flotsam - Up River Yacht Club


flotsam - Up River Yacht Club
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Westerly Nomad trailer/sailer. John is survived by
Commodores Report
his mother and brother Peter. Peter has asked the
club to assist in selling the boat, to which I have
Welcome to the May issue of flotsam.
agreed. When all the details are to hand, I shall
place advertisements in the Club and appropriate
Over the past few weeks, there has been a
noticeable increase in activity around the club
with the improving, warmer weather. For
example, the club's first work party (26th March),
culmination of the dinghy Spring Series (9th
(throughout April).
yachting magazines. Joe Watson was a member
who regularly attended social events some years
ago but more recently sailed and helped Terry
undergone a heart-bypass operation, but then
suddenly died. On behalf of the Club, I extend our
sorrow to Eileen and their sons, both of whom live
locally, and will no doubt provide support during
Looking ahead, one of the major events of our
year is the Club Regatta on Sunday 25th June. The
Regatta Planning Committee has met successfully
arrangements are, as they say, in place. This year
we have been successful in attracting some new
stalls, for example wood turning, soft toys,
jewellery and maybe one or two others in
addition to the 'regulars': Oriental Dancers,
Hullbridge Scouts not forgetting White Elephant,
Barbecue, Tombolas, Books, Plants/Flowers and
this painful time.
This year sees the 70th Anniversary of the
foundation of Up River Yacht Club - a brief history
is contained in your Rules and Information
Handbook. Since the publication of the Club's
Programme of Events, an extra social event is
proposed to mark this occasion. This event is
scheduled for Saturday 5th August. Details are still
to be finalised, but it is advisable to put this date in
your diaries and watch (!) for notices in the Club.
Tea Tent. Now here comes the part that you, the
members, can contribute. To be a success, you
Finally - have a great season. Happy Sailing.
club needs donations to the White Elephant
(surplus dinghy or yacht equipment, ceramics,
beer/lager, soft drinks, ornaments etc.),
Books (time to sort out your libraries!) and
Regatta Issue:
about an hour of your time to help on a stall.
A schedule is now on display in the hall of
Editor's Jottings
the clubhouse - please fill in your name in the
appropriate box - remember: it's your Club
Theo Stanley's
Sailing Year
Important Info
Family Members
and many hands make light work.
On a more grave note, it is with great regret that I
have to write about the sudden deaths of two
members last month. John Collins was tragically
killed in a road accident. John, from Rayleigh,
was a relatively new member who owned a
Adrian Reynolds
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Editors Jottings
In this issue, you'll find an account of Theo
This is my second edition of Flotsam. Thank you
Sailfish 18. As I read through the article, I couldn't
for all the kind words of encouragement after my
help feeling pangs of envy. Last year, I planned
first go.
three weeks cruising, and hoped to explore some
Alex Gore passed me a mysterious box marked
of the lovely creeks and rivers we have in our
'Flotsam'. I got the box home and carefully opened
area. This didn't happen as my work became very
it. As I lifted the lid, I found … yes, OK, lots of
busy, and there was no place for thoughts of
stuff to help me put the newsletter together. But,
sailing. So, I really enjoyed this article.
underneath that I found old issues of Flotsam
It contains some useful sailing tips, a lovely
dating back to … well, 1974 is the earliest I've
account of sailing in the Roach, and very casual
found so far. I've looked through some of them,
mentions of sailing around Bridgemarsh Island.
and there are fascinating articles from the days
Twice. Thanks Theo.
Stanley's sailing year in Blue Marlin, a lift-keel
before word processors! There are stories of great
evenings of entertainment organised by each of
the sailing sections and tales of exciting racing
from various classes of craft. I hope to reprint
some of them. I'm sure they will bring back happy
memories for some of our membership and may
be of interest to others.
Blue Marlin Arrives at Up River
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Thanks to all members who renewed very promptly and who complied with the messy requirements of the Crouch Harbour
Authority by completing yet another form to obtain their CHA plaque(s). Still, it’s worth it to be able to get a boat onto the
river again.
Sadly, member John Collins was killed in a road traffic accident earlier this year and his boat ‘Nomad One’, a trailer/sailer, is
to be sold. A letter of condolence was sent to John’s family.
It was always my habit to use ‘Flotsam’ to welcome new members, but somehow, last year, this fell by the wayside. So, I am
turning over a new leaf and would ask you to welcome David Banfield from Bicknacre who sails ‘Heckler’ (Streaker 1542)
and a Miracle without a name. I apologise to those members who joined last year without being welcomed in ‘Flotsam’.
Enjoy your sailing and always remember the wise words of good old Ratty, "Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing,
absolute nothing, half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats." -- The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth
Have a good summer.
Gerry Noble
Membership Secretary (01702 232602 email [email protected])
‘Tad’ Privateer No.5
Saturday 5th August 2006
The fun starts with a barbecue at 5 o’clock followed by music, drinking and dancing for the
evening. A buffet will be provided.
Evening ticket price will be £7-50 per person including buffet.
(The barbecue food will be priced separately and very economically.)
Come dressed in 1930’s style and make the most of the occasion.
There will be prizes for the best dressed.
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Diary of Sailing Blue Marlin during
Later, I sailed for 2 hours back to Landsend Point, then
winds, F 5&6 on the beam. Without a jib, "Blue Marlin"
motored to the mooring. 4th and 6th May brought North
sailed herself through the gusts all the way up to
By Theo Stanley
Battlesbridge. I was enjoying the tilted helmsman's seats.
It is 3 miles upriver on the Crouch from Hullbridge to
Battlesbridge which has the only bridge over the river, and
The north wind is the best for sailing here, as it blows well
down a steep hill
where it is too narrow make a tack turn. Downstream there
9th. May a North wind took me down to Burnham and up to
are Hayes Farm, Hullbridge, Brandy Hole, Stowe Creek,
Battlesbridge a 5-hour non-stop comfortable sail on tilted
Fambridge, Bridgemarsh Island, Landsend Point, Althorne,
seats with convenient handholds. I tried to get up the Roche
Black Point, Cliff Reach, Creeksea, Burnham, River Roche,
River to Paglesham on Sunday the 15th May, Dame Ellen
Foulness and, after 17 miles, the Sea.
MacArthur's training ground, which always seems so
was my crew on
the 2nd April. We
Quay Reach where I had my lunch then turned back. On the
18th May, with a West F4, Reg came for a long sail to the
Outer Crouch Buoy. Then we had the sea breeze, SSW F5, to
return up river
23rd May brought winds from the West F5. I put 2 rolls in the
then sailed back
mainsail, and sailed down to Althorne and back, round the
Theo on Blue Marlin
difficult to reach from Hullbridge. I only managed to get to
with an Easterly
F4. Three days
later I was away with a SW F4 to Bridgemarsh Creek and up
to Hayes Farm. Sailed the 11th and, on the 13th and 19th with
John Bowen, to Stowe Creek and Hayes Farm. We use
Stowe Creek near high water. We anchor close to the high
sea walls to avoid the cold winds. Also, we are a half a mile
island through Bridgemarsh Creek. The sea breeze (SSW F4)
was perfect for the return in full sail. We often use a morning
Westerly to start down river and hope that around Burnham
the hot town roofs will bring on an early sea breeze from the
Southeast. Reg came to Althorne in a southerly breeze on
26th May. There we moored for our lunch. Returning round
the Island we had to motor from Brandy Hole.
away from the ski boats running between Brandy Hole and
1st June brought a heatwave. I motored to Fambridge, then to
Fambridge while we have our tea and sandwiches with good
Battlesbridge and home at noon. On 13th June, John and I
views of hills and woods.
motored to Fambridge. We rigged and sailed to Easter
On 16th April I motored to Bridgemarsh Island and at Low
Reach, anchored close inshore for our lunch before sailing
water I planted 2 fibreglass poles with cones at wreckage
sites. Being sunny I sailed on until 17.00hrs. The 22nd April
brought the first Easterly blow, at F5. I motored 7 miles to
back. On Wednesday 22nd June I hauled out at Hullbridge.
On Friday I launched at Cambridge to race on the Saturday
and Sunday. I relaunched at Hullbridge on the Wednesday.
Black Point, then sailed with 4 rolls in the mainsail down
On Saturday the 9th July, with a strong North beam wind, I
Cliff Reach to Creeksea. Returning near Brandy Hole I
sailed down to Creeksea. Enjoying the relaxing comfort of
lowered the mainsail and, with only the jib up, twisted
the tilted seats going both ways. Then came the heat wave
through the moorings to pick up my own mooring with
reaching 35 degrees C, which lasted until it rained on
SWIFTIE at 16.00hrs.
Sunday. 24th. July was U.R.YC. Regatta Day. In July and
The 1st May brought sunshine but no wind. I motored with
August my wife Doris, past champion Sailfish helm at
the ebb tide to the sea then anchored by the Crouch buoy.
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Cambridge, was recovering from a hip operation so my
the sea wall, out of the wind, to hoist sail. Shortly after, I
sailing became a weekend opportunity only.
was away, now with strong south beam wind. White wakes
I did not return to sail until Sunday the 21st August, with 5
rolling over the blue water. Past the seals at Yokefleet Creek
hours in a NNW F4 wind. Saturday the 27th gave me a four-
and on to Paglesham, where some of the boat shed is timber
hour sail with a SSW F4. September the 3rd, a Saturday, I
from HMS Beagle, and up Barling Creek where there is a
tacked for 8 miles against the flood tide direct into an
Easterly F4 that strengthened down river. This was good test
for the two seats. One had a 75mm top cushion, while the
other had a 100mm top cushion. The 100mm top cushion
was better. On 8th, I had 6 hours sailing in variable southerly
pile of her ballast stones. Further on must be her hulk lost in
some rill. Roaring back past Paglesham, I accepted the vocal
envy of the crews working on their boats. Reaching the long
bend around Wallasea Island I ran close along the shallow
edge, as Dame Ellen MacArthur must have done often
learning her way down to the sea.
On 12th September, John Bowen joined me on a cloudy day
On 15th October, I motored to Creeksea and set sail against a
with a Northerly F5. We sailed down to Creeksea and
through the boats,
anchored at low water, close in to the shelter of the trees at
White House, for our lunch of hot Cornish Pasties and
Dedman joined me to motor into Burnham Harbour for noon
tea. After this, we sailed to the Crouch buoy at 14.00hrs and
The 19th September I sailed in southerly breezes to Black
Point. On the return leg, the ebb started at Brandy Hole and I
had to motor. Three days later, Bill Serjent motored with me
to Stowe Creek for our lunch. After lunch, we sailed in SE
F2 for 3 hours before turning back. On the 26th September,
Reg Dedman and I sailed to Paglesham. The Westerly wind
took us to the Roche for our lunch in Quay Reach. After
lunch, the wind did not back to the South as needed so at low
water we motored back, running close inshore in the shelter
of the 7 metre high sea walls.
brilliant sunshine. I
vegetables. Sunshine came to see us back. The next day, Reg
back up river in 4 hours.
Point. For my lunch,
'Blue Marlin'
I sailed back and
arriving at the mooring 4 hours after high water, we ran
aground in 3 feet of water. The 18th October brought an ESE
F5. It was still warm, and I motored to Black Point. I reefed
the mainsail with 2 rolls, then sailed to Althorne and back
through Bridgemarsh Creek round the island. I sheltered in
Stowe Creek for my lunch. Reg Dedman came to sail on 27th
October, with 2 rolls reefed in the mainsail and a South F5
that took us down to the sea. We turned at the Crouch buoy.
Going along Wallasea Island we went in under the 7 metre
high rock wall and found a small bay of mud in which to
was sunny and, after attending the URYC
anchor safe from the wash of passing craft. After our lunch
Cruiser AGM, I had very easy sail to Battlesbridge with a
in the calm of this shelter I was able to fit to the forestay to
Northerly F5 without using the jib. On the 7th October, John
the A frame on the bow ready for season's end haul out. On
Bowen and I motored to Creeksea. We stopped there for one
the 31st October, in rain and a calm, my crews came to the
of his famous hot lunches. Bright and calm, we sailed for
haul-out of "Blue Marlin".
October the 2
only half an hour then motored back. I was also out in the
calms on 10th hoping for a sea breeze, but enjoying the warm
Success came next day under a cloudless sky. Leaving at
09.00hrs with the keel up, I arrived at Quay Reach at
11.00hrs. I put the keel down to run into the soft mud under
Read more about Theo's exploits at:
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Please come along and greet visiting
members from local Yacht Clubs.
A buffet will be provided.
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
agreed by last year's Executive Committee. A sub-
Launch and Recovery
committee of Allan Adkin, Jim Mallory, Malcolm
By the time you are reading this, the majority of
and has considered various options. These options were
cruisers should be launched. Members whose craft are
explored, and budget estimates will be determined for
still ashore must apply for Summer Lay-up (refer to
presentation to the Sailing and Executive Committees
your copy of 'Rules and Information' - Rule 11, and the
for their approval. The intention is to work towards a
2006 Cruiser Register, page 13). In May, the Executive
schedule so that the winch should be fully operational
Committee will consider the applications for Summer
for Recovery by mid-September.
Lay-up. In essence, a member who wishes to apply for
Some of the plastic containers for the mobile hoist
Summer Lay-up must apply in writing to either the
chain blocks are beginning to 'look past their best'. If
Honorary Secretary (Sue Bailes), or any of the L and R
any member knows about the whereabouts of suitable,
Syndicate Chairmen (Steve Harris, John Luff-Smith or
thick-walled buckets please let me know.
Adrian Reynolds) broadly stating the reasons for nonlaunch and, if only a short delay, a realistic estimate to
complete the fit-out. Members should be aware that
York and the L & R Syndicate Chairmen was formed
Finally - a date for your diary. The second compulsory
L and R Work Party is Sunday 10thSeptember. Nonattendance on this date results in a penalty of £50!
considerable effort is required to mobilise the
appropriate number of personnel for the safe operation
Adrian Reynolds
of the equipment (supervisor, two tractor drivers),
Joint Launch and Recovery Chairman
especially so when these members have already given
their time over the previous two months want to do
some sailing themselves! If no written request is
received, an automatic fee of £50 will be imposed.
Purser's Stores
Wear the name of URYC with pride For
A pin-hitch bracket has recently been provided for the
Club Regalia contact
Fordson Major (the 'original tractor') by Albert Brown
Reg Squirrel - 01375 676426
(Fortuna), and the corresponding bolts and washers by
John Hodges (Polka). Thank you to both. A small
Polo Shirts
£ 9 - 50
amount of work needs to be completed on the bolts,
Sweat Shirts
£13 - 00
then both of the Fordsons will have front pin-hitches:
V. Neck Sweaters
£11 - 00
less neck-pain for the drivers.
Club Ties
£ 7 - 50
U.R.Y.C. T-Shirts
£ 6 - 20
Blazer Badges
£ 3 - 60
Lapel Badges
£ 2 - 20
Club Pennants
£17 - 50
Regatta T-Shirts
£ 3 - 00
Some Syndicate members will be aware that the Club
£ 0 - 20
has purchased a diesel (twin-cylinder Lister) powered
£ 0 - 35
winch. This is an item off the new second 10-year plan
Car Stickers
£ 1 - 25
The Syndicate has also recently taken delivery of three
coils of steel cable used on the Launch and Recovery
Trolley when the time comes for replacement: thank
you again, Albert Brown.
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
No 2
From 9.00 am
Please bring along tools: hammers, screwdrivers,
paintbrushes, gardening equipment, spades,
shovels, brooms, shears, etc.
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Vice Commodore’s Report
Donations of the
The good news of my last report, the provision of extra
outside power sockets, has been welcomed rather too
Sunday 25 June 2006
following would be
greatly appreciated:
enthusiastically. The overload trip has been triggered on a
couple of occasions.
Since the club electrical upgrade the system will not allow
the abuse we have seen in the past! I suggest that all
members take a critical look at any electrical equipment and
extension leads that they wish to use on the club system.
If you do need to reset a trip the power panel is up on the
wall to the right of the South door. The list on the inside of
the panel door details use of each trip. To reset just move the
lever back to the normal position – If it kicks back there is
Cans, Bottles, Gifts etc. for
Sailing items
still a fault!
The heating system should now be in full working order after
a number of visits from the engineers.
By the time you are reading this the cruiser fleet should all
be out of the club yard and back where they should be! I
hope to meet many of you out on the river.
Items for the ‘White Elephant’
As well as the telephone number 01268 780857 (published
in our Programme of Events) I may be contacted via e-mail
at [email protected]
Chris Hall
Volunteers Needed
Saturday 20th May at 09.00 hrs
Led by Councillor Mrs. J Stracey
Meet in the Rose Garden, Ferry Lane. Plastic sacks and disposable gloves will be provided.
If you own a pair of wellies, and are willing to perhaps get a bit muddy and pitch in to help:
Ring 01702-230009, or just turn up on the day.
Your help would be much appreciated
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
MAY 12
No need to book but please arrive at
the club around 7.30pm to place
your order.
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
We hope that it will be a fine day with many people
taking part in the sailing events.
I am writing this report the day after the Fitting Out
On shore there will be the usual stalls including
tombolas, white elephant, books, plants, refreshments,
A total of 50 members and guests attended. The
children’s games etc.
magician was very entertaining and everyone seemed
to have a good evening. A big thank you to everyone
who helped to make it a successful event.
The House Committee hope that the club will be
equally well supported for the next social event. This is
This year we are introducing some new craft stalls and
There will also be a performance by the Exotic Oriental
the At Home on Saturday 6th May when we welcome
We will be asking for volunteers to run the stalls
members from local clubs. A welcome drink and buffet
throughout the day. The more volunteers we have the
will be provided.
shorter the time each person will need to spend on a
The April Eat-In was attended by 17 people who
enjoyed Fish & Chips. This was followed by a planning
stall. You will also find a request for donations
elsewhere in this newsletter.
meeting for the Club Cruise in Company, which takes
There will, of course, be a pre-regatta work party on
place over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend.
Saturday 24th June the more people that turn up the
The next Eat-In will be on Friday 12th May and the
easier it will be to put up gazebos, marquee etc. and to
chosen menu is Chinese. Please come along at about
7.30pm to place your food order.
Since the last edition of Flotsam we have had the first
Work Party of the year. This was well attended and
many tasks were completed. Thank you to everyone
prepare the grounds for the next day.
Plans are also underway for the URYC 70th birthday
event in August. Allan Adkin is organising this event
and more information can be found elsewhere in this
edition of Flotsam.
who came along and worked hard to get the grounds
Please keep an eye on the noticeboards and the club
and clubhouse in good order for the start of the season.
website for the latest information for all social events.
The next work party is on Sunday May 7th and
I wish you all a very happy sailing season.
hopefully the weather will enable the outside painting
of the clubhouse to be done. With most of the cruisers
on the water by then grass cutting and hedge trimming
will also be on the list. Please let me know if you
notice any other jobs that need to be done. ( 01268
780857 or [email protected])
Planning for the Regatta on Sunday 25th June is well
underway and we aim to have the old favourites plus
some new stalls.
Julia Hall
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
No. 3
9.00 am start
Please come along to help tidy the
grounds, put up gazebos, marquee and
bunting in preparation for the Regatta.
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Rear Commodore Sailing
club we stand to benefit the most by the removal
of flotsam and jetsam which could damage
Well: we are officially now into British Summer
propellors and boats, so please give this cleaning
Time, although it may not feel like it! The dinghy
exercise you full support. Plastic sacks and gloves
sailors have their RNLI Pennant races on 7 May
will be provided, bring your wellies, and be
(for which all entry fees go to the RNLI), followed
prepared to get muddy! See you there.
on 13 May by the Heron and Mirror Open, so lets
hope for an improvement in the weather.
John Hutchinson
Both the cruiser and dinghy fleets have their Cliff
Reach Trophy on 21st May, and I would encourage
everyone to have a go at this race, as it is one of
the few joint activities on the water for cruiser and
dinghy members. We race to Cliff Reach, have
lunch, then race back - a very enjoyable day, so
why not join us?
The other joint event is, of course, the ACE Race
(All Clubs Event) on 17th June. This year it starts
in Burnham and finishes at Stow Post with the
evening activities and prize-giving at Brandy Hole
Yacht Club, right on our doorstep, so please give it
your support.
Lastly, I would draw your attention to the
Riverbank Cleaning Day on Saturday 20th May,
organised by the Hullbridge Parish Council. This
has unfortunately been called a 'Clean Beach Day'
- what beach? The intention is to meet at 09.00 in
the Rose Garden at the end of Ferry Road (see
advertisement elsewhere in this issue). As a yacht
The club would benefit greatly from
having a member to liaise with sailing
publications, event listings, local press
and radio and generally blow the club’s
Could that person be you?
For further details please contact a
member of the Executive Committee.
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Su n d a y 2 5 J u n e
F r o m 1 0 . 3 0 am
Yacht Racing
On-shore activities for all the family
Oriental Dancers
Duck Race
White Elephant
Craft Stalls
Children’s Games
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Do you have family membership?
The Cadet Race dates are:
29th July at 14.30
Yet again this year URYC is offering a series of
19th August at 09.45
fun sails on Saturdays for the benefit of your
children and any Cadet member between the ages
26th August at 13.30
of 9 and 18. We have experienced helmsmen
2nd September at 17.30
prepared to take out any youngster as crew and to
23rd September at 12.30
show them the basics of sailing whilst having fun
at the same time. Alternatively, if you no longer
If your child would like to gain extra experience
have an sailing dinghy but would like to take you
before taking part in any of the above, don't forget
child out yourself in a club dinghy for one of our
that RYA youth Sailing courses are available at
fun sails ring me on 01702-231600. We have two
Mirror dinghies and one Firefly available for your
612770), Bradwell Outdoor Education Centre
use for only £5.00 per day.
(01621-776256) and Fellowship Afloat Charitable
Trust at Tollesbury (01621-868113).
There are five fun sails on the calendar as follows:
27th May at 12.00
Remember the Club will contribute £32-00
towards the cost of attending any one course per
10 June at 11.00
year for anyone of Cadet age. Just apply to the
15th July at 15.00
Executive Committee, or contact me for your
22nd July at 10.30
12th August at a time to be fixed by Eyott S.C.
refund and produce your receipt.
Finally, I would appeal to you to give these Fun
Sails and Cadet Races your full support this year,
These fun sails will be used to gain basic sailing
otherwise I regret they will not be provided in
experience and will be followed in late summer by
future years in view of the time and effort required
a series of Cadet races starting on 29th July. The
to maintain the programme. Please take the
idea is that only Cadets will allowed to helm each
opportunity now.
boat, but that an experienced person can act as
crew. This way the Cadets will not have to race
against experienced helmsmen, only against each
John Hutchinson
Rear Commodore Sailing
Up River Yacht Club Newsletter - May 2006
Come along and support your club as we welcome visitors from other clubs on the river. Good
food, good wine and an opportunity to meet with friends old and new. From 8.00pm.
There is always plenty to do to keep your clubhouse and grounds in running order so please
come along at 9.00am.
For more information on the tools and tasks required please watch out for the notices around
the clubhouse.
The selected menu for May is Chinese. Save cooking at home and enjoy a convivial evening in the
clubhouse. No need to book but please arrive at the club around 7.30pm to place your order.
Join the Club ‘Cruise in Company’ to The Outer Crouch, The Roach and Creeks for the
Spring Bank Holiday weekend. The course and timings have been agreed. Please contact Mike
Armstrong, Cruiser Class Captain for details.
FRI 26
to MON 29
Watch for the notices around the clubhouse to find out the chosen menu for this evening. No need
to book - just arrive at the club around 7.30pm to place your order.
Please come along at 9.00am and help to prepare for the Regatta by tidying up the grounds,
putting up the gazebos, marquee and bunting.
Please come and support your club for the major event of the year. Compete on the water or help
out on the stalls.
Please see notices elsewhere in Flotsam for details.
Watch for the notices around the clubhouse to find out the chosen menu for this evening. No
need to book - just arrive at the club around 7.30pm to place your order.
For information on all club events visit the club website www.upriver.org
or email Julia Hall (Rear Commodore, House) [email protected]