Nucleus Pulposus Replacement
Nucleus Pulposus Replacement
SPINE Volume 30, Number 16S, pp S16 –S22 ©2005, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. Nucleus Pulposus Replacement Basic Science and Indications for Clinical Use Alberto Di Martino, MD,*† Alexander R. Vaccaro, MD,‡ Joon Yung Lee, MD,† Vincenzo Denaro, MD,* and Moe R. Lim, MD† Study Design. A critical review of available and emerging nucleus pulposus replacement implants. Objectives. To review the biomechanics, design, and clinical data of currently available and developing nucleus pulposus replacement technologies. Summary of Background Data. The interest in minimally invasive treatment of degenerative disc disease has grown as the technology for intervertebral motion-sparing devices continues to improve. Replacement of nucleus pulposus without anular obliteration represents a tempting alternative to spinal fusion procedures. The aim in nucleus pulposus replacement is to slow adjacent level degeneration, restore normal loads to the diseased level, and restore segmental spinal biomechanics. Methods. A literature review of currently available biomaterials, biomechanics, and available preclinical and clinical data on nucleus pulposus replacement implants. Results. New synthetic biomaterials have recently been developed to closely mimic native biomechanics during compressive loading cycles of the intervertebral disc. This, in conjunction with improved understanding of global spine biomechanics, has allowed the development of novel nucleus replacement implants. These implants are currently at different stages of preclinical and clinical investigations. Conclusions. Although some of the newly designed prosthesis have shown some promising results in preclinical studies, rigorous short- and long-term clinical evaluations will be critical in evaluating their true efficacy. Key words: nucleus pulposus replacement, degenerative disc disease, motion sparing implants, anulus sparing implants. Spine 2005;30:S16 –S22 The intervertebral disc is a complex structure consisting of a jelly-like inner nucleus pulposus (NP), surrounded by an outer lamellar anulus fibrosus (Figure 1). The relationship between the semifluid NP and the rigid anulus provides the biomechanical properties necessary for spinal stability. Degenerative disc disease disturbs this delFrom the *Department of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, Campus Bio-Medico University, Rome, Italy; †Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA; and ‡Delaware Valley Regional Spinal Cord Injury Center, Thomas Jefferson University, and the Rothman Institute, Philadelphia, PA. Acknowledgment date: December 17, 2004. Acceptance date: May 24, 2005. The device(s)/drug(s) that is/are the subject of this manuscript is/are not FDA-approved for this indication and is/are not commercially available in the United States. No funds were received in support of this work. One or more of the authors has/have received or will receive benefits for personal or professional use from a commercial party related directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript: e.g., honoraria, gifts, consultancies, royalties, stocks, stock options, decision making position. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Alexander R. Vaccaro, MD, Rothman Institute, 925 Chestnut Street, 5th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107; E-mail: [email protected] S16 icate balance, with gradual loss of the aqueous content of the NP, loss of proteoglycans, and eventually loss of disc height. Since the intervertebral disc is avascular, its regenerative ability is limited.1,2 Damage to the anulus fibrosus, as it occurs in either progressive disc degeneration or in surgical discectomy, causes gradual loss of disc height leading to the changes in the biomechanical characteristics of the remaining disc. This will ultimately place additional stress on the facet joints and may lead to circumferential spinal segment degenerative changes.3–5 The trend in the surgical management of degenerative disc disease over the last several years has been to minimize soft tissue dissection and to preserve the spinal motion segment. In this context, intradiscal replacement of the NP represents a possible alternative to spinal fusion procedures. The aim is to reconstruct the NP primarily while preserving the biomechanics of anulus fibrosus and cartilaginous endplate. Nucleus pulposus implants are designed to provide stable motion, increase disc space height, relieve or lessen transmission of shear forces on the remaining anulus (restoring their natural length), and stabilize spinal ligamentous structures.6 At present time, the indication for NP replacement is for symptomatic lumbar discogenic back pain not responding to active conservative treatment for a minimum of 6 months. Imaging analysis should demonstrate spondylolisthesis less than Grade I at the symptomatic level, with disc height loss less than 50%. MRI should demonstrate early stage degenerative changes with disc height more than 5 mm and an absent Schmorl herniation.7,8 Biomechanical Concepts Artificial intervertebral disc characteristics need to resemble native discs in biomechanics to preserve both segmental motion and global stability. The vertebral column consists of 24 separate vertebrae and the sacrum, connected by a complex system of facet joints, intervertebral discs, ligaments, and muscles. Replacing one part of the vertebral column could affect the whole system negatively.9 Adjacent vertebrae are linked by the triple joint complex; the intervertebral disc anteriorly, and the coupled facet joints posteriorly. At approximately 30 years of age, the NP begins to dehydrate and shrink.6 Instead of transferring loads between the vertebral bodies with the anular fibers of the disc in tension as in healthy nucleus, the anulus begins to collapse, altering stress transfer due to its slackened nature. This results in additional wear Nucleus Pulposus Replacement • Di Martino et al S17 Figure 1. Rat intervertebral disc, sagittal section. A, Hematoxylin and eosin stain, original magnification ⫻4: the nucleus pulposus (NP) contains chondrocyte-like cells immersed in an abundant matrix, surrounded by the anulus fibrosus (AF). B, Alcian blue stain, original magnification ⫻10. The matrix in NP is mostly proteoglycans (blue stain) and type II collagen, and is directly in contact with the vertebral endplate (EP). (Courtesy of Makarand V. Risbud, PhD.) and tear of the anulus and increased loads applied to the facet joints.5 When biomechanically tested in an experimental model, the removal of the NP leads to an increase in spinal mobility ranging between 38% and 100%, with consequent anulus fissures and disc prolapse.10 Moreover, removal of the nucleus has been shown to cause the outer region of the anulus to bulge outward, and the inner region to bulge toward the center of the disc with axial loading.11 These factors are currently thought to provoke circumferential tears in the anulus, further decreasing its ability to resist shear forces. When whole allograft NP was reintroduced in an experimental model, this maneuver has slowed the process of disc degeneration.12 The principal aim of nucleus replacement procedures is to restore the biomechanical functions of the anulus by placing anular fibers in tension. To do so, the replacement device has to maintain and recreate the functional characteristics of the disc. Nucleus pulposus implants should be biocompatible without significant systemic reactions of toxicity or carcinogenicity. The device must also be able to endure a considerable amount of loading before failure. Assuming an average individual undergoes approximately 2 million strides per year, the average implant would be expected to experience loads of approximately 100 million cycles over 40 years.13 In addition, the material should exhibit low wear characteristics with minimal formation of particulate debris. Implant components should have the similar stiffness of a native disc to avoid stress shielding, atrophy, and bone resorption that may lead to subsidence and extrusion of the implant. The modulus of the component material should be comparable to the vertebral endplates. Components with modular mismatches will lead to abnormal load distribution and potential endplate subsidence. The prosthesis must also fill the disc space to prevent excessive movement of the implant, which could lead to implant extrusion. Lastly, the design of the implant should focus on minimally invasive approaches that limit destruction of surrounding tissue, enhancing stability of implanted components.7,14 Finite element analysis has shown that nuclear cavity filling implants can restore the normal mechanical behavior of the anulus, where as smaller, noncavity filling implants could not do so. Moreover, if loads are carried mainly by the implant, this will result in high stresses in the underlying bone. If the stresses are greater than the strength of the bone, subsidence into the vertebral body could eventually develop. If the stresses are lower, the changes in stress distribution may result in the remodeling of the vertebral body, so that it becomes better adapted to support the new stresses (Wolff ’s law).15 The newly developed polymers have compatible stiffness to the contiguous vertebral body endplates. Many of the components that are currently under clinical investigation are three-dimensional expanding polymers known as hydrogels and newer elastomers. At present time, NP replacement devices can be categorized into two groups: the intradiscal implants and in situ curable polymers. Intradiscal devices are biomechanically more similar to the native NP tissue, despite reported complications that range from extrusion of the device to fracture of the endplate. In situ curable polymers consist of compounds that harden after implantation. This allows the surgeon to perform minimally invasive implantation procedures and may reduce the implant migration risk, but these materials are still in the initial phases of evaluation. Materials and Implants The use of synthetic viscous materials called hydrogels has been extensively explored. These are three-dimensional expandable polymers with variable water content and mechanical properties suitable for nuclear replacement. One of the most important characteristics of these materials is the ability to absorb and release water depending on the applied load, similar to the native NP tissue.16 To date, the most extensively studied nucleus replacement device is the Prosthetic Disc Nucleus (Raymedica, Inc., Bloomington, MN).17 The Prosthetic Disc Nucleus (PDN) is a hydrogel pellet that is encased in a polyethylene jacket. The hydrogel component can absorb up to 80% of its weight in water, because of its hydrophilic and nonhydrophilic nature of its main constituent copolymers (polyacrylamide and polyacrylonitrile). Water absorption allows the device to swell, restoring and maintaining the native disc height. The polyethylene jacket is inelastic and restrains the height gain to avoid consequent fractures of the contiguous vertebral endplates S18 Spine • Volume 30 • Number 16S • 2005 (Figure 2).18 The PDN has performed favorably in both biologic compatibility and biomechanical tests. Biomechanical endurance tests have revealed that the device is able to maintain disc height, implant form, and viscoelasticity up to 50 million cycles, with loads ranging from 200 N to 800 N. The ability of the PDN to restore disc height and function has been demonstrated in human cadaveric models. Eysel et al evaluated the biomechanical behavior of the PDN implant in 11 cadaveric lumbar spinal motion segments.10 Physiologic testing of intact lumbar segments, nucleotomized segments, and segments with two implanted PDN prostheses were performed under variable loads to analyze changes in segmental mobility. Removal of only 5 to 6 g of NP led to an increase in mobility ranging from 38% to 100%. Implantation of two PDN devices in the nucleotomized segment restored disc height and also reconstituted the mobility of the implanted segment close to the prenucleotomized level.10,19 Biocompatibility testing of the PDN device, according to the guidelines of the International Standards Organization, did not reveal any systemic toxicity and carcinogenicity.20,21 Aquarelle (Stryker Spine, Allendale, NJ) nucleus replacement is made of a semihydrated poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel (Figure 3). Aquarelle has demonstrated good biocompatibility when tested in animal models. The implanted component contains 80% water, which is principally responsible for its viscoelastic properties. The component has shown biomechanical durability up to 40 million cycles. Aquarelle is inserted through a small anulotomy via a 4- to 5-mm tapered cannula. It is delivered in the disc cavity by a pressurized trochar. The prosthesis may be inserted through either a lateral or posterior approach (Figure 3B, C). The implant has recently been tested in an experimental model of discectomy in 20 male baboons. High rates of extrusion have been reported, ranging from 20% (posterolateral approach) to 33% (anterior approach) depending on the approach.22 Figure 2. PDN-SOLO device in dehydrated and hydrated states. The PDN-SOLO device is designed to swell both in height and in width within the disc space. The porous polyethylene weave allows fluid to pass into the hydrophilic core, which causes the device to expand vertically and horizontally (arrow). This process maximizes the device’s footprint on the vertebral endplates. (Reprinted with permission from Raymedica Inc., Minneapolis, MN.) Figure 3. The Aquerelle Poly(vinyl alcohol) hydrogel has a swelling pressure similar to the nucleus pulposus in vivo. A, Once implanted, its final volume depends on the water content at equilibrium. B, Lateral radiograph showing the cavity dimension measurement after insertion of a 4- to 5-mm cannula in the disc space via a lateral access in the cadaveric spine. C, Anteroposterior radiograph of the implanted Aquarelle device in a cadaveric specimen. (Reprinted with permission from Stryker Spine, Allendale, NJ.) NeuDisc (Replication Medical Inc., New Brunswick, NJ) is an implant composed of two grades of a modified hydrolyzed poly-acrylonitrile polymer (Aquacryl). The Aquacryl polymer reinforced by a Dacron mesh closely mimics the properties of the native NP (Figure 4A, B). The NeuDisc is inserted in a dehydrated state, which allows the implant to be placed using minimally invasive methods (Figure 4C). Once inserted, it absorbs up to 90% of its weight in water in an anisotropic fashion (expansion direction preferentially vertical) to restore disc height and improve compressive axial load resistance. The NeuDisc has undergone biocompatibility testing in the paravertebral muscle of New Zealand rabbits, and the analysis of the implanted specimen has not shown any elicit toxic reactions. At present, the results of mechanical testing of NeuDisc are not yet available (unpublished data from Replication Medical, Inc. New Brunswick, NJ). As early as the 1960s, surgeons have attempted the insertion of a stand-alone prosthesis to replace a portion of the nucleus pulposus. A spherical metallic endoprosthesis made of stainless steel was reported in a series of patients by Fernstrom in 1966.23 A disproportionate modulus mismatch between the vertebral body and the device led to significant subsidence. In addition, frequent loosening and extrusion of the implant led to abandoning its use. Nucleus Pulposus Replacement • Di Martino et al S19 Figure 4. The Neudisc hydrogel, prehydration (A) and posthydration (B). Hydration occurs in an anisotropic fashion, mainly in the vertical plane. Anteroposterior (left) and lateral (right) fluoroscopy of the Neudisc device once implanted in a patient (C). (Reprinted with permission from Replication Medical, Inc., New Brunswick, NJ.) Newcleus (Zimmer, Spine) is an nucleus pulposus replacement made of a polycarbonate urethane (PCU) elastomer curled into a preformed spiral (Figure 5).24,25 Postimplantation, the device absorbs water up to 35% of its net weight. A unique feature of this implant is that it does not function on a fixed axis, thus resisting compressive forces while allowing motion even if the component is not placed in the most optimal position. PCU has been tested up to 50 million cycles with 1,200 N multidirectional loads. The test did not demonstrate significant wear or micro cracks. Biocompatibility evaluation of the PCU polymer was performed in an animal model. Histologic examination of the explanted device and host tissue demonstrated excellent compatibility.24 The EBI Regain lumbar disc replacement device (Figure 6A) was developed using an innovative electromagnetic motion tracking system that allowed optimization of its geometric profile. The motion tracking system studied the spine kinematics after insertion of the implant during dynamic bending cycles. The electromagnetic minisensors in the tracking system captured changes in implant position, translation, and rotation. This allowed simultaneous analysis of motion above and below the disc replacement site. The end result of motion analysis allowed optimization of the geometric profile of the device to achieve near normal position, motion, and stability as compared to the intact disc (unpublished data from EBI, Parsippany, NJ). A modular intervertebral prosthetic disc (IPD; Dynamic Spine, Nahtomedi, MN) has recently been tested in animal models (cows). This device is designed as an anulus-sparing prosthesis. It is implanted after removal of the nucleus and endplates and is actually fixed to the vertebral bodies. The elastic component of this device consists of metallic springs attached to a fixation component. By altering the mechanical properties of the device, it was possible to modify the load displacement association of the lumbar discs in cows reconstructed with IPD.26 In situ curing polymers are liquid-based compounds with unique characteristics, which harden after implantation in vivo. This allows the introduction of the implant through a minimally invasive approach and mini- mizes the risk of implant migration following polymer curing. Currently, the most common injectable elastomers being used within the intervertebral disc space are silicone and polyurethane. Both of these materials can be implanted through a small anulotomy. The material in its liquid phase conforms to the nucleotomized cavity, maximizing the use of available space to improve segmental stability.7,14,15 These polymers are designed to perform better with an intact or minimally violated anulus. This minimizes polymer spread beyond the physical limits of any potential anular defect. The polymers themselves have a fast polymerization time, as most monomers are toxic when absorbed in high doses. Leaching of these monomers may occur if polymerization time is long or incomplete. Two in situ curable polymers currently under development are the DASCOR Disc Arthroplasty Device (Disc Dynamics, Inc., Eden Prairie, MN) and the BioDisc. (Cryolife, Kennesaw, GA). The DASCOR Disc Arthroplasty Device is made with an injectable polyurethane which polymerizes in minutes and is injected into a polyurethane balloon via a catheter (Figure 7). The Bio- Figure 5. The Newcleus Spiral Implant; once implanted, the device reconstitutes its original spiral shape. It localizes in place of the nucleus pulposus of which reconstitutes the volume, sparing the anular fibers. (Reprinted with permission from Zimmer Spine, Warsaw, IN.) S20 Spine • Volume 30 • Number 16S • 2005 Figure 6. A, EBI Regain is a rigid nuclear disc replacement device. B, Implantation of the device in a baboon spine through an anterior approach. C, The postoperative radiographic control. D, Postoperative fluoroscopy of the first patient in which Regain was implanted, showing the device in situ. (Reprinted with permission from EBI, Parsippany, NJ.) Disc is a protein hydrogel that cures in a few minutes after direct injection into the Disc space. Clinical Outcomes and Complications Clinical outcomes are available only for the few commercially available nucleus replacement devices. The PDN device has been used in clinical practice for almost 10 years. In 1996, the first clinical reports of the PDN device noted an 83% success rate. Since this report, the device has been modified in its shape, dimension, and water absorption ability. Unfortunately, after these modifications, a lower success rate of 62% and increased device migration was reported. To overcome the migration problem, the shape of the device was changed to trapezoid with anterior and posterior wedges. These secondary modifications improved the clinical success rate to 79%.8 In 1999, wide changes in protocol and surgical instrumentations were introduced. A study that included these changes demonstrated a success rate of 91% (51 patients). Four-year follow-up data for PDN implants showed a significant reduction in the symptoms of degenerative disc disease. Oswestry scores dropped from a presurgical mean of 52% (severe disability) to a mean of 10% (minimal disability) after 2 years. This score further decreased to a mean of 8.3% after 4 years.8,27,28 In earlier studies, the PDN protocol consisted of implantation of two individual devices into each disc being treated. MRI analysis has shown that the anteroposterior dimension of an average degenerative adult disc is less than 37 mm and that the insertion of a single (larger) implant could be sufficient to occupy the void left in the disc after nucleotomy. The technique of using a single PDN per disc has been evaluated in the past.20 Forty-five patients surgically treated with single PDN per disc was followed over a 6-month period. The patients’ level of pain, walking tolerance, and neurologic deficit were all improved in the study population. No device migration, extrusion, or failure was detected. A total of 423 patients have been treated with the PDN device between 1996 and 2002. Of these, 10% have been explanted. The main complications reported Figure 7. DASCOR Disc Arthroplasty Device. A, Implantation of the device with a trochar (arrow) via a lateral approach in a sawbone model. Axial (B) and sagittal (C) lumbar MRI sections in a patient 6 weeks after surgery. (Reprinted with permission from Disc Dynamics, Inc., Eden Prairie, MN.) Nucleus Pulposus Replacement • Di Martino et al S21 Table 1. Summary of Prosthesis Currently Under Investigation Device Technology Biomaterial Studies FDA Approval Hydrogel pellet encased in a polyethylene jacket Semihydrated polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) hydrogel Implanted in more than 400 patients Animal experiments (baboon) plus cadaveric spine New Zealand rabbits New Zealand rabbits Approved in the United States for investigational use only — Prosthetic Disc Nucleus Aquarelle Intradiscal implant NeuDisc Intradiscal implant Newcleus Intradiscal implant Regain Intradiscal implant IPD Intradiscal implant Modular intervertebral prosthetic disc DASCOR Disk Arthroplasty Device BioDisc In situ curing polymer Injectable polyurethane Tested in an animal experimental model in cow Implanted in 16 patients In situ curing polymer Protein hydrogel Tested on animal models Intradiscal implant Modified hydrolyzed polyacrylonitrile polymer (Aquacryl) reinforced by a Dacron mesh Polycarbonate urethane (PCU) elastomer curled into a preformed spiral — with the PDN device are endplate failure with subsidence and extrusion. Several different device shapes and materials have been used in the nineties in order to minimize these complications. In addition, modifications of the surgical technique, such as the use of lamina spreaders and the anulus closing system, have been introduced. Patient weight, disc size, and postoperative rehabilitation protocol have recently been considered important parameters to be evaluated in the perioperative setting.8,29 The surgical implantation of this device is commonly performed via a posterior approach. To minimize the potential for posterior device migration and dislocation and to preserve spinal stability, Bertagnoli et al described implantation of the PDN through an anterolateral transpsoas approach. This is accomplished via a retroperitoneal approach that splits the psoas muscle and creates an anular flap in the lateral middle third of the disc. In an analysis of 8 patients who received two PDN implants per nucleotomized disc, reported complications were transient psoas neuropraxia and device migration. The former was reported in 4 of first 5 patients, and all of them recovered within 3 months. Anterior migration of the two inserted devices was noted in 3 cases, perhaps from the anular defect created at the time of implantation. Despite the anterior migration, these patients remained without symptoms and did not require revision. Improvements in Oswestry and Prolo scores have been noted using this particular surgical approach.30 A clinical trial on PDN is ongoing in Canada; and at present time, the U.S. FDA is reviewing a proposal for a pilot study in the United States.8 The Newcleus Spiral Implant has been used in 5 patients with a diagnosis of a disc herniation with radicular symptoms. A clinical evaluation with a follow-up ranging from 6 to 64 months (mean, 23.6 months) demonstrated that all patients improved their Oswestry Implanted in 5 patients Implanted in few patients — — United States Investigational Device Exemption to start — — — scores.24,25 To date, there has been no documented migration of the device and no neurologic complications associated with this device. Moreover, preservation of motion in the discs and facets was documented on plain radiographs and CT scans. The DASCOR Disc Arthroplasty Device is not cleared for use at this time in the United States. The European pivotal trial to date has enrolled a total of 16 patients (Figure 7B, C). The first long-term follow-up evaluation is reported to show promising results (unpublished data from Disc Dynamics, Inc.). Conclusion Several NP replacement implants are currently at different stages of preclinical and clinical investigations. Characteristics of the implants are summarized in Table 1. NP replacement procedures have gained wide interest because of its minimally invasive nature and its promise to spare and control intervertebral motion. Newer hydrogel-derived biomaterials appear to mimic the native ability of the NP to swell and shrink during cyclic compression, preserving fluid and nutrient diffusion inside the disc. The goals of this new technology are to slow adjacent level degeneration, restore normal loads to the diseased level, and restore global spinal biomechanics. Rigorous animal and clinical evaluations of the new devices still need to be done, and the issues of implantand procedure-related complications remain to be addressed. Key Points ● Nucleus pulposus replacement devices are designed to maintain segmental motion while preserving anulus fibrosus integrity. S22 Spine • Volume 30 • Number 16S • 2005 ● Synthetic hydrogels show variable water content and absorb or release water depending on the applied load, similar to the native nucleus pulposus tissue. ● The newly developed polymers have compatible stiffness to the contiguous vertebral body endplates, thus avoiding subsidence and endplate fractures. ● Early clinical studies have shown promising results, despite complications related to device migration. ● More extensive clinical evaluations are required to determine the efficacy of these prostheses. References 1. Risbud MV, Shapiro IM, Vaccaro AR, et al. Stem cell regeneration of the nucleus pulposus. Spine J 2004;4(suppl 6):348 –53. 2. Mizuno H, Roy AK, Vacanti CA, et al. Tissue-engineered composites of anulus fibrosus and nucleus pulposus for intervertebral disc replacement. Spine 2004;29:1290 –7. 3. Brinckmann P, Grootenboer H. 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