Attached are images of counterfeit coupons we have confirmed are
Attached are images of counterfeit coupons we have confirmed are
07-29-13 Attached are images of counterfeit coupons we have confirmed are currently in circulation. Each counterfeit coupon is noted below. If the coupon is scannable, the bar code string will be included. PepsiCo 1. Offer 167573 - Save $4.50 On anyone 4pk of Starbucks Coffee Brand frappuccino or double shot espresso Unique Databar String: 8110100120001675733450110000313123141305015273835483 Schwan's Consumer Brand 2. Offer 060156 - FREE - Anyone Glad product (up to $8.50 value) Please Note: This is not a Schwan's product, however, the manufacturer identification number in the bar code belongs to Schwan's. Ventura Foods 3. Offer 023162 - SAVE $3.00 ON ANY (1) CoverGirl product (excludes accessories) Tyson Foods 4. Offer 229201 - Save $5.50 on any one(1) Tyson Product Please note: Coupon scans to offer 758628. Unique Databar String: 8110100237007586283550110000 Coca-Cola 5. Offer 71709 - 75¢ OFF 1- 8 pack carton of Honest Kids 6. Offer 085231 - $.75 off one(1) bottle of Vitamin Water (any variety) 7. Offer 00074 - Save $5.00 on any 24 pack Coca-Cola product 8. Offer 842695 - SAVE $3.25 on any Coca-Cola Product Unique Databar String: 8110100490008426953325110000313123141301015215243289727160019 1. .----.-.- &pINa: 121311201) • On sny c..1l&4p1c of Statbucke Coffee BrB1'1d8 ~no -PIo_ •..... -....~-•.......••.. _.~. -_0.._,.. ......••..•...... 0..._ .•• -.... -..•..•... -...•......•.•..•.•. 001Z0G0-1615T:s Olllorl)_ ~. 2. 1II ••• u'''' , ••• ,. 4.)4."" or double 8hot 8Sp1'88SO 3. -------------- I Expires 07125/13 I Il coupon I SAVE $3.00 ON ANY (1) CoverGirl product (excludes accessories) (~R: li/Tl1t one coupon prrlt.m. \loId If top •••• scld. traded. purch4Wd, tr.tI$l ••.rtd, or II to><td. or proll1b1ttd (onsumr< respomlbl.11X $0"" to._ ex~. r3 67- mulcted F 4. MANUFACTURER'S Expires:12131/2013 COUPON Save $5.50 on any one(1) Tyson- Product CONSUUEA. ~...,..,. •••••••••••••.••.• ~ and.,.tl irllIctMd 1t(tlll,.[lllr•••• 1II'lI •••••• _"f~'IC*" ~""••• fll9tMS. 00t4* •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TyMfIf»UPClIl"""'" Pile:\' ~~ ••••••• ~ ",,"<fIlM'" MOdIa0If~1Mf1ltWldN_ •• _ ••••••• ,.......c.h • ..,. 11100-"te. ~ 1M4},., •••••• l h ••••••. w: ~ ~ be",~ "....,..) u.a •..••••••.•(~ ~ •••••""*-~ •••••• 'Tw- POa-1I<W31 P",Numt.' 1326211274 ~IOI I 292Il =:.- e--_ . I~ I I I _ _...._._ ••. _ DIY SMARTSOURCf!! •••••• BPIN TXIUU-N31 ,........byilw IQCtOf,.on. c........ ""*..,••••.•.Iwr ..,...."~,,..,., pel"". us.t._ •••••••• "d.M IIIWf 5. "'''NUFACTu;;'ERS EXP1Rf . 0600/20U COUPON 1- 8 pack carton of Honest Kids® _ V""'I~_o'_ .......• •.....•.,.-..-...... •...•.•.... ...•.....•..•....••. ,...... •.....•..•.... - Oot1Ol~ .." 75¢ ••••••••••• In -~ ".a_ •••••••••••..--- ••• • II&. •••••• ,,,... ••••• • •••. _ •••••• 6. -- ~~-l'\I1 ••••• , ,. """ If" I I • r'l I' "J •• OJ -..." •..........--- v_. --... -..., __ -..•.....~.-.- .....-. . .....-_ ...-.-. .. ..-n ,..",.".--..- __ - -~_~o_. ---.. -- ---- .-- ..•.....~~ ~-~~~~~~~_~U::::~~,_ c.--..-, $.75 off 0118(1) bottle of Vi 'W (any vanety) \ C>nf<IJ 000 - .•• ••...•• •••• ,- ••••• ---- •... ..•. .--------_=__..-.....--... .. -......-- ----------- U • A ::. •••••••• _ ••-o:-- •• ...--.- ,::.::...-::.=..:" ...•• ~:::--=--=-~-=--- --------------- -----.-------.---------- 7. MANUFACTURE~SCOUPON EXP/I' •• :1213112012 I , Save $5.00 I ~ any 24 pack Coca·Col~ prOduct I I I I ~-""""GlIIJ" - 1 t •.••••• ~............. U;N •• ~~CWSOllp •••••• •..•. I I IC...",..,. ~ •• 1IOOO .f .•.•.•OrtwfioOi _. , ...:::..:.~-('-_.• It_ .•.. •.••••••.•••••• .....~~ lJf ,,_It ..•. I 351' IDol •• ~.}~~~ • •••••••••••••••._ •• ~- •...•.•- 1lfIIII......... -..-. -..:Q til ...,.. •.••.•• ~).. •.••••• ~f.eIIv••...• I_~.I.......... .... ....--~..........•.•..••. c_ SMARTSOURCe. 8. ------------ • ••••.•••••••••••• ,... Ie tk:_ ••••••• ••••••.•••••••••• ~ ••• "'00.,., ....,.,.••••• ~ tb.AIfw ••• ~ ~ ~ ....••• ••••••••••••• CIf'Itto