Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-11/D-13
Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-11/D-13
8185 eduard Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-11/D-13 GERMAN WWII FIGHTER 1:48 SCALE PLASTIC KIT DUAL COMBO! Focke-Wulf Fw 190D-11/D-13 The fighter burden placed on the Fw 190A by the Luftwaffe was enormous. This very versatile aircraft found itself fulfilling fighter, fighter-bomber and ground support duties (Eduard Cat.No. 8171, 8173, 8174, 8175, 8179 in ProfiPACK boxings, 8429, 8430 asWeekend editions, and 1144 as a Limited Edition release). Thanks to a robust airframe, the type was able to carry a wide variety of ordinance, which vastly improved upon the multi-role capabilities of the Luftwaffe’s main fighter type, the Bf 109. Despite this, the design, which dated back to 1939, was finding its age showing towards the end of the war. The Fw 190Awas falling short of its adversaries, especially at higher altitudes. The design development led first through the Fw 190B, powered by a BMW 801 with a turbo supercharger, followed by the Fw 190C, powered by an in-line DB603, but was finalized on the Fw 190D. Conversion to the D version, and namely the Fw 190D-9, involved the installation of a new liquid cooled 12 cylinder Jumo 213A, rated at 1,726hp. The front of the aircraft was therefore lengthened from the Fw 190A, which was fitted with a BMW 801 radial. In order to maintain the centre of gravity, there was a 50 cm extension at the rear of the plane, and a relocation of some of the interior components. The overall length of the Fw 190D-9, compared to the A-9, was increased by 1.52m (just under five feet). The aircraft gained a new, more elegant shape, and was dubbed ‘Langnasen Dora’ (‘Longnose Dora’). Other important changes in the type were the addition of MW50 water methanol injection, temporarily boosting power output to 2,071hp (1,545 kW), and increasing maximum speed to 680km/h at 6600m (426mph at 21,650ft).Astandard feature on the D-9 was the bulged canopy, covering an armored head and back rest for the pilot. Despite this, the first series of the Fw 190D-9 were equipped with the older, canopy. The armament was composed of two 13mmMG131 machine guns mounted over the engine, and two MG 151/20 20mm cannon in the wing roots. The modifications through which the Fw 190D went through, were different enough to virtually consider it a new aircraft from theA, F and G. The first Fw 190D-9s were allocated to III./JG 54 in September, 1944. This was followed by I./JG 26 in November, and towards the end of the war there were 183 Doras in service.According to some sources, there over 1800 Fw 190Ds built. The D-9 (Eduard Cat.No. 8184) led to other versions, of which only the D-11 and D-13 saw practical use. The more widely used D-11 (by some sources, the Luftwaffe took delivery of 17 pieces) differed from the D-9 first and foremost in armament, missing the 13 mm machine guns, but adding two outboard wing mounted 30 mm cannon, and by the installation of the upgraded Jumo 213E, along with other improvements. The armament of the D-11 was similar to the Fw 190A-8/R-2, which is indicative of the planned use of the type against Allied formations of heavy bombers. Out of over a thousand ordered D-13s, only seventeen were built, and only a handful reached combat units. The armament installation of the D-13 composed of two 20mm cannon in the wing roots and one firing through the propeller hub. The D-13 also had mounted relatively modern avionics. Few Doras were equipped with a larger tail unit („Einheitsheck“) standardized on theTa 152. Volumes could (and have) be written covering the problematic subject of service camouflage schemes, which is quite varied and influenced by time and place of manufacture and the deteriorating conditions in Germany. The schemes consisted of RLM colors 70 and 80, as well as areas that remained in natural metal or fabric. Variations are also indicated in the scheme options in this kit. The longnose Dora was built mainly to adapt the proven Fw 190A to combat operations at high altitudes, above 7,000m (ca 23,000ft), where allied bomber formations operated. Due to the development of events, these operational altitudes were rare. Even so, this was a fighter that could stand up to the best the Allies could field, and along with the Ta 152, represented the epitome of German piston-engined fighter design. It is recommended to check H312 312 30 H422 122 H423 H421 121 123 25 27 for the latest color and instruction sheet updates. 11 H421 121 H335 335 4 H335 335 H3 3 H417 117 H421 121 SM01 8 H12 33 FOR COMPLETE PROFILE PLEASE REFER F H11 62 H417 117 ÈESKOU VERZI TEXTU A KOMPLETNÍ KAMUFLÁŽNÍ SCHÉMA NALEZNETE NA Fw 190D-13/R11, W.Nr. 836017, Flensburg – Weiche, Germany, summer 1945 This Dora was captured by the Royal Air Force at Flensburg-Weiche airfield. The German national insignia was overpainted with a dark blue-grey colour by British personel with strangely positioned small white stars on the fuselage and wings. The inscription 'USA 14' was handpainted on the starboard side of the tail also. This aircraft took part in two mock dogfights with a Hawker Tempest Mk.V on July 25, 1945. The Dora was flown by German pilots – Maj. Heinz Lange (former Kommodore of JG 51, Ritterkreuz holder, 70 victories) a Oblt. Günther Josten (former Kommandeure of IV./JG 51, 178 victories). Based on this evaluation, both aircraft were considered to be nearly equal except for speed at height where the Dora was better. This Dora was handed over to the Americans and shipped overseas via Cherbourg, France, aboard the British aircraft carrier HMS Reaper to the U.S.A. It was restored and found its way to the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington. Unfortunately, the reconstruction of the camouflage scheme is not accurate. ATTENTION UPOZORNÌNÍ ACHTUNG ATTENTION Carefully read instruction sheet before assembling. When you use glue or paint, do not use near open flame and use in well ventilated room. Keep out of reach of small children. Children must not be allowed to suck any part, or pull vinyl bag over the head. Pred zapocetím stavby si peclive prostudujte stavební návod. Pri používání barev a lepidel pracujte v dobre vetrané místnosti. Lepidla ani barvy nepoužívejte v blízkosti otevreného ohne. Model není urcen malým detem, mohlo by dojít k požití drobných dílu. Iire soigneusement la fiche d´instructions avant d´assembler. Ne pas utiliser de colle ou de peinture a ` proximité d´une flamme nue, et aérer la piece de temps en temps. Garder hors de portée des enfants en bas âge. Ne pas laisser les enfants mettre en bouche ou sucer les pièces, ou passer un sachet vinyl sur la tete. Von dem Zusammensetzen die Bauanleitung gut durchlesen. Kleber und Farbe nicht nahe von offenem Feuer verwenden und das Fenster von Zeit zu Zeit Belüftung öffnen. Bausatz von kleinen Kindern fernhalten. Verhüten Sie, daß Kinder irgendwelche Bauteile in den Mund nehmen oder Plastiktüten über den Kopf ziehen. INSTRUCTION SIGNS INSTR. SYMBOLY BEND OHNOUT PLIER SIL VOUS PLAIT BITTE BIEGEN OPTIONAL VOLBA FACULTATIF NACH BELIEBEN PARTS NOTCH ZÁØEZ L INCISION DER EINSCHNITT TEILE Q> 2 pcs. 2 1 REMOVE ODØÍZNOUT RETIRER ENTFERNEN APPLY EDUARD MASK AND PAINT POUŽÍT EDUARD MASK NABARVIT 2 1 2 5 3 6 4 7 8 3 2 pcs. 6 5 1 SYMBOLES PIECES PLASTIC PARTS P> 1 W> SYMETRICAL ASSEMBLY SYMETRICKÁ MONTÁŽ MONTAGE SYMÉTRIQUE SYMMETRISCHE AUFBAU DÍLY 2 pcs. N> OPEN HOLE VYVRTAT OTVOR FAIRE UN TROU OFFNEN INSTRUKTION SINNBILDEN 2 V> 8 3 4 7 3 6 3 9 5 4 12 10 16 14 13 11 11 20 21 19 26 25 7 *9 15 18 17 1 24 22 2 10 8 23 11 28 27 PE PHOTO ETCHED DETAIL PARTS 2 pcs. 11 32 31 30 29 13 12 X> 2 pcs. 2 1 1 4 3 8 7 15 6 5 6 13 9 12 11 10 16 18 12 Y> 2 pcs. 1 19 20 9 21 23 22 24 31 30 33 32 35 34 36 37 38 42 45 43 COLOURS BARVY 22 18 16 23 25 24 26 eduard 17 27 18 27 28 2 pcs. 29 46 32 30 31 33 32 34 33 FARBEN 35 PEINTURE AQUEOUS Mr.COLOR H 414 C414 RLM23 RED BLACK H 417 C117 RLM76 LIGHT BLUE C003 RED H 421 C121 RLM81 BROWN VIOLET H4 C004 YELLOW H 422 C122 RLM82 LIGHT GREEN H 11 C062 FLAT WHITE H 423 C123 RLM83 DARK GREEN H 12 C018 FLAT BLACK C008 ALUMINIUM H 47 C041 RED BROWN C116 RLM66 BLACK GRAY H 65 C018 RLM70 BLACK GREEN H 69 C037 RLM75 GRAY MC213 STAINLESS STEEL H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY MC214 DARK IRON H 77 C137 TIRE BLACK MC218 ALUMINIUM H 312 C312 GREEN H 335 C335 GSi Creos (GUNZE) 2 14 8 7 6 40 39 44 12 36 20 21 19 41 5 13 28 25 4 15 29 27 26 11 10 17 3 3 2 14 AQUEOUS Mr.COLOR H2 C002 H3 H 344 Mr.METAL COLOR Mr.COLOR SUPER METALLIC SEAGRAY SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER RUST SM04 STAINLESS STEEL C116 PE32 PE17 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY Y7, Y8 plastic PE3 PE4 Y8 X9 C116 C116 X21 Y7 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY RLM 66 BLACK GRAY X14 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY X31 PE17 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY Y28 plastic C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY X14 X21 X9 X9 PE11 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY X21 PE24 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY X25 PE6 PE5 PE26 PE8 PE23 PE26 H 12 C018 FLAT BLACK PE12 PE18 PE7 PE20 PE21 PE30 4 pcs. H3 C03 RED PE19 PE1 PE25 PE25 X23 PE2 X11 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY C116 PE34 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY PE26 C116 X22 PE26 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY Y3 Y3 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY 3 MARKINGS X46 A ;B;C W17 H 70 C060 MC218 MC218 RLM02 GRAY ALUMINIUM ALUMINIUM MC218 W31 ALUMINIUM W9 W1 X5 MC218 MC218 H 70 C060 H 12 C018 MC214 ALUMINIUM ALUMINIUM DARK IRON FLAT BLACK RLM02 GRAY W13 W29 H 12 C018 W16 MC218 ALUMINIUM FLAT BLACK X38 MC214 MC218 V5 ALUMINIUM W22 H 70 C060 H 12 C018 RLM02 GRAY MC218 FLAT BLACK ALUMINIUM W2 X46 MARKINGS DARK IRON H 12 C018 FLAT BLACK D;E ;F H 70 C060 H 12 C018 RLM02 GRAY FLAT BLACK H4 C004 YELLOW W28 X5 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY X38 V6 H 70 C060 MC214 H 70 C060 DARK IRON RLM02 GRAY RLM02 GRAY V4 V3 W4 MC218 ALUMINIUM H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY W30 H 12 C018 MC218 FLAT BLACK ALUMINIUM W21 H 12 C018 W21 FLAT BLACK W14 W14 H 12 C018 FLAT BLACK W32 W21 W14 W2 C116 V2 PE13 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY PE14 PE29 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY PE15 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY C116 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY 4 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY V1 W32 H 70 C060 H 344 RLM02 GRAY RUST H 344 FLAT BLACK H 12 C018 Y2 Y6 H 12 C018 Y29 RUST Y17 FLAT BLACK V1 SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER X19 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY SM01 V2 SUPER FINE SILVER H 70 C060 H 77 C137 X28 RLM02 GRAY TIRE BLACK X18 H2 C002 BLACK H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY X29 CLOSED CANNON BAY OPEN CANNON BAY W6 H 12 C018 SM01 W8 Y32 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY SUPER FINE SILVER X3 CLOSED CANNON BAY FLAT BLACK RLM02 GRAY P2 - MARKINGS MC214 DARK IRON H 70 C060 Q2 - MARKINGS W11 W5 W6 H 70 C060 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY RLM02 GRAY X10 D;E ;F A ;B;C H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY P2 W25 X35 CLOSED HOOD Q2 P2 - MARKINGS Q2 - MARKINGS OPEN CANNON BAY P1 MC214 DARK IRON H 70 C060 D;E ;F A ;B;C Y32 W11 Q1 RLM02 GRAY W5 W7 H 12 C018 FLAT BLACK SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY W26 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY X36 CLOSED HOOD 5 V7 - MARKINGS D;E ;F ONLY SM01 Y9 SUPER FINE SILVER V7 X26 H 70 C060 Y5 RLM02 GRAY MC214 DARK IRON ANTENNA Y4 MC214 P3 P2 - MARKINGS Q2 - MARKINGS DARK IRON Q3 D;E ;F A ;B;C Q3 P3 SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER Y23 Y25 H 70 C060 Y26 RLM02 GRAY Y27 Y24 SM01 SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER SUPER FINE SILVER H 70 C060 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY RLM02 GRAY Y27 SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER P3 Q3 Y33 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER Y33 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY MC214 DARK IRON Y18 P3 MC214 DARK IRON Y18 6 Q3 P1 P2 Q1 Q2 X33 C116 C116 P3 Q3 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY RLM 66 BLACK GRAY X4 N4 H 47 C041 RED BROWN PE28 X32 PE31 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY PE27 N4 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY PE22 X4 H 47 C041 RED BROWN X17 X27 7 X12 X30 X16 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY SM 04 MC213 STAINLESS STEEL X7 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY X15 H 77 C137 TIRE BLACK H2 C002 BLACK X1 H 77 C137 H 70 C060 X12 X6 TIRE BLACK RLM02 GRAY H2 C002 H 70 C060 BLACK RLM02 GRAY H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY SM 04 MC213 X1 STAINLESS STEEL X6 X45 X8 8o H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY H 70 C060 X42 RLM02 GRAY X13 X13 X20 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY PE36 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY X20 8 X7 X8 MC214 Y1 DARK IRON Y31 Y34 MC214 DARK IRON Y13 SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER W18 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY W19 H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY Y19 Y21 H 65 C018 W24 RLM70 BLACK GREEN V8 Y30 Y30 - MARKINGS Y35 - MARKINGS Y35 A ;B;C D;E ;F SM01 8 SILVER PE10 Y16 SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER Y20 V9 X44 SM01 SUPER FINE SILVER V10 V13 X43 C117 RLM 76 LIGHT BLUE Y10 Y14 C117 Y15 RLM 76 LIGHT BLUE MC214 DARK IRON MC214 Y36 DARK IRON V11 V11 - MARKINGS A ;B;C ONLY MC214 DARK IRON V11 V11 - MARKINGS A ;B;C ONLY 9 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY Y12 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY X41 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY X37 C116 RLM 66 BLACK GRAY DECAL AA H 47 C041 N2 N8 PE38 RED BROWN N2 - OPEN CANOPY N8 - CLOSED CANOPY N2 - OTEVØENÝ KRYT KABINY N8 - ZAVØENÝ KRYT KABINY CLOSED X36 N5 V12 CLOSED HATCH ONLY JEN PRO ZAVØENÝ KRYT CLOSED X35 PE35 eduard N5 X1 X6 X18 H 70 C060 N2 RLM02 GRAY V12 OPEN H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY N8 X36 OPEN METAL COLOR H 70 C060 RLM02 GRAY X35 OPEN CAMOUFLAGE COLOR 10 A Fw 190D-11, W.Nr.2200XX, Lt. Karl-Heinz Hofmann, Sachsenberg Schwarm of JV 44, München – Riem, May 1945 The most famous unit which flew the Fw 190D is JV 44. Up to this time, five Focke-Wulf Fw 190Ds are known to have been used by JV 44, part of the so-called 'Sachsenberg Schwarm'. Fancy, red lower surfaces with white stripes were used as a recognition feature to prevent friendly AA fire. These Doras protected Me 262 Schwalbe jets from JV 44 during their most vulnerable phase of flight – take-off and landing. 'Red 4', with the 'Der nächste Herr - diesselbe Dame' inscription is documented as being flown by Lt. Karl-Heinz Hofmann. The inscription can be translated as 'different man, same woman'. This Dora ended her life at München-Riem airfield. Nejslavnìjší jednotkou, která používala Dory, je JV 44. Dodnes je známo pìt Focke-Wulfù Fw 190D sloužících u této jednotky v rámci tzv. Sachsenberg Schwarmu. Popularitu ji zajistily pestøe zbarvené spodní plochy, které upozoròovaly vlastní protiletadlové dìlostøelce, že se jedná o vlastní letoun. Tyto Dory ochraòovaly proudové Me 262 Schwalbe z JV 44 bìhem vzletu a pøistání, kdy byly ze strany spojeneckých stíhaèù nejzranitelnìjší. Èervená 4 s nápisem „Der nächste Herr - diesselbe Dame“ (v èeštinì lehce frivolní „další pán, ta samá dáma) je pøipisována Lt. Karl-Heinzovi Hofmannovi. Letoun zakonèil svou pou na letišti Mnichov-Riem. H4 4 H423 123 H12 33 32 21 26 28 18 H422 122 H421 121 H423 123 16 20 ? 36 H3 3 H3 3 H423 H422 123 122 H417 117 SM01 8 H414 414 H423 123 1 H422 122 H423 123 H423 123 1 H3 3 H422 122 SM01 8 H3 3 H414 H11 62 414 H3 3 H422 122 H422 122 17 H423 123 H423 123 H3 3 17 H3 3 H422 122 H421 121 18 26 H423 123 H423 123 H423 123 H423 123 H12 33 H4 4 16 20 ? 36 H3 3 H421 121 H417 117 SM01 8 RED H3 3 SUPER CHROME SM01 8 BLACK H12 33 RLM 81 H421 121 RLM 82 H422 122 RLM 76 H417 117 RLM23 WHITE H414 414 YELLOW H4 4 H11 62 RLM 83 H423 123 H414 414 eduard 11 B C Fw 190D-11, ÈERVENÁ 4 W.Nr. 2200XX, VFS des G. d. J., Bad Wörishofen, March - April 1945 Based on the post-war pictures, it is clear that Fw 190D-11 'Red 4' from the famous 'Sachsenberg Schwarm' was previously used by Verbandsführerschule des G. d. J. under the designation '< 58' at Bad Wörishofen. This school unit offered specialized training for fighter unit leaders. As this unit was a pilot school, the white spinner spiral, typical for frontline fighters, was not present. Z pováleèných fotografií je zøejmé, že „èervená 4“ ze slavného „Sachsenberg Schwarmu“ døíve létala v Bad Wörishofenu u Verbandsführerschule des G. d. J. s oznaèením „< 58“. Tato jednotka poskytovala speciální výcvik velitelùm stíhacích jednotek. Protože se jednalo o pilotní školu, stroj nemá spirálu na vrtulovém kuželu, jež byla vyhrazena bojovým stíhacím jednotkám. H423 123 H12 33 8 2 28 19 H422 122 H421 121 H423 123 16 20 ? 36 H3 3 H423 123 H417 117 SM01 8 H3 3 24 24 H417 117 H417 117 H423 123 H417 117 SM01 8 H3 3 H423 123 10 H423 123 H422 122 H422 H423 122 123 H417 117 H417 117 10 H3 3 SM01 8 SM01 8 H423 123 H3 3 H423 123 SM01 8 H417 117 H423 H422 123 122 H3 3 1 H422 122 24 H422 24 122 H423 123 1 H422 H423 122 123 H3 3 H422 122 H421 121 19 2 H423 123 8 H423 123 H423 123 H423 123 H12 33 16 20 ? 36 H3 3 H421 121 H417 117 12 SM01 8 RED H3 3 SUPER CHROME SM01 8 BLACK H12 33 RLM 81 H421 121 RLM 82 H422 122 RLM 83 H423 123 H417 117 RLM 76 H417 117 eduard C Fw 190D-11, W.Nr. 220014, VFS des G. d. J., Bad Wörishofen, April 1945 Verbandsführerschule des General der Jagdflieger was founded in September, 1944, by Adolf Galland in Königsberg in der Neumark (located in western Poland nowadays), where it was based until February 1945. The beginning of February, 1945, saw the unit at Bad Wörishofen, and the VFS des G. d. J. had operated from this airfield till April 27, 1945, when it was disbanded. This Dora, W.Nr. 220014, was found at this airfield along with other D-11s used by VFS des G. d. J. The gun covers and upper part of engine cowling are unusually camouflaged with RLM 82. Verbandsführerschule des General der Jagdflieger byla založena v záøí 1944 Adolfem Gallandem v Königsbergu der Neumark (dnes Chojna v západním Polsku), kde pùsobila do ledna 1945. Na poèátku února 1945 se objevila na letišti Bad Wörishofen, kde setrvala až do svého zrušení dne 27. dubna 1945. Dora W.Nr. 220014 byla po válce nalezena na ploše letištì Bad Wörishofen spoleènì s dalšími Dorami D-11 používanými VFS des G. d. J. Kryt trupových zbraní a horní èást motorového krytu jsou oproti standardu zbarveny svìtlejší RLM 82 H12 33 H423 123 H423 123 H422 122 H422 122 8 H423 123 5 28 19 H421 121 H422 122 6 20 ? 36 H3 3 H69 37 H417 117 H423 H3 123 3 H423 123 31 H417 117 H417 117 31 H417 117 SM01 8 H3 3 H423 123 10 H423 123 H422 122 H422 122 H417 117 H417 117 10 SM01 8 H3 3 SM01 8 SM01 8 H3 3 H3 3 H423 123 H69 37 H422 122 H417 117 H3 3 1 H422 122 H423 123 H423 123 1 H422 122 H3 3 H421 121 H422 122 3 28 H423 123 H422 122 H423 123 H12 33 6 20 ? 36 H3 3 H417 117 BLACK H12 33 RLM 76 H417 117 SM01 8 RED H3 3 RLM 82 H422 122 H69 37 SM01 SUPER CHROME 8 RLM 75 H69 37 H423 123 RLM 81 H421 121 RLM 83 H417 117 eduard 13 D Fw 190D-13, W.Nr. 836016, V./EJG 2(?), Pilsen – Bory, Czechoslovakia, May 1945 Only two Fw190D-13s are currently photographically documented. This one was found at Pilsen – Bory airfield with the engine dismantled at the end of the war. The Black Stab marking on the fuselage shows that this particular aircraft was flown by the Gruppenkommandeure. The exact operator of this Dora is not known, and V./EKG 2 formed from I./EKG(J) is one of the possibilities. If this theory is correct, then this Dora was flown by Hptm. Walter Grasemann. Nevertheless, thanks to confusion during final days of the war, this aircraft could also have been flown by other units, such as JG 2 or JG 6. The series of at least fifteen Fw 190D-13s was manufactured by Weser Flugzeugbau in March and April, 1945. V souèasné dobì jsou fotograficky zdokumentovány pouze dvì Dory D-13. Tato byla po válce nalezena bez demontovaného motoru na letišti v plzeòských Borech. Èerné štábní oznaèení na trupu napovídá, že s letounem létal velitel Gruppe. Jednotku, do které patøil, však nelze s jistotou urèit. Je možné, že se jednalo o V./EJG 2, která vznikla z I./EKG(J) a stroj patøil Hptm. Walteru Grasemannovi. Vzhledem ke zmatku na konci války však mùže jít i o stroj z jiných útvarù Luftwaffe. Sérii minimálnì patnácti kusù Fw 190D-13 vyrobila spoleènost Weser Flugzeugbau poèínaje bøeznem 1945. H65 18 H421 121 H422 122 H422 122 23 H421 121 19 H422 122 H421 121 3 22 ? 35 H3 3 H421 121 SM01 8 H421 121 H417 117 H417 117 H3 3 H421 121 H417 117 H417 117 H421 121 1 H421 H417 H421 117 121 121 H3 3 H417 117 1 H417 117 H3 3 H417 117 SM01 8 H3 3 SM01 8 H3 3 H417 117 H417 117 SM01 8 H69 37 H69 37 H421 121 7 H421 121 H3 3 H421 121 H421 121 7 H3 3 H422 122 19 23 H422 122 H421 121 H421 121 H422 122 H65 18 3 22 ? 35 H3 3 H417 117 14 RLM 70 H65 18 RED H3 3 SUPER CHROME SM01 8 RLM 76 H417 117 RLM 81 H421 121 RLM 82 H422 122 H417 117 eduard E Fw 190D-13/R11, W.Nr. 836017, Stab./JG 26, Flensburg - Weiche, Germany, May 1945 This aircraft had belonged to JG 26 and was captured by the RAF at Flensburg – Weiche airfield on May 5, 1945. It is highly possible that this aircraft was flown by Major Franz Götz, CO of JG 26 (Ritterkreuz holder, 63 victories). Yellow '10' is said to be Götz´s lucky number. The small Ace of Spades badge on both fuselage sides refers to his career in the role of III./JG 53 'Pik As' commanding officer. The small inscription on the lower part of the cowling is not accurately known – the most often mentioned likelihood is 'Kontrolliert', seen on other German aircraft. The R11 designation indicates installation of the PKS 12 autopilot, and the letter 'R' stands for Rüstsatz ('additional set' in German). The WFG factory camouflage scheme was darkened using RLM 82 and RLM 83 colours Tento stroj patøil do JG 26 a 5. kvìtna 1945 padl na letišti Flensburg-Weiche do rukou RAF. Je vysoce pravdìpodobné, že s tímto letounem létal velitel JG 26 major Franz Götz (držitel Rytíøského køíže, 63 vítìzství). Žlutá desítka mìla být jeho šastným èíslem. Na Götzovo pùsobení na postu velitele III./JG 53 „Pik As“ upomíná malý emblém pikového esa na obou bocích trupu. Malý nápis na spodku pøídì není pøesnì znám – nejèastìji se zmiòuje slovo „Kontrolliert“, jenž byl k vidìní i na dalších nìmeckých letounech. Rüstsatz (doplòková sada) oznaèovaná R11 pøedstavovala zástavbu autopilota PKS 12. Pùvodní tovární schéma WFG bylo u jednotky ztmaveno skvrnami barev RLM 83 a 82. H312 312 H422 122 30 H423 H421 121 123 25 27 13 19 H422 122 H421 121 12 4 20 ? 36 H3 3 H421 121 H417 117 SM01 8 H12 33 H3 3 H417 117 1 H421 H422 H423 122 123 121 H422 H423 H421 122 123 121 H11 62 H417 117 H3 3 H417 117 1 H417 117 H3 3 SM01 8 H3 3 SM01 8 H3 3 H417 117 H417 117 SM01 8 7 H3 3 H421 121 H421 121 7 H3 3 H421 121 12 H422 122 19 13 29 25 H421 H423 121 123 H422 122 H312 312 30 4 20 ? 36 H3 3 H417 117 H11 62 H12 33 BLACK H12 33 RED H3 3 SUPER CHROME SM01 8 WHITE H11 62 RLM 76 H417 117 RLM 81 H421 121 RLM 82 H422 122 RLM 83 H423 123 H417 117 GREEN H312 312 eduard 15 F Fw 190D-13/R11, W.Nr. 836017, Flensburg – Weiche, Germany, summer 1945 This Dora was captured by the Royal Air Force at Flensburg-Weiche airfield. The German national insignia was overpainted with a dark blue-grey colour by British personel with strangely positioned small white stars on the fuselage and wings. The inscription 'USA 14' was handpainted on the starboard side of the tail also. This aircraft took part in two mock dogfights with a Hawker Tempest Mk.V on July 25, 1945. The Dora was flown by German pilots – Maj. Heinz Lange (former Kommodore of JG 51, Ritterkreuz holder, 70 victories) a Oblt. Günther Josten (former Kommandeure of IV./JG 51, 178 victories). Based on this evaluation, both aircraft were considered to be nearly equal except for speed at height where the Dora was better. This Dora was handed over to the Americans and shipped overseas via Cherbourg, France, aboard the British aircraft carrier HMS Reaper to the U.S.A. It was restored and found its way to the Museum of Flight in Seattle, Washington. Unfortunately, the reconstruction of the camouflage scheme is not accurate. Royal Air Force ukoøistilo tento letoun ve Flensburgu a byli to právì Britové, kdo zamaloval nìmecké výsostné znaky tmavou modro-šedou barvou a nahradil je bílými hvìzdami s ponìkud podivnou orientací cípù. Na pravém boku trupu se objevil ruènì napsaný nápis USA 14. Dne 25. èervence 1945 byl tento stroj nasazen ke dvìma cvièným soubojùm s Hawkerem Tempest Mk.V – za øízením se støídali nìmeètí piloti – Maj. Heinz Lange (pùvodnì velitel JG 51, držitel Rytíøského køíže, 70 vítìzství) a Oblt. Günther Josten (pùvodnì velitel IV./JG 51, 178 vítìzství). Letouny byly hodnoceny jako vyrovnané s výjimkou rychlosti ve velkých výškách, kde mìl Focke-Wulf pøevahu. Poté byla Dora W.Nr. 836017 pøedána Amerièanùm. Následnì putovala do pøístavu Cherbourg ve Francii, kde byla naložena na letadlovou loï HMS Reaper a odvezena do USA. Zde vystøídala nìkolik majitelù, prodìlala nìkolik pokusù o restauraci. Nakonec skonèila Museum of Flight v Seattle, provedená rekonstrukce kamufláže se bohužel pøíliš nepovedla. H312 312 H422 122 30 H423 H421 121 123 25 27 11 H421 121 H335 335 4 H335 335 H3 3 H421 121 H417 117 SM01 8 H12 33 H3 3 H422 H423 H417 H335 11 H421 122 123 117 335 121 H422 H423 H421 11H335 122 123 121 335 H11 62 H417 117 H3 3 H417 117 H417 117 H3 3 SM01 8 H3 3 SM01 8 H3 3 H417 117 H417 117 SM01 8 H335 335 H3 3 H421 121 11 H421 121 H421 121 11 H335 335 H3 3 9 H335 335 11 29 25 H421 H423 121 123 H422 122 H312 312 4 H335 335 H3 3 H417 117 H11 62 H12 33 BLACK H12 33 RED H3 3 SUPER CHROME SM01 8 WHITE H11 62 GREEN H312 312 RLM 76 H417 117 RLM 81 H421 121 RLM 82 H422 122 RLM 83 H423 123 SEA GRAY H335 335 H417 117 eduard 30 Fw 190D-11/D-13 STENCIL VARIANTS BB HH FF II1 ? I1 ? I2 N1 ? N2 C1 ? C2 Hier aufholen ? R1 ? R2 GG le ersteln Nicht V Hier aufholen W K1 ? K2 CC1 ? CC2 Hier aufbocken G1 ? G2 F E P2 D1 ? D2 H1 ? H2 V U1 ? U2 A3 ? B3 V A6 ? B6 U1 ? U2 Z1 ? Z2 E E1 ? E E2 DD1 ? DD2 DD1 ? DD2 R1 ? R2 A5 ? B5 R1 ? R2 A2 ? B2 A4 ? B4 A1 ? B1 J1 ? J2 STENCIL VARIANTS F F1 W F F1 W R1 ? R2 L M R1 ? R2 P1 U1 ? U2 P1 L M U1 ? U2 14 ? 15 N1 ? N2 X1 ? X2 AA ? Verste llen T Y1 ? Y2 Nicht R1 ? R2 Hier aufholen ? S Hier aufholen W K1 ? K2 CC1 ? CC2 Hier aufbocken D1 ? D2 ? 16 © EDUARD M.A., 2010 eduard Printed in Czech Republic
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