The Approach - Florida Gulf Coast Chapter


The Approach - Florida Gulf Coast Chapter
2 ND QUARTER, 2 0 1 6
The Approach
2nd Quarter Chapter Meeting & Seminar
2016 Officers & Directors
Rusty Pelican Restaurant, Tampa
Friday, May 20 2016
Mary L. Patterson, SRA
Friday, May 20, 2016
Vice President
Don Saba, SRA
Wesley Sanders, MAI
Where: Rusty Pelican
Julie Battaglia, MAI
2425 N. Rocky Point Drive
Tampa, FL 33607
Geri Armalavage, MAI
Cost: Members:
$30.00 (Meeting Only)
Nonmembers: $35.00 (Meeting Only)
Meeting & Seminar: $99.00 | $120 .00
Chris Finch, MAI
Waterfront Rusty Pelican, Tampa
Henry Ellis, MAI
Robert Franc, MAI
Andrew Skinner, MAI, SRA
Schedule of Events
11:30 AM—12:45 PM: 2nd Q Chapter Meeting/Guest Speaker/Election of Officers
1:00 PM—4:00 PM:
Trial Components: Recipe for Success or Disaster (3 CE)
Michael Twitty, MAI
Patricia Whittington
Rachel Zucchi, MAI
Michael Jonas, MAI, Ex Officio
The lunch meeting will begin promptly at 11:30 a.m. Please arrive by 11:15 A.M. After a
brief business meeting and featured guest speaker (see below) we will hold the election of
the 2017 Board of Directors for the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter.
Region X Representatives
Our guest speaker for the chapter meeting will be R. Christopher Jones, Ph.D, President
& Chief Economist, Florida Economic Advisors, LLC, Tampa, as well as an adjunct instructor
at USF and Florida Southern College. He is very involved in economic consulting with various developers and numerous branches of Federal, state and local governments on several
topics. Dr. Jones has performed economic research and/or expert witness testimony in
over 45 civil litigation cases involving eminent domain and business damages. He also puts
together an annual economic forecast, and presents an economic update annually to the
Florida Institute of CPAs. He graduated from the University of Florida in 1990, Master of
Arts in Economics(2005) and received his Doctor of Philosophy, Business Administration/
Economics from the University of South Florida in 2008. Click Here for Dr. Jones’ full bio.
Dan Richardson, MAI
Stephen A. Griffith, MAI
Ned Palmer, MAI
Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA
Joel Salley, SRA
Don Saba, SRA
Wesley Sanders, MAI
Patricia Staebler, SRA
Mary Patterson, SRA (President)
Committee Chairs
Admissions: Scanlon Wilson, MAI
Bylaws: Michael Colias, SRA
Finance: Julie Battaglia, MAI
Guidance: Brian Zamorski, MAI &
Julie Battaglia, MAI
Education: Gary Scott, SRPA,SRA
Seminar: Trial Components: Recipe for Success or Disaster, will be
presented by the developer of the seminar, John Underwood, MAI,
SRA from 1 PM—4 PM. John is the founder of Appraisal & Acquisition Consultants in Lantana, FL. He is a national instructor for the
Appraisal Institute. and specializes in courses and seminars relating
to litigation and eminent domain. He is able to
draw on his broad testimony experience to make
classes real. John has developed several seminars for the Appraisal Institute, both nationally and locally. In addition to John Underwood, Jackson Bowman IV, Esq, Moore Bowman & Rix, PA, Tampa, will participate
in this very enlightening presentation. This class is approved for 3
hours of CE credit with the FREAB and the Appraisal Institute. Don’t Jackson Bowman, Esq.
miss this one!
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P.O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
Govt. Relations: Wes Sanders, MAI
University Relations: Ned Palmer, MAI
Newsletter: W.Sanders/Nancy Bachor
Public Relations: Ned Palmer, MAI
External Relations: Lance Ponton
Chapter Executive Director
Nancy Bachor
(813) 962-4003
[email protected]
Region X Officers
C. Thomas Cowart, MAI, Chair
Val Chiasson, MAI, SRA, Vice Chair
Nic Pilz, MAI, SRA, Third Director
Lauren Dowling, Executive Director
President’s Message,
Mary L. Patterson, SRA —2016 Chapter President
Happy Spring from the Florida Gulf Coast! Hopefully business is good and everyone
continues to be prosperous in 2016! Even though our year is just beginning, we
have to plan for the next year and our 2016 Nominating Committee has prepared
the slate for our leadership for 2017. We will be voting on this slate at the May
meeting in Tampa. I want to thank the Nominating Committee, led by Michael Jonas, MAI, for their work in putting forth a new group of leaders for our Chapter.
Since 2016 is a recertification year we are starting to see an increase in attendance
for our chapter sponsored seminars and classes. We know you have other options
but we would hope that our members continue to support our local chapter by
attending our classes and seminars. The local chapters suffer when members seek education from other
sources and we really hope to see all of you this year as you renew your license. The continual success of our
chapter depends on you! See the full course schedule in this newsletter.
Please make plans to join us on May 20th at the Rusty Pelican where we will have President and Chief Economist for Florida Economic Advisors LLC and adjunct professor, R.
Christopher Jones, Ph.D., speak to us about current economic conditions. Thanks goes
out to Dr. Dan Richardson who was instrumental in locating and securing Dr. Jones, our
speaker for this meeting. We look forward to seeing you at the 2 nd Quarter Chapter
Meeting! More details on the meeting and chapter news are included in the newsletter.
You may also be interested in attending the Appraisal Institute 2016 Annual Conference
being held in Charlotte, North Carolina from July 25th through July 27th at the Sheraton Charlotte Hotel.
Members are encouraged to attend. Registration is now open. For more details on the national annual conference, go to:
Upcoming Seminar— Redefining Appraisal and its Roles in an Evolving Banking Environment (CE 4)
Instructor: Adam Alessi, MAI, New York
Tuesday, May 3, 2016 
Tampa, FL
This seminar will take you behind the scenes of the largest and most complex financial institutions in the nation as well
as regional and community banks, in order to provide better understanding of their client’s challenges as well as updated expectations in this evolving regulatory environment. You will learn the institutional appraisal process including policy, procedure, engagement, review and follow up. This seminar gives a unique perspective on how appraisals are being
used and how you can set yourself apart from your competition, as well as expand your range of services.
Who should attend: Appraisers, both commercial and residential; loan officers; appraisal reviewers; brokers and other end users.
Register Today!
Reminder to Chapter Officers, Directors, Committee Members and Region Reps!
Designated members and Practicing Affiliates can log their own Service to the AI. Please remember to log
your service through the AI CE Log
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P.O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
Government Relations
Wes Sanders, MAI, AI-GRS, Chair, Region X Government Relations Committee
Members of the AI Region X Government Relations Committee attended the February and April Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board (FREAB) meetings in Orlando, along
with Scott Dibiasio. Scott serves as the Manager of State & Industry Affairs for the
Appraisal Institute and is based in Washington, DC. He helped Region X to propose
rule changes that would essentially allow certified appraisers an alternative standard
when doing Non-Federally Related Transaction appraisal work, (Non-FRT). The alternative that was presented was the Standards of Valuation Practice and Valuers Code
of Professional Ethics of the Appraisal Institute. As part of the April meeting, the request for rule change was narrowed to a two year trial period for specific valuation tasks…when providing
consulting services, financial reporting or tax services, international services, or portfolio valuation services.
There would be no impact for typical FRT appraisals, and appraisers could continue to follow USPAP for all
appraisals, if they prefer. While the proposed rule change was not passed, the discussion will be continued at
a future FREAB meeting.
Three states have approved for appraisers to complete Evaluations within the Interagency Guidelines, without reporting in a USPAP compliant report, which is currently not allowed for certified appraisers in Florida.
Likewise, Florida brokers and accountants can currently complete Non-FRT valuation service work without
following USPAP. That work could likely be more competently completed by Florida state-certified appraisers, but the appraisers cannot compete due to current USPAP reporting requirements and not only the burdensome additional work that entails, but the thought that a report a client needs, may not be USPAP complainant. Sometimes the fear of facing the FREAB is enough for an appraiser to simply pass on work that
could be beneficial to the client and to the appraiser.
The Region X Government Relations Committee will continue to work with other appraisal organizations and
FREAB through rulemaking and legislative initiatives to allow certified appraisers to compete with other real
estate professionals. FREAB has done an excellent job over the years to make Florida state-certified appraisers some of the best, most competent and ethical real estate professionals in the country. I look forward to
the day when this group can broaden its ability to meet the demand of the ever-changing industry, while
continuing to be the best advocate for promoting and protecting the public trust in the real estate industry.
Please look forward to upcoming Government Relations email communications as we may ask for support in
the coming months regarding these issues.
2nd Quarter Lunch Meeting & Seminar —Florida Gulf Coast Chapter
Rusty Pelican, Tampa, Florida
Friday, May 20, 2016
Speaker: R. Christopher Jones, Ph.D., Economist & Adjunct Professor
Register Today!
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P.O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
Election of Officers, Directors & Region Reps,
Michael P. Jonas, MAI, AI-GRS
The nominating committee was charged with preparing a slate of nominees for 2017 officers, directors, regional representatives and alternates for the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter. This committee recommends the
following individuals to serve as the leaders of the Florida Gulf Chapter in 2017. Election will be held at the
May 20th chapter meeting at the Rusty Pelican in Tampa. We hope you will be there!
Submitted by 2016 Nominating Committee:
Michael P. Jonas, MAI, AI-GRS, Chair, Gerald Hendry, MAI, Roger Hettema, MAI, Cristie Garrett, James Parham, MAI
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter - 2017
Vice President:
Don Saba, SRA
Wesley Sanders, MAI
Julie Battaglia, MAI
Rachel Zucchi, MAI
Directors (2015—2017)
Chris Finch, MAI
Henry Ellis, MAI
Robert Franc, MAI
Directors (2016—2018)
Andrew Skinner, MAI
Michael Twitty, MAI
Patricia Whittington
Directors (2017— 2019)
Timothy Sunyog, MAI
Brian Zamorski, MAI
Alternate Region X Reps:
Region X Representatives (2014—2017)
Joel Salley, SRA
Region X Representatives (2015—2018)
Dan Richardson, Ph.D., MAI
Patricia Staebler, SRA
Region X Representatives (2016—2019)
Wesley Sanders, MAI, AI-GRS
Region X Representatives (2017—2020)
Julie Battaglia, MAI
Andrew Skinner, MAI
Ned Palmer, MAI
Rachel Zucchi, MAI
Michael Jonas, Gary Scott, Mary Patterson, Brian Zamorski, Michael Twitty, Woody Herr,
Karen Gorth, Patricia Whittington, Steven Griffith, David Lemonde
Additional nominations may be made by a timely filing of a written petition signed by at least five percent of the total number of Designated Members, Candidates, Practicing Affiliates and Affiliates in the chapter. To be effective, each nominating petition must be
delivered in writing to the Chapter Secretary at least fifteen days prior to the regular Chapter meeting at which the election is to be
held., The Chapter Secretary shall deliver in writing a copy of any petition filed to each member in the chapter at least ten days prior
to the date on which elections are scheduled to be held. Elections will be held at the May 20, 2016 chapter membership meeting.
No additional nominations can be made from the floor.
2016 Committee Chairs
Michael Colias, SRA
Membership Development: Scanlon Wilson, MAI
Candidate Guidance: Brian Zamorski, MAI /Julie Battaglia Nominating:
Michael Jonas, MAI
Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA
Don Saba, SRA
External Relations:
Lance Ponton
Public Relations:
Ned Palmer, MAI
Julie Battaglia, MAI
University Relations:
Government Relations:
Wes Sanders, MAI
Website / Social Media:
Ned Palmer, MAI
Wes Sanders | Nancy Bachor
Ned Palmer, MAI/Bruce Cumming
Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA, Chair
Happy Spring! The education committee hopes your year is going good and you are making plans
to satisfy your continuing education requirement. 2016 is a recertification deadline year, so we
strongly recommend you get your 30 hours of CE taken care of sooner than later. We have a
great variety of both courses and seminars on the schedule, so check it out and register within
thirty days of the classes to get the early registration fees. We have several brand new topics.
We are continuing to offer some 2 to 4 hour continuing education programs this year. Redefining
the Appraisal & Its Role in the Bank Environment will be presented May 3rd in Tampa by Adam Alessi . This seminar is
for appraisers, bankers, lenders and brokers. Another new offering on the use of 3D Printers will take you down an interesting path of what exists now and what the future holds for it’s use. This 2-hour offering was originally scheduled
for the 2nd Q meeting, however, the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board has requested further details on the offering,
so this seminar has been postponed to the fall. In its place, however, we have secured John Underwood, MAI, SRA to
present his 3-hour seminar “Trial Components: Recipe for Success or Disaster”. Local attorney Jackson Bowman IV has
agreed to participate also. This is a very popular offering so sign up early to get a seat! General Site Valuation and
Cost Approach will be presented in September. This 4-day course offers both qualifying (QE) and continuing education
credit (CE). Business Practice & Ethics will be presented in October and fills quickly.
We have offered one very well attended Florida Law and USPAP Update in Tampa that was
taught by Kenneth Foltz. The next offerings will be held in April in both Tallahassee and
Sarasota. These mandatory courses will be offered again in the fall in case you have not
had an opportunity to get them taken care of. Locations will be in Tampa (September) and
Ft. Myers (October). Remember these two classes are a required part of the Florida state
license renewal.
USPAP class given in March
Our chapter’s education goal is to give you the best instruction, material and topics on a timely basis. We want to be
readily available to all our members at convenient locations. Look through the planned offerings for 2016. Sign up for
them as early as possible and save. Many of the programs that are now on the schedule are a result of what you have
requested. In this time of ever expanding on-line education, many of you have told me you still desire a classroom
setting. Your chapter exists primarily because of our classroom education. We do not get funding from National for the
on-line programs. Our education program helps keep our chapter dues one of the lowest in the country. You can help
keep our chapter financially stable. Get what you need locally and encourage your co-workers to attend our classes.
We are here to serve your educational needs.
Questions? Please call the chapter office at (813) 962-4003 or email Nancy at [email protected] or contact education
chair Gary Scott, SRPA,SRA at [email protected] with any questions or suggestions. To register for classes: http://
Online Education—When taking online education, remember to check
state approvals prior to registering! Be sure the class is approved in
Florida. Click Here
Candidate Guidance
If you do not complete your 2016 Annual Minimum Progress requirements by the end of the year or submit a written
request for extension by 12/31/16, your Candidacy will be terminated. If your Candidacy is terminated, you cannot
renew Candidacy for a period of one year from the date of termination, and you would be subject to the requirements
in effect on the date of readmission to the Candidate program, as modified from time to time. You may receive credit
for designation requirements completed within ten years prior to your most recent application for Candidacy if those
requirements are still applicable at the time of readmission.
Your Annual Minimum Progress is shown in the form of a graph on our MY AI ACCOUNT page. The chart is located in
the right-hand column, and the display shows how many requirements you must complete (blue bar) and how many
requirements you have already completed (gold bar). Check your Candidate Status Report for a list of remaining designation requirements. The Admissions Department sends monthly reminders to Candidates on your timeline.
Candidates may apply for an extension based on military service, illness or disability, or other good cause (i.e., financial
hardship or other circumstances, such as the scheduling of courses to allow a Candidate to complete requirements at a
later date). Extension requests must include detailed information as to how and when you intend to complete the designation requirements. Please note that extensions are not automatically granted. For further information, contact the
Admissions Department at (312) 335-4111 or email to [email protected].
2016 Comp Exam Dates
Click Here for Comp Exam Information
Applications for 2016 exams will be available:
August 1—August 31, 2016: Application Deadline—June 20, 2016
November 1—November 30, 2016: Application Deadline—September 20, 2016
Examinees must take ALL required modules within their chosen 30-day window—
transfers and refunds NOT permitted.
Questions? [email protected]
or call (312) 335-4111
Candidates for Designation…..Did you know?
CE Requirements
Candidates and Practicing Affiliates must complete 70 hours (350 points) of continuing education for every five-year
cycle. Designated members must complete 100 hours (500 points) of CE every 5-year cycle. The points system offers
an incentive to individuals who attend advanced education. AI will now reward individuals who take and pass exams.
The system’s tiered point structure allocates higher point values to courses and seminars defined as advanced education. For more information, visit the AI website.
Generally, 1 hour of CE = 5 points (1% of 500 points) or more. This formula is also used for education taken outside of
AI, which members can add on their own by logging onto the website and clicking: Add Credit to My AI CE Log.
USPAP and Business Practice & Ethics are each valued at 35 points.
College Degree Requirement
All Residential and General Candidates admitted or readmitted to the Candidate for Designation program now must
hold a four-year undergraduate degree (or higher). The only College Degree alternative currently in effect is for the
Appraisal Institute review designations.
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P.O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
2016 Education Schedule Florida Gulf Coast Chapter
January 11
1st Quarter Chapter Meeting , Aloft Hotel, Tallahassee
Speaker: Matt Caldwell
January 27
Valuation by Comparison (7 CE)
Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA
January 28
FHA Appraising for Valuation Professionals (7 CE)
Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA
February 3
Valuation by Comparison (7 CE)
Vincent Dowling, MAI
February 9-12
General Appraiser Market Analysis & HBU (QE/CE)
Larry Wright, MAI
February 22-28
CAPSTONE Program—General Demonstration Report
National Offering/Sold Out
February 24
Tightening the Appraisal (3 CE)
Vincent Dowling, MAI
Contract and Effective Rent (4 CE)
Vincent Dowling, MAI
March 9
Florida Law for Real Estate Appraisers (3 CE)
March 10
7-Hour USPAP Update Course
April 5—8
General Appraiser Sales Comparison Approach (QE/CE)
Gary Taylor, MAI
April 20
Florida Law for Real Estate Appraisers (3 CE)
Florida Law for Real Estate Appraisers (3 CE)
C. Thomas Cowart, MAI
Clay Ketcham, MAI
7-Hour USPAP Update Course
7-Hour USPAP Update Course
April 21
Kenneth G. Foltz, MAI
Kenneth G. Foltz, Mai
C. Thomas Cowart, MAI
Clay Ketcham, MAI
May 3
Redefining the Appraisal & Its Role in Bank Environment (4 CE)
Adam Alessi, MAI
May 12 (New Date)
Staying Out of Trouble (moved from April) (7 CE)
Ted C. Whitmer, MAI
May 20
2nd Quarter Chapter Meeting & Elections - Tampa Bay
(Just Added)
Seminar: Trial Components: Recipe for Success
(3 CE)
Speaker: R. Chris Jones, Ph.D.
John Underwood, MAI, SRA
June 7—10
Residential Sales Comparison & Income Approach (QE/CE)
Gary Scott, SRPA, SRA
August 16
3rd Quarter Chapter Meeting
Seminar: TBA
August 31
The Tough One: Mixed-Use Properties / Just Added!! (3 CE)
Vincent Dowling, MAI
The Implications of 3D Printing for Real Estate Professionals (CE Pending)
Todd Jones, MAI
September 15
Litigation Assignments for Residential Appraisers (4 CE) New Date
Joni Herndon, SRA
September 27—30
General Appraiser Site Valuation & Cost Approach (QE/CE)
Gary Taylor, MAI
September 21
Florida Law for Real Estate Appraisers
Robert Sutte, MAI
September 22
7-Hour USPAP Update Course
Robert Sutte, MAI
October 3—8
Advanced Concepts & Case Studies (AE)
October 13
7-Hour USPAP Update Course
October 14
Florida Law for Real Estate
(3 CE)
October 28
Business Practice & Ethics
(4 CE)
November 4
4th Quarter Chapter Meeting & Installation
Seminar: The 50% FEMA Rule Appraisal (2 hours CE Pending)
(Momentum Brewhouse, Ft. Myers)
(3 CE)
Don Emerson, MAI
(Ft. Myers)
Timothy Andersen, MAI
(Ft. Myers)
Timothy Andersen, MAI
C. Thomas Cowart, MAI
Speaker: TBA
Patricia Staebler, SRA
To register for any of the above classes, go to:
Questions? Call chapter office at (813) 962-4003 or email [email protected]
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, P.O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688
2016 Capstone Schedule
If you have met all the pre-requisites, we recommend that you register as soon as possible for one of the remaining
location. Seating is limited in these programs and they fill quickly! Click Here for more information.
Savannah, GA—April 25—May 1
Newark, NJ—July 11—17
Cincinnati, OH—April 25—May 1
Dallas, TX—September 19—25
Nashville, TN—July 11—17
Charlotte, NC—November 7—13
San Francisco, CA—July 11—17
Offerings sell out quickly —register today!
Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board Meetings—2016
2016 FREAB Meeting Dates:
Monday, June 6, 2016
Monday, August 1, 2016
Monday, October 3, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
The Division of Real Estate is now able to live stream their meetings. The streaming is not recorded and it has limited
space at this time. If you are unable to access the meeting, please try again later as access may become available during
the day. If you have connected to the live stream and no longer wish to view the meeting in progress, please be sure to
disconnect to allow others to access the live stream. Please disable your PC audio and video camera prior to logging into
the meeting. Failure to do so will result in other users and attendees hearing and seeing you during the meeting.
61J1-4.003(7) Continuing Education—A registrant, licensee, or certificate holder, including a Board member, may earn five (5) classroom hours by attending an entire meeting where the Board considers disciplinary cases, for a maximum of seven (7) of the required
thirty (30) hours; provided that, the individual is not appearing as a party to a disciplinary action and notifies the Division of Real Estate, Education Section, of the intent to attend at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting.
If you wish to have printed materials to reference during the meeting, please visit the website > Doing Business with Us > Real Estate Division Page > Florida Real Estate
Appraisal Board > Meetings & Workshops, and print all publicly available materials as early as 7 days before the date of
the meeting. The department endeavors to minimize paper usage in all business practices. If you plan to attend for CE
credit, you will need to attend the full day. All FREAB Meetings begin at 8:30 a.m and are held at the Division of Real
Estate Commission Chambers in Orlando.
Knowledge. Experience. Integrity. The MAI, SRPA, SRA, AI-GRS and AI-RRS designations represent advanced knowledge. They stand for years of proven, real-life real estate valuation experience. Any they always mean a commitment to strict professional ethics and standards.
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P. O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
LDAC Conference - May 25—27, 2016
The Leadership Development and Advisory Council has served as a source of leadership and as an inspiration for new
programming ideas for the Appraisal Institute for over 30 years. LDAC also helps establish an appraiser presence in
Congress and provides a forum where ideas and opinions of topics of concern in the profession can be exchanged.
The Leadership Development and Advisory Council has a long history as a training group for future leaders with the
Appraisal Institute. We have had several chapter presidents who were LDAC attendees.
The following members of the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter have been selected to participate in this year’s LDAC conference in Washington, D.C.
Volunteer Opportunities
 Julie Battaglia, MAI
 Andrew Skinner, SRA
 Patricia Whittington
Patricia Staebler, SRA
 Rachel Zucchi, MAI
If you would like to be considered for LDAC in
the future or any other chapter position, we
suggest you fill out the Chapter Leadership
Resource Registry.
Click Here for More Information
Interested in Obtaining a Review Designation?
AI-GRS and AI-RRS Designation Requirements For AI Designated Members
Current, MAI, SRA, SRPA, and RM Designated members interested in pursuing the general or residential review designations. Must be a residential review and/or general review Candidate for Designation to pursue a review designation.
The AI-GRS and AI-RRS are new designation programs aimed at providing professional general and residential reviewers with the knowledge and skills needed to satisfy issues related to due diligence and risk management often requested by their employers and clients.
Go to:
Questions? [email protected]
Phone: (312) 335.4111
2016 Florida Gulf Coast Chapter Meetings
Save the dates!!
2nd Quarter Meeting & Election - May 20, 2016 - Rusty Pelican, Tampa
3rd Quarter Meeting - August 16, 2016 - Momentum Brewhouse, Ft. Myers
4th Quarter Meeting & Installation - November 4, 2016 - Marina Jacks, Sarasota
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P. O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
P AGE 1 0
Membership Updates — Florida Gulf Coast Chapter
Congratulations NEW Designated Members:
Caryn E. Blauser, MAI, SRA, AI-RRS
Daniel E. Ceilley, MAI, Ft. Myers
Craig DiCecco, SRA, AI-RRS
Anthony Essa, MAI, Sarasota
Cristie E. Garrett, MAI, Tallahassee
Thomas A. Kuckkahn, MAI, Safety Harbor
Greg Lynch, MAI, Naples (Rejoined)
Wesley Sanders, MAI, AI-GRS, Sarasota
Julie F. Schroeder, MAI, Pensacola
Practicing Affiliate:
Walter W. Champion, Dunedin
New Candidate for Designation:
Craig J. Custer, Nokomis
Members Transferred In:
David A. Paske, MAI, Tallahassee (from N.C.)
Ron McWilliams, SRA, Parrish (from East FL)
Members Retired:
Anne T. Hamlin, MAI, Belleair
Robert L. Offenhauser, SRA, Ft. Myers
Peter J. Parrado, MAI, SRA, Valrico
Thomas E. Porter, MAI, SRA, Crawfordville
Mark G. Sawyer, MAI, St. Petersburg
Members Resigned:
Patrick D. Keefe, Temple Terrace
Mark P. McCurdy, Auburndale
Robert S. Donovan, Sanibel
Ivey M. Kelly, Tallahassee (Student Affiliate)
New Affiliate:
Timothy Last, Tallahassee
Transferred Out:
Edward Warzybok, Naples (to R.I.)
John D. Cordova, MAI, Tampa
Phil L. Gehres, MAI, SRA (Life), St. Petersburg
Fred E. Chippendale, Bonita Springs
Terry D. Robertson, MAI, Naples
Chapter Leadership - 2016
Vice President:
Ex Officio:
Mary L. Patterson, SRA
Don Saba, SRA
Wesley Sanders, MAI
Julie Battaglia, MAI
Michael P. Jonas, MAI, AI-GRS
Directors (2015—2017)
Chris Finch, MAI
Henry Ellis, MAI
Robert Franc, MAI
Andrew Skinner, MAI
Rachel Zucchi, MAI
Director (2014—2016)
Geri Armalavage, MAI
Directors (2016—2018)
Patricia C. Whittington
Michael Twitty, MAI
Region X Representatives—2015—2018
Dan Richardson, PhD., MAI, AI-GRS
Patricia Staebler, SRA
Region X Representatives—2013—2016
Ned Palmer, MAI
Gary F. Scott, SRPA, SRA
Stephen Griffith, MAI
Region X Representatives—2014—2017
Joel Salley, SRA
Mary Patterson, SRA (2016 Chapter President)
Region X Representatives (2016—2019)
Don Saba, SRA
Wesley Sanders, MAI
Alternates: Michael Jonas, MAI; Woody Herr, MAI; Karen Goforth,
MAI; Dan Green, MAI; Geri Armalavage, MAI; Julie Battaglia, MAI;
Patricia Whittington; Brian Zamorski, MAI; Rachel Zucchi, MAI
P AGE 1 1
Member Spotlight
Congratulations to Cristie Garrett, MAI, Tallahassee, on receiving her MAI designation.
Where do you work? How long? 3 1/2 years
Capital City Bank
2111 N. Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32303
How did you get started in the business?
I was Clay Ketcham, MAI’s office manager while in college.
What type of appraisal work do you do?
I began as a fee appraiser in 2000 with Ketcham Appraisal Group, and then took a job as Real Estate
Analyst (primary function as reviewer) in 2012.
How has your practice changed in recent years?
Who/what is the biggest influence for you in getting the designation?
Clay Ketcham, MAI
Chattanooga, TN
Favorite Hobby/Activities?
Watching my kids play sports—Shawn Garrett (son) is on a crew team (rower). Rachel Garrett (daughter) was a volleyball player and now is a head coach for a travel volleyball club, Tallahassee Jrs.
What advice can you give to other candidates and practicing affiliates letting the demo hold them back from receiving
their designation?
Go for the alternatives such as the research option or Capstone Demonstration (that is what I did). Best advice is be
prepared, be prepared, be prepared and don’t expect to be spoon fed. Read The Appraisal of Real Estate when you
sign up for your class to refresh your memory and then when the material is ready for download, you can hit the pavement running.
Any other advice to candidates for designation and practicing affiliates?
It’s easy to put things off, just sign up for the class and make it happen.
2nd Quarter Lunch Meeting, Elections and Seminar
Friday, May 20, 2016
Rusty Pelican Restaurant, Tampa
11:30 am—4 pm
Guest Speaker at Meeting: R. Christopher Jones, Ph.D., Economist
Seminar: Trial Components: Recipe for Success or Disaster (CE 3 Hours #0008886)
Instructor: John Underwood, MAI
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P. O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
P AGE 1 2
Member Spotlight
Congratulations to David Paske, MAI, Tallahassee, on receiving his MAI designation.
Where do you work? How long? I’ve been appraising for 15 years and I work for BB&T’s Real
Estate Appraisal Department but am located right here in Tallahassee. I’m a Regional Review Manager and have been working with them for 5 and 1/2 years. I manage eight of our remote reviews
in the southern regions. We have 23 reviewers who order and review all of the appraisals for
BB&T’s Business Lending Group footprint wide.
How did you get started in the business? I started out as a residential appraiser for Bert Hartsfield in the Leon County Property Appraiser’s office. I then went into the private sector as a commercial appraiser with a local appraisal firm in Tallahassee – Boutin Brown Realty Advisors. I
worked with them for 6 years before leaving them and working for myself as a consultant and residential
appraiser for 12 months (non-compete contract period). Then worked with Cureton-Johnson & Associates
for a few years before going to work for BB&T in Raleigh, NC.
What type of appraisal work do you do? I am mainly a project manager for our appraisal department but I do review high profile cases from time to time. I help facilitate the 1,100+/- appraisal orders that our institution requests a
month. We appraise and review any real estate used as collateral for a business loan, from the Keys to Maine to Vegas.
It could be mobile homes, vacant SFR lots, to marinas, golf courses, hotels, and everything in between.
How has your practice changed in recent years? We’re constantly adjusting and changing to fit within regulations
and policies, on both the lending side and appraisal side.
Who/what is the biggest influence for you in getting the designation? Well I’m about 8 years behind schedule
on getting it done (that demo is a bear) but I knew the year I started in this business I wanted to be an MAI and I started
out like a rocket tracking my experience and taking classes. I took all the advanced level classes in about one year. After
I finished all of the classes necessary, I took the comp exam in 2008 and started my traditional demonstration report. I
submitted my experience in 2010 but didn’t complete the demo until just now (Nov 2015). I would say the most pushing factor for me to finish was the expiration period put on Candidates in the AI program. I didn’t want to waste all that
time and money I spent on getting this far.
Hometown? I’m from Tallahassee. Went to high school here at Lincoln and went to FSU’s College of Business majoring
in Real Estate. I did move to Raleigh for two years when I got this job in 2010. Moved back home in 2012 when our jobs
became more remote friendly.
Favorite Hobby/Activities? We (my wife of 15 years, Linley and our two boys Peyton-10 and Palmer-8) moved home
because of how much I/we missed the water. Raleigh is 3 hours form the ocean but we’re only an hour from the coast
here. Which means I love to fish, the outdoors, camping, boating, hunting, really anything with my family .
What advice can you give to other candidates and practicing affiliates letting the demo hold them back
from receiving their designation? Keep pushing. Seriously consider the Capstone Class. Although it’s expensive
and means a week away from work, once you’re done with the class, the demo is done.
Any other advice to candidates for designation and practicing affiliates? There’s too much to type here. Happy to discuss that with anyone anytime but if I had to say something, I’d say, you’ll regret it if you don’t get it. You’ve
come this far, don’t quit. Just get er’ done!
We are on Facebook—please check us out! We invite you to
“like” our page. Also visit our chapter website at:
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P. O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
P AGE 1 3
Member Spotlight
Congratulations to Daniel Ceilley, MAI, Ft. Myers, on receiving his MAI designation.
Where do you work? How long? I work with Agri-Property Consultants, Inc. in Ft. Myers, FL. I have
worked with the firm and Cliff Bowen (founder and president) for approximately five
How did you get started in the business? I started as a trainee with Integra Realty Resources in Naples, then moved to Ft. Myers to work with Bill Cole and Bruce Stephan
(Stephan, Cole & Associates) where I became a certified general appraiser.
What type of appraisal work do you do? My specialty is agricultural properties, as well
as conservation lands and easements. In the first half of my career I worked on commercial and special purposes properties, and eventually residential subdivisions/condominium projects.
How has your practice changed in recent years? The environment has become more competitive and the cost of doing
business has increased. We have had to adapt accordingly.
Who/what is the biggest influence for you in getting the designation? Many people encouraged me to get it, but Cliff
Bowen by far was the most influential in that regard. I am extremely grateful for his mentorship and the opportunities
he has provided me. In addition to the mentorship and support I received from Cliff Bowen, perhaps the two most important factors in my finally finishing my demo after much time was my faith in Jesus Christ and the support of my loving family. I really did pray hard and pray often, and my family sacrificed much in those long nights and weekends I
spent getting through all the requirements for the MAI.
Hometown? Cedar Falls, Iowa
Favorite Hobby/Activities? Sports car racing, shooting/sporting clays, camping
What advice can you give to other candidates and practicing affiliates letting the demo hold them back from receiving their designation? Find the time no matter what. Remember that it’s just a “self-contained” report and bite it off
in manageable chunks.
Any other advice you can pass along to candidates for designation and practicing affiliates? Find a good mentor.
Don’t put off the hard work. Most importantly - pray hard and pray often!
Chapter Leadership Resource Registry
Interested in Volunteer Opportunities? Go to LRR and Indicate your areas of interest and expertise in the Appraisal Institute Leadership Resource Registry. Volunteer to serve on a committee, project team, advisory board or panel—on
the National, Regional or Chapter level. Go to: This information helps the nominating committee and chapter leaders identify our future chapter
leaders. Log into your My AI Account/ About Us/Volunteer Opportunities.
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P. O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
P AGE 1 4
Member Spotlight
Congratulations to Nathan Steenbergen, MAI, Tampa, on receiving his MAI designation.
Where do you work? How long? I work with CBRE – Valuation & Advisory Services in Tampa,
Florida. I have worked at CBRE for six years.
How did you get started in the business? – I was interested in becoming an appraiser while taking
an appraisal class in Graduate School at The University of Florida. One of the lectures was “How
to Use CoStar” and it was taught by the appraiser who would eventually hire me. I was fortunate
enough to be hired in 2009 when I finished school.
What type of appraisal work do you do? – I do primarily fee appraisal work of commercial real
estate. I work on a lot of multi-unit residential properties; however, I am not restricted to any commercial
property type and appraise anything from vacant land to retail/office/industrial properties.
How has your practice changed in recent years? – Since 2011/2012 I have become much busier and the
types of properties I am appraising have become much more robust.
Who/what is the biggest influence for you in getting the designation? – My father and his friend introduced me to appraisal work and were my biggest influences in learning more about appraisal work.
Hometown? – Tampa, Florida
Favorite Hobby/Activities? – I enjoy playing soccer as well as getting out into nature and exploring/fishing/kayaking. I
also like to cook and entertain at my house.
What advice can you give to other candidates and practicing affiliates letting the demo hold them back from receiving
their designation? – Inch by inch, it’s a cinch. Don’t attempt to complete the entire Demo in one day. Instead, commit
yourself to completing small portions every week until you are finished.
Any other advice you can pass along to candidates for designation and practicing affiliates? – This profession has a lot
of great qualities. Beyond allowing a person to constantly learn and grow, it allows a person to earn a decent living without having to tire themselves out physically, which allows a person to do this kind of work for a long period of time. I
know that it’s human nature to feel burnt out from the constant pressures of the job, but at the end of the day appraising is still a better career choice than a lot of other professions.
The Appraisal Institute is proud to present the sixth edition of The Dictionary of Real Estate Appraisal and grateful to the dozens of practicing appraisers who contributed to its
development. This new edition features
5,000+ dictionary entries
1,250 revised definitions
450 new terms
Also included are new and revised glossaries to help real property valuers understand the
language of related professionals in architecture and construction; mathematics and statistics; environmental contamination; agriculture, forestry, soils, and wetlands; and green
building. Other addenda contain information on real estate organizations; important US
government agencies, legislation, and programs; significant US Supreme Court decisions;
and useful measures and conversions.
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P. O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
P AGE 1 5
Job Opportunities
Tampa. Experienced trainee or state certified commercial appraiser wanted for established appraisal office. Wide
variety of appraisal types, from Mom and Pop to cruise ports. Must be meticulous, focused and possess excellent
writing skills. Trainee position is salaried, state certified would be percentage based, with salary to begin if needed.
to: [email protected] No phone calls please.
National healthcare valuation practice to looking to hire state certified commercial fee split appraisers and registered
trainee appraisers for West Palm Beach and Tampa offices. . Healthcare and business valuation experience helpful but
not required. Appraisers need to be willing to travel. Our firm specializes exclusively in healthcare properties; seniors
housing, medical office/outpatient clinics, hospitals, surgery centers, etc. Successful candidates will have: Strong analytical skills (Excel, Word); Experience with Argus, Narrative 1 is helpful; and Strong verbal, time management and problem solving skills. Contact Neil Salzgeber, MAI Executive Vice President at [email protected]
Ft. Myers. Well established real estate appraisal firm is seeking a residential appraiser to handle assignments in the
Lee and Collier County areas. We have many established accounts and a full service staff to help you maximize your
efficiency. This is a great opportunity for someone who has good appraisal skills and a desire for a long-term position
with one of the largest and most respected firms in the region. Competitive fee splits with higher fees paid to those
with designations. Contact Samuel Schackow (SRA) for more information. Email: [email protected] or
phone: (941)-351-3462
Tampa. Experienced Trainee or State Certified General & Residential Appraisers . Hendry Real Estate Advisors, Inc is
an established commercial appraisal firm performing residential and commercial valuations throughout Florida. We are
hiring Florida-certified residential appraisers; general appraisers and experienced trainee appraisers. Candidates must
be detail oriented, have excellent communication skills, a strong writing ability, time management skills and problem
solving skills, and be able to travel for property inspections. Must be computer proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel) and
Argus (preferred). We offer an excellent fee split, remote office connection and quality support with extensive resources including statewide CoStar and a comprehensive comparable database. Please submit a resume and cover
letter to: [email protected].
Special Magistrates for the Pinellas County Value Adjustment Board . In accordance with Section 194.035,
Florida Statutes, Pinellas County is currently seeking appraisers who meet the following criteria to serve as Special Magistrates for the 2016 Value Adjustment Board. A Special Magistrate may not be an appointed or elected official or employee of Pinellas County; must be a state certified real estate appraiser with not less than five years experience in real
property evaluation and/or a designated member of a nationally recognized appraiser’s organization with not less than
five years experience in tangible personal property valuation, per Chapter 475, Florida Statutes; and may not represent
a taxpayer before the Value Adjustment Board in any tax year during which he or she serves as a Special Magistrate.
Appraisers who have three years of relevant experience and who have completed the training conducted by the Department of Revenue will also be considered for appointment.
Special Magistrates will be paid at the rate of $105.00 per hour, plus mileage. Hearings will be scheduled during the
months of October, November, December and January. Candidates wishing to serve should contact Norman D. Loy,
Deputy Clerk, Value Adjustment Board, Pinellas County Courthouse, 315 Court Street, Fifth Floor, Clearwater, Florida
33756; telephone number (727) 464-3458; e-mail address: [email protected]. Completed applications must be
received on or before 5:00 P.M., Friday, April 29, 2016.
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P. O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
P AGE 1 6
Advisors Needed - Candidate for Designation Program
Become an Advisor! We need more designated members to step up and become
an advisor. Please consider applying to serve as an Advisor in the Candidate for Designation Program. Once you have applied and are approved as an Advisor, the national
office will place you on a list of approved Advisors. We currently have 31 designated
members who are approved advisors, however there are only few of these advisors who
have remaining slots available. We have a total of 113 candidates and there are a few candidates who do not yet have
an advisor.
A Candidate may request a particular Advisor or the Appraisal Institute will identify a potential Advisor for the Candidate and make the assignment. The Appraisal Institute will make the final approval as to who will serve as the Advisor
for a specific Candidate. Candidates: Don’t delay—choose your advisor today!
An Advisor can receive up to 125 points of CE credit per AI CE cycle for service to the Appraisal Institute. Please notify
the Admissions Department of your interest at [email protected]. A free online orientation is available
for potential advisors. Advisors serve as a resource to the Candidate, providing knowledge and expertise.
Download the PDF that will explain the process.
For more information on the Appraisal Institute candidate advisor program, please contact the Admissions Department
at [email protected] or click here.
Advisors & Candidates: Remember to check your Appraisal Institute account page online to check your
status and/or record your contacts.
AI Education Trust Scholarship Opportunities
The Appraisal Institute Education Trust offers options to Candidates for Designation to assist them
in completing their education deadlines. Upcoming scholarship deadlines:
July 1, 2016
 Appraisal Institute Education Trust AI Course Scholarship
 Appraisal Institute Education Trust Minorities and Women AI Course Scholarship
 Appraisal Institute Education Trust Candidate for Designation Scholarship (Note: While the other scholarships only
pay for one course, this scholarship pays for ALL advanced level education needed for Candidacy. )
Candidates are eligible to receive one scholarship per calendar year. It is recommended that prior to submitting a
scholarship application, applicants attend a minimum of two Appraisal Institute chapter meetings annually. For more
information on AIET scholarship options, email [email protected].
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter, Appraisal Institute
P. O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688 T: 813-962-4003 Website:
P AGE 1 7
1st Quarter Chapter Meeting & Region X Meeting —Tallahassee
January 11, 2016
January chapter meeting
1st Q Chapter Meeting in Tallahassee with guest
Speaker Matt Caldwell, Florida State Representative
Guest Speaker—Matthew Caldwell
Region X Lobbyist Trey Goldman speaking at
January meeting
Matt Terry, SRA receiving his designation
Special guest Scott DiBiasio, AI Govt Affairs
Office, Washington, D.C.
Presentation of the AI-RRS Certificate to Joel
Salley, SRA by Chapter President Mary Patterson
David Paske receiving his MAI Designation
Trey Goldman addressing Region X meeting
Region X Reps Ned Palmer, Wes Sanders, Mary
Patterson, Mike Jonas and
Dan Richardson visiting
legislators in Tallahassee
in January
Region X Representatives from all Florida
chapters at the Capital building in Tallahassee
meeting with legislators
Mike Jonas, MAI and Mary
Patterson, SRA meeting with
legal aide to Jim Boyd, District 71 in Tallahassee
P AGE 1 8
2nd Quarter Meeting of the Florida Gulf Coast Chapter
Friday, May 20, 2016—Tampa, FL
Please join us for the 2nd quarter Chapter Meeting & Elections
Location: Rusty Pelican Restaurant
2425 Rocky Point Drive, Tampa, FL 33607
Registration: 11:15 am
Lunch Meeting/Program: 11:30 am—12:45 pm
Meeting Guest Speaker: R. Christopher Jones, Ph.D., Chief Economist, Florida Economic Advisors, Tampa
Seminar: 1:00 pm—4:00 pm (Trial Components: Recipe for Success or Disaster)
◦ Lunch Meeting Only: $30 AI Price | $35 Guests (Register by 5/10/16 & Save)
◦ Lunch Meeting & Seminar: $99 AI Price | $120 Guests
(Register by 5/10/16 for the early discount)
Reservations are required to attend - we hope you can join us!
To register:
Registration Application
— May 20, 2016—2nd Quarter Meeting
Name ___________________________________________________________
Firm ____________________________________________________________
CC Billing Address ________________________________________________
City ____________________________ State ______ Zip ________________
Email ______________________________ License # ___________________
Phone _________________________
R.S.V.P. Required!
Mail or Fax Registration to:
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter - AI
Tampa, FL 33618
T 813-962-4003
[email protected]
Register Early and Save….fees increase 5/10/6
Fax: __________________________
Payment: Circle One: Visa - MC - Amex - Discover - Check
Zip Code/Billing: ___________
Credit Card: #___________________________________________ Exp. Date _____________ CCV: _________
Name on Card: _____________________________________________________________________________
Florida Gulf Coast Chapter of the Appraisal Institute
P. O. Box 273994, Tampa, FL 33688
Phone: (813) 962-4003  Website: