catalogue - CLF Lighting
catalogue - CLF Lighting
product catalogue 2016 edition TABLE OF CONTENTS CLF Lighting is a Dutch brand which develops high quality lighting fixtures for the live entertainment, theatre, television and business events market. Special selected products with high output, deep colors and versatile application possibilities are only a few key words to describe what CLF developed the past years to fulfill the demand in the different markets. Beneath reliability we put the focus also on affordability to give every company in Europe the possibility to go ahead with CLF products. Our flexibility, service and long experience within our industry ensures, that we help you to make your production successful. Get in touch with us and learn more about CLF and the possibilities of our wide range of products. CLF inspires and opens eyes ARES CONAN HERCULES XENA JUNO TRICOLOR MINI PAR QUADCOLOR MINI PAR COLOUR PAR12 V2 LEDWASH RGBW LEDWASH CW-WW DYNAMIC WHITE PAR CLF LEDKO CASES W-BRIDGE CLAMPS CABLES ACCESSORIES 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 30 31 32 33 The CLF Zeus is an IP65 rated single source LED par with an outstanding smooth RGBW color mixing delivered by a high power LED engine. The special selected LED provides high output with intense colors and an exceptional white balance. The extensive zoom range from 10° – 40° makes the Zeus suitable for a wide range of applications, both in- and outdoor. Flicker free operation is also guaranteed by the adjustable PWM. in Static Color mode, for example white presets from 2000K to 8000K. Manual control and auto mode are also available. The fixture is equipped with an OLED screen with touch buttons for easy access to the on-board settings, like the ultra-linear dimming technology with 4 selectable dimming curves. Silent operation is ensured because of the intelligent cooling system. Extensive colour presets are available when controlling the Zeus The CLF Zeus comes with a touring proof, solid housing and has a double bracket so it can be placed on the floor or mounted to truss structures by using the easy-to-use unique CLF quicklock system. It comes with IP65 5p XLR and PowerCON TRUE1 in & out connectors. The fixture is RDM ready. Power consumption Max. 50 Watt Cooling Convection / no blower 260 260 265 265 866 118 DMX connection 5p XLR in & out Dimensions 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) Weight 5,5 Kg &HUWLˉFDWLRQPDUN CE, ROHS Article number 156500 Included ȧ3RZHUFDEOH 28.5 260 265 6 $FFHVVRULHV 1m 3m 75850 lx 10,4 cm 1m 3m 5355 lx 18 ȧ&/)&DPORFNFODPS 40,9 cm FACTSHEET DMX channels Beam angle 3034 lx 214,2 lx 52,02 cm 204,51 cm Field angle &/)OLJKWLQJ1LMYHUKHLGVWUDDW/1%HPPHO7KH1HWKHUODQGVZZZFOIOLJKWLQJFRP7) Power supply 7m 7m 1548 lx 109,3 lx 725,83 cm 286,32 cm Power consumption 10m 10m Cooling 758,5 lx 53,5 lx 104,05 cm 409,02 cm DMX connection Height Emax Field angle: 10° Diameter Height Emax Field angle: 40° Diameter Dimensions Weight Certification Item number Included items IP rating 5m 8428 lx 31,21 cm 326 high output led engine clf zeus The CLF JUNO is the best option for in- and outdoor use, and completely wireless! This saves a huge ammount of time during installation. $SRZHUIXO/LKWLXPEDWWHU\HQVXUHVWKDWWKH&/)-812FDQZRUNIRUDSSUR[WLOOKRXUVRQDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\:KHQWKH-812 ■ OUTSTANDING SMOOTH RGBW COLOR MIXING RSHUDWHVZLWKSRZHUFDEOHWKHSRZHUFDEOHDOVRWDNHVFDUHWKDWWKH/LWKLXPEDWWHU\JHWVFKDUJHG7KHLQWHUQDO:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQUHFHLYHU ■ IP65 via RATING allows that the JUNO can be controlled wireless DMX (and passes DMX on). The CLF JUNO is highly suitable for events, TV Shows, and ■ and 10° taping – 40° ZOOM RANGEwith several lenghts costs a lot of time and energy. rentall projects where connecting many cables ■ TOURING PROOF SPECIFICATONS ■ SILENT OPERATION ■ SMOOTH PROJECTION DMX Channels 4, 6, 10, HSV, HSI Channels ■ OLED SCREEN WITH TOUCH BUTTONS Beam Angle 15 - 30º (manual zoom) Power supply 100 - 240■ VACRDM READY 28.5 28.5 SINGLE SOURCE PAR 5 326 326 ZEUS CLF is a European brand that distinguishes itself through high-quality / innovative products. CLF products are unique because of its exWUHPHO\KLJKOLJKWRXWSXWWKDWLVSHUIHFWIRUQXPHURXVDSSOLFDWLRQV&/)VWDQGVIRUTXDOLW\H[SHUWLVHZHOOFRQVLGHUHGVROLGDQGHIˉFLHQW lighting solutions. CLF inspires & opens the eyes! 5m 595 lx 122,71 cm 5, 7, 11 6º - 24º 10º - 40º 100 - 240 VAC Max. 88.9 Watt Intelligent cooling system 5p XLR in & out 326x260x265 (hxwxd) 5.5 Kg CE 156140 Power cable IP65 ares superiour RGBW LED WASH 4 INDIVIDUALLY CONTROLLABLE SEGMENTS The CLF Ares is an extremely powerful LED wash fixture which is perfect for illuminating large surfaces both in- and outdoor. Extreme brightness and an extraordinary even projection makes the Ares a true LED alternative for traditional wash lights. An array of 36 calibrated high power RGBW LED’s are divided in four individually controllable horizontal segments. Ares comes with an intelligent cooling system which provides extensive fan control, which is especially useful for TV and theatre use. All in all, the Ares is a versatile LED wash that can be used for many applications. The Ares is equipped with a punchy 21° beam angle, which can be easily adapted to other beam angles, even elliptical, by using the Smart Filter System®. The unique LED boost mode offers 140% output when only using two colours simultaneously. The The CLF Ares comes with a filterframe, barndoor and a Wireless Solution W-DMX™receiver on board, but can also be connected with 3-pin XLR connectors. Power is connected through a PowerCON TRUE1 connector. 7 clf ares ■ ADJUSTABLE BEAM ANGLE (INCLUDING 40°), SEVERAL OPTIONS AVAILABLE ■ DESIGNED FOR MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS ■ DEEP AND SATURATED COLOURS ■ FLICKER FREE OPERATION ■ SOLID HOUSING ■ WIRELESS DMX ■ IP65 RATING standard 21°edition FACTSHEET DMX channels Beam angle Power supply Power consumption Cooling DMX connection Dimensions Dimensions (with stand) Weight (without accessories) Certification Item number Included items IP rating 4-9-11-16-21-27-30 21°* 100 - 240 VAC Max. 360 Watt Intelligent cooling system 3p XLR in & out 340 x 495 x 125 mm (hxwxd) 387 x 495 x 233 mm (hxwxd) 12,7 Kg CE 156220 Cable, barndoor, filter frame & stand IP65 * adjustable with Smart Filter System, options: 36.6°, 63.6°, 82.7°, 21° x 63.3°, 63.6° x 21°, 92° x 63.6° geselecteerde LEDs conan • Lens kan seperaat van kleur veranderen door middel WUHPHO\KLJKOLJKWRXWSXWWKDWLVSHUIHFWIRUQXPHURXVDSSOLFDWLRQV&/)VWDQGVIRUTXDOLW\H[SHUWLVHZHOOFRQVLGHUHGVROLGDQGHIˉFLHQW • ireless optioneel van L Ds lighting solutions. CLF inspires & opens the eyes! • eugel voor hangend en staand gebruik • Uniek slim design The CLF JUNO is the best option for in- and outdoor use, and completely wireless! This saves a huge ammount of time during installation. • Uniek CLF camlock systeem • ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik $SRZHUIXO/LKWLXPEDWWHU\HQVXUHVWKDWWKH&/)-812FDQZRUNIRUDSSUR[WLOOKRXUVRQDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\:KHQWKH-812 • Powercon in & uit RSHUDWHVZLWKSRZHUFDEOHWKHSRZHUFDEOHDOVRWDNHVFDUHWKDWWKH/LWKLXPEDWWHU\JHWVFKDUJHG7KHLQWHUQDO:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQUHFHLYHU • leurrijke en diepe kleuren vanwege de speciaal allows that the JUNO can be controlled viageselecteerde wireless DMX (and passes DMX The CLF JUNO is highly suitable for events, TV Shows, and VERY FAST AND WIDE ZOOM 11°-on). 58° LEDs rentall projects where connecting and taping manyoptioneel cables with several lenghts costs a lot of time and energy. • ireless RGBW COLOUR MIXING BEHIND THE LENS clf conan superiour colour mixing SPECIFICATONS exceptionally smooth projection ■ ■ ■ DOUBLE BRACKET FOR FLOOR OR TRUSS MOUNTING ■ UNIQUE & SMART DESIGN ■ UNIQUE CLF QUICKLOCK SYSTEM 4, 6, 10, HSV, HSI Channels ■21FLICKER 15 - 30º (manual zoom) DMX kanalen 10 of kanalen FREE OPERATION 100 - 240 VAC 11º■ Lens openingshoek - 58ºWIRELESS snelle zoom (OPTIONAL) 205 mm DMX Channels Beam Angle Power supply Power consumption Voeding Max. 50 Watt 110 - 240 VAC Cooling Vermogen Max. 110 Watt Convection / no blower DMX connection Koeling 5p XLR in & out Ventilator Dimensions The CLF Conan is an innovative concept which combines superior RGBW colour mixing and smart design. Specially selected high quality Osram LEDs provide deep, saturated colors with an outstanding white balance and the distinct lens design takes care of the exceptionally smooth projection. Guaranteed flicker free operation makes the Conan suitable for tv shows, theatre and corporate events. The Conan features a very quick zoom function with a wide range of 11˚ to 58˚. The unique shape of the Conan prevents cables to be in sightlines. The fixture has a double bracket so it can be placed on the floor or mounted to truss structures by using the unique CLF quicklock system. This hanging system is easy to use and time-saving. A clear LCD display on the back of the Conan gives access to 9 Weight DMX aansluiting 3 & 5p XLR in & uit Afmetingen 326 x 260 x 205 mm (hxwxø) 4,8 Kg 5,5 Kg 10 of 21 kanalen Gewicht Lens openingshoek 11º - 58º snelle zoom Keurmerk Voeding Article 110 - 240 VAC number Vermogen Included Max. 110 Watt Koeling Ventilator DMX aansluiting 3 & 5p XLR in & uit 205 mm 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) DMX kanalen &HUWLˉFDWLRQPDUN 326 mm CE, ROHS 156500 Artikel nummer ȧ3RZHUFDEOH Inbegrepen CE 326 mm 156130 • Voedingskabel 260 mm all settings, including four Afmetingen 326 x 260 x 205 mm (hxwxø) different dimmer curves. Gewicht 4,8 Kg $FFHVVRULHV ȧ&/)&DPORFNFODPS Controlled by DMX, the Keurmerk CE Conan offers an extensive Artikel nummer 156130 FACTSHEET colour temperature control Inbegrepen • Voedingskabel DMX channels &/)OLJKWLQJ1LMYHUKHLGVWUDDW/1%HPPHO7KH1HWKHUODQGVZZZFOIOLJKWLQJFRP7) and a pre-programmed FX Beam angle engine. The Conan comes Power supply Power consumption with 5p XLR connectors, but can be easily be swapped to 3p XLR Cooling using the supplied board. Available accessories are a detachable DMX connection Dimensions snoot, barndoor and a Wireless Solution W-DMX™ receiver. All Weight in all, the CLF Conan is the only choice for professional and high Certification Item number demanding users. 260 mm Included items IP rating Optional accessoires 10 or 21 channels 11 - 58º (quick zoom) 100 - 240 VAC Max. 110 Watt Low noise regulated fan 3 & 5p XLR in & out 326 x 260 x 205 mm (hxwxd) 4,8 Kg CE 156130 Power cable IP22 Snoot, Barndoor hercules WUHPHO\KLJKOLJKWRXWSXWWKDWLVSHUIHFWIRUQXPHURXVDSSOLFDWLRQV&/)VWDQGVIRUTXDOLW\H[SHUWLVHZHOOFRQVLGHUHGVROLGDQGHIˉFLHQW lighting solutions. CLF inspires & opens the eyes! smart filter system SPECIFICATONS rgbw auv colour mixing clf hercules The CLF JUNO is the best option for in- and outdoor use, and completely wireless! This saves a huge ammount of time during installation. $SRZHUIXO/LKWLXPEDWWHU\HQVXUHVWKDWWKH&/)-812FDQZRUNIRUDSSUR[WLOOKRXUVRQDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\:KHQWKH-812 RSHUDWHVZLWKSRZHUFDEOHWKHSRZHUFDEOHDOVRWDNHVFDUHWKDWWKH/LWKLXPEDWWHU\JHWVFKDUJHG7KHLQWHUQDO:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQUHFHLYHU allows that the JUNO can be controlled wireless ■ 30ºvia BEAM ANGLEDMX (and passes DMX on). The CLF JUNO is highly suitable for events, TV Shows, and rentall projects where connecting■ and taping many cables with several lenghts costs a lot of time and energy. COMPACT & LIGHT HOUSING DMX Channels Beam Angle Power supply Power consumption Cooling The CLF Hercules is an innovative concept which combines superior RGBWAUV colour mixing, smart design and adaptable beams through the exclusive Smart Filter System. Specially selected high quality LEDs provide deep, saturated colours with an outstanding white balance and exceptionally smooth projection. Guaranteed flicker free operation makes the Hercules suitable for tv shows, theatre and corporate events. Through the Smart Filter System®, users can adapt the shape and beam angle by inserting specially designed filters (optional). Even elliptical filtersets are available. The unique shape of the Hercules prevents cables to be in sightlines. The fixture has a double bracket so it can be placed on the floor or mounted to truss structures by using the unique CLF quicklock system. 11 ■ HIGH OUTPUT ■ DOUBLE BRACKET FOR FLOOR AND TRUSS MOUNTING 4, 6, 10, HSV,■ HSI‘FLICKER Channels FREE’ OPERATION ■ INTENSE 15 - 30º (manual zoom) COLOURS DUE TO SPECIALLY SELECTED LEDS 100 - 240 VAC ■ WIRELESS DMX (OPTIONAL) Max. 50 Watt■ 6 IN 1 LEDS 303 mm Convection / no blower DMX connection 5p XLR in & out Dimensions 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) Weight 5,5 Kg &HUWLˉFDWLRQPDUN CE, ROHS Article number 156500 Included ȧ3RZHUFDEOH This system is easy to use & time-saving. A clear LCD display gives access to all settings, including different dimmer curves. Controlled by DMX, the Hercules offers extensive colour temperature control & a pre-programmed FX engine. Standard the Hercules comes with 5p XLR connectors witch can be easily swapped to 3p XLR. Available accessories are a detachable snoot, barndoor and a Wireless Solution W-DMX™ receiver. The CLF Hercules is the perfect choice for professional & high demanding users. 206 mm 206 mm 303 mm 257 mm $FFHVVRULHV 1.219m 3614,5425lx 63.29cm 2m 1343,2016lx 103.82cm ȧ&/)&DPORFNFODPS FACTSHEET DMX channels &/)OLJKWLQJ1LMYHUKHLGVWUDDW/1%HPPHO7KH1HWKHUODQGVZZZFOIOLJKWLQJFRP7) 3m 596.9,895.9lx 155.73cm 4m 335.7,504.01lx 207.64cm 257 mm 7.7m 90.60,136.01lx Height Eavg,Emax 399.71cm Angle: 29.10º Diameter Beam angle Power supply Power consumption Cooling DMX connection Dimensions Weight Certification Item number Included items IP rating 6, 8 or 12 channels 30º (adaptable through Smart Filter System) 100 - 240 VAC Max. 105 Watt Low noise regulated fan 3 & 5p XLR in & out 303 x 257 x 206mm (hxwxd) 5,5 Kg CE 156170 Power cable IP22 xena WUHPHO\KLJKOLJKWRXWSXWWKDWLVSHUIHFWIRUQXPHURXVDSSOLFDWLRQV&/)VWDQGVIRUTXDOLW\H[SHUWLVHZHOOFRQVLGHUHGVROLGDQGHIˉFLHQW lighting solutions. CLF inspires & opens the eyes! clf xena rgbw led fixture unique design The CLF JUNO is the best option for in- and outdoor use, and completely wireless! This saves a huge ammount of time during installation. $SRZHUIXO/LKWLXPEDWWHU\HQVXUHVWKDWWKH&/)-812FDQZRUNIRUDSSUR[WLOOKRXUVRQDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\:KHQWKH-812 RSHUDWHVZLWKSRZHUFDEOHWKHSRZHUFDEOHDOVRWDNHVFDUHWKDWWKH/LWKLXPEDWWHU\JHWVFKDUJHG7KHLQWHUQDO:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQUHFHLYHU allows that the JUNO can be controlled wireless DMX (and passes DMX on). The CLF JUNO is highly suitable for events, TV Shows, and ■ 25ºviaBEAM ANGLE rentall projects where connecting ■ andRGBW tapingCOLOUR many cables several MIXINGwith BEHIND THElenghts LENS costs a lot of time and energy. SPECIFICATONS DMX Channels Beam Angle Power supply Power consumption Cooling The CLF Xena is a compact RGBW LED fixture with an impressive output for indoor use. The Xena comes with a specially designed, smart housing and offers deep saturated, intense colours due to the specially selected LEDs. The powerful LEDs provide extremely high light output and ensure ‘flicker-free’ operation for all types of film and TV use. The fixtures comes with a 25˚ beam angle which is perfect for illuminating large surfaces but can also be used for effect lighting. The solid housing of the fixture makes it suitable for every rental stock. Besides DMX control, the fixture can also be controlled stand alone or in master / slave mode. The Xena comes with preprogrammed macros. All controls can be found in the menu on the on-board OLED display. The fixture has a double bracket 13 ■ DOUBLE BRACKET FOR FLOOR OR TRUSS MOUNTING ■ UNIQUE & SMART DESIGN 4, 6, 10, HSV,■ HSI‘FLICKER Channels FREE’ OPERATION ■ POWERCON IN & OUT 15 - 30º (manual zoom) 100 - 240 VAC ■ INTENSE COLOURS DUE TO SPECIALLY SELECTED LEDS Max. 50 Watt■ WIRELESS (OPTIONAL) Convection / no blower DMX connection 5p XLR in & out Dimensions 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) Weight 5,5 Kg &HUWLˉFDWLRQPDUN CE, ROHS Article number 156500 Included ȧ3RZHUFDEOH so it can be placed on the floor or mounted to truss structures by using the unique CLF quicklock system. This hanging system is easy to use and time-saving. Standard the Xena comes with 5p XLR connectors, but it is easy to swap to 3p XLR using the supplied board. Available accessories are a detachable snoot, barndoor and a Wireless Solution W-DMX™ receiver. All in all, the CLF Xena is suitable for all demanding rental projects and fixed installations. $FFHVVRULHV ȧ&/)&DPORFNFODPS FACTSHEET 1.219m 3310,4746lx 57.61cm 2m 1230,1764lx 94.50cm 3m 546.8,783.9lx 141.75cm 4m 307.5,441.01lx 188.99cm DMX channels &/)OLJKWLQJ1LMYHUKHLGVWUDDW/1%HPPHO7KH1HWKHUODQGVZZZFOIOLJKWLQJFRP7) 7.7m 83.00,119lx Height Eavg,Emax 363.81cm Angle: 26.58º Diameter Beam angle Power supply Power consumption Cooling DMX connection Dimensions Weight Certification Item number Included items IP rating Optional accessoires 4, 5, 8, 10 or 14 channels 25º 100 - 240 VAC Max. 55 Watt Regulated low noise fan 3 & 5p XLR in & out 231 x 148 x 250mm (hxwxd) 3 Kg CE 156150 Power cable IP22 Snoot, Barndoor juno 15 clf juno rgbw wallwasher Wireless DMX / battery powered ■ 15º TO 30º BEAM ANGLE, MANUAL ZOOM ■ CHARGE VIA CONNECTION ON THE BOTTOM AND/OR POWERCON ■ WATERPROOF (IP65) HOUSING ■ SOLID HOUSING ■ CONVECTION COOLING ■ LITHIUM BATTERY 199 250.3 312 108 The CLF Juno is a battery powered RGBW LED luminaire for in and outdoor use. Besides the rechargeable lithium battery, the Wireless Solution W-DMX™ receiver allows completely stand-alone use without the need to run cables, which reduces set-up time radically. The operating time is around 8 up to 12 hours on a full battery. Manual operation of the tilt and zoom (15°-30°) function makes the Juno perfectly suitable for illuminating objects like walls and pillars at high end rental projects and corporate events. Specially selected, high quality CREE LED’s provide deep and intense colours through a unique lens which provide an outstanding colour mixing. Besides DMX control, the Juno comes with pre-programmed macros and can be controlled manually. All controls can be found in the menu on the on-board OLED display which also shows battery, wireless and DMX status. It is also possible to connect the Juno through Neutrik® powerCON and 5-pin DMX connectors for regular cable use. When operating with PowerCON, the Juno also charges automatically. 6 Juno’s are delivered with a well thought flightcase which is equipped with an intelligent charging system. The system is connected through one power cable and is provided with indication lights. FACTSHEET 1m 15600 lx 1m 4640 lx 2m 4026 lx 2m 1373 lx 3m 1736 lx 3m 625 lx Height Angle: 15º Height Angle: 30º DMX channels Beam angle Power supply Power consumption Cooling DMX connection Dimensions Weight Certification Item number Included items IP rating 4, 6, 10, HSV, HSI Channels 15 - 30º (manual zoom) 100 - 240 VAC Max. 50 Watt Convection / no fan 5p XLR in & out 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) 5,5 Kg CE, ROHS 156500 Power cable IP65 • Dubbele beugel voor hangend en staand gebruik • Uniek CLF camlock system free’CLF bij camera gebruik CLF is a European brand that distinguishes itself through high-quality / innovative• ‘Flicker products. products are unique because of its ex• leurrijke en diepe kleuren vanwege de speciaal • 0º openingshoek WUHPHO\KLJKOLJKWRXWSXWWKDWLVSHUIHFWIRUQXPHURXVDSSOLFDWLRQV&/)VWDQGVIRUTXDOLW\H[SHUWLVHZHOOFRQVLGHUHGVROLGDQGHIˉFLHQW geselecteerde LEDs • Compacte & lichte behui ing tricolor mini par 17 clf tricolor mini par lighting solutions. CLF inspires & opens the eyes! • Duidelijke menu structuur voor D stand alone handmatige bediening & Master / Slave The CLF JUNO is the best option for• Dubbele in- andbeugel outdoor and completely wireless! This saves a huge ammount of time during installation. vooruse, hangend en staand gebruik $SRZHUIXO/LKWLXPEDWWHU\HQVXUHVWKDWWKH&/)-812FDQZRUNIRUDSSUR[WLOOKRXUVRQDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\:KHQWKH-812 • Uniek CLF camlock system • ‘Flicker bij camera gebruik RSHUDWHVZLWKSRZHUFDEOHWKHSRZHUFDEOHDOVRWDNHVFDUHWKDWWKH/LWKLXPEDWWHU\JHWVFKDUJHG7KHLQWHUQDO:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQUHFHLYHU 30º free’ BEAM ANGLE • leurrijke en diepe kleuren vanwege de speciaal allows that the JUNO can be controlled via wireless DMX (and passes DMX on). The CLF JUNO is highly suitable for events, TV Shows, and COMPACT & LIGHT HOUSING geselecteerde LEDs compact rgb fixture ■ ■ rentall projects where connecting and taping many cables with several lenghts costs a lot of time and energy. ■ DOUBLE BRACKET FOR FLOOR AND TRUSS MOUNTING ■ ‘FLICKER FREE’ OPERATION SPECIFICATONS ■ CLEAR MENU STRUCTURE FOR OPERATION SETTINGS DMX Channels 4, 6, 10, HSV, HSI Channels ■ LIGHTWEIGHT Beam Angle 15 - 30º (manual zoom) suitable for all purposes 185 mm Power supply 100 - 240 VAC Power consumption DMX kanalen Max. 50 Watt 3, 4 of 10 kanalen Lens openingshoek 30º Cooling Convection / no blower DMX connection Dimensions Weight &HUWLˉFDWLRQPDUN Article number DMX kanalen Vermogen Max. 35 Watt Koeling Ventilator 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) 5,5 Kg DMX aansluiting 250 x 200 x 152 mm (hxwxø) Gewicht156500 2,5Kg Keurmerk ȧ3RZHUFDEOH Artikel nummer 156100 Voeding 110 - 240VAC Inbegrepen • uro voedingskabel Vermogen Max. 35 Watt 30º 200 mm 3p XLR in &185uitmm CE, ROHS Afmetingen 3, 4 of 10 kanalenIncluded Lens openingshoek The CLF Tricolor Mini PAR is a compact RGB LED fixture with an impressive output for an affordable price. The Tricolor mini PAR offers deep saturated, intense colours due to the specially selected LEDs. The powerful LEDs provide extremely high output and ensures ‘flicker-free’ operation for all types of TV and camera use. The fixtures comes with a 30˚ beam angle which is perfect for illuminating large surfaces and can also be used for effect lighting. Because of the compact and light housing, the Tricolor Mini PAR fits inside most truss types which makes it the ideal spooklight. Besides DMX control, the fixture can also be controlled stand alone or in master / slave mode. The Tricolor Mini PAR comes with pre-programmed macros. Voeding5p XLR in & out 110 - 240VAC CE Approved 250 mm 200 mm Koeling Ventilator $FFHVVRULHV ȧ&/)&DPORFNFODPS All controls can DMX aansluiting 3p XLR in & uit be found in the Afmetingen 250 x 200 x 152 mm (hxwxø) Flux out: 373 lm menu on the onGewicht 2,5Kg &/)OLJKWLQJ1LMYHUKHLGVWUDDW/1%HPPHO7KH1HWKHUODQGVZZZFOIOLJKWLQJFRP7) 250 mm 3m 32.44,49.68fc 110.12cm board LCD display. Keurmerk CE Approved FACTSHEET 349.1,534.8lx Artikel nummer 156100 The fixture has a 4m 18.25,27.95fc 146.83cm DMX channels 196.4,300.8lx Inbegrepen • uro voedingskabel double bracket so Beam angle 5m 11.68,17.88fc 183.53cm it can be placed on the floor or mounted to truss structures by using Power supply 125.7,192.5lx Power consumption 6m 8.109,12.42fc 220.24cm the CLF quicklock system. This unique hanging system is easy to Cooling 87.29,133.7lx use and time-saving. An optional barndoor is available. DMX connection 7m 5.958,9.125fc 64.13,98.22lx Height Eavg,Emax 256.95cm Angle: 20.80º Diameter Dimensions Weight Certification Item number Included items IP rating Optional accessoires 3, 4 or 10 channels 30 º 100 - 240 VAC Max. 35 Watt Fan 3p XLR in & out 250 x 200 x 152 mm (hxwxd) 2,5 Kg CE 156100 Power Cable IP22 Barndoor quadcolor mini par compact rgbw fixture • Uniek CLF camlock system • Compacte behui ing handmatige bediening & Master / Slave • ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik CLF is a European brand that distinguishes itself through high-quality / beugel innovative products. CLF products are unique because of its ex• P6 • Dubbele • leurrijke en diepe kleuren vanwege de speciaal voor hangend en staand gebruik WUHPHO\KLJKOLJKWRXWSXWWKDWLVSHUIHFWIRUQXPHURXVDSSOLFDWLRQV&/)VWDQGVIRUTXDOLW\H[SHUWLVHZHOOFRQVLGHUHGVROLGDQGHIˉFLHQW • Duidelijke structuur voor D stand alone • Uniekmenu CLF camlock system geselecteerde LEDs handmatige & Master / Slave lighting solutions. CLF inspires & opens the eyes! • ‘Flicker bediening free’ bij camera gebruik • Dubbele beugel voor hangend en staand gebruik • leurrijke en diepe kleuren vanwege de speciaal • Uniekgeselecteerde CLF camlock system LEDs The CLF JUNO is the best option for in- and outdoor use, and completely wireless! This saves a huge ammount of time during installation. • ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik $SRZHUIXO/LKWLXPEDWWHU\HQVXUHVWKDWWKH&/)-812FDQZRUNIRUDSSUR[WLOOKRXUVRQDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\:KHQWKH-812 • leurrijke en diepe kleuren vanwege de speciaal RSHUDWHVZLWKSRZHUFDEOHWKHSRZHUFDEOHDOVRWDNHVFDUHWKDWWKH/LWKLXPEDWWHU\JHWVFKDUJHG7KHLQWHUQDO:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQUHFHLYHU geselecteerde LEDs clf quadcolor mini par ■ 30° BEAM ANGLE ■ ■ IP65 ■ DOUBLE BRACKET FOR FLOOR AND TRUSS MOUNTING ■ ‘FLICKER FREE’ OPERATION 4, 6, 10, HSV, HSI Channels ■ INTENSE COLOURS DUE TO SPECIALLY SELECTED LEDS 15 - 30º (manual zoom) 100 - 240 VAC ■ CLEAR MENU STRUCTURE FOR OPERATION SETTINGS allows that the JUNO can be controlled via wireless DMX (and passes DMX on). The CLF JUNO is highly suitable for events, TV Shows, and rentall projects where connecting andSOLID tapingHOUSING many cables with several lenghts costs a lot of time and energy. solid ip65 housing SPECIFICATONS DMX Channels Beam Angle 238 mm Power supply DMX kanalen 3, 4, 5, 6, of 11 kanalen Lens openingshoek 30º Voeding 110 - 240 VAC Vermogen Koeling DMX connection Max. 56 Watt DMX kanalen Convectie / geen blower Lens openingshoek Dimensions 30º DMX aansluiting 3p XLR in & uitVoeding Afmetingen 238 x 190 x 148 mm (hxwxø) Vermogen DMX kanalen 110 - 240 VAC 5,5 Kg Gewicht Keurmerk Artikel nummer Inbegrepen The CLF Quad Color Mini PAR is a compact RGBW LED fixture with an impressive output for in- and outdoor use. The Quad Color mini PAR offers deep saturated, intense colours due to the specially selected LEDs and with the inserted white LEDs is it possible to create a huge range of colours. The powerful LEDs provide extremely high output and ensures ‘flicker-free’ operation for all types of TV and camera use. The fixtures comes with a 30˚ beam angle which is perfect for illuminating large surfaces and can also be used for effect lighting. The solid housing of the fixture makes it suitable for every rental stock and fixed installations.Besides DMX control, the fixture can also be controlled stand alone or in master / slave mode. The Quad Color Mini PAR comes with pre-programmed macros. All controls can 19 Power consumption Cooling Weight Max. 50 Watt Convection / no blower 148 mm 238 mm in & out 3, 4, 5, 6, of5p 11XLR kanalen 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) 56 Watt 3, 4, 5, Max. 6, of 11 kanalen &HUWLˉFDWLRQPDUN CE, ROHS 2,5 Kg Lens openingshoek Koeling Convectie / geen blower 30º Article number 156500 CE DMX aansluiting 3p XLR Voeding 110 - 240 VAC in & uit Included ȧ3RZHUFDEOH 156120 Vermogen Afmetingen x 190 x 148 mm (hxwxø) Max. 56238 Watt • Voedingskabel shuko P6 connectorConvectie 2,5 /Kggeen blower KoelingGewicht • D kabel L male P6 connector Keurmerk DMX aansluiting 3p XLRCEin & uit Artikel nummer 156120 Afmetingen 238 x 190 x 148 mm (hxwxø) 238 mm 148 mm 148 mm 190 mm be found in the menu on $FFHVVRULHV ȧ&/)&DPORFNFODPS GewichtInbegrepen 2,5 Kg • Voedingskabel shuko P6 connector the on-board LED 190 mm • D kabel L male P6 connector Keurmerk CE display. The fixture has a FACTSHEET Artikel nummer 156120 double bracket so it can &/)OLJKWLQJ1LMYHUKHLGVWUDDW/1%HPPHO7KH1HWKHUODQGVZZZFOIOLJKWLQJFRP7) DMX channels Inbegrepen • Voedingskabel shuko P6 connector be placed on the floor 190 mm Beam angle • D kabel L male P6 connector Power supply or mounted to truss Power consumption structures by using Cooling the unique CLF quicklock system. This hanging system is easy DMX connection Dimensions to use and time-saving. The Quadcolor Mini PAR is equipped Weight with waterproof cables to ensure an IP65 rating and adapters Certification Item number to schuko and XLR are included. An optional barndoor is also Included items available. IP rating Optional accessoires 3, 4, 5, 6 or 11 channels 30 º 100 - 240 VAC Max. 56 Watt Convection 3p XLR in & out 238 x 190 x 148 mm (hxwxd) 2,5 Kg CE 156120 Power cable schuko - IP65 DMX cable XLR3 male & female - IP65 IP65 Barndoor colour par 12 solid rgb led fixture extraordinary high output • Uniek CLF camlock systeem products. CLF products are unique because of its exCLF is a European brand that distinguishes itself through high-quality / innovative • Uniek CLF camlock systeem • º openingshoek • ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik • Convectie koeling in een robuuste behui ing WUHPHO\KLJKOLJKWRXWSXWWKDWLVSHUIHFWIRUQXPHURXVDSSOLFDWLRQV&/)VWDQGVIRUTXDOLW\H[SHUWLVHZHOOFRQVLGHUHGVROLGDQGHIˉFLHQW • ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik •• Duidelijke leurrijke enmenu diepestructuur kleuren voor vanwege speciaal D de stand alone • leurrijke diepe kleuren vanwege de speciaal lighting solutions. CLF inspires & opens theen eyes! geselecteerde LEDs handmatige bediening & Master / Slave • Dubbele beugel voor hangend en staand gebruik The CLF JUNO is the best option for in- and outdoor use, and completely • Powercon in / uitwireless! This saves a huge ammount of time during installation. $SRZHUIXO/LKWLXPEDWWHU\HQVXUHVWKDWWKH&/)-812FDQZRUNIRUDSSUR[WLOOKRXUVRQDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\:KHQWKH-812 • Uniek CLF camlock systeem • ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik RSHUDWHVZLWKSRZHUFDEOHWKHSRZHUFDEOHDOVRWDNHVFDUHWKDWWKH/LWKLXPEDWWHU\JHWVFKDUJHG7KHLQWHUQDO:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQUHFHLYHU • leurrijke en diepe kleuren vanwege de speciaal allows that the JUNO can be controlled wireless DMX (and passes DMX on). The CLF JUNO is highly suitable for events, TV Shows, and 25°viaBEAM ANGLE geselecteerde LEDs geselecteerde LEDs clf Colour PAR 12 ■ rentall projects where connecting ■ andDEEP taping many cables several lenghts costs a lot of time and energy. SATURATED ANDwith INTENSE COLOURS ■ SOLID HOUSING, CONVECTION COOLING SPECIFICATONS ■ ‘FLICKER FREE’ OPERATION DMX Channels 4, 6, 10, HSV,■ HSI DOUBLE Channels BRACKET FOR FLOOR AND TRUSS MOUNTING ■ POWERCON IN AND OUT Beam Angle 15 - 30º (manual zoom) Power supply DMX kanalen Lens openingshoek Voeding Vermogen Koeling DMX aansluiting Afmetingen Gewicht Keurmerk Artikel nummer Inbegrepen 21 100 - 240 VAC DMX kanalen 3, 4, 5 of 6 kanalen Power consumption Max. 50 Watt 3, 4, 5 of 6 kanalen Lens openingshoek 25º Cooling Convection / no blower 25º Voeding 110 - 240 VAC 110 - 240 VAC DMX connection 5p XLR in & out Vermogen Max. 50 Watt Max. 50 Watt Dimensions 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) Koeling Convectie / geen blower Convectie / geen blower Weight DMX aansluiting 3p XLR in & uit5,5 Kg 3p XLR in & uit Afmetingen 258 x 280 x 195 (hxwxø) CE,mm ROHS 258 x 280 x 195&HUWLˉFDWLRQPDUN mm (hxwxø) DMX kanalen 3, 4, Gewicht 3,5 Kg5 of 6 kanalen 3,5 Kg Article number 25º 156500 Lens openingshoek Keurmerk CE CE Included Voeding 110 - 240 VACȧ3RZHUFDEOH Artikel nummer 875592 875592 Vermogen 50 Watt Inbegrepen •Max. Voedingskabel • Voedingskabel Koeling Convectie / geen blower The CLF Colour PAR 12 is a compact RGB LED fixture with an extraordinary high output which offers deep saturated, intense colours due to the specially selected LEDs. The powerful LEDs provide extremely high output and ensure ‘flicker-free’ operation for all types of TV and film use. The fixture comes with a 25˚ beam angle and therefore perfect for effect lighting. The solid housing of the fixture makes it suitable for every rental stock and fixed installations. menu on the onboard LED display. The fixture has a double bracket so it can be placed on the floor or mounted to truss structures by using the unique CLF quicklock system. Besides DMX control, the fixture can also be controlled stand alone or in master / slave mode. The CLF Colour PAR 12 comes with pre-programmed macros. All controls can be found in the This hanging system is easy to use and time-saving. The Colour PAR 12 is equipped with powerCON in and out and can be connected with three pins XLR. DMX aansluiting 3p XLR in & uit Afmetingen 258 x 280 x 195 mm (hxwxø) $FFHVVRULHV Gewicht 3,5 Kg Keurmerk CE Artikel nummer 875592 Inbegrepen • Voedingskabel 280 mm 280 mm 195 280 mm mm 195 mm 258 mm 258 mm ȧ&/)&DPORFNFODPS 195 mm 258 mm FACTSHEET DMX channels &/)OLJKWLQJ1LMYHUKHLGVWUDDW/1%HPPHO7KH1HWKHUODQGVZZZFOIOLJKWLQJFRP7) Beam angle Power supply Power consumption Cooling DMX connection Dimensions Weight Certification Item number Included items IP rating Optional accessoires 3, 4, 5 or 6 channels 25 º 100 - 240 VAC Max. 50 Watt Convection / no fan 3p XLR in & out 258 x 280 x 195 mm (hxwxd) 3,5 Kg CE 875592 Power cable IP22 Barndoor • Uniek CLF camlock systeem LEDwash rgbw compact wash fixture distinctive and unique • leurrijke en diepe kleuren vanwege de speciaal The CLF JUNO is the best option for in- and outdoor use, and completely wireless! This saves a huge ammount of time during installation. geselecteerde LEDs 23 $SRZHUIXO/LKWLXPEDWWHU\HQVXUHVWKDWWKH&/)-812FDQZRUNIRUDSSUR[WLOOKRXUVRQDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\:KHQWKH-812 RSHUDWHVZLWKSRZHUFDEOHWKHSRZHUFDEOHDOVRWDNHVFDUHWKDWWKH/LWKLXPEDWWHU\JHWVFKDUJHG7KHLQWHUQDO:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQUHFHLYHU allows that the JUNO can be controlled via wireless DMX (and passes DMX on). The CLF JUNO is highly suitable for events, TV Shows, and rentall projects where connecting and taping many cables with several lenghts costs a lot of time and energy. ■ INTENSE COLOURS DUE TO SPECIALLY SELECTED LEDS ■ CLEAR MENU STRUCTURE FOR OPERATION SETTINGS SPECIFICATONS ■ EXCEPTIONALLY SMOOTH COLOUR MIXING DMX Channels 4, 6, 10, HSV, HSI Channels ■ MANUALLY 60° ADJUSTABLE BEAM ANGLE Beam Angle 15 - 30º (manual zoom) ■ ‘FLICKER FREE’ OPERATION Power supply 100 - 240 VAC ■ POWERCON IN AND OUT clf ledwash rgbw Power consumption Max. 50 Watt Cooling Convection / no blower DMX connection 5p XLR in & out Dimensions 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) Weight 5,5 Kg &HUWLˉFDWLRQPDUN CE, ROHS DMX kanalen 3, 4, 5, 6 of 11 kanalen Lens openingshoek 50º Voeding 110 - 240 VAC Vermogen The CLF LEDwash RGBW is a compact wash fixture with a unique and distinctive design. The horizontal head can be manually adjusted 60˚. Combined with the 50˚ beam angle of the lens, the LEDwash is the perfect solution for illuminating large surfaces like walls, curtains and horizons. The technologies prevent multicolour shadows and provide deep saturated colours. It is also possible to make the beam more diffused by using the included frost lens. The low and compact housing makes that the fixture is hardly noticeable. The fixture can be placed on the floor or mounted to truss structures by using two pieces of the CLF quicklock system. lighting solutions. CLF inspires & opens the eyes! • ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik Article number Max. 65 Watt Koeling Included Ventilator DMX aansluiting 3 & 5p XLR in & uit Afmetingen 480 x 140 x 105 mm (hxwxd) Gewicht 3,5 Kg Camlock system 156500 480 mm ȧ3RZHUFDEOH 60º Bracket adjustmentt Knob 105 mm $FFHVVRULHV ȧ&/)&DPORFNFODPS The CLF LEDwash Keurmerk CE 140 mm contains 9 specially selected Artikel nummer 156200 LEDs which provide deep and intense colours. The powerful Inbegrepen • Voedingskabel Flux out: 1301 lm LEDs provide extremely high output and ensures ‘flicker-free’ • Frost &&/)OLJKWLQJ1LMYHUKHLGVWUDDW/1%HPPHO7KH1HWKHUODQGVZZZFOIOLJKWLQJFRP7) clear lens FACTSHEET 3m 16.47,26.60fc 297.84cm operation for all types of TV and film use. RGBW and dimming 177.3,286.3lx DMX channels can be controlled in 5 different DMX modes or by using the on 4m 9.264,14.96fc 397.12cm Beam angle 99.72,161.1lx Power supply board menu. The fixture contains both powerCON in and out and 5m 5.929,9.576fc 496.40cm Power consumption 63.82,103.1lx can be connected with three and five pins XLR. Cooling 6m 4.117,6.650fc 44.32,71.58lx 595.69cm 7m 3.025,4.886fc 32.56,52.59lx 694.97cm Height Eavg,Emax Angle: 52.80º Diameter DMX connection Dimensions Weight Certification Item number Included items IP rating 3, 4, 5, 6 or 11 channels 50 º 100 - 240 VAC Max. 65 Watt Low noise fan 3 & 5p XLR in & out 480 x 140 x 105 mm (hxwxd) 3,5 Kg CE 156200 Power cable, Frost & Clear lens IP22 • Powercon in / uit • Handmatig 60º verstelbaar • Hoge lichtopbrengst • Uniek CLF camlock systeem • ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik • Speciaal geselecteerde LEDs LEDwash cw-ww compact wash fixture cold white & warm white LEDs ȧ:LUHOHVVXVHDEOHE\PHDQVRID/LWKLXPEDWWHU\ ȧ&KDUJHYLDFRQQHFWLRQRQWKHERWWRPDQGRU3RZHUFRQ ȧ6XSSOLHGZLWK:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQZLUHOHVV'0; ȧ3RZHUFRQLQ ȧ8QLTXH&/)FDPORFNV\VWHP ȧȟ)OLFNHUIUHHȠIRUFDPHUDXVH ȧ&RORXUIXOLQWHQVHFRORXUVGXHWRVSHFLDOO\VHOHFWHG/('V 25 clf ledwash cw-ww ■ EXTENSIVE WHITE COLOR TEMPERATURE CONTROL (2,800K – 6,500K, CRI>90) ■ SOLID HOUSING, UNIQUE DESIGN MANUALLY ADJUSTABLE BEAM ANGLE CLF is a European brand that distinguishes■itself through60° high-quality / innovative products. CLF products are unique because of its ex■ ‘FLICKER FREE’ OPERATION WUHPHO\KLJKOLJKWRXWSXWWKDWLVSHUIHFWIRUQXPHURXVDSSOLFDWLRQV&/)VWDQGVIRUTXDOLW\H[SHUWLVHZHOOFRQVLGHUHGVROLGDQGHIˉFLHQW ■ eyes! POWERCON IN AND OUT lighting solutions. CLF inspires & opens the The CLF JUNO is the best option for in- and outdoor use, and completely wireless! This saves a huge ammount of time during installation. $SRZHUIXO/LKWLXPEDWWHU\HQVXUHVWKDWWKH&/)-812FDQZRUNIRUDSSUR[WLOOKRXUVRQDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\:KHQWKH-812 RSHUDWHVZLWKSRZHUFDEOHWKHSRZHUFDEOHDOVRWDNHVFDUHWKDWWKH/LWKLXPEDWWHU\JHWVFKDUJHG7KHLQWHUQDO:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQUHFHLYHU allows that the JUNO can be controlled via wireless DMX (and passes DMX on). The CLF JUNO is highly suitable for events, TV Shows, and rentall projects where connecting and taping many cables with several lenghts costs a lot of time and energy. SPECIFICATONS DMX Channels 4, 6, 10, HSV, HSI Channels Beam Angle 15 - 30º (manual zoom) 2, 3 of 7 kanalen Power supply The CLF LEDwash CW-WW is a compact wash fixture with a DMX kanalen unique and distinctive design.The horizontal head can be manually Lensextremely openingshoek 50º Power consumption adjusted 60˚. Combined with the 50˚ beam angle of the lens, the Voeding high output Cooling 110 - 240 VAC LEDwash is the perfect solution for illuminating large surfaces and ensures ‘flicker-free’ DMX connection Vermogen Max. 65 Watt like walls, curtains and horizons. It is also possible to make the operation for all types of TV and Dimensions Ventilator edge of the beam more diffused by using the included frost lens. Koeling camera use. Warm and cold white control between The low and compact housing makes that the fixture is hardly DMX aansluiting 3 & 5pcan XLRbeinadjusted & uit Weight 2,800K and 6,500K and dimming in 3 different &HUWLˉFDWLRQPDUN noticeable. The fixture can be placed on the floor or mounted to Afmetingen DMX modes or by using the480 on-board contains x 140menu. x 105The mmfixture (hxwxd) truss structures by using the unique two pieces CLF quicklock both powerCON in and out and can be connected with Article number three and Gewicht 3,5 Kg system. This hanging system is easy to use and time-saving. The five pins XLR. Included CE CLF LEDwash contains 9 specially selected LEDs which provide Keurmerk cold and warm white with a CRI > 90. The powerful LEDs provide Artikel nummer 156300 Inbegrepen • Voedingskabel • Frost & clear lens 100 - 240 VAC Camlock system Max. 50 Watt Convection / no blower FACTSHEET 5p XLR in & out 480 mm 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) 5,5 Kg 60º CE, ROHS 156500 105 mm ȧ3RZHUFDEOH $FFHVVRULHV 140 mm Bracket adjustment Knob DMX channels Beam angle Power supply Power consumption Cooling DMX connection Dimensions Weight Certification Item number Included items IP rating ȧ&/)&DPORFNFODPS 2, 3 or 7 channels 50 º 100 - 240 VAC Max. 65 Watt Low noise fan 3 & 5p XLR in & out 480 x 140 x 105 mm (hxwxd) 3,5 Kg CE 156300 Power cable, Frost & Clear lens IP22 bare kleurtemperaturen CRI>90) • Dubbele beugel voor(2800K hangend- 6500K en staand gebruik CLF is a European brand that distinguishes itselfbeugel through high-quality / innovative products. CLF products are unique because of its ex• Dubbele • Powercon invoor / uithangend en staand gebruik • Powercon in / camlock uit WUHPHO\KLJKOLJKWRXWSXWWKDWLVSHUIHFWIRUQXPHURXVDSSOLFDWLRQV&/)VWDQGVIRUTXDOLW\H[SHUWLVHZHOOFRQVLGHUHGVROLGDQGHIˉFLHQW • Uniek CLF system • Uniek CLF camlock system • º openingshoek • ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik lighting solutions. CLF inspires & opens•the eyes! ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik dynamic white par compact led fixture Cold white and warm white LEDs DMX kanalen DMXLens kanalen openingshoek Lens Voeding openingshoek Voeding Vermogen Vermogen Koeling Koeling DMX aansluiting DMXAfmetingen aansluiting Afmetingen Gewicht Gewicht Keurmerk The CLF Dynamic White PAR is a compact LED fixture with an extraordinary high output which contains warm and cold white high power LEDs. The powerful LEDs provide extremely high output and ensures ‘flicker-free’ operation when using cameras. The Dynamic White PAR contains specially selected LEDs which provide cold and warm white with a CRI > 90. The powerful LEDs provide extremely bright light output and ensures ‘flickerfree’ operation for all types of TV and film use. Warm and cold white control between 2,800K and 6,500K and colour mixing can be adjusted in 3 different DMX modes or by using the onboard menu. The fixture contains both powerCON in and out and can be connected with three pins XLR. No fan is installed in the Keurmerk Artikel nummer Artikel nummer Inbegrepen 27 • Dynamic white versie verkrijgbaar met variabel programeer bare kleurtemperaturen (2800K - 6500K CRI>90) • Dubbele hangend enof staand gebruik The CLF JUNO is the best option for in- and outdoor use, and completely wireless! This saves abeugel hugevoor ammount time during installation. • Powercon in / uit $SRZHUIXO/LKWLXPEDWWHU\HQVXUHVWKDWWKH&/)-812FDQZRUNIRUDSSUR[WLOOKRXUVRQDIXOO\FKDUJHGEDWWHU\:KHQWKH-812 • Uniek CLF camlock system RSHUDWHVZLWKSRZHUFDEOHWKHSRZHUFDEOHDOVRWDNHVFDUHWKDWWKH/LWKLXPEDWWHU\JHWVFKDUJHG7KHLQWHUQDO:LUHOHVV6ROXWLRQUHFHLYHU • ‘Flicker free’ bij camera gebruik 25° BEAM ANGLE • JUNO 6 high power L D speciaal geselecteerde L Ds TV Shows, and allows that the JUNO can be controlled via wireless DMX (and passes DMX on). The CLF is highly suitable for events, EXTENSIVE WHITE COLOR TEMPERATURE (18 CONTROL (2,800K – 6,500K, CRI>90) koud witte LEDs & 18 warm witte LEDs) • 6 high power L D speciaal geselecteerde L Ds • 6 high powerwitte L D LEDs speciaal geselecteerde L Ds (18 koud & 18 warm witte LEDs) (18 koud witte LEDs & 18 warm witte LEDs) clf dynamic white par ■ ■ rentall projects where connecting and taping many cables with several lenghts costs a lot of time and energy. ■ SOLID HOUSING ■ DOUBLE BRACKET FOR FLOOR AND TRUSS MOUNTING SPECIFICATONS ■ ‘FLICKER FREE’ OPERATION DMX Channels 4, 6, 10, HSV, HSI Channels■ POWERCON IN AND OUT Beam Angle 15 - 30º (manual zoom) Power supply 100 - 240 VAC Power consumption Max. 50 Watt 2, 3 of 7 kanalen Cooling 2, 3 of25º 7 kanalen 177 mm 177 mm Convection / no blower 25º 110 - 240 VAC DMX connection 110 -Max. 240 90 VACWatt 5p XLR in & out Convectie / geen Weight 3p XLR in & blower uit 3p XLR in & uit x 205 mm (hxwxø) 300 x 255 5,5 Kg 255 mm 255 mm Dimensions Max. 90 Watt / geen blower Convectie 312 x 250 x 108 mm (hxwxd) &HUWLˉFDWLRQPDUN CE, ROHSDMX kanalen 2, 3 of 7 kanalen 4Article Kg CE number 156500Lens openingshoek 25º 300 x4 255 Kg x 205 mm (hxwxø) CE Included 156000 156000 • Voedingskabel • Filterhouder • Voedingskabel • Filterhouder 177 mm 300 mm 300 mm 255 mm Voeding 110 - 240 VAC Vermogen Max. 90 Watt ȧ3RZHUFDEOH 205 mm 205 mm Koeling Convectie / geen blower Dynamic White PAR Inbegrepen 300 mm DMX aansluiting 3p XLR in & uit so it is also suitable Afmetingen 300 x 255 x 205 mm (hxwxø) for silent applications. Gewicht Kg out: 1449 $FFHVVRULHV 4Flux lm ȧ&/)&DPORFNFODPS The fixture can be FACTSHEET Keurmerk CE 3m 126.0,193.9fc 107.96cm 205 mm Artikel nummer 156000 placed on the floor 1357,2087lx DMX channels 4m• Voedingskabel 70.90,109.1fc 143.94cm Inbegrepen or mounted to truss Beam angle 763.2,1174lx • Filterhouder &/)OLJKWLQJ1LMYHUKHLGVWUDDW/1%HPPHO7KH1HWKHUODQGVZZZFOIOLJKWLQJFRP7) Power supply 5m structures by using 45.38,69.81fc 179.93cm 488.4,751.4lx Power consumption the unique CLF quicklock system. This hanging system is easy Cooling 6m 31.51,48.48fc 215.91cm 339.2,521.8lx DMX connection to use and time-saving. The solid housing of the fixture make it 7m 23.15,35.62fc 251.90cm Dimensions 249.2.383.4lx suitable for every rental stock and fixed installations. Weight Height Eavg,Emax Angle: 20.40º Diameter Certification Item number Included items IP rating Optional accessoires 2, 3 or 7 channels 25 º 100 - 240 VAC Max. 90 Watt Convection / no fan 3p XLR in & out 300 x 255 x 205 mm (hxwxd) 4 Kg CE 156000 Power cable, Filter Frame IP22 Snoot, Barndoor ledko CLF LED Profile fixtures superior uniform projection 29 clf ledko 3200 K & 5600 K ■ FOR TRADITIONAL PROFILES WITH 750 W HALOGEN LAMPS ■ COMPATIBLE WITH STANDARD FRESNEL AND PC OPTICS ■ IDEAL FOR LOW NOISE APPLICATIONS ■ COMPATIBLE WITH ETC LENSES ■ SUPERIOR FLAT FIELD OPTICS ■ NO MAINTENANCE REQUIRED ■ SMOOTH 16 BIT DIMMER ■ 150W LED ENGINE 354.0mm 212.0mm 355.0mm The CLF LEDKo is the ideal LED replacement for traditional 750w halogen profile fixtures. The extreme efficient 150w LED engine comes in two fixed white color versions, 5600 K and 3200 K. Electronic 16 bit dimming can be adjusted with 2 selectable curves, simulating halogen or discharge lamp based fixtures. The framing system consists of four blades, each shutter blade is adjustable for radial position and angle For TV and theatre use the LEDko is equipped with an extensive fan control system with different fan options. Besides that, flicker-free operation is guaranteed because of the dmx controlled PWM frequency from 600 Hz to 19000 Hz. The LEDko can be connected with PowerCON connectors. 254.3mm 188.8mm 275.0mm FACTSHEET 40.0mm 601.1mm 210.0mm DMX channels Beam angle Power supply Power consumption Cooling DMX connection Dimensions Weight Certification Item number 3200 Item number 5600 Included items IP rating 5-1 Different lens options available AC power: 90-250 V 0.81 A at 230 V 4 different options 3 & 5p XLR in & out 600 x 214 x 210 mm (lxwxh) 5 Kg CE, ETL, UL 226-0320 226-0560 Cable IP20 31 CLF TOURCASES ■ STRONG AND PROFESSIONAL DESIGN ■ LIFE TIME WARRANTY UNDER NORMAL USE ■ PROTECTION DEGREE IP65 ■ WORKING TEMPERATURE -40º ~ 90º ■ IMPACT CASE RESISTANCE CASE BODY ■ ERGONOMIC HANDLE WITH RUBBER COATING CLF TOURCASE 144 CLF TOURCASE 155 External DIM.(LxWxD) 479 x 415 x 150 mm Internal DIM.(LxWxD) 448 x 345 x 121 mm Material Engineer Resin+Glass fibre Weight 4,34 Kg Volume 15 L Buoyancy MAX. 16,30 Kg Supplied with solid cube foam External DIM.(LxWxD) 610 x 472 x 275 mm Internal DIM.(LxWxD) 540 x 402 x 250 mm Material Engineer Resin+Glass fibre Weight 8 Kg Volume 73.10 L Buoyancy MAX. 73 Kg With trolley and wheels CLF TOURCASE 146 CLF TOURCASE 160 External DIM.(LxWxD) 479 x 415 x 217 mm Internal DIM.(LxWxD) 448 x 345 x 186 mm Material Engineer Resin+Glass fibre Weight 5,18 Kg Volume 28,5 L Buoyancy MAX. 26,8 Kg Supplied with solid cube foam External DIM.(LxWxD) 670 x 508 x 355 mm Internal DIM.(LxWxD) 584 x 442 x 329 mm Material Engineer PP with Glass fibre Weight 10,92 Kg Volume 82,21 L Buoyancy MAX. 83,2 Kg With trolley and wheels CLF TOURCASE 115 CLF TOURCASE 140 CLF TOURCASE 148 CLF TOURCASE 170 External DIM.(LxWxD) 270 x 231 x 185 mm Internal DIM.(LxWxD) 243 x 182 x 157 mm Material Engineer Resin+Glass fibre Weight 1.4 Kg Volume 6.57 L Buoyancy MAX. 6.38 Kg Supplied with solid cube foam External DIM.(LxWxD) 410 x 342 x 204 mm Internal DIM.(LxWxD) 380 x 271 x 178.5 mm Material Engineer Resin+Glass fibre Weight 3,98 Kg Volume 17.9 L Buoyancy MAX. 17.4 Kg Supplied with solid cube foam External DIM.(LxWxD) 557 x 348 x 248 mm Internal DIM.(LxWxD) 521 x 278 x 190.8 mm Material Engineer PP with fiberglass Weight 7,6 Kg Volume 28,5 L Buoyancy MAX. 27,4 Kg With trolley and wheels Perfectly designed as personal tool case Possible to choose solid cube foam as interior External DIM.(LxWxD) 851 x 556 x 429 mm Internal DIM.(LxWxD) 763 x 483 x 402 mm Material Engineer Resin with fiberglass Weight 16,67 Kg Volume 145,84 L Buoyancy MAX. 143 Kg With trolley and wheels CLF TOURCASE 130 CLF TOURCASE 142 CLF TOURCASE 150 External DIM.(LxWxD) 308 x 269 x 150 mm Internal DIM.(LxWxD) 280 x 200 x 122 mm Material Engineer Resin+Glass fibre Weight 1.99 Kg Volume 6.44 L Buoyancy MAX. 6.16 Kg Supplied with solid cube foam External DIM.(LxWxD) 450 x 340 x 160 mm Internal DIM.(LxWxD) 430 x 300 x 150 mm Material Engineer Resin+Glass fibre Weight 2,20 Kg Volume 15 L Buoyancy MAX. 15 Kg Supplied with solid cube foam External DIM.(LxWxD) Internal DIM.(LxWxD) Material Weight Volume Buoyancy MAX. 557 x 348 x 199 mm 526x 275 x 169,5 mm Engineer Resin+Glass fibre 4,98 Kg 20,28 L 19,5 Kg 33 CLF w-bridge CLF clamps Wireless DMX transmitter and receiver Complete package including CLF Tourcase ■ POWERED BY WIRELESS SOLUTION ■ PLUG & PLAY ■ SOLID AND SMART HOUSING ■ ONE BUTTON CONTROL ■ COMPATIBLE WITH OTHER WIRELESS SOLUTIONS PRODUCTS ■ 2,4 GHZ BAND CLF HOOK CLAMP Clamp size Color SWL Fixing Item number CLF SLIMLINE HALF COUPLER 30mm Chrome 50kg M12 (not included) 520135 CLF HOOK CLAMP Clamp size Color SWL Fixing: Item number The CLF W-Bridge is a complete plug and play wireless DMX kit which includes a transmitter/receiver, receiver, antennas and CLF Tourcase. The W-Bridge uses the Wireless Solution® protocol to ensure a reliable wireless transmission of one DMX universe (512 channels). The system can be configured by pushing one button and uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum technology to ensure a reliable connection. The package comes with sender, receiver, power cables and CLF Tourcase 140 including special milled out foam with room for all accessories. FACTSHEET DMX channels Power supply Power consumption DMX connection Dimensions Dimensions of case Weight Item number Included items 512 (1 universe) 110 -240 VAC Max. 6 Watt 3p XLR in & out 145x120x60mm (hxwxø) 410x342x205mm 1 Kg 222-1000 Sender/receiver, receiver, power cables, CLF tourcase Chrome 750KG M12 (not included) 520133 CLF SLIMLINE HALF COUPLER 50mm Chrome 50kg M12 (not included) 520139 CLF HOOK CLAMP Clamp size Color SWL Fixing Item number Color SWL Fixing Item number Color SWL Fixing Item number Black 750KG M12 (not included) 520128 CLF SWIVEL COUPLER 50mm Black 50kg M12 (not included) 520139 Color SWL Item number Chrome 750KG 520131 CLF HOOKCLAMP WITH WINGBOLT CLF SWIVEL COUPLER BLACK Color SWL Item number SWL Item number Black 50KG 875760 750KG 520129 CLF OMEGA BRACKET CLF TRIGGERCLAMP CHROME Item number SWL Fixing Item number Y704811 200KG M12 (not included) 520136 CLF SLIMLINE QUICK TRIGGERCLAMP CLF TRIGGERCLAMP BLACK Color SWL Fixing Item number SWL Fixing Item number Black 100kg M12 (not included) 5201390 200KG M12 (not included) 520137 34 CLF cables 35 CLF accessories CLF EXTENSION CABLE XLR5 MALE - XLR3 FEMALE 50 CM CLF EXTENSION ADAPTER XLR 5P MALE - XLR 3P FEMALE Item number Item number 911363 CLF BARNDOOR FOR DYNAMIC WHITE PAR CLF SNOOT FOR XENA Item number Item number 156010 156154 920230 CLF EXTENSION CABLE XLR3 MALE - XLR5 FEMALE 50 CM CLF EXTENSION ADAPTER XLR 5P FEMALE XLR 3P MALE CLF BARNDOOR FOR TRICOLOR MINI PAR CLF SNOOT FOR DYNAMIC WHITE PAR Item number Item number Item number Item number 911364 CLF SCHUKO-POWERCON TRUE1F CONNECTOR 3 X 1.5 MM ², 1.8 M Item number 900826 900825: 900800: dmx cable microphone cable CLF EXTENSION POWERCABLE FOR QUADCOLOR MINI PAR RGBW Item number Item number Item number 920210 CLF XLR 3-PIN CABLE CONNECTOR - FEMALE Item number CLF BARNDOOR FOR XENA & QUADCOLOR MINI PAR Item number CLF SNOOT FOR CONAN Item number 156134 156125 920200 CLF EXTENSION CABLE XLR3 MALE/FEMALE CLF DMX CABLE SINGLE PAIR (PER METER) CLF MICROPHONE CABLE 2 (PER METER) Item number Item number 156002 911140 CLF DMX CABLE 2X SINGLE PAIR (PER METER) Item number 156105 CLF XLR 3-PIN CABLE CONNECTOR - MALE 911141 CLF SCHUKO-POWERCON CONNECTOR 3 X 1.5 MM ², 1.5 M Item number 920220 156122: 156123: 3m 5m Item number Item number Item number Item number Item number Item number Item number 911200: 911201: 911203: 911205: 911206: 911207: 911209: 80 cm 1.5 mtr 3 mtr 5 mtr 10 mtr 15 mtr 20 mtr CLF BARNDOOR FOR CONAN CLF WIRELESS UPGRADE SET Item number Item number CLF BARNDOOR FOR COLOUR PAR 12 Item number CLF EXTENSION CABLE XLR5 MALE/FEMALE Item number Item number Item number Item number Item number Item number Item number 911210: 911211: 911213: 911215: 911216: 911217: 911219: 80 cm 1.5 mtr 3 mtr 5 mtr 10 mtr 15 mtr 20 mtr 156137 875591 156131 CLF LIGHTING Phone: +31 (0)88 770 0930 Email: [email protected] Handelstraat 25 6851 EH Huissen The Netherlands WWW.CLF-LIGHTING.COM