This is Nebojša Jovan Živkovic: ´
This is Nebojša Jovan Živkovic: ´
´ This is Nebojša Jovan Živkovic: Hailed by the critics as one of the most unique and expressive marimba and percussion artists in the field today, Nebojsa Jovan Zivkovic has greatly influenced the international percussion scene during last two decades – as both a masterful composer and virtuoso performer. Concert tours have led him throughout Europe, from Siberia to Spain, from Greece to Finland, repeatedly to Asia, and annually through Latin and North America. Discography: Also supported by: His groundbreaking compositions for marimba and percussion have set new performing standards, and his captivating and energetic performances have influenced generations of marimbists. Many of Zivkovic’s compositions ( for example: Ilijas, Ultimatum1, Trio per uno ) have become standards in contemporary percussion repertoire worldwide. His symphonic works are performed by top orchestras, such as the: National Symphony Orchestra, Washington D.C.; BBC Concert Orchestra, London; Orchestra di Santa Cecilia, Rome; Hiroshima Symphony Orchestra; and The Northern Sinfonia in Newcastle, UK. His pedagogical compositions from “FUNNY MALLETS SERIES” are among the world’s best sold works for mallet instruments. With nearly three hundred performances of his works each year in over fifty countries, Zivkovic is one of the most frequently performed composers of marimba and percussion music. As a soloist, mostly with his own marimba and percussion concertos, Zivkovic has among others performed with the: Minnesota Orchestra, Stuttgart Philharmonic; Munich Symphonic; Bochum Phiharmonic; Austrian Chamber Symphony; Hannover Radio Symphony; Bielefeld Philharmonic; Belgrade Philharmonic; Slovenian Philharmonic; Slovenian Radio Symphony Orchestra; National Orchestra of Costa Rica. He has also performed in such prestigious venues as the Viennas “Konzerthaus”, National Recital Hall Taipei, and the Stockholms “Nybrokajen”. In addition to his composing and concert activities, he gives master classes and seminars in Europe, Asia, Mexico and regularly through the USA. For over twenty years now Zivkovic has performed exclusively on YAMAHA MARIMBAS. For more information on current projects, concert dates, compositions and CD’s, please visit: TheThe Academy TheAcademy Academy Academy Academy Academy SiteSite Site th 6th ZIVKOVIC’S 6th 6ZIVKOVIC’S ZIVKOVIC’S INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER ACADEMY ACADEMY ACADEMY FOR MARIMBA FOR FOR MARIMBA MARIMBAACADEMY ACADEMY ACADEMY SITE, SITE, CASTLE SITE, CASTLE CASTLE ENGERS ENGERS ENGERS & PERCUSSION & PERCUSSION & PERCUSSION (ZISAMP) (ZISAMP) (ZISAMP) Takes Takes place Takes in place Germany place in Germany in Germany every two every every years twotwo only, years years and only, only, is and conceived and is conceived is conceived as a week as as a long week a week longlongIn romantic In romantic In romantic area inarea southwest area in southwest in southwest Germany, Germany, Germany, directlydirectly bydirectly the by shore by thethe shore of the shore of river the of the Rhine river river Rhine is Rhine is is Academy Academy Academy (seminar) (seminar) (seminar) for marimba for for marimba marimba and percussion andand percussion percussion The music. Academy TheThe Academy Academy is intended is intended is intendedENGERS, ENGERS, ENGERS, (part of (part (part Cityof ofofCity Neuwied). Cityof ofNeuwied). Neuwied). EngersEngers isEngers some is issome 60some miles 60 60miles northwest milesnorthwest northwest of of of primarily primarily primarily for advanced for for advanced advanced marimba marimba marimba students, students, students, percussion percussion percussion teachers, teachers, teachers, and professional andand professional professionalFRANKFURT/Main, FRANKFURT/Main, FRANKFURT/Main, (where(where is (where Germans is Germans is Germans biggestbiggest airport) biggest airport) next airport) tonext citynext to of city KOBLENZ. to city of KOBLENZ. of KOBLENZ. Our OurOur percussionists. percussionists. percussionists. However, However, However, also less alsoalso advanced lessless advanced advanced playersplayers are players welcome areare welcome welcome to enroll to in enroll to the enroll in the in thebuilding, building, building, Landesmusikakademie Landesmusikakademie Landesmusikakademie Rheinland-Pfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Rheinland-Pfalz, is literally is isliterally next literally door nextnext todoor door theto tothethe coursecourse if they course ifprepare they if they prepare atprepare leastattwo least at least pieces twotwo pieces of pieces moderate of moderate of moderate difficulty. difficulty. difficulty. (Suitable (Suitable (Suitable are some areare some somebaroque baroque Castle baroque Castle "Schloß Castle "Schloß Engers", "Schloß Engers", in Engers", Palatina in Palatina in (Rheinland-Pfalz). Palatina (Rheinland-Pfalz). (Rheinland-Pfalz). It is fully It isrestored It fully is fully restored into restored intointo piecespieces from pieces"Funny from from"Funny Marimba "FunnyMarimba Marimba Series"Series" by Series" Zivkovic, by byZivkovic, Zivkovic, for example). for forexample). example). Marimba Marimba Marimbaa modern, a modern, a excellent modern, excellent excellent place with place place charming withwith charming charming atmosphere. atmosphere. atmosphere. Accommodation Accommodation Accommodation includes includes nice includes nicenice enthusiasts enthusiasts enthusiasts may only maymay apply onlyonly as apply apply passive as as passive participants. passive participants. participants. We willWehave We willwill six have have fullsix days six fullfull ofdays days of ofdouble,double, triple double, or triple triple quad or or rooms, quad quad rooms, and rooms, each andand room each each has room room itshas bathroom. has its its bathroom. bathroom. It is including It isIt is including including practicing, practicing, practicing, lessons, lessons, master lessons, master classes master classes and classes chamber andand chamber music chamber coaching. music music coaching. coaching. breakfast, breakfast, breakfast, lunch and lunch lunch dinner. andand dinner. We dinner. strongly WeWe strongly believe strongly believe that believe good thatthat music good good music needs music needs also needs a also good also a good a good Costs Costs Costs & Application &&Application Application Deadline Deadline Deadline APPLICATION APPLICATION APPLICATION DEADLINE DEADLINE DEADLINE st st The application The The application application deadline deadline deadline is JULY is is JULY 1JULY 2012 1st12012 2012 We expect WeWe expect theexpect course thethe course to course fill quickly to fill to quickly fillsoquickly please so so please apply please early. apply apply early. early. st Applying Applying before Applying before May before 1stMay 2012 May 1stwill 12012 save 2012 willyou will save save money! youyou money! money! COSTS COSTS COSTS OF THE OFOF SUMMER THE THE SUMMER SUMMER ACADEMY ACADEMY ACADEMY The fees TheThe are fees all-included fees areare all-included all-included fees, that fees, fees, covers thatthat covers everything: covers everything: everything: six nights sixsix nights accommodation nights accommodation accommodation in in in doubledouble todouble quadto rooms to quad quad rooms in rooms the inAcademy, the in the Academy, Academy, including including including three meals three three meals a day, meals astarting day, a day, starting with starting withwith th th th nd dinner dinner ondinner August on on August 26August and 26ending 26andand ending with ending breakfast withwith breakfast breakfast on September on on September September 2nd 2012. 2nd 22012. 2012. atmosphere atmosphere atmosphere to develop. to develop. to The develop. academy TheThe academy academy is the perfect is the is the perfect location perfect location for location a holiday: for for a holiday: awe holiday: have wewe have have st st • Application • • Application Application BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE MAY 1MAY 2012 MAY 1st(money 12012 2012 (money saving (money saving option) saving option) option) literallyliterally 20literally STEPS 20 20 STEPS toSTEPS the toriver to thethe Rhine, river river Rhine, and Rhine, many andand many beautiful many beautiful beautiful boat-trip boat-trip boat-trip possibilities... possibilities... possibilities... ACTIVE ACTIVE PARTITIPANT: ACTIVE PARTITIPANT: PARTITIPANT: Euro 540.Euro Euro (everything 540.540.(everything (everything included) included) included) You may YouYou apply maymay as apply aapply performing as as a performing a performing participant participant participant (active)(active) or(active) observer or observer or observer (passive (passive participant). (passive participant). participant).Beside,Beside, this Beside, is this a famous this is ais famous aWINE-growing famous WINE-growing WINE-growing area inarea Germany! area in Germany! in Germany! Visit excellent VisitVisit excellent excellent websitewebsite ofwebsite of of PASSIVE PASSIVE PASSIVE PARTITIPANT: PARTITIPANT: PARTITIPANT: application application application possible possible only possible after onlyonly may after after 1stmaymay 1st 1st The number TheThe number ofnumber active of of active participants active participants participants is limited is limited istolimited 26 so to 26 to apply 26 so so early apply apply toearly ensure early to ensure toactive ensure active activethat area thatthat area area Or youOrprefer Or youyou prefer some prefer medieval some some medieval medieval castles:castles: www.german-castlescastles: www.german-castleswww.german-castlesparticipant participant participant status status (and status a (and lower (and a tuition lower a lower tuition rate). tuition Each rate). rate). active Each Each participant active active participant participant must prepare must must prepare two prepare You also YouYou may alsoalso want maymay towant see want tothesee tophotos see thethe photos from photos previous from from previous courses previous courses on courses Zivkovic’s on on Zivkovic’s Zivkovic’s st st marimba marimba marimba compositions compositions compositions of his ofchoice ofhishischoice or,choice one or, or, marimba oneonemarimba marimba composition composition composition and one andandoneonewebsitewebsite • Application • • Application Application AFTERAFTER MAY AFTER 1MAY 2012 MAY 1st 12012 2012 towebsite see to what see to see we what do what we aside we do of do aside marimba aside of marimba of.marimba . . percussion percussion percussion composition. composition. composition. (If you(Ifchoose (If youyou choose tochoose prepare to prepare to aprepare largea work large a large ofwork 20 work minutes of 20 of 20 minutes or minutes or or ACTIVE ACTIVE PARTITIPANT: ACTIVE PARTITIPANT: PARTITIPANT: Euro 590.Euro Euro 590.590.more, more, such more,such assuchaas concerto, asa aconcerto, concerto, you will youyouneed willwillneed only needonly oneonlyone piece). onepiece). piece). PASSIVE PASSIVE PASSIVE PARTITIPANT: PARTITIPANT: PARTITIPANT: Euro 370.Euro Euro 370.370.If you are If you Ifinterested you areare interested interested in preparing in preparing in preparing exclusively exclusively exclusively percussion percussion percussion compositions, compositions, compositions, you may youyou domaymay do do THE FEES THE THE ABOVE FEES FEES ABOVE ARE ABOVE ALL-INCLUDED ARE ARE ALL-INCLUDED ALL-INCLUDED FEES.FEES. FEES. so if atsoleast so if atifone least at least ofone them one of isthem ofZivkovic them is Zivkovic is composition Zivkovic composition composition for percussion. for for percussion. percussion. Musicians Musicians Musicians of any of any of anyThe Academy The The Academy Academy will include: willwill include: include: ) this ) ) (There(There is(There wayistoway isspend way to spend toone spend week oneone in week Germany week in Germany in Germany cheaper cheaper than cheaper this than than this level are level level welcome areare welcome welcome to apply to to apply as apply passive as as passive participants. passive participants. participants. Each active Each Each active participant active participant participant will willwill • Master • • Master Class Master Lessons Class Class Lessons on Lessons pieces on on pieces prepared pieces prepared prepared by active by by participants active active participants participants receivereceive two receive lessons twotwo lessons (open lessons (open master (open master class master format) class class format) with format) Nebojsa withwith Nebojsa Nebojsa Zivkovic Zivkovic on Zivkovic their on on their their (including (including (including works for works works percussion for for percussion percussion or chamber or chamber or music, chamber music, in music, addition in addition intoaddition soloto solo to solo prepared prepared prepared piecespieces (individual pieces(individual (individual lessonlesson length lessonlength islength approximately is isapproximately approximately 30-40 30-40 minutes). 30-40minutes). minutes). marimba marimba repertoire) marimba repertoire) repertoire) EasiestEasiest way Easiest is way to apply way is toisonline. apply to apply online. online. All participants All All participants participants will bewill involved will be be involved in involved fundamental in fundamental in fundamental mastermaster classes master classes covering classes covering covering grip and gripgrip andand • Two • • Lectures TwoTwo Lectures by Lectures Nebojsa by by Nebojsa Zivkovic Nebojsa Zivkovic on Zivkovic selected on on selected topics selected topics topics Download Download Download (eventually (eventually (eventually print) and print) print) filland outand application fill out fill out application application form at:form form at: at: technique, technique, technique, but passive butbut passive participants passive participants participants will notwillbe will notinvolved not be be involved involved in anyinperforming, in anyany performing, performing, or or or (Educational (Educational (Educational or Solo-performance or Solo-performance or Solo-performance issues)issues) issues) individual individual individual lessons. lessons. lessons. • One • • Mallets OneOne Mallets & Mallets Marimba & Marimba & Sound Marimba Sound lecture Sound lecture bylecture Zivkovic by by Zivkovic Zivkovic Send your Send Send application your your application application to: [email protected] to: to: [email protected] [email protected] • Strategies • • Strategies Strategies for addressing for for addressing addressing fundamental fundamental fundamental performing performing performing problems problems problems Upon Upon receive Upon receive of receive your of application of your your application application form, you form, form, will youyou getwillinstruction will getget instruction instruction how tohow make how to to make a make a a PUBLIC PUBLIC PUBLIC CONCERTS CONCERTS CONCERTS WITHWITH ZIVKOVIC WITHZIVKOVIC ZIVKOVIC & THE&PARTITIPANTS THE & THE PARTITIPANTS PARTITIPANTS (including (including (including aspectsaspects ofaspects the mental of the of the mental attitude mental attitude towards attitude towards solo towards performing) solosolo performing) performing) payment. payment. payment. It can It be can It only can be by be only money only by by money transfer money transfer (wire) transfer (wire) or (wire) via or PayPal. or via via PayPal. PayPal. Sorry, Sorry, no Sorry, more no no more more We areWe working We areare working on working concert on on concert possibilities concert possibilities possibilities right AFTER right right AFTER the AFTER course. thethe course. This course. isThis chance This is chance isforchance for for • Technique • • Technique Technique buildersbuilders for builders two-mallet for for two-mallet two-mallet and four-mallet andand four-mallet four-mallet technique technique technique checkschecks accepted checks accepted accepted too many tootoo troubles many many troubles introubles the in past. the in the Your past. past. application Your Your application application is validis only valid is valid upon onlyonly upon upon selected selected students selected students to students perform to perform toinperform a public in ainpublic concert a public concert inconcert Germany! in Germany! in Germany! Selected Selected Selected participants participants participants (sound,(sound, endurance, (sound, endurance, endurance, power-kicks) power-kicks) power-kicks) receive receive of receive the payment. of the of the payment. payment. may perform maymay perform inperform a concert in ain concert aafter concert the after after course. thethe course. Therefore, course. Therefore, Therefore, also percussion alsoalso percussion percussion ensemble, ensemble, ensemble, • Fun • •& Fun basic Fun &improvisation basic & basic improvisation improvisation (no jazz) (noon (no jazz) the jazz) on marimba on thethe marimba marimba To Contact To To Contact Nebojsa Contact Nebojsa Zivkovic Nebojsa Zivkovic Zivkovic directly: directly: directly: Email:Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] [email protected] marimba marimba marimba duets, duets, andduets, ANY andand chamber ANY ANY chamber chamber music music combinations music combinations combinations are possible. areare possible. possible. (This concert (This (This concert concert • Musical • • Musical and Musical formal andand formal analysis formal analysis ofanalysis all Zivkovic of all of Zivkovic allcompositions Zivkovic compositions compositions of interest, of interest, ofwith interest, withwith is not official is not is not official part official of part thepart Academy) of the of the Academy) Academy) an emphasis an an emphasis emphasis on concertos. on on concertos. concertos. THERE THERE ARE THERE TWO ARE ARE TWO OPTIONS TWO OPTIONS OPTIONS TO PARTITIPATE TOTO PARTITIPATE PARTITIPATE Academy Academy Academy details details details How How How to apply totoapply apply & pay &&pay pay • Chamber • • Chamber Chamber music:music: Pieces music: Pieces byPieces Zivkovic, by by Zivkovic, duets, Zivkovic, duets, percussion duets, percussion percussion trios, ensemble trios, trios, ensemble ensemble etc... etc... etc... • Active • • Active participants Active participants participants are welcome areare welcome welcome to introduce to introduce to introduce any piece anyany ofpiece interest, piece of interest, of interest, or theirorown their or their composition. ownown composition. composition. • Sheet • • music Sheet Sheet music exhibition music exhibition exhibition by onebyofby one theone largest of the of the largest Percussion largest Percussion Percussion Music sellers Music Music sellers sellers in Europe in Europe in“Percussion Europe “Percussion “Percussion Brandt”Brandt” Brandt” • All • participants • All All participants participants will have willthe will have opportunity have thethe opportunity opportunity to purchase to purchase to purchase any of any Zivkovic’s any of Zivkovic’s of Zivkovic’s published published published music or music CD’s music orfor CD’s orspecial CD’s for for special Academy special Academy Academy discount discount of discount 50%!of 50%! of 50%! (only cash (only (only and cash cash only andduring and onlyonly during theduring Academy) thethe Academy) Academy) • One • • “German OneOne “German “German Evening” Evening” Evening” in localinWine–Area local in local Wine–Area Wine–Area (see photos (see (see photos from photos last from Academies from lastlast Academies Academies on on on ARRIVAL ARRIVAL ARRIVAL / DEPARTURE / DEPARTURE / DEPARTURE & ACADEMY & ACADEMY & ACADEMY DETAILS DETAILS DETAILS Total course Total Total course duration course duration isduration one isweek. one is one week. All week. participants All All participants participants shouldshould arrive should on arrive arrive Sunday, on on Sunday, August Sunday, August August th 26th 2012 26th26in2012 the 2012 inafternoon the in the afternoon afternoon (preferably (preferably (preferably between between between 1:00 - 1:00 4:00 1:00 -PM). 4:00 - 4:00 Departure PM). PM). Departure Departure is on is on is on nd SundaySunday September Sunday September September 2nd after 2ndbreakfast. 2after after breakfast. breakfast. There There willThere bewill a will welcome-dinner be be a welcome-dinner a welcome-dinner on arrival on on arrival arrival evening, evening, we evening, willwe prepare we willwill prepare the prepare instruments thethe instruments instruments and make andand amake lesson make a lesson aschedule. lesson schedule. schedule. After 6After fullAfter 6 full 6 full days ofdays courses days of courses of(5-6 courses hours (5-6(5-6 per hours hours dayperfor per day the day for course, for thethe course, PLUS course, PLUS PRACTICING PLUS PRACTICING PRACTICING CHAMBER CHAMBER CHAMBER MUSIC), MUSIC), MUSIC), selection selection selection for thefor public for thethe public concert public concert will concert be will made. will be be made. One made. internal OneOne internal course internal course concert course concert concert with ALL withparticipants with ALLALL participants participants is possible is possible is on possible Sat.onSeptember on Sat.Sat. September September 1st. 1st.1st. More details More More details at:details at: at: Mehr Information Mehr Mehr Information Information auf Deutsch: aufauf Deutsch: Deutsch: WinWin Zivkovic WinZivkovic Zivkovic Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship for the forforthe academy! theacademy! academy! In 2012 In In there 2012 2012 will there there bewillagain will be be again a possibility again a possibility a possibility to wintoa to win stipendium win a stipendium a stipendium for theforZivkovic’s for thethe Zivkovic’s Zivkovic’s Academy. Academy. Academy. You may YouYou win maymay a win € a €a stipendium 260.€ 260.stipendium stipendium for theforZISAMP for thethe ZISAMP ZISAMP 2012. 2012. (50% 2012. of (50% the (50% of of thethe Academy Academy Academy costs) costs) Allcosts) youAllneed All youyou toneed do need is to to to do record do is to is to record yourself record yourself performing yourself performing performing two marimba twotwo marimba marimba piecespieces and pieces send andand audio send send files audio audio viefiles e-mail files vievie e-mail or e-mail CD or viaCD ormail CD viatovia mail Nebojsa. mail to Nebojsa. to Nebojsa. Two pieces TwoTwo pieces that pieces thatthat needs needs to be needs recorded to be to be recorded recorded are: are:are: 1) One1)piece One 1) One ofpiece your piece ofchoice your of your choice 2)choice “MAGMA” 2) “MAGMA” 2) “MAGMA” by Nebojsa by by Nebojsa Zivkovic Nebojsa Zivkovic Zivkovic RECORDING RECORDING RECORDING MUST MUST BEMUST UNEDITED BEBE UNEDITED UNEDITED LIVE PERFORMANCE! LIVE LIVE PERFORMANCE! PERFORMANCE! Zivkovic Zivkovic will Zivkovic listen willwill to listen listen all recordings to to all all recordings recordings and select andand select oneselect person oneone person asperson theaswinner as thethe winner ofwinner the of of thethe scholarship. scholarship. scholarship. Have questions? Have Have questions? questions? Ask: [email protected] Ask: Ask: [email protected] [email protected]