MAE ® Stepper Motors
MAE ® Stepper Motors
BULLETIN STP MAE ® Stepper Motors Stepper Motors PennEngineering Motion Technologies offers a wide range of MAE brand stepper motor solutions. The HY series hybrid stepper motors feature low rotor inertia for maximum possible acceleration. The HN series hybrid stepper motors offer a calculated balance between low rotor inertia and high torque. The HS series hybrid stepper motors are optimized for superior torque characteristics. Additionally, both the HN and HS series feature low detent torque to holding torque ratios to provide smooth operation as well as the fine positioning capability required for microstep operation. Motors may be customized with value added features including, but not limited to: gearboxes, encoders, shaft details, leadwire-connector assemblies, and more. All specifications shown are typical at 20˚ C unless otherwise noted. Shaft extensions All motors can be supplied with single or double ended shaft. Rotation The motor rotation can run clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the commutation. Operating temperature Ambient operating temperature: -20˚C to +40˚C. Number of leads Refer to specifications of individual models for standard lead wire configuration. Motors can be supplied with 4, 6, or 8 leads upon request; however, rated current and torque may be reduced. Angular accuracy Standard angular accuracy is ±5%. Angular accuracy is defined as the deviation from a theoretical position, in percentage of one step, after any number of steps. Holding torque The typical values of holding torque of the different models are indicated in the data charts. Holding torque is measured with two phases each supplied at the rated current. Specifications and approvals Motors are manufactured according to EN 60034-1: 1995-02. Motors with drive voltage higher than or equal to 120 V are suitable to be fitted on machines equipped with additional insulation or when the motor itself has the grounding through its clamping screws. Due to thermal considerations, stepper motors cannot always be operated continuously in dynamic conditions at the level of their static rated phase current. Stepper Motors • Accurate open loop control for high performance positioning applications • Excellent low speed torque • Simple, rugged construction for high reliability and long service life • Smooth, quiet operation • Standard NEMA frame sizes • Precision honed stators and ground rotors for tight air gap and maximum performance • approved Get same day shipment of sample motors for models listed in this bulletin. PennEngineering Motion Technologies offers a complete line of PITTMAN® and MAE® brand brush, brushless, and stepper motors which can be customized to meet your exact requirements. MOTOR SELECTION GUIDE ������� ������� ������ ������ ����� ������ ����� ������ � ��� ��� ���� ��� ����� ��� ����� ��� ����� ��� ����� ��� ����� ��� ����� ��� ����� ��� ����� ���� ����� ���� ����� ���� ����� ���� ����� ���� ����� ���� ������ ���� ������ ���� ������ ���� ������ ���� ������ ���� ������ ������� ������ HY200 1607 HY200 1713 HY200 1717 HY200 1718 HS200 1714 HS200 1716 HS200 1720 HY200 2215 HY200 2220 HY200 2226 HS200 2216 HS200 2221 HS200 2231 HN200 3426 HN200 3438 HN200 3451 HS200 3437 HS200 3448 HS200 3455 HY200 4270 HY200 4288 CONNECTION-DEPENDENT RATINGS FOR 8 LEAD MOTORS Stepper motors supplied with 8 leads provide maximum flexibility and allow the user to decide what connection method is most suitable for their application. Some of the motor phase characteristics are dependent on the connection method chosen for the windings. The values for current, resistance, and inductance shown in the data tables for 8 lead motors assume a unipolar connection and measure from the center tap to the end of one winding. To determine the phase characteristics for other connection methods, multiply the given unipolar ratings by the conversion factors listed in the chart below that correspond to the chosen connection method. STP-2 Unipolar Connection Bipolar Series Connnection Bipolar Parallel Connection Rated Phase Current 1 0.7 1.4 Phase Resistance 1 2 0.5 Phase Inductance 1 4 1 SIZE 16 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 1.535 (39.0) .807 (20.5) MAX. .217 (5.5) 1.220 (31.0) 1.535 (39.0) 1.220 (31.0) Ø 26 AWG UL STYLE 1569 .1969 (5.000) THRU .1963 (4.987) .079 (2.0) THREADED POST M3 (2) PLACES AS SHOWN 0060 A 0.60 Phase Resistance Ω 6.6 Phase Inductance mH 8.5 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in — Holding Torque Bipolar Ncm — oz-in 12 Ncm 8.7 1.4 Ncm 1.0 oz-in-s2x10–4 1.6 g-cm2 11 lb 0.33 kg 0.15 Maximum Voltage V 40 Std. No. of Leads — 4 8.5 10 7.1 8 5.6 6 4.2 4 2.8 2 1.4 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0.0 100000 A - 0060, Bipolar chopper, 36V, 0.6A/Phase Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 17 mounting configuration • Neodymium magnets Standard Leadwire Configuration Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) 1 - BLACK A 2 - ORANGE • Additional windings and customization options available M • Gearboxes • Encoders B Motor Weight (Mass) Motor Pull-Out Torque 12 4 - RED Rotor Inertia 3 - YELLOW Detent Torque Performance HY 200 1607 Units Torque (oz-in) Rated Phase Current .866 (22.00) .865 (21.97) Torque (Ncm) Ø Specification 12 (300) TYP. .472 ±.020 (12.0 ±0.5) STP-3 SIZE 17 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 1.662 (42.20) THREADED POST M3 (2) PLACES AS SHOWN 1.662 (42.20) 1.339 (34.00) MAX. .217 (5.5) 1.220 (31.0) 1.220 (31.0) 26 AWG UL STYLE 1569 Ø .1969 (5.000) THRU .1963 (4.987) .079 (2.0) 12 (300) TYP. .787 ±.020 (20.0 ±0.5) Specification .866 (22.00) .865 (21.97) Performance HY 200 1713 Units Motor Pull-Out Torque 0150 A 0.33 1.50 18 12.7 Phase Resistance Ω 23.9 1.0 16 11.3 Phase Inductance mH 28.9 1.2 14 9.9 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in — — 12 8.5 Ncm — — 10 7.1 oz-in 19.4 18.4 8 5.6 Ncm 13.7 13.0 6 4.2 2.4 2.4 4 2.8 Ncm 1.7 1.7 2 1.4 oz-in-s2x10–4 2.5 2.5 g-cm2 18 18 Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia lb 0.4 0.4 kg 0.2 0.2 Maximum Voltage V 40 40 Std. No. of Leads — 4 4 Motor Weight (Mass) Torque (oz-in) 0033 Rated Phase Current 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0.0 100000 A - 0033, Bipolar chopper, 36V, 0.33A/Phase B - 0150, Bipolar chopper, 36V, 1.5A/Phase Standard Features Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) Standard Leadwire Configuration • NEMA 17 mounting configuration • Neodymium magnets • Additional windings and customization options available 1 - WHITE A M 4 - BLUE 3 - RED STP-4 Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes B 2 - YELLOW • Encoders Torque (Ncm) Ø SIZE 17 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 1.662 (42.20) THREADED POST M3 (2) PLACES AS SHOWN 1.662 (42.20) 1.693 (43.00) MAX. .217 (5.5) 1.220 (31.0) 1.220 (31.0) 26 AWG UL STYLE 1569 Ø .1969 (5.000) THRU .1963 (4.987) .079 (2.0) 12 (300) TYP. .787 ±.020 (20.0 ±0.5) 0100 Rated Phase Current A 1.00 Phase Resistance Ω 4.6 Phase Inductance mH 10.6 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in — Ncm — oz-in 32.7 Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm 23.1 2.4 Ncm 1.7 oz-in-s2x10–4 4.5 g-cm2 32 lb 0.7 kg 0.3 Maximum Voltage V 40 Std. No. of Leads — 4 Motor Pull-Out Torque 30 21.2 25 17.7 20 14.1 15 10.6 10 7.1 5 3.5 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0.0 100000 A - 0100, Bipolar chopper, 36V, 1A/Phase Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 17 mounting configuration Standard Leadwire Configuration 2 - YELLOW M • Additional windings and customization options available Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes • Encoders B A • Neodymium magnets 4 - BLUE 1 - WHITE 3 - RED Motor Weight (Mass) Performance HY 200 1717 Units Torque (oz-in) Specification .866 (22.00) .865 (21.97) Torque (Ncm) Ø STP-5 SIZE 17 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 1.662 (42.20) THREADED POST M3 (2) PLACES AS SHOWN 1.662 (42.20) 1.811 (46.00) MAX. .217 (5.5) 1.220 (31.0) 26 AWG UL STYLE 1569 1.220 (31.0) Ø .1969 (5.000) THRU .1963 (4.987) .079 (2.0) 12 (300) TYP. .787 ±.020 (20.0 ±0.5) Performance HY 200 1718 Units 0090 0230 Rated Phase Current A 0.90 2.30 Phase Resistance Ω 4.2 0.72 Phase Inductance mH 5.8 0.83 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in — — Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm — — oz-in 41.1 41.1 Ncm 29.0 29.0 6.4 6.4 Ncm 4.5 4.5 oz-in-s2x10–4 5.1 5.1 g-cm2 36 36 lb 0.7 0.7 kg 0.3 0.3 Maximum Voltage V 40 40 Std. No. of Leads — 4 4 Motor Weight (Mass) Available through the MotionExpress program. Motor Pull-Out Torque Torque (oz-in) Specification .866 (22.00) .865 (21.97) 35 24.7 30 21.2 25 17.7 20 14.1 15 10.6 10 7.1 5 3.5 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0.0 100000 A - 0090, Bipolar chopper, 36V, 0.9A/Phase B - 0230, Bipolar chopper, 36V, 2.3A/Phase Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 17 mounting configuration • Neodymium magnets Standard Leadwire Configuration Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) 1 - WHITE A M STP-6 4 - BLUE 3 - RED B 2 - YELLOW • Additional windings and customization options available • Gearboxes • Encoders Torque (Ncm) Ø SIZE 17 HIGH PERFORMANCE STEPPER MOTOR DATA 1.661 (42.2) M3 (2) PLACES AS SHOWN .217 (5.5) 1.220 (31.0) Ø 1.661 (42.2) 1.220 (31.0) P .1969 (5.000) THRU .1963 (4.987) M I L E R Ø 1.378 (35.0) MAX. Y R A IN 26 AWG UL STYLE 1213 .079 (2.0) .866 (22.00) .865 (21.97) 12 (300) TYP. .787 ±.020 (20.0 ±0.5) Performance HS 200 1714 0033 0100 0150 Rated Phase Current A 0.33 1.00 1.50 Phase Resistance Ω 26.5 2.95 1.25 Phase Inductance mH 38.8 4.45 1.80 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in — — — Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm — — — oz-in 37 37 37 Ncm 26 26 26 2.3 2.3 2.3 Ncm 1.6 1.6 1.6 oz-in-s2x10–4 6.4 6.4 6.4 g-cm2 45 45 45 lb 0.51 0.51 0.51 kg 0.23 0.23 0.23 Maximum Voltage V 40 40 40 Std. No. of Leads — 4 4 4 35 24.7 30 21.2 25 17.7 20 14.1 15 10.6 10 7.1 5 3.5 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0.0 100000 A - 0033, Bipolar chopper, 35V, 0.33A/Phase, JL=75 g cm2 B - 0100, Bipolar chopper, 35V, 1.0A/Phase, JL=75 g cm2 C - 0150, Bipolar chopper, 35V, 1.5A/Phase, JL=75 g cm2 Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% Standard Leadwire Configuration • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • Optimized for microstep operation • NEMA 17 mounting configuration M • Neodymium magnets • Additional windings and customization options available • CE approval pending Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) B A 2 - YELLOW • Gearboxes • Encoders 4 - BLUE 1 - WHITE 3 - RED Motor Weight (Mass) Motor Pull-Out Torque Torque (Ncm) Units Torque (oz-in) Specification STP-7 SIZE 17 HIGH PERFORMANCE STEPPER MOTOR DATA 1.661 (42.2) M3 (2) PLACES AS SHOWN .217 (5.5) 1.220 (31.0) Ø 1.661 (42.2) 1.220 (31.0) P Ø 1.618 (41.1) MAX. .1969 (5.000) THRU .1963 (4.987) M I L E R Y R A IN 26 AWG UL STYLE 1213 .079 (2.0) .866 (22.00) .865 (21.97) 12 (300) TYP. .787 ±.020 (20.0 ±0.5) Performance HS 200 1716 Units Motor Pull-Out Torque 0100 0150 A 0.33 1.00 1.50 45 31.8 Phase Resistance Ω 27.2 2.86 1.40 40 28.2 Phase Inductance mH 66.7 6.74 3.25 35 24.7 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in — — — 30 21.2 Ncm — — — 25 17.7 oz-in 47 47 47 20 14.1 Ncm 33 33 33 2.3 2.3 2.3 15 10.6 Ncm 1.6 1.6 1.6 10 7.1 oz-in-s2x10–4 9.3 9.3 9.3 5 3.5 Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia g-cm2 66 66 66 lb 0.66 0.66 0.66 kg 0.30 0.30 0.30 Maximum Voltage V 40 40 40 Std. No. of Leads — 4 4 4 Motor Weight (Mass) Torque (oz-in) 0033 Rated Phase Current 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) A - 0033, Bipolar chopper, 35V, 0.33A/Phase, JL=75 g cm2 B - 0100, Bipolar chopper, 35V, 1.0A/Phase, JL=75 g cm2 C - 0150, Bipolar chopper, 35V, 1.5A/Phase, JL=75 g cm2 Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% Standard Leadwire Configuration • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • Optimized for microstep operation • NEMA 17 mounting configuration 1 - WHITE A M • Additional windings and customization options available • CE approval pending Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) B 2 - YELLOW • Neodymium magnets STP-8 4 - BLUE 3 - RED • Gearboxes • Encoders 0.0 100000 Torque (Ncm) Specification SIZE 17 HIGH PERFORMANCE STEPPER MOTOR DATA 1.661 (42.2) M3 (2) PLACES AS SHOWN 2.016 (51.2) MAX. .217 (5.5) 1.220 (31.0) Ø 1.661 (42.2) 1.220 (31.0) P Ø .1969 (5.000) THRU .1963 (4.987) M I L E R Y R A IN 26 AWG UL STYLE 1213 .079 (2.0) .866 (22.00) .865 (21.97) 12 (300) TYP. .787 ±.020 (20.0 ±0.5) Performance HS 200 1720 0033 0100 0150 Rated Phase Current A 0.33 1.00 1.50 Phase Resistance Ω 28.0 3.00 1.45 Phase Inductance mH 50.0 5.50 2.90 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in — — — Ncm — — — oz-in 71 71 71 Ncm 50 50 50 3.5 3.5 3.5 Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm 2.5 2.5 2.5 oz-in-s2x10–4 12.7 12.7 12.7 g-cm2 90 90 90 lb 0.84 0.84 0.84 kg 0.38 0.38 0.38 Maximum Voltage V 40 40 40 Std. No. of Leads — 4 4 4 49.4 60 42.4 50 35.3 40 28.2 30 21.2 20 14.1 10 7.1 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0.0 100000 A - 0033, Bipolar chopper, 35V, 0.33A/Phase, JL=75 g cm2 B - 0100, Bipolar chopper, 35V, 1.0A/Phase, JL=75 g cm2 C - 0150, Bipolar chopper, 35V, 1.5A/Phase, JL=75 g cm2 Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% Standard Leadwire Configuration • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • Optimized for microstep operation • NEMA 17 mounting configuration M • Neodymium magnets • Additional windings and customization options available • CE approval pending Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) B A 2 - YELLOW • Gearboxes • Encoders 4 - BLUE 1 - WHITE 3 - RED Motor Weight (Mass) Motor Pull-Out Torque 70 Torque (Ncm) Units Torque (oz-in) Specification STP-9 SIZE 23 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 2.252 (57.20) Ø.201 (5.10) (4) PLACES TYP. 1.575 (40.00) MAX. 1.856 (47.14) .177 (4.5) Ø 2.252 (57.2) MAX. Ø 2.252 (57.20) .2500 (6.350) THRU .2495 (6.337) 22 AWG UL STYLE 1569 1.856 (47.14) .063 (1.6) .811 ±.020 (20.6 ±0.5) Specification Units Rated Phase Current A Phase Resistance Ω Phase Inductance mH Performance HY 200 2215 0033 0100 0.33 1.00 33.8 0150 3.4 54.6 0220 1.50 2.20 1.5 3.8 Motor Pull-Out Torque 45 28.2 1.2 35 24.7 30 21.2 25 17.7 20 14.1 15 10.6 0.7 1.5 31.8 40 — 38 35 — — 27 25 — oz-in 45 48 47 44 Ncm 32 34 33 31 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 10 7.1 Ncm 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 5 3.5 oz-in-s2x10–4 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 g-cm2 56 56 56 56 Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque lb 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 kg 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Maximum Voltage V 75 75 75 75 Std. No. of Leads — 4 8 8 4 Motor Weight (Mass) Torque (oz-in) oz-in Ncm Holding Torque Unipolar Rotor Inertia 1.500 ±.002 (38.10 ±0.05) 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0.0 100000 A - 0033, Bipolar chopper, 36V, 0.33A/Phase B - 0100, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 48V, 1.5A/Phase C - 0150, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 48V, 2.2A/Phase D - 0220, Bipolar chopper, 48V, 2.2A/Phase Standard Features Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 23 mounting configuration Standard Leadwire Configuration • AINiCo magnets • Additional windings and customization options available 5 - BLACK 1 - BLACK A 2 - ORANGE M 3 - WHITE/ BLACK 1 - WHITE/ ORANGE • CE approved A M A' Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes STP-10 B' 7 - YELLOW 4 - WHITE/ YELLOW B 8 - RED 2 - WHITE/ RED 4 - RED 3 - YELLOW B 6 - ORANGE • Encoders Torque (Ncm) Ø 12 (300) TYP. SIZE 23 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 2.252 (57.20) Ø.201 (5.10) (4) PLACES TYP. 2.047 (52.00) MAX. 1.856 (47.14) .177 (4.5) Ø 2.252 (57.2) MAX. Ø 2.252 (57.20) .2500 (6.350) THRU .2495 (6.337) 22 AWG UL STYLE 1569 1.856 (47.14) .063 (1.6) .811 ±.020 (20.6 ±0.5) Specification 1.500 ±.002 (38.10 ±0.05) Performance HY 200 2220 Units 0044 0100 0210 Rated Phase Current A 0.44 1.00 2.10 Phase Resistance Ω 23.0 5.0 1.1 Motor Pull-Out Torque 90 63.6 80 56.5 49.4 mH 39.2 8.0 1.7 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in 74 75 74 60 42.4 Ncm 52 53 52 50 35.3 oz-in 92 98 91 40 28.2 Ncm 65 69 64 30 21.2 7.5 7.5 7.5 20 14.1 Ncm 5.3 5.3 5.3 10 7.1 oz-in-s2x10–4 17.6 17.6 17.6 g-cm2 124 124 124 Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia lb 1.1 1.1 1.1 kg 0.50 0.50 0.50 Maximum Voltage V 75 75 75 Std. No. of Leads — 8 8 8 Motor Weight (Mass) Torque (oz-in) Phase Inductance 70 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) Torque (Ncm) Ø 12 (300) TYP. 0.0 100000 A - 0044, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 36V, 0.62A/Phase B - 0100, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 48V, 1.5A/Phase C - 0210, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 48V, 3A/Phase Standard Features Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 23 mounting configuration Standard Leadwire Configuration • AINiCo magnets • Additional windings and customization options available 5 - BLACK 3 - WHITE/ BLACK 1 - WHITE/ ORANGE • CE approved A M A' Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes B' • Encoders 7 - YELLOW 4 - WHITE/ YELLOW 8 - RED 2 - WHITE/ RED B 6 - ORANGE STP-11 SIZE 23 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 2.252 (57.20) Ø.201 (5.10) (4) PLACES TYP. 2.638 (67.00) MAX. 1.856 (47.14) .177 (4.5) Ø 2.252 (57.2) MAX. Ø 2.252 (57.20) .2500 (6.350) THRU .2495 (6.337) 22 AWG UL STYLE 1569 1.856 (47.14) .063 (1.6) 12 (300) TYP. .811 ±.020 (20.6 ±0.5) Specification Units 1.500 ±.002 (38.10 ±0.05) Performance HY 200 2226 0250 0470 Rated Phase Current A 0160 1.60 0190 1.90 2.50 4.70 Phase Resistance Ω 2.6 1.8 1.1 Motor Pull-Out Torque 160 113.0 0.33 140 98.9 mH 4.7 3.3 4.0 0.5 120 84.7 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in 123 126 — 123 100 70.6 Ncm 87 89 — 87 oz-in 154 160 161 154 80 56.5 Ncm 109 113 114 109 60 42.4 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 40 28.2 20 14.1 Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 oz-in-s2x10–4 28 28 28 28 g-cm2 200 200 200 200 lb 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 kg 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 Maximum Voltage V 75 75 75 75 Std. No. of Leads — 8 8 4 8 Motor Weight (Mass) Torque (oz-in) Phase Inductance 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0.0 100000 A - 0160, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 48V, 2.3A/Phase B - 0190, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 48V, 2.7A/Phase C - 0250, Bipolar chopper, 48V, 2.5A/Phase D - 0470, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 48V, 6.7A/Phase Standard Features Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 23 mounting configuration Standard Leadwire Configuration • Neodymium magnets • Additional windings and customization options available 5 - BLACK 1 - ORANGE A 2 - BLACK M 3 - WHITE/ BLACK 1 - WHITE/ ORANGE A • CE approved M A' Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes STP-12 B' 7 - YELLOW 4 - WHITE/ YELLOW B 8 - RED 2 - WHITE/ RED 4 - RED 3 - YELLOW B 6 - ORANGE • Encoders Torque (Ncm) Ø SIZE 23 HIGH PERFORMANCE STEPPER MOTOR DATA 2.252 (57.20) MAX. Ø.197 (5.00) (4) PLACES TYP. 1.614 (41.00) MAX. 1.856 (47.14) .197 (5.0) Ø 2.252 (57.20) MAX. .2500 (6.350) THRU .2495 (6.337) 24 AWG UL STYLE 1569 1.856 (47.14) R .197 (5.00) (4) PLCS. TYP. Units .811 ±.020 (20.6 ±0.5) Performance HS 200 2216 0100 0210 Rated Phase Current A 1.00 2.10 Phase Resistance Ω 4.6 1.0 Phase Inductance mH 4.6 2.1 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in 52 — Ncm 37 — oz-in 67 67 Ncm 47 47 3.0 3.0 Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm 2.1 2.1 oz-in-s2x10–4 11 11 g-cm2 77 77 lb 1.1 1.1 kg 0.50 0.50 Maximum Voltage V 75 75 Std. No. of Leads — 8 4 Motor Weight (Mass) 12 (300) TYP. Motor Pull-Out Torque 70 49.4 60 42.4 50 35.3 40 28.2 30 21.2 20 14.1 10 7.1 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) Torque (Ncm) Specification 1.502 (38.15) 1.498 (38.05) Torque (oz-in) Ø .063 (1.6) 0.0 100000 A - 0100, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 36V, 1.4A/Phase B - 0210, Bipolar chopper, 36V, 2.1A/Phase Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • Optimized for microstep operation • NEMA 23 mounting configuration Standard Leadwire Configuration • Neodymium magnets • Additional windings and customization options available • CE approved 5 - ORANGE M 3 - WHITE/ ORANGE 1 - WHITE/ BROWN A M A' Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes B' • Encoders 7 - RED 4 - WHITE/ RED 8 - YELLOW 2 - WHITE/ YELLOW B 6 - BROWN B A 3 - RED 2 - WHITE/ BROWN 4 - WHITE/ RED 1 - BROWN STP-13 SIZE 23 HIGH PERFORMANCE STEPPER MOTOR DATA 2.252 (57.20) MAX. Ø.197 (5.00) (4) PLACES TYP. 2.165 (55.00) MAX. 1.856 (47.14) .197 (5.0) Ø 2.252 (57.20) MAX. .2500 (6.350) THRU .2495 (6.337) 24 AWG UL STYLE 1569 1.856 (47.14) 1.502 (38.15) 1.498 (38.05) Units Performance HS 200 2221 0100 0210 0300 Rated Phase Current A 1.00 2.10 3.00 Phase Resistance Ω 6.2 1.4 0.7 Phase Inductance mH 8.8 3.9 0.9 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in 106 — 106 Ncm 75 — 75 oz-in 139 139 139 Ncm 98 98 98 5.7 5.7 5.7 Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm 4.0 4.0 4.0 oz-in-s2x10–4 31 31 31 g-cm2 220 220 220 lb 1.5 1.5 1.5 kg 0.70 0.70 0.70 Maximum Voltage V 75 75 75 Std. No. of Leads — 8 4 8 Motor Weight (Mass) Motor Pull-Out Torque 140 98.9 120 84.7 100 70.6 80 56.5 60 42.4 40 28.2 20 14.1 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) A - 0100, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 36V, 1.4A/Phase B - 0210, Bipolar chopper, 36V, 2.1A/Phase C - 0300, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 60V, 4.2A/Phase Standard Features Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • Optimized for microstep operation Standard Leadwire Configuration • NEMA 23 mounting configuration • AINiCo magnets 5 - BROWN 1 - BROWN 2 - WHITE/ BROWN A M 3 - WHITE/ BROWN 1 - WHITE/ ORANGE • Additional windings and customization options available A • CE approved M A' Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) 6 - ORANGE STP-14 B' 7 - RED 4 - WHITE/ RED B 8 - YELLOW 2 - WHITE/ YELLOW 4 - WHITE/ RED 3 - RED B • Gearboxes • Encoders 0.0 100000 Torque (Ncm) Specification .811 ±.020 (20.6 ±0.5) Torque (oz-in) Ø 12 (300) TYP. .063 (1.6) R .197 (5.00) (4) PLCS. TYP. SIZE 23 HIGH PERFORMANCE STEPPER MOTOR DATA 2.252 (57.20) MAX. Ø.197 (5.00) (4) PLACES TYP. 3.091 (78.50) MAX. 1.856 (47.14) .197 (5.0) Ø 2.252 (57.20) MAX. .3150 (8.000) THRU .3144 (7.987) 24 AWG UL STYLE 1569 1.856 (47.14) 1.502 (38.15) 1.498 (38.05) Units Rated Phase Current A Phase Resistance Ω Phase Inductance Holding Torque Unipolar Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia mH Performance HS 200 2231 0210 0300 2.10 3.00 2.0 Motor Pull-Out Torque 225 141.2 1.7 175 123.6 150 105.9 125 88.3 100 70.6 75 53.0 1.1 6.5 158.9 200 oz-in — 177 Ncm — 125 oz-in 228 231 Ncm 161 163 9.6 9.6 50 35.3 Ncm 6.8 6.8 25 17.7 oz-in-s2x10–4 48 48 g-cm2 340 340 lb 2.2 2.2 kg 1.0 1.0 Maximum Voltage V 75 75 Std. No. of Leads — 4 8 Motor Weight (Mass) 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) Torque (Ncm) Specification 12 (300) TYP. .811 ±.020 (20.6 ±0.5) Torque (oz-in) Ø .063 (1.6) R .197 (5.00) (4) PLCS. TYP. 0.0 100000 A - 0210, Bipolar chopper, 36V, 2.1A/Phase B - 0300, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 60V, 4.2A/Phase Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • Optimized for microstep operation • NEMA 23 mounting configuration Standard Leadwire Configuration • AINiCo magnets • Additional windings and customization options available 5 - BROWN M 3 - WHITE/ BROWN 1 - WHITE/ ORANGE • CE approved A M A' Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes B' • Encoders 7 - RED 4 - WHITE/ RED 8 - YELLOW 2 - WHITE/ YELLOW B 6 - ORANGE B A 4 - WHITE/ RED 2 - WHITE/ BROWN 3 - RED 1 - BROWN STP-15 SIZE 34 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 2.638 (67.00) MAX. 3.386 (86.00) Ø.222 (5.63) (4) PLACES TYP. .354 (8.0) Ø 3.386 (86.00) MAX. .787 ±.008 (20.0 ±0.2) 2.740 (69.60) 3.386 (86.00) 20 AWG UL STYLE 1569 2.740 (69.60) .331 ±.004 (8.4 ±0.1) 1.201 ±.020 (30.5 ±0.5) 2.876 (73.050) 2.873 (72.975) Specification Performance 0140 0280 0430 A 1.40 2.80 4.30 Phase Resistance Ω 5.0 1.3 0.55 Phase Inductance mH 21 5.1 2.1 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in 326 326 326 Ncm 230 230 230 oz-in 397 397 397 Ncm 280 280 280 12 12 12 Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm 8.5 8.5 8.5 oz-in-s2x10–4 93 93 93 g-cm2 660 660 660 lb 3.5 3.5 3.5 kg 1.6 1.6 1.6 Maximum Voltage V 90 90 90 Std. No. of Leads — 8 8 8 Motor Weight (Mass) 20 (500) TYP. HN 200 3426 Units Rated Phase Current Holding Torque Bipolar .063 (1.6) Motor Pull-Out Torque Torque (oz-in) Ø .3750 (9.525) THRU .3745 (9.512) 350 247 300 212 250 177 200 141 150 106 100 71 50 35 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) A - 0140, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 60V, 2A/Phase B - 0280, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 60V, 4A/Phase C - 0430, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 60V, 6A/Phase Standard Features Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 34 mounting configuration Standard Leadwire Configuration • Neodymium magnets • Additional windings and customization options available 5 - BLACK 3 - WHITE/ BLACK 1 - WHITE/ ORANGE • CE approved A M A' Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes B' 7 - YELLOW 4 - WHITE/ YELLOW 8 - RED STP-16 2 - WHITE/ RED B 6 - ORANGE • Encoders 0 100000 Torque (Ncm) Ø SIZE 34 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 3.701 (94.00) MAX. 3.386 (86.00) Ø.222 (5.63) (4) PLACES TYP. .354 (8.0) Ø 3.386 (86.00) MAX. .787 ±.008 (20.0 ±0.2) 2.740 (69.60) 3.386 (86.00) 20 AWG UL STYLE 1569 2.740 (69.60) .331 ±.004 (8.4 ±0.1) 1.201 ±.020 (30.5 ±0.5) 2.876 (73.050) 2.873 (72.975) Specification Performance 0280 0430 A 2.80 4.30 Phase Resistance Ω 1.7 0.75 Phase Inductance mH 7.7 3.5 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in 538 538 Ncm 380 380 oz-in 680 680 Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm 480 480 18 18 Ncm 13 13 oz-in-s2x10–4 170 170 g-cm2 1200 1200 lb 5.3 5.3 kg 2.4 2.4 Maximum Voltage V 90 90 Std. No. of Leads — 8 8 Motor Weight (Mass) 20 (500) TYP. HN 200 3438 Units Rated Phase Current Holding Torque Bipolar .063 (1.6) Motor Pull-Out Torque Torque (oz-in) Ø .3750 (9.525) THRU .3745 (9.512) 600 424 500 353 400 282 300 212 200 141 100 71 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) Torque (Ncm) Ø 0 100000 A - 0280, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 60V, 4A/Phase B - 0430, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 60V, 6A/Phase Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 34 mounting configuration • Neodymium magnets Standard Leadwire Configuration • Additional windings and customization options available • CE approved 5 - BLACK 3 - WHITE/ BLACK 1 - WHITE/ ORANGE A M A' Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes • Encoders B' 7 - YELLOW 4 - WHITE/ YELLOW 8 - RED 2 - WHITE/ RED B 6 - ORANGE STP-17 SIZE 34 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 4.921 (125.00) MAX. 3.386 (86.00) Ø.222 (5.63) (4) PLACES TYP. .354 (8.0) 2.740 (69.60) Ø 3.386 (86.00) MAX. .787 ±.008 (20.0 ±0.2) 3.386 (86.00) 2.740 (69.60) .331 ±.004 (8.4 ±0.1) Ø .3750 (9.525) THRU .3745 (9.512) Performance HN 200 3451 0350 0640 A 3.50 6.40 Phase Resistance Ω 1.5 0.50 Phase Inductance mH 8.5 2.5 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in 878 878 Ncm 620 620 oz-in 1076 1076 Ncm 760 760 33 33 Ncm 23 23 oz-in-s2x10–4 255 255 g-cm2 1800 1800 7.9 Detent Torque Rotor Inertia lb 7.9 kg 3.6 3.6 Maximum Voltage V 140 140 Std. No. of Leads — 8 8 Motor Weight (Mass) Motor Pull-Out Torque 1000 706 900 636 800 565 700 494 600 424 500 353 400 282 300 212 200 141 100 71 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) A - 0350, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 120V, 5A/Phase B - 0640, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 120V, 9A/Phase Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 34 mounting configuration • Neodymium magnets Standard Leadwire Configuration • Additional windings and customization options available • CE approved 5 - BLACK 3 - WHITE/ BLACK 1 - WHITE/ ORANGE A M A' Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes B' 7 - YELLOW 4 - WHITE/ YELLOW 8 - RED STP-18 2 - WHITE/ RED B 6 - ORANGE • Encoders 0 100000 Torque (Ncm) Units Rated Phase Current Holding Torque Bipolar 20 (500) TYP. 1.201 ±.020 (30.5 ±0.5) 2.876 (73.050) 2.873 (72.975) Specification .063 (1.6) Torque (oz-in) Ø 20 AWG UL STYLE 1569 SIZE 34 HIGH PERFORMANCE STEPPER MOTOR DATA 3.406 (86.5) MAX. 3.780 (96.0) MAX. .630 ±.008 (16.0 ±0.2) Y R A IN .067 (1.7) .063 (1.6) .1570 (3.988) .1558 (3.958) 2.740 ±.004 (69.6 ±0.1) Ø 3.406 (86.5) MAX. M I L E PR 2.876 (73.050) 2.873 (72.975) Ø .102 (2.6) .098 (2.5) 0550 0800 3.00 5.50 8.00 Phase Resistance Ω 1.37 0.42 0.19 Phase Inductance mH 11 3.6 1.6 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in — — — Rotor Inertia 700 494 600 424 500 353 400 282 300 212 Ncm — — — oz-in 779 779 779 Ncm 550 550 550 28 28 28 200 141 100 71 Ncm 20 20 20 oz-in-s2x10–4 490 490 490 g-cm2 3460 3460 3460 lb 6.6 6.6 6.6 kg 3.0 3.0 3.0 Maximum Voltage V 160 160 160 Std. No. of Leads — 4 4 4 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0 100000 A - 0550, Bipolar chopper, 120V, 5.5A/Phase, JL=12000 g cm2 Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • Optimized for microstep operation Standard Leadwire Configuration • NEMA 34 mounting configuration • Neodymium magnets • Additional windings and customization options available • CE approval pending 2 - YELLOW M Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes • Encoders B A 4 - BLUE 1 - WHITE 3 - RED Motor Weight (Mass) Motor Pull-Out Torque Torque (oz-in) 0300 A Detent Torque .394 (10.0) Performance Rated Phase Current Holding Torque Bipolar .4725 (12.000) .4719 (11.987) HS 200 3437 Units 20.0 (500) 3.622 (92.00) REF. 1.201 ±.020 (30.5 ±0.5) 2.740 ±.004 (69.6 ±0.1) Specification 1.97 (50) 1.004 (25.5) .984 (25.0) Torque (Ncm) Ø.219 ±.005 (5.56 ±0.1) (4) PLACES TYP. 18 AWG UL STYLE 1213 STP-19 SIZE 34 HIGH PERFORMANCE STEPPER MOTOR DATA 3.406 (86.5) MAX. .630 ±.008 (16.0 ±0.2) 4.882 (124.0) MAX. 1.004 (25.5) .984 (25.0) Y R A IN .1570 (3.988) .1558 (3.958) 2.740 ±.004 (69.6 ±0.1) Ø 3.406 (86.5) MAX. P M I L RE 2.876 (73.050) 2.873 (72.975) Ø .102 (2.6) .098 (2.5) Specification .067 (1.7) .063 (1.6) .394 (10.0) 1.201 ±.020 (30.5 ±0.5) Performance HS 200 3448 Units Motor Pull-Out Torque 0550 0800 A 3.00 5.50 8.00 1000 706 Phase Resistance Ω 1.56 0.46 0.22 900 636 1.9 800 565 — 700 494 600 424 500 353 400 282 300 212 200 141 100 71 Holding Torque Unipolar Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia mH 14 oz-in 4.0 — Ncm — — — — oz-in 1062 1062 1062 Ncm 750 750 750 28 28 28 Ncm 20 20 20 oz-in-s2x10–4 548 548 548 g-cm2 3870 3870 3870 lb 8.8 8.8 8.8 kg 4.0 4.0 4.0 Maximum Voltage V 160 160 160 Std. No. of Leads — 4 4 4 Motor Weight (Mass) Torque (oz-in) 0300 Rated Phase Current Phase Inductance 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0 100000 A - 0550, Bipolar chopper, 120V, 5.5A/Phase, JL=12000 g cm2 Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • Optimized for microstep operation Standard Leadwire Configuration • NEMA 34 mounting configuration • Neodymium magnets • Additional windings and customization options available • CE approval pending 1 - WHITE A 2 - YELLOW M Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) 4 - BLUE 3 - RED B • Gearboxes STP-20 20.0 (500) 3.622 (92.00) REF. .4725 (12.000) .4719 (11.987) 2.740 ±.004 (69.6 ±0.1) 1.97 (50) • Encoders Torque (Ncm) Ø.219 ±.005 (5.56 ±0.1) (4) PLACES TYP. 18 AWG UL STYLE 1213 SIZE 34 HIGH PERFORMANCE STEPPER MOTOR DATA 3.406 (86.5) MAX. 5.591 (142.0) MAX. .630 ±.008 (16.0 ±0.2) 1.004 (25.5) .984 (25.0) .1570 (3.988) .1558 (3.958) 2.740 ±.004 (69.6 ±0.1) Ø 3.406 (86.5) MAX. M I L E PR 2.876 (73.050) 2.873 (72.975) Ø .102 (2.6) .098 (2.5) .4725 (12.000) .4719 (11.987) Performance 0300 0550 0800 A 3.00 5.50 8.00 Phase Resistance Ω 1.70 0.55 0.29 Phase Inductance mH 20 5.6 2.6 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in — — — Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Motor Pull-Out Torque 1400 989 1200 847 1000 706 800 565 600 424 Ncm — — — oz-in 1416 1416 1416 Ncm 1000 1000 1000 42 42 42 400 282 Ncm 30 30 30 200 141 oz-in-s2x10–4 694 694 694 g-cm2 4900 4900 4900 lb 10.8 10.8 10.8 kg 4.9 4.9 4.9 Maximum Voltage V 160 160 160 Std. No. of Leads — 4 4 4 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) 0 100000 A - 0300, Bipolar chopper, 120V, 3.0A/Phase, JL=12000 g cm2 B - 0550, Bipolar chopper, 120V, 5.5A/Phase, JL=12000 g cm2 C - 0800, Bipolar chopper, 120V, 8.0A/Phase, JL=12000 g cm2 Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) Standard Leadwire Configuration • Optimized for microstep operation • NEMA 34 mounting configuration • Neodymium magnets M • Additional windings and customization options available • CE approval pending Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) B A 2 - YELLOW • Gearboxes • Encoders 4 - BLUE 1 - WHITE 3 - RED Motor Weight (Mass) .394 (10.0) HS 200 3455 Units Rated Phase Current Holding Torque Bipolar 3.622 (92.00) REF. Torque (oz-in) Specification Y R A IN 20.0 (500) .067 (1.7) .063 (1.6) 1.201 ±.020 (30.5 ±0.5) 2.740 ±.004 (69.6 ±0.1) 1.97 (50) Torque (Ncm) Ø.219 ±.005 (5.56 ±0.1) (4) PLACES TYP. 18 AWG UL STYLE 1213 STP-21 SIZE 42 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 4.252 ±.008 (108.0 ±0.2) Ø.327 (8.3) (4) PLACES TYP. 7.047 (179.0) MAX. .591 (15.0) 3.50 ±.008 (88.9 ±0.2) .669 (17.0) .6252 (15.880) Ø .6247 (15.867) .500 (12.7) 4.252 ±.008 (108.0 ±0.2) Ø 4.252 (108.0) MAX. 3.50 ±.008 (88.9 ±0.2) .157 x .197 ISO 3912 (4 x 5 UNI 6606-69) WOODRUFF KEY 0340 0710 0900 A 3.40 7.10 9.00 Phase Resistance Ω 1.1 0.30 0.34 Phase Inductance mH 6.3 2.0 2.7 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in 1130 1175 1450 Ncm 798 830 1024 oz-in 1402 1459 1798 Ncm 990 1030 1270 99 99 99 Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm 70 70 70 oz-in-s2x10–4 779 779 779 g-cm2 5500 5500 5500 lb 16 16 16 kg 7.3 7.3 7.3 Maximum Voltage V 140 140 140 Std. No. of Leads — 8 8 8 Motor Weight (Mass) (BRITISH STANDARD PIPE-PARALLEL) PIPE THREAD FOR SEALED CONDUIT CONNECTION TO ENCLOSED TERMINAL BLOCKS OR Ø .562 (14.3) HOLE THROUGH REMOVABLE INSULATING BUSHING (SUPPLIED) Performance HY 200 4270 Units Rated Phase Current Holding Torque Bipolar G 1/2 BSPP 2.189 ±.039 (55.6 ±1.0) Motor Pull-Out Torque Torque (oz-in) Specification .063 (1.6) 1400 989 1200 847 1000 706 800 565 600 424 400 282 200 141 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) A - 0340, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 120V, 4.8A/Phase B - 0710, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 140V, 10A/Phase C - 0900, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 140V, 12A/Phase Standard Features Available through the MotionExpress program. • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 42 mounting configuration Standard Leadwire Configuration • AINiCo magnets • Additional windings and customization options available 5 - ORANGE 3 - WHITE/ ORANGE 1 - WHITE/ BLACK • CE approved A M A' Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) • Gearboxes STP-22 B' 7 - YELLOW 4 - WHITE/ YELLOW 2 - WHITE/ RED 8 - RED B 6 - BLACK • Encoders 0 100000 Torque (Ncm) 2.188 (55.57) Ø 2.184 (55.47) SIZE 42 STEPPER MOTOR DATA 4.252 ±.008 (108.0 ±0.2) Ø.327 (8.3) (4) PLACES TYP. 8.898 (226.0) MAX. .669 (17.0) .591 (15.0) 3.50 ±.008 (88.9 ±0.2) Ø .6252 (15.880) .6247 (15.867) .500 (12.7) 4.252 ±.008 (108.0 ±0.2) Ø 4.252 (108.0) MAX. 3.50 ±.008 (88.9 ±0.2) .157 x .197 ISO 3912 (4 x 5 UNI 6606-69) WOODRUFF KEY Specification .063 (1.6) G 1/2 BSPP 2.189 ±.039 (55.6 ±1.0) (BRITISH STANDARD PIPE-PARALLEL) PIPE THREAD FOR SEALED CONDUIT CONNECTION TO ENCLOSED TERMINAL BLOCKS OR Ø .562 (14.3) HOLE THROUGH REMOVABLE INSULATING BUSHING (SUPPLIED) Performance HY 200 4288 Units 0890 Motor Pull-Out Torque 1600 1130 0.31 1400 989 Rated Phase Current A 8.90 Phase Resistance Ω mH 2.3 1200 847 Holding Torque Unipolar oz-in 1614 1000 706 Ncm 1140 oz-in 2018 800 565 Ncm 1425 600 424 92 400 282 200 141 Holding Torque Bipolar Detent Torque Rotor Inertia Ncm 65 oz-in-s2x10–4 1175 g-cm2 8300 lb 23 kg 10.5 Maximum Voltage V 140 Std. No. of Leads — 8 Motor Weight (Mass) Torque (oz-in) Phase Inductance 0 100 1000 10000 Frequency (steps/s) Torque (Ncm) 2.188 (55.57) Ø 2.184 (55.47) 0 100000 A - 0890, Bipolar chopper, Parallel, 140V, 12A/Phase Standard Features • Step angle: 1.8˚ • Step angle accuracy: 5% Available through the MotionExpress program. • Insulation class: B (130˚C) • NEMA 42 mounting configuration • AINiCo magnets • Additional windings and customization options available Standard Leadwire Configuration 5 - ORANGE 3 - WHITE/ ORANGE 1 - WHITE/ BLACK • CE approved Complementary Products (See Bulletin CO) A M A' • Gearboxes • Encoders B' 7 - YELLOW 4 - WHITE/ YELLOW 2 - WHITE/ RED 8 - RED B 6 - BLACK STP-23 CONNECTION DIAGRAMS BIPOLAR + UNIPOLAR 3 + Rs A' B 5 B 6 8 BIPOLAR (PARALLEL) + 8 A + B + - 6 4 3 A - STP-24 5 B' A' 1 2 7 1 + - 3 7 BIPOLAR (SERIES) + 5 B' 4 6 A' 8 2 B 4 + - - A - 3 2 A 4 2 Rs + 1 + 1 7 B' STEP SEQUENCES FULL STEP OPERATION One Phase On Unipolar Bipolar A A’ B B’ 1 + 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 + 0 3 0 + 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 + 0 0 HALF STEP OPERATION Unipolar Two Phases On Unipolar Bipolar A B 0 + 2 – 3 0 + 4 0 1 Bipolar A B A B 1 + 0 0 + 1 + + 1 + – 2 + 0 0 0 2 0 + 0 2 + + 3 + 0 + 0 3 – + 0 3 – + 4 0 0 + 0 4 – 0 0 + 4 – – 5 0 + + 0 5 – – 0 + 1 + – 6 0 + 0 0 6 0 – 7 0 + 0 + 7 + – 8 0 0 0 + 8 + 0 1 + 0 0 + 1 + + A A’ B B’ 1 + 0 0 + 0 2 + 0 + – 3 0 + + + 0 4 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 A A’ B B’ NOTE: Following the above steps in sequential order results in clockwise rotation of the shaft when viewed from the mounting end. Reversing the sequence results in counter-clockwise rotation. CATALOG PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION HS20 0 1 7 1 3 Motor Type HY = Hybrid Stepper, Low Rotor Inertia HN = Hybrid Stepper, Neutral Inertia/Torque HS = Hybrid Stepper, Superior Torque 0 1 0 0 Length 13 = 1.3” NEMA Frame 17 = NEMA 17 22 = NEMA 23 34 = NEMA 34 42 = NEMA 42 Resolution 200 = 200 Steps/Rev Size (1.7”) (2.3”) (3.4”) (4.2”) A X 0 4 Configuration A = Single Shaft B = Double Shaft Custom Designation X = Catalog Standard Other = Special Winding Phase Current 0100 = 1.00 A/phase Number of Leadwires 04 = 4 06 = 6 08 = 8 NOTE: The factory may assign a part number that differs from the catalog designation for purposes of uniqueness and brevity. STP-25 STP-26 STP-27 Specifications subject to change without notice. ����� ������� ��� �������� ����� ������������� �� ����� ��� ���� ��������������� ���� ��������������� �� ������ ��� ���������������� ���� � ����� ��������� ���� ����� ���� ��� ���� �������� ���� ��� ���� ������ ©2003, PennEngineering ������� ������������������� � ��� ����� ������������������ 11/05 DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 Zertifikat 01 100 027324 �������
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