January 2016 - Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce
January 2016 - Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce
PLEASE WELCOME AND SUPPORT OUR NEWEST MEMBERS! Antonia’s Jewelry & Repair Ms. Toni Frumkin Mr. Rob Christman 289 Airport Beltway, Hazle Twp P: (570) 497-4321 F: (570) 497-4320 [email protected] Cinema & Drafthouse Inc. Ms. Sybil Hillman Katona 31 W. Broad St., West Hazleton (570) 436-2276 [email protected] CinemaandDrafthouse.com Deborah J. Mistal DO Dr. Deborah J. Mistal 32 West Foothills Drive, Drums P: (570) 956-7320 F: (570) 788-2325 [email protected] Expressions Ms. Maribel Chavez 100 W Broad Street, Hazleton (570) 710-7147 [email protected] Kass Logistics Mr. K. Jumper Warner 2 E. Butler Drive, Suite 5, Drums P: (570) 788-5277 F: (570) 788-5276 [email protected] KassLogistics.com Super Gomas Mr. Vianney A. Castro 1117 West 15th Street, Hazleton (570) 455-3702 [email protected] UsedTireSuperGomas.com Telekaribe LLC Mr. Max Garcia 8 W. Broad St, Suite 528, Hazleton (570) 501-2299 [email protected] Telekaribe.com January 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 3 4 RT 6pm 10 5 Dwtwn 8 am Membership Drive Kickoff 11 12 Board 4 pm WN 8am 6 7 13 14 Ambs 8 am Webinar Seminar FF 6:30pm 17 18 19 CP 8:15 am Mixer 24/31 25 26 Women’s Luncheon 1 2 closed 8 15 9 20 21 Potential New Member Session 27 Red Carpet Breakfast January 2016 Vol. 18 No. 1 Citiscape 20 W. Broad Street Hazleton, PA 18201-6418 phone 570.455.1509 fax 570.450.2013 COG 8am Our Staff: 22 The CHamber Donna Palermo 23 Dtwn OL 8am Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce a Happy and Prosperous New Year! A Letter from the Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce Chairman of the Board of Directors Allen Wagner, Wagner & John, LLC President [email protected] 28 Wishing ALL Members of the 16 DHAP 2:30 pm LH 8 am A M o n th ly P ubl i cat i o n o f th e G r eat e r Haz l e to n Chambe r o f C omm e rc e 29 30 Leann Fallabel Vice President of marketing [email protected] *Italicized font indicates committee meetings Do you have a community event you would like to add to our online calendar? If so email information to [email protected] Linda Mantush marketing assistant [email protected] Daniel Guydish membership director [email protected] Nancy Zolota bookkeeper [email protected] Judiann McGrogan funfest executive director [email protected] [email protected] www.funfestpa.org On behalf of the Board and Chamber Team, we want to wish you a Prosperous and Healthy New Year! Last year was one of many firsts, including new chamber events and some restructuring of traditional events, like our annual Funfest celebration. We held education session on hot topics and issues facing the businesses community, as well as networking events to power your business connections. The chamber team is hard at work planning for another impactful year in 2016, with events such as our annual Job Fair, Tastes of Hazleton and our Annual Executive Business Exposition and Dinner, to name a few. Promoting our area and keeping the conversation going through our Red Carpet Breakfast series, with local legislators, is part of the Chamber’s focus. These are just a few highlights of how your Chamber is working for you and what your membership investment brings to Greater Hazleton. Another highlight is our “member to member discount” program, as well as the expertise of healthcare and energy programs through participation in the ChamberChoice products. We want to hear from you on any ideas or suggestions on topics or events that would assist you in your business endeavors. We also have a new year’s request of you… Do you know of a business who would benefit from joining the Chamber? If so, contact our Membership Director, Dan Guydish before January 20th and you will be entered into a drawing to win 2 tickets to a Red Carpet Breakfast or Women’s Luncheon of your choice. Thanks again for you investment in our community. I look forward to seeing you at our Chamber events in 2016! Julie Ferry Funfest public relations coordinator executive secretary [email protected] Cruise Into Membership… We are dedicating the month of January to a “Membership Cruise” on benefits and perks of businesses in the Greater Hazleton Area joining our team. The one-month event will feature all the great things that joining the Chamber can do for you, your employees and the success of your business. g.h.a. civic partnership Robert Skulsky executive director [email protected] Return Service Requested Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce Citiscape 20 W. Broad Street Hazleton, PA 18201-6418 hazleton, pa permit no. 68 paid U.s. postage “Presorted standard” 8 mt. council of governments Daniel Guydish executive director [email protected] leadership hazleton Joseph Clark [email protected] Special bonuses for those that sign on for our January Membership Cruise by January 28, 2016 to include: • 16 month membership for the price of 12 months • A chance to win some advertising specials • Chances to win free tickets to future chamber events in 2016 More information on our “membership cruise” will be coming your way. Bon Voyage! 1 h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g t h e C h a m b e r R e p o r t • A M o n t h ly P u b l i c at i o n o f t h e G r e at e r Chamber Holiday Celebrations 20th Annual Downtown Holiday Mixer Hazle Drugs/Hazle Compounding was the sponsor of our 20th Annual Downtown Holiday Mixer. Over 100 chamber members attended and enjoyed an evening of holiday cheer with their fellow members. Chamber Hosted 1st Friday Activity Downtown Holiday Promotion For the second year in a row, the Commerce hosted free, horse drawn carriage rides, from 6:30 to 9 pm in conjunction with the Downtown Hazleton First Friday events. The rides departed every 10 minutes from corner of Broad and Laurel Streets and were free with a canned food donation to benefit the Commission on Economic Opportunity (CEO) Food Pantry. The “Cinderella style” carriage was dressed in holiday finest, with lights and holiday garland. Shoppers registered at each participating downtown business to win several $50 downtown bucks certificates. This is a way to promote the Center City area and encourage local residents to shop at the many stores, specialty shops, restaurants, and services Downtown. THANK YOU to these participating downtown businesses: Carmen’s Bakery & Deli, Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce, Chaskin’s Jewelers, Core Fitness, Di Pisa Restaurant, Eye Care Specialists, Faberge Follies Dance’n’Tumble, Fellin’s Jewelers, Frankie’s Pizzeria & Restaurant, Georgio’s, Giant, Grand Central, Hair of the Dog, Hazle Drugs, Hazleton YMCA/YWCA, Humboldt Industrial Supply, Jimmy’s Quick Lunch, Lehigh Tire, Metallo’s Formal Wear, Motor Transportation, PA Theatre of Performing Arts, Standard Speaker, The Copy Center, The New Broad Street Deli, The Pines Eatery & Spirits, The Shop 2, Vesuvio Pizzeria & Restaurant and Victoria’s Candies. Pictured along with Jimmy Grohol, owner of Jimmy’s Quick Lunch and Mrs. Clause is Betty Thrash, customer at Jimmy’s Quick Lunch, pulling the winners of the Downtown Bucks. The carriage rides were sponsored by two downtown businesses including Humboldt Industrial Supply and Laputka Bayless Ecker and Cohen, P.C. They were held in coordination with the City‘s tree lightening ceremony, which took place at the new City Park, located on the corner of Broad and Laurel Streets. 2 h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • H a z l e t o n F u n f e s t & A f f i l i a t e s h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e • t h e C h a m b e r R e p o r t Funfest Funfest Weekend 2016 Saturday & Sunday, September 10th & 11th Funfest Kickoff Concert 2016 ~ Sunday, March 6th at Genetti’s Catering in Hazleton The committee has been hard at work planning NEPA’s premier family, fun and free two–day event… Chamber’s own...FUNFEST 2016! We will officially begin the countdown clock at 6 months at the 2nd annual kickoff concert. Join us in the upbeat, fun filled afternoon with local favorites “The Poets”. Be part of the celebration and unveiling or the 2016 logo and many more special announcements. Leadership Hazleton Junior Leaders Hazleton students, Nalani Lowman, Maddie Hartz, Taylor Kost, Jenna O’Donnell, Lindsey Pecora, Katie Eschenbach, Evan Spear, Allie McGeehin, Nicole Leshko, Annie Amentler, Lexi LaRegina, Jorge Tirado (Santa Clause), Isabella Sauer and Garrett Kost hosted a holiday party for the students at Head Start Hazleton. A special thanks to Marian Catholic School for their dress down day fundraiser, Valley Regional for the Santa suit, Carmen’s Bakery & Deli and Garrett’s Dad for their help with the party. Greater Hazleton Area Civic Partnership The Greater Hazleton Area Civic Partnership (GHACP) was honored to be visited by Professor Robert McCullough from the University of Connecticut in July of 2014. At the time of the visit Professor McCullough was gathering material for a book he was writing about early bike paths in the US. The book is now completed and in his writings, he wrote about the development of the Eckley Miners Bike path that originated in the NE part of Hazleton near where Service Electric and WYLN TV are now located. The path development actually started in 1897 by the formation of the Associated Wheelmen of Hazleton & vicinity and construction started under the direction of mining engineer Louis Emmerich. He also describes other early trail development that occurred in our area including the first bike trail that went from Jeansville to Audenreid and eventually to Hazleton. The Eckley Miners path was also used by miners that worked in Eckley and lived in Hazleton and walked & biked to work & returned each evening from the approximately 14 mile round trip. It’s hard to imagine what our grandparents and early people to our area went through to earn a living. In his book he suggests that the Eckley Path is “possibly one of the country’s most enduring nineteenth-century bicycle corridors”. Our Greater Hazleton Rails to Trails (GHRT) not only provides a modern, safe, clean connection to the outdoors, healthy living and present day outdoor recreation, but also brings back the history from our areas early beginnings, including the early American’s use of the lands around us, the early development of the steam locomotives & railroads and the heritage like the Eckley Miners path and Eckley Miners Village. When completed and connected to the Delaware & Lehigh (D&L) National Heritage Corridor the corridor will provide the visitor & user the complete history of the discovery & mining of Anthracite goal and its movement to the marketplace. The GHRT has ample interpretive signage along its length telling the story of our history. Professor McCullough recognized the support given by the GHACP Rails to Trails Committee in gathering material for this book. The book was published by the MIT Press Cambridge Massachusetts and is available from Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble or many other major retailers. For more information about the GHRT, D&L or ways you can help please contact Bob Skulsky, Executive Director GHACP at 570-455-1509. Downtown Hazleton Alliance for Progress The Downtown Hazleton Alliance for Progress has begun another façade renovation project. The building, 118 W. Broad St. is owned by Junior Reyes as J&R Appliances. Most people may remember this as the former “Debs” store. This project has resulted in the preservation of the building’s historic storefront, addition of four new windows on the second floor, the restoration and painting of the building’s decorative metal cornice, and new decorative window heads and sills. Once the painting is complete, the owner will install a new sign. • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • BEFORE h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g IN-PROGRESS • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g 7 t h e C h a m b e r R e p o r t • A M o n t h ly P u b l i c at i o n o f t h e G r e at e r H a z l e t o n Upcoming Chamber Events Open House/Grand Opening Celebration DATE Saturday, January 2nd TIME 11 am ribbon cutting 9 am to 4 pm open house LOCATION 5 Rittenhouse Plaza Drums COST Free to attend! Free CrossFIT work outs will be happening every hour! Free educational classes! Stop by, meet Stehane Cloud, the owner and his staff, check out their space & equipment, take advantage of special offers on monthly memberships, sample healthy foods by Chef Talana who will be doing live cooking demonstrations, dj entertainment, raffles and giveaways! DATE Thursday, January 14th TIME 10 am to 11 am COST Free to attend! LOCATION Bonanza Restaurant 574 Susquehanna Blvd Hazle Township COST $16 members $21 non members LOCATION Sophy Jewelers Laurel Mall, Hazleton COST Free to attend 6 LOCATION Chamber Office 20 W. Broad Street, Hazleton COST $10 members/$15 non members DATE Tuesday, January 19th The Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) rule provides that an employee’s Meicare eligibility cannot be “taken into account” when offering health care coverage. Medicare eligibility can be based on age or disability. Also, an employer cannot provide incentives to sway an employee when making choices about employer provided coverage. This JRG webinar will address the following issues: 1) What size employer is subject to the MSP rules?; 2) What actions are considered incentives?; 3) Penalties and enforcement under the MSP rules. TIME 5 pm to 7 pm LOCATION Top of the 80’s 3 Top of the 80’s Road Hazleton COST Free to attend Women’s Luncheon DATE Wednesday, January 27th Open to ALL women from throughout Greater Hazleton! Guest speaker is Samantha A. Neaman, Program & Walk Coordinator for Help STOP the Silence, a suicide prevention and support program based out of the Catholic Social Services - Greater Hazleton office. 50/50, doorprize drawings and business resource table. TIME 7:45 am to 9 am Tips and Tricks for Successful Email Marketing. This powerful seminar takes you step-by-step through the keys to effective email marketing: 1) What it really is (and isn’t); 2) What it can do for your business; 3) And the five easy steps you must take to harness the power of the inbox! Grow a healthy list, create great content, customize a beautiful, mobilefriendly template that matches your brand, learn how to get your emails opened, how to track your results and more. Networking Mixer Network casually, after hours with your fellow chamber members. Enjoy a delectable selection of hors d’ oeuvres and a cash bar. Learn about the programs and services the Pregnancy Resource Center has to offer and have an opportunity to meet their board of directors. t h e C h a m b e r R e p o r t 10th Annual Holiday Decorating Contest Winners Announced The Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce Women’s Networking Committee announced the 11th Annual Holiday Decorating Contest winners at their annual holiday social, which was sponsored by Fyzical Therapy and Balance Center, and hosted by The Pines Eatery and Spirits. Proceeds from the event benefited the Women’s Empowerment Grant Fund, which is provided each year to a woman who is furthering her education or her business career. Judges Choice Award Winners included five tickets for women’s networking luncheon in 2016, won by Providence Place; a 3 month fitness membership to the Health & Wellness Center at Hazleton, won by Eye Care Specialists; a 1/3 Page ad in Panorama Magazine ($275 value), won by Billig-Helmes Insurance, and the Grand Prize, voted on by those attending the mixer-a free commercial production, for spot to be used exclusively on WYLN TV 35 ($450 value) and one-month free Late Edition Commercial Package ($395 value) was awarded to Brandon’s Forever Home. Each participating business received a framed certificate recognizing their decorations. Those businesses included: Antonia’s jewelry & Repair, Billig-Helmes Insurance, Brandon’s Forever Home, Comfort Inn West Hazleton, Eye Care Specialists, Friedman Electric, Giant Foods, Heritage Hill Senior Community Center, Humboldt Industrial Supply, Providence Place Retirement Community, Sophy Jewelers and Top of the 80’s Restaurant. Pictured in the photo from Left: Patti Brooks, Brandon’s Forever Home Holiday Decorator; Anne Frey, DBi Services/Women’s Networking Holiday Decorating Committee Chair; Jennifer King, Brandon’s Forever Home volunteer; Nina Bonus, DBi Services/Women’s Networking Holiday Decorating Committee; and Lori Ogurkis, Brandon’s Forever Home Founder and Co-Chair. Downtown Holiday Window Art The 9th grade Honors Visual Arts Studio students from the Hazleton Area Arts and Humanities Academy painted several storefronts in Downtown Hazleton. They are pictured here creating holiday art at the Chamber office, State Representative Toohil’s office, Luzerne County Community College and The Shop 2. LOCATION The Pines Eatery & Spirits 8 W. Broad Street Downtown Hazleton COST $20 members $25 non members Thursday, March 31st - Greater Hazleton Job Fair Wednesday, April 6th - Ladies Night Out Saturday, April 23rd - Great PA Cleanup Thursday, April 28th - Community Reading Day Friday, April 29th - Icebreaker Golf Outing Thursday, May 19th - Dinner & Executive Business Exposition Thursday, June 2nd - Human Resource Seminar Thursday, June 23rd - New Member Gathering Friday, July 15th - Downtown Hazleton Farmers Market Opens Thursday, August 18th - Golf Outing & On-Course Business Exposition Thursday, October 6th - Anniversary Celebration Thursday, October 27th - Business & Community Awards Luncheon • • Guest speaker is the City’s NEW Mayor Jeff Cusat. Network casually, after hours with your fellow chamber members. Browse their unique jewelry selections and meet their friendly staff! Enjoy an array of complimentary hors d’ oeuvres, refreshments including their signature “Sophy” drink and live entertainment! h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g C o m m e r c e Red Carpet Breakfast ~ SAVE THE DATES ~ Everyone will leave with a gift bag and have the opportunity to win doorprizes! o f The Power of the Inbox Seminar Networking Mixer DATE Thursday, February 4th TIME 5 pm to 7 pm TIME 8:30 am to 10 pm MSP Rules Webinar DATE Tuesday, January 26th TIME 12 noon to 1 pm DATE Wednesday, January 13th C h a m b e r h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g 3 • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g t h e C h a m b e r R e p o r t • A M o n t h ly P u b l i c at i o n o f t h e G r e at e r H a z l e t o n C h a m b e r o f C o m m e r c e • t h e C h a m b e r R e p o r t First National Community Bank (FNCB), presented representatives from the Victims Resource Center in Wilkes-Barre with a $780.00 donation resulting from a bank wide “Jeans for a Cause” dress down day in November. For the ninth year Lehigh Tire Company sponsored Team Sentimental Journey in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Penn State Hazleton campus on September 19th. The team was formed to in honor of Barbara Baran, matriarch of the Baran family, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2006 and passed away in May 2013. Now the Lehigh Tire team also walks for Gregg Baran, former manager of the Tamaqua store, as he bravely battles Lewy Body Dementia. The team has raised over $4,000.00 this year. For information please contact Susan at 570-455-5854 or go to http://act.alz.org. JRG Advisors kicked offits 10th year in business on December 1, beating the odds of many privately held start-up insurance brokerage, employee benefits and risk management companies, even in the face of Health Care Reform in 2010. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held for Antonia’s Jewelry & Repair which is located at 289 Airport Road in Hazle Township. Hazleton’s first Spanish-language television station is on the air, with its reach extending far beyond the city. Telekaribe, offered locally on Service Electric Cablevision channel 299 as part of the company’s Hispanic Tier of channels, proclaims itself in its promotional materials to be Dominican-oriented, and delivers “local and international television on one channel.” They are located in the Hayden Tower at the Markle in downtown Hazleton and promise to provide news, general entertainment, music, sports, special programs, movies, comedy, employment notices, weather, religious programming and information about sales and services on live television 24 hours a day. COMING SOON…….. A fresh, new look & feel for 2016 www.hazletonchamber.org Update Your Chamber Business Listing Happy Anniversary to these Chamber Members! Keep your business listing current… 10 YEARS - hazletonchamber.org - chamber tab - business directory CONTACT LINDA WITH ANY UPDATES Employees from First National Community Bank (FNCB), held a clothing drive to benefit the Baby Pantry at St. Joseph’s Center, collecting more than 500 items and several hundred dollars for local families in need. NEPIRC has numerous seminars scheduled in the coming months, including No Cost R&D Tax Credit Seminar, ISO Internal Auditor Training, ISO 9001:2015 Transition, and Six Sigma Green Belt Training. For more information, or to register, visit www.nepirc.com. Eye Care Specialists again teamed with the Wilkes-Barre Scranton Penguins to collect coats for the children and families affiliated with the Luzerne County Head Start program. Fairway Subaru donated more than $500 worth of pet supplies to the Hazleton Animal Shelter as part of the “Subaru Loves Pets” event. CAN DO, Inc. purchased the Pretium Packaging building in the Humboldt Industrial Park. Keystone Job Corps Center honored staff members who served the country with a special luncheon in observance of Veterans Day. The Penn State Hazleton Alumni Association recently held a holiday event to benefit Brandon’s Forever Home. Web.com hosted a free Thanksgiving dinner for the needy at their facility in the CAN DO Corporate center in Drums. SSPTV began broadcasting in hi-definition on Service Electric Cablevision on HD channel 513. Friedman Electric Supply Co JTB Surveying & Engineering You can view your current listing by simply visiting our website: Jackie Brozena, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Northeast Regional Cancer Institute, announced the appointments of Ronald R. Beer, MHA, FACHE and Gerald V. Maloney, DO, FACP to the Board of Directors. Employees from First National Community Bank (FNCB), donated $1,000 in groceries and over 250 gifts to nine local families as part of the Bank’s “Adopt-A-Family” holiday project. More than 200 FNCB staff members participated this year in Adopt-a-Family, the Bank’s signature holiday gift-giving event. The program matches families in need from the Catherine McAuley Center, Brandon’s Forever Home and Children and Youth Services of Wayne County with those wishing to donate. 5 YEARS Core Fitness Inc Joseph A Thomas ASC Safety Consultant 1 YEAR Advanced Computer & Electronic Specialties LLC Avenues Vocational & Employment Services-Hazleton Gold 2 Cash HARP Hazleton Avenues Rehabilitation Partners The Penn State Hazleton Alumni Society held a holiday food drive with donations received from chapter members and campus staff. Items collected were donated to Catholic Social Services and the Salvation Army. CAN DO, Inc. completed the installation of an ultraviolet disinfection system to eliminate chlorine from the disinfection process at its Humboldt Industrial park wastewater treatment plant. The Helping Hands Society held its annual board of directors reorganizational meeting. SPOTLIGHT ON NEW MEMBERS Kass Logistics was established in 2008. The facility is located at 2 East Butler Drive-Suite #5., Drums PA. K. Jumper Warner is the owner of the company. Phone: 570-788-KASS(5277), Fax: 570-788-5276. Email: [email protected]; website: www.kasslogistics.com. Kass Logistics is a full service 3rd party logistics provider that specializes in less than truckload (LTL), volume or partial shipments, and truckload movements via dry van, flatbed, or reefer. We also have the capacity and ability to do warehousing, intermodal, drayage, air freight, and international shipments. Market Your Business in our 2016/2017 Greater Hazleton Image Book This is our main marketing tool for Greater Hazleton! This is your opportunity to be part of this high-quality publication which is packed with information featuring dedicated sections about economic development, healthcare, education, religion, housing and much, much more. The book is updated every two years and is available not only in our newcomer packets, but on our website in a flip format on our website, distributed to in waiting rooms at doctors’ offices, urgent care centers and hospitals, used by business owners and industry leaders, available at area hotels and will be premiered at our largest event of the year in May, our Annual Dinner & Executive Business Exposition. Once again, Precision Design of Hazleton is publishing the Image Book for our Chamber. We encourage you to call Precision Design to reserve your space in the book at 570-455-3533 or by email at [email protected]. 4 h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • Super Gomas is located at 1117 West 15th Street, Hazleton PA 18201. Email: [email protected]. Phone: (570) 455-3702. Finding a reliable tire shop can be a challenge. At Super Gomas we found the formula to bring the best quality tire with the best price, with highly trained technicians. We also offer you state inspection, alignments, brakes, oil changes and excellent customer service. Cinema & Drafthouse, Inc. was established in March of 2003. It is located at 31 West Broad St, West Hazleton, PA 18202. The owners are Sybil and Tony Katona and Donald Hillman. Phone: (570) 455-3455, Email: [email protected]; website: www.cinemaanddrafthouse.com. Enjoy a full-service, affordable dinner while you watch a movie! We specialize in private events for up to 180 people, including birthday parties, field trips and corporate events. Expressions was established in December of 2015. It is located at 100 W. Broad St, Hazleton, PA 18201. Marible Chaves and Nadia B. Forshee are the owners. Phone: (570) 710-7147, email: [email protected]. We sell clothes, shoes and accessories. We do party planning, including DJ. We also sell hair extensions: “the best one in town”. h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g • h a z l e t o n c h a m b e r. o r g 5
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