; se(me), attack ޜ 458 page 92 Ÿ Ÿ ৩ Kƿ to renew, reform; sara(ni), again, still more; fu(keru), to grow late ੮ 511 page 103 ᅨ YOKU; fertility ൲ TAKU; sawa, marsh, swamp SA; sand CHNj; oki, of¿ng, open sea Ÿ 222 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 222 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 7 Strokes Ⴃ BOTSU, rejection (of a manuscript); bos(suru), to sink, to set (sun), to die ૐ 887 page 178 104 page 21 ࢞ 271 page 55 CHIN; shizu(mu), to sink, to feel depressed ृ 855 page 172 ड़ 289 page 58 SHƿ to resemble, to pattern after, to copy after Ÿ 707 page 142 ྺ hiji, elbow; arm 739 page 148 ࠨ KAN vital point; kimo, the liver; pluck, mind ࣎ KYƿ ~addict; kuru(i), disorder, warp; kuru(u), to go mad, to get out of order ధ 543 page 109 ෨ 61 page 13 ᆯ 628 page 126 ට 42 page 9 న SHIN; wick; core ଜ 153 page 31 ॑ 495 page 100 SHNj excellent; to surpass, to excel; hii(deru), to surpass, to excel ၳ Hƿ; kanba(shii), fragrant Ÿ 223 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 223 7/5/13 3:20 PM 7 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ݴ 70 page 15 ଠ 63 page 13 ॽ 31 page 7 భ SHIN bitter, hard, severe; kara(i), pungent, spicy, hot, salty ߍ 97 page 20 ॒ GEI; muka(eru), to meet, to welcome, to invite; muka(e), meeting, greeter 118 page 24 ၄ 412 page 83 ඇ 135 page 28 ࣷ 113 page 23 ຜ 379 page 76 ໗ NA; what ީ 49 page 10 ၺ Hƿ country, land, Japan ಘ 51 page 11 ᆊ 238 page 48 ഖ 179 page 36 ੳ HAN; saka, slope; incline ഫ 36 page 8 ႕ 812 page 163 బ 339 page 68 དྷ 213 page 43 Ÿ Ÿ 224 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 224 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 8 Strokes 8 STROKES ူ 977 page 196 JI samurai; ji(suru), to attend on 961 page 193 ᇉ 635 page 128 ૢ 309 page 62 ݠ KA, good, beautiful ࢵ KYƿ to receive, to enjoy ࢷ 850 page 171 ࢶ 110 page 23 303 page 61 BU; anado(ru), to look down upon, to hold in contempt ჲ MEN exempt; manuka(reru), to avoid, to be exempt ݟ 657 page 132 इ 284 page 57 କ 727 page 146 ํ 579 page 116 ဩ HEI; awa(seru), to amalgamate, to combine २ 688 page 138 ያ SATSU, SETSU; temple Ÿ گ I, E to depend on 225 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 225 7/5/13 3:20 PM 8 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ຖ Tƿ to reach, to go or come to ୯ SHUKU younger brother of oneތs parent ઌ 514 page 103 ି 319 page 64 વ SHI name card; thorn, splinter; sa(su), to sting, to pierce, to stab ଲ 317 page 64 ౫ 744 page 149 ୀ JU; noro(u), spell; curse; incantation ਟ 875 page 176 Ⴭ 415 page 84 ޫ GAI to investigate thoroughly ჩ 416 page 84 ৌ 697 page 140 ୈ 532 page 107 ല 564 page 113 ঘ 867 page 174 ൬ TAKU to excel, to surpass; table, desk ሆ 440 page 89 ࢾ 485 page 98 ঙ 501 page 101 ઞ 517 page 104 ਡ 136 page 28 Ÿ 226 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 226 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 8 Strokes ด tsubo, old unit of area (3.952 sq. yd.) ઼ 146 page 30 ె 918 page 184 304 page 61 ᄕ 232 page 47 ڳ 245 page 50 ໖ NA; what ࡠ 471 page 95 Ⴇ HON to run, to rush ߔ 45 page 10 ၢ Hƿ; hǀ(jiru), to serve, to obey; tatematsu(ru), to dedicate, to offer හ 947 page 190 ࡋ KI unusual, rare, surpassing, strange, mysterious EN; a(teru), address ښ ౭ SEI, surname, family name; SHƿ 899 page 180 Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ TO; neta(mu), jealous; envy ࠋ 465 page 94 Ⴑ 226 page 46 ฤ 371 page 75 708 page 142 ࡱ GI all right, good, just, proper, natural 227 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 227 7/5/13 3:20 PM 8 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ଌ 312 page 63 ড় 295 page 60 ၣ 983 page 197 603 page 121 ஶ SHƿ; nao, furthermore, yet ฦ 576 page 116 959 page 192 ๑ 195 page 40 औ KUTSU; kus(suru), to yield to, to be daunted, to bend ܤ 831 page 167 ࢧ 678 page 136 ঋ GEN, tsuru, string (for musical instruments), bowstring, chord ᄙ ya; all the more; increasingly श 492 page 99 ౮ SEI to subjugate ྒ HI; kare, he; ka(no), that ܽ 652 page 131 Ÿ ߕ GAKU; take (lit.), peak, mountain გ misaki, cape, promontory ࠹ 267 page 54 Ÿ ݊ oka, hill, knoll ࠾ 102 page 21 228 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 228 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 8 Strokes ༄ 590 page 119 Ⴡ MATSU to erase, to rub ළ 948 page 190 ࢪ KYO, KO to depend on, to be based on, to hold; foundation, ground, authority FU to fear, to be afraid; kowa(i), frightening, afraid གྷ HAKU, HYƿ to clap; musical time, beat ޖ KAI, mystery, apparition; aya(shii), suspicious; aya(shimu), to doubt, to suspect ൱ TAKU clearing, reclamation; production of copies by rubbing ౯ 745 page 150 ྖ HI open ႈ Bƿ chamber, house; fusa, cluster, tuft, fringe ߄ 835 page 168 ஒ 328 page 66 ෆ CHNj to draw out, to pull ࢩ KYO; koba(mu), to refuse, to decline, to resist, to deny ห TEI to touch, to go against 736 page 148 ඐ 941 page 189 ޛ KAI to falsify, kidnap ಝ SETSU, tsutana(i), clumsy, unskillful, inexpert ᖷ RATSU, ras(suru), drag along; kidnap Kƿ to catch, to affect, to adhere to Ÿ 229 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 229 7/5/13 3:20 PM 8 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS 735 page 148 SEKI to divide, to tear, to break ၨ Hƿ; da(ku), to hug; ida(ku), to hold (a belief); kaka(eru), to employ, hold Ⴓ 988 page 198 ༦ 966 page 194 ሌ waku, frame, spindle, limit ܿ ƿ; o(su), to push, to press; o(shi), inÀuence, audacity; osa(eru), to repress ༩ HAI, suf¿x for counting cupfuls, glassfuls, etc.; sakazuki, sake cup ၪ 414 page 83 ౙ SNj pivot, vital point, center Ÿ Ÿ ݀ ƿ; Àourishing, successful, vigorous Ⴙ makura, pillow ਹ KON elder brother, posterity; sometimes used for its sound value ᆹ 64 page 13 ڹ 647 page 130 719 page 144 ಐ 346 page 70 536 page 108 ீ SHƿ to rise, to go up; nobo(ru), to ascend, to rise ݪ 454 page 91 ც 228 page 46 ྲྀ 395 page 80 230 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 230 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 8 Strokes ຄ 201 page 41 ဖ FUTSU; wa(ku), to boil, to seethe, to ferment (v.i.) ݂ ƿ Europe ܨ 832 page 167 ၐ 221 page 45 ཅ HAKU; to(maru), to stay overnight, to stop over; to(meru), to lodge (v.t.) က 802 page 161 ૭ 527 page 106 ݃ ƿ to beat, to strike; nagu(ru), to strike, to beat ༜ 387 page 78 ຽ 588 page 118 ݭ 658 page 132 ࣍ KYƿ state of things; still more 365 page 74 ܋ 252 page 51 ࢛ 479 page 96 ை SHƿ; numa, swamp, marsh, bog DEI; doro, mud ྙ HITSU, HI to ooze out 422 page 85 ᄧ ၮ Hƿ; awa, foam, bubbles ၭ 612 page 123 231 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 231 7/5/13 3:20 PM 8 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ᇫ RO, ¿replace, hearth, smelting furnace 192 page 39 ܪ EN to burn; hono-o, Àame, blaze 186 page 38 ඪ ొ SUI; ta(ku), to cook, to boil SHI blessing, happiness ཹ 791 page 159 KI; ino(ru), to pray, to invoke, to wish; ino(ri), prayer, wish ႞ 614 page 123 ໃ TOTSU, sudden; tsu(ku), to pierce, to thrust, to strike, to attack ဘ 410 page 83 ऋ 66 page 14 SO; nera(u), aim at; stalk ଞ 314 page 63 ࠻ GAN; play, take pleasure in ႏ Bƿ fat, grease, tallow ކ 91 page 19 SHI limbs โ 578 page 116 ৾ Kƿ to consent, to agree; daringly, boldly দ KO; mata, thigh; crotch; yarn; strand Ÿ ೠ Ÿ Ÿ ჿ Mƿ; mekura, blindness, blind person; ignorance 232 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 232 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 8 Strokes ۋ 247 page 50 ं 283 page 57 ྠ 793 page 159 KO; tora, tiger ဎ 408 page 82 402 page 81 ॼ KEN; kata, shoulder TETSU to change places with; by turns ๋ ै KEI; kuki, stalk, stem 731 page 147 ჺ MO; shige(ru), to grow thick, to grow rank ཋ HAKU; sema(ru), to press, to urge, to draw near ވ 457 page 92 ู TEI mansion, residence ࿔ BYƿ; nae, seedling, sapling ଣ JA, wrong, injustice, evil Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ݵ KA; iji(meru); saina(mu), torment, scold SAI; form, appearance ଭ 896 page 180 ࣸ 18 page 4 ܑ 449 page 90 ෳ 189 page 38 233 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 233 7/5/13 3:20 PM 9 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ᄑ 231 page 47 ۫ 69 page 14 FU; hill; mound ಆ 52 page 11 ೫ SO steep; to separate, to obstruct; haba(mu), to obstruct, to hinder 794 page 159 ྥ FU to stick to, to adhere to SEI equal, similar ಈ Ÿ 9 STROKES CHNj heart, sincerity SHUN to be excellent, to surpass, to be high ௮ 336 page 68 ब 286 page 58 ผ TEI, restaurant, pavilion ఓ SHIN; oka(su), to invade, to violate Ÿ ᆝ RYO; companion; follower ၆ 610 page 123 Kƿ feudal lord; marquis ZOKU customs, manners; vulgar ഭ ണ SOKU; unaga(su), to urge 544 page 109 ఒ 234 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 234 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 9 Strokes ။ 808 page 162 ݕ oro(su), to sell wholesale; oroshi, wholesale ࠁ KAN; kanmuri, crown ᆸ RIN, old unit of money (0.001 yen); old unit of length (about 0.0119 in.) ഥ 764 page 153 ৎ 698 page 140 SAKU; kezu(ru), to shave (wood), to sharpen, to delete, to curtail ஞ JO, preface; jo(suru), to describe, to confer (a rank) upon 177 page 36 ۘ IN; choked; smothered Ⴂ BOTSU; suddenness; rise sa(ku), to bloom, to blossom CHOKU Imperial edict ڇ AI; awa(re), pathos, misery, pity; awa(remu), to feel pity for ᄮ 622 page 125 ࿚ 405 page 82 ྎ HI; iya(shii), base, vulgar, low-lived; iya(shimeru), to despise kaki, fence, hedge 208 page 42 ळ 493 page 99 ඍ 569 page 114 ௱ 914 page 183 Ÿ Ÿ 235 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 235 7/5/13 3:20 PM 9 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ဿ 609 page 122 ಮ 925 page 186 ऴ KEI; chigi(ru), to pledge, to promise ݎ 256 page 52 930 page 187 ຳ tǀge, mountain pass, ridge, peak, crisis ۛ IN to get married ࣄ KYƿ gorge, ravine ઽ 888 page 178 ࠆ 841 page 169 ڴ I majestic, solemn; to threaten TEI emperor, sovereign, Mikado ล ছ KO orphan; solitary, alone SUI to command an army ే ଆ 152 page 31 ᄱ YNj faint, profound, quiet ಭ 924 page 185 377 page 76 ࢊ 270 page 55 ८ 498 page 100 စ FNj, seal; fnj(jiru), to prevent, to enclose, to blockade, to seal; Hƿ ¿ef ঞ KO, arc 236 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 236 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 9 Strokes Ÿ 357 page 72 SATSU; be imminent ᆍ 1,003 page 201 ਙ Gƿ to beat, to strike ষ 123 page 25 ߣ KATSU to fasten, to bind, to tie up TAI; okota(ru), to neglect, nama(keru), to be lazy అ SHOKU; fu(ku), nugu(u), wipe; mop; swab CHƿ; ido(mu), to challenge, to strive ࣊ KYƿ; hasa(mu), to put (hold) between; hasa (maru), to be sandwiched between Ÿ ܥ EN, ON; ura(mu), ura(mi), ura(meshii), grudge, resentment DO; ika(ru) (lit.), to get angry; oko(ru), to get angry 272 page 55 321 page 65 ૃ 147 page 30 ૩ 310 page 63 ਸ਼ KON; ura(mi), spite, grudge; ura(mu), to bear a grudge; ura(meshii), hateful ૄ 305 page 62 ޗ KAI; ku(iru), to regret; kuya(mi), condolence; kuya(mu), to mourn, to repent 746 page 150 ৡ Kƿ always, eternal 694 page 139 ঠ 237 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 237 7/5/13 3:20 PM 9 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ૈ SHI, SE; hodoko(su), to give in charity; to perform, to administer Ÿ kaki, persimmon ု HEI; e, handle; gara, pattern, design, build, character, nature ႋ Bƿ, a certain person, Mr. So-and-so; one, a, a certain ~ (used as pre¿x) ᄢ RYNj, yanagi, willow tree Ÿ Ⴒ MAI; dark; foolish ܇ 830 page 167 512 page 103 171 page 35 ੈ 705 page 142 158 page 32 366 page 74 ூ 331 page 67 ݫ KA; ka(suru), to build, to span (a river with a bridge, etc.) 188 page 38 ୨ JNj, NYNj; yawa(rakai), soft, tender, mild, mellow ౩ ZE right, just ড KO; ka(reru), to wither, to mature (v.i.); ka(rasu), to blight tochi, horse chestnut ܉ 450 page 91 SAKU; stockade, fence ඦ 944 page 189 Ÿ ເ Ÿ ં 238 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 238 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 9 Strokes ڻ I to do, to make, to think; bene¿t, reason, cause, purpose 196 page 40 ๘ 361 page 73 ඖ SEI sacri¿ce, victim ౹ ࣏ KYƿ; sema(i), narrow, small; seba(meru) (v.t.), to narrow, to reduce ଷ SHU; ka(ri), hunting, gathering, (maple- etc.) viewing; ka(ru), to hunt 554 page 111 784 page 157 ᅖ 427 page 86 CHIN; mezura(shii), rare, novel, unusual ಸ 927 page 186 ష JIN; hanaha(da), extremely, immensely; hanaha(dashii), extreme, enormous ߤ 99 page 20 ޢ 260 page 53 ޠ 94 page 19 ཛྷ 391 page 79 ಶ 926 page 186 tsu, harbor, ferry ৯ Kƿ Àood, vast ຬ Dƿ; hora, cave, excavation ༝ 965 page 194 ௺ Jƿ pure, innocent ಷ 239 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 239 7/5/13 3:20 PM 9 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ڼ I; oso(reru), fear; kashiko(mu), obey, humble oneself; kashiko(i), majestic ࠡ 842 page 169 ܖ EKI epidemic ഊ 348 page 70 ཡ 392 page 79 SAI; kuda(ku) (v.t.), to smash, simplify; kuda(keru) (v.i.), to be broken, softened ޣ KAI; mina, minna, all, everything, everyone ॸ 290 page 59 ৴ 871 page 175 ੋ 879 page 176 Ⴋ BON, tray; the Bon Festival (Buddhist celebration held in Japan in mid-July) 758 page 152 ஊ JUN; tate, shield ୳ 533 page 107 ႍ Bƿ; oka(su), to brave, to defy, to attack, to damage, to profane త 340 page 69 ௐ 546 page 110 ࿓ 403 page 81 ྯ BI, MI; mayu, eyebrow ݨ 87 page 18 ॻ 291 page 59 156 page 32 Ÿ Ÿ 240 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 240 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 9 Strokes 968 page 194 ༭ 447 page 90 ہ ༬ 967 page 194 ୕ SHNj smell, stink; kusa(i), ill-smelling, suspicious; ~kusa(i), smelling of ~; nio(u), to stink ৸ 872 page 175 ۓ ibara, briar, thorn ࢡ 273 page 55 Sƿ majestic, solemn; villa ྰ 398 page 80 ഐ 57 page 12 ൏ TAI; ta(eru), to endure, to bear, to stand (v.t.) 187 page 38 ၲ Hƿ placenta ਃ Kƿ; ara(i), violent, wild; a(reru), to be rough, dilapidated; a(rasu), to lay waste ൙ TAI to conceive; womb, fetus ࢌ GYAKU to treat harshly, to spoil; shiita(geru), to oppress, to persecute Kƿ; niji, rainbow ಢ SETSU to steal, to rob ࢢ KYNj to investigate, to examine, to twist, to twine around ࡢ 472 page 95 ᄝ 621 page 125 Ÿ Ÿ ග TAN liver; spirit, courage 241 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 241 7/5/13 3:20 PM 9 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ᅟ 623 page 125 ഗ 349 page 70 ี TEI to correct, to establish ൞ 769 page 154 Ÿ FU; report of someone’s death ࢍ 675 page 136 ो 116 page 24 ฃ 370 page 75 ม TEI right, just, chaste ਉ Kƿ suburbs, the country 406 page 82 ᇾ Rƿ man, male — used as suf¿x in menތs given names FU to go; omomu(ku), to proceed (towards) 326 page 66 ୭ ࡨ KI space between two wheels, print of a wheel 691 page 139 ঔ!! ध 490 page 99 ჶ 417 page 84 წ 817 page 164 ߓ 836 page 168 ພ Tƿ; ni(geru), to Àee; noga(reru), to escape, avoid; ni(gasu), to set free ݙ 33 page 7 242 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 242 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 10 Strokes ဇ 217 page 44 ྦ 595 page 120 163 page 33 ଽ 155 page 32 Kƿ, incense; ka (lit.), perfume, fragrance; kao(ri), fragrance; kao(ru) to be fragrant 10 STROKES ၝ Hƿ; nara(u), to model after, to imitate ༰ 389 page 78 Ÿ ݔ ore, I, myself ༤ 969 page 194 ࿆ 796 page 160 ೲ 559 page 112 ᆷ RIN principles, duty, rules Tƿ; tao(reru), to fall, to break down, to go to ruin; tao(su), to fell, to overthrow । KEN frugal, modest, humble 946 page 190 ඩ ၞ Hƿ salary 695 page 140 খ ে 504 page 101 ତ 530 page 107 243 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 243 7/5/13 3:20 PM 10 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ୌ 730 page 147 ३ KEN, tsurugi, sword 957 page 192 ၇ 413 page 83 KEN, and, in addition, concurrently; ka(neru), to combine, be unable to (suf¿x) ີ TOKU to give refuge to, to conceal, to hide, to keep secret १ MEI, MYƿ; dark ঈ 119 page 24 ۴ uta, song SA; sosonoka(su), to tempt, to instigate SHIN; kuchibiru, lips ఔ 248 page 50 ۙ HO; nurse; suckle ፪ ཁ HAKU; ha(gasu), ha(gu), ha(gareru), ha(geru), come off; peel; fade ็ TETSU wise, sagacious ਔ Gƿ inÀexible, stubborn, stiff, hard Tƿ, Tang, (an ancient Chinese dynasty); kara, China (old name used in Japan) Ÿ ყ Ÿ ౪ SEI; sugo(i), susa(majii), uncanny, weird, threatening, horrible ஂ JUN rule; to imitate, to approve Tƿ; kǀ(ru), to freeze (v.i.); kogo(eru), to be benumbed with cold ႂ Bƿ to divide, to distinguish Ÿ Ÿ ੬ Ÿ ZAI medicine, drug 244 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 244 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 10 Strokes Ⴐ MAI; u(meru), to bury, to ¿ll up; u(maru), to be buried, to be ¿lled up ݤ ᅎ 822 page 165 88 page 18 274 page 55 ࿁ hime, princess, young lady of birth; also used as pre¿x for “small” or “dainty” 89 page 18 ݦ క SHIN to conceive, to become pregnant 893 page 179 ଗ ღ musume, girl, daughter 911 page 183 ள শ GO to enjoy, to take pleasure in 955 page 192 ๐ ഷ 565 page 114 ၤ Hƿ; mine, peak, back (of a sword) ਖ਼ SAI to administer, to manage, to take charge of; chief, head 380 page 77 ܣ EN, feast, banquet 508 page 102 ੇ ޮ 460 page 93 ಌ 549 page 110 ல SHƿ; yoi, evening ુ 720 page 145 245 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 245 7/5/13 3:20 PM 10 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ත CHI; haji, shame, disgrace; ha(jiru), to be ashamed of; ha(zukashii), embarrassing ष KEI, E; megu(mi), grace, blessing; megu(mu), to give in charity 292 page 59 ധ 351 page 71 ว 372 page 75 ݖ 654 page 131 880 page 177 ᇞ REN; koi, love; koi(shii), dear, beloved ଯ 154 page 31 ࣈ KYƿ; oso(re), fear, anxiety; oso(reru), to fear; oso(roshii), fearful, ¿erce, awful JO slowly, gently ༎ Nƿ; naya(mi), afÀiction, trouble, pain; naya(mu), to be troubled with 581 page 117 ܙ ETSU to be glad, to rejoice ୦ 902 page 181 হ GO; sato(ru), to be spiritually awakened, to perceive, to comprehend ಲ SEN; ǀgi, folding fan ॱ KEN; kobushi, ¿st 566 page 114 ࡚ 106 page 22 ঝ Ÿ ᔧ SHI; sel¿sh; selfindulgent; arbitrary Ÿ ࣉ KYƿ respectful, reverent; uyauya(shii), reverent 246 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 246 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 10 Strokes ࢫ 482 page 97 ᆟ 433 page 87 SOKU; tora(eru); catch; capture ࡕ KI; sude(ni), already, previously AI; hira(ku), push open ૪ 151 page 31 CHOKU; make progress SEN, bolt, plug, faucet SAI to plant ख़ keta, beam, girder; unit, column SAN, crosspiece, jetty ણ KAKU, nucleus, kernel, core, stone (of a fruit) ߇ Ÿ ന Ÿ ډ Ÿ Ÿ ੑ ZA; crush, break Ÿ Sƿ; sa(su), to insert, to put into Sƿ; saga(su), to hunt for, to search for ၏ HO; tora(eru), to(ru), to catch, to seize; tsuk(maeru), to catch, to arrest చ SHIN; fu(reru), to shake, swing, lean to; fu(ru), to wave, shake, wield, discard; fu(ruu), to brandish, master, prosper ठ Sƿ; kuwa, mulberry BIN clever, quick Tƿ; momo, peach ᆧ 629 page 126 ઇ 653 page 131 247 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 247 7/5/13 3:20 PM 10 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ߰ 839 page 168 ༳ HIN; hama, beach, shore 592 page 119 ᅩ 625 page 126 ڨ 442 page 89 ᇄ RUI; namida, tear (from the eye) ߆ 663 page 133 ᇶ Rƿ billow; to wander about ৫ 46 page 10 ۺ ura, inlet, beach 298 page 60 ట SHIN; hita(su), to soak, to wet; hita(ru), to be immersed, to indulge ஆ JUN; jun(jiru), to follow even to death, to sacri¿ce oneself 332 page 67 ଶ SHU especially; to be different; koto(ni), especially FU; u(ku), to Àoat, to be merry, to be left over; u(kabu), to Àoat, to come to mind ર 520 page 105 ᆔ 432 page 87 515 page 104 ᇛ RETSU valiant, violent, brave, strong ൗ TAI peaceful, great, extravagant, extremely ູ 586 page 118 248 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 248 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 10 Strokes ཻ 970 page 195 ణ 341 page 69 ସ SHU pearl ၰ Hƿ, gun, cannon ོ HAN vicinity; footpath between rice ¿elds, edge 788 page 158 ༟ ම CHIKU to raise cattle, to cultivate SHƿ good fortune, omen ᆗ 824 page 165 ල CHITSU order, rank SHƿ nature of a disease SO tribute ྚ HI; tsuka(re), fatigue; tsuka(reru), to get tired, to become fatigued SHƿ to praise; shǀ(suru), to call, to name, to pretend ଊ SHITSU sickness; to fall ill; quick, swift ྜྷ 974 page 195 ࿒ 404 page 81 ᆛ RYNj; tatsu, dragon ܗ 648 page 130 537 page 108 ნ MIN; nemu(ri), sleep; nemu(ru), to sleep; nemu(i), sleepy ౌ SUI, iki, essence, elegance; delicate, smart, stylish 249 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 249 7/5/13 3:20 PM 10 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ဢ 605 page 122 અ SAKU cable, rope; to seek for, to search for ႎ Bƿ; tsumu(gu), to spin (thread) ᄐ MON, family insignia, crest, ¿gures (in cloth) ৼ 699 page 140 CHIN, We, Our (formerly used by the Emperor of Japan in Imperial rescripts) 1,005 page 202 ᇳ ࣒ KYƿ; obiya(kasu), odo(su), odo(kasu), to threaten, to menace, to intimidate ಖ SEKI; se, sei, stature; height ი 618 page 124 Ÿ ဤ FUN; magi(reru), to be obscure, to be diverted, to be confused ༐ 963 page 193 906 page 182 ሊ waki, the other way; side; supporting role 148 page 30 SHI; abura, fat, grease, tallow ೧ 759 page 152 ༑ 787 page 158 ݅ ƿ, old man, honori¿c title for an old man Dƿ, trunk (of the body), body armor ຯ ᄁ Mƿ, Kƿ to decrease, to spend 851 page 171 ࣑ Ÿ 250 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 250 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 10 Strokes ඳ CHI, to do, to bring about; taste, appearance; ita(su), to do (humbly) ບ 956 page 192 ཾ HAN generally; to carry, to turn; to enjoy थ 489 page 98 ਂ 505 page 102 ࡥ 105 page 22 ݷ 259 page 52 ਇ Kƿ tribute, contribution; mitsu(gu), to give ¿nancial support ݸ KA Àower, showiness, China; hana(yaka), showy, splendid 712 page 143 ੰ ށ ka, mosquito 268 page 54 ࡧ 885 page 178 ঀ KEN suf¿x for counting houses; noki, eaves SUI; otoro(eru), to become weak, to decline ఏ JOKU to put to shame, to disgrace; hazukashi(meru), to humiliate, to violate ಄ SEI; i(ku), yu(ku), to pass away, to die Ÿ ള SHNj; sode, sleeve; extension ྡ HI; kǀmu(ru), to suffer (damage, etc.), to receive (a favor, etc.) TEI alternately, by turns; to convey ุ ൵ TAKU to entrust to a person, to make a pretext of CHIKU to chase, to pursue 251 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 251 7/5/13 3:20 PM 10 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS Ÿ TO way, road ߴ kama, iron pot, kettle ຟ Tƿ, penetrate; su(ku), to be transparent, leave gaps; su(kasu), to make transparent, thin out 916 page 184 య ബ 352 page 71 ဳ 978 page 196 ഢ 761 page 153 ࠳ KAN; ochii(ru), to fall into, to yield, to cave in, to fall (to surrender to a siege) ᇦ 637 page 128 ۡ 249 page 50 ฆ 193 page 39 ఼ JIN, camp, position (military), battle array न 491 page 99 ਏ 873 page 175 ଼ 318 page 64 ಋ SEKI suf¿x for counting ships ࡪ KI; u(e), hunger, starvation; u(eru), to be hungry, to starve ༣ 210 page 43 ਬ 877 page 176 Ÿ CHNj; liquor ପ SHAKU; ku(mu), to ladle, to drink together, to consider ༯ 388 page 78 252 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 252 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 11 Strokes 132 page 27 KI; oni, ogre, ¿end, demon 11 STROKES Ÿ KI; kame, tortoise, turtle ௰ Jƿ surplus; moreover ߿ KAN to dry, to be thirsty; kawa(ku) (v.i.), kawa(kasu) (v.t.), to dry 604 page 121 ဋ ฟ TEI spy 815 page 164 ო พ 577 page 116 ࠄ KAN, perception, intuition ऌ GNj even number; by chance, accidentally 384 page 77 ത 562 page 113 ߡ KATSU scold, get hoarse DA; tsuba, saliva; sputum ു KEI to enlighten, to open र 538 page 108 Ÿ GI; itsuwa(ru), to tell a lie, to pretend, to deceive ှ HEN, left-hand radical; one-sided, biased; kata(yoru), to be biased ० 499 page 100 253 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 253 7/5/13 3:20 PM 11 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ᄎ 418 page 84 ༠ BA old woman, old mother ᄫ YUI merely, only, alone ਵ KON marriage 333 page 67 800 page 161 SAI; cape; promontory დ 990 page 199 ۊ 828 page 166 ୱ 327 page 66 ༱ BAI; tsuchika(u), to cultivate, to foster ମ JAKU, SEKI; sabi(shii), lonesome, lonely, solitary; sabi(reru), to mature, to mellow Ÿ Ÿ ് TAI; piled high ࡍ 671 page 135 Ⴅ hori, ditch, moat ڵ I military rank ຨ 584 page 117 saki, cape, promontory ଃ SHITSU, SHNj; to(ru), to do (business, etc.), to manage, to take, to grasp ޯ GAI; gake, cliff, precipice ࡊ 670 page 135 ౖ SNj lofty, noble; to respect, to worship Ÿ 254 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 254 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 11 Strokes ၦ Hƿ; kuzu(reru), to collapse; kuzu(su), to destroy, reduce, write in simpli¿ed form ො 368 page 74 ௵ 740 page 149 য় 506 page 102 ᅏ Yƿ moderate, ordinary, mediocre SHO various, all, many ෟ 775 page 156 ࣅ 111 page 23 ਗ਼ SAI coloration; to color; irodo(ru), to paint, to color CHƿ; ho(ru), to carve, to engrave 732 page 147 ຶ 587 page 118 ࠏ KAN sickness, anxiety, trouble ڏ 241 page 49 ᔰ GU; oso(reru), fear, be overawed ᄲ YNj distance, leisure ກ Tƿ; ita(mu), to mourn over, to lament, to feel pity for SEKI; o(shii), regrettable; precious; wasteful; o(shimu), to begrudge, to regret ઠ SAN cruel, horrible, appalling; miji(me), wretched, cruel ௶ 741 page 149 ಎ SEKI; relative SO to put aside, to except, to dispose of; to place Ÿ Ÿ 255 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 255 7/5/13 3:20 PM 11 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ऻ KEI; kaka(geru), to put up, to hoist, to carry 942 page 189 එ su(eru), to lay (a foundation), to install (a person); su(waru), to become set/¿xed 919 page 184 ై BYƿ; ega(ku), to picture, to describe, to draw; ka(ku), to paint, to draw ࿑ ಞ 753 page 151 ߙ ka(keru), to hang (v.t.), to sit on (a chair, etc.), to cover with Ÿ ༅ NEN; twirl; twist; play with Kƿ; hika(eru), to write down; to refrain from, to be moderate in, to wait 591 page 119 ༨ क KUTSU; ho(ru), to dig, to dig up 480 page 97 ଘ 894 page 179 ࣋ 112 page 23 Sƿ; ha(ku), to sweep ੦ SAI religious puri¿cation; a room ୂ 729 page 146 ଚ SHA; nana(me), slanting, oblique Ÿ ੜ 709 page 142 મ ZAN, ki(ru), beheading; murder ༧ HAI to reject; to display, to push open ඣ 773 page 155 256 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 256 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 11 Strokes ര 353 page 71 ಽ SEN to rotate, to return ം Sƿ an of¿cial, friend ொ SHƿ to wade, to cross over, to walk about; to be related to ୲ SHUKU graceful, gentle ߥ KATSU, thirst; to be thirsty, to dry up kawa(ku), to feel thirsty ी KEI valley Ÿ ೝ Sƿ, ZO; once; before; formerly ޟ 459 page 92 881 page 177 RI; nashi, Japanese pear ᆩ RYƿ, (lit.) coolness; suzu(shii), cool ܕ 649 page 130 ୪ JNj; shibu, astringent juice; shibu(i), astringent, re¿ned, sober; shibu(ru), to demur ๒ TEN; so(eru), to annex (to), to add (to), to garnish (cooking); so(u), to accompany ඔ TAN; awa(i), light (color, taste, etc.), transitory (love, joy, etc.) ۞ IN; licentiousness; mida(ra), indecent, lewd Ÿ ᆄ Ÿ ৬ Kƿ, KYƿ; close up ഃ 560 page 113 ᅧ 997 page 200 ߈ KAKU; kara, husk, shell Ÿ GAI shore 257 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 257 7/5/13 3:20 PM 11 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ਼ 704 page 141 BIN, bottle, vase ౸ 547 page 110 દ 518 page 104 ఠ 342 page 69 ᆒ 823 page 165 Sƿ; sawa(yaka), refreshing; clear ڽ 826 page 166 KON; ato, mark; footprint Tƿ; nusu(mu), to steal, to rob ຈ 921 page 185 ౻ ෩ CHƿ; naga(meru), to gaze at, to watch Ÿ Ÿ ༁ BYƿ; neko, cat ᆪ RYƿ, hunting, shooting ჾ Mƿ strong, valiant, brave, ¿erce, wild ᆎ 767 page 154 ࢝ 275 page 56 ࠽ 669 page 134 ᆅ 239 page 48 ࿌ 598 page 120 এ 692 page 139 299 page 60 258 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 258 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 11 Strokes ھ 642 page 129 ਾ KON, dark blue CHITSU to block up, to obstruct; nitrogen ద SHIN ceremonial sash; man of high birth ഋ 931 page 187 ᇅ RUI, trouble, involvement; to pile up, to trouble; to be acquainted with 334 page 67 ೨ 178 page 36 ใ 373 page 75 322 page 65 FU tally, mark, sign, good omen, charm, talisman ੧ 140 page 29 ൦ 359 page 72 ॄ 685 page 138 ᩭ SHNj; be ashamed Ÿ ᆙ RYNj; tsubu, grain, drop ೦ SO rough, loose, coarse, humble; ara(i), coarse, rugged 998 page 200 ᅪ ༈ NEN; neba(ru), to be sticky; to persevere 323 page 65 SHƿ to introduce a person; to succeed to ୵ SHUKU to be respectful, to be modest, to admonish, to be severe 259 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 259 7/5/13 3:20 PM 11 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ႊ 613 page 123 ੨ 509 page 102 ࢋ KYAKU leg, lower part, position, suf¿x for counting furniture with legs ු 949 page 190 ༒ 964 page 193 ࢭ KYO, KO empty, vain ං DATSU to omit, to escape; nu(gu), to take off shoes, coat, etc. ॊ KEI; hotaru, ¿reÀy ཉ HAKU ocean-going ship ଢ JA, DA; hebi, snake ൜ TAI; fukuro, bag, sack, pouch Ÿ GEN; gunwale 175 page 36 ࡤ 672 page 135 ۂ I; na(eru),weaken, wither, droop; shibo(mu), shio(reru), shina(biru), wither, fade; 889 page 178 ࣳ KIN, germ, fungus SHƿ to sue, to go to law ݹ KA fruit, nut, berry 679 page 136 ࢮ ࡾ KIKU, chrysanthemum 754 page 151 ಡ Ÿ 260 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 260 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 11 Strokes ၸ 984 page 197 ๖ 375 page 76 ᄟ 993 page 199 ൟ TAI to catch, to arrest, to overtake, to pursue ໐ TON; buta, pig ଢ଼ 157 page 32 Ჯ DON; musabo(ru), coveting ۑ ITSU to excel, to be lost, to be rash, to run off, to enjoy oneself ࠭ KAN, old unit of weight (8.27 lb.); tsuranu(ku), to pierce, to carry out, to attain మ 343 page 69 ྀ HAN to sell, to deal in ߐ KAKU enclosure, red-light district ಗ 751 page 151 ࣕ 852 page 171 ݽ 455 page 92 င 407 page 82 798 page 160 ᅁ 994 page 199 ଙ SHA to forgive, to pardon 376 page 76 NAN soft, weak, feeble; yawa(rakai) soft, tender, mild, yellow SUI; yo(u), to get drunk, to become sick (sea, car, air), to be in ecstasy Ÿ 261 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 261 7/5/13 3:20 PM 11 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ۢ IN, gloom, negative, the female principle (yin); kage, shadow, shade, back ಥ 174 page 35 ਰ koro, time, about 979 page 196 ෴ 951 page 191 ᆳ RYƿ; misasagi, Imperial mausoleum 109 page 22 ࢳ ᆚ RYNj high, prosperous, Àourishing 190 page 39 ঃ 689 page 138 ૹ KA; shika, deer CHIN to state, to display; to be old MA; asa, hemp, Àax Ⴏ ༺ BAI to attend upon; attendant 133 page 27 ݉ ມ Tƿ pottery, porcelain 137 page 28 ਥ ᆌ 627 page 126 ଫ SHAKU to interpret, to explain ᄘ 233 page 47 บ CHƿ; tsu(ru), to ¿sh, to entice; tsu(ri), ¿shing, change (of money) ဲ Ÿ Ÿ 262 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 262 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 12 Strokes 12 STROKES Ÿ ઝ SAN; kasa, umbrella ྩ 795 page 160 ڰ I; era(i), great, admirable ᎄ YU; tato(eru), compare; illustrate ࠇ KAN to call, to cry, to summon ೳ Sƿ, to lose, to ruin; mo, mourning Kƿ; nodo, throat ࢂ KITSU to eat, to drink Ÿ ႁ Bƿ side, neighborhood ೯ 932 page 187 ߠ 838 page 168 ܄ 645 page 130 ၕ BO; tsuno(ru), to collect, to raise (troops, etc.); to grow intense ࡈ 473 page 95 ࣦ 853 page 171 929 page 186 335 page 68 ५ KEN, sphere, range ག 593 page 119 ൂ DA to fall, to get into, to let fall, to lose 263 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 263 7/5/13 3:20 PM 12 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ६ KEN; kata(i), hard, tough, tight, ¿rm, solid, strict, sound ง tsuka, mound, hillock ါ HEI, wall, fence Tƿ, tower, pagoda, steeple ร TEI; tsutsumi, bank (of a river, etc.) ᇃ RUI, base (in baseball), fort ࠈ KAN; ta(eru), to endure, to bear, to withstand, to resist ௲ 161 page 33 ქ SEI; muko, son-in-law, bridegroom ༲ BAI intermediation, matchmaking, intermediary, go-between 801 page 161 263 page 53 ࠂ JIN; tazu(neru), to ask, to look for శ 939 page 188 സ 900 page 181 മ 766 page 154 ၡ 810 page 163 ᅺ RAN; arashi, storm, tempest ܼ OKU, ƿ, interior; oku, interior, depths, heart ႅ Bƿ headgear, headdress ဍ FUKU, scroll, suf¿x for counting scrolls; haba, width, difference in price Ÿ Ÿ ࿂ EN; hime, beautiful woman, princess 264 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 264 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 12 Strokes ࡐ KI; iku~, how many?, how much?, some (used as pre¿x) ᇱ Rƿ corridor, passage YU to rejoice, to enjoy oneself ᄥ DA to be idle, to neglect ൄ ༥ HAI to abolish, abandon; suta(ru), suta(reru), to fall into disuse HI; tobira, door, page ྔ ජ DAN; hi(ku), to play a musical instrument; hazu(mu), to spring back; tama, bullet SHƿ palm of the hand; to control, to preside over ா ஃ JUN to obey, to observe, to follow; to revolve Tƿ to load (a vehicle), to ride 461 page 93 ࡒ 846 page 170 ဌ 803 page 161 ܧ EN to help, to rescue, to pull স GYO, GO; on, honori¿c pre¿x; gyo(suru), to drive (a horse) ڐ AKU; nigi(ru), to grasp, to clasp, to hold, to seize ላ WAKU; mado(u), to be puzzled, to go astray, to be captivated by ࠓ KAN; ka(eru), to exchange, to change (v.t.); ka(waru), to change (v.i.) ྒྷ 397 page 80 ᅑ Yƿ; yu(reru), to shake (v.i.), to swing, to Àicker ৢ Kƿ, busy, Àustered; awa(teru), to be in a hurry, confused; awa(tadashii), bustling, hurried ᅐ Yƿ; a(geru), to raise, to send up, to hoist; to fry 265 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 265 7/5/13 3:20 PM 12 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS อ 776 page 156 ྇ 971 page 195 ࠔ KAN daring, boldly 510 page 103 ऽ 856 page 172 ں I; chair ก TSUI; mallet; shii, oak ࡗ KI chessman, Japanese chess ࠗ KAN, casket, cof¿n ງ Tƿ; mune, ridge (of a roof) Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ཱུ HAN; madara, mura, spot; speck; unevenness; inequality SHƿ bright; crystal ஓ 329 page 66 ࣝ GYƿ; akatsuki, dawn, daybreak ൖ TAI; ka(eru), to exchange, to replace; ka(waru), to be replaced, to take turns ආ tana, shelf ा 494 page 99 ఝ 65 page 14 172 page 35 ႌ 987 page 198 FU wide, universal, general ఆ 337 page 68 266 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 266 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 12 Strokes ଈ SHITSU; shime(ru), to become damp, to moisten; shime(su), to dampen 488 page 98 പ 765 page 154 ࠘ KAN sincerity, goodwill; article in a legal document ຊ 381 page 77 ࡵ GI; azamu(ku), to deceive, to cheat ݗ 257 page 52 ఇ SHOKU; fu(eru) (v.i.), fu(yasu) (v.t.), to increase, multiply, grow TO; wata(ru), to go over; wata(su), to hand over, span ᄷ YNj, wa(ku), boil; ferment; seethe 616 page 124 ૬ JI nourishing; to Àourish, to be luxuriant 693 page 139 ঌ ሕ WAN, bay, gulf 557 page 112 ঢ 293 page 59 ் SHƿ; ko(geru) (v.i.), ko(gasu) (v.t.), to scorch, to burn; ko(gareru), to yearn; ase(ru), be impatient ۲ KA; uzu, whirlpool, eddy ଛ SHA; ni(ru), to cook (v.t.); ni(eru) (v.i.), to be boiled, to be cooked ৱ 296 page 60 ௌ 539 page 108 ॳ 690 page 139 ࣡ Ÿ 267 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 267 7/5/13 3:20 PM 12 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ჟ 620 page 125 ශ 364 page 73 ᄹ YNj to hesitate; moreover, even, still; as if 362 page 73 ࣭ KIN; koto, Japanese harp ᆘ RYNj sulfur ྈ 215 page 44 SHƿ nitrate, gunpowder Jƿ, suf¿x for counting mats; tatami, mat; tata(mu), to fold (up) Kƿ; kata(i), hard, tough, stiff, ¿rm ৵ ೢ SO estranged, sparse; uto(i), estranged, ignorant of; uto(mu), to neglect, to shun า 777 page 156 ഉ Sƿ; ya(seru), become thin ಉ 750 page 151 ᆇ RI diarrhea 385 page 78 ຮ ຏ Tƿ smallpox Tƿ; tsutsu, pipe, tube ຓ ฅ 954 page 191 883 page 177 382 page 77 ຒ 202 page 41 Ÿ 268 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 268 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 12 Strokes ࣰ 854 page 171 य़ 497 page 100 ຑ 383 page 77 హ JIN; kidney ྾ 400 page 81 ࡖ 269 page 54 ௗ SHƿ to paint and powder, to embellish ሗ WAN; ude, arm, talent, ability ᅵ RAKU; kara(meru), to twine around, to surround; kara(mu), to get entangled, to pick a ¿ght 191 page 39 ৺ Kƿ; shibo(ru), to wring, to squeeze, to extort, to scold; shi(meru), to strangle ߧ KATSU; kuzu, arrowroot, kudzu SHI; murasaki, purple, violet ഒ Sƿ; hǀmu(ru), to bury, to consign to oblivion, to shelve ຕ 780 page 157 ᅝ 428 page 86 ޤ 95 page 20 ᅶ 431 page 87 ࢣ 481 page 97 ྌ BAN barbarian ದ 756 page 152 901 page 181 Ÿ Ÿ 269 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 269 7/5/13 3:20 PM 12 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ᇜ RETSU; sa(ku), to tear, to rend (v.t.); sa(keru), to tear, to rend (v.i.) ੩ 882 page 177 ക ࿎ 797 page 160 ೪ SO; utta(e), lawsuit, appeal, complaint; utta(eru), to sue, to resort to, to appeal 933 page 187 737 page 148 ᄽ YNj abundant, broadminded, at ease 540 page 109 ၒ 981 page 197 ྣ 596 page 120 ߌ 463 page 93 ๕ CHƿ; counter for medicine packets; ha(ru), stick; paste; apply SHƿ; mikotonori, Imperial edict ႓ 813 page 163 890 page 179 ފ 660 page 133 ܓ EI poem, ode, recitation of poetry; yo(mu), to compose a poem 572 page 115 ੌ SA to tell a lie, to pretend, to deceive 770 page 155 ൝ ఫ SHIN to examine, to diagnose; mi(ru), to examine (a patient) 212 page 43 ༷ Ÿ 270 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 270 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 12 Strokes ࡦ 847 page 170 ݿ 659 page 132 ܛ ETSU; ko(eru), to go over, to exceed; ko(su), to cross, to exceed, to move (to) 205 page 42 ັ CHƿ, to exceed, super-; ko(eru) (v.i.), ko(su) (v.t.), to exceed, to transcend 251 page 51 ۿ ࢯ KYO to separate, to be distant, to reach 424 page 85 ᄿ ૾ JIKU, axis, axle, scroll picture, holder, stalk SAKU; su, vinegar ు ॎ 287 page 58 ᆲ 630 page 127 ऎ GNj to treat, to deal with, to meet with, to come across ໕ DON; nibu(i), dull, slow, blunt, dim; nibu(ru), to become blunt, to weaken SUI at last; to(geru), to accomplish, to attain KAN quiet, tranquil, leisure, time to spare ࠱ ၅ HEN wide, universal 100 page 21 ࠰ ൿ 568 page 114 ާ 261 page 53 ඵ CHI late, slow; oku(reru), to be late; oso(i), late ZUI to follow, to accompany; freely; as one pleases 271 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 271 7/5/13 3:20 PM 13 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ए GNj; sumi, corner ဥ FUN atmosphere ൠ 567 page 114 ܀ 83 page 17 ި 262 page 53 ਐ Kƿ, clause, paragraph, item Ÿ ᅣ 429 page 86 ీ SU; by all means; necessarily ᅂ YNj strong, valiant, brave, surpassing; osu, o-, male animal ஏ 534 page 107 ୠ 324 page 65 ྅ 594 page 119 ދ GA elegant, graceful 250 page 51 ভ KO; yato(u), to hire, to employ 306 page 62 ૡ 13 STROKES Ÿ Ÿ ࣥ KIN; wazu(ka), a little bit አ Gƿ; be proud ग़ KETSU to excel, to surpass; man of great caliber SAI debt, loan 272 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 272 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 13 Strokes ລ भ SO earthen ¿gure SAI, SOKU; fusa(gu), fusa(garu), close, shut, obstruct KAI clod, lump ޒ ๎ TEN; ¿t in; go into ၖ 809 page 162 TO; nu(ru), to paint, to plaster, to coat, to lacquer, to smear 451 page 91 ܶ 816 page 164 პ ய SHƿ to encourage, to promote ଅ SHITSU; jealous, envy ݥ KA; yome, daughter-inlaw, young wife, bride; totsu(gu),to marry 585 page 118 SAI; moyo-o(shi), meeting, auspices; moyo-o (su), to hold (a meeting), to feel KEI; katamu(ki), inclination; katamu(ku) (v.i.), katamu(keru) (v.t.), to incline Ÿ Ÿ ೮ Sƿ, Buddhist priest, bonze 912 page 183 ౬ 747 page 150 ࠅ KAN; susu(meru), to advise, to persuade, to encourage સ SHI to succeed to, to inherit; heir, succession Ÿ ᎈ KYNj; ka(gu), smell, scent Ÿ ඎ TAN; nage(ku), to bewail, to deplore, to sigh ܠ 84 page 17 273 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 273 7/5/13 3:20 PM 13 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ७ KEN; kira(u), to dislike; iya, unpleasant, repugnant 246 page 50 ڷ ࠌ KAN generous, easy 441 page 89 ڈ ఖ SHIN; ne(ru), to go to bed, to sleep, to lie down ࠐ 264 page 53 Ⴗ 989 page 198 ૨ JI; itsuku(shimu), to love, to cherish, to pity Ÿ ࠎ 667 page 134 ᕝ RITSU; fear; shudder ᇝ REN noble, lofty, pure; cheap ް GAI to deplore, to lament ఙ SHIN; tsutsushi(mu), to be discreet, to refrain from ಱ 555 page 112 ུ HAN to carry, to transport, to remove SAKU to squeeze, to compress; shibo(ru), to press, to extract, to reprimand ಟ SETSU to take, to cultivate, to act in place of Ÿ ᓷ I; same kind ྫ BI slight, little, faint, dim 350 page 71 ୍ SHNj grief, sorrow, distress; ure(eru), to lament, to grieve; ure(i), grief, sorrow ई GU; oro(ka), foolish, stupid, silly 274 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 274 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 13 Strokes ़ KEI; tazusa(eru), to carry in oneތs hand, to take with one ഹ 768 page 154 ߖ 98 page 20 ਫ਼ SAI ~ years old (used as suf¿x); SEI year, age, time Ꮶ KI; break, destroy Ÿ ౘ 168 page 34 ఛ 165 page 34 ๚ DEN, TEN; ~dono, Mr., Mrs., etc. (used in formal letters); tono, lord, my lord ݩ KA; hima, time, leisure, dismissal ཌྷ BAKU a desert, vague Ÿ ඤ 945 page 190 ๆ DEKI; obo(reru), drown; indulge ڧ 243 page 49 ൪ taki, waterfall, cataract, cascade Ÿ ᚾ KAI; square character style; correctness 864 page 173 ᇴ Rƿ (lit.), stately mansion with two or more stories, watchtower ৲ Kƿ; mizo, ditch ࡘ KI to throw away, to abandon, to reject ᅗ Yƿ; to(keru), to melt, to dissolve (v.i.); to(kasu), to melt (v.t.) ࣞ 278 page 56 ஈ 733 page 147 275 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 275 7/5/13 3:20 PM 13 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ჱ METSU; horo(biru), to go to ruin, to die out; horo(bosu), to ruin, to destroy ൘ TAI; todokǀ(ru), to stagnate, to fall into arrears, to be left undone ࠛ 265 page 54 ߦ ძ 991 page 199 ႟ BOKU, mutsu(majii), intimate; friendly, harmonious; mutsu(mu), get along together ຺ TOKU to control, to supervise, to urge KATSU, KOTSU smooth, even; to slide; sube(ru) to slide ో SUI to sleep, to doze SEN; i(ru), broil, parch, roast ঽ GO, the Japanese game of go ྃ HAN; wazura(u), to be worried, ill; wazura(wasu), to trouble; wazura(washii), troublesome ࣮ 682 page 137 ܬ EN; kemuri, smoke; kemu(ru), to smoulder; kemu(i), smoky ݰ KA, misfortune, disaster, evil 541 page 109 ೕ ZEN, DhyƗna, the Zen sect of Buddhism, religious meditation ॷ KEN, KON to dedicate, to offer, to present 409 page 82 ဏ ܮ EN; saru, monkey CHI infant, young, childish, raw න ख KUTSU; cavern Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ධ CHI foolish, stupid 276 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 276 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 13 Strokes Ÿ ಣ 552 page 111 ೃ SEN; gland ॺ 861 page 173 SHU; ha(reru), ha(rasu), tumor; swelling റ 563 page 113 ෬ 574 page 115 ॅ KEI; tsu(gi) a patch; tsu(gu), to inherit, to succeed to, to come into (property, etc.) ਨ Yƿ; koshi, waist, loins 908 page 182 တ 975 page 196 ੯ 713 page 143 ิ TEI boat GAI; futa, cover, lid, Àap ೂ SEN; uraya(mu), uraya(mashii), envious, be jealous ර CHIKU to store, to save; takuwa(eru), to save, to store up द 684 page 137 915 page 184 ࡹ 674 page 135 उ osore, anxiety, apprehension ౽ 922 page 185 ᆠ RYO, captive, prisoner of war Ÿ Ÿ 570 page 115 Ÿ 277 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 277 7/5/13 3:20 PM 13 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS Ÿ প KO; hoko(ri), pride; hoko(ru), to be proud of, to boast of ಁ 923 page 185 SHƿ; kuwa(shii), detailed, minute, wellinformed ሇ 240 page 49 ࢅ KITSU; tsu(meru), to cram; tsu(maru), to be blocked; tsu(maranai), triÀing; tsu(mari), in short 307 page 62 ၶ Hƿ, hachi, bee; wasp ᆈ 1,002 page 201 ߨ KATSU woolen kimono, dark brown Ÿ ౢ suso, cuff, hem; foot of a mountain ᅯ RA; hadaka, nakedness, nude ఌ SHOKU; fu(reru), to touch, to mention; to conÀict with; to proclaim ސ 662 page 133 525 page 106 ौ KEI; mǀ(deru), visit a temple ၹ 811 page 163 GAI that, the very, the ~ in question (used as pre¿x) ᇬ RO; bribe ᅈ YO; homa(re), honor, credit, glory, reputation ሉ WAI wealth, bribe; to cater for; makana(u), to provide (meals, etc.), expenses യ ZOKU, thief, robber, burglar Ÿ Ÿ Ÿ ೇ SEN; discussion; selection 278 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 278 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 13 Strokes 953 page 191 ঁ KEN to send, to dispatch, to bestow; -zukai, use of 721 page 145 ܳ 85 page 18 SEN to step on, to go, to carry out ୟ SHNj to reward, to recompense, to return, to repay ಙ SEKI; ato, mark, trace, trail, wake, ruins RAKU dairy products ᅷ ᇭ 439 page 88 ᇑ REI; RIN, suzu, small bell CHƿ to jump, to leap, to Àee; ha(neru), to(bu), to jump, to leap HACHI, bowl, pot ཟ ߏ KAKU to compare EN; namari, lead (metal) ܴ ੪ SAI; no(seru), to load, place on, put in print; no(ru), to be put in print 700 page 141 528 page 106 ์ 374 page 75 ༔ 386 page 78 क़ GEKI; suki, crevice, ¿ssure ۅ I; chiga(u), to differ from, to be wrong; chiga(eru), to change, to break ߒ KAKU; heda(teru), to separate, to screen, to estrange; heda(taru), to be distant from Ÿ 279 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 279 7/5/13 3:20 PM 14 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ᇓ REI, zero, to fall, to rain; fragment GAN stubborn, foolish ࡂ ᅳ RAI; kaminari, thunder, thunderbolt 821 page 165 ᅊ 197 page 40 ఄ SHOKU; kaza(ru), to ornament, to embellish, to exhibit, to affect घ KA; kutsu, shoes ၼ Hƿ; a(ki), weariness, tiresomeness; a(kiru), to grow tired of, to become weary of ྄ HAN to distribute, to divide ૠ 722 page 145 য KO; tsuzumi, hand drum Ÿ ໒ TON; suddenly, immediately, in a hurry 14 STROKES ജ 762 page 153 ࣃ 680 page 137 ႙ BOKU, manservant, I BOKU; sumi, India ink, ink stick ႛ ᆣ RYƿ an of¿cial; friend, colleague 763 page 153 ഝ ୶ JUKU, cram school, private school ඁ DATSU; uba(u), to take by force, to rob, to captivate 280 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 280 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 14 Strokes ഞ Zƿ; niku(mu), to hate, to detest; niku(i), niku(rashii), hateful, provoking; niku(shimi), hatred ࠑ 668 page 134 TEKI to dislose, to reveal, to point out; tsu(mu), to pick, to pluck 474 page 95 ࡔ ᇗ REKI; koyomi, calendar, almanac ၙ 982 page 197 783 page 157 ᅕ 430 page 87 CHƿ symptom, sign; effect, proof; to summon ৭ 701 page 141 ൔ 771 page 155 ޱ GAI roughly, generally, as a rule ၗ BO; shita(u), to yearn for, to adore, to follow 992 page 199 ჹ MAN to be idle, to neglect; to despise, to be naughty, to be sel¿sh 90 page 19 ݬ ව CHAKU heir, legitimate child ઍ 516 page 104 NEI quiet, peaceful, easy; kind; rather ݧ KA few, little, small, scanty; alone; widow 934 page 187 SHƿ manifest, clear, to elucidate ື 281 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 281 7/5/13 3:20 PM 14 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ᇘ ਦ GOKU, prison, jail ᇂ RU; lapis lazuli ࡷ 848 page 170 ᣇ Yƿ; boil; carbuncle HI, monument, tombstone ྜ 892 page 179 636 page 128 Ÿ แ TEKI; shizuku, a drop (of liquid); shitata(ru), to trickle, to drip ฌ tsu(keru) (v.t.), to pickle, to preserve, to soak; tsu(karu) (v.i.), to be soaked/steeped in ࿊ HYƿ to wander about; to bleach; tadayo(u), to drift, to Àoat ଉ SHITSU; urushi, lacquer ZEN gradually; to advance gradually; at last ૱ ᇷ Rƿ; mo(ru), to leak; mo(reru), to leak, to get out (secret, etc.), to be omitted ਢ 876 page 176 MAN in spite of oneself, involuntarily, selfwillfulness; vast, wide, lax ے Tƿ; ine, rice plant ࢱ 483 page 97 ହ 531 page 107 ܩ 650 page 131 TAN right, correct, just; hashi, hata, ha-, end, tip, edge, border SEN; paper; label; letter Ÿ छ Ÿ Ÿ kuma, bear 282 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 282 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 14 Strokes ݳ KA (used as auxiliary in counting) ધ 142 page 29 ࠣ 466 page 94 ౼ 748 page 150 ჴ 818 page 164 760 page 153 ཥ BATSU, BACHI, penalty, punishment; bas(suru), to punish, to penalize ဧ 219 page 44 FU; kusa(ru), to go bad, to rot; to be dejected, to lose heart Ⴘ MAKU, membrane ြ BETSU, despise, ridicule, sagesu(mu), ignore, neglect MITSU; honey; nectar ე 749 page 150 ౿ Ÿ ක TAN, DAN; hokoro(biru), ripped; unravel ڿ I to keep; to fasten; fundamental principles Ÿ SHO, beginning, lineage; clue; o, cord, string (of a musical instrument) ৻ Kƿ basic principles; tsuna, rope, cable; last hope (of life, etc.) ᄀ Mƿ; ami, net, netting ᆶ 435 page 88 ထ 804 page 161 ᇣ 438 page 88 891 page 179 Ÿ 283 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 283 7/5/13 3:20 PM 14 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ಂ SEI; chika(i), oath, vow; chika(u), to swear, to take a vow 962 page 193 ᄾ YNj; saso(i), invitation, temptation; saso(u), to invite, to induce, to allure ি 868 page 174 ತ Ÿ ഻ SON; humble; modest ೬ SO; sakanobo(ru), go upstream; retrace the past ഘ Sƿ to encounter, to come across; a(u), to encounter, to be confronted by ଡ SHA; saegi(ru), to interrupt, to obstruct 553 page 111 ไ 778 page 156 া 124 page 25 ਊ Kƿ yeast, ferment, sake lees 206 page 42 ਣ KOKU, severity, cruelty, harshness ਛ Gƿ to excel, to stand pre-eminent; strong, vigorous; Australia બ 715 page 144 ೌ 757 page 152 ჭ MEI, signature, inscription, appellation, motto າ 781 page 157 Ÿ Ÿ ႒ Bƿ; form; appearance ᅡ Yƿ; odo(ri), dance; odo(ru), to dance, to jump Ÿ ᴭ RATSU; bitter 284 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 284 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 14 Strokes ୮ JNj, gun, riÀe JU demand, request ࣺ 281 page 57 ಇ 548 page 110 ཨ BATSU, clique, faction, clan ᆴ 825 page 166 ߑ 837 page 168 ൊ DA packhorse; sometimes used for its sound value ࠲ 467 page 94 ܘ 253 page 51 ੫ 710 page 143 ऄ KU to drive a vehicle, to chase; ka(keru), to run, to gallop ௩ 913 page 183 ལ HATSU; kami, hair, hairdo ۣ IN; kaku(reru), to hide (v.i.), to disappear; kaku(su), to hide (v.t.), to conceal KON; tamashii, soul, spirit, ghost ੀ SHI; mesu, me-, female (animal, bird; me- is also used in the case of plants) 229 page 46 ხ ઔ 714 page 143 ྱ 399 page 80 285 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 285 7/5/13 3:20 PM 15 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS 15 STROKES ݍ 452 page 91 ဝ FUN mound, tumulus, hillock, tomb ၌ HO store; to pave HIN guest GI, rule, ceremony, affair, matter ᆦ RYƿ, boarding house, dormitory ॔ 858 page 172 గ SHIN detailed, full, clear, evident, obvious ढ KUN meritorious deed, distinguished service ຩ 782 page 157 ం SHOKU to entrust, to request ᆂ RI footwear; to walk; to do, to experience; ha(ku), to put on, to wear (footwear) ာ HEI pendant paper strips in a Shinto shrine; riches, offering, money ီ HEI, evil, abuse, vice, our (used as pre¿x denoting modesty) ܆ EI; kage, shadow, reÀection, image, phantom, light TETSU to pierce, to penetrate ่ Ÿ CHƿ; azake(ru), ridicule ࡉ 475 page 96 လ FUN; fu(ku), to emit, to spout, to belch out TSUI to fall, to drop 286 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 286 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 15 Strokes SHƿ, important position, focus; to attack, to strike against; to brave ॖ GEKI; u(tsu), to ¿re (a gun, etc.), to attack, to strike, to ¿ght ᆞ RYO to consider, to deliberate, to plan, to be anxious BOKU to strike, to beat ႜ स KEI congratulation, happiness; to rejoice ้ TETSU; tes(suru), to remove, to get rid of, to withdraw (an army, etc.) ᄳ YNj; ure(i), grief, anxiety, afÀiction; ure(eru), to fear, to lament, to be worried એ SATSU to pinch, to pick, to gather, to take a photograph; to(ru), to photograph, to ¿lm ڸ I; nagusa(me), comfort; nagusa(mi), pastime; nagusa(meru), to comfort, to console FU; shi(ku), to spread, to pave, to sit on (a cushion), to lay (a railway) KEI; yearn for, admire เ 779 page 156 ສ SHƿ; akoga(reru), yearn after, long for ય ZAN for a little while, for some time သ FUN; ikidǀ(ru), to be indignant, to resent 814 page 163 ႉ ࡲ GI fun, play, Àirtation; tawamu(reru), to joke, to play, to Àirt with Sƿ tank, vat അ Ÿ ᕯ Ÿ Ÿ ᗥ SHI; gift; seriousness ࿈ 599 page 120 Ⴌ MA to rub, to grind, to wear away; ma(suru) (lit.), to nearly touch, to scrape ݁ 255 page 52 287 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 287 7/5/13 3:20 PM 15 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS Ÿ ॴ 862 page 173 ᆆ RI; lapis lazuli ࡞ KI; capital, suburbs of capital ࠠ KAN to watch over, to keep control over, to supervise; prison, jail Ÿ ࠙ KAN to rejoice ढ़ 686 page 138 ౣ CHƿ; su(mu), to become clear or serene (moon, stream, sky, mind, etc.) ྉ BAN, board (for chess, etc.), shallow basin, phonograph record, plate SEN, dive, submerge, lurk; hiso(mu), to lie concealed, mogu(ru), to dive in, to crawl in 664 page 133 ߊ KEI; think, consider, quarrel ू Kƿ, draft, rough copy, manuscript ৶ ၔ SUI; ho, ear (of wheat, etc.), head ݲ KA; kase(gu), to work, to earn ᅚ Yƿ; kama, kiln for baking tiles, ceramics, etc. ࢟ KYNj; kiwa(meru), to carry to extremes; kiwa(maru), to end, to reach the extreme Ÿ ߟ kata, lagoon உ JUN; uruo(i), moisture; pro¿t; charm; uruo(su) (v.t.), to moisten; to pro¿t Ÿ ณ KAI; tsubu(su), tsubu(reru), crush, smash ෦ 952 page 191 ୷ 905 page 182 ༂ 589 page 118 288 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 288 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 15 Strokes Ÿ Ÿ བ hashi, chopsticks ཱྀ HAN, example, model པ 390 page 79 ࣱ KIN to shrink, to become tight, to contract; severe, strict, hard, solid ༡ BA; nonoshi(ru), abuse; insult ྟ HI to pause, to intermit, to dismiss, to release, to get tired FU; hada, skin (of the body) Ÿ ྸ ခ ഠ hiza, knee; lap Ÿ ᨤ CHI; ¿ne (not coarse) Jƿ; nawa, rope ೀ 176 page 36 ေ HEI;cover; shade; conceal ำ TEI; shi(maru), to be shut, to be tight; shi(meru), to tie, to tighten, to shut (v.t.) ၷ Hƿ; ho(meru), to praise ܚ ETSU, (Imperial) audience; audience with persons of high rank ൸ DAKU, consent, assent ඞ 943 page 189 BU; mai, dancing, dance; ma(u), to dance 936 page 188 Ÿ ࠥ ၂ ܯ KAN slow, easy, slack, lenient; yuru(i), loose, lenient 806 page 162 EN, relation, ties, blood relation; fate; veranda, porch; fuchi, edge, verge 289 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 289 7/5/13 3:20 PM 15 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS Ÿ උ dare, who; someone 542 page 109 ඨ 363 page 73 ଋ 726 page 146 ݻ 456 page 92 SHU; omomuki, taste, elegance, grace, air, appearance, purport, effect ಃ SEI, SHIN; ko(u), to beg, to ask, to request; u(keru), to receive, to undertake ᳱ Sƿ; remains; clue; footprint ሄ 1,006 page 202 ຝ Tƿ; fu(mu), to step on, to tread on; fu(maeru), to step on, to be based on ෮ 369 page 74 ༮ HAI fellows, companions ஜ 909 page 182 ࡩ KI; kagaya(ku), to shine, to be radiant ༹ BAI to make up for, to compensate for 631 page 127 ᆾ FU (lit.), ode, poetical prose; tribute, levy, allotment JUN to obey, to observe, to abide by SHI; tamawa(ru), to deign to give, to grant, to award ೋ SEN to move from one location to another, to transfer ફ 716 page 144 ೊ 556 page 112 Ÿ 290 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 290 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 16 Strokes Ÿ ۆ 827 page 166 ܂ JI; e, esa,food, bait; prey ܔ EI; surudo(i), sharp, pointed, biting, acute, keen, smart 624 page 125 ᅤ CHNj; i(ru), to cast (metal), to found GA to be hungry, to starve ތ ܜ ETSU (lit.), inspection, examination; to examine, to inspect, to peruse, to elapse आ koma, pony, horse ర SHIN; furu(u), furu(eru), to shake (v.i.), to tremble; furu(waseru), to shake (v.t.) ා CHNj to stop, to stay ᇔ REI, tama, soul, spirit, ghost MI; mi(suru) (lit.), to fascinate, to enchant, to bewitch ᄅ MOKU; dama(ru), to become silent, to close oneތs lips Ÿ ᄉ Ÿ HEI; mochi, rice cake 16 STROKES ା JU Confucianism, Confucianist, scholar; cowardice, tenderness Jƿ earth, soil ௳ ࣛ GYƿ; ko(ri), stiffness; ko(ru), to be absorbed in, to elaborate, to grow stiff ඡ DAN, platform, dais, raised Àoor KON to cultivate, to farm, to reclaim ޓ KAI to collapse, to be destroyed; to break, to destroy 291 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 291 7/5/13 3:20 PM 16 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ့ HEKI; kabe, wall ഀ 935 page 188 အ 976 page 196 345 page 70 ௴ Jƿ, Miss (used as suf¿x), girl, unmarried lady, daughter ໔ DON; kumo(ri), cloudy weather, blur; kumo(ru), to become cloudy, to become dim ਅ Kƿ, scale, beam; to measure, to weigh 897 page 180 ୃ ܒ 646 page 130 ࣌ 277 page 56 ऺ KEI to take a rest; iko(i), vacation; iko(u), to take a rest ࡙ 476 page 96 ९ 863 page 173 ൷ DAKU; nigo(ri), turbidity; voiced sound; nigo(ru), to become muddy or cloudy ࠒ KAN to regret, to be sorry for Nƿ; ko(i), dark, deep, thick, heavy, strong ༏ ݏ OKU to remember, to keep in mind, to think 859 page 172 ॗ ޙ KAI oneތs pocket; to think, to long for; natsu(kashii), beloved, longed for 786 page 158 ༇ ᅒ Yƿ; yǀ(suru), to protect, to embrace, to hold ୫ JNj; kemono, beast, brute 292 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 292 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 16 Strokes ߉ KAKU; e(ru), to get, to obtain, to gain ୬ 903 page 181 Ⴍ MA; miga(ku), to polish, to improve ZEN; small low table; tray ݘ ON; oda(yaka), calm, quiet, peaceful, mild ႐ Bƿ; fuku(ramu), to swell, to expand; fuku(reru), to swell, to expand, to sulk ಓ 550 page 111 ࣓ 702 page 141 ຼ TOKU genuine, sincere, hearty, cordial ೆ SEN to recommend; susu(meru), to recommend භ 774 page 155 SHIN ¿rewood; takigi, ¿rewood ດ 958 page 192 त KUN fragrance; to be fragrant; kao(ru), to be fragrant ၱ Hƿ; nu(u), to sew, to stitch ᄞ 420 page 85 ۀ I parallels of latitude; cross-threads ཊ HAKU; usu(i), thin, light, pale, weak, small (pro¿t, etc.) ཏ BAKU; shiba(ru), to bind, to tie, to arrest YNj, to melt; to circulate, to ventilate ᅃ HAN thick, many, much, thriving; troublesome, busy, mixed ཽ ప 166 page 34 Ÿ 293 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 293 7/5/13 3:20 PM 16 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS SHI to consult, to ask counsel of; haka(ru), to consult KAN to return, to come back ಅ SE; sa(meru), sa(masu), awake, be disillusioned; sober up ᶤ KO; to tie ఁ Jƿ, lock, padlock; tablet (medical) (used as suf¿x for counting tablets) 640 page 129 ሃ આ SAKU to be mixed together, to make a mistake ᇧ REN to temper or forge metal; to train, to cultivate, to polish, to drill morally ࣩ KIN; nishiki, brocade; ¿ne dress, honors 874 page 175 ᆿ RIN; tonari, next door house; next to, neighboring ᇒ REI servant, follower Ÿ ໜ Ÿ nazo, riddle; puzzle; enigma; hint Ÿ Ÿ ึ TEI; akira(meru), abandon; give up ᅠ Yƿ; utai, chanting of a Noh drama text ᄩ YU; sato(su), to admonish, to instruct Ÿ ᱫ KAI; harmony, order ႑ Bƿ, MU; haka(ru), to scheme, to conspire ॿ KEN; kashiko(i), wise, intelligent, tactful, smart, shrewd Ÿ Ÿ TO; ka(keru), gamble; wager; bet ᄪ 819 page 164 ྤ HI; sa(keru), to avoid, to keep away from, shirk 294 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 294 7/12/13 9:15 AM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 17 Strokes Ÿ ႗ hǀ, cheek ᅲ RAI; tano(mu), to request; tano(mi), a request; tano(moshii), trustworthy; tayo(ru), to rely on ຢ 203 page 41 ࠵ 266 page 54 GAI; bone, body, corpse ჷ MEN; noodles; wheat Àour Ÿ Ÿ 17 STROKES SHƿ; tsuguna(i), indemnity, atonement; tsuguna(u), to make up for, to atone for ࡴ GI; gi(suru), to point or aim (an object) at; to imitate; to compare Ÿ ᄭ 995 page 200 ᙏ AI; kurai, dark, not clear উ 865 page 174 ൳ TAKU wash, rinse ߁ KAKU to threaten, to menace Sƿ to dry ഇ KON kind, cordial, in love with, intimate SHAKU peerage, title and court rank ࡶ GI sacri¿ce, victim ࠞ KAN ring, link; to surround Ÿ ൕ TAI; receive; be crowned with ઐ SATSU to rub, to scrub, to scratch; su(reru), to rub, to become worn; su(ru) to rub, to chafe 295 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 295 7/5/13 3:20 PM 17 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ᆫ!! RYƿ to cure, to heal ᅿ 1,001 page 201 ປ Tƿ to take a copy of, to transcribe ॾ KEN to humble oneself, to condescend ଟ 728 page 146 ࣶ KIN to restrain oneself, to be respectful; tsutsushi(mu), to be humble Ÿ ᆬ RYƿ; clear Ÿ ອ Dƿ; hitomi, pupil of the eye ࣐ KYƿ; ta(meru), to straighten, to correct SHƿ submerged rock, unknown reef ಕ 752 page 151 ਆ 703 page 141 ୴ 904 page 181 ਈ Kƿ to purchase, to buy ು SEN thin, slender, ¿ne, small KATSU control, management ߩ ᅫ YOKU to aid, to assist; tsubasa, wing SHNj; miniku(i), ugly, unseemly, ignoble ୡ ෪ CHƿ to listen to, to comply with; ki(ku), to listen to, to take notice of ໟ nabe, pot; pan; kettle ং KEN; kagi, key Ÿ ݐ Ÿ Ÿ OKU; timidity, cowardly, fear 296 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 296 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 18 Strokes ඟ TAN; kita(eru), to forge; to train, to cultivate (morally) HIN frequent SEN fresh, new, clean, Korea, few; aza(yaka), bright, clear, graceful ᇖ REI age, years Ÿ ک yami, darkness; gloom ച Sƿ; shimo, frost Ÿ ࠴ KAN; Korea 18 STROKES CHƿ; ko(rasu), to punish, to discipline, to chasten; ko(riru), to learn from experience SHUN a short time; to wink, to twinkle, to Àicker; matata(ku), to wink, to twinkle, to blink ᅓ 236 page 48 ೣ SO; ishizue, foundation, cornerstone ᅼ RAN at random, wantonly; excessive; to overÀow, to Àoat ߋ KAKU to reap, to harvest Ÿ HEKI;ball; sphere ࠤ 843 page 169 ᄨ YU; ier(ru), get well, recover; i(yasu), to heal, cure, quench (one’s thirst) ᆮ RYƿ food, provisions း HEKI; kuse, habit, peculiar way, frizz (of hair), weakness ೖ ZEN; tsukuro(u), to patch up, to mend, to trim, to smooth over 297 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 297 7/5/13 3:20 PM 18 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS KEN; mayu, silkworm cocoon ഡ Zƿ; oku(ru), to present as a gift ఉ 742 page 149 ੍ SA hasp; to shut, to close; kusari, chain Ⴉ HON; hirugae(ru), to Àutter; hirugae(su), to wave (v.t.); to change (oneތs mind) ߵ kama, sickle, scythe ఊ 743 page 149 CHIN to calm, to quiet, to tranquilize; to suppress; shizu(meru), to suppress, to pacify ᆽ 1,004 page 201 Tƿ; tataka(u), to ¿ght 960 page 193 ᆋ RI; hana(reru) (v.i.), hana(su) (v.t.), to separate, to part, to divide, to keep apart GAKU; ago, jaw, chin ߘ 665 page 134 Ÿ Ÿ ᅽ RAN, ai, indigo (blue); indigo plant Ÿ ນ Tƿ; fuji, wisteria Ÿ ཿ HAN, Japanese feudal clan or domain ࣵ KIN; eri, neckband, collar ߗ ဒ FUKU; ǀ(u), veil, conceal, wrap; kutsugae(su) (v.t.), kutsugae(ru) (v.i.), overturn ൨ 360 page 73 ࠫ 468 page 94 KEN bright, clear, distinguished, manifest; to show, to manifest 298 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 298 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 19 Strokes ᇆ 632 page 127 ࡃ 103 page 21 অ 500 page 101 ഛ Sƿ; sawa(gi), noise, disturbance; sawa(gu), to make a noise, to make a disturbance KI suf¿x for counting horsemen; cavalry, saddle horse; to ride, to mount 19 STROKES Ÿ ౧ se, shallows, rapids ཎ BAKU to burst, to explode ૯ JI Imperial seal ၛ BO notebook ट ku(ru), to reel (thread, etc.), to gin (cotton), to turn over (pages, etc.) ᅭ RA, silk gauze, thin silk ട 937 page 188 EN; tsuya, luster, gloss, polish, sheen ܰ Sƿ; mo, seaweed ഔ HA, supremacy, domination ༚ FU, music, musical score; family record, genealogy 725 page 146 ૻ 857 page 172 ् SHNj; ke(ru), kick Ÿ 299 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 299 7/5/13 3:20 PM 20 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS ࣖ 486 page 98 ტ MU; kiri, mist, fog, spray ॓ GEI; kujira, whale ॐ KEI; niwatori, chicken ሀ ROKU, fumoto, foot of a mountain ᇕ REI; uruwa(shii), ¿ne, lovely, beautiful, elegant, graceful Ÿ ۤ IN, rhyme, echo, taste, elegance ࡄ 469 page 94 ౕ ZUI, marrow, pith 20 STROKES ॰ KEN, KE to hang, to suspend; to offer a reward; to be anxious; to depend on ᅻ RAN, column (of, a newspaper, etc.); railing ࢻ 487 page 98 ಔ SEKI, census, register, membership Jƿ; yuzu(ru), to hand over, to concede to, to yield to, to reserve 696 page 140 ী 477 page 96 ࡼ ఀ Jƿ to brew; kamo(su), to brew, to distil, to bring about ௨ SHƿ; kane, bell ࣗ KYƿ; hibi(ki), sound, echo, vibration; hibi(ku), to echo, to vibrate 300 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 300 7/5/13 3:20 PM GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS • 21, 22, 23 Strokes ຣ Tƿ to rise, to ascend, to leap 21 STROKES ࠩ KAN warship ᄠ YAKU; odo(ru), to leap, to jump; to rise, to go up ᇮ RO to expose, to lay bare; to be exposed, to come to light; Russia; tsuyu, dew ম KO; kaeri(miru), to look back, to reÀect upon oneself, to think of, to heed Ⴎ MA, devil, demon, evil spirit ป tsuru, crane; stork Ÿ 22 STROKES ᧀ Rƿ, be crowded; ko(moru), seclude oneself, be ¿lled with; kago, cage; basket SHNj, oso(u), to attack; to succeed to; to make a surprise visit Ÿ ࣙ KYƿ; odoro(ki), surprise; odoro(ku), to be surprised or frightened, to marvel (at) 23 STROKES KAN model, pattern, example; kanga(miru), in light of, in consideration of 301 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 301 7/5/13 3:20 PM 29 Strokes • GENERAL-USE CHARACTERS 29 STROKES Ÿ UTSU; depression, gloom, melancholy; us(suru), fusa(gu), to be depressed 302 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 302 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX In this index, the center column provides this information: • All Essential characters are referenced by their character number only. • All General Use characters that are not Essential characters are referenced by their page number. Page numbers are followed by either “a” or “b” to indicate the left or right column on that page. The righthand column provides the reference number that the New Nelson Dictionary assigns to the character. 1࣮ 1 stroke ୍ 1 2 strokes 367 7 3 strokes 204a 204a 227 ୕ 3 ୗ 24 ୖ 23 4 strokes 600 5 strokes 208a ୟ 208b ୣ 209a ୡ 344 6 strokes ୧ 434 8 strokes ୪ 977 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 16 17 19 20 23 24 2୫ 4 strokes ୰ 26 7 strokes ୵ 218a 9 strokes ⾺ 234a 28 30 31 3୷ 3 strokes 101 34 4 strokes 205a 5 strokes 209a 315 36 37 38 4 3 strokes ஂ 676 4 strokes ஈ 205a 9 strokes 336 47 46 54 5எ 1 stroke எ 203b 2 strokes 9 3 strokes ஒ 204a 7 strokes 999 8 strokes ங 961 11 strokes ட 253a 253a 2 strokes 2 4 strokes 205b 205b 5 7 strokes ள 218a 61 9ை 57 59 62 63 67 68 69 72 75 76 77 81 8ஷ 60 56 71 7 3 strokes ஸ 985 6 strokes 128 8 strokes ா 225a ி 110 9 strokes ீ 234a 6 2 strokes 203a 4 strokes ண 425 6 strokes த 558 8 strokes 309 2 strokes ே 39 4 strokes 206a ோ 917 805 138 5 strokes 209a ௨ 443 ௧ 633 86 90 92 93 96 99 108 110 111 112 120 109 121 354 301 602 ௦ 358 6 strokes ௳ 687 ఆ 213a ఄ 213a 213b ௵ 785 ௮ 213b అ 213b ௰ 571 ఏ 580 ఇ 80 93 ௬ 656 347 7 strokes ఝ 724 ణ 218a బ 218a ఛ 218a క 218a 218a 445 ఙ 218b ఫ 325 య 182 ప 575 స 141 వ 820 ఱ 86 8 strokes 225a 122 123 124 125 130 132 133 135 136 137 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 138 154 155 156 157 158 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 187 303 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 303 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX ౯ 657 ⯋ 727 ే 225a ౫ 225a ౝ 225b 635 ె 225b ౪ 850 303 9 strokes 234a 234a ಁ 234a ಇ 234b ಀ 286 234b ౽ 610 234b ಙ 544 ಖ 808 10 strokes ೌ 243a ನ 243a ಥ 796 243a ೝ 243a ಧ 243a ೃ 504 ಸ 389 ತ 969 559 ಽ 243b ್ 946 ಶ 695 530 ಟ 730 11 strokes ഄ 253a 577 അ 253a ഃ 562 ഇ 253a ೫ 253a 499 12 strokes ച 263a ഛ 795 ೧ 263a ഐ 263a 13 strokes ഹ 272a 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 205 211 212 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 235 240 243 246 248 249 250 252 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 270 273 274 275 276 277 278 283 284 285 286 292 ഔ 272a ഫ 272b മ 272b ാ 585 ദ 273a ഴ 273a ൔ 273a യ 912 14 strokes ീ 762 280a 280a 15 strokes ൨ 452 ⯒ 286a 286a 16 strokes ൲ 291a 17 strokes ൾ 295a ඃ 995 293 294 296 297 298 299 300 301 308 313 314 321 322 324 330 333 334 10 ඒ 4 strokes ඖ 117 5 strokes 114 6 strokes 573 214a ග 129 ඛ 43 7 strokes ඞ 218b ඣ 526 8 strokes ච 225b 10 strokes ඪ 957 343 344 346 348 349 350 354 355 361 363 11 ධ 2 strokes ධ 28 366 12 ඵ 2 strokes ඵ 8 4 strokes භ 6 බ 126 6 strokes ඹ 484 369 371 372 373 7 strokes ර 606 8 strokes 579 ල 284 10 strokes ව 244a 374 375 376 381 13 ස 4 strokes 50 ෆ 207 5 strokes 884 6 strokes 706 385 386 389 391 14 ු 4 strokes 206a 5 strokes 313 9 strokes ෙ 235a 10 strokes ෞ 244a 399 400 401 405 15 5 strokes 199 7 strokes ෬ 219a ෭ 634 10 strokes 244a 244a 244a 16 strokes จ 291a 410 418 419 425 426 427 431 16 ช 3 strokes ซ 204b 5 strokes ฎ 907 433 435 17 บ 4 strokes ป 206b 5 strokes ฝ 209b พ 209b ฟ 29 18 ฤ 2 strokes ย 198 3 strokes ล 204b 4 strokes ส 206b ษ 173 ศ 218 5 strokes ห 666 6 strokes ฮ 214a 7 strokes ู 607 ุ 790 626 ึ 535 8 strokes ๆ 688 ็ 225b ฿ 226a ๅ 514 ่ 226a ไ 744 ้ 875 9 strokes ๎ 764 ๐ 235a ๓ 177 10 strokes ๗ 244a 244a 244a ๛ 244a 244b 11 strokes 253b 604 12 strokes 932 838 15 strokes 858 448 449 452 453 454 456 461 467 465 466 469 473 474 477 479 480 481 478 487 488 490 492 493 496 497 498 501 503 506 507 517 19 ຊ 442 443 444 445 2 strokes ຊ 38 5 strokes ຌ 502 ຍ 453 521 522 523 304 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 304 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 7 strokes ດ 582 ບ 219a ຓ 330 ປ 639 8 strokes ຠ 697 ລ 226a 9 strokes ຨ 235a ສ 235a ຬ 622 10 strokes ຮ 413 11 strokes ົ 815 ຺ 253b ື 384 12 strokes ເ 263a 853 335 13 strokes ໃ 747 ່ 273a 15 strokes 286a 527 528 530 531 535 534 539 540 541 543 546 548 549 551 552 553 558 559 560 20 ໖ 4 strokes ໝ 206b ໙ 206b 5 strokes ໟ 611 567 568 572 21 4 strokes 258 5 strokes 224 580 581 22 4 strokes ༉ 206b ༊ 282 7 strokes ་ 244 10 strokes ༏ 244b 5 strokes ༨ 210a 7 strokes ༷ 219a ༸ 1000 ༶ 219b 9 strokes ༺ 235b 608 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 624 631 632 633 641 27 ཁ 4 strokes གྷ 207a 9 strokes ཊ 235b ཌ 698 10 strokes ཎ 119 17 strokes ཝ 865 646 650 651 652 663 28 འ 590 29 ཪ 598 603 604 26 ༮ 584 585 591 599 25 ༦ 5 strokes ཤ 276 8 strokes ཧ 517 24 ༑ 2 strokes ༑ 10 3 strokes ༓ 12 4 strokes ༖ 206b ༗ 122 5 strokes ༙ 214 8 strokes ༞ 564 ༟ 226a ༠ 485 9 strokes ༝ 235a ༡ 208 ༢ 569 12 strokes ༤ 593 2 strokes ཪ 203b 3 strokes ཬ 204b 665 666 668 670 4 strokes 234 207a 393 898 8 strokes ུ 226b ཷ 319 ྲྀ 317 9 strokes ླྀ 235b 672 673 674 675 677 678 679 681 30 ཱྀ 3 strokes ཱྀ 34 5 strokes ྏ 210a ྕ 297 ྃ 683 ྊ 210a ྐ 523 ྖ 524 ྎ 183 ྑ 22 ྍ 655 ྂ 121 6 strokes ྡྷ 869 ྣ 214b ྉ 214b ྤ 214b ྜྷ 214b ྥ 294 ྾ 849 ྛ 462 ྜ 134 ྡ 55 ྠ 204 7 strokes ࿅ 219b ࿊ 219b ྫྷ 219b ࿋ 219b ྰ 972 ྵ 219b ࿌ 507 ྩ 285 ྿ 219b 8 strokes ࿚ 226b 415 685 691 692 693 695 697 698 699 700 701 702 704 706 708 709 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 728 734 740 741 742 743 744 746 747 764 766 416 ࿘ 532 867 440 9 strokes ဗ 235b ဏ 235b ယ 235b ရ 405 10 strokes ှ 244b ၀ 244b ၁ 244b ဨ 248 ့ 244b ဴ 244b ၈ 244b 11 strokes ႑ 253b ၚ 253b ၨ 253b ၐ 538 ၥ 418 ၏ 254a ၟ 333 12 strokes ႘ 263b ႏ 263b ႙ 263b ႃ 263b ႚ 263b Ⴀ 645 ႐ 473 ၿ 929 13 strokes Ⴙ 273a Ⴅ 273a Ⴣ 273a 15 strokes კ 286a ლ 286a ჾ 475 ᄇ 286a 17 strokes ᄐ 295a 767 768 769 770 788 790 791 792 802 803 807 808 810 811 812 824 826 828 829 830 831 832 839 852 853 854 855 857 858 859 868 871 872 894 897 898 900 915 31 ᅀ 5 strokes ᅃ 210b ᅄ 4 937 938 305 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 305 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 6 strokes ᅉ 643 ᅋ 772 ᅇ 92 7 strokes ᅖ 446 ᅔ 878 ᅗ 167 8 strokes ᅛ 501 ᅜ 136 12 strokes ᅪ 263b 13 strokes ᅬ 84 939 940 941 945 946 947 949 950 960 962 32 ᅵ 3 strokes ᅵ 19 5 strokes ᅽ 641 6 strokes ኊ 215a ᅾ 711 ᆅ 184 7 strokes ኍ 220a ᆏ 394 ᆓ 220a ᆙ 220a ᆒ 681 ኌ 170 211 8 strokes ᆤ 227a ᆶ 918 9 strokes ᇉ 235b ᆺ 493 ᇛ 914 10 strokes ᇙ 245a 11 strokes ᇸ 254a ᇦ 828 ᇵ 254a ሁ 254a ᇼ 254a ᇽ 584 ᇳ 254a ᇶ 670 966 970 974 975 976 983 985 986 987 988 989 990 998 999 1009 1010 1011 1020 1028 1030 1032 1035 1036 1037 1039 1040 12 strokes ለ 263b ሀ 264a ሯ 264a ሟ 264a ሪ 264a ሐ 264a ሠ 264a ሓ 264a ሙ 161 ሗ 810 13 strokes ረ 273b ሰ 273b ሢ 273b ሸ 273b 809 ሬ 273b ሷ 451 14 strokes ሿ 280a ቃ 680 ቚ 280b ቑ 763 15 strokes ቒ 286a ቡ 286b 16 strokes ቧ 291a ተ 291b ቭ 291b ቯ 291b ቨ 292a 1033 1038 1048 1051 1052 1054 1056 1057 1058 1059 1068 1069 1070 1072 1073 1074 1075 1083 1085 1086 1088 1082 1095 1097 1098 1101 1102 1103 33 ኈ 3 strokes ኈ 521 1117 34 ኗ 5 strokes 199 9 strokes ኚ 609 10 strokes ኟ 88 410 1119 1120 36 ኤ 3 strokes ኤ 54 5 strokes እ 96 1123 1125 6 strokes ከ 180 8 strokes ኪ 232 13 strokes ክ 816 1127 1129 1131 37 3 strokes 25 4 strokes ኵ 601 ኴ 181 ኳ 67 5 strokes ኸ 254 ኻ 529 8 strokes ዉ 227a ዑ 227a ዊ 227a ወ 227a 9 strokes ዎ 236a ዌ 930 12 strokes ዟ 264a 13 strokes ዡ 273b 14 strokes ዣ 280b 16 strokes ዧ 976 1133 1136 1137 1138 1140 1141 1147 1148 1149 1150 1155 1156 1165 1167 1171 1172 38 ዪ 3 strokes ዪ 41 5 strokes ያ 210b 6 strokes ድ 215a ዶ 215a ዴ 215a ዲ 503 7 strokes ጉ 220a ጇ 220b ዷ 220b ዿ 220b ጁ 220b 8 strokes ጣ 227a ጊ 227a ጒ 226 ጔ 708 ጜ 146 ጞ 304 ጤ 245 9 strokes ጻ 236a ጼ 888 ጾ 236a 10 strokes ጲ 245a ፎ 245a ፉ 245a ፗ 245a 11 strokes ፠ 254b ፧ 254b ፬ 800 12 strokes 264a ፵ 264b ፹ 264b 13 strokes ᎖ 273b ᎑ 273b ᎘ 274a 14 strokes Ꭰ 281a 16 strokes Ꮉ 292a 1196 1197 1199 1200 1201 1203 1204 1215 1216 1219 1217 1224 1230 1231 1240 1242 1243 1244 1246 1247 1255 1256 1257 1263 1270 39 Ꮚ 1173 1174 1176 1177 1178 1180 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 3 strokes Ꮚ 40 4 strokes Ꮝ 207a 6 strokes Ꮡ 938 Ꮠ 78 7 strokes Ꮥ 870 8 strokes Ꮨ 471 Ꮫ 45 9 strokes Ꮩ 236a 10 strokes Ꮮ 565 1281 1282 1284 1285 1289 1292 1294 1293 1296 306 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 306 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 40 Ꮻ 41 ᑍ 6 strokes Ꮿ 940 Ᏹ 829 Ᏺ 316 Ᏻ 242 7 strokes 464 8 strokes ᐅ 227b ᐂ 947 ᐄ 227b ᐆ 983 ᐀ 899 ᐁ 465 ᐃ 371 ᐇ 312 9 strokes ᐊ 152 ᐉ 924 ᐈ 270 10 strokes ᐓ 245a ᐗ 245a ᐖ 460 ᐘ 245a ᐜ 822 ᐑ 274 ᐙ 89 11 strokes ᐢ 254b ᐦ 990 ᐟ 327 ᐤ 671 12 strokes ᐩ 801 ᐮ 263 13 strokes ᐶ 274a ᐷ 274a 14 strokes ᐹ 516 ᑀ 281a ᐻ 281a 15 strokes ㈱ 286b ᑅ 286b ᑂ 286b 3 strokes ᑍ 920 6 strokes ᑎ 149 7 strokes ᑑ 220b ᑐ 356 9 strokes ᑒ 236a ᑓ 925 10 strokes ᑗ 911 ᑕ 893 11 strokes ᑚ 254b 12 strokes ᑜ 264b ᑛ 939 15 strokes ᑟ 782 1308 1309 1310 1311 1315 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1327 1328 1329 1330 1332 1333 1334 1335 1336 1337 1342 1343 1344 1345 1349 1350 1352 1353 1360 1361 1363 1365 1366 1367 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1379 1380 1383 1385 1386 1388 42 ᑠ 3 strokes ᑠ 27 4 strokes ᑡ 160 8 strokes ᑦ 228a 1389 1390 1395 43 ᑪ 12 strokes ᑵ 900 1401 44 ᑹ 4 strokes ᑻ 895 5 strokes ᑽ 210b ᑼ 211a 6 strokes ᑾ 215b 7 strokes ᒀ 220b ᑿ 220b ᒁ 280 8 strokes ᒆ 959 ᒅ 228a ᒃ 678 9 strokes ᒇ 256 1404 1406 1407 1408 1410 1411 1412 1413 1415 1416 1421 10 strokes ᒎ 955 12 strokes ᒓ 766 14 strokes ᒙ 934 15 strokes ᒚ 286b 1425 10 strokes ᕪ 508 1430 49 ᕫ 1432 1434 45 ᒡ 4 strokes ᒡ 207b 1438 46 ᒣ 3 strokes ᒣ 58 7 strokes ᒱ 221a 8 strokes ᓅ 228a ᓁ 228a ᓊ 267 ᒸ 228a ᒾ 102 9 strokes ᓘ 236b ᓙ 236b 10 strokes ᓠ 245b ᓥ 380 11 strokes ᓮ 254b ᓴ 254b ᓫ 254b ᔂ 255a 12 strokes ᔒ 264b 1439 1447 1457 1458 1459 1460 1461 1464 1465 1473 1476 1485 1488 1490 1491 1496 47 ᕝᕜ 3 strokes ᕝ 59 6 strokes ᕠ 215b ᕞ 320 1540 1545 50 ᕵ 3 strokes ᕵ 205b 5 strokes ᕸ 799 ᕷ 144 6 strokes ᕹ 215b 7 strokes ᕼ 470 9 strokes ᖇ 236b ᖊ 236b 10 strokes ᖍ 549 ᖌ 720 ᖏ 566 ᖐ 106 11 strokes ᖒ 368 ᖖ 740 12 strokes ᖗ 264b ᖜ 264b 13 strokes ᖥ 989 15 strokes ᖯ 286b 1547 1548 1549 1551 1553 1560 1562 1561 1562 1563 1564 1568 1569 1573 1574 1578 1585 51 ᖸ 1526 1528 1529 48 ᕤ 3 strokes ᕤ 59 5 strokes ᕦ 211a ᕧ 211a ᕥ 21 3 strokes ᕫ 866 9 strokes ᕳ 841 1537 1532 1533 1534 1535 3 strokes ᖸ 840 5 strokes ᖹ 411 6 strokes ᖺ 20 8 strokes ᖾ 295 13 strokes ᖿ 667 1589 1590 1593 1595 1596 307 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 307 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 52 ᗀ 56 ᘣ 4 strokes ᗁ 207b 5 strokes ᗂ 996 9 strokes ᗃ 236b 12 strokes ᗄ 265a 6 strokes ᘨ 216a ᘧ 311 1598 1599 57 ᘪ 1600 3 strokes ᘪ 107 4 strokes ᘫ 207b ᘬ 81 7 strokes ᘵ 194 8 strokes ᘻ 228b ᘺ 228b 9 strokes ᘼ 236b 10 strokes ᙅ 154 11 strokes ᙇ 775 ᙉ 111 12 strokes ᙎ 265a 1601 53 ᗅ 5 strokes ᗇ 950 ᗈ 127 7 strokes ᗎ 734 ᗋ 221a 8 strokes ᗓ 603 ᗏ 576 ᗑ 195 9 strokes ᗘ 377 10 strokes ᗜ 292 ᗞ 372 ᗙ 880 11 strokes ᗣ 506 ᗤ 255a ᗢ 255a 12 strokes ᗯ 265a ᗫ 265a 13 strokes ᗮ 274a 1603 1604 1607 1608 1611 1612 1613 1616 1617 1618 1619 1621 1624 1625 1622 1639 1634 54 ᘎ 7 strokes ᘐ 221a 8 strokes ᘏ 831 9 strokes ᘓ 498 1654 1657 1660 55 ᘗ 5 strokes ᘚ 807 7 strokes ᘝ 221a 15 strokes ᘢ 286b 1666 1668 1670 1675 1676 1678 1680 1681 1685 1688 1689 1687 1692 1694 1695 1699 58 ⺌ 6 strokes ᙜ 200 13 strokes ᙡ 274a 1706 1709 59 ᙦ 7 strokes ᙧ 115 11 strokes ᙬ 255a ᙮ 255a 14 strokes ᙲ 281a 15 strokes ᙳ 286b 1713 1718 1719 1721 1722 60 ᙵ 7 strokes ᙺ 419 8 strokes ᚄ 492 ᚁ 228b ᙼ 228b 652 1726 1730 1731 1732 1733 9 strokes ᚊ 1003 ᚅ 357 ᚋ 123 10 strokes ᚎ 246a ᚐ 581 ᚑ 902 11 strokes ⾡ 732 ᚓ 587 12 strokes ᚠ 265a ⾤ 461 803 ᚚ 265a 13 strokes ᚤ 274a 14 strokes ᚨ 783 ᚩ 281a 15 strokes ᚭ 286b ⾪ 287a 16 strokes ⾮ 292a ⾨ 646 1740 1741 1742 1744 1746 1745 1754 1755 1758 1759 1760 1761 1765 1767 1768 1771 1772 1775 1776 61 ᚰᚱ 4 strokes ᚰ 164 5 strokes ᚲ 597 6 strokes ᛁ 216a 7 strokes ᛀ 986 ᚿ 718 ᚷ 221b ᚸ 221b ᛂ 651 ᛌ 661 8 strokes ᛕ 590 ᛅ 948 ᛧ 229a 229a ᛶ 745 9 strokes ᛰ 237a ᛷ 237a 1780 1781 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1789 1802 1800 1801 1817 1821 1822 1818 1819 ᛣ 237a ᛴ 272 ᛮ 147 ᜟ 237a 237a ᜏ 237a 10 strokes 246a ᜤ 246a 246b ᜨ 246b ᜥ 351 ᜠ 654 ᜊ 246b ᜍ 246b ᝎ 246b ᝋ 246b ᝅ 246b 11 strokes ᝈ 255b ᝏ 241 255b 255b ᝆ 255b ᝰ 255b 255b 741 12 strokes ᝨ 265a ᝒ 397 ៃ 265a ទ 265b 265b 13 strokes 350 ឋ 274a ហ 274a ព 246 ឡ 441 ឤ 264 ឿ 274b ុ 274b ៓ 274a ៅ 274b 14 strokes ែ 771 ះ 281a ៏ 281a 282b ័ 668 1820 1823 1824 1842 1848 1849 1841 1845 1846 1847 1850 1851 1852 1853 1867 1868 1870 1871 1873 1878 1891 1892 1894 1896 1898 1892 1897 1917 1920 1921 1922 1923 1925 1926 1927 1928 1924 1940 1944 1945 1947 1948 1968 1969 1970 308 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 308 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 15 strokes ៖ 287a 287a ៧ 287a ៘ 287a ᠄ 287a 287a 287a 16 strokes ᠁ 292a ᠇ 863 ᠍ 292a ᠈ 292a 292a 17 strokes ᠓ 295a 18 strokes ᠬ 297a 20 strokes ᠱ 300a 1962 1967 1971 1972 1978 1982 1990 1980 1988 1999 2001 2003 2002 2006 2011 62 ᘣ 6 strokes ᡂ 545 7 strokes ᡄ 221b ᡃ 833 11 strokes ᡉ 255b 13 strokes ᡓ 555 15 strokes ᡙ 287a 17 strokes ᡝ 295a 2026 2027 2028 2032 2037 2041 2045 63 ᡞ 4 strokes ᡞ 120 7 strokes ᡠ 221b 8 strokes ᡣ 229a ᡤ 328 10 strokes ᡪ 246b 12 strokes ᡬ 265b 2048 2051 2053 2054 2056 2058 64 ᡯ 3 strokes ᡯ 139 2059 4 strokes ᡭ 35 5 strokes ᡶ 211b ᡴ 355 6 strokes ᢅ 216a 7 strokes ᢕ 221b ᢈ 973 ᢒ 221b ᢇ 221b ᢚ 222a ᢠ 222a ᢏ 673 ᢡ 551 ᢞ 378 ᢤ 222a ᢥ 222a 8 strokes ᣄ 229a ᢎ 736 ᣂ 229a ᢼ 229a 229b ᣐ 229b ᢿ 229b ᣅ 229b ᢨ 229b ᣑ 835 ᢳ 229b 229b ᢸ 941 ᣋ 229b ᣊ 229b ᣍ 735 ᢪ 230a ᣏ 966 ᢲ 230a 9 strokes ᣜ 237b ᣝ 237b ᣓ 237b ᣔ 237b ᣮ 237b ᣳ 237b ᣠ 321 ᣢ 310 ᣦ 305 10 strokes ᣙ 246b 2060 2062 2063 2070 2083 2086 2087 2089 2090 2091 2092 2094 2095 2099 2082 2085 2088 2108 2109 2112 2113 2114 2115 2116 2118 2119 2120 2121 2122 2123 2124 2125 2126 2128 2134 2142 2143 2144 2145 2146 2149 2151 2152 2148 ᣲ 482 ᤊ 247a ᣵ 247a ᤖ 247a 247a ᤄ 247a ᤚ 247a ᤕ 247a 247a 11 strokes ᥐ 255b ᥖ 256a ᤣ 256a ᥥ 256a 256a ᥍ 256a ᥀ 256a ᤞ 894 ᤲ 256a ᤵ 729 ᥇ 709 256a ᥈ 942 ᥎ 919 ᥋ 753 256b 12 strokes ᤸ 265b ᦚ 265b 846 265b ᥱ 265b 265b ᦂ 265b ᥭ 265b ᥦ 776 13 strokes ᦙ 274b ᦢ 274b ᦤ 274b ᦠ 275a ᦆ 768 14 strokes 281b 15 strokes ᦸ 287a ᦶ 287a ᧁ 287b ᧞ 287b ᧔ 287b 287b 2150 2159 2160 2161 2163 2167 2168 2170 2171 16 strokes ᧦ 292a ᧯ 935 17 strokes ᧿ 295a ᨃ 295b 2190 2194 2195 2196 2201 2202 2204 2205 2207 2208 2209 2210 2211 2212 2213 2214 66 ᨱ 2200 2228 2229 2230 2232 2233 2235 2236 2237 2249 2251 2252 2253 2255 2266 2260 2264 2265 2274 2280 2282 2294 2296 2306 2307 65 ᨭ 4 strokes ᨭ 717 7 strokes ᨷ 222a ᨵ 458 8 strokes ᨺ 414 9 strokes ᨾ 694 ᨻ 746 10 strokes ᩄ 247a 11 strokes ᩋ 591 ᩆ 480 ᩍ 112 12 strokes ᩒ 266a ᩗ 856 ᩓ 519 13 strokes ᩘ 168 15 strokes ᩜ 287b ᩛ 779 16 strokes ᩚ 345 2324 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2337 2343 2344 2345 2350 2351 2352 2353 2357 2359 2360 67 ᩥ 4 strokes ᩥ 77 8 strokes ᩧ 234b 11 strokes ᩪ 256b 12 strokes ᩬ 266a 2364 2366 2368 2371 68 ᩯ 4 strokes ᩯ 207b 2373 309 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 309 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 10 strokes ᩱ 629 11 strokes ᩳ 256b 2374 2376 69 ᩹ 4 strokes ᩹ 207b 5 strokes ᩺ 211b 11 strokes 256b ᩿ 773 13 strokes ᪂ 165 2379 2380 2384 2385 2387 70 ᪉ 4 strokes ᪉ 223 9 strokes 238a 10 strokes ᪑ 433 11 strokes ᪘ 353 ᪕ 257a 14 strokes 474 2389 2391 2396 2399 2400 2402 71 ᪣ 10 strokes ᪤ 247b 2407 72 ᪥ 4 strokes ᪥ 13 5 strokes ᪦ 211b ᪧ 677 6 strokes ᪨ 216a ᪪ 216a ᭤ 279 ᪩ 56 7 strokes ᭦ 222a 8 strokes ᪲ 230a ᪻ 230a ᫆ 647 ᫇ 346 ᪼ 230a ᫂ 228 2410 2411 2412 2414 2415 2418 2419 2422 2427 2430 2432 2433 2434 2435 9 strokes 238a 331 ᫎ 830 512 188 238a ᫍ 171 158 10 strokes 151 11 strokes ᭪ 257a ᭯ 257a 12 strokes ᬗ 266a ᬬ 329 ᬡ 266a ᭰ 266a ᬒ 494 ᬕ 172 ᬑ 266a ᬌ 971 ᭱ 510 13 strokes ᬤ 275a ᬮ 945 ᬯ 243 14 strokes ᬺ 281b ᬽ 982 15 strokes ᬻ 287b ᭀ 814 16 strokes 292b 17 strokes ᭕ 295b 18 strokes ᭙ 236 2444 2446 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2462 2477 2483 2482 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2491 2492 2501 2502 2503 2507 2508 2510 2511 2518 2521 2522 74 ᭶ 4 strokes ᭶ 14 2530 75 ᮌ 4 strokes ᮌ 17 5 strokes ᮐ 513 ᮎ 615 ᮍ 617 2531 2533 2534 2535 ᮏ 76 6 strokes ᮘ 845 ᮔ 216b ᮙ 216b ᮒ 216b 7 strokes ᮰ 561 ᮦ 511 ᮡ 222b ᮲ 738 ᮧ 62 ᮶ 237 8 strokes ᯒ 230b ᯛ 988 ᯟ 230b ᮼ 230b ᯡ 230b ᯖ 230b ᯘ 64 ᯞ 719 ᯇ 536 ᯝ 454 ᯈ 395 ᮾ 201 9 strokes ᰣ 238a ᰙ 238a ᰠ 238b 238b ᯾ 238b ┦ 348 ᰗ 238b ᰝ 705 ᰕ 366 ᯫ 238b ᰂ 238b ᯤ 238b ᰤ 450 ᰁ 928 10 strokes ᰦ 247b ᱂ 247b ᱆ 247b ᱞ 247b ᰾ 247b ᱓ 247b ᱈ 247b ᱜ 653 ᰴ 839 2536 2543 2544 2545 2546 2559 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2574 2582 2585 2586 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2594 2595 2596 2613 2620 2624 2627 2628 3920 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2649 2654 2656 2658 2660 2661 2663 2664 2665 ᱵ 592 442 ᱁ 663 ᰯ 46 ᰿ 298 11 strokes Ე 459 257a ᱾ 257a ᕢ 560 12 strokes ᳔ 266b ᳝ 266b Ღ 266b 266b Ჷ 266b Ჴ 266b ᳃ 65 Წ 987 ᳜ 337 ᳨ 690 ᴟ 488 13 strokes ᴠ 275a ᴥ 275a Რ 275a ᴗ 278 ᴦ 98 14 strokes ᵝ 430 ᵓ 701 ᴫ 281b ᶍ 992 15 strokes ᵴ 287b ᶆ 599 ᶒ 862 ᶓ 255 16 strokes ᶞ 897 ᶫ 277 ᶵ 476 20 strokes ḍ 300a 2666 2667 2668 2669 2670 2685 2697 2698 2705 2737 2742 2744 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750 2751 2752 2753 2781 2785 2787 2789 2790 2821 2823 2824 2825 2844 2852 2853 2854 2878 2879 2880 2914 76 Ḟ 4 strokes Ḟ 496 6 strokes ḟ 308 8 strokes Ḣ 231a 2928 2929 2931 310 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 310 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 11 strokes ḧ 997 12 strokes Ḱ 267a ḭ 267a 14 strokes ḷ 90 15 strokes Ḽ 288a 29 strokes 㨚 302a 2936 2938 2939 2945 2948 2930 77 Ṇ 4 strokes Ṇ 143 5 strokes ṇ 79 8 strokes Ṍ 221 Ṋ 802 13 strokes ṓ 275b 14 strokes Ṕ 636 2954 2955 2958 2959 2962 2964 78 Ṙ 10 strokes ṥ 248a Ṧ 248a ṧ 520 12 strokes Ṫ 267a 2974 2975 2976 2981 79 ṿ 8 strokes Ẁ 231a 9 strokes ẁ 944 10 strokes ẅ 515 11 strokes Ẇ 257a 13 strokes ẋ 275b Ẋ 275b 2990 2991 2994 2996 3000 3001 80 ẕ 5 strokes ẕ 222 8 strokes ẘ 588 3005 3007 81 ẚ 4 strokes ẚ 792 3010 82 ẟ 4 strokes ẟ 230 3013 83 Ặ 4 strokes Ặ 522 5 strokes Ẹ 619 3020 3021 85 Ỉỉ 4 strokes Ỉ 16 5 strokes Ọ 644 ị 401 ỏ 212a Ồ 212a 6 strokes ỗ 216b ụ 185 7 strokes ồ 478 ử 222b Ỻ 222b ἑ 222b Ἃ 222b Ἀ 222b ἐ 223a Ỷ 104 ỿ 223a Ỵ 289 8 strokes ἣ 231a Ὃ 252 231a Ἢ 231a Ἳ 231a Ἓ 231b ἢ 832 Ἡ 231b 527 Ἴ 387 Ἑ 658 ὀ 365 Ἵ 479 Ἶ 231b Ἔ 422 3030 3031 3032 3033 3035 3043 3042 3036 3055 3061 3062 3063 3065 3066 3068 3069 3070 3086 3090 3091 3092 3093 3094 3096 3099 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3105 3106 ἲ 612 9 strokes Ἠ 926 ὠ 239a ὥ 239a Ὕ 239a ὴ 965 ί 239a ὸ 554 ὒ 427 Ὑ 927 ά 99 ᾏ 94 10 strokes Ὀ 248a 248b ᾎ 625 ᾦ 248b ᾉ 248b ᾆ 248b ᾐ 248b ᾘ 332 ᾋ 248b ὶ 432 11 strokes ᾭ 257a ΅ 257b ῄ 257b Ῥ 257b 257b ῭ 881 ᾴ 257b ᾮ 649 257b ῧ 257b ῐ 257b Ῐ 257b ΰ 704 Ύ 547 ῝ 342 12 strokes 267a ‴ 267a † 293 267a 296 ‵ 267b 765 381 257 Ώ 267b 3107 3095 3122 3123 3125 3126 3128 3129 3130 3131 3132 3133 3098 3152 3153 3154 3155 3156 3157 3158 3159 3160 3181 3190 3191 3195 3196 3197 3198 3199 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3205 3206 3207 3239 3240 3241 3242 3243 3244 3245 3246 3247 ‶ 616 ῶ 693 13 strokes ₍ 275b ⁒ 275b 275b ※ 864 ⁁ 275b ⁐ 275b ‽ 733 ⁛ 276a 276a ₎ 265 276a 14 strokes 282a ₕ 282a ⁻ 282a ⁽ 282a 282a ₃ 282a ₔ 282a ⁺ 483 ₇ 650 15 strokes ₲ 288a ₩ 686 288a ₶ 288a ₽ 288a ₻ 952 ₯ 288a 16 strokes ⃮ 292b ⃰ 292b ⃭ 859 17 strokes ℆ 295b 18 strokes ℃ 297a 19 strokes ℩ 299a 3248 3249 3268 3271 3273 3274 3275 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3299 3301 3303 3304 3305 3307 3308 3309 3310 3328 3332 3333 3334 3335 3336 3337 3348 3349 3350 3360 3366 3384 86 ⅆⅇ 4 strokes ⅆ 15 6 strokes ⅉ 583 7 strokes ⅏ 707 8 strokes 3394 3394 3400 311 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 311 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX ⅔ 232a ⅖ 232a ⅕ 232a 9 strokes Ⅽ 239b Ⅼ 196 Ⅳ 361 10 strokes Ⅿ 248b 12 strokes ↛ 557 ↔ 267b ↻ 267b ↝ 539 ↓ 620 13 strokes ↦ 276a ↹ 276a ↮ 276a ↷ 541 14 strokes ⇃ 282a 15 strokes ⇍ 905 ⇕ 589 16 strokes ⇞ 786 17 strokes ⇱ 295b 19 strokes ⇿ 299a 3403 3404 3405 3411 3412 3413 3420 3435 3436 3437 3438 3439 3453 3454 3456 3457 3468 3472 3473 3490 3493 3505 87 ∎ 4 strokes ∎ 208b 17 strokes ∖ 295b 3509 3514 88 ∗ 4 strokes ∗ 216 3516 89 11 strokes ∝ 258a 3520 91 ∦ 4 strokes ∦ 980 8 strokes ∧ 791 92 ∳ 96 ⋤ 4 strokes ∳ 208b 4 strokes ⋤ 47 5 strokes ⋢ 48 8 strokes ⋵ 232a 9 strokes ⌋ 239b 10 strokes ⌜ 970 ⌔ 249a 11 strokes ⌫ 275 ⌮ 239 ⌧ 692 12 strokes ⍆ 268a 14 strokes ⍠ 282b 15 strokes ⍵ 288b 17 strokes ⎔ 295b 18 strokes ⎍ 297a 19 strokes ⎛ 299a 3531 93 ∵Ԝ 4 strokes ∵ 108 8 strokes ∾ 614 ≀ 410 9 strokes ≅ 239b 10 strokes ≉ 586 17 strokes ≛ 295b 3532 3537 3538 3539 3541 3550 94 ≟ 4 strokes ≟ 73 5 strokes ≢ 789 7 strokes ≧ 739 ≬ 223a 8 strokes ≺ 232a 9 strokes ⊃ 239b ⊁ 239b ⊂ 784 11 strokes ⊧ 258a ⊟ 258a ⊛ 258a 12 strokes ⊰ 268a 13 strokes ⊩ 276a ⊷ 276a 14 strokes ⊹ 282b 16 strokes ⋇ 292b ⋓ 293a 3553 3554 3556 3562 3567 3572 3573 3574 3586 3587 3588 3593 3596 3602 3606 3609 95 ⋞ 3525 3526 5 strokes ⋞ 212a 11 strokes ⋡ 767 102 ⏣ 3619 3620 3622 3631 3636 3637 3643 3644 3645 3654 3672 3669 3680 3679 3683 98 ⎰ 5 strokes ⎰ 212a 11 strokes ⎼ 258b 3690 3699 99 ⏑ 5 strokes ⏑ 212a 9 strokes ⏒ 239b 3710 3711 100 ⏕ 5 strokes ⏕ 44 11 strokes ⏘ 518 3715 3716 101 ⏝ 3616 5 strokes ⏝ 235 3618 3721 5 strokes ⏤ 421 ⏥ 212b ⏦ 338 ⏣ 60 7 strokes ⏫ 61 ⏨ 42 8 strokes ⏬ 91 9 strokes ⏺ 260 ⏿ 391 ⏽ 240a 10 strokes ␁ 249a ␆ 249a ␃ 824 11 strokes ␎ 823 ␗ 826 12 strokes ␒ 215 ␚ 268a 15 strokes ␥ 288b 3724 3725 3726 3727 3729 3731 3733 3739 3741 3743 3746 3749 3750 3755 3757 3762 3763 3768 103 㳸 12 strokes 268a 14 strokes 848 3776 3777 104 9 strokes 240a 10 strokes 249a ⑂ 249a 249a 404 11 strokes 258b 12 strokes ⑭ 268a ⑩ 268a ① 268a ③ 954 13 strokes ⑵ 276a 3783 3795 3796 3797 3798 3803 3806 3810 3813 3814 3823 312 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 312 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 14 strokes ⒆ 282b 17 strokes ⒪ 296a 18 strokes ⒵ 297a Ⓑ 297a 3825 3842 3847 3848 105 Ⓦ 9 strokes Ⓨ 392 12 strokes Ⓩ 382 3860 3862 106 ⓑ 5 strokes ⓑ 53 6 strokes ⓒ 11 8 strokes ⓗ 578 9 strokes ⓙ 240a ⓚ 871 3863 3864 3867 3869 3870 107 ⓶ 5 strokes ⓶ 396 3878 3885 3889 3891 3894 3895 3899 3901 3902 109 ┠ 5 strokes ┠ 30 8 strokes ┣ 232a ┤ 192 9 strokes ┪ 240a 3906 3907 3908 3912 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3925 3926 3933 3935 3939 3945 3946 3948 3960 3961 3969 110 ▩ 5 strokes ▩ 212b 108 ─ 5 strokes ─ 300 9 strokes ┅ 240a 10 strokes ┈ 648 11 strokes ┐ 258b ┒ 921 13 strokes ┕ 991 15 strokes ┘ 288b ┙ 288b ෑ 240a ┬ 546 ┱ 240a ┴ 291 ┳ 842 10 strokes ╀ 249a ┿ 341 11 strokes ═ 258b ║ 669 12 strokes ╔ 364 13 strokes ╬ 276b ╩ 276b ╧ 276b 17 strokes ░ 296a ▖ 296a 18 strokes ▐ 297b 3974 111 ▮ 5 strokes ▮ 145 8 strokes ▱ 186 12 strokes ▷ 362 17 strokes ▹ 296a 3976 3978 3982 3984 112 ▼ 5 strokes ▼ 72 9 strokes ○ 240b ◊ 290 ◁ 579 10 strokes ◙ 249b ◚ 788 12 strokes ◲ 268b ◪ 268b ◳ 268b 3985 3990 3991 3992 3998 3999 4006 4007 4008 13 strokes ◻ 276b 14 strokes ☃ 282b ☢ 892 15 strokes ☜ 664 16 strokes ☻ 293a 17 strokes ♋ 296a 18 strokes ♏ 297b 4020 4028 4029 4039 4045 4048 4054 113 ♨ 5 strokes ♧ 723 ♩ 436 7 strokes ♫ 153 8 strokes ♴ 232b ♳ 232b 9 strokes ♽ 758 ⚃ 533 ⚄ 340 10 strokes ⚈ 249b 11 strokes ⚊ 598 ⚍ 299 13 strokes ⚗ 682 ⚝ 276b ⚙ 276b ⚟ 409 4060 4061 4065 4069 4071 4083 4085 4087 4090 4089 4092 4098 4102 4104 4105 115 ⚻ 7 strokes ⚽ 223a ⚾ 887 9 strokes ⛊ 403 ⛉ 87 ⛅ 156 10 strokes ⛛ 249b ⛒ 249b ⛠ 249b ⛎ 974 4123 4124 4129 4130 4131 4135 4138 4139 4140 11 strokes ⛣ 642 12 strokes ⛬ 777 ⛯ 750 13 strokes ⛶ 276b 14 strokes ✐ 876 ✄ 282b ✀ 531 15 strokes ✍ 288b ✏ 288b ✑ 288b ✌ 288b 16 strokes ✜ 293a ✚ 550 18 strokes ✭ 297b 4141 4144 4146 4154 4157 4158 4159 4163 4166 4168 4169 4175 4176 4180 116 ✰ 5 strokes ✰ 860 7 strokes ✲ 271 8 strokes ✺ 232b ✵ 66 9 strokes ✼ 241a 11 strokes ❅ 259a ❆ 931 13 strokes ❍ 276b 15 strokes ❔ 288b ❓ 288b 4186 4189 4191 4192 4195 4200 4201 4206 4210 4212 117 ❧ 5 strokes ❧ 37 10 strokes ❳ 249b 11 strokes ❶ 334 12 strokes ❺ 385 4223 4232 4235 4239 313 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 313 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 14 strokes ➃ 282b 20 strokes ➇ 487 4243 4244 118 ➉ 6 strokes ➉ 71 10 strokes ➗ 537 11 strokes ➜ 373 ➢ 259a ➨ 359 12 strokes ⟄ 268b ⟇ 883 ⟅ 202 ➽ 854 ➼ 383 ➹ 400 13 strokes ⠇ 552 14 strokes ⟢ 282b ⟠ 283a ⟬ 142 ⟶ 466 15 strokes ⠂ 289a ⠊ 289a ⟽ 390 16 strokes ⠜ 293a ⠏ 774 18 strokes ⡆ 843 19 strokes ⡙ 299a ⡠ 300a 22 strokes ⡲ 301a 4246 4256 4268 4270 4272 4283 4284 4285 4286 4287 4288 4299 4303 4315 4316 4317 4328 4330 4331 4342 4343 4358 4364 4368 4376 119 ⡿ 6 strokes ⡿ 220 10 strokes ⢋ 249a ⢊ 605 11 strokes ⢏ 259a ⢓ 259a 4380 4389 4390 4392 4393 ⢒ 259a 12 strokes ⢝ 269a 14 strokes ⢭ 748 16 strokes ⢾ 958 18 strokes ⣊ 297b 4394 4400 4411 4420 4426 120 ⣒ 6 strokes ⣒ 75 7 strokes ⣔ 855 9 strokes ⣭ 273 ⣕ 241a ⣖ 472 ⣙ 621 ⣚ 872 10 strokes ⣴ 250a ⣳ 250a ⣠ 250a ⣮ 250a ⣡ 963 ⣧ 906 ⣬ 148 ⣲ 759 11 strokes ⤂ 259a ⤃ 259b ⤀ 259b ⣼ 259b ⤌ 178 ⤊ 322 ⣽ 140 ⤒ 685 12 strokes ⤡ 269a ⤠ 269a ⣸ 269a ⤫ 780 ⤥ 481 ⤯ 756 ⤖ 497 ⤮ 95 13 strokes ⤱ 861 ⥆ 563 4431 4433 4437 4438 4439 4440 4441 4449 4450 4451 4452 4453 4454 4455 4456 4465 4466 4467 4469 4470 4471 4472 4473 4484 4485 4486 4487 4489 4490 4492 4499 4499 4500 ⥅ 277a 14 strokes ⥢ 283a ⥔ 283a ⥴ 283a ⥘ 283a ⥙ 283a ⥳ 435 ⦎ 438 ⥥ 818 ⥲ 760 15 strokes ⥭ 289a ⦓ 289a ⦖ 289a ⥺ 176 ⥾ 289a ⦆ 289a ⦅ 806 ⦕ 289a 16 strokes ⦭ 293a ⦋ 293a ⦡ 293a ⦾ 293a ⦪ 903 17 strokes ⦼ 752 ⦰ 904 ⧄ 296a 18 strokes ⧋ 297a ⧛ 298a ⧊ 742 19 strokes ⧞ 299a 4501 4514 4516 4521 4525 4527 4528 4530 4531 4532 4524 4543 4547 4548 4549 4551 4552 4553 4550 4566 4567 4570 4571 4579 4585 4586 4594 4595 4596 4602 121 ⨁ 6 strokes ⨁ 216b 4624 122 ⨓ 13 strokes ⨫ 908 ⨥ 713 ⨨ 570 14 strokes ⨩ 283b 15 strokes ⨬ 289b ⨭ 289b 19 strokes ⨶ 299a 4655 123 ⨺ 6 strokes ⨺ 426 9 strokes ⨾ 398 11 strokes ⩈ 259b 13 strokes ⩎ 277a ⩌ 684 ⩏ 674 4658 4660 4664 4665 4666 4668 124 ⩚ 6 strokes ⩚ 82 10 strokes ⩝ 250a 11 strokes ⩣ 998 ⩦ 323 17 strokes ⩼ 296a 18 strokes ⩻ 298a 4675 4677 4679 4681 4692 4694 125 ⪂ 6 strokes ⪃ 130 8 strokes ⪅ 314 4697 4698 126 ᑍ 9 strokes ⪏ 241a 4705 127 ⪑ 10 strokes ⪖ 250a ⪔ 699 4709 4710 128 ⪥ 4643 4644 4645 4647 4649 4650 6 strokes ⪥ 32 13 strokes ⪷ 922 14 strokes ⪺ 219 17 strokes ⫈ 296a 4715 4727 4732 4740 314 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 314 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 18 strokes ⫋ 743 4742 129 ᑺ 11 strokes ⢔ 260a 4747 130 ᭶ 6 strokes ⫗ 209 ⫙ 217a ᭷ 423 7 strokes ⫝̸ 223b ⫝ 223b ⫢ 223b 8 strokes ⫫ 232b ⫥ 232b ⫯ 232b ⫤ 232b ⫱ 247 ⫧ 793 ᭹ 408 ⫪ 233a 9 strokes ⬊ 241a ⫾ 241a ⫹ 241a ⫵ 968 ⫶ 447 ⫼ 967 10 strokes 250b ᮁ 1005 ⬣ 250b ⬨ 250b ⬦ 618 ⬥ 250b ⬡ 250b ⬟ 787 ⬗ 250b ⬚ 851 11 strokes ᮃ 613 ⬮ 260a ⬻ 964 ⬺ 260a 12 strokes ⭈ 269b ᮇ 269 ⭎ 269b 4753 4755 4756 4760 4761 4762 4766 4768 4771 4772 4773 4774 4775 4776 4788 4789 4790 4791 4793 4794 4797 4802 4803 4804 4805 4807 4808 4809 4810 4811 4819 4820 4821 4822 4834 4836 4837 ᮅ 191 13 strokes ⭢ 277b ⭘ 277b ⭠ 574 ⭜ 277b ⭡ 975 14 strokes ⭉ 283b ⭷ 283b 15 strokes 289b ⭸ 289b 16 strokes ⮃ 293b ⭾ 293b 17 strokes ⮑ 296a 19 strokes ⮚ 937 4838 4847 4848 4849 4850 4851 4835 4854 4867 4868 4873 4874 4883 4886 131 ⮧ 7 strokes ⮧ 543 18 strokes ⮫ 1004 4894 4899 132 ⮬ 6 strokes ⮬ 150 9 strokes ⮯ 241b 4900 4901 133 ⮳ 6 strokes ⮳ 886 10 strokes ⮴ 251a 4903 4904 134 ⮻ 6 strokes ⮻ 217a 16 strokes ⯆ 702 4907 4913 135 ⯉ 6 strokes ⯉ 755 4917 136 ⯖ 15 strokes ⯙ 289b 4926 137 ⯚ 6 strokes ⯚ 217b 10 strokes ⯡ 251a ⯟ 505 11 strokes ⯧ 260a ⯨ 260a ⯪ 175 13 strokes ⯲ 277b 21 strokes Ⰴ 301a 4927 4931 4933 4936 4938 4939 4941 4950 138 Ⰻ 7 strokes Ⰻ 628 4954 139 Ⰽ 6 strokes Ⰽ 162 19 strokes Ⰿ 299b 4956 4957 140 Ⱂ 6 strokes Ⱚ 217b Ⱎ 217b 7 strokes ⰺ 223b ⱁ 495 ⰾ 223b ⰼ 70 8 strokes ⱼ 233a ⱱ 233a ⱆ 457 ⱑ 233a ⱔ 233a ⱝ 896 ⱥ 449 ⱞ 283 9 strokes Ⲉ 241b Ⲯ 241b ⲡ 57 Ⲕ 187 Ⲩ 241b 10 strokes ⳹ 251a Ⲵ 259 4961 4964 4976 4978 4979 4980 4991 4998 5002 5004 5006 5007 5008 5009 5017 5031 5032 5033 5034 5058 5059 11 strokes ⴎ 260a ⳦ 260a Ⳬ 260a ⳥ 260a ⳯ 509 ⴭ 949 12 strokes ⴱ 269b ⴿ 269b ⴥ 428 ⴠ 431 13 strokes 277b 277b 915 14 strokes 283b 15 strokes ⶶ 936 ⶸ 289b 16 strokes ⸀ 293b ⸄ 293b ⸅ 293b ⸆ 420 ⷧ 293b 18 strokes ⸛ 298a ⸨ 298a ⸬ 298a 19 strokes ⸴ 299b 5087 5091 5095 5096 5097 5104 5126 5128 5129 5130 5155 5161 5163 5179 5182 5193 5219 5222 5223 5224 5225 5233 5241 5242 5254 141 8 strokes 233b 9 strokes 241b 11 strokes 260b 13 strokes 277b 277b 5265 5267 5269 5272 5273 142 6 strokes 74 9 strokes 241b 10 strokes ⺅ 251a 5275 5279 5288 315 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 315 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX ⺋ 885 11 strokes ⺯ 260b ⺬ 260b 12 strokes ⻅ 269b 13 strokes ⻏ 278a 14 strokes ⻤ 283b 16 strokes ⼥ 293b 5290 5302 5303 5314 5331 5343 5371 143 ⾑ 6 strokes ⾑ 288 12 strokes ⾗ 901 5411 5417 144 ⾜ 6 strokes ⾜ 131 5419 145 ⾰ 6 strokes ⾰ 444 8 strokes ⾲ 402 10 strokes ⾶ 251a ⿇ 251a ⿕ 251a 11 strokes ⿄ 260b 12 strokes 269b 882 933 ⿱ 270a ⿵ 981 13 strokes 1002 〓 278a 〈 278a 〄 278a 14 strokes 〇 749 」 804 15 strokes 〔 289b 18 strokes あ 298a 5420 5422 5432 5444 5445 5443 5453 5454 5455 5461 5464 5462 5473 5474 5475 5476 5484 5483 5504 22 strokes く 301a 5510 146 す 6 strokes す 169 9 strokes せ 623 18 strokes そ 298a 19 strokes ぞ 299b 5514 5515 5517 5519 147 ぢ 7 strokes ぢ 31 11 strokes つ 672 ど 889 12 strokes ぬ 463 16 strokes ぶ 166 17 strokes ぴ 1001 18 strokes ほ 468 5522 5524 5525 5529 5534 5333 5538 148 ゅ 7 strokes ゅ 97 13 strokes ゐ 278a ゎ 662 5543 5547 5548 149 ゝ 7 strokes ゝ 118 9 strokes ゞ 242a ゟ 242a ィ 116 10 strokes ク 251a ウ 956 カ 489 グ 105 11 strokes ゴ 260b チ 679 タ 754 ゼ 984 5552 5553 5554 5555 5560 5561 5562 5563 5565 5569 5570 5571 ヂ 993 12 strokes ペ 270a モ 890 ャ 270a ブ 270a デ 270a ホ 797 ッ 270b ド 737 13 strokes ユ 278a ヱ 278a 278a ヮ 278a 278b ㄔ 923 ヲ 278b ヰ 240 ワ 278b リ 307 ヨ 525 14 strokes ㄅ 891 ㄋ 284a ㄆ 962 ㄏ 284a ㄗ 868 ㄝ 553 ㄒ 124 ㄞ 206 15 strokes ㅜ 289b ㅙ 289b ㄌ 943 ㄡ 290a ㄯ 363 ㄢ 456 ㄳ 290a ㄽ 1006 ㄪ 369 ㅖ 909 16 strokes ㅎ 294a ㅦ 294a ㅉ 294a ㅴ 294a ㅍ 294a ㅊ 294a ㅛ 294a 5572 5581 5582 5584 5585 5586 5587 5588 5589 5594 5601 5602 5604 5605 5606 5607 5608 5609 5610 5611 5620 5622 5623 5625 5626 5627 5628 5629 5637 5638 5640 5642 5643 5644 5645 5646 5647 5648 5660 5661 5663 5666 5667 5670 5671 17 strokes ㅞ 296b ㅬ 296b ㅰ 728 ㅽ 296b ㅮ 703 19 strokes ㆕ 299b ㆑ 725 ㆙ 857 20 strokes ㆡ 300a ㆤ 696 ㆟ 477 5685 5686 5687 5688 5689 5703 5704 5705 5714 5715 5716 150 ㇂ 7 strokes ㇂ 135 5730 151 ㇋ 7 strokes ㇋ 379 13 strokes ㇏ 811 5735 5737 152 ㇘ 11 strokes ㇜ 261a 12 strokes ㇟ 540 14 strokes 284a 5743 5744 5749 153 14 strokes ㇺ 284a 5762 154 ㈅ 7 strokes ㈅ 49 9 strokes ㈆ 242a ㈇ 406 10 strokes ㈉ 251b ㈈ 712 11 strokes ㈎ 261a ㈏ 261a ㈍ 261a ㈐ 751 ㈌ 455 ㈋ 798 5766 5768 5769 5772 5773 5777 5778 5779 5780 5781 5782 316 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 316 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 12 strokes ㈝ 596 ㈞ 270b ㈠ 813 ㈡ 660 ㈓ 572 ㈚ 770 ㈙ 212 ㈗ 847 13 strokes ㈣ 278b ㈥ 278b ㈫ 278b ㈤ 953 ㈨ 721 15 strokes ㈺ 290a ㈿ 290a ㈷ 290a ㈶ 716 ㈹ 542 ㉁ 726 16 strokes ㈼ 294a ㉃ 294a 17 strokes ㉎ 296b 18 strokes ㉗ 298b 5786 5787 5788 5790 5791 5792 5793 5794 5799 5800 5801 5802 5803 5810 5811 5812 5814 5815 5817 5854 5827 5840 5841 5845 5847 5849 157 ㊊ 7 strokes ㊊ 36 5856 5873 5875 5876 5877 5882 5887 5889 5913 5921 5928 159 ㌴ 160 ㎞ 5823 156 ㉮ 7 strokes ㉮ 179 9 strokes ㉱ 242a 10 strokes ㉳ 268 12 strokes ㉺ 271a ㉸ 271a 15 strokes ㊃ 290b 7 strokes ㌟ 339 5851 5852 5816 5819 5866 158 ㌟ 7 strokes ㌴ 63 9 strokes ㌶ 242a ㌷ 490 10 strokes ㌺ 251b 11 strokes ㌾ 261a ㌿ 375 12 strokes ㍈ 271a ㍍ 287 13 strokes ㍑ 279a ㍕ 279a 15 strokes ㍮ 290b ㍤ 290b ㍯ 631 16 strokes ㍺ 819 17 strokes ㎄ 296b 155 ㉥ 7 strokes ㉥ 51 11 strokes ㉧ 261a 12 strokes ㊥ 271a 13 strokes ㊶ 279a ㊧ 279a ㊰ 439 ㊴ 279a 14 strokes ㋀ 284a 15 strokes ㋑ 290b ㋃ 290b 19 strokes ㋾ 299b 21 strokes ㌍ 301a 7 strokes ㎞ 224b 13 strokes ㎡ 528 5939 5941 5943 5944 5947 5948 5952 5953 5959 5960 5971 5972 5973 5978 5981 5996 6000 14 strokes ㎥ 284a 6001 161 ㎮ 10 strokes ㎯ 251b 13 strokes ㎰ 386 6007 6008 162 㸕 5 strokes ㎸ 213b ㎶ 608 6 strokes ㎿ 217b 7 strokes ㏄ 224b ㏉ 412 ㏆ 113 8 strokes ㏖ 233b ㏙ 731 ㏕ 233b 9 strokes ㏞ 817 ㏨ 242a ㏦ 349 ㏥ 769 ㏫ 675 ㏣ 370 10 strokes ㏽ 251b ㏴ 251b ㏲ 251b ㏵ 252a ㏱ 252a ㏿ 352 㐀 761 㐃 637 ㏻ 193 11 strokes 㐊 261b 㐌 157 㐓 261b 㐍 343 12 strokes 㐝 271a 㐙 271a 㐢 271a 㐩 568 㐜 271a 㐣 659 6010 6011 6014 6019 6020 6021 6029 6030 6031 6037 6038 6039 6040 6041 6042 6051 6055 6056 6057 6059 6060 6061 6062 6063 6069 6070 6071 6073 6083 6084 6086 6088 6089 6090 㐨 205 㐠 251 㐟 424 13 strokes 㐪 279a 㐵 279b 㐲 85 14 strokes 㐯 284b 㐳 284b 㐼 284b 㐽 284b 㐺 778 15 strokes 㑂 290b 㑄 290b 㑅 556 㑇 827 16 strokes 㑊 294a 㑏 294b 6091 6092 6093 6099 6100 6101 6092 6094 6105 6106 6107 6112 6113 6114 6115 6120 6121 163 㜨(right) 7 strokes 㑣 224b 㑥 224b 8 strokes 㑰 233b 㑧 233b 9 strokes 㑹 242b 㑻 242b 10 strokes 㒆 491 11 strokes 㒌 261b 㒓 852 㒊 407 㒑 994 㒔 376 6129 6130 6134 6135 6137 6138 6143 6144 6145 6146 6147 6148 164 㓀 10 strokes 㓇 318 㓅 252a 㓃 252a 㓄 388 11 strokes 㓉 262a 12 strokes 㓑 271b 6160 6161 6162 6163 6166 6169 317 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 317 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 13 strokes 㓘 279b 㓗 279b 14 strokes 㓝 284b 㓞 284b 㓟 715 16 strokes 㓰 294b 17 strokes 㓶 296b 20 strokes 㔊 300b 6171 6172 6175 6176 6177 6185 6189 6197 165 㔗 8 strokes 㔗 233b 11 strokes 㔘 262a 6201 6203 166 㔛 7 strokes 㔛 238 9 strokes 㔜 326 11 strokes 㔝 233 12 strokes 㔞 630 6206 6207 6208 168 㛗 6209 8 strokes 㛗 189 167 㔠 8 strokes 㔠 18 10 strokes 㔩 252b 㔪 916 11 strokes 㔮 262a 12 strokes 㕌 271b 13 strokes 㕥 279b 㖊 279b 㖄 279b 㖔 700 㕲 374 14 strokes 㖹 757 㖭 284b 㖡 781 㖠 285a 㖟 281 15 strokes 㗦 291a 㗪 291a 16 strokes 㘑 294b 㘄 294b 㘓 640 㘒 294b 㘐 294b 㘊 294b 㗰 874 17 strokes 㘠 296a 㘽 296a 㘫 297a 18 strokes 㙐 298b 㙊 298b 㙠 298b 19 strokes 㙾 486 20 strokes 㚝 300b 23 strokes 㚷 301a 6279 6280 6286 6293 6298 6299 6300 6301 6302 6315 6317 6318 6325 6326 6328 6341 6352 6361 6379 169 㛛 6211 6215 6218 6224 6235 6247 6249 6251 6252 6253 6264 6265 6266 6267 6268 8 strokes 㛛 231 11 strokes 㛢 979 12 strokes 㛩 271b 㛫 100 㛤 261 14 strokes 㛸 285a 㛶 837 㛵 467 15 strokes 㜀 291a 17 strokes 㜌 297a 18 strokes 㜚 298b 6381 6385 6390 6391 6393 6398 6401 6402 6404 6414 6418 170 㜨(left) 7 strokes 㜰 224b 㜵 812 8 strokes 㜧 234a 㝃 234a 㜼 234a 9 strokes 㝈 691 10 strokes 㝎 978 㝗 252b 㝔 249 㝕 252b 㝆 873 11 strokes 㝠 262a 㝯 262a 㝤 689 㝞 262a 㝙 262a 㝡 262a 㝣 627 㝜 262b 12 strokes 㝶 271b 㝮 271b 㝲 567 㝵 262 㝧 429 13 strokes 㝽 279b 㝸 279b 14 strokes 㝿 710 㞀 913 㞃 285a 16 strokes 㞄 294b 6428 6429 6423 6433 6434 6439 6444 6446 6447 6448 6450 6454 6455 6456 6457 6458 6459 6461 6462 6460 6467 6468 6469 6470 6471 6475 6478 6479 6480 6484 171 㞓 16 strokes 㞔 294b 6500 6505 6506 6507 6515 6517 173 㞵 8 strokes 㞵 69 11 strokes 㞷 174 12 strokes 㞺 272a 㞼 83 13 strokes 㞽 280a 㞾 280a 㟁 197 14 strokes 㟂 285b 15 strokes 㟈 291a 㟋 291a 17 strokes 㟖 297a 19 strokes 㟝 300a 21 strokes 㟢 301a 6518 6520 6521 6522 6524 6525 6526 6528 6531 6532 6542 6545 6549 174 㟷 8 strokes 㟷 52 14 strokes 㟼 548 6557 6560 175 㠀 8 strokes 㠀 794 6563 176 㠃 6490 172 㞖 10 strokes 㞘 252b 12 strokes 㞠 272a 㞝 272a 㞟 324 㞞 272a 14 strokes 㞤 285a 㞧 714 18 strokes 㞴 960 㞳 298b 9 strokes 㠃 417 6566 177 㠉 6494 6497 6499 9 strokes 㠉 836 13 strokes 㠐 280a 6570 6575 318 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 318 7/5/13 3:20 PM RADICAL INDEX 178 㡋 182 㢼 17 strokes 㡑 297a 9 strokes 㢼 217 6602 180 㡢 9 strokes 㡢 33 19 strokes 㡩 300a 20 strokes 㡪 300b 183 㣕 6607 9 strokes 㣕 595 6611 184 㣗 6610 181 㡫 11 strokes 㡭 262b 㡬 951 12 strokes 㡯 272b 㡲 272b 㡰 534 13 strokes 㡺 280a 㡻 280a 㡹 280b 㡸 821 14 strokes 㡿 825 16 strokes 㢋 295a 㢗 295a 㢌 203 17 strokes 㢖 297b 18 strokes 㢡 298b 㢠 665 㢟 360 㢧 298b 㢮 632 㢦 103 19 strokes 㢪 469 21 strokes 㢳 301b 6663 6615 6616 6617 6618 6619 6621 6623 6624 6625 6628 6629 6635 6639 6641 6643 6644 6645 6646 6647 6648 6653 6655 9 strokes 㣗 163 10 strokes 㣚 252b 12 strokes 㣤 594 㣧 250 13 strokes 㣭 280b 㣬 280b 㣫 722 15 strokes 㣰 291a 㣵 291b 㣴 624 㣹 291b 16 strokes 㤋 266 6672 6674 6675 6679 6680 6683 6684 6685 6689 6690 6691 6697 6701 185 㤳 9 strokes 㤳 155 6719 186 㤶 9 strokes 㤶 243b 10 strokes 㦵 877 16 strokes 㧁 295b 19 strokes 㧊 300a 10 strokes 㧗 132 198 㮵 6784 14 strokes 㧥 285b 199 㯏 6791 7 strokes 㯏 213 16 strokes 㯝 295b 6796 6804 6725 6833 203 㯮 6835 11 strokes 㯮 137 15 strokes 㯲 291b 6843 11 strokes 㫽 190 6845 209 㰯 6864 14 strokes 㰯 399 6886 211 ṑ 6931 6995 7017 7023 7026 7030 7038 7040 7045 7052 7055 207 㰘 13 strokes 㰘 280b 196 㫽 6980 201 㯤 11 strokes 㯤 133 6838 6939 200 㯞 11 strokes 㯞 262b 194 㨣 10 strokes 㨣 253b 14 strokes 㨦 285b 15 strokes 㨩 291b 21 strokes 㨱 301b 11 strokes 㮵 262b 19 strokes 㯄 300b 㯇 300b 6789 190 㧜 11 strokes 㨶 109 17 strokes 㩭 297b 19 strokes 㪒 300b 6742 6745 6774 189 㧗 195 㨶 6734 6735 6736 6767 14 strokes 㬆 229 19 strokes 㭜 300b 21 strokes 㭯 301b 6758 6760 6761 188 㦵 6722 187 㤿 10 strokes 㤿 210 14 strokes 㥏 285b 㥐 253 㥑 285b 15 strokes 㥖 291b 㥔 291b 18 strokes 㦂 500 㦁 299b 㥽 299b 20 strokes 㦐 301a 22 strokes 㦫 301b 12 strokes ṑ 306 17 strokes 㱋 297b 7076 7082 2961 7093 319 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 319 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS This index contains an alphabetical listing of all Japanese readings given in the body of the book. Note that: 1. On readings are shown in capital letters and kun readings are shown in lower case letters. 2. All Essential characters are referenced by their character number only. For example: abiru ᾎ 625. 3. All General Use characters that are not Essential characters are referenced by their page number. These are preceded by the letter “p” and followed by either “a” or “b” to indicate the left or right column on that page. For example: A ள p 218a. 4. When readings include okurigana, these are not indicated by parentheses. —A— A ள p 218a abaku, abareru ᭀ 814 abiru, abiseru ᾎ 625 abunai ༴ 844 abura Ἔ 422 abura ⬡ p 250b agaru, ageru ୖ 23 agaru, ageru ᣲ 482 ageru ᥭ p 265b ago 㢡 p 298b AI, aisuru ឡ 441 AI ယ p 235b AI ᣵ p 247a AI ᭕ p 295b ai ⸛ p 298a ai- ┦ 348 aida 㛫 100 aji, ajiwau 415 aka, akai ㉥ 51 akarameru, akaramu ㉥ 51 akarui, akasu ᫂ 228 akatsuki ᬡ p 266a akeru ✵ 66 akeru ᫂ 228 akeru 㛤 261 aki ⛅ 156 aki, akiru 㣬 p 280b akinau ၟ 333 akiraka ᫂ 228 akirameru ㅉ p 294a akogareru p 287a AKU ᝏ 241 AKU ᥱ p 265b aku ✵ 66 aku 㛤 261 ama ᑽ p 210b amai ⏑ p 212a amari, amaru, amasu వ 820 ame ኳ 67 ame 㞵 69 ami ⥙ p 283a amu ⦅ 806 AN ⾜ 131 AN Ᏻ 242 AN ᬯ 243 AN, anjiru 442 ana ✰ 860 anadoru p 225a ane ጜ 146 ani 114 ao, aoi 㟷 52 aogu ௮ p 213b arai, arasu Ⲩ p 241b arai ⢒ p 259a arashi ᔒ p 264b arasoi, arasou த 558 aratamaru, aratameru ᨵ 458 aratani ᪂ 165 arau Ὑ 927 arawareru, arawasu ⌧ 692 arawasu ⾲ 402 arawasu ⴭ 949 areru Ⲩ p 241b aru ᭷ 423 aru ᅾ 711 aruku Ṍ 221 asa ᮅ 191 asa 㯞 p 262b asaeru ᢚ p 222a asai ὸ 554 aseru ↔ p 267b ashi ㊊ 36 asobu 㐟 424 ataeru p 204a atai ౯ 657 atai ್ 946 atama 㢌 203 atarashii ᪂ 165 atari ㎶ 608 ataru, ateru ᙜ 200 atatakai, atatamaru, atatameru 257 atatakai, atatamaru, atatameru ᬮ 945 ateru p 214a ateru ᐄ p 227b ato ᚋ 123 ato p 258b ato ㊧ p 279a ATSU ᅽ 641 atsui ᬬ 329 atsui ⇕ 589 atsui ཌ 698 atsukau ᢅ p 216a atsumaru, atsumeru 㞟 324 au 93 au ྜ 134 au 㐼 p 284b awa Ἳ p 231a awai ῐ p 257b aware, awaremu ယ p 235b awaseru ྜ 134 awaseru ే p 225a awatadashii, awateru ៃ p 265a ayamachi 㐣 659 ayamari, ayamaru ㄗ 868 ayamaru ㅰ 728 ayashii, ayashimu p 229a ayashii ዿ p 220b 320 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 320 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS ayatsuru ᧯ 935 ayaui ༴ 844 ayumu Ṍ 221 aza Ꮠ 78 azakeru ლ p 286a azamuku ḭ 267a azayaka 㩭 p 297b azukaru, azukeru 㡸 821 —B— BA 㤿 210 BA ፠ p 254b BA ⨬ p 289b ba ሙ 161 BACHI ⨩ p 283b BAI 211 BAI ㈙ 212 BAI ಸ 389 BAI ᱵ 592 BAI ᇵ p 254a BAI 㝙 p 262a BAI ፹ p 264b BAI ㈺ p 290a bakasu, bakeru 258 BAKU 㯏 213 BAKU ༤ 593 BAKU ᭀ 814 BAKU ᖥ 989 BAKU ₍ p 275b BAKU ⦡ p 293a BAKU ⇿ p 299a BAN ␒ 215 BAN 227 BAN ุ 790 BAN ᬌ 971 BAN క p 218a BAN ⻅ p 269b BAN ┙ p 288b BATSU ఆ p 213a BATSU ᢤ p 222a BATSU, bassuru ⨩ p 283b BATSU 㛸 p 285a -be ㎶ 608 BEI ⡿ 220 BEN ຮ 413 BEN ౽ 610 BEN ᘚ 807 beni ⣚ 872 BETSU ู 607 BETSU p 283b BI ⨾ 398 BI 㰯 399 BI ഛ 795 BI ᑿ p 220b BI ┱ p 240a BI ᚤ p 274a BIN ౽ 610 BIN ㈋ 798 BIN ᩄ p 247a BIN ⎼ p 258b BO ẕ 222 BO 809 BO ᬽ 982 BO ᶍ 992 BO ເ p 263a BO ះ p 281a BO ⡙ p 299a Bƿ ᮃ 613 Bƿ 㜵 812 Bƿ ㈠ 813 Bƿ ᭀ 814 Bƿ ஸ 985 Bƿ ᛀ 986 Bƿ Წ 987 Bƿ ஈ p 205a Bƿ ዶ p 215a Bƿ ᛁ p 216a Bƿ ᆓ p 220a Bƿ ጉ p 220a Bƿ ᡣ p 229a Bƿ ⫫ p 232b Bƿ ෑ p 240a Bƿ ᯾ p 238b Bƿ ๗ p 244a Bƿ ⣳ p 250a Bƿ ഐ p 263a Bƿ ᖗ p 264b Bƿ ㇺ p 284a Bƿ ⭾ p 293b Bƿ ㅛ p 294a BOKU ᮌ 17 BOKU ┠ 30 BOKU ∾ 614 BOKU ᮔ p 216b BOKU ╬ p 276b BOKU p 280a BOKU ቚ p 280b BOKU ᧞ p 287b BON ซ p 204b BON ┅ p 240a BOTSU, bossuru ἐ p 223a BOTSU ຨ p 235a BU ศ 218 BU Ṍ 221 BU 㒊 407 BU ↓ 620 BU Ṋ 802 BU p 225a BU ⯙ p 289b BUN ᩥ 77 BUN ศ 218 BUN ⪺ 219 buta ㇜ p 260b BUTSU ≀ 410 BUTSU 805 BYAKU ⓑ 53 BYƿ ⛊ 403 BYƿ 404 BYƿ ᖹ 411 BYƿ ⱑ p 233a BYƿ ᥥ p 256a BYƿ ⊧ p 258a —C— CHA Ⲕ 187 CHAKU ╔ 364 CHAKU Ꭰ p 281a CHI ᆅ 184 CHI ụ 185 CHI ▱ 186 CHI 527 CHI ⨨ 570 CHI ್ 946 CHI p 246b CHI ⮴ p 251a CHI 㐜 p 271a CHI ⑵ p 276a CHI ⛶ p 276b CHI ⦓ p 289a chi ༓ 12 chi ⾑ 288 chi, chichi ங 961 chichi ∗ 216 chigaeru, chigau 㐪 p 274b chigiru ዎ p 236a chiisai ᑠ 27 chijimaru, chijimeru, chijimu, chijireru ⦰ 904 chikai ㏆ 113 chikai, chikau ㄋ p 284a chikara ຊ 38 CHIKU ➉ 71 CHIKU ⠏ 774 CHIKU ␆ p 249a CHIKU ㏲ p 251b CHIKU p 277b CHIN ㈤ 953 CHIN ỿ p 223a CHIN ⌋ p 239b CHIN p 250b CHIN 㝞 p 262a CHIN 㙠 p 298b chirakaru, chirakasu, chirasu, chiru ᩓ 519 CHITSU ⛛ p 249b CHITSU ❅ p 259a CHO ㈓ 572 CHO ⴭ 949 CHƿ ⏫ 61 CHƿ 㛗 189 CHƿ 㫽 190 CHƿ ᮅ 191 CHƿ 㔜 326 CHƿ 367 CHƿ ᖒ 368 CHƿ ㄪ 369 CHƿ 573 CHƿ ⭠ 574 CHƿ ᙇ 775 CHƿ ᗇ 950 CHƿ 㡬 951 CHƿ ₻ 952 CHƿ ᘫ p 207b CHƿ ᣮ p 237b CHƿ ᙮ p 255a CHƿ ═ p 258b CHƿ 㔮 p 262a CHƿ ⬽ p 265b CHƿ ㉸ p 270a CHƿ ㊴ p 279a CHƿ ᚩ p 281a CHƿ p 288a CHƿ ⫈ p 296a CHƿ ᠬ p 297a CHƿ ㈞ p 270b CHƿ ლ p 286a CHOKU ┤ 192 CHOKU ສ p 235a 321 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 321 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS CHOKU ᤖ p 247a CHNj ୰ 26 CHNj 74 CHNj 188 CHNj ὀ 365 CHNj ᰕ 366 CHNj ௰ 571 CHNj ᐂ 947 CHNj ᛅ 948 CHNj Ἀ p 222b CHNj ᢳ p 229b CHNj ⾺ p 234a CHNj 㗪 p 285a CHNj 㥔 p 285b CHNj 㓅 p 252a —D— DA ᡴ 355 DA ጇ p 220b DA ⺬ p 260b DA ለ p 263b DA p 265b DA 㥏 p 280a DA ၚ p 253b DAI 25 DAI ྎ 183 DAI ᘵ 194 DAI ෆ 207 DAI ௦ 358 DAI ➨ 359 DAI 㢟 360 DAKU ㅙ p 289b DAKU ⃮ p 292b daku ᢪ p 230a damaru 㯲 p 291b DAN ⏨ 42 DAN ㄯ 363 DAN ᅋ 772 DAN ᩿ 773 DAN ẁ 944 DAN ᬮ 945 DAN ᙎ p 265a DAN ⥢ p 283a DAN ᪦ p 211b DAN ቭ p 291b dare ㄡ p 290a dasu ฟ 29 ~date ᘓ 498 DATSU ⬺ p 260a DATSU ዣ p 280b DEI Ἶ p 231b DEKI ⁒ p 275b DEN ⏣ 60 DEN 㟁 197 DEN ఏ 580 DEN Ẋ p 275b deru ฟ 29 DO ᅵ 19 DO ᗘ 377 DO ດ 582 DO ያ p 210b DO ᛣ p 237a Dƿ ྠ 204 Dƿ 㐨 205 Dƿ ື 384 Dƿ ❺ 385 Dƿ ᇽ 584 Dƿ ാ 585 Dƿ 㖡 781 Dƿ ᑟ 782 Dƿ Ὕ p 239a Dƿ ⬗ p 250b Dƿ ▖ p 296a DOKU ㄞ 206 DOKU ẘ 588 DOKU ⊂ 784 DON 㕌 p 268a DON p 292b DON ㈎ p 261a don, donburi p 209a ~dono Ẋ p 275b doro Ἶ p 231b —E— E 93 E ⤮ 95 E ౫ p 225a E ᜨ p 246b -e 㔜 326 e Ụ p 216b e p 238b e 㣵 p 291b eda ᯞ 719 egaku ᥥ p 256a EI Ὃ 252 EI ⱥ 449 EI ᰤ 450 EI Ọ 644 EI Ⴀ 645 EI ⾨ 646 EI ᫎ 830 EI ャ p 270a EI ᙳ p 286b EI 㗦 p 285a EKI 㥐 253 EKI ᙺ 419 EKI ᫆ 647 EKI ┈ 648 EKI ᾮ 649 EKI p 240a emu ➗ 537 EN 50 EN ᅬ 84 EN 㐲 85 EN ሷ 451 EN, enjiru ₇ 650 EN ᘏ 831 EN ἢ 832 EN ⅖ p 232a EN ᐗ p 245a EN p 265b EN ↮ p 276a EN ⊷ p 276a EN 㖄 p 274b EN ⦕ p 289a EN Ⰿ p 299b EN ᐄ p 227b EN ᛷ p 237a EN p 264a erabu 㑅 556 erai ೧ p 263a eri あ p 298a eru ᚓ 587 eru ⋓ p 293a esa 㣵 p 291b ETSU ᝋ p 246b ETSU ㉺ p 267a ETSU ㅜ p 289b ETSU 㜀 p 285a —F— fasagaru ሰ p 273b FU ∗ 216 FU ㈇ 406 FU 600 FU ኵ 601 FU 602 FU ᗓ 603 FU ᕸ 799 FU ፬ 800 FU ᐩ 801 FU ᢇ p 221b FU ᛧ p 229a FU 㝃 p 233a FU ㉱ p 240b FU ᾋ p 248b FU ➢ p 259a FU ᬑ p 266a FU ⭉ p 283b FU ᩜ p 287b FU p 289b FU ㈿ p 284a FU ㆕ p 292b FU 㜧 p 234a FU ゟ p 242a FNj 㢼 217 FNj ኵ 601 FNj ᐩ 801 FNj, fnjjiru ᑒ p 236a fuchi ⦕ p 289a fuda ᮐ 513 fude ➹ 400 fue ➜ 373 fueru ቑ 763 fueru Ṫ p 267a fuji ⸨ p 298a fukai, fukameru, fukasa ῝ 342 fukeru ⪁ 638 fukeru ᭦ p 222a FUKU ᭹ 408 FUKU ⚟ 409 FUKU 604 FUKU 803 FUKU 」 804 FUKU ⭡ 975 FUKU అ p 213b FUKU ᖜ p 264b FUKU そ p 298a fuku ྿ p 219b fuku ᄇ p 286a fuku ᣔ p 237b fukumu ྵ p 219b fukuramu, fukureru ⭾ p 293b fukuro ⿄ p 260b fumaeru, fumu ㋃ p 284b fumi ᩥ 77 fumoto 㯄 p 300b FUN ศ 218 FUN ⢊ 605 FUN ዧ 976 FUN ⣮ p 250a FUN 㞺 p 268b FUN ᄇ p 286a 322 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 322 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS FUN ቡ p 286b FUN p 287a funa, fune ⯪ 175 fune ⯚ p 217b fureru 247a fureru ゐ p 278a furu 㝆 873 furu, furuu p 247a furueru, furuu, furuwaseru 㟈 p 285a furui ྂ 121 furuu ዧ 976 fusa ᡣ p 229a fusagaru, fusagu ሰ p 273b fusagu 㨚 p 302a fusegu 㜵 812 fuseru అ p 213b fushi ⠇ 552 futa- p 207a futa p 277b futatabi 706 futatsu 2 futoi, futoru ኴ 181 FUTSU p 210b FUTSU Ἓ p 231b fuyasu ቑ 763 fuyasu Ṫ p 267a fuyu 199 —G— GA ⏬ 91 GA ⱆ 457 GA ㈡ 660 GA ᡃ 833 GA 㞞 p 268b GA 㣹 p 285b GA ∳ p 208b GA ⎰ p 212a GAI እ 96 GAI ᐖ 460 GAI ⾤ 461 GAI ລ p 226a GAI ᾭ p 257a GAI ៓ p 274a GAI ヱ p 278a GAI ᴫ p 281b GAI ᓴ p 254b GAI p 277b GAI 㧁 p 295b gake ᓴ p 254b GAKU Ꮫ 45 GAKU ᴦ 98 GAKU 㢠 665 GAKU ᓅ p 228a GAKU 㢡 p 298b GAN 101 GAN ᒾ 102 GAN 㢦 103 GAN ඖ 117 GAN ᓊ 267 GAN 㢪 469 GAN ║ 669 GAN ྵ p 219b GAN 㡹 p 275b GAN ⋵ p 232a gara p 238b ~gata ᙧ 115 GATSU ᭶ 14 GE ୗ 24 GE እ 96 GE ∳ p 208b GEI ⱁ 495 GEI ㏄ p 224a GEI 㪒 p 300b GEKI 858 GEKI, gekisuru ⃭ 859 GEKI ᧁ p 287b GEKI 㝽 p 279b GEN ඖ 117 GEN ゝ 118 GEN ཎ 119 GEN 㦂 500 GEN 㝈 691 GEN ⌧ 692 GEN ῶ 693 GEN ※ 864 GEN ཝ 865 GEN ᗁ p 207b GEN ⋞ p 212a GEN ᘻ p 228b GEN ⯨ p 260a GETSU ᭶ 14 GI ㆟ 477 GI ᢏ 673 GI ⩏ 674 GI 848 GI ᐅ p 227b GI ഇ p 253a GI ḭ p 267a GI p 286a GI ᡙ p 287a GI, gisuru ᨃ p 295b GI ≛ p 295b GI ఄ p 213a GIN 㖟 281 GIN, ginjiru ྫྷ p 219b GO 5 GO ༗ 122 GO ᚋ 123 GO ㄒ 124 GO ᮇ 269 GO ㆤ 696 GO ㄗ 868 GO p 205b GO ࿋ p 219b GO ፗ p 245a GO ᝅ p 246b GO ᚚ p 265a GO ◻ p 276b Gƿ ᙉ 111 Gƿ ྜ 134 Gƿ ᴗ 278 Gƿ ྕ 297 Gƿ 㒓 852 Gƿ ᣝ p 237b Gƿ ๛ p 244a Gƿ p 279a Gƿ ഫ p 272b GOKU ᴟ 488 GOKU ⊹ p 282b GON ゝ 118 GON ᶒ 862 GON ཝ 865 GU ල 284 GU ហ p 274a GU p 255b GNj ᐑ 274 GNj അ p 253a GNj 㐝 p 267b GNj 㝮 p 268a GUN ㌷ 490 GUN 㒆 491 GUN ⩌ 684 GYAKU, gyakuni ㏫ 675 GYAKU p 241b GYO 㨶 109 GYO ⁺ 483 GYO, gyosuru ᚚ p 265a GYƿ ᙧ 115 GYƿ ⾜ 131 GYƿ ᴗ 278 GYƿ ௮ p 213b GYƿ ᬡ p 266a GYƿ จ p 291a GYOKU ⋢ 48 GYNj ∵ 108 —H— HA Ἴ 387 HA ◚ 788 HA ὴ 965 HA ᢕ p 221b HA ぞ p 299b ha ⩚ 82 ha ṑ 306 ha ⴥ 428 ha ล p 204b ha- ➃ p 282b haba ᖜ p 264b habamu 㜼 p 233a habuku ┬ 546 HACHI ඵ 8 HACHI 㖊 p 274b hachi ⻏ p 278a hada ⫙ p 217a hada p 289b hadaka 〄 p 278a hae ᰤ 450 haeru ⏕ 44 haeru ᰤ 450 haeru ᫎ 830 hagane 㗰 874 hagemu ບ p 219a hagareru, hagasu, hageru, hagu p 244a hageshii ⃭ 859 hagukumu ⫱ 247 haha ẕ 222 HAI 㓄 388 HAI ᩋ 591 HAI ᣏ 966 HAI ⫼ 967 HAI ⫵ 968 HAI ತ 969 HAI ᮼ p 230b HAI p 256a HAI ᗫ p 265a 323 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 323 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS HAI ㍮ p 284b hai ⅊ 834 hairu ධ 28 haji, hajiru p 246b hajimaru, hajimeru ጞ 304 hajime, hajimete ึ 535 haka 809 hakaru, hakarau ィ 116 hakaru ᅗ 167 hakaru 㔞 630 hakaru 765 hakaru ㅎ p 294a hakaru ㅛ p 287b hako ⟽ 390 hakobu 㐠 251 HAKU ⓑ 53 HAKU ༤ 593 HAKU p 218a HAKU ᢿ p 229b HAKU Ἡ p 231b HAKU ㏕ p 232b HAKU ⯧ p 260a HAKU ⷧ p 293b HAKU p 244a haku ྤ p 214b haku ᤲ p 256a haku ᒚ p 286b hama p 248b HAN ༙ 214 HAN 393 HAN ᆏ 394 HAN ᯈ 395 HAN 㣤 594 HAN ≢ 789 HAN ุ 790 HAN ∧ 791 HAN ⌜ 970 HAN ᕹ p 215b HAN క p 218a HAN ␁ p 249a HAN ⯡ p 251a HAN ㈍ p 258a HAN ᦙ p 274b HAN ↹ p 276a HAN 㡺 p 275b HAN ⠊ p 289a HAN ⦾ p 293a HAN ⸬ p 298a HAN ỗ p 216b HAN 㜰 p 224b HAN ỏ p 212a HAN ᩬ p 266a hana ⰼ 70 hana 㰯 399 hanahada, hanahadashii ⏒ p 239b hanareru ᨺ 414 hanareru, hanasu 㞳 p 291a hanashi, hanasu ヰ 240 hanasu, hanatsu ᨺ 414 hanayaka ⳹ p 251a hane ⩚ 82 haneru ㊴ p 274a hara ཎ 119 hara ⭡ 975 harasu ᬕ 172 harasu, hareru ⭘ p 277b harau ᡶ p 211b hare, hareru ᬕ 172 hari, haru ᙇ 775 hari 㔪 916 haru 158 haru ㈞ p 270b hasamaru, hasamu ᣳ p 237b hashi ᶫ 277 hashi ➃ p 282b hashi ⠂ p 289a hashira ᰕ 366 hashiru ㉮ 179 hata, hatake ⏿ 391 hata 474 hata ᶵ 476 hata ➃ p 282b hataraki, hataraku ാ 585 hatasu, hate, hateru ᯝ 454 HATSU Ⓨ 392 HATSU 㧥 p 285b hatsu ึ 535 HATT ἲ 612 haya, hayai ᪩ 56 hayai, hayameru ㏿ 352 hayamaru ㏿ 352 hayashi ᯘ 64 hazukashii p 246b hazukashimeru ㎯ p 249a hazumu ᙎ p 265a hebi ⺬ p 260b hedataru, hedateru 㝸 p 275a HEI ᖹ 411 HEI ර 606 HEI ୪ 977 HEI 㝎 978 HEI 㛢 979 HEI p 208a HEI ే p 225a HEI p 238b HEI ሟ p 264a HEI ᖯ p 286b HEI ᘢ p 286b HEI 㣰 p 291a HEI ⶸ p 289b HEKI ቨ p 292a HEKI Ⓑ p 297a HEKI ⎍ p 297a HEN ㏉ 412 HEN ㎶ 608 HEN ኚ 609 HEN ⦅ 806 HEN ∦ 980 HEN ೫ p 253a HEN 㐢 p 267b herasu, heru ῶ 693 heru ⤒ 685 HI ⓶ 396 HI ᝒ 397 HI 㣕 595 HI ㈝ 596 HI ẚ 792 HI ⫧ 793 HI 㠀 794 HI ྰ 972 HI ᢈ 973 HI ⛎ 974 HI ድ p 215a HI ᙼ p 228b HI ᢨ p 229b HI Ἢ p 231a HI ༝ p 235a HI ⑂ p 249a HI ⿕ p 251a HI ᡬ p 265b HI ☃ p 282b HI ⨭ p 289b HI 㑊 p 288a hi ᪥ 13 hi ⅆ 15 hi ⅉ 583 hibiki, hibiku 㡪 p 293b hidari ᕥ 21 hieru ෭ 634 higashi ᮾ 201 hiideru ⚽ p 223a hiji ⫝ p 223b hikaeru ᥍ p 256a hikari, hikaru ග 129 HIKI ༉ p 206b hiki, hiku ᘬ 81 hikiiru ⋡ 767 hiku ᙎ p 265a hikui, hikumaru, hikumeru ప 575 hima ᬤ p 275a hime ጲ p 245a hime p 264a himeru ⛎ 974 HIN ရ 405 HIN ㈋ 798 HIN p 248b HIN ㈱ p 286b HIN 㢖 p 289b hirakeru, hiraku 㛤 261 hiraku ᣵ p 247a hiratai ᖹ 411 hirogaru, hirogeru, hiroi, hiromaru ᗈ 127 hiro(u) ᣠ 321 hiru 188 hiru ᖸ 840 hirugaeru, hirugaesu ⩻ p 298a hisashii, hisashiku ஂ 676 hisomu ₯ p 288a hitai 㢠 665 hitaru, hitasu ᾐ p 248b 324 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 324 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS hito- ୍ 1 hito ே 39 hitomi ▖ p 296a hitori ⊂ 784 hitoshii ➼ 383 hitotsu ୍ 1 HITSU ➹ 400 HITSU ᚲ 597 HITSU ༉ p 206b HITSU Ἢ p 231a hitsuji ⨺ 426 hiya, hiyakasu, hiyasu ෭ 634 hiza ⭸ p 289b HO Ṍ 221 HO ಖ 808 HO ⿵ 981 HO ᤕ p 247a HO ᾆ p 248b HO ⯒ p 286a HO ့ p 244b ho ᕹ p 215b ho ✑ p 288b Hƿ ᪉ 223 Hƿ ᨺ 414 Hƿ ໟ 611 Hƿ ἲ 612 Hƿ ሗ 810 Hƿ ㇏ 811 Hƿ ᐆ 983 Hƿ ゼ 984 Hƿ ⰾ p 223b Hƿ 㑥 p 224b Hƿ ዊ p 227a Hƿ ᢪ p 230a Hƿ Ἳ p 231a Hƿ ᑒ p 236a Hƿ ⬊ p 241a Hƿ ಧ p 243a Hƿ ೌ p 243a Hƿ ᓠ p 245b Hƿ ◙ p 249b Hƿ ᔂ p 255a Hƿ 㣬 p 275b Hƿ 〔 p 289b Hƿ ⦭ p 293a Hƿ ⻏ p 278a hǀ 㢋 p 295a hodo ⛬ 777 hodokosu p 238a hodoku ゎ 662 hogaraka ᮁ 1,005 hǀjiru ዊ p 227a hoka እ 96 hoka 354 hoko ▩ p 212b hokori, hokoru p 278b hokorobiru ⥢ p 283a HOKU 224 homare p 278a homeru 〔 p 289b hǀmuru ⴿ p 269b HON ᮏ 76 HON 393 HON ዑ p 227a HON ⩻ p 298a hone 㦵 877 hono-o ⅖ p 232a hora Ὕ p 239a hori ᇼ p 254a horobiru, horobosu ⁛ p 276a horu ᙮ p 255a horu ᥀ p 256a hǀru ᨺ 414 hoshi ᫍ 171 hoshii, hossuru ḧ 997 hosoi ⣽ 140 hosu ᖸ 840 hotaru ⺯ p 260b hotoke 805 HOTT ἲ 612 HYAKU ⓒ 11 HYƿ ị 401 HYƿ ⾲ 402 HYƿ ⚊ 598 HYƿ ᶆ 599 HYƿ ර 606 HYƿ ಥ 796 HYƿ, hyǀsuru ホ 797 HYƿ ᢿ p 229a HYƿ ⁻ p 282a —I— I ་ 244 I ጤ 245 I ព 246 I ௨ 443 I ⾰ 444 I ᅖ 445 I ᅖ 446 I ⫶ 447 I ⛣ 642 I ᫆ 647 I ␗ 826 I 㑇 827 I ౫ p 225a I ጾ p 236a I Ⅽ p 239b I ᑚ p 254b I ೧ p 263a I 㐪 p 274bԜ I ⥔ p 283a I ៘ p 287a I ⦋ p 293a I ⏽ p 240a I ⴎ p 260a I ᳔ p 266b I ᙡ p 274a i p 205b ibara Ⲉ p 241b ICHI ୍ 1 ICHI ኍ p 220a ichi ᕷ 144 ichijirushii ⴭ 949 idaku ᢪ p 230a idomu ᣮ p 237b ie ᐙ 89 ieru ⒵ 297a ijimeru ⱔ p 233a ikaru ᛣ p 237a ike ụ 185 IKI ᇦ 828 iki ᜥ 351 iki ⢋ 249a ikidǀru p 287a ikioi ໃ 747 ikiru ⏕ 44 ikoi, ikou ᠁ p 292a IKU ⫱ 247 iku ⾜ 131 iku ㏽ 253a iku~ ᗄ p 265a ikusa ᡓ 555 ima 138 imashime, imashimeru ᡄ p 221b imawashii ᚷ p 221b imo Ⱎ p 217b imǀto ጒ 226 imu ᚷ p 221b IN 㡢 33 IN ᘬ 81 IN ဨ 248 IN 㝔 249 IN 㣧 250 IN ༳ 448 IN ᅉ 643 IN ጻ p 236a IN 㝜 p 259a IN 㞃 p 280a IN 㡩 p 292b IN ဗ p 235b IN Ῐ p 257b ina ྰ 972 ine ✄ p 282b inochi 416 inori, inoru ♳ p 232b inu ≟ 73 ireru, iri ධ 28 iro Ⰽ 162 irodoru ᙬ p 255a iru せ 623 iru ᒃ 678 iru ᑕ 893 iru 㗪 p 285a iru ↦ p 276a isagiyoi ₩ 686 isamashii, isamu ຬ 622 ishi ▼ 72 ishizue ♏ p 297b isogashii ᛁ p 216a isogu ᛴ 272 ita ᯈ 395 itadaki, itadaku 㡬 951 itai, itamu ③ 954 itamu യ 912 itamu p 255b itaru ⮳ 886 itasu ⮴ p 251a ito ⣒ 75 itonami, itonamu Ⴀ 645 ITSU ୍ 1 ITSU 㐓 p 258b itsukushimu ឿ p 274b 325 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 325 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS itsutsu 5 itsuwaru ഇ p 253a iu ゝ 118 iwa ᒾ 102 iwai, iwau ⚃ 533 iya ᎘ p 274a iyashii, iyashimeru ༝ p 235a iyasu ⒵ 297a izumi Ἠ 926 —J— JA 㑧 p 232b JA ⺬ p 260b JAKU ᙅ 154 JAKU ⱝ 896 JAKU ᐢ p 254b JI ⪥ 32 JI Ꮠ 78 JI ᑎ 149 JI ⮬ 150 JI 151 JI ᆅ 184 JI 301 JI ḟ 308 JI 309 JI ᣢ 310 JI ඣ 526 JI 527 JI, jisuru ㎡ 528 JI ♧ 723 JI ఝ 724 JI ☢ 892 JI 㝖 910 JI, jisuru ౝ p 225b JI p 264a JI ឿ p 274b JI ⎛ p 299a JI 㣵 p 291b ~ji ㊰ 439 JIKI ┤ 192 JIKU ㍈ p 267a JIN ே 39 JIN ⚄ 340 JIN ⮧ 543 JIN ோ 917 JIN ล p 204b JIN ᑾ p 215b JIN ㎿ p 218b JIN ⏒ p 239b JIN 㝕 p 250a JIN ᑜ p 264b JIN ⭈ p 269b JITSU ᪥ 13 JITSU ᐇ 312 JO ዪ 41 JO ຓ 330 JO ᗎ 734 JO 㝖 910 JO ዴ p 215a JO, josuru ླྀ p 235b JO ᚎ p 246a Jƿ ୖ 23 Jƿ ሙ 161 Jƿ ᫍ 171 Jƿ 336 Jƿ ᐃ 371 Jƿ ᡂ 545 Jƿ 㟼 548 Jƿ ᮲ 738 Jƿ ≧ 739 Jƿ ᖖ 740 Jƿ 741 Jƿ ᇛ 914 Jƿ 915 Jƿ ┒ 921 Jƿ p 204a Jƿ p 206a Jƿ ί p 239a Jƿ p 253b Jƿ ␚ p 268a Jƿ ⦖ p 289a Jƿ ተ p 291b Jƿ Ꮉ p 292a Jƿ 㘄 p 288b Jƿ ㆡ p 293a Jƿ 㔊 p 293b JOKU ㎯ p 249a JU ཷ 319 JU ᤵ 729 JU ᶞ 897 JU ᑵ 900 JU ᑑ p 220b JU 㟂 p 280a JU ൲ p 291a JU ࿚ p 226b JNj ༑ 10 JNj ୰ 26 JNj ᣠ 321 JNj ఫ 325 JNj 㔜 326 JNj ᚑ 902 JNj ⦪ 903 JNj Ồ p 212a JNj p 214a JNj ᰂ p 238b JNj p 257b JNj 㖠 p 279b JNj ⋇ p 292b JUKU, jukusuru ⇍ 905 JUKU ሿ p 280a JUN 㡰 534 JUN ‽ 733 JUN ⣧ 906 JUN ᕠ p 215b JUN ᪪ p 216a JUN ┪ p 240a JUN p 244a JUN, junjiru ṥ p 248a JUN ᚠ p 265a JUN ₶ p 288a JUN 㑂 p 284b JUTSU ㏙ 731 JUTSU ⾡ 732 —K— KA ⅆ 15 KA ୗ 24 KA ⰼ 70 KA ఱ 86 KA ⛉ 87 KA ኟ 88 KA ᐙ 89 KA ḷ 90 KA 258 KA Ⲵ 259 KA ຍ 453 KA ᯝ 454 KA ㈌ 455 KA ㄢ 456 KA ྍ 655 KA ௬ 656 KA ౯ 657 KA Ἑ 658 KA 㐣 659 KA ె p 225b KA, kasuru ᯫ p 238b KA ⳹ p 251a KA Ⳬ p 260a KA p 267a KA ᎑ p 273b KA ᬤ p 275a KA ⚝ p 276b KA 㠐 p 275a KA ᐻ p 281a KA ⟠ p 283a KA ✌ p 288b KA ⱔ p 233a KA 㮵 p 262b -ka ᪥ 13 ka 㤶 p 241b ka ⺅ p 251a kabe ቨ p 292a kabu ᰴ 839 kado ゅ 97 kado 㛛 231 kaerimiru ┬ 546 kaerimiru 㢳 p 293b kaeru ᖐ 106 kaeru ௦ 358 kaeru ኚ 609 kaeru p 265b kaeru ᭰ p 266a kaesu ㏉ 412 kagami 㙾 486 kagayaku ㍤ p 284b kage 㝜 p 259a kage ᙳ p 286b kagi 㘽 p 296b kagiri, kagiru 㝈 691 kago ⡲ p 301a kagu Ⴅ p 273a KAI ᅇ 92 KAI 93 KAI ᾏ 94 KAI ⤮ 95 KAI ⏺ 260 KAI 㛤 261 KAI 㝵 262 KAI ᨵ 458 KAI Ე 459 KAI ⾤ 461 KAI ᛌ 661 KAI ゎ 662 KAI ⅊ 834 KAI, kaishite p 206a KAI ᡄ p 221b KAI p 229a KAI ᣂ p 229a KAI p 237a KAI ⓙ p 240a KAI ሢ p 273b 326 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 326 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS KAI ቯ p 291b KAI p 292a KAI ᴠ p 275a KAI ₽ p 288a KAI ㅊ p 294a kai ㈅ 49 kaiko ⺋ 885 kakaeru ᢪ p 230a kakageru ᥖ p 256a kakari, kakaru ಀ 286 kaka(waru) 㛵 467 kakeru Ḟ 496 kakeru p 256b kakeru 㥑 p 280b kakeru ㉃ p 294a kaki ᇉ p 235b kaki ᰠ p 238b kakomu, kakou ᅖ 446 KAKU ⏬ 91 KAKU ゅ 97 KAKU ᐈ 270 KAKU ྛ 462 KAKU ぬ 463 KAKU ᱁ 663 KAKU ☜ 664 KAKU ᣑ 835 KAKU 㠉 836 KAKU 㛶 837 KAKU ᰾ p 247b KAKU Ẇ p 257a KAKU 㒌 p 258b KAKU ㍑ p 274a KAKU 㝸 p 275a KAKU ⋓ p 293a KAKU ᄐ p 295a KAKU ✭ p 297b kaku ᭩ 159 kaku Ḟ 496 kaku ᥥ 256a kakureru, kakusu 㞃 p 280a kama ❔ p 288b kama 㔩 p 252b kama 㙊 p 298b kamae, kamaeru ᵓ 701 kame ட p 253a kami ୖ 23 kami ⣬ 148 kami ⚄ 340 kami 㧥 p 285b kaminari 㞾 p 275a kamosu 㔊 p 293b KAN 㛫 100 KAN ᐮ 263 KAN ឤ 264 KAN, ~kan ₎ 265 KAN 㤋 266 KAN 464 KAN ᐁ 465 KAN ⟶ 466 KAN, kansuru 㛵 467 KAN ほ 468 KAN ห 666 KAN ᖿ 667 KAN ័ 668 KAN ᖸ 840 KAN ᕳ 841 KAN ┳ 842 KAN ⡆ p 843 KAN ⏑ p 212a KAN ⏥ p 212b KAN ờ p 216b KAN ⨁ p 216b KAN ⫢ p 223b KAN ෙ p 235a KAN 㝗 p 250a KAN p 253a KAN ຺ p 253b KAN ᝈ p 255b KAN ㈏ p 258a KAN ႏ p 263b KAN ሓ p 264a KAN p 265b KAN ᩒ p 266a KAN p 266b KAN Ḱ p 267a KAN 㛩 p 268a KAN ່ p 273a KAN ᐶ p 274a KAN Ḽ p 288a KAN ┘ p 288b KAN ⦆ p 289a KAN ᠍ p 292a KAN 㑏 p 288a KAN ⎔ p 295b KAN Ⰴ p 301a KAN 㚷 p 294a KAN 㡑 p 297a kanaderu ዌ 930 kanarazu ᚲ 597 kanashii ᝒ 397 kanbashii ⰾ p 223b kane 㔠 18 kane 㚝 p 293b kaname せ 623 kaneru ව p 244a kangae, kangaeru ⪃ 130 kangamiru 㚷 302 kanmuri ෙ p 235a kano ᙼ p 228b kanashimu ᝒ 397 kao 㢢 103 kaori, kaoru 㤶 p 241b kaoru ⸅ p 293b kara ✵ 66 kara ၈ p 244b kara Ẇ p 257a karada య 182 karai ㎞ p 224a karameru ⤡ p 269a karamu ⤡ p 269a karasu, kareru ᯤ p 238b kare ᙼ p 228b kari, kariru 530 kari ௬ 656 kari, karu ⊁ p 239b karoyaka, karu, karui ㍍ 287 karu ส p 206b kasa ച p 263a kasanaru, kasaneru 㔜 326 kasegu ✌ p 288b kashi, kasu ㈚ 770 kashira 㢌 203 kashikoi ㈼ p 287b kashikoi, kashikomu ⏽ p 240a kata ᪉ 223 kata ᆺ 493 kata ∦ 980 kata ⫪ p 233a kata ₲ p 288a katachi ᙧ 115 katai ᅛ 501 katai 㞴 960 katai ሀ p 264a katai ◳ p 268b kataki ᩛ 779 katamaru, katameru ᅛ 501 katamukeru, katamuki, katamuku ഴ p 273a katana ย 198 katari, kataru ㄒ 124 katayoru ೫ p 253a KATSU ά 99 KATSU 838 KATSU ᣓ p 237b KATSU ႑ p 253b KATSU Ῥ p 257b KATSU p 276a KATSU 〓 p 278a KATSU ㎄ p 290a KATSU ⴱ p 269b katsu 335 katsu ୟ p 208b katsugu ᢸ 941 kau ㈙ 212 kau 㣫 722 kawa ᕝ 59 kawa ⓶ 396 kawa ഃ 562 kawa Ἑ 658 kawaku, kawakasu p 253a kawaku p 255a kawara ⎰ p 212a kawaru ௦ 358 kawaru ኚ 609 kawaru p 265b kawaru ᭰ p 266a kawasu 128 kayou ㏻ 193 kazaru 㣭 p 275b kaze 㢼 217 kazoeru, kazu ᩘ 168 KE Ẽ 68 KE ᐙ 89 KE 258 KE ᬒ 494 KE ௬ 656 KE ᠱ p 300a ke ẟ 230 kegareru, kegasu ở p 216b 327 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 327 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS KEI ி 110 KEI 114 KEI ᙧ 115 KEI ィ 116 KEI ಀ 286 KEI ㍍ 287 KEI ᚄ 492 KEI ᆺ 493 KEI ᬒ 494 KEI ➇ 487 KEI ቃ 680 KEI ⤒ 685 KEI ⣔ 855 KEI ᩗ 856 KEI ㆙ 857 KEI ฮ p 214a KEI ⱼ p 233a KEI ዎ p 236a KEI ᜨ p 246b KEI ၨ p 253b KEI ᥖ p 256a KEI p 257b KEI ⺯ p 260b KEI ഴ p 273a KEI ᦠ p 275a KEI ⥅ p 277a KEI p 287a KEI ᠁ p 292a KEI 㭜 p 300b KEI ユ p 278a KEI ᠄ p 287a KEI ✍ p 288b kemono ⋇ p 292b kemui, kemuri, kemuru ↮ p 276a KEN ぢ 31 KEN ≟ 73 KEN 㛫 100 KEN ◊ 290 KEN ┴ 291 KEN ᘓ 498 KEN 499 KEN 㦂 500 KEN ௳ 687 KEN ๆ 688 KEN 㝤 689 KEN ᳨ 690 KEN ⤱ 861 KEN ᶒ 862 KEN ᠇ 863 KEN ⫪ p 233a KEN ೝ p 243a KEN ව p 244a KEN p 244b KEN ㌺ p 249a KEN ᅪ p 263b KEN ሀ p 264a KEN ᎘ p 274a KEN ⊩ p 276a KEN 㐵 p 274b KEN ㈼ p 287b KEN ㅬ p 289b KEN ⧛ p 298a KEN 㢧 p 291b KEN ᠱ p 300a KEN ᣙ p 246b KEN 㘽 p 296b keru ㋾ p 299b kesu ᾘ 332 keta ᱆ p 247b KETSU ⾑ 288 KETSU Ỵ 289 KETSU Ḟ 496 KETSU ⤖ 497 KETSU ₩ 686 KETSU ✰ 860 KETSU ഔ p 272a kewashii 㝤 689 kezuru ๐ p 235a KI Ẽ 68 KI Ỷ 104 KI グ 105 KI ᖐ 106 KI ㉳ 268 KI ᮇ 269 KI ᕼ 470 KI Ꮨ 471 KI ⣖ 472 KI ႐ 473 KI 474 KI ჾ 475 KI ᶵ 476 KI ᇶ 670 KI ᐤ 671 KI つ 672 KI ༴ 844 KI ᮘ 845 KI 846 KI ㈗ 847 KI ᕫ 866 KI p 213b KI ᒱ p 221a KI ᚷ p 221b KI ወ p 227a KI ♳ p 232b KI ㌶ p 240b KI ᪤ p 247b KI 㣚 p 250b KI 㨣 p 253b KI ᗄ p 265a KI Ღ p 266b KI Რ p 275a KI ㍤ p 284b KI 㥽 p 291b KI ᢏ p 213a KI ட p 253a KI ẋ p 275b KI ␥ p 288b ki ᮌ 17 ki ⏕ 44 ki 㯤 133 ki ᶞ 897 kiba ∳ p 208b kibishii ཝ 865 KICHI ྜྷ p 214b kieru ᾘ 332 KIKU ⳥ p 260a kiku, kikoeru, ⪺ 219 kiku 626 kiku ຠ 697 kiku ⫈ p 296a kimaru, kimeru Ỵ 289 kimi ྩ 285 kimo ⫢ p 223b KIN 㔠 18 KIN ㏆ 113 KIN 138 KIN ᆒ 681 KIN, kinjiru ⚗ 682 KIN 853 KIN ➽ 854 KIN ᩹ p 207b KIN ⳦ p 260a KIN ⍆ p 268a KIN ⥭ p 289a KIN ㅽ p 289b KIN あ p 298a KIN ഹ p 272a KIN 㘊 p 294b KIN ᕵ p 205b kin~ ⚗ 682 kinu ⤱ 861 kirau ᎘ p 274a kiri 㟝 p 292b kiru, kireru ษ 173 kiru, kiseru ╔ 364 kiru p 256b kishi ᓊ 267 kisou ➇ 487 kita 224 kitaeru 㘫 p 290a kitanai ở p 216b kitaru, kitasu ᮶ 237 KITSU ྜྷ p 214b KITSU ႚ p 263b KITSU ワ p 278b kiwa 㝿 710 kiwamaru, kiwameru ❓ p 288b kiwamaru, kiwami ᴟ 488 kiwameru ✲ 271 kiyoi, kiyomaru, kiyomeru, kiyoraka Ύ 547 kizamu ้ 875 kizashi, kizasu 573 kizu, kizutsukeru, kizutsuku യ 912 kizuku ⠏ 774 KO ᡞ 120 KO ྂ 121 KO ཤ 276 KO ᗜ 292 KO † 293 KO ᅛ 501 KO ᨾ 694 KO ಶ 695 KO ᕫ 866 KO 867 KO ᣐ p 229b KO Ꮩ p 236a KO ᘼ p 236b KO ᯤ p 238b KO p 260b KO 㞠 p 268b KO p 278b KO 㰘 p 280b KO 㢳 p 293b KO p 233b KO ⫤ p 232b KO 㘑 p 294b 328 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 328 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS ko ᑠ 27 ko Ꮚ 40 ko ⢊ 605 ko ஒ p 204a Kƿ ཱྀ 34 Kƿ ᰯ 46 Kƿ ᚋ 123 Kƿ ᕤ 125 Kƿ බ 126 Kƿ ᗈ 127 Kƿ 128 Kƿ ග 129 Kƿ ⪃ 130 Kƿ ⾜ 131 Kƿ 㧗 132 Kƿ 㯤 133 Kƿ ྥ 294 Kƿ ᖾ 295 Kƿ 296 Kƿ ຌ 502 Kƿ ዲ 503 Kƿ ೃ 504 Kƿ ⯟ 505 Kƿ ᗣ 506 Kƿ ᱁ 663 Kƿ ຠ 697 Kƿ ཌ 698 Kƿ ⪔ 699 Kƿ 㖔 700 Kƿ ᵓ 701 Kƿ ⯆ 702 Kƿ ㅮ 703 Kƿ ྡྷ 869 Kƿ Ꮥ 870 Kƿ ⓚ 871 Kƿ ⣚ 872 Kƿ 㝆 873 Kƿ 㗰 874 Kƿ Ꮝ p 207a Kƿ ᕦ p 211a Kƿ ⏥ p 212b Kƿ ௮ p 213b Kƿ Ụ p 216b Kƿ ᆙ p 220a Kƿ ᢠ p 222a Kƿ ᨷ p 222a Kƿ ᭦ p 222a Kƿ ᣊ p 229b Kƿ ⫯ p 232b Kƿ p 234a Kƿ ᜏ p 237a Kƿ ὥ p 239a Kƿ Ⲩ p 241b Kƿ 㑹 p 240b Kƿ 㤶 p 241b Kƿ ⪖ p 250a Kƿ ㈉ p 249a Kƿ ᥍ p 256a Kƿ ៃ p 265a Kƿ ◳ p 268b Kƿ ⤠ p 269a Kƿ 㡯 p 268b Kƿ ⁁ p 275b Kƿ ⥘ p 283a Kƿ 㓝 p 279a Kƿ ✏ p 288b Kƿ ⾮ p 292a Kƿ ㉎ p 289b Kƿ ᱾ p 257a Kƿ ႃ p 263b Kƿ ໙ p 206b Kƿ p 241b kobamu ᣄ p 229a kobushi ᣙ p 246b koe ኌ 170 koeru, koyasu ⫧ 793 koeru, kosu ㉸ p 267a koeru, kosu ㉺ p 267a kogareru, kogasu, kogeru ↔ p 267b kogoeru p 244a koi, koishii ᜊ p 246b koi ⃰ p 292b kokonotsu 9 kokoro ᚰ 164 kokoromi, kokoromiru ヨ 525 kokoroyoi ᛌ 661 kokorozashi, kokorozasu ᚿ 718 KOKU ▼ 72 KOKU ㇂ 135 KOKU ᅜ 136 KOKU 㯮 137 KOKU ࿌ 507 KOKU ้ 875 KOKU ✐ 876 KOKU ඞ p 218b KOKU 㓞 p 279a koma 㥖 p 291b komakai ⣽ 140 komaru ᅔ 878 kome ⡿ 220 komeru, komu ㎸ p 212b komoru ⡲ p 301a komu ΰ704 kǀmuru ⿕ p 251a KON 㔠 18 KON 138 KON ᰿ 298 KON ᘓ 498 KON ΰ 704 KON ᅔ 878 KON ᪻ p 230a KON ᜟ p 237a KON ፧ p 254b KON ⤃ p 259b KON ⊩ p 276a KON 㨦 p 285b KON ቧ p 291a KON ᠓ p 295a KON p 258b kona ⢊ 605 konomu ዲ 503 korasu, koriru ᠬ p 297a kǀri ị 401 kori, koru จ p 291a koro 㡭 p 262b korobu, korogeru ㌿ 375 korogaru, korogasu ㌿ 375 koromo ⾰ 444 korosu ẅ 515 kǀru p 244a koshi ⭜ p 277b kotae, kotaeru ⟅ 202 kotaeru ᛂ 651 koto ゝ 118 koto 309 koto ⍆ p 268a kotobuki ᑑ p 220b kotonaru ␗ 826 kotoni Ṧ p 248a kotowaru ᩿ 773 KOTSU 㦵 877 KOTSU 276a kou ㄳ p 290a kowai ᛧ p 229a koyashi ⫧ 793 koyomi ᬺ p 281b KU 9 KU ཱྀ 34 KU ᕤ 125 KU ᐑ 274 KU ༊ 282 KU ⱞ 283 KU ຌ 502 KU ஂ 676 KU ྃ 683 KU ⣚ 872 KU 㥑 p 280b KNj ✵ 66 kubaru 㓄 388 kubi 㤳 155 kuchi ཱྀ 34 kuchibiru ၁ p 244b kuchiru ᮙ p 216b kuda ⟶ 466 kudakeru, kudaku ○ p 240b kudaru, kudasaru ୗ 24 kuiru p 237a kujira 㪒 p 300b kuki ⱼ p 233a kuma ⇃ p 282a kumi, kumu ⤌ 178 kumo 㞼 83 kumori, kumoru p 292b kumu 㓃 p 249b KUN ྩ 285 KUN カ 489 KUN p 286a KUN ⸅ p 293b kuni ᅜ 136 kura 559 kura ⶶ 936 kuraberu ẚ 792 kurai ᬯ 243 kurai 445 kurai ᭕ p 295b kurasu, kure, kureru ᬽ 982 kurenai ⣚ 872 kuro, kuroi 㯮 137 kuru ᮶ 237 kuru ⧞ p 299a 329 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 329 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS kurui, kuruu ≬ p 223a kuruma ㌴ 63 kurushii ⱞ 283 kusa ⲡ 57 kusai ⮯ p 241b kusari 㙐 p 291a kusaru ⭉ p 283b kuse Ⓑ p 297a kushi ୵ p 218a kusuri ⸆ 420 KUTSU, kussuru ᒅ p 228a KUTSU ᥀ p 256a KUTSU ❍ p 276b kutsu 㠐 p 275a kutsugaeru, kutsugaesu そ p 298a kuu 㣗 163 kuwa ᱓ p 247b kuwadate, kuwadateru p 213b kuwaeru, kuwawaru ຍ 453 kuwashii ヲ p 278b kuyami, kuyamu p 237a kuzu ⴱ p 269b kuzureru, kuzasu ᔂ p 255a KYAKU ᐈ 270 KYAKU ༷ p 219a KYAKU ⬮ p 260a KYO ཤ 276 KYO ᣲ 482 KYO ᒃ 678 KYO チ 679 KYO ᕧ p 211a KYO ᣄ p 229a KYO ᣐ p 229b KYO p 260b KYO ㊥ p 267a KYƿ ி 110 KYƿ ᙉ 111 KYƿ ᩍ 112 KYƿ 114 KYƿ ᶫ 277 KYƿ ඹ 484 KYƿ ༠ 485 KYƿ 㙾 486 KYƿ ➇ 487 KYƿ ቃ 680 KYƿ ⤒ 685 KYƿ ⯆ 702 KYƿ ౪ 850 KYƿ ⬚ 851 KYƿ 㒓 852 KYƿ ป p 206b KYƿ ྉ p 214b KYƿ ≬ p 223a KYƿ ா p 225a KYƿ ἣ p 231a KYƿ ᓙ p 236b KYƿ ᣳ p 237b KYƿ ⊃ p 239b KYƿ ᜍ p 246b KYƿ ᜤ p 246a KYƿ ⬣ p 250b KYƿ ▹ p 296a KYƿ 㡪 p 293b KYƿ 㦫 p 301b KYƿ ᱾ p 257a KYOKU ᭤ 279 KYOKU ᒁ 280 KYOKU ᴟ 488 KYNj 9 KYNj ఇ 80 KYNj ᘪ 107 KYNj ✲ 271 KYNj ᛴ 272 KYNj ⣭ 273 KYNj ᐑ 274 KYNj ⌫ 275 KYNj ồ 478 KYNj Ἵ 479 KYNj ᩆ 480 KYNj ⤥ 481 KYNj ஂ 676 KYNj ᪧ 677 KYNj ྾ 849 KYNj ཬ p 204b KYNj ୣ p 209a KYNj ᮙ p 216b KYNj ⣕ p 241a KYNj ❓ p 288b KYNj ⮻ p 217a KYNj Ⴅ p 273a —M— MA 㯞 p 262b MA, masuru ᦶ p 287a MA ☻ p 293a MA 㨱 p 301b ma 㛫 100 ma ┿ 341 maboroshi ᗁ p 207b machi ⏫ 61 machi ⾤ 461 madara ᩬp 266a mado ❆ 931 madou ᝨ p 265a mae ๓ 177 magaru, mageru ᭤ 279 magireru ⣮ p 250a mago Ꮮ 565 MAI ⡿ 220 MAI ẖ 225 MAI ጒ 226 MAI ᯛ 988 MAI ᇙ p 245a MAI p 238a mai, mau ⯙ p 289b mairu ཧ 517 majiru, majiwaru 128 majiru ΰ 704 makanau ㈥ p 274a makaseru ௵ 785 makasu, makeru ㈇ 406 maki ∾ 614 maki, maku ᕳ 841 makoto ㄔ 923 MAKU ᖥ 989 MAKU ⭷ p 283b makura ᯖ p 230b mame ㇋ 379 mamoru Ᏺ 316 MAN 227 MAN ‶ 616 MAN ៏ p 281a MAN ₔ p 282a manabu Ꮫ 45 manako ║ 669 maneku ᣍ 735 manukareru ච p 225b maru, marui, marumeru 101 marui 50 masani ṇ 79 masaru 335 masu ቑ 763 masu ༖ p 206b mata ཪ p 203b matataku ▐ p 297b mato ⓗ 578 MATSU ᮎ 615 MATSU p 229b matsu ᚅ 357 matsu ᯇ 536 matsuri, matsuru ⚍ 299 matsurigoto ᨻ 746 mattaku 347 mawari ࿘ 532 mawaru, mawasu ᅇ 92 mayou, mayowasu ㏞ 817 mayu ⧛ p 298a mayu ┱ p 240a mazaru, mazeru ΰ 704 mazushii ㈋ 798 me ┠ 30 me- ዪ 41 me ⱆ 457 me- 㞤 p 280b megumi, megumu ᜨ p 246b meguru ᕠ p 215b MEI ྡ 55 MEI ᫂ 228 MEI 㬆 229 MEI 416 MEI ㏞ 817 MEI ┕ 991 MEI 㖭 p 279b MEI ෞ p 244a mekura ┣ p 232a MEN 㠃 417 MEN ⥥ 818 MEN ච p 225b MEN 㯝 p 295b meshi 㣤 594 mesu ྊ p 210a mesu 㞤 p 280b METSU ⁛ p 276a mezurashii ⌋ p 239b MI 415 MI ᮍ 617 330 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 330 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS MI, misuru 㨩 p 291b MI ┱ p 240a mi ୕ 3 mi ᐇ 312 mi ㌟ 339 michi 㐨 205 michibiki, michibiku ᑟ 782 michiru ‶ 616 midara Ῐ p 257b midareru, midasu 999 midori ⥳ 435 mieru ぢ 31 migaku ☻ p 293a migi ྑ 22 mijikai ▷ 362 mijime p 255b miki ᖿ 667 mikotonori ペ p 270a mimi ⪥ 32 MIN Ẹ 619 MIN ╀ p 249a mina, minna ⓙ p 240a minami ༡ 208 minamoto ※ 864 minato 296 mine ᓠ p 245b minikui 㓶 p 290a minoru ᐇ 312 miru ぢ 31 miru デ p 270a misaki ᓁ p 228a misao ᧯ 935 misasagi 㝠 p 259a mise ᗑ 195 miseru ぢ 31 mitasu ‶ 616 mitomeru ㄆ 962 MITSU ᐦ 990 MITSU ⻤ p 283b mitsugu ㈉ p 249a mittsu ୕ 3 miya ᐑ 274 miyako 㒔 376 mizo ⁁ p 275b mizu Ỉ 16 mizukara ⮬ 150 mizu-umi † 293 MO ᶍ 992 MO ⱱ p 233a mo ႙ p 263b mo ⸴ p 299b Mƿ ẟ 230 Mƿ ᮃ 613 Mƿ ஸ 985 Mƿ ዶ p 215a Mƿ ┣ p 232a Mƿ ⪖ p 250a Mƿ ⊛ p 258a Mƿ ⥙ p 283a mochi ᣢ 310 mochi 㣰 p 291a mochiiru ⏝ 235 mǀderu ユ p 278a modoru, modosu ᡠ p 221b moeru ⇞ 786 moguru ₯ p 288a mǀkeru タ 754 MOKU ᮌ 17 MOKU ┠ 30 MOKU 㯲 p 291b momo ᱈ p 247b MON ᩥ 77 MON 㛛 231 MON ၥ 418 MON ⣠ p 250a monme ໜ p 206a mono ⪅ 314 mono ≀ 410 moppara ᑓ 925 moreru, moru ₃ p 282a mori ᳃ 65 mori Ᏺ 316 moru ┒ 921 moshikuwa ⱝ 896 mǀsu ⏦ 338 moteasobu ᘝ p 221a moto ୗ 24 moto ᮏ 76 moto ඖ 117 motome, motomeru ồ 478 motoi, motozuku ᇶ 670 MOTSU ≀ 410 motsu ᣢ 310 mottomo ᭱ 510 moyasu ⇞ 786 moyo-oshi, moyoosu ദ p 273a MU ↓ 620 MU Ṋ 802 MU ົ 815 MU ክ 816 MU ▩ p 212b MU ㅛ p 287b MU 㟝 p 292b mugi 㯏 213 mukae, mukaeru ㏄ p 224a mukashi ᫇ 346 mukau, mukǀ, muku ྥ 294 muko ፵ p 264b mukui, mukuiru ሗ 810 mune ⬚ 851 mune ᪨ p 216a mune Ჷ p 266b mura ᮧ 62 mura ᩬ p 266a muragaru, mure, mureru ⩌ 684 murasaki ⣸ p 269a murasu, mureru, musu 915 muro ᐊ 152 musaboru ㈎ p 261a mushi 74 musubi, musubu ⤖ 497 musume ፉ p 245a mutsu, muttsu භ 6 mutsumajii, mutsumu ╬ p 276b muzukashii 㞴 960 MYAKU ⬦ 618 MYƿ ྡ 55 MYƿ ᫂ 228 MYƿ 416 MYƿ ጁ p 220b MYƿ ෞ p 244a —N— NA ⣡ 963 NA 㑣 p 224b NA ዉ p 227a na ྡ 55 na ⳯ 509 nabe 㘠 p 296b nae ⱑ p 233a naeru ⴎ p 260a nagai 㛗 189 nagai Ọ 644 nagameru ═ p 258b nagare, nagareru, nagasu ὶ 432 nageku Ⴣ p 273a nageru ᢞ 378 nagoyaka 440 naguru Ẁ p 231a nagusame, nagusameru, nagusami ៘ p 287a NAI ෆ 207 nai, nashi ↓ 620 naka ୰ 26 naka ௰ 571 nakaba ༙ 214 naki, nakunaru, nakusu ஸ 985 naku 㬆 229 naku Ἵ 479 nama ⏕ 44 namakeru ᛰ p 237a namari 㖄 p 274b nami Ἴ 387 namino ୪ 977 namida ᾦ p 248b NAN ⏨ 42 NAN ༡ 208 NAN 㞴 960 NAN ㌾ p 258a nana, nanatsu 7 naname ᩳ p 256b nani ఱ 86 nao ᑦ p 228a naoru, naosu ┤ 192 naoru, naosu 527 naraberu, narabini, narabu ୪ 977 narasu, naru 㬆 229 narau ⩦ 323 narau ೌ p 243a nareru ័ 668 naru, nasu ᡂ 545 nasake 741 331 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 331 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS nashi p 257a natsu ኟ 88 natsukashii p 292a nawa ⦖ p 289a nayami, nayamu ᝎ p 246b nazo ㅦ p 294a ne 㡢 33 ne ᰿ 298 ne ್ 946 nebaru ⢓ p 256a negai, negau 㢪 469 NEI ᑀ p 281a nemui, nemuri, nemuru ╀ p 249a NEN ᖺ 20 NEN ↛ 557 NEN ᛕ 590 NEN ⇞ 786 NEN ⢓ p 259a NEN p 256a nerau ≺ p 232a neru ⦎ 438 neru ᐷ p 274a netamu ጊ p 227a NETSU, nessuru ⇕ 589 NI ࢽ 2 NI ඣ 526 NI ᑽ p 210b NI ᘨ p 216a ni Ⲵ 259 nibui, niburu 㕌 p 268a NICHI ᪥ 13 nieru, niru ↻ p 267b nigai ⱞ 283 nigasu, nigeru ㏨ p 240b nigiru ᥱ p 265b nigori, nigoru ⃮ p 292b nii- ᪂ 165 niji p 241b NIKU ⫗ 209 nikui, nikumu, nikurashii, nikushimi p 282b NIN ே 39 NIN ௵ 785 NIN ㄆ 962 NIN ዷ p 220b NIN ᚸ p 221b ninau ᢸ 941 nio(u) ⮯ 241b niou ໝ p 206b niru ఝ 724 nishi す 169 nishiki 㘊 p 294b niwa ᗞ 372 niwatori 㭜 p 300b no 㔝 233 Nƿ ㎰ 386 Nƿ ⬟ 787 Nƿ ⣡ 963 Nƿ ⬻ 964 Nƿ ᝎ p 246b Nƿ ⃰ p 292b nobasu, nobe, nobiru ᘏ 831 nobasu, nobiru ఙ p 218b noberu ఙp 218b noberu ㏙ 731 nobori, noboru Ⓩ 382 noboru ୖ 23 noboru ᪼ p 230a nochi ᚋ 123 nodo ႃ p 263b nogareru ㏨ p 240b noki ㌺ p 249a nokori, nokoru, nokosu ṧ 520 nomu 㣧 250 nonoshiru ⨬ p 289b norou ࿚ p 226b noru, noseru 336 noru, noseru ㍕ p 274b nozoku 㝖 910 nozomi, nozomu ᮃ 613 nozomu ⮫ 1,004 nugu ⬺ p 260a nuguu ᣔ p 237b nuku ᢤ p 222a numa p 231a nuno ᕸ 799 nuru ሬ p 273b nushi 315 nusumu ┐ p 258b nuu ⦭ p 293a NYO ዪ 41 NYO ዴ p 215a NYƿ ᒀ p 220b NYNj ධ 28 NYNj ங 961 NYNj ᰂ p 238b —O— O ở p 216b o- ᑠ 27 o ᑿ p 220b o- 㞝 p 268b o ⥴ p 283a ƿ ⋤ 47 ƿ 㯤 133 ƿ ኸ 254 ƿ ᶓ 255 ƿ, ǀjiru ᛂ 651 ƿ 652 ƿ ᱜ 653 ƿ ⓚ 871 ƿ พ p 209b ƿ ᢲ p 230a ƿ Ḣ p 231a ƿ Ẁ p 231a ƿ ⩝ p 250a ƿ ዟ p 264a ƿ ᪲ p 230a obi, obiru ᖏ 566 obiyakasu ⬣ p 250b oboeru ぬ 463 oboreru ⁒ p 275b ochiiru 㝗 p 250a ochiru, otosu ⴠ 431 odayaka ✜ p 293a odori, odoru ㋀ p 279a odokasu, odosu ⬣ p 250b odoroki, odoroku 㦫 p 301b odoru ㌍ p 293a oeru ⤊ 322 ogamu ᣏ 966 ǀgi ᡪ p 246b oginau ⿵ 981 ogosoka ཝ 865 oi, oiru ⪁ 638 ǀi ከ 180 oka ୣ p 209a oka ᒸ p 228a okasu ≢ 789 okasu p 234b okasu ෑ p 240a oki Ἀ p 222b ǀkii 25 okiru, okoru, okosu ㉳ 268 okonau ⾜ 131 okoru, okosu ⯆ 702 okoru ᛣ p 237a okotaru ᛰ p 237a OKU ᒇ 256 OKU ൨ 452 OKU ዟ p 264a OKU ᠈ p 292a OKU ⮑ p 296a oku ⨨ 570 oku ዟ p 264a okureru 㐜 p 267b okuru ㏦ 349 okuru ㉗ p 291a omo 315 omo, omote 㠃 417 omoi 㔜 326 omomuki ㊃ p 284b omomuku ㉱ p 240b omote ⾲ 402 omou ᛮ 147 ON 㡢 33 ON 㐲 85 ON 257 ON ᜠ 654 ON ✜ p 293a ON ᛷ p 237a on ᚚ p 265a onaji ྠ 204 oni 㨣 p 253b onna ዪ 41 ono-ono ྛ 462 ore ನ p 243a oreru, ori, oru ᢡ 551 ori, oru ⧊ 742 oriru, orosu 㝆 873 oroka ហ p 274a oroshi, orosu ༺ p 235b oru ᢡ 551 osaeru ᢚ p 222a osaeru ᢲ p 230a osamaru, osameru 527 332 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 332 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS osamaru, osameru ಟ 730 osamaru, osameru 898 osameru ⣡ 963 osanai ᗂ 996 ǀse ௮ p 213b osoreru ⏽ p 240a osoreru p 255b oshi, osu ᢲ p 230a oshieru ᩍ 112 oshii, oshimu ᝰ p 255b osoi 㐜 p 267b osore, osoreru, osoroshii ᜍ p 246b osore p 277b osou く p 301a osu ᥎ 919 osu 㞝 p 268b oto 㡢 33 otoko ⏨ 42 otoroeru ⾶ p 251a otoru ຎ p 214a otǀto ᘵ 194 otozureru ゼ 984 OTSU எ p 203b otto ኵ 601 ou ㏣ 370 ou ㈇ 406 ǀu そ p 298a owari, owaru ⤊ 322 oya ぶ 166 ǀyake බ 126 oyobi, oyobu ཬ p 204b oyogu Ὃ 252 —P— pan- ỗ p 216b —R— RA 〄 p 278a RA ⨶ p 299a RAI ᮶ 237 RAI 㞾 p 275a RAI 㢗 p 295a RAKU ᴦ 98 RAKU ⴠ 431 RAKU ⤡ p 269a RAKU 㓗 p 274b RAN 999 RAN ༸ 1,000 RAN ぴ 1,001 RAN ℃ p 297a RAN ḍ p 300a RAN ⸛ p 298a RAN ᔒ p 264b RATSU, rassuru ᢼ p 229a RATSU ㎥ p 284a REI ♩ 436 REI ௧ 633 REI ෭ 634 REI 635 REI ບ p 219a REI ᡠ p 221b REI 㕥 p 274b REI 㞽 p 275a REI 㟋 p 285a REI 㞔 p 288b REI 㱋 p 297b REI 㯇 p 300b REKI Ṕ 636 REKI ᬺ p 281b REN ⦎ 438 REN 㐃 637 REN ᜊ p 246b REN ᗮ p 274a REN 㘐 p 288b ~ren 㐃 637 RETSU ิ 437 RETSU ຎ p 214a RETSU Ⅿ p 248b RETSU p 269b RI 㔛 238 RI ⌮ 239 RI 626 RI 1,002 RI ྣ p 214b RI ⑩ p 268a RI ᒚ p 286b RI 㞳 p 291a RI p 257a RI ⍵ p 288b RIKI ຊ 38 RIKU 㝣 627 RIN ᯘ 64 RIN ㍯ 631 RIN ⮫ 1,004 RIN ཊ p 235b RIN p 243a RIN 㕥 p 274b RIN 㞄 p 288b RITSU ❧ 37 RITSU ⋡ 767 RITSU ᚊ 1,003 RITSU ុ p 274b RO ㊰ 439 RO ⅔ p 232a RO 㟢 p 293a RO ࿅ p 219b RO ㈣ p 278b Rƿ ⪁ 638 Rƿ ປ 639 Rƿ ᮁ 1,005 Rƿ 㑻 p 240b Rƿ ᾉ p 248b Rƿ ᗯ p 265a Rƿ ᴥ p 275a Rƿ ₃ p 282a Rƿ, rǀsuru ᘝ p 221a Rƿ ⡲ p 301a ROKU භ 6 ROKU ⥳ 435 ROKU 㘓 640 ROKU 㯄 p 300b RON ㄽ 1,006 RU ὶ 432 RU ␃ 824 RU ⍠ p 282b RUI 㢮 632 RUI ᾦ p 248b RUI ⣼ p 259b RUI ሠ p 264a RYAKU, ryakusuru ␎ 823 RYO ᪑ 433 RYO p 277b RYO ៖ p 287a RYO p 234a RYƿ ୧ 434 RYƿ ⁺ 483 RYƿ Ⰻ 628 RYƿ ᩱ 629 RYƿ 㔞 630 RYƿ 㡿 825 RYƿ p 203a RYƿ ᾴ p 257b RYƿ ⊟ p 258a RYƿ 㝠 p 259a RYƿ p 280a RYƿ ᑅ p 286a RYƿ ⒪ p 296a RYƿ ⣊ p 297b RYƿ ░ p 296a RYOKU ຊ 38 RYOKU ⥳ 435 RYNj ❧ 37 RYNj ὶ 432 RYNj ␃ 824 RYNj ᰗ p 238b RYNj ❳ p 249b RYNj ⢏ p 259a RYNj 㝯 p 259a RYNj ◲ p 268b —S— SA ᕥ 21 SA స 141 SA Ⲕ 187 SA ᕪ 508 SA ᰝ 705 SA 706 SA ◁ 879 SA బ p 218a SA ၀ p 244b SA ブ p 270a SA 㙐 p 291a SA Ἃ p 222b sabaku 882 sabireru, sabishii ᐢ p 254b sachi ᖾ 295 sadaka, sadameru ᐃ 371 sadamaru ᐃ 371 saegiru 㐽 p 279a sagaru, sageru ୗ 24 sagasu ᤚ p 247a sagasu, saguru ᥈ 942 sageru ᥦ 776 sagesumu p 283b SAI ᡯ 139 SAI ⣽ 140 SAI す 169 SAI ษ 173 SAI ⚍ 299 SAI ⳯ 509 SAI ᭱ 510 SAI ẅ 515 SAI 706 SAI ⅏ 707 SAI ጔ 708 333 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 333 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS SAI ᥇ 709 SAI 㝿 710 SAI ㈈ 712 SAI ῭ 881 SAI 882 SAI ○ p 240b SAI ᐓ p 245a SAI ᱂ p 247b SAI ᙬ p 255a SAI ᩪ p 256b SAI ദ p 273a SAI മ p 272a SAI ṓ p 275b SAI ㍕ p 274b SAI ሰ p 273b SAI ᇸ p 254a SAI 㔗 p 233b sainamu ⱔ p 233a saiwai ᖾ 295 saka ᆏ 394 saka 㜰 p 224b saka-, sake 㓇 318 sakae, sakaeru ᰤ 450 sakai ቃ 680 sakan, sakari ┒ 921 sakana 㨶 109 sakanoboru 㐳 p 284b sakarau ㏫ 675 sakazuki ᮼ p 230b sakebu ྉ p 214b sakeru, saku p 269b sakeru 㑊 p 288a saki ඛ 43 saki ᓮ p 254b SAKU స 141 SAKU 512 SAKU ⟇ 883 SAKU 884 SAKU ๐ p 235a SAKU ⣴ p 250a SAKU 㓑 p 267b SAKU ᦢ p 274b SAKU 㘒 p 288b SAKU ᰙ p 238a saku 838 saku ဏ p 235b sakura ᱜ 653 sama ᶏ 430 samasu, sameru ぬ 463 samasu, sameru ෭ 634 samasu, sameru 㓰 p 294b samatageru ጉ p 220b samui ᐮ 263 SAN ୕ 3 SAN ᒣ 58 SAN ⟬ 142 SAN ཧ 517 SAN ⏘ 518 SAN ᩓ 519 SAN 㓟 715 SAN ㈶ 716 SAN ⺋ 885 SAN Ჽ p 245b SAN p 255b SAN ച p 263a sara ─ 300 sarani ᭦ p 222a saru ཤ 276 saru ⊷ p 276a sasaeru ᨭ 717 sasoi, sasou ㄏ p 284a sassuru ᐹ 516 sasu ᣦ 305 sasu ᕪ 508 sasu ่ p 226a sasu ᤄ p 247a sato 㔛 238 satoru ᝅ p 246b satosu ㅍ p 294a SATSU ᮐ 513 SATSU ๅ 514 SATSU ẅ 515 SATSU ᐹ 516 SATSU 884 SATSU p 287b SATSU ᧿ p 295a SATSU ็ p 225b SATSU ᣜ p 237b sawa ἑ p 222b sawagi, sawagu 㦁 p 291b sawaru 㞀 913 sawayaka ∝ p 258a sazukaru, sazukeru ᤵ 729 SE ୡ 344 SE p 238a SE 㓰 p 294b se ⫼ 967 se ␇ p 247a se ℩ p 299a sebameru ⊃ p 239b SECHI ⠇ 552 SEI ⏕ 44 SEI 㟷 52 SEI ṇ 79 SEI す 169 SEI ኌ 170 SEI ᫍ 171 SEI ᬕ 172 SEI ୡ 344 SEI ᩚ 345 SEI ᡂ 545 SEI Ύ 547 SEI ┬ 546 SEI 㟼 548 SEI, seisuru ไ 744 SEI ᛶ 745 SEI ᨻ 746 SEI ໃ 747 SEI ⢭ 748 SEI 〇 749 SEI ┒ 921 SEI ⪷ 922 SEI ㄔ 923 SEI p 205b SEI ጣ p 227a SEI ᚁ p 228b SEI ᩧ p 234b SEI ≅ p 239b SEI ㏽ p 249b SEI ፵ p 264b SEI ṓ p 275b SEI ㄋ p 284a SEI ㄳ p 290a SEI p 244a sei ⫼ 967 SEKI ㉥ 51 SEKI ኤ 54 SEKI ▼ 72 SEKI ᫇ 346 SEKI ᖍ 549 SEKI ✚ 550 SEKI ㈐ 751 SEKI ⦼ 752 SEKI ᩺ p 211b SEKI ᯒ p 230b SEKI 㞘 p 250b SEKI ᐢ p 254b SEKI ᝰ p 255b SEKI ㊧ p 274a SEKI ⡠ p 300a SEKI, se, sei ⬨ p 250b SEKI ᡉ p 255b seki 㛵 467 semai ⊃ p 239b semaru ㏕ p 232b seme, semeru ᨷ p 222a semeru ㈐ 751 SEN ༓ 12 SEN ඛ 43 SEN ᕝ 59 SEN ⯪ 175 SEN ⥺ 176 SEN ὸ 554 SEN ᡓ 555 SEN 㑅 556 SEN 㖹 757 SEN ᐉ 924 SEN ᑓ 925 SEN Ἠ 926 SEN Ὑ 927 SEN ᰁ 928 SEN p 209a SEN ༨ p 210a SEN ᡪ p 246b SEN ᰦ p 247b SEN ᪕ p 257a SEN ㊶ p 274a SEN 㖧 p 279b SEN ₯ p 288a SEN 㑄 p 284b SEN ⸀ p 293b SEN ⧄ p 296a SEN 㩭 p 297b SEN ↦ p 276a SEN ⩎ p 277a SEN ⭢ p 277b SEN ヮ p 278a SEN ⟢ p 282b seru ➇ 487 SETSU ษ 173 SETSU 㞷 174 SETSU ẅ 515 SETSU ᢡ 551 334 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 334 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS SETSU ⠇ 552 SETSU ㄝ 553 SETSU, sessuru ᥋ 753 SETSU タ 754 SETSU ᣋ p 229b SETSU ✼ p 241a SETSU ᦤ p 274b SETSU ็ p 225b SHA ㌴ 63 SHA ♫ 153 SHA 313 SHA ⪅ 314 SHA ⯋ 727 SHA, shasuru ㅰ 728 SHA ◁ 879 SHA ᑕ 893 SHA ᤞ 894 SHA ᩳ p 256b SHA ㉧ p 258a SHA ↻ p 267b SHA 㐽 p 279a SHAKU ㉥ 51 SHAKU ▼ 72 SHAKU ᫇ 346 SHAKU 530 SHAKU ᑻ 895 SHAKU ໗ p 204a SHAKU 㓃 p 249b SHAKU 㔘 p 258b SHAKU ∖ p 295b SHI ᅄ 4 SHI Ꮚ 40 SHI ⣒ 75 SHI Ṇ 143 SHI ᕷ 144 SHI ▮ 145 SHI ጜ 146 SHI ᛮ 147 SHI ⣬ 148 SHI ⮬ 150 SHI 301 SHI, shinu Ṛ 302 SHI 303 SHI ጞ 304 SHI ᣦ 305 SHI ṑ 306 SHI リ 307 SHI ḟ 308 SHI ኈ 521 SHI Ặ 522 SHI ྐ 523 SHI ྖ 524 SHI ヨ 525 SHI ᨭ 717 SHI ᚿ 718 SHI ᯞ 719 SHI ᖌ 720 SHI ㈨ 721 SHI 㣫 722 SHI ♧ 723 SHI ⮳ 886 SHI ⚾ 887 SHI ጼ 888 SHI ど 889 SHI モ 890 SHI ㄅ 891 SHI ᪨ p 216a SHI ఛ p 218a SHI ่ p 226a SHI ♴ p 232b SHI ⫥ p 232b SHI p 238a SHI ⬡ p 250b SHI ⣸ p 269a SHI Ⴙ p 273a SHI 㞤 p 280b SHI ㈷ p 284b SHI ㅎ p 294a SHI p 246a SHI ᦸ p 287a shiawase ᖾ 295 shiba Ⱚ p 217b shibaru ⦡ p 293a shibomu, shinabiru, shioreru ⴎ p 260a shiboru ⤠ p 269a shiboru ᦢ p 274b shibu, shibui, shiboru p 257b SHICHI 7 SHICHI ㉁ 726 shigeru ⱱ p 233a shiiru ᙉ 111 shiitageru p 241b shii ᳝ p 266b shiite ᙉ 111 shika 㮵 p 262b SHIKI Ⰽ 162 SHIKI ᘧ 311 SHIKI ㆑ 725 SHIKI ⧊ 742 shiku ᩜ p 287b shima ᓥ 380 shimaru, shimeru 㛢 979 shimaru, shimeru ⥾ p 289a shimeru ༨ p 210a shimeru, shimesu ‵ p 267b shimeru ⤠ p 269a shimesu ♧ 723 shimi, shimiru ᰁ 928 shimo ୗ 24 shimo 㟖 p 290b SHIN ᳃ 65 SHIN ᚰ 164 SHIN ᪂ 165 SHIN ぶ 166 SHIN ⏦ 338 SHIN ㌟ 339 SHIN ⚄ 340 SHIN ┿ 341 SHIN ῝ 342 SHIN 㐍 343 SHIN ⮧ 543 SHIN ಙ 544 SHIN 㔪 916 SHIN ఙ p 218b SHIN ㎞ p 224a SHIN p 234b SHIN ၁ p 244b SHIN ፎ p 245a SHIN p 247a SHIN ᾐ p 248b SHIN ⤀ p 259b SHIN デ p 270a SHIN ᐷ p 274a SHIN ៅ p 274b SHIN ᑂ p 286b SHIN ㄳ p 290a SHIN 㟈 p 285a SHIN ⸄ p 293b SHIN ⰺ p 223b shina ရ 405 shinjiru ಙ 544 shinobaseru, shinobu ᚸ p 221b shinu Ṛ 302 shio ሷ 451 shio ₻ 952 shirabe, shiraberu ㄪ 369 shiraseru ▱ 186 shiri ᑼ p 211a shirizokeru, shirizoku ㏥ 769 shiro, shiroi ⓑ 53 shiro ᇛ 914 shiru ▱ 186 shiru Ồ p 212a shirushi ༳ 448 shirusu グ 105 shita ୗ 24 shita ⯉ 755 shitagau ᚑ 902 shitashii, shitashimu ぶ 166 shitataru p 282a shitau ះ p 281a SHITSU ᐊ 152 SHITSU ኻ 529 SHITSU ㉁ 726 SHITSU p 249a SHITSU ᇳ p 254a SHITSU ‵ p 267b SHITSU ⁽ p 282a SHITSU, shikaru ྏ p 210a SHITSU ᎖ p 273b shizu, shizuka 㟼 548 shizuka, shizumaru, shizumeru 㟼 548 shizuku p 282a shizumeru 㙠 p 291a shizumu ỿ p 223a SHO ᭩ 159 SHO ᡤ 328 SHO ᬬ 329 SHO ึ 535 SHO, shosuru ฎ 907 SHO ⨫ 908 SHO ㅖ 909 SHO ᗢ p 255a SHO ⥴ p 283a SHƿ ᑠ 27 SHƿ ⏕ 44 SHƿ 㟷 52 SHƿ ṇ 79 SHƿ ᑡ 160 SHƿ ኌ 170 SHƿ 331 335 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 335 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS SHƿ ᾘ 332 SHƿ ၟ 333 SHƿ ❶ 334 SHƿ 335 SHƿ ┦ 348 SHƿ ᯇ 536 SHƿ ➗ 537 SHƿ ၐ 538 SHƿ ↝ 539 SHƿ ㇟ 540 SHƿ ↷ 541 SHƿ ㈹ 542 SHƿ ┬ 546 SHƿ ᣍ 735 SHƿ ᢎ 736 SHƿ ド 737 SHƿ ᛶ 745 SHƿ ᨻ 746 SHƿ ⢭ 748 SHƿ ᑗ 911 SHƿ യ 912 SHƿ 㞀 913 SHƿ 933 SHƿ p 205b SHƿ ༖ p 206b SHƿ ྊ p 209b SHƿ p 214a SHƿ ᗋ p 221a SHƿ ᢒ p 221b SHƿ ⫝̸ p 223b SHƿ ጣ p 227a SHƿ ᑦ p 228a SHƿ ᪼ p 230a SHƿ p 231a SHƿ ᐘ p 245a SHƿ p 249a SHƿ ⛠ p 249b SHƿ ⚈ p 247b SHƿ ΅ p 257b SHƿ ⤂ p 259a SHƿ ゴ p 260b SHƿ ᤸ p 265b SHƿ ᬗ p 266a SHƿ ↔ p 267b SHƿ ◪ p 268b SHƿ ⢝ p 269a SHƿ ペ p 270a SHƿ ዡ p 273b SHƿ ヲ p 278b SHƿ ᙲ p 281a SHƿ ⾪ p 287a SHƿ ൾ p 295a SHƿ ♋ p 296a SHƿ 㚝 p 293b SHƿ p 287a SHOKU Ⰽ 162 SHOKU 㣗 163 SHOKU ᳜ 337 SHOKU ⧊ 742 SHOKU ⫋ 743 SHOKU Ṫ p 267a SHOKU ゐ p 278a SHOKU 㣭 p 275b SHOKU კ p 286a SHOKU ᣔ p 237b shǀsuru ⛠ p 249b SHU ᡭ 35 SHU 㤳 155 SHU 315 SHU Ᏺ 316 SHU ྲྀ 317 SHU 㓇 318 SHU ✀ 531 SHU ಟ 730 SHU ᮒ p 216b SHU ⊁ p 239b SHU Ṧ p 248a SHU ⌔ p 249a SHU ㊃ p 284b SHU ⭘ p 277b SHNj ⛅ 156 SHNj 㐌 157 SHNj ᕞ 320 SHNj ᣠ 321 SHNj ⤊ 322 SHNj ⩦ 323 SHNj 㞟 324 SHNj ࿘ 532 SHNj, SHUKU ⚃ 533 SHNj ಟ 730 SHNj 898 SHNj ᐀ 899 SHNj ᑵ 900 SHNj ⾗ 901 SHNj ᅃ p 210b SHNj ⯚ p 217b SHNj ⚽ p 223a SHNj ⮯ p 241b SHNj ᇳ p 254a SHNj ឋ p 274a SHNj 㓘 p 274b SHNj 㓶 p 290a SHNj く p 301a SHNj ⿇ p 251a SHNj ⩈ p 259b SHNj ㋾ p 299b SHUKU ᐟ 327 SHUKU ⦰ 904 SHUKU ུ p 226b SHUKU ῄ p 257b SHUKU ⢔ p 260a SHUN 158 SHUN ᪪216a SHUN ಇ p 234b SHUN ▐ p 297b SHUTSU ฟ 29 SO ⤌ 178 SO ♽ 758 SO ⣲ 759 SO 㜼 p 233a SO ⛒ p 249b SO ᥐ p 255b SO ⢒ p 259a SO p 268a SO ッ p 270b SO ረ p 273b SO ♏ p 297b SO 㐳 p 284b SO ≺ p 232a Sƿ ᪩ 56 Sƿ ⲡ 57 Sƿ ㉮ 179 Sƿ ┦ 348 Sƿ ㏦ 349 Sƿ 350 Sƿ த 558 Sƿ 559 Sƿ ᕢ 560 Sƿ ⥲ 760 Sƿ ᐀ 899 Sƿ ዌ 930 Sƿ ❆ 931 Sƿ 932 Sƿ 933 Sƿ ᒙ 934 Sƿ ᧯ 935 Sƿ p 207a Sƿ ኊ p 215a Sƿ Ⲯ p 241b Sƿ ᤄ p 247a Sƿ ᤚ p 247a Sƿ ᱓ p 247b Sƿ ᤲ p 256a Sƿ ᭪ p 257a Sƿ ႙ p 263b Sƿ ⴿ p 269b Sƿ ൔ p 273a Sƿ 㐼 p 279a Sƿ ᵴ p 287b Sƿ ⇱ p 295b Sƿ 㟖 p 290b Sƿ 㦁 p 291b Sƿ ⸴ p 299b Sƿ ㋑ p 290b Sƿ ᭯ p 257a Sƿ ∝ p 258a Sƿ ⑭ p 268a sodateru, sodatsu ⫱ 247 sode ⿇ p 251a soeru ῧ p 257b soko ᗏ 576 sokonau, sokoneru ᦆ 768 SOKU ㊊ 36 SOKU ᜥ 351 SOKU ㏿ 352 SOKU ᮰ 561 SOKU ഃ 562 SOKU ๎ 764 SOKU 765 SOKU ༶ p 219b SOKU ಁ p 234a SOKU ሰ p 273b SOKU ᤊ p 247a -someru ึ 535 someru ᰁ 928 somukeru, somuku ⫼ 967 SON ᮧ 62 SON Ꮮ 565 SON ᦆ 768 SON Ꮡ 938 SON ᑛ 939 SON 㐯 p 284b sonae, sonaeru, sonawaru ഛ 795 sonaeru ౪ 850 sono ᅬ 84 sonsuru ᦆ 768 sora ✵ 66 sorasu, soru 393 sosogu ὀ 365 336 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 336 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS sosonokasu ၀ p 244b soto እ 96 SOTSU ༞ 564 SOTSU ⋡ 767 sou ἢ 832 sou ῧ p 257b SU Ꮚ 40 SU 315 SU Ᏺ 316 SU ⣲ 759 SU 㡲 p 272b su ᕞ 320 su ᕢ 560 su 㓑 p 267b SNj ᩘ 168 SNj ᯡ p 230b SNj ᓫ p 254b suberu ⤫ 780 suberu p 276a subete 347 sudeni ᪤ p 247b sue ᮎ 615 sueru ᤣ p 256a sugata ጼ 888 sugi ᮡ p 222b sugiru, sugosu 㐣 659 sugoi, susamaji p 244a sugureru ඃ 995 SUI Ỉ 16 SUI ฟ 29 SUI ᆶ 918 SUI ᥎ 919 SUI ྿ p 219b SUI ⅕ p 232a SUI ᖊ p 236b SUI ⢋ p 249a SUI ⾶ p 251a SUI 㓉 p 258b SUI 㐙 p 267b SUI ╧ p 276b SUI ✑ p 288b SUI 㗽 p 288a suji ➽ 854 suki, suku ዲ 503 sukasu, suku ㏱ p 249b ~suke ຓ 330 suki 㝽 p 279b sukoshi ᑡ 160 sukoyaka 499 sukui, sukuu ᩆ 480 sukunai ᑡ 160 sumai ఫ 325 sumasu ῭ 881 sumi Ⅳ 361 sumi 㝮 p 268a sumi ቚ p 280b sumiyaka ㏿ 352 sumu ఫ 325 sumu ῭ 881 sumu p 288a SUN ᑍ 920 suna ◁ 879 suppai 㓟 715 sureru, suru ᧿ p 295a suru ๅ 514 surudoi 㗦 p 285a suso 〈 p 278a susumeru ່ p 273a susumeru ⸀ p 293b susumeru, susumu 㐍 343 sutareru, sutaru ᗫ p 265a suteru ᤞ 894 suu ྾ 849 suwaru ᗙ 880 suwaru ᤣ p 256a suzu 㕥 p 274b suzushii ᾴ p 257b tagai p 205b tagayasu ⪔ 699 tagui 㢮 632 TAI 25 TAI ኴ 181 TAI య 182 TAI ྎ 183 TAI ᑐ 356 TAI ᚅ 357 TAI ᖏ 566 TAI 㝲 567 TAI ㏥ 769 TAI ㈚ 770 TAI ែ 771 TAI ᛰ p 237a TAI ⪏ p 241a TAI ⫾ p 241a TAI Ὀ p 248a TAI ⿄ p 260b TAI 㐊 p 258a TAI ᭰ p 266a TAI p 276a TAI ሁ p 254a TAI ᡝ p 295a taira ᖹ 411 takai, takamaru, takameru 㧗 132 takara ᐆ 983 take ➉ 71 take p 204a take ᓅ p 228a taki p 275b takigi ⸄ p 293b TAKU ᗘ 377 —T— TAKU Ꮿ 940 TA ከ 180 TAKU ᢥ p 222a TA ኴ 181 TAKU ἑ p 222b TA 354 TAKU ༟ p 226a TA ử p 222b TAKU ᣅ p 229b ta ⏣ 60 TAKU ク p 251a taba ᮰ 561 TAKU ℆ p 295b taberu 㣗 163 taku ⅕ p 232a tabi ᗘ 377 takumi ᕦ p 211a tabi ᪑ 433 takuwaeru p 277b tadachini ┤ 192 tama ⋢ 48 tadashi ణ p 218a tama ⌫ 275 tadashii, tadasu ṇ 79 tama ᙎ p 265a tadayou ⁻ p 282a tama 㟋 p 285a taeru ⤯ 756 tamago ༸ 1,000 taeru ⪏ p 241a tamashii 㨦 p 285b taeru ሓ p 264a tamawaru ㈷ p 284a tameru ▹ p 296a tami Ẹ 619 tamotsu ಖ 808 TAN Ⅳ 361 TAN ▷ 362 TAN 393 TAN ༢ 569 TAN ᢸ 941 TAN ᥈ 942 TAN ㄌ 943 TAN p 205a TAN ⫹ p 241a TAN ῐ p 257b TAN Ⴣ p 273a TAN ➃ p 282b TAN 㘫 p 290a TAN ᪦ p 211b TAN ⥢ p 283a tana Ჴ p 266b tane ✀ 531 tani ㇂ 135 tanomi, tanomoshii, tanomu 㢗 p 288a tanoshii ᴦ 98 taoreru, taosu ಽ p 243b tarasu, tareru 918 tariru ㊊ 36 tashika, tashikameru ☜ 664 tassuru 㐩 568 tasu ㊊ 36 tasukaru, tasukeru ຓ 330 tatakai, tatakau ᡓ 555 tatakau 㜚 p 291b tatami, tatamu ␚ p 268a tate ⦪ 903 tate ┪ p 240a tatematsuru ዊ p 227a tateru ❧ 37 tateru ᘓ 498 tatoeba, tatoeru 635 tatoeru ႘ p 263b TATSU 㐩 568 tatsu ❧ 37 tatsu ᘓ 498 337 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 337 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS tatsu ⤯ 756 tatsu ᩿ 773 tatsu 882 tatsu ❳ p 249b tattobu, tattoi ㈗ 847 tattobu, tattoi ᑛ 939 tawamureru ᡙ p 287a tawara ಥ 796 tayoru 㢗 p 288a tayori ౽ 610 tazuneru ゼ 984 tazuneru ᑜ p 264b tazusaeru ᦠ p 275a te ᡭ 35 TEI య 182 TEI ᘵ 194 TEI 367 TEI ᐃ 371 TEI ᗞ 372 TEI ప 575 TEI ᗏ 576 TEI 577 TEI ᥦ 776 TEI ⛬ 777 TEI ࿊ p 219b TEI ᘐ p 221a TEI p 229b TEI 㑰 p 232b TEI ீ p 234a TEI ᖇ p 236b TEI ゞ p 242a TEI ㈆ p 240a TEI ㏴ p 249b TEI ഄ p 253a TEI ሐ p 264a TEI ⯲ p 277b TEI ⥾ p 289a TEI ㅉ p 294a teisuru ࿊ p 219b TEKI ➜ 373 TEKI ⓗ 578 TEKI 㐺 778 TEKI ᩛ 779 TEKI p 281b TEKI p 282a tekisuru 㐺 778 TEN ኳ 67 TEN ᗑ 195 TEN Ⅼ 196 TEN ㌿ 375 TEN 579 TEN ᒎ 955 TEN ῧ p 257b TEN Ẋ p 275b TEN ሸ p 273b tera ᑎ 149 terasu, tereru, teru ↷ 541 tessuru ᧔ p 287b TETSU 㕲 374 TETSU ㏖ p 232b TETSU ဴ p 244b TETSU ᚭ p 286b TETSU ᧔ p 287b TO ᅵ 19 TO ᅗ 167 TO 㒔 376 TO ᗘ 377 TO Ⓩ 382 TO ᚐ 581 TO ᩯ p 207b TO ྤ p 214b TO ㏵ p 249b TO Ώ p 267b TO ሬ p 273b TO ጊ p 227a TO ㉃ p 294a to ᡞ 120 Tƿ ย 198 Tƿ 199 Tƿ ᙜ 200 Tƿ ᮾ 201 Tƿ ⟅ 202 Tƿ 㢌 203 Tƿ ᢞ 378 Tƿ ㇋ 379 Tƿ ᓥ 380 Tƿ 381 Tƿ Ⓩ 382 Tƿ ➼ 383 Tƿ ⅉ 583 Tƿ ⤫ 780 Tƿ ウ 956 Tƿ ඪ 957 Tƿ ⢾ 958 Tƿ ⣡ 963 Tƿ ฿ p 226a Tƿ ㏨ p 240b Tƿ ಽ p 243b Tƿ p 244a Tƿ ၈ p 244b Tƿ ᱈ p 247b Tƿ ㏱ p 249b Tƿ p 255b Tƿ ┐ p 258b Tƿ 㝡 p 259a Tƿ ሪ p 264a Tƿ ᦚ p 265b Tƿ Ჷ p 266b Tƿ ① p 268a Tƿ ⟄ p 268b Tƿ ✄ p 282b Tƿ ㋃ p 284b Tƿ ㅞ p 296b Tƿ 㜚 p 291b Tƿ 㦐 p 301a tǀ ༑ 10 Tƿ ⸨ p 298a tobasu 㣕 595 tobira ᡬ p 265b toboshii ஈ p 205a tobu 㣕 595 tobu ㊴ p 274a tochi ᰣ p 238a todokeru, todoku ᒆ 959 todokǀru p 276a tǀge ᓘ p 236b togeru 㐙 p 267b togu ◊ 290 toi ၥ 418 tǀi 㐲 85 tojiru 㛢 979 tokasu, tokeru ⁐ p 275b tokeru ゎ 662 toki 151 toko ᗋ p 221a tokoro ᡤ 328 TOKU ㄞ 206 TOKU ≉ 586 TOKU ᚓ 587 TOKU ᚨ 783 TOKU ༏ p 244b TOKU ╩ p 276b TOKU ⠜ p 293a toku ㄝ 553 toku ゎ 662 tomaru, tomeru, tome Ṇ 143 tomaru, tomeru ␃ 824 tomaru, tomeru Ἡ p 231b tomi, tomu ᐩ 801 tomo 234 tomo ඹ 484 tomo ౪ 850 tomonau క p 218a tomurai, tomurau ᘫ p 207b TON ᅋ 772 TON ᒡ p 207b TON ㇜ p 257b TON 㡻 p 280a ton ၥ 418 tonaeru ၐ 538 tonari 㞄 p 288b tono Ẋ p 275b toraeru, toru ᤕ p 247a tori 㫽 190 tora p 233b toraeru ᤊ p 247a tǀru, tǀsu ㏻ 193 toru ྲྀ 317 toru ᥇ 709 toru ᇳ p 254a toru p 287b toshi ᖺ 20 totonoeru, totonou ᩚ 345 totonou ㄪ 369 TOTSU ฝ p 209b TOTSU ✺ p 232b totsugu ᎑ p 273b tou ၥ 418 TSU 㒔 376 tsu ὠ p 239a TSNj ㏻ 193 TSNj ③ 954 tsuba ၚ p 253b tsubasa ⩼ p 296a tsubo ᆤ p 227a tsubu ⢏ p 259a tsubureru, tsubusu ₽ p 288a tsuchi ᅵ 19 tsuchikau ᇵ p 254a tsudou 㞟 324 tsugeru ࿌ 507 tsugi, tsugu ḟ 308 tsugi, tsugu ⥅ p 277a 338 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 338 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS tsugu ᥋ 753 tsugunai, tsugunau ൾ p 295a TSUI ᑐ 356 TSUI ㏣ 370 TSUI ቒ p 286a TSUI ᳝ p 266b tsuieru, tsuiyasu ㈝ 596 tsuka ሯ p 264a tsukaeru 301 tsukamaeru ᤕ p 247a tsukare, tsukareru ⑂ p 249a tsukaru, tsukeru ₕ p 282a tsukau 303 tsukeru, tsuku 602 tsuki ᭶ 13 tsukiru ᑾ p 215b tsuku ╔ 364 tsuku ᑵ 900 tsuku ✺ p 232b tsukue ᮘ 845 tsukuri, tsukuru, 㐀 761 tsukurou ⧋ p 297a tsukuru స 141 tsukuru 932 tsukusu ᑾ p 215b tsuma ጔ 708 tsuma, tsume ∎ p 208b tsumaranai, tsumari, tsumaru, tsumeru ワ p 278b tsumetai ෭ 634 tsumi ⨥ 713 tsumori, tsumoru, tsumu ✚ 550 tsumu p 281b tsumu 㗽 p 288a tsumugu ⣳ p 250a tsuna ⥘ p 283a tsune ᖖ 740 tsuno ゅ 97 tsunoru ເ p 263a tsura 㠃 417 tsuranaru, tsuraneru, tsurareru 㐃 637 tsuranuku ㈏ p 258a tsuri, tsuru 㔮 p 258b tsuru ᘻ p 228b tsuru 㭯 p 301b tsurugi p 244b tsutaeru, tsutau, tsutawaru ఏ 580 tsutanai ᣋ 229b tsutomaru ົ 815 tsutome, tsutomeru 853 tsutomeru ດ 582 tsutomeru ົ 815 tsutsu ⟄ p 268b tsutsumi ሐ p 264a tsutsumu ໟ 611 tsutsushimu ៅ p 274b tsutsushimu ㅽ p 289b tsuyoi, tsuyomeru ᙉ 111 tsuya Ⰿ p 299b tsuyu 㟢 p 293a tsuzukeru, tsuzuki, tsuzuku ⥆ 563 tsuzumi 㰘 p 280b —U— U ྑ 22 U 㞵 69 U ⩚ 82 U ᭷ 423 U Ᏹ 829 ubau ዣ p 280b ubu ⏘ 518 uchi ෆ 207 ude ⭎ p 269b ue ୖ 23 ue, ueru 㣚 p 250b ueru ᳜ 337 ugoku ື 384 uji Ặ 522 ukabu ᾋ p 248b ukagau ఛ p 218a ukaru, ukeru ཷ 319 ukeru ㄳ p 290a uketamawaru ᢎ 736 uku ᾋ p 248b uma 㤿 210 umareru ⏕ 44 umareru ⏘ 518 umaru, umeru ᇙ p 245a ume ᱵ 592 umi ᾏ 94 umu ⏕ 44 umu ⏘ 518 ui ึ 535 UN 㞼 83 UN 㐠 251 unagasu ಁ p 234a une ␇ p 247a uo 㨶 109 ura ᾆ p 248b ura 1,002 urameshii, urami, uramu ᜟ p 237a urameshii, urami, uramu ᛷ p 237a uranai, uranau ༨ p 210a urayamashii, urayamu ⩎ p 277a ureeru, urei ឋ p 274a ureeru, urei ៧ p 287a ureru ⇍ 905 uri, uru 211 -uru ᚓ 587 uruoi, uruosu ₶ p 288a urushi ⁽ p 282a uruwashii 㯇 p 300b ushi ∵ 108 ushinau ኻ 529 ushiro ᚋ 123 usu ⮻ p 217a usui ⷧ p 293b uta, utau ḷ 90 uta ှ p 244b utagai, utagau 848 utai ㅴ p 294a utoi, utomu p 268a UTSU, ussuru 㨚 p 302a utsu ᡴ 355 utsu ウ 956 utsu ᧁ p 287b utsukushii ⨾ 398 utsuru, utsusu ⛣ 642 utsuru, utsusu ᫎ 830 utsusu 313 utsuwa ჾ 475 uttae, uttaeru ッ p 270b uwaru ᳜ 337 uyamau ᩗ 856 uyauyashii ᜤ p 246a uzu p 267a —W— WA ヰ 240 WA 440 -wa ⩚ 82 wa ㍯ 631 WAI ㈥ p 274a wakai ⱝ 896 wakareru, wakaru, wakeru ศ 218 wakareru ู 607 wake ヂ 993 waki ⬥ p 250b WAKU ᝨ p 265a waku ᯟ p 230b waku Ἓ p 231b waku p 267a WAN ‴ p 267a WAN ⭎ p 269b warabe ❺ 385 warau ➗ 537 ware ᡃ 833 wari, wareru, waru 838 warui ᝏ 241 wasureru ᛀ 986 wata ⥥ 818 watakushi ⚾ 887 wataru, watasu Ώ p 267b watashi ⚾ 887 waza ᴗ 278 waza ᢏ 673 wazuka ഹ p 272a wazawai ⅏ 707 wazurau, wazurawashii, wazurawasu ↹ p 276a —Y— YA ኪ 232 339 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 339 7/5/13 3:20 PM INDEX OF READINGS YA 㔝 233 YA ෬ p 219a ya ᐙ 89 ya ▮ 145 ya ᒇ 256 ya ᘺ p 228b yabure, yaburu ◚ 788 yabureru ᩋ 591 yado, yadoru, yadosu ᐟ 327 yakata 㤋 266 YAKU ᙺ 419 YAKU ⸆ 420 YAKU ⣙ 621 YAKU ┈ 648 YAKU ヂ 993 YAKU གྷ p 207a YAKU ㌍ p 293a yaku, yakeru ↝ 539 yakusuru ヂ 993 yama ᒣ 58 yamai, yamu 404 yami 㜌 p 297a yameru ㎡ 528 yanagi ᰗ p 238b yasashii ᫆ 647 yasashii ඃ 995 yaseru ⑭ p 268a yashinau 㣴 624 yashiro ♫ 153 yasui Ᏻ 242 yasumi, yasumu ఇ 80 yatou 㞠 p 268b yatsu, yattsu ඵ 8 yawaragu 440 yawarakai ᰂ p 238b yawarakai ㌾ p 258a YO ண 425 YO వ 820 YO 㡸 821 YO p 204a YO p 278a yo ᅄ 4 yo ኪ 232 yo ୡ 344 yo ௦ 358 Yƿ ⏝ 235 Yƿ ᭙ 236 Yƿ ⨺ 426 Yƿ ὒ 427 Yƿ ⴥ 428 Yƿ 㝧 429 Yƿ ᵝ 430 Yƿ せ 623 Yƿ 㣴 624 Yƿ, ᐜ 822 Yƿ ᗂ 996 Yƿ ᗤ p 255a Yƿ ᥭ p 265b Yƿ ᦂ p 265b Yƿ ⁐ p 275b Yƿ ⭜ p 277b Yƿ ㋀ p 279a Yƿ ❔ p 288b Yƿ ᧦ p 292a Yƿ ㅴ p 294a Yƿ ዿ p 220b Yƿ ⒆ p 282b yobu 867 yogoreru, yogosu ở p 216b yoi Ⰻ 628 yoi ၿ 929 yoi ᐘ p 245a yoko ᶓ 255 YOKU ᾎ 625 YOKU ḧ 997 YOKU ⩣ 998 YOKU ᢚ p 222a YOKU ⩼ p 296a YOKU Ỻ p 222b yome ᎑ p 273b yomu ㄞ 206 yomu ャ p 270a yon ᅄ 4 yorokobi, yorokobu ႐ 473 yoru ኪ 232 yoru ᅉ 643 yoru, yoseru ᐤ 671 yoshi ⏤ 421 yoso-ou 933 yǀsuru せ 623 yǀsuru ᧦ p 292a yotsu, yottsu ᅄ 4 you 㓉 p 258b yowai, yowaru, yowameru ᙅ 154 YU ⏤ 421 YU Ἔ 422 YU ㍺ 819 YU ទ p 265b YU ㅍ p 294a YU ⒵ p 297a YU ႘ p 263b yu 381 YNj ྑ 22 YNj 234 YNj ⏤ 421 YNj ᭷ 423 YNj 㐟 424 YNj ຬ 622 YNj 㒑 994 YNj ඃ 995 YNj ᗃ p 236b YNj ᝆ p 255b YNj ⊰ p 268b YNj ⿱ p 270a YNj 㞝 p 268b YNj ㄏ p 284a YNj ៧ p 287a YNj ⼥ p 293b ynj ኤ 54 YNj p 267a yubi ᣦ 305 yudaneru ጤ 245 yue ᨾ 694 YUI 㑇 827 YUI ၏ p 254a yuka ᗋ p 221a yuki 㞷 174 yuku ⾜ 131 yuku ㏽ p 249b yume ክ 816 yumi ᘪ 107 yureru ᦂ p 265b yurui ⦆ p 289a yurushi, yurusu チ 679 yutaka ㇏ 811 yuu, yuwaeru ⤖ 497 yuzuru ㆡ p 293a —Z— ZA ᗙ 880 ZA p 247a ZAI ᮦ 511 ZAI ᅾ 711 ZAI ㈈ 712 ZAI ⨥ 713 ZAI p 244a ZAN ṧ 520 ZAN ᬻ p 287b ZAN p 256b ZATSU 㞧 714 ZE p 238a ZEI ㄝ 553 ZEI ⛯ 750 ZEN ๓ 177 ZEN 347 ZEN ↛ 557 ZEN ၿ 929 ZEN ⚙ p 276b ZEN p 282a ZEN ⧋ p 297a ZEN ⮃ p 293b zeni 㘆 757 ZETSU ⯉ 755 ZETSU ⤯ 756 ZO ᭯ p 257a Zƿ ㇟ 540 Zƿ 㞧 714 Zƿ 㐀 761 Zƿ ീ 762 Zƿ ቑ 763 Zƿ ⶶ 936 Zƿ ⮚ 937 Zƿ p 282b Zƿ ㉗ p 291a ZOKU ᪘ 353 ZOKU ⥆ 563 ZOKU ᒓ 766 ZOKU p 234b ZOKU ㈫ p 274a zokusuru ᒓ 766 ZON, zonjiru Ꮡ 938 zǀsuru ⶶ 936 ZU ᅗ 167 ZU 㢌 203 ZU ㇋ 379 ZUI 㝶 p 268a ZUI 㧊 p 300a ~zukai 㑇 p 274b ~zukuri 761 ~zure 637 ~zuri 514 340 Guide R & W Jpn_203-340.indd 340 7/5/13 3:20 PM
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