News on the Ninth February 2014 - Kenninghall Community Primary
News on the Ninth February 2014 - Kenninghall Community Primary
Welcome to News on the Ninth 9th February 2014 Dear Parents and Carers, NEWS ON THE K E N N I N G H A L L C O M M U N I T Y P R I M A RY S C H O O L Welcome to another edition of News on the Ninth. This term the pupils at Kenninghall have explored the question, „Who wants to be an author?‟ This newsletter has photos and information from highlights this term including, creative writing workshops, book-making, outdoor story-telling and a very exciting visit from authors Steve Skidmore and Steve Barlow. You can also read about the latest P.E events and competitions. It has been a busy half term! Thank you to all parents who attended one of our Parent Governor meetings. We are sorry to those of you who were unable to attend the meeting; inside you can read a summary of the discussion and the minutes will be on the school website shortly. Please remember if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come and speak to Mr Nixon or I. Thank you for your continued support. Kind regards, Miss Eccleshall Page 1 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H The 2Steves The 2Steves spent the morning talking to all of the children about what it is like to be an author. The authors were brilliant speakers; they really made the children laugh but at the same time provided a strong message about the importance of reading and writing. On Monday 27th January all KS2 classes across the Partnership got to meet real life authors Steve Skidmore and Steve Barlow. After break The 2Steves lead a writing workshop for the children in Year 5 and 6 which taught the children how to use their own experiences for inspiration, how to plan writing and story and how to include ‘The Magic 3’ (3 characters make a story). All these skills have been followed up in class in Literacy this week. The children in Year 3 and 4 took part in writing workshops lead by Miss Eccleshall and Mrs Hatcher (Yr 3/4 teacher at Carleton Rode). It was great to see the children from all three schools working together and making friends. Page 2 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H The 2Steves In the afternoon The 2Steves presented an entertaining Ihero game show which involved many of the children (check the website for more photos). The children had a brilliant day and many were thrilled to have signed copies of books that they bought from the authors. It was a fantastic opportunity to encourage reluctant readers and inspire children to write. Page 3 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H Forest Schools The children in the Swans and Robins have enjoyed going out for Forest Schools on a Friday afternoon. There are more photos on the school website. Page 4 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H The Return of Mrs Heath On Tuesday 4th February, Mrs Heath visited the school to lead creative writing workshops for every class in the school. The children were all really excited to work with her again, especially children who took part in her creative writing after school club last year. The children in Robins played story-telling games and the Swans worked together to create a simple plot which they made into a big book. The Kingfishers created character and setting ‘wordles’ and calligrams and the Falcons wrote their own stories based on ‘the 3 elements’; plot, setting and character. Finally, the Owls experimented with different ways to start writing a story. I’d to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Heath for volunteering to lead these workshops; it has been great to share her expertise! More photos can be found on the school website. Page 5 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H Kenninghall Pupils become authors The children have all written their own books as part of our topic, ‘Who wants to be an author?’ The Kingfishers read their picture books based on ‘Stanley’s Stick’ to the Swans. The Owls made picture books in the style of Jackie Morris. The Falcons illustrated their picture books in the style of Eric Carle using painted tissue paper and stencils. Page 6 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H The Kingfishers wrote and made picture books in the style of ‘Stanley’s Stick’ by John Hegley. The Swans made story windows to tell their own stories based on ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. Page 7 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H World Book Day 6th March On Thursday 6th March it will be World Book day, where we will be celebrating reading and sharing some of our favourite stories. At the end of the day each child will also receive a free book token. Fancy Dress Children may come to school dressed as a book character. Reading Cafés To celebrate World Book Day we will be splitting into houses and having “Reading Cafés”. This will include the sharing of a book, followed by a related activity, including arts, craft or baking. We would like to invite parents/ family or friends to join us from 9.15 in the hall. Refreshments will be provided. (Of course you are welcome to join children and staff in fancy dress!) Many Thanks, Mrs Meek Page 8 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H P.E update Jigsaw Partnership sports event: The gymnastics club running this half term has been really enjoyable with children learning specific gymnastic skills, routines and even creating their own sequences. On Thursday 13th February, from 3:45-4:45 at Carleton Rode Primary school, children from the gymnastics club have been invited to showcase their routines in a performance event. This will involve children from across the Jigsaw Partnership and parents / spectators are very welcome too. If your child would like to attend please return the consent form to the school office. Afterschool club: We will be running an after school multi skills club on Friday afternoons from 3.15 – 4.15 p.m for years reception, 1 & 2. It will commence on Friday 28th February and will run until Easter. The club will involve our year 6 children who will be receiving specific ‘young leaders’ training before half term. They will be leading fun skills and games activities to small groups of children in each of the sessions to improve a variety of multi skills and also develop their own leadership experience. If your child would like to attend please collect a letter from the school office. Intra school competition: Children across years 3-6 are currently practicing cross country in their PE lessons in preparation for the School Games cross country competitions. At the start of the unit, children were placed into teams. Each lesson has been based around a specific challenge with the reward of accumulating points for their team and developing their stamina for cross country running. The winning team with the most points collected over the series of lessons will be announced in assembly with certificates being awarded. Page 9 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H P.E update Old Buckenham school games competitions: This half term sees a busy time for sports events with a variety of competitions involving both key stage one and two. On Friday 24th January several children in years 4-6 represented the Old Buckenham Primary School cluster in the school games swimming gala held at the UEA. Well done to Isaac Clark, Matthew Flatman, Tilly Rawling and Annabel Mullett for taking part. A huge congratulations to Daniel Clark for winning both of his races in both the breaststroke and butterfly. He will now compete at the County Finals on Tuesday 11th March - Good luck Daniel. A big thank you also to Rachele Clark who volunteered to help at the event. On Monday 3rd February the qualifying tag rugby team represented the Old Buckenham Primary School cluster in the South Norfolk school games competition held at Wymondham College. Over 28 primary schools qualified for the next stage of competition, with 14 of those being classified as ‘small school’. In this competition, Kenninghall took each game in its stride winning all of the first four games. Unfortunately, they came up against a further two teams who proved to be a tougher challenge resulting in a draw and one loss. Finishing 3rd in their pool of games, the team continued with a final win to finish in overall 5th place out of 14 schools. A fabulous achievement for the team including Drew Harris, Chae Francis, Cerys Brotherhood, Tilly Rawling, Daniel Clark, Aaron Hunt, Joseph Jilley, Stanley Spurdens and Miles Clark. Thank you to Mrs Clark and Mrs Harris for organising for the team to wear the very smart Diss Rugby Club shirts and to Mrs Harris for attending the event and assisting on the day. Page 10 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H P.E—Dates for your diary Dates for your diary: The following events have been organised for the primary schools in the Old Buckenham primary cluster: Monday 10th February – Cross country at Thorpe Woodland, Thetford; event times 12:30 – 2:45pm. All children in years 5 & 6 will be participating in this event. Thursday 13th February – Key steps gymnastics competition at The Norfolk Gymnastics Academy, Attleborough; event times 9:45 – 2pm. Children in years 1-4 have been selected from the gymnastics club to represent Kenninghall in this competition. Tuesday 25th February – Cross country at Diss Rugby Club; event times 12:30 – 2:45pm. All children in years 3 & 4 will be participating in this event. Additional sports competitions: Wednesday 12th February – Tag Rugby Festival at Diss Rugby Club; event times 12:30 – 3:00pm. This is a competition involving the Kingfishers class who have been having specialised tag rugby coaching from the Leicester Tigers Community team. Due to the time of year and minimal shelter at the rugby club, please remember very warm clothing, boots (if you have a pair), hats and gloves, and packed lunch / drinks for the day. Friday 28th Friday – CSF Norwich City football tournament for selected children in year 6; event times 9:30-2pm. At the Norfolk FA player development centre, Bowthorpe, Norwich. This is a unique 5 aside competition involving both boys and girls with the eventual schools cup champions representing Norwich City Football Club in the Premiere League Schools tournament 2014 at the National finals held at the Etihad stadium, home of Manchester City FC. No doubt the competition will be tough but none the less we are very much looking forward to being a part of this exciting tournament! Young leaders award training: On Friday 14th February, all children in year 6 from across the Jigsaw Partnership will be taking part in the ‘Young leaders award’ for a training day based at Kenninghall Primary. After half term, the children will then be developing their leadership skills by delivering fun skills and games for children in key stage one during either the afterschool multi skills club on a Friday (3:45-4:45) or during lunchtimes if they are unable to attend afterschool club. This is a great opportunity for our year 6 children to develop their organisation, planning, leading and communication skills, whilst having lots of fun too! Club links: Page 11 Diss Rugby Club are holding tag rugby open training sessions for 7-8 year olds starting this week on Sunday 10:15-12:00. For further information please contact William (Under 8’s coach) on 07740580121 or email: [email protected]. This is a great local club and I know that they would be very pleased and welcoming to hear from anyone interested in continuing to play tag rugby outside of school. The contact details for all other age groups wishing to contact Diss Rugby are: [email protected] or Sue English 01379 642891. N E W S O N T HE NI N T H Parent Forum January 2014 The first Parent Forums were on held on Thursday 16th January at 9am and then at 14.45pm. The aim of the Forums is for there to be open communication and transparency between governors, the school and parents/carers. It is also an opportunity to raise any questions, queries or concerns that there may be with regards to the strategic direction of the school and any issues around the Jigsaw Partnership. As Mr Nixon reiterated at the start of the Forum, if there are any operational issues concerning teaching or learning, that parents or carers may have concerning an individual child, or issues surrounding their child ’ s welfare at the school, they should in the first instance, approach the class teacher or Miss Eccleshall or Mr Nixon. The morning Forum was well attended with nine parents/carers coming along armed with various questions whilst the afternoon Forum was attended by two parents. The Governors in attendance were Simon Mitchell ( Parent Governor ) , Tony Jackson ( C ommunity Governor ) and myself who is a Parent Governor. Geraldine Powell who is new to the role of Parent Governor, also joined the group. Questions ranged from querying the capacity of children that the school can accept with a view to the new houses currently being built; how long will the current structure of five classes be maintained; how does the Headteacher split his time across the three schools in the Partnership; where would a parent/carer access minutes of governor meetings as well as finance details. Minutes from the Forums will be available on the school website to enable all parents and carers to gain more information however, we would encourage as many parents and carers to attend Forums as possible, as it is an opportunity, in an informal environment, to meet and to get to know your school ’ s governors as well as a platform to voice your views and concerns. The role of a school governor is to provide strategic leadership and accountability. Governors hold the main responsibility for finance in schools and work with the head teacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources. The role of the governing body is a strategic one and key functions include to set the aims and objectives for the school, set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives, set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives, to monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives and to both challenge and support to the Headteacher. We aim to continue to hold further Forums in the future and hope that parents and carers will see this as an opportunity to voice any queries or concerns that they may have, or perhaps to just come along to find out more information on various issues and activities involving the school and the Jigsaw Partnership. We look forward to meeting you! Kirsty Perrin Page 12 N E W S O N T HE NI N T H Important dates February 2014 10/02/14: Yr 5/6 Cross Country event 10/02/14: Parents evening 2:30-5:00pm 11/02/14: Parents evening 4:00-7:00pm 12/02/14: Yr 3 Tag Rugby Tournament at Diss 13/02/14: Valentines Disco 6-7:30pm 13/02/14: Gymnastics club showcase Attleborough 25/02/14: Yr 3/4 Cross Country event 28/02/14: Robins’ Class Assembly 9:15am 28/02/14: Year 6 NCTC Football Tournament March 2014 5/03/14: Falcons’ Class Assembly 9:15am 6/03/14: World Book Day 12/03/14: Kingfishers’ Class Assembly 9:15am 19/03/14: Owls’ Class Assembly 9:15am 21/03/14: Sports Relief 26/03/14: Swans’ Class Assembly 9:15am April 2014 2/04/14: Page 13 Mums to school day N E W S O N T HE NI N T H Press Release for the East Anglian Game & Country Fair, April 26th & 27th 2014 The 2014 East Anglian Game & Country Fair, in association with ‘The Eastern Daily Press’ and ‘Fine & Country’ will take place on Saturday the 26th & Sunday the 27th April, at The Norfolk Showground, Norwich. We have several new displays including world famous Frenchman Christian Moullec who will be taking to the Norfolk Countryside skies in his microlight flying with his flock of geese and swans. Christian lives and breathes for his birds and has been training birds for years to follow him in formation to enable them to find safe migratory routes. Christian was recently featured in nature documentary ‘Earthflight’ on the BBC, which explored the extraordinary relationship possible between humans and birds. This is a rare opportunity to see this fascinating display which is in the UK for one weekend only. The Savage Skills cycle stunt team that wowed the nation on ITV1's 'Let’s Get Gold' will be attending the East Anglian Game and Country Fair next year. The Savage Skills team has 8 World and over 25 British Championship titles so you’re sure to see some of the most impressive tricks, jumps and stunts possible on a bicycle, many of which you would not think possible. They will be performing in the main arena twice each day so make sure you head over to watch one of their performances. There will also be an opportunity to meet the riders and pick up some tips as they will have a selection of bikes available for all to try in their 'have a go' area. There are excellent equestrian displays and workshops at the East Anglian Game & Country Fair. Pine Lodge School of Classical Equitation present an invitation to see working equitation ridden by the riders who have represented Great Britain in the European and World Working Equitation Teams. The Uk Polocrosse display returns in the main arena each day and there will be horse behavioural demonstrations in the round pen arena over the weekend. The UK National Horseboarding Championship is the latest, and arguably the most exciting, equine sport around. The 2014 Horseboarding Championship season will begin at the East Anglian Game & Country Fair in April, not to be missed. East Anglia now has the greatest concentration of local horseboarding teams in the country 1 and we expect a big turnout for this event; so come and support your local teams as they shoot it out with the best from around the country. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact Christie Webb who is the East Anglian Regional CoWe have a fantastic line up of free events to watch in the Main and Countryside Arena. Ring displays also include 6 times FITASC Sporting World Champion, European Champion and English Open Champion John Bidwell, West Norfolk Hunt, Norfolk Fire Horse Rescue Demonstration, Bernese Mountain Dogs, Ferret Racing, Fly Fishing, Lurcher Displays, Gun Dog demonstrations and much more. Whether you are a practicing falconer, nature enthusiast or not the falconry village is sure to keep you entertained. There will be mini events going on all day in the arena; lure swinging competitions, talks on hunting and a chance to practice you skills at catching a ‘wild injured owl’ plus several stands to browse. We are delighted to announce that the Norwich Original Fleamarket has just been added to the line up for this year’s show. Visit their stand on Avenue E for a great selection of stands selling antiques, collectables, vintage and retro goods. They are the oldest, biggest and best monthly antiques fair in Norwich. The Norfolk Smallholders will be running smallholding talks and question time including Bee Keeping and vegetable production advice on their stand in the gardening area. Children of all ages will be able to take part in countryside activities and meet several animals. Stands at the event for little ones include Red Barn Farm, The Exotic Animal Encounter, Woodbine Alpacas, Heart Radio and Scratby Donkey Rides. Join in and 'have a go' at a range of country activities from clay shooting with John Bidwell’s High Lodge instructors or enter the 40-bird re-entry shooting competition for men, women and juniors. Fly fishing with the Salmon and Trout Association, ferret racing and archery to mountain biking, paintballing and crossbows. Take a helicopter pleasure flight over the showground, try the air rifle range, hold a bird of prey or take a ride in a Landrover on the off road 4x4 course. We are delighted to announce the Top Dog Paintball team will be at the 2014 East Anglian Game & Country Fair. They will be holding several live Paintball Demonstrations throughout the weekend this will give you firsthand knowledge of how paintball looks and works in the game field. They will also be bringing along an inflatable target range, which you will be able to have a go at and get a real feel for the game. Visit the forestry area which hosts the The East of England Cutters & Climbers Competition and Pole Climbing Competitions. Woodland Ways Bushcraft & Survival will be demonstrating their vast knowledge of bushcraft & survival techniques. There will be opportunities throughout the day to get ‘hands on’ and learn some skills for yourself. They will also be running ‘Pigeon Plucking’ competitions on their stand over 2 the weekend. Find out how quickly you can prepare a pigeon for the table without using a knife. Our game fair country kitchen has a great new line up with a variety of cookery workshops and demonstrations taking place over the weekend from a selection of local chefs, including Celebrity Chef Chris Coubrough, Franck Pontais, Roger Hickman, Jon Gay and Na Hansell plus many more. We have a wide variety of exhibitors in the food hall from Norfolk and across the UK bringing unusual and mouthwatering food and drink to the show for our visitors to sample, enjoy and purchase. There are over 300 shopping stands with a wide variety of products from fashion and footwear to gun makers, eco products, fishing products and home improvements. Plus craft halls, gift marquees, The Ideal Home Roadshow and the main bar will be serving a great selection of local beers and drinks over the weekend with a barbecue night on the Saturday with live music, all welcome. We welcome dogs on leads and there is plenty for them to do at the show! Dock Dogs from America will be returning running the Big Air Wave competitions. Mid Norfolk Gun Dog Club will be running the Gun Dog Scurry competitions and ‘have a go’ over the weekend and New for 2014 a Gundog Team event. Enter your dog into the Dog Agility and Jumping competitions and ‘have a go’ arenas, the Pet Dog Show or even the popular Terrier & Lurcher Show which take place on Sunday at 11am, which will be a qualifier for all major championships as well as the East Anglian Championship. Simon Whitehead will be running his ‘Dog & Ferret’ arena along with Lurcher specialist Jim Greenwood. A dog crèche is also available at the show run by Samsalin Dog Rescue so if you need to leave your dog somewhere safe for a couple of hours you can. Louise Wilkes from Hands 4 Hounds will be available to give people more information about Canine Massage and for one to one consultations and mobility assessments. She will also be giving talks and holding demonstrations and small group workshops for people interested in learning basic massage techniques. Whether you want information about the Game Fair prior to buying tickets or want to know what is happening next in the Main Arena during the weekend or to save your car park location, the Game Fair app is your essential guide to a great day out for all the family, available to download FREE from 'The App Store'. Ticket Information: Advance discounted admission tickets are available now online at or by calling the ticket hotline number 0871 230 1102 Calls cost 10p per minute from a BT landline plus standard network charges. Adult £12.00, Children (5-16 Yrs) £4.00 and Family (2 Adults & 3 Children) £30, (offer valid until 16/04/14 and a small booking fee applies). Under 5's are Free and Car Parking is Free for all. 3 On the gate prices: Adult £15.00, Children (5-16 Yrs) £5.00, Family (2 Adults & 3 Children) £40, Under 5's are Free and Free Car Parking for all. Become a member of the show! Priced at a very attractive £25 per adult, £10 per child (5-16 yrs) or £70 for a family (2 adults & 3 children) it’s great value! Beat the queues with prioritised car parking & admission to the show plus entry into the ringside Members' enclosure with luxury loos! Membership tickets, gift packages and experience days are also available to book online at or call 01263 735 828 for more information. Camping Weekend Tickets - Set in glorious parkland, The Norfolk Showground is a fantastic place to visit and camp for the weekend, conveniently situated just 5 miles from Norwich city centre. Just bring your Caravan, Camper or Tent and enjoy a fun filled short break in Norfolk with your friends and family! The Norfolk Showground provides excellent camping facilities plus you can enjoy two whole days at one of Norfolk's most talked about family days out The East Anglian Game & Country Fair. Well behaved pets are most welcome too. Book early and save money on Camping weekend tickets visit for prices and full details. Keep up to date with all the latest game fair news and offers at Subscribe to our e-newsletter and join us on our social networking sites. Editor’s Notes: For more information, images or interviews please contact Didi Fenwick. T: 01263 735 828 E: [email protected] Follow the East Anglian Game & Country Fair on Twitter @EAGandCFair and Pinterest, join us on Facebook or connect with us on ipatter. All details correct at the time of press. 4 Spring Gymnastics One Day Half Term Workshop Thursday 20 February 10am–3pm Diss High School £25* To book call 01379 640335 or email [email protected] * £23.00 if paid in advance plus 10% discount for additional bookings For more information visit