North American Laminate Floor
North American Laminate Floor
The North American Laminate Flooring Association Membership Kit The whole is greater. If NALFA is new to you, we want you to be new to NALFA. NALFA exists as an organization dedicated to a synergistic, industry- wide approach to maintaining voluntary product performance standards for laminate flooring throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico. NALFA employs no paid staff. However, we rely on the enthusiasm and dedication of our membership to ensure that NALFA succeeds in creating, advancing and maintaining the highest standards possible. Membership in NALFA provides companies with an opportunity to actively advance the causes of our industry. Any products carrying the NALFA Certification Seal of approval are considered to be quality flooring, underlayment and accessories. The information contained herein is what you need to know about the benefits of joining NALFA. Included is a Membership Application for new members, as well as a Renewal Application for existing members who wish to renew their memberships. To potential new members, we look forward to welcoming you aboard. To existing members, we hope that you will continue to be the industry role models that you have become. NALFA is the premier trade association in the North American laminate flooring industry, bringing its leaders together to promote and maintain a growing space. An investment in NALFA membership equals an investment in knowledge and a tangible return for your company. You’ll profit from the association’s 13+ years supporting the industry through various initiatives: • Installer certification classes taught by veteran experts offer an intense 2 days of laminate flooring installation education. Successful participants not only expand their knowledge, but gain credibility to bolster their business. • Inspector certification classes are one-day curriculums designed for inspectors who want to broaden their skills and gain an edge on competition. • Searchable website at facilitates the connection between consumers and members with company highlights and a certified installer and inspector locator. • Semi-annual association meetings gather NALFA board members and prominent industry players in one location for ongoing dialog and continuous improvements and planning. creating top-of-mind awareness The NALFA Seal As the recognized symbol of quality in the laminate flooring industry, the NALFA Certification Seal is an assurance of that quality to retailers, builders, and consumers. T h e N A L FA Se a l N A L F A encourages its members to utilize the Seal in their own advertising and marketing materials in order to identify themselves as NALFA members, thereby leveraging the relationship in a manner that indicates their own association with high quality products and responsible industry growth, as well as enhances the value and impact of any consumer advertising. In order to earn the Certification Seal and the quality that it represents, a laminate flooring product must pass a rigorous & demanding series of tests designed to evaluate its performance, durability, and strength. Reputable manufacturers understand the value of the Certification Seal to the consumer, and aggressively seek NA LFA certification for their products. N A L FA strongly promotes the Certification Seal, and encourages any retailer, builder, or consumer in the market for laminate flooring products to seek out those products that carry it. Only then can be assured of the best quality that the industry has to offer. Public Relations NALFA public relations efforts aim to maximize awareness and communicate the value of the NALFA Certification Seal among flooring distributors and retailers. The ultimate goal of NALFA’s PR efforts is to continually promote responsible growth within the laminate segment of the North American flooring industry. Current and past activities include promoting all NALFA-related news to trade and business-to-business publications. Placement includes over 30 publications such as: Floor Focus, Floor Covering Weekly, Floor Covering Installer, Green Builder Magazine, and Builder Magazine. The list of publications reached by NALFA PR efforts continues to expand. So c i al M e dia NALFA’s online presence in social media channels allows an ongoing dialog with distributors, retailers and end users. You can find NALFA on facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Pri n te d Lite ratu re NALFA brochures and other collateral materials are available to all NALFA members. N A L FA We b s i t e NALFA offers a broad platform of information about the laminate flooring industry through its website. For consumers, the installer and inspector locators, benefits of laminate, value of the certification seal, how to select a product, informational guides, and FAQs provide a wealth of information. The website serves as an all inclusive information tool for consumers researching laminate flooring. Member company website links are also listed at In stal l e r an d In spec tor Ce rti fic ation Programs Includes: Laminate product knowledge, hands-on training for installation and inspection, manufacturer education, and pass-fail evaluation. For members, the site includes technical information, product standards, training tools, market research, legislative information, advertising materials (including logos & certification seal), tips, test laboratories information, and much more. Additional public relations efforts include promotion of the LAMMY Awards to recognize individuals and companies who have made a significant contribution to the growth of the laminate flooring segment, and a strong NALFA presence at Surfaces. Looking to the future, NALFA PR activities will also add a presence at additional related conferences and conventions. The goal is for all laminate manufacturers to strive for NALFA Certification, and for distributors & retailers to consciously look for the NALFA Certification Seal when choosing a laminate flooring product because they know it represents the highest standards in the industry. NALFA PR efforts will continue to promote this awareness by using traditional and non-traditional methods to educate manufacturers, distributors and retailers about the benefits of NALFA membership and the NALFA Certification Seal. Lammy Awards Each year at Surfaces, N A L FA presents the highly-publicized LAMMY Awards (see following pages) to industry leaders. Current NALFA Members R egu l ar M e mbe rs Columbia Fausfloor® Mannington Mills Pergo, Inc. T esti ng Labs M e mbe rs As s o c iat e Me mbe r s Quickstep Shaw Industries, Inc. TORLYS, Inc. Mohawk M.P. Global Products, LLC Pak-Lite (PLI) Pregis Corporation Sealed Air Corporation Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. • NCSU Hodges Wood Products Lab SELIT Corp. Toray Plastics (America), Inc. NALFA presented the first LAMMY Awards in 2007 to recognize individuals and companies that have made the greatest contributions to the responsible growth of the laminate flooring industry during the preceding year. The LAMMY Awards were created to recognize excellence in this continuously changing and ever growing segment. For more than a decade, NALFA members and associate members have made substantial contributions to the industry and we want to continue to acknowledge their efforts. Through the LAMMY Awards, NALFA can formally recognize these companies and individuals for their contributions, encourage them to continue their efforts and encourage others to follow in their footsteps. The NALFA Board of Directors anonymously nominates individuals and organizations for each category. The nominees are compiled, listed on ballots and sent for voting to NALFA members as well as the editors of Floor Covering Weekly, Floor Covering News, Floor Focus, Floor Covering Installer and National Floor Trends. LAMMY Award Categories Regular Member Company of the Year Awarded to the NALFA member company that has made the greatest contribution to the responsible growth of the laminate flooring category during the last year. And the LAMMY goes to… Associate Member Company of the Year Awarded to the NALFA associate member company that has made the greatest contribution to the responsible growth of the laminate flooring category during the last year. Member of the Year Awarded to the individual representative of a NALFA member company who has made the greatest contribution to the responsible growth of the laminate flooring category during the last year. Associate Member of the Year Awarded to the individual representative of a NALFA associate member company who has made the greatest contribution to the responsible growth of the laminate flooring category during the last year. Distributor of the Year Awarded to a distributor of laminate flooring who has made the greatest contribution to the responsible growth of the laminate flooring category during the last year. Retailer of the Year Awarded to a retailer of laminate flooring who has made the greatest contribution to the responsible growth of the laminate flooring category during the last year. Membership Categories 1. Regular Manufacturing Membership This category includes a manufacturer, importer or marketer that offers laminate flooring for sale within North America. It does not include flooring distributors. The Regular Member must maintain an office of record within North America. Within a legal business entity, if the company has multiple “brand” names, then the Regular Member must specify which brand name the “regular” member membership is listed under and, thus, which company has voting rights. Annual dues: $20,000 1a. Additional Brand Membership This includes membership recognition of other “brand” names of a company that already possesses Regular Manufacturing Membership under one of its brand names. Annual dues, per name: $6,500 2. Associate Membership Any corporation, partnership, or proprietorship, organized and operating in North America, not otherwise eligible for membership within a Regular Manufacturing Membership category that is regularly engaged in the business of selling goods to businesses that are eligible to be Regular Members of the Association, shall be eligible to be an Associate Member of the Association. Businesses that are also eligible to be Regular Members shall not be eligible to join as Associate Members. There is no sales criterion to be an Associate Member. Annual dues: $10,000 3. Testing House/Lab/Academic Membership Membership in this category is open to entities whose primary purpose is serving as a laboratory, test house or academic institution that works in the area of laminates. Annual dues: $5,000 4. Buying Group or Cooperative Membership This category includes those entities that consider themselves Buying Groups, Marketing Groups or Cooperative Groups within the flooring industry. Annual dues: $5,000 5. Alliance Dealer Membership Membership in this category is open to entities whose primary purpose is the sale of flooring products within North America. A qualifying dealer must carry laminate flooring from one or more NALFA regular manufacturing members. Annual Dues: $249 (1 year, per location) Bi-Annual Dues: $399 (2 years, per location) Membership Application C o m pa n y N a m e C o n ta c t N a m e Address Phone Fa x Website Board of Directors Primary Representative D E TA C H , F O L D A N D P L A C E I N STA M P E D, R E T U R N E N V E L O P E . Direct Phone Direct Fax Title Email Board of Directors Secondary Representative Direct Phone Direct Fax Title Email Te c h n i c a l C o m m i t t e e Primary Representative Direct Phone Direct Fax Title Email Te c h n i c a l C o m m i t t e e Secondary Representative Direct Phone Direct Fax Title Email C at e g o r i e s o f M e m b e r s h i p (Please check appropriate box or boxes. See Membership category and pricing information on previous page.) 1. Regular Manufacturing Membership 1a. Additional Brand Membership 2. Associate Membership 3. Testing House/Lab/Academic Membership 4. Buying Group or Cooperative Membership 5. Alliance Dealer Membership New member dues will be pro-rated for the quarter in which the member joins, based on the receipt of the first payment. Board Membership Technical Committee Marketing Committee Educational Committee Underlayment Committee YES Vote YES Vote* YES Vote** YES Vote** YES Vote** ATTEND Vote YES Vote* NO N/A YES Vote** YES Vote** ATTEND*** No Vote YES Vote YES** Vote YES** Vote YES** Vote Testing House/Lab/ Academic Membership ATTEND*** General Sessions No Vote YES N/A YES** Vote YES** Vote YES** Vote Alliance Dealers & Buying Groups ATTEND*** General Sessions No Vote YES** N/A YES** N/A YES** N/A YES** N/A Regular Member Additional Brand Member Associate Member * Membership as defined by the committee’s current policies. Technical currently has a 1 person-1-vote policy. ** M ay be invited to join the committee as needed. In some cases there are a limited number of participants. It should be noted that the membership criteria of all committees is determined by the Board. *** May be excluded from Regular Member deliberations as required. I T S H O U L D A L S O B E N OT E D that attendance at meetings, by ANY category of membership, can be limited due to financial limitations, meeting space limits, the anticipated work load, etc. M e m b e r s h i p C a t e g o r i e s : Please note that “Additional Label Regular Manufacturing Membership” is ONLY available to supplement a Regular Manufacturing Member. In order to complete the application process for this category, please complete a separate application for each and append these to the original application of the “sponsoring” member (i.e., the Regular Manufacturing Member) for processing. Please Describe the business your company is engaged in: Applicant certifies that he/she has read and understands the NALFA Bylaws and that he/she accepts them; and, if accepted into membership in NALFA, he/she agrees to observe and be bound by the provisions thereof. Applicant further agrees, if accepted into such membership, to pay all NALFA initiation fees, dues, and assessments when they are due. A p p l i c a n t ( L e g a l N a m e ) Ti t l e D at e S i g n at u r e P l e a s e m a k e c h e c k s paya b l e t o N A L FA a n d s e n d t o : North American Laminate Flooring Association Attn: Barbara Dodrill 1747 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: (202) 785-9500 FAX: (202) 835-0243 D E TA C H , F O L D A N D P L A C E I N STA M P E D, R E T U R N E N V E L O P E . B e n e f i t s a n d R e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s o f M e m b e r s h i p C at e g o r i e s Membership Renewal Form C o m pa n y N a m e C o n ta c t N a m e M e m b e r s h i p C at e g o r i e s Please select an applicable category. In the case of selecting membership under 1(a), please indicate the quantity of “other” brands. Please note that number 1(a) is ONLY available to a member in good standing in category 1. C at e g o r i e s o f M e m b e r s h i p (Please check appropriate box or boxes. See Membership category and pricing information on previous page.) D E TA C H , F O L D A N D P L A C E I N STA M P E D, R E T U R N E N V E L O P E . 1. Regular Manufacturing Membership 1a. Additional Brand Membership 2. Associate Membership 3. Testing House/Lab/Academic Membership 4. Buying Group or Cooperative Membership 5. Alliance Dealer Membership New member dues will be pro-rated for the quarter in which the member joins, based on the receipt of the first payment. If selecting category 1(a) above, please identify the additional company/brand names included in your company’s renewal and include the dress, phone number and email): necessary contact information (e.g., company address and website, NALFA Board and Technical Committee representative as well as their ad Applicant certifies that he/she has read and understands the NALFA Bylaws and that he/she accepts them and agrees to observe and be bound by the provisions thereof. Applicant further agrees to pay all NALFA initiation fees, dues, and assessments when they are due. A p p l i c a n t ( L e g a l N a m e ) Ti t l e D at e S i g n at u r e P l e a s e m a k e c h e c k s paya b l e t o N A L FA a n d s e n d t o : North American Laminate Flooring Association Attn: Barbara Dodrill 1747 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: (202) 785-9500 Fax: (202) 835-0243 1747 Pennsylvania Avenue Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20006 1-202-785-9500 - Telephone 1-202-835-0243 - Fax [email protected]
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Membership Kit
NALFA’s online presence in social media channels allows
an ongoing dialog with distributors, retailers and end users.
You can find NALFA on facebook, Twitter and YouTube.