View - Godmanchester Town Council
View - Godmanchester Town Council
13 March 2015 To: The Town Mayor and Members of Godmanchester Town Council. You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of Godmanchester Town Council in the Town Hall Thursday 19 March 2015 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the following business. Members of the public and press are cordially invited to attend. Madelaine Liddiard TOWN CLERK AGENDA To conclude by: 15/037 TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES AND REASONS FOR ABSENCE 7.31 1 mins 15/038 2 mins 15/039 2 mins 15/040 10 mins 15/041 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: To receive declarations of personal and/or prejudicial interest and the nature of those interests relating to any Agenda item. MINUTES: To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Meeting held on 19th February 2015 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION SESSION: To hear from any member of the public in respect of an item on the agenda and other matters that are of mutual interest TOWN MAYOR’S ANNOUNCEMENTS 7.33 7.35 7.45 7.50 5 mins 15/042 15 mins 15/043 10 mins TOWN CLERK’S REPORT ON MATTERS ARISING: To receive a report and note progress on outstanding matters 15/042.1 To receive a verbal update on Judith’s Field Shrubland 15/042.2 To receive a verbal update on Judith’s Field building redevelopment 15/052.3 To receive a verbal update on Neighbourhood Plan CORRESPONDENCE: To consider items of correspondence received 8.05 8.15 FINANCE & PLANNING PORTFOLIO MATTERS 15/044 15 mins PLANNING: To consider the recommendations of the planning working party in respect of the list of planning applications received. (Cllr S Wilson) 15/044.1 To discuss the revised Statement of Common Ground in respect of the A14 (Cllr Pauley) 8.30 15/045 15 mins FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTS: 15/045.1 To approve the list of payments to be made. 15/045.2 To note receipt of salary information, petty cash reconciliation to 19 March, monthly budget report on the year to date, monthly bank reconciliation as approved by THE DEPUTY MAYOR. 15/045.3 To note and adopt the list of regular suppliers for services to Godmanchester Town Council. 15/045.4 To note receipt of the Risk Register for Godmanchester Town Council together with the Asset Register as at March 2015 15.045.5 To note comments from internal audit report and note amended template for Town Council reports to Council 15.045.6 To revise and approve an updated Bank Mandate 15.045.7 To agree advance payment for full term of Judith’s Field lease to 31.12.2087 15.045.8 To receive a copy of the list of debtors and consider appropriate action 8.45 ENVIRONMENT PORTFOLIO MATTERS 15/046 5 mins GROUNDS MAINTENANCE: To receive a report and note recommendations 8.50 BUSINESS PORTFOLIO MATTERS 15/047 10 mins 15/048 5 mins 15/049 10 mins 15/050 10 mins ON LINE EVENTS DIARY: To receive a report and note recommendations (Cllr Conboy) ANNUAL REPORT/ANNUAL TOWN MEETING: To consider content and preparation timescales (Cllr Malley) TOURISM: To receive a report and note recommendations (Cllr Coxhead) TRANSPORT: To receive a report and note recommendations (Cllr Pauley) 9.00 9.05 9.15 9.25 The next Town Council meeting will be held on Thursday 16 April 2015 in the Town Hall, starting at 7.30pm. 15/042 GOMANCHESTER TOWN COUNCIL OUTSTANDING ACTIONS LIST MATTERS ARISING FROM MEETING HELD ON 19 FEBRUARY 2015 MATTER ARISING CURRENT POSITION Survey of Trees Survey of all large trees to be undertaken Dispute on position of bench Bench on Recreation ground privately owned. Position to be confirmed and agreed by Environment Portfolio group Environment Environment MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS MATTER ARISING CURRENT POSITION DSLAM Cabinet Town Clerk & Cllr G Wilson to continue to progress matter to move DSLAM cabinet, through Openreach. Town Clerk has written to MP. No reply received, further copy of letter sent. NO RESPONSE OR ACTION, DELETE FROM SCHEDULE? (Town Clerk) UPDATED MARCH FINANCE AND PLANNING PORTFOLIO PROPERTY PORTFOLIO Town Hall guttering QES & Town Hall Office Accommodation Repairs to headstones Advice re EA works on Town Hall Approval given for works to go ahead through Norman & Underwood. Town Clerk has placed order. Work undertaken. Revised quote to be approved: March 2015 Approval given for Donald Insall to develop proposals for required works to both buildings. QES survey has taken place and report to Property Portfolio. Request made for permission to use additional space on the ground floor of Town Hall to Senior Citizens Club. Further discussions have taken place but no resolution. Updates provided to TC in April, June, July and August. TC agreed to seek permission for temporary portacabin to be located in TH car park. Property Portfolio to take forward. Further reports to Nov & Dec TC meetings. Recommendations to January 2015 TC meeting. Letter to Senior Citizens Club Feb 2015 and specification for alterations to be drawn up by Donald Insall. Advice received from CAPALC. Report presented to April TC meeting. Costs to be obtained. AGREED Dec 2014 not to repair headstones but notice to be placed in cemetery warning of possible dangers. Town Clerk to obtain quote for signs for Cemetery and Churchyard Town Clerk to seek advice via HDC to ensure works undertaken adjacent to Town Hall would not cause damage to the building in future. On site meeting with Bidwells 23.9.13. Email to Bidwells sent 28.2.14 instructing them to progress the matter. Letter sent to EA April 2014 awaiting response. Report to July and August TC meetings. Further clarification sought. NO FURTHER ACTION, DELETE FROM SCHEDULE? UPDATED MARCH UPDATED MARCH UPDATED MARCH 15/042 GOMANCHESTER TOWN COUNCIL OUTSTANDING ACTIONS LIST QES: External works: roof gully Repairs to chimney pending programme for other external modification; chimney stack repair; remedial work. French drain to be installed around installation of french drain perimeter of building and investigations to be carried out re flow of water from down pipes around building and clearing of gullies where necessary delayed due to illness of appointed contractor. Town Clerk chased contractor for dates. Quote received from roofing specialists. Reports to Nov & Dec TC meetings. Donald Insall instructed to carry out survey of QES to make recommendations. Work on french drain complete. Ownership of Town Council land SW and Town Clerk met with Copleys Feb 2014 who will work towards registering all Town Council land and property. Costs will be in region of £700. Town Clerk had meeting with Copleys 08.05.14. Registration of War Memorial green(s) in progress. Declaration sworn 8.7.14 by Town Clerk. Town Clerk has provided schedule of all outstanding matters to Town Council. TC meeting with Copleys 17.2.15. Further Statutory Declaration to be sworn March 2015. Damage to Fascia Boards at JF Garden of Remembrance Town Clerk has submitted insurance claim. TC approval to go ahead with repairs. Cycle rack has been moved forward at car park end of building. Town Council to advise on how to progress. Report to Jan 2015 TC meeting. Repair costs kept to minimum with painting of patched work rather than replace fascia boards. WORK COMPLETE. DELETE FROM SCHEDULE TC approval to repair damaged wall. Town Clerk has requested quotes from 3 contractors. One quote received. TC gave approval for work to go ahead. Work will start w/c 5.1.15. Town Clerk has advised neighbour in Cambridge Street. Work complete REMOVE FROM SCHEDULE? UPDATED MARCH UPDATED MARCH UPDATED MARCH ENVIRONMENT PORTFOLIO Parking at Betts Close Town Clerk has submitted LHI Bid. Outcome will be known in February 2015. Panel meeting took place in November, Cllr Pauley attended. LHI have advised bid not successful. Town Clerk enquiring about alernative way NOfor FURTHER ACTION LHI REMOVE Amphitheatre of trees on Recreation forward. Agreement working party to beON formed to discuss the Ground project in more detail Queens Walk Footpath Mayor and Town Clerk met reps from CCC, EA, Jacksons, Atkins. Agreed to work in partnership to ensure repairs carried out to Queen's Walk path. Highways to coordinate, Town Clerk has chased for response and update April 2014. Jacksons have carried out repairs to areas they have damaged. Other work not yet in place via CCC. Meeting to be arranged to discuss other repair work. Town Clerk provided verbal update at July & August& September meetings. Environment Portfolio to lead discussions on way forward. Matter discussed at November TC meeting. Approval given to share costs of path repair with CCC and EA up to max of £4k if path repaired between main sluice and Mill Yard car park. On site meeting took place. Work to begin when weather permits (prob late March) and will cover path from Mill Yard car park to path close to first weir. Work underway w/c16/3/15 UPDATED MARCH UPDATED MARCH 15/042 GOMANCHESTER TOWN COUNCIL OUTSTANDING ACTIONS LIST Judith's Field scrubland area Agreement to clear debris and treat nettles given at April TC meeting. Report to June, August & September meetings. Fergusons quote to re-seed the area agreed. Approval to repair fencing along A1198 given but deferred until further quotes obtained for fencing between commercial area and JF. Further report October & November TC meeting. Approval given for up to £3k for fencing between commercial area and shrubland. Cllr Cohen and Town Clerk to progress. Work to be carried out end of February 2015. Further report to TC meeting February 2015. GROUND WORKS & FENCING NOW COMPLETE REMOVE FROM SCHEDULE? UPDATED MARCH BUSINESS PORTFOLIO CCTV Tourism Neighbourhood Plan Judith's Field Redevelopment Council Business Plan Cllr Coxhead, Cllr Godley and Town Clerk met with HDC to consider options for CCTV provision from Town Hall being shared with HDC via their Control room. This matter is on hold until issue of office accommodation has been resolved. NO FURTHER ACTION - REMOVE FROM SCHEDULE? Steering group to be formed. Report to March 2015 TC meeting Working party to scope role & membership of steering group. Report to November & Jan TC meetings. Verbal update to Feb meeting. Timeline agreed in principle. Report to February TC meeting Agreed to present the plan to the Annual Town Meeting in May. All Cllrs to contribute to development of the plan UPDATED MARCH UPDATED MARCH UPDATED MARCH GODMANCHESTER TOWN COUNCIL MEETING THURSDAY 19 MARCH 2015 CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Godmanchester Chatteris Town Council Cottenham East Cambs. District Council Higham Ferrers Town Council Huntingdon Town Council March Town Council Peterborough City Council H>A Dept of Health D Bristow Tree Planting Muir Estate Mayor’s Charity Ball High Sherriff’s Awards Civic Reception Valentine’s Dinner Pancake Flipathon Mayor’s Charity Dinner Charity Winter Supper. Application for financial support (copy all Cllrs) Response to letter re Hinchingbrooke Hospital Funeral arrangements for Mrs J Bristow Finance & Planning Portfolio Rural Cambs CAB Kimbolton PC Cruse Bereavement Request for grant Local Joint Committee minutes (e) Request for grant (e) Property Portfolio Norman & Underwood Moore Electrical Revised quote re Town Hall roof repairs Quote for external lights on QES (e) Environment Portfolio J Hesp S Dunklin Ferguson’s Cambs Fire Service copy of correspondence with GMCiB re Mill Steps (e) complaint re dog mess at Judith’s Field (e) Amendments to Ground Maintenance contract Apology for damage to rec by fire tender (e) Business Portfolio R Avery C Bowden Outreach worker for South Cambs (e) Navigus Planning re Neighbourhood Plan (e) All Cllrs HDC G Dodgson HDC CCC CCTV report – January (e) A14 Statement of Common Ground (e) Confirmation of designation of Neighbourhood Plan Area (e) Surface dressing programme (e) (E) denotes correspondence received by e-mail 15/043 15/044 GODMANCHESTER TOWN COUNCIL MEETING: THURSDAY 19 MARCH 2015 PLANNING APPLICATIONS AND CORRESPONDENCE APPLICATIONS: Application No 1402060FUL Detail Demolition of garage, erection o rear/side extension: 52 Tudor Road 1500247FUL Electricity Sub Station: Unit 3 Cardinal Park CORRESPONDENCE HDC HDC HDC Bearscroft Design Code (copy all Cllrs) Planning consent for 11 Park Lane Local Plan (ref Houghton & Wyton) David Wilson Homes Curtin & Co Houghton & Wyton PC Update on Bearscroft development/Archaeological works/revised Design Code re development of Wyton airfield copy of letter to HDC plus copies of email correspondence HDC Street Naming: Bellmans and Costcutter Mr/s Baldwin Park Lane caravan site ( e ) Comments re application 1402057FUL (15 London Road) ( e ) J Greagg HDC GMCTC HDC Notification of DMP meeting: 16 March Letter to HDC re caravan site Consultation on Huntingdon Town Council Neighbourhood Plan 15/045 GODMANCHESTER TOWN COUNCIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 19 MARCH 2015 AGENDA ITEM MATTER FOR CONSIDERATION AND RECOMMENDATION 15/045.3 List of regular suppliers was last updated in 2011. A revised list has been prepared and Cllrs have declared interests where applicable. The Town Council is asked to adopt this list of regular suppliers with immediate effect Annual Risk Assessments have been carried out for all buildings, open spaces and play areas managed by the Town Council. Where action of any sort is required it has been recorded on the risk register which will be updated periodically and reviewed by the H&S working group once a quarter. The asset register has been updated to reflect the assets which are owned, maintained and/or insured by the Town Council. The Town Council is asked to note receipt of a copy of the risk register The Town Council is asked to note receipt of the current asset register Following the first part of the internal audit, the Town Council is advised to ensure transparency in matters relating to receipts of quotes and selection of appointed contractor in respect of projects with a value over £2000. An addition to the standard template used by all Cllrs for preparation of reports and recommendations to Town Council meetings has been drafted. The Town Council is asked to note the additional requirement and to adopt this as a standard practice with immediate effect Payments of invoices are made through the Town Council’s account with HSBC. The mandate is not up to date and does not include all Cllrs as signatories. The Town Council is asked to approve the revised bank mandate whereby all Cllrs become authorised signatories and any two authorised signatories may sign cheques on behalf of the Town Council. The Town Clerk will continue to administer the accounts but will not be authorised to sign cheques. The Town Council asked the owners of Judith’s Field whether the annual lease payment of £1 could be made in advance and in full for the remaining period of the lease on Judith’s Field. The lease runs until 31.12.2087, a period of 72 years. The owner is in agreement to receive full payment for the term of the lease in advance. The Town Council is asked to approve a cheque payable to Mr R W Looker Trust in the sum of £72 to cover the period 1.1.16 – 31.12.87 to be paid immediately. The Deputy Town Clerk raises invoices in respect of hire of the QES and Judith’s Field. One-off hire is usually paid for prior to the booking going ahead. Regular hirers (those who hire the same hall for several weeks) may pay in arrears once they are established as a regular hirer. The attached schedule represents outstanding debts as at 13 March 2015. The Town Council is asked to consider in particular the two long term debts and confirm the action it wishes to take in respect of these debts. 15/045.4 15/045.5 15/045.6 15/045.7 15/045.8 Madelaine Liddiard TOWN CLERK 19 March 2015 GODMANCHESTER TOWN COUNCIL MEETING: THURSDAY 19 MARCH 2015 15/045.1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - 19TH FEBRUARY 2015 PAYMENTS CHQ DD DD DD DD DD DD DD 200694 200695 200696 200697 200698 200699 200700 200701 200702 200703 200704 200705 200706 200707 200708 200709 200710 200711 PAYMENTS DETAIL Line rental/internet Gas/Electricity Gas/Electricity/phone line Monthly charge Monthly charge Town Office phone line Bank charges March salary March salary March salary March salary March salary Tax & NI PAID TO UW UW UW Anglian Water Anglian Water Virgin HSBC M Liddiard M Newman K Walters K Askew K Lissaman Inland Revenue TOTAL SALARIES, TAX & NI Anglian Water Cemetery charges Foster Horticulture Fencing at JF Ken Booth & Co Ltd Cleaning materials Lloyds Bank Hot water boiler repair New Flame 6 monthly service & batteries FLP Cradle swing repair CCC Pinfold Lane LHI St Mary the Virgin Compost bin in churchyard T Clarke East Repair to boiler QES M Lidiard purchase of 2 small step ladders K Fergusons Annual contract plus extras R W Looker Will Trust Payment for full term of lease QES Judith's Field Interest Refund Payment for Mayors Ball NET £ 37.50 £ 379.57 £ 387.81 £ 32.00 £ 48.00 £ 25.72 £ 23.04 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 4,670.68 £ 32.82 £ 1,695.00 £ 94.92 £ 238.94 £ 909.37 £ 150.00 £ 150.00 £ 1,410.00 £ 114.00 £ 33.03 £ 360.00 £ 72.00 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 10,864.40 PAYMENTS RECEIVED FEBRUARY 2015 Fees £ 1,588.00 Fees £ 48.00 Fees £ 7.84 chq not cashed £ 75.00 Received in error £ 70.00 TOTAL RECEIPTS £ 1,788.84 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ VAT 7.50 57.94 47.48 5.14 339.00 18.98 47.79 181.88 30.00 22.80 72.00 - £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 830.51 £ - £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ TOTAL 45.00 437.51 435.29 32.00 48.00 30.86 23.04 4,670.68 32.82 2,034.00 113.90 286.73 1,091.25 180.00 150.00 1,410.00 136.80 33.03 432.00 72.00 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 11,694.91 £ £ £ £ £ £ 1,588.00 48.00 7.84 75.00 70.00 1,788.84 15.045.2 COMPARISON OF BUDGET AGAINST ACTUAL EXPENDITURE 2014-2015 Approved March Totals Budget expenditure 1. Town Hall Admin 58630.00 3896.00 45862.45 Admin Sals + Tax+NI Stationery Petty cash 43480 600 150 900 450 1100 950 100 1300 1600 500 5000 2500 Telephone/internet Postage Council Tax Utilities window cleaning Equipment servicing: fire/alarm/photocopier IT equipment/subscriptions Minor repairs and maintenance Town Hall capital projects (xmas tree) Health, Safety & Wellbeing/clothing 2. Civic Costs 11200.00 Mayoral Purse Civic Service Audit: internal & external Bank Charges Mayoral Chain/board/robes inc signwriting Legal/HR costs/licensing Training: Cllrs & Staff/publications Memberships: CPALC/Open Spaces/SLCC 3. Communication Website Newsletter/communication/advertising Neighbourhood Plan 2000 800 1000 450 450 5000 500 1000 4000.00 300.00 1200.00 2500.00 4. Insurance Annual Premium 5200.00 5.QES (Facilities Mgt) 50960.00 Wages Utilities: gas& elec Water rates Council tax Cleaning materials Minor repairs window cleaning Fire/elec checks QES Capital Projects misc: Sept uncashed chq 6. Judith's Field (Admin) wages Utilities: gas elec phone Water Rates 5200.00 7900 4400 440 1550 800 500 170 200 35000 20150.00 7800 3800 900 3534.68 0.00 0.00 63.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 298.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38376.74 993.47 82.38 756.37 212.00 1067.48 800.00 75.00 1091.02 354.15 253.50 785.14 1015.20 95.04 7419.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.04 0.00 72.00 0.00 0.00 2000.00 842.14 689.35 396.84 390.00 1992.00 99.00 1009.95 0.00 1055.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.19 1042.00 0.00 0.00 4891.17 0.00 4891.17 1,503.09 39273.53 568.00 379.57 32.00 0.00 94.92 130.51 0.00 298.09 0.00 6658.00 3008.02 399.00 1483.65 568.52 1804.33 150.00 654.78 24547.23 1,572.45 15,762.51 568.00 387.81 48.00 6922.00 3500.71 466.00 15.045.2 Council Tax Cleaning materials Minor repairs/misc Fire/elec/alarm checks JF Capital projects Scoping for future dev. Projects 7. Property 950 400 3000 300 1500 1500 19500.00 Church clock London Road Cemetery Churchyard Public Toilets Contribution to CCTV 8. Environment 1000 1000 3000 13000 1500 10700.00 Street Furniture Lifebuoys War Memorial/Gdn of Remembrance Trees fencing and hedges Minor repairs and maintenance St Mary's grasscutting 9. Recreation areas/Facilities Inspections Minor repairs & maintenance Capital Projects 10. Allotments 3000 0 500 3500 600 3100 10250.00 1250.00 9000.00 0.00 750.00 Rent 750 11. Grounds Maint. Contract extras 27400.00 21400 6000 12. Grants Awarded 12270.00 S137 Other grants Picnic in the Park Youth Service Dev/Engagement 13. Section 178 400 4500 4000 3370 1000.00 Grant to HGTA Other Twinning expenses 500 500 0.00 0.00 255.46 313.18 0.00 0.00 906.68 218.38 1601.81 814.93 1332.00 0.00 1442.82 21426.61 0.00 32.82 1410.00 0.00 0.00 765.00 5306.30 4086.86 9821.45 1447.00 1695.00 9,552.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 1695.00 0.00 0.00 1894.75 0.00 190.00 3964.80 637.37 2865.46 150.00 15,040.51 0.00 150.00 0.00 1000.00 8015.92 6024.59 0.00 750.00 0.00 750.00 360.00 25,857.48 0.00 360.00 19614.44 6243.04 0.00 8,773.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 889.73 3345.00 4539.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14. Contributions to Outside 4000.00 150.00 150.00 Highways - Minor improvement bids Queen's Walk improvements 1000.00 3000.00 150.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 15000.00 830.51 20369.02 251010.00 11694.91 216241.86 13. VAT TOTAL 15.045.2 GODMANCHESTER TOWN COUNCIL: PETTY CASH RECORD APRIL 2014 - MARCH 2015 DATE 4.4.14 9.4.14 14.4.14 2.5.14 13.5.14 15.5.14 9.6.14 27.6.14 8.7.4 10.7.14 29.7.14 18.8.14 20.8.14 26.8.14 23.8.14 14.10.14 23.10.14 3.11.14 20.11.14 24.11.14 15.1.15 7.2.15 23.2.15 AMOUNT IN AMOUNT OUT £2.19 £17.83 £1.46 £1.17 £9.00 £48.75 £1.24 £13.70 £0.80 £0.93 £4.30 £1.98 £3.49 £1.60 £1.79 £0.80 £1.00 £2.00 £33.63 £0.99 £0.60 £0.60 £1.50 ITEM PURCHASED B/F 31.03.14 Stationery Keyboard: Town Office Postage Postage White gloves: Deputy Mayor Imprest Postage: Audit Paint samples: QES/Town Hall Parking: H'don meeting with Copleys Postage Postage Stationery Fixing of plaque 2 x parking Stationery Parking: banking Parking meeting at St Ives 2 x Calendars Imprest food bags for xmas sweets parking parking 4 x tumblers BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD TO APRIL 2015 BALANCE £32.90 £30.71 £12.88 £11.42 £10.25 £1.25 £50.00 £48.76 £35.06 £34.26 £33.33 £29.03 £27.05 £23.56 £21.96 £20.17 £19.37 £18.37 £16.37 £50.00 £49.01 £48.41 £47.81 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 £46.31 CHEQUE NUMBER 15/045.2 RECONCILIATION AT 28 FEBRUARY 2015 BANK STATEMENTS AT 28 FEBRUARY 2015 HSBC CURRENT A/C HSBC BUSINESS PREMIUM CAMBS & COUNTIES NATIONWIDE CASH IN HAND CHEQUES IN HAND SUB TOTAL CASH BOOK AT 28 FEBRUARY 2015 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 6,356.14 98,698.37 120,000.00 85,000.00 434.50 BALANCE B/F ADD RECEIPTS IN PERIOD LESS PAYMENTS £ 331,059.16 £ 1,788.84 £ 25,947.35 TOTAL £ 306,900.65 310,489.01 LESS UNPRESENTED CHEQUES £ TOTAL 200678 200681 200682 200683 200686 200692 200693 £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 295.80 130.00 70.00 120.00 414.00 418.80 2,139.76 SUB TOTAL £ 3,588.36 £ 306,900.65 - LIST OF REGULAR SUPPLIERS AS AT 1 MARCH 2015 Advertising 1 Architect 2 Banking & Audit 3 Builders Hunts Post Archant Regional Ltd 63 Campfield road St Albans Herts AL1 5HX Donald Insall Chartered Architects 48 Sidney Street Cambridge CB2 3HX HSBC 132 High Street Huntingdon Cambs PE29 3NG 4 Nationwide Nationwide House Pipers Way Swindon SN38 1NW 5 Cambridge & Counties Bank Ltd Charnwood Court New Walk Leicester LE1 6TE 6 Littlejohn LLP 1 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf London E14 4HD 7 Mijan Ltd The Willows Long Drove Waterbeach Cambridge CB25 9LW A&K Builders Ltd 8 Pipers Lane Godmanchester PE29 2JN 8 9 Mr G Rice GRC Builders 29 Cambridge Street Godmanchester PE29 2AT 10 JDS (tarmac) John Dean Surfacing Ltd 26 Northfield Road Wyboston Beds MK44 3AZ List of Suppliers March 2015 11 Breheny Flordon Road Creeting St Mary Needham Market Ipswich IP6 8NH 12 B E Welding & Fabriation 11 Blackstone Road Stukeley Meadows Industrial Estate Huntingdon PE29 5EF 13 Tanner & Hall (roofing) Station Road Harston Cambridge CB22 7QP 14 Norman & Underwood Ltd The Freeschool Buildig 170 Scudamore Road Leicester LE3 1HP 15 Alan Rowland (odd jobs) 124 Howitts Gardens Eynesbury Eaton Socon PE19 2PA 16 Bernard Griffey (plasterer) The Old Chapel New Road Chatteris PE16 6BJ Carpentry 17 Catering 18 Civic Regalia 19 Jacowe Joinery Clyde Yard Cambridge Street Godmanchester PE29 2AT Bellmans 44a Post Street Godmanchester PE29 8BA Fattorini Regent Street Works Birmingham B1 3HQ Cleaning materials 20 Michaels Civic Robes 83 Wades Road Filton Bristol BS34 7EB 21 Hawksworth Valuations Ltd 27 Old Gloucester Street London WC1N 3AX Ken Booth Ltd Orchard House 15 Glebe Road 22 List of Suppliers March 2015 Decorating 23 24 Electrical 25 James Haddock 8 London Street Godmanchester PE29 Moore Electrical 22 Windsor Road Godmanchester PE29 2DD 26 Electrical Safety Testing Ltd Glendial Rectory Gardens Godmanchester PE29 2BH 27 SEC 12 Stephenson road St Ives Cambs PE27 3WJ New Flame Carlton House 18 Willow Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3HT Glasdon Uk Ltd Preston New Road Blackpool Lancashire FY4 4UL Fire Equipment 28 Furniture/street furniture 29 30 General Maintenance & Repairs Huntingdon PE29 7DL PRS (Paul Satchwell) 2 Gazelle Close Eaton Socon St Neots PE19 8QF 31 Trever Illes Ltd Valley Mills Valley Road Bradford BD1 4RU Alan Rowland (odd jobs) 124 Howitts Gardens Eynesbury Eaton Socon PE19 2PA 32 Adrian Bream 33 Silver Street Godmanchester PE29 2HR 33 Abbey French Polishing Contractors Ltd 143 Sapley Road Huntingdon Cambs PE29 1YU List of Suppliers March 2015 Glazing 34 Ground Maintenance 35 36 Foster Horticulture Landscape Management Ltd 5 Warboys Road Pidley Huntingdon PE28 3DA 37 Global Tree Solutions Ltd 120 High Street Offord Cluny St Neots Cambridgeshire Allianz Insurance 57 Ladymead Guildford Surrey GU1 1DB AskiT 24 Highfield Avenue Alconbury Weston Huntingdon PE28 4JS Insurance 38 IT 39 40 Play Equipment 41 42 Photocopier Jeff copping (specialised glassworks) The Old Forge Bpowds Yard East Street St Ives PE27 5PD K Ferguson Ltd Fairfield Earith Road Colne Huntingdon PE28 3NL 43 44 123 Reg Parish on-line Fenland Leisure Products Ltd Fenland House Padgetts Road Christchurch Wisbech PE14 9PJ Seagrave Inspection Services Ltd 93 Gotch Road Barton Seagrave Northamptonshire NN15 6UF Walters Ltd 19 Royce Road Eastern Industry Peterborough PE1 5YB BNP Paribas Leasing Solutions Ltd Northern Cross Basing View Basingstoke RG21 4HL List of Suppliers March 2015 Plumber Printing Services 45 T Clarke East Ltd Bicton Ind Park 3 Kym Road Kimbolton PE28 0LW 46 PHS Group (QES water boiler) Block B Western Industrial Estate Caerphilly CF83 1XH 47 JWH Property Services 8 York Close Godmanchester PE29 2EB 48 Graham Giddings 36 Silver Street Godmanchester PE29 2HR HDC Print Room Pathfinder House St Mary’s Street Huntingdon PE29 3TN 49 50 Security (Intruder alarms) 51 Signage 52 Crystal Press Ltd Unit 14 Trident Industrial Estate Pindar road Hoddeston Herts EN11 0W2 Thistle Fire & Security Ltd Carlton House 18 Willow Road Yaxley Peterborough PE7 3HT London House Signs 28 High Street Brampton Huntingdon Cambs PE28 4TH 53 Sign Studio Unit 9 Stonehill Stukeley Meadows Industrial Estate Huntingdon PE29 6HZ 54 Michael Murray Signs Montana Pidley Road Somersham Huntingdon PE28 3ES 55 Malcolm Lane (Town Signs) 3 Canalside Industrial Park Kinoulton Road, Cropwell Bishop List of Suppliers March 2015 Stationery/office equipment Surveyors Utilities 56 Nottingham NG12 3BE Stanjay Sports Trophies 7 Old Court Hall Godmanchester PE29 2HS Viking Tollwell Road Leicester LE4 1BR 57 Post Office (stamps) 18 Causeway Godmanchester PE28 2HA 58 ESPO Barnsdale Way Grove Park Enderby Leicester LE19 1ES Gaskell Associates Victoria House 104 Mansfield Road Nottingham NG1 3HD 59 60 Nemco Utilities 12 Hillside Road Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP32 7EA 61 Pinpoint Asbestos 11 High Street Southoe St Neots PE19 5YE 62 Bottisham Asbestos Services 16 Valerian Court Cherry Hinton Cambridge CB1 9YP Utility Warehouse Anglian Water Virgin HDC B Jermy Windmill Farm Coggeshall Road Kelevedon Essex CO5 9PE JRB Enterprise Ltd (dog poo bags) Unit 27 Old Wool Lane Demmings Road Ind Estate Cheadle Cheshire SK8 2 PE Window cleaner 63 64 65 66 67 Misc 68 69 Thelmas Flowers 39 Cambridge Street Godmanchester PE29 2AY List of Suppliers March 2015 70 G R Smith (T/A N W Angell) : PA system for Rem. Day 20 Mayfair Gardens Wisbech St Mary Wisbech PE13 4XA 71 Smith of Derby (church clock) 112 Alfreton Road Derby DE21 4AU 72 House of Flags (flagpole maintenance) The Bicton Industrial Park Kimbolton Cambs PE28 0LQ As per GMCTC financial regulations, “the clerk may incur expenditure on behalf of the council to carry out any essential repair replacement or other work which is of such extreme urgency that it must be done at once, whether or not there is any budgetary provision for the expenditure, subject to a limit of £500 and up to £2000 with prior agreement of at least two Town Cllrs (The Mayor and chair of the finance working party if possible). The Clerk shall report the action to the council as soon as practicable thereafter. List of Suppliers March 2015 ANNEX ONE: CLLRS/STAFF DECLARATION OF INTEREST IN SUPPLIERS LIST NAME Madelaine Liddiard Mark Newman Graham Campbell Malcolm Cohen Sarah Conboy Roger Coxhead Peter Godley Jennie MacLeod Phillip Malley Alan McInnes Peter Morgan Nigel Pauley David Taylor David Underwood Christopher Vane Percy Graham Wilson Sarah Wilson Sue Worthington SUPPLIER BY NUMBER TYPE OF INTEREST ON LIST 3,12,25,32,39,48,49,67,69 Services used 4, 18, 25, 67 Services used 17, 18, 69 8, 17 8, 45 Services used Services used Services used 1, 4, 8, 15, 18, 24, 25, 47, 69 Services used 35, 37 Services used 25, 35, 57, 69 Services used Services used Services used Services used 17, 18, 25, 32, 39, 49, 52, 72 4, 39 4, 39 List of Suppliers March 2015 12th March 2015 GODMANCHESTER TOWN COUNCIL ASSET REGISTER Location Building Town Hall Queen Elizabeth School Judith's Field External Community Assets War Memorial Town Signs x 2 Town (village) Sign Noticeboard - Metal Framed o/s Town Hall Noticeboard - Wooden Framed London Rd Flagpole Playground Equipment:Recreation Ground - Queen's Walk Recreation Ground - Log World Devana Park Judith's Field: Toddlers area MUGA Play Pathfinder Skate ramp, hoop, youth shelter History Information Boards OTHER COM ASSETS TOTAL Period of Review Contractor/Other Asset value (est.) Replacement Value Insure? Reasoning 5 yearly (next Jan 2016) 5 yearly (next Jan 2016) 5 yearly (next Jan 2016) Gaskell Associates Gaskell Associates Gaskell Associates £512,000.00 £672,000.00 £345,000.00 £1,529,000.00 £512,000.00 £672,000.00 £345,000.00 £1,529,000.00 Y Y Y Updated figure December 2012 Updated figure December 2012 Updated figure December 2012 Buildings Total Annually Annually Annually Weekly Monthly Monthly Town Clerk Town Clerk Town Clerk Town Clerk Town Clerk Town Clerk £25,000.00 £3,550.00 £5,136.00 £1,500.00 £500.00 £500.00 £25,000.00 £3,550.00 £5,136.00 £4,200.00 £1,000.00 £500.00 Y Y Y Y Y Y Updated figure December 2012 Updated figure December 2012 Updated figure December 2012 Updated figure December 2012 Updated figure December 2012 Updated figure December 2012 Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly FLP FLP FLP FLP FLP FLP FLP Town Clerk £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1.00 £54,000.00 £41,634.00 £1.00 £1.00 £1,730.00 £133,556.00 £20,035.00 £15,000.00 £4,767.00 £17,503.00 £54,000.00 £41,634.00 £1.00 £1,422.00 £20,159.00 £213,907.00 N N N N Y Y N N Steven Jordan Steven Jordan Steven Jordan Regalia £225,000.00 £5,750.00 £27,000.00 £257,750.00 £225,000.00 £5,750.00 £27,000.00 £257,750.00 Y Y Y Updated figure April 2014 Updated figure April 2014 Updated figure April 2014 Accumitive Insurance Total Cllr Town Clerk Town Hall Contents £1,018.00 £50.00 £3,694.00 £4,762.00 £7,815.00 £50.00 £3,694.00 £11,559.00 Y Based on imprest value may be less Cover to be continued until 2014 Cover to be continued until 2015 Added to schedule from January 2015 External Assets Total Other Assets Bank Civic Regalia for Mayor Consort & Deputy Mayor: 2 enamel pendants Solid Silver Mace Town Hall/Town Office FIXTURES & FITTINGS TOTAL PETTY CASH FLOAT CONTENTS/EQUIPMENT TOTAL every 2 years: next 2016 every 2 years: next 2016 every 2 years: next 2016 Annually Monthly Annually Accumitive Insurance Total Queen Elizabeth School FIXTURES & FITTINGS TOTAL CONTENTS/EQUIPMENT TOTAL Annually Annually Newflame Town Clerk QES Contents £2.00 £1,216.00 £1,218.00 £4,401.00 £7,693.00 £12,094.00 Y Based on cost 08/09, insure at full value Updated figure December 2012 Accumitive Insurance Total Judith's Field FIXTURES & FITTINGS TOTAL CONTENTS/EQUIPMENT TOTAL Annually Annually Newflame Town Clerk Judith's Field Contents £2.00 £346.00 £348.00 £5,790.00 £5,094.00 £10,884.00 Y Based on cost 08/09, insure at full value £1,926,286.00 £2,024,310.00 BUILDINGS, EXTERNAL ASSETS, and CONTENTS Accumitive Insurance Total INSURANCE TOTAL N.B. Asset value is estimate of how much we would get if we sold them in their current state. Replacement value is value if we had to buy new, for purposes of insurance. Page 1 RISK MANAGEMENT REGISTER RISK (H-M-L) ACTION L Repaint edges of stone steps in yellow M Remind Senior Citizens Club to keep areas clear M Sign required to advise of dangerTC to write to Senior Citizens Club L TC to write to Senior Citizens Club L No action required but Senior Citizens to be reminded of risk M Senior Citizens to be reminded of risk M Senior Citizens to be reminded of risk M Town Council to determine outcome of discussions Action Required by 30.6.15 M Town Clerk to prepare templates ongoing Membership of CAPALC L 30.6.15 Reminder of working practices needed for all staff L Signage to be accurate and up to date M Town Council to review whether membership of CAPALC desirable Town Clerk to advise all staff of procedures ie lone working etc Deputy Clerk to ensure all information displayed Town Clerk to seek confirmation that no outstanding remedial work remaining Town Clerk to remind museum curator not to obstruct meters 18.2.15 ISSUE PLACE Town Hall yellow painted edges to entrance steps worn away. To be repainted Town Hall Access to fire exits to remain clear at all times 18.2.15 Town Hall Entrance to store room: Narrow low doorway 18.2.15 18.2.15 Town Hall Stacked Chairs may topple or cause obstruction Town Hall Asbestos Report 18.2.15 Town Hall Legionella risks 18.2.15 Town Hall Portable appliance testing DATE 18.2.15 2015 30.3.15 letter drafted 27.2.15 30.3.15 letter drafted 27.2.15 30.3.15 30.3.15 letter drafted 27.2.15 letter drafted 27.2.15 30.3.15 letter drafted 27.2.15 30.3.15 letter drafted 27.2.15 18.2.15 Town Office 18.2.15 18.2.15 Town Office Town Office Town Office QES 18.2.15 QES Legionella risks L 18.2.15 QES Museum storage may obstruct meter cupboards L 26.2.15 JF Asbestos in ceiling panel L ceiling panel to be sealed 30.3.15 M CCC have instructed contractor to undertake work. Date to be confirmed 30.6.15 18.2.15 18.2.15 18.2.15 Office accommodation not suitable and extreme temperature differences experienced . Alternative suitable accommodation to be sought Procedure and practice Recreation Paths from Mill Yard car park to weir uneven Ground OUTCOME Action Completed 30.6.15 30.3.15 All staff reminded of H&S for self and building 30.3.15 30.3.15 30.3.15 email sent 27.2.15 and 17.3.15 asking for confirmation email sent 27.2.15 and 17.3.15 asking for confirmation Order placed to seal panel. Work to be undertaken during school holiday work due to be carried out w/c 16 March 2015 4.3.15 18.2.15 Recreation One lifebelt post damaged and removed Ground M Post to be repaired and reinstalled 30.3.15 18.2.15 Recreation Trees: possible risk of falling branches or whole trees Ground JF Fencing around JF to be repaired M Survey of trees to be undertaken 30.6.15 M 30.3.15 Toddlers play area: 1 swing damaged and removed Trees: possible risk of falling branches or whole trees L M Slat missing from bench. M Order placed for repair 30.3.15 18.2.15 JF Devana Park Buttermel Meadow Cemetery contractor appointed. Work to commence 23.2.15 Order placed for repair Survey of trees to be undertaken concrete slabs left at side of hedgerow L Order placed for removal 30.3.15 18.2.15 Cemetery Unsafe Memorials M Signs to be erected in cemetery and 30.3.15 placed on dangerous memorials M Survey of trees to be undertaken 30.6.15 18.2.15 War Trees: possible risk of falling branches or whole trees Memorial Churchyard Trees: possible risk of falling branches or whole trees M Survey of trees to be undertaken 30.6.15 18.2.15 Churchyard Unsafe Memorials M Notices to be placed in churchyard faculty to be requested/obtained topple testing to be carried out Enquire whether ventilation required Luminous tape to be applied so exit door release button visible in dark 30.3.15 30.6.15 30.9.15 30.4.15 18.2.15 18.2.15 18.2.15 18.2.15 18.2.15 17.3.15 JF Boiler cupboard L 17.3.15 JF Storage room (former changing room) M 17.3.15 JF Main Hall 17.3.15 JF Litter bin often overflowing Town Clerk 30.3.15 30.6.15 post being repaired and will be reinstalled once welded survey to be undertaken 19.3.15 work completed Seat replaced survey to be undertaken 19.3.15 Bench repaired 17.2.15 Fergusons reminded 12.3.15 survey to be undertaken 19.3.15 survey to be undertaken 19.3.15 30.4.15 tape ordered 17.3.15 M Luminous tape to be applied so exit 30.4.15 door release button visible in dark tape ordered 17.3.15 L Additional bin to be purchased to be 30.6.15 placed alongside existing bin bin to be ordered following 19.3.15 Councillor 17.3.15 24.2.15 17.2.15 ML Report Paper / Proposal Paper Title: GROUND MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Date Of Paper: March 2015 Paper Number: 15/046 Paper Presented by: Councillor Morgan Paper Contributions by: Cllrs Cohen, Taylor and Malley Councillor Summary The Environment Portfolio has examined the current Grounds Maintenance Contact section by section which commenced on 1st April 2012 and runs for five years until 31st March 2017. We have made various additions, deletions, amendments and observations as allowed in 2.4 of the General Conditions. . Action Recommended The “Slipway” grass cutting requires to be transferred from Regime A1 to Regime A3 as this requires more regular cutting and to look as good as the War Memorial grass. The extra charge will be £98.47p per year. The grass behind the railings near the Chemists slopes down to the river at an acute angle should be switched from Regime A4 to Regime A6 as this can only be carried out by a strimmer. The switch to A6 would make a reduction of £4.50 per year. The grass listed as “Town Hall Frontage” has now been paved over by the E.A. to create the Champagne Terrace so this should be removed from the schedule. The removal will save £31.00 per year. There are five litter bins on Judith’s Field and not six as listed on the schedule; thus the charge should be reduced by £235.00 per year. The litter bin located beyond the cricket pitch and close to the footpath under the A14 is emptied by H.D.C. and so should be removed from the current schedule saving another £104.00 per year. In view of the re-instatement of the BMX track we require to have the area treated by herbicide like other areas six times a year. The cost based on the size of the area will be £90.00 per year. (1) The grass on the outside of the MUGA has a tendency to creep over the edge of the tarmac so we recommend this to be treated with herbicide six times a year for a small additional cost. As the current contract expires on 31 st March 2017 a new tender will need to be put out in 2016; however, the portfolio believes the grass cutting of Regime A1 (open spaces) and Regime A2 (parklands) needs looking at as we are of the opinion they are one and the same thing. Decision Required The Council is asked to approve these changes to the current Grounds Maintenance Contract. (2) 15/048 ANNUAL REPORT CONTENT TO BE CONFIRMED TIMESCALE TO BE AGREED – articles and photos to be with PMa by 14.4.15, to printer by 17.4.15 and at Town Office by 24.4.15 to be delivered by 1.5.15? ANNUAL TOWN MEETING NOTE TO ALL CLLRS THAT CHAIRS OF WORKING PARTIES TO PRODUCE REPORTS SUGGESTIONS ABOUT GUEST SPEAKERS? Report Paper / Proposal Paper Title: Tourism Date Of Paper: March 2015 Paper Number: 15/049 Paper Presented by: Cllr Roger Coxhead Paper Contributions by: Tourism Working Party Executive Summary This paper outlines the key points from the Tourism Working Party meeting held on 2nd March. A well attending meeting with 9 Councillors present. The group explored what we had in our town. Looking at all aspects of tourism. It was accepted that there were some quick wins which would enhance the experience of visitors to Godmanchester. Also there should be a Strategy Council Plan for Tourism. Action Recommended The following activities are required: 1. That a large detailed map of our town is commissioned . If agreed this would be situated where the current notice board is by the Chinese Bridge. The notice board would be moved to a suitable location. Once the cost is known this would need to be agreed by GTC. 2. A ‘Visit Godmanchester’ website to promote the town and events. Cost of obtaining this site would be around £50. 3. Cost of leaflets to be explored and once costs are known to be agreed by GTC 4. A long term strategy plan is developed for the Historic core of Godmanchester during 2015. 5. Sponsorship of the map could be investigated Decision Required The Council is asked to: To agree to the actions recommended (1) Detailed report paper / proposal Working Party 2nd March. The 9 Councillors present agreed that there were opportunities to improve the experience of visitors to Godmanchester. The group approached the task by exploring ‘what we have ‘ and ‘what we want’. It was felt that Picnic in the Park and Gala Week were mainly for local residents with ‘tourists’ from Huntingdon. The river front was not promoted and used enough. some The group focused on how to publicize our town. It was believed that the Council should at this stage be an enhancer and looked for ‘quick wins’. The following were decided upon 1. Map of town with information on facilities such as pubs/restaurants and opportunities to explore Godmanchester. This would be situated by the Chinese Bridge. The GTC notice board would be placed in an alternative position. 2. A website provided which would highlight the town and be an opportunity for organizations to use the events calendar. This would be provided by GTC but input for events would be down to the requester. Councillor Godley had explored this and the cost would be around £50. GTC would need to promote this website to local organizations 3. The possibility of a leaflet with similar information to the website be provided. This could direct people to the website regarding events. Costs to be explored if GTC agree to the need. 4. The Working Party during the rest of 2015 to work on a long term strategic plan for the ‘Historic Core of Godmanchester’. This was agreed as being : The Causeway, Chinese Bridge/QES area. River up to the Lock and as far as the Historic bridge. Port Holme (those not in Godmanchester) Recreation Field Area to Park Lane The group felt this project was worthwhile as it would give visitors a better ‘Godmanchester Experience’. Also enhance the opportunities for the local community. (2) Report Paper / Proposal Paper Title: Transport Issues within Godmanchester Date Of Paper: March 2015 Paper Number: 15/050 Paper Presented by: Councillor Pauley on behalf of Business Group Paper Contributions by: Cllrs Conboy, Coxhead and Godley Summary of Purpose After the recent initiative with the Council’s Transport Vision Document and with worries from the community regarding issues centring around Speeding and Parking. This coupled with the failure to obtain funding from CCC for Betts Close parking improvement has meant the Council has to adopt a proactive approach to transport matters within Godmanchester. This paper outlines solutions to improve the quality of life within our town. Action Recommended 1. The Betts Close parking scheme to be costed with a timescale for completion. The Council to fund the scheme. 2. Apply with CCC for a full review of parking within Godmanchester. This would provide options for parking and speed reduction schemes, including the cycling network within Godmanchester. Apart from applying for one bid funding of schemes would need to be from other sources. 3. As agreed by the Council previously ( Transport Vision), letters sent to Brampton, Hemingford and Papworth to seek support for improvements to our community regarding the Guided Bus services. Decision Required The Council is asked to: Approve Actions 1 & 2 and note Action 3 (1) Detailed report paper / proposal Betts Close As our bid had been turned down by CCC, Council have already discussed, as part of the Council's budget discussions, the opportunity for the Council to be proactive and pay for this work. Councillors Conboy, Godley and Pauley attended a meeting with CCC, as reported to Council. CCC have suggested that we could lead and pay for work at Betts Close. CCC would require us to have plans drawn up by a suitable person (they can provide details of approved / suitably qualified people) so that they could approve works. They also have a list of approved contractors who could deliver the works to CCC standards. We propose to investigate the costs. Parking/Speeding CCC have indicated we could apply for a bid to carry out a full review of parking in the Town with the outcome being a costed proposal of works ( these would need to be funded from other sources). As we can only make one bid, we could choose to fund this ourselves: CCC can provide a list of approved qualified consultants they would accept recommendations from. The group felt that we should take the opportunity to actually plan for the future and have schemes ready for when funding becomes available ( CCC, CIL monies, GTC etc). Regarding speeding the Council should also continue their excellent communication with the Police regarding issues relating to speeding within the town. Cycling As this is a known issue, and we've made a commitment to look at ways to make improve to in the Transport Vision and Youth Plan, we felt that any work done under a Town-wide review should include cycle routes. Guided Bus Route As part of the agreed Transport Vision we would contact Brampton, Hemingford and Papworth councils to see their views on seeking improvements to the Guided Bus Service for our communities. The Town Clerk said this would be in the form of a letter from the Council to each Parish Council. Continue on additional pages as needed (2)